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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

52 Results       Page 1

SAGE Publications: The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
  original article Date Title Authors   All Authors
1 [GO] 2023―Jul―14 A Rapid Access Brief Psychotherapy Intervention to Respond to Healthcare Workers in Ontario Whose Mental Health was Negatively Impacted During the COVID-19 Pandemic Judith M. Laposa, Duncan Cameron, Kim Corace, Natalie Quick, Karen Rowa, Cary Kogan, et al. (+8)
2 [GO] 2023―Apr―03 Adult Psychiatric Hospitalizations in Ontario, Canada Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic Bryan Tanner, Paul Kurdyak, Claire de Oliveira
3 [GO] 2023―Mar―01 Sociodemographic Differences in Physician-Based Mental Health and Virtual Care Utilization and Uptake of Virtual Care Among Children and Adolescents During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Ontario, Canada: A Population-Based Study Alene Toulany, Paul Kurdyak, Therese A. Stukel, Rachel Strauss, Longdi Fu, Jun Guan, et al. (+11)
4 [GO] 2023―Feb―14 Hospital Admissions for Personality Disorders Increased During the COVID-19 Pandemic Scott B. Patten, Gina Dimitropoulos, Jeanne V.A. Williams, Sandy Rao, Mina Fahim, Vandad Sharifi, et al. (+2)
5 [GO] 2023―Feb―14 Changes in mortality for the general population and individuals with pre-pandemic acute care for alcohol or opioids during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ontario, Canada Daniel Thomas Myran, Erik Loewen Friesen, Michael Pugliese, Christina Milani, Peter Tanuseputro
6 [GO] 2022―Dec―07 Suicidal Ideation Amongst University Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Time Trends and Risk Factors Laura B. Jones, Melissa Vereschagin, Angel Y. Wang, Richard J. Munthali, Julia Pei, Chris G. Richardson, et al. (+12)
7 [GO] 2022―Dec―01 Disruptions in Primary Care among People with Schizophrenia in Ontario, Canada, During the COVID-19 Pandemic Ellen Stephenson, Abban Yusuf, Jessica Gronsbell, Karen Tu, Osnat Melamed, Tezeta Mitiku, et al. (+2)
8 [GO] 2022―Sep―20 An Observational Study of Suicide-Related Media Reports During the Early Months of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic in Canada Madeleine Gordon, Navitha Jayakumar, Dalia Schaffer, Mathavan Vije, Ayal Schaffer, Thomas Niederkrotenthaler, et al. (+2)
9 [GO] 2022―Aug―23 Caring Contacts to Reduce Psychiatric Morbidity Following Hospitalization During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial Sarah Holman, Rosalie Steinberg, Mark Sinyor, Hillary Lane, Kaleigh Starritt, Sidney H. Kennedy, et al. (+4)
10 [GO] 2022―Jul―20 “Don't Just Study our Distress, Do Something”: Implementing and Evaluating a Modified Stepped-Care Model for Health Care Worker Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic Kathleen A. Sheehan, Christian Schulz-Quach, Lesley A. Ruttan, Lindsey MacGillivray, Martha S. McKay, Alison Seto, et al. (+4)
11 [GO] 2022―May―30 A Longitudinal Cohort Study of Youth Mental Health and Substance use Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Ontario, Canada: An Exploratory Analysis Natasha Y. Sheikhan, Lisa D. Hawke, Clement Ma, Darren Courtney, Peter Szatmari, Kristin Cleverley, et al. (+3)
12 [GO] 2022―May―10 Social Rhythm Disruption is Associated with Greater Depressive Symptoms in People with Mood Disorders: Findings from a Multinational Online Survey During COVID-19 Piyumi Kahawage, Ben Bullock, Denny Meyer, John Gottlieb, Marie Crowe, Holly A. Swartz, et al. (+8)
13 [GO] 2022―May―09 SARS-CoV-2 Infection and the Risk of Suicidal and Self-Harm Thoughts and Behaviour: A Systematic Review Mark Sinyor, Rabia Zaheer, Roger T. Webb, Duleeka Knipe, Emily Eyles, Julian P.T. Higgins, et al. (+6)
14 [GO] 2022―Apr―22 COVID-19, Healthcare Workers and Mental Wellbeing: Lessons From One Very Cold and Another Very Hot Part of the World Danilo Arnone, Reshma Ramaraj, Emmanuel Stip
15 [GO] 2022―Apr―22 The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Mental Health of First-Year Undergraduate Students Studying at a Major Canadian University: A Successive Cohort Study Nathan King, William Pickett, Daniel Rivera, Jin Byun, Melanie Li, Simone Cunningham, Anne Duffy
16 [GO] 2022―Mar―11 Effects of COVID-19 Mental Health Interventions Among Children, Adolescents, and Adults Not Quarantined or Undergoing Treatment Due to COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review of Randomised Controlled Trials Olivia Bonardi, Yutong Wang, Kexin Li, Xiaowen Jiang, Ankur Krishnan, Chen He, et al. (+17)
17 [GO] 2022―Jan―05 “One Degree of Separation”: A Mixed-Methods Evaluation of Canadian Mental Health Care User and Provider Experiences With Remote Care During COVID-19 Amanda K. Ceniti, Wegdan R. Abdelmoemin, Keith Ho, Yudi Kang, Franca Placenza, Rachel Laframboise, et al. (+9)
18 [GO] 2021―Aug―11 Prevalence and Correlates of Suicidal Ideation and Deliberate Self-harm in Canadian Adolescents During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic Brianna J. Turner, Christina L. Robillard, Megan E. Ames, Stephanie G. Craig
19 [GO] 2021―Jun―23 Equity and Social Justice Concerns in Mental Health Risk during the Pandemic Deepika Shaligram, Samuel Okpaku, >Eliot Sorel
20 [GO] 2021―Jun―14 Assessment of Psychological Distress in Health-care Workers during and after the First Wave of COVID-19: A Canadian Longitudinal Study: Évaluation de la Détresse Psychologique Chez Les Travailleurs de la Santé Durant et Après la Première Vague de la COVID-19: une étude longitudinale canadienne Marie-Michèle Dufour, Nicolas Bergeron, Axelle Rabasa, Stéphane Guay, Steve Geoffrion
21 [GO] 2021―May―20 Mental Health and Wellness of Service Providers Working with People Experiencing Homelessness in Canada: A National Survey from the Second Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Santé Mentale et Bien-Être Des Prestataires de Services Qui Travaillent Avec Des Personnes en Situation D’itinérance au Canada : un Sondage National sur la Deuxième Vague de la Pandémie COVID-19 Nick Kerman, John Ecker, Stephen Gaetz, Emmy Tiderington, Sean A. Kidd
22 [GO] 2021―May―17 Suicide Deaths in British Columbia during the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic David Barbic, Frank X. Scheuermeyer, Skye P. Barbic, William G. Honer
23 [GO] 2021―Apr―19 Population Mental Health and COVID-19: Why Do We Know So Little? Scott B. Patten, Stanley Kutcher, David Streiner, David Gratzer, Paul Kurdyak, Lakshmi Yatham
24 [GO] 2021―Apr―02 Perceived Stress among Iranians during COVID-19 Pandemic; Stressors and Coping Mechanisms: A Mixed-methods Approach: Stress perçu chez les Iraniens durant la pandémie de la COVID-19; stresseurs et mécanismes d’adaptation: Une approche de méthodes mixtes Masoomeh Faghankhani, Faezeh Sodagari, Marjan Shokrani, Hamid Reza Baradaran, Alimohammad Adabi, Masoud Zabihi, et al. (+6)
25 [GO] 2021―Mar―23 COVID-19 and Canadian Psychiatry: La COVID-19 et la psychiatrie au Canada Sarah Hanafi, Mathieu Dufour, Virginie Doré-Gauthier, MS Renuka Prasad, Manon Charbonneau, Gail Beck
26 [GO] 2021―Feb―18 Ethical Considerations in Providing Electroconvulsive Therapy during the COVID-19 Pandemic Jamie Robertson, Alastair J. Flint, Daniel Blumberger, Venkat Bhat
27 [GO] 2021―Feb―16 Poor Mental Health during the COVD-19 Pandemic: Effect Modification by Age Andrew Bulloch, Sara Zulyniak, Jeanne Williams, Janak Bajgai, Asmita Bhattarai, Ashley Dores, et al. (+4)
28 [GO] 2021―Feb―02 In the Patients’ Best Interest: Visitors Policy and Inpatient Psychiatry Wards in the COVID-19 Era Anika Maraj, Manuela Ferrari
29 [GO] 2021―Feb―01 “We Are at Risk Too”: The Disparate Mental Health Impacts of the Pandemic on Younger Generations: Nous Sommes Aussi à Risque: Les Effets Disparates de la Pandémie Sur la Santé Mentale des Générations Plus Jeunes Renée El-Gabalawy, Jordana L. Sommer
30 [GO] 2021―Jan―19 Emerging New Psychiatric Symptoms and the Worsening of Pre-existing Mental Disorders during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Canadian Multisite Study: Nouveaux symptômes psychiatriques émergents et détérioration des troubles mentaux préexistants pendanturant la pandémie de la COVID-19: une étude canadienne multisite Rebecca Robillard, Alexander R. Daros, Jennifer L. Phillips, Meggan Porteous, Mysa Saad, Marie-Helene Pennestri, et al. (+8)
31 [GO] 2020―Dec―23 Pandémie COVID-19, sommeil et séquelles psychologiques: au nom du Réseau canadien du sommeil et des rythmes circadiens* et de la Société canadienne du sommeil** Roger Godbout, Julie Carrier, Célyne Bastien, Charles M. Morin
32 [GO] 2020―Dec―15 Mental Health Risks after Repeated Exposure to Multiple Stressful Events during Ongoing Social Unrest and Pandemic in Hong Kong: The Role of Rumination: Risques pour la santé mentale après une exposition répétée à de multiples événements stressants d’agitation sociale durable et de pandémie à Hong Kong: le rôle de la rumination Stephanie M. Y. Wong, Christy L. M. Hui, Corine S. M. Wong, Y. N. Suen, Sherry K. W. Chan, Edwin H. M. Lee, et al. (+2)
33 [GO] 2020―Nov―23 Mental Health Service Challenges during the Early Stage of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Experience and Best Practices from China Tao Yang, Jun Chen, Raymond W. Lam, Yiru Fang, Yifeng Xu
34 [GO] 2020―Nov―07 COVID-19 and the Need for Leadership Training in Psychiatry Marlon Danilewitz, Anees Bahji
35 [GO] 2020―Nov―02 Mental Health Outreach via Supportive Text Messages during the COVID-19 Pandemic: One-week Prevalence and Correlates of Anxiety Symptoms Marianne Hrabok, Izu Nwachukwu, April Gusnowski, Reham Shalaby, Wesley Vuong, Shireen Surood, et al. (+3)
36 [GO] 2020―Oct―21 Association entre la fréquence de consultation des médias d’information et la détresse psychologique chez les femmes enceintes durant la pandémie de COVID-19: Association between news media consulting frequency and psychological distress in pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic Lemieux Roxanne, Garon-Bissonnette Julia, Loiselle Mathilde, Martel Élodie, Drouin-Maziade Christine, Berthelot Nicolas
37 [GO] 2020―Sep―22 The Association between the Perceived Adequacy of Workplace Infection Control Procedures and Personal Protective Equipment with Mental Health Symptoms: A Cross-sectional Survey of Canadian Health-care Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic: L’association entre le caractère adéquat perçu des procédures de contrôle des infections au travail et de l’équipement de protection personnel pour les symptômes de santé mentale. Un sondage transversal des travailleurs de la santé canadiens durant la pandémie COVID-19 Peter M. Smith, John Oudyk, Guy Potter, Cameron Mustard
38 [GO] 2020―Sep―10 Maintaining Daily Routines to Stabilize Mood: Theory, Data, and Potential Intervention for Circadian Consequences of COVID-19 Greg Murray, John Gottlieb, Holly A Swartz
39 [GO] 2020―Sep―04 COVID-19 and the Future with Digital Mental Health: Need for Attention to Complexities Ashok Malla, Ridha Joober
40 [GO] 2020―Aug―13 Multiple COVID-19 Risk Factors Increase the Likelihood of Experiencing Anxiety Symptoms in Canada Tara Elton-Marshall, Samantha Wells, Damian Jankowicz, Yeshambel T. Nigatu, Christine M. Wickens, Jürgen Rehm, Hayley A. Hamilton
41 [GO] 2020―Aug―07 Psychiatrists in Times of Pandemics: Psychiatres en temps de pandémie Alison Freeland, Gary Chaimowitz
42 [GO] 2020―Jul―28 Resilience in the Time of Pandemic G. Camelia Adams
43 [GO] 2020―Jul―23 COVID-19 and Depressive Symptoms: A Community-based Study in Q, Canada Norbert Schmitz, Paul Holley, Xiangfei Meng, Laura Fish, Jack Jedwab
44 [GO] 2020―Jul―23 A Dangerous “Cocktail”: The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Youth Opioid Crisis in North America: A Response to Vigo et al. (2020) Ranmalie Jayasinha, Stephanie Nairn, Patricia Conrod
45 [GO] 2020―Jul―14 Impacts of COVID-19 on Youth Mental Health, Substance Use, and Well-being: A Rapid Survey of Clinical and Community Samples: Répercussions de la COVID-19 sur la santé mentale, l’utilisation de substances et le bien-être des adolescents : un sondage rapide d’échantillons cliniques et communautaires Lisa D. Hawke, Skye Pamela Barbic, Aristotle Voineskos, Peter Szatmari, Kristin Cleverley, Em Hayes, et al. (+6)
46 [GO] 2020―Jun―26 The Spread of COVID-19 in the Italian Population: Anxiety, Depression, and Post-traumatic Stress Symptoms Lorys Castelli, Marialaura Di Tella, Agata Benfante, Annunziata Romeo
47 [GO] 2020―Jun―23 Management of COVID-19 Response in a Secure Forensic Mental Health Setting Alexander I. F. Simpson, Sumeeta Chatterjee, Padraig Darby, Roland M. Jones, Margaret Maheandiran, Stephanie R. Penney, et al. (+3)
48 [GO] 2020―Jun―22 COVID-19 Impacts on Child and Youth Anxiety and Depression: Challenges and Opportunities Darren Courtney, Priya Watson, Marco Battaglia, Benoit H. Mulsant, Peter Szatmari
49 [GO] 2020―Jun―15 Psychiatry and COVID-19: The Role of Chlorpromazine Emmanuel Stip
50 [GO] 2020―Jun―11 Changes in Suicide and Resilience-related Google Searches during the Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic Mark Sinyor, Matthew J. Spittal, Thomas Niederkrotenthaler
51 [GO] 2020―Jun―02 Feasibility and Preliminary Results of Effectiveness of Social Media-based Intervention on the Psychological Well-being of Suspected COVID-19 Cases during Quarantine Lepeng Zhou, Ri-hua Xie, Xiaoxian Yang, Sumin Zhang, Difei Li, Yinglan Zhang, et al. (+4)
52 [GO] 2020―May―11 Mental Health of Communities during the COVID-19 Pandemic Daniel Vigo, Scott Patten, Kathleen Pajer, Michael Krausz, Steven Taylor, Brian Rush, et al. (+4)

52 Results       Page 1


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