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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

55 Results       Page 1

Universitas Sumatera Utara: ABDIMAS TALENTA Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
  original article Date Title Authors   All Authors
1 [GO] 2024―Jan―13 Hydroponic Provisions for Food Production During the Covid-19 Pandemic Necessitated Restricted Land Use Pasukat Sembiring, Jonathan Liviera Marpaung
2 [GO] 2024―Jan―13 Empowering Cadres in COVID-19 Prevention with IT-Based Snake and Ladder Game in Medan Tuntungan Subdistrict, Medan City Kintoko Rochadi
3 [GO] 2024―Jan―13 Empowering Communities to Improve Behavior Towards Acceptance of Covid-19 Vaccination Sarah Patumona Manalu, Meutia Nurfahasdi
4 [GO] 2024―Jan―13 E-Warta Android-Based System to Support Information Acceleration during the Pandemic in the GBKP Runggun Sememei Batu Community Group Dewi Sartika Br Ginting, T.Henny Febriana Harumy, Niskarto Zendrato, Muhammad Erald Setyaki Siregar, Fitri Aulia Fadillah Nasution, Revaldi Irham Syahputra, et al. (+2)
5 [GO] 2023―Sep―22 Socialization of the prevention and Eradirection of Dengeu Fever (DHF) and Covid-19 in Pematang Kuala Vilage, Sub District Teluk Mengkudu, Serdang Bedagai Regency in 2021 Fajar Utama Ritonga, Husni Thamrin, Agus Suriadi
6 [GO] 2023―Sep―22 Herbal Drinks to Increase Immunity in the Covid-19 Pandemic Rahayu Lubis, Jemadi Jemadi, Rasmaliah Rasmaliah
7 [GO] 2023―Sep―22 Google Classroom Training in Supporting Online Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic at Bimbingan Belajar Hudallinnas Winda Suci Lestari Nasution, Patriot Nusa, Koprawi Nasution
8 [GO] 2023―Jul―20 Habitation of Clean and Healthy Living Behavior in Preventing COVID-19 AT AL-Husna Marindal Islamic Boarding School Siska Ella Natassa, Darmayanti Siregar, Ranu Putra Armidin
9 [GO] 2023―Jul―20 Covid-19 Corpse Burial Training Asan Petrus, Doaris Ingrid Marbun, Dessy Harianja
10 [GO] 2023―Jul―20 Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Post COVID-19 Vaccination in Health Workers in the COVID-19 Isolation Room R Lia Kusumawati, Mirzan Hasibuan, Jelita Siregar Joli
11 [GO] 2023―Jul―20 Efforts To Prevent the Transmission of COVID-19 Through Empowerment of MTS Amaliyah School Teachers About the 5m COVID-19 Movement in Facing Offline Learning for Academic Year 2021/2022 Nur Afi Darti, Farida Linda Sari Siregar, Dwi Karina Ariadni
12 [GO] 2023―Jul―20 Be Productive During the COVID-19 Pandemic at Siantar Estate Switamy A. Purba, Christa Vonni R. Sinaga, Debora E. Sirait, Lolyta D. Sinaga, Rani F. Sinaga
13 [GO] 2023―Jul―20 Outdoor School Modeling at LPK Kaizen Nirel Center During the Covid-19 Pandemic Disaster Ridhoi Purba, Meutia Nauly
14 [GO] 2023―Jul―20 Montessory Method in Training Development of Health Protocol Ambassadors Facing the Post COVID-19 Pandemic Era at SD Muhammadiyah 01 Medan Reni Asmara Ariga, Rina Amelia, Sri Budi Astuti, Fajar Amanah Ariga Fajar, Selviana Ariga, Hijrah Purnama Sari Ariga, Nikmah Kemalasari Pane
15 [GO] 2023―Jul―20 Aquascape Techniques as an Alternative Livelihood During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Percut Sei Tuan Village Julia Syahriani Hasibuan
16 [GO] 2023―Jul―20 Empowering Youth of Productive Age in the Midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic Through Entrepreneurial Skills in Limau Mungkur Village, Binjai City Onan M Siregar, Nicholas Marpaung
17 [GO] 2023―Jul―20 Optimization of Nutrition Improvement of Preschool Children in the Pandemic Era in Taman Bermain Tabitha, Deli Serdang Mega Sari Sitorus, Nenni Dwi Aprianti Lubis, Dwi Rita Anggraini, Yoan Carolina Panggabean
18 [GO] 2023―Jun―22 The Handling of the Corona Virus Pandemic (COVID-19) in Terms of Religious Aspects for Women Reciting Ar-Ridho in the Village of Tanjung Morawa, Tanjung Morawa District Khairina Nasution
19 [GO] 2022―Nov―14 Improving the ability of speaking students of SMK Sentra Medika Medan with modeling methods as extenders for covid-19 Nurhayati Harahap, Haris Sutan Lubis, Emma Marsella, Veryani Guniesti
20 [GO] 2022―Nov―14 Education on a Clean and Healthy Lifestyle as an Effort to Prevent Covid-19 T. Ismanelly Hanum, Hetty Lendora Maha, Djendakita Purba
21 [GO] 2022―Nov―14 Empowerment of Health Habitus in The Host of Fruit Vegetable Sellers in Fending Off Covid-19 Hadriana Marhaeni Munthe, Februati Trimurni, Eko Jono Lase
22 [GO] 2022―Nov―14 Clean and Healthy Behavior in Efforts to Prevent Covid-19 Against Communities Padang Bulan Neighborhoods Muhammad Husni T Hamrin, Faiz Albar Nasution
23 [GO] 2022―Nov―14 Dissemination of Covid-19 and Prevention of Its Transmission in Suka Pulung Village Asan Petrus, Abdul Gafar P, Bambang Prayugo, M.A Pase
24 [GO] 2022―Nov―14 Increasing Knowledge of the Community of Karang Rejo Village Through Actualization of Transformation to Prevent Covid-19 Characteristics of Local Excellence Sarah Patumona Manalu, Zettaya Serepina
25 [GO] 2022―Nov―14 Forced Collection of Covid-19 Corpse From the Hospital Asan Petrus, Erwin Sembiring, Reja Priatna
26 [GO] 2022―Nov―14 Utilization of Betel Leaf Extract as a Natural Hand Sanitizer to Prevent The Spread of Covid-19 in MTS. S Al-Hidayah, Silo Baru Village, Asahan Regency Rina Widyasari, Ismail Husein
27 [GO] 2022―Nov―14 Digitalization of Marketing to Support MSMEs in the Midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic Winda Suci Lestari Nasution
28 [GO] 2022―Nov―14 Strategies for Strengthening Micro Business Management Through Difficult Times in the Middle of the Covid-19 Pandemic Elisabet Siahaan, Evawany Yunita Aritonang, Rudy H. Siahaan, Yuni Sitepu
29 [GO] 2022―Nov―14 Community Empowerment by Utilizing Village Potentials Towards a CEMARA Community (Smart, Independent, and Prosperous) During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Kaban Tua Village, Munte District, Karo Regency Wardiyah Daulay, Mahnum Lailan Nasution, Sri Eka Wahyuni
30 [GO] 2022―Nov―14 Teachers Training For Making Online Learning Media During The Covid-19 Pandemic in SMAN 1 Rantau Utara Isnaini Halimah Rambe, M.R Syahputra, Metrilitna Br Sembiring, Dhia Octariani, Nana Mardiana, Asnawati Matondang, et al. (+2)
31 [GO] 2022―Nov―14 The Application of Manut (Muscle Nutrition Management) in the Elderly in Increasing the Degree of Health During the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Region of Medan Sunggal District Bina Melvia Girsang, Ance Marintan D Sitohang
32 [GO] 2022―Nov―14 The Role of Elderly Health Tests as Early Prevention of Chronic Diseases During the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Region of Medan Sunggal District Eqlima Elfira, Bina Melvia Girsang, Ance Marintan D. Sitohang, Wirda Faswita
33 [GO] 2022―Nov―14 Minimizing the Psychological Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Vulnerable Groups: Elderly and Mental Disorders Through Family Psychoeducation Wardiyah Daulay, Mahnum Lailan Nasution
34 [GO] 2022―Nov―14 Community Swamandiri Development in The Management of Household Waste in The Covid-19 Pandemic Period Umi Salmah, Sri Malem Indirawati, Arifa Masyitah Panjaitan, Yenny Obsi Satra
35 [GO] 2022―Nov―14 Knowledge Level of Parents, Teachers, and Students of SD Taman Harapan Islam Medan About Covid-19 Pandemic Prevention Nevi Yanti, Fitri Yunita Batubara, Essie Octiara, Darmayanti Siregar
36 [GO] 2022―Nov―14 Understanding English Terms in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic to Teachers and Students Raudhatul Ulum Education Foundation Riduan, Dusun XII Celawan Village, Pantai Mirrin District, Serdang Bedagai Regency Roma Ayuni Aminoeddin Loebis
37 [GO] 2022―Nov―14 Education for a Clean and Healthy Lifestyle as an Effort to Prevent Covid-19 Through KKN Activities Siva Faizatul Badriyah, Widya Tatalia Octaviani, Wisudani Rahmaningtyas, Teguh Supriyatno, Septian Bagas Panji Kurniaziz
38 [GO] 2022―Nov―14 PHBS Elementary School Children through CTPS in an Effort to Prevent the Risk of Covid-19 Transmission Devi Nuraini Santi, Alam Bakti
39 [GO] 2022―Nov―14 PHBS for Elementary School Children Through CTPS in an Effort to Prevent the Risk of Covid-19 Transmission Devi Nuraini Santi, Alam Bakti
40 [GO] 2022―Nov―14 Empowerment of Student as An Agent of Change in the Prevention of COVID-19 Transmission in Annysa Elementary School, Tanjung Gusta, Deli Serdang District Alam Bakti Keloko, R. Kintoko Rochadi
41 [GO] 2021―Mar―15 as shopping solutions #just stay at home in Covid-19 epidemic situation in Medan city Meutia Nauly
42 [GO] 2021―Mar―15 Educate cadres for the prevention of Covid-19 in Sei Mati Village, Medan Maimun District Rahayu Lubis
43 [GO] 2021―Mar―15 Red ginger wedang to strengthen immune system against covid-19 of children living in an orphanage Karina Nola Sinamo, Nauas Domu Marihot Romauli Hutabarat
44 [GO] 2021―Mar―15 Mitigation of food crisis and increasing productivity of rice fields for communities around the Taman Asoka Asri Housing amid the Covid-19 pandemic Muhdi Muhdi, Diana Sofia Hanafiah, Batubara Ridwanti
45 [GO] 2021―Mar―15 Mobile dental clinic revitalization to improve oral health services in the covid-19 pandemic era at Sambirejo District Community Health Center, Kabupaten Langkat Wandania Farahanny, Ika Andryas, Rini Octavia N, Olivia A Hanafiah
46 [GO] 2021―Mar―15 Drum vermicomposting household scale as an additional source of income for farmers during the Covid-19 pandemic in Sidomulyo Village, Stabat District Langkat Regency, North Sumatra Nur Ulina Warnisyah Sebayang, Hafnes Wahyuni, Antonio Marro Sipayung, Sawitania C. Dwi U Situmorang
47 [GO] 2021―Mar―15 Family empowerment in protecting children from the influence of addictive substances during COVID-19 pandemic in village of Bandar Labuhan district of Tanjung Morawa regency of Deli Serdang Eva Syahfitri Nasution, Ritha F Dalimunthe, Ameilia Zuliyanti Siregar, Arif Qaedi Hutagalung
48 [GO] 2021―Mar―15 Household Financial Management Training for Housewives Stairs during the COVID-19 Pandemic Period in Margasari Village Intan Octaviani, Djenni Sasmita
49 [GO] 2021―Mar―15 Improving oral and dental health through counseling, video and phantom demonstration during the Covid-19 pandemic to the Medan Belawan community Trelia Boel, Rini Octavia Nasution, Lydia Irani Nainggolan, Dewi Kartika
50 [GO] 2021―Mar―15 Managing stress during the COVID-19 pandemic: The application of deep breathing relaxation technique and diary feedback among students Yunita Zahra, Ika Sari Dewi, Amalia Meutia, Dina Nazriani, Suri Mutia Siregar, Omar K. Burhan
51 [GO] 2021―Mar―15 Education Of Covid-19 Prevention And Providing Of Handsanitizer In Pressing The Spread Of Corona Virus Infection In Cempedak Lobang Village, Sei Rampah Sub-District, Serdang Bedagai District Effendy De Lux Putra, Sri Yuliasmi, Henny Sri Wahyuni
52 [GO] 2021―Mar―15 Empowerment of Padang Bulan community affected Covid-19 through business training for MSME Muhammad Husni Thamrin, Hatta Ridho, Faiz Albar Nasution
53 [GO] 2021―Mar―15 Education on community empowerment in prevention of Covid-19 to the community Laut Dendang village, Percut Sei Tuan district Deli Serdang regency Saib Suwilo, Herman Mawengkang
54 [GO] 2021―Mar―15 Wash hand education and hand sanitizer preparation workshop to the community in order to prevent COVID-19 transmission Lia Laila, Tengku Ismanelly Hanum, Hetty Lendora Maha
55 [GO] 2021―Mar―15 Empowerment pregnant women in preparation for lactation during the covid 19 pandemic Farida Linda Sari Siregar Siregar, Nur Afi Darti, Evi Indriani Br. Karo

55 Results       Page 1


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