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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

40 Results       Page 1

Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research: Journal of Education
  original article Date Title Authors   All Authors
1 [GO] 2025―Feb―12 Educators’ Perceptions of Their Own Mental Health and Young Children’s Skills in the Second Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Ontario, Canada Natalie Spadafora, Caroline Reid-Westoby, Magdalena Janus
2 [GO] 2024―Dec―24 Improving Classroom Engagement and Reducing Exclusionary Discipline: A Quasi-Experimental Study of the Inclusive Skill-Building Learning Approach During COVID-19 Rhonda N. T. Nese, Joe F. T. Nese, María R. Santiago-Rosario, Sara Izzard, Alex Newson, Irin Pimentel-Mannan, et al. (+4)
3 [GO] 2024―Oct―30 An investigation of pedagogical change with novel technology in fee paying and no-fee schools during COVID-19 Anil Kanjee, Joanne Hardman
4 [GO] 2024―Oct―19 Employing of the Social Media from Faculty Members at Al-Balqa Applied University into E-Learning and the Challenges Faced During the Corona Pandemic Natheer sihan m. Abu Nair
5 [GO] 2024―Oct―01 The COVID-19 Pandemic as a Historical Event: An Analysis of U.S. History Textbooks Wayne Journell
6 [GO] 2024―Jul―05 The Influence of the Education Level on the Use of Internet-Based Psychological Intervention in The Face of COVID-19 On the Wazi Web Platform
7 [GO] 2024―May―08 أثر نموذج (الحقيل والعتيبي، 2020)، للقيادة بقيم جامعة الأميرة نورة بنت عبد الرحمن في تنمية التحصيل الدراسي ومواجهة تحديات التعليم عن بُعد في ظل جائحة COVID-19 وضحى العتيبي
8 [GO] 2024―May―06 The Alternative Narrative: When Digital Learning Worked During the Pandemic Bryan R. Drost, Anita C. Levine
9 [GO] 2023―Nov―13 Mathematics and science teacher educators experiences of using the WhatsApp platform as a tool for supporting teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic Eunice Nyamupangedengu, Monde Kazeni, Caleb Mandikonza, Magdeline Stephen, Portia Mabenge (Kavai), Herman Tshesane, et al. (+4)
10 [GO] 2023―Aug―01 الأسباب الكامنة وراء العنف الأسري أثناء جائحة COVID-19 ودور العاملين في مؤسسات المجتمع المدني ومراكز الرعاية: دراسة حالة نوعية فاطمة يحيى حسن القديمي
11 [GO] 2023―Jul―14 An empirical analysis of the impact of mobile instant messaging for collaborative learning during the Covid-19 lockdown in a rural-based university Nkhangweni Lawrence Mashau
12 [GO] 2023―Mar―01 The role of Saudi universities in facing contemporary crises: COVID-19 as a model دور الجامعات السعودية في مواجهة الأزمات المعاصرة: كوفيد-19 نموذجاً على حسين نجمى, محمد عبد الرؤوف عطية, جمال محمد مصطفى, طارق محمد الجلالي
13 [GO] 2023―Jan―17 Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Academic Activities of Academicians in Nepal Dirgha Raj Joshi, Umesh Neupane, Jitendra K. Singh, Bishnu Khanal, Shashidhar Belbase
14 [GO] 2023―Jan―13 Sink or swim: Exploring resilience of academics at an education faculty during Covid-19 Naseema Shaik, Anna Dippenaar, Chiwimbiso Kwenda, Karen Petersen, Dorothy Esau, Henry Stephanus Oliver
15 [GO] 2022―Oct―28 Counting the costs: Exploring the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic in rural schools in Lesotho Walter Sengai, Matseliso Lineo Mokhele, Makhulu A. Makumane
16 [GO] 2022―Jul―07 Views on Modifying the Traditional School Calendar for a Post-COVID World: Could a Balanced Calendar Model Mitigate COVID-19 Slide? Daniel A. Jones
17 [GO] 2022―Apr―22 Covid-19 and the virtual classroom conundrum in Zimbabwean universities Wonder Muchabaiwa, Reniko Gondo
18 [GO] 2021―Dec―01 Teacher support, preparedness and resilience during times of crises and uncertainty: COVID-19 and education in the Global South Yusuf Sayed, Marcina Singh, Eva Bulgrin, Martin Henry, Dierdre Williams, Mary Metcalfe, et al. (+2)
19 [GO] 2021―Nov―30 Community-based learning in higher education: A portal for knowledge production in the time of COVID-19 Nompumelelo Thabethe, Sarasvathie Reddy
20 [GO] 2021―Nov―30 The crisis of COVID-19 and opportunities for reimagining education Crain Soudien, Jaqueline Harvey
21 [GO] 2021―Nov―30 African female university students' experiences of online education at home during the COVID-19 pandemic Ansurie Pillay, Martha Khosa, Bridget Campbell, Nicholus Nyika, Ayub Sheik
22 [GO] 2021―Nov―30 Education lecturers' perceptions of organising systematic online teaching and learning during COVID-19 pandemic conditions in 2020 at two selected universities in South Africa Tanya Bekker, Nazir Carrim
23 [GO] 2021―Nov―30 Early childhood teachers' and managers' lived experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic in South Africa Hasina Banu Ebrahim, Colwyn Martin, Lorayne Excell
24 [GO] 2021―Nov―30 Exploring how the national COVID-19 pandemic policy and its application exposed the fault lines of educational inequality Ronicka Mudaly, Vimolan Mudaly
25 [GO] 2021―Nov―30 21st Century competencies in Technical and Vocational Education and Training: Rhetoric and reality in the wake of a pandemic Joy Papier
26 [GO] 2021―Nov―26 The COVID-19-Related Schools’ Closure and the Ugandan Teacher: Exploring the Psychological and Non-Psychological Threats and Opportunities. Loyce Kiiza Kobusingye (PhD), Tom Luswata
27 [GO] 2021―Nov―06 Factor Associated With Teacher Satisfaction and Online Teaching Effectiveness Under Adversity Situations: A Case of Vietnamese Teachers During COVID-19 Phuong-Tam Pham, Thanh-Thao Thi Phan, Yen-Chi Nguyen, Anh-Duc Hoang
28 [GO] 2021―Nov―02 Influence of Educational Strategies on Online Learning in Kenyan Institutions of Higher Learning amid COVID 19 Pandemic Peterson Nduati, Paul Kariuki, Peter Wanjohi, Reuben Nguyo
29 [GO] 2021―Oct―17 COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on Students Intention to Use E-Learning Among Malaysian Higher Education Institutions Siva Prakash Ramasamy, Arfan Shahzad, Rohail Hassan
30 [GO] 2021―Sep―27 واقع إدارة أزمة فيروس کورونا المستجد (COVID-19) بجامعة طنطا: دراسة ميدانية کريمة محمد لاشين
31 [GO] 2021―Sep―01 جودة الحياة الجامعية والخوف من جائحة کورونا (COVID-19) في بيئة التعلم الالکتروني بين طلاب الجامعة عبد الناصر السيد عامر, مني زايد سيد عويس
32 [GO] 2021―Jul―19 The Impact of COVID-19 on the Educational Process: The Role of the School Principal Charalampous Constantia, Papademetriou Christos, Reppa Glykeria, Athanasoula-Reppa Anastasia, Voulgari Aikaterini
33 [GO] 2021―Jul―05 تصور مقترح للسياسات التعليمية بالجامعات المصرية في ظل أزمة جائحة فيروس کورونا المستجد SARS-COV2 ثناء هاشم محمد محمد, ناصر شعبان على طلبة
34 [GO] 2021―May―18 المشکلات النفسية لجائحة کورونا (COVID-19) في المجتمع المصري عبد الناصر السيد عامر
35 [GO] 2021―May―18 The challenges of online learning for teachers of children with intellectual disability in the COVID19 pandemic: qualitative method Khalid Habib Alshamri
36 [GO] 2021―May―18 إسهام الصمود النفسي في جودة الحياة في ظل جائحة کورونا(Covid-19) عبد الناصر السيد عامر
37 [GO] 2021―May―18 فعالية برنامج إرشادي إلکتروني قائم على التعاطف مع الذات في خفض مستوى القلق متعدد الأوْجه للحجر المنزلي أثناء جائحة کورونا Covid-19 لدى طلاب الجامعة فتحي عبد الرحمن محمد الضبع
38 [GO] 2021―May―18 بعض المشکلات التي تواجه أسر الأطقم الطبية المکافحة لفيروس کورونا (COVID-19) ومقترحات تربوية للتغلب عليها إبراهيم السيد عيسى غنيم
39 [GO] 2021―May―18 فيروس کورونا المستجد (Covid-19): المعتقدات عنه والاتجاهات نحو المريض المصاب به لدى عينات متباينة من أفراد الشعب المصري "دراسة سيکومترية" سُـليمان عبد الواحـد يوسُـف
40 [GO] 2021―May―18 The Mechanisms of Practicum in the Faculty of Education - Majmaah University during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic:( Descriptive and analytical study ( Fatma Farid Fakhry Tharwa

40 Results       Page 1


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