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Authors All Authors |
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[GO] |
2024―Dec―26 |
Why didn’t the ‘critical juncture’ of the COVID-19 pandemic lead to the re-integration of public health into urban development policy in England? |
Geoff Bates, Andrew Barnfield, Nick Pearce, Sarah Ayres |
2 |
[GO] |
2024―Nov―06 |
Assessing the impact of socio-economic and environmental factors on COVID-19 spread in urban neighborhoods: evidence from Urmia, Iran |
Javad Imani Shamloo, Farzad Dargahi, Mohammadreza Ezzati Mehr |
3 |
[GO] |
2024―Aug―08 |
Associations of residential greenness with behavioural, physical, and mental health: a Hong Kong study during the fifth wave of COVID-19 pandemic |
Chi Cho Cheung, Ka Yan Lai, Rong Zhang, Eric Schuldenfrei, Qingyao Qiao, Chris Webster, Chinmoy Sarkar |
4 |
[GO] |
2024―Apr―09 |
Effect of urban design on mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic, Mahabad, Iran |
Mohammad Anvar Adibhesami, Hirou Karimi, Borhan Sepehri, Ayyoob Sharifi, Masoumeh Nazarian |
5 |
[GO] |
2024―Mar―25 |
Do key informants and commuters share the same thoughts on modal shifts? Reflection from in-depth interviews conducted during COVID-19 in Dhaka, Bangladesh |
Shaila Jamal, Sadia Chowdhury, K. Bruce Newbold |
6 |
[GO] |
2024―Jan―30 |
Behavioural responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and their implications for Sustainable Development Goals in Hong Kong |
Olivia Anne D. Perez, Laurence L. Delina, Benjamin Steuer |
7 |
[GO] |
2024―Jan―17 |
Investigating the impact of COVID-19 lockdown restrictions on odour complaints made to London Borough Councils in Spring 2020 compared to Spring 2019 |
Harriet Barton |
8 |
[GO] |
2024―Jan―12 |
Relationship between urban form and COVID-19 severity: impact of compactness during the lockdown and post-lockdown periods |
Md Hamidur Rahman, Angela Antipova |
9 |
[GO] |
2023―Dec―28 |
Boxed in: changes in apartment residents’ health behaviours following the COVID-19 lockdown - a longitudinal cohort study |
Alexandra Kleeman, Sarah Foster |
10 |
[GO] |
2023―Nov―29 |
Signs of pandemic times: tracing the reconfigurations of urban spaces through COVID-19 signage |
Kazi Nazrul Fattah |
11 |
[GO] |
2023―Nov―28 |
Neighbourhood influences on youth mental health and stress levels during the first six months of the COVID-19 pandemic |
Alexander Wray, Gina Martin, Kendra Nelson Ferguson, Stephanie E. Coen, Jamie A. Seabrook, Jason Gilliland |
12 |
[GO] |
2023―Nov―28 |
Neighbourhood greenspaces and mental wellbeing among university students in England during the COVID-19 pandemic: an online survey under lockdown |
Anaïs Lemyre, Benjamin W. Chrisinger, Emma Palmer-Cooper, Jane P. Messina |
13 |
[GO] |
2023―Oct―02 |
Understanding the community and social determinants in mental health inequity: the impact of mass social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Jin Hui Lee, JungHo Park, Min Sook Park |
14 |
[GO] |
2023―Jul―31 |
Looking back to look forward - COVID-19 enters a new phase |
Caroline Brown |
15 |
[GO] |
2023―Jun―01 |
COVID-19 and cities: a systematic review of early urban studies |
Maryam Roosta, Alireza Gholami, Fatemeh Shahvaran |
16 |
[GO] |
2023―May―08 |
‘We are developing our bubble’: role of the built environment in supporting physical and social activities in independent-living older adults during COVID-19 |
Hui Ren, Megan Strickfaden, John C. Spence, Jodie A. Stearns, Marcus Jackson, Hayford M. Avedzi, Karen K. Lee |
17 |
[GO] |
2022―Nov―01 |
Associations between household density and mood during COVID-19 lockdowns: evidence from Ecuador |
Juan Pablo Díaz-Sánchez, Cintya Lanchimba, Franklin Velasco, Mariel Paz y Miño |
18 |
[GO] |
2022―Sep―05 |
Providing support to underprivileged people during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil: the role of the Trust Group and women leaders in São Paulo’s favelas |
Ana Luiza Gomes Domingos, Juliana Miranda Mitkiewicz, Paulo Hilário Nascimento Saldiva |
19 |
[GO] |
2022―Aug―01 |
The impact of housing design and quality on wellbeing: lived experiences of the home during COVID-19 in London |
Lucia Alonso, Sam Jacoby |
20 |
[GO] |
2022―Jul―22 |
COVID-19, city centre streetscapes, and public health signage |
Janet Speake, Maria Pentaraki |
21 |
[GO] |
2022―Jul―21 |
Impact of COVID-19 on neighbourhood physical activity in older adults |
Charlotte Hennah, Geraint Ellis, Michail Doumas |
22 |
[GO] |
2022―Jun―08 |
Caught in the pandemic, we wait and connect as we can |
Kaplan George |
23 |
[GO] |
2022―May―16 |
The other pandemic: social media engagement around non-communicable disease preventive behaviours during Nigeria’s COVID-19 lockdowns |
Ebele R. I. Mogo, Taibat Lawanson, Richard Unuigboje, Yossabel Chetty, Victor Onifade, Damilola Odekunle, et al. (+9) Toluwalope Ogunro, Nfondoh Blanche, Rose Alani, Louise Foley, Clarisse Mapa-Tassou, Felix Assah, Olalekan Popoola, Camaren Peter, Tolu Oni |
24 |
[GO] |
2022―Feb―09 |
Women in the informal sector amid COVID-19: implications for household peace and economic stability in urban Zimbabwe |
Kelvin Zhanda, Natalie Garutsa, Munyaradzi A. Dzvimbo, Albert Mawonde |
25 |
[GO] |
2022―Feb―01 |
COVID and the home: the emergence of new urban home life practised under pandemic-imposed restrictions |
Goran Erfani, Bakhtiar Bahrami |
26 |
[GO] |
2022―Jan―11 |
Neighbourhood environment facilitators and barriers to outdoor activity during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada: a qualitative study |
Gavin R. McCormack, Jennie Petersen, Calli Naish, Dalia Ghoneim, Patricia K. Doyle-Baker |
27 |
[GO] |
2021―Dec―09 |
Peripheries, politics, centralities: geographies of COVID-19. Reflections from a German perspective on and beyond Biglieri et al |
Daniel Mullis |
28 |
[GO] |
2021―Oct―12 |
The COVID-19 lockdown papers: insights, reflections and implications for urbanism and city planning |
Geraint Ellis, Marcus Grant |
29 |
[GO] |
2021―Oct―05 |
How the first wave of COVID-19 in Switzerland affected residential preferences |
Anna Pagani, Livia Fritz, Ralph Hansmann, Vincent Kaufmann, Claudia R. Binder |
30 |
[GO] |
2021―Aug―18 |
The effect of COVID-19 on parks and greenspace use during the first three months of the pandemic - a survey study |
David Borkenhagen, Emily Grant, Robin Mazumder, Hanna Negami, Jatheesh Srikantharajah, Colin Ellard |
31 |
[GO] |
2021―Jul―05 |
The urban syndemic of COVID-19: insights, reflections and implications |
Geraint Ellis, Marcus Grant, Caroline Brown, Waleska Teixeira Caiaffa, Fiona C. Shenton, Steven W. Lindsay, et al. (+3) Carlos Dora, Hénock Blaise Nguendo-Yongsi, Sue Morgan |
32 |
[GO] |
2021―Jun―16 |
Cities and communities beyond COVID-19 |
Victor G. Rodwin |
33 |
[GO] |
2021―Jun―09 |
COVID-19 and race: double emergencies for women of color |
Lisa Jones |
34 |
[GO] |
2021―May―12 |
COVID-19: a chance to reallocate street space to the benefit of children’s health? |
Hannah Wright, Mitchell Reardon |
35 |
[GO] |
2021―Apr―15 |
Why African women and girls’ voices are not heard in the fight against COVID-19 |
Gertrude Morgan Dadzie, Kutisha Ebron, Mable Kipenda |
36 |
[GO] |
2021―Apr―08 |
Leave no one behind: COVID-19 and its impact on childcare and education in urban areas |
Kutisha Ebron |
37 |
[GO] |
2021―Feb―05 |
Urban planning and public policy responses to the management of COVID-19 in Ghana |
David Anaafo, Ebenezer Owusu-Addo, Stephen Appiah Takyi |
38 |
[GO] |
2020―Dec―02 |
How do people use Frankfurt Mainkai riverfront during a road closure experiment? A snapshot of public space usage during the coronavirus lockdown in May 2020 |
Lakshya Pandit, Gladys Vasquez Fauggier, Lanqing Gu, Martin Knöll |
39 |
[GO] |
2020―Nov―03 |
Challenges of The Gambia’s COVID-19 response and policy recommendations |
Ramatoulie Jallow |
40 |
[GO] |
2020―Oct―05 |
How the COVID-19 pandemic highlights the lack of accessible public spaces in Tehran |
Parnian Kordshakeri, Ehsan Fazeli |
41 |
[GO] |
2020―Sep―30 |
The challenge of COVID-19 in African cities: an urgent call for informal settlement upgrading |
Warren Smit |
42 |
[GO] |
2020―Sep―22 |
Pandemics, vulnerability, and prevention: time to fundamentally reassess how we value and communicate risk? |
Daniel Black, Geoff Bates, Andy Gibson, Eli Hatleskog, Eleonora Fichera, Jenny Hatchard, et al. (+15) Hasan Md Nazmul, Ges Rosenberg, Charles Larkin, Rachel Brierley, Judi Kidger, Krista Bondy, Matt Hickman, Kathy Pain, Ben Hicks, Gabriel Scally, Arpana Verma, Neil Carhart, Paul Pilkington, Alistair Hunt, Paddy Ireland |
43 |
[GO] |
2020―Sep―10 |
Chronic conditions and COVID-19 in informal urban settlements: a protracted emergency |
Annie Wilkinson, Abu Conteh, Joseph Macarthy |
44 |
[GO] |
2020―Sep―10 |
Urban health and health equity in Latin American cities: what COVID-19 is teaching us |
Ana V. Diez Roux, Tonatiuh Barrientos-Gutierrez, Waleska Teixeira Caiaffa, J. Jaime Miranda, Daniel Rodriguez, Olga Lucía Sarmiento, et al. (+2) S. Claire Slesinski, Alejandra Vives Vergara |
45 |
[GO] |
2020―Sep―02 |
Global change increases zoonotic risk, COVID-19 changes risk perceptions: a plea for urban nature connectedness |
Maarten P.M. Vanhove, Séverine Thys, Ellen Decaestecker, Nicolas Antoine-Moussiaux, Jeroen De Man, Jean Hugé, et al. (+3) Hans Keune, Ann Sterckx, Luc Janssens de Bisthoven |
46 |
[GO] |
2020―Sep―01 |
Informal settlements in a COVID-19 world: moving beyond upgrading and envisioning revitalisation |
Matthew French, Diego Ramirez-Lovering, Sheela S. Sinharoy, Amelia Turagabeci, Ihsan Latif, Karin Leder, Rebekah Brown |
47 |
[GO] |
2020―Sep―01 |
COVID-19: can it transform urban planning in Africa? |
Patrick Brandful Cobbinah, Michael Erdiaw-Kwasie, Ellis Adjei Adams |
48 |
[GO] |
2020―Aug―21 |
Addressing chronic noncommunicable diseases is essential to strengthen urban resilience to communicable pandemic diseases |
Ishu Kataria, Angela M. Jackson Morris |
49 |
[GO] |
2020―Aug―19 |
The urban environment and leisure physical activity during the COVID-19 pandemic: a view from Lagos |
Taibat Lawanson, Louise Foley, Felix Assah, Ebele Mogo, Clarisse Mapa-Tassou, Toluwalope Ogunro, et al. (+2) Victor Onifade, Tolu Oni |
50 |
[GO] |
2020―Aug―12 |
COVID-19 and urban public transport services: emerging challenges and research agenda |
Aaron Gutiérrez, Daniel Miravet, Antoni Domènech |
51 |
[GO] |
2020―Aug―12 |
Towards transformative resilience: community, neighbourhood and system responses during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Simon Rippon, Anne-Marie Bagnall, Mark Gamsu, Jane South, Joanne Trigwell, Kris Southby, et al. (+3) Louise Warwick-Booth, Susan Coan, Jenny Woodward |
52 |
[GO] |
2020―Aug―04 |
Beyond active travel: children, play and community on streets during and after the coronavirus lockdown |
Wendy Russell, Alison Stenning |
53 |
[GO] |
2020―Aug―03 |
Towards mental health friendly cities during and after COVID-19 |
Moitreyee Sinha, Manasi Kumar, Lian Zeitz, Pamela Y. Collins, Suresh Kumar, Steve Fisher, et al. (+4) Nathaniel Foote, Norman Sartorius, Helen Herrman, Lukoye Atwoli |
54 |
[GO] |
2020―Aug―03 |
COVID-19: impact on the urban food retail system and dietary inequalities in the UK |
Steven Cummins, Nicolas Berger, Laura Cornelsen, Judith Eling, Vanessa Er, Robert Greener, et al. (+5) Alexandra Kalbus, Amanda Karapici, Cherry Law, Denise Ndlovu, Amy Yau |
55 |
[GO] |
2020―Jul―31 |
The impact of COVID-19 on public space: an early review of the emerging questions - design, perceptions and inequities |
Jordi Honey-Rosés, Isabelle Anguelovski, Vincent K. Chireh, Carolyn Daher, Cecil Konijnendijk van den Bosch, Jill S. Litt, et al. (+10) Vrushti Mawani, Michael K. McCall, Arturo Orellana, Emilia Oscilowicz, Ulises Sánchez, Maged Senbel, Xueqi Tan, Erick Villagomez, Oscar Zapata, Mark J Nieuwenhuijsen |
56 |
[GO] |
2020―Jul―30 |
Applying an equity lens to urban policy measures for COVID-19 in four cities |
Ben Cave, Jinhee Kim, Francesca Viliani, Patrick Harris |
57 |
[GO] |
2020―Jul―30 |
The importance of nature to city living during the COVID-19 pandemic: Considerations and goals from environmental psychology |
Lindsay J. McCunn |
58 |
[GO] |
2020―Jul―30 |
The legacy of COVID-19: lessons and challenges for city-scale air quality management in the UK |
Laura De Vito, Jo Barnes, James Longhurst, Ben Williams, Enda Hayes |
59 |
[GO] |
2020―Jul―29 |
Structurally vulnerable neighbourhood environments and racial/ethnic COVID-19 inequities |
Rachel L. Berkowitz, Xing Gao, Eli K. Michaels, Mahasin S. Mujahid |
60 |
[GO] |
2020―Jul―28 |
COVID-19 and climate change: an integrated perspective |
Robert Newell, Ann Dale |
61 |
[GO] |
2020―Jul―28 |
City as the core of contagion? Repositioning COVID-19 at the social and spatial periphery of urban society |
Samantha Biglieri, Lorenzo De Vidovich, Roger Keil |
62 |
[GO] |
2020―Jul―28 |
From one pandemic to another: emerging lessons from COVID-19 for tackling physical inactivity in cities |
Craig W. McDougall, Caroline Brown, Craig Thomson, Nick Hanley, Mark A. Tully, Richard S. Quilliam, et al. (+3) Phil J. Bartie, Lesley Gibson, David M. Oliver |
63 |
[GO] |
2020―Jul―28 |
Lockdown urbanism: COVID-19 lifestyles and liveable futures opportunities in Wuhan and Manchester |
Tom Jefferies, Jianquan Cheng, Laura Coucill |
64 |
[GO] |
2020―Jul―28 |
Rethinking slums, cities, and urban planning: lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic |
Amit Patel, Phoram Shah |
65 |
[GO] |
2020―Jul―28 |
The COVID-19 pandemic: power and privilege, gentrification, and urban environmental justice in the global north |
Helen V. S. Cole, Isabelle Anguelovski, Francesc Baró, Melissa García-Lamarca, Panagiota Kotsila, Carmen Pérez del Pulgar, et al. (+2) Galia Shokry, Margarita Triguero-Mas |
66 |
[GO] |
2020―Jul―27 |
Dig for vitality: UK urban allotments as a health-promoting response to COVID-19 |
JC Niala |
67 |
[GO] |
2020―Jul―27 |
COVID-19 highlights the need to plan for healthy, equitable and resilient food systems |
Rachel Carey, Maureen Murphy, Leila Alexandra |
68 |
[GO] |
2020―Jul―27 |
Potential impacts of COVID-19 in urban slums: addressing challenges to protect the world’s most vulnerable |
Tova Tampe |
69 |
[GO] |
2020―Jul―27 |
Will the COVID-19 outbreak propel the demand for active spaces or scare the public away? |
Rachel Payne |
70 |
[GO] |
2020―Jul―27 |
The public realm during public health emergencies: exploring local level responses to the COVID-19 pandemic |
Alexander Wray, John Fleming, Jason Gilliland |
71 |
[GO] |
2020―Jul―27 |
Urban forms and green infrastructure - the implications for public health during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Małgorzata Hanzl |
72 |
[GO] |
2020―Jul―24 |
Is COVID-19 a turning point for active travel in cities? |
Alexander Nurse, Richard Dunning |
73 |
[GO] |
2020―Jul―24 |
Housing stability and the residential context of the COVID-19 pandemic |
Antwan Jones, Diana S. Grigsby-Toussaint |
74 |
[GO] |
2020―Jul―24 |
Biotic systems as a critical urban infrastructure during crisis: learning from the COVID-19 pandemic |
Andrew Jenkins |
75 |
[GO] |
2020―Jul―24 |
COVID-19 reveals the systemic nature of urban health globally |
Franz Gatzweiler, Bojie Fu, Celine Rozenblat, Huey-Jen Jenny Su, Isaac Luginaah, Jason Corburn, et al. (+8) Jo Ivey Boufford, Juan Vela Valdes, Blaise Nguendo-Yongsi, Philippa Howden-Chapman, R. B. Singh, Rachel Cooper, Tolullah Oni, Yong-Guan Zhu |
76 |
[GO] |
2020―Jul―24 |
COVID-19: a lonely pandemic |
Maxwell Hartt |
77 |
[GO] |
2020―Jul―24 |
Urban transport and COVID-19: challenges and prospects in low- and middle-income countries |
Arnaud Koehl |