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Authors All Authors |
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[GO] |
2024―Oct―03 |
Perceived social risk of the next major pandemic: antibiotic resistance / Percepción social de riesgo de la próxima gran pandemia: resistencia a los antibióticos |
Karmele Herranz-Pascual, Lucia Gallego, Itziar Alkorta |
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[GO] |
2023―Apr―17 |
The outdoor nature, indoors: relationship between contact with nature, life satisfaction and affect during a COVID-19 pandemic lockdown (La naturaleza al aire libre, en el interior: relación entre contacto con la naturaleza, satisfacción vital y afectividad durante el confinamiento por la pandemia COVID-19) |
Inês Almeida, Carla Lopes, Rita Pedroso, Rui Gaspar |
3 |
[GO] |
2023―Jan―11 |
The relationship of Amazonian adolescents with natural environments before and during social isolation in the COVID-19 pandemic (La relación de los adolescentes del Amazonas con los entornos naturales antes y después del aislamiento social en la pandemia de COVID-19) |
Maria-Inês Gasparetto-Higuchi, Damaris Teixeira-Paz, Elisa Ferrari-Justulin-Zacarias, Renata Vilar-de-Almeida |
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[GO] |
2022―Sep―21 |
Effects of the COVID-19 lockdowns on aesthetic and affective evaluations of natural and urban scenes (Efectos de los confinamientos COVID-19 sobre las evaluaciones estéticas y afectivas de escenas naturales y urbanas) |
Fatima-M. Felisberti, Neil-R. Harrison |
5 |
[GO] |
2022―Jan―16 |
Psycho-environmental processes of hospital design and their role during the COVID-19 pandemic (Procesos psicoambientales del diseño de hospitales y su implicación durante la pandemia por COVID-19) |
Verónica Sevillano-Triguero, Silvia Estrada-Arráez |