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COVID Antworten in den wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften der Welt

10 Ergebisse       Seite 1

All-Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine u201cZaschitau201d of Health Ministry of the RF: A I Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center Clinical Bulletin
  Original Artikel Datum Titel Autoren   Alle Autoren
1 [GO] 2024―Okt―04 Intrapulmonary Percussion Ventilation in a Patient with an Extremely Experience in the Treatment of Coronavirus Infection Covid-19 in an Older Patient with Acute Myeloid Leukemia L.T. Shimanovskaya, E.N. Misyurina, E.A. Baryakh, E.I. Zhelnova, T.S. Chudnova, O.L. Kochneva, et al. (+5)
2 [GO] 2024―Okt―04 Intrapulmonary Percussion Ventilation in a Patient with an Extremely Severe Course of a New Coronavirus Infection: a Clinical Observation N.M. Krugljakov, D.A. Arkhipov, K.A. Popugaev, O.V. Parinov, A.S. Samoilov
3 [GO] 2024―Jul―17 Covid-19 Coronavirus Infection in Patients after Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: Literature Review and Own Experience E.Yu. Grishina, E.N. Missyurina, E.I. Jelnova, V.I. Bulygina, T.A. Astrelina
4 [GO] 2024―Jul―17 COVID-19 Coronavirus Infection in Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia of the Older Age Group: Literature Review and Own Experience L.T. Szymanovskaya, E.N. Missurina, E.A. Baryah, E.I. Jelnova, T.S. Chudnova, V.I. Bulygina, T.A. Astrelina
5 [GO] 2024―Jul―17 Covid-19 Coronavirus Infection in Patients with Multiple Myeloma: Literature Review and Own Experience V.N. Yakimets, E.N. Missyurina, E.I. Jelnova, T.N. Tholstyh, V.I. Bulygina, T.A. Astrelina
6 [GO] 2023―Dez―27 Dynamics of Depressive and Psychosomatic Symptoms with Hyperbaric Oxygenation in Therapy of Patients with Long COVID-19 E.A. Praskurnichiy, A.A. Zolotareva, O.S. Orlova, N.B. Pavlov
7 [GO] 2023―Dez―27 Retrospective Analysis of Rehabilitation Treatment in the Somatic Department of Comorbid Patients who Have Had COVID-19 A.S. Samoylov, S.N. Kolbachova, V. F. Kazakov, N.V. Rylova, L. D. Kozgunova
8 [GO] 2023―Dez―27 Review to the Monograph Stress. Pandemics. Conflicts. Longevity I.B. Ushakov, P.S. Turzin, V.I. Popov, A.S. Samoylov
9 [GO] 2023―Okt―11 COVID19 Coronavirus Infection in Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia: Literature Review and Own Experience D.E. Gagloeva, E.N. Misyurina, E.I. Zhelnova, T.N. Tolstyh, E.R. Rogacheva, T.A. Astrelina
10 [GO] 2022―Mai―11 Clinical Case of Single Lung Patient with Severe Covid-19 Infection V.A. Belsky, A.A. Mironov

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