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COVID Antworten in den wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften der Welt

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EDP Sciences: E3S Web of Conferences
  Original Artikel Datum Titel Autoren   Alle Autoren
1 [GO] 2024―Aug―09 Potential Transmission Routes and Treatment Measures of Wastewater during Respiratory Infectious Virus Pandemic Yizong Tian, Yiran Fu, Pan Mao, Yongzhi Chi, F. Song, Q. Chen, M. Anpo
2 [GO] 2024―Aug―02 Economic recovery modelling from COVID-19 impact Oleh Sokil, Nazar Podolchak, Olena Bilyk, Natalia Tsygylyk, Bohdan Chepil, Y. Kazançoğlu, et al. (+3)
3 [GO] 2024―Aug―02 Sustainable development and digitalization of human resource management during and after the COVID-19 pandemic Nazar Podolchak, Volodymyr Martyniuk, Natalia Tsygylyk, Yurii Dziurakh, Iryna Vaskovych, Y. Kazançoğlu, et al. (+3)
4 [GO] 2024―Jul―24 Universal Vaccine Development Against COVID-19 and Influenza Zhaotaize Suo, E.-S. Salama
5 [GO] 2024―Jul―24 Changes in new strains of the novel coronavirus interact with the environment Ming Cheng, Puiwan Li, Yixuan Li, E.-S. Salama
6 [GO] 2024―Jul―24 Investigating the effects of SARS-CoV-2 genetic mutations: Transmissibility, clinical severity, diagnostic implications and case study vaccine designs Luoyao He, E.-S. Salama
7 [GO] 2024―Jun―04 Mathematical analysis on novel coronavirus model using HPM S. Anitha, K.V. Tamil Selvi, R. Senthamarai, D. Pletnev, N.K. Bui
8 [GO] 2024―Apr―10 The Impact of the Two Pandemics on Sustainable Urban Housing Development Shuiying Zhou, Miao Peng, G. Fan, M. Wei, S. Mohammadreza, B. Wang
9 [GO] 2024―Mrz―11 Accessibility of Healthcare Services of COVID-19 and Its Impact on Fatalities in Jakarta, Indonesia Vidya Nahdiyatul Fikriyah, Hamim Zaky Hadibasyir, Muhammad Iqbal T. Sunariya, Dewi Novitasari, Yuli Priyana, Khusna Furoida, et al. (+11)
10 [GO] 2024―Mrz―11 Design and Build an Application for Monitoring the Spread of Covid-19 Based on GIS for the Cileungsi District Pria Sukamto, M. Setiyo, Z. Rozaki, A. Setiawan, F. Yuliastuti, Z.B. Pambuko, et al. (+3)
11 [GO] 2024―Mrz―07 Transport ecology in the context of the coronavirus pandemic Yusufzhan Shadimetov, Dmitriy Ayrapetov, O. Tursunov
12 [GO] 2024―Feb―21 Analysis of Factors Contributing to Economic Disruption Caused by COVID-19 in State of Odisha Aezeden Mohamed, Kamalakanta Muduli, G. Li, U. Subramaniam, M. Sekar
13 [GO] 2024―Feb―21 Technology, transmission, trust, and tendency: Detecting trends in COVID-19 related fabricated content of virtual fact-check networks Manoj Kumar, Amit Sharma, Paramveer Singh, Raj Kumar Yadav, Sakshi Verma, Mayank Bharadwaj, et al. (+3)
14 [GO] 2024―Feb―21 A Review of the Effects of Coronavirus on University Students’ Learning Seko Peter, Aezeden Mohamed, G. Li, U. Subramaniam, M. Sekar
15 [GO] 2024―Feb―07 Study on Sleep Quality of Students in Regards with Cognitive Capabilities and Academic Achievement Post COVID-19 Pandemic Caecilia Sri Wahyuning, Fitrah Tri Ramadhani, Dinda Syifa Rahmani, Antonius Tyaswidyono Moerti, J. Suhartono, I. Farkas, et al. (+9)
16 [GO] 2024―Feb―02 Correlation of public mobility and Covid-19 incidence in Indonesia during six phases of restriction policy implementation Budi Sujatmiko, Arina Nurhaqiqi Alhayati, Yuni Susanti Pratiwi, Eko Fuji Aryanto, Putri Halleyana, Noormarina Indraswari, et al. (+4)
17 [GO] 2024―Jan―18 Effectiveness of industrial training among Politeknik Kuching Sarawak students during covid 19 pandemic Mohd Azahar Bin Jantan, Mohamad Bazli Bin Md Radzi, Muhammad Shahril Bin Ghazali, F.N. Ani, T. Kazuhiro, A. Setyawan
18 [GO] 2024―Jan―16 Internet of Things (IoT) for Intelligent Healthcare: Smart System to relieve pressure on hospitals during the Pandemic of Corona Asmae Bentaleb, Salaheddine Chouiba, Najat Rafalia, Jaafar Abouchabaka, K. Slimani, O. Gerasymov, M.L. Kerkeb
19 [GO] 2024―Jan―16 A Review of Malaysia’s Aerospace Manufacturing Post-COVID19 Pandemic Using Michael Porter’s Five Competitive Forces Model Hafiz Hisan, Norhafeza Ahmad Badruddin, Khairul Huda Yusof, K. Slimani, O. Gerasymov, M.L. Kerkeb
20 [GO] 2024―Jan―04 An intuitionistic fuzzy rough model for maritime transportation chains under disaster effects: the case of COVID-19 Elena Ganshina, M. Sharipov, A. Abrorov, Y. Beshimov, I. Kovalev
21 [GO] 2023―Dez―21 The dynamic and spatial distribution analysis of labour condition in Lampung Province before and during the COVID-19 F. Alfi, A. Husna, F.A. Satrio, F. Fauziah, F.N. Isnaini, N.D. Lestari, et al. (+6)
22 [GO] 2023―Dez―21 COVID-19 crisis, MSMEs resilience, and the role of ICT: A preliminary investigation in rural Bantul, Indonesia Ikhwan Amri, Satrio Amrullah, Sigit Sulistiyo, Anastasia Endar Widyaningsih, Bella Sinta Hikmasari, Cornelius Antoni Nababan, et al. (+7)
23 [GO] 2023―Dez―21 Covid-19 impacts on residents’ behavior on accessing health services: Review on published studies in Special Region of Yogyakarta Muhammad Arif Fahrudin Alfana, Agus Joko Pitoyo, Umi Listyaningsih, Chantira Saifimar, Muhammad Lutfi Rais, R. Che Omar, et al. (+4)
24 [GO] 2023―Dez―21 The effect of changes in labor absorption on structural economic transformation in Riau province before and during the COVID-19 pandemic Erlita Nur’aini Widiastuti, Alfina Ayu Rachmawati, Annashru Rizqia Aliiyil Azhiimi, Khrisna Wasista Widantara, Nabilah Luthfatur Rohmah, Ratih Fitria Putri, et al. (+5)
25 [GO] 2023―Dez―21 The Changes of Employment and Labor Productivity in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia During The Covid-19 Pandemic A.F. Widhatama, G.F.A. Sabrina, H.A. Wulandari, I.A. Setyastuti, J.H. Putra, R.F. Putri, et al. (+5)
26 [GO] 2023―Dez―21 The Dynamic of Labors Absorption During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Bangka Belitung Islands B.V. Ginting, C.E.A.G. Giri, F. Khansabyla, I. Azzahra, M.Z. Asrofi, R.F. Putri, et al. (+5)
27 [GO] 2023―Dez―20 Exploring Machine Learning contribution in COVID-19 cure and management: Predicting Mortality and Vaccine Efficacy: A survey Ismail Essamlali, Mohamed El khaili, Hasna Nhaila, B. Benhala, A. Raihani, B. Boukili, et al. (+2)
28 [GO] 2023―Dez―18 Comparative Analysis for Strategy Implementation in Indonesia's Hotel Business Sector During Covid-19 Wisang Residata, Nabila Fajri Kusuma Ningrum, Syahida Nur Aulia Rahmi, Muhammad Ayyash Dylan, Rahmat Nurcahyo, Nurhadi Wibowo, et al. (+4)
29 [GO] 2023―Dez―18 Strategic Analysis of Indonesia’s Banking Companies in Dealing with The COVID-19 Pandemic Muhammad Faiq Haidar, Puspita Firsty Lestari, Riarsari Meirani Utami, J. Hariyono, M. Anwar
30 [GO] 2023―Dez―18 Sentiment analysis using naive bayes for reviews of visitors to Padang City beach tourism after the COVID-19 pandemic Renita Astri, Lai Po Hung, Suaini Binti Sura, Ahmad Kamal, Rina Yuliet, A. Hakam, et al. (+2)
31 [GO] 2023―Dez―18 Catholic church’s mitigating responses to the COVID-19 pandemic globally and in Indonesia Petrus Lakonawa, Kristine Meneses, Petrus Hepi Witono, Jessica Jodis, Simon Mangatur Tampubolon, Jamson Siallagan, et al. (+3)
32 [GO] 2023―Dez―18 The mitigating responses of confucian religious institutions to the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia Petrus Lakonawa, Kristine Meneses, Petrus Hepi Witono, Jessica Jodis, Simon Mangatur Tampubolon, Jamson Siallagan, et al. (+3)
33 [GO] 2023―Dez―18 The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on non-cyclical consumer companies based on their series of financial performance using fuzzy c-means clustering Dodi Devianto, Fajrul Ichsan Kamil, Yudiantri Asdi, A. Hakam, S. Subbarayan, A. Safuan A. Rashid
34 [GO] 2023―Dez―18 The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on travel preferences by students in Padang City Titi Kurniati, Alda Sri Ramadhani, A. Hakam, S. Subbarayan, A. Safuan A. Rashid
35 [GO] 2023―Dez―18 Empowerment of MSME crafts recommendation system with content-based filtering method on social commerce after the pandemic Ahmad Kamal, Suaini Binti Sura, Lai Po Hung, Renita Astri, Titi Kurniati, A. Hakam, et al. (+2)
36 [GO] 2023―Dez―13 Resilience and adaptation in Moroccan agriculture during the COVID-19 pandemic: Perspectives from farmers Abdellatif Boutagayout, El Houssine Bouiamrine, Rachid Lahlali, Wijdane Rhioui, Anas Hamdani, Laila Nassiri, et al. (+3)
37 [GO] 2023―Dez―13 Future-proofing ecological knowledge management practices in the workplace: Lessons from the pandemic Manuel Tanpoco, Wilson Cordova, M. Pushkarev
38 [GO] 2023―Dez―06 Consumer Behavior and COVID-19: Comparing Purchase Incentives and Ecological Awareness Changes Nataliia Letunovska, Yevheniia Ziabina, Oleksii Lyulyov, Tetyana Pimonenko, A. Kwilinski, O. Lyulyov, T. Pimonenko
39 [GO] 2023―Dez―06 Optimizing India’s Medical Oxygen Supply Chain for Pandemics Firoj Khan, Ravi Kumar Kushwaha, Ashish Trivedi, Vibha Trivedi, Moaz Gharib, V.R. Chate
40 [GO] 2023―Nov―29 Identification of Covid-19 Impact on UMKM Tourism Business Actors in Pangandaran Coastal Area Natasha Indah Rahmani, Melewanto Patabang, Rini Untari, E. Wiraguna, H. Ehara, M.S. Azami, et al. (+12)
41 [GO] 2023―Nov―17 Using Data Mining Techniques to Diagnosis of the Covid-19 Effects on the Hospital Readmission Yahya Zakur, Seyed Bagher Mirashrafi, Laith Flaih, R. Isnanto, B. Warsito
42 [GO] 2023―Nov―17 Sustainable policy and planning of Borobudur Tourism Village, Central Java post Covid-19 Pandemic Shanty Oktavilia, Indah Fajarini Sri Wahyuningrum, Sri Utami, Nadia Damayanti, R. Isnanto, B. Warsito
43 [GO] 2023―Nov―17 Biomedical waste during the covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia: Systematic literature review Edward Kurnia Setiawan Limijadi, Katrin Setio Devi, R. Isnanto, B. Warsito
44 [GO] 2023―Nov―17 Analysis Of Local Stability Of The Model On COVID-19 Spread In DKI Jakarta Province Rizki Chika Audita Ariyani, R. Heru Tjahjana, R. Heri Soelistyo Utomo, R. Isnanto, B. Warsito
45 [GO] 2023―Nov―17 Analysis Of Factors Associated With Covid-19 Vaccination Refusal In The Second Grade Of Nino Conis Santana High School In Lautem Municipality East Timor Mericio de Castelho, Dwi Sutiningsih, R. Isnanto, B. Warsito
46 [GO] 2023―Nov―17 Malaria Control Before and During the COVID-19’s Pandemic in Lawang Kidul, South Sumatera Maurend Yayank Lewinsca, Mursid Raharjo, Nurjazuli Nurjazuli, Martini Martini, Sulistiyani Sulistiyani, R. Isnanto, B. Warsito
47 [GO] 2023―Nov―17 Phenomenological Study of Knowledge, Public Perception in Kendal During The Pandemic and The Implementation of A New Normal in 2020 Dwi Sutiningsih, Arfan Syahroni, Uswatun Hasanah, Silvia Nurvita, R. Isnanto, B. Warsito
48 [GO] 2023―Nov―16 A study on the challenges in marketing in the Covid-19 affected economy by the black pepper growing farmers and recommendations with reference to Kerala K. Saju, V. Ramadevi, I. Abdullayev, V. Kukhar, E. Akhmetshin, D. Bekjanov, A. Carballo-Penela
49 [GO] 2023―Nov―15 Erratum to: Impact of covid-19 on date palm production in Morocco Fatima Abou-Mehdi-Hassani, Mohamed Abdelouhab, Chakib Alem, Khadija Lahrech, K. Slimani, O. Gerasymov, et al. (+4)
50 [GO] 2023―Nov―14 Urban Farming in Pandemic Covid-19 and How the Economic Impact Analysis for Communities Kauman Village, Malang City Ni`matul Istiqomah, Lutfi Asnan Qodri, Norfaridza bint Mohd Radzi, N. Rahmawati, Z. Rozaki, R. Wulandari, et al. (+5)
51 [GO] 2023―Nov―14 The Agricultural Sector in Indonesia Amidst COVID-19: Crisis or Opportunity? Nadhif Fadhlan Musyaffa, Lalu Radi Myarta, Arie Kusuma Paksi, Rani Dian Iswari, N. Rahmawati, Z. Rozaki, et al. (+6)
52 [GO] 2023―Nov―13 The Role of Coping Strategies in the Resilience of Health Workers During Covid-19 Pandemic Chayank Ichwati Aulia, Mudatsir Mudatsir, Marty Mawarpury, P. Pertiwi, A. Rahman, A. Opdyke, et al. (+4)
53 [GO] 2023―Nov―13 Transwomen Leading Covid-19 Pandemic Response: Experiences of an Indonesian Waria Community Duma Manurung, Pradytia Pertiwi, P. Pertiwi, A. Rahman, A. Opdyke, M. Bisri, et al. (+3)
54 [GO] 2023―Nov―13 Conspiracy Beliefs and Covid-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Among Acehnese People Luthfi Rahman, Intan Dewi Kumala, Arum Sulistyani, P. Pertiwi, A. Rahman, A. Opdyke, et al. (+4)
55 [GO] 2023―Nov―13 Resilience as a “Working Mom” Dealing with Changing Situations in Era Pandemic Covid 19 Sarita Candra Merida, Ditta Febrieta, Yulia Fitriani, P. Pertiwi, A. Rahman, A. Opdyke, et al. (+4)
56 [GO] 2023―Nov―01 Digital Tourism Branding in Post-Pandemic Covid-19 based on the Agile Governance Concept in Pacitan Regency Awang Darumurti, Nita Aribah Hanif, D. Mutiarin, M. Alam, D. Cahill, J. Sharifuddin, et al. (+4)
57 [GO] 2023―Nov―01 Challenges and Opportunities of Online Learning among Students of Central Mindanao University Philippines during COVID-19 Pandemic Marjorie Sobradil, Grace Galache, May Alinie Butalid, Jornie Lumintao, Rhizza Mae Asoy, Hermie Pava, et al. (+8)
58 [GO] 2023―Nov―01 Examining government leaders’ COVID-19 pandemic management in the information age: A content analysis of netizens’ reactions on Twitter Kah Choon Low, Faridatul Amanina Roslan, Walton Wider, Say Lee Chong, D. Mutiarin, M. Alam, et al. (+6)
59 [GO] 2023―Nov―01 Agrotourism Development Strategy During and Post Covid-19 Pandemic: Findings from Caping Merapi, Indonesia and Tobwakira Farm, Kiribati Zuhud Rozaki, Tearine Barnabas, Mohd Fauzi Kamarudin, Ahmad Shabudin Ariffin, Mona Fairuz Ramli, D. Mutiarin, et al. (+7)
60 [GO] 2023―Nov―01 Behavioral intention & use behavior of citizens in Iligan city towards the application during the covid 19 pandemic Ynah Isabelle Ramos, Hazel Jovita-Olvez, Queenie Pearl Tomaro, Enrique B. Batara, D. Mutiarin, M. Alam, et al. (+6)
61 [GO] 2023―Nov―01 Government Communication in Indonesia Through Social Media: Learning CERC in Dealing with Pandemic Dian Eka Rahmawati, Haryadi Arief Nuur Rasyid, Faye Lorraine P. Mina, D. Mutiarin, M. Alam, D. Cahill, et al. (+5)
62 [GO] 2023―Nov―01 Analyzing Joko Widodo's Pandemic Rhetoric on Instagram: Insights into Political Communication, Populism, and Crisis Management Firly Annisa, Frizki Yulianti, Ayu Amalia, Muhammad Raqib Bin Mohd Sofian, Safiyyah Ahmad Sabri, D. Mutiarin, et al. (+7)
63 [GO] 2023―Okt―16 Evaluating Recovery Control Concentrations of Bovine Coronavirus (EVAg 015V-02282) Used for SARS-CoV-2 Wastewater Surveillance György Deák, Raluca Prangate, Norazian Mohamed Noor, Monica Matei, Mădălina Boboc, Laura Lupu, et al. (+4)
64 [GO] 2023―Sep―20 Did the COVID-19 pandemic influence mode choice and activity satisfaction? Tri Hardiyanti Asmaningrum, Dimas B.E. Dharmowijoyo, Arif Budiarto, Amirotul M.H. Mahmudah, L.S. Putranto, S. Jaensirisak, et al. (+3)
65 [GO] 2023―Sep―20 How airline service post COVID-19 pandemic? Domestic LCC passenger perception in Indonesia Andri Irfan Rifai, Agusman Manao, Susanty Handayani, L.S. Putranto, S. Jaensirisak, J. Prasetijo, et al. (+2)
66 [GO] 2023―Sep―15 Enterprise Risk Management and Firm value: Evidence of Indonesia before and during Covid-19 Angeline Calista Slamet, Angelyn Christiana, Heny Kurniawati, T.N. Mursitama, D.N. Utama, S.A. Abrori
67 [GO] 2023―Sep―15 Motivation and Media Used by Tourist When Visiting Sightseeing After Pandemic Covid-19 in Indonesia and Japan Anna Ronauli, Hayashi Kaori, Niwa Chiaki, Shiroma Kei, Utari Novella, Momoko Takai, et al. (+4)
68 [GO] 2023―Sep―15 Evaluation of Public Policy and Crisis Leadership of Regional Heads at the Beginning of the Spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia in News Frederik Masri Gasa, Herma Retno Prabayanti, Yosephine Aurelia Purnomo, T.N. Mursitama, D.N. Utama, S.A. Abrori
69 [GO] 2023―Sep―15 Impact of Covid-19 on Over the Top’s Algorithm to Sustain Representation of Heroine’s Journey in Film Devina Sofiyanti, Meilani Meilani, Irwanto Irwanto, T.N. Mursitama, D.N. Utama, S.A. Abrori
70 [GO] 2023―Sep―15 Social Media Communication Strategy of Kapanlagi Youniverse in Strengthening Brand Equity in The Era of The Covid-19 Pandemic Sefya Dian Pratiwi, Nisrin Husna, Galuh Ayu Savitri, Adhi Murti Citra Amalia H., T.N. Mursitama, D.N. Utama, S.A. Abrori
71 [GO] 2023―Sep―15 What Influences the Comfort of Working from Home? A Lesson from the Covid-19 Pandemic Danny Prastitasari, Ardhianiswari Diah Ekawati, Ahmad Musofa, Yayan Sudiarta, T.N. Mursitama, D.N. Utama, S.A. Abrori
72 [GO] 2023―Sep―15 KOCCA strategy for expanding South Korean cultural content to global audiences amid the COVID-19 pandemic Roseno Aji Affandi, Nindita Windriyani Putri, T.N. Mursitama, D.N. Utama, S.A. Abrori
73 [GO] 2023―Sep―15 The U.S. Quantitative Easing Policy During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Influence on the Growing Number of Indonesian Retail Investors Muhammad Ariq Aswata, Roseno Aji Affandi, T.N. Mursitama, D.N. Utama, S.A. Abrori
74 [GO] 2023―Sep―15 An Empirical Research on The Success of E-filing Tax Online Reporting During COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia Adhitiya Pranoto, Levana Dhia Prawati, T.N. Mursitama, D.N. Utama, S.A. Abrori
75 [GO] 2023―Sep―15 Social Equality and Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia Yustinus Suhardi Ruman, T.N. Mursitama, D.N. Utama, S.A. Abrori
76 [GO] 2023―Sep―15 Interior Design Analysis of Food & Beverages Retail Space in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic in South Tangerang Hendrassukma Dila, Hartanti Grace, T.N. Mursitama, D.N. Utama, S.A. Abrori
77 [GO] 2023―Sep―15 The Effect of Covid-19 Pandemic on Stock Market Volatility: Tales from Two Sectors William Tjandra Anter, Mohamad-Ikhsan Modjo, T.N. Mursitama, D.N. Utama, S.A. Abrori
78 [GO] 2023―Sep―15 Resilience and Well-Being Among Young Adults in Jakarta During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Correlational Study Agnes br Sinurat, Naftali Naomi Karunia Aritakarina, Syifa Nadhira, Angela Dyah Ari Pramastyaningtyas, Antonina Pantja Juni Wulandari, T.N. Mursitama, et al. (+2)
79 [GO] 2023―Sep―15 Effect of Sales Growth, Leverage, and Size on ROE During COVID-19 Pandemic: Empirical Study on IDX-Listed Property Companies 2019-2021 Christo Immanuel Sumilat, Edwin Alfani Soleh, Rini Kurnia Sari, T.N. Mursitama, D.N. Utama, S.A. Abrori
80 [GO] 2023―Sep―15 The impact of COVID-19 related news to stock performance on pre-crisis, crisis, and post-crisis: Study case in Indonesia’s finance sector and SRI-KEHATI index Budianto Wijaya, William Suryadi Karsianto, Triasesiarta Nur, T.N. Mursitama, D.N. Utama, S.A. Abrori
81 [GO] 2023―Sep―15 Supply Chain Performance During Pandemic COVID-19: A Systematic Literature Review Yesie Meirisa, Muhammad Asrol, Edi Abdurachman, T.N. Mursitama, D.N. Utama, S.A. Abrori
82 [GO] 2023―Sep―15 The Effect of Social Media Marketing on Brand Trust and Customer Loyalty of S Coffee Shop in Indonesia during Pandemic Lidya Wati Evelina, Fitrie Handayani, Shierine Audreyla, T.N. Mursitama, D.N. Utama, S.A. Abrori
83 [GO] 2023―Sep―15 Communication Strategy Model Typical Endorser Central Government Bank on Instagram During Pandemic Lidya Wati Evelina, Ghina Adillah Khoirunnisa, T.N. Mursitama, D.N. Utama, S.A. Abrori
84 [GO] 2023―Sep―15 The Influence of Financial Literacy and Heuristic Behavior on Generation Z’s Investing Decisions During a Global Pandemic Hendry Hartono, Erwin Halim, Ardella Aswieri, Daniel Suharli, Michelle Aurella, T.N. Mursitama, et al. (+2)
85 [GO] 2023―Sep―15 Between Fair and Speedy Trial: E-Court During Pandemic and A Challenge in Society 5.0 Vidya Prahassacitta, Anastasia Monica, T.N. Mursitama, D.N. Utama, S.A. Abrori
86 [GO] 2023―Sep―15 Precision Journalism and Pandemic Coverage: A Study on Thomas Benmetan, Lila Nathania, T.N. Mursitama, D.N. Utama, S.A. Abrori
87 [GO] 2023―Sep―15 Financial Technology Performance During the Pandemic Covid- 19 Roy Kurniawan, T.N. Mursitama, D.N. Utama, S.A. Abrori
88 [GO] 2023―Sep―15 Feminist Digital Activism in Building Social Awareness of Women Issue in Post Pandemic Era Vivien Sylvina, Mungky Diana Sari, Meidy Krista Arlian, T.N. Mursitama, D.N. Utama, S.A. Abrori
89 [GO] 2023―Sep―15 Learning Strategy in Pandemic Era: Collaborative Research between Students of Binus University and Kanazawa Seiryo Women Junior College Sri Dewi Adriani, T.N. Mursitama, D.N. Utama, S.A. Abrori
90 [GO] 2023―Sep―15 Business Sustainability Performance on Pandemic: Lesson from IDX ESG Leaders Company T.N. Mursitama, D.N. Utama, S.A. Abrori
91 [GO] 2023―Sep―15 A Corpus Analysis of United Nations Goodwill Ambassadors: Are Celebrity Diplomats Relevant Amid the Pandemic? Anatasya Indah Putri Darmawan, T.N. Mursitama, D.N. Utama, S.A. Abrori
92 [GO] 2023―Sep―11 The Analysis of Soil Contamination Related to Mask Production and Consumption during COVID-19 Pandemic Penghui Dong, N. M Mian, Y. Zuo
93 [GO] 2023―Sep―04 The anthropometric indicators’ changes of patients after COVID-19 Sayyora Saydalikhodjaeva, Zukhra Boboyeva, Dilafruz Akhmedova, Sevara Azimova, J. Kokoreva, S. Khasanov, et al. (+2)
94 [GO] 2023―Sep―04 Forest fires dynamics during the Covid-19 pandemic (on the example the Volga Federal District, Russian Federation) Alsu Fazylova, Elina Nasyrova, Elvira Kamaeva, J. Kokoreva, S. Khasanov, A. Maidyrova, S. Ignateva
95 [GO] 2023―Aug―25 Optimization of a coronavirus genus recognition procedure based on the n-gene of prototypic strains Maria Chaley, Vladimir Kutyrkin, D. Nazarov, A. Juraeva
96 [GO] 2023―Aug―18 The social implications of COVID-19 on daily mobility in major cities in Africa. The case of Yaoundé and Douala (Cameroon) Salifou Ndam, Jérôme Chenal, Armel Kemajou, Abdou Kouomoun, El Bachir Diop, S.C. Koumétio Tékouabou, et al. (+3)
97 [GO] 2023―Aug―17 Financial and environmental resilience in times of crisis: A study of covid-19’s effects on Moroccan environmental companies Mohammed Kahcha, Zakia Errabih, Salmane Bourekkadi, S. Bourekkadi, M.L. Kerkeb, O. El Imrani, et al. (+3)
98 [GO] 2023―Aug―11 Effect of comorbid conditions on the course of COVID-19 in patients with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems E. N. Tashkenbaeva, G. A. Abdieva, A. I. Muhiddinov, D. D. Khaydarova, B. M. Togaeva, D.V. Rudoy, et al. (+2)
99 [GO] 2023―Aug―08 Impact of pandemic on supply chain development Alexey Kuzubov, Aleksandr Maksimenko, Igor Eremenko, I. Tanaino, T. Dzholdosheva
100 [GO] 2023―Aug―02 Synergetic approach for sustainable public service personnel management during Covid-19 Nazar Рodolchak, Veronika Karkovska, Natalia Tsygylyk, Yurii Dziurakh, Olena Bilyk, Y. Kazancoglu, et al. (+2)
101 [GO] 2023―Aug―02 The influence of COVID-19 on the transition to a more circular economy in oil-exporting countries Erjan Akhmedov, Yerzhan Mukashev, Askar Akhmedov, Y. Kazancoglu, E.-S. Lakatos, V. Koval
102 [GO] 2023―Aug―01 Tourism Organizational Resilience to the Covid-19 Crisis: Evidence from Sichuan Province, China Junlin Peng, J. Xu, A. Windapo, M.H.A. Hassan, A. Hajiyev
103 [GO] 2023―Aug―01 Tourism Enterprises’ Resilience Influencing Factors in the Face of COVID-19 in Sichuan Province, China Zhe Liu, J. Xu, A. Windapo, M.H.A. Hassan, A. Hajiyev
104 [GO] 2023―Aug―01 A Systematic Education Model for International Students Mental Health in China During the COVID-19 Pandemic Min Wu, Xiaozhu Ren, Xuanyuan Chen, Xinxin Hao, Xiao Hu, J. Xu, et al. (+3)
105 [GO] 2023―Aug―01 Perceived Discrimination Among Chinese International Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study Based on Grounded Theory Min Wu, Jingxuan Lou, Lap Yan Kung, Xuanyuan Chen, Roger C. Shouse, J. Xu, et al. (+3)
106 [GO] 2023―Jul―25 State of personal insurance in the Kyrgyz Republic at the present stage of development in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic Elnura Murzalieva, Ainura Askarova, Umut Abdyldaeva, Gulchehra Abdyrakhmanova, Atakhan Khalilov, P.G. Grabovyi
107 [GO] 2023―Jul―25 Survey data of the COVID-19 pandemic impact on construction workforce: A case of Vietnam Nguyen Quoc Toan, Nguyen Van Tam, P.G. Grabovyi
108 [GO] 2023―Jul―17 THE COVID-19 Pandemic's Impact on Academic Practices and Learning Quality in Higher Education Prashant Ashok Sonawane, Melanie Lourens, Raj A. Varma, Vanshika Bhatia, Ayushi Chopra, V. Vijayan, T.S. Senthil Kumar
109 [GO] 2023―Jun―16 The Effect of Avoiding Closed Spaces on the Indoor Environment of Nursery School Rooms during COVID-19 winter Ryosuke Ito, Tetsu Aoki, Sachiko Taguchi, Kosei Honda, R. Ooka
110 [GO] 2023―Jun―16 Single- versus shared-occupancy bedrooms in long-term care homes during the COVID-19 pandemic: A regional cohort study of 355 facilities in British Columbia, Canada Brendan Buchanan Dee, Adam Rysanek, R. Ooka
111 [GO] 2023―Jun―16 A CFD approach to reduce the risk of Covid-19 airborne transmission in a typical office Yibing Hu, Jialei Shen, Jianshun Jensen Zhang, Zhi Gao, R. Ooka
112 [GO] 2023―Jun―16 Field investigation of lifestyle and indoor environment with COVID-19 in facilities for older adults in cold regions of Japan Jinya Takeuchi, R. Ooka
113 [GO] 2023―Jun―16 Impacts of Respiratory Activities on Infection Risk of COVID-19 in a Passenger Elevator Chengbo Du, Qingyan Chen, R. Ooka
114 [GO] 2023―Jun―16 Mental stress and sleeplessness during the COVID-19 pandemic associated with socioeconomic status, preventive behaviors, and indoor environments Solli Murtyas, Ayas Shaqour, Aya Hagishima, R. Ooka
115 [GO] 2023―Jun―16 Effects of the Corona Pandemic on Indoor Fine Dust in Urban Schools Jae Uk Lee, Tae Jung Lee, Junemo Koo, Young Min Jo, R. Ooka
116 [GO] 2023―Jun―08 Erratum to: Revitalizing the air transport in Thailand: the posterior pandemic Ekachat Tansiri, Kannapat Kankaew, Nisara Paethrangsi, Theppaluk Komolvanij, Pakamas Musikamas, D. Pletnev, et al. (+2)
117 [GO] 2023―Jun―06 Digitization and social response of SMEs to the COVID-19 pandemic Lazzat Dyussembayeva, Eleanora Urazmagambetova, Zura Rakisheva, O. Loretts, S. Ismuratov, O. Nishakant, et al. (+2)
118 [GO] 2023―Jun―02 Characteristics of air quality changes in Quanzhou during the COVID-19 epidemic Sun Jingwei, Deng Linwei, Zhang Yunfeng, B. Liu, M.J.K. Bashir, A.-S. Nizami, W.M.F.B. Wan Ishak
119 [GO] 2023―Jun―02 Impact of COVID-19 on the Spatio-temporal Distribution of CO2 Emission Yanxin Han, B. Liu, M.J.K. Bashir, A.-S. Nizami, W.M.F.B. Wan Ishak
120 [GO] 2023―Mai―31 Information technology strategy responses to Covid-19 pandemic: case study e-service in air transport Rojanard Waramontri, D. Pletnev, B. Nguyen Khanh, V. Kankhva
121 [GO] 2023―Mai―31 Strategic human resource management in aviation industry a new normal perspective after the COVID-19 crisis: a case study of Bangkok Airways Kanittha Charernnit, Pongsapak Treruttanaset, D. Pletnev, B. Nguyen Khanh, V. Kankhva
122 [GO] 2023―Mai―31 Airline’s COVID-19 preventive measures and air travelers’ perception during Covid-19 pandemic in Thailand Korawin Kungwola, D. Pletnev, B. Nguyen Khanh, V. Kankhva
123 [GO] 2023―Mai―31 Retail payments on public transportation under conditions of COVID-19 Olga Korobeynikova, Dmitry Korobeynikov, Tatiana Dugina, Ekaterina Shemet, Svetlana Popova, D. Pletnev, et al. (+2)
124 [GO] 2023―Mai―31 Reproductive features of PRRS-convalescent large white pigs after porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome Sergey Fedotov, Zhora Muradyan, Nikita Lebedev, Margarita Koryazova, D. Pletnev, B. Nguyen Khanh, V. Kankhva
125 [GO] 2023―Mai―31 Revitalizing the air transport in Thailand: the posterior pandemic Ekachat Tansiria, Kannapat Kankaew, Nisara Paethrangsi, Theppaluk Komolvanij, Pakamas Musikamas, D. Pletnev, et al. (+2)
126 [GO] 2023―Mai―31 The post pandemic air transport competitive advantages: new normal challenges of strategic human resource management (the case study of Bangkok Airways) Kanittha Charernnit, D. Pletnev, B. Nguyen Khanh, V. Kankhva
127 [GO] 2023―Mai―17 Working Desk Partition Design with Copper Coating as One of Covid-19 Office Interception Approach Nabilla Retnaning Dewanti, Budi Setiawan, Dhanista Dyaksa, T.N. Mursitama, E. Sitepu, F.T. Basaria
128 [GO] 2023―Mai―17 Health Protocol on Infographic: Building Awareness and Understanding Related to the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia Through Social Media, from the Early Stage to the New Normal Danendro Adi, Dria Setiautami, T.N. Mursitama, E. Sitepu, F.T. Basaria
129 [GO] 2023―Mai―17 Mobile App Design to Help College Students Cope Mental Health Crisis During the Covid-19 Pandemic Rika Godelava Danny, Miranti Nurul Huda, Yudhistira Ayu Kusumawati, Asri Radhitanti, T.N. Mursitama, E. Sitepu, F.T. Basaria
130 [GO] 2023―Mai―17 Exploring Covid-19 Hoaxes in the Post Pandemic Society Ristianti Nur Fauziah, Clara Herlina Karjo, T.N. Mursitama, E. Sitepu, F.T. Basaria
131 [GO] 2023―Mai―17 The Association Between Smart Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Algorithms (STARA) Awareness, Job Stress, Job Insecurity, and Job Satisfaction Among Hotel Employees During COVID-19 Pandemic Nurul Sukma Lestari, Dendy Rosman, Evi Millenia, T.N. Mursitama, E. Sitepu, F.T. Basaria
132 [GO] 2023―Mai―17 Does Green Finance Matter in the COVID-19 Pandemic? Case Study of Coca-Cola FEMSA “Green Bond Framework” Jessica Sulistiono, Tirta Nugraha Mursitama, T.N. Mursitama, E. Sitepu, F.T. Basaria
133 [GO] 2023―Mai―17 Pandemic Covid-19 Impact on Technology and Telecommunication Industry: Evidence from Indonesia Listed Company T.N. Mursitama, E. Sitepu, F.T. Basaria
134 [GO] 2023―Mai―17 Disclosing the Impact of Millennial Attitude Toward Instagram Advertising on Their Attitude Toward Brand and Purchase Intention in Pandemic COVID-19 Augustinus Setijanto, Mohammad Hamsal, Asnan Furinto, Rano Kartono, T.N. Mursitama, E. Sitepu, F.T. Basaria
135 [GO] 2023―Mai―17 The Influence of E-Trust and E-Satisfaction on Customer E-Loyalty toward Online Shop in E-Marketplace during Pandemic Covid-19 Wanda Wandoko, Budi Haryanto, Ignatius Enda Panggati, T.N. Mursitama, E. Sitepu, F.T. Basaria
136 [GO] 2023―Mai―17 Japan and Indonesia Comparative Study: Changes in Communication and Impact on the Level of Social Presence of University Student Organizations Before and During the Pandemic Christy Immanuel Juneza, Sekar Mantradianing Roosdianto Putri, Utari Novella, Koki Kakkimoto, Yumi Ueno, Ichiro Fujiyama, et al. (+3)
137 [GO] 2023―Mai―17 The Effect of Pancasila Education, Civic Education, and Religion Education on Value Education for The Students During COVID 19 Pandemic Arcadius Benawa, Erma Lusia, Alfensius Alwino, Iwan Irawan, Petrus Hepi Witono, T.N. Mursitama, et al. (+2)
138 [GO] 2023―Mai―17 Beelic Website Design as an Information Center for Design, Promotion and Marketing of MSME Products in the Pandemic Period Hervina Dyah Aprilia, Arsa Widitiarsa Utoyo, Tobias Warbung, Titi Indahyani, T.N. Mursitama, E. Sitepu, F.T. Basaria
139 [GO] 2023―Mai―17 Utilization of ICT in Japanese Language Learning During the Covid 19 Pandemic: Case Study of Japanese in Use I Courses Timur Sri Astami, Utari Novella, Linda Unsriana, T.N. Mursitama, E. Sitepu, F.T. Basaria
140 [GO] 2023―Mai―15 Global Evidence Of Pandemic Effects On Educational Disruption B. Krishna Kumari, C. Praseeda, Anjali Singh, Piyush Kumar, Long Tam Pham, Mani Tyagi, B.V. Manikandan
141 [GO] 2023―Apr―18 The role of IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-α in COVID-19 patients in Karbala Governorate Hashim Mohammed Hashim Al-aaraji, Maryam Riyadh Mansor, Dhafer Rahman Abed Al-janabi, Hussein Ali kadhum, D.V. Rudoy, A.V. Olshevskaya, et al. (+2)
142 [GO] 2023―Apr―18 Complications from the cardiovascular system in children who have had COVID-19 T.A. Bobomuratov, N.A. Karimova, A.K. Tursunbayev, N.F. Nurmatova, D.V. Rudoy, A.V. Olshevskaya, et al. (+2)
143 [GO] 2023―Apr―18 The pandemic period in Russia: overcoming the problems of the rapid transition to distance learning in the system of higher education Natalia Karzaeva, Elena Karanina, Asya Kotandzhyan, D.V. Rudoy, A.V. Olshevskaya, E.N. Ponomareva, M.Yu. Odabashyan
144 [GO] 2023―Feb―28 Statistical assessment of biogenic risk for the human population caused by COVID-19 Natalia Azimova, Svetlana Kholodova, Maria Bedoidze, Jakhangul Zairova, Alexander Ermakov, A. Muratov, S. Khasanov
145 [GO] 2023―Feb―28 Influence pandemic COVID-19 on the socio-economic efficiency of urban transport systems Larisa Strelnikova, A. Muratov, S. Khasanov
146 [GO] 2023―Feb―28 Intermodal transportation in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and digitalization Evgeniia Lipis, Elena Schislyaeva, A. Muratov, S. Khasanov
147 [GO] 2023―Feb―28 Epidemiological clustering of Russian regions for the socio-economic forecast of Covid-19 rates Anna Kuznetsova, Oleg Senko, Evgene Voronin, Olga Kravtsova, Yuliana Kuznetsova, Ludmila Borisova, et al. (+5)
148 [GO] 2023―Feb―28 Coronavirus spread analysis in the first pandemic year Evgeniy Pitukhin, Petr Pitukhin, Mileta Gubaeva, A. Muratov, S. Khasanov
149 [GO] 2023―Feb―28 Pandemic and sanctions as risk factors for the sustainable development of transport systems Natalia Kataeva, Alexey Sysolyatin, Darya Starkova, Andrey Ivashchenko, A. Muratov, S. Khasanov
150 [GO] 2023―Feb―28 Influence of Covid 19 pandemic on intercultural communication and dialogue Sharma Gaurav, A. Muratov, S. Khasanov
151 [GO] 2023―Jan―27 The impact of the COVID-19 on the formation of a new type of higher school Tatyana Eroshenko, Anastasia Melnik, Margarita Finko, I. Malygina
152 [GO] 2023―Jan―27 Coronaviruses of synantropic bats: an unexplored threat Tatyana Lipilkina, Ilia Popov, Karina Kitsenko, Igor Popov, Alexey Ermakov, I. Malygina
153 [GO] 2023―Jan―27 Extra-urban territories as an adaptation resource in the context of a pandemic crisis Dianna Khripkova, Galina Gaidukova, Kirill Khripkov, I. Malygina
154 [GO] 2023―Jan―26 Ways and means of creating expressiveness in English and Russian-language advertisements during COVID-19 pandemic Elzara Tsybenko, Natalia Vartanova, Marina Volodina, I. Malygina
155 [GO] 2023―Jan―26 COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on Maritime Cruise Industry Anton Smirnov, Elena Smyaglikova, Evgeniy Smolokurov, Alim Mazhazhikhov, I. Malygina
156 [GO] 2023―Jan―26 Terms and phrases of the coronavirus era as a manifestation of linguoecological processes and their fixation in dictionaries Olga Fomina, Olga Potanina, I. Malygina
157 [GO] 2023―Jan―26 The role of ecolinguistics in traditional media and on the internet in terms of the coronavirus pandemic Dmitry Ushakov, Victoria Olexiva, Yulia Soprantsova, I. Malygina
158 [GO] 2022―Nov―29 Navigation of Agribusiness Cooperatives in East Java Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic: Synergies or Competitions? Oki Wijaya, Deni Aditya Susanto, Garist Sekar Tanjung, Lestari Rahayu, M. Senge, A.A. Aziz, et al. (+8)
159 [GO] 2022―Okt―31 The Future of Mobile Commerce Application in a Post Pandemic Period; An Integrative Model of UTAUT2 Muhammad Ashoer, Muhammad Haerdiansyah Syahnur, Juliyanti Sidik Tjan, Asriani Junaid, Andika Pramukti, Abdul Halim, et al. (+3)
160 [GO] 2022―Aug―31 Transmission and infection risk of various pathogen-laden expiratory droplets in a coach bus with COVID-19 Qiqi Luo, Cuiyun Ou, Jian Hang, Hongyu Yang, Xia Yang, A. Li, et al. (+2)
161 [GO] 2022―Aug―31 Ventilation and Low-cost Strategies on Mitigating COVID-19 Infection Disease Transmission in Indoor Environment Chen Ren, Shi-Jie Cao, A. Li, T. Olofsson, R. Kosonen
162 [GO] 2022―Aug―31 A review of different ventilation methods for controlling the transmission of the virus during the COVID-19 pandemic Han Li, Qiuyue Cui, Man Fan, Xiangfei Kong, A. Li, T. Olofsson, R. Kosonen
163 [GO] 2022―Aug―31 Aerosol transmission risk of COVID-19 when passengers move slowly in a line at the airport terminal Yu Zhao, Yao Feng, A. Li, T. Olofsson, R. Kosonen
164 [GO] 2022―Aug―31 Infection Dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 in Mucus Layer of the Human Nasal Cavity - Nasopharynx Hanyu Li, Kazuki Kuga, Kazuhide Ito, A. Li, T. Olofsson, R. Kosonen
165 [GO] 2022―Aug―31 Assessment on the expectation for built environment usage and its influencing factors during the pandemic Jiao Jiao, Jianlin Liu, Yongxin Xie, A. Li, T. Olofsson, R. Kosonen
166 [GO] 2022―Mai―24 Impact of covid-19 on date palm production in Morocco Fatima Hassani aboou-mehdi, Mohamed Abdelouhab, Chakib Alem, Khadija Lahrech, K. Slimani, O. Gerasymov, et al. (+4)
167 [GO] 2022―Mai―24 A Deep Learning Model for Coronavirus 2019 Pneumonia Screening Rachid Oubaha, Azzeddine Hlali, Aziza El ouaazizi, K. Slimani, O. Gerasymov, M. Ait Kbir, et al. (+3)
168 [GO] 2022―Mai―24 An improved approach to resolve a combinatorial optimization problem based CoronaVirus Optimization Algorithm Omayma El Majdoubi, Farah Abdoun, Otman Abdoun, K. Slimani, O. Gerasymov, M. Ait Kbir, et al. (+3)
169 [GO] 2022―Mai―20 Managing the Environmental and Societal Life as Part of the Cement-Padang Manufacturing’s Contribution in West Sumatra amid the COVID-19 Pandemic Dewi Permatasari, Musytaqim Nasra, Andria Delfa, S. Albrecht, M. Fischer, C. Scagnetti, et al. (+2)
170 [GO] 2022―Apr―28 Marketing Development of Beef Cattle, Sheep, Goat and Derivative Products through the Application of Digital Marketing in Facing the Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic Muh Faturokhman, Liisa Firhani Rahmasari, Fariz Am Kurniawan, O. Farobie, T. Soma, Y. Arkeman, et al. (+9)
171 [GO] 2022―Apr―28 Aquaculture and Its Impact of The Covid-19 Pandemic on The Fish Processing Industry: Case Study from Local Community Ima Kusumanti, Muhammed A. Oyinlola, Muslikhah Nanda, Mugi Pangestu Putu Hamka, O. Farobie, T. Soma, et al. (+10)
172 [GO] 2022―Apr―28 The Effect of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Changes the Eating Habits of the Community in Bogor Rosyda Dianah, Eka Merdekawati, O. Farobie, T. Soma, Y. Arkeman, A. Daryanto, et al. (+8)
173 [GO] 2022―Apr―14 E-learning versus face-to-face civil and environmental engineering education: A case study of the COVID-19 pandemic Wesam Salah Alaloul, Abdul Hannan Qureshi, Y.F. Huang, Y.L. Lee, K.S. Woon, M.L. Lee, et al. (+3)
174 [GO] 2022―Apr―14 An analysis study of COVID-19 pandemic impact on transport system Lyshaida Rahmat, Hooi Ling Khoo, Y.F. Huang, Y.L. Lee, K.S. Woon, M.L. Lee, et al. (+3)
175 [GO] 2022―Mrz―08 A zonal model for assessing the infection risk distribution of COVID-19 in indoor environments Marco Marigo, Giacomo Tognon, Michele De Carli, Angelo Zarrella, C. Zilio, F. Busato
176 [GO] 2022―Mrz―08 The importance of recirculation air filtration incontainment of SARS-CoV-2 contagion: the role of photocatalytic filters installed in the fan coils Michele Vio, Alessio Gattone, C. Zilio, F. Busato
177 [GO] 2022―Jan―25 The impact of widespread covid-19 on small business venture in Aceh province: a recuperation strategy from entrepreneurs’ point of view Syafruddin Chan, Kurnia Asni, A. Rahman, Y. Idris, H.A. Haridhi, E. Meilianda, et al. (+5)
178 [GO] 2022―Jan―25 Investigating the midwives’ knowledge on infant and young child feeding during the COVID-19 pandemic Nuril Annissa Niswanto, Nasaruddin Nasaruddin, Marthoenis Marthoenis, A. Rahman, Y. Idris, H.A. Haridhi, et al. (+6)
179 [GO] 2022―Jan―25 Islamic psycho-immunological approaches in increasing immunity during the COVID-19 pandemic Imam Maulana, Raisha Fathima, Haiyun Nisa, Rina Suryani Oktari, A. Rahman, Y. Idris, et al. (+7)
180 [GO] 2022―Jan―25 Analysis of village owned enterprises (BUMDes) financial performance before and during COVID-19 pandemic Raida Fuadi, Gamal Batara, Nurma Sari, A. Rahman, Y. Idris, H.A. Haridhi, et al. (+6)
181 [GO] 2022―Jan―25 Do social restriction policies responding to COVID-19 pandemic associated with economic growth? Heru Fahlevi, Teuku Rizky Saevic, Jalaluddin Jalaluddin, Muslim A Djalil, A. Rahman, Y. Idris, et al. (+7)
182 [GO] 2022―Jan―25 The Covid-19 pandemic impact on community mental health Rosalia Putri, Nurul Fajri, Safrida Hanum, Misra Hanum, Sofia Sofia, Husnah Husnah, et al. (+10)
183 [GO] 2022―Jan―25 Economic fluctuations and monetary policy on the stock market during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia Muhammad Nasir, A. Rahman, Y. Idris, H.A. Haridhi, E. Meilianda, T. Musa, et al. (+4)
184 [GO] 2022―Jan―25 Preventing COVID-19 pandemic outbreak: physical distancing and the socio-economic wisdom of local community in Aceh, Indonesia Hafas Furqani, Ratna Mulyany, Ernita Dewi, A. Rahman, Y. Idris, H.A. Haridhi, et al. (+6)
185 [GO] 2022―Jan―25 Community’s knowledge, attitude, and misperception towards COVID-19: a future demand to prevent advanced wave of pandemic Novi MauliIna, Nova Fajri, Rosaria Indah, Shylvana Adella, A. Rahman, Y. Idris, et al. (+7)
186 [GO] 2022―Jan―25 Do pandemic COVID 19 and business cycle influence the Indonesia composite index? Chenny Seftarita, Asri Diana, A. Rahman, Y. Idris, H.A. Haridhi, E. Meilianda, et al. (+5)
187 [GO] 2022―Jan―24 The impact of the spread of covid-19 on marine tourism-based small businesses and suggested recovery plans Syafruddin Chan, Kurnia Asni, Z. Md Nor, D.H. Yen, M.N. Badu, M. Irham, et al. (+2)
188 [GO] 2022―Jan―20 Evolution of air quality in Morocco before and during the COVID-19 pandemic; comparative study Loubna Bouhachlaf, Fatimazahra Mousli, Souad El hajjaji, L. El Youssfi, A. Aghzar, S.I. Cherkaoui, et al. (+5)
189 [GO] 2022―Jan―20 Health risks, governance and changes in ecotourism paradigms during Covid19 pandemic, case study of Essaouira Province in Morocco Mohamed Boukherouk, Sidi Imad Cherkaoui, Adil El Filali, L. El Youssfi, A. Aghzar, S.I. Cherkaoui, et al. (+5)
190 [GO] 2021―Dez―13 Forecast of COVID-19 cemetery land needs with system dynamics modeling Bondan Prakoso, I Dewa Ketut Kerta Widana, Rudy Pramono, Ernalem Bangun, Hafizh Surya Islami, L. Comfort, et al. (+2)
191 [GO] 2021―Dez―13 Forms of government collaboration at the local level in handling the COVID-19 disaster Cici Safitri, Tengku Rika Valentina, Ario Wicaksono, L. Comfort, S. Saravanan, I.W. Sengara
192 [GO] 2021―Dez―13 Strengthening social capital of urban community during COVID-19 disaster Dwi Kristanti, Edison Edison, Mohammad Kus Yunanto, Alfiandri Alfiandri, Diah Siti Utari, Tri Samnuzulsari, et al. (+7)
193 [GO] 2021―Dez―13 Governing sustainable tourism in time of COVID-19 disaster: empirical evidence from Bintan, Kepulauan Riau Mahadiansar Mahadiansar, Andy Fefta Wijaya, Alfi Haris Wanto, Wayu Eko Yudiatmaja, Ramadhani Setiawan, L. Comfort, et al. (+2)
194 [GO] 2021―Dez―13 Managing policies for stunting prevention during the COVID-19 disaster: the case of West Sumatra Province Muhammad Ichsan Kabullah, Lucky Zamzami, Rifki Dermawan, L. Comfort, S. Saravanan, I.W. Sengara
195 [GO] 2021―Dez―13 Capabilities of the city government in combating COVID-19 in the city of Padang Nia Audia, Roni Ekha Putera, Desna Aromatica, Mizan B. F. Bisri, L. Comfort, S. Saravanan, I.W. Sengara
196 [GO] 2021―Dez―13 A study on the use of public transportation during the COVID-19 pandemic Titi Kurniati, Junico Nobel Valentino, L. Comfort, S. Saravanan, I.W. Sengara
197 [GO] 2021―Dez―13 A survey of dietary intake in the Medan City community during the COVID-19 pandemic Posman Sibuea, Oktrina Yohana Nainggolan, B. Bhandari, U. Santoso, E. Julianti, E. Yusraini, et al. (+5)
198 [GO] 2021―Dez―13 Health management of the college student during the COVID-19 pandemic Sri Siswati, Elsa Giatri, Yolanda Safitri, Ice Yolanda Puri, L. Comfort, S. Saravanan, I.W. Sengara
199 [GO] 2021―Dez―13 Balla ewako: community response to the COVID-19 pandemic based on local wisdom Ahmad Fatkul Fikri, Syamsul Maarif, Dody Ruswandi, Titisari Haruming Tyas, Islamia Kharimah, L. Comfort, et al. (+2)
200 [GO] 2021―Dez―13 COVID-19 pandemic conditions: the role of sustainable environment in intentions to give zakat, infaq, and sadaqah Alin Fithor, Dewi Muliana, Teuku Afrizal, Jumadil Saputra, L. Comfort, S. Saravanan, I.W. Sengara
201 [GO] 2021―Dez―13 Positive impacts among the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic for community life Aam Amirudin, M. Syamsul, Christin Sri Marnani, Nadiva Awalia Rahmah, L. Comfort, S. Saravanan, I.W. Sengara
202 [GO] 2021―Dez―13 COVID-19 pandemic impact: an identification of the cause of cost overrun in construction project Yervi Hesna, Jati Sunaryati, Ayu Hidayati, L. Comfort, S. Saravanan, I.W. Sengara
203 [GO] 2021―Dez―13 Comparison of air pollutant standard index before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in DKI Jakarta Dedy Hartono, Syamsul Maarif, Deffi Ayu Puspitosari, Iko Saikanti Ponangsera, Jihan Fitriyanti, L. Comfort, et al. (+2)
204 [GO] 2021―Dez―13 The impacts of the policies implementation to handle the COVID-19 pandemic in the field of employment Ernalem Bangun, Muhammad Rifqi, Bondan Prokoso, L. Comfort, S. Saravanan, I.W. Sengara
205 [GO] 2021―Dez―13 The COVID-19 pandemic in the perspective of Indonesia’s national security Mir’atul Azizah, Adi Subiyanto, Sugeng Triutomo, Lexi Jalu Aji, L. Comfort, S. Saravanan, I.W. Sengara
206 [GO] 2021―Dez―13 The performance of implementation movement restrictions during COVID-19 pandemic in West Sumatra and its impact Efendi Heru, L. Comfort, S. Saravanan, I.W. Sengara
207 [GO] 2021―Dez―13 Collaborative governance model in COVID-19 pandemic mitigation: a temporary unconditional cash transfer program I Gede Eko Putra Sri Sentanu, Klara Kumalasari, Ardian Prabowo, L. Comfort, S. Saravanan, I.W. Sengara
208 [GO] 2021―Dez―13 Analysis of the government regulations on COVID-19 pandemics in Indonesia: implementation and challenges Benny Hidayat, Ade Suzana Putri, Taufika Ophiyandri, Bambang Istijono, Dilanthi Amaratunga, Richard Haigh, et al. (+4)
209 [GO] 2021―Dez―13 The analysis of problems, causes, and efforts to resolve problems in the service of covid-19 patients at the army hospital in Padang City Adila Kasni Astiena, Mohamad Reza, Fitri Sari Susanty, L. Comfort, S. Saravanan, I.W. Sengara
210 [GO] 2021―Dez―13 Factors associated with COVID-19 test willingness in Indonesia: tele-survey study after ‘new normal’ policy in risk groups Mutiara Widawati, Firda Yanuar Pradani, M. Ezza Azmi Fuadiyah, Hubullah Fuadzy, W. Nurindra Rohmansyah, L. Comfort, et al. (+2)
211 [GO] 2021―Dez―13 COVID-19 threat projection and Its influence toward national defense system Amarulla Octavian, Nadiva Awalia Rahmah, L. Comfort, S. Saravanan, I.W. Sengara
212 [GO] 2021―Dez―13 Natural disasters and COVID-19: health worker preparedness and response Dewi Wahyuni, Adi Subiyanto, Anissa Nurur Rachmatika, Tri Winugroho, L. Comfort, S. Saravanan, I.W. Sengara
213 [GO] 2021―Dez―13 Overview of road performance on the tsunami evacuation road during the n-COVID19 pandemic Anyta Ramadhani, Vina Gusman, Monica Herimarni, L. Comfort, S. Saravanan, I.W. Sengara
214 [GO] 2021―Dez―13 Enhancing pandemic resilience: planning and institutional resilience, a learning model for Indonesia Christine S Marnani, Sobar Sutisna, L. Comfort, S. Saravanan, I.W. Sengara
215 [GO] 2021―Dez―06 Epidemic Model Analysis of Covid-19 Dayat Hidayat, Edwin Setiawan Nugraha, I.H.A. Wahab, R. Mardian, A.P. Bayuseno
216 [GO] 2021―Dez―06 Analysis of Quality Control of Avtur Fuel in The Storage Tank at PT. XYZ on The Value of Electrical Conductivity During Covid-19 S Rohana, A C Dewi, I.H.A. Wahab, R. Mardian, A.P. Bayuseno
217 [GO] 2021―Dez―06 Road Service Levels Analysis at The Economic Centers of Archipelago Regions During the Covid-19 Pandemic Gaus Abdul, Andartomo Zulfikar, Firsandi Sarbin, Nurrahim Aditya, Aksa Sitti Aminah, I.H.A. Wahab, et al. (+2)
218 [GO] 2021―Dez―06 Design and Implementation of Travel Agent in the Face of the COVID-19 pandemic A F Doni, Fifin Ayu Mufarroha, YDP Negara, I.H.A. Wahab, R. Mardian, A.P. Bayuseno
219 [GO] 2021―Dez―06 Web-Based Smart Market Applications as a Preference Transition during COVID-19 Pandemic Ika Oktavia Suzanti, Fifin Ayu Mufarroha, Imamah Jauhari, I.H.A. Wahab, R. Mardian, A.P. Bayuseno
220 [GO] 2021―Dez―06 Junior High School Student’s Contagion Literacy: How far students understand Covid-19 Symptoms? Wahyu Budi Sabtiawan, Elok Sudibyo, Aris Rudi Purnomo, Dhita Ayu Permata Sari, Mohammad Budiyanto, Beni Setiawan, et al. (+3)
221 [GO] 2021―Dez―06 Characteristics of Buginese Traditional Houses and their Response to Sustainability and Pandemics Mustamin Rahim, Irwan Abbas, I.H.A. Wahab, R. Mardian, A.P. Bayuseno
222 [GO] 2021―Nov―24 Covid-19 and E-learning: Factors that influence online classes grasp by Ibn Tofail University’s students - Morocco Khaoula Jabari, Zakaria Abidli, Imane Zemami, Aida Soulaymani, Omayma Jabari, Fedoua El Kabsi, et al. (+7)
223 [GO] 2021―Nov―24 Medication errors safety signals COVID-19-related Moroccan Pv database Houda Sefiani, Ghita Benabdallah, Amina Tebaa, Rachida Soulaymani Bencheikh, S. Bourekkadi, H. Hami, et al. (+3)
224 [GO] 2021―Nov―17 COVID-19 and Gender Role in Unemployment: How Women in Special Capital Region of Jakarta is Less Likely to be Unemployed During Economic Disturbance Jamal Habibur Rahman, Faradisa Hilya Mumtaza, Rahmatullah Tri Nanda Putra, Fachrurizal Sai Kintoro, Rezis Rahayuli, Anisa Octa Nur’aini, et al. (+11)
225 [GO] 2021―Nov―17 Correlation study between physical disability and covid-19 cases in Sleman, Indonesia Ihsan Weda Prabaswara, Agustin Putri Samsiana, Nabilah Luthfatur Rohmah, Nabiyya Perennia, Nasrudin Dwi Jatmiko, Nawang Setyoningsih, et al. (+9)
226 [GO] 2021―Nov―17 Predicting the impact of COVID-19 on fertility in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia Muhammad Arif Fahrudin Alfana, Hidayati Nur Rohmah, Salma Nurulhuda, Mohammad Isnaini Sadali, R. Che Omar, J.T. Sri Sumantyo, et al. (+5)
227 [GO] 2021―Nov―17 Livelihood of street vendors in Yogyakarta amidst the COVID-19 pandemic Agus Joko Pitoyo, Akbar Abdul Rokhim, Ikhwan Amri, Bagas Aditya, R. Che Omar, J.T. Sri Sumantyo, et al. (+5)
228 [GO] 2021―Nov―17 Travel characteristics of suburban residents during the COVID-19 pandemic (case study of Sonosewu, Bantul Regency) Dewina Inggar Santi, Sri Rum Giyarsih, R. Che Omar, J.T. Sri Sumantyo, B. White, A. Cardenas Tristan, et al. (+3)
229 [GO] 2021―Nov―17 Relationship of the Significance of Freshwater Use to Health Protocols During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Bantul Village, Yogyakarta Fahima Ulumia, Moh Syahrul Irfan Fahmi, Relinda Dewi Astabella, Tjahyo Nugroho Adji, Ratih Fitria Putri, Heein Yang, et al. (+7)
230 [GO] 2021―Nov―17 Study of the Economic Valuation of Gemah Beach Tourism During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Tulungagung Regency, East Java Vivi Tiara Mandela, Sudrajat Sudrajat, Rika Harini, R. Che Omar, J.T. Sri Sumantyo, B. White, et al. (+4)
231 [GO] 2021―Nov―16 The Recovery Strategy of Mangrove Tourism after Covid-19 Pandemic in Bintan Island, Indonesia Khairunnisa Khairunnisa, Tetty Tetty, K Hafsar, Haidawati Haidawati, Wahyudin Wahyudin, M P Suhana, et al. (+8)
232 [GO] 2021―Nov―11 Analysis of the economic impact of covid-19 on local community income on Natsepa Beach ecotourism in Central Maluku Regency Renoldy L. Papilaya, Costansa G. Lessil, E.S. Kartamihardja, T. Peristiwady, S.M. Bergmann, E. Setyobudi, et al. (+6)
233 [GO] 2021―Nov―11 Small scale fisheries performance: comparative analysis before and during the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia Alimudin Laapo, Dietriech G. Bengen, Taryono Kodiran, Dafina Howara, E.S. Kartamihardja, T. Peristiwady, et al. (+8)
234 [GO] 2021―Nov―09 Covid-19 and respect for barrier gestures in Morocco Youssef Azami Idrissi, Ali Al Emad, Soumaia Hmimou, Fatima-Ezzahra Raif, Aziz Hasib, Abdelmajid Soulaymani, et al. (+5)
235 [GO] 2021―Nov―09 Study of epidemiological, clinical and evolutionary characteristics of a population of patients hospitalized for COVID-19 in Morocco Jaafar Heikel, Hasnae Benkirane, Fadoua Ballouk, Amina Bouziani, Fatima Zahra Laamiri, Houria Lahmam, et al. (+13)
236 [GO] 2021―Nov―09 Health Vigilance for Medical Imaging Diagnostic Optimization: Automated segmentation of COVID-19 lung infection from CT images Chala Mohamed, Benayad Nsiri, Soulaymani Abdelmajid, Mokhtari Abdelghani, Benaji Brahim, S. Bourekkadi, et al. (+4)
237 [GO] 2021―Nov―09 Children’s poisoning profile during the Covid-19 pandemic - Experience of Hassan II University Hospital in Fez, MOROCCO Amrani Hanchi Sahar, Hoummani Hasnae, Mourabiti Hajar, Chebaibi Mohammed, Chaouki Sana, Achour Sanae, et al. (+7)
238 [GO] 2021―Nov―09 Excessive smartphone use symptoms associated with psychological distress as consequence of early phase COVID-19 restrictions Fatine Hadrya, Faiçal El Hattimy, Btissame Zouini, Anis Sfendla, S. Bourekkadi, H. Hami, et al. (+3)
239 [GO] 2021―Nov―09 Pharmacovigilance in Covid-19 vaccines Hanane Bahouq, Madiha Bahouq, Abdelmajid Soulaymani, Rachida Soulaymani-Bencheikh, S. Bourekkadi, H. Hami, et al. (+3)
240 [GO] 2021―Nov―09 Overview of genomic surveillance related to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrom Coronavirus 2 (SARS- CoV-2) Hanane Bahouq, Madiha Bahouq, Abdelmajid Soulaymani, S. Bourekkadi, H. Hami, A. Mokhtari, et al. (+2)
241 [GO] 2021―Nov―09 Impact of covid 19 pandemic on knowledge, practice and mental health of breastfeeding women: experience of souissi maternity hospital of Rabat, Morocco Fatima zahra Laamiri, Fatima Barich, Aziz Slaoui, Nadia Hasswane, abdeljalil Elgot, Aicha Kharbach, et al. (+7)
242 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Polemic of Mudik in Indonesia: How People Deal with Government Regulation Related to Covid-19 Agra Liz Tantri, Sukarjo Waluyo, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
243 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Productivity of New Indonesian Vocabulary in the Pandemic Time of Covid-19 Agus Subiyanto, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
244 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Culturing Microalgae from Nature: Simple Experiment During Pandemic Covid-19 Alisha Revalia Ghassani Amir, Tri Retnaningsih Soeprobowati, Riche Hariyati, Lilih Khotimperwati, Udi Tarwotjo, T.R. Soeprobowati, et al. (+2)
245 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Batik Production Village’s Adaptation on the Pandemic COVID-19 Ika Rizkiyanti, Bangun I.R. Harsritanto, Tia Hetwisari, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
246 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 COVID-19 and Adaptation Strategies in Community-Based Tourism: Insights from Community-Based Tourism Sector in Central Java Retna Hanani, Amni Zarkasyi Rahman, Yuliana Kristanto, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
247 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Word Formation Processes of the Terms Related to Covid-19 and Environmental Issues in The Jakarta Post Widya Ratna Dewati, Catur Kepirianto, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
248 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Spatial Analysis of Distribution Pattern of Covid-19 Cases in Batang Regency Bangun I R Harsritanto, Satrio Nugroho, Favian Dewanta, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
249 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Characteristics of COVID-19 Cases in Central Java as the 5th Most Populous Province in Indonesia Dwi Sutiningsih, Nur Azizah Azzahra, Yulianto Prabowo, Aris Sugiharto, Mufti Agung Wibowo, Endah Sri Lestari, et al. (+5)
250 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Business Process Analysis and Improvement during Covid-19 Crisis: a Case of Frozen Shrimp Manufacturer Sasita Hechaipoom, Pornthipa Ongkunaruk, M. Senge, A.A. Aziz, M.F. Kamarudin, M.M. Tjale, Z. Rozaki
251 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Understanding of Mosque Managements in Semarang City of Covid-19 Disease and Plague Nur Fauzan Ahmad, Mudjahirin Tohir, Muhammad Abdullah, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
252 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Community Driven Development in Slum Management in Covid-19 Era Argyo Demartoto, Akhmad Ramdhon, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
253 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Plastic Wastes Distribution Pattern in the Covid-19 Era in Kreo Sub-Watershed Basin, Semarang City Wahyu Setyaningsih, Hadiyanto Hadiyanto, Thomas Triadi Putranto, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
254 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 What We Can Learn from Vernacular House and COVID-19 Infection? A Review of Mbaru Niang, Flores, Indonesia Jeanny Laurens Pinassang, Bangun I.R. Harsritanto, Dany Perwita Sari, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
255 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Impact of covid-19 on household food security of red rice farmers dry land in gunungkidul regency Eka Novri Nur Hasanah, Lestari Rahayu, Oki Wijaya, M. Senge, A.A. Aziz, M.F. Kamarudin, et al. (+2)
256 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 The Impact of Covid-19 on Research Process Case of Study Master 2 EFL Students at The University of Mohammed Seddik Ben Yahia, Jijel- Algeria Aïcha Boufenchoucha, Oktiva Herry Chandra, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
257 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 The impact of the pandemic covid-19 on the small industry of processing the "Krecek" crackers in Bantul Yogyakarta Nanang Setiyo, M. Senge, A.A. Aziz, M.F. Kamarudin, M.M. Tjale, Z. Rozaki
258 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 A Socio-Economic Proposed Theoretical Framework for Responding to The Covid-19 Outbreak Astadi Pangarso, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
259 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 The Flare of Xenophobia in America during Covid-19 Pandemic Amanda Nur Fasya, Ariya Jati, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
260 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Racism Against Asian During the Covid-19 Pandemic Siti Kofifah, Ariya Jati, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
261 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 ‘CONTAGION’ (2011): The Portrayal of Society during COVID-19 Pandemic Fatma Imalia Arifa, Sukarjo Waluyo, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
262 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 The Use of English Dictions in Promoting Various Cultural Heritage of The Indonesian Archipelago during The Covid-19 Pandemic Joko Wasisto, Ika Krismayani, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
263 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Adaptations and Experiments by the Semarang Music Ecosystem in Facing Covid-19 Pandemic Gregorius Tri Hendrawan Manurung, Khothibul Umam, Fajrul Falah, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
264 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Sustainability of Kampung Jawi as Tourist Destination in Semarang City During Covid-19 Pandemic Rina Kurniati, Bella Shifa, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
265 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 The Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on Environment Quality during COVID-19 Pandemic Rifda Nabila, Qi Mangku Bahjatulloh, Rosana Eri Puspita, Arna Asna Annisa, Mohammad Rofiuddin, Saiful Anwar, et al. (+3)
266 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Millennials Generation Consumers’ Preference on Modern Bakpia during the Covid-19 Pandemic Yustha Fauziyah Firdaus, Zuhud Rozaki, Mohd Fauzi Kamarudin, Muhamad Aziz Proklamalatu, Sri Sari Utami, M. Senge, et al. (+4)
267 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 The Superiority Value of a Poetry Anthology in Providing Public Awareness of The Environment During Covid-19 Pandemic Satryo Kusuma Wibowo, Iriyanto Widisuseno, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
268 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Performing Arts Experiment of Central Java Amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic Khothibul Umam, Fajrul Falah, Gregorius Tri Hendrawan Manurung, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
269 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 From Stage to Virtual: Cultural Strategy of Panggung Kahanan Amidst The Covid-19 Pandemic Khothibul Umam, Fajrul Falah, Gregorius Tri Hendrawan Manurung, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
270 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Thrifting Culture during the Covid-19 Pandemic and Its Impact on the Environment Fitri Astuti Lestari, Ratna Asmarani, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
271 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Responding to Cultural Challenges during the Covid-19 Pandemic as a Strategy to Build New Traditional Norms towards a Green Indonesia Iriyanto Widisuseno, Sri Sudarsih, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
272 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 National and Regional Covid-19 Pandemic Countermeasure Integration Policy RB Sularto, Tri Retnaningsih Soeprobowati, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
273 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Hanging Out Phenomenon at Coffee Shop as An Environmental - based Economic tool in Covid-19 Pandemic Era Anjani Agusetyaningrum, Nurdien Harry Kistanto, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
274 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Taking steps with Confidence : Diponegoro University’s Performance in the Midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic in 2020 Tri Handayani, Yety Rochwulaningsih, Singgih Tri Sulistiyono, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
275 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Potential and Implementation of Halal Tourism During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Semarang City Muhammad Hermintoyo, Nur Fauzan, Alvina Maghfiroh, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
276 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Vulnerability of Communities in Drought-Prone Areas during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Semarang City Santy Paulla Dewi, Retno Susanti, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
277 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Challenges of Halal Tourism During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Semarang City Nur Fauzan Ahmad, Muhammad Hermintoyo, Alvina Maghfiroh, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
278 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Efforts to Maintain Javanese Language in the Middle of the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Surakarta Community, Central Java T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
279 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 A Gender Mainstreaming Approach of Social and Economic Impact Management during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Urban Settlements Landung Esariti, Euginia Calista Yonita, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
280 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 The motivation of farmer group members in utilizing urban yards in covid-19 pandemic in Yogyakarta City, Indonesia Retno Wulandari, Roso Witjaksono, Ratih Innekewati, Hilmi Fauzan Dzikri, M. Senge, A.A. Aziz, et al. (+3)
281 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 COVID-19 Pandemic, Javanese Rituals, and Social Solidarity Dhanang Respati Puguh, Rabith Jihan Amaruli, Mahendra Pudji Utama, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
282 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 The Influence of Covid-19 Pandemic on Emprak Art in Jepara Siti Maziyah, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
283 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 The Impacts of Covid-19 Pandemic on French Language Testing: Delf/Dalf in Indonesia: Case Study Faniry Anjarasoa Dimbilalaina, Mualimin Mualimin, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
284 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Implication of Social Restrictions on Covid-19 Pandemic Towards Dengue Control: Literature Review Wahyu Widyantoro, Yusniar Hanani Darundiati, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
285 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 The Issue of “Environmental Policy” during a COVID-19 Pandemic: A Bibliometric Overview Hartuti Purnaweni, Ali Roziqin, Sudharto P. Hadi, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
286 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Online Purchase Behaviour of Food Product During Covid-19 Pandemic: a Study on Consumer of Bedukmutu Marketplace Heri Akhmadi, Zahra Fuadia Qurrotu Aini, Aprila Saffana, Dedi Runanto, M. Senge, A.A. Aziz, et al. (+3)
287 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Tourism CSR Model during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Literature Review Rahesli Humsona, Mahendra Wijaya, Drajat Tri Kartono, Agung Wibowo, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
288 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Maritime Conservation Area during COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of Benoa Bay Bali Slamet Subekti, Singgih T. Sulistiyo, Dedi S. Adhuri, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
289 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Semantic Expressions of Mental Health During Covid-19 Pandemic: the Environment Impact Sekar Kinanti C.N, Deli Nirmala, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
290 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Market Integration: How Does It Work in National Shallot Commodity Market in The Middle of Covid-19 Pandemic? Resti Prastika Destiarni, Ahmad Zainuddin, Ahmad Syariful Jamil, M. Senge, A.A. Aziz, M.F. Kamarudin, et al. (+2)
291 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Interpretation of Natural Deconstruction Trough Pandemic Covid-19 Situation Based on “The Garden of Earthly Prosperity in Ground Zero” Arista Nur Rizki, Mudjahirin Thohir, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
292 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Barrier Factors Related to COVID-19 Vaccine Literacy in Developing Countries: A Traditional Literature Review Rani Tiyas Budiyanti, Roro Isyawati Permata Ganggi, Murni Murni, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
293 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Innovation of coffee shop during pandemic COVID-19: Bottled coffee drinks in demand Dyah Ismoyowati, Shafira Wuryandani, Annisa Nala Shinta, Aninda Rizki Amalia, M. Senge, A.A. Aziz, et al. (+3)
294 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 How We Design Our Study Space during Pandemic Covid-19? Bangun I R Harsritanto, Satrio Nugroho, Wulani Enggar Sari, Rona Fika Jamila, Gentina Pratama Putra, T.R. Soeprobowati, et al. (+2)
295 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Illocution Force of Rhoma Irama's Songs "Virus Corona", "Perjuangan dan Doa" and "Nilai Sehat" in Public Rise Awareness of Covid 19 Pandemic Dandi Hermawan, Rizky Devy Wulandari, Mujid F Amin, Moh. Muzakka, Sri Puji Astuti, T.R. Soeprobowati, et al. (+2)
296 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Knowledge of Tourism Related to Halal Tourism in the City of Semarang in the Era of Pandemic Nur Fauzan Ahmad, Muhammad Hermintoyo, Alvina Maghfiroh, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
297 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Entrepreneur behavior of young educated farmers in the covid -19 pandemic Siti Nurlaela, M. Senge, A.A. Aziz, M.F. Kamarudin, M.M. Tjale, Z. Rozaki
298 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Consumer Preference for Local Apples Malang and Imported Apples during the Pandemic Riyanti Isaskar, Hani Perwitasari, M. Senge, A.A. Aziz, M.F. Kamarudin, M.M. Tjale, Z. Rozaki
299 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Design Innovation of Café During Pandemic (Case Study: Olifant Café) Ema Hidayati, Edward Endrianto Pandelaki, Bangun I. R. Harsritanto, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
300 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 The Pandemic Discourse: A Cross-Cultural Case Study Eman Abdallah Ali Khalfallah, Catur Keprianto, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
301 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Gusdurians' Environmental Advocacy, Cultural Politics and Humanity in the Pandemic Era Muhammad Abdullah, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
302 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Urban Space Adaptation in Jurnatan Kampong in the Pandemic Era Wakhidah Kurniawati, Djoko Suwandono, Nabilla Adhiani, Khafida Erning Ariyanti, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
303 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Understanding the Urgency of Human Relations with Nature in the Pandemic Era through Yusei Matsui’s Assassination Classroom Comic Amri Fadhilah Ahmad, Sukarjo Waluyo, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
304 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Development strategy of Jogja anggur agrotourism during and post-covid-19 pandemic in Bantul, Indonesia Francy R. Fivintari, Galuh Samsi, Muhamad Imanuddin, M. Senge, A.A. Aziz, M.F. Kamarudin, et al. (+2)
305 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 The Influence of the Pandemic on the Motivation of EAP Learners in Studying IELTS Nur Amalina Sari, Mualimin Mualimin, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
306 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Organizational Culture in Management Small Medium Enterprises on Pandemic Period Bintang Andini, Bagas Wicaksono, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
307 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Ritual Reception of Sea Alms on a Pandemic Situation as a Form of Maintaining Local Tradition at the Tegalsari Fishery Port, West Tegalsari District, Tegal, Central Java, Indonesia Ayyub Nur Rimawan, Ratna Asmarani, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
308 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Prediction of The Level of Public Trust in Government Policies in the 1st Quarter of The Covid 19 Pandemic using Sentiment Analysis Zahra Nur Aziza, Daniel Yeri Kristiyanto, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
309 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Art Experiments and Cultural Preservation during a Pandemic: A Case Study Lembah Gana Festival in 2020 Fajrul Falah, Khothibul Umam, Gregorius Tri Hendrawan M, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
310 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Online Shopping Behavior among Food Consumers during Pandemic: a Cross Generation Study Rosana Eri Puspita, Yasinta Zulaikha, Arna Asna Annisa, Rifda Nabila, Mohammad Rofiuddin, Saiful Anwar, et al. (+3)
311 [GO] 2021―Nov―05 Invictus Poem by William Ernest and Its Contribution to the Social Environment during Pandemic: Study of Sociology Literature Novia Permata Silviandari, M. Suryadi, T.R. Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
312 [GO] 2021―Okt―22 Characterization of aerosol and assessment of the risk of transmission of SARS-COV-2 VIRUS in a natural thermal cave Mauro Scungio, Giulia Parlani
313 [GO] 2021―Okt―22 How pandemic affects occupants’ buildings perception: questionnaires investigation and preliminary results Iole Nardi, Domenico Palladino
314 [GO] 2021―Okt―20 Retraction Note: SARS-CoV-19’s actual initial cases in Wuhan, China and the impact of different interventions and imports in the pandemic Xiaochuan Li, L. Duan, A.Z. Abdullah
315 [GO] 2021―Okt―19 Conflict potential of risk reflexivity: information management under the conditions of pandemic Andrei Aleinikov, Daria Maltseva, Vladimir Miletskiy, Olga Safonova, Aleksandr Strebkov, S.G. Eremeev
316 [GO] 2021―Okt―07 Covid-19 Forecasting using Supervised Machine Learning Techniques - Survey P. Lakshmi Sruthi, K. Butchi Raju, S. Tummala, S. Kosaraju, P. Bobba, S. Singh
317 [GO] 2021―Okt―07 Comparative analysis of candidate vaccines to prevent covid 19 pandemic Radha Yadav, Lalita Chopra, S. Tummala, S. Kosaraju, P. Bobba, S. Singh
318 [GO] 2021―Sep―27 The Strategy of Hospital Wastewater Treatment to Reduce the Risk of Virus Transmission and Environmental Pollution under COVID-19 based on Big Data Qianhui Huang, Peilin Liu, Jiangwei Xie, W. Du, S. Grasso
319 [GO] 2021―Sep―27 The current therapeutic strategies of COVID-19 Zhichao Chen, Wenxi Miao, Leran Xu, Qi Zhang, W. Du, S. Grasso
320 [GO] 2021―Sep―27 Recent epidemics and their impact on the society: COVID-19, SARS, MERS, H1N1 Hanzhi Zhang, W. Du, S. Grasso
321 [GO] 2021―Sep―24 Marketing analysis of “Siam” local rice in South Kalimantan during the pandemic of Covid-19 Abdul Sabur, Retna Qomariah, Lira Mailena, C. Indrawanto
322 [GO] 2021―Sep―24 Coffee and cocoa dissemination through information and communication technology (ICT) during the Covid-19 pandemic Alvin Rizki Ramadhani, Diany Faila Sophia Hartatri, Sholahuddin Akbar, C. Indrawanto
323 [GO] 2021―Sep―24 Assessing virtual and on-site technical trainings during the first year of covid-19 pandemic Vyta W. Hanifah, Didu Wahyudi, Tika Tresnawati, Amalia Ulpah, Catur O. I. Hastuti, Agus Muharam, C. Indrawanto
324 [GO] 2021―Sep―24 The consumer’s motivation towards online purchase intention of chicken meat during the Covid-19 pandemic Silvia Dewi Sagita Andik, Arief Daryanto, Pria Sembada, C. Indrawanto
325 [GO] 2021―Sep―24 Adaptation of cassava agribusiness systems during the Covid-19 pandemic (case in Pasar Pedati Village, Bengkulu Province) Wilda Mikasari, Emlan Fauzi, Taufik Hidayat, C. Indrawanto
326 [GO] 2021―Sep―24 Tagrinov: coping agroliteration during the covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia Didu Wahyudi, C. Indrawanto
327 [GO] 2021―Sep―24 Impact of Covid-19 pandemic on Gayo coffee agroindustry Rachman Jaya, Rizki Ardiansyah, Cut Hilda Rahmi, C. Indrawanto
328 [GO] 2021―Sep―24 The impact of Covid-19 pandemic on people’s behavior and herbal drink (jamu) processing businesses in Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan Susi Lesmayati, Retna Qomariah, Lelya Pramudyani, C. Indrawanto
329 [GO] 2021―Sep―24 Impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on the supply chain of broiler chicken in Indonesia Pria Sembada, Arief Daryanto, Silvia Dewi Sagita Andik, C. Indrawanto
330 [GO] 2021―Sep―24 The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on urban farming household income in Yogyakarta City Sotya Tresna Anggita, Lestari Rahayu Waluyati, C. Indrawanto
331 [GO] 2021―Sep―24 Covid-19: impact on agricultural and anticipate strategies Hari Hermawan, Joko Mulyono, Enti Sirnawati, Yennita Sihombing, Dian Nur Ratri, C. Indrawanto
332 [GO] 2021―Sep―24 Gender segregation in farm labour, its roles and dynamic during Covid pandemic: case study from West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia Nurul Hilmiati, Ulyatu Fitrotin, Irma Mardian, Putu Adnyana, Awaludin Hipi, Johanes Geli Bulu, C. Indrawanto
333 [GO] 2021―Sep―22 COVID-19 Detection using Chest X-Ray Sagar Raheja, Jatin Chhabria, Gaurang Wadhwa, Samay Ahuja, Anjali Shrikant Yeole, S. Krit
334 [GO] 2021―Sep―22 Sustainability in the hospitality industry in the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic: a case study of the hospitality industry in Poland Paweł Dahlke, Katarzyna Orfin-Tomaszewska, Piotr Sosnowski, A. Kwilinski
335 [GO] 2021―Sep―22 The influence of brands on consumer behaviour in conditions of COVID-19 pandemic: Bibliometric and visualization analysis Liudmyla Saher, Daria Kolesnyk, Liubov Syhyda, Nadiya Fisunenko, A. Kwilinski
336 [GO] 2021―Sep―22 A system for supply chain management of covid-19 vaccines using blockchain and bluetooth beacons network based traceability and verification Geetansh Atrey, Junali Jasmine Jena, Biswa Ranjan Acharya, S. Krit
337 [GO] 2021―Sep―22 E-learning for smart-universities: pandemic challenges and opportunities in Morocco Mohamed Anigri, S. Krit
338 [GO] 2021―Sep―09 The review of COVID-19 and the current progress in intervention and diagnostics Chunyun Chen, Xi Chen, Liwei Guo, Kanghui Zou, S. Islam, W. Liu
339 [GO] 2021―Sep―09 The Application of “Big Data Analysis + Hierarchical Medical” Model in the Context of the COVID-19 Xingyu Yang, Tianyu Yan, Zelong Huang, Xiaofang Zhang, Yuchen Zhao, Zihao Jin, et al. (+2)
340 [GO] 2021―Sep―09 Lessons learned from China’s mitigation strategies in fighting COVID-19 Sijiang Liu, Mingyuan Wan, S. Islam, W. Liu
341 [GO] 2021―Sep―09 Specific measures to response pandemic of COVID-19 in China: a systematic review Ruoyu Chen, Renfei Gao, Xinyi Huang, Qingqing Lei, S. Islam, W. Liu
342 [GO] 2021―Sep―09 Lessons learned from COVID-19 outbreaks profile in combination with pathology, diagnosis, treatment and vaccines Ruizhe Liu, Enqi Zhang, S. Islam, W. Liu
343 [GO] 2021―Sep―09 An overview of COVID-19 vaccine candidates Jiayi Kang, Shiyuan Peng, Wenxiao Zhang, Yue Zuo, S. Islam, W. Liu
344 [GO] 2021―Sep―09 COVID-19 Vaccine Comparison: How to Choose the Best Suiting Vaccine for Different Needs Chuyao Liu, Aiyun Lu, Xiaoyu Wu, S. Islam, W. Liu
345 [GO] 2021―Sep―09 A review of COVID-19: A summary of the epidemic in Wuhan and other local areas in China Kaiyin Hu, Yichao Su, Jiaqi Wang, Yuzhe Xu, S. Islam, W. Liu
346 [GO] 2021―Sep―09 COVID-19: pathogenic mechanism, detection, and treatment Xiaoya Bai, Chenghao Li, Yueyan Li, Yujian Lin, S. Islam, W. Liu
347 [GO] 2021―Sep―09 A comprehensive review on COVID-19: What we know and how to treat against the novel coronavirus Jiacheng Wang, Xianhao Xu, Zihan Xu, S. Islam, W. Liu
348 [GO] 2021―Sep―09 Epidemiological Investigation Model of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Based on Data Mining Technology Kai Chen, Bing Yang, Miao Hao, Hong Yang, Meiyuan Qin, Chengmei Zhang, et al. (+2)
349 [GO] 2021―Sep―09 Smoking Products Suppress Type I IFN During SARS-Cov-2 Infection Zhenni Lu, S. Islam, W. Liu
350 [GO] 2021―Sep―09 Revision of COVID in China: a thorough analysis of epidemic situations and Chinese strategies during the pandemic Yawen Deng, Yushun Tian, Yintong Wang, Yuan Xing, S. Islam, W. Liu
351 [GO] 2021―Aug―06 Approaches for forecasting of socioeconomic impacts to the spread of COVID-19 with territorial differences of Russian regions Dmitry Devyatkin, Yulia Otmakhova, Natalia Usenko, A. Torre, S. Martinat, V. Kumar, et al. (+2)
352 [GO] 2021―Aug―06 Percolation clusters of territorial inequality due to the spread of the coronavirus infection Alena Obolenskaya, Anastasiya Defler, A. Torre, S. Martinat, V. Kumar, Y. Lavrikova, E. Kuzmin
353 [GO] 2021―Aug―05 Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown and Atmospheric Circulation on the Air Quality in Wuhan During Early 2020 Youyong Xie, Xiefei Zhi, F.-N. Shi, G. Korotcenkov, Y.-L. Lin, R. Dastjerdi, et al. (+2)
354 [GO] 2021―Jul―28 The representations of the regional university students about the “gap year” in conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic Sergei Kremen, Kseniya Tsitsikashvili, M. Tsoy
355 [GO] 2021―Jul―28 The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the insurance market of Uzbekistan and ways to develop funded life insurance Dinora Baratova, Khayrullo Khasanov, Ikromjon Musakhonzoda, Shokhruh Abdumuratov, Khusniddin Uktamov, M. Tsoy
356 [GO] 2021―Jul―28 Tourism SME sustainability social and economic challenges during pandemic: cases of Russian Federation, Georgia and Latvia Kristine Berzina, Marina Tsoy, M. Tsoy
357 [GO] 2021―Jul―26 Educational Process in Higher Education Institutions in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic Victor Boer, Sergei Andreitso, Irina Timofeeva, A.D. Nazarov
358 [GO] 2021―Jul―26 Using a smartphone in the learning process: the experience of the 2020 pandemic Alexander Morozov, Iskandar Mukhametzyanov, Olga Evdokimova, A.D. Nazarov
359 [GO] 2021―Jul―24 Influence on indoor comfort due to the application of Covid-19 natural ventilation protocols for schools at subtropical climate during winter season Sergio Gómez Melgar, Antonio Sánchez Cordero, Marta Videras Rodríguez, José M Andújar Márquez, A. Caggiano
360 [GO] 2021―Jul―19 Digital tools for marine activities sustainable development under climate change and COVID-19 Valery Abramov, Vyacheslav Burlov, Yaroslav Petrov, Igor Sikarev, Oleg Shevchuk, G. Roos
361 [GO] 2021―Jul―19 Features of career self-determination of regional university applicants in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic Faina Kremen, Sergei Kremen, G. Roos
362 [GO] 2021―Jul―19 Prospects for the development of the event industry in the context of the pandemic Evgenia Radygina, Alla Oshkordina, G. Roos
363 [GO] 2021―Jul―19 Supply Chain Management in a Global Pandemic Pavel Sizov, Zinaida Khmelnitskaya, G. Roos
364 [GO] 2021―Jul―19 Regional personal subsidiary farms in the context of the pandemic Lyubov Borisovna Medvedeva, Olga Nikolaevna Goncharenko, G. Roos
365 [GO] 2021―Jul―19 Development of the Russian tourism industry during the pandemic: an innovative approach Elena Oklirimeiiko, Sergey Chernov, G. Roos
366 [GO] 2021―Jul―19 Economic security of the university in the context of the pandemic: influence of conservative and creative factors Elena Dvoryadkina, Kamal Guseynly, G. Roos
367 [GO] 2021―Jul―14 The Review of Biosensor and its Application in the Diagnosis of COVID-19 Jiyun Wu, Qiuyao Wu, J. Sun, Z. Li, X. Liu
368 [GO] 2021―Jul―14 Digitalization and Problems of the Educational Processes Based on University in the Pandemic Condition Julia Torkunova, Milyausha Khabrieva, Oleg Torkunov, V.A. Golenishchev-Kutuzov
369 [GO] 2021―Jul―12 Online distance education system in remote region in the Russian and Mongolian universities during the COVID-19 pandemic Sergey Kokhan, Dulamjav Purevdorj, Oyungerel Khusman, Oyunchimeg Shagdarsuren, Bayasgalanmunkh Baatar, A. Zheltenkov, A. Mottaeva
370 [GO] 2021―Jul―05 The problem of lending to agricultural enterprises in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic Sergey Yekimov, Galina Guzhina, Pavel Lukyanov, Olga Bespalova, Dmitriy Kucherenko, O. Loretts, et al. (+4)
371 [GO] 2021―Jul―05 Study of the human infectious safety model under the influence of SARS-CoV-2 on the example of the Perm Krai of the Russian Federation Sergey Kostarev, Oksana Kochetova, Natalya Tatarnikova, Tatyana Sereda, O. Loretts, O. Nazarova, et al. (+3)
372 [GO] 2021―Jul―02 Competitiveness of trade enterprises in building and finishing materials’ market in pandemic conditions Olga Kovalenkova, Oksana Khlopenko, B. Yazyev
373 [GO] 2021―Jun―30 Balancing Ukraine’s energy system: challenges under high renewable energy penetration and the COVID-19 pandemic Tetiana Kurbatova, Iryna Sotnyk, Olha Prokopenko, Roman Sidortsov, Yu-xia Tu, S. Semerikov, et al. (+10)
374 [GO] 2021―Jun―30 Human factor in emergency occurrence at NPP during the pandemic COVID-19: new potential risks and recommendations to minimize them Oleksandr Popov, Anna Iatsyshyn, Norbert Molitor, Andrii Iatsyshyn, Yevhen Romanenko, Iryna Deinega, et al. (+13)
375 [GO] 2021―Jun―30 Our sustainable pandemic future Serhiy Semerikov, Serhii Chukharev, Serhiy Sakhno, Andrii Striuk, Andrii Iatsyshyn, Serhii Klimov, et al. (+16)
376 [GO] 2021―Jun―29 Using Innovative Control in Distance Learning of Mining Students to Foreign Languages in the Context of Pandemic Sergey Lebedintsev, Lyubov Fedyanina, Vyacheslav Gustov, S. Zhironkin, S. Vöth, M. Cehlár, et al. (+5)
377 [GO] 2021―Jun―29 Mining Engineering Education Pre and Post the COVID Pandemic and Some Ideas for the Future A.J.S. (Sam) Spearing, Jixiong Zhang, Steve Hall, Liqiang Ma, S. Zhironkin, S. Vöth, et al. (+6)
378 [GO] 2021―Jun―22 Dynamics of emotivity in the newspaper style (in articles about COVID-19) Svetlana Pervukhina, Elena Rood, D. Rudoy, A. Olshevskaya, N. Ugrekhelidze
379 [GO] 2021―Jun―22 How have the restrictions linked to COVID-19 affected the inner-tourism in Russia Elena Priss, Alexey Chukhno, D. Rudoy, A. Olshevskaya, N. Ugrekhelidze
380 [GO] 2021―Jun―22 COVID-19 and its economic impact on the agro-industrial complex Lyudmila Spektor, Svetlana Pashkova, D. Rudoy, A. Olshevskaya, N. Ugrekhelidze
381 [GO] 2021―Jun―22 IMPACT of distance learning on student mental health in the COVID-19 pandemic Nikolay Lyubetsky, Nikita Bendersky, Tatyana Verina, Lyudmila Demyanova, Darya Arkhipova, D. Rudoy, et al. (+2)
382 [GO] 2021―Jun―22 Consequences of information covering the COVID-19 pandemic from the point of view of Terror Management Theory Polina Dmitrieva, D. Rudoy, A. Olshevskaya, N. Ugrekhelidze
383 [GO] 2021―Jun―22 Modern telecommunication systems and messengers as the alternative didactic platforms after Covid-19 pandemic lockdown Anna Reznikova, Victoria Posidelova, D. Rudoy, A. Olshevskaya, N. Ugrekhelidze
384 [GO] 2021―Jun―22 The concept of success in representing codependent women: transformation in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic threat Anastasia Kolenova, Anna Kukulyar, Zinaida Brizhak, Natalya Bessonova, D. Rudoy, A. Olshevskaya, N. Ugrekhelidze
385 [GO] 2021―Jun―22 Impact of distance learning on the physical training of technical university students in the context of the COVID-19 virus pandemic Nikita Zavodny, Sergey Latyshev, Elena Filippova, Stanislav Shengelaya, D. Rudoy, A. Olshevskaya, N. Ugrekhelidze
386 [GO] 2021―Jun―22 Feline coronavirus infection Aleksey Ermakov, Tatyana Lipilkina, Pavel Lipilkin, Igor Popov, D. Rudoy, A. Olshevskaya, N. Ugrekhelidze
387 [GO] 2021―Jun―22 The impact of the digital technological platforms on the institutional system of the higher education during the COVID 19 pandemic Olga Fedotova, Elena Platonova, Oleg Igumnov, Tong Bu, Tianhui Zhang, D. Rudoy, et al. (+2)
388 [GO] 2021―Jun―22 National Interests of The Russian Federation in the Agricultural Sector: Features of the Integration of Environmental Factors in the World Pandemic and Their Reflection in the New Doctrine of Food Security Liana Barashyan, Diana Kishka, D. Rudoy, A. Olshevskaya, N. Ugrekhelidze
389 [GO] 2021―Jun―22 Organization of higher education in context of digitalization: online learning experience at pandemic, development trends Larisa Kobysheva, Anna Luginina, Nataliya Gafiatulina, Yana Artamonova, D. Rudoy, A. Olshevskaya, N. Ugrekhelidze
390 [GO] 2021―Jun―22 Impact of the pandemic on the industrial development (Rostov region as the example) Gurgen Malkhasyan, Oksana Savelyeva, D. Rudoy, A. Olshevskaya, N. Ugrekhelidze
391 [GO] 2021―Jun―22 Distance learning for students with hearing impairments in pandemic situation S.T. Kokhan, L.A. Osmuk, O.A. Varinova, D. Rudoy, A. Olshevskaya, N. Ugrekhelidze
392 [GO] 2021―Jun―22 Russian digital education landscape during the current pandemic: is the impact felt? Elena Soltovets, Oksana Chigisheva, Denis Dubover, Anna Dmitrova, D. Rudoy, A. Olshevskaya, N. Ugrekhelidze
393 [GO] 2021―Jun―22 Digital education facing COVID - 19 pandemic: technological university experience Oleg Pobegaylov, D. Rudoy, A. Olshevskaya, N. Ugrekhelidze
394 [GO] 2021―Jun―21 Overconfidence and Generosity: An Online Experiment on Covid-19 Wenqi Wang, F. Wen, S.M. Ziaei
395 [GO] 2021―Jun―21 Research on ordering strategy of company D under supply disruption of COVID-19 Xinke Du, F. Wen, S.M. Ziaei
396 [GO] 2021―Jun―21 Innovative Development Path of State-owned Economy - Evidence Based on The Impact of COVID-19 on The Development of Chinese State-owned Industrial Enterprises and Their Post-epidemic Recovery from Financial Perspective Qinyuan Li, Shijie Tan, F. Wen, S.M. Ziaei
397 [GO] 2021―Jun―21 Emergency Financial System in China after COVID-19 Outbreak Zifang Ding, F. Wen, S.M. Ziaei
398 [GO] 2021―Jun―21 Review of the influences of COVID-19 pandemic on tourism Yunzhi Lin, F. Wen, S.M. Ziaei
399 [GO] 2021―Jun―21 COVID-19’s influence on the credit risks and enterprise innovation of the Guangxi manufacturing--Based on the measure of KMV model LiJun Shen, Yu He, F. Wen, S.M. Ziaei
400 [GO] 2021―Jun―21 Research on the Development Strategy of Fresh Food E-commerce Enterprises under COVID-19-Taking Ding Dong as an Example Chang Liu, F. Wen, S.M. Ziaei
401 [GO] 2021―Jun―21 Changes in the Portfolio Management and Construction under the Pandemic Era Ruipeng Tan, F. Wen, S.M. Ziaei
402 [GO] 2021―Jun―18 COVID-19 -global transition to a new architecture and urban development paradigm of the environment? Galina Aidarova, Aidar Aminov, E. Vdovin
403 [GO] 2021―Jun―18 The development of urban agglomeration in a pandemic Svetlana Korotkova, Anastasiya Dobrolyubova, Galina Filyushina, E. Vdovin
404 [GO] 2021―Jun―18 Emergency architecture. Modular construction of healthcare facilities as a response to pandemic outbreak Marina Smolova, Daria Smolova, E. Vdovin
405 [GO] 2021―Jun―15 The Power of Using Novel Nanopore Sequencing Technology for Diagnosis, Genomic and Pathological Studies of Covid-19 Chenghao Du, T. Zhu, M. Anpo, A. Sharifi
406 [GO] 2021―Jun―15 Function, Development and Challenges of COVID-19 Diagnostic Methods in Two Areas: RT-PCR Tests and Serology Tests Ke Diao, Tiancheng Yu, T. Zhu, M. Anpo, A. Sharifi
407 [GO] 2021―Jun―15 Research on Recognition Method of COVID-19 Images Based on Deep Learning Dongsheng Ji, Yanzhong Zhao, Zhujun Zhang, Qianchuan Zhao, T. Zhu, M. Anpo, A. Sharifi
408 [GO] 2021―Jun―15 Application of digital PCR (dPCR) in the detection of Covid-19 in food Hua Liu, Shanti dwita Lestari, T. Zhu, M. Anpo, A. Sharifi
409 [GO] 2021―Jun―15 The Techniques Used on the Development of COVID-19 Vaccine Jiatong Su, T. Zhu, M. Anpo, A. Sharifi
410 [GO] 2021―Jun―15 Comparison between SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV 2 Meng Fang, T. Zhu, M. Anpo, A. Sharifi
411 [GO] 2021―Jun―09 Development of a simulation model for the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus infection in Kaluga region Alexey Tkachenko, Denis Lavrentev, Maksim Denisenko, Valentina Kuznetsova, A.D. Nazarov
412 [GO] 2021―Jun―04 Recombinant protein expression and purification experiments based on SARS-CoV-2 Mpro Jin Huang, M.S. Tahir, L. Xing
413 [GO] 2021―Jun―03 The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the environmental health of the Katunsky Biosphere Reserve Aleksey Rednikin, T. Ledashcheva, A. Nikol’skii, N. Chernykh, A. Khaustov, A. Myaskov, et al. (+16)
414 [GO] 2021―Mai―28 COVID-19: Key global impacts on the construction industry and proposed coping strategies Ihsan Ali Husien, Zelentsov Borisovich, Ahmed Adel Naji, P. Akimov, N. Vatin, A. Tusnin, A. Doroshenko
415 [GO] 2021―Mai―21 Research on prevention and traceability management of COVID-19 in cold chain logistics Sicong Li, Jing Ye, M.M.H. Mostafa, S. Manickam
416 [GO] 2021―Mai―20 Digital tools for seaports geo-information support while climate change and Covid-19 pandemic Valery Abramov, Sergey Lukyanov, Ekaterina Korinets, Vladimir Bolshakov, Tatiana Vekshina, V. Kankhva
417 [GO] 2021―Mai―20 The Psychological Hardiness of Students with a High Insomnia Index During the Covid-19 Pandemic Dmitry Totskiy, Anatoly Alekhin, Natalia Leonenko, Christina Pultcina, Svetlana Belyaeva, Lubomir Guzi, V. Kankhva
418 [GO] 2021―Mai―20 Covid-19 pandemic in central Asia: policy and environmental implications and responses for SMES support in Uzbekistan Konstantin Kurpayanidi, Alisher Abdullaev, V. Kankhva
419 [GO] 2021―Mai―20 Psychological-pedagogical problems and prospects of distance learning of students during the Covid-19 pandemics George Abuselidzeand, Inna Radzivilova, Olga Mohylevska, V. Kankhva
420 [GO] 2021―Mai―20 Peculiarities of the agricultural business appraisal approach in the project finance in the pandemic situation Elizaveta Markovskaya, Angela Mottaeva, V. Kankhva
421 [GO] 2021―Mai―20 Some global economic realities and environmental impact in the context of the pandemic: causes and trends Amina Sakhbieva, Vitaly Goncharov, Elena Zatsarinnaya, Daria Gordeeva, Inessa Kalyakina, Olga Ignatyeva, V. Kankhva
422 [GO] 2021―Mai―20 Implementation of the agricultural university educational programs during a pandemic: participants’ opinions Ludmila Filimonyuk, Valentine Ivashova, Victoria Burlyaeva, Elena Sorokina, Elena Litvinova, V. Kankhva
423 [GO] 2021―Mai―12 Research on the Visual Design of Data Charts Based on the COVID-19 Epidemic Qiu Feng, Ren Fuchen, M.S. Nazir, H.A. Aziz
424 [GO] 2021―Mai―12 The Innovative Development Strategy of Service Trade in Wuhan Based on SWOT Analysis In the Context of Sino-US Trade Friction and The COVID-19 Pandemic Hongping Wang, Fang Gao, Quanhong Liu, Yufan Li, M.S. Nazir, H.A. Aziz
425 [GO] 2021―Mai―12 Evaluating the social impact of COVID-19 with a big data approach Jiacheng Chen, M.S. Nazir, H.A. Aziz
426 [GO] 2021―Mai―06 Ansoff’s Strategic Posture Analysis of Small Businesses in Henan Province, China, Post COVID-19 Marco I. Bonelli, J. Li, J. Wu, K. Chen
427 [GO] 2021―Mai―06 Emergency Resource Scheduling During COVID-19 Lingfang Wu, Xiaolin Xiang, J. Li, J. Wu, K. Chen
428 [GO] 2021―Mai―06 The Influence of Psychological Flexibility of Nurses on Occupational Stress during the COVID-19 under the Background of Big Data:The Mediating Effect of Error Management Climate Bo Lin, Junbo Ma, Keqiang Chi, J. Li, J. Wu, K. Chen
429 [GO] 2021―Mai―06 Strategic Analysis of the Catering Industry under Covid-19: a Case Study in China Xiaoxiao Xiong, Ruoyu Yao, J. Li, J. Wu, K. Chen
430 [GO] 2021―Mai―06 Tax Planning for Small and Micro Enterprises under the Influence of the 2019-nCoV Chen Yanbing, J. Li, J. Wu, K. Chen
431 [GO] 2021―Mai―03 Trade-economic cooperation of Ukraine and China within COVID-19 Pandemic and in post-pandemic time Olha Yatsenko, Tetiana Tsygankova, Iryna Horbachova, Oksana Aksyonova, Valeriia Osadchuk, A. Generowicz, et al. (+2)
432 [GO] 2021―Mai―03 Distance technologies in sustainable education: the case of Ukraine during the coronavirus pandemic Oksana Poplavska, Nataliia Danylevych, Svetlana Rudakova, Liudmyla Shchetinina, A. Generowicz, B. Burkinskyi, V. Koval
433 [GO] 2021―Apr―15 The Characteristics of the Nursing Organizational Management Highlighted by COVID-19 Pingting Fu, Jia-ming Mai, Yang Xiang, K.H.M. Mansur, Y. Fu
434 [GO] 2021―Apr―15 Airbnb Short-term Housing Rental Status Prediction Model Under the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic Zhixiang Lu, K.H.M. Mansur, Y. Fu
435 [GO] 2021―Apr―07 The Public Participation Shifting of Environmental Impact Assessment During Covid-19 Outbreak Adib Hasan, Erri N. Megantara, S. Withaningsih, D. Supyandi, G.L. Utama, A.D. Malik
436 [GO] 2021―Apr―07 Social economic aspects of COVID-19 Pandemic - a brief summary Regina Hoi Yee Fu, S. Withaningsih, D. Supyandi, G.L. Utama, A.D. Malik
437 [GO] 2021―Apr―07 Pandemics and Sustainable Human Nature Relations: A Case study in Baduy Community, South Banten, Indonesia Johan Iskandar, S. Withaningsih, D. Supyandi, G.L. Utama, A.D. Malik
438 [GO] 2021―Apr―05 Impact of COVID-19 on the production and consumption of agricultural food Michael Il’in, Lyudmila Kalinina, Inga Zelenskaya, Nikolaj Kalinin, Ol’ga Vlasenko, Sof’ya Trufanova, et al. (+3)
439 [GO] 2021―Mrz―30 Survey of facial masks using behaviour during COVID-19 outbreak Xinkai Yu, Hao Yang, Junzhou He, J. Kurnitski, M. Thalfeldt
440 [GO] 2021―Mrz―30 The Study of Co2 Concentration in A Classroom During The Covid-19 Safety Measures Jurgis Zemitis, Raimonds Bogdanovics, Snezana Bogdanovica, J. Kurnitski, M. Thalfeldt
441 [GO] 2021―Mrz―24 Healthcare supply chain for China’s Belt and Road Initiative during COVID-19 Ruili Yao, Fangyu Mei, Xue Wei, L. Duan, A.Z. Abdullah
442 [GO] 2021―Mrz―24 Research on the Neurobiology of COVID-19 Yilun Tong, L. Duan, A.Z. Abdullah
443 [GO] 2021―Mrz―24 Prediction of an epidemic with Machine Learning and Covid-19 Data Fang Wenhui, Wang Yihui, Lu Zhipeng, L. Duan, A.Z. Abdullah
444 [GO] 2021―Mrz―24 A Study on Students’ Autonomous Learning Ability, Teacher-student Interaction and Its Influence on Academic Development during the COVID-19 Epidemic Xiaotian Sun, L. Duan, A.Z. Abdullah
445 [GO] 2021―Mrz―24 Emergency disposal and management of medical waste duringthe COVID-19 outbreak in China Liyuan Liu, Guanglong Wu, Qinzhong Feng, Yang Chen, L. Duan, A.Z. Abdullah
446 [GO] 2021―Mrz―24 Novel coronavirus pneumonia based on the DingTalk platform teaching method in the teaching of Pathogenic Biology Bo Song, Yan Sun, Junjie Guo, Dan Zhao, Jiayin Tan, L. Duan, A.Z. Abdullah
447 [GO] 2021―Mrz―24 The Teaching Design and Application of Online - Offline Hybrid Curriculum under the Influence of the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic Wenjia Xie, Kun Han, Xiaoli Zhang, Xinwei Gao, Meimei He, L. Duan, A.Z. Abdullah
448 [GO] 2021―Mrz―24 The scientific research progress of novel coronavirus-- SARS-COV-2 LiuQing Yang, L. Duan, A.Z. Abdullah
449 [GO] 2021―Mrz―24 SARS-CoV-19’s actual initial cases in Wuhan, China and the impact of different interventions and imports in the pandemic Xiaochuan Li, L. Duan, A.Z. Abdullah
450 [GO] 2021―Mrz―19 Factors Influencing Logistics Management of 3 PL Service Companies to 4 PL in the recession of COVID-19 Somrerk Kanwivat, V. Breskich, S. Uvarova
451 [GO] 2021―Mrz―19 Factors of China’s International Competitiveness and the Sustainability of its Economy under the COVID-19 Pandemic (the Case Study for BRICS) Tatiana Podolskaya, Maria Singkh, V. Breskich, S. Uvarova
452 [GO] 2021―Mrz―19 Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan after the peak of the pandemic Bakhodir Sultanov, Lochinbek Amirov, Mavluda Askarova, Barna Rakhmankulova, Maftuna Tosheva, V. Breskich, S. Uvarova
453 [GO] 2021―Mrz―19 Institution of higher education transformation and society’s response to distance learning during the Covid 19 pandemic Olga Yarmak, Tatyana Shkaiderova, Ekaterina Strashko, Maria Bolshakova, Lyudmila Garas, V. Breskich, S. Uvarova
454 [GO] 2021―Mrz―19 Online education in new period of sustainable development after the pandemic Oksana Barabash, Dmitry Sknarev, Irina Maslova, Marina Bereznyatskaya, Alena Prakhova, V. Breskich, S. Uvarova
455 [GO] 2021―Mrz―10 Influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic Outbreak on Ground Transport CO2 Emission Michał Sikorski, Jan Majewski, Wiktor Snarski, H.J. Kim
456 [GO] 2021―Feb―19 Innovative Paradigms of Responsible Consumption in Ensuring Environmental Security of Socio-Economic Systems in a Pandemic Victoria S. Telyatnikova, Anna V. Shokhnekh, Natalia S. Mushketova, Ali G.B. Al Aayedi, A. Fedyukhin, S. Dixit
457 [GO] 2021―Feb―03 Empirical Analysis of Optimal Stock Portfolio under the Background of COVID-19 Yifan Li, Yu Luo, Yunqian Zhou, G. Kierans, H. Liu, E.H.K. Ng
458 [GO] 2021―Feb―03 The Influence of Covid-19 on Subprime in the U.S. Haoyang Li, G. Kierans, H. Liu, E.H.K. Ng
459 [GO] 2021―Feb―03 Analysis on Economic Growth under Different Prevention and Control Measures of Covid-19 Pandemic Wenyi Yang, G. Kierans, H. Liu, E.H.K. Ng
460 [GO] 2021―Feb―03 Counter-cyclical adjustment of monetary policies and development of the real economy post the Covid-19 pandemic Shuqin Wu, G. Kierans, H. Liu, E.H.K. Ng
461 [GO] 2021―Feb―03 Economic consequences of resource trade-offs for special disaster-blessed industries: the case of COVID-19 pandemic Economic consequences of COVID-19 pandemic Muhammad Jawad Sajid, G. Kierans, H. Liu, E.H.K. Ng
462 [GO] 2021―Feb―03 The Impact of Competitive Strategy on Profitability in the Context of COVID-19: A Case Study of McDonald’s Han Ma, G. Kierans, H. Liu, E.H.K. Ng
463 [GO] 2021―Feb―03 Study on Jingdong Company’s Emergency Supply chain in the Context of Unconventional Emergency of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Yonghui Cao, He Jiang, G. Kierans, H. Liu, E.H.K. Ng
464 [GO] 2021―Feb―02 The impact of Covid-19 on the port environment: The case of Tanger Med container port, Morocco Hajar Abous, Mhamed Hamiche, Mohamed El Merouani, J. Abouchabaka, S. Bourekkadi, O. Omari, K. Slimani
465 [GO] 2021―Feb―02 Green finance: Pandemic and climate change Igor Klioutchnikov, Oleg Kliuchnikov, J. Abouchabaka, S. Bourekkadi, O. Omari, K. Slimani
466 [GO] 2021―Jan―27 Body Temperature Detection and Data Collection during COVID-19 Wenhong Yu, Chenlu Luo, Kuan Wang, L. Zhang, S. Defilla, W. Chu
467 [GO] 2021―Jan―27 Economic Power Comparison between United States and China in the Context of Covid-19 Pandemic: Based on Statistical Methods Yutong Yang, L. Zhang, S. Defilla, W. Chu
468 [GO] 2021―Jan―25 Survive of the Indonesia farmers in during the Covid-19 Pademic: Findings of the South Sumatra Agustina Bidarti, P. Saiyut, M.M. Tjale, Z. Rozaki
469 [GO] 2021―Jan―25 Monitoring of Physiological Signs and Their Impact on The Covid-19 Pandemic: Review Abdoullah Bella, Rachid Latif, Amine Saddik, Fatima Zahra Guerrouj, S. Krit
470 [GO] 2021―Jan―25 Towards robotics and artificial intelligence for the prevention of Covid 19 pandemic Saloua Senhaji, Sanaa Faquir, Mohammed Ouazzani Jamil, S. Krit
471 [GO] 2021―Jan―25 Communication Participation in Community Empowerment for Energy Independent Tourism Villages in the Pandemic Era Moch. Imron Rosyidi, Anissa Hakim Purwantini, Lintang Muliawanti, Bagiyo Condro Purnomo, Andi Widyanto, P. Saiyut, et al. (+2)
472 [GO] 2020―Dez―22 Motivating the administrative staff of agricultural enterprises during remote work during the pandemic Covid-19 Sergey Yekimov, Ihor Leonidov, Igor Smyrnov, Yevhenii Karmannyi, Serhii Kovzhoha, O. Loretts, et al. (+4)
473 [GO] 2020―Dez―22 Changes in transport activity regulation in the context of the coronavirus pandemic Maxim Makhiboroda, Ekaterina Ananyeva, Ing. Petr Doucek, O. Loretts, N. Ojha, S. Vinogradov, et al. (+2)
474 [GO] 2020―Dez―22 Analysis of the Russian-Chinese economic correlation in the field of foreign trade relations in the pandemic Elena Sinianskaia, Olga Savostina, Xu Rui, O. Loretts, N. Ojha, S. Vinogradov, et al. (+2)
475 [GO] 2020―Dez―22 Features of functioning of the russian pork market in the context of the pandemic and prospects for its development Ekaterina Nifontova, O. Loretts, N. Ojha, S. Vinogradov, A. Ruchkin, V. Kukhar
476 [GO] 2020―Dez―14 The state of the Russian payment market: digitalization and the impact of COVID-19 Olga Korobeynikova, Diana Burkaltseva, Tatiana Dugina, Zinaida Kozenko, Svetlana Shaldokhina, V. Breskich
477 [GO] 2020―Dez―14 Model of economic growth of the economy of small and medium-sized enterprises in the context of the spread of coronavirus infection Alexey Ukhanov, Alexander Chupin, Zhanna Chupina, V. Breskich
478 [GO] 2020―Dez―14 Assessment of the impact of risks of energy companies in a pandemic Natalya Solopova, Oleg Karpovich, Anna Minnullina, Ruslan Minnullin, V. Breskich
479 [GO] 2020―Dez―11 Investment Opportunity in Online Survey Industry under COVID-19 Yinuo Cheng, S.O. Oladokun, S. Lu
480 [GO] 2020―Dez―11 Human Resource Management Strategy and New Mode of Internet Plus in COVID-19 Shaohua Zhu, S.O. Oladokun, S. Lu
481 [GO] 2020―Dez―11 How COVID-19 impacts the U.S. economy and predictions about the future Fangze Tian, S.O. Oladokun, S. Lu
482 [GO] 2020―Dez―11 COVID-19’s Pathways to Human Central Nervous System and Relevant Drug Treatment Zhaolun Liang, S.O. Oladokun, S. Lu
483 [GO] 2020―Dez―11 Development of Online Marketing During Coronavirus Epidemic Zhichun Yang, S.O. Oladokun, S. Lu
484 [GO] 2020―Dez―11 The Impact of the 2019-nCoV on the Oral Medical Industry and the Corresponding Strategies Yanbing Chen, S.O. Oladokun, S. Lu
485 [GO] 2020―Dez―11 Chinese Medicine Characteristic Nursing for Mild and Ordinary Types of SARS-CoV-2 Virus Infected Patients Meirong Wu, S.O. Oladokun, S. Lu
486 [GO] 2020―Dez―07 Investor Attention and Stock Market under the Outbreak of the COVID-19-Based on the Data of Mask Concept Stocks Bokai Zhang, Xuan Wang, Meng Rao, Y. Ahn, F. Wu
487 [GO] 2020―Dez―04 Migration flow management as crime prevention during and after COVID-19 Elena Bagreeva, Angela Mottaeva, D. Rudoy, A. Olshevskaya, V. Kankhva
488 [GO] 2020―Dez―04 Experience of regime regulation of distance learning in conditions of the spread of new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) Yulia Isakova, Marina Alekseeva, D. Rudoy, A. Olshevskaya, V. Kankhva
489 [GO] 2020―Dez―04 Social responsibility of business and government in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic George Abuselidze, Anna Slobodianyk, D. Rudoy, A. Olshevskaya, V. Kankhva
490 [GO] 2020―Dez―04 Subjective discomfort and personality traits of university teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic Ekaterina Denisova, Pavel Ermakov, Irina Skirtach, Viktoria Korkhova, D. Rudoy, A. Olshevskaya, V. Kankhva
491 [GO] 2020―Dez―04 Experience of using distance technology to teach Chinese undergraduates during the COVID-19 pandemic Olga Fedotova, Elena Platonova, Vladimir Latun, Igor Filkevich, Oleg Igumnov, D. Rudoy, et al. (+2)
492 [GO] 2020―Dez―04 Indicative planning of the innovative development of a federal state in the context of the activation of unforeseen factors of a radical nature (at example of the COVID-19 pandemic) Tatyana Ladykova, Ivan Danilov, D. Rudoy, A. Olshevskaya, V. Kankhva
493 [GO] 2020―Dez―04 The challenge and opportunities of thailand education due to the covid-19 pandemic: case study of Nakhon Pathom, Thailand Yingsak Vanpetch, Mahachai Sattayathamrongthian, D. Rudoy, A. Olshevskaya, V. Kankhva
494 [GO] 2020―Dez―04 Innovations during COVID-19 pandemic: trends, technologies, prospects Natalia Serbulova, Tatyana Morgunova, Galina Persiyanova, D. Rudoy, A. Olshevskaya, V. Kankhva
495 [GO] 2020―Dez―04 Impact of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020 on the real estate market in Russia: legal aspects Karine Avakyan, Gennady Pratsko, D. Rudoy, A. Olshevskaya, V. Kankhva
496 [GO] 2020―Dez―04 The coronavirus pandemic's socio-psychological paradox Larisa Litvinova, Atsamaz Kaloyev, Lyubov' Gubareva, Emma Abakarova, D. Rudoy, A. Olshevskaya, V. Kankhva
497 [GO] 2020―Dez―04 Distance learning during coronavirus: problems and solutions Olga Yarovaya, Larisa Yarovaya, Elena Bogatskaya, D. Rudoy, A. Olshevskaya, V. Kankhva
498 [GO] 2020―Dez―04 Legal aspects of the moratorium on bankruptcy as an innovative trend in business support in a pandemic Ekaterina Sapozhnikova, D. Rudoy, A. Olshevskaya, V. Kankhva
499 [GO] 2020―Dez―04 Topical issues of legal regulation of labor relations in the educational sector in the context of the pandemic Tatyana Moskaleva, D. Rudoy, A. Olshevskaya, V. Kankhva
500 [GO] 2020―Dez―04 Topical issues of legal regulation of labor relations in the educational sector in the context of the pandemic Tatyana Moskaleva, D. Rudoy, A. Olshevskaya, V. Kankhva
501 [GO] 2020―Dez―04 Pandemic as a factor in adjusting the methodology of indicative planning for the implementation of the region's innovation policy Tatyana Ladykova, Ivan Danilov, D. Rudoy, A. Olshevskaya, V. Kankhva
502 [GO] 2020―Dez―04 Distance learning during the pandemic: managing the challenges Elena Rudenko, Rupiya Bachieva, Alfiya Aligadzhieva, Zarema Temirhanova, Atikat Archilaeva, D. Rudoy, et al. (+2)
503 [GO] 2020―Nov―25 Strategic policy of companies in the area of social responsibility: Covid-19 challenges Svetlana Drobyazko, Tetiana Hilorme, Dmytro Solokha, Oksana Bieliakova, H. Herdiansyah, A. Sodri
504 [GO] 2020―Nov―25 Adaptation of students to distance learning in COVID-19 conditions in terms of ultradian rhythms of the cardiovascular system Tatyana Bashkireva, Anastasia Bashkireva, Alexander Morozov, Alexander Severin, Nadezhda Fateeva, Larisa Baykova, et al. (+3)
505 [GO] 2020―Nov―25 Quito’s coronavirus curfew: Escalating tropospheric ozone pollution Cristian Salazar, Anna I. Kurbatova, Milana E. Kupriyanova, H. Herdiansyah, A. Sodri
506 [GO] 2020―Nov―25 Pembelajaran jarak jauh during covid 19 pandemic in Indonesia and development sustainable Ike Iswary Lawanda, H. Herdiansyah, A. Sodri
507 [GO] 2020―Nov―24 The impact of online learning on the education system in the context of the spread of coronavirus infection Olga Astafeva, Evgeny Astafiev, Inna Osipova, W. Strielkowski, E. Animitsa, E. Dvoryadkina
508 [GO] 2020―Nov―24 The consumer market is the most important factor in the region’s sustainable development during the pandemic Natalya Novikova, Larisa Dianova, Rafaela Znachek, W. Strielkowski, E. Animitsa, E. Dvoryadkina
509 [GO] 2020―Nov―24 Bank’s marketing policy formation in a pandemic as ensuring resilience in the Russian economy Tatyana Solosichenko, Nadezhda Goncharova, Pavel Letov, W. Strielkowski, E. Animitsa, E. Dvoryadkina
510 [GO] 2020―Nov―10 Sustainability of Teredo navalis L and Environmental Management Strategies in the Pandemic Era COVID-19 Yumima Sinyo, Sutrisno Anggoro, Tri Retnaningsih Soeprobowati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
511 [GO] 2020―Nov―10 ARFIMA Model for Short Term Forecasting of New Death Cases COVID-19 Puspita Kartikasari, Hasbi Yasin, Di Asih I Maruddani, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
512 [GO] 2020―Nov―10 COVID-19 disease transmission model considering direct and indirect transmission Dipo Aldila, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
513 [GO] 2020―Nov―10 Optimal control problem on COVID-19 disease transmission model considering medical mask, disinfectants and media campaign Dipo Aldila, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
514 [GO] 2020―Nov―10 Epidemiologic and Clinical Characteristics of Patients with Covid-19 in Central Java, Indonesia Dwi Sutiningsih, Vilianti Eka Fitri Rahatina, Yulianto Prabowo, Aris Haryanto, Mufti Agung Wibowo, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
515 [GO] 2020―Nov―10 Case Overview of Patients under Surveillance of COVID-19 in Central Java Province, Indonesia Dwi Sutiningsih, Aufiena Nur Ayu Merzistya, Yulianto Prabowo, Aris Sugiharto, Mufti Agung Wibowo, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
516 [GO] 2020―Nov―10 Has it done properly? The Difference between Before and After Social Distancing’s Policy Implementation in Controlling Covid-19 in Jakarta, Indonesia Rony Darmawansyah Alnur, Meita Veruswati, Al Asyary, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
517 [GO] 2020―Nov―10 The improvement of Self Immunity, Mental and Psychosocial Health to Prevent Covid-19 Infection in Elders in Surakarta Indonesia Argyo Demartoto, Siti Zunariyah, Sri Hilmi Pujihartati, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
518 [GO] 2020―Nov―10 The Impact of Covid-19 on Marine Ecotourism in Tegal City Siswo Harsono, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
519 [GO] 2020―Nov―10 Community preparedness toward flood during Covid-19 pandemic at Pekalongan City and Regency Gardena Smoro Laksmi, Iwan Rudiarto, Yanuar Luqman, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
520 [GO] 2020―Nov―10 Empowerment Strategy on Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) During COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia: A Case Study of BRI Microfinance Center Dhayita Rukti Tanaya, Fandis Ekyawan, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
521 [GO] 2020―Nov―10 Community’s Social Construction on Covid-19 Patients with Supervision in Surakarta Indonesia Argyo Demartoto, Yuyun Sunesti, Bagus Haryono, Aris Arif Mundayat, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
522 [GO] 2020―Nov―10 Safety and Health Management Commitment and Implementation of COVID-19 Prevention at Manufacture Workplace Environment Priska Dantjie, Yuliani Setyaningsih, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
523 [GO] 2020―Nov―10 Cost Estimates Related to COVID-19 Treatment in Indonesia: What Should be Concerned? Sutopo Patria Jati, Rani Tiyas Budiyanti, Praba Ginandjar, Ayun Sriatmi, Nurhasmadiar Nandini, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
524 [GO] 2020―Nov―10 Impoliteness Strategies of Whatsapp Group Speech Community related to Local Government Policy in Handling Covid-19 Virus Savitri Ayu Ida, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
525 [GO] 2020―Nov―10 Impoliteness Strategies of Whatsapp Group Speech Community related to Local Government Policy in Handling Covid-19 Virus Savitri Ayu Ida, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
526 [GO] 2020―Nov―10 COVID-19: challenges and opportunities in Indonesia health sector Barokah Sri Utami, Pradip Iramdhan Aliyansah, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
527 [GO] 2020―Nov―10 COVID-19: The Questions Ahead for Future Pedestrian Ways in Transit Area Anita R. Rakhmatulloh, Diah I Kusumodewi, Djoko Suwandono, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
528 [GO] 2020―Nov―10 Undesignated Academic Mosque Response Toward COVID--19 Pandemic Bangun I.R Harsritanto, Satrio Nugroho, Favian Dewanta, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
529 [GO] 2020―Nov―10 Pandemic, SDGs, and CSR: Case Study of Indonesia Sudharto P Hadi, Hairy Mohd Ibrahim, Prabawani Bulan, Sri Suryoko, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
530 [GO] 2020―Nov―10 An Ethnographic Study of the Passover Night Tradition in the Pandemic Situation to Preserve Ideology and Harmonious Social Environment Lidya Sartika D Putri, B. Warsito, T. Triadi Putranto
531 [GO] 2020―Nov―05 Coronaviruses of wild animals in Russia Rustam Gilmutdinov, Guzel Shalamova, Sergey Domolazov, A. Muratov, S. Ignatieva
532 [GO] 2020―Nov―05 Impact of the spread of epidemics, pandemics and mass diseases on economic security of transport Nikolay Chernogor, Alexander Zemlin, Ivan Kholikov, Irada Mamedova, A. Muratov, S. Ignatieva
533 [GO] 2020―Okt―26 Thoughts on Urban Planning of Big Cities in China Caused by the COVID-19 Epidemic Huiyan Zhao, G. Yang, M. Ziegler
534 [GO] 2020―Okt―23 The impacts of COVID-19 pandemic to informal economic sector in Indonesia: Theoretical and empirical comparison Agus Joko Pitoyo, Bagas Aditya, Ikhwan Amri, E. Haryono, F. Lavigne, R. Che Omar, et al. (+4)
535 [GO] 2020―Sep―01 An Overview of the Progress Made on the Coronavirus Vaccine Yu Fang, L. Yang, Z. Xu
536 [GO] 2020―Aug―03 Conservation Amid COVID-19 Pandemic: Ecotourism Collapse Threatens Communities and Wildlife in Morocco SidiImad Cherkaoui, Mohamed Boukherouk, Tarik Lakhal, Adil Aghzar, Lahcen El Youssfi, L. El Youssfi, et al. (+9)
537 [GO] 2020―Jul―23 Research on Fine-Grained Classification of Rumors in Public Crisis --Take the COVID-19 incident as an example Shuaipu Chen, A. Ghadouani, F. Wu
538 [GO] 2020―Jun―29 Biopolitics and legal issues of emergency situations in the context of coronavirus pandemic Vladislav Denisenko, Elena Trikoz, D. Rudoy, S. Ignateva
539 [GO] 2020―Apr―22 Our sustainable coronavirus future Serhiy Semerikov, Serhii Chukharev, Serhiy Sakhno, Andrii Striuk, Viacheslav Osadchyi, Victoria Solovieva, et al. (+14)

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