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Autoren Alle Autoren |
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[GO] |
2024―Mai―24 |
Ablation of anomalous mitral annular pathways via transradial access: early hospital discharge due to the covid-19 pandemic |
A A M Rosa Filho, A A M Rosa, L B Cavalcante, A W Rosa, M Brandao, D Moura, et al. (+9) L Angelo, S C G A Lima, F Fernandes, F Loureiro, M Russo, G Santiago, J F Silva, L Torres, E Xavier |
2 |
[GO] |
2024―Mai―24 |
Physiologist-led management of heart failure patients using cardiac implantable electronic device diagnostics during COVID-19: a 2-year UK perspective |
A Domingos, L Moore, C Cunnington |
3 |
[GO] |
2023―Dez―05 |
Lack of Temporal Correlations between COVID Pandemic Waves and the occurrence of Malignant Ventricular Arrhythmias |
Deborah Foltran, Céline Guilbeau-Frugier, Nathan Marimpouy, Maxime Beneyto, Miloud Cherbi, Vanina Bongard, Philippe Maury |
4 |
[GO] |
2023―Mai―24 |
Individual tailored physical training in patients with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome associated with post-acute COVID-19 syndrome - a feasibility study |
A Svensson, A Svensson-Raskh, M Stahlberg, L Holmstroem, J Bruchfeld, A Fedorowski, M Nygren-Bonnier |
5 |
[GO] |
2023―Mai―24 |
Relative tachycardia at admission as a predictor of mortality in severe and critical COVID-19, a tertiary centre study |
P Bistrovic, M Lucijanic |
6 |
[GO] |
2023―Mai―24 |
Whether and what abnormalities we find in ECG records and 24-hour Holter ECG in patients after COVID-19 without hospitalization with cardiac damage |
M Chudzik, M Babicki, J Kapusta, D Kolat, Z Kaluzinska-Kolat, A Mastalerz-Migas, P Jankowski |
7 |
[GO] |
2023―Mai―24 |
Does the severity of the course of COVID-19 in pts without hospitalization and no history of cardiovascular disease affect of cardiac arrhythmias |
M Chudzik, M Babicki, J Kapusta, D Kolat, Z Kaluzinska-Kolat, A Mastalerz-Migas, P Jankowski |
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[GO] |
2023―Mai―24 |
Reorganizing the device clinic: remote monitoring-only of cardiac implantable electronic devices during the Covid-19 pandemic |
E Ebrille, C Amellone, M T Lucciola, M Suppo, G Antonacci, F Gotta, et al. (+2) M Birolo, M Giammaria |
9 |
[GO] |
2023―Mai―24 |
Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome associated with post-acute covid-19 syndrome is not mediated through smaller hearts or contractile dysfunction |
A Ahmad, A Mahdi, A Fedorowski, M Nygren-Bonnier, J Bruchfeldt, M Runold, et al. (+4) L Desta, J Pernow, M Stahlberg, J Nickander |
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[GO] |
2023―Mai―24 |
Surviving critical COVID-19 requiring mechanical ventilation is associated with a high long-term risk of de novo arrhythmic events |
A Liliequist, P Svensson, R Hoffmann, H Habel, P Nordberg, M Stahlberg |
11 |
[GO] |
2023―Mai―24 |
PM and ICD trends during COVID-19 pandemic in Italy. A global analysis of the national hospital discharge database |
M Zecchin, E Ciminello, M Torre, E Carrani, L Sampaolo, A Proclemer, et al. (+5) G Boriani, G Zanotto, A D'onofrio, R De Ponti, G Sinagra |
12 |
[GO] |
2023―Mai―24 |
Atrial fibrillation and in-hospital mortality in Covid-19 patients |
I Kotadia, M Dias, C Roney, R A Parker, R O'dowling, D O'hare, et al. (+9) J A Solis-Lemus, I Sim, J Birns, P Sommerville, A Bhalla, D Newby, S Niederer, M O'neill, S E Williams |
13 |
[GO] |
2023―Mai―24 |
DIGItal health literacy after COVID-19 outbreak among frail and non-frail cardiology patients: the DIGI-COVID study |
M Vitolo, J F Imberti, V Ziveri, N Bonini, F Muto, D A Mei, et al. (+9) G Gozzi, C Busi, M Mantovani, B Cherubini, M Menozzi, P Cataldo, A C Valenti, D Sgreccia, G Boriani |
14 |
[GO] |
2023―Mai―24 |
Follow-up of implantable cardiac electronic devices during the Covid-19 pandemic: organizational model and results of a single center experience |
G Miracapillo, L Addonisio, F De Sensi, P Orselli, E Piccinetti, C Aramini, et al. (+2) M Del Maestro, U Limbruno |
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[GO] |
2023―Mai―24 |
Thrombosis risk factors in patients with atrial fibrillation according to the CHA2DS2-VASc scales depending on the previous COVID-19 infection |
O S Sychov, O V Stasyshena, O M Romanova, T V Getman, O V Sribna, Y U V Zinchenko, et al. (+3) T V Mikhalieva, O Y A Ilchyshyna, V M Granich |
16 |
[GO] |
2023―Mai―24 |
Artificial intelligence-enhanced electrocardiography for predicting severity prognosis in patients with COVID-19 |
Y Baek, Y Jo, D H Lee, S C Lee, W I Choi, D H Kim |
17 |
[GO] |
2023―Mai―24 |
Covid 19 pandemic: the final boost for remote monitoring of implantable cardiac devices? : analysis from the nationwide remote monitoring registry (Covid-19 rm-spain) |
F Garcia Fernandez, S Calvo Simal, O Cano, D Calvo, L Villagraz, J Martin, et al. (+4) D Cantero, L Aguilar Iglesias, I Fernandez Lozano, M Pombo |
18 |
[GO] |
2023―Mai―24 |
Evidence of cytokine activation in patients with post-acute COVID-19 syndrome with- and without postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome |
E Fredengren, A Mahdi, A Fedorowski, P Brodin, M Nygren-Bonnier, M Runold, et al. (+5) J Bruchfeld, J Nickander, L Desta, J Pernow, M Stahlberg |
19 |
[GO] |
2023―Mai―24 |
ECG characteristics associated with adverse outcomes in COVID-19, a tertiary centre experience |
P Bistrovic, S Manola, D Delic-Brkljacic, M Lucijanic |
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[GO] |
2023―Mai―24 |
Impact of the Covid19 pandemic on implantable cardiac device implants in Spain. Data from the nationwide Covid 19 RM (remote monitoring) Spain registry |
F J Garcia-Fernandez, S Calvo Simal, L Villagraz, O Cano, D Calvo, M Pombo, et al. (+4) I Fernandez Lozano, J Martin, L Aguilar Iglesias, D Cantero |
21 |
[GO] |
2023―Mai―24 |
Telemedicine: the future of personalised atrial fibrillation care in a post pandemic world? |
A Kotb, S Armstrong, I Koev, I Antoun, Z Vali, J Barker, et al. (+8) G Panchal, A Mavilakandy, S H Chin, M Lazdam, M Ibrahim, A Sandilands, R Somani, G A Ng |
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[GO] |
2023―Mai―24 |
Diagnostic value of 24-h ECG recording in Long COVID patients with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome |
D Hupin, V Pichot, M Back, M Nygren Bonnier, U Reistam, M Runold, et al. (+5) J Bruchfeldt, J C Barthelemy, M Stahlberg, A Fedorowski, J Nickander |
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[GO] |
2022―Mai―19 |
The features of atrial fibrillation occurrence in patients who have undergone COVID-19 |
LG Hazarapetyan, S Grigoryan, AA Ter-Markaryan, MF Drampyan |
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[GO] |
2022―Mai―19 |
Prevalence and impact of dysrhythmias in COVID-19 intensive care patients |
D De Almeida Fernandes, J Guimaraes, P Costa, E Monteiro, G Costa, N Antonio, et al. (+2) P Martins, L Goncalves |
25 |
[GO] |
2022―Mai―19 |
Effects of lockdown on physical activity and arrhythmia burden in patients with an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator: the Covid-19 Lockdown ICD-Carelink (CLIC) study |
MA Ghossein, DK Linz, D Van Kraaij, M De Melis, K Vernooy, J Heijman |
26 |
[GO] |
2022―Mai―19 |
Remote device monitoring for implantable cardioverter defibrillators during the COVID-19 pandemic |
MZH Kolk, FVY Tjong, RE Knops |
27 |
[GO] |
2022―Mai―19 |
Deep sedation with dexmedetomidine administered by electrophysiologists during COVID-19 pandemic compared with propofol administered by anesthesiologists for ablation of atrial fibrillation |
E Ebrille, MT Lucciola, C Amellone, F Ballocca, M Suppo, G Antonacci, et al. (+5) F Gotta, M Birolo, F Orlando, E Favro, M Giammaria |
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[GO] |
2022―Mai―19 |
Changes in the implantation procedures of pacemakers during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany |
JO Schwab, J Wiese, T Hauser |
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[GO] |
2022―Mai―19 |
Tachydysrhythmias in patients admitted with COVID-19 pneumonia: prevalence and impact on in-hospital mortality |
D De Almeida Fernandes, J Guimaraes, E Monteiro, G Costa, N Antonio, L Goncalves |
30 |
[GO] |
2022―Mai―19 |
Fever following Covid-19 vaccination in subjects with Brugada syndrome: incidence and management |
F Santoro, P Crea, PL Pellegrino, R Cetera, D Gianfrancesco, G D’arienzo, et al. (+3) F Bartolomucci, I El-Battrawy, ND Brunetti |
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[GO] |
2022―Mai―19 |
The COVID-19 viral 3a protein forms a potassium channel that can be inhibited by antiarrhythmic drugs |
F Wiedmann, E Boondej, M Stanifer, A Paasche, M Kraft, T Seeger, et al. (+4) U Uhrig, N Frey, S Boulant, C Schmidt |
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[GO] |
2022―Mai―19 |
QT interval prolongation is a novel predictor of one year morality in patients with coronavirus disease-19 infection |
A Banai, L Lupu, E Levy, E Chorin |
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[GO] |
2022―Mai―19 |
Atrial fibrillation and coronavirus infection |
OS Sychov, TV Talaieva, TI Gavrilenko, OM Romanova, TV Hetman, OV Stasyshena, O YA Ilchyshyna |
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[GO] |
2021―Jul―19 |
How simple ideas forged in the fire of adversity can change healthcare: telehealth for atrial fibrillation during the COVID 19 pandemic |
Brian Zenger, T Jared Bunch |
35 |
[GO] |
2021―Mai―24 |
Repolarization abnormalities at admission predict 30-day outcome in COVID-19 |
B Vandenberk, G Van De Sijpe, S Ingelaere, M Engelene, J Vermeulen, P Verhamme, et al. (+3) P De Munter, N Lorent, R Willems |
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[GO] |
2021―Mai―24 |
Home fitting of electrocardiogram (ECG) ambulatory monitors during covid-19 |
Z Muddassir, H Padmadas, S Khan, K Krishnathasan |
37 |
[GO] |
2021―Mai―24 |
Lower pacemaker implantation rates for atrioventricular block during COVID-19 |
D Zweiker, T Puntus, F Egger, R Kriz, J Koch, P Hellebart, et al. (+2) K Huber, M Nuernberg |
38 |
[GO] |
2021―Mai―24 |
Assessing atrial fibrillation ablation priority during COVID-19 -does use of patient questionnaires help in stratification above physician assessment? |
C Pius, H Ahmad, R Snowdon, R Ashrafi, J Waktare, Z Borbas, et al. (+6) V Luther, S Mahida, S Modi, M Hall, D Gupta, D Todd |
39 |
[GO] |
2021―Mai―24 |
Monitoring of QTc interval in patients with COVID-19. First experience with a portable EKG-recording device |
M Abellas Sequeiros, C Lozano Granero, C Garcia Sebastian, E Franco Diez, A Hernandez Madrid, J Moreno Planas, et al. (+2) M Sanmartin, JL Zamorano |
40 |
[GO] |
2021―Mai―24 |
Atrial fibrillation and COVID-19 in older patients: a complex, dangerous, association. An analysis of the GeroCovid Registry |
S Fumagalli, G Pelagalli, C Trevisan, S Del Signore, S Volpato, P Gareri, et al. (+7) E Mossello, A Malara, F Monzani, A Coin, G Bellelli, G Zia, R Antonelli Incalzi |
41 |
[GO] |
2021―Mai―24 |
Impact of COVID-19 lockdown in patients with implantable cardioverter and cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillators: insights from daily remote monitoring transmissions |
G Mascioli, E Lucca, P Napoli, D Giacopelli |
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[GO] |
2021―Mai―24 |
Implantable cardioverter defibrillator multisensor monitoring during home confinement caused by the covid-19 pandemic |
I Diemberger, F Guerra, L Calo", A D"onofrio, M Manzo, L Santini, et al. (+9) G Giubilato, C Carriere, VE Santobuono, G Savarese, C La Greca, G Arena, A Talarico, S Valsecchi, M Ziacchi |
43 |
[GO] |
2021―Mai―24 |
Observations during the COVID-19 pandemic in chronic heart failure patients with complex devices in a tertiary care cardiac centre using the HeartLogic software |
T Jinadu, R Dowd, L Bradley, E Painter, S Hughes, S Ahmad, et al. (+6) N Khan, D Khanra, A Arya, V Selvakumar, C Spencer, S Petkar |
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[GO] |
2021―Mai―24 |
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on electrophysiological procedures at a national referral center |
A Cueva-Parra, G Munoz-Benavides, W Ortiz-Solis, J Gomez-Flores, MF Marquez, JL Morales, et al. (+2) M Levinstein, S Nava |
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[GO] |
2021―Mai―24 |
Cardiac operations and interventions during the COVID-19 pandemic: a nationwide perspective |
F Leyva, A Zegard, O Okafor, B Stegemann, P Ludman, T Qiu |
46 |
[GO] |
2021―Mai―24 |
The TeleCheck-AF project on remote app-based management of atrial fibrillation during the COVID-19 pandemic: Patient experiences |
D Linz, N Pluymaekers, D Duncker, M Manninger, R Van Der Velden, A Hermans, et al. (+9) D Verhaert, M Hemels, A Sultan, D Gupta, H Heidbuchel, A Sohaib, E Svennberg, H Crijns, J Hendriks |
47 |
[GO] |
2021―Mai―24 |
ECG wearable rhythm monitoring in covid-19 patients |
S Garkina, V Orshanskaya, K Simonova, S Arzhelas, E Mineeva, D Lebedev |
48 |
[GO] |
2021―Mai―24 |
Telemedicine-based early rule out and followup ECG algorithm for COVID-19 patients |
OE Turan, RY Yilancioglu, C Alak, AA Baskurt, B Hunuk, E Dugral, et al. (+3) MB Yilmaz, AO Ergene, EE Ozcan |
49 |
[GO] |
2021―Mai―24 |
Oral anticoagulant therapy at hospital admission associates with lower mortality in older COVID-19 patients with atrial fibrillation. An insight from the Covid Registry |
S Fumagalli, C Trevisan, S Del Signore, G Pelagalli, S Volpato, P Gareri, et al. (+7) E Mossello, A Malara, F Monzani, A Coin, G Bellelli, G Zia, R Antonelli Incalzi |
50 |
[GO] |
2021―Mai―24 |
Impact of the Covid-19 related lockdown on physical activity, heart rate and arrhythmia burden in a large prospective cohort of CHF patients |
J Schmitt, J De Sousa, A Bulava, G Golovchiner, R Hatala, I Anguera, et al. (+3) F Reinke, B Wenzel, G Noelker |
51 |
[GO] |
2021―Mai―24 |
Electrocardiogram-based mortality prediction in patients with COVID-19 using machine learning |
H Bleijendaal, RR Van Der Leur, K Taha, T Mast, JMIH Gho, MM Winter, et al. (+6) AH Zwinderman, PA Doevendans, YM Pinto, FW Asselbergs, R Van Es, FVY Tjong |
52 |
[GO] |
2021―Mai―24 |
What can we find in the ECG recording in convalescent from COVID-19 with mild and moderate course |
M Chudzik, E Oszczygiel, D Miskowiec, JD Kasprzak |
53 |
[GO] |
2021―Mai―24 |
Cardiac arrhythmias in COVID-19: Mechanisms, outcomes and the potential role of proarrhythmia |
JL Merino, J Caro, JR Rey, S Castrejon, M Martinez-Cossiani |
54 |
[GO] |
2021―Mai―24 |
Remote app-based management of atrial fibrillation during the COVID-19: The centre characteristics and experiences of the European TeleCheck-AF project |
D Linz, N Pluymaekers, A Hermans, R Van Der Velden, D Verhaert, D Gupta, et al. (+9) D Steven, D Duncker, M Manninger, E Svennberg, H Heidbuchel, H Crijns, A Sahaib, D Tomlinson, J Hendriks |
55 |
[GO] |
2021―Mai―24 |
The impact of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin on the corrected qt interval in patients with the novel coronavirus disease 2019 |
B Murat, S Murat |
56 |
[GO] |
2021―Mai―24 |
Electrocardiographic characteristics of patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-2019) related pneumonia at first presentation |
U Nguyen, M Strik, S Abu-Arib, A Bruekers, T Nguyen, A Massud, et al. (+8) R Willems, S Dekker, B Spaetgens, E Engels, HGJM Crijns, R Koopmans, R Henry, CDA Stehouwer |
57 |
[GO] |
2021―Mai―24 |
QT interval in patients receiving HCQ in SARS-CoV-2- A study on risk factors and correlation of baseline QTc with delta QTc in Pakistani population |
S Saadia, M Hassan, T Ejaz, A Shaikh, Y Saeed, S Ahsan |
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[GO] |
2020―Jun―10 |
HRS/EHRA/APHRS/LAHRS/ACC/AHA worldwide practice update for telehealth and arrhythmia monitoring during and after a pandemic |
Niraj Varma, Nassir F Marrouche, Luis Aguinaga, Christine M Albert, Elena Arbelo, Jong-Il Choi, et al. (+17) Mina K Chung, Giulio Conte, Lilas Dagher, Laurence M Epstein, Hamid Ghanbari, Janet K Han, Hein Heidbuchel, He Huang, Dhanunjaya R Lakkireddy, Tachapong Ngarmukos, Andrea M Russo, Eduardo B Saad, Luis C Saenz Morales, Kristin E Sandau, Arun Raghav M Sridhar, Eric C Stecker, Paul D Varosy |