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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

17 Results       Page 1

Informa UK (Taylor & Francis): Eastern European Economics
  original article Date Title Authors   All Authors
1 [GO] 2024―Feb―11 Assessing the resilience of the financial market - a multistage approach in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic Maria Grosu, Camelia Cătălina Mihalciuc, Liviu George Maha, Ciprian Apostol
2 [GO] 2023―Nov―26 Market Efficiency During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Some Insights Using Non-Parametric Tests Andreea Iordache
3 [GO] 2023―Nov―17 The Effect of the Pandemic and the War in Ukraine on the Riskiness of Financial Investments in Three Central European Countries Quang Van Tran, Jiri Malek
4 [GO] 2023―Nov―14 Did World War II Deaths Help Prevent Deaths from COVID-19? Michael Lokshin, Martin Ravallion, Vladimir Kolchin
5 [GO] 2023―Sep―29 The Job Retention Scheme in Slovakia: Impact on Dismissals and Firm Survival in the COVID-19 Pandemic Matěj Bělín, Marcela Veselkova
6 [GO] 2023―Jun―20 COVID-19 Pandemic and Enterprise Financial Performance: Aggregate, Regional, and Sectoral Evidence from Poland Paweł Gajewski, Ali M. Kutan
7 [GO] 2023―Jun―06 Firm Survival in Times of Crisis: Do Innovation and Financing Constraints Matter? Insights from the COVID-19 Pandemic Ekin Ayşe Özşuca
8 [GO] 2023―May―23 Using Macrofinancial Models to Simulate Macroeconomic Developments During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of Albania Lorena Skufi, Adam Geršl
9 [GO] 2023―May―08 Race for Immunity: the Russian Stock Market during the COVID-19 Pandemic Kurkam Suvanova, Hyoung-Goo Kang, Chang-Mo Kang
10 [GO] 2023―Feb―13 Market Reactions to COVID-19: Does Systemic Risk Vary Across Industries? A Markov-Switching CAPM Approach Emre Bulut, Cumali Marangoz, Muhammet Daştan
11 [GO] 2023―Feb―08 The firm-level employment impact of COVID-19: International evidence from World Bank Group’s Enterprise Surveys Safi Ullah Khan
12 [GO] 2023―Jan―26 Has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the intentions of individuals for a business venture? An integrated structural model approach Ioana Sorina Andreica Mihuț, Larisa Nicoleta Kanto Pop, Dana Lucia Tulai, Daniel Mican
13 [GO] 2022―Dec―02 How did fear of COVID-19 affect access to healthcare in Central and Eastern Europe? Findings from populations aged 50 or older after the outbreak Šime Smolić, Margareta Fabijančić, Nikola Blaževski
14 [GO] 2022―May―30 Exchange Rates in Emerging Markets in the First Wave of the Covid-19 Pandemic Leon Kohrt, Florian Horky, Jarko Fidrmuc
15 [GO] 2022―Jan―25 Impact of Covid-19 Crisis and Resilience of Small and Medium Enterprises. Evidence from Romania Anica Iancu, Luminita Popescu, Anca Antoaneta Varzaru, Costin Daniel Avram
16 [GO] 2021―Jul―26 The Negative Impact of Covid-19 on Firms: Insights from Serbia Slobodan Adžić, Jarrah Al-Mansour
17 [GO] 2020―Nov―29 Populism to the Left of Me, Pandemics to the Right, Stuck in the Middle with You Christopher A. Hartwell

17 Results       Page 1


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