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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

92 Results       Page 1

Geotar-Media Publishing Group: Infectious diseases News Opinions Training
  original article Date Title Authors   All Authors
1 [GO] 2024―Sep―06 Clinical case of combined course of focal pulmonary tuberculosis with secondary amyloidosis and COVID-19 O.V. Alpidovskaya
2 [GO] 2024―Sep―06 Clinical and laboratory characteristics of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) in adults, the dynamics of the disease Ya.V. Malikova, D.A. Valishin, R.T. Murzabaeva
3 [GO] 2024―Mar―29 Analysis of cytokine levels depending on the course of COVID-19 M.D. Akhmedova, T.A. Ruzhentsova, Ja.J. Janibekov, A.A. Ismailova, M.Kh. Maksudova, Ja.A. Anvarov
4 [GO] 2024―Mar―29 Analysis of linguistic techniques contributing to fear-mongering about COVID-19 (Omicron strain) from selected English news feeds A. Saleem, U. Tariq
5 [GO] 2024―Mar―29 Mortality from tuberculosis and HIV infection in the Kaluga region before and during the COVID-19 pandemic I.S. Lapshina, E.B. Tsybikova
6 [GO] 2024―Mar―29 Analysis of side effects during COVID-19 pharmacotherapy N.I. Baranova, L.A. Aschina
7 [GO] 2024―Mar―29 Lipid metabolism indicators in patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection N.A. Konyshko, L.I. Volynets, G.S. Konyshko
8 [GO] 2024―Jan―26 Evaluation of the inhaled immunosuppressants effectiveness in the treatment of COVID-19 V.I. Kobylyansky
9 [GO] 2024―Jan―26 Determination of total lactate dehydrogenase activity and the ratio of isotypes for predicting the severity of the course and diagnosis of organ lesions in COVID-19 R.F. Sayfullin, S.K. Pylaeva, N.F. Frolova, D.O. Sinyavkin, D.A. Baykov
10 [GO] 2024―Jan―26 The frequency of deaths from COVID-19 among vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals C. Zhang, S.R. Raicic, E.G. Simonova, I.A. Khrapunova, M.P. Kostinov
11 [GO] 2024―Jan―26 Course and outcomes of COVID-19 in hospitalized patients, considering the level of lymphopenia T.A. Botabaev, Ya.S. Ulyanova, E.I. Krasnova, L.L. Pozdnyakova, N.I. Khokhlova
12 [GO] 2024―Jan―26 Effectiveness of influenza vaccination in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic (material for preparing the lecture) M.P. Kostinov, S.Yu. Tyukavkina, G.G. Kharseeva, N.Yu. Nastaeva
13 [GO] 2024―Jan―26 Association between blood glucose levels and other comorbidities with outcomes of COVID-19 patients in a tertiary care hospital K. Poorani, SriL. A. Naveen, V. Sandhiya, B. Dhanashree, R. Karthikeyan, А. Murali, S. Ramalingam
14 [GO] 2024―Jan―26 Features of cytokine status dynamics in patients with COVID-19 using Ambervin® Pulmo O.A. Radaeva, L.A. Balykova, N.A. Pyataev, K.Y. Zaslavskaya, Yu.A. Kostina, V.V. Eremeev, et al. (+2)
15 [GO] 2024―Jan―26 The debut of hereditary neurodegenerative disease on the background of addition of coronavirus infection A.O. Mikhailov, I.V. Ubozhenko, S.A. Sokotun, L.V. Rodionova
16 [GO] 2024―Jan―26 Development of a reagent kit for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 virus RNA using real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction A.V. Kazantsev, Ya.I. Alekseev, O.V. Chuhralya, D.A. Varlamov, N.V. Karulina, T.E. Sizikova, et al. (+9)
17 [GO] 2024―Jan―26 Long-term cytokine content in children with SARS-CoV-2-associated multisystem inflammatory syndrome in comparison with the initial period of the disease O.O. Obukhova, T.I. Ryabichenko, G.A. Skosyreva, O.M. Gorbenko, A.O. Izumov, T.V. Kartseva, M.I. Voevoda
18 [GO] 2023―Oct―09 The neuropilin-1 content in the serum of patients with community-acquired pneumonia and COVID-19 D.A. Dyakov, O.E. Akbasheva, L.V. Spirina, I.Yu. Shuvalov, A.E. Kebekbayeva, V.N. Masunov, N.V. Masunova
19 [GO] 2023―Oct―09 Features of management of patients with COVID-19 and secondary immunodeficiency in real clinical practice V.P. Sereda, K.A. Tikhonova, I.S. Moroz, A.M. Tuktarov
20 [GO] 2023―Oct―09 Variability of time trends of glycemia and outcomes of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in patients with comorbid diseases E.Yu. Soloveitchik, D.A. Valishin, M.G. Davydovich, P.I. Mironov, A.R. Shakirov, I.I. Lutfarakhmanov
21 [GO] 2023―Oct―09 COVID-19 epidemic process in the Russian Federation: determinants and manifestations T.A. Platonova, A.A. Golubkova, S.S. Smirnova, V.А. Mishchenko, M.S. Sklyar, E.A. Karbovnichaya, et al. (+5)
22 [GO] 2023―Oct―09 Possibilities for early prediction of COVID-19 outcomes in hospitalized patients N.A. Ilina, T.M. Klimova, S.S. Sleptsov, S.S. Sleptsovа
23 [GO] 2023―Oct―09 The incidence of tuberculosis in Russian Federation before and during the COVID-19 pandemic V.I. Starodubov, E.B. Tsybikova, M.Yu. Kotlovskiy, I.S. Lapshina
24 [GO] 2023―Oct―09 The effectiveness of the combined use of specific and nonspecific COVID-19 preventive measures I.V. Feldblum, T.M. Repin, M.Y. Devyatkov, M.A. Gileva, A.A. Kovtun
25 [GO] 2023―Oct―09 Revaccination against COVID-19: the current state of the problem (lecture preparation material) M.P. Kostinov, N.P. Andreeva, S.R. Raicic, A.M. Kostinova
26 [GO] 2023―Aug―28 The incidence of occupational coronavirus infection COVID-19 in medical workers of healthcare institutions of the FMBA of Russia A.R. Tukov, A.S. Kretov, A.A. Vyunova, I.V. Vlasova
27 [GO] 2023―Aug―28 On the need and peculiarities of vaccination against COVID-19 in patients with neurological disorders S.R. Raicic, M.P. Kostinov, E.G. Simonova, G.G. Kharseeva
28 [GO] 2023―Aug―28 Features of COVID-19 pathogenesis (to help the lecturer) A.B. Khaitovich, P.A. Yermachkova
29 [GO] 2023―Mar―23 Multisystem inflammatory syndrome associated with COVID-19 in adult: the case report I.Kh. Belyaletdinova, M.A. Sayfullin, G.D. Guseva, N.E. Perekopskaya
30 [GO] 2023―Mar―23 Personalized approach to the management of a patient with COVID-19 with a complicated comorbid background S.A. Chepurnenko, G.V. Shavkuta, N.M. Bulgakova, A.V. Safonova
31 [GO] 2023―Mar―23 Online survey results among social network users in terms of the COVID-19 problem A.R. Tyapayeva, E.A. Naumova, O.N. Semenova
32 [GO] 2023―Mar―23 Impact of anti-epidemic measures on the dynamics of the incidence of COVID-19 in medical organizations with a psychoneurological profile M.A. Godkov, V.A. Gushchin, A.N. Tsibin, V.V. Shustov, E.A. Kasholkina
33 [GO] 2023―Mar―23 Features of inflammatory periodontal diseases course in combination with a new coronavirus disease. A systematic review N.R. Evarnitskaya, O.O. Yanushevich
34 [GO] 2023―Feb―06 Study of cases of Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria in patients with severe COVID-19 A.S. Malygin, M.A. Lysenko, S.V. Tsarenko, E.V. Filimonova
35 [GO] 2023―Feb―06 Olokizumab reduces the risks of death in hospitalized patients with moderate and severe COVID-19 E.V. Tavlueva, A.E. Markarov, M.A. Petrushin, A.A. Vizel, G.L. Ignatova, V.N. Antonov, et al. (+7)
36 [GO] 2023―Feb―06 Trace elements: role in the development of severe forms of COVID-19 and the possibility of correction A.O. Romanov, M.M. Sharipova, I.A. Popova, A.N. Arkhangelskaia, K.G. Gurevich, N.L. Shimanovskiy
37 [GO] 2023―Feb―06 Prognostic criteria for the development of severe clinical forms of COVID-19 in medical organization workers T.A. Platonova, T.A. Semenenko, A.A. Golubkova, E.I. Sisin, M.S. Sklyar, E.A. Karbovnichaya, S.S. Smirnova
38 [GO] 2023―Feb―06 Clinical and laboratory manifestations and pathological anatomical picture of a severe course of a new coronavirus infection COVID-19 with a fatal outcome R.Yu. Abdullaev, O.G. Komissarova, M.M. Rybka, E.M. Greсov, L.A. Semenova, Yu.S. Berezovsky
39 [GO] 2023―Feb―06 Approaches to vaccination against coronavirus infection in patients with autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseases A.A. Tarasova, M.P. Kostinov, M.A. Kvasova
40 [GO] 2023―Feb―06 The use of neutralizing monoclonal antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in hemodialysis patients E.V. Volodina, N.F. Frolova, M.A. Lysenko, I.G. Kim, A.I. Ushakova, V.E. Vinogradov, et al. (+6)
41 [GO] 2023―Feb―06 Infectious mononucleosis combined with SARS-CoV-2 infection T.I. Kalenchic, S.L. Kabak, A.U. Rysevets
42 [GO] 2022―Nov―14 Polymorphism of genes in patients with new coronavirus infection COVID-19 B.I. Kantemirova, V.V. Vasilkova
43 [GO] 2022―Nov―14 Efficiency of application of sorbed probiotics in the complex therapy of pneumonia caused by SARS-CoV-2. Quality of life in the short term COVID-19 E.R. Meskina, M.K. Khadisova, T.V. Stashko, L.A. Galkina, E.E. Tselipanova, I.M. Shilkina
44 [GO] 2022―Nov―14 The effect of etiotropic therapy on the formation of immune disorders in patients with COVID-19 E.P. Tikhonova, A.A. Savchenko, T.A. Yelistratova, Yu.S. Kalinina, T.Yu. Kuz'mina, E.V. Kasparov, et al. (+3)
45 [GO] 2022―Nov―14 The features of the liver function tests in patients with COVID-19 V.K. Fazylov, A.F. Oleynik, O.F. Abdullah, V.O. Akifiev, A.М. Fayyadh, G.C. Revathy
46 [GO] 2022―Nov―14 Features of the diagnosis and course of COVID-19 in HIV-infected patients hospitalized in a hospital A.S. Sycheva, M.V. Nagibina, K.A. Uryanskaya, A.A. Solodov, A.L. Kebinа, I.V. Semeniakin, et al. (+2)
47 [GO] 2022―Nov―14 Features of the COVID-19 in lung tissue damage admitted to hospital L.V. Povalyaeva, E.S. Vdoushkina, E.A. Borodulina, E.V. Yakovleva, Zh.P. Vasneva, A.N. Gerasimov, A.E. Sukhanova
48 [GO] 2022―Nov―14 Description of the clinical picture of COVID-19 in patients with fatal outcome L.V. Ter-Bagdasaryan, L.I. Ratnikova, E.Yu. Lebedeva, G.V. Sychugov, A.V. Ivanova, D.V. Pirogov, et al. (+2)
49 [GO] 2022―Nov―14 Vaccination against COVID-19 in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases A.A. Khasanova, M.P. Kostinov, I.L. Soloveva, A.P. Cherdantsev
50 [GO] 2022―Nov―14 Survey of medical university staff: assessment of COVID-19 manifestations in periods of peak and convalescence O.O. Yanushevich, E.N. Yushchuk, N.S. Smetneva, O.V. Levchenko, A.I. Machulina
51 [GO] 2022―Nov―14 Antibiotic therapy of Acinetobacter baumannii bloodstream infection in COVID-19 patients A.S. Malygin, S.V. Tsarenko, E.V. Filimonova
52 [GO] 2022―Nov―14 Clinical experience of Raphamin therapy in outpatients after hospital treatment of COVID-19 pneumonia A.V. Mordyk, L.V. Puzyreva, E.P. Antipova, A.V. Verbanov
53 [GO] 2022―Nov―14 A study on COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among healthcare professionals in India Sree T. Sucharitha, E. Premalatha, C. Chakrapani, T.K.V. Saravanan, R. Lakshmi
54 [GO] 2022―Jul―28 Clinical and immunological parallels in children patients with COVID-19 O.O. Obukhova, G.S. Karpovich, T.I. Ryabichenko, G.A. Skosyreva, O.M. Gorbenko, A.N. Trunov, et al. (+2)
55 [GO] 2022―Jul―28 Clinical manifestations and emotional disorders in patients with new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) L.I. Ratnikova, V.G. Ragozinskaya
56 [GO] 2022―Jul―28 Clinical and laboratory characteristics of new coronaviral infection (COVID-19) in children A.A. Khasanova, M.P. Kostinov, I.L. Soloveva, A.P. Cherdantsev
57 [GO] 2022―Jul―28 Clinical and laboratory characteristics of new coronaviral infection (COVID-19) in children R.T. Murzabaeva, D.A. Valishin, N.A. Abrashina, L.V. Murzagaleeva, A.D. Valishina
58 [GO] 2022―Jul―28 Evaluation of clinical outcomes of COVID-19 in patients taking remdesivir in complex therapy in routine clinical practice M.V. Zhuravleva, E.V. Kuznetsova, T.R. Kameneva, A.N. Kulikov, E.D. Laryushkina, O.M. Romashov, et al. (+9)
59 [GO] 2022―Jul―28 Mechanisms of olfactory impairment in COVID-19: a systematic review A.R. Medeulova, K.A. Zhapar, D.G. Kussainova
60 [GO] 2022―Mar―30 Validation of the russian version of the 4C Mortality Score and prediction of outcomes of severe COVID-19 V.I. Vechorko, O.V. Averkov, N.A. Suponeva, M.A. Piradov, A.A. Zimin, Ja.G. Yusupova, et al. (+8)
61 [GO] 2022―Mar―30 Prevention of COVID-19 coronavirus infection with aminodihydrophthalazinedione sodium (Galavit®) in medical staff of the “red zone”: results of the multicenter observational study S.V. Kolesov, M.E. Mozheyko, G.S. Trufanov, D.S. Gorbatyuk
62 [GO] 2022―Mar―30 Some clinical and epidemiological aspects of the course of COVID-19 in people living with HIV N.N. Dolgova, A.A. Ryndich, A.G. Suladze, T.I. Tverdokhlebova, A.N. Matuzkova, K.Kh. Bolatchiev, L.F. Chernigovec
63 [GO] 2022―Mar―30 Listeriosis and the COVID-19 pandemic E.А. Klimova, O.L. Voronina, G.N. Karetkina, E.A. Posukhovsky, N.N. Ryzhova, M.S. Kunda, et al. (+12)
64 [GO] 2022―Mar―30 Preliminary analysis of the epidemiological effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination in the Saratov Region A.N. Danilov, T.L. Abramyan, I.A. Mamonova, I.E. Irishkova, D.A. Teisherskaya
65 [GO] 2022―Mar―30 COVID-19: the efficacy and safety of anticoagulant, glucocorticosteroid therapy and metabolic D.P. Salivonchyk, I.О. Stoma, E.A. Dotsenko, N.N. Kudenchuk, E.I. Salivonchyk, I.A. Khudyakov, et al. (+7)
66 [GO] 2022―Mar―30 Determination of antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in patients with coronavirus infection G.M. Ignatyev, L.I. Kozlovskaya, K.M. Mefed, V.P. Volok, I.Kh. Belyaletdinova, A.A. Erovichenkov, et al. (+8)
67 [GO] 2022―Mar―30 Features of the course and medical and social aspects of a new coronavirus infection in the Republic of Tajikistan Ja.A. Abdullozoda, J.Yu. Salomudin, R.A. Tursunov
68 [GO] 2022―Mar―30 Results of screening examination of employees of a medical hospital for antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 R.F. Sayfullin, S.K. Pylaeva, D.O. Sinyavkin
69 [GO] 2021―Dec―23 The use of enterosorbents in the immunorehabilitation of patients who have had a new coronavirus infection COVID-19 E.P. Tikhonova, A.A. Savchenko, T.Yu. Kuz'mina, Yu.S. Kalinina, N.A. Dyachenko, A.A. Masterova, et al. (+3)
70 [GO] 2021―Dec―23 The therapeutics, based on virus specific antibodies, for special prophylactic and current of COVID-19 T.E. Sizikova, E.V. Lebedinskaya, V.N. Lebedev, S.V. Borisevich
71 [GO] 2021―Dec―23 Markers of acute inflammation in patients with COVID-19 in combination with hypertension V.V. Kiseleva, K.S. Yachmenev, L.Yu. Zaitseva
72 [GO] 2021―Dec―23 Overview of the "Partnership against the pandemic session: anti-crisis strategies in medicine" within the framework of the Eastern Economic Forum "New opportunities of the Far East in a changing world" G.E. Ulumbekova
73 [GO] 2021―Oct―04 Analysis of deaths during the first wave of a new coronavirus infection - COVID-19 R.A. Tursunov, D.A. Olimov, G.M. Khojamuradov
74 [GO] 2021―Oct―04 Analysis data of mechanism of drugs recommended for the treatment of COVID-19 O.A. Radaeva, Yu.A. Kostina
75 [GO] 2021―Oct―04 Antibiotic resistance of Klebsiella pneumoniae against the background of the COVID-19 pandemic: experience of the multidisciplinary hospital D.V. Tapalski, E.V. Karpova, O.M. Akulenok, V.K. Okulich, I.I. Generalov, N.Yu. Leskova, et al. (+5)
76 [GO] 2021―Oct―04 Economic aspects of COVID-19 treatment in a hospital setting E.A. Zhidkova, R.I. Shaburov, S.V. Cheremushkin, A.V. Gubkin, I.V. Rogova, I.A. Popova, K.G. Gurevich
77 [GO] 2021―Oct―04 Analysis of clinical cases of new coronavirus infection in patients with a history of heart transplantation V.V. Kiseleva, N.S. Kolupaev, Yu.A. Rogova
78 [GO] 2021―Oct―04 Frequency of SARS-CoV-2 infection in hemodialysis patients M.L. Zubkin, V.Yu. Shilo, L.I. Novikova, O.Yu. Borisova, I.G. Kim, S.S. Bochkareva, et al. (+7)
79 [GO] 2021―Jul―02 Morphofunctional changes in the conducting and respiratory parts of the bronchopulmonary system in COVID-19 (analytical review) V.I. Kobylyansky
80 [GO] 2021―Jul―02 Differentiated approach to the implementation of preventive and anti-epidemic measures among military personnel based on the COVID-19 disease risk assessment scale E.V. Kryukov, D.V. Cherkashin, I.A. Reutskiy, V.N. Solntsev, S.A. Bucenko, A.D. Sobolev, et al. (+4)
81 [GO] 2021―Jul―02 Retrospective analysis of risk factors for COVID-19 in the working population E.A. Zhidkova, E.M. Gutor, Yu.А. Tkachenko, I.V. Rogova, I.A. Popova, K.G. Gurevich
82 [GO] 2021―Mar―30 COVID-19 in hemodialysis patients N.F. Frolova, I.G. Kim, A.I. Ushakova, S.S. Usatiuk, L.Yu. Artyukhina, R.T. Iskhakov, et al. (+9)
83 [GO] 2021―Feb―01 Efficacy and safety of favipiravir in a complex therapy of mild to moderate COVID-19 Tatiana A. Ruzhentsova, Pavel V. Chukhlyaev, Daria A. Khavkina, Alexander A. Garbuzov, Antonina A. Ploskireva, Rodion A. Oseshnyuk, et al. (+26)
84 [GO] 2021―Feb―01 Features of the steroid profile of saliva in patients with COVID-19 Svetlana Yu. Kalinchenko, Sergey Yu. Ivanov, Leonid L. Borozdkin, Roman A. Terushkin, Andrei A. Isaev, Artur R. Avetisyan, Aslan R. Shurmudov
85 [GO] 2021―Feb―01 Novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and cytokine storms. For more effective treatments from the viewpoints of an inflammatory pathophysiology perspective Shumpei Yokota, Yoshiyuki Kuroiwa, Kusuki Nishioka
86 [GO] 2021―Feb―01 Surgical care for adults on "urology" in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic Alexander O. Vasilyev, Vigen A. Malkhasyan, Gevorg R. Kasyan, Alexander V. Govorov, Lyubov A. Khodyreva, Konstantin B. Kolontarev, et al. (+2)
87 [GO] 2020―Oct―08 New possibilities for targeted antiviral therapy for COVID-19. Results of a multi center clinical study of the efficacy and safety of using the drug Areplivir L.A. Balykova, M.V. Granovskaya, K.Y. Zaslavskaya, E.N. Simakina, A.S. Agaf'ina, A.Y. Ivanova, et al. (+2)
88 [GO] 2020―Oct―08 Experience of the infectious service of the Republic of Saкha (Yakutia) during the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection S.S. Sleptsovа, E.A. Borisova, V.E. Tarasova, E.Yu. Malinnikova
89 [GO] 2020―Oct―08 Could influenza vaccination be a non-specific prevention of SARS-CoV-2 and other respiratory infections? M.P. Kostinov, E.A. Khromova, A.M. Kostinova
90 [GO] 2020―Jul―09 Modern representations of the new coronavirus and the disease caused by SARS-COV-2 M.P. Kostinov, A.D. Shmitko, V.B. Polishchuk, E.A. Khromova
91 [GO] 2020―Jul―09 The hypothesis of epidemic welfare for SARS-CoV-2 in Russia M.P. Kostinov
92 [GO] 2020―Jul―09 New coronaviral infection. Today’s look at the pandemic of the XXI century E.Yu. Malinnikova

92 Results       Page 1


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