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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

32 Results       Page 1

Informa UK (Taylor & Francis): International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction
  original article Date Title Authors   All Authors
1 [GO] 2025―Feb―18 “Try to Zone Out and Not Think of the World That Was Exploding”: The Experience of Free-to-Play Games and Everyday Life During the Pandemic Annie-Claude Savard, Sylvia Kairouz, Jean-Philippe Laforge, Félix-Arnaud Morin-Bertrand, Nadine Blanchette-Martin, Jean-Michel Costes, et al. (+7)
2 [GO] 2025―Feb―07 How Does Cloud Computing Adoption Accelerate Education? - Enhancing Academic Results by Integrating Knowledge Management Pre and Post Pandemic Mahak Sharma, Suniti Vadalkar, Anupama Singh, Gitesh Chavan, Konstantinos P. Tsagarakis
3 [GO] 2024―Jan―12 Human-Computer Interaction in Times of Grief: Unveiling Support Processes Among COVID-19 Affected Users in a Facebook Group Through Netnography Lorenza Entilli, Kairi Kõlves, Diego De Leo, Sabrina Cipolletta
4 [GO] 2024―Jan―08 Factors Impacting Adoption of Relational Videoconference Technology by Older Adults during and After COVID-19 as Perceived by Friends and Relatives John Alagood, Gayle Prybutok, Victor Prybutok
5 [GO] 2023―Dec―13 Examining the Factors That Influence User Information Security Behavior toward COVID-19 Scams Ahlam Al-Balushi, Ali Tarhini, Fulya Acikgoz, Saqib Ali
6 [GO] 2023―Oct―25 Design Aspects for COVID-19 Dashboards - Evidence from Eye-Tracking Evaluation Anna Porti Suarez, Stanislav Popelka
7 [GO] 2023―Oct―06 Computer-Based Physical Education Platform: Evaluating Effectiveness during the COVID-19 Pandemic Yue Qi
8 [GO] 2023―Aug―28 Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic Circumstances on Cyber Hygiene of University Students Sabina Baraković, Jasmina Baraković Husić
9 [GO] 2023―Jun―09 Deciphering Predictors of Tourists’ Value and Intention amid COVID-19: The Interplay of Scarcity, Enjoyment, Visual Presentations, and Pandemic Threat Abhijeet Biswas
10 [GO] 2023―Jan―04 Reducing Younger and Older Adults’ Engagement with COVID-19 Misinformation: The Effects of Accuracy Nudge and Exogenous Cues Honglian Xiang, Jia Zhou, Zhuowen Wang
11 [GO] 2022―Nov―17 Audience-Centered Approach for Health Communication over Social Media during Pandemic: Persona Template Based on Delphi Technique Bushra Alsaadi, Dimah Alahmadi
12 [GO] 2022―Oct―14 The Effects of Attributes of Non-Immersive Virtual Reality on Customers’ Experience of Video Tours under Social Distancing for COVID-19 Tran-Thien-Y Le, Ja-Shen Chen, Ngoc B. Nguyen
13 [GO] 2022―Sep―13 E-Learning Engagement and Effectiveness during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Interaction Model Wai Ching Poon, Vimala Kunchamboo, Kian Yeik Koay
14 [GO] 2022―Aug―30 The COVID-19 Crisis as an Evolutionary Catalyst of Online Psychological Interventions. A Systematic Review and Qualitative Synthesis Silvia Caterina Maria Tomaino, Giulia Viganò, Sabrina Cipolletta
15 [GO] 2022―Jul―22 Intermittent Continued Adoption of Digital Payment Services During the COVID-19 Induced Pandemic Shikha Bhatia, Nidhi Singh, Francisco Liébana-Cabanillas
16 [GO] 2022―Jul―21 Investigating the Intention to Adopt Telecommuting during COVID-19 Outbreak: An Integration of TAM and TPB with Risk Perception Limeng Chai, Jian Xu, Shanliang Li
17 [GO] 2022―Jul―19 The Influence of Social Isolation, Technostress, and Personality on the Acceptance of Online Meeting Platforms during the COVID-19 Pandemic Rong Wu, Zhonggen Yu
18 [GO] 2022―Jun―28 Students’ Web-Based Activities Moderate the Effect of Human-Computer-Interaction Factors on Their E-Learning Acceptance and Success During COVID-19 Pandemic Fareed AL-Sayid, Gokhan Kirkil
19 [GO] 2022―Jun―14 Examining the Impact of Psychological, Social, and Quality Factors on the Continuous Intention to Use Virtual Meeting Platforms During and beyond COVID-19 Pandemic: A Hybrid SEM-ANN Approach Mohammed A. Al-Sharafi, Mostafa Al-Emran, Ibrahim Arpaci, Gonçalo Marques, Abdallah Namoun, Noorminshah A. Iahad
20 [GO] 2022―May―27 Understanding How Older Adults Comprehend COVID-19 Interactive Visualizations via Think-Aloud Protocol Mingming Fan, Yiwen Wang, Yuni Xie, Franklin Mingzhe Li, Chunyang Chen
21 [GO] 2022―May―04 Access and Experiences of Arabic Native Speakers With Disabilities on Social Media During and After the World Pandemic Zainab AlMeraj, Iyad Abu Doush, Dari Alhuwail, Shok Shama, Ahmed AlBahar, Mohammad Al-Ramahi
22 [GO] 2022―Apr―26 Determining Ergonomic Risks Arising from the Use of Information Technologies in the Covid-19 Environment Güler Aksüt, Hacı Mehmet Alakaş, Tamer Eren
23 [GO] 2022―Jan―14 SurviveCovid-19 - An Educational Game to Facilitate Habituation of Social Distancing and Other Health Measures for Covid-19 Pandemic Akhila Sri Manasa Venigalla, Dheeraj Vagavolu, Sridhar Chimalakonda
24 [GO] 2022―Jan―03 Evaluate Space after Covid-19: Smart City Strategies for Gamification Marianna Cavada
25 [GO] 2021―Nov―02 It Is Me, Chatbot: Working to Address the COVID-19 Outbreak-Related Mental Health Issues in China. User Experience, Satisfaction, and Influencing Factors Yonghan Zhu, Marijn Janssen, Rui Wang, Yang Liu
26 [GO] 2021―Oct―25 The Dark Side of Compulsory e-education: Are Students Really Happy and Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic? Voon-Hsien Lee, Jun-Jie Hew, Lai-Ying Leong, Garry Wei-Han Tan, Keng-Boon Ooi
27 [GO] 2021―Sep―20 Examining the structural relationships among e-learning interactivity, uncertainty avoidance, and perceived risks of COVID-19: Applying extended technology acceptance model V. G. Girish, Mi-Young Kim, Indira Sharma, Choong-Ki Lee
28 [GO] 2021―Aug―25 People Might Be More Willing to Use Automated Vehicles in Pandemics like COVID-19 Tingting Li, Peng Liu
29 [GO] 2021―Aug―09 Social-Mediated Diffusion of Conspiracy Theories about COVID-19: A Study Integrating SMCC and TPB Models Zitian Li, Hongfeng Qiu, Qianying Zhou
30 [GO] 2021―Jul―26 Understanding Learner Continuance Intention: A Comparison of Live Video Learning, Pre-Recorded Video Learning and Hybrid Video Learning in COVID-19 Pandemic Xuan Wang, Tingting Liu, Jixin Wang, Jun Tian
31 [GO] 2020―Dec―26 Assessing Academics’ Perceptions of Blackboard Usability Using SUS and CSUQ: A Case Study during the COVID-19 Pandemic Obead Alhadreti
32 [GO] 2020―Dec―07 University Students’ Perception of Video-Based Learning in Times of COVID-19: A TAM/TTF Perspective Debajyoti Pal, Syamal Patra

32 Results       Page 1


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