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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

296 Results       Page 1

Springer-Verlag: International Journal of Public Health
  original article Date Title Authors   All Authors
1 [GO] 2025―Feb―05 Prevalence of COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Among Healthcare Workers in Nigeria: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Taagbara Jolly Abaate, Dabota Yvonne Buowari, Utchay A. Agiri, Tamunodiepiriye Inimgba, Vivian Ifeoma Ogbonna, Chizaram Onyeaghala, et al. (+4)
2 [GO] 2025―Jan―06 Exploring Spatial Inequalities in COVID-19 Mortality and Their Association With Multidimensional Poverty in Colombia: A Spatial Analysis Study Claudia Birchenall-Jiménez, Wilson Giovanni Jiménez-Barbosa, Javier Riascos-Ochoa, Federico Cosenz
3 [GO] 2024―Dec―03 The Role of COVID-19 in Excess Mortality in Slovakia: A Novel Approach Based on Healthcare Billing Records Peter Barančok, Ján Dudek, Petra Ištokovičová, Daniela Kandilaki, Michal Kotrč, Ľubica Löffler, et al. (+7)
4 [GO] 2024―Nov―21 Mental Health of Prison Inmates During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review Francisco Javier González-Riera, Juan Jesús García-Iglesias, Regina Allande-Cussó, Carlos Ruiz-Frutos, Luciano Rodríguez-Diaz, Juana María Vázquez-Lara, et al. (+3)
5 [GO] 2024―Nov―21 Safety and Efficacy of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines in Patients With Chronic Liver Diseases: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Guanglin Xiao, Taiyu He, Biqiong Zhang, Ziqiao Yang, Ning Ling, Min Chen, et al. (+6)
6 [GO] 2024―Nov―12 Perceived Effectiveness of Public Health Unit Partnerships With Faith-Based and Other Community-Based Organizations to Promote COVID-19 Vaccination Among Ethnoracial Communities Melodie Yunju Song, Denessia Blake-Hepburn, Monali Varia, Elizabeth Estey Noad, Nazia Peer, Barry Pakes, et al. (+4)
7 [GO] 2024―Nov―07 Relationship Between the Online Health Information Search and Vaccination Behavior During the COVID-19 Pandemic Yunpeng Xu, Chen Pan, Peiyu Kong, Lina Shangguan
8 [GO] 2024―Oct―28 Determinants of Unmet Healthcare Needs During the Final Stage of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Insights From a 21-Country Online Survey Samuel Lewis, Louisa Ewald, Herbert C. Duber, Ali H. Mokdad, Emmanuela Gakidou
9 [GO] 2024―Oct―22 Navigating Communication in Nursing Homes During COVID-19: Perspectives From Families, Healthcare Professionals, and Managers in Southern Switzerland-A Qualitative Study Sheila Bernardi, Maddalena Fiordelli, Sara Rubinelli, Viviana Spagnoli, Roberto Malacrida, Graziano Martignoni
10 [GO] 2024―Sep―30 The Impact of Unmet Healthcare Needs on the Perceived Health Status of Older Europeans During COVID-19 Šime Smolić, Nikola Blaževski, Margareta Fabijančić
11 [GO] 2024―Sep―25 Soliciting Diaries for “Real-Time” Insights Into the COVID-19 Pandemic: Methodological Reflections on Using Digital Technologies to Engage the Public Andrea Kaiser-Grolimund, Bettina Schwind, Laura Kämpfen, Anna Lea Morgan, Giovanni Spitale, Nikola Biller-Andorno, Sonja Merten
12 [GO] 2024―Sep―24 SARS-CoV-2 Quarantine Mandated by Contact Tracing: Burden and Infection Rate Among Close Contacts in Zurich, Switzerland, 2020-2021 Hélène Eloise Aschmann, Anja Domenghino, Ruedi Jung, Tala Ballouz, Dominik Menges, Jan Fehr, Milo Alan Puhan
13 [GO] 2024―Sep―06 Subgroup Behaviors and Factors Influencing Compliance With COVID-19 Preventive Measures Among Undergraduate Students in Southern Thailand Nonlapan Anujan, Supakorn Sripaew, Pitchayanont Ngamchaliew
14 [GO] 2024―Jul―26 Protective Factors of Nurses’ Mental Health and Professional Wellbeing During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multicenter Longitudinal Study Jonathan Jubin, Line Martin, Naomi Kabwiku, Philippe Delmas, Ingrid Gilles, Annie Oulevey Bachmann, et al. (+6)
15 [GO] 2024―Jul―09 Corrigendum: Social Determinants of Health in the COVID-19 Pandemic Context of the Migrant Population Living in Settlements in Spain Regina Allande-Cussó, Juan Jesús García-Iglesias, Rosario Miranda-Plata, Rocío Pichardo-Hexamer, Carlos Ruiz-Frutos, Juan Gómez-Salgado
16 [GO] 2024―Jul―03 Socioeconomic Status and Adherence to Preventive Measures During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Switzerland: A Population Based Digital Cohort Analysis Stefano Tancredi, Bernadette W. A. van der Linden, Arnaud Chiolero, Stéphane Cullati, Medea Imboden, Nicole Probst-Hensch, et al. (+21)
17 [GO] 2024―Jun―24 Music-Making and Depression and Anxiety Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic-Results From the NAKO Cohort Study in Germany Heiko Becher, Lilian Krist, Juliane Menzel, Isabel Fernholz, Thomas Keil, Gunter Kreutz, et al. (+4)
18 [GO] 2024―Jun―13 Key Determinants of COVID-19 Vaccination Take-Up in Remote Rural Areas: Evidence From Colombia Natalia Cantet, Marcela Ibañez, Juan Carlos Muñoz-Mora, Laura Maria Quintero
19 [GO] 2024―May―22 Maternal and Child Health Services Utilization During COVID-19 in Eastern Ethiopia Bereket Tefera Tilahun, Zerihun Tariku, Mesfin Kebede Alemu, Tafese Dejene, Legesse Abera Natae, Hussen Mohammed, et al. (+2)
20 [GO] 2024―May―21 Gender/Sex Disparities in the COVID-19 Cascade From Testing to Mortality: An Intersectional Analysis of Swiss Surveillance Data Diane Auderset, Michaël Amiguet, Carole Clair, Julien Riou, Valérie Pittet, Joelle Schwarz, Yolanda Mueller
21 [GO] 2024―Apr―25 Measles Vaccine Coverage and Disease Outbreaks: A Systematic Review of the Early Impact of COVID-19 in Low and Lower-Middle Income Countries Alice Packham, Alice E. Taylor, Marie-Paule Karangwa, Emma Sherry, Claude Muvunyi, Christopher A. Green
22 [GO] 2024―Mar―14 Effectiveness of the SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination in Preventing Severe Disease-Related Outcomes: A Population-Based Study in the Italian Province of Bolzano (South Tyrol) Antonio Lorenzon, Lucia Palandri, Francesco Uguzzoni, Catalina Doina Cristofor, Filippo Lozza, Riccardo Poluzzi, et al. (+4)
23 [GO] 2024―Feb―19 Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Prenatal Care Utilization Among Italian and Immigrant Pregnant Women: A Multicenter Survey Luz Maria Vilca, Laura Sarno, Davide Passoni, Patrizio Antonazzo, Edda Pellegrini, Maurizio Guida, et al. (+2)
24 [GO] 2024―Feb―14 Newborn Hospitalizations Before and During COVID-19 Pandemic in Poland: A Comparative Study Based on a National Hospital Registry Krzysztof Kanecki, Katarzyna Lewtak, Piotr Tyszko, Irena Kosińska, Patryk Tarka, Paweł Goryński, Aneta Nitsch-Osuch
25 [GO] 2024―Feb―07 Social Inequalities in Long-Term Health Effects After COVID-19-A Scoping Review Nina Lammers, Florian Beese, Jens Hoebel, Christina Poethko-Müller, Benjamin Wachtler
26 [GO] 2024―Feb―01 Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on COPD Patient Mortality: A Nationwide Study in France Jonas Poucineau, Myriam Khlat, Nathanaël Lapidus, Maude Espagnacq, Christos Chouaïd, Tristan Delory, Sophie Le Coeur
27 [GO] 2024―Jan―23 How Public Health Organizational Structure Affected the Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study in British Columbia, Canada Peter Berman, Michael Cheng, Elvira Bridget, Laura Jane Brubacher, Candice Ruck
28 [GO] 2024―Jan―12 COVID-19 Pandemic and Food Insecurity Fuel the Mental Health Crisis in Africa Jule Beck, Anke Koebach, Liliana Abreu, Mekdim Dereje Regassa, Anke Hoeffler, Wolfgang Stojetz, Tilman Brück
29 [GO] 2023―Dec―14 Hospital-Level COVID-19 Preparedness and Crisis Management in Czechia Petr Michenka, David Marx
30 [GO] 2023―Nov―28 Determinants of Residential Satisfaction During the Initial Stage of the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of Xiangyang City, China Dinghuan Yuan, Haoyuan Yu, Wenyi Lin, Lisi Zha
31 [GO] 2023―Nov―28 COVID-19 Vaccination Among Diverse Population Groups in the Northern Governorates of Iraq Mohammed Ibrahim Mohialdeen Gubari, Falah Wadi, Khalid Anwar Hama-Ghareeb, Fatah H. Fatah, Mostafa Hosseini, Karzan Rafiq Wale, et al. (+32)
32 [GO] 2023―Nov―22 The Association Between Tobacco Use and Risk of COVID-19 Infection and Clinical Outcomes in Sweden: A Population-Based Study A. N. Shaaban, F. Andersson, S. Peña, I. H. Caspersen, C. Magnusson, N. Orsini, et al. (+4)
33 [GO] 2023―Nov―15 Peri-Pandemic Acceptance of Influenza and COVID-19 Vaccination by Swiss Healthcare Workers in Primary Care 2020/21: A Cross-Sectional Study Olga Morgel, Astrid Czock, Phung Lang
34 [GO] 2023―Nov―13 Hunger, Food Sovereignty and COVID-19 Pandemic: Food Risks During Lockdown Mónica Juliana Chavarro, Janeth Mosquera-Becerra
35 [GO] 2023―Nov―07 Is the Deterioration of Children’s Mental Health a Price We Pay for the COVID-19 Pandemic? Andrea Madarasova Geckova
36 [GO] 2023―Nov―03 Developing a Strategy for COVID-19 Control Among Hard-to-Reach Migrant Communities: The Experience of Roma 2 Local Health Authority Annalisa Rosso, Alessandro Rinaldi, Daniele Coluzzi, Fabrizio Perrelli, Pier Angela Napoli, Maria Elena Flacco, et al. (+2)
37 [GO] 2023―Oct―25 Mental Distress Among Norwegian Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Predictors in Initial Response and Subsequent Trajectories Li Lu, Laurie J. Hannigan, Ragnhild E. Brandlistuen, Ragnar Nesvåg, Lill Trogstad, Per Magnus, et al. (+4)
38 [GO] 2023―Oct―20 Social Media Overload as a Predictor of Depressive Symptoms Under the COVID-19 Infodemic: A Cross-Sectional Survey From Chinese University Students Tian Xie, Yangyang Wang, Yali Cheng
39 [GO] 2023―Oct―13 In the Face of a Pandemic: “I Felt the Same as When the War Started”-A Qualitative Study on COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance in Bosnia and Herzegovina Nina Bosankic-Cmajcanin, Sanjin Musa, Selvira Draganovic
40 [GO] 2023―Oct―10 Clinical Profile and Outcome Analysis of Ear-Nose-Throat Symptoms in SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Subvariant Infections Yixuan Liu, Xiaoling Huang, Peifan Li, Di Wang, Haoning Yin, Na Wang, et al. (+3)
41 [GO] 2023―Oct―06 The Activity of Special Continuity Care Units in the City of Florence During the COVID-19 Pandemic Chiara Milani, Primo Buscemi, Beatrice Velpini, Giulia Naldini, Claudia Cosma, Francesco Giannuzzi, et al. (+8)
42 [GO] 2023―Sep―27 Association Between Pandemic Fatigue and Disease Knowledge, Attitudes, Concerns, and Vaccination Intention at Two Key Moments of the COVID-19 Pandemic Adriana Agurto-Ramírez, Candela Pino-Rosón, Alba Ayala, María Falcón, Carmen Rodríguez-Blázquez, Maria João Forjaz, María Romay-Barja
43 [GO] 2023―Sep―27 Facing the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mixed-Method Analysis of Asylum Seekers’ Experiences and Worries in the Canton of Vaud, Switzerland Kevin Morisod, Tiffany Martin, Cloé Rawlinson, Véronique S. Grazioli, Christian von Plessen, Marie-Anne Durand, et al. (+4)
44 [GO] 2023―Sep―20 Interplay of Digital Proximity App Use and SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Uptake in Switzerland: Analysis of Two Population-Based Cohort Studies Paola Daniore, André Moser, Marc Höglinger, Nicole Probst Hensch, Medea Imboden, Thomas Vermes, et al. (+27)
45 [GO] 2023―Sep―15 The Impact of Being Homeless on the Clinical Outcomes of COVID-19: Systematic Review Obianuju Ogbonna, Francesca Bull, Bethany Spinks, Denitza Williams, Ruth Lewis, Adrian Edwards
46 [GO] 2023―Sep―14 Socioeconomic Differences in SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Vaccination in Germany: A Seroepidemiological Study After One Year of COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign Susanne Bartig, Florian Beese, Benjamin Wachtler, Markus M. Grabka, Elisabetta Mercuri, Lorenz Schmid, et al. (+10)
47 [GO] 2023―Sep―12 Monitoring Prevalence and Persistence of Environmental Contamination by SARS-CoV-2 RNA in a Makeshift Hospital for Asymptomatic and Very Mild COVID-19 Patients Jinyan Yang, Dan Sun, Tingting Xia, Shi Shi, Jijiang Suo, Huihui Kuang, et al. (+8)
48 [GO] 2023―Sep―05 Mental Health Status, Risk and Protective Factors for Healthcare Staff Prior to the First Major COVID-19 Outbreak in Western Australia Elizabeth A. Newnham, Enrique L. P. Mergelsberg, Jessica Tearne, Peter McEvoy, Susanne Stanley, Antonio Celenza, et al. (+5)
49 [GO] 2023―Aug―30 Healthcare Professionals’ Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Sudan: A Cross-Sectional Survey Assessing Quality of Life, Mental Health, and Work-Life-Balance Mohamed Salih Mahfouz, Sara Amir Osman, Badreldin Abdelrhman Mohamed, Esra Ali Mahjoub Saeed, Mohajer Ibrahim Hassan Ismaeil, Rafiaa Ali Abdalla Elkhider, Merdi Ahmed Orsud
50 [GO] 2023―Aug―17 Incidence and Severity of SARS-CoV-2 Infections in People With Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Eva S. L. Pedersen, Leonie D. Schreck, Myrofora Goutaki, Sara Bellu, Fiona Copeland, Jane S. Lucas, et al. (+2)
51 [GO] 2023―Aug―15 Excess Deaths of Gastrointestinal, Liver, and Pancreatic Diseases During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States Lefei Han, Haoting Shi, Yongxuan Li, Hongchao Qi, Yuhua Wang, Jiawei Gu, et al. (+7)
52 [GO] 2023―Aug―10 Will the Relaxation of COVID-19 Control Measures Have an Impact on the Chinese Internet-Using Public? Social Media-Based Topic and Sentiment Analysis Yu Xin, Xiaoshuang Tan, Xiaohui Ren
53 [GO] 2023―Aug―08 Refugee Telehealth Utilization for Hypertension Management During the COVID-19 Pandemic Zaid Salameh, Dahlia A. Kaki, Dania Abu Baker, Tarek Hijazi, Job Godino, Tala Al-Rousan
54 [GO] 2023―Aug―02 Factors Associated with Trust in Public Authorities Among Adults in Norway, United Kingdom, United States, and Australia Two Years after the COVID-19 Outbreak Daicia Price, Tore Bonsaksen, Janni Leung, Caitlin McClure-Thomas, Mary Ruffolo, Gary Lamph, et al. (+2)
55 [GO] 2023―Aug―01 Association Between Rapid Antigen Detection Tests and Real-Time Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction Assay for SARS-CoV-2: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses Yu-Pei Yang, Zhu Liduzi Jiesisibieke, Tao-Hsin Tung
56 [GO] 2023―Jul―26 Changes in Healthcare Utilization During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Potential Causes-A Cohort Study From Switzerland Erika Harju, Alexandre Speierer, Katharina Tabea Jungo, Sara Levati, Stéphanie Baggio, Stefano Tancredi, et al. (+20)
57 [GO] 2023―Jul―20 Consumption of Non-Prescribed Drugs in Portugal During the Pandemic in 2021 Aida Isabel Tavares, Pedro Lopes Ferreira, Vitor Raposo, Carlota Quintal
58 [GO] 2023―Jul―19 Home-Isolation Care in Newly COVID-19-Positive Elderly Patients: A Caregiver-Centric Explanatory Framework Arista Lahiri, Sweety Suman Jha, Arup Chakraborty, Abhijit Dey, Madhumita Dobe
59 [GO] 2023―Jul―18 Institutionalization of Health System to Combat the COVID-19 Pandemic in Iran Hajar Haghighi, Amirhossein Takian, Azam Raoofi
60 [GO] 2023―Jul―13 Life Satisfaction Before and During COVID-19 Pandemic in Thailand Sirinya Phulkerd, Sasinee Thapsuwan, Rossarin Soottipong Gray, Aphichat Chamratrithirong, Umaporn Pattaravanich, Chantana Ungchusak, Pairoj Saonuam
61 [GO] 2023―Jul―07 Effectiveness and Safety of COVID-19 Vaccinations: An Umbrella Meta-Analysis Zhu Liduzi Jiesisibieke, Wen-Yi Liu, Yu-Pei Yang, Ching-Wen Chien, Tao-Hsin Tung
62 [GO] 2023―Jul―03 Young People’s Attitudes, Perceptions and Experiences of Social Distancing and Self-Isolation During the Second Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic Rowena Katherine Merritt, Alexandra Vastano, Jun Nakagawa, Donna Doherty-Kelly, Jayne Taylor
63 [GO] 2023―Jun―29 Feeding Strategies in Newborns and Infants During the COVID-19 Pandemic-Polish Cross-Sectional Study Aleksandra Wesołowska, Bartłomiej Walczak, Kinga Kalita-Kurzyńska, Aleksandra Mołas, Agnieszka Bzikowska-Jura
64 [GO] 2023―Jun―20 Acceptance of Public Health Measures During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study of the Swiss Population’s Beliefs, Attitudes, Trust, and Information-Seeking Behavior Maddalena Fiordelli, Sara Rubinelli, Nicola Diviani
65 [GO] 2023―Jun―12 Changes in Quality of Life Following SARS-CoV-2 Infection Among Jewish and Arab Populations in Israel: A Cross-Sectional Study Jelte Elsinga, Paul Kuodi, Haneen Shibli, Yanay Gorelik, Hiba Zayyad, Ofir Wertheim, et al. (+5)
66 [GO] 2023―May―25 An Online Survey of the Perceptions of Clinical and Non-Clinical Professionals on Healthcare for Non-Communicable Diseases and COVID-19 Measures During the Pandemic in Malaysia Sugitha Sureshkumar, Feisul Mustapha, Haironi Yusoff, Kibachio Joseph Mwangi, Kailing Marcus, Bogomil Kohlbrenner, et al. (+22)
67 [GO] 2023―May―22 Factors Associated With COVID-19 Non-Vaccination in Switzerland: A Nationwide Study Serena Sabatini, Marco Kaufmann, Marta Fadda, Stefano Tancredi, Nazihah Noor, Bernadette W. A. Van Der Linden, et al. (+30)
68 [GO] 2023―May―22 Gender Differences and the Impact of Partnership and Children on Quality of Life During the COVID-19 Pandemic Nora Hettich-Damm, Juila Petersen, Daniela Zahn, Rieke Baumkoetter, Philipp S. Wild, Thomas Muenzel, et al. (+6)
69 [GO] 2023―May―19 The Impact of COVID-19 on Mental Healthcare Utilization in Switzerland Was Strongest Among Young Females-Retrospective Study in 2018-2020 Yael Rachamin, Levy Jäger, Reka Schweighoffer, Andri Signorell, Caroline Bähler, Carola A. Huber, et al. (+4)
70 [GO] 2023―May―05 Evaluation of Physical Activity Level and Related Factors in Pregnancy During the COVID-19 Period Zeynep Meva Altaş, Nimet Emel Lüleci, Seyhan Hıdıroğlu
71 [GO] 2023―May―03 Incidence of SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Factors Associated With Complete COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake Among Migrant Origin Persons in Finland Kalpana Bastola, Hanna Nohynek, Eero Lilja, Anu E. Castaneda, Sara Austero, Hannamaria Kuusio, Natalia Skogberg
72 [GO] 2023―May―02 A System-Oriented Dialogue Model to Design Community Partnerships for More Effective Sars-Cov-2 Prevention in Schools: The Case of Spain Rosina Malagrida, Jessica Fernández, Jordi Casabona, Jacqueline E. W. Broerse
73 [GO] 2023―Apr―26 Reinfections and Cross-Protection in the 1918/19 Influenza Pandemic: Revisiting a Survey Among Male and Female Factory Workers Katarina L. Matthes, Mathilde Le Vu, Urmila Bhattacharyya, Antonia Galliker, Maryam Kordi, Joël Floris, Kaspar Staub
74 [GO] 2023―Apr―12 Corrigendum: Religious Conspiracy Theories About the COVID-19 Pandemic Are Associated With Negative Mental Health Alice Kosarkova, Klara Malinakova, Lukas Novak, Jitse P. Van Dijk, Peter Tavel
75 [GO] 2023―Apr―12 Corrigendum: Estimating the Direct Disability-Adjusted Life Years Associated With SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) in the Republic of Ireland: The First Full Year Declan Patrick Moran, Sara Monteiro Pires, Grant M. A. Wyper, Brecht Devleesschauwer, Sarah Cuschieri, Zubair Kabir
76 [GO] 2023―Apr―05 Evaluation of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Burnout Syndrome Among Healthcare Workers in Taizhou, China Tao-Hsin Tung, Yu-Pei Yang, Mei-Xian Zhang, Hai-Xiao Chen, Shuang-Jun Pan
77 [GO] 2023―Apr―04 COVID-19 Mass Vaccination Campaign: An International Comparison of Qatar With GCC Nations and Other Global Groups Yasmin Ali Morad Abdullahi
78 [GO] 2023―Mar―27 Delivering Safe Surgical Care While Simultaneously Caring for Patients With COVID-19; Assessment of Patient Selection, Volume and Outcomes in a Tertiary Care Hospital Anja Domenghino, Roxane Diane Staiger, Fariba Abbassi, Miquel Serra-Burriel, Kim Leutwyler, Guillaume Aeby, et al. (+4)
79 [GO] 2023―Mar―16 Impact of Insomnia on Burnout Among Chinese Nurses Under the Regular COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention and Control: Parallel Mediating Effects of Anxiety and Depression Xiaofei Mao, Xueru Lin, Peng Liu, Jianguo Zhang, Wenxi Deng, Ziqiang Li, et al. (+2)
80 [GO] 2023―Mar―14 COVID-19 Vaccination Refusal-Which Factors are Related in the Czech Republic, One of the Most Affected Countries in the World? Radka Zidkova, Klara Malinakova, Jitse P. van Dijk, Peter Tavel
81 [GO] 2023―Mar―13 Between Care and Coercion: Asylum Seekers’ Experiences With COVID-19 Containment and Mitigation Measures in German Reception Centres Eilin Rast, Clara Perplies, Louise Biddle, Kayvan Bozorgmehr
82 [GO] 2023―Mar―03 COVID-19 and Breast Cancer in Brazil Aline Ferreira Bandeira Melo Rocha, Ruffo Freitas-Junior, Glalber Luiz Rocha Ferreira, Danielle Cristina Netto Rodrigues, Rosemar Macedo Sousa Rahal
83 [GO] 2023―Mar―03 The COVID-19 Pandemic and Health and Care Workers: Findings From a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (2020-2021) Mandana Gholami, Iman Fawad, Sidra Shadan, Rashed Rowaiee, HedaietAllah Ghanem, Amar Hassan Khamis, Samuel B. Ho
84 [GO] 2023―Mar―01 Satisfaction With Governmental Risk Communication Both Increases and Decreases COVID-19 Mitigation Behaviours Darrick Evensen, George Warren, Frederic Bouder
85 [GO] 2023―Feb―24 Fear and Anxiety in Pregnant Women During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review Francisco Javier Muñoz-Vela, Luciano Rodríguez-Díaz, Juan Gómez-Salgado, Francisco Javier Fernández-Carrasco, Regina Allande-Cussó, Juana María Vázquez-Lara, Javier Fagundo-Rivera
86 [GO] 2023―Feb―24 Adherence to 24-h Movement Guidelines and Depressive Status During the Coronavirus Disease Outbreak: A Cross-Sectional Japanese Survey Takahisa Ohta, Madoka Ogawa, Naoki Kikuchi, Hiroyuki Sasai, Takanobu Okamoto
87 [GO] 2023―Feb―15 Psychological Distress Among Older Adults During the First Wave of SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic: Survey of Health, Ageing, and Retirement in Europe Orjola Shahaj, Gabriela Ksinan Jiskrova, Martin Bobák, Hynek Pikhart, Albert J. Ksinan
88 [GO] 2023―Feb―09 Emotional Intelligence, Depression, Stress and Anxiety Amongst Undergraduate Dental Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic Maryati Md. Dasor, Anis Aqilah Jafridin, Aliatul Afiqah Azhar, Alhusna Abang Abdullah Asma, Prathap Chandar Manivannan, Sobia Bilal, et al. (+2)
89 [GO] 2023―Feb―09 A Post-Lockdown Assessment of Albendazole Treatment Coverage in Mass Drug Administration Campaigns Implemented Before and During COVID-19 Pandemic in Ekiti, Southwest Nigeria Hammed O. Mogaji, Hilary I. Okoh, Abiodun M. Lawal, Kayode H. Ojo, Ayodele J. Marcus, Nwana O. Aaron, et al. (+3)
90 [GO] 2023―Jan―26 An Exploration of Sedentary Behavior, Physical Activity, and Quality of Life During the COVID-19 Outbreak Cheng-Yen Huang, Wen-Hsin Huang, Hsin-Yen Yen
91 [GO] 2023―Jan―12 The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on People With Lymphedema in an Endemic Area for Lymphatic Filariasis in Brazil Lígia Tomaz de Aquino, Ana Maria Aguiar-Santos, Abraham Rocha, Artur Vinicius de Araujo Coutinho, Mirella Silva Batista do Nascimento, Eduarda Correia Moretti, et al. (+4)
92 [GO] 2023―Jan―10 Social Media Overload and Anxiety Among University Students During the COVID-19 Omicron Wave Lockdown: A Cross-Sectional Study in Shanghai, China, 2022 Yangyang Wang, Jian Xu, Tian Xie
93 [GO] 2023―Jan―09 Development and Validation of the COVID-19 Worries and Fears Scale Esther Cuadrado, Alicia Arenas, Manuel Moyano, Martina La Gamma
94 [GO] 2023―Jan―05 Relationship Between Psychological Distress, Burnout and Work Engagement in Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review Ingrid Adanaqué-Bravo, Kenny Escobar-Segovia, Juan Gómez-Salgado, Juan Jesús García-Iglesias, Javier Fagundo-Rivera, Carlos Ruiz-Frutos
95 [GO] 2023―Jan―04 Covering the Crisis: Evolution of Key Topics and Actors in COVID-19 News Coverage in Switzerland Alexander Ort, Tobias Rohrbach, Nicola Diviani, Sara Rubinelli
96 [GO] 2023―Jan―04 The Mental Health Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Healthcare Workers in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: A Scoping Review Thaer Alhroob, Walaa Abu Alya, Beesan Nader Maraqa, Carmel Jaser Khalil, Aisha Shalash, Niveen M. E. Abu-Rmeileh, Zaher Nazzal
97 [GO] 2022―Dec―22 Rapid Review of COVID-19 Vaccination Access and Acceptance for Global Refugee, Asylum Seeker and Undocumented Migrant Populations Ariadne A. Nichol, Zoi Parcharidi, Wael K. Al-Delaimy, Elias Kondilis
98 [GO] 2022―Dec―22 Analysis of Obligatory Involvement of Medical Students in Pandemic Response in the Czech Republic: Competencies, Experiences, and Legal Implications Petr Michenka, Lydie Fialová, Lenka Šlegerová, David Marx
99 [GO] 2022―Dec―21 Comparison of Resilience Among Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemics: A Multinational Cross-Sectional Survey in Southeast Asian Jurisdictions Eliza Lai-yi Wong, Hong Qiu, Wai Tong Chien, Cho Lee Wong, Hom Nath Chalise, Huong Thi Xuan Hoang, et al. (+8)
100 [GO] 2022―Dec―16 Economic Migrants and Clinical Course of SARS-CoV-2 Infection: A Follow-Up Study Julia Martínez-Alfonso, Arthur Eumann Mesas, Nuria Jimenez-Olivas, Antonio Cabrera-Majada, Vicente Martínez-Vizcaíno, José Manuel Díaz-Olalla
101 [GO] 2022―Dec―12 Lessons From Early COVID-19: Associations With Undergraduate Students’ Academic Performance, Social Life, and Mental Health in the United States Joseph P. Nano, Mina H. Ghaly, Wen Fan
102 [GO] 2022―Dec―08 A Narrative Review of Innovative Responses During the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020 Tzu-Chi Wu, Chien-Ta Bruce Ho
103 [GO] 2022―Dec―05 Sense of Coherence in Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Ecuador: Association With Work Engagement, Work Environment and Psychological Distress Factors Juan Gómez-Salgado, Cristian Arturo Arias-Ulloa, Mónica Ortega-Moreno, Juan Jesús García-Iglesias, Kenny Escobar-Segovia, Carlos Ruiz-Frutos
104 [GO] 2022―Dec―05 The Legacy of the Pandemic Preparedness Regime: An Integrative Review Mathilde S. Bourrier, Michael J. Deml
105 [GO] 2022―Nov―28 Measuring the Evolution of Risk Communication Strategy for Health Authorities During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Empirical Comparison Between China and the United States Yue Yuan, Na Pang
106 [GO] 2022―Nov―24 Hand Hygiene Social Norms Among Healthcare Workers During Early COVID-19: Results of a Global Survey Giorgia Gon, Aron Szekely, Hattie Lowe, Marco Tosi
107 [GO] 2022―Nov―17 Psychological Distress, Anxiety, Depression, and Associated Factors Among Nigerian Healthcare Workers During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study Olanrewaju Ibikunle Ibigbami, Adesanmi Akinsulore, Tolu Opakunle, Champion Seun-Fadipe, Olakunle Ayokunmi Oginni, Victor Ogbonnaya Okorie, et al. (+5)
108 [GO] 2022―Nov―03 Transmission Characteristics and Predictive Model for Recent Epidemic Waves of COVID-19 Associated With OMICRON Variant in Major Cities in China Yangcheng Zheng, Yunpeng Wang
109 [GO] 2022―Nov―02 An Analysis of the COVID-19 Situation in India in Terms of Testing, Treatment, Vaccine Acceptance and National Economic Performance Ritu Bhaumik Patel, Bhaumik Bipinchandra Patel
110 [GO] 2022―Oct―26 The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Tuberculosis Case Notification and Treatment Outcomes in Eswatini Hloniphile Victory Masina, I-Feng Lin, Li-Yin Chien
111 [GO] 2022―Oct―20 Effect of COVID-19-Related Interventions on the Incidence of Infectious Eye Diseases: Analysis of Nationwide Infectious Disease Incidence Monitoring Data Woo-Ri Lee, Li-Hyun Kim, Gyeong-Min Lee, Jooyoung Cheon, Young Dae Kwon, Jin-Won Noh, Ki-Bong Yoo
112 [GO] 2022―Oct―20 The SARS-CoV-2 Infection Among Students in the University of Porto: A Cross-Sectional Study Paula Meireles, Joana Pinto Costa, Maria João Novais, Daniela Miranda, Mariana Mendes Lopes, Milton Severo, Henrique Barros
113 [GO] 2022―Oct―19 The Companion Pandemic to COVID-19: The Use of Informal Practices to Access Public Healthcare Services in the European Union Adrian V. Horodnic, Colin C. Williams, Răzvan Ionuț Drugă
114 [GO] 2022―Oct―17 Workplace Bullying and Violence on Burnout Among Bangladeshi Registered Nurses: A Survey Following a Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic Saifur Rahman Chowdhury, Humayun Kabir, Mahmudur Rahman Chowdhury, Ahmed Hossain
115 [GO] 2022―Oct―14 COVID-19 Vaccine Attitude and Its Predictors Among People Living With Chronic Health Conditions in Ibadan, Nigeria Lucia Yetunde Ojewale, Rotimi Felix Afolabi, Adesola Ogunniyi
116 [GO] 2022―Oct―06 Real-Time Analysis of Predictors of COVID-19 Infection Spread in Countries in the European Union Through a New Tool Aniko Balogh, Anna Harman, Frauke Kreuter
117 [GO] 2022―Oct―06 Factors Affecting COVID-19 Testing Behaviours Among the Population in South Western Nigeria Olufemi Samuel Amoo, Bosun Tijani, Tochukwu Ifeanyi Onuigbo, Joy Isioma Oraegbu, Dorcas Njeri Kareithi, Josephine Chioma Obi, et al. (+9)
118 [GO] 2022―Oct―04 The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Depressive Symptoms in China: A Longitudinal, Population-Based Study Yi Zhou, Weicheng Cai, Liyang Xie
119 [GO] 2022―Sep―29 Determinants of COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy During the Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Survey in the Canton of Vaud, Switzerland Caroline Veys-Takeuchi, Semira Gonseth Nusslé, Sandrine Estoppey, Claire Zuppinger, Julien Dupraz, Jérôme Pasquier, et al. (+5)
120 [GO] 2022―Sep―23 A Descriptive Comparison of Mass Testing During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Montreal, Paris, Bamako, and Recife Ashley Savard Lamothe, Morgane Gabet, Zoé Richard, Sydia Rosana de Araujo Oliveira, Abdouramane Coulibaly, Gisèle Cazarin, et al. (+4)
121 [GO] 2022―Sep―23 COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptability Among Healthcare Facility Workers in Sierra Leone, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda: A Multi-Centre Cross-Sectional Survey Hilary S. Whitworth, Jonathan Kitonsa, Kambale Kasonia, Daniel Tindanbil, Paddy Kafeero, Joseph Bangura, et al. (+8)
122 [GO] 2022―Sep―22 Who Said What: A Multi-Country Content Analysis of European Health Organisations’ COVID-19 Social Media Communication Kamyar Kompani, Michael J. Deml, Farnaz Mahdavian, Olena Koval, Sanjana Arora, Hilda Broqvist
123 [GO] 2022―Sep―20 Did COVID-19 Policies Have the Same Effect on COVID-19 Incidence Among Women and Men? Evidence From Spain and Switzerland Carmen Sant Fruchtman, Fabienne Beatrice Fischer, Laura Monzón Llamas, Maryam Tavakkoli, Daniel Cobos Muñoz, Marina Antillon
124 [GO] 2022―Sep―20 Experiences of Urban Slum-Dwelling Women With Maternal and Child Health Services During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multi-City Qualitative Study From India Krushna Chandra Sahoo, Chinki Doley, Sapna Negi, Sasmita Das, Priyanka Verma, Srikanta Kanungo, Sanghamitra Pati
125 [GO] 2022―Sep―13 An Assessment of Systemic Factors and COVID-19 Mortality in Africa Ayomide Owoyemi, Tolulope Balogun, Joy Okoro, Tariro Ndoro, Oluwakayode Fasominu, Adejare Atanda, Ibraheem Abioye
126 [GO] 2022―Sep―08 Lifestyle Behaviours of Children and Adolescents During the First Two Waves of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Switzerland and Their Relation to Well-Being: An Observational Study Gabriela P. Peralta, Anne-Linda Camerini, Sarah R. Haile, Christian R. Kahlert, Elsa Lorthe, Laura Marciano, et al. (+5)
127 [GO] 2022―Sep―08 The Relationship Between Barriers and Drivers of COVID-19 Protective Behaviors in Germany and the UK Farnaz Mahdavian, George W. Warren, Darrick Evensen, Frederic E. Bouder
128 [GO] 2022―Sep―06 Case Fatality Rate of COVID-19 and its Relationship to Sociodemographic Characteristics in Ecuador, 2020 Karla Margarita Flores Sacoto, Galo Antonio Sanchez Del Hierro, Felipe Gonzalo Moreno-Piedrahita Hernández, Jose Xavier Jarrin Estupiñan
129 [GO] 2022―Sep―06 Development of Clinical Risk Scores for Detection of COVID-19 in Suspected Patients During a Local Outbreak in China: A Retrospective Cohort Study Zhuoyu Sun, Yi’an Guo, Wei He, Shiyue Chen, Changqing Sun, Hong Zhu, et al. (+6)
130 [GO] 2022―Sep―06 “About Navigating Chaos”: Latin American and Caribbean Mental Health Workers’ Personal Impact Due to SARS-CoV-2 in the First Hundred Days Martin Agrest, Melina Rosales, Marina Fernández, Tanvi Kankan, Andrés Matkovich, Alberto Velzi-Díaz, Sara Ardila-Gómez
131 [GO] 2022―Sep―02 Risk Perception Related to COVID-19 and Future Affective Responses Among Healthcare Workers in Switzerland: A Mixed-Methods Longitudinal Study Véronique S. Grazioli, Konstantinos Tzartzas, Jérémie Blaser, Madison Graells, Elodie Schmutz, Isabelle Petitgenet, et al. (+5)
132 [GO] 2022―Aug―31 Conservation of Resources, Psychological Distress, and Resilience During the COVID-19 Pandemic Hadas Egozi Farkash, Mooli Lahad, Stevan E. Hobfoll, Dima Leykin, Limor Aharonson-Daniel
133 [GO] 2022―Aug―31 From Public Health Policy to Impact for COVID-19: A Multi-Country Case Study in Switzerland, Spain, Iran and Pakistan Maryam Tavakkoli, Aliya Karim, Fabienne Beatrice Fischer, Laura Monzon Llamas, Azam Raoofi, Shamsa Zafar, et al. (+5)
134 [GO] 2022―Aug―31 Periodontitis as a Risk of Hospitalization and Death by SARS-CoV-2 Shipra Gupta, Ismo T. Räisänen, Timo Sorsa
135 [GO] 2022―Aug―30 Telephone Monitoring of Isolated Patients With Suspected COVID-19 Disease in Primary Care: Prospective Cohort Study Valle Coronado-Vázquez, Elena Benito-Alonso, Marina Holgado-Juan, Maria Silvia Dorado-Rabaneda, Cristina Bronchalo-González, Juan Gómez-Salgado
136 [GO] 2022―Aug―29 Temporal Dynamics of Socioeconomic Inequalities in COVID-19 Outcomes Over the Course of the Pandemic-A Scoping Review Florian Beese, Julia Waldhauer, Lina Wollgast, Timo-Kolja Pförtner, Morten Wahrendorf, Sebastian Haller, et al. (+2)
137 [GO] 2022―Aug―26 Religious Conspiracy Theories About the COVID-19 Pandemic Are Associated With Negative Mental Health Alice Kosarkova, Klara Malinakova, Lukas Novak, Jitse P. Van Dijk, Peter Tavel
138 [GO] 2022―Aug―26 Are Kenyans Likely to Use COVID-19 Self-Testing Kits? Results From a Cross-Sectional Survey Griffins Manguro, Sonjelle Shilton, Sharon Omenda, Patrica Owira, Deepshikha Batheja, Abhik Banerji, et al. (+7)
139 [GO] 2022―Aug―25 Sex Differences in Clinical Parameters, Pharmacological and Health-Resource Utilization in a Population With Hypertension Without a Diagnosis of COVID-19 Ana Lear-Claveras, Bárbara Oliván-Blázquez, Ana Clavería, Sabela Couso-Viana, Jesús Puente-Comesaña, Rosa Magallón Botaya
140 [GO] 2022―Aug―25 A Multi-Center Study on the Negative Psychological Impact and Associated Factors in Chinese Healthcare Workers 1 Year After the COVID-19 Initial Outbreak Maria Jose Gonzalez Mendez, Li Ma, Ruben Alvarado, Jorge Ramirez, Kun-Peng Xu, Hui-Fang Xu, et al. (+10)
141 [GO] 2022―Aug―25 Financial Distress and Psychological Well-Being During the COVID-19 Pandemic Florencia Borrescio-Higa, Federico Droller, Patricio Valenzuela
142 [GO] 2022―Aug―25 The Parental and Children Report of the Prevalence of Depressive Symptoms in Children and Adolescents Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study From Oman Fahad Zadjali, Amna Al-Futaisi, Amira Al-Hosni, Salim Al-Huseini, Maarten Crommelin, Hassan Mirza
143 [GO] 2022―Aug―25 Substance Use Among Residents of Homeless Shelters During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Findings From France Honor Scarlett, Maria Melchior, Camille Davisse-Paturet, Tarik El. Aarbaoui, Cécile Longchamps, Natasha Figueiredo, Simon Ducarroz
144 [GO] 2022―Aug―25 Adherence to Coronavirus Disease 2019 Preventive Measures in a Representative Sample of the Population of the Canton of Vaud, Switzerland Audrey Butty, Nolwenn Bühler, Jérôme Pasquier, Julien Dupraz, Vincent Faivre, Sandrine Estoppey, et al. (+4)
145 [GO] 2022―Aug―24 Parents’ Working Conditions in the Early COVID-19 Pandemic and Children’s Health-Related Quality of Life: The Ciao Corona Study Nevesthika Muralitharan, Gabriela P. Peralta, Sarah R. Haile, Thomas Radtke, Agne Ulyte, Milo A. Puhan, Susi Kriemler
146 [GO] 2022―Aug―24 Loneliness and Depression Among Female University Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2020 Deemah Alateeq, Alhanouf Aljabri, Ghada Aldogiam, Haya Alajmi, Hussah Alsoqaih, Rawan Alfadhly, Raneem Alshahrani
147 [GO] 2022―Aug―17 Infodemics in an Era of Pandemics Nina Emery, Adeline Dugerdil, Antoine Flahault
148 [GO] 2022―Aug―11 Progression of Vision in Chinese School-Aged Children Before and After COVID-19 Wenjing Wang, Shuzhen Peng, Faxue Zhang, Boya Zhu, Longjiang Zhang, Xiaodong Tan
149 [GO] 2022―Aug―11 Pre-Pandemic Adversity Buffers the Role of Social Loneliness in Caregiver Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic Emma Kahle Monahan, Julie S. McCrae, Simeon Daferede
150 [GO] 2022―Aug―11 Job Leaving Intentions of Dentists Associated With COVID-19 Risk, Impact of Pandemic Management, and Personal Coping Resources Veronika Pacutova, Andrea Madarasova Geckova, Sara Maria Majernikova, Peter Kizek, Andrea F. de Winter, Sijmen A. Reijneveld
151 [GO] 2022―Aug―09 Employee Mental Health During COVID-19 Adaptation: Observations of Occupational Safety and Health/Human Resource Professionals in Ireland Yanbing Chen, Carolyn Ingram, Vicky Downey, Mark Roe, Anne Drummond, Penpatra Sripaiboonkij, et al. (+4)
152 [GO] 2022―Aug―09 COVID-19 Information-Seeking, Health Literacy, and Worry and Anxiety During the Early Stage of the Pandemic in Switzerland: A Cross-Sectional Study Anica Ilic, Katharina Roser, Grit Sommer, Julia Baenziger, Vera Ruth Mitter, Luzius Mader, et al. (+2)
153 [GO] 2022―Aug―09 Strengthening Capacity for Implementation Research Amid COVID-19 Pandemic: Learnings From the Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases Implementation Science School Zahra Aziz, Tilahun Haregu, Catherine Kyobutungi, Lijing Yan, Vilma Irazola, Pilvikki Absetz, et al. (+10)
154 [GO] 2022―Aug―05 Social Support for Acculturative Stress, Job Stress, and Perceived Discrimination Among Migrant Workers Moderates COVID-19 Pandemic Depression Youlim Kim, Hyeonkyeong Lee, Mikyung Lee
155 [GO] 2022―Aug―05 Mobility and Policy Responses During the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020 Gabriel Cepaluni, Michael T. Dorsch, Daniel Kovarek
156 [GO] 2022―Aug―04 Social Determinants of Health in the COVID-19 Pandemic Context of the Migrant Population Living in Settlements in Spain Regina Allande-Cussó, Juan Jesús García-Iglesias, Rosario Miranda-Plata, Rocío Pichardo-Hexamer, Carlos Ruiz-Frutos, Juan Gómez-Salgado
157 [GO] 2022―Aug―04 Barriers to Practicing COVID-19 Preventive Behaviors Among Migrant Workers in Qatar: A Qualitative Study During the First Wave of the Pandemic Ghadir Fakhri Al-Jayyousi, Mohamed Nour, Jinan Suliman, Muna Abed Alah, Khaled Ali, Sami Abdeen, et al. (+4)
158 [GO] 2022―Jul―27 Testing for COVID-19 is Much More Effective When Performed Immediately Prior to Social Mixing Chad R. Wells, Senay Gokcebel, Abhishek Pandey, Alison P. Galvani, Jeffrey P. Townsend
159 [GO] 2022―Jul―21 Mental Health Inequities Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: Findings From Three Rounds of a Cross-Sectional Monitoring Survey of Canadian Adults Emily K. Jenkins, Allie Slemon, Chris Richardson, Javiera Pumarino, Corey McAuliffe, Kimberly C. Thomson, et al. (+4)
160 [GO] 2022―Jul―20 The Relative Importance of Vulnerability and Efficiency in COVID-19 Contact Tracing Programmes: A Discrete Choice Experiment Yi Wang, Dian Faradiba, Victor J. Del Rio Vilas, Miqdad Asaria, Yu Ting Chen, Joseph Brian Babigumira, et al. (+2)
161 [GO] 2022―Jul―20 A Cross-Sectional Study of Depression, Anxiety, and Insomnia Symptoms in People in Quarantine During the COVID-19 Epidemic Chun Lin, Xiaohong Fu
162 [GO] 2022―Jul―19 Pain Interference, Resilience, and Perceived Well-Being During COVID-19: Differences Between Women With and Without Trauma Exposure Prior to the Pandemic Elena R. Serrano-Ibáñez, Carmen Ramírez-Maestre, Gema T. Ruiz-Párraga, Rosa Esteve, Alicia E. López-Martínez
163 [GO] 2022―Jul―13 The Covid-19 Pandemic and Maternal Mental Health: A Longitudinal Study of Chilean and Foreign-Born Mothers Alejandra Abufhele, Marigen Narea, Amanda Telias
164 [GO] 2022―Jul―13 Financial Loss and Depressive Symptoms in University Students During the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Comparison Between 23 Countries Stefano Tancredi, Claudine Burton-Jeangros, René Ruegg, Elena Righi, Anna Kagstrom, Amelie Quesnel Vallee, et al. (+5)
165 [GO] 2022―Jul―05 The Real-World Impact of Vaccination on COVID-19 Cases During Europe’s Fourth Wave Vageesh Jain, Aimee Serisier, Paula Lorgelly
166 [GO] 2022―Jun―29 Preparedness for Future Pandemics: Lessons Learned From the COVID-19 Pandemic in Iran Amirhossein Takian, Seyed Sahab Aarabi, Farbod Semnani, Amirmasoud Rayati Damavandi
167 [GO] 2022―Jun―24 Examining Risk Factors for Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic-Focusing on Older Adults in South Korea Sujin Kim, Jongnam Hwang
168 [GO] 2022―Jun―24 Assessing Changes in Anxiety, Empowerment, Stigma and Wellbeing in Participants Attending an Online-Based Recovery College in Q During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Pre-Experimental Study Filippo Rapisarda, Julio Macario de Medeiros, Catherine Briand, Antoine Boivin, Johana Monthuy-Blanc, Catherine Vallée, et al. (+3)
169 [GO] 2022―Jun―21 Corrigendum: Factors Associated to Psychological Distress During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Healthcare Workers in Ecuador Carlos Ruiz-Frutos, Cristian Arturo Arias-Ulloa, Mónica Ortega-Moreno, Macarena Romero-Martín, Kenny F. Escobar-Segovia, Ingrid Adanaque-Bravo, Juan Gómez-Salgado
170 [GO] 2022―Jun―20 Characterization and Evolution of Mental Health Problems Attended to in a Telephone Helpline During the Lockdown and De-Escalation by COVID-19 Alba Pérez-González, Sonia Benítez-Borrego, Jordi Garcia-Sicard, Andrés Cuartero, Silvia Ruiz-Torras, Joan Guàrdia-Olmos
171 [GO] 2022―Jun―20 The Kids Are Alright (?). Infants’ Development and COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study Eleonora Ferrari, Lucia Palandri, Laura L쫌ioni, Giovanna Talucci, Erica Passini, Viola Trevisani, Elena Righi
172 [GO] 2022―Jun―20 Is Avoidable Hospitalization Experienced Prior to Infection Associated With COVID-19-Related Deaths? Woo-Ri Lee, Ki-Bong Yoo, Gyeong-Min Lee, Jun Hyuk Koo, Li-Hyun Kim
173 [GO] 2022―Jun―17 Sustained Negative Mental Health Outcomes Among Healthcare Workers Over the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Prospective Cohort Study Roberto Mediavilla, Eduardo Fernández-Jiménez, Irene Martinez-Morata, Fabiola Jaramillo, Jorge Andreo-Jover, Inés Morán-Sánchez, et al. (+7)
174 [GO] 2022―Jun―15 Social Support and Depressive Symptoms in the Context of COVID-19 Lockdown: The Moderating Role of Attachment Styles Stefanella Costa-Cordella, Anastassia Vivanco-Carlevari, Alejandra Rossi, Camilo Arévalo-Romero, Jaime R. Silva
175 [GO] 2022―Jun―15 COVID-19-Related Health Literacy of Socioeconomically Vulnerable Migrant Groups Didier Ruedin, Johanna Probst, Philippe Wanner, Denise Efionayi-Mäder, Patrick Bodenmann
176 [GO] 2022―Jun―14 Unequal Access to Testing and Vaccination Services for the Homeless and Undocumented Population During COVID-19 Pandemic Aldo Morrone, Anna Rita Buonomini, Alessandra Sannella, Fulvia Pimpinelli, Arianna Rotulo
177 [GO] 2022―Jun―13 The Associations of Experiencing the COVID-19 Pandemic With Religiosity and Spirituality: A Cross-Sectional Study in Czech Adults Marie Buchtova, Klara Malinakova, Lukas Novak, Anna Janu, Vit Husek, Jitse P. Van Dijk, Peter Tavel
178 [GO] 2022―Jun―09 Social Disconnectedness and Mental Health Problems During the COVID-19 Pandemic in China: A Moderated Mediation Model Ruoshan Xiong, Yiwei Xia, Beihai Tian
179 [GO] 2022―Jun―09 Functional Status, Mood State, and Physical Activity Among Women With Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome Stephen J. Carter, Marissa N. Baranauskas, John S. Raglin, Bernice A. Pescosolido, Brea L. Perry
180 [GO] 2022―Jun―08 Changes in Acute Myocardial Infarction, Stroke, and Heart Failure Hospitalizations During COVID-19 Pandemic in Tuscany-An Interrupted Time Series Study Sophie Y. Wang, Chiara Seghieri, Milena Vainieri, Oliver Groene
181 [GO] 2022―Jun―08 Does Change in Physical Activity During the Initial Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic Predict Psychological Symptoms in Physically Active Adults? A Six-Month Longitudinal Study Audun Havnen, Linda Ernstsen
182 [GO] 2022―Jun―03 Lockdown due to COVID-19 in Spanish Children Up to 6 Years: Consequences on Diet, Lifestyle, Screen Viewing, and Sleep Mercedes Díaz-Rodríguez, Jesús Carretero-Bravo, Celia Pérez-Muñoz, Mercedes Deudero-Sánchez
183 [GO] 2022―Jun―02 Estimating the Direct Disability-Adjusted Life Years Associated With SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) in the Republic of Ireland: The First Full Year Declan Patrick Moran, Sara Monteiro Pires, Grant M. A. Wyper, Brecht Devleesschauwer, Sarah Cuschieri, Zubair Kabir
184 [GO] 2022―Jun―01 Distress and Well-Being Among Psychiatric Patients in the Aftermath of the First COVID-19 Lockdown in Israel: A Longitudinal Study Ariella Grossman-Giron, Dana Tzur Bitan, Shlomo Mendlovic, Sharon Shemesh, Yuval Bloch
185 [GO] 2022―Jun―01 Anxiety, Worry, Life Satisfaction and Coping During the Acute VS Prolonged Pandemic Stress: Evidence From a Repeated Cross-Sectional Study Ia Shekriladze, Nino Javakhishvili, Nino Butsashvili, Maka Lortkipanidze
186 [GO] 2022―May―31 Maintenance of Medical Care of Children and Adolescents With Asthma During the SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 Pandemic: An Opinion Malik Aydin
187 [GO] 2022―May―30 How Vaccination Rumours Spread Online: Tracing the Dissemination of Information Regarding Adverse Events of COVID-19 Vaccines Tauel Harper, Katie Attwell
188 [GO] 2022―May―24 Development of the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s Facilities Status Dashboard for the COVID-19 Pandemic: Approach and Challenges Lisa Baxter, Jeremy Baynes, Anne Weaver, Anne Neale, Timothy Wade, Megan Mehaffey, et al. (+3)
189 [GO] 2022―May―24 Teleeducation: Pandemic Proofing Global Education Janet Michel, Shiva Murugasampillay, Thomas C. Sauter, Marcel Tanner
190 [GO] 2022―May―13 Pandemic Fatigue and Anxiety Sensitivity as Associated Factors With Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms Among University Students in South Korea During the Prolonged COVID-19 Pandemic Hee Jun Kim, Timothy J. Meeker, Ingrid K. Tulloch, Jake Mullins, Jin-Hee Park, Sun Hyoung Bae
191 [GO] 2022―May―12 Right-Wing Populism, Social Identity Theory, and Resistance to Public Health Measures During the COVID-19 Pandemic Kathleen D. Magnus
192 [GO] 2022―May―12 Self-Reported Mental Health and Lifestyle Behaviour During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Czech Population: Evidence From Two Cross-Sectional Surveys Andrea Dalecká, Hana Tomášková, Hana Šlachtová, Dagmar Skýbová, Ratislav Mad’ar
193 [GO] 2022―May―11 COVID-19 Impacts Across Multiple Life Domains of Vulnerable Socio-Demographic Groups Including Migrants: A Descriptive Cross-Sectional Study Felix P. Chilunga, Liza Coyer, Didier Collard, Tjalling Leenstra, Henrike Galenkamp, Charles Agyemang, et al. (+2)
194 [GO] 2022―May―11 The First 110,593 COVID-19 Patients Hospitalised in Lombardy: A Regionwide Analysis of Case Characteristics, Risk Factors and Clinical Outcomes Nicole Mauer, Greta Chiecca, Greta Carioli, Vincenza Gianfredi, Licia Iacoviello, Silvia Bertagnolio, et al. (+3)
195 [GO] 2022―May―11 Psychosocial Factors Associated With Adherence to COVID-19 Preventive Measures in Low-Middle- Income Countries, December 2020 to February 2021 Supa Pengpid, Karl Peltzer, Chutarat Sathirapanya, Phanthanee Thitichai, Edlaine Faria de Moura Villela, Tamara Rodrigues Zanuzzi, et al. (+12)
196 [GO] 2022―May―04 Associations of COVID-19-Related Health, Healthcare and Economic Factors With Prenatal Depression and Anxiety Lyndsay A. Avalos, Nerissa Nance, Sylvia E. Badon, Kelly Young-Wolff, Jennifer Ames, Yeyi Zhu, et al. (+5)
197 [GO] 2022―May―03 The Approach to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Georgia-A Health Policy Analysis Ilia Nadareishvili, Ana Zhulina, Aleksandre Tskitishvili, Gvantsa Togonidze, David E. Bloom, Karsten Lunze
198 [GO] 2022―Apr―29 Emergency Department Management of COVID-19 Suspected Patients. An International Perspective Chady El Tawil, Mahmoud El Hussein, Nagi Souaiby, Mariana Helou
199 [GO] 2022―Apr―28 The Management of the COVID-19 Pandemic Evidences the Need to Transform Spain’s Public Health Education Miguel Angel Luque-Fernandez, Aurelio Tobias
200 [GO] 2022―Apr―25 Response to COVID-19 in the Central African Republic: Coping Strategies Combined With China’s Experience Qiheng Gou, Fubin Zhu, Keqi Xie, Yiping Li, Yuxin Xie
201 [GO] 2022―Apr―14 Examining American Adult’s Mental Well and Ill-Being During the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic Using a Self-Determination Theory Perspective Lauren N. Jordan, C. Veronica Smith
202 [GO] 2022―Apr―13 Government Trust and Motivational Factors on Health Protective Behaviors to Prevent COVID-19 Among Young Adults Nicolás Bronfman, Paula Repetto, Pamela Cisternas, Javiera Castañeda, Paola Cordón
203 [GO] 2022―Apr―11 Maternal Perceived Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Pre-Existing Risk Factors and Concurrent Correlates in New York City Women Akhgar Ghassabian, Melanie H. Jacobson, Linda G. Kahn, Sara G. Brubaker, Shilpi S. Mehta-Lee, Leonardo Trasande
204 [GO] 2022―Apr―11 COVID-19 Risk Perception, Trust in Institutions and Negative Affect Drive Positive COVID-19 Vaccine Intentions Sanjin Musa, Seila Cilovic-Lagarija, Ariana Kavazovic, Nina Bosankic-Cmajcanin, Alberto Stefanelli, Nadia Aleyna Scott, et al. (+3)
205 [GO] 2022―Apr―05 Inequalities in Trust Levels and Compliance With Physical Distancing During COVID-19 Outbreaks: Comparing the Arab Minority and Jewish Populations in Israel Haneen Shibli, Daiana Palkin, Limor Aharonson-Daniel, Nadav Davidovitch, Nihaya Daoud
206 [GO] 2022―Apr―05 Striving for Health Equity: The Importance of Social Determinants of Health and Ethical Considerations in Pandemic Preparedness Planning Hanno Hoven, Nico Dragano, Peter Angerer, Christian Apfelbacher, Insa Backhaus, Barbara Hoffmann, et al. (+4)
207 [GO] 2022―Apr―01 Differences in Sleep Patterns and Mental Health Problems During Different Periods of COVID-19 Outbreak Among Community-Dwelling Older Men in Hong Kong Gengze Liao, Bixia Huang, Priscilla Ming Lee, Shi Zhao, Chi Kuen Chan, Lai-Bun Tai, et al. (+4)
208 [GO] 2022―Mar―31 Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Human Papillomavirus Vaccination in Brazil Tércia Moreira Ribeiro Da Silva, Ana Carolina Micheletti Gomide Nogueira de Sá, Mark Anthony Beinner, Mery Natali Silva Abreu, Fernanda Penido Matozinhos, Ana Paula Sayuri Sato, Ed Wilson Rodrigues Vieira
209 [GO] 2022―Mar―23 Why Vaccinate Against COVID-19? A Population-Based Survey in Switzerland Marta Fadda, Anne Linda Camerini, Maddalena Fiordelli, Laurie Corna, Sara Levati, Rebecca Amati, et al. (+4)
210 [GO] 2022―Mar―22 Factors Associated to Psychological Distress During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Healthcare Workers in Ecuador Carlos Ruiz-Frutos, Cristian Arturo Arias-Ulloa, Mónica Ortega-Moreno, Macarena Romero-Martín, Kenny F. Escobar-Segovia, Ingrid Adanaque-Bravo, Juan Gómez-Salgado
211 [GO] 2022―Mar―22 COVID-19 Vaccination Among the Arab Bedouin Population: Lessons Learned From a Minority Population Naim Abu-Freha, Hadel Alsana, Sabri El-Saied, Zuya Azbarga, Muhammad Aloka, Tarek Goda, Muhammad Abu Tailakh
212 [GO] 2022―Mar―21 Timely Monitoring COVID-19 Vaccine Protection, Berlin, Germany, April 15th to December 15th, 2021 Julia Bitzegeio, Lukas Hemmers, Alexander Bartel, Dirk Werber
213 [GO] 2022―Mar―16 Public Perception of COVID-19 Vaccination in Italy: The Role of Trust and Experts’ Communication Massimiano Bucchi, Eliana Fattorini, Barbara Saracino
214 [GO] 2022―Mar―14 A Longitudinal Study on Maternal Depressive Symptoms During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Strict Lockdown Measures and Social Support Joana Fernandes, Inês Tavares, Pedro Bem-Haja, Tânia Barros, Mariana L. Carrito
215 [GO] 2022―Mar―11 Psychological Distress in the Galapagos Islands During the COVID-19 Pandemic Clara Paz, Trinidad Abiuso, Lila Adana-Díaz, Alberto Rodríguez-Lorenzana, Tatiana Jaramillo-Vivanco, Esteban Ortiz-Prado, et al. (+2)
216 [GO] 2022―Mar―07 The Association Between Quarantine Duration and Psychological Outcomes, Social Distancing, and Vaccination Intention During the Second Outbreak of COVID-19 in China Lele Chen, Dingding Wang, Yuxin Xia, Renlai Zhou
217 [GO] 2022―Mar―03 Association of Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions to Reduce the Spread of SARS-CoV-2 With Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms: A Multi-National Study of 43 Countries Kira E. Riehm, Elena Badillo Goicoechea, Frances M. Wang, Esther Kim, Luke R. Aldridge, Carly P. Lupton-Smith, et al. (+5)
218 [GO] 2022―Feb―28 The Corona Immunitas Digital Follow-Up eCohort to Monitor Impacts of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic in Switzerland: Study Protocol and First Results Alexandre Speierer, Patricia O. Chocano-Bedoya, Daniela Anker, Alexia Schmid, Dirk Keidel, Thomas Vermes, et al. (+31)
219 [GO] 2022―Feb―25 Potential Positive Effects of COVID-19 on Cancer Care: A Window of Opportunity Emmanouil Damilakis
220 [GO] 2022―Feb―25 Self-Esteem, Happiness, and Flourishing in Times of COVID-19: A Study During the Lockdown Period in Ecuador Clara Paz, Carlos Hermosa-Bosano, Paula Hidalgo-Andrade, Javier García-Manglano, Charo Sábada Chalezquer, Claudia López-Madrigal, Cecilia Serrano
221 [GO] 2022―Feb―23 How do European Mature Adults and Elderly Perceive SARS-COV-2 and Associated Control Measures? A Cross-Country Analysis of Mental Health Symptoms in June and July 2020 Julian Perelman, Miguel Xavier, Pedro Pita Barros
222 [GO] 2022―Feb―18 Results of the Adult COVID-19 Lifestyle Matching Study Rui Zhong, Qiong Zhang, Yanfang Qiu, Lingxia Chen, Jianghua Xie, Yongjun Chen, et al. (+6)
223 [GO] 2022―Feb―16 Factors Influencing COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance in High Income Countries Prior to Vaccine Approval and Rollout: A Narrative Review Maryke S. Steffens, Bianca Bullivant, Kasia Bolsewicz, Catherine King, Frank Beard
224 [GO] 2022―Feb―16 Safety Evaluation of a Medical Congress Held During the COVID-19 Pandemic-A Prospective Cohort Johannes Sumer, Domenica Flury, Christian R. Kahlert, Nicolas J. Mueller, Lorenz Risch, Susanne Nigg, et al. (+4)
225 [GO] 2022―Feb―07 COVID-19 in German Competitive Sports: Protocol for a Prospective Multicenter Cohort Study (CoSmo-S) Andreas Michael Niess, Manuel Widmann, Roman Gaidai, Christian Gölz, Isabel Schubert, Katty Castillo, et al. (+37)
226 [GO] 2022―Jan―28 Retrospective Recall of Psychological Distress Experienced During the First COVID-19 Lockdown in Italy: Results From the ALT RISCOVID-19 Survey Francesca Bracone, Alessandro Gialluisi, Simona Costanzo, Augusto Di Castelnuovo, Mariarosaria Persichillo, Marco Olivieri, et al. (+5)
227 [GO] 2022―Jan―27 Global Vaccine Equity to End the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Canadian Perspective and Call to Action Michael Clarke, Shehzad Ali, Michael Silverman, Saverio Stranges
228 [GO] 2022―Jan―24 Facemask Usage Among People With Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Participatory Project Eva S. L. Pedersen, Eugenie N. R. Collaud, Rebeca Mozun, Katie Dexter, Catherine Kruljac, Hansruedi Silberschmidt, Jane S. Lucas
229 [GO] 2022―Jan―24 Should We Delay the Second COVID-19 Vaccine Dose in Order to Optimize Rollout? A Mathematical Perspective Soulaimane Berkane, Intissar Harizi, Abdelhamid Tayebi, Michael S. Silverman, Saverio Stranges
230 [GO] 2022―Jan―21 The Mental Health Implications of Domestic Violence During COVID-19 Elizabeth A. Newnham, Yanyu Chen, Lisa Gibbs, Peta L. Dzidic, Bhushan Guragain, Satchit Balsari, et al. (+2)
231 [GO] 2022―Jan―18 Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms in the New Life With COVID-19: A Comparative Cross-Sectional Study in Japan Rugby Top League Players Yasutaka Ojio, Asami Matsunaga, Shin Kawamura, Masanori Horiguchi, Goro Yoshitani, Kensuke Hatakeyama, et al. (+3)
232 [GO] 2022―Jan―14 “Missed” Information: A Moral Failing that Erodes Efforts to Tackle the COVID-19 Pandemic Leena Paakkari, Orkan Okan, Minna Torppa
233 [GO] 2022―Jan―10 Trust in Institutions and the COVID-19 Threat: A Cross-Sectional Study on the Public Perception of Official Recommendations and of Othering in Switzerland Ingrid Gilles, Marie-Annick Le Pogam, Margaux Perriraz, Adrian Bangerter, Eva G. T. Green, Christian Staerklé, et al. (+3)
234 [GO] 2021―Dec―31 Expert Views on COVAX and Equitable Global Access to COVID-19 Vaccines Tania Manriquez Roa, Felicitas Holzer, Florencia Luna, Nikola Biller-Andorno
235 [GO] 2021―Dec―20 Corrigendum: The Magnitude of Black/Hispanic Disparity in COVID-19 Mortality Across United States Counties During the First Waves of the COVID-19 Pandemic Cindy Im, Lalani L. Munasinghe, José M. Martínez, William Letsou, Farideh Bagherzadeh-Khiabani, So�h Marin, Yutaka Yasui
236 [GO] 2021―Dec―09 Gender Inequality and Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic Florencia Borrescio-Higa, Patricio Valenzuela
237 [GO] 2021―Nov―11 Psychological Distress and Anxiety Levels Among Health Care Workers at the Height of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United Arab Emirates Basema Saddik, Iffat Elbarazi, Mohamad-Hani Temsah, Fatemeh Saheb Sharif-Askari, Waad Kheder, Amal Hussein, et al. (+4)
238 [GO] 2021―Oct―25 Acceptance of a COVID-19 Vaccine Before it is Available in China During the Pandemic Jian Xu, Cong Liu
239 [GO] 2021―Oct―10 The Role of European Schools and University Departments of Public Health in the 2020 COVID-19 Response, European Region, 2020 Ariane Bauernfeind, Anders Foldspang, Alberto Fernandez-Ajuria, Robert Otok, John Middleton
240 [GO] 2021―Oct―05 Rapid Mortality Surveillance of COVID-19 Using Verbal Autopsy Amaro N. Duarte-Neto, Maria de Fátima Marinho, Lucia P. Barroso, Carmen D. Saldiva de André, Luiz Fernando F. da Silva, Marisa Dolhnikoff, et al. (+11)
241 [GO] 2021―Sep―23 The Magnitude of Black/Hispanic Disparity in COVID-19 Mortality Across United States Counties During the First Waves of the COVID-19 Pandemic Cindy Im, Lalani L. Munasinghe, José M. Martínez, William Letsou, Farideh Bagherzadeh-Khiabani, So�h Marin, Yutaka Yasui
242 [GO] 2021―Sep―01 Mental Health and Wellbeing of 9-12-year-old Children in Northern Canada Before the COVID-19 Pandemic and After the First Lockdown Julia Dabravolskaj, Mohammed K. A. Khan, Paul J. Veugelers, Katerina Maximova
243 [GO] 2021―Aug―30 Construction and Validation of a Brief Pandemic Fatigue Scale in the Context of the Coronavirus-19 Public Health Crisis Esther Cuadrado, Miguel A. Maldonado, Carmen Tabernero, Alicia Arenas, Rosario Castillo-Mayén, Bárbara Luque
244 [GO] 2021―Aug―23 ASPHER Statement: Déjà vu? Planning for the Covid-19 Third Wave and Planning for the Winter 2021-22 Vasco Ricoca Peixoto, John Reid, Henrique Lopes, Vladimir Prikazsky, Ines Siepmann, Jose M. Martin-Moreno, John Middleton
245 [GO] 2021―Aug―20 Critical Health Literacy in a Pandemic: A Cluster Analysis Among German University Students Katherina Heinrichs, Thomas Abel, Paula M. Matos Fialho, Claudia R. Pischke, Heide Busse, Claus Wendt, Christiane Stock
246 [GO] 2021―Aug―18 Opening Schools and Trends in SARS-CoV-2 Transmission in European Countries Alessandra Buja, Federico Zabeo, Vittorio Cristofori, Matteo Paganini, Tatjana Baldovin, Riccardo Fusinato, et al. (+5)
247 [GO] 2021―Aug―17 Effectiveness of a Video-Based Intervention on Reducing Perceptions of Fear, Loneliness, and Public Stigma Related to COVID-19: A Randomized Controlled Trial Linda Valeri, Doron Amsalem, Samantha Jankowski, Ezra Susser, Lisa Dixon
248 [GO] 2021―Aug―16 Adherence and Association of Digital Proximity Tracing App Notifications With Earlier Time to Quarantine: Results From the Zurich SARS-CoV-2 Cohort Study Tala Ballouz, Dominik Menges, Hélène E. Aschmann, Anja Domenghino, Jan S. Fehr, Milo A. Puhan, Viktor von Wyl
249 [GO] 2021―Jul―30 One Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic. What Do We Know and What Is Yet to Come? - The Summarising Review Wojciech Malchrzak, Agnieszka Mastalerz-Migas, Zbigniew Sroka, Maciej Spiegel
250 [GO] 2021―Jul―21 Estimating Short- and Long-Term Associations Between Air Quality Index and COVID-19 Transmission: Evidence From 257 Chinese Cities Ru Cao, Yuxin Wang, Xiaochuan Pan, Xiaobin Jin, Jing Huang, Guoxing Li
251 [GO] 2021―Jul―01 Understanding American Public Support for COVID-19 Risk Mitigation: The Role of Political Orientation, Socio-Demographic characteristics, Personal Concern, and Experience, the United States, 2020 Wanyun Shao, Feng Hao
252 [GO] 2021―Jun―23 Associations of Underlying Health Conditions With Anxiety and Depression Among Outpatients: Modification Effects of Suspected COVID-19 Symptoms, Health-Related and Preventive Behaviors Minh H. Nguyen, Thu T. M. Pham, Linh V. Pham, Dung T. Phan, Tien V. Tran, Hoang C. Nguyen, et al. (+27)
253 [GO] 2021―Jun―15 Cholera in the Era of COVID-19 Pandemic: A Worrying Trend in Africa? Oloche Owoicho, Priscilla Abechi, Charles Ochieng’ Olwal
254 [GO] 2021―May―18 Understanding Vaccine Hesitancy in the Context of COVID-19: The Role of Trust and Confidence in a Seventeen-Country Survey Laura S. Rozek, Pauline Jones, Anil Menon, Allen Hicken, Samantha Apsley, Elizabeth J. King
255 [GO] 2021―May―07 Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Intensity of Health Services Use in General Practice: A Retrospective Cohort Study Yael Rachamin, Oliver Senn, Sven Streit, Julie Dubois, Michael J. Deml, Katharina Tabea Jungo
256 [GO] 2021―May―06 Attitudes Toward COVID-19 Vaccination Among Young Adults in Zurich, Switzerland, September 2020 Cesar Leos-Toro, Denis Ribeaud, Laura Bechtiger, Annekatrin Steinhoff, Amy Nivette, Aja L. Murray, et al. (+4)
257 [GO] 2021―Apr―26 Resilience and Coping With COVID-19: The COPERS Study Insa Backhaus, Felix Sisenop, Edvaldo Begotaraj, John Cachia, Stefano Capolongo, Mauro G. Carta, et al. (+9)
258 [GO] 2021―Apr―21 COVID-19 Containment Measures at Childcare and Schools in 19 European Countries: An Observational Study on Local, Federal and National Policies Danielle E. M. C. Jansen, Johanna P. M. Vervoort, Károly E. Illy, Adamos Hadjipanayis
259 [GO] 2021―Apr―21 Prevalence and Correlates of Mental Health Outcomes During the SARS-Cov-2 Epidemic in Mexico City and Their Association With Non-adherence to Stay-At-Home Directives, June 2020 Mario H. Flores-Torres, Audrey R. Murchland, Priscilla Espinosa-Tamez, Jocelyn Jaen, Marion Brochier, Sergio Bautista-Arredondo, et al. (+3)
260 [GO] 2021―Apr―14 Toward ‘Vaccine Internationalism’: The Need for an Equitable and Coordinated Global Vaccination Approach to Effectively Combat COVID-19 Brian L. H. Wong, Manfred S. Green, John Reid, Jose M. Martin-Moreno, Nadav Davidovitch, Laurent Chambaud, et al. (+5)
261 [GO] 2021―Apr―08 Can Big Data Be Used to Monitor the Mental Health Consequences of COVID-19? Nicola Julia Aebi, David De Ridder, Carlos Ochoa, Dusan Petrovic, Marta Fadda, Suzanne Elayan, et al. (+5)
262 [GO] 2021―Mar―26 Risk Perception and Emotion Reaction of Chinese Health Care Workers Varied During COVID-19: A Repeated Cross-Sectional Research Yin Qianlan, Liu Ying, Chen Aibin, Song Xiangrui, Cai Wenpeng, Deng Guanghui, Dong Wei
263 [GO] 2021―Mar―19 Public Preferences for Exit Strategies From COVID-19 Lockdown in Germany-A Discrete Choice Experiment Christian Krauth, Carina Oedingen, Tim Bartling, Maren Dreier, Anke Spura, Freia de Bock, et al. (+4)
264 [GO] 2021―Mar―12 Commentary: Some Social, Psychological, and Political Factors That Undermine Compliance With COVID-19 Public Health Measures Kathleen D. Magnus
265 [GO] 2021―Mar―05 Burden of Disease Methods: A Guide to Calculate COVID-19 Disability-Adjusted Life Years Grant M. A. Wyper, Ricardo M. A. Assunção, Edoardo Colzani, Ian Grant, Juanita A. Haagsma, Giske Lagerweij, et al. (+6)
266 [GO] 2021―Mar―05 Multilevel Factors Affecting Healthcare Workers’ Perceived Stress and Risk of Infection During COVID-19 Pandemic Gilbert T. Chua, Keith T. S. Tung, Mike Yat Wah Kwan, Rosa S. Wong, Celine S. L. Chui, Xue Li, et al. (+20)
267 [GO] 2020―Oct―24 Corona Immunitas: study protocol of a nationwide program of SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and seroepidemiologic studies in Switzerland Erin A. West, Daniela Anker, Rebecca Amati, Aude Richard, Ania Wisniak, Audrey Butty, et al. (+27)
268 [GO] 2020―Oct―15 Positive and negative affect of university and college students during COVID-19 outbreak: a network-based survey Yali Wang, Xiang Jing, Wantong Han, Yurong Jing, Lingzhong Xu
269 [GO] 2020―Oct―15 Seroprevalence and immunity of SARS-CoV-2 infection in children and adolescents in schools in Switzerland: design for a longitudinal, school-based prospective cohort study Agne Ulyte, Thomas Radtke, Irène A. Abela, Sarah R. Haile, Julia Braun, Ruedi Jung, et al. (+5)
270 [GO] 2020―Oct―14 The coronavirus pandemic should strengthen governments’ will to invest in adolescent health Agis Tsouros
271 [GO] 2020―Oct―13 Vaccine development in the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: a balancing act on accuracy and speed Sergio Linares-Fernández, Peter Francis Raguindin
272 [GO] 2020―Sep―25 Age-specific COVID-19 case-fatality rate: no evidence of changes over time Carlo Signorelli, Anna Odone
273 [GO] 2020―Sep―25 Global Network for Academic Public Health statement on the World Health Organization’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic John Middleton, Philip Baba Adongo, Wah-Yun Low, Laura Magaña
274 [GO] 2020―Sep―10 The immediate psychological effects of Coronavirus Disease 2019 on medical and non-medical students in China Lin Xie, Hong Luo, Mei Li, Wenjie Ge, Bingyu Xing, Qunfang Miao
275 [GO] 2020―Sep―04 The psychosocial impact of flu influenza pandemics on healthcare workers and lessons learnt for the COVID-19 emergency: a rapid review Serena Barello, Anna Falcó-Pegueroles, Debora Rosa, Angela Tolotti, Guendalina Graffigna, Loris Bonetti
276 [GO] 2020―Aug―28 Planning for a second wave pandemic of COVID-19 and planning for winter John Middleton, Henrique Lopes, Kai Michelson, John Reid
277 [GO] 2020―Aug―01 Child and adolescent health needs attention now, and in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic Danielle Jansen, Silja Kosola, Lourdes Cantarero Arevalo, Margarida Gaspar de Matos, Karin Boode, Sonia Saxena, Julia Dratva
278 [GO] 2020―Aug―01 Votes, populism, and pandemics Alexi Gugushvili, Jonathan Koltai, David Stuckler, Martin McKee
279 [GO] 2020―Jul―29 Unexpected public health consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic: a national survey examining anti-Asian attitudes in the USA Lindsay Y. Dhanani, Berkeley Franz
280 [GO] 2020―Jul―25 Flu pandemic, world power, and contemporary capitalism: building a historical-critical perspective Liliana Henao-Kaffure, Mario Hernández-Álvarez
281 [GO] 2020―Jul―23 Assessing the impact of COVID-19 on persons with disabilities: development of a novel survey Alec Bernard, Sara Weiss, Joshua D. Stein, Sheryl S. Ulin, Clive D’Souza, Anah Salgat, et al. (+6)
282 [GO] 2020―Jul―20 Valuing the years of life lost due to COVID-19: the differences and pitfalls Brecht Devleesschauwer, Scott A. McDonald, Niko Speybroeck, Grant M. A. Wyper
283 [GO] 2020―Jul―10 Social inequalities and collateral damages of the COVID-19 pandemic: when basic needs challenge mental health care Jude Mary Cénat, Rose Darly Dalexis, Cyrille Kossigan Kokou-Kpolou, Joana N. Mukunzi, Cécile Rousseau
284 [GO] 2020―Jun―29 Living with COVID-19-triggered pseudoscience and conspiracies Takele T. Desta, Tewodros Mulugeta
285 [GO] 2020―Jun―24 Climate and clean air responses to COVID-19: a comment S. M. Yasir Arafat, Sarvodaya Tripathy, Sujita Kumar Kar, Russell Kabir
286 [GO] 2020―Jun―24 Knowledge, attitudes, risk perceptions, and practices of adults toward COVID-19: a population and field-based study from Iran Behnam Honarvar, Kamran B. Lankarani, Ali Kharmandar, Fatemeh Shaygani, Mohammadhassan Zahedroozgar, Mohammad Reza Rahmanian Haghighi, et al. (+7)
287 [GO] 2020―Jun―11 When a COVID-19 vaccine is ready, will we all be ready for it? Marta Fadda, Emiliano Albanese, L. Suzanne Suggs
288 [GO] 2020―May―28 COVID-19 and the need to prioritize health equity and social determinants of health Amirhossein Takian, Mohammad Mehdi Kiani, Khatere Khanjankhani
289 [GO] 2020―May―28 Excess mortality from COVID-19: a commentary on the Italian experience Paolo Pasquariello, Saverio Stranges
290 [GO] 2020―May―26 Call for comments: climate and clean air responses to covid-19 Shardul Agrawala, Markus Amann, Graciela Binimelis de Raga, Nathan Borgford-Parnell, Michael Brauer, Harry Clark, et al. (+13)
291 [GO] 2020―May―25 Predictive symptoms and comorbidities for severe COVID-19 and intensive care unit admission: a systematic review and meta-analysis Vageesh Jain, Jin-Min Yuan
292 [GO] 2020―May―08 COVID-19: How do you self-isolate in a refugee camp? Emmanuel Raju, Sonja Ayeb-Karlsson
293 [GO] 2020―May―05 Three further ways that the COVID-19 pandemic will affect health outcomes Johnathan Watkins, Wahyu Wulaningsih
294 [GO] 2020―Apr―10 Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): we don’t leave women alone Alessandro Mantovani, Andrea Dalbeni, Giorgia Beatrice
295 [GO] 2020―Apr―01 The COVID-19 pandemic calls for spatial distancing and social closeness: not for social distancing! Thomas Abel, David McQueen
296 [GO] 2020―Mar―29 ASPHER statement on the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak emergency John Middleton, Jose M. Martin-Moreno, Henrique Barros, Laurent Chambaud, Carlo Signorelli

296 Results       Page 1


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