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COVID Antworten in den wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften der Welt

9 Ergebisse       Seite 1

Open Access Pub: Journal Of Aging Research And Healthcare
  Original Artikel Datum Titel Autoren   Alle Autoren
1 [GO] 2024―Jan―12 Long COVID-19 Syndrome and Frailty: Cause or Consequence or Both? Ray Marks
2 [GO] 2024―Jan―12 Aging And The Pandemic Care Triangle: A View From A Barcelona Natalia Ribas-Mateos, Encarna Herrera-Martínez, Ian James Martins
3 [GO] 2022―Dez―12 COVID-19 and Hip Osteoarthritis Disability-Linkages and Emerging Practice Implications Ray Marks
4 [GO] 2022―Dez―12 Successful Aging, Social Isolation, and COVID-19: Do Restrictions Help or Hinder? Ray Marks
5 [GO] 2022―Dez―08 Osteoarthritis Literacy and Equity Issues: A Post COVID-19 Analysis and Update Ray Marks
6 [GO] 2021―Mrz―03 Can Vitamin D Mitigate Osteoarthritic Hip Joint Arthroplasty Infections Among Older Adults? A Narrative Overview of the Literature Amidst COVID-19 Lockdowns and Beyond Ray Marks
7 [GO] 2021―Jan―12 Osteoarthritis, COVID-19 Social Isolation-Impacts, and Counter Solutions Ray Marks
8 [GO] 2020―Dez―18 COVID-19, and Vitamin D, and Air Pollution Global Epidemics Impact on Older Adults Ray Marks
9 [GO] 2020―Dez―14 Can Vitamin D Positively Impact COVID-19 Risk and Severity Among Older Adults: A Review of the Evidence Ray Marks

9 Ergebisse       Seite 1


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