original article |
Date |
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Authors All Authors |
1 |
[GO] |
2025―Jan―21 |
The Future of HR: A Forced Evolution or an Opportunity for Growth in the Wake of COVID-19 and Digital Transformation? |
Wakhid Lukas Septiono, Hadi Supratikta, Yayan Sudaryana |
2 |
[GO] |
2025―Jan―17 |
The Influence of Investment Opportunity Set, Leverage and Profitability on Financial Performance Moderated by Company Size During the Covid-19 Pandemic |
Diah Iskandar, Ermalina . |
3 |
[GO] |
2024―Dec―16 |
Impact of Board Size, Media Exposure & Green Investment on Post- COVID-19 Carbon Emission Disclosure in Indonesia |
Nur Icmiati Karim, Agung Nur Probohudono |
4 |
[GO] |
2024―Nov―15 |
Market Reaction to Dividend Announcement during the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Indonesian Stock Exchange |
I Gede Mardita, I Dewa Nyoman Badera |
5 |
[GO] |
2024―Jul―15 |
Survival Strategy for Tourism Business Actors During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Badung Regency |
Made Heny Urmila Dewi, Martini Dewi, M. Rudi Irwansyah |
6 |
[GO] |
2024―Jul―06 |
Business Recovery Strategy after Covid-19 for Vietravel: The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Behaviors |
Phuong Nhi Nguyen, Hai Linh Nguyen, Hoang Ha Nguyen, My Duyen Doan, Vuong Linh Bui |
7 |
[GO] |
2024―Jul―04 |
The Covid 19 Pandemic: Impact on Financial Performance Banking Companies Listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange 2019 - 2022 |
Ni Wayan Asri Mustika, Zaenal Abidin |
8 |
[GO] |
2024―Apr―01 |
Impact of Covid-19 on Income Inequality; a Comparative Analysis for China and Italy |
Wajid Nawaz, Naveed Aslam, Umar Hayyat |
9 |
[GO] |
2024―Mar―16 |
The Influence of Economic Freedom, Macroeconomic Variables, and the Covid-19 Pandemic on Economic Growth |
M. Julian Tama, Neli Aida, Arivina Ratih Yulihar Taher, I Wayan Suparta |
10 |
[GO] |
2024―Mar―07 |
Impact of Business Risk and Board of Directors Size on Dividend Policy in ASEAN-5 During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Haris Reza Fathony, Djuminah Djuminah |
11 |
[GO] |
2024―Feb―10 |
An Empirical Investigation of Financial Health and Financial Performance of Logistic Companies in the United Kingdom. A Critical Analysis Pre and Post Covid-19 Era |
Chandra Shekar Goud Burugu, Ayodeji Bamidele Owoeye |
12 |
[GO] |
2024―Feb―05 |
The Effectiveness of Digital Marketing in Fostering Consumer Buying Interest during the Covid-19 Pandemic (Case Study on Shopee E-Commerce Users at University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia) |
Dyah Setyawati, Setyo Bayu Aji, Sela Ayu Wijayanti, Katarina Yustu Mau, Sukma Darmawan |
13 |
[GO] |
2024―Jan―11 |
The Effect of Profitability, Liquidity and Leverage Ratios on Internet Financial Reporting and Company Size as Moderating Variables During The Covid 19 Pandemic (An Empirical Study on the BEI Various Industries Sub-Sector) |
Diah Iskandar, Mulia Alim |
14 |
[GO] |
2024―Jan―05 |
The Influence of Tunneling Incentive and Bonus Mechanism on Transfer Pricing Determination Moderated by Tax Minimization During the Covid-19 Pandemic (Case Study on A Manufacturing Company Listed on the IDX) |
Riaty Handayani |
15 |
[GO] |
2023―Dec―22 |
Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Performance of Micro Enterprises in CA Mau Province, Vietnam |
Phan Anh Tu, Nguyen Nhut Lam |
16 |
[GO] |
2023―Dec―07 |
The Comparison of ATM/Debit Card, Credit Card, and E-Money Transactions in Indonesia Before and After the Covid-19 Pandemic Period January 2018 - August 2023 |
Luthfy Aththur Desmadirega, Budi Hermana |
17 |
[GO] |
2023―Dec―04 |
Differences in the Effect of Monetary Policy and Fiscal Policy on Inflation in Indonesia During COVID-19 and Russia-Ukraine Geopolitical Tensions |
Ahmada Rifqi Zulfahmi, Sishadiyati Sishadiyati |
18 |
[GO] |
2023―Nov―30 |
Predicting Bankruptcy on Oil Companies Before and After the Pandemic Using Two Altman's Z-Score Models. Industrial and Emerging Markets. Evidence from Greece |
Dr Kyriazopoulos Georgios, Mavrommatis Georgios |
19 |
[GO] |
2023―Nov―15 |
Impact of Government Policy on BPR Health in EastJava during the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Inas Shofia Widiyati, Payamta Payamta |
20 |
[GO] |
2023―Oct―25 |
Student's Cybersecurity Awareness in Post Covid-19 Pandemic |
Amelia Setiawan, Samuel Wirawan, Hamfri Djajakerta, Haryanto Haryanto |
21 |
[GO] |
2023―Oct―03 |
Determinants of Firm Sustainable Growth Before and After the COVID-19 Pandemic in Consumer Goods Industry Sector Companies |
Yanti Budiasih, Yohanes Indrayono, Hendro Sasongko |
22 |
[GO] |
2023―Sep―14 |
Omnichannel Strategy in Increasing Customer Satisfaction Post Covid-19 in Automotive Industry |
Fani Firmansyah, Puji Endah Purnamasari |
23 |
[GO] |
2023―Aug―18 |
Digital Divide Solutions and Public Service Policy Implementation in Indonesia after the Covid-19 Pandemic |
Hj. Siti Fatimah, Siti Sriningsih, Yusifa Pascayanti, Fatmila Yusuf |
24 |
[GO] |
2023―Aug―05 |
The Effect of Earnings Per Share, Current Ratio, and Debt to Equity Ratio on Stock Prices Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic with Price Earning Ratio as a Moderating Variable |
David HM Hasibuan, Muhammad Septian Rahman |
25 |
[GO] |
2023―Jul―31 |
Returns and Investors’ Risk Perception as the Determinants of Sharia Index Integration During Covid-19 |
Andriani Selvia, Moeljadi Moeljadi, Aisjah Siti |
26 |
[GO] |
2023―Jul―15 |
A Collaboration of Quadruple Helix, Scenario Planning and Flexible Budget in Culinary Business in Facing Uncertainty at Pandemic |
Irany Windhyastiti, Umu Khouroh, Eko Aristanto, Syarif Hidayatullah |
27 |
[GO] |
2023―Jul―06 |
The Impact of Company Size and Debt Policy on Firm Value during COVID Pandemic: Profitability as a Moderating |
Salsabila Putri, Rieke Pernamasari |
28 |
[GO] |
2023―Jul―03 |
Assessing the Relationship between Company Value and Intellectual Capital Disclosure Before and During Covid-19: Evidence Indonesia IT Companies |
Theresia Trisanti, Julianto Agung Saputro, Algifari Algifari, Prima Rosita Arini |
29 |
[GO] |
2023―Jul―01 |
Analysis of Key Performance Indicators during and Post the Covid-19 Pandemic (Case Msmes in Indonesia) |
Sri Lestari, Yusriyati Nur Farida, Dewi Susilowati |
30 |
[GO] |
2023―Jul―01 |
Effect of Women's Entrepreneurship Practices on Information Communication Technology (ICT) Adoption During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study in West Sumatra, Indonesia |
Fivi Anggraini, Daniati Puttri, Neva Novianti, Silvira Helmi |
31 |
[GO] |
2023―Jun―22 |
Impact and Viability of Gastronomic Ventures in Manzanillo, México: Situational Analysis in the Post Covid-19 Era |
Dr. Heriberto Pérez Romero, Mtro. Christian Wright Martinez, Mtro. Sergio Sanmiguel Celis, Mtro. Ronald Cruz García |
32 |
[GO] |
2023―Jun―13 |
Does the New Normal Violation of Social Norms? The Role of the Health Belief and Service Quality During the Covid-19 Pandemic |
Purwanto Purwanto, Sri Rahayu, Mohammad Andri Radiany |
33 |
[GO] |
2023―May―24 |
Examining the Impact of Covid-19 on Rupiah Exchange Rates and Joint Stock Price Index: A Comprehensive Analysis using Paired Sample T-Test and Vecm |
Haerul Anam, MA Djirimu, Dita Sasmita Desmayanti, Ekojoko Lelono, Edhi Taqwa |
34 |
[GO] |
2023―May―23 |
Exploring Factors Influencing Consumer Buying Decisions During Pandemic Disease (Covid-19) |
Ditrick Dismas Mtuka, Mahrinasari MS, Ernie Hendrawaty |
35 |
[GO] |
2023―May―17 |
Macroprudential Inclusive Policy: Strategies for Banking Sustainability in Indonesia During the Covid-19 |
Widodo Winarso, I Made Laut Mertha Jaya |
36 |
[GO] |
2023―Apr―14 |
The Impact of Stock Selection, Market Timing and Equity Fund Size on Equity Funds Performance during Covid-19 |
Arifin Hasudungan Manurung, Pardomuan Sihombing |
37 |
[GO] |
2023―Apr―03 |
Analysis of Social Assistance and Provincial Unexpected Expenditure in Indonesia Before and After Covid-19 (Time Series Analysis: 2019 - 2021) |
Rakhmini Juwita |
38 |
[GO] |
2023―Mar―28 |
Impact of COVID-19 in Policy Implementation on Third Party Funds Case Study: Banking in Makassar City, Indonesia |
Syamsul Ridjal |
39 |
[GO] |
2023―Mar―04 |
Reducing Mass Gathering on Congregational Prayer’s During Covid-19 Pandemic in Malaysia According to Al-Ta’seel Al-Fiqhee |
Auwal Salisu, Shahir Akram Hassan |
40 |
[GO] |
2023―Feb―22 |
The Influence of Transparent Internal Communication on Employees' Adaptation to Firm Changes in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic |
Luc Manh Hien, Pham Thi Thuy Van |
41 |
[GO] |
2023―Feb―10 |
Analysis of The Influence of Pre-Flight Service Quality, In-flight Service Quality, Post-Flight Service Quality, and Covid-19 Protocol Service Quality Towards Passenger Satisfaction and Passenger Loyalty of Lion Air Passenger in Medan |
Michelle Elvina, Ronald Suryaputra, Amelia Amelia |
42 |
[GO] |
2023―Jan―30 |
The Covid-19 Pandemic's Impact On Financial Performance And Market Performance In Nine Indonesian Business Sectors |
Lis Sintha Oppusunggu, Lela Nurlaela Wati, Heri Ispriyahadi |
43 |
[GO] |
2023―Jan―04 |
Employee Performance during the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Bibliographic Study from Various Perspectives |
Erni Febriani, Rindu Rika Gamayuni, Usep Syaipudin |
44 |
[GO] |
2022―Dec―28 |
Stock Market Trading through Mobile Application: An Analysis of Reaction to COVID-19 |
Kashfia Sharmeen |
45 |
[GO] |
2022―Dec―28 |
The Accounting Ratios Stress During Covid-19 Pandemic - A Sector Analysis in Portuguese Companies |
Maria José da Silva Faria, João Manuel Silva carvalho |
46 |
[GO] |
2022―Dec―10 |
Comparative Analysis of Financial Performance Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic Period 2018-2021 (Subsector Automotive and Component Companies Listed on Idx) |
Linda Ayu Ningrum, Saryadi Saryadi, Dinalestari Purbawati |
47 |
[GO] |
2022―Dec―10 |
Academics' Work Life Balance During Pandemic |
Egan Evanzha Yudha Amriel, Dian Anita Nuswantara, Nanik Hariyana, Wilma Cordelia Izaak, Indrawati Yuhertiana |
48 |
[GO] |
2022―Dec―07 |
Skills for Employability in Tourism and Hospitality: Overviewof the Challenges and Needs After Covid-19 |
EL AZYZY Youssef, EL HOURMI Mohamed |
49 |
[GO] |
2022―Dec―06 |
Bridging Strategic Planning Dan Transformation on Performance: A Case of Dynamic Policies for the Covid-19 Pandemic |
Ngasiman Ngasiman, Willy Arafah Arafah, Chryshnanda Dwilaksana |
50 |
[GO] |
2022―Dec―02 |
Effect of COVID-19 Stay at Home Requirement on Household Incomes in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya |
Peris Jerop Talam, Dr. Richard K. Siele, Dr. Issacs Kipruto KEMBOI |
51 |
[GO] |
2022―Nov―30 |
Can Online Commerce Help SME Owners in the Wood Industry Weather the COVID-19 Crisis? |
I Made Adi Suwandana, Ni Nyoman Yuliarmi, I Gusti Wayan Murjana Yasa, Putu Ayu Pramitha Purwanti |
52 |
[GO] |
2022―Oct―29 |
Analysis of the Application of 5C Principles in Credit DecisionMaking Against Non-Performing Loans During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Study at PT BRI Unit X Malang Indonesia) |
Tomy Rizky Izzalqurny, Mariyatul Kiftiyah, Miftahul Jannah |
53 |
[GO] |
2022―Oct―22 |
Village Funds and Resilience in Rural Areas: Evidence from Indonesia Post-Covid Pandemic |
Muhammad Kholisul Imam, Anas Tania Januari |
54 |
[GO] |
2022―Sep―23 |
The Role of Digital Entrepreneurial Strategy in the Digital Transformation of MSMEs during the Covid-19 Pandemic |
55 |
[GO] |
2022―Sep―09 |
Response, Recovery and Reset of the Covid-19 Pandemic Become a Long Term Transformative Business Interest Opportunity for the Bali Community |
56 |
[GO] |
2022―Sep―01 |
Success Deteriminan of the Manufacturing Industry Sector to Survive During the Pandemic in Indonesia |
57 |
[GO] |
2022―Aug―13 |
The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Economic Situation in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan |
58 |
[GO] |
2022―Aug―13 |
The Impact of the Corona Pandemic on Trade between Jordan and Syria |
59 |
[GO] |
2022―Aug―03 |
Accountability And Transparency Of Financial Management Of Village Funds In Improving The Independence Of Village Communities In The Endemy Of Covid-19 |
60 |
[GO] |
2022―Aug―03 |
Effect Of E-Commerce And Product Innovation On Marketing Performance Of Msmes In Lubuk Pakam City In The Middle Of The Covid-19 Pandemic |
61 |
[GO] |
2022―Aug―03 |
The Effect of Taxpayer Awareness And Fiscus Services on Taxpayer Compliance of Medan City of Medan In The Covid-19 Pandemic |
62 |
[GO] |
2022―Aug―03 |
The Role Of E-Commerce In Increasing Msme Income In The Covid-19 Pandemic (Survey On Msme In Medan City) |
63 |
[GO] |
2022―Aug―03 |
Effect Of E-Marketing Implementation And Competitiveness On Msme Business Revenue In Economic Recovery In The Middle Of The Covid 19 Pandemic (Case Study Of Msmes In Medan City) |
64 |
[GO] |
2022―Jul―22 |
Use of the E-Filing System by MSME Actors during the COVID-19 Pandemic |
65 |
[GO] |
2022―Jun―05 |
Key Socio-Economic Policy Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic in Southern Africa |
Dr. Austin Mwange |
66 |
[GO] |
2022―Jun―05 |
A Critical Review of Economic Policy Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Case of Zambia |
Dr. Austin Mwange |
67 |
[GO] |
2022―Jun―01 |
Impact of the Covid-19 Disaster on Small and Medium Micro Enterprises (MSMEs) in Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara Province |
Nuril Hafizhah Riadlustsani |
68 |
[GO] |
2022―May―09 |
SME Working Capital Strategy to Increase Profitability During The Covid-19 Pandemic |
Maretha Ika Prajawati |
69 |
[GO] |
2022―Apr―02 |
Digitalization: Reveal the Resilience and Sustainability of SMEs in the Covid-19 Pandemic |
Sulis Rochayatun |
70 |
[GO] |
2022―Mar―16 |
Develop HR Contingency Strategies to Deal with Situations Similar to Covid-19 in Future in Jordan |
Ahmad Ali Almohtaseb |
71 |
[GO] |
2022―Mar―16 |
Analysis of the Effect of Food Quality, Price, Location and Environment, and Service Quality on Customer Loyalty through Customer Satisfaction of Burger King Customers in Surabaya during the Pandemic |
Alexander, S.M. |
72 |
[GO] |
2022―Feb―07 |
The Management Strategy Of Covid-19 Pandemic Files Towards InformationPublic Disclosure In Malang City Government |
I Gede Eko Putra Sri Sentanu |
73 |
[GO] |
2022―Jan―28 |
Community Empowerment through New Entrepreneurship in the Era of the Corona Virus Pandemic in Banten Province |
Prof Dr Sudadio |
74 |
[GO] |
2022―Jan―16 |
Detecting Financial Fraud Following The Covid 19 Pandemic: Role of The Board of Directors |
Zgarni Amina |
75 |
[GO] |
2022―Jan―12 |
The Effect of Inventory Turnover, Cash Turnover, and Receivable Turnover on Profitability at Telecommunication Companies during the Covid-19 Pandemic |
Lely Indriaty |
76 |
[GO] |
2022―Jan―04 |
Effect of e-Service Quality on e-Trust and e-Satisfaction: A Study on Online Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic |
Humam Santosa Utomo |
77 |
[GO] |
2021―Dec―30 |
Analysis of the Effect of Covid-19 on Stock Prices in IDX30 |
Erwin Dyah Astawinetu |
78 |
[GO] |
2021―Dec―13 |
Implementation of Defensive Marketing Strategy MSME in the Time of the Covid-19 Pandemic (Case Study on Warkop Angkringan Giras in Mojokerto Regency) |
M. Syamsul Hidayat |
79 |
[GO] |
2021―Dec―03 |
Comparative Analysis of Company Financial Performance Between Sub Sectors in The Consumer Goods Industry in Indonesia Before and During The Covid-19 Pandemic |
Andi Wijayanto |
80 |
[GO] |
2021―Nov―25 |
The Role of Improving the Tax System in the Development of Entrepreneurship During the Pandemic |
Nargiza Nurmatovna Karshieva |
81 |
[GO] |
2021―Nov―18 |
Impact of COVID - 19 Pandemic on Moral Disengagement Models Adopted by Hospitality Operations: A Case Study of Cairo, Egypt |
Mohamed Hany B. Moussa |
82 |
[GO] |
2021―Nov―10 |
Impact of Covid-19 on Financial Performance of Sharia Bank in Indonesia |
Rio Trisasmita |
83 |
[GO] |
2021―Sep―29 |
Changes in Market Orientation of Batik SMES During the Covid-19 Pandemic |
Eny Endah Pujiastuti |
84 |
[GO] |
2021―Jun―15 |
Learning to Work While Homebound - The Effects of Remote Work on Job Performance during the Covid-19 Pandemic |
Oscar Aliaga Rebolledo |
85 |
[GO] |
2021―Jun―01 |
Tourism Corporate Social Responsibility Effects on Purchase Intention during Covid-19: Mediating Role of Trust and Moderating Role of Trust Propensity |
86 |
[GO] |
2021―May―25 |
Analysis of the Potential Impact of Covid 19 Pandemic on Vietnamese Export |
Giang Thi Cam Nguyen, |
87 |
[GO] |
2021―Mar―19 |
Hygienic conditions in Quick Service Restaurants during Covid-19 Pandemic: A Customers Perspectives |
Remon Samir Fouad |
88 |
[GO] |
2021―Mar―08 |
Providing Income Tax Article 21 Tax Incentives during the Covid-19 Pandemic for the Stability of Economic Growth in Indonesia |
Tiolina Evi |
89 |
[GO] |
2021―Jan―06 |
Interaction between the Financial Market and Economic Policies: An Approach Based on the Crisis Caused by the COVID-19 in Brazil |
Leonardo Maso Nasar |
90 |
[GO] |
2021―Jan―06 |
Impacts of Covid-19 Outbreak in Mental Health of Physicians and Nurses |
Leonardo Maso Nassar |
91 |
[GO] |
2021―Jan―06 |
Can Global Trade Of Medical Supplies Solve The Covid-19 Puzzle? |
Saber Adly Shaker |
92 |
[GO] |
2021―Jan―03 |
Coronavirus Information Spread and Banks’ Stock Returns in Nigeria: An Event Study Approach |
Ikwuagwu, Henry Chinedu |