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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

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  Date original article Publishing House Journal Title Authors All Authors
1 2024―Oct―20  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Empirical Finance Can existing corporate finance theories explain security offerings during the COVID-19 pandemic? Marie Dutordoir, Joshua Shemesh, Chris Veld, Qing Wang
2 2024―Oct―20  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Effects of Yogic Practices Synchronized With Bandha and Kumbhaka on Biological and Psychological Factors of Aging in COVID-19-Recovered Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial Anuj Kumari, Ajay Pal, Rima Dada
3 2024―Oct―20  [GO]  Penerbit UTHM Journal of Technology Management and Business Unveiling the Impact of Strategic Sensitivity and Strategic Response on SME Performance Amidst COVID-19: Examining the Mediating Role of Innovation Capacity A. S Sajuyigbe, I. O. Ladokun, J. N Obi, A.A. Oladeji, M.A Adeyemi
4 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control Outbreak with OXA-23-producing Acinetobacter baumannii in a COVID-19 ICU cohort: unraveling routes of transmission Sandra Zingg, Sabine Kuster, Matthias von Rotz, Aurore Portmann, Adrian Egli, Helena M.B. Seth-Smith, et al. (+7)
5 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier Hematology Transfusion and Cell Therapy INFECÇÃO POR COVID-19 EM PACIENTES COM NEOPLASIAS MIELOPROLIFERATIVAS: UMA REVISÃO INTEGRATIVA DE LITERATURA GS Correa, G Kwiatkoski, SZ Jorge, JCS Sacramento, LEP Moraes, MJA Silva, et al. (+4)
6 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier Hematology Transfusion and Cell Therapy COVID-19 E A PRÁTICA DE HEMOTRANSFUSÃO, ANTES E APÓS A VACINAÇÃO, NO HOSPITAL UNIVERSITÁRIO ANTÔNIO PEDRO GCN Bezerra, FA Silva, IR Pereira, ADES Cucinelli
7 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Oxford University Press Clinical Kidney Journal Tixagevimab-cilgavimab for preventing breakthrough COVID-19 in dialysis patients: a prospective study Sarinya Boongird, Thatsaphan Srithongkul, Sethanant Sethakarun, Jackrapong Bruminhent, Sasisopin Kiertiburanakul, Arkom Nongnuch, et al. (+2)
8 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM) Comunicação Mídia e Consumo O impacto dos marcadores sociais no acesso à comunicação de risco e TIC pelas mulheres rurais em tempos de pandemia da Covid-19 Daniela De U Leal, Isadora Ribeiro, Ivonete Da Silva Lopes
9 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  SAGE Publications Multimodality & Society Arguing with numbers in social media based COVID-19 debates: A study of the argumentative functions of visual graphs Sumin Zhao, Chris Cummins
10 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Social Science Electronic Publishing SSRN Electronic Journal Corporate Science, Innovation and Firm Financial Resilience: Evidence of the COVID-19 Crisis  Diego Useche, Selma Boussetta
11 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Wiley Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis Ineffectiveness of therapeutic plasma exchange as a last resort in severe COVID-19 cases: Experience from a tertiary intensive care unit Mesut Ayer, Yasemin Özgür, Güldem Turan, Nurgül Özgür Yurttaş, Yusuf Ulusoy, Şevket Ali Ekmen, et al. (+3)
13 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier Hematology Transfusion and Cell Therapy COVID-19 ASSOCIADO COM COAGULOPATIA : UMA REVISÃO DE LITERATURA AG Esmeraldo, RGM Araújo, LA Moraes, IS Sousa, RFP Filho, TT Monteiro, et al. (+4)
14 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  SAGE Publications Australian Journal of Management The impact of COVID-19 and the ERS on superannuation savings in Australia Michael Robey, Aaron Bruhn
15 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Silicea - Poligraf, LLC Russian Journal of Cardiology Vaccination against a COVID-19 and predictors of COVID-19 development in patients after heart transplantation: a Russian multicenter observational study M. A. Simonenko, P. A. Fedotov, A. N. Kostomarov, E. D. Kosmachova, M. V. Kolodina, I. V. Utmanova, et al. (+7)
16 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  IOSR Journals IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences Knowledge Assessment Of COVID-19 Among Outpatients In Dhaka Tahmina Israt Khanam, ABM Mir Mubinul Islam, Md. Mojib Uddin
17 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction Covid-19 and intra-household financial coping strategies in Pakistan Hamza Umer, Muhammad Fawad Khan
18 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Green Publisher Eduvest - Journal Of Universal Studies Strategies for Utilizing Village Funds for Economic Recovery of Communities Post- Covid-19 Pandemic Ni Putu Sukrini
19 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier SSM - Health Systems Evaluating access during change: A qualitative exploration of access impacts to Canadian primary care rehabilitation providers during the COVID-19 pandemic Tory Crawford, Louise Chartrand, Cara Brown, Brontë Vollebregt, Patricia Thille
20 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Regional Health - Southeast Asia Assessment of public health laboratory preparedness and response in WHO South-East Asia region during the COVID-19 pandemic: lessons learned and future directions Francis Y. Inbanathan, Pushpa R. Wijesinghe, Dhamari Naidoo, Nilesh Buddha, Edwin Ceniza Salvador, Khanh Kim Le, et al. (+2)
21 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier Hematology Transfusion and Cell Therapy ANEMIA HEMOLÍTICA AUTOIMUNE ASSOCIADA À VACINAÇÃO CONTRA A COVID-19 LN Favero, ILG Morita, SZ Jorge, NFD Santos, MCL Whately, HDGS Ferraz, et al. (+4)
22 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier Hematology Transfusion and Cell Therapy ANÁLISE DA INFLUÊNCIA DE POLIMORFISMOS NOS GENES PRF1 E GZMB QUANTO AO DESFECHO E A GRAVIDADE EM PACIENTES COM COVID-19 LF Ananias, ACCH Cunha, ACDM Carneiro, BGA Rocha, CR Carminati, LQ Pereira, et al. (+4)
23 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier Hematology Transfusion and Cell Therapy COAGULAÇÃO E BIOMARCADORES DE INFLAMAÇÃO EM PACIENTES COM COVID-19 AS Ferreira, MM Sampaio, IKP Belfort, AT Carvalho, SCM Monteiro
24 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier Hematology Transfusion and Cell Therapy RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TFPI GENE POLYMORPHISMS, POST-COVID-19 CONDITION AND D-DIMER LEVELS IN PATIENTS WITH HISTORY OF COVID-19 GO Paschoal, MD Lemos, T Medeiros, NF Rosario, CMC Nascimento, JR Lugon, GW Gomes
26 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier Hematology Transfusion and Cell Therapy FREQUÊNCIA DOS GENÓTIPOS DA MUTAÇÃO 844INS68 NO GENE CISTATIONINA BETA SINTASE EM PESSOAS QUE CONTRAÍRAM COVID-19 ABBD Santos, TF Ribeiro, MR Luizon, CR Bonini-Domingos
27 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier Hematology Transfusion and Cell Therapy INCIDÊNCIA DE LEUCEMIA MIELOIDE: REFLEXOS DA PANDEMIA DE COVID-19 MCC Generali, AT Dias, SHN Messias, JO Martins, V Justi, ML Muler, A Kaliniczenko
29 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier Hematology Transfusion and Cell Therapy ANÁLISE DOS DIAGNÓSTICOS DE LINFOMA DE HODGKIN E NÃO HODGKIN NO HOSPITAL DE REFERÊNCIA DA PARAÍBA: IMPACTO DA PANDEMIA DE COVID-19 MAOM Teixeira, NMES Alves, MBF Pimenta, LGL Leite, GGD Nóbrega, YGS Medeiros, et al. (+3)
30 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier Hematology Transfusion and Cell Therapy A IMUNIDADE TREINADA COM β-GLUCANAS IMPACTA NO DESENVOLVIMENTO DE ANTICORPOS FUNCIONAIS NA PRIMOVACINAÇÃO PARA COVID-19 PVO Falbo, BF Pegatin, AMM Braz, RP Simões, RMT Grotto, ME Gonçalves, et al. (+3)
31 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Georg Thieme Verlag KG Pneumologie Welchen Einfluss haben eine COVID-19- oder eine HIV-Infektion auf die Ätiologie und den Krankheitsverlauf der CAP?
33 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Georg Thieme Verlag KG Pneumologie Hypoxie bei COVID-19: niedrigere pO2-Ziele prognostisch günstiger
34 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Georg Thieme Verlag KG Pneumologie COVID-19: Wirksamkeit von Dexamethason mit regionalen Unterschieden
35 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier Hematology Transfusion and Cell Therapy ANÁLISE DE SOBREVIVÊNCIA DE PACIENTES COM COVID-19 AS Ferreira, MM Sampaio, FFS Filho, LMA Pereira, IKP Belfort, AT Carvalho, SCM Monteiro
36 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier Hematology Transfusion and Cell Therapy INVESTIGAÇÃO DOS POLIMORFISMOS RS2227982 C/T E RS36084323 G/A EM PACIENTES COM COVID-19 TT Souza, LF Ananias, ACDM Carneiro, ACCH Cunha, FB Vito, VR Junior, et al. (+2)
37 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier Hematology Transfusion and Cell Therapy ASSOCIAÇÃO DE POLIMORFISMOS NOS GENES ACE2 E CNR2 COM A GRAVIDADE CLÍNICA DA COVID-19 MC Roncada, LNS Nunes, KC Piva, ACM Berti, J Venturini, DGH Silva, et al. (+2)
38 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology From Classrooms to Confinement: Academic Challenges Faced by Secondary School Children in Kyamuhunga Sub-County During COVID-19 Agaba Albert
39 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Knowledge E Iranian Journal of Public Health Evaluation of Mortality Statistics in Turkey from 2017 to 2022: An Analysis of the Impact of COVID-19 Cemil Çelik, Uğur Ata, Naile Esra Saka
40 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier Hematology Transfusion and Cell Therapy D-DÍMERO SUPERIOR A 3.000 NG/ML FEU COMO POSSÍVEL PREDITOR DA ATIVAÇÃO DO SISTEMA COMPLEMENTO NA INFECÇÃO PELO SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) DGM Catarino, F Moreira, JO Bordin
41 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  International Journal of Science and Research International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Threats and Mitigation Strategies in Remote Work Scenarios: A Cybersecurity Perspective Post - COVID-19 Dhaval Gogri
42 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  MEXTESOL Journal MEXTESOL Journal The Post Pandemic Student and Education: Challenges and Implications Tory Thorkelson
43 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Universidad Nacional de Cordoba - Revista Argentina de Ciencias del Comportamiento Revista Argentina de Ciencias del Comportamiento Depresión en adolescentes peruanos durante pandemia: un análisis de redes","Depression among Peruvian teenagers during pandemic: A network Analysis Andy Rick Sánchez-Villena
44 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  International Journal of Exercise Science, L.L.C. International Journal of Exercise Science Social Distancing, Psychological Mood and Physical Activity Behavior During COVID-19 in the United States
45 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier Marine Pollution Bulletin COVID-19 induced lockdown reduced metal concentration in the surface water and bottom sediment of Asia's largest lagoon Amrit Kumar Mishra, Anjalis Mishra, Sandip Kumar Mohakud, Prasannajit Acharya, Pradipta Ranjan Muduli, Syed Hilal Farooq
46 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Silicea - Poligraf, LLC Russian Journal of Cardiology Determinants of outcomes in patients with pulmonary embolism and recent COVID-19 infection S K Kononov, O. V. Solovev, A. R. Kraev, U. A. Ralnikova, E. V. Grebeneva
47 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Emergence of Incidentalomas Following Chest CT Screening for COVID-19 Infection: A Multicenter Cross-Sectional Study Nasser A Abunamous, Akram Takelah, Mohamed Abdilsalhen, Amel Alameeri, Shamma Al Nokhatha
48 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Efficacy of community groups as a social prescription for senior health-insights from a natural experiment during the COVID-19 lockdown Ryka C. Chopra, Suma Chakrabarthi, Ishir Narayan, Suparna Chakraborty
49 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier Hematology Transfusion and Cell Therapy AVALIAÇÃO VASCULAR DE MEMBROS INFERIORES EM PACIENTES COM COVID-19 LONGO BEA Rendón, CALCE Souza, ILM Alves, R Martins-Gonçalves, J Bokel, MSS Dias, et al. (+12)
50 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier Hematology Transfusion and Cell Therapy CONCENTRAÇÃO DE HEMOGLOBINA EM PACIENTES COM COVID-19 NA AMAZÔNIA LEGAL MM Sampaio, AS Ferreira, IKP Belfort, AT Carvalho, SCM Monteiro
51 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier Hematology Transfusion and Cell Therapy IMPACTO DA COVID-19 NA HEMOSTASIA: REVISÃO DAS ALTERAÇÕES HEMATOLÓGICAS E TROMBOEMBÓLICAS JRA Pereira, CF Venas-Do, ICDN Maluly, LC Godoy
53 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier Hematology Transfusion and Cell Therapy PARÂMETROS HEMATOLÓGICOS EM PACIENTES HOSPITALIZADOS COM COVID-19 NA REGIÃO DE IRECÊ-BAHIA EA Dourado, TO Silva, R Khouri, CI Oliveira, CG Barbosa
54 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Revista ft Ltda Revista ft O IMPACTO DA PANDEMIA DO COVID-19 NA SAÚDE MENTAL DOS PROFISSIONAIS DE SAÚDE Gabriel Renato de Lima, Karine de França da Silva, Ábia Matos de Lima
56 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier Hematology Transfusion and Cell Therapy IMPACTO DA COVID-19 NAS INTERNAÇÕES POR TROMBOSE VENOSA NO BRASIL: ANÁLISE COMPARATIVA ENTRE 2017 E 2022 LFFV Neto, FW Fragomeni
58 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier Hematology Transfusion and Cell Therapy IMPACTO DA PANDEMIA COVID-19 NO DIAGNÓSTICO E TRATAMENTO DE CÂNCER ORAL EM PACIENTES COM ANEMIA DE FANCONI CF Sessenta-Junior, CC Torres-Pereira
59 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier Hematology Transfusion and Cell Therapy INFLUÊNCIA DA VARIANTE RS1800896 (IL-10) NA RESPOSTA IMUNE DE INDIVÍDUOS VACINADOS COM A TERCEIRA DOSE CONTRA A COVID-19 NO ESTADO DO AMAZONAS MCB Façanha, BS Carril, LS Nunes, WCC Silva, GAS Soares, AM Tarragô, et al. (+2)
60 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Scholar Publishing Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal Effects of COVID-19 on Job Turnovers and Succession Plans in the Hospitality Industry in Kenya Kabii Francis
61 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Innovation & Knowledge Restaurant resilience: A qualitative study of resilience, adaptability, and innovation of the Alabama restaurant industry during the COVID-19 pandemic Mark Traynor, Emmanuella Owens, Sorcha O'Neill, Imran Rahman
62 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Psychology Assessing the psychometric properties of the World Health Organization -five well-being index (WHO-5) in Filipino samples amid the COVID-19 pandemic I Marie Joy S. Gallemit, Imelu G. Mordeno, Patricia D. Simon, Michelle Anne L. Ferolino
63 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  International Journal of Exercise Science, L.L.C. International Journal of Exercise Science A Pilot, Virtual Exercise Intervention Improves Health and Fitness during the COVID-19 Pandemic
64 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  International Journal of Exercise Science, L.L.C. International Journal of Exercise Science Factors influencing motivation to perform mental and physical tasks during the initial lockdown period of the COVID-19 pandemic
65 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  International Journal of Science and Research International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Analyzing Mobility Trends: Apple and Google Data Insights During the COVID-19 Pandemic Pankaj Dureja
66 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier Mental Health & Prevention Impact of healthy lifestyles on mental health indicators in adolescents after the COVID-19 pandemic Luz M. Carrizales, Lindsey W. Vilca, Cesia Santiago-Vizcarra, Yoselin Shara Fernández, Tomás Caycho-Rodríguez
67 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Clinicopathological Study of Mucormycosis at Varied Sites During the COVID-19 Pandemic Ramya Potti, Anusha Mullagura, Inuganti Venkata Renuka, Rizwana Shaik, A. Alluri Bhavani
68 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  MedCrave Group Obstetrics & Gynecology International Journal The covid-19 pandemic and its effect on maternal health indicators in Latin American countries Fabricio Ceferino Alvarez Pérez, Alvaro Martín Paredes Casanova, Gianella Nicho Conde, Keile Joyce Desposorio Robles, José Manuel Vela Ruiz
69 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Current Psychology A longitudinal study of the psychological predictors of mental health and stress among university students during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany Constance Karing, Lara Oeltjen
70 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  International Journal of Exercise Science, L.L.C. International Journal of Exercise Science Physical Activity Independently Predicts Perceived Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Private University Students
71 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier The Journal of Pediatrics Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic Interventions on Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy Incidence in France Pauline Scherdel, Adeline Ricard, Christèle Gras-le Guen, Bérengère Jarry, Léa Ferrand, Karine Levieux, et al. (+3)
72 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier Hematology Transfusion and Cell Therapy IMPACT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON CHEMOTHERAPY/RADIOTHERAPY BURDEN FOR PATIENTS WITH ACUTE MYELOID LEUKEMIA IN BRAZIL, 2017-2023 ICG Moura, V Goularte, L Galhardo, MC Evangelista, R Pereira
73 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  IOSR Journals IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences Long Term Effects Of Covid-19 Pandemic On Management And Outcomes Of Distal Radius Fractures Dr. Mayur Gupta, Dr. Shailendra Kumar, Dr. Avinash Kumar, Dr. Vikas Kumar Singh
74 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Conscientia Beam Humanities and Social Sciences Letters Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on micro and small industry revenue in west Sumatra province, Indonesia Alpon Satrianto, Halkadri Fitra, Akmil Ikhsan, Mia Ayu Gusti
75 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on students’ future online education behaviour Luiela Magdalena Csorba, Dan-Cristian Dabija
76 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Health & Justice Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the experiences of incarcerated pregnant people L. Noël Marsh, Camille Kramer, Rebecca J. Shlafer, Carolyn B. Sufrin
77 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Stroke Unit of a Portuguese Community Hospital José Guilherme Assis, Ricardo Almendra, Andreia Matas, Andreia Veiga, Romeu Pires, Mário Rui Silva
78 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier CHEST Critical Care Innovation and Adaptation in COVID-19 Pandemic Post-hospital Discharge Contact and Monitoring in the US: A Qualitative Study Katrina E. Hauschildt, Jacquelyn Miller, Nathan Wright, Amanda Schutz, Lexi Wilhelmsen, Katharine Seagly, et al. (+5)
79 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Architectural Institute of Japan AIJ Journal of Technology and Design A STUDY ON THE USE ACTUAL SITUATION AND THE RESIDENT EVALUATION OF COURTYARDS IN MAKUHARI BAY TOWN BEFORE AND DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC.","コロナ禍及びコロナ以前における幕張ベイタウンの中庭の利用実態と居住者評価の一考察 Shin YAMAZAKI
80 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  International Journal of Exercise Science, L.L.C. International Journal of Exercise Science Changes in Physical Activity During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mixed Methods Assessment
81 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Sciencedomain International Asian Journal of Research in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Nursing Care and Ethical Challenges in the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Review Yashvi Gupta, Prachi Chauhan, Bhanu Pratap Sharma, Deeksha Rani, Shivani Chauhan, Vartika Vishnoi, et al. (+2)
82 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Current Psychology Attachment and problematic smartphone use among Indonesian college students during the COVID-19 pandemic: a serial mediation model Nissa Tarnoto, Chang-Jiang Liu
83 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier Endocrine and Metabolic Science Increase of serum vitamin D levels in the COVID-19 pandemic: Report of a Mexican reference clinical laboratory García-Alcalá Héctor, Minutti-Zanella Claudia, Orta-Flores Verónica, López-Martínez Briceida
84 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  SAGE Publications Transportation Research Record Journal of the Transportation Research Board How Has the Paris Rail Public-Transportation Network Recovered After the COVID-19 Pandemic? Applying a Mixture of Regressions Model Hugues Moreau, Étienne Côme, Allou Samé, Latifa Oukhellou
85 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Maad Rayan Publishing Company Journal of Emergency Practice and Trauma Comparison of high-flow nasal cannula and conventional oxygen therapy in treating COVID-19 patients referred to the emergency department: A randomized, single-blind clinical trial Farhad Heydari, Majid Zamani, Mohammad Nasr-Esfahani, Fatemehsadat Mirmohammad Sadeghi, Faezeh Hedayati
86 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Frequency of exposure to Toxoplasma gondii in COVID-19 patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis Darwin A. León-Figueroa, Joshuan J. Barboza, Abdelmonem Siddiq, Edwin Aguirre-Milachay, Carlos Quispe-Vicuña, Ranjit Sah, et al. (+6)
87 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Quantifying the impact of COVID-19 restrictions on air pollution in Ahvaz: a comparative dual-approach assessment of observed against baseline and forecasted criteria air pollutants Neda Kaydi, Elham Maraghi, Zeinab Bahrami, Bamshad Shenavar, Soghra Rostami, Alireza Azarian, et al. (+4)
88 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology A longitudinal study of mass loads of quaternary ammonium compounds in sludge associated with COVID-19 Stringency Index indicators in Beijing, China Bipin Thapa, Suman Sapkota, Jingxuan Chen, Jiawulan Zunong, Yeerlin Asihaer, Nourhan M. Khattab, et al. (+5)
89 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier American Journal of Infection Control Persistent carbapenem resistance in mechanically ventilated ICU patients: A before-and-after analysis of the COVID-19 surge Bianca B.P. Antunes, Leonardo S.L. Bastos, Pedro Kurtz, Letícia M. Sant’Anna, Pedro F. del Peloso, Claudia A. Espanha, et al. (+2)
90 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Quality of Life Research One-year trajectories of physical and mental health-related quality of life, fatigue and dyspnoea in COVID-19 survivors Gerko Schaap, John F. Davelaar, Peter M. ten Klooster, Carine J. M. Doggen, Job van der Palen, Christina Bode, Harald E. Vonkeman
91 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Wiley Physiotherapy Research International Tele-rehabilitation in COVID-19 survivors (TERCOV): An investigator-initiated, prospective, multi-center, real-world study Geyi Wen, Lulu Yang, Shiwei Qumu, Xuanming Situ, Jieping Lei, Biqin Yu, et al. (+14)
92 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports SAPPNet: students’ academic performance prediction during COVID-19 using neural network Naveed Ur Rehman Junejo, Qingsheng Huang, Xiaoqing Dong, Chang Wang, Adnan Zeb, Mahammad Humayoo, Gengzhong Zheng
93 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Knowledge E Journal of Community Health Research Understanding Factors Responsible for Delay and Non-Compliance in COVID-19 Vaccination at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Mumbai, India Roshni C Miranda, Girijaprasad Patil, Priyanka D Chate
94 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Health Services Research COVID-19 vaccine implementation at a syringe services program: experiences of frontline staff Marina Plesons, Sabrina E. Soto Sugar, Rutendo Chimbaru, Giuliano McDonald, Lily Friedman, Ernest Thompson, et al. (+3)
95 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Ovid Infectious Diseases & Immunity Safety Profile of COVID-19 Vaccines in HIV Patients Undergoing ART and Their Impact on Immune Recovery and HIV Reservoirs Bing Song, Xinhua Wang, Lin Shen, Juan Cheng, Jing Tian, Chunjie Zhang, et al. (+11)
96 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  College of Science for Women Baghdad Science Journal A Robust and Efficient Hybrid Classification Model for Early Diagnosis of Chest X-Ray Images of COVID-19","آلة هجينة قوية ونموذج قائم على التعلم العميق للتصنيف والتعرف في صور الأشعة السينية للصدر Abeer M. Shanshool
97 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Study on sentinel hosts for surveillance of future COVID-19-like outbreaks Yanjiao Li, Jingjing Hu, Jingjing Hou, Shuiping Lu, Jiasheng Xiong, Yuxi Wang, et al. (+8)
98 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Gavin Publishers Annals of Case Reports Inflammatory Pseudotumor of the Liver Arising After Covid-19: A Case Report and Literature Review
99 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Wiley Pharmacotherapy The Journal of Human Pharmacology and Drug Therapy Use of proton pump inhibitors and risk of severe COVID-19: A case-control study in United States Medicare beneficiaries Andrew D. Mosholder, Hector S. Izurieta, Rongmei Zhang, Shanlai Shangguan, Yun Lu, Sandia Akhtar, et al. (+10)
100 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Kowsar Medical Institute Middle East Journal of Rehabilitation and Health Studies Comparing the Effectiveness of In-person and Telehealth Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on Psychological Distress and Resilience in People Recovered from COVID-19: A Randomized Control Study Zahra Aliyari, Mohammad Javad Ahmadizadeh, Ghorban Fathi Aghdam
101 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Springer-Verlag European Geriatric Medicine Clinical characteristics and predictors of complications and mortality in hospitalized octogenarian patients with COVID-19: an ambispective study Marta Arroyo-Huidobro, Natàlia Pallarès Fontanet, Cristian Tebé Cordomí, Antonella F. Simonetti, Carlos Pérez-López, Gabriela Abelenda-Alonso, et al. (+42)
102 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier Hematology Transfusion and Cell Therapy EXPRESSÃO DE QUIMIOCINAS E PERFIL DE IMUNOGLOBULINAS NA COVID-19: AVALIAÇÃO EM INDIVÍDUOS CONVALESCENTES VERSUS VACINADOS LG Chimeno, AMM Braz, PVO Falbo, BF Pegatin, FR Rocha, J Olbrich-Neto, et al. (+2)
104 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier Hematology Transfusion and Cell Therapy ANTICOAGULAÇÃO EM PACIENTES INTERNADOS POR COVID-19: QUAL A ABORDAGEM IDEAL? LG Yamashita, AS Lima, ACM Arenghi, CT Buzo, FAA Paranaiba, GS Dias, et al. (+4)
107 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier Hematology Transfusion and Cell Therapy O USO DE PLASMA CONVALESCENTE PARA O TRATAMENTO DE PACIENTES COM COVID-19: UMA REVISÃO DE LITERATURA ACB Freitas, NP Rodrigues
108 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  International Journal of Exercise Science, L.L.C. International Journal of Exercise Science How Did Participating In a Prenatal Nutrition and Exercise Program Influence Postpartum Experiences During COVID-19?
109 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies Simultaneous effects of high-speed circuit training (HSCT) and high-speed interval training (HSIT) on physical fitness and lung volumes of males after coronavirus disease Hamed Alizadeh Pahlavani, Mehdi Nasiri Khozani, Neda Aghaei Bahmanbeglouu, Hassane Zouhal
110 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  International Journal of Exercise Science, L.L.C. International Journal of Exercise Science An Analysis of Confidence Levels in Athletic Training Students during the Coronavirus Pandemic
111 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Architectural Institute of Japan AIJ Journal of Technology and Design RESEARCH ON OCCURRENCE OF HEATSTROKE IN SCHOOL BUILDINGS DURING CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC USING SCHOOL ACCIDENT CASE DATA","学校事故事例データを用いたコロナ禍における学校校舎内熱中症発生に関する研究 Go IWASHITA
112 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology Factors Associated with Breastfeeding Practice in Newborns of Moroccan Mothers with SARS-CoV-2 Aslaou Fatima, Ibrahimi Halima, Chbabe Milouda
113 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier Hematology Transfusion and Cell Therapy ANÁLISE DA INFLUÊNCIA DOS GENES TBX21 E IFNG NA GRAVIDADE E NO DESFECHO DE INDIVÍDUOS INFECTADOS PELO SARS-COV-2 MR Ywamoto, LF Ananias, ACDM Carneiro, ACCH Cunha, CR Carminati, LQ Pereira, et al. (+4)
114 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier Virus Research Diphyllin elicits a doubled-pronged attack on the entry of SARS-CoV-2 by inhibiting cathepsin L and furin Binli Mao, Vu Thuy Khanh Le-Trilling, Haihuan Tang, Jie Hu, Mona S. Schmitz, Kimberly Barbet, et al. (+14)
115 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  IOSR Journals IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences Evaluating The Antiviral Potential Of Fluoxetine, Sertraline, And Escitalopram Against SARS-CoV-2 In Vero Cells: A Drug Repurposing Study Adamu Ahmed Adamu, Umar Muhammad Tukur
116 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports In vitro analysis suggests that SARS-CoV-2 infection differentially modulates cancer-like phenotypes and cytokine expression in colorectal and prostate cancer cells Alberta Serwaa, Fatima Oyawoye, Irene Amoakoh Owusu, Daniel Dosoo, Aaron Adom Manu, Augustine Kojo Sobo, et al. (+4)
117 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier Microchemical Journal Amplification-free sub-femtomolar monitoring of SARS-CoV-2-RNA in serum samples using cDNA-modified MoS2 field-effect transistor Fatemeh Mirzapour, Mojtaba Shamsipur, Kimia Ahanjan, Afshin Pashabadi
118 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Impaired SARS-CoV-2-specific responses via activated T follicular helper cells in immunocompromised kidney transplant recipients Yusuke Tomita, Saeko Uehara, Mari Terada, Norio Yamamoto, Michio Nakamura
120 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier Hematology Transfusion and Cell Therapy PÚRPURA TROMBOCITOPÊNICA TROMBÓTICA ASSOCIADA AO SARS-CoV-2: UMA REVISÃO DE LITERATURA LFS Almeida, LR Arêdes, MEC Nogueira, MEDR Bergami
121 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier New Microbes and New Infections Pakistan's first MERS-CoV case: A wake up call for global health authorities Keita Wagatsuma
122 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Elsevier International Journal of Biological Macromolecules Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus activates lipid synthesis through a ROS-dependent AKT/PCK1/INSIG/SREBPs axis Ying-Xian Ma, Ya-Qi Han, Pei-Zhu Wang, Ming-Yang Wang, Guo-Yu Yang, Jian-Li Li, et al. (+2)
123 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  SAGE Publications Management and Labour Studies Lessons Learned from Working from Home: Exploring Factors Considered Critical to Supporting Successful Working from Home During the Pandemic Valerie McTaggart, Christopher McLaughlin
124 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  International Journal of Science and Research International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Redefining Security Boundaries: Embracing Zero Trust Architectures in the Post - Pandemic Cybersecurity Landscape Shanmugavelan Ramakrishnan
125 2024―Oct―19  [GO]  Walter de Gruyter GmbH International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health Psychiatric hospitalizations among adolescents during the pandemic in Italy: a retrospective study Rosaria Di Lorenzo, Anna Cutino, Martina Morgante, Giulia Panini, Sergio Rovesti, Tommaso Filippini, Paola Ferri
126 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Tikinet Edicao Ltda. - EPP Estudos de Psicologia Covid-19 e saúde mental: um estudo de representações sociais com universitários","Covid-19 and mental health: A study of social representations with university students","Covid-19 y salud mental: un estudio de representaciones sociales con estudiantes universitários Jaqueline Gomes Cavalcanti, Fabrycianne Gonçalves Costa, Maria da Penha de Lima Coutinho, Adriele Vieira de Lima Pinto, Karla Costa Silva
127 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Associacao Pro-Ensino Superior em Novo Hamburgo Brazilian Creative Industries Journal BARBIECORE: UM ESTUDO DO APELO NOSTÁLGICO PÓS COVID-19 E O PODER DO FÃ COMO INFLUENCIADOR DA CULTURA POP INTERNACIONAL Maria Rosa, Josenilde Souza
128 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Baishideng Publishing Group Co (World Journal of Virology) World Journal of Virology Impact of vitamin D on COVID-19 and other viral diseases Basavraj S Nagoba, Ajay M Gavkare, Abhijit S Rayate, Neeta Nanaware, Sachin Bhavthankar
129 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Columbia Asia Medan Sevaka Hasil Kegiatan Layanan Masyarakat Penyuluhan Gizi Seimbang Bagi Orang Dewasa Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Di Dusun V-A Desa Sambi Rejo Athira Demitri
130 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  PeerJ PeerJ Computer Science Pre-trained quantum convolutional neural network for COVID-19 disease classification using computed tomography images Nazeh Asadoorian, Shokufeh Yaraghi, Araeek Tahmasian
131 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM Press) International Journal of Public Health Research Pembinaan dan Validasi Soal Selidik Faktor Sosiobudaya berkaitan COVID-19 dalam kalangan Orang Asli di Malaysia Siti Fairuz Abu Bakar, Zaleha Md Isa, Rozita Ibrahim, Aniza Ismail, Faiz Daud, Roszita Ibrahim, Ummi Mirza Baharudin
132 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research (IJFMR) International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research Insurance Ombudsman in Post-Pandemic India: COVID-19 Challenges and Future Dispute Resolution Strategies Nidhi Prakash -, Dr. Rupali Bhouradia -
133 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Baishideng Publishing Group Co (World Journal of Virology) World Journal of Virology Understanding rhabdomyolysis induced acute kidney injury in patients with COVID-19 Alexander Ikanović, Karan Varshney
134 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Brill Beijing International Review of Education “Locked Out” of China: International Higher Education Students experiences with Involuntary Immobility during Covid-19 Stephanie Hollings, Benjamin J. Green
135 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  IAIN Antasari Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Analisis Problematika Guru Matematika dalam Melaksanakan Pembelajaran Student Centered Learning pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Ivan Sovian, Nani Ratnaningsih
136 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases Kansenshogaku zasshi Secondary infection characteristics of COVID-19 in healthcare workers at a single regional medical center in 2022","2022年に新型コロナウイルスの濃厚接触者となった病院職員の接触状況と二次感染率 Kenichi ISOME, Kayo NAKASHIMA, Mayuko ARAI, Mami IKEMACHI, Kazuya MIYAGAWA, Kousaku MATSUBARA
137 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM Press) International Journal of Public Health Research The Roles of Socio-Environmental Factors Influencing the Transmission, Prevention, and Control of COVID-19 and Tuberculosis Disease: A Review Rahayu Othman, Nazarudin Safian, Mohd Rohaizat Hassan
138 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science Ekonomika preduzeca Bank profitability before and during the COVID-19 crisis: The role of intellectual capital Marko Milašinović, Jasmina Ognjanović, Aleksandra Mitrović
139 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Information Systems Frontiers Navigating in Turbulent Times: Using Social Media to Examine Small and family-Owned Business Topics and Sentiments during the COVID-19 Crisis Shaun Meric Menezes, Ashok Kumar, Shantanu Dutta
140 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Infection and Public Health Retrospective Analysis of COVID-19 Clinical and Laboratory Data: Constructing a Multivariable Model Across Different Comorbidities Mahdieh Shokrollahi Braough, Mohammad Darzi, Masoud Yunesian, Danesh Amini Panah, Yekta Ghane, Sam Mottahedan, et al. (+12)
141 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Tikinet Edicao Ltda. - EPP Estudos de Psicologia Relato de uma intervenção em Saúde Mental na Pandemia de Covid-19: intervenção em Saúde Mental baseada na internet","Report of a Mental Health Intervention in the Covid-19 Pandemic through the Internet","Informe sobre una Intervención de Salud Mental en la Pandemia de Covid-19 Basada en la Internet Fernanda Lúcia Nascimento Freire Cavalcante, Kamila Sthefany Andrade de Oliveira, Pedro Obede Medeiros Costa, Jucélia França da Silva, Anne Louyse Gomes de Medeiros, Eliane Pereira da Silva, Eulália Maria Chaves Maia
142 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Ovid Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in healthcare workers: a cohort study at a designated COVID-19 hospital in Taiwan Chen Hsieh, Yung-Feng Yen, Chu-Chieh Chen, Yi-Chang Chou, Mei-Ju Chen
143 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM Press) International Journal of Public Health Research A Cross-Sectional Study on Diploma Students' Knowledge, Attitudes, and Preventive Behavior about COVID-19 in Northeastern Thailand Kaewjai Maleelai, Peyanut Juntavaree
144 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Baishideng Publishing Group Co (World Journal of Virology) World Journal of Virology COVID-19 in pregnancy: Perinatal outcomes and complications Karolina Akinosoglou, Georgios Schinas, Evangelia Papageorgiou, Theodoros Karampitsakos, Vasiliki Dimakopoulou, Eleni Polyzou, et al. (+5)
145 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Kharkiv National Medical University Медицина сьогодні і завтра Genetic aspects of vulnerability to COVID-19 and their influence on individual susceptibility to severe disease in children A. Burov, N. Bodnarchuk-Sokhatska
146 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier Resources Policy Dynamic speculation and efficiency in European natural gas markets during the COVID-19 and Russia-Ukraine crises Mohamed Malek Belhoula, Walid Mensi, Khamis Hamed Al-Yahyaee
147 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  SciELO Agencia Nacional de Investigaciu00f3n y Desarrollo (ANID) Revista chilena de nutrición Double trouble: Long COVID-19 and the onset of type 2 diabetes mellitus – a systematic review Camila Awad, Alessandra Carvalho, Macarena Hirmas-Adauy
148 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Geotar-Media Publishing Group Infectious diseases News Opinions Training Dynamics of the incidence of occupational coronavirus infection COVID-19 and mortality from it of medical workers of healthcare institutions of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency of the Russian Federation A.R. Tukov, M.N. Ziyatdinov, A.S. Kretov, A.М. Mikhaylenko
149 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology Circulating IL-17F, but not IL-17A, is elevated in severe COVID-19 and leads to an ERK1/2 and p38 MAPK-dependent increase in ICAM-1 cell surface expression and neutrophil adhesion on endothelial cells Jérôme Bédard-Matteau, Antoine Soulé, Katelyn Yixiu Liu, Lyvia Fourcade, Douglas D. Fraser, Amin Emad, Simon Rousseau
150 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases Clinical characteristics of pregnant women with COVID-19 and infection outcomes in one of the largest cities in the Brazilian Amazon Ana Paula Figueiredo de Montalvão França, Jenephy Thalita Rosa Paixão, Ricardo Roberto de Souza Fonseca, Rogério Valois Laurentino, Luana Gabriella Figueiredo de Montalvão Leite, Amanda Souza França Veras, et al. (+6)
151 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Forum of Public Safety and Culture Forum of Public Safety and Culture Factors Affecting the Degree of Harm Patient Safety Incidents in General Hospitals during the COVID-19 Pandemic Jeon Yu Jeong, Yea Eun Kim, Jong Ho Park
152 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Wiley Japan Journal of Nursing Science Evaluation of the performance of nursing students taught using online and offline learning models in emergency and critical care nursing during the COVID-19 pandemic Jinmei Xu, Lei Qin, Guijuan Liu, Wireen Leila T. Dator, Suding Fei
153 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Forum of Public Safety and Culture Forum of Public Safety and Culture The Relationship between Daily Life Changes and Suicidal ideations experienced by the Adolescents due to the COVID-19 Pandemic : Data from the 2021 Youth Health Behavior Survey
154 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Institut de Recherche en Géopolitique et Étude Stratégique Revue Intelligence Stratégique RESURGENCE DE LA POLLUTION ANTHROPIQUE POST COVID-19 : UN DEFI POUR LES PAYS SOUS-DEVELOPPES Christian NKUPAR MAMVE, Corneille MOSETE BUNGALASA
155 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Environmental Science and Pollution Research Retraction Note: Assessing the nexus between COVID-19 pandemic-driven economic crisis and economic policy: lesson learned and challenges Lei Chang, Muhammad Mohsin, Wasim Iqbal
156 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Satisfaction and preference for home delivery pharmaceutical services among patients attending primary care settings in Qatar during COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study Muhammad Tanveer Alam, Shajitha Thekke Veettil, Jeyaram Illiayaraja Krishnan, Reena Ghazi Alsalmi, Jinsy Jacob, Aly Tamer Mousa, et al. (+3)
157 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Regional Health - Europe Mycoplasma pneumoniae incidence, phenotype, and severity in children and adolescents in Denmark before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic: a nationwide multicentre population-based cohort study Kia H.S. Dungu, Mette Holm, Ulla Hartling, Lise H. Jensen, Allan Bybeck Nielsen, Lisbeth S. Schmidt, et al. (+9)
158 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Influence of social media and the digital environment on international migration of health workforce from low- and middle-income countries post COVID-19 pandemic: a scoping review protocol Gladys Dzansi, Amankwa Abdul-Mumim, William Menkah, Vivian Ametefe, Eugenia Xatse, Believe Adzoa Azanku
159 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  SciELO Saúde e Sociedade (Un)habitar e (re)habitar a moradia e a cidade: reflexões sobre a experiência colombiana em tempos de pandemia de covid-19 (2020-2022) Julian Alberto Caicedo-Medina, Angélica María Sierra-Franco
160 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  SAGE Publications Socius Sociological Research for a Dynamic World Keeping Everyone Buoyant: The Care Work of Women Faculty and Research Staff during COVID-19 Loa Gordon, Gabriella Christopher, Nicole McNair, Marisa Young
161 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Hans Publishers Advances in Clinical Medicine Thrombotic Risk and Therapeutic Advances in Patients with COVID-19 琳 汪
162 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases A qualitative study of Chicago gay men and the Mpox outbreak of 2022 in the context of HIV/AIDS, PrEP, and COVID-19 Daniel Hughes, Jeffrey Ai, Parsia Vazirnia, Tyson McLeish, Chandler Krajco, Richard Moraga, Katherine Quinn
163 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Psychiatric Quarterly Mediating Effect of Firefighters’ Resilience and Public Service Motivation Regarding the Influence of Depression on Their Work Engagement During COVID-19 Han-Sung Lee, Soomin Jang, Yong-Wook Shin, Jeong-Hyun Kim, Seockhoon Chung
164 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Innovare Academic Sciences Innovare Journal of Social Sciences PROBLEMS FACE BY THE UNIVERSITY RESEARCHERS DURING COVID-19 SABA SARWAR
165 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design Costunolide and Lupeol Reinforce IRF3 Gene Activity in Human Immune Response against COVID-19 Fasila Y, Jayaprakash Chinnappan
166 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Baishideng Publishing Group Co (World Journal of Virology) World Journal of Virology Acceptance of COVID-19 vaccine and its related determinants in Nigeria: An online survey Eyiuche D Ezigbo, Seyi S Enitan, Esther N Adejumo, Abiodun E Durosinmi, Richard Y Akele, Michael O Dada, et al. (+11)
167 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  American Medical Association JAMA Network Open Holding Our Breath-Looking for Treatments for Mild to Moderate COVID-19 John C. O’Horo
168 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Geotar-Media Publishing Group Infectious diseases News Opinions Training Clinical case of multiple complications of pregnancy and puerperium in patient, infected COVID-19 A.V. Khardikov, I.S. Luneva, A.V. Borshchev
169 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Ovid Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Relationships between working from home, sitting postures and low back pain during COVID-19: A survey of frequent computer users Suzanne J. Snodgrass, Chris J. W. Kang, Suzi Edwards, Nicola R. Heneghan, Emilio J. Puentedura, Carole James
170 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  SAGE Publications Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry Pediatric emergency mental health presentations during early COVID-19: Comparing virtual and in-person presentations Joanna Stuart, Nicole Sheridan, Paula Cloutier, Sarah Reid, Sandy Tse, Wendy Spettigue, Clare Gray
171 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM Press) International Journal of Public Health Research Predictive Models for Forecasting Coronavirus Disease 2019 Cases: Relevance to Public Health Services Alvin O. Cayogyog, Reynaldo O. Cuizon, Felix C. Chavez Jr., Randy A. Tudy
172 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Baishideng Publishing Group Co (World Journal of Virology) World Journal of Virology Role of viruses in periodontitis: An extensive review of herpesviruses, human immunodeficiency virus, coronavirus-19, papillomavirus and hepatitis viruses Mohammed Khalid Mahmood, Mohammed Taib Fatih, Handren Ameer Kurda, Nwsiba Khalid Mahmood, Farman Uthman Shareef, Hemin Faraidun, et al. (+6)
173 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo Sintomas de depressão em adolescentes escolares da rede pública e privada de ensino na cidade de Cascavel/PR após a pandemia da Covid-19 Andréa Maria Rigo Lise, Rosa Maria Rodrigues, Cíntia Nasi, Luísa Rigo Lise, Gicelle Galvan Machineski
174 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Contribuciones a las Ciencias Sociales Acolhimento da demanda espontânea na Atenção Primária à Saúde: a atuação das enfermeiras no contexto da pandemia da COVID-19 Roberta de Pinho Silveira, Fernanda Carlise Mattioni, Rosane Machado Rollo, Camilo Darsie, Michele Neves Meneses, Cristianne Maria Famer Rocha
175 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Tikinet Edicao Ltda. - EPP Estudos de Psicologia Transtornos Mentais Comuns, distress, ansiedade e depressão em idosos brasileiros no contexto da COVID-19","Common Mental Disorders, distress, anxiety and depression in elderly Brazilians in the context of COVID-19","Trastornos mentales comunes, distrés, ansiedad y depresión en ancianos brasileños en el contexto del COVID-19 Pollyana Ludmilla Batista Pimentel, Josevânia da Silva, Ana Alayde Werba Saldanha
176 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Tikinet Edicao Ltda. - EPP Estudos de Psicologia Preditores do desenvolvimento profissional de universitários durante a pandemia da Covid-19","Predictors of professional development of college students during the Covid-19 Pandemic","Predictores del Desarrollo Profesional de Universitarios durante la Pandemia de Covid-19 Danielle Mello Ferreira, Luciana Mourão Cerqueira e Silva
177 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier Infectious Medicine Protection conferred by booster vaccine doses in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 during the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.2 and BA.5 epidemics from 2022-2023 in Greece Helena C. Maltezou, Maria N. Gamaletsou, Maria Chini, Vasileios Petrakis, Vasiliki Rapti, Theodoros V. Giannouchos, et al. (+12)
178 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  The Royal Society of Chemistry RSC Medicinal Chemistry Miniaturized Click Chemistry and Direct Screening Facilitate the Discovery of Triazole Piperazine SARS-CoV-2 Mpro Inhibitors with Improved Metabolic Stability Shenghua Gao, Letian Song, Bing Ye, Mianling Yang, Junyi Li, Manyu Gu, et al. (+4)
179 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases Kansenshogaku zasshi Impact of the number of vaccinations on the duration of fever and symptoms in adult patients with mild COVID-19 during the period of spread of the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 in Japan","オミクロン期(2022年1月から2023年3月)の成人軽症COVID-19患者を対象とした発熱および症状遷延に対するワクチン接種回数の影響についての検討 Takeyuki GOTO, Takuma BANDO, Masayuki MIZUGUCHI, Yoshitaka ORIBE, Naoki TANI, Yong CHONG, Hideyuki IKEMATSU
180 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier International Journal of Infectious Diseases Prevalence, risk factors and the impact of tenofovir treatment in SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 disease among people living with HIV: a cross-sectional population-based study Elisa de Lazzari, Daniel K. Nomah, Jose L. Blanco, Naira Rico, Xabier Filella, Natalia Egri, et al. (+20)
181 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Ovid Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Effect of Long COVID on Work Performance and Annual Monetary Loss among Infected Healthcare Workers at a Tertiary Hospital in Malaysia. Say Hiang Lim, Yin Cheng Lim, Rafdzah Ahmad Zaki, Bushra Megat Johari, Chung Yuan Chang, Sharifah Faridah Syed Omar, et al. (+3)
182 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Mapping the landscape of mental health and long COVID: a protocol for scoping review Daniel A Adeyinka, Adelaide Amah, Alicia Husband, Lukas Miller, Dave Hedlund, Khrisha B Alphonsus, Gary Groot
183 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Universidad Tecnica de Manabi International Journal of Health Sciences Role of computed tomography in COVID-19 emergent conditions Alaa Saud K Alanazi, Mohammed Ibrahim Suliman Albabtain
184 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier Enfermería Intensiva Incidencia de retirada no programada de dispositivos invasivos en enfermos con COVID-19 en cuidados intensivos S. Arias-Rivera, R. Jareño-Collado, M.del M. Sánchez-Sánchez, F. Frutos-Vivar
185 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Geotar-Media Publishing Group Infectious diseases News Opinions Training Analysis of the manifestations of the COVID-19 epidemic process in the territory of the Moscow agglomeration for the period 2020-2022 Yu.Yu. Grishina, Yu.V. Martynov, E.V. Kukhtevich, S.A. Mikhneva
186 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok Journal of Technical and Engineering Education Studying of Using Digital Technology for Learning in Pandemic and Endemic COVID-19 for Teachers Srisuda Daungtod, Watcharee Sangboonraung
187 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Radcliffe Group Ltd Journal of Asian Pacific Society of Cardiology Incidence of Myocarditis among Patients Recovered from COVID-19 Identified using Cardiac Magnetic Resonance: A 1-year Single-centre Retrospective Study Reynald Evan Tugade, Nyssa Elline Palileo, Danica Ann Leycano, Mara Correa, Salvado Angelo, Billy Joseph David, et al. (+2)
188 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Wiley Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety Dexamethasone Dose for COVID-19 in a Large U.S. Hospital Network From April 2020 to May 2023 Marie C. Bradley, Ashish Rai, Austin Cosgrove, Silvia Perez-Vilar, Candace Fuller, Edward Rosen, et al. (+6)
189 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  MDPI AG World Dialogical Health Communication via Twitter (X) During COVID-19 in African Countries: Ghana as a Case Study Yasmin Aldamen, Amina Abdallah
190 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier International Dental Journal Dentistry and Covid-19 in Ghana: operational and economic perspective Jonathan Obuobisa Otu Ayeboafo
191 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Medical students’ perception of mobile learning during COVID-19 in Iran: A national study Soleiman Ahmady, Nasrin Khajeali, Noushin Kohan, Afagh Zarei, Bikram Biswas, Mohammad Barzegar, et al. (+2)
192 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Government and Opposition The Far Right Out of Its Comfort Zone? Framing Opposition to Immigration during COVID-19 in Italy Raffaele Bazurli, Pietro Castelli Gattinara
193 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier International Dental Journal Children's access to oral healthcare during COVID-19 in Türkiye-Izmir Sevgi Arabulan, Rüştü Özant Önçağ, Zeliha Aslı Öcek
194 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  PT. Anagata Sembagi Education Journal of Public Health Indonesian Health Education In Order To Prevent And Transmit Covid-19 In The Elderly Through Audio Visuals Fatimah Fatimah, Iswenti Novera, Yenni Elfira, Irwadi Irwadi, Ikhsan Amran, Leo Agustino
195 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry Effect of Smoking on the Progression and Severity of COVID-19 Infection among Adult Males in Sullia Taluk of Dakshina Kannada Christa Jose, Nusrath Fareed, P. K. Asmin, Hemanth Battur, Jaseela Praveena
196 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  International Global Health Society Journal of Global Health Long-term effects of COVID-19 infection on bone mineral density Zhan Wang, Zilong Li, Yechao Shen, Shengjun Qian, Mengling Tang, Jiaming He, et al. (+2)
197 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences Clinical Insights from the Neuroanatomical Correlates of COVID-19 Infection: An umbrella Review Mr Joseph Amihere Ackah, Mr Uchendu Comrade Chukwuanugo, Dr. Theophilus Akudjedu, Dr Xiangyan Chen
198 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Pakistan Society of Internal Medicine Journal opf Pakistan Society of Internal Medicine The Prevalance of Anxiety Among Health Care Population Working in Covid-19 Isloation Wards in the Capital of Pakistan
199 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Pattern and associated factors of COVID-19 knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) among COVID-19-comorbid patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis Anees ur Rehman, Zermina Tasleem, Sohail Ayaz Muhammad, Muhammad Fawad Rasool, Shahid Shah, Gul Jabeen, et al. (+11)
200 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Global Health Action Intersecting inequities: a scoping review of the gendered relationship between unpaid care work and intimate partner violence during the COVID-19 lockdown in Canada Alexandra Beukens, Julia Smith
201 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Scientific Research Publishing, Inc. Journal of Computer and Communications Establishment of a Fractional Order COVID-19 Model and Its Feasibility Analysis Rong Kang, Tianzeng Li, Yu Zhao
202 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Europub Congress Revista Foco OS IMPACTOS DA PANDEMIA DA COVID-19 NA SAÚDE MENTAL DE CRIANÇAS COM IDADE ESCOLAR Gilvânia Lopes de Sousa Serra, Sonete de Amorim Santos, Venícia Araújo de Oliveira Borges, Fabianno Andrade Lyra, Érica Cristina Braga Chaves
203 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Atlântica Editora Fisioterapia Brasil Incidência, mortalidade e letalidade da covid-19 no estado do Ceará de 2020 a 2022 Antonio Patrick da Silva Tota Pinto, Ana Jéssica Silva Damasceno, Carlos Venicius da Costa Pereira, Danielly Lira Bastos, Francisca Eduarda Ferreira Souza, Helena Marcia Dias Ripardo, et al. (+4)
204 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  SciELO Ensaio Avaliação e Políticas Públicas em Educação Orientações governamentais para a prática da avaliação de aprendizagem no cenário pandêmico de Covid-19 no estado do Paraná Joana Paulin Romanowski, Eloise Cristina Teixeira Freitas Brustolin
205 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Al-Nahrain University Baghdad Journal of Biochemistry and Applied Biological Sciences The impact of COVID-19 of blood donations and blood components usage in Ceará, Brazil Deymisson Damitene Martins Feitosa, Felipe Pantoja Mesquita, Franklin José Cândido Santos, Luciana Maria De Barros Carlos, Vânia Barreto Aguiar Ferreira Gomes, Jannison Karly Cavalcante Ribeiro, PEDRO EEVERSON ALEXANDRE DE AQUINO
206 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier International Dental Journal Impact of symptomatic COVID-19 on children's oral health Lia Mania, Ketevan Nanobashvili
207 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences Evaluation the Impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) on Cranial Nerves Using MRI Tractography Diffusion Tensor Imaging: Study on Fiber Tracking and Fractional Anisotropy Mrs Risa Dameria Surbakti, Dr Sugiyanto Sugiyanto, Mr Rasyid Rasyid, Mrs Tri Asih Budiati, Dr Leny Latifah
208 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier International Dental Journal Affect of Covid-19 on Restorative Dentistry Education in Türkiye Sümeyye Tuncer Hancı, Lena Bal, Önder Hancı, Eda Güler, Nihan Gönülol
209 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Corrigendum: The impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of pregnant women in Shanghai, China Jiali Zhang, Hualong Yuan, Liping Xu, Chuntao Yi, Weiming Tang
210 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier Atención Primaria Impact of COVID-19 on the prevalence of dyslipidemia in Ecuador: A cross-sectional study between 2017 and 2022 Josue Rivadeneira, Luis Fuenmayor-González, Michelle Jácome-García, Nancy Flores-Lastra, Hugo Delgado, Tamara Otzen
211 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Humanities and Social Sciences Communications Correction: The impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the connectedness of the BRICS’s term structure Francisco Jareño, Ana Escribano, Zaghum Umar
212 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines Impact of Immunosuppressants and Vaccination on COVID-19 Outcomes in Autoimmune Patients and Solid Organ Transplant Recipients: A Nationwide Propensity Score-Matched Study Mindong Sung, Young-Sam Kim, Changjin Cho, Yongeun Son, Dong-Wook Kim, Su-Hwan Lee
213 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of the Formosan Medical Association Challenges and resilience of Taiwan's health care system after Covid-19 pandemic Chang-Chuan Chan
214 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  International Scientific Information, Inc. Medical Science Monitor Effects of Nutritional Protocol Changes on Hemodialysis Adequacy and Patient Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic Cebrail Karaca, Safak Mirioglu, Aydan Mutis Alan, Saadet Usakli, Beyza Nur Aydin Keskin, Mehmet Erdem, et al. (+4)
215 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Social Science Electronic Publishing SSRN Electronic Journal Impact of HR Policies and Practices on Organizational Justice, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour during the COVID-19 Pandemic G.G. Udaya Priyasantha Rathnayake
216 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Springer-Verlag European Radiology Exploring the changing landscape of medical imaging: insights from highly cited studies before and during the COVID-19 pandemic Peiling Ou, Ru Wen, Lihua Deng, Linfeng Shi, Hongqin Liang, Jian Wang, Chen Liu
217 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Trinidad and Tobago Medical Association Caribbean Medical Journal Attitudes of Caribbean undergraduate medical students towards e-learning of orthopaedics during the Covid-19 pandemic Camille H Quan Soon, Marlon M Mencia
218 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier Business Horizons Challenges of women entrepreneurs in securing support from formal sources: A case study in Bangladesh during the COVID-19 pandemic Jasmine Jaim
219 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology Taste and Habit of Food and Consumer Behavior in the USA in the Early Years of Covid-19 Pandemic S.N. Saha
220 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Business Information Systems The perception of telemedicine in Thailand: the attitude change during COVID-19 pandemic Sumate Permwonguswa
221 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Attention Disorders Examining the Association Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and ADHD in School-Aged Children Following the COVID-19 Pandemic Emma Boswell, Elizabeth Crouch, Cassie Odahowski, Peiyin Hung
222 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  SciELO Brazilian Political Science Review The Torrents of Spring : The Role of Governance Capacity in the Developing World during the COVID-19 Pandemic Gustavo Andrey de Almeida Lopes Fernandes, Ivan Filipe Fernandes
223 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Chronic disease and infection in China: lessons from the covid-19 pandemic Yanming Li, Xunliang Tong, Mingyue Jiang, Zeni Wu, Yuping Duan, Li Zhang, et al. (+3)
224 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Evolutionary Human Sciences Salience of infectious diseases did not increase xenophobia during the COVID-19 pandemic Lei Fan, Joshua M. Tybur, Paul A. M. Van Lange
225 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Current Psychology Revisiting psychological reactance theory: relationship between psychological reactance and health-related attitudes/behaviors in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic Aldo Aguirre-Camacho, Thea Sofie Bruvik Forland, Beatriz Hidalgo, Amalie Akerø Hylland, Joshua A. Rash
226 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Wiley Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open Paramedic educational programs maintain entry level competency throughout the COVID-19 pandemic Shea L. van den Bergh, Lakeshia T. Logan, Jonathan R. Powell, Christopher B. Gage, Kathryn R. Crawford, Lisa Collard, et al. (+2)
227 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Archives of Women s Mental Health Obsessive-compulsive symptom trajectories from pregnancy through the postpartum: examining longitudinal course and risk factors during the COVID-19 pandemic Amanda R. Levinson, Heidi Preis, Marci Lobel, Anastasia Philippopoulos, Kierra Law, Brittain Mahaffey
228 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Depression and Functioning during the COVID-19 Pandemic among Adults across Tunisia Jessica E. Lambert, Fatma Charfi, Uta Ouali, Amina Aissa, Joop de Jong
229 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Indospace Publications INTERANTIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT Adaptation in Global Semiconductor Supply Chains: Insights from the COVID-19 Pandemic and Strategic Responses Shubham Rajendra Ekatpure
230 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Creative Publishing House Journal of Ecohumanism The Determination of User Retention to Use e-Wallet after COVID-19 Pandemic (Case Study of G-Wallet in Thailand) Pitch Prompunthum, Suthawan Chirapanda
231 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Liverpool University Press International Development Planning Review Urban services and the invisibility of local governments in Nigeria in a COVID-19 pandemic context Basirat Oyalowo
232 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  SAGE Publications Cancer Control Determinants of Breast Cancer Screening Adherence During the COVID-19 Pandemic in a Cohort at Increased Inherited Cancer Risk in the United States Adrian Harris, Jemar R. Bather, Kensaku Kawamoto, Guilherme Del Fiol, Richard L. Bradshaw, Lauren Kaiser-Jackson, et al. (+6)
233 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health Active sport participation and walking before and during COVID-19 pandemic in a large cohort of Polish adults: results of the <i>National Test for Poles’ Health</i>. Agnieszka Szychowska, Anna Zimny-Zając, Elżbieta Dziankowska-Zaborszczyk, Tomasz Grodzicki, Tomasz Zdrojewski, Robert Gajda, et al. (+2)
234 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Correction: Impact of workplace smoke-free policy on secondhand smoke exposure from cigarettes and exposure to secondhand heated tobacco product aerosol during COVID-19 pandemic in Japan: the JACSIS 2020 study
235 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Research Synergy Foundation Applied Quantitative Analysis Exponential Mean Modeling of Coping Strategies and Dietary Diversity During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Mozambique Abayomi Samuel Oyekale
236 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Journal Press India PRAGATI Journal of Indian Economy Unveiling the Transformative Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Online Shopping Behaviour: Insights from Indian Consumers Vikas Kumar
237 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Pediatrics The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on pediatric bloodstream infections and alteration in antimicrobial resistance phenotypes in Gram-positive bacteria, 2020-2022 Fatemeh Fallah, Abdollah Karimi, Leila Azimi, Ghazale Ghandchi, Zari Gholinejad, Nafiseh Abdollahi, et al. (+7)
238 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  SAGE Publications Substance Use Research and Treatment The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Recovery From Substance Use Disorder: Findings From a Qualitative Study Connie Hassett-Walker
239 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Hindawi Limited Pulmonary Medicine The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection in Children Jose Boris Trigueros Montes, Diego Montes, Andrew Miele, Won Baik-Han, Gagan Gulati, Lily Q. Lew, Laura Pini
240 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Revista Catarinense da Ciencia Contabil Revista Catarinense da Ciência Contábil Fiscalização dos gastos governamentais com o enfrentamento da Covid-19 Victor Marcel Pereira Pires, Rafael Sousa Lima, Paulo Vitor Souza de Souza
241 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  BMJ Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the incidence of cardiometabolic risk factors among workers: results from the Japan Epidemiology Collaboration on Occupational Health study Zobida Islam, Shohei Yamamoto, Yosuke Inoue, Toru Honda, Shuichiro Yamamoto, Tohru Nakagawa, et al. (+13)
242 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Seventh Sense Research Group Journals International Journal of Recent Engineering Science E-Learning Challenges among Nursing Students During COVID-19 Pandemic Period Dilhani U G R, Geeth Vithana K V G S
243 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Wiley Nursing Open Sleep Disturbances in Health Professional Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Concept Analysis Pei Chen, Yuhao Cao, Wirampa Tanglai, Bingqian Zhu, Anne M. Fink, Bilgay Izci-Balserak
244 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  SAGE Publications Public Administration Quarterly Challenges of Collaborative Government Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Study of Factors and Cases in the United States Kuotsai Tom Liou, Alex K. Liou
245 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Tikinet Edicao Ltda. - EPP Estudos de Psicologia Boatos em forma de fake news na pandemia da Covid-19: teorias da conspiração, verdades alternativas e conselhos bondosos","Fake news in the Covid-19 pandemic: Conspiracy theories, alternative truths, and benevolent advice","Rumores en forma de fake news en la pandemia de Covid-19: teorías de conspiración, verdades alternativas y buenos consejos Rafael Moura Coelho Pecly Wolter, Flaviane da Costa Oliveira, Alvaro Rafael Santana Peixoto, Thiago Rafael Santin, Antonio Marcos Tosoli Gomes, Julia Ott Dutra, et al. (+2)
246 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  MDPI AG Societies Principal-Teacher Relationships Under the Pressure of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Critical Factors and Implications for School Leadership During Crises Eleftheria Spyropoulou, Theodore Koutroukis
247 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  IJARCSMS Publisher INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCE RESEARCH IN COMPUTER SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT STUDIES Exploratory analysis of Consumers' Purchase Behavior during Covid-19 Pandemic: Insights from Focus Group Discussions Ramulu Bhukya
248 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  JMIR Publications Inc. JMIR Formative Research Habit and Help-Experiences of Technology Use During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Interview Study Among Older Adults Tina R Kilaberia, Yuanyuan Hu, Janice F Bell
249 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Santoso Academy Network Research of Finance and Banking Covid-19 Pandemic: Is there any impact on the Agribusiness Index? Penny Chariti Lumbanraja, Pretty Luci Lumbanraja, Saut Maruli Tua Pandiangan
250 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Journal of Global Responsibility Financial performance of emerging market companies during the COVID-19 pandemic: moderating role of sustainability performance Mine Aksoy, Mustafa Kemal Yilmaz
251 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Polish Academy of Sciences Chancellery Journal of Water and Land Development The perception of urban green space during the COVID-19 pandemic: The case of Wrocław Agnieszka Jakóbiak, Wanda Patrzałek, Rengin Aslanoğlu
252 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Saúde (Santa Maria) O impacto da pandemia do covid-19 para a infância e a adolescência: uma Revisão Narrativa Nathália Quaiatto Félix, Kamila Mohammad Kamal Mansour, Edna Linhares Garcia, Suzane Beatriz Frantz Krug
253 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Clinical Medicine Secondary Bacterial Infections in Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients Admitted in the Intensive Care Unit of a Tertiary Hospital in Romania Ionela-Anca Pintea-Simon, Ligia Bancu, Anca Delia Mare, Cristina Nicoleta Ciurea, Felicia Toma, Mădălina Cristina Brukner, et al. (+2)
254 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Expert Review of Anti-infective Therapy Clinical effectiveness of oral antivirals for non-hospitalized adult COVID-19 patients aged 18-60 years Wan-Hsuan Hsu, Bo-Wen Shiau, Ya-Wen Tsai, Jheng-Yan Wu, Ting-Hui Liu, Po-Yu Huang, et al. (+2)
255 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  MDPI AG Nutrients The Influence of Prone Positioning on Energy and Protein Delivery in COVID-19 Patients Requiring ECMO Support Marlene Hintersteininger, Patrick Haselwanter, Mathias Maleczek, Daniel Laxar, Martina Hermann, Alexander Hermann, et al. (+4)
256 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences Benefits of test-bolus technique for ctpa in covid-19 patients with suspected pulmonary embolism Mr Muhammad Nazmi Zulkafli, Mrs Ann Erynna Lema Thomas Sudin, DR Noor Shafini Mohamad, DR Nazimah Ab Mumin, DR Roqiah Fatmawati Abdul Kadir, Miss Siti Hawa Mahfar
257 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology The COVID-19 Period Influence on Pediatric Deep Neck Abscess: Occurrences and Clinical Presentation Gabriela Sara Freixo Lima, Daniel Yafit, Benyamin Meir Kaminer, Ronit Harris, Oded Choen, Oren Zin
258 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Geotar-Media Publishing Group Clinical and Experimental Surgery Petrovsky journal Pleural empyema associated with COVID-19 pneumonia A.S. Karpickij, E.S. Pan’ko, D.S. Vakulich, G.A. Zhurbenko, S.V. Pan’ko, A.M. Shestiuk
259 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Sociedade Beneficente Israelita Brasileira Hospital Albert Einstein Einstein (São Paulo) Laboratory profiles of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 pneumonia treated with tofacitinib or placebo: a post hoc analysis from the STOP-COVID trial Patrícia Oliveira Guimarães, Lucas Petri Damiani, Caio de Assis Moura Tavares, Ari Stiel Radu Halpern, J. Jasper Deuring, Luiz Vicente Rizzo, Otavio Berwanger
260 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Clinical Medicine Utilization of Robot-Assisted Gait Training in Pulmonary Rehabilitation for a Patient with Ambulatory Dysfunction Post-Severe COVID-19 Pneumonia: A Case Report June Sung Lee, Jung Hoon Ahn, Jang Woo Lee, Chang Yoon Baek
261 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Sociedade Beneficente Israelita Brasileira Hospital Albert Einstein Einstein (São Paulo) Comment to: Lessons from the pandemic and the value of a structured system of ultrasonographic findings in the diagnosis of COVID-19 pulmonary manifestations Hinpetch Daungsupawong, Viroj Wiwanitkit
262 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  American Medical Association JAMA Network Open Time to Sustained Recovery Among Outpatients With COVID-19 Receiving Montelukast vs Placebo Russell L. Rothman, Thomas G. Stewart, Ahmad Mourad, David R. Boulware, Matthew W. McCarthy, Florence Thicklin, et al. (+366)
263 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  General Organization For Teaching Hospitals and Institutes Journal of Medicine in Scientific Research Detection of Cardiac Involvement Using Speckle Tracking Echocardiography in COVID-19 Recovered Patients and Its Relation to Leucocyte Count. Shaimaa Wageeh, Eman H Seddik, Alaa Ramadan Youssuf
264 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Critical Studies on Security ‘Give us the numbers!’: sovereign capture and the undermining of shared situational awareness in the UK’s COVID-19 response Chris Zebrowski, Dan Sage, Nina Jörden
265 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Review of Economic Design Economic benefits of COVID-19 screening tests Andrew Atkeson, Michael Droste, Michael J. Mina, James H. Stock
266 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  University of Sarajevo Faculty of Health Sciences Journal of Health Sciences Laboratory inflammatory parameters depending on the COVID-19 test result Mirza Izmirlija, Berina Hasanefendić, Lejla Husejinbegović, Lajla Halilović, Lejla Altumbabić, Aleksandra Pašić, et al. (+2)
267 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Tikinet Edicao Ltda. - EPP Estudos de Psicologia Sexting em tempos de COVID-19: devemos nos preocupar?","Sexting in Covid-19 times: should we care?","Sexting en COVID-19: ¿deberíamos preocuparnos? Silvia Renata Lordello, Isadora Deamici Da Silveira, Simone dos Santos Paludo, Lara Souza
268 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health An investigation of the impact of ‘Living with COVID’ on workplace COVID-19 transmission risk, response and resilience - lessons learnt and future challenges Catherine Lewis, Sheena Johnson, Claire Mann, Janet Ubido, Bernadine Farrell, Anna Coleman, Martie van Tongeren
269 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Ovid Medical Care Hospital-Level Variation in COVID-19 Treatment Among Hospitalized Adults in the United States G. Caleb Alexander, Brian T. Garibaldi, Huijun An, Kathleen M. Andersen, Matthew L. Robinson, Kunbo Wang, et al. (+7)
270 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Uphills Publishers LLC South Eastern European Journal of Public Health Immunological and Biochemistry Comparative Studies of COVID-19, Vaccinated, and Healthy Individuals Mohammed A. Mohammed, Othman M. Mohammed
271 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Autoantibodies to protein S may explain rare cases of coagulopathy following COVID-19 vaccination Ahmet Yalcinkaya, Marco Cavalli, Maribel Aranda-Guillén, Axel Cederholm, Almira Güner, Isabel Rietrae, et al. (+11)
272 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine Levels of high-sensitive troponin T and mid-regional pro-adrenomedullin after COVID-19 vaccination in vulnerable groups: monitoring cardiovascular safety of COVID-19 vaccination Samipa Pudasaini, Ngoc Han Le, Dörte Huscher, Fabian Holert, David Hillus, Pinkus Tober-Lau, et al. (+3)
273 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Health Communication The Effects of Behaviorally Informed Messages on COVID-19 Vaccination Intentions and Behavior: Evidence from Randomized Survey Experiments in South Africa Alison M. Buttenheim, Timothy Köhler, Katherine Eyal, Brendan Maughan-Brown
274 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Uphills Publishers LLC South Eastern European Journal of Public Health Impact of COVID-19 Vaccination on Menstrual Cycle, Quality of Life and Perception on Fertility: A Mixed Methods Study of Women in Delhi-NCR Dr. Rati Khurana, Dr. Nimisha Kumar, Dr. Lokesh Gupta
275 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics The cost of COVID-19 vaccine delivery in Bangladesh Afroja Yesmin, Flavia Moi, Tarek Hossain, Rachel A. Archer, Monjurul Islam, Laura Boonstoppel
276 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health The acceptance of COVID-19 vaccines in Rwanda: a cross-sectional study Edward Mbonigaba, Fengyun Yu, Mark Donald C. Reñosa, Ivan Emil Mwikarago, Frederick Nchang Cho, Peter Canisius Kuku Elad, et al. (+6)
277 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Wiley Nursing Open Investigating the relationship between moral courage and caregiving behaviours among nurses working in COVID-19 wards in Iran Naima Seyedfatemi, Raheleh Bahrami, Sajjad Hamidi, Marjan Mardani Hamooleh, Zahra Siahmansour Khorin, Zahra Abbasi
278 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Pulmonary Therapy Efficacy of High Flow Nasal Cannula in the Treatment of Patients with COVID-19 with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Results of Single Centre Study in Vietnam Sy Duong-Quy, Duc Huynh-Truong-Anh, Tram Tang-Thi-Thao, Thu Nguyen-Ngoc-Phuong, Phung Hoang-Phi-Tuyet, Anh Nguyen-Tuan, et al. (+27)
279 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Universidad Nacional de Lanus Salud Colectiva Covid-19 y comunidades diaguitas: desigualdades estructurales y estrategias (inter)comunitarias en el departamento Santa María (Catamarca, Argentina) Luciana García Guerreiro
280 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier International Dental Journal "Stress level assessment among dentists in adjara during covid-19" Mariam Gogotishvili, Fridon Japaridze, Tinatin Gorgiladze
281 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier Revue des Maladies Respiratoires Symptômes prolongés après un COVID-19 : pistes physiopathologiques C. Gaudry, R. Dhersin, V. Dubée
282 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Walter de Gruyter GmbH Zeitschrift für Tourismuswissenschaft Overtourism perception among residents in a rural proximity destination during the COVID-19-pandemic - The writing on the wall for a sustainability transition of tourism? Felicitas Steber, Marius Mayer
283 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Biomedical Materials & Devices Coagulation Profile and Clot Stiffness Analysis from COVID-19-Positive Patients Using a Contactless Viscoelasticity Testing Technology Dimitria B. Camasao, Jose G. Munguia-Lopez, Anna Perez, José A. Correa, Cedric Schmitt, Anis Hadj Henni, et al. (+3)
284 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Reactions Weekly COVID-19-vaccine
285 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Sistema de Bibliotecas PUCP THEMIS Revista de Derecho La excesiva onerosidad de la prestación en contexto del COVID-19: ¿perdona nuestras deudas así como nosotros perdonamos a nuestros deudores? Juan Espinoza Espinoza
286 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology Multiple sclerosis and COVID-19: a bidirectional Mendelian randomization study Shitong Liu, Yixin Liang, Binbin Sheng, Rongxin Zhang
287 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Innovare Academic Sciences Innovare Journal of Medical Sciences AZITHROMYCIN-INDUCED HYPERSENSITIVITY AND COVID-19: A CASE REPORT Sajjad Sadeghi
288 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Tikinet Edicao Ltda. - EPP Estudos de Psicologia COVID-19: a influência de fatores psicossociais na crença acerca da pertinência do isolamento social no Brasil","COVID-19: The influence of psychosocial factors in the belief of relevance of social isolation in Brazil","COVID-19: la influencia de los factores psicosociales en la creencia sobre la relevancia del aislamiento social en Brasil Marcelo Xavier de Oliveira, Leandro Amorim Rosa, Gustavo Henrique Carretero, Patrícia da Silva
289 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology COVID-19: a multi-organ perspective Fabiana Amaral Guarienti, João Ismael Budelon Gonçalves, Júlia Budelon Gonçalves, Fernando Antônio Costa Xavier, Daniel Marinowic, Denise Cantarelli Machado
290 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Universidad Nacional de Entre Rios Ciencia Docencia y Tecnología Vacunación, vacunas y COVID-19: análisis bibliométrico de las capacidades de publicación científica de América Latina Diana Priscila Estrella Santiago, Federico Stezano Pérez, Rubén Oliver Espinoza
291 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier Applied Corpus Linguistics Introductory editorial synthesis paper: Corpus Linguistics and the Language of COVID-19: Applications and Outcomes David Oakey, Benet Vincent
292 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Sinnergiak Social Innovation European Public & Social Innovation Review Aprendizaje en línea adaptado a COVID-19: factores que influyen en la percepción de estudiantes universitarios","Online learning adapted to COVID-19: factors influencing the perception of university students Arturo González Torres, María Luisa Pereira Hernández, Claudia Carolina Lacruhy Enríquez
293 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora Revista de APS COVID-19: fatores associados ao uso adequado de equipamentos de proteção individual por trabalhadores da atenção primária Kelly Aline Rodrigues Costa, Camila Cristina Gregório de Assis, Ana Paula Mendes Carvalho, Fernanda Moura Lanza, Herica Silva Dutra, Isabel Cristina Gonçalves Leite, et al. (+2)
294 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Tikinet Edicao Ltda. - EPP Estudos de Psicologia Bem-estar psicológico e covid-19: impactos psicológicos da quarentena na população brasileira","Psychological well-being and covid-19: Psychological impacts of quarantine on the brazilian population","Bienestar psicológico y covid-19: impactos psicológicos de la cuarentena en la población brasileña Mariana Malvezzi, Cléber da Costa Figueiredo, Flavia Feitosa Santana
295 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Practice Supervising social work students in field placements during COVID-19: Recommendations for future delivery during a pandemic Rahul Jain, Indrani Margolin, Heather Peters, Romi Jain
296 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  SciELO Saúde e Sociedade População ribeirinha amazônica em tempos de pandemia de Covid-19: reflexões sobre os desafios enfrentados por Agentes Comunitários de Saúde (ACS) Líbia Daniele Oliveira Jaty, Geísa Cordeiro dos Santos, Ane Karoline da Rocha Ferreira Gomes, João Paulo Soares de Cortes, Marina Smidt Celere Meschede, Teógenes Luiz Silva da Costa
297 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics Safety and immunogenicity of a modified mRNA-lipid nanoparticle vaccine candidate against COVID-19: Results from a phase 1, dose-escalation study Brandon J. Essink, Craig Shapiro, Marie Grace Dawn Isidro, Paul Bradley, Antoinette Pragalos, Mark Bloch, et al. (+19)
298 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  SciELO Agencia Nacional de Investigaciu00f3n y Desarrollo (ANID) Revista chilena de nutrición Malnutrición por exceso como factor de riesgo de gravedad en menores de edad con COVID-19: una revisión sistemática Lissette Etcheverry-Méndez, Javiera Yañez-Tapia, Katherine Peralta-Arancibia, Javiera Muñoz-Díaz, Daniela Toro-Ascuy, Paz Orellana, et al. (+2)
299 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier Virology The Ex Vivo Infection of the Peripheral Bovine Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs) and the Bovine Spleen Cells with the Bovine Coronavirus (BCoV) Induced a Differential Expression of the Host Cytokine Genes Profiles and Modulates the Virus Replication Abid Ullah Shah, Maged Gomaa Hemida
300 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North America Considerations for Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination Among B-Cell-Depleted Patients Christian Ammitzbøll, Marianne Kragh Thomsen, Christian Erikstrup, Anne Troldborg
301 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Revista Inteligencia Competitiva Revista Inteligência Competitiva As adaptações geradas para minimizar os impactos no comércio exterior devido o SARS-COV 2: Análise do contexto empresarial Emily Santos Meireles, Kauanny Lopes Souza, Anderson Antônio Lima, David Eugênio Angelo De Lima
302 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier Medical Journal Armed Forces India Acrocyanosis as a rare manifestation of post- acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Manu Chopra, Siddhartha Chakraborty, I.M. Pandey, Reena Bharadwaj, Rohit Aggarwal, Rahul Tyagi, et al. (+2)
303 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier International Immunopharmacology A novel HBc-S230 protein chimeric VLPs induced robust immune responses against SARS-CoV-2 Weixu Feng, Zhuo Chen, Lianpeng Wu, Xiuting Chen, Qingfeng Li, Yunru Xiang, et al. (+8)
304 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Pakistan Society of Internal Medicine Journal opf Pakistan Society of Internal Medicine SARS-CoV-2 & Children's Mental Health-Assessing Psychiatric Concerns and Potential Solutions: A Narrative Review
305 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier The Science of The Total Environment Wastewater-based surveillance for Hepatitis A virus, Enterovirus, Poliovirus, and SARS-CoV-2 in São Tomé and Príncipe: A pilot study Katia Toancha, Adjaia Borges, Lazismino Lázaro, Nilton Teixeira, Anery Katia Lima, Anabela Gonçalves, et al. (+9)
306 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Science Immunology Erratum for the Research Article “Initiator cell death event induced by SARS-CoV-2 in the human airway epithelium” by K. Liang et al .
307 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines Intranasal Prime-Boost with Spike Vectors Generates Antibody and T-Cell Responses at the Site of SARS-CoV-2 Infection Muriel Metko, Jason Tonne, Alexa Veliz Rios, Jill Thompson, Haley Mudrick, David Masopust, et al. (+3)
308 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier Respiratory Medicine Case Reports Persistent SARS-CoV-2 Infection Resolved after B-Cell Recovery in a Patient with Follicular Lymphoma Treated with B-Cell Depletion Therapy Yuriko Sueda, Hirokazu Tokuyasu, Momoka Atsuta, Hiromitsu Sakai, Katsunori Arai, Chika Esumi, et al. (+4)
309 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Korean Society for Preventive Medicine Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health SARS-CoV-2 Infection Risk Imposed by Fully-vaccinated Air Travelers Attending an Island-confined Quarantine System Enabling Tourism During the Pandemic: A Retrospective Cohort Study Thunyaporn Sirijantradilok, Chanapong Rojanaworarit, Isabella Andrade, Worawaran Kallayanasit, Panunda Yodkhunnathum, Somruethai Khamsakhon, et al. (+2)
310 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  American Society for Microbiology Microbiology Spectrum Evaluation of a near-patient SARS-CoV-2 novel rapid diagnostic platform Johannes C. Botha, Karen Zafilaza, Cathia Soulie, Nicolas Yin, Moira Spyer, Sofia Balaska, et al. (+11)
311 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier Brain Behavior & Immunity - Health Clinical Features and Predictive Nomogram for Fatigue Sequelae in Non-severe Patients Infected with SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant in Shanghai, China Xiaolei Shen, Yuhan Jiang, Shenjie Li, Xinyi Xie, Yu Cheng, Li Wu, et al. (+3)
312 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Molecular Structure Novel cyclohexyl-containing N-salicylidene aniline Schiff bases: Synthesis, characterization, DFT studies, photophysical properties and potency against SARS-CoV-2 proteins Elizaveta V. Panova, Damir A. Safin
313 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Performance of self-performed SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen test: a systematic review and meta-analysis Peiling Cai, Junren Wang, Peng Ye, Yarong Zhang, Mengping Wang, Ronglian Guo, Hongying Zhao
314 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier Experimental Neurology SARS-CoV-2 spike S1 protein induces microglial NLRP3-dependent neuroinflammation and cognitive impairment in mice Qiuhong Jiang, Ge Li, Huacheng Wang, Weineng Chen, Fengyin Liang, Haifan Kong, et al. (+4)
315 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases Correction: Long COVID is not the same for everyone: a hierarchical cluster analysis of long COVID symptoms 9 and 12 months after SARS-CoV-2 test Marta Moniz, Carolina Ruivinho, Ana Rita Goes, Patrícia Soares, Andreia Leite
316 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Key Determinants of SARS-CoV-2 Testing Among Symptomatic Individuals During the Second Wave in Uttar Pradesh, India: An Analysis From Two Districts Raghukul R Pandey, Monika Agarwal, Brian Wahl, Tushar Garg, Amita Jain
317 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences Metabolic Analysis of Ongoing Neuropsychiatric Symptoms Post SARS-COV-2 Through Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Yanfei Bi
318 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  American Chemical Society ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Investigating the Significances of Thiol Functionalities in SARS-CoV-2 Using Carbon Dots for Viral Inhibition Braulio C. L. B. Ferreira, Maxence Hannard, Mercedes Lozano-Garcia, Lillian Aston, Giancarlo Tejeda, Justin B. Domena, et al. (+12)
319 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Virology Klebsiella pneumoniae co-infection leads to fatal pneumonia in SARS-CoV-2-infected mice Crystal Villalva, Girish Patil, Sai Sankara Narayanan, Roshan Ghimire, Debarati Chanda, Nishantha Samarakoon, et al. (+4)
320 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  IP Innovative Publication Pvt Ltd International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research In silico investigation of therapeutic potential of phytosteroids against SARS-CoV2 infection via inhibition of viral multiplication and attenuation of host cytokine storm Athithan Velan
321 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier International Dental Journal Family Helpfulness Preserved Children's Toothbrushing Habits During Pandemic Filip Simetin, Luka Simetin, Dijana Mayer, Luka Stimac
322 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  SAGE Publications Irish Theological Quarterly Book Review: The Rising Global Cancer Pandemic : Health, Ethics, and Social Justice Pádraig Corkery
323 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Tikinet Edicao Ltda. - EPP Estudos de Psicologia Psychometrics Properties of Pandemic Coping Scale (PCS)","Propiedades Psicométricas de la Escala de Afrontamiento a la Pandemia (EAP)","Propriedades Psicométricas da Escala de Enfrentamento em Pandemia (EEP) Jonatas Reis Bessa, Roberto Beirão Santos Sousa, Ana Beatriz Trindade, José Neander Silva Abreu
324 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Surgical Research Cardiothoracic Surgery Interviews and Selection in a Pandemic Era - Lessons to Learn Naima A. Alver, Jay D. Pal, Castigliano M. Bhamidipati
326 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Tikinet Edicao Ltda. - EPP Estudos de Psicologia Trabalhar de casa na pandemia: Sentimentos e vivências de gestores e não-gestores públicos","Working from home in the pandemic: Feelings and experiences of managers and non-public managers","Trabajar desde casa en la pandemia: Sentimientos y vivencias de gestores y no gestores públicos Luara Carvalho, Luciana Mourão, Victor Hugo Soares Cardoso, Gardênia da Silva Abbad, Hugo Sandall, Juliana Legentil, et al. (+2)
327 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences Distinguishing pain profiles among individuals with long COVID Laura Tabacof, Maanas Chiplunkar, Alexandra Canori, Rebecca Howard, Jamie Wood, Amy Proal, David Putrino
328 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Cardiovascular Disorders The home-based breathing and chest mobility exercise improves cardiorespiratory functional capacity in long COVID with cardiovascular comorbidities: a randomized study Bambang Dwiputra, Ade Meidian Ambari, Kevin Triangto, Kelvin Supriami, Tri Widyanti Kesuma, Naufal Zuhdi, et al. (+2)
329 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier American Journal of Infection Control Efficiency and Simulation of Thailand’s Chiang Mai University Model for COVID-19 Mass Vaccination Hub (CMU-MVH Model) Amornphat Kitro, Danuphon Tippong, Wachiranun Sirikul, Natthanaphop Isaradech, Apiradee Kosai, Pimprapas Saengoa, et al. (+4)
330 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of COVID-19 mortality in Saudi Arabia: A retrospective multi-center study Mahmoud A. Mahmoud, Alaa Anwar Altaluoni, Abdulrahman Abdullah Alshargi, Abdulmohsen H. Al-Zalabani
331 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier International Journal of Infectious Diseases Determination of T cell response against XBB variants in adults who received either monovalent wild type inactivated whole virus or mRNA vaccine or bivalent WT/BA.4-5 COVID-19 mRNA vaccine as the additional booster Yun Sang Tang, Chee Wah Tan, Ka Chun Chong, Chunke Chen, Yuanxin Sun, Karen Yiu, et al. (+5)
332 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon Cross-reactivity between Dengue virus and SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies: Confirmation Study using Specimens from Dengue-Infected Patients before the COVID-19 Pandemic Siti Churrotin, Ilham Harlan Amarullah, Anisa Lailatul Fitria, Siti Qamariyah Khairunisa, Laura Navika Yamani, Masanori Kameoka, et al. (+4)
333 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier American Journal of Infection Control The Patterns of Antifungal Use and Risk Factors Associated with Mortality in Patients with Invasive Candidiasis and Aspergillosis Infections Among Patients Who were Received Infectious Disease Specialist Consultation Prior to and During the COVID-19 Pandemic in A Resource-Limited Setting: A Retrospective Cohort Study Supavit Vaivoothpinyo, Kittiya Jantarathaneewat, David J. Weber, Bernard C. Camins, Piyaporn Apisarnthanarak, Sasinuch Rutjanawech, Anucha Apisarnthanarak
334 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on school-going adolescents studying in government schools - A psychosocial perspective K. A. Tansa, Sanjeev Kumar Manikappa, P. Marimuthu, Jayakumar Christy
335 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care Impact of school closure during COVID-19 pandemic on school-going children in a rural population of Haryana: A qualitative study Suprakash Mandal, Mohamed S. Hasan, Parul Berry, Saransh Verma, Vishwesh Bharadiya, Tejbeer Singh, et al. (+4)
336 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care Trends of coinfections among healthy blood donors: COVID-19 pandemic repercussion Neetu Kukar, Anjali Handa, Neha Syal, Parul Garg, Navreet S. Gopalpuri, Harpreet Kaur
337 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier Finance Research Letters Co-jumps in the Chinese stock market before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic: A network perspective Renhao Zou, Shuguang Zhang, Zhipeng He, Chenlu Hao
338 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care Retrospective analysis of risk factors associated with mortality in hospitalized COVID-19 patients Bijoya Chatterjee, Nikunj Modi, Khushi Desai, Yogesh Murugan, Ami Trivedi
339 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care Perspectives and lived experiences of survivors and caregivers of COVID-19 patients in a teaching hospital in a tribal district of Chhattisgarh, India Shilpa Khanna, Shriyuta Abhishek, Mohammad Shagill, Lakhan Singh, Chetanya Malik, Savithri Devi, et al. (+2)
340 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care Assessment of COVID-19 patients’ outcome based on clinical profile, laboratory parameters, and clinical management: A retrospective observational study Shivani Khullar, Varun Kothari, Ruchi Kothari, Manoj Lakhotia
341 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine The risk of postherpetic neuralgia in COVID-19 vaccination-associated herpes zoster: A retrospective cohort study using TriNetX Sheng-Hsiang Ma, Tai-Li Chen, Wei-Fan Ou, Wen-Cheng Chao, Hsin-Hua Chen, Chen-Yi Wu
342 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier American Journal of Infection Control Comparative analysis of hospital-acquired and community-acquired infections at a tertiary hospital in China before and during COVID-19: A 7-year longitudinal study (2017-2023) Xiang Su, Jianing Niu, Fang Wang, Ling Sun
343 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care Psychosocial and mental health concerns among elderly people during COVID-19: Findings from national helpline in India Sanjeev Kumar Manikappa, P Bhasker Reddy, K. A. Tansa, Kannappa V. Shetty
344 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier Bioorganic Chemistry Identification of adenosine analogues as nsp14 N7-methyltransferase inhibitors for treating coronaviruses infection Qishu Chen, Qifan Zhou, Sidi Yang, Fan Pan, Hongqi Tao, Yuanmei Wen, et al. (+6)
345 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry Naphthalen-1-ylethanamine-containing small molecule inhibitors of the papain-like protease of SARS-CoV-2 Kouki Shinohara, Takuya Kobayakawa, Kohei Tsuji, Yuki Takamatsu, Hiroaki Mitsuya, Hirokazu Tamamura
346 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier Practical Laboratory Medicine Development of a rapid LFA test based on direct RT-LAMP for diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 Negar Sadeghi, Neda Shirazi, Moein Dehbashi, Bahareh Maleki, William C. Cho, Zohreh Hojati
347 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier The Journal of Pediatrics Trends in Pediatric Hospital Admissions Caused or Contributed by SARS-CoV-2 Infection in England Harrison Wilde, Christopher Tomlinson, Bilal A. Mateen, David Selby, Hari Krishnan Kanthimathinathan, Spiros Denaxas, et al. (+4)
348 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier Pediatric Neurology Alice in Wonderland Syndrome in children with SARS-CoV-2 infection: a case series of two patients in an Italian hospital Staccioli Susanna, Mariani Rosanna, Bompard Sarah, Olivini Nicole, Fanfoni Claudia, Mirra Gianluca, et al. (+3)
349 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier Biophysical Chemistry How fingers affect folding of a thumb: Inter-subdomain cooperation in the folding of SARS-CoV-2 RdRp protein Anushree Sinha, Angel Mary Chiramel Tony, Susmita Roy
350 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Infection Inflammatory Cytokine Responses in Pediatric tuberculosis with or without SARS-CoV-2 seropositivity Nathella Pavan Kumar, Sarath Balaji, Poorna Ganga Devi, Balaji Ramraj, Arul Nancy, Nandhini Selvaraj, et al. (+9)
351 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier Thrombosis Research Thymidine phosphorylase mediates SARS-CoV-2 spike protein enhanced thrombosis in K18-hACE2TG mice Renat Roytenberg, Hong Yue, Autumn DeHart, Eugene Kim, Fang Bai, Yongick Kim, et al. (+6)
352 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care Estimation of the adverse effects following immunization after SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine (Covishield and Covaxin) in lactating women: A single centre exploratory study from India Parshika Panwar, Prakash Kumar, Prakash Tendulkar, Monika Pathania, Shiv C. Navriya, Vartika Saxena, Mahendra Singh
353 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier Microbial Pathogenesis Molecular detection and genetic characteristics of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus in central China You-Yi Zhao, Xiao Ma, Xi-Meng Chen, Ya-Peng Song, Lan-Lan Zheng, Shi-Jie Ma, Hong-Ying Chen
354 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier Technology in Society Tweeting to be a constitution-writer in Chile: Social media activity, public discourse, and electoral outcomes during pandemic times Andrés A. Acuña-Duarte, Pedro G. Campos, Javier A. León, César A. Salazar
355 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care Post-COVID pandemic: The new normal and aftermath Keerthi Panneer Selvam, Kalpana Kosalram, Saravanan Chinnaiyan
356 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care Can tele-physiotherapy help in filling treatment gaps during pandemics in multiple sclerosis? Gunjan Kumar, Darshpreet Kaur, Ajay Kumar Singh
357 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care Service delivery in postpandemic period for routine childhood immunization in Assam following capacity building with BRIDGE IPC Skill tool Tulika Goswami Mahanta, Nabanita Nirmolia, Abhijit Basu Biswas, Swarnali D Barua
358 2024―Oct―18  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Psychosomatic Research Dissecting the association between long COVID and depressive symptoms in a nationally representative population from France Sarah Tebeka, Joël Coste, Tatjana T. Makovski, Caroline Alleaume, Cyrille Delpierre, Anne Gallay, et al. (+7)
359 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie - Krakow University of Economics Journal of Public Governance The Safety Standards Protecting Against the COVID-19 Disease in Communal Cultural Institutions in Poland as Exemplified by Selected Communes Anna Bohdan, Bartosz Maziarz, Agnieszka Dornfeld-Kmak
360 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Stats Cross-Country Assessment of Socio-Ecological Drivers of COVID-19 Dynamics in Africa: A Spatial Modelling Approach Kolawole Valère Salako, Akoeugnigan Idelphonse Sode, Aliou Dicko, Eustache Ayédèguè Alaye, Martin Wolkewitz, Romain Glèlè Kakaï
362 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Revista de Salud Publica Revista de Salud Pública Entre la salud y el placer de comer en casa. Cambios y continuidades en las prácticas alimentarias de sectores medios del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires en contexto del confinamiento por COVID-19.","Between health and the pleasure of eating at home. Changes and continuities in eating practices in middle sectors in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires in lockdown context due to COVID-19","Entre a saúde e o prazer de jantar em casa. Mudanças e continuidades nas práticas alimentares dos setores médios da Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires no contexto de confinamento pela COVID-19 Flavia Demonte
363 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Revista de Salud Publica Revista de Salud Pública Hábitos de consumo y actividad física en adolescentes durante el aislamiento por COVID-19","Consumption habits and physical activity in adolescents during lockdown due to COVID-19","Hábitos de consumo e atividade física em adolescentes durante o isolamento por COVID-19 Cynthia Cebreiro, Laura Rosana Aballay, Soledad Ponce, Camila Niclis
364 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Indonesia Maju - STIKIM Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kelelahan Kerja pada Dosen saat Pandemi COVID-19 Shafira Salsabila Samara, Narila Mutia Nasir
365 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Majalah Ilmiah Cakrawala Hukum Fakultas Hukum Universitas Wijayakusuma Purwokerto Cakrawala Hukum Majalah Ilmiah Fakultas Hukum Universitas Wijayakusuma Pelaksanaan Perkawinan Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 DiPurbalingga Teguh Anindito
366 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Majalah Ilmiah Cakrawala Hukum Fakultas Hukum Universitas Wijayakusuma Purwokerto Cakrawala Hukum Majalah Ilmiah Fakultas Hukum Universitas Wijayakusuma Penundaan Tahapan Pelaksanaan Pemilihan Kepala Daerah(Pilkada) Sebagai Dampak Covid-19 Dilihat Dari Aspek HukumKetatanegaraan Esti Ningrum
367 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Viruses Predicting Clinical Outcomes in COVID-19 and Pneumonia Patients: A Machine Learning Approach Kaida Cai, Zhengyan Wang, Xiaofang Yang, Wenzhi Fu, Xin Zhao
368 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Revista de Salud Publica Revista de Salud Pública Accidente vascular cerebral isquémico relacionado con el COVID-19 : una revisión integradora","Ischemic stroke related to COVID-19: integral revision","Acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico relacionado à COVID-19: uma revisão integrativa Kevyn Felipe Mendes, Mirela Pereira Lima Abrão, Marcos Arturo Ferreira Agüero, Isadora Pereira Brito, Grecia Silva Melo, Leonardo Vicari Santos, Ana Claudia Mendes Barbosa
369 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Wiley Applied Psychology Health and Well-Being Move, connect and go outside! A randomized controlled trial of two online interventions and analysis of helpful coping strategies in COVID-19 “homestayers” Ann-Christine Ehlis, Benjamin Aas, Carolin Kieckhäfer, Günter Schiepek, David Rosenbaum, Christian Theisen, et al. (+2)
370 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Oxford University Press Virus Evolution A phylogenetics and variant calling pipeline to support SARS-CoV-2 genomic epidemiology in the UK Rachel Colquhoun, Áine O’Toole, Verity Hill, Jt McCrone, Xiaoyu Yu, Samuel M Nicholls, et al. (+7)
371 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Universitas Indonesia, Directorate of Research and Public Service Jurnal Epidemiologi Kesehatan Indonesia Hubungan Komorbiditas terhadap Kondisi Akhir Pasien Covid-19 di RSUD Siti Fatimah Provinsi Sumatera Selatan
372 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Dove Medical Press Infection and Drug Resistance Clinical Features and Prognosis of Patients with COVID-19 and B-Cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Ya-Qing Lin, Na Li, Yan-Li Wu, Jin-Bao Ma, Hai-Nv Gao, Xuan Zhang
373 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Kare Publishing The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology Reply to Letter to the Editor: “Critical Review: Methodological and Interpretative Issues in COVID-19 and Acute Coronary Syndrome Study” Özlem Özbek
374 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Cogitatio Politics and Governance Democracy Amid Pandemic: A Survey Experiment on How Covid-19 Affectedness Influences Support for Anti-Liberal Policies Annika Werner, Reinhard Heinisch
375 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Mohammad Husni Thamrin Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Perkotaan Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kepatuhan Protokol Kesehatan Covid-19 di Kota Palopo Sulawesi Selatan Ruspa Rusman, Ajeng Tias Endarti, Lilis Heri Mis Cicih
376 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Universitas Tarumanagara Jurnal Paradigma Akuntansi FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI KEBIJAKAN DIVIDEN SEBELUM DAN SELAMA PANDEMI COVID-19 Stephani Brenda, Yanti Yanti
377 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Health Services Research Understanding hospital rehabilitation using electronic health records in patients with and without COVID-19 Konstantin Georgiev, Dimitrios Doudesis, Joanne McPeake, Nicholas L Mills, Jacques Fleuriot, Susan D Shenkin, Atul Anand
378 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Revista de Salud Publica Revista de Salud Pública Persistencia de IgM SARS-CoV-2 en pacientes que completaron cuarentena para COVID-19 en Arequipa, Perú","Persistence of IgM SARS-COV-2 in patients who completed quarantine for COVID-19, in Arequipa, Peru","Persistência de IgM SARS-COV-2 em pacientes que completaram quarentena para COVID-19, em Arequipa, Peru Renzo Reynaldo Gamarra Manrique, Sara Angélica Moscoso Pinares, Jael Doria Riveros Alvaro
379 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Revista de Salud Publica Revista de Salud Pública Consumo alimentario habitual y sus variaciones en confinamiento durante la primera ola de COVID-19 en Argentina y Paraguay","Usual food consumption and variations in lockdown during the first wave of COVID-19 in Argentina and Paraguay","Consumo habitual de alimentos e suas variações no confinamento durante a primeira onda do COVID-19 na Argentina e no Paraguai Maria Daniela Defagó
380 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Revista de Salud Publica Revista de Salud Pública CONOCIMIENTO Y PRÁCTICA DE HIGIENE DE MANOS AL COMIENZO Y A UN AÑO DE LA PANDEMIA DE COVID-19 EN ARGENTINA","Knowledge and practice of hand hygiene at the beginning and one year after the COVID-19 pandemic in Argentina","Conhecimento e prática da higienização das mãos no início e um ano após a pandemia COVID-19 na Argentina Maria Georgina Oberto, María Laura Coluccini, María Lucía Baraquet, Roberto José Sánchez
381 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Universitas Tarumanagara Jurnal Paradigma Akuntansi FAKTOR - FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI KINERJA PERUSAHAAN SEBELUM DAN DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Ivana Aurellia, Yanti Yanti
382 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Universitas Tarumanagara Jurnal Paradigma Akuntansi PENGARUH PENGGUNAAN E-WALLET TERHADAP KONSUMSI DI KALANGAN MAHASISWA/I WILAYAH JAKARTA DAN JAWA BARAT PADA MASA COVID-19 Benita Anastasia, Vidyarto Nugroho
383 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Universitas Tarumanagara Jurnal Paradigma Akuntansi Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Firm Value Sebelum Dan Di Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Fielbert Fielbert, Yanti Yanti
384 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Revista de Salud Publica Revista de Salud Pública Efectos del Aislamiento Social Preventivo y Obligatorio por COVID-19 en la seguridad alimentaria de las infancias","Effects of preventive and mandatory social isolation by COVID-19 on the food safety of Argentine children","Efeitos do isolamento social preventivo e obrigatório da COVID-19 na segurança alimentar de crianças argentinas Ianina Tuñon
385 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Revista de Salud Publica Revista de Salud Pública Impacto negativo de la pandemia COVID-19 en las de atenciones ambulatorias de salud mental de la Región de Coquimbo, Chile","Negative impact of COVID-19 pandemic on outpatient mental health care in Coquimbo region, Chile","Impacto negativo da pandemia de COVID-19 na atendimento ambulatório de saúde mental na região de Coquimbo, Chile Camilo Sepúlveda-Queipul, Gonzalo Soto Brandt, Alvaro Castillo Camiglia, Olga Toro Devia, Daniela Rivera Espinoza, Ruben Alvarado
386 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Institute for Advanced Studies NeuroQuantology Unveiling Patterns: Seasonality Analysis of COVID-19 Data in the USA
387 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember Journal of Agropharmacy Baricitinib for the treatment of COVID-19 Devina Sarah Syafika, Yunita Dyah Kusumaningrum
388 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) International Journal for Equity in Health Social epidemiology of urban COVID-19 inequalities in Latin America and Canada Mathieu JP Poirier, Andrea Morales Caceres, Tieneke E Dykstra, Aline Dayrell Ferreira Sales, Waleska Teixeira Caiaffa
389 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Global Research Review in Business and Economics Global Research Review in Business and Economics Ownership Dynamics and Financial Statement Fraud: A Study in the Context of COVID-19 Astrid Rudyanto
390 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Human Resource Management Academic Research Society International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences From Counters to Kiosks: The New Normal For Generation X In Quick Service Restaurants After Covid-19 Mohd Syafiq Md. Taib, Mohd Fazli Mohd Sam, Siti Nur Aisyah Alias, Nurul Hasyimah Mohamed, Nadia Nila Sari
391 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Polish Academy of Sciences Chancellery Folia Medica Cracoviensia Ability assessment of the craniofacial structures radiological anatomy on panoramic radiography among dental student during pandemic of COVID-19. Ability assessment on OPG among dental student during pandemic of COVID-19 Jakub Majewski, Dominika Qarashouli, Zuzanna Kazibudzka, Klaudia Ciach, Patrycja Kurzawa, Klaudia Orłowska, et al. (+4)
392 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Malnutrition is associated with severe outcome in elderly patients hospitalised with COVID-19 Xiaoman Wang, Jingyao Ke, Rui Cheng, Hongfei Xian, Jingyi Li, Yongsen Chen, et al. (+8)
393 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Centro de Investigacion y Desarrollo Ecuador Revista Vive Prevalencia de enfermedades cardiovasculares durante el COVID-19 Hetzabeth Noelia Zambrano Hernández, Andrea Pierina Diez Chávez, Tania María Abril Mera, Layla Yenebi De La Torre Ortega
394 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Author Correction: ABBV-744 as a potential inhibitor of SARS-CoV-2 main protease enzyme against COVID-19 Zeynab Fakhar, Shama Khan, Suliman Y. AlOmar, Afrah Alkhuriji, Aijaz Ahmad
395 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Health and Social Behavior Forces to Be Reckoned with: Countervailing Powers and Physician Emotional Distress during COVID-19 Tania M. Jenkins, Liza Buchbinder, Mara Buchbinder
396 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  MDPI AG COVID Long COVID as a Possible Contributor to Rising Suicide Mortality in Bharat (India): An Analysis of Suicide Trends Since the Emergence of COVID-19 Karan Varshney, Mansoor Ahmed Panhwar
397 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Stats Forecasting Mortality Trends: Advanced Techniques and the Impact of COVID-19 Asmik Nalmpatian, Christian Heumann, Stefan Pilz
398 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Universitas Islam Lamongan JES (Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah) Culinary MSME Survival Strategy in Maintaining Their Existence During The Covid-19 Pandemic Gt Syifa Noor Ar Ridha, Faqih El Wafa
399 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Adversity and Resilience Science Exploring Resilience Among College Students in Recovery from Substance Misuse During the COVID-19 Pandemic Michael Broman, Uwe Wernekinck
400 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  JMIR Publications Inc. Journal of Medical Internet Research Mobile Phone Syndromic Surveillance for Respiratory Conditions in an Emergency (COVID-19) Context in Colombia: Representative Survey Design Andres I Vecino-Ortiz, Deivis Nicolas Guzman-Tordecilla, Vidhi Maniar, Sandra Agudelo-Londoño, Oscar Franco-Suarez, Nathaly Aya Pastrana, et al. (+5)
401 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on initiation of antihypertensive drugs in Sweden: an interrupted time series study Ana Tomas, Bjorn Wettermark, Fredrik Nyberg, Mohammadhossein Hajiebrahimi
402 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies Functional Performance Profile of Under-20 Soccer Athletes from a Brazilian First Division Team During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Descriptive Study Pedro Manoel Pena Junior, Claudio Henrique Ivo de Araujo Ribeiro Filho, Mauro Luiz Brasil da Silva, Thiago Lemos
403 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Revista Ibero-Americana de Humanidades, Ciencias e Educacao Revista Ibero-Americana de Humanidades Ciências e Educação O MOVIMENTO ANTIVACINAS DURANTE A PANDEMIA DE COVID-19: IMPACTOS, NARRATIVAS E IMPLICAÇÕES SOCIAIS","THE ANTI-VACCINE MOVEMENT DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC: IMPACTS, NARRATIVES AND SOCIAL IMPLICATIONS Vanessa Lorena Macêdo Lima, Helio Marco Pereira Lopes Junior, Luana Guimarães da Silva
404 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) City Territory and Architecture The role of temporariness, emptiness and improvisation in uncertain times: evidence from urban responses to COVID-19 Sara Caramaschi, Alessandro Coppola
405 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Group of Companies, Med Expert, LLC Modern pediatrics Ukraine A clinical case of a complicated form of pneumonia in a child after COVID-19 G.I. Mantak, I.I. Andrikevych, V.S. Oliinik, L.O. Yushchenko, О.I. Hodasevich
406 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Revista Eletronica Acervo Saude Revista Eletrônica Acervo Saúde Miocardite como complicação cardiovascular associada a infecção pela COVID-19 Lucas Joaquim França Ferreira, Ramon Oliveira Cameli, Emanoele Farias Tamarana
407 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Atena Editora International Journal of Health Science LUNG FUNCTION AND FUNCTIONAL CAPACITY AFTER COVID-19 Vinícius Spagnol Regasson, João Rafael Sauzem Machado
408 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Australasian Association for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine Clinical Biochemist Reviews Evaluating Biomarkers for Predicting Clinical Outcomes in COVID-19 Patients: A Systematic Review Allison Eastman, Peter Vervaart, Kazi Mizanur Rahman, Christina Aggar, Nedeljka Rosic
409 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Publicidad Permanyer, SLU Cirugía y Cirujanos (English Edition) Clinical and social importance of stool RT-PCR: a follow-up test for COVID-19 and long COVID-19 Carlos E. Cabrera-Pivaral
410 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang Current Applied Science and Technology ABiLSTM with BERT Embedding for Classification of Imbalanced COVID-19 Rumors Rakesh Dutta, Mukta Majumder
411 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Regional Health - Americas Comparison of long-term healthcare use among older adults with disabilities following hospitalization for COVID-19, sepsis, or influenza: a population-based cohort study John M. Lapp, Thérèse A. Stukel, Hannah Chung, Samantha Lee, Yona Lunsky, Chaim M. Bell, et al. (+10)
412 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Pringma LLC ADVANCED ULTRASOUND IN DIAGNOSIS AND THERAPY Does Covid-19 Cause An Increase in Spleen Dimensions? Ultrasonography Study in People with Recent History of COVID-19 Infection and Healthy Participants Muhammad Yousaf Farooq Syed, Amir Gilani Syed, Ejaz Rabia, Fatima Sheeza, Imran Sarosh, Naseer Aleeza
413 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Elsevier Patient Education and Counseling Perspectives and involvement of children and adolescents during the decision-making process of their Covid-19 vaccination Simone Teresa Böhm-González, Sarah Detemple, Jasmin Gruß, Rosa Franke, Jörg Dötsch, Reinhard Berner, et al. (+2)
414 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Infection Assessment of Neutralizing Antibody Response as a Correlate of Protection against Symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infections after Administration of two doses of the CoronaVac inactivated COVID-19 Vaccine: A Phase III Randomized Controlled Trial Xinhua Chen, Xing Meng, Qianhui Wu, Wey Wen Lim, Qianqian Xin, Benjamin J. Cowling, et al. (+3)
415 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Angle Publishing Co., Ltd. 台灣家庭醫學雜誌 COVID-19易感染高風險族群的疫苗挑戰與接種策略建議 吳至行 吳至行, 洪暐傑 Chih-Hsing Wu, 黃駿豐 黃駿豐, 劉晏孜 劉晏孜, 程劭儀 程劭儀, 張家禎 張家禎, et al. (+3)
416 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine COVID-19-related morbidity and mortality in people with multiple long-term conditions: a systematic review and meta-analysis of over 4 million people Shukrat O Salisu-Olatunji, Yogini V Chudasama, Navjot Kaur, Zara Kayani, Babatunde A Odugbemi, Olasope Esther Bolodeoku, et al. (+9)
417 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Institute for Advanced Studies NeuroQuantology COVID-19 Case Predictions: Anticipating Future Outbreaks Through Data
418 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Predicting COVID-19 booster intentions among college students using the health belief model: advancing health promotion strategies for uptake Hannah Priest Catalano, Julianne Christofora, Keith Richards, Katherine Hyatt Hawkins Shaw, Kevin Kiser
419 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Epidemiology and Infection The spatial-temporal variations and influencing factors of COVID-19 case fatality rate: a worldwide study in 30 countries from February 2021 to May 2022 Jing Zhao, Xing Huang, Xing Li, Bing Li, Zuhua Rong, Xu Huang, et al. (+6)
420 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  AME Publishing Company Annals of Translational Medicine Association between sore throat and early immune responses against COVID-19 before and after the emergence of the Omicron variant Yusuke Takegoshi, Kentaro Nagaoka, Toshiki Kido, Hitoshi Kawasuji, Yushi Murai, Makito Kaneda, et al. (+5)
421 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Bionika Media Therapy Dynamic changes of cytokines in COVID-19 and in the post-COVID period Mussabay K.N. Mussabay, Vinogradova E.A. Vinogradova, Dusmagambetov M.U. Dusmagambetov M, Bekbosynova M.S. Bekbosynova, Tauekelova A.T. Tauekelova A, Kozhakhmetov S.S. Kozhakhmetov, Kushugulova A.R. Kushugulova
422 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Molecular Sciences Rheumatoid Arthritis and COVID-19 at the Intersection of Immunology and Infectious Diseases: A Related PRISMA Systematic Literature Review Andreea-Iulia Vlădulescu-Trandafir, Violeta-Claudia Bojincă, Constantin Munteanu, Aurelian Anghelescu, Cristina Popescu, Simona-Isabelle Stoica, et al. (+5)
423 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Dove Medical Press Journal of Inflammation Research Association Between SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Acute Ischemic Colitis Yanping Wu, Yueqin Zheng, Sumei Sha, Yu Wang, Junyan Wang, Wei Zhang, et al. (+5)
424 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Behavioral Sciences COVID-19 and University Students’ Well-Being: An Ecological and Multidimensional Perspective on Post-Pandemic Effects Ciro Esposito, Barbara Agueli, Caterina Arcidiacono, Immacolata Di Napoli
426 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Biomedical Research and Therapy Biomedical Research and Therapy Association of stress and anxiety with Alzheimer’s: post-COVID-19 pandemic global perspective Muhammad Khan, Tauseef Ahmad
427 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Regional Health - Europe Physical and cognitive stressors exacerbate symptoms in long COVID: more evidence triggering new research and therapeutic needs Danilo Buonsenso, Lael M. Yonker
428 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Oncology COVID-19 in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS): a propensity matched analysis (2020-2021) Barath Prashanth Sivasubramanian, Shashvat Joshi, Diviya Bharathi Ravkumar, Sonia Babu, Shanthi Reddy Sripathi, Avinash Javvaji, et al. (+5)
429 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Brawijaya University Jurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya Clinical Profile and Prognostic Factors of Mortality in Elderly Covid-19 at Ansari Saleh Hospital Wiwit Agung SNC, Ana Khairina, Erni Erianty
430 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  The Endocrine Society The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Effectiveness of Dexamethasone for COVID-19 in Hospitalized Patients with Diabetes: A Retrospective Cohort Study Salman Zahoor Bhat, Jiajun Wu, Jamie Perin, Kunbo Wang, Matthew L Robinson, Brian T Garibaldi, Nestoras Mathioudakis
431 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Center for Journal Management and Publication, Lambung Mangkurat University Jurnal Teknologi Informasi Universitas Lambung Mangkurat (JTIULM) Comparison of Arima Model with The Addition of Linear Quadratic Estimation Algorithm for Prediction The Spread of Covid-19 in Kotabaru District Eka Setya Wijaya, Bara Nugraha Putra Suryana
432 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Fortune Journals Fortune Journal of Health Sciences Interleukin-10 Genetic Polymorphisms and Risk of COVID-19 in Yaounde, Cameroon: A Case Control Study Timothy Njuoh Tah, Calvino Fomboh Tah, Palmer Masumbe Netongo, Akindeh Mbuh Nji, Ngum Lesley Ngum, Gillian Njuo Ngeh, et al. (+7)
433 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Aging Prediction of COVID-19 in-hospital mortality in older patients using artificial intelligence: a multicenter study Massimiliano Fedecostante, Jacopo Sabbatinelli, Giuseppina Dell’Aquila, Fabio Salvi, Anna Rita Bonfigli, Stefano Volpato, et al. (+6)
434 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Japanese Society of Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Possible Case of Elderly-onset Intestinal Behcet's Disease with Trisomy 8 Following COVID-19 Vaccination Exacerbated by COVID-19 Infection Toshitaka Yukishima, Shin-ichiro Ohmura, Haruka Yonezawa, Akito Ueyama, Sumito Sato, Motoyuki Katayama, et al. (+3)
435 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Evaluating the risk of sleep disorders in subjects with a prior COVID-19 infection Jaewhan Kim, Kenechukwu C. Ben-Umeh, Rachel Weir, Karen Manotas, Kristi Kleinschmit, Aaron Fischer, et al. (+3)
436 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  The Iraqi Board for Medical Specializations Iraqi Postgraduate Medical Journal Evaluation of Therapeutic Protocol Outcome in COVID-19 Inpatients in Baghdad Roaa Swayah, Saad Nashtar
437 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  APESC - Associacao Pro-Ensino em Santa Cruz do Sul Revista de Epidemiologia e Controle de Infecção Padrões temporais dos casos prováveis de dengue antes e durante a pandemia de COVID-19, Jaboatão dos Guararapes-PE Natália Ferreira de Sousa, Celivane Cavalcanti Barbosa, Edivânia Felix dos Santos, Paulino José de Albuquerque Vasconcelos Neto, Emília Carolle Azevedo de Oliveira
438 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Universitas Tarumanagara Jurnal Paradigma Akuntansi PENGARUH KASUS COVID-19, KAPITALISASI PASAR, MARKET BOOK RATIO, DAN PROFITABILITAS TERHADAP STOCK RETURN Phoebe Muryadi, Rousilita Suhendah
439 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS) EARTH SCIENCES AND HUMAN CONSTRUCTIONS The Relationship Between the Loss of Household Income and Socioeconomic Variables in the Second COVID-19 Lockdown Yessy Fitriani, Semukasa Philimon, Kartika Setyaningsih Sunardi, Karlinda Karlinda, Desi Metriana Erza, Apri Yulda, et al. (+2)
440 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Physical activity, weight management, and mental health during COVID-19 lockdown: A cross-sectional study of healthcare students in China Rong Zhang, Yuhuan Yin, Yiyin Zhang, Yuping Feng, Hongyan Meng, Jing Wang, et al. (+3)
441 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Acta Microbiologica Hellenica Urinary Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin as a Predictor of COVID-19 Mortality in Hospitalized Patients Luka Švitek, Mihaela Zlosa, Barbara Grubišić, Kristina Kralik, Nora Perić, Bernarda Berišić, et al. (+2)
442 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Maad Rayan Publishing Company Environmental Health Engineering and Management Association of social, demographic, ecological factors, and underlying diseases with COVID-19 mortality rate: A cross-sectional study Mitra Naderipour, Majid Hashemi, Moghaddameh Mirzaei, Ali Akbar Haghdoost, Maryam Faraji
443 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines Reply to Volkman et al. Comment on “Fust et al. The Potential Economic Impact of the Updated COVID-19 mRNA Fall 2023 Vaccines in Japan. Vaccines 2024, 12, 434” Michele Kohli, Keya Joshi, Ekkehard Beck, Yuriko Hagiwara, Nicolas Van de Velde, Ataru Igarashi
444 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines Comment on Fust et al. The Potential Economic Impact of the Updated COVID-19 mRNA Fall 2023 Vaccines in Japan. Vaccines 2024, 12, 434 Hannah R. Volkman, Jennifer L. Nguyen, Mustapha M. Mustapha, Luis Jodar, John M. McLaughlin
445 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Vietnam Medical Journal, Vietnam Medical Association Tạp chí Y học Việt Nam TÍNH KHÁNGTHUỐC CỦA CÁC CĂN NGUYÊN GÂY BỘI NHIỄM PHỔI Ở BỆNH NHÂN COVID-19 NẶNG ĐƯỢC HỖ TRỢ OXY DÒNG CAO QUA CANUYL MŨI (HFNC) Mạnh Héng Thân, Trung Cấp Nguyễn
446 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Vietnam Medical Journal, Vietnam Medical Association Tạp chí Y học Việt Nam ĐẶC ĐIỂM LÂM SÀNG, CẬN LÂM SÀNG VÀ KẾT QUẢ ĐIỀU TRỊ BỆNH NHÂN COVID-19 NẶNG CẦN HỖ TRỢ OXY DÒNG CAO QUA CANUYL MŨI (HFNC) Mạnh Héng Thân, Thị Thanh Phương Trần
447 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  APESC - Associacao Pro-Ensino em Santa Cruz do Sul Revista de Epidemiologia e Controle de Infecção Análise da testagem para COVID-19 na cidade de Parnaíba, estado do Piauí, de março a dezembro de 2020 Dénis Miguel Rodrigues de Oliveira, Anna Carolina Toledo da Cunha Pereira, Deyseane Zacarias Freire de Sousa, Gustavo Portela Ferreira, Karliane de Araújo Lima, Paloma Maria De Sousa Araujo, Vanessa Poleana Silva
448 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo Determinantes sociais em saúde e a ocorrência de COVID-19 no estado do Pará Rosângela Carvalho de Sousa, Ruan Carlo Sousa Abreu, Sara Cristina Pimentel Baia, Susani Cruz Sousa, Tatiane Costa Quaresma, Sheyla Mara Silva de Oliveira, et al. (+3)
449 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Walter de Gruyter GmbH Journal of Osteopathic Medicine The negative effects of long COVID-19 on cardiovascular health and implications for the presurgical examination Hannah L. Stimart, Brittany Hipkins
450 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Informatics Publishing Limited Journal of Ecophysiology and Occupational Health Effect of COVID-19 on Quality of Life in Geriatric Population Using ICF: An Observational Study Prashant Naik, Omkar Ghadi, Ankush Pandey, Vishagh Nair, Amruta Bajantri, Robins Kumar
451 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  APESC - Associacao Pro-Ensino em Santa Cruz do Sul Revista de Epidemiologia e Controle de Infecção Impact of COVID-19 on the epidemiology of respiratory viruses in southern Brazil Fernanda Pereira da Silva Carpeggiani, Thiago Menezes Cézar, Tatiana Schäffer Gregianini, Felipe Grillo Pinheiro, Letícia Garay Martins, Ana Beatriz Gorini da Veiga
452 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Geographies Analyzing the Impact of COVID-19 on Travel and Search Distances for Prominent Landmarks: Insights from Google Trends, X, and Tripadvisor Jiping Cao, Hartwig H. Hochmair, Andrei Kirilenko, Innocensia Owuor
453 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Elsevier The American Journal of Medicine Clinically Guided Adaptive Machine Learning Update Strategies for Predicting Severe COVID-19 Outcomes Mehmet Ulvi Saygi Ayvaci, Varghese S. Jacobi, Young Ryu, Saikrishna Pannaga Srikar Gundreddy, Bekir Tanriover
454 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Manajemen STIAMI Jurnal Komunitas Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Peningkatan Pemahaman Transformasi Digital Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 pada Model Bisnis UMKM di Indonesia Yelita Anggiane Iskandar, Anak Agung Ngurah Perwira Redi
457 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Sciences International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Sciences ADVANCE TOOLS USED FOR LEARNING IN COVID-19 PANDEMIC Dr. Aurosikha Samal
458 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Nigerian Dental Association Nigerian Dental Journal Perception of Nigerian Dental Students on the Effectiveness of Teaching Platforms Used for Orthodontics Lectures During the Covid-19 Pandemic Sylvia ETIM, Abiodun Olabisi ARIGBEDE, Ebi Bio AWOTUA-EFEBO
459 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Humanities and Social Sciences Communications Digital retailing practices for triggering physical retailers’ bounce-back and bounce-forward performance against a great shock: evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic Sirui Li, Jing Su, Ying Liu, Xianwei Shi, Jie Wang, Michael D. Lepech
460 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  MDPI AG COVID Tracking the Trajectory and Predictors of Peritraumatic Distress among Chinese Migrants in Canada across the Three Years of the COVID-19 Pandemic Linke Yu, Lixia Yang
461 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Audiology Research Self-Perceived Stress and the Personality of Mothers of Children with Central Auditory Processing Disorder, as Well as in Mothers of Typically Developing Children, Before and Late in the COVID-19 Pandemic Joanna Kobosko, Lech Śliwa, Malgorzata Ganc, W. Wiktor Jedrzejczak, Henryk Skarzynski
462 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Roles of self-efficacy and self-control in the association between relative deprivation and psychological well-being among undergraduate students during COVID-19 pandemic Yu-Fang Guo, Fang-Yan Yue, Xiang-Yu Lu, Feng-Ye Sun, Xiao-Le Hu, Yan-Nan Jia
463 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Antibiotics Antibiotic Resistance Pattern of Pathogens Isolated from Pediatric Patients during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic Andreea-Loredana Golli, Simona Georgiana Popa, Monica Laura Cara, George-Alin Stoica, Dragos Fortofoiu, Maria Stoica
464 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Healthcare Process Groups for Supporting Resident Wellbeing: Factors Influencing Resident Wellness amid the COVID-19 Pandemic Shawen Ilaria, Kristen M. Coppola, Liesel Copeland, Sarang Kim, Christine Fanning, Ranita Sharma, Hanin Rashid
465 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Wiley Conflict Resolution Quarterly Modalities of Mediation: Reflections on a Dispute System Design Project During the Covid-19 Pandemic Jane Juliano, Andrew Mamo
466 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Perm State University (PSU) ARS ADMINISTRANDI (Искусство управления) Social stratification of households in rural Russia in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic Ruslan R. Sadyrtdinov, Ekaterina A. Eremeeva
467 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Journal of International Education in Business The evolution of an American MBA program for Germany-based students in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic Kevin Krieger, Melissa Brode
468 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Ovid Neurology Today Accelerated Cortical Thinning Seen in Adolescent Brains During COVID-19 Pandemic Dan Hurley
469 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  International Journal of Exercise Science, L.L.C. International Journal of Exercise Science Living Situation and Physical Activity in the COVID-19 Pandemic Among American Private University Students
470 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Journal of Public Policy Authoritarian and democratic states: the COVID-19 pandemic and the efficacy of public health outcomes Hyesong Ha, Colin Knox, Saltanat Janenova
471 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Wise Academia Research Solutions International Journal of Religion The Effectiveness of the Role the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) in Managing the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic during the Implementation of the Movement Control Order (MCO): A Case Study in Kubang Pasu District, Kedah Chien Chunng Tsaur, Kamarul Azman Khamis, Rusdi Omar, Muhammad Afifi Abdul Razak
472 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Lodzi Zarządzanie Innowacyjne w Gospodarce i Biznesie Wpływ sytuacji kryzysowej w gospodarce na przestępczość gospodarczą w Polsce na przykładzie pandemii COVID-19 w latach 2019-2022","The impact of the economic crisis situation on economic crime in Poland during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019-2022 Weronika Ratajczak, Wiktoria Turek
473 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  APESC - Associacao Pro-Ensino em Santa Cruz do Sul Revista de Epidemiologia e Controle de Infecção Consumption of antimicrobials during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic in specific macro-regions of Brazil Gisele Paludo Polesello, Iraci Lucena Silva Torres, Charles Francisco Ferreira, Douglas Nunes Stanhke, Vera Maria Vieira Paniz, Liciane Medeiros
474 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Current Oncology Timely Treatment and No Change in Thyroid Cancer Mortality During COVID-19 Pandemic. Reply to Nocini et al. No Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Early Mortality for Thyroid Cancer in the US. Comment on “Lee et al. Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Thyroid Cancer Surgery. Curr. Oncol. 2024, 31, 3579-3590” Max L. Lee, Michelle M. Chen
475 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Current Oncology No Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Early Mortality for Thyroid Cancer in the US. Comment on Lee et al. Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Thyroid Cancer Surgery. Curr. Oncol. 2024, 31, 3579-3590 Riccardo Nocini, Giuseppe Lippi, Camilla Mattiuzzi
476 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Oxford University Press Neuro-Oncology P25.05.A THE IMPACT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON NEURO-ONCOLOGY: REPORT FROM THE DUTCH BRAIN TUMOUR REGISTRY V K Y Ho, J A F Koekkoek, M Wagemakers, F Y F de Vos, R J A Nabuurs, G Wester, et al. (+8)
477 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Ovid The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Pediatric Bacterial Community-Acquired Pneumonia: A Multicenter Retrospective Study in Madrid (Spain) David Aguilera-Alonso, Juan Sánchez-Cañete, Leyre Ventura McArdle, Teresa del Rosal, Francisco José Sanz Santaeufemia, Beatriz Soto, et al. (+13)
478 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the codification of China’s civil code Gaoyuan Zhai, Xiaochang Liu
479 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Bentham Science Coronaviruses Revisiting the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Comparative Analysis between Traditional and Synthetic Modes of Treatment with the Aid of In-silico Methods Priyam Jyoti Das, DURGA PRASAD KEMISETTI, Shiny Ahmed, Faruk Alam
480 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Facteurs Humains Facteurs humains revue en sciences humaines et sociales de l Université Laval Gestion des relations familles immigrantes-écoles-communautés en temps de pandémie de COVID-19 : une analyse de documents","Managing Relationships Between Immigrant Families, Schools, and Communities During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Document Analysis Marina Thiana, Yamina Bouchamma
481 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Wiley Health Expectations HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Users' Experiences of PrEP Access, Sexual Behaviour, and Well-Being During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Welsh Qualitative Study Zahraa Khammas, David Gillespie, Adam Dale Newman Williams, Jane Nicholls, Fiona Wood
482 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice Introducing a specified on-line multimodal prehabilitation approach for total knee replacement surgery candidates using data from the COVID-19 pandemic: An exploratory field-based, pre-post, mixed methods implementation pilot study Laura Garland, Jamie Gibson, Rashida Pickford, Gareth D. Jones
483 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Asian Journal of Criminology Assessing Police Stress in the Philippines during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Does Community Size Matter? Marijana Kotlaja, Sanja Kutnjak Ivković, Vincent Liu, Alrien Francisco Dausan, Jon Maskály, Peter Neyroud
484 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  SAGE Publications Media Culture & Society Young adults’ perceptions of entertainment consumption in their everyday lives during the COVID-19 pandemic: Negotiating versatility, emotions, and agency in times of limited choice Sarah Anne Ganter
485 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Associated Management Consultants, PVT, Ltd. Arthshastra Indian Journal of Economics & Research Were Indians Happy During the COVID-19 Pandemic? A Cross-State Analysis Maya K., Neeraj Kumar
486 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Maad Rayan Publishing Company Environmental Health Engineering and Management The inert surface contamination of SARS-CoV-2 and the effect of disinfectants in one of the specialized and main responsible hospitals for COVID-19 patients in Ahvaz, Iran Nastaran Talepour, Yalda Hashempour, Niloofar Neisi, Mana Ghanbari, Amir Zahedi, Zeinab Ghaedrahmat, et al. (+5)
487 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Rate, risk factors, and clinical outcomes of SARS-CoV-2 reinfection vs. primary infection in readmitted COVID-19 patients in Iran: a retrospective cohort study Mohammadamin Shahrbaf, Yousef Alimohamadi, Reza Yousefi Arfaei, Mahmood Salesi, Morteza Izadi, Mehdi Raei
488 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Brawijaya University Jurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya The Role of Plasma Osmolarity in the Mortality of Patients with Covid-19 Dewi Indiastari, Didi Candradikusuma, Heri Sutanto, Niniek Budiarti, Nur Samsu
489 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Georg Thieme Verlag KG Thrombosis and Haemostasis COVID-19 patients putting on the brakes with PAR1 autoantibodies. NaShea C Kendrick, Marvin T Nieman
490 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Bentham Science Coronaviruses Thrombocytopenia and Other Hematological Features in COVID-19 Patients Referred to Shahid Mostafa Khomeini Hospital Hassan Nourmohammadi, Elham Shafiei, Sanaz Mami, Hamed Tavan
491 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Antioxidants Association Between NOX2-Mediated Oxidative Stress, Low-Grade Endotoxemia, Hypoalbuminemia, and Clotting Activation in COVID-19 Roberto Carnevale, Cristina Nocella, Raffaella Marocco, Paola Zuccalà, Anna Carraro, Vittorio Picchio, et al. (+21)
492 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology Effect of Tenofovir Alafenamide Fumarate on the outcomes of hospitalized COVID-19 patients: a prospective, block-balanced, open-label, randomized controlled trial Nazanin Yazdan Pouri, Zahra Shokati Eshkiki, Afshin Talebi, Bahman Cheraghian, Fatemeh Ahmadi, Niloofar Neisi, Ali Akbar Shayesteh
493 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Universidad Tecnica de Manabi International Journal of Health Sciences Ventilators types and importance for COVID-19 patients: An updated review article for pharmacists Sultan Sulaiman E Alharbi, Mohammed Ibrahim Suliman Albabtain, Azzam Abdullah Rashed Al Nemer, ‏Rawan Fahad Alkhodair, ‏Abdullah Abood Albishi, ‏Faisal Mohammed Alosaimi, et al. (+5)
494 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Elsevier European Journal of Radiology Open A tri-light warning system for hospitalized COVID-19 patients: Credibility-based risk stratification for future pandemic preparedness Chuanjun Xu, Qinmei Xu, Li Liu, Mu Zhou, Zijian Xing, Zhen Zhou, et al. (+7)
495 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Clinical Medicine Predicting Survival Status in COVID-19 Patients: Machine Learning Models Development with Ventilator-Related and Biochemical Parameters from Early Stages: A Pilot Study Shin-Ho Chou, Cheng-Yu Tsai, Wen-Hua Hsu, Chi-Li Chung, Hsin-Yu Li, Zhihe Chen, et al. (+2)
496 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro UNIRIO Revista de Pesquisa Cuidado é Fundamental Online THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN COVID-19 PHOBIA AND POSTPARTUM ANXIETY EXPERIENCED BY MOTHERS WHOSE INFANTS ARE HOSPITALIZED IN NICU Gül Şahin, Nuriye Erbaş
497 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Elsevier Public Health Factors affecting detection and estimation of SARS-CoV-2 RNA concentration of COVID-19 positive cases in wastewater influent: A systematic review Funanani Mashau, Ayokunle C. Dada, Luyanda Msolo, Kingsley E. Ebomah, Temitope C. Ekundayo, Chidozie D. Iwu, et al. (+2)
498 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  MDPI AG COVID Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizers Used for COVID-19 Prevention in the Informal Settlements of Cape Town, South Africa Sisanda Dalasile, Elie Itoba Tombo, Benett Siyabonga Madonsela, Philani Perfect Mpungose, Ndumiso Mshicileli, Makabongwe Menziwa
499 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Environmental Psychology Impact of natural views on mental health during COVID-19 quarantine: A natural experiment Min-Hsuan Yen, Dongying Li, Pei-Yi Weng, Yen-Cheng Chiang
500 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  SAGE Publications SAGE Open Exploring Relationships Between Nature-Based Destination Attractiveness, Satisfaction, Perceived COVID-19 Risk, and Revisit Intention in Bach Ma National Park, Vietnam Le Thanh An, Pham Xuan Hung, Truong Quang Dung, Nguyen Cong Dinh, Nguyen Duc Kien, Tran Minh Tri, et al. (+3)
502 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Mid-life Health Influence of Clinical, Angiographic, and Developmental Characteristics and COVID-19 Severity and Vaccination Status on Young Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction Yethindra Vityala, Mahesh Palagudi, Sneha Para, Krishna Chaitanya Meduri, Sai Praneeth Duvvuri, Lakshmi Narasimha Sandeep Manne, et al. (+3)
503 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Prevalence and exploratory factor analysis of long COVID-19 symptoms among experienced infected population in Bangkok, Thailand Suphanna Krongthaeo, Suphamas Partiprajak, Noppawan Piaseu, Sineenuch Ckumdee, Chonthicha Taaon, Anon Kongsuwan
504 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health A qualitative study of how structural vulnerability shaped COVID-19 testing behaviors in Portland, Maine Michael R. Kohut, Gloria D. Sclar, Leslie Nicoll, Caroline Fernandes, Andrew Volkers, Ann Tucker, et al. (+2)
505 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Are covid-19 tests still working? Marianne Guenot
506 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Elsevier Scientific African Deployment of mobile application using a novel CNN model for the detection of COVID-19 thoracic disease Steve Okyere-Gyamfi, Vivian Akoto-Adjepong, Kwabena Adu, Mighty Abra Ayidzoe, Obed Appiah, Peter Appiahene, et al. (+7)
507 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon Analyzing the Dynamics of COVID-19 Transmission in Select Regions of the Philippines: A Modeling Approach to Assess the Impact of Various Tiers of Community Quarantines May Anne E. Mata, Rey Audie S. Escosio, El Veena Grace A. Rosero, Jhunas Paul T. Viernes, Loreniel E. Anonuevo, Bryan S. Hernandez, et al. (+5)
508 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Effects of non-pharmaceutical interventions on COVID-19 transmission: rapid review of evidence from Italy, the United States, the United Kingdom, and China Laura J. Faherty, Pedro Nascimento de Lima, Jing Zhi Lim, Derek Roberts, Sarah Karr, Emily Lawson, Henry H. Willis
509 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  JMIR Publications Inc. Journal of Medical Internet Research Personal Brands Versus Public Health: How Wellness Influencers Responded to COVID-19 Vaccination Efforts on Social Media (Preprint) Elle O'Brien, Ronith Ganjigunta, Paramveer Dhillon
510 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Psychology Readiness for influenza and COVID-19 vaccination in Germany: a comparative analysis Anja A. Schulz, Yvonne Abt, Linus von Oppen, Markus A. Wirtz
511 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Nationwide Cohort observational study on the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccination in patients with Moyamoya disease Hyoung Soo Byoun, Si Un Lee, Yu Deok Won, Tae Won Choi, Sang Hyo Lee, Young-Deok Kim, et al. (+4)
512 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Reproductive Sciences Impact of COVID-19 Vaccination on Female Fertility Eduarda Wenzel, Gabriela Gomes De Paula, Ana Clara Silva Jaeger, Arthur Kapczinski Müller, Isabella Fonseca Benati, Thiago Brusa Da Costa Linn, et al. (+4)
513 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine Factors associated with COVID-19 vaccination or intent to be vaccinated across three U.S. states Robert Cockerill, Jennifer A. Horney, Samantha C. Penta, Amber Silver, Lauren Clay
514 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Biomolecules The Ambivalence of Post COVID-19 Vaccination Responses in Humans Radha Gopalaswamy, Vivekanandhan Aravindhan, Selvakumar Subbian
515 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines What COVID-19 Vaccination Strategy Should Be Implemented and Which Vaccines Should Be Used in the Post-Pandemic Era? Pedro Plans-Rubió
516 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Clinical Medicine Impact of Comorbidities and Skin Diseases on Post-Vaccination Reactions: A Study on COVID-19 Vaccinations in Poland Izabela Jęśkowiak-Kossakowska, Paulina Nowotarska, Patrycja Grosman-Dziewiszek, Adam Szeląg, Benita Wiatrak
517 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  MDPI AG BioMedInformatics Evaluating COVID-19 Vaccine Efficacy Using Kaplan-Meier Survival Analysis Waleed Hilal, Michael G. Chislett, Yuandi Wu, Brett Snider, Edward A. McBean, John Yawney, Stephen Andrew Gadsden
518 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine Pediatric COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among pregnant and post-partum women: A mixed-method study Tasmiah Nuzhath, Brian Colwell, Timothy Callaghan, Peter Hotez, Sabrina Mousum, Ummul Wara Masud, Annette K. Regan
519 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  F1000 Research Ltd F1000Research Determinants of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in university students and support staff in Pakistan: A machine learning and statistical analysis Ayesha Naseem, Fatima Rasool, Furqan K. Haashmi, Muhammad Hamza Shoaib, Wayne G. Carter
520 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Korean Academy of Medical Sciences Journal of Korean Medical Science Epidemiological Characteristics and Outcome of Myocarditis and Pericarditis Temporally Associated With BNT162b2 COVID-19 Vaccine in Adolescents: Korean National Surveillance Bin Ahn, Seung Hwan Shin, Myung-Jae Hwang, HyoSug Choi, Sara Na, Sangshin Park, et al. (+6)
521 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine Longitudinal safety and efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine in children aged 4-11 years with juvenile-onset autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseases: A prospective multicenter study Tali Eviatar, Amit Ziv, Amir Oved, Adi Miller-Barmak, Adi Pappo, Ruth Livny, et al. (+8)
522 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Science Why does COVID-19 vaccine protection quickly wane? Jon Cohen
523 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Drivers of COVID-19 vaccine uptake among rural populations in Madagascar: a cross-sectional study Irina Kislaya, Diavolana Koecher Andrianarimanana, Valentina Marchese, Lalatiana Hosay, Rakotonavalona Rivomalala, Ramananjanahary Holinirina, et al. (+15)
524 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Evaluating the Adverse Effects and Associated Risk Factors of COVID-19 Vaccines Among Healthcare Workers: A Retrospective Study in the Duhok Province, Iraq Ibrahim A Naqid
525 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Technical Writing and Communication Don’t Read the Comments: Discourse About COVID-19 Vaccines in a State Health Department's Social Media Comments Daniel Kenzie, Murphy Anderson
526 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Universitas Tarumanagara Jurnal Paradigma Akuntansi PENGARUH COVID-19, VOLUME PERDAGANGAN, MARKET TO BOOK RATIO DAN KAPITALISASI PASAR TERHADAP RETURN SAHAM Dela Apriani, Rousilita Suhendah
527 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Centro de Investigacion y Desarrollo Ecuador Revista Vive Actitud frente al COVID-19 y ansiedad en mujeres de una institución estatal-2023 Maira Catherine Aguilar Espinoza, Judith Nataly Noblecilla Saavedra
528 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Communication Research and Practice ‘There is so much we can learn from the mistakes of Covid-19’: service provider recommendations for more accessible crisis communication in multicultural Australia Ashleigh L. Haw
529 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  SAGE Publications Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Anaesthesia healthcare workers’ interactions with COVID-19-positive and -suspect patients: A multi-site observational study from Queensland, Australia Adrian Chin, Christine Woods, Anita M Pelecanos, Angela Tognolini, Gunjan Chawla, Sheridan Bell, et al. (+3)
530 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  SAGE Publications Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease Optimizing the safety and efficacy of the awake venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in patients with COVID-19-related ARDS Peter Sklienka, Filip Burša, Michal Frelich, Jan Máca, Vojtech Vodička, Hana Straková, et al. (+3)
531 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Psychiatry International Child and Adolescent Mental Health in a Period of Fewer COVID-19-Related Restrictions in an Urban Population in Germany Anna Konopka, Amand Führer, Mascha Binder, Sophie Diexer, Thomas Frese, Michael Gekle, et al. (+11)
532 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Endocrine Disorders Comparison of central precocious puberty frequency before and during COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis Jianwei Zhang, Jinliang Xu, Xiaoli Tang, Ruoya Wu
533 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Intensive Care Medicine Prolonged versus shorter awake prone positioning in COVID-19: clinical outcomes and future implications Ling Liu, Qin Sun, Yi Yang, Haibo Qiu, Arthur Slutsky
535 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Fundacao Educacional de Criciuma- FUCRI Inova Saúde ESTRESSE, ANSIEDADE, DEPRESSÃO E NÍVEL DE ATIVIDADE FÍSICA DE FISIOTERAPEUTAS NA PANDEMIA DO COVID-19: ESTUDO TRANSVERSAL Daiane Diedio, Marcos Vinicius Soares Martins, Wagner Menna Pereira, Hilana Rickli Fiuza Martins
536 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Análisis Económico Subprime crisis and COVID-19: impacts for the workforce in Latin America and the Caribbean Gema Jazmín Rubio Ugalde, Graciela Lara Gómez, Michael Demmler
537 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Publicidad Permanyer, SLU Revista Medicina Cut�nea Ibero-Latino-Americana Vacunas COVID-19: inmunización y autoinmunidad Carlos García-Rementería
538 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Wiley Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Experiences of older surgical patients and care partners during COVID-19: Lessons for future care Mark Iskandar, C. Ann Vitous, Lillian Min, Pasithorn A. Suwanabol, Alexandra Norcott
539 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Global Research Review in Business and Economics Global Research Review in Business and Economics CAN THE REMUNERATION OF MANAGEMENT HELP TO REDUCE EARNINGS MANAGEMENT DURING COVID-19? Yoselin Yoselin, Yuliani Almalita
540 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  International Journal Of Advanced Research International Journal of Advanced Research COVID-19S INFLUENCES ON EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT: INSIGHTS FROM THE EXPERIENCES OF INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS IN CHINA Sun Xiaotong, NorazahAbdul Aziz, Niu Yue, Xia Liyao, Yuan Changli
541 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease and BNT162b2 immunogenicity against the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 omicron variant: correspondence H Daungsupawong, V Wiwanitkit
542 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Wiley Pediatrics International Impact of social distancing policy on pediatric emergency ophthalmic severity during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic Hyung Kyoo Woo, Seung Ah Chung, Hyelynn Jeon, Bumhee Park, Jung Heon Kim
543 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Wiley Acute Medicine & Surgery Successful transition from intravenous to inhalation anesthesia for respiratory management of coronavirus disease pneumonia: A case report Reijiro Kato, Yuhei Irie, Yoshito Izutani, Hiroyasu Ishikura
544 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Vinnytsia National Pyrogov Memorial Medical University Reports of Vinnytsia National Medical University The role of coronavirus infection in lung injury, which contributes to the occurrence of complicated course of community-acquired pneumonia S. S. Avgaitis, E. V. Sid
545 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Bionika Media Nephrology Glomerulonephritis in patients with previous coronavirus infection. Risks and consequences Polovikov I.P. Polovikov, Zakharova V.L. Zakharova, Sizova Zh.M. Sizova, Lapidus N.I. Lapidus, Shoikhet D.A. Shoikhet, Lenkova N.I. Lenkova
546 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Allerton Press Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute Spectral Dependence of Bovine Coronavirus Photoinactivation under Irradiation by UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C Light-Emitting Diodes I. N. Zavestovskaya, A. A. Fronya, I. M. Tupitsyn, V. A. Gushchin, A. E. Sinyavin, L. I. Russu, et al. (+4)
547 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Hikari, Ltd. Advanced Studies in Biology Relative cellular organelle damage caused by Wuhan and Delta strains of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) Poorna Khaneja, Annette Angel, Vinod Joshi et al.
548 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC npj Viruses Discordant phylodynamic and spatiotemporal transmission patterns driving the long-term persistence and evolution of human coronaviruses Marcus G. Mah, Michael A. Zeller, Rong Zhang, Yan Zhuang, Venance P. Maro, John A. Crump, et al. (+6)
549 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  EDP Sciences BIO Web of Conferences Multimodal and correlative imaging approaches to study early stages of SARS-CoV 2 infection Johannes Groen, Simon Blachier, Max Baker, Giovanna Barba-Spaeth, Jost Enninga, Anne Brelot, et al. (+3)
550 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Japanese Society of Internal Medicine Internal Medicine The Possible Genetic and Environmental Factors Related to Behçet's Disease: Trisomy 8 and SARS-CoV-2 Ryusuke Yoshimi
551 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Open Exploration Publishing Exploration of Drug Science Bicyclic peptide-enhanced covalent inhibitor of SARS-CoV-2 3CL protease Qian Wang, Yanhui Wang, Jian Li, Hong Liu, Shiyu Chen
552 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  EDP Sciences BIO Web of Conferences SARS-CoV-2 and HCV infection and antiviral treatment monitored by multimodal imaging Ana Joaquina Perez-Berna, Kevin Mamprin, Victoria Castro, Gema Calvo, Ricardo Valcárcel, Eva Pereiro, et al. (+3)
553 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  American Society for Microbiology Microbiology Spectrum Short- and long-term stability of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies on dried blood spots under different storage conditions Eline Meyers, Anja Coen, Elizaveta Padalko, Piet Cools, Yi-Chin Fan
554 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences Workplace Safety and Screening of Healthcare Workers for SARS-CoV-2 at a Tertiary Care Hospital in the Northern Emirates of United Arab Emirates Pooja Shivappa, Satyam Parmar, Godfred A. Menezes, Priyadharshini Sekar, Hafiz Ahmad, Ashfaque Hossain
555 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Research Outreach Research Outreach SARS-CoV-2 in water: A surveillance tool for infected populations Helena Maria Galvão
556 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Infection Trends of Common Laboratory Biomarkers after SARS-CoV-2 Infection Tomer David Meirman, Bracha Shapira, Ran D. Balicer, Lior Rokach, Noa Dagan
557 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology Immunomodulatory effect of bovine lactoferrin during SARS-CoV-2 infection Andrea Marques Vieira da Silva, Thiago Lazari Machado, Ryann de Souza Nascimento, Miguel Pires Medeiros Diniz Rodrigues, Felipe Soares Coelho, Luciana Neves Tubarão, et al. (+18)
558 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  SAGE Publications Global Pediatric Health Chronic Symptomatology Among Infants, Children, and Adolescents Within 12 Months After SARS-CoV-2 Infection Jennifer S. Read, Devika Singh, Kimberly P. Lrs, Patsy T. Kelso, Peter W. Callas, Jessie L. Leyse, Mark A. Levine
559 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Viruses Differences in Susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 Infection Among Transgenic hACE2-Hamster Founder Lines Scott A. Gibson, Yanan Liu, Rong Li, Brett L. Hurst, Zhiqiang Fan, Venkatraman Siddharthan, et al. (+10)
560 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Antibiotics A Machine Learning Approach to Determine Risk Factors for Respiratory Bacterial/Fungal Coinfection in Critically Ill Patients with Influenza and SARS-CoV-2 Infection: A Spanish Perspective Alejandro Rodríguez, Josep Gómez, Ignacio Martín-Loeches, Laura Claverias, Emili Díaz, Rafael Zaragoza, et al. (+15)
561 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Wiley ChemBioChem Design and evaluation of peptide inhibitors targeting the dimerization of SARS-CoV-2 main protease Lu Liu, Yi Yang, Zhiyi Zhao, Xiaoying Li, Yian Chen, Shao-Lin Zhang, Aimin Yang
562 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  American Chemical Society Analytical Chemistry Highly Sensitive Electrochemiluminescence Biosensing Method for SARS-CoV-2 N Protein Incorporating the Micelle Probes of Quantum Dots and Dibenzoyl Peroxide Using the Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode Modified with a Carboxyl-Functionalized Graphene Pengxue Wu, Liang Zhang, Guilan Zhang, Linfeng Cheng, Fanglin Zhang, Yulan Li, et al. (+4)
563 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  ALUNA Emergency Medical Service Knowledge and application of patient’s rights by Emergency Response Team paramedics in the beginning of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic Bartłomiej Chmielowiec, Jarosław Piotr Chmielewski, Karol Bielski, Agnieszka Strzelecka, Tomasz Orczykowski
564 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon Optical quality changes of the eye during peak SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in young adults He Tian, Qian Fan, Wenjing Gao, Yan Wang
565 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  MDPI AG COVID A Practical Approach to SARS-CoV-2 Prevention and Containment in a National Sporting Event in Italy: A Public Health Model Applicable Also to Other Respiratory Viruses? Roberta De Dona, Manuela Tamburro, Carmen Adesso, Angelo Salzo, Antonio D’Amico, Nicandro Samprati, et al. (+6)
566 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  The Royal Society of Chemistry Chemical Science Cyclic peptides targeting the SARS-CoV-2 programmed ribosomal frameshifting RNA from a multiplexed phage display library Jacob A. Iannuzzelli, Rachel Bonn, Andrew Sung Hong, Abhijith Saseendran Anitha, Joseph E Wedekind, Jermaine L Jenkins, Rudi Fasan
567 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  S. Karger AG Case Reports in Nephrology and Dialysis Successful Repeated Use of a Pathogen Adsorbing Biomimetic Device for the Adjunct Treatment of a SARS-CoV-2 Reinfection and Subsequent Infections with Different Multiresistant Bacteria Reuben Okioma, Khalida Soki, Alexander Hay, Jan T. Kielstein
568 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Infection Comparison of SARS-CoV-2 related in-hospital mortality, ICU admission and mechanical ventilation of 1.4 million patients in Germany and Switzerland, 2019 to 2022 Cathrin Kodde, Sven Hohenstein, Irit Nachtigall, Yvonne Cavalli, Reto Schuepbach, Raphael Graf, et al. (+2)
569 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Elsevier Antiviral Research Replication Capacity and Susceptibility of Nirmatrelvir-Resistant Mutants to Next-Generation Mpro Inhibitors in a SARS-CoV-2 Replicon System Chieh-Wen Lo, Omri Kariv, Chenzhou Hao, Karen Anbro Gammeltoft, Jens Bukh, Judith Gottwein, et al. (+3)
570 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Scientific Research Publishing, Inc. Journal of Biosciences and Medicines Predictions in Clinical Efficiency of SARS-CoV-2 RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase (RdRp) Inhibitors by Molecular Docking Pui-Jen Tsai
571 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Epidemiologia Cycle Threshold Values of SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR during Outbreaks in Nursing Homes: A Retrospective Cohort Study Juan Carlos Gascó-Laborda, Maria Gil-Fortuño, Maria Dolores Tirado-Balaguer, Noemi Meseguer-Ferrer, Oihana Sabalza-Baztán, Óscar Pérez-Olaso, et al. (+7)
572 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE SARS-CoV-2 variant survey: Comparison of RT-PCR screening with TGS and variant distribution across two divisions of Bangladesh Zannat Kawser, Saikt Rahman, Emilie Westeel, Mohammad Tanbir Habib, Mohabbat Hossain, Md. Rakibul Hassan Bulbul, et al. (+11)
573 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Elsevier Steroids Invalidating betulinic acid as a potential inhibitor against the main protease of SARS-CoV-2 via combined approaches Jiankai Ye, Tao Xu, Rui Zhang, Xiaoping Liu, Chao Zhang, Yunyu Chen
574 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Investigative Medicine EXPRESS: Vaccination significantly reduced the length of SARS-CoV-2 viral clearance: a story from international healthcare workers haibo wang, zhidong cheng, xinbin chen, huina huang, menghua liao
575 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Elsevier Process Biochemistry Biochemical monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 VLP production stages using MIR spectroscopy and chemometrics Felipe Moura Dias, Thaissa Consoni Bernardino, Luis Giovani Oliveira Guardalini, Jean Lucas Tanaka, Jaci Leme, Ana Paula Peinado, et al. (+3)
576 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases Longitudinal investigation of a single variant SARS-CoV-2-outbreak in the immunologically naïve population of Ulvik, Norway Nicolay Mortensen, Knut-Arne Wensaas, Unni Solem, Audun Sivertsen, Harleen M. S. Grewal, Guri Rortveit, et al. (+2)
577 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Antimicrobial Stewardship & Healthcare Epidemiology Trends in SARS-CoV-2-related pediatric hospitalizations reported to the Canadian Nosocomial Infection Surveillance Program, March 2020 to December 2022 Diane Lee, Erin McGill, Linda Pelude, Robyn Mitchell, Jeannette L. Comeau, Charles Frenette, et al. (+4)
578 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  MDPI AG COVID Modifications in Immune Response Patterns Induced by Kynurenine and One-Residue-Substituted T Cell Epitopes in SARS-CoV-2-Specific Human T Cells Mieko Tokano, Rie Takagi, Sho Matsushita
579 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Pakistan Veterinary Journal Pakistan Veterinary Journal Development of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus (PRRSV) mRNA Vaccine against Highly Pathogenic PRRSV Challenge
580 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  SAGE Publications Youth Justice Research With Young People Released From Youth Justice Detention in Australia: Ethical Tensions and Practical Limitations During a Pandemic Lisa Ewenson
581 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Goacademica Research and Publishing International Journal of Science and Society Tackling the E-Commerce Frontier: Navigating Public Service Challenges Amidst the Pandemic Miftakhul Jannah, Slamet Muchsin
582 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Elsevier Telematics and Informatics Reports A new normal? Streaming municipal assemblies on social media before, during and after the pandemic. Gonçalo Paiva Dias
583 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS Biology Correction: Genomic surveillance uncovers a pandemic clonal lineage of the wheat blast fungus Sergio M. Latorre, Vincent M. Were, Andrew J. Foster, Thorsten Langner, Angus Malmgren, Adeline Harant, et al. (+28)
584 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research Zbornik instituta za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja INTERNET USE AND THE SPREAD OF DIGITAL COMMUNICATION IN (POST)PANDEMIC CONDITIONS: THE CASE OF SERBIA Vera Backović, Irena Petrović
585 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  SAGE Publications Research on Social Work Practice Book Review: Public health, public trust, and American fragility in a pandemic era by Goldfield, Norbert Pollan Versilia Wurtimur, Fandro Armando Tasijawa
586 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Turkish Journal of Public Health Türkiye Halk Sağlığı Dergisi Occupational health and safety services during the pandemic from the perspective of occupational health professionals working at site: A combination of questionnaire based and in-depth interview research from Türkiye İrem Dilaver, Nazım Ercüment Beyhun, Kübra Şahin, Murat Topbaş
587 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Liverpool University Press International Development Planning Review Gaining agency? Pandemic governance and the Indian city Amita Bhide
588 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Cholera: a pandemic ignored The Lancet
589 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Psychology Health & Medicine Navigating grief in unprecedented times: risk factors in the wake of pandemic loss and end-of-life care Sara Albuquerque, Giovanna Pennetta, Alexandra Coelho, Ricardo J. Pinto, Mayra Delalibera
590 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  RGSA- Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental Impacts on Health, Environment and Quality of Life in the Post-Covid-19 Pandemic Period Mariana Talarico Marçal Galvão, Renata Dellalibera-Joviliano
591 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Brock University Library Studies in Social Justice Migrant Justice Research in Crisis Times: Developing Reflexive, Ethical, and Responsive Pandemic Research with Immigrant Care Workers Mary Jean Hande, Mehmet Yavuz, Susan Rodriguez
592 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Oxford University Press PNAS Nexus Using survey experiment pre-testing to support future pandemic response Ben M Tappin, Luke B Hewitt
593 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Global Research Review in Business and Economics Global Research Review in Business and Economics THEORY AND PRACTICE FOR MASTERING THE WORLD by Prof. Momchil Dobrev and Prof. Mariola Garibova-Dobreva - FOR IMPOSING A NEW WORLD ORDER by the representatives of Prof. Momchil Dobrev - Halachev Financial Banking Resource Technological Mafiosoted MATERIALISM by adopting international agreements regarding a pandemic through the World Health ORGANIZATION as a supranational institution and conquest of the health sovereignty and national sovereignties of the respective country by supranational institutions or directly THROUGH THE MAFIA by applying Dobrev Garibova-Dobreva "Theory and practice of the tunnel - spiral - centrifuge of human genocide" part of "Theory of social human genocide" - at 77 World Health Assembly 27.05.2024 - 01.06.2024 Prince Lord Prof. Momtchil Dobrev, Princess Lady Prof. Mariola Garibova
594 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Business Ethics Dilemmas of Care (Re) Allocation: Care and Consumption in Pandemic Times Teresa Heath, Samanthika Gallage, Andreas Chatzidakis, Martina Hutton
595 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  University of Toronto Press Inc Mouseion Journal of the Classical Association of Canada Mario Telò. Greek Tragedy in a Global Crisis: Reading through Pandemic Times Kathryn Mattison
596 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Termedia Sp. z.o.o. Pediatria Polska Long-COVID symptoms after multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children during different pandemic waves Katarzyna Ptak, Marta Olszewska, Anna Olchawa-Czech, Aleksandra Wietecha, Kornelia Kukla, Marta Cisowska, et al. (+4)
597 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) The Communication Review How does OTT social viewing relieve pandemic-related depressive symptoms? Investigating the moderated mediation model of social connectedness and network types Minjeong Ham, Hwaseong Na, Sang Woo Lee
598 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Behavioral Sciences The Impact of Online Pandemic-Related Information on Prosocial Behavior among Healthcare Students: The Role of Emotional Contagion and Epistemic Motivation Shiyu Zhou, Jing Chang, Yang Yang, Yue Han, Chang Liu, Yuchen Jiao, et al. (+2)
599 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro UNIRIO Revista de Pesquisa Cuidado é Fundamental Online Culture and safety of healthcare professionals in urgent and emergency services during pandemics / Cultura e segurança do profissional de saúde nos serviços de urgência e emergência em pandemia Samuel de Paula Pinheiro Silva, Amanda Tainara Souza Freitas, Fernanda Moura Lanza, Izabela Rocha Dutra, Selma Maria da Fonseca Viegas
600 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Clinical & Translational Ophthalmology The Current Status of OCT and OCTA Imaging for the Diagnosis of Long COVID Helen Jerratsch, Ansgar Beuse, Martin S. Spitzer, Carsten Grohmann
601 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Healthcare Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Impact of Long COVID Among Adults in South Korea Ha-Eun Son, Young-Seoub Hong, Seungho Lee, Hyunjin Son
602 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  F1000 Research Ltd F1000Research Clinical rationale for dietary lutein supplementation in long COVID and mRNA vaccine injury syndromes Anthony M Kyriakopoulos, Greg Nigh, Peter A McCullough, Stephanie Seneff
603 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Elsevier Neuroscience The tryptophan catabolite or kynurenine pathway in Long COVID disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis Abbas F. Almulla, Yanin Thipakorn, Bo Zhou, Aristo Vojdani, Rossitsa Paunova, Michael Maes
604 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Mary Ann Liebert Journal of Integrative and Complementary Medicine Use of Complementary and Integrative Health Approaches in Adults with Long COVID in the US, a Nationally Representative Survey Leah Grout
605 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Elsevier Public Health A nomogram to predict long COVID risk based on pre- and post-infection factors: Results from a cross-sectional study in South China Meng Zhou, Qicheng Zhu, Yucheng Xu, Zhifeng Zhou, Congrui Guo, Zhiping Lin, et al. (+4)
606 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Seven Events Revista Sistemática OS IMPACTOS DA COVID-19 NA EDUCAÇÃO: AS NOVAS PRÁTICAS PEDAGÓGICAS Maria Lucielma Bezerra de Sousa Oliveira, Elcia dos Santos Bezerra
607 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  OpenEdition Alter The workforce challenges of disabled people in Hungary and Slovakia during the COVID-19 pandemic Szonja Jenei, Szilvia Módosné Szalai, Fruzsina Leicht, Sylvia Molnár, Erika Varga, József Poór
608 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Elsevier Disability and Health Journal Providing accessible health information for people with disability in a public health crisis: A qualitative study of the experiences of Australian accessible information provider organizations during the COVID-19 pandemic Ariella Meltzer, Emma Barnes, Ayah Wehbe
609 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Medknow Publications Indian Journal of Psychiatry A qualitative study to explore the experiences faced by primary caregivers of children with mental illness during the COVID-19 pandemic at the child and adolescent psychiatry OPD Jyoti Gogoi, Radhakrishnan Govindan, Bingi Rajeswari, John V. S. Kommu
610 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Infection Evaluating the effect of BCG vaccination for non-specific protection from infection in senior citizens during the COVID-19 pandemic: a randomised clinical trial. Anne Marie Rosendahl Madsen, Lise Gehrt, Frederik Schaltz-Buchholzer, Sören Möller, Rikke Christiansen, Lars Schellerup, et al. (+6)
611 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Elsevier Marine Pollution Bulletin Coastal water quality improves during the COVID-19 pandemic: Maui, Hawai'i Andrea K. Kealoha, Christopher B. Wall, Travis A. Liggett
612 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Brawijaya University Jurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya Thromboelastography Profile of Covid-19 Patients Before and After Convalescent Plasma Therapy Administration Siti Fatonah, Khoirunisah Dwi Hartanti, Putri Purnamasari, Denina Setya Ningtyas, Saskia Ramadhani
613 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Brawijaya University Jurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya Risk Factors Analysis for Rapid In-Hospital Mortality among Covid-19 Patients in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Indonesia Juwita Febriawati, Ngakan Putu Parsama Putra, Aditya Sri Listyoko, Susanthy Djajalaksana
614 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Brawijaya University Jurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya Correlation between De Ritis Ratio with Severity of Covid-19 Patients Severity Tiene Rostini, Khairunnissa Khairunnissa, Dewi Kartika Turbawaty
615 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Oxford University Press Clinical Infectious Diseases Management of vulnerable patients hospitalized for COVID-19 with remdesivir: a retrospective comparative effectiveness study of mortality in US hospitals Essy Mozaffari, Aastha Chandak, Mark Berry, Paul E Sax, Paul Loubet, Yohei Doi, et al. (+5)
616 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Elsevier Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease Post-migration infection with SARS-CoV-2 in Venezuelan migrants: a laboratory-based epidemiological observational study Edmilson F. Oliveira-Filho, Ruth M. Vega, Andres Moreira-Soto, Carl Beuchel, Ivette K. Freyle-Román, Eliana Mora-Guevara, et al. (+2)
617 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  Elsevier Water Research Personal care products use during SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: environmental and public health impact assessment using wastewater-based epidemiology Nicola Ceolotto, Kishore Jagadeesan, Like Xu, Richard Standerwick, Megan Robertson, Ruth Barden, et al. (+2)
618 2024―Oct―17  [GO]  NIXNIX Journal of Public Policy and Governance Effects of Covid-19 Pandemic on Table Banking: A Survey of Selected Table Banking in Uasin Gishu County Nick Chemosit William
619 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Gazi University Gazi Medical Journal Antiviral Drugs Used to Treat COVID-19 are not Liver Safe: A Comparative Experimental Study Asiye Aslı Emniyet Sert, Cemile Merve Seymen, Gülnur Take Kaplanoğlu
620 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  CAIRN Migrations Société Les exilés face à la Covid-19 aux frontières françaises Yvanna Araujo, Chloé Tisserand
621 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Art and Science Press Pte. Ltd. Information Fusion Research COVID-19 diagnosis based on CT scan image segmentation using multi-scale convolutional neural network Riadh Ayachi, Mouna Afif, Yahia Said, Abdessalem Ben Abdelali
622 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  International Journal of Exercise Science, L.L.C. International Journal of Exercise Science Physical Activity during Pregnancy may Mitigate Adverse Outcomes Resulting from COVID-19 and Distancing Regulations: Perspectives of Prenatal Healthcare Providers in the Southern Region of the United States
623 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Biology Direct Characterization of the symmetrical benzimidazole twin drug TL1228: the role as viral entry inhibitor for fighting COVID-19 Michela Murdocca, Osvaldo Andrade Santos-Filho, Claudia De Masi, Edivaldo dos Santos Rodrigues, Claudia Valeria Campos de Souza, Riccardo De Santis, et al. (+13)
624 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Thoracic Oncology EP.04D.04 COVID-19 and Vaccines: A Decade of Insight from China Onpulmonary Nodules Detection and Progression W. Ye, Y. Feng, W. Liang, J. He
625 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE The value of using COVID-19 antibody tests as a potential approach to prioritize vaccination delivery Nasr Alrabadi, Haneen Obeidat, Razan Haddad, Noor Alyassin, Karem H. Alzoubi, Omar Obeidat, et al. (+4)
626 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Occupational differences in SARS-CoV-2 infection: the Japan COVID-19 and Society Internet Survey (JACSIS) study in 2022 Ayane Sato, Hirokazu Tanaka, Takahiro Tabuchi, Kota Katanoda
627 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Elsevier Microbes and Infection HERV-W ENV transcription in B cells predicting symptomatic COVID-19 and risk for long COVID can express a full-length protein despite stop codon in mRNA from chromosome X via a ribosome readthrough. Joanna Brunel, Julien Paganini, Melissa Galloux, Benjamin Charvet, Hervé Perron
628 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases Impact of FCGR2A rs1801274 and IL-6R rs2228145 polymorphisms on tocilizumab response in the Iranian population with severe COVID-19 Nastaran Injinari, Samira Asadollahi, Fateme Sefid, Maedeh Arshadi, Saeedeh Sadat Hosseini, Hamed Ghoshouni, et al. (+4)
629 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  PeerJ PeerJ A pooled analysis of the incidence and mortality risk of atrial fibrillation in patients with COVID-19 Nan-Nan Shen, Jia-Liang Wang, Xin-Wen Liu, Yong-Ping Fu, Xue-Fang Chen
630 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  AOSIS Jàmbá Journal of Disaster Risk Studies Resilience and preparedness of hospitals for pandemics: Lessons learned from COVID-19 Tlou D. Raphela
631 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  AISTI RISTI - Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação Uma Aplicacão para Explicabilidade de Predições de um SVM em Tweets de COVID-19 Ivo de Abreu Araújo, Renato Hidaka Torres, Nelson Cruz Sampaio Neto
632 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Russian Agency for Digital Standardization (RADS) Nauchno-prakticheskii zhurnal «Medicinskaia genetika» Effects of GSTP1 and GPX4 genetic variants and their gene-gene interaction on the severity of COVID-19 M.A. Eid, A.A. Aleksandrova, S.A. Zatonsky, L.V. Gutnikova, T.P. Shkurat
633 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Elsevier Respiratory Investigation Prognostic significance of oxygen saturation/fraction of inspired oxygen 3 days after initiation of tocilizumab treatment in patients with COVID-19 Yusuke Kurosawa, Yutaka Kozu, Kaori Soda, Yasunori Itoda, Yusuke Jinno, Shun Yokota, et al. (+8)
634 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Australasian College of Health Service Management Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management Health System Resilience and Sustainability in India - Odisha's Strategies on Human Resources Management during COVID-19 Bhuputra Panda, Mohammed Zoheb, Nishisipa Panda, Jyotirmayee Rath, Saumya Ranjan Pani
635 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Ovid Critical Care Explorations Persistent Fatigue, Weakness, and Aberrant Muscle Mitochondria in Survivors of Critical COVID-19 Kirby P. Mayer, Ahmed Ismaeel, Anna G. Kalema, Ashley A. Montgomery-Yates, Melissa K. Soper, Philip A. Kern, et al. (+5)
636 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Elsevier Cities Structural resilience disparities in regional city networks under the influence of Typhoon Fitow and COVID-19 Wenxuan Du, Guofang Zhai, Yijun Shi, Yuwen Lu
637 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Souphanouvong University Souphanouvong University Journal Multidisciplinary Research and Development Understanding COVID-19 and its Impact on Social connection at the Outdoor Recreational Spaces Among CQUniversity students paniphone keosilaphone
638 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  American Medical Association JAMA Network Open In Utero Exposure to Maternal COVID-19 and Offspring Neurodevelopment Through Age 24 Months Eleni G. Jaswa, Heather G. Huddleston, Karla J. Lindquist, Alan H. B. Wu, Somer L. Bishop, Young-Shin Kim, et al. (+8)
639 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Asociación Bioquímica Argentina Revista Bioquímica y Patología Clínica Valor predictivo del sodio plasmático en pacientes internados con COVID-19 Nadia Yasmín Towstyka, María Laura Palanek, Alejandra Brethauer, Natalia Morvillo, Adrián Tarditti, Ender Duarte
640 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  International Journal of Exercise Science, L.L.C. International Journal of Exercise Science COVID-19 Lockdowns: Exacerbating the Silent Pandemic
641 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  American Public Health Association American Journal of Public Health Meeting People Where They Are in the Fight Against COVID-19 and Its Complications Michelle L. Nichols, Jasmine Gibson
642 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Universitas Malahayati Bandar Lampung Jurnal Medika Malahayati KARAKTERISTIK KONTAINER DAN KEJADIAN DEMAM BERDARAH DENGUE DI WILAYAH KERJA PUSKESMAS SUKARAME PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Devita Febriani Putri, Tusy Triwahyuni, Nia Triswanti, Fadila Dwinda Fitriyani, Jovani Ruth Nadia Saragih, Dwi Noor Fadilah, Fajar Karel Mei Ardiyandyah
643 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Universitas Malahayati Bandar Lampung Jurnal Medika Malahayati HUBUNGAN TINGKAT PENGETAHUAN DENGAN SIKAP PASIEN LANSIA TERHADAP VAKSINASI COVID-19 Lili Musnelina, Refdanita Refdanita, Ainun Wulandari, Daniel Januarto
644 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Universidad de Caldas Jurídicas Centralismo y autonomía territorial en Colombia: una discusión desde las competencias territoriales de cara a la pandemia del COVID-19 Andrés Gustavo Pérez-Medina
645 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Studies Editora Revista Caderno Pedagógico Avaliação dos impactos na saúde mental em profissionais de saúde envolvidos na assistência da pandemia da COVID-19 André Rossanno Mendes Almeida, Adriana Sousa Rêgo, Cristina Nitz da Cruz, Rita de Cássia Mendonça de Miranda, Janaina Maiana Abreu Barbosa, Ângela Falcai, et al. (+2)
646 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Elsevier Human Immunology Differential gene expression of immune response in COVID-19 and its relationship with progression of COVID-19 Yun-Xi Li, Yang-Cheng Wen, Zhen-Yue Li, Pei-Yu Ou
647 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  S. Karger AG Complex Psychiatry Olfactory Epithelium Infection by SARS-Cov-2: Possible Neuroinflammatory Consequences of COVID-19 Ana G. Gutiérrez-García, Carlos M. Contreras
648 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Thoracic Oncology P4.11E.19 The Effect of COVID-19 On Treatment Outcomes in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients: A Propensity Score Matched Analysis W.Y. Aung, A. Sood, L. Hou, J. Elengickal, S.H. Peketi, M. Locke, et al. (+3)
649 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE The effect of corticosteroids in developing active pulmonary tuberculosis among patients with COVID-19 Thanas Praphakornmano, Pattama Torvorapanit, Noppachai Siranart, Pirapon June Ohata, Gompol Suwanpimolkul, Benjamin M. Liu
650 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  MDPI AG Sustainability Changes in Travel Activities and Preferences in Gangwon Province, South Korea, Due to Social Distancing Measures during COVID-19 Kwangmin Ham, Jiseon Hong, Eujin Julia Kim
651 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Planning Practice and Research Can the COVID-19 pandemic create a context for participatory urban e-planning in the Wa Municipality of Ghana? Maxwell Okrah
652 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Dove Medical Press Risk Management and Healthcare Policy Lessons for Strengthening a Resilient Health System from the View of Health Facilities During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study Makiko Komasawa, Kiyoko Saito, Miho Sato, Robert Ssekitoleko, Christopher Nsereko, Mitsuo Isono, et al. (+2)
653 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  International Journal of Exercise Science, L.L.C. International Journal of Exercise Science Using Exercise as a Stress Management Technique During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Differences Between Men and Women in College
654 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Misamis University Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Death in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Experiences of Selected Communities in Itogon, Benguet Shania Lucyao
655 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Journal of Public and Nonprofit Affairs Journal of Public and Nonprofit Affairs Examining Nonprofit Financial Condition and Resiliency Strategies in Response to COVID-19 Trang Hoang, Craig S. Maher, Richard Nkrumah
656 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  SAGE Publications Political Studies Bordering: Australia’s Policy to Border During COVID-19 Diego Leiva Van De Maele, Jessica Kirk, Cosmo Howard, Mariel Verroya, Sara E. Davies
657 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Global Health Rapid surveys on violence against women in crisis contexts: decision-making guidance based on the UN Women Rapid Gender Assessment surveys on violence against women during COVID-19 Raphaëlle Rafin, Nabamallika Dehingia, Juncal Plazaola-Castaño, Anita Raj
658 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Elsevier Clinics Mental health and sleep quality issues in adolescents with chronic conditions during and after COVID-19 quarantine Renan Andrews de Sousa, Levi Medeiros Vieira Paradelas, Livia Lindoso, Reinan Tavares Campos, Rafaela Mendes Battiferro, Beatriz Oliveira Leão Carneiro, et al. (+5)
659 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Nature Communications Prevalent and persistent new-onset autoantibodies in mild to severe COVID-19 August F. Jernbom, Lovisa Skoglund, Elisa Pin, Ronald Sjöberg, Hanna Tegel, Sophia Hober, et al. (+7)
660 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT DELOS Desarrollo Local Sostenible Prevalência e tendência temporal de doenças crônicas e seus fatores de risco e proteção no Brasil antes e durante a pandemia de COVID-19: análise da série histórica 2006-2021 Alexandre Reis da Silva, Juliana Ferreira Leal, Rosane Maria Sauer, Maria Laura Malta Lopes, Luciane Peter Grillo
661 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Universitas Malahayati Bandar Lampung Jurnal Medika Malahayati GANGGUAN PENDENGARAN SENSORINEURAL MENDADAK (SSNHL) PADA PASIEN COVID-19 : TINJAUAN PUSTAKA Rossy Krisvalentina, Rini Kartika Dewi
662 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Forum for Social Economics Lockdown Limbo: Reviving Marx’s ‘Dead Labor’ for Queer and Trans Mental Distress During COVID-19 Mathias Klitgård
664 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Korean Society of Children's Literature and Education Journal of Children s Literature and Education A study on daycare center directors’ perception, actual conditions, and needs for nature-friendly education in a pandemic situation Kyung-Hee Park
665 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Elsevier Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North America Long COVID for the Rheumatologist Leonard H. Calabrese, Cassandra Calabrese
666 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE How did COVID-19 case distribution associate with the urban built environment? A community-level exploration in Shanghai focusing on non-linear relationship Jingyi Gao, Yifu Ge, Osamu Murao, Yitong Dong, Guofang Zhai, Bijay Halder
667 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Communications Medicine Impacts of testing and immunity acquired through vaccination and infection on covid-19 cases in Massachusetts elementary and secondary students Westyn Branch-Elliman, Melissa Zeynep Ertem, Richard E. Nelson, Anseh Danesharasteh, David Berlin, Lloyd Fisher, Elissa M. Schechter-Perkins
668 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon Cognitive outcomes and psychological symptoms in an Italian cohort with post-acute COVID-19 condition (PACC) Alessandra Vergori, Giulia Del Duca, Paola Borrelli, Anna Clelia Brita, Carmela Pinnetti, Ilaria Mastrorosa, et al. (+9)
669 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Kuwait University المجلة العربية للعلوم الإنسانية From Lockdown to Laugh-town: Analyzing Saudi’s Humorous Memes during the COVID-19 Crisis.","حظر التجول والفكاهة: تحليل الصور الفكاهية المتداولة في المملكة العربية السعودية خلال أزمة كورونا. Raniah Al Mufarreh
670 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Universitas Malahayati Bandar Lampung JURNAL ILMU KEDOKTERAN DAN KESEHATAN Analisis Korelasi Absolute Lymphocyte Count (ALC) Dan Nilai Cycle Threshold (CT) Dari Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) Pasien Covid-19 Di RSUD Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek Periode Juli 2020-Juli 2021 Tisa Angelia, Intanri Kurniati, Hendri Busman, Iswandi Darwis
671 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Universitas Malahayati Bandar Lampung JURNAL ILMU KEDOKTERAN DAN KESEHATAN Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Kepatuhan Masyarakat Dalam Menjalankan Protokol Kesehatan COVID-19 Di Tempat Kerja Neni Ristiani, Yusni Ikhwan Siregar, Suyanto Suyanto
672 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Thoracic Oncology P2.17A.06 Impact of COVID-19 Diagnosis and Treatment for Lung Cancer in the US National Cancer Database (NCDB) from 2014 To 2021 I. Emmerick, A. Crawford, M. Epstein, A. Markel, L. Suh, C. Gray, et al. (+4)
673 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  F1000 Research Ltd F1000Research The first report on detecting SARS-CoV-2 inside bacteria of  the human gut microbiome: A case series on asymptomatic family members and a child with COVID-19 Carlo Brogna, Simone Cristoni, Mauro Petrillo, Domenico Rocco Bisaccia, Francesco Lauritano, Luigi Montano, et al. (+2)
674 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Oral Rehabilitation Oral Health Related Factors Predicting Severe COVID-19 Disease in Elderly Swedes Ann-Katrin Johansson, Ridwaan Omar, Sverre Lehmann, Josefin Sannevik, Berit Mastrovito, Anders Johansson
675 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Springer-Verlag New Generation Computing Correction: Chaotic Satin Bowerbird Optimizer Based Advanced AI Techniques for Detection of COVID-19 Diseases from CT Scans Images V. Uma Maheswari, S. Stephe, Rajanikanth Aluvalu, Arunadevi Thirumalraj, Sachi Nandan Mohanty
676 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Asociación Bioquímica Argentina Revista Bioquímica y Patología Clínica Coinfección y sobreinfección bacteriana en pacientes con neumonía por COVID-19 en el Nuevo Hospital San Roque de Córdoba (2020 Ana Paula Molina, Verónica Muñoz, Cecilia Olocco, Liliana Vacaflor, Nora Peralta, Natalia Gerván
677 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Sociedad Espanola de Medicina de Familia y Comunitaria (semFYC) Revista Clínica de Medicina de Familia Análisis de la influencia de los factores socioeconómicos sobre la distribución geográfica de la COVID-19 en la provincia de Lleida Marina Picó-Robles, Maria Antonia Lafarga Giribets, Weronika Maria Karcz, Anna Ferré Besora, Eduard Peñascal Pujol, María Cruz Urgelés Castillón
678 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Baishideng Publishing Group Co (World Journal of Psychiatry) World Journal of Psychiatry Influence of the continuing COVID-19 epidemic on sleep quality and psychological status of healthcare workers in private institutions Man-In Ho, Zhe-Hao Wu, Yu-Ying Chen, Weng-Io Leong, Jue Wang, Hua Zhou, et al. (+8)
679 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Institute of Contemporary History, Czech Academy of Sciences Soudobé dějiny Pandemics, Crises and Infodemics at a Distance / Protohistorical Treatises on the COVID-19 Era Pavel Mücke
680 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Ethnic and Racial Studies Stronger together: race, power, and parent-teacher partnership in the COVID-19 era Zora Haque, Derron Wallace
681 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Asociación Bioquímica Argentina Revista Bioquímica y Patología Clínica Dímero D y Ferritina, al ingreso Hospitalario, se asociaron a signos de alarma en Dengue y al desarrollo de neumonía en COVID-19. Escenario de doble circulación viral Fernando Chuliber, Roxana Vanden Ryn, Marina Sol López, Luis Horacio Barrera, Verónica Privitera, Daniela Mezzarobba, et al. (+8)
682 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Elsevier Social Science & Medicine From risk factors to disease situations: A socio-spatial analysis of COVID-19 experiences in Lima, Peru Claudia Nieto-Sanchez, Stefanie Dens, Jesus Cisneros, Karla Solari, Mario De Los Santos, Victor Vega, et al. (+4)
683 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Inflammopharmacology Vitamin D: A key player in COVID-19 immunity and lessons from the pandemic to combat immune-evasive variants Hussein Sabit, Shaimaa Abdel-Ghany, Mahmoud S. Abdallah, Osama Abul-Maaty, Ahmed I. Khoder, Nabil A. Shoman, et al. (+4)
684 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  MDPI AG Children Severity Profile of COVID-19 in Hospitalized Pediatric Patients Vânia Chagas da Costa, Ulisses Ramos Montarroyos, Katiuscia Araújo de Miranda Lopes, Ana Célia Oliveira dos Santos
685 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Dove Medical Press International Journal of General Medicine Association Between Serum Zinc Concentration Levels And Severity Of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) In Japanese Inpatients Naomi Matsumoto, Hirohide Yokokawa, Hirotake Mori, Makoto Hiki, Yoko Tabe, Kazuhisa Takahashi, Toshio Naito
686 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Regional Health - Americas Examining the surgical backlog due to COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean: insights from a scoping review Letícia Nunes Campos, Mayte Bryce-Alberti, Ayla Gerk, Sarah K. Hill, Chrystal Calderon, Mehreen Zaigham, et al. (+5)
687 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  JF Publisher Journal of Scientific Health ANALYSIS OF FACTORS RELATED TO ANTENATAL CARE VISITS (ANC) IN THE TIME OF THE PANDEMIC COVID-19 IN THE WORKING AREA OF THE MELONG ASIH PUSKESMAS, CIMAHI CITY YEAR 2022 Iis Masruroh Nurfatwa, Wulan Novika Ambarsari, Ryka Juaeriah, Li Yoong Tang
688 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Oxford University Press Clinical Infectious Diseases Propensity score methods for confounding control in observational studies of therapeutics for COVID-19 infection Kathleen E Hurwitz, Nuvan Rathnayaka, Kayla Hendrickson, M Alan Brookhart
689 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Wiley Pediatric Pulmonology Respiratory sequelae after COVID-19 infection in Thai healthy children Sirapoom Niamsanit, Wicharn Boonjindasup, Suchada Sritippayawan, Jitladda Deerojanawong, Nuanchan Prapphal, Chanthana Harnruthakorn, et al. (+2)
690 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Thoracic Oncology EP.14A.03 Analyzing the Impact of COVID-19 Infection on Adverse Outcomes in Mesothelioma: A Multicenter Study A. Sood, L. Hou, W. Aung, J. Elengickal, S.H. Peketi, M. Locke, et al. (+3)
691 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Thoracic Oncology EP.12A.32 Discontinuation of EGFR-TKI in NSCLC During COVID-19 Infection: Assessing Unvaccination, Low BMI, and Comorbidities P. Huang, L.-M. Liao, J.-L. Zhao, C. Luo, Y.-L. Yi, Y. Chen, L. Huang
692 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  JMIR Publications Inc. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance Protective Effect of Allergen Immunotherapy in Patients With Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Against COVID-19 Infection: Observational, Nationwide, and Multicenter Study Rundong Qin, Yan Feng, Huanping Zhang, Beibei Zhao, Wei Lei, Hongying Sun, et al. (+21)
693 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  AOSIS Rehabilitation Advances in Developing Health Systems Filipino Rehabilitation Practitioners’ COVID-19 knowledge, practice and attitude: A cross-sectional study Grace A.F.I. Rivera, Johann A.P. Querijero, Benjamin G.C. Gilbuena, Alfred A.M. Angulo, Consuelo B. Gonzalez-Suarez, Ma. Arlene L. Ledesma, et al. (+5)
694 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Elsevier European Neuropsychopharmacology T2. DIRECT AND INDIRECT GENETIC INFLUENCES ON MENTAL DISTRESS IN MOTHER-FATHER-OFFSPRING TRIOS DURING THE COVID-19 LOCKDOWN Johanne H. Pettersen, Espen M. Eilertsen, Laura Hegemann, Laurie Hannigan, Kristin Gustavson, Ingunn Olea Lund, et al. (+7)
695 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  University Library System, University of Pittsburgh International Journal of Medical Students The Impact of the COVID-19 Lockdown on Cancer Referrals in Primary Care in the UK: Two Years On Olivia Whittle, Lucy Busby, Rebecca Chambers, Jayden Gittens
696 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Scientific Research and Community Ltd Journal of Pulmonology Research & Reports COVID-19 Management Protocol Mohammed D Al Yami
697 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Asociación Bioquímica Argentina Revista Bioquímica y Patología Clínica Detección temprana y eficiente de variantes Delta y Ómicron deS ARS- Cov- 2 COVID-19 mediante tamizaje por RT-qPCR Maximiliano Juri Ayub, María Jimena Manzur, Ludmila Estefanía Campos, José Luis Arias, Marianela Leporati
698 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  SAGE Publications Review of Radical Political Economics A Most Neoliberal Encounter: When Covid-19 Met the British Welfare State Clémence Fourton
699 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Hindawi Limited Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society The Stationary Distribution and Extinction of a Stochastic Five-Dimensional COVID-19 Model Ehbal Memet, Xamxinur Abdurahman, Ahmadjan Muhammadhaji, Ahmed Ezzat Matouk
700 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  EScola de Enfermagem Aurora de Afono Costa - UFF Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing Repercussões da pandemia de Covid-19 na saúde universitária: um protocolo de revisão de escopo Magda Guimarães de Araujo Faria, Christiane Gleyce da Silva Freitas Venancio, Fádia Carvalho Pacheco, Gabriel Santos da Silva, Beatriz Marques da Silva Kind, Virginia Luiza Ponte Cruz Cardoso, et al. (+2)
701 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Contemporânea - Journal of Ethics and Political Philosophy Revista Contemporânea IMPACTO DA COVID-19 NAS ATIVIDADES PROFISSIONAIS DE FISIOTERAPEUTAS - UMA REVISÃO INTEGRATIVA DA LITERATURA Lydia Fonseca de Souza, Tainara Silva Jesus Machado, Isadora de Carvalho Hegouet, Alena Ribeiro Alves Peixoto Medrado
702 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Universidade de Sao Paulo, Agencia USP de Gestao da Informacao Academica (AGUIA) Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) Distribuição espacial e características clínico epidemiológicas dos casos de síndrome respiratória aguda grave por covid-19 no Brasil: estudo das duas primeiras ondas Janiel Conceição da Silva, Paula dos Santos Brito, Giana Gislanne da Silva de Sousa, Janaína Miranda Bezerra, Lívia Maia Pascoal, Ana Cristina Pereira de Jesus Costa, et al. (+2)
703 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Maternal and Child Health Journal The Unique Impacts of COVID-19 on Low-Income and Diverse Canadian Women’s Mental Health Profiles: A Latent Transition Analysis Samantha Burns, Calpanaa Jegatheeswaran, Christine Barron, Michal Perlman
704 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Elsevier Computers in Biology and Medicine A personalised computational model of the impact of COVID-19 on lung function under mechanical ventilation Jason M. Carson, Raoul Van Loon, Hari Arora
705 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Silicea - Poligraf, LLC Russian Journal of Cardiology Impact of COVID-19 on pro- and antiatherogenic lipoproteins (cross-sectional population study) P. S. Sadovnikov, Yu. A. Kyznetsova, P. S. Golchina, V S. Gurevich
706 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Review of Behavioral Finance Asymmetric impact of the COVID-19 on the Moroccan stock exchange Salah Eddine Kartobi, Moulay Abdeljamil Aba Oubida, Zineb Elhachimi
707 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Hindawi Limited Occupational Therapy International Impact of COVID-19 on the Participation of Iranian Adolescents in Daily Life: Development and Validation of the IAPAT-C Tool Ghodsiyeh Joveini, Laleh Lajevardi, Mitra Khalafbeigi, Afsoon Hasani Mehraban, Armin Zareiyan, Claudia Hilton
708 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Thoracic Oncology EP.17F.05 The Impact of COVID-19 On Time Toxicity in Advanced Lung Cancer Patients A. Duffens, S. Zhu, L. Lyon, A. Shirazi, A. Gupta, R. Liu
709 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Journal of Health Organization and Management Pandemic scars: long-term impact of COVID-19 on work stress among healthcare workers in China Hong Qian, Sihan Lin, Lidan Zhang, Shanglin Song, Ning Liu
710 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Education COVID-19 online learning challenges: Kazakhstan secondary schools case study Saniya Nurgaliyeva, Aidos Bolatov, Saltanat Abildina, Saule Zeinolla, Bakhtikhon Kurbonova, Ulbossyn Kyyakbayeva
711 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Silicea - Poligraf, LLC Russian Journal of Cardiology Pulmonary embolism in a patient with viral pneumonia: COVID-19 or H1N1 influenza: two case reports S. K. Kononov, O. V. Solovev, I. S. Metelev, D. E. Nazarov, A. V. Pshenichnikova, D. A. Khomyakov
712 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) International Journal of Prison Health Managing COVID-19 outbreaks in prisons - a brief review of literature and key lessons learnt Lin Guo, Padmanabhan Badrinath, Jessica Mookherjee, Anjan Ghosh, Edyta McCallum, Nirosha Dissanayake, Abraham George
713 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Universitas Malahayati Bandar Lampung Jurnal Medika Malahayati PANDANGAN WALI MURID TERHADAP VAKSINASI COVID-19 PADA ANAK USIA 6-11 TAHUN DI SD NEGERI 13 BANDA ACEH Siti Sarah Nabila, Fuadi Abdullah, Cut Ana Martafari
714 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  CV. Syntax Corporation Indonesia Syntax Literate Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia Hubungan Sikap Siswa Terhadap Kebiasaan Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun di Era Pandemi Covid-19 pada Siswa SMP Negeri 2 Kota Sungai Penuh Tahun 2021 Alya Shaira Azri, Elvaro Islami Muryadi
715 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Elsevier Annals of Emergency Medicine Trends in Respiratory Viral Testing in Pediatric Emergency Departments Following the COVID-19 Pandemic Sriram Ramgopal, Oluwakemi Badaki-Makun, Mohamed Eltorki, Pradip Chaudhari, Timothy T. Phamduy, Daniel Shapiro, et al. (+5)
716 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  SAGE Publications Canadian Journal of Nursing Research “If I Stay Quiet, the Only Person That Gets Hurt Is Me”: Anti-Asian Racism and the Mental Health of Chinese-Canadian Youth During the COVID-19 Pandemic Isabella Ng, Carla Hilario, Jordana Salma
717 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Estudios Sociales Estudios Sociales Revista de Alimentación Contemporánea y Desarrollo Regional El sistema agroalimentario de la ciudad de Puebla después de la pandemia de Covid-19","Agri-food System in the City of Puebla after Covid-19 pandemic Juan Carlos Varillas-Lima, José Luis Alcántara-Flores, Ricardo Pérez-Avilés, María Teresa Flores-Sotelo, Sergio Martín Barreiro-Zamorano
718 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Practicing Anthropology On the Frontlines: Anthropological Reflections of Grocery Store Work During the COVID-19 Pandemic Emma Abell-Selby
719 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  International e-Journal of Educational Studies International e-Journal of Educational Studies Teachers’ Opinions on Teacher Resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic Zeyneb Çetiner, Ahmet Faruk Levent
720 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Discover Public Health Information sources and vaccination in the COVID-19 pandemic Nana Osei Asiamah, Paige B. Miller, Xiaoxu Yang, Wesley Shrum
721 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  IOSR Journals IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences Factors Contributing to Emergence of infectious viral diseases in India: Issues and Challenges after COVID-19 Pandemic Dr. Aritra Biswas, Chandrani Bhattacharyya, Prof. (Dr.) Raja Ray
722 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Elsevier The North American Journal of Economics and Finance Unveiling asymmetric return spillovers with portfolio implications among Indian stock sectors during Covid-19 pandemic Aswini Kumar Mishra, K. Kamesh Anand, Akhil Venkatasai Kappagantula
723 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Bentham Science Coronaviruses Comparing Health Anxiety and Social Exclusion in the Elderlies and Adults Referring to the Veterans Foundation in COVID-19 Pandemic Sajjad Ranjbar Kouchaksaraei, Fatemeh Vizeshfar, Parvin Ghaemmaghami, Fatemeh Abbasi
724 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Art and Science Press Pte. Ltd. Environment and Social Psychology Stress levels of science teachers when delivering distance education instruction in a state college during the COVID-19 pandemic Aldrin Rey C. Quisay, Micah Ezra C. Aquino
725 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Sri Lanka Journals Online Journal of the University Librarians Association of Sri Lanka Social Media in Higher Education: A Study on Use of Social Media by New Entrants at the Faculty of Dental Sciences, University of Peradeniya, SRI LANKA, during the COVID-19 Pandemic A. Dharmarathne
726 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Institute for Global and Area Studies Journal of Global and Area Studies(JGA) The COVID-19 Pandemic and Economic Inequality : An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of the Digital Divide and Occupations Based on European Cases Yooduk Kang
727 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  SAGE Publications International Journal of Market Research How much is it about the money? Using facebook to promote a web survey during the COVID-19 pandemic and estimating average response-returns on ad-investments Pablo de Pedraza, Ana Suárez Álvarez, María Rosalía Vicente
728 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  CAIRN Migrations Société WANG, Simeng (edited by), Chinese in France amid the Covid-19 Pandemic. Daily Lives, Racial Struggles and Transnational Citizenship of Migrants and Descendants , Leiden : Brill, 2024, 375 p. Dominique Vidal
729 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Darcy & Roy Press Co. Ltd. Highlights in Business Economics and Management The Effectiveness of Asset Pricing Models Under Special Conditions: Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic, Emerging Markets, and Financial Crises Rui Liu
730 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Elsevier Biological Conservation Tracing seven decades of Chinese wildlife legislation from 1950 to the COVID-19 pandemic era Miaomiao Tian, Gary R. Potter, Jacob Phelps
731 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on deprivation-level differences in cardiovascular hospitalisations: a comparison of England and Denmark using the OpenSAFELY platform and National Registry Data Ruth E Costello, Lars Pedersen, Alasdair D Henderson, John Tazare, Henrik Toft Sorensen, Jan P Vandenbroucke, et al. (+20)
732 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Bangladesh Journals Online Bangladesh Armed Forces Medical Journal Psychological Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Health Care Workers of a Field Hospital in UN Peacekeeping Mission Mohammed Akhter Hasib Dewan, Sabiha Mahboob, Md Ariful Haque, Md Faisal Huda
733 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research Demographic Research The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mortality in Uruguay from 2020 to 2022 Catalina Torres, Victoria Prieto Rosas, Gonzalo De Armas, Mariana Paredes
734 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health Impact of visitation restrictions in neonatal intensive care units during the COVID-19 pandemic on parents in northern Hokkaido, Japan Ken Nagaya, Toshio Okamoto, Mitsumaro Nii, Aiko Aoyama-Hashimoto, Tatsutoshi Sugiyama, Kenta Takahashi, et al. (+2)
735 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  University Library System, University of Pittsburgh International Journal of Medical Students Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Physical Activity in Children: A Systematic Review Alex Ramirez, Ashley B. Rapp, Sara Santarossa
736 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on racial disparities in postoperative outcomes after bariatric surgery Kathryn Ottaviano, Anna Booras, Zaid Ashar, Ashar Ata, Tejinder Paul Singh, Jessica A. Zaman
737 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Effectiveness of health partners coordination for COVID-19 pandemic response in Nepal Sangeeta Kaushal Mishra, Samir Kumar Adhikari, Pavan Kumar Sah, Allison Eugenio Gocotano, Subash Neupane, Barsha Thapa, et al. (+2)
738 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Scientific Research and Community Ltd Journal of Medical & Clinical Nursing Phenomology Study of High Numbers of Multi Drug Resistant (MDR) Patients in Makassar City Post COVID-19 Pandemic, South Sulawesi Province Indonesia Nursaidah Sirajuddin
739 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Wiley Health Science Reports Exploring internet addiction during Covid-19 pandemic: a comparative study considering psychological, social, familial and individual aspects in University students Mahbobeh Faramarzi, Bardia Karim, Zeinab Gholami, Fatemah Khoshkhou, Fatemeh Shirazi, Negar Soghli, et al. (+3)
740 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Sri Lanka Journals Online Journal of the University Librarians Association of Sri Lanka Students Satisfaction with Online Learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: A first-round analysis of Diploma Program in Library and Information Science Champa N. K. Alahakoon
741 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  SAGE Publications Global Advances in Integrative Medicine and Health Implementation of Virtual, Livestream Yoga Classes for Veterans at Home During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mixed-Methods Pilot Program Evaluation Catherine Pham, Caitlin Hildebrand, Gary Tarasovsky, Natalie Purcell, Karen Seal, Francesca Nicosia
742 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Sri Lanka Journals Online Journal of the University Librarians Association of Sri Lanka Online Learning Challenges Encountered by University Students Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review of Digital Divide Perspective Sakeena Alikhan, T. Sritharan
743 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Asian Academy of Business and Social Science Research The Asian Bulletin of Big Data Management Stock Markets during Different Waves of COVID-19 Pandemic: An Empirical Study on the Comparative Significance of Information and Sentiment Lubna Irrum, Sadia Farooq
744 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Elsevier Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives Unlocking telecommuting patterns before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic: An explainable AI-driven study Adedolapo Ogungbire, Suman Kumar Mitra
745 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  University of Louisville - DC Journals Journal of Student Financial Aid Student Loan Policies and Payments during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Closing the Gap or Widening Inequalities? Jason Jabbari, Takeshi Terada, Haotian Zheng, Stephen Roll
746 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science SANAMED Surgical treatment of complicated ductus choledochus hydatidosis during the COVID-19 pandemic: Effectiveness and limitations of radiological services and surgery in extraordinary conditions Krstina Doklestić-Vasiljev, Dragan Vasin, Dušan Micić, Nikola Grubor, Vladimir Resanović, Ivana Lešević, et al. (+7)
747 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Everant Journals International Journal of Social Science and Human Research COVID-19 Pandemic: Emotional Reactions, Coping Strategies, and Realizations among Employees in a University Eleanor Yap Buot, Josie Zayas Insigne, Lenard P. Lachica, Divina Gracia Gamarcha, Ralph Vendel E. Musni
748 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) The Journal of Psychology Risk Perception, Cooperation, and Emotional Distress During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Exploring Adaptive Risk Perception Haiping Liao, Rebecca L. Monk, James Gaskin, Jin-Liang Wang
749 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Saint Petersburg State University Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University Medicine Etiological structure, clinical and epidemiological characteristics of bloodstream infections caused by resistant microorganisms among COVID-19 patients Vladimir Musatov, Alexey Yakovlev, Svetlana Gordeeva, Tatiana Noskova, Alexandra Komarova
750 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Apex Publishing Payesh (Health Monitor) Journal Nurses' experiences of caring for COVID-19 patients Tooba Hoseini Azizi, Nahid Dehghan Nayeri, Fatemeh Bahramnezhad, Alun C. Jackson
751 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  CrossLinks International Publishers Pakistan Journal of Health Sciences Comparing Absolute Eosinophil and Monocyte Counts in Critical and Non-Critical COVID-19 Patients Yasir Ishaq, Muhammad Omar Malik, Yasar Mehmood Yousafzai, Maria Qubtia, Imranullah Khan, Awal Mir
752 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  University Library System, University of Pittsburgh International Journal of Medical Students A Descriptive Analysis of the Use of Various Therapeutics in a Cohort of COVID-19 Patients and the Influence of Media Coverage Alfred A. Mathew, Barbara Mensah, John C. Cravero, David C. Moffatt, Roshan Dongre, Thao K. Giang, et al. (+3)
753 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Primary Care & Community Health Cost Analysis of a Patient Portal Used to Remotely Monitor COVID-19 Patients in Q Randa Attieh, Marie-Pascale Pomey, Bertrand Lebouché, Yuanchao Ma, Tarek Hijal, Thomas G. Poder
754 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Scientific Research and Community Ltd Journal of Medical & Clinical Nursing Effect of Awake Prone Position in Covid-19 Patients with MildModerate Symptoms to Reduce the Risk of Developing into Severe Cases : A Systematic Review Andis Yuswanto
755 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Wiley Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports Tracking Well-Being: A Comprehensive Analysis of Physical Activity and Mental Health in College Students Across COVID-19 Phases Using Ecological Momentary Assessment Yang Bai, Ryan Burns, Conrad Ma, Azilee Curl, Jim Hudziak, William E. Copeland
756 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Scholars Academic and Scientific Publishers SAS Journal of Medicine The Contribution of Thoracic CT Scan in the Diagnosis of COVID-19 Pneumonia M. Atmane, H. Bouqourou, K. Aalloula, E. Atmane, N. Hammoune, A. Mouhsine, A. El Fikri
757 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Media Sphere Publishing Group Kardiologicheskii vestnik Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: morphofunctional state of the heart throughout 2 years after COVID-19 pneumonia N.E. Shirokov, E.I. Yaroslavskaya, D.V. Krinochkin, N.A. Musikhina, T.I. Petelina
758 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Polish Academy of Sciences Chancellery Archives of Acoustics Effect of Curvature Shape of Transparent COVID-19 Protective Face Shields on the Speech Signal Miloš Bjelic, Miomir Mijic, Tatjana Miljkovic, Dragana Šumarac Pavlovic
760 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Apex Publishing Planning and Budgeting The Effects of Income Support Policy on Covid-19 Related Mortality: A Cross-Country Study Arian Daneshmand, Ali Mazyaki, Mohammad Javad Gheidari
761 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Elsevier European Neuropsychopharmacology T7. COVID-19 RELATED STRESSORS ARE ASSOCIATED WITH PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS AND ACCELERATED EPIGENETIC AGING IN AN ISLAND-BASED PUERTO RICAN POPULATION Adriana Hernandez Garayua, Diana Nunez, Sheila Nagamatsu, Paola Giusti-Rodriguez, Karen Martinez-Gonzalez, Janitza Montalvo-Ortiz
762 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Animal Models in COVID-19 Research: Insights and Outcomes Chithra C. Sreenivasan
763 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Thoracic Oncology EP.13D.13 Exploring COVID-19's Impact on Treatment and Survival in Small Cell Lung Cancer L. Hou, A. Sood, W.Y. Aung, S.H. Peketi, J. Elengickal, M. Locke, et al. (+3)
764 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  MedCrave Group Journal of Pediatrics & Neonatal Care The impact of increased screen time on students during covid-19 school closures Ahmad Elsaid, Abdellatif Abdelwahab
765 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Asociación Bioquímica Argentina Revista Bioquímica y Patología Clínica Recomendaciones para el uso de biomarcadores en el paciente con COVID-19. Segunda parte Marcela Adriana Castro, María Alejandra López, Graciela Beatriz Jacquier
766 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  American Public Health Association American Journal of Public Health An Equitable Communication and Dissemination Model for Linking Culturally Diverse Communities to COVID-19 Services Dominic H. Mack, Megan Douglas, Rhonda Holiday, Tabia Akintobi, Chaohua Li, Jammie Hopkins, Anne Gaglioti
767 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics Predictors of COVID-19 severity among a cohort of Egyptian patients Mona Fathy, Samar Moemen, Dalia Hamed, Shadia Hussein, Wafaa Ashour, Omar Ashoush, et al. (+4)
768 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Oradea Oradea Journal of Business and Economics COVID-19 SHOCK: THE SHORT-TERM IMPACT ON THE EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN FINANCIAL MARKETS Nicoleta Bărbuță-Mișu, Teodor Hada, Iulia Cristina Iuga, Dorin Wainberg
769 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Sociology COVID-19, social media, algorithms and the rise of indigenous movements in Southern Africa: perspectives from activists, audiences and policymakers Metolo Foyet, Brian Child
770 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Ataturk Universitesi Journal of Midwifery and Health Sciences Development of the COVID-19 Stigma Perception Scale Elif Kant, Reva Balcı Akpınar, Gülay İpekçoban
771 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Asian Academy of Business and Social Science Research The Asian Bulletin of Big Data Management Linkage between HLA genotypes and COVID-19 susceptibility, severity and mortality-A Systematic Review Babar Ali, Usama Ali, Syeda Bushra Zafar, Saad Jawaid Khan, Faria Fatima, Shahzad Nasim
772 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Elsevier The American Journal of Medicine Post-acute COVID-19 syndrome: prevalence of peripheral microvascular endothelial dysfunction and associations with NT-proBNP dynamics Marcus Ståhlberg, Katarina Fischer, Maged Tahhan, Allan Zhao, Artur Fedorowski, Michael Runold, et al. (+7)
773 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Universidade Severino Sombra Revista Pró-UniverSUS Música, Educação Permanente e Trabalho em Saúde: O que a enfermagem que atuou em tempos de Covid-19 tem a dizer? Marcone Ferreira de Souza, Ândrea Cardoso de Souza
774 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Universitas Malahayati Bandar Lampung Jurnal Medika Malahayati Pengaruh Kebiasaan Cuci Tangan Selama Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Terhadap Kejadian Dermatitis Tangan Pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Hang Tuah Johannes Willy, Dian Ardiana, Muhammad Noer Shoffi, Wienta Diarsvitri
775 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management Proceedings of the International ISCRAM Conference Designing Information Flow with Diverse Community Health Workers to Improve Public Health Situational Awareness During COVID-19 Temitayo R. Okusanya, Jane Gresser, Michael Stevenson, Ajay Kumar, Md Romael Haque, Zeno Franco
776 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Hindawi Limited Case Reports in Neurological Medicine New-Onset Focal to Bilateral Tonic-Clonic Seizure Following COVID-19 Vaccination Chun Seng Phua, Azman Ali Raymond, Shalini Bhaskar, Peter Berlit
777 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Indonesian Orthopaedic Association Jurnal Orthopaedi dan Traumatologi Indonesia Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration Following COVID-19 Vaccination
778 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Harm Reduction Journal COVID-19 vaccination intention among people who use drugs in France in 2021: results from the international community-based research program EPIC C. Lacoux, V. Villes, L. Riegel, S. Coulmain, N. Lorente, S. Eddine Derras, et al. (+4)
779 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Politics in Latin America Anti-Science Populism Versus Brazil's Covid-19 Vaccination Program: A Tale of Two Pandemic Stories Gabriel de Arruda Castro, Gary M. Reich
780 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  University Library System, University of Pittsburgh International Journal of Medical Students VAXXED & BOOSTED: Increasing COVID-19 Vaccination Rates in West Greenville, NC, USA Taylor Stamey, Oluwafemi Opelami, Janet Moye
781 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology Design of the conserved epitope peptide of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein as the broad-spectrum COVID-19 vaccine Ting-Yu Chang, Chia-Jung Li, Tai-Ling Chao, Sui-Yuan Chang, Shih-Chung Chang
782 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and intentions among parents of children with mental and behavioral disorders Mohamed Adil Shah Khoodoruth, Sami Ouanes, Kristian Somintac, Shaima Gulistan, Asieh Dehwari, Widaad Nuzhah Chut-Kai Khoodoruth, et al. (+3)
783 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  JMIR Publications Inc. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance COVID-19 Vaccine Preferences in General Populations in Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States: Discrete Choice Experiment David Salisbury, Jeffrey V Lazarus, Nancy Waite, Clara Lehmann, Sumitra Sri Bhashyam, Marie de la Cruz, et al. (+3)
784 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports A self-adjuvanted VLPs-based Covid-19 vaccine proven versatile, safe, and highly protective Larissa Vuitika, Nelson Côrtes, Vanessa B. Malaquias, Jaqueline D. Q. Silva, Aline Lira, Wasim A. Prates-Syed, et al. (+9)
785 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLOS Global Public Health Institutional trust, conspiracy beliefs and Covid-19 vaccine uptake and hesitancy among adults in Ghana Meshack Achore, Joseph Asumah Braimah, Robert Kokou Dowou, Vincent Kuuire, Martin A. Ayanore, Elijah Bisung, Sarah E. Brewer
786 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine Gender differences in adverse effects following the second dose of AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine: a cross-sectional study among healthcare workers Masoud Sedaghat, Badriyeh Karami, Farid Najafi, Fatemeh Khosravi Shadmani, Shahab Rezaeian
787 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Universidad Cientifica del Sur South Health Assessment of the use and quick preparation of saliva for rapid microbiological diagnosis of COVID-19 Mariana Fernández-Pitto, Juan C. Hurtado, Estela Moreno-García, Elisa Rubio, Mireia Navarro, Marta Valiente, et al. (+6)
788 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  SAGE Publications Emerging Adulthood Communicating about COVID-19 Vaccines: A Qualitative Study on Preferences, attitudes, and Influences on Canadian Post-secondary Student Decisions to Get Vaccinated Caitlin Ford, Melissa MacKay, Jennifer McWhirter, Andrew Papadopoulos
789 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Inno Science Press Microbes & Immunity Comparison of immune response parameters between homologous and heterologous COVID-19 vaccines: A scoping review Samantha Si Mei Khoo, Kang Wei Tan, Ashwini Mahendran, Saatheeyavaane Bhuvanendran, Ammu Kutty Radhakrishnan
790 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  The Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine Characteristics of Patients with Severe COVID-19 Who Walked Independently upon Discharge","重症COVID-19における退院時自立歩行獲得症例の特徴 Kenji Oike, Osamu Ishibashi, Nobuyuki Nosaka, Akira Endo
791 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Norwegian Nurses Organisation Sykepleien Forskning Infeksjonsovervåkning på sykehjem gjennom 18 måneder under og etter covid-19-pandemien Ida Hellum Sandbekken, Åsmund Hermansen, Ellen Karine Grov, Inger Utne, Borghild Løyland
792 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  The Scientific and Practical Society of Emergency Medicine Physicians Russian Sklifosovsky Journal "Emergency Medical Care" Algorithm for Managing Patients Hospitalized in the Surgical Wards Due to COVID-19-Related Acute Abdominal Pathology D. G. Buribayev, D. B. Tulyaganov, Kh. E. Anvarov
793 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Elsevier JAACAP Open Unmasking and Addressing COVID-19-Related Maladaptive Grief Reactions Among Suicidal Youth: Pilot Evidence for an Enhanced Psychiatry Emergency Room Safety Preventive Intervention Naser Ahmadi, Julie B. Kaplow, Alan Steinberg, James T. McCracken, Steven J. Berkowitz, Robert S. Pynoos
794 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Asian Pacific Islander Desi American college students and COVID-19-related racial discrimination: Mental health and the moderating role of ethnic identity Ronna Bañada, Hans Oh, Yuri Jang, Shinyi Wu, Joyce Javier, Jiaming Liang, et al. (+2)
795 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Astrakhan State Medical University CASPIANJOURNALOF MEDICINE AND PHARMACY LONG-TERM PERSISTENCE OF SARS-CoV-2 IN A PATIENT WITH INFECTIOUS ENDOCARDITIS AND COVID-19: A CLINICAL CASE Diana Tverdohlebova, Ol'ga Petrova, Irina Litvinova, Ekaterina Smeltsova, Olga Kurashenko
796 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Ovid International Journal of Surgery Advanced biomaterials for regenerative medicine and their possible therapeutic significance in treating COVID-19: a critical overview Ashish K. Sarangi, Mohamed A. Salem, Mustafa D. Younus, Hala El-Haroun, Ahmed Mahal, Lizaranee Tripathy, et al. (+16)
797 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Global Health Impact of the 100 days mission for vaccines on COVID-19: a mathematical modelling study Gregory Barnsley, Daniela Olivera Mesa, Alexandra B Hogan, Peter Winskill, Andrew A Torkelson, Damian G Walker, et al. (+2)
798 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Water Quilombola women from Jequitinhonha (Minas Gerais, Brazil) and access to water and sanitation in the context of COVID-19: a matter of human rights Priscila Neves-Silva, Brunah Schall, Flora Rodrigues Gonçalvez, Estela Macedo Alves, Sebastiana Rodrigues dos Santos, Polyana Aparecida Valente, et al. (+2)
799 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Russian Agency for Digital Standardization (RADS) Nauchno-prakticheskii zhurnal «Medicinskaia genetika» Association of IL 6 rs1800795 genetic variation with the susceptibility and severity of COVID-19: A meta-analysis E.S. Ivanova, M.A. Eid, T.P. Shkurat
800 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Training an infectious disease unit in palliative care during and post COVID-19: a qualitative longitudinal study Sara Alquati, Giovanna Artioli, Gianfranco Martucci, Silvia Tanzi
801 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Corticosteroids for hospitalized patients with severe/critical COVID-19: a retrospective study in Chongqing, China Rongjuan Zhuang, Hongli Xia, Li Xu, Zhiqiang Liu, Kaican Zong, Hailang Peng, et al. (+7)
802 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  RGSA- Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental Systemic Arterial Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus and Covid-19: A Retrospective Study in Nineteen Municipalities in Mato Grosso Ana Gabryella Vieira e Silva, Giovanna Almeida Silva, Jeovana Miranda de Oliveira Fonseca, Débora Aparecida da Silva Santos
803 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Zinc Deficiency and Post-acute Outcomes in Patients With COVID-19: A Six-Month Retrospective Cohort Analysis of 3,726 Patients Lun-Wu Hung, Mei-Yuan Liu, Tsung Yu, Kuo-Chuan Hung, Ya-Wen Tsai, Chih-Cheng Lai, Jheng-Yan Wu
804 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Universidade de Sao Paulo, Agencia USP de Gestao da Informacao Academica (AGUIA) Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) Demanda por serviços de saúde durante a pandemia de Covid-19: estudos de base populacional Antônio Augusto Schäfer, Micaela Rabelo Quadra, Jacks Soratto, Fernanda Daminelli Eugênio, João Vítor Santana Mendes, Fernanda Oliveira Meller
805 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Stem Cell Research & Therapy Correction: MSC-extracellular vesicle microRNAs target host cell-entry receptors in COVID-19: in silico modeling for in vivo validation Hajer A. Al Saihati, Arigue A. Dessouky, Rabab F. Salim, Islam Elgohary, Mohamed El-Sherbiny, Fares E. M. Ali, et al. (+5)
806 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Gazi University Gazi Medical Journal Educational Needs During COVID-19: MOOCs Experiences Among Global Family Physicians Özden Gökdemir, Halime Seda Küçükerdem, Sudip Bhattacharya, Maria Bakola, Mohammed Idris Shariff
807 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Issues in Mental Health Nursing “Sacred Space,” Caring for Patients in the Hospital Dying from COVID-19: Part 2 Lisa A. Dodge, Holly Johnson-Rodriguez, Janna Lesser, Sara L. Gill
808 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Universitas Malahayati Bandar Lampung JURNAL ILMU KEDOKTERAN DAN KESEHATAN Sinyal Bradikinin Pada Covid-19: Tinjauan Pustaka Fariz Nurwidya, Itsna Arifatuz Zulfiyah, Moulid Hidayat, Hario Baskoro
809 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Social and Environmental Accountability Journal Exploring the effectiveness of sustainability measurement: which ESG metrics will survive COVID-19? Hamzeh Al Amosh
810 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Universidade de Sao Paulo, Agencia USP de Gestao da Informacao Academica (AGUIA) Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) Perfil bioquímico e hematológico de recém-nascidos admitidos em UTI neonatal durante a pandemia de coronavirus Cláudia Regina Silva dos Santos Cunha, Marcela Patrícia Macelo Belo Fort, Patrícia Guilianne da Silva Barros Teixeira, Mônica Vírginia Viégas Lima-Aragão, Mayara Cristina Pinto Silva, Flávia Raquel Fernandes Nascimento, Rosane Nassar Meireiles Guerra
811 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Elsevier Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal Prediction of conformational states in a coronavirus channel using Alphafold-2 and DeepMSA2: strengths and limitations Jaume Torres, Konstantin Pervushin, Wahyu Surya
812 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Current Ophthalmology Can Inactivated Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccine Cause Bilateral Neurotrophic Keratopathy? Selman Belviranli, Refik Oltulu, Enver Mirza, Mehmet Adam, Ali Osman Gundogan
813 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Microbiology Viral co-detection of influenza virus and other respiratory viruses in hospitalized Brazilian patients during the first three years of the coronavirus disease (COVID)-19 pandemic: an epidemiological profile Bianca Aparecida Siqueira, Ketlyn Oliveira Bredariol, Matheus Negri Boschiero, Fernando Augusto Lima Marson
814 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Gazi University Gazi Medical Journal Comparison of Chest Computed Tomography Findings in Patients with H1N1 and Coronavirus Disease-2019 Pneumonia Sadullah Şimşek, Cihan Akgül Özmen
815 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Elsevier Current Research in Microbial Sciences Antiseptics: An Expeditious Third Force in the Prevention and Management of Coronavirus Diseases Kizito I. Okeke, Chukwuemeka Samson Ahamefule, Obianuju O. Nnabuife, Ibuchukwu N. Orabueze, Christian U. Iroegbu, Kingsley A. Egbe, Anthony C. Ike
816 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  MediaMedica Pediatrics (Suppl Consilium Medicum The effectiveness of the synbiotic Maxilac<sup>®</sup> for the new coronavirus infection after antibacterial therapy Valeriya P. Novikova, Anna V. Polunina, Svetlana L. Bannova, Aleksey L. Balashov, Vasilisa V. Dudurich, Lavrentii G. Danilov, et al. (+4)
817 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Qeios Ltd Qeios Risks of Coronavirus Infectious Disease 19 (SARS-CoV-2) in Companion Animals Maab Ibrahim AL-Farwachi, Basima Abdulfatah Albadrani, Qaes Talb AL-Obadi, Saddam Daher Hassan, Muhammad Naeem Iqbal
818 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Nature Communications Coronavirus M protein promotes mitophagy over virophagy by recruiting PDPK1 to phosphorylate SQSTM1 at T138 Yahui Li, Chunyan Li, Chenchen Zhao, Jiayu Wu, Ya Zhu, Fei Wang, et al. (+8)
819 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Dostoevsky Omsk State University Herald of Omsk University Series Historical Studies The coronavirus pandemic and the population census: is the number growing indigenous peoples of the Altai Republic? S. P. Tyukhteneva
820 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Negah Scientific Publisher Qom Univ Med Sci J Evaluation of validity and reliability of coronavirus preventive behaviors in pregnant women based on health belief model Mansoureh Rangraz Jeddy, Abolfazl Mohammadbeigi, Narges Eskandari, Zabihollah Gharlipour
821 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Sociedad Chilena de Pediatria Andes Pediatrica Impacto de la pandemia por coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 en la presentación y manejo de la apendicitis aguda en niños Dyan Cruz Cruz, Andrea Ramos Mantilla, Marco Valenzuela Aguilera, Javiera Rodriguez Villablanca
822 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Scientific Research and Community Ltd Journal of Pulmonology Research & Reports Study of the Factors Associated with the Acceptability of the Coronavirus Vaccine in Adults in Kinshasa in the Commune of Lemba in 2022 Rodrigue Nakasala
823 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Asociación Bioquímica Argentina Revista Bioquímica y Patología Clínica Estabilidad de coronavirus y virus herpes simplex tipo 1 en barbijos y batas quirúrgicas que componen el EPP Victoria Belén Ayala-Peña, Luis Alberto Scolaro, Vera Alejandra Alvarez, Verónica Leticia Lassalle
824 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Scholars Middle East Publishers Scholars International Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine PRCP- One Possible Novel Key Gene for the Entry of 2019-nCoV into Human Cells Ms. Pujaa, B
825 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC npj Vaccines A multiantigenic Orf virus-based vaccine efficiently protects hamsters and nonhuman primates against SARS-CoV-2 Alena Reguzova, Melanie Müller, Felix Pagallies, Dominique Burri, Ferdinand Salomon, Hanns-Joachim Rziha, et al. (+13)
826 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Asociación Bioquímica Argentina Revista Bioquímica y Patología Clínica Estudio del valor de Ct y el polimorfismo D/I del gen ECA1 en la respuesta al SARS-COV-2 Silvina Quintana, Silvina Giustina, Javier Montiel Belmonte, Vanesa Mariana Di Gerónimo, Stefanía Fedele, Yamila Sanz, et al. (+5)
827 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Asociación Bioquímica Argentina Revista Bioquímica y Patología Clínica Evaluación del desempeño diagnóstico de tres ensayos serológicos para la detección de anticuerpos IgG contra SARS-CoV-2 María Belén Alcalde, Julieta Chiodini, Melanie Shepherd Safar, Ailin Accorinti, María Alegre, María Sandra González
828 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Asociación Bioquímica Argentina Revista Bioquímica y Patología Clínica Marcadores de riesgo en pacientes diabéticos con infección por SARS-CoV-2 Bianca Trovero, Silvia María Villalba, César Juan Gerardo Collino, María Verónica Baroni, Pablo Rodrigo Luján
829 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Wiley Advanced Biology Chemical Proteomics Approaches for Screening Small Molecule Inhibitors Covalently Binding to SARS-Cov-2 Liuhai Zheng, Qian Zhang, Piao Luo, Fei Shi, Ying Zhang, Xiaoxue He, et al. (+6)
830 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Elsevier iScience Comparison of DNA vaccines with AddaS03 as an adjuvant and an mRNA vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 Praveen Neeli, Dafei Chai, Xu Wang, Navid Sobhani, George Udeani, Yong Li
831 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Studies Editora Revista Caderno Pedagógico Evaluation of coinfection between SARS-CoV-2 and dengue virus in São Luís/MA Douglas Henrique dos Santos Silva, Valdenice Ferreira dos Santos, Karinny Farias Silva, Bruna Souza de Melo, Maria Rosa Quaresma Bomfim, Luís Cláudio Nascimento da Silva, et al. (+2)
832 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  American Medical Association JAMA Network Open SARS-CoV-2 and Offspring Neurodevelopment-We Don’t Know Yet Andrea G. Edlow
833 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Infection Mechanisms and Implications of IgG4 Responses to SARS-CoV-2 and Other Repeatedly Administered Vaccines Anthony M. Marchese, Louis Fries, Hadi Beyhaghi, Muruga Vadivale, Mingzhu Zhu, Shane Cloney-Clark, et al. (+4)
834 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  American Society for Microbiology Microbiology Spectrum Validation of the Diabetomics CovAB SARS-CoV-2 antibody test in children: comparison with serology Manisha Gurumurthy, Joseph Schwab, Sri Ram Pentakota, Rahul Ukey, Maria Gennaro, Pauline Thomas, et al. (+2)
835 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Immunomodulatory effect of IFN-γ licensed adipose-mesenchymal stromal cells in an in vitro model of inflammation generated by SARS-CoV-2 antigens Elizabete Cristina Iseke Bispo, Enrique Roberto Argañaraz, Franscisco de Assis Rocha Neves, Juliana Lott de Carvalho, Felipe Saldanha-Araujo
836 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Elsevier Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease Attenuated Neutralization, Maintained Specificity: Humoral Response to SARS-CoV-2 Booster in Kidney Allograft Recipients Martina Fialova, Eva Cecrdlova, Ivan Zahradka, Vojtech Petr, Filip Hruby, Istvan Modos, et al. (+2)
837 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Elsevier Molecular Therapy — Nucleic Acids mRNA vaccine-induced IgG mediates nasal SARS-CoV-2 clearance in mice Charlie Fricke, Lorenz Ulrich, Jana Kochmann, Janina Gergen, Kristina Kovacikova, Nicole Roth, et al. (+9)
838 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  American Society for Microbiology mSphere Optimization of SARS-CoV-2 culture from clinical samples for clinical trial applications Dominic Wooding, Kate Buist, Alessandra Romero-Ramirez, Helen Savage, Rachel Watkins, Daisy Bengey, et al. (+45)
839 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Scientific Research and Community Ltd Japan Journal of Clinical & Medical Research Analising the Organ-Injury and Lastest Treatments for New Variants of SARS-COV-2 in Ederly and Immunocompromised Patients with Severe Comorbility Weimer LE
840 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Wildlife Disease Association Journal of Wildlife Diseases LITTLE BROWN BATS (MYOTIS LUCIFUGUS) ARE RESISTANT TO SARS-COV-2 INFECTION Jeffrey S. Hall, Sean Nashold, Erik Hofmeister, Ariel E. Leon, Elizabeth A. Falendysz, Hon S. Ip, et al. (+5)
841 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports SARS-CoV-2 infection causes a decline in renal megalin expression and affects vitamin D metabolism in the kidney of K18-hACE2 mice Yoshifumi Kurosaki, Toshihide Matsumoto, Takayuki Uematsu, Fumitaka Kawakami, Rei Kawashima, Shun Tamaki, et al. (+6)
842 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Wildlife Disease Association Journal of Wildlife Diseases Convenience Sampling Yields No Evidence of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Free-Ranging Mammalian Wildlife in Arizona, USA, 2021-23 Hayley D. Yaglom, Lolita Van Pelt, April L. Howard, Brian Jansen, Payton Smith, Rebekah Sorensen, et al. (+5)
843 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  American Society for Microbiology Journal of Virology SARS-CoV-2 N protein coordinates viral particle assembly through multiple domains Yuewen Han, Haiwu Zhou, Cong Liu, Weiwei Wang, Yali Qin, Mingzhou Chen, Stacey Schultz-Cherry
844 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Elsevier SSM - Qualitative Research in Health Reconciling market and moral logics on a minimum wage: Supermarket work in Australia during the first two years of the SARS-COV-2 pandemic Chris Degeling, Sittichoke Chawraingern, Gwendolyn L. Gilbert, Claire Hooker, Su-yin Hor, Jane Williams
845 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Developmental profile of Filipino children born during the SARS-COV-2 pandemic: pilot study Angel Belle C. Dy, Michelle Alexandra Edillon, Mikhaela Francesca Marietta A. Malonzo, Glenda Darlene Garcia, Alane Blythe C. Dy, Clarisse Joyce S. Espiritu, et al. (+5)
846 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine Intranasal booster with SARS-CoV-2 RBD protein fused to E. coli enterotoxin a subunit after primary mRNA vaccination in mice He-Chin Hsieh, Chung-Chu Chen, Wen-Chun Liu, Suh-Chin Wu
847 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  MDPI AG Biomedicines Peptide-Based Inhibitors of Protein-Protein Interactions (PPIs): A Case Study on the Interaction Between SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein and Human Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 (hACE2) Aizhan Rakhmetullina, Piotr Zielenkiewicz, Norbert Odolczyk
848 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Molecular Simulation Modelling of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein structures at varying pH values Ziyuan Niu, Georgios Kementzidis, Peng Zhang, Ziji Zhang, Bernard Essuman, Karin Hasegawa, et al. (+5)
849 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Springer-Verlag BioChip Journal Sensitive Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Using an Aptamer Sandwich Assay-Based Electrochemical Biosensor Hyoung-Mi Kim, Junghun Park
850 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  American Society for Microbiology Microbiology Spectrum Rapid detection of SARS-CoV-2 variants by molecular-clamping technology-based RT-qPCR Shuo Shen, Andrew Y. Fu, Maidar Jamba, Jonathan Li, Zhen Cui, Larry Pastor, et al. (+13)
851 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  PAGEPress Publications Monaldi Archives for Chest Disease Fibrotic outcomes from SARS-CoV-2 virus interstitial pneumonia Luigi Pinto, Pietro Schino, Michele Bitetto, Ersilia Tedeschi, Michele Maiellari, Giancarlo De Leo, et al. (+3)
852 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  University of Cincinnati - Office of Innovation and Community Engagement Journal of Participatory Research Methods Implementing Photovoice Online to Promote Critical Consciousness, Agency, and Action Among Black Youth During a Pandemic Tasfia Jahangir, Devin Lucas, Emily Lemon, Ighedosa Ogbeide, Saundra Latimer, Aceyeah Bates, et al. (+3)
853 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Ataturk Universitesi Journal of Midwifery and Health Sciences The Experiences of Women in The Perinatal Period Regarding Maternal Health Services: A Qualitative Study During The Covıd-19 Pandemic Meltem Aydın Beşen, Gözde Gökçe İşbir
854 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Kuwait University المجلة العربية للعلوم الإنسانية التمثلات الاجتماعية لحدث الموت وتشكيل التعاطف الاجتماعي عبر مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي- دراسة (نتنوغرافية) لعينة من منشورات الجزائريين على الفيس بوك خلال فترة الجائحة.","The Social Representations of Death Event and the Structuration of Social Empathy through Social Media: A Netnographic Study on a Sample of Algerians’ Posts on Facebook during Pandemic. كلثوم بيبيمون, مريم نريمان نومار
855 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) International Journal of Bank Marketing Financial well-being, anxiety and payment delinquency among student loan holders in the United States: insights from the COVID-19 pandemic Kyoung Tae Kim, Jonghee Lee
856 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Science and Research Centre Koper Annales Kinesiologiae Evaluating basic motor competence in Italian children post-COVID-19 pandemic Domenico Monacis, Dario Colella, Pierpaolo Limone
857 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Knowledge E KnE Social Sciences The Role of Corporate Governance in Banking Performance: Highlighted During the Covid Pandemic (Evidence in Indonesian Bank) Didit Suryoadi, Grahita Chandrarin, Maxion Sumtaxy, Wasilaturrahma .
858 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies The Political Uses of the Covid Pandemic in the Rise of Greek Neo-Authoritarianism Filippa Chatzistavrou, Konstantinos Papanikolaou
859 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Thoracic Oncology EP.04D.03 Shifting Stages: Implications of a Global Pandemic on Cancer Care and A Multipronged Approach to Early Diagnosis for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer R. Jindani, J.H. Rodriguez-Quintero, D. Da Costa, H. Kim, C. Shah, A. Sadoughi, et al. (+3)
860 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Social Science Electronic Publishing SSRN Electronic Journal Recommendations to Strengthen the US Government's Enhanced Potential Pandemic Pathogen Framework and Dual Use Research of Concern Policies Jaspreet Pannu, Anita Cicero, Marc Lipsitch, David Relman, Thomas Inglesby
861 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  RGSA- Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental Impacts on Health, Environment and Quality of Life in the Post-Covid-19 Pandemic Period Mariana Talarico Marçal Galvão, Renata Dellalibera-Joviliano
862 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Oradea Oradea Journal of Business and Economics REVIEW OF THE PANDEMIC PERIOD, REORGANIZATION OF THE SZEKLERLAND’S TOURISM OFFER Norbert Gergely
863 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Pan African Medical Journal PAMJ - One Health Monkeypox resurgence in Africa: the importance of a coordinated approach to eliminate the spread of infectious diseases of pandemic potential Yonela Ntamo, Phiwayinkosi Vusi Dludla, Musawenkosi Ndlovu, Edison Mavundza, Ndivhuwo Muvhulawa, Asanda Mayeye, et al. (+2)
864 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  SAGE Publications International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology Unmasking the Pandemic’s Dark Side: Exploring the Roles of Stress, Emotions, and Alcohol Use in Violent Behavior Across Six Countries Hannan Latif, Anastasiia Timmer, Hannah Tessler, Laura Iesue, Ali Jawaid
865 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Adjacent Digital Politics Ltd Open Access Government Persistent anti-vaxxers and pandemic-induced new anti-vaxxers Fujio Toriumi
866 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Political Science Education College Student Political Participation in the Context of a Polarized Nation and an International Pandemic: Do Campus Civic Engagement Efforts Matter? Lori M. Kumler, Aaron J. Howell
867 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Dostoevsky Omsk State University Herald of Omsk University Series Law Protecting Citizens from Unemployment in a Pandemic: Looking for a Contact A.V. Trutaeva
868 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Scientific Research and Community Ltd Journal of Otolaryngology Research & Reports Improvement of Patients with Long COVID 19 Elona Zhiva
869 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  PDS Patklin INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY AND MEDICAL LABORATORY The Relationship between Plasminogen Activator Inhibitors and the Severity of COVID-19 Kyna Troeman, Adi Koesoema Aman, Malayana Rahmita Nasution
870 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Eworkflow Ltd Premier Journal of Public Health Differential Haematological and Inflammatory Markers in Symptomatic and Asymptomatic COVID-19 Patients: A Retrospective Cohort Study Muhammad Owais
871 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Turkiye Kalp Ve Saglik Vakfi Iktisadi Isletmesi Journal of Updates in Cardiovascular Medicine Assessment of the SYNTAX Score II in Patients with Non-ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction Who Have Coronavirus Disease-2019 Okan Tanrıverdi, Lütfü Aşkın, Hüsna Şengül Aşkın
872 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  MDPI AG Biology Unveiling the Interplay-Vitamin D and ACE-2 Molecular Interactions in Mitigating Complications and Deaths from SARS-CoV-2 Sunil J. Wimalawansa
873 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  PDS Patklin INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY AND MEDICAL LABORATORY The Correlation between Interleukin-6 and D-dimer in Severe and Critical COVID-19 Patients Delita Prihatni, Lastri Supriatin, Nida Suraya, Basti Andriyoko
874 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  PDS Patklin INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY AND MEDICAL LABORATORY Platelet-to-Lymphocyte Ratio as Coagulopathy Predictor in COVID-19 Patients at Margono Soekarjo Hospital Wahyu Siswandari, Rachmad Aji Saksana, Vitasari Indriani, Muhammad Robiul Fuadi
875 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  Elsevier Molecular Genetics and Metabolism Reports Impact of the Covid19 pandemic on health-related quality of life in patients with Fabry disease - implications for future care of patients with rare diseases Victoria Sokalski, Kolja Lau, Tereza Cairns, Claudia Sommer, Nurcan Üçeyler, Peter Nordbeck
876 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  NIXNIX Journal of Workplace Behavior Employee Health during COVID-19 Pandemic and its impact on Employee Job Performance and Quality of Life Muhammad Rahies Khan, Naveed R Khan, Mubashir Ali Khan
877 2024―Oct―16  [GO]  NIXNIX Shimla Law Review Privacy Issues in the Age of Pandemic: A Critical Analysis Lakhvinder Singh, Vibhuti Jaswal
878 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  African Journals Online African Health Sciences Experiences of community engagement for SARS-COV-2 and COVID-19 community surveillance in a rural and urban population in South Western Uganda Dominic Bukenya, Bernard Mpairwe, Josephine Naluwugge Ssentongo, Gerald Ssenyomo, Julie Fox, Robert Newton, et al. (+2)
879 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Universitas Pekalongan Pena Akuatika Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan Analisis Pendapatan Usaha Pembenihan Ikan Mas (Cyprinus carpio) saat Pandemi dan Pasca Pandemi COVID-19 David Muhamad Erwin, Heru Susilo, Erwiantono Erwiantono
880 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  The Korea Contents Association The Journal of the Korea Contents Association A Comparative Analysis on Profitability of Public General Hospitals in Korea Before and After COVID-19 Ari Yoon, Hansu Shin, Ji-Woo Seo
881 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Oxford University Press Clinical Infectious Diseases Remdesivir-associated survival outcomes among immunocompromised patients hospitalized for COVID-19: real-world evidence from the Omicron dominant era Essy Mozaffari, Aastha Chandak, Robert L Gottlieb, Chidinma Chima-Melton, Mark Berry, Alpesh N Amin, et al. (+2)
882 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Ridwan Institute Syntax Idea Penerapan Komunikasi Terapeutik Perawat Pada Motivasi Sembuh Pasien COVID-19 Diruang Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Awal Bros Pekanbaru R Sarmida Christina Simanjuntak, Vausani Irfa, Hermiyanti Hermiyanti
883 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Science Publishing Group World Journal of Public Health COVID-19 and Service Provisions at Darou Khoudous Health Center of Touba Papa Sow, Assane Diop, Boubakcar Gueye, Martial Bop, Aboubakry Dramé, Abdou Ndiaye, et al. (+3)
884 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Hanoi Medical University Tạp chí Nghiên cứu Y học Kiến thức, thái độ về việc tiêm vắc xin phòng COVID-19 của người dân xã Bồ Đề, huyện Bình Lục, tỉnh Hà Nam năm 2023 và một số yếu tố liên quan Tạ Thị Kim Nhung, Phạm Thị Quân, Lê Thị Thanh Xuân, Nguyễn Ngọc Anh, Nguyễn Thanh Thảo, Nguyễn Quốc Doanh, et al. (+7)
885 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  MANAS Sosyal Arastirmalar Dergisi MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi Covid-19 Anksiyetesi ve Belirsizliğe Tahammülsüzlük Arasındaki İlişkide Bilinçli Farkındalığın Aracı Rolü Aysu Bayram Saptır, Tuğba Seda Çolak
886 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Nihon University School of Dentistry Journal of Oral Science Combined impact of COVID-19 and renal failure on taste perception in a sample of the Egyptian population Dalia Ghalwash, Asmaa Abou-Bakr, Eman Khalil
887 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Universitas Sebelas Maret SEPA Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis ANALISIS PERBEDAAN SISTEM PENYULUHAN PERTANIAN PADA MASA SEBELUM DAN SELAMA PANDEMI COVID-19 DI KABUPATEN MALANG Laily Ana Fauziah, Eri Yusnita Arvianti, Eri Yusnita Arvianti
888 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Oxford University Press American Journal of Clinical Pathology Exploring the link between COVID-19 and gut microbiome at the community level B Li, A Terwilliger, A Maresso, R Britton, Z Yousefipour, E Donnachie, Z Lyu
889 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Oxford University Press American Journal of Clinical Pathology Adopting Covid-19 and Flu Testing Strategies In An Underserved Community B Li, E Donnachie, T Adebusuyi, A Meshack, I Poon
890 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS) DESIGN CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE The Relationship between Covid-19 and Consumption Patterns of Poor Households Resha Moniyana Putri, Heru Wahyudi
891 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  SAGE Publications The Neurohospitalist Neurological Complications and Outcomes in Critically Ill Patients With COVID-19: Results From International Neurological Study Group From the COVID-19 Critical Care Consortium Syed Ameen Ahmad, Yunis Mayasi, Thu-Lan Kelly, Nicole White, Jacky Suen, Denise Battaglini, et al. (+10)
892 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Asociacion Colombiana de Infectologia - ACIN Infectio Análisis de Anticuerpos IgG contra el SARS-CoV-2 y Coronavirus Estacionales en Adultos Vacunados contra la COVID-19, 2021 Delia Piedad Recalde-Reyes, Carlos Andrés Rodríguez-Salazar
893 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Brazilian Journal of Health Review Brazilian Journal of Health Review Impacto do Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 na mortalidade de pacientes com COVID-19 internados em UTI: um estudo de coorte retrospectivo em um Hospital Terciário do Oeste do Paraná Rafael Corio Gabas, Amélia Calza Gabas, Gisele Toyama
894 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  CV. Alim's Publishing Faedah Jurnal Hasil Kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia Sosialisasi Enam Langkah Cuci Tangan Pada Anak Di SD Negeri 2 Kairatu Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Suryanti Tukiman
895 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Wiley European Journal of Immunology Blood transcriptome profiling reveals distinct gene networks induced by mRNA vaccination against COVID-19 Lennart Riemann, Leonie M. Weskamm, Leonie Mayer, Ivan Odak, Swantje Hammerschmidt, Inga Sandrock, et al. (+6)
896 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Fundacion Koinonia Revista Arbitrada Interdisciplinaria de Ciencias de la Salud Salud y Vida Automedicación en pandemia covid-19 Jhon Fischer Gallardo-Zapata, Anthony Joan Gualan-Enriquez, Andy Noe Puruncaja-Alcivar, Ximena Elizabeth Trujillo-Romero
897 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Fundacion Koinonia Revista Arbitrada Interdisciplinaria de Ciencias de la Salud Salud y Vida Entrenamiento en casa para mantener la condición física de salud en la pandemia por COVID-19 Zully Nicol Tutalchá-Montenegro, Stefany Nicole Pilataxi-Chandi, Melba Esperanza Narváez-Jaramillo
898 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Fundacion Koinonia Revista Arbitrada Interdisciplinaria de Ciencias de la Salud Salud y Vida Caracterización clínica y epidemiológica de pacientes con covid-19 Alice Mishell Mantilla-Moreira , Francisco Gabriel Morejón-Vallejo, Estefanny Mishell Santa Cruz-Alvarez , Blanca Cristina Estrella-Lopez
899 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Fundacion Koinonia Revista Arbitrada Interdisciplinaria de Ciencias de la Salud Salud y Vida Valoración de la sustitución del cepillo dental post covid-19 Saida Elizabeth Moreno-Garcia, Said Fernando Castro-Chingal, Said Fernando Castro-Chingal, Karen Gabriela Molina-Barriga
900 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  EnPress Publisher Journal of Infrastructure Policy and Development Impact of COVID-19 on women leadership in Saudi higher education institutions Lama Biant Rashed Abdulaziz Al-Ghofaily
901 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  CV. Alim's Publishing Faedah Jurnal Hasil Kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia Pemulihan Dan Penguatan Manajemen Usaha Pasca Pandemic Covid-19 Pada Usaha Batik Mikro Di Kecamatan Kalibagor Sri Lestari
902 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  IOSR Journals IOSR Journal of Nursing and health Science Retrospective Study Of The Clinical Characteristics Of Cases With Covid-19 Eman Samy Mohamed, Dr. Mohamed Abd Elhady Shama, Zeinab Hussein Ali
903 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  LIDSEN Publishing Inc OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine Spirituality as an International Coping Method during Covid-19 Beren Crim Sabuncu, Ankica Kosic, Amy L. Ai
904 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  The Association of Korean Economic Studies Journal of Korean Economics Studies Evaluating the Effects of Global Supply Chain Disruptions and Uncertainty on Prices and Macroeconomic Dynamics in Korea amid the COVID-19 Pandemic Insu Kim
905 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Wiley Australian Journal of Public Administration The role of discretion and street-level deliberative practices in the COVID-19 crisis response: Lessons from the Philippines Antonio D. Salazar
906 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on time to treatment, treatment patterns and outcomes among patients with acute coronary syndrome in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: a retrospective cohort study Pramitha Esha Nirmala Dewi, Sitaporn Youngkong, Montaya Sunantiwat, Surakit Nathisuwan, Montarat Thavorncharoensap
907 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  International Council for Education Research and Training Shodh Sari-An International Multidisciplinary Journal Psychosocial Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Women’s Mental Health Sandeep Kumar, Simran Simran
908 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Siberian State Medical University Bulletin of Siberian Medicine A decision rule for identifying patients at high risk for impaired lung diffusion capacity after COVID-19 O. I. Savushkina, E. S. Muraveva, I. V. Zhitareva, D. V. Davydov, E. V. Kryukov
909 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics SMART2C - a healthcare digital platform based on process mining for managing COVID-19 Sonia Ayachi Ghannouchi, Henda Hajjami Ben Ghezala, Yemna Sayeb, Sahar Toumia, Haifa Boudriga, Ricardo Martinho, et al. (+8)
910 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Noesis - Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Cuadernos Fronterizos Construcción de la paz desde la cooperación y la solidaridad: COVID-19 Cristian Ramos Muñoz
911 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Noesis - Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Cuadernos Fronterizos Los migrantes hacen una pausa quedándose en casa por el COVID-19 José Manuel Hernández Franco
912 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Korean Data and Information Science Society Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society Changes in industrial activities across regions of Gyeongsangbuk-do during the COVID-19 period: A longitudinal study based on traffic speed data Sanghoo Yoon, Jeonghoon Yang
913 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Elsevier Archives of Medical Research COVID-19 policy response: Perspectives of key stakeholders in Mexico's health system and implications for resilience Lina Díaz-Castro, Christian Díaz de León-Castañeda, Galileo Pérez-Hernández, José Carlos Suárez-Herrera
914 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Publishing Company VIT-A-POL Tuberculosis Lung Diseases HIV Infection Особливості гранулоцитарно-лімфоцитарного співвідношення у хворих на туберкульоз легень після COVID-19 Ю.О. Матвієнко, О.М. Рекалова, О.Р. Панасюкова, В.М. Жадан, С.Г. Ясирь, А.В. Тараненко, М.П. Будьонна
915 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Cogent Social Sciences A policy and institutional analysis of urban transport system: the case of Pakistan’s Lahore in the context of COVID-19 Quratulain Ayaz, Mohammed Abubakari, Jawad Hussain
916 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  The Korea Contents Association The Journal of the Korea Contents Association Determinants of Revenge Consumption after COVID-19 Using Decision Tree Hongcheol Choi, Hyunjin Baek
917 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Cohort profile: an observational population-based cohort study on COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness in the Netherlands - the VAccine Study COVID-19 (VASCO) Anne J Huiberts, Christina E Hoeve, Marjolein N Kooijman, Hester E de Melker, Susan JM Hahné, Diederick E Grobbee, et al. (+5)
918 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Asociación Bioquímica Argentina Revista Bioquímica y Patología Clínica Autoinmunidad y COVID-19 Orlando Gabriel Carballo
919 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Corporacion Universitaria Lasallista Revista Lasallista de Investigación Recursos biológicos en la medicina tradicional utilizados por la población andina de Ubinas frente al COVID-19 Haydee Jaqueline Huayhua Mamani, Raúl Alberto García Castro
920 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives Methodology of comparative studies on the relative effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines: a systematic review Erdenetuya Bolormaa, Jiae Shim, Young-Sook Choi, Donghyok Kwon, Young June Choe, Seung-Ah Choe
921 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Irish Journal of Occupational Therapy Long-term impact of COVID-19-related health restrictions on occupational competence and values Nicolas Biard, Aline Doussin, Samuel Pouplin
923 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Wiley Risk Analysis Political identity and risk politics: Evidence from a pandemic Eric D. Raile, Pavielle Haines, Amber N. W. Raile, Elizabeth A. Shanahan, David C. W. Parker
924 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Penerbit UTM Press Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences Spatio-Temporal Model to Forecast COVID-19 Confirmed Cases in High-Density Areas of Malaysia Nur Haizum Abd Rahman, Saidatul Nurfarahin Muhammad Yusof, Iszuanie Syafidza Che Ilias, Kathiresan Gopal, Hannuun Yaacob, Noraishah Mohammad Sham
925 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Wiley Nations and Nationalism Clapping the nation, or, from a global pandemic to national imaginaries via local solidarities Jon Fox
926 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Asociacion Colombiana de Infectologia - ACIN Infectio Análisis de sobrevida en Pediatría por COVID-19 en Colombia Diana Liceth Pinilla Gacharná, Juan Pablo Rojas Hernández, Rafael Lambraño Barrera, Robinson Pacheco, Juan Gonzalo Mesa Monsalve, Alejandro Díaz Díaz, et al. (+18)
927 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Asociacion Colombiana de Infectologia - ACIN Infectio Vigilancia por laboratorio de mucormicosis asociada a COVID-19 en Colombia Diana Lizarazo, Carolina Duarte, Julieth Gamba, Patricia Escandón
928 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Universidad Latinoamericana de Ciencia y Tecnologia Derecho en Sociedad Cadenas de valor y procesos de integración regional: estudio de caso de los desafíos de las cadenas de valor dentro del sistema de integración (SICA) durante la pandemia por el covid-19 en el periodo comprendido de marzo a diciembre 2020 Amelia Naranjo Montero
929 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Asociación Bioquímica Argentina Revista Bioquímica y Patología Clínica Proporción de pacientes positivos para COVID-19 en individuos asintomáticos Matías Pujana Pentreath, Micaela Cristal Arratia, Ariel Antonio Chalub, Tania Cristina Simunovich, Sabina Marcela Main, Rocío Toledo, et al. (+5)
930 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Servicios Academicos Intercontinentales S.L. Revista de Investigación Latinoamericana en Competitividad Organizacional Evaluación del desarrollo de habilidades socioemocionales y competencias docentes a raíz de la pandemia COVID-19 en la Calidad de Vida Laboral Blanca Rosa García Rivera, María Concepción Ramírez Barón, Mónica Fernanda Aranibar
931 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Instituto Nacional de Salud Publica Salud Pública de México Desigualdades socioterritoriales y defunciones por Covid-19 en la Ciudad de México Oliva López-Arellano, Manuel Bañuelos-Moreno, Alejandra Moreno-Altamirano, Sergio López-Moreno, Francisco Garrido-Latorre
932 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Asociación Bioquímica Argentina Revista Bioquímica y Patología Clínica Síndrome inflamatorio multisistémico asociado a COVID-19 en pediatría: clínica y laboratorio Fabrina Capecce, Hugo Ramirez Soliz
933 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management Editorial: fashion supply chain management during and after the COVID-19 global pandemic
934 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Technology Pedagogy and Education Initial crisis leadership during COVID-19 higher education: a systematic review Joseph Crawford, Kerryn Butler-Henderson, Karima Lalani Lalani, Jürgen Rudolph
935 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Bangladesh Journals Online Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine Knowledge of newborns’ mothers on breastfeeding during covid-19, hiv and tuberculosis infection attendee in selected hospitals Salma Akther, Khursheda Akhtar, Esrat Zahan Shawan
937 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Elsevier IFAC-PapersOnLine Metabolic modelling reveals key pathways in COVID-19 in an effort to drive drug purposing Alexandre Oliveira, Miguel Rocha, Oscar Dias
938 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Urban Affairs Governing pandemics: Resilience and community responses for COVID-19 in Bengaluru and Shanghai Zhumin Xu, Kala S. Sridhar, Qingwen Xu, Vishal Ravi
939 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Scientific Research Publishing, Inc. Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Cyclopia Associated with Sexual Ambiguity Discovered at the Birth of a Newborn Whose Mother Contracted COVID-19 in Early Pregnancy: A Rare Case at the Teaching Hospital of Angre (ABIDJAN) Koffi Soh Victor, Adjoby Cassou Roland, Effoh N’drin Denis, Kouakou-Kouraogo Ramata, Akobé Privat, Loba Okoin Paul José, Houphouet-Mwandji Blanche Carine
940 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists BJPsych Open Grief and coping among relatives of patients who died of COVID-19 in intensive care during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic Sancho Rodriguez-Villar, Elijah Oluwafemi Okegbola, Juan Arevalo-Serrano, Yasmine Duval, Annie Mathew, Carmen Rodriguez-Villar, et al. (+3)
941 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  American Society for Microbiology Microbiology Spectrum Cyclosporine may reduce the risk of symptomatic COVID-19 in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: a retrospective cohort study He-Jun Li, Shu-Huan Lin, Yan-Qing Wang, Ling Chen, Xiang-Xiong Zheng, Li-Xin Wei, Dhammika H. Navarathna
942 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health COVID-19 incidence and cardiorespiratory fitness among first-year college students Catherine E. Alvaro, Kyle S. Levers, Matthew D. Barberio, Yichen Jin, Andrew M. Stranieri, Jennifer M. Sacheck
943 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  JMIR Publications Inc. JMIR Aging Exploring the Linkages Among Chronic Illness, Substance Use, and COVID-19 Infection in Adults Aged 50 Years and Older: Retrospective Cross-Sectional Analysis of National Representative Data Suebsarn Ruksakulpiwat, Atsadaporn Niyomyart, Chontira Riangkam, Lalipat Phianhasin, Chitchanok Benjasirisan, Jon Adams
944 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  PAGEPress Publications Monaldi Archives for Chest Disease The impact of COVID-19 infection on idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis mortality: a systematic review and meta-analysis Davide Cavasin, Umberto Zanini, Laura Montelisciani, Maria Grazia Valsecchi, Laura Fabbri, Laura Antolini, Fabrizio Luppi
945 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Asociacion Colombiana de Infectologia - ACIN Infectio Complications in patients with severe COVID-19 infection who required admission to an intensive care unit in a fourth-level hospital in Bogotá, Colombia Andy Dieter Schreiber, Lina Patricia Vargas, Julian Mauricio Moreno, Adwar Peña, Juan Castellanos-de la Hoz, Sandra Valentina Saumett, et al. (+2)
946 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Publicidad Permanyer, SLU Revista M�dica del Hospital General de M�xico Ischemic colitis in a young patient with a history of COVID-19 infections: atypical case Sofia Meré-Martínez, Júlia Santana-Scarpinelli, Ma. Fernanda García-Fernández
947 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Cogent Education First-year engineering student persistence amidst COVID-19 interruptions: evidence from two diverse institutions in the United States Syahrul Amin, Karen E. Rambo-Hernandez, Blaine A. Pedersen, Camille S. Burnett, Bimal P. Nepal, Noemi V. Mendoza Diaz
948 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander Eco Matemático Modalidad y calidad educativa durante el periodo de aislamiento por COVID-19, lo que nos dicen los datos de la encuesta anual de calidad de vida (2021) Nixon Albeiro Zambrano-Medina, Brisvany Andrea Rodriguez-Zambrano, Cesar Augusto Montes-Gallego, Juan Carlos Soto-Cespedes, Andrés Llanos-Redondo
949 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  IWA Publishing Water Practice & Technology Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on water quality of major rivers in Sri Lanka Harindu P. Hewakoon, Nandika Miguntanna, Kushan D. Siriwardhana, Upaka Rathnayake
950 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Increased adult movements and decreased juvenile apparent survival of urban crows during COVID-19 lockdowns Perrine Lequitte-Charransol, Alexandre Robert, Frédéric Jiguet
951 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Wiley European Policy Analysis Executive hour or political competition in times of crisis?-An analysis of public crisis reporting on the COVID-19 lockdowns in Germany Katja Demler
952 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Sagamore Publishing, LLC Journal of Park and Recreation Administration A Qualitative Case Study of Trail Visitors’ Experiences and COVID-19 Mitigation Decisions During the Pandemic Christopher J. Wynveen, Heather Gibson
953 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Walter de Gruyter GmbH Nonlinear Engineering Computational analysis of the Covid-19 model using the continuous Galerkin-Petrov scheme Rahila Naz, Aasim Ullah Jan, Salah Boulaaras, Rafik Guefaifia
954 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine Retraction: Case Report: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) modified RNA vaccination-induced adult-onset still's disease with fulminant myocarditis as initial presentation
955 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Contemporânea - Journal of Ethics and Political Philosophy Revista Contemporânea IMPACTO DA COVID-19 NA VIGILÂNCIA E CONTROLE DA DENGUE NO AMAZONAS Dieiglas Pantoja dos Santos, Thalita Figueiredo Alencar
956 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Georg Thieme Verlag KG Nephrologie aktuell Immunsuppression bei COVID-19 nach Nierentransplantation Stefan Thorban, Edouard Matevossian
957 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Scientific Research and Community Ltd Journal of Physical Medicine Rehabilitation Studies & Reports Impact of Covid-19 on Respiratory and Cardiovascular Status in Covid Recovered Young Adults Neha Kashyap, Himanshu Mishra
958 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Elsevier Case Studies on Transport Policy Towards socially equitable public transport systems: The effect of COVID-19 on taxi trip behavior Ilgin Gokasar, Ece Ozcan, Muhammet Deveci
959 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Anfo Publication House International Journal of Medical and All Body Health Research Impact of COVID-19 on the Risk of Developing Dermatological Conditions Rehman Basharat
960 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Applied Economics On the efficiency of US community banks around the COVID-19 outbreak Manal El Kassimi, Khalid El Badraoui, Jamal Ouenniche
961 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Decision making techniques in mass gathering medicine during the COVID-19 pandemia: a scoping review Pedro Llorente-Nieto, José-Manuel Ramos-Rincón, Gregorio González-Alcaide
962 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Universitas Pattimura BAREKENG JURNAL ILMU MATEMATIKA DAN TERAPAN RETROSPECTIVE ANALYSIS IN HYPOTHESIS TESTING TO EVALUATE INDONESIA'S GINI RATIO AFTER COVID-19 PANDEMIC Karunia Eka Lestari, Fitriani Agustina, Mokhammad Ridwan Yudhanegara, Edwin Setiawan Nugraha, Sisilia Sylviani
963 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Nihon University School of Dentistry Journal of Oral Science Revisiting the importance of oral health management based on the lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic Noriaki Kamio, Muneaki Tamura, Shogo Okazaki, Kozue Sugimoto, Marni E. Cueno, Hajime Tanaka, Kenichi Imai
964 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  The Sports Physical Therapy Session International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy Short-Term Clinical Outcomes After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction In Adolescents During The COVID-19 Pandemic Adam Weaver, Brandon Ness, Dylan Roman, Nicholas Giampetruzzi, Joshua Cleland
965 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Asia-Pacific Applied Economics Association Energy RESEARCH LETTERS Cryptocurrency Environmental Attention, Green Financial Assets, and Information Transmission: Evidence From the COVID-19 Pandemic Inzamam Ul Haq
966 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Sociology Editorial: Intersections of ageing and disability during the COVID-19 pandemic Bethany Simmonds, Maria Berghs
967 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  University of Southern Mississippi Online Journal of Health Ethics Examining the ethics behind ICU admission during the COVID-19 Pandemic Brian Eclarinal
968 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Nutrition in Gerontology and Geriatrics Partners’, Providers’, and Rural Older Adults’ Perspectives on Minnesota’s Emergency Food System Emerging from the COVID-19 Pandemic Patrick J. Brady, Natalie Vandenburgh, Melissa N. Laska
969 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences International Journal of ADVANCED AND APPLIED SCIENCES Understanding purchase intentions in crisis: The role of trust and perceived value in Sudan's F-commerce during the COVID-19 pandemic Anwar Yahia Shams Eldin
970 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  BMJ Emergency Medicine Journal Culture of safety in an adult and paediatric emergency department before and after the COVID-19 pandemic Dolores Beteta Fernández, Arturo Pereda Mas, Carlos Perez Canovas, Ana Patricia Navarro Egea, Manuel Pardo Rios, Julian Alcaraz-Martinez
971 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Urban Affairs First responder ladder of community engagement: Understanding community-facing activities during the COVID-19 pandemic Santina Contreras, Kaila Witkowski, Joanne Pérodin, Christa L. Remington, Andrea M. Headley, N. Emel Ganapati
972 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Elsevier Technology in Society Categorical and resource inequalities in self-reliant internet use and use-by-proxy among older adults in Slovenia during the COVID-19 pandemic Andraž Petrovčič, Anabel Quan-Haase, Bianca C. Reisdorf, Štěpán Žádník, Simona Hvalič-Touzery, Jerneja Laznik
973 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia Salud Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias Perception of Dentistry Students Regarding Virtual Classes During the COVID-19 Pandemic María Fernanda Yáñez Acosta, Mónica Gabriela Romo Rodríguez, Elida Lizeth Barba González, Katia Alcalá Barbosa, Juan Carlos Rolón Díaz
974 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Discover Psychology A qualitative exploration of the coping strategies of UK ethnic minority healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic Hailemariam Weldemariam, Ophelia Dadzie, Charles Ogunbode, Philomena Antwi, David Lackland Sam, Oyeniyi Samuel Olaniyan, et al. (+2)
975 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Wiley American Journal of Industrial Medicine Essential(ly forgotten) workers: Latine youth farmworkers during the COVID-19 pandemic Taylor J. Arnold, Sharon D. Morrison, Michelle Y. Martin Romero, Sandra E. Echeverria, Sylvia Zapata, Sara A. Quandt, et al. (+3)
976 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Differences in COVID-19 Vaccination and Experiences among Patients with Hypertension in Colombia and Jamaica during the COVID-19 Pandemic Jacqueline P. Duncan, Siyi Geng, Carene Lindsay, Trevor S. Ferguson, Katherine T. Mills, Jose Patricio Lopez-Lopez, et al. (+9)
977 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Biomedical Informatics Bioinformation Psychological and physical impact of wearing personal protective equipment among health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic Madhavrao Chavan Madhavrao Chavan, Sushil Sharma, Santenna Chenchula, Gaurav Rangari, Arup Kumar Misra, Pavani Saggurthi
978 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  OASK Publishers Journal of Clinical Psychology and Neurology Operational Stress Among Nepal Police Officers During the COVID-19 Pandemic Pratibha Singh, Nabin Prasad Joshi
979 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Wiley Child Development Family functioning and child internalizing and externalizing problems: A 16-wave longitudinal study during the COVID-19 pandemic Hyanghee Lee, Gregory M. Fosco, Mark E. Feinberg
980 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Wiley Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology Healthcare Disparities in Telemedicine Access and Use During the COVID-19 Pandemic Jesus Montiel, Amy Q. Moy, Samuel Dodson
981 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Discover Public Health Will mpox disease caused by the human Mpox virus (MPXV) result in a pandemic-like situation similar to the COVID-19 pandemic Venkataramana Kandi
982 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Scientific Research and Community Ltd Journal of Clinical Medicine and Regenerative Medicine Pediatric NAFLD - The Increasing Obstacle of The New World Retrospective Analysis of COVID-19 Pandemic Teona Nutsubidze
983 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Retraction: Does money buy health? evaluation of stock market performance and economic growth in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic
984 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Ovid MCN The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing Labor Nurses' Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic Linda Eanes, Liji Mathew, Betty Philips, Dalia Paul, Moncy Mathews
985 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  American Association for Cancer Research Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention Changes in Breast Cancer Screening Prevalence in the US During the COVID-19 Pandemic, 2018-2022 Kilan C. Ashad-Bishop, Jessica Star, Angela N. Giaquinto, Robert A. Smith, Ahmedin Jemal, Priti Bandi
986 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  American Medical Association JAMA Network Open Hospital Strain During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Outcomes in Older Racial and Ethnic Minority Adults Laurent G. Glance, Karen E. Joynt Maddox, Patricia W. Stone, E. Yoko Furuya, Jingjing Shang, Mark J. Sorbero, et al. (+3)
987 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Charter Services New York d/b/a Journal of Orthopaedic Experience and Innovation Journal of Orthopaedic Experience & Innovation Spread Too Thin: How has the COVID-19 Pandemic Contributed to Burnout Among Academic Orthopaedic Surgeons? Nisha N. Kale, Michaela A. Stamm, Margaret J Higgins, Mary Mulcahey
988 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Scientific Research Publishing, Inc. Advances in Infectious Diseases Could the Increased Consumption of Azithromycin during the COVID-19 Pandemic Have Affected the Sensitivity of Bacteria of Aquatic Environment to This Antibiotic? Ntsama Essomba Claudine, Tombedi Marie Christine, Ambada Ndzengue Georgia Elna, Eteme Enama Serge, Leme Banock Lucie, Avomo Jeanne, Bilong Bilong Charles Félix
990 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Springer-Verlag International Journal of the Sociology of Leisure Children’s Guerrilla Play and Dirt Jumps: Parkland as Contested Space During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Australia Judith Bessant, Patrick O’Keeffe, Rob Watts
991 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Merwin Publisher Journal of Language Education (JoLE) The Eight Graders’ Perception of Speaking Online Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic in SMP at Misykat Al-Anwar Khofifah Indah Hasanah, Sakhi Herwiana
992 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Dove Medical Press Infection and Drug Resistance Characterization of the Pathogen Distribution and Drug Resistance in Bloodstream Infections During COVID-19 Pandemic in Tertiary Hospital in Eastern China: Comparison with the Pre-Pandemic Period [Letter] Anna Poetranto, Aldise Nastri, Jezzy Dewantari
993 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  MDPI AG Land The House-Scale Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Italian Property Market Pierluigi Morano, Felicia Di Liddo, Francesco Tajani
994 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Tobacco consumption behavior change during the COVID-19 pandemic is associated with perceived COVID threat Hollyann F. Loui, Joshua Li, Nicholas J. Jackson, Ruby Romero, Lauren E. Wisk, Russell G. Buhr
995 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  F1000 Research Ltd Wellcome Open Research Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on hospital admissions and inpatient mortality in Kenya: a retrospective cohort study Morris O Ogero, Lynda Isaaka, Ruth Lucinde, Livingstone Mumelo, Henry Gathuri, Dennis Kimego, et al. (+15)
996 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on maternal-fetal outcomes in a nonepidemic designated hospital: a retrospective study and clinical experience summary Jing Gao, Zhongzhou Xiao, Chuanyong Li, Yujun Yao, Lei Chen, Jie Xu, Weiwei Cheng
997 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Wiley BJUI Compass Understanding the long-term impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer outcomes: 12-Month follow-up data from the international, prospective COVIDSurg Cancer study Cameron E. Alexander, Arjun Nathan, Alexander Light, Chuanyu Gao, Vinson Chan, Sinan Khadhouri, et al. (+18)
998 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Psychology The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on nostalgic social media use Peng Xiang, Lijuan Chen, Fuming Xu, Shasha Du, Mingxuan Liu, Yimeng Zhang, et al. (+2)
999 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  International Journal of Research Publications International Journal of Research Publications The Effect of Emotional Intelligence and Resilience on Anxiety in the Covid-19 Pandemic situation in MSME Entrepreneurs in Indonesia Innaya Bunga Prisintya, S.Psi
1000 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Elsevier Diabetes Epidemiology and Management Reply to Increase in diabetic deaths during COVID-19 pandemic. Some comments Camilla Mattiuzzi, Giuseppe Lippi
1001 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia Journal of Construction in Developing Countries Assessing the Post-Disaster Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic Towards Malaysian Construction Industry Ting Sim Nee, Ang Chern Xing, Lee Yee Yong
1002 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Social Science Electronic Publishing SSRN Electronic Journal Impact of Housing Demand Shocks on Home Appraisal Precision: Insights From The Shift To Work From Home During The COVID-19 Pandemic&nbsp; Terrence Jewell
1003 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) International Journal of Migration Health and Social Care “Precarious status: illegality and mental health among immigrants during the COVID-19 pandemic Russell Rice Manzano
1004 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  SAGE Publications Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health Changes in Physical Activity Due to Changes in Employment and Income Before and After the Onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Korean Community Health Survey Yea-Li-A Song, Jae-Min Kim, Jae-Hyun Park
1005 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Estimation of the prevalence of anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic: A meta-analysis of meta-analyses Mostafa Amini-Rarani, Saber Azami-Aghdash, Haleh Mousavi Isfahani, Mohammad Mohseni
1006 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health The total joint arthroplasty care patterns in China during the COVID-19 pandemic: a multicenter cohort study Tianyi Zhang, Shan Wang, Li Yan, Huajuan Bai, Jiugong Guo, Jianchao Liu, Lihua Liu
1007 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  PAGEPress Publications Emergency Care Journal Uses of simulation during COVID-19 pandemic: a scoping review Giulia Mormando, Ilaria Costantini, Matteo Paganini, Anna Vittadello, Cristian Pinello, Giulia Tiozzo, et al. (+6)
1008 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Journal of Graduate Medical Education Journal of Graduate Medical Education Interventions to Support Resident and Fellow Well-Being During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Scoping Review Halah Ibrahim, Sawsan Abdel-Razig, Lyuba Konopasek, Jillian Silverberg, Ingrid Philibert
1009 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Correction: Food and family care during the COVID-19 pandemic: A study of women’s domestic workload during the first wave in Chile Nathalie Llanos, Lorena Iglesias, Patricia Gálvez Espinoza, Carla Cuevas, Dérgica Sanhueza
1010 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Bangladesh Journals Online Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine Nursing stress and associated factors during covid-19 pandemic: findings of a cross-sectional study at tertiary hospitals in Bangladesh Ayesha Siddika, ANM Shamsul Islam, Mohammad Monir Hossain, Md Ziaul Islam
1011 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Acta Paulista de Enfermagem Acta Paulista de Enfermagem Drive thru vaccination system during the COVID-19 pandemic: integrative review Ana Paula Ribeiro de Oliveira, Alessandra Suptitz Carneiro, Rafaela Andolhe
1012 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  New Prairie Press International Journal of School Social Work Social Work Education during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Lessons Learned for Programming and Practice Dana Alonzo, Pinar Zubaroglu-Ioannides, Gulcan Urhan, Mashura Akilova
1013 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Parents’ online coaching in the early intervention home program for toddlers with autism spectrum disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic: Manual development and feasibility study JieYi Png, Farahiyah Wan Yunus, Masne Kadar, Yang Wai Wai, Yazmin Ahmad Rusli, Jamilah Hanum Abdul Khaiyom, Amin Nakhostin-Ansari
1014 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Interregional Association for Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Etiology of community-acquired pneumonia in adults in Russian hospitals after the COVID-19 pandemic: results of a multicenter prospective study S.A. Rachina, O.A. Kupryushina, D.A. Strelkova, S.N. Avdeev, A.E. Vlasenko, A.S. Yasneva, et al. (+11)
1015 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Acta Paulista de Enfermagem Acta Paulista de Enfermagem COVID-19 pandemic: Sleep and fatigue in mental health professionals Flávia Camef Dorneles Lenz, Rosângela Marion da Silva, Daiana Foggiato de Siqueira, Carolina Renz Pretto, Etiane de Oliveira Freitas, Patrícia Bitencourt Toscani Greco, et al. (+2)
1016 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Work stress and professional quality of life among Chinese nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic: the chain mediating role of self-compassion and benefit finding Zhaozhao Hui, Caihua Wang, Jiaru Sun, Wenjin Han, Tianmeng Wang, Jing Li, et al. (+8)
1017 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Oxford University Press American Journal of Clinical Pathology Medical students’ perceptions of live versus recorded pathology lectures at a South African medical school during the Covid-19 pandemic: unique lessons for undergraduate pathology education in a diverse student population N G McGrath
1018 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Ovid ASAIO Journal Functional and Social Recovery and Outcomes After Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Support in COVID-19 Patients Mustafa Mert Ozgur, Ece Altinay, Halide Ogus, Rezzan Deniz Acar, Pinar Atagun Guney, Kaan Kirali
1019 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Ovid Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice Prevalence and Association of Deep Vein Thrombosis on Clinical Outcomes Among COVID-19 Patients Vicky Zhang, Michael Dylan Collins, Muni Rubens, Anshul Saxena, Venkataraghavan Ramamoorthy, Mukesh Roy, et al. (+6)
1020 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Kesmas: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Nasional Kesmas National Public Health Journal The Correlation of Age with Thrombocytes and D-Dimer Values in COVID-19 Patients at Hospital X in Jakarta, Indonesia
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1022 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Scientific Research and Community Ltd Journal of Traditional Medicine and Chinese Medicine Clinical Characteristics Analysis of 9 Cases COVID-19 Patients Receiving Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine: A Retrospective Study Chengjian Cao, Deya Che, Fuqiang Shao
1023 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Elsevier Australian Critical Care Complications associated with prone positioning in mechanically ventilated COVID-19 patients: A multicentre, retrospective observational study Thomas C. Rollinson, Luke A. McDonald, Joleen Rose, Glenn Eastwood, Rahul Costa-Pinto, Lucy Modra, et al. (+25)
1024 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Hospital Topics Proning for COVID-19 Patients: A Task-Shifting Feasibility Study Zer못el K. Asfaw, Priscilla Loanzon, Joseph P. Mathew, Zahraa F. Al-Sharshahi, Konstantinos Margetis, Jignesh S. Patel, Ernest J. Barthélemy
1025 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Discover Medicine Statins for the treatment of COVID-19 patients: an updated meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Fatemeh Movahed, Ehsan Heidari, Masoud Dehbozorgi, Saba Goodarzi, Fatemeh Esmaeilpur Abianeh, Mohammad Abbasi, et al. (+5)
1026 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) New Zealand Economic Papers Exploring the principal factors driving the volatility structure of stock trade levels in New Zealand: a Covid-19 perspective Sudhir Madaree
1027 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Asociación Bioquímica Argentina Revista Bioquímica y Patología Clínica Recomendaciones para el uso de biomarcadores en el paciente con COVID-19. Primera parte Rosana Andrea Raimondi, Gabriela Quattrocchi, Graciela Beatriz Jacquier
1028 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  JMIR Publications Inc. JMIR Serious Games Serious Game Development for Public Health: Participatory Design Approach to COVID-19 Quarantine Policy Education Myunghwan Kwak, Byeong-Je Kim, Ji-Bum Chung
1029 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Wiley Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology The Impact of Preprints on COVID-19 Research Dissemination: A Quantitative Analysis of Journal Publications Hiroyuki Tsunoda, Yuan Sun, Masaki Nishizawa, Xiaomin Liu, Kou Amano, Rie Kominami
1030 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  UCL Press International Journal of Social Pedagogy Navigating wicked problems: the unrecognised contribution of social pedagogy to Aotearoa New Zealand’s successful Covid-19 response Sarah Fraser
1031 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Wiley Risk Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy A tale of two disasters: Unpacking how social learning from the Ebola epidemic shaped COVID-19 response in informal settlements in Freetown Stephen Kofi Diko, Seth Asare Okyere, Louis Kusi Frimpong, Stephen Leonard Mensah, Matthew Abunyewah, Gordon Amankwaa
1032 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  MDPI AG Viruses Host Response Markers of Inflammation and Endothelial Activation Associated with COVID-19 Severity and Mortality: A GeoSentinel Prospective Observational Cohort Andrea M. Weckman, Sarah Anne J. Guagliardo, Valerie M. Crowley, Lucia Moro, Chiara Piubelli, Tamara Ursini, et al. (+14)
1033 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases Potential protective association of the AA genotype and a allele of CXCR4 rs2228014 polymorphism with COVID-19 severity in adult egyptians Osama H. Korayem, Amr E. Ahmed, Mohamed H. Meabed, Doaa M. Magdy, Wafaa M. Abdelghany
1034 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Revista CPAQV Centro de Pesquisas Avançadas em Qualidade de Vida IMPACTOS DA PANDEMIA DE COVID-19 SOBRE A TAXA DE INCIDÊNCIA DE AIDS NAS REGIÕES BRASILEIRAS Arthur Henrique Silva da Fonseca, Alexandre Braga Gomes, Carlos Arthur Da Silva Milhomem, Jennyfer Karolaine dos Santos Lima, Rebeca Lopes Furtado, Ana Clara Ferreira Moncao, et al. (+4)
1035 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Nonlinear Dynamics Extended SEIR model of COVID-19 spread focusing on compartmental flow in England Cheng-Ze Li, Xing Lü, Jia-Jun Gong, Yu Lei
1036 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Journal of Clinical and Translational Science Preparing better: Accelerating COVID-19 Therapeutic Interventions and Vaccines (ACTIV) therapeutics trials lessons learned: A call to the future Stacey J. Adam, Timothy G. Buchman, Judith S. Currier, Ruxandra Draghia-Akli, Josh P. Fessel, Elizabeth S. Higgs, et al. (+6)
1037 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Journal of Clinical and Translational Science Engaging communities in therapeutics clinical research during pandemics: Experiences and lessons from the ACTIV COVID-19 therapeutics research initiative David A. Wohl, Stacey J. Adam, Kevin W. Gibbs, Ari L. Moskowitz, Thomas L. Ortel, Upinder Singh, et al. (+12)
1038 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Journal of Clinical and Translational Science The future is now: Using the lessons learned from the ACTIV COVID-19 therapeutics trials to create an inclusive and efficient clinical trials enterprise Stacey J. Adam, Sarah E. Dunsmore, Lisa H. Merck, Sarah W. Read, Yves Rosenberg
1039 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Journal of Clinical and Translational Science Lessons learned from COVID-19 to overcome challenges in conducting outpatient clinical trials to find safe and effective therapeutics for the next infectious pandemic Minn A. Oh, Judith Currier, Akram Khan, Eleftherios Mylonakis, Matthew Newell, Rachel Bender Ignacio, et al. (+4)
1040 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Journal of Clinical and Translational Science Practical application of good participatory practices for trials of emerging pathogens: Developing materials for use in ACTIV-3, -3b, and ACTIV-associated COVID-19 trials Paola del Carmen Guerra-de-Blas, Rubria Marines-Price, Olga Milman, Danae Deal, Jonathan Marchand, Jessica Linton, et al. (+5)
1041 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports The individual and ecological characteristics of parental COVID-19 vaccination decisions Lukas Hörnig, Sandra Schaffner, Hendrik Schmitz
1042 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Scientific Research and Community Ltd Journal of Womens Healthcare & Midwifery Research COVID-19 Vaccinations and Menstrual Cycle Alteration Sadique Hussain, Varunesh Chaturvedi, Mansi Singh, Priya Kumari, Himanshi Khatri
1043 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  BMJ Archives of Disease in Childhood COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness and uptake in a national cohort of English children and young people with life-limiting neurodisability Joana Cruz, Rachel Harwood, Simon Kenny, Matthew Clark, Peter J Davis, Elizabeth S Draper, et al. (+9)
1044 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health A scoping review of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy: refusal rate, associated factors, and strategies to reduce Rona Bahreini, Mehran Sardareh, Morteza Arab-Zozani
1045 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Pediatric Cardiology Myocarditis and Pericarditis are Temporally Associated with BNT162b2 COVID-19 Vaccine in Adolescents: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Yongyeon Choi, Jue Seong Lee, Young June Choe, Hyeran Lee, Yoonsun Yoon, Seung Hwan Shin, et al. (+8)
1046 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Wiley Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Insulin requirement trajectories during COVID-19 versus non-COVID-19 critical illness-A retrospective cohort study Navid Soltani, Henrike Häbel, Anca Balintescu, Marcus Lind, Jonathan Grip, Ragnar Thobaben, et al. (+2)
1047 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Negah Scientific Publisher Shenakht Journal of Psychology and Psychiatry Prevalence of Stress, anxiety, depression in Students of Sanandaj in the epidemic of Covid-19 virus in 2022 Soleiman Mohammadzadeh, Shahrzad Dabirshahoveissi, Reza Ghanei Gheshlagh, Lavin Jafari, Arian Azadnia
1048 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  MDPI AG Atmosphere The Effects of Air Quality and the Impact of Climate Conditions on the First COVID-19 Wave in Wuhan and Four European Metropolitan Regions Marina Tautan, Maria Zoran, Roxana Radvan, Dan Savastru, Daniel Tenciu, Alexandru Stanciu
1050 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Bio-Byword Scientific Publishing, Pty. Ltd. Urology Research Clinical Features and Risk Factors of COVID-19-Associated Fungal Infections in Kidney Transplant Recipients Chonghao Sun, Hao Dong, Haotian Tan, Congrong Shen, Zhenshan Ding, Ying Zhao, Jianfeng Wang
1051 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  ScopeMed Medicine Science | International Medical Journal Molecular docking reveals fibrinogen binding sites on SARS-CoV-2 spike protein: A potential mechanism for COVID-19-related coagulation Onur Ozturk, Evren Kilinc, Batuhan Irez, Emel Timucin
1052 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Australian Journal of General Practice General practitioners’ experiences delivering essential care services during the 2020 and 2021 COVID-19-related lockdowns Pallavi Prathivadi, Mridula Shankar, Asvini Subasinghe, Jennie Raymond, Cathy Grech, Danielle Maz
1053 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Child and Family Studies The Associations Between COVID-19-related Stigma of School-age Children and Communicative Support from Parents and Teachers Yui Yamaoka, Mayumi Hangai, Makiko Sampei, Naho Morisaki
1054 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Reactions Weekly COVID-19-vaccine/Influenza-virus-vaccine/Respiratory-syncytial-virus-vaccine
1055 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Health Services Research Nursing home leader response during COVID-19: a qualitative descriptive study about use of external resources during the pandemic Amy Vogelsmeier, Lori L. Popejoy, Alisha Harvey Johnson, Steven Miller, Lisa Young, Roy A. Thompson, et al. (+3)
1056 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Pituitary Hypophysitis in COVID-19: a systematic review Sara Menotti, Luigi di Filippo, Umberto Terenzi, Sabrina Chiloiro, Laura De Marinis
1057 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Safety and Efficacy of Chyawanprash as a Prophylaxis Treatment for COVID-19: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Control Trials Shubham Sharma, Gayathree Sethuraman, Khushboo Kumari
1058 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Noesis - Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Cuadernos Fronterizos COVID-19: el reto de género en los hogares más urgente que nunca Brenda Fabiola Chávez Bermúdez
1059 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Editora Acadêmica do Brasil Revista Ciência & Humanização do Hospital de Clínicas de Passo Fundo Colecistite aguda durante a pandemia de Covid-19: Existiu alguma diferença? Guilherme Kunkel da Costa, Jorge Roberto Marcante Carlotto, Gustavo Olszanski Acrani
1060 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Acta Dermato-Venereologica Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine Self-reported fatigue in people with post COVID-19: impact on functioning in daily life, and associated factors - a cross-sectional study Christina Brogårdh, Elisabeth Ekstrand, Agneta Malmgren Fänge, Iben Axen, Kerstin Stigmar, Eva Ekvall Hansson
1061 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Acta Paulista de Enfermagem Acta Paulista de Enfermagem Vacinação pelo sistema drive thru durante a pandemia COVID-19: revisão integrativa Ana Paula Ribeiro de Oliveira, Alessandra Suptitz Carneiro, Rafaela Andolhe
1062 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Cell Communication and Signaling Innate immune response in COVID-19: single-cell multi-omics profile of NK lymphocytes in a clinical case series Silvia Barbon, Fabrizio Armellin, Verena Passerini, Sergio De Angeli, Simona Primerano, Laura Del Pup, et al. (+6)
1063 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Acta Paulista de Enfermagem Acta Paulista de Enfermagem Pandemia de COVID-19: Sono e fadiga em profissionais da saúde mental Flávia Camef Dorneles Lenz, Rosângela Marion da Silva, Daiana Foggiato de Siqueira, Carolina Renz Pretto, Etiane de Oliveira Freitas, Patrícia Bitencourt Toscani Greco, et al. (+2)
1064 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Siberian State Medical University Bulletin of Siberian Medicine On the pathogenesis of COVID-19: the role of transforming growth factor beta A. V. Budnevsky, E. S. Ovsyannikov, V. V. Shishkina, N. G. Alekseeva, I. M. Perveeva, A. G. Kitoyan, L. N. Antakova
1065 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Noesis - Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Cuadernos Fronterizos Los temas del coronavirus Víctor Orozco
1067 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Scientific Research and Community Ltd Progress in Medical Sciences A Nursing Experience of Caring a Patient with Coronavirus Disease Pei-Jung Chen
1068 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Elsevier Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North America Flares of Systemic Autoimmune Rheumatic Disease Following Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination Genna Braverman, Medha Barbhaiya, Minerva Nong, Lisa A. Mandl
1069 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Cadiz Revista eureka sobre enseñanza y divulgación de las ciencias “¿El coronavirus es un ser vivo?”. Una situación de aprendizaje basada en la lectura para tratar la revisabilidad del conocimiento científico Antonio García-Carmona
1070 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  American Institute of Mathematical Sciences AIMS Mathematics Deepfake image detection and classification model using Bayesian deep learning with coronavirus herd immunity optimizer Wahida Mansouri, Amal Alshardan, Nazir Ahmad, Nuha Alruwais
1071 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Internal Medicine of India Effects of montelukast on clinical manifestations of coronavirus infection Ram B. Singh, Ghizal Fatima, Saibal Chakravorty
1072 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Pediatria, Ltd. PEDIATRIA Journal named after G N SPERANSKY Assessment of the safety of the two-component drug of monoclonal antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 (tixagevimab+cilgavimab) for pre-exposure prophylaxis of the new coronavirus infection in children with rheumatic diseases Ye.I. Alexeyeva, M.Yu. Kokina, D.S. Fomina, T.M. Dvoryakovskaya, X.B. Isayeva, A.M. Chomakhidze, et al. (+10)
1073 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  American Chemical Society ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters Novel Papain-Like Protease Inhibitors for Treating Viral Infections, in Particular Coronavirus Infections Ram W. Sabnis
1074 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Scientific Research and Community Ltd Journal of Physical Mathematics & its Applications Global Dynamics of Teaching and Learning Mathematics During the Period of Coronavirus Pandemic: Some Reflections from Nigeria Tsafe AK
1075 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Elsevier Veterinary Microbiology IFN-β contributes to astrocyte activation in the brain following coronavirus PHEV infection independent on peripheral immunity Junchao Shi, Qianhan Jia, Yanfang Yu, Jing Zhang, Zi Li, Wenqi He
1076 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Wiley Health Services Research Effects of the continuous Medicaid coverage provision of the family first coronavirus response act on postpartum Medicaid coverage, depression symptoms, and birth control use Ufuoma Ejughemre, Wei Lyu, George L. Wehby
1077 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  American Chemical Society ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Novel Electrochemical Sensor Based on One-Step Encapsulation of Metal-Organic Framework (MOF) for Simultaneous Detection of SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 Tongtong Ye, Xiaotong Wang, Li Wang, Shuna Ren, Lina Yang, Lihua Chen
1078 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Rhinology Rhinology Journal Clinical efficacy of olfactory training using aromatic traditional Chinese medicine in managing olfactory dysfunction induced by SARS-CoV-2 X-F Qiao, L-Y Han, Y-F Li, H Li, H-M Zhen, H-R Dang, et al. (+2)
1079 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Molecular Sciences Variants rs3804099 and rs3804100 in the TLR2 Gene Induce Different Profiles of TLR-2 Expression and Cytokines in Response to Spike of SARS-CoV-2 Julio Flores-González, Zurisadai Monroy-Rodríguez, Ramcés Falfán-Valencia, Ivette Buendía-Roldán, Ingrid Fricke-Galindo, Rafael Hernández-Zenteno, et al. (+3)
1080 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Pediatrics Editorial: Ethnic differences in children in the clinical manifestation of infection with SARS-Cov-2 and its variants Chun-Ting Lin, Kai-Sheng Hsieh
1081 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Immunity & Ageing Health characteristics associated with persistence of SARS-CoV-2 antibody responses after repeated vaccinations in older persons over time: the Doetinchem cohort study Yunus Kuijpers, Joanna Kaczorowska, H. Susan J. Picavet, Mary-lène de Zeeuw-Brouwer, Marjan Kuijer, Irene Slits, et al. (+5)
1082 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Uptake, Acceptability, and Results of SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Diagnostic Testing in Community Settings in Cameroon Tatiana K. Djikeussi, Boris Kevin Tchounga, Loic Feuzeu, Rogacien Kana, Boris Tchakounte Youngui, Shannon Viana, et al. (+10)
1083 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  American Society for Clinical Investigation JCI Insight Tissue resident memory T cells contribute to protection against heterologous SARS-CoV-2 challenge Abby Odle, Meenakshi Kar, Abhishek K. Verma, Alan Sariol, David K. Meyerholz, Mehul S. Suthar, et al. (+2)
1084 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Russkiy Vrach Publishing House Problems of Biological Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry ANTIVIRAL ACTIVITY OF A BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE ADDITIVE BASED ON THE EXTRACT OF ASPEN BARK IN RELATION TO THE SARS-COV-2 IN EXPERIMENTS IN VIVO V. Burkova, V. Sergun, A. Ivanov, O. Pyankov
1085 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS Pathogens Characterisation of the antibody-mediated selective pressure driving intra-host evolution of SARS-CoV-2 in prolonged infection Michael Schoefbaenker, Theresa Günther, Eva Ulla Lorentzen, Marie-Luise Romberg, Marc Tim Hennies, Rieke Neddermeyer, et al. (+11)
1086 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  IOS Press Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Placental pathology in SARS-CoV-2 infected pregnancies: A single-institution retrospective cohort analysis T. Le, D. Lee, L.S. Brown, B.W. Payton, P. Sepulveda, J. Sisman, et al. (+3)
1087 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Cardiovascular Toxicology Extracellular Volume and Fibrosis Volume of Left Ventricular Myocardium Assessed by Cardiac Magnetic Resonance in Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Patients with a History of SARS-CoV-2 Infection Paweł Gać, Wojciech Hajdusianek, Aleksandra Żórawik, Małgorzata Poręba, Rafał Poręba
1088 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Scientific Research and Community Ltd Journal of Critical Care & Emergency Medicine Interleukin 6, As a « Target Molecule », in the Assessment of the Severity of Sars-Cov-2 Infection Boubaker Nouha
1089 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research Early pregnancy SARS-COV-2 infection and fetal cardiac and hemodynamic changes Zi-Hang Xu, Xiao-Dan Zhu, Shan-Yu Yin, Ji-Yu Bai, Jin-Hua Pan, Lin-Yu Zhou, et al. (+4)
1090 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Acta Virologica Acute and long-term SARS-CoV-2 infection and neurodegeneration processes-circulus vitiosus Weronika Daria Krahel, Michalina Bartak, Joanna Cymerys
1091 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Elsevier Clinical Nutrition Open Science SARS-CoV-2 infection-induces human milk antibodies capable of mediating multiple functional activities Jared Sheehan, Aline Andres, Laxmi Yeruva, Alistair J. Ramsay
1092 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Isolated Lower Limb Vasculitis Following SARS-CoV-2 Infection: A Case Report Alexander Mitropoulos, Maanasa Bandla, Joshua H Abasszade, Miriam Belhadfa, Julia Sewell, Anna Antony, et al. (+2)
1093 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Autoimmunity SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines do not worsen autoimmunity in patients with autoimmune liver diseases Tobias Kälin, Katia Passarin, Magdalena Filipowic-Sinnreich, David Semela, Tanja Seifert, Federica Sallusto, et al. (+4)
1094 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Charter Services New York d/b/a Journal of Orthopaedic Experience and Innovation Journal of Orthopaedic Experience & Innovation The Impact of Sars-CoV-2 Pandemic on Patient Selection, Length of Stay, and Short-Term Postoperative Outcomes in Elective Total Joint Arthroplasty. Trevor Simcox, Eric Chen, Stephen Zak, Ran Schwarzkopf
1095 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Oxford University Press American Journal of Clinical Pathology Risks of Tacrolimus and Paxlovid Therapy in SARS-CoV-2 Positive Transplant Recipients: A Case Discussion and Institutional Data Review M D Olp, E Higginson, C Gherasim
1096 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine X Pulmonary embolism after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination Björn Zethelius, Sofia Attelind, Gabriel Westman, Rickard Ljung, Anders Sundström
1097 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Virulence Host combats porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus infection at non-coding RNAs level Zhi Qin, Weiye Liu, Zhihua Qin, Hongliang Zhang, Xuewei Huang
1098 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Wiley Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology What Is Left Unsaid: Ongoing Tacit Knowledge Loss from the Pandemic Rebekah Willson, Kimiz Dalkir, Peymon Montazeri
1099 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Hindawi Limited International Journal of Dentistry A Study to Check the Readiness of Final-Year Dental Students Vis-à-Vis to a Safe and an Independent Practitioner in Sultanate of Oman Amidst the Recent Pandemic Triveni Nalawade, Sanjay Saraf, Rachappa Mallikarjuna, Belal Haj-Hamed, Siva Kumar, Nutayla Al Harthy, et al. (+2)
1100 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Journal of Clinical and Translational Science ACTIV trials: Lessons learned in trial design in the setting of an emergent pandemic Maryam Keshtkar-Jahromi, Kevin J. Anstrom, Christina Barkauskas, Samuel M. Brown, Eric S. Daar, William Fischer, et al. (+15)
1101 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Creative Publishing House Journal of Ecohumanism Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Sustainable Development Goals Derived Gentrification Scale in the Context of the Pandemic Julio E. Crespo, Cruz García Lirios, Celia Yaneth Quiroz Campas, Arturo Sánchez Sánchez, Jorge E. Chaparro Medina, Isabel Cristina Rincón Rodríguez
1102 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Journal of Clinical and Translational Science Lessons learned from the conduct of inpatient clinical trials in a pandemic Jane A. O’Halloran, Jeremy R. Beitler, Lucy K. Chung, Mamta K. Jain, Akram Khan, Lisa H. Merck, et al. (+5)
1103 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  University of Calgary Journal of Critical Public Health The proposed WHO Pandemic Agreement: Ambitious progress or business as usual? Alan Petersen
1104 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Brill European Journal for the History of Medicine and Health Community and Care: Black Civil Society and the Influenza Pandemic of 1918 in the United States Paul Skäbe
1105 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Sultan Publisher International Journal of Engineering Continuity The Impact of the Covid - 19 Pandemic on Runway Service Life Garin Yacub, Ary Setyawan, Dewi Handayani, Jhon Hardy Purba
1106 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Journal of Clinical and Translational Science The statistical design and analysis of pandemic platform trials: Implications for the future Christopher J. Lindsell, Matthew Shotwell, Kevin J. Anstrom, Scott Berry, Erica Brittain, Frank E. Harrell, et al. (+12)
1107 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Medicine Pandemic-induced healthcare shifts: an observational analysis of maternal and neonatal outcomes in adolescent pregnancies Orly Grobeisen-Duque, Oscar Villavicencio-Carrisoza, Carlos Daniel Mora-Vargas, Carolina Penelope Arteaga-Lopez, Maria Guadalupe Martinez-Salazar, Alejandro Rosas-Balan, et al. (+5)
1108 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Post-recovery symptoms of infected cases after Omicron pandemic: a quick online cross-sectional study based on C19-YRSm in China Xiao-Lei Ye, Ying Zhang, Xin-Hua Dai, Jun Gan, Yue Liu, Ai-Miao Liao, et al. (+12)
1109 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Elsevier International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances Psychological Hardiness and Emotional Labor in Nurses of Iran during the Pandemic: Social Support as an Intervening Variable Elham SAEI, Raymond T. LEE
1110 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Pandemics are no longer “rare” and now pose constant threat, global preparedness board warns Elisabeth Mahase
1111 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Wiley Global Policy Preparing for pandemics needs a dose of public health and a booster of “complex thought” (Errare humanum est, perseverare diabolicum) Elisabeth Paul, Garrett W. Brown, David Bell, Valéry Ridde, Joachim Sturmberg
1112 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Leadership & Innovation Lab Scholarly Review Journal Melting glaciers, emerging pandemics? Adarshini Chandrakanth
1113 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Wiley Brain and Behavior Parallel Mediating Effects of Sleep Quality, Psychological Distress, and Self-Stigma in the Associations Between Long COVID Symptoms and Quality of Life Among Taiwanese Individuals With Mental Health Illness Kun-Chia Chang, Daniel Kwasi Ahorsu, Hsin-Chi Tsai, Carol Strong, Nai-Ying Ko, Jung-Sheng Chen, et al. (+4)
1114 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Australian Journal of General Practice A qualitative study of the general practice experience of diagnosing and managing long COVID: Challenges and practical recommendations Judith Thomas, Mirela Prgomet, Stephen Weeding, Precious McGuire, Brendan Goodger, Nerida Joss, et al. (+3)
1115 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Adherence to COVID-19 measures and the associated factors: evidence from a two-wave longitudinal study in Singapore Eng Hong Tay, Saleha Shafie, Shazana Shahwan, YunJue Zhang, Peizhi Wang, Pratika Satghare, et al. (+5)
1116 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Discover Psychology Psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Taiwanese youth: soldiers and college students Jeng-Wei Lu, Yi-Jung Ho, Yueh-Ming Tai
1117 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon National trends in thyroid disease and COVID-19 pandemic-related factors, 1998-2021: A nationwide representative study in South Korea Kyeongmin Lee, Jaeyu Park, Myeongcheol Lee, Hojae Lee, Yejun Son, Hyejun Kim, et al. (+10)
1118 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Contribuciones a las Ciencias Sociales Mental health of healthcare residents in the context of the COVID-19 Pandemic: a Scoping Review Protocol Breno Estevam Silva de Souza, Eduarda Gomes Onofre de Araújo, Livian Isabel de Medeiros Carvalho, Adhalida Zaira de Oliveira Gonçalves, Flávio Murilo Lemos Gondim, Raissa Taynnar Albuquerque Lopes, et al. (+3)
1119 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management Proceedings of the International ISCRAM Conference Cascading supply chain disruption: impact on water industry during COVID-19 Lijo John, Wojciech Piotrowicz, Aino Ruggiero
1120 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  The University of Jordan Jordan Journal of Business Administration Evaluating Enablers and Outcomes of Clients' Behavioral Intention to Use Electronic Mobile Payment Services during Covid-19 Pandemic: An Empirical Study on Jordanian Insurance Companies Ra'ed Masa'deh, Amer Salman, Ahmed Al-Dmour, Ayman Jodeh, Sallam Alobeed, Ahmad Khrisat
1121 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management Proceedings of the International ISCRAM Conference The Role of Digitalization During Supply Chain Disruptions: Lessons from the Experiences of Family-Owned Austrian Firms During the COVID-19 Pandemic Deepak Khazanchi, Reinhardt Bernsteiner
1122 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Psychiatry Latent profile of personality traits for American older adults and its transition during the COVID-19 pandemic Mingqi Fu, Jing Guo, Hao Kang, Xiaorui Huang
1123 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences International Journal of Life Science and Pharma Research Health Management of Remote Workers Using Tele-Exercise During The COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan Tetsuaki Oda, Chikako Oda, Yuji Furui, Yumi Kanegae
1124 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Medknow Publications Dr Sulaiman Al Habib Medical Journal Analysis of Parental Stress and Anxiety Symptoms during COVID-19 Pandemic in Khulna City Nuzhat Tasfiya, Tanjirul Islam, Ali Haider, Noor A. Alom Turzo, Sakib Al Hassan, Asma UL Husna
1125 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology MUCORMYCOSIS: Re-emerging opportunistic fungal infections in COVID-19 pandemic times in Indian patients (South Indian) - A series of seven cases Satyajit S. Topajiche, Prasoon S. Babu, Balasubramanya Kumar, L Phani Raghava
1126 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Liaquat College of Medicine & Dentistry International Annals of Health Sciences Assessing Anxiety and Satisfaction Levels among Dental Students during Online Learning amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study ATIF MAHMOOD, Hussain Maqbool, Komal Abdul Rahim, Sanam Hanif, Ali Maqbool, Faria Khan
1127 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Medknow Publications Dr Sulaiman Al Habib Medical Journal Resolving Friends’ and Coworkers’ COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in the Medical Field Rujittika Mungunpuntipantip, Viroj Wiwanitkit
1128 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of The Egyptian Society of Nephrology and Transplantation Erratum: Acute kidney injury in coronavirus disease 2019 patients: a game modifier
1129 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Medknow Publications The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society Impact of prosthodontic rehabilitation on psychological status and quality of life in maxillectomy patients of coronavirus disease 2019-associated mucormycosis at a tertiary care center: A prospective clinical study P. Vijayabharathi, Surabhi Rambhau Somkuwar, Santhosh Rao, Virat Galhotra, Uvashri Selvaraj
1130 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Pathophysiology of oral lesions subsequent to SARS-CoV-2 vaccination: A systematic review Preeti Sharma, Sangeeta Malik, Vijay Wadhwan, Rishabh Sharma
1132 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  NIXNIX Italian Journal of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology Dermatite da disinfettanti in corso di pandemia COVID-19 Simona Barni, Giulia Liccioli, Mattia Giovannini, Lucrezia Sarti, Erika Paladini, Francesca Mori
1133 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  NIXNIX Italian Journal of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology Is nutraceutical supplementation appropriate for COVID-19 management? Bianca Laura Cinicola
1134 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  NIXNIX Italian Journal of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology Eosinofilia grave transitoria e produzione di autoanticorpi in una bambina con recente infezione da SARS-CoV-2. Descrizione di un caso Mauro Calvani, Annamaria Bianchi, Serena Marangio, Valentina Pennetta, Fabio Midulla
1135 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  NIXNIX Italian Journal of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology Il vaccino anti SARS-CoV-2 e il suo impatto nei vulnerabili Commissione Vaccini, Simona Graziani, Elisabetta Del Duca, Loredana Chini, Rosa Maria Dellepiane, Baldassarre Martire, et al. (+6)
1136 2024―Oct―15  [GO]  NIXNIX Italian Journal of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology Il vaccino anti SARS-CoV-2 e il suo impatto nei vulnerabili Commissione Vaccini SIAIP, Simona Graziani, Elisabetta Del Duca, Loredana Chini, Rosa Maria Dellepiane, Baldassarre Martire, et al. (+6)
1137 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Neurology Potential association between COVID-19 and neurological disorders: analysis of common genes and therapeutics Wenzhi Chen, Shishi Jiang, Cheng Li, Shu Li, Junling Wang, Renshi Xu
1138 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  The Korean Surgical Society Annals of Surgical Treatment and Research Lesson from COVID-19 outbreak; importance of standard precautions to febrile neutropenia prevention in patients with breast cancer who received adjuvant chemotherapy: a retrospective observational study Ji Eun Park, Jieun Yang, Sanghoon Han, Jeong Rae Yoo, Misun Kim, Donghyoun Lee, Jaemin Jo
1139 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Exploring the effects of COVID-19 outbreak control policies on services offered to people experiencing homelessness Alexa J. Davis, Donna M. Halperin, Brian R. Condran, Melissa S. Kervin, Antonia M. Di Castri, Katherine L. Salter, et al. (+3)
1140 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease Prognostic Value of Coronary Artery Calcification in Patients with COVID-19 and Interstitial Pneumonia: A Case-Control Study Gianni Dall’Ara, Sara Piciucchi, Roberto Carletti, Antonio Vizzuso, Elisa Gardini, Maria De Vita, et al. (+12)
1141 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Bentham Science Current Medicinal Chemistry Identifying Mechanism of RSV for the Treatment of COVID-19 and Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis via Suppressing Inflammation Response Through IL-17 Signaling Pathway from the Perspectives of in silico Study Jiahao Wang, Jiamiao Shi, Ning Jia, Qinru Sun
1142 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  MDPI AG Medicina Quantitative Evaluation of Microcirculatory Alterations in Patients with COVID-19 and Bacterial Septic Shock through Remote Photoplethysmography and Automated Capillary Refill Time Analysis Mara Klibus, Darja Smirnova, Zbignevs Marcinkevics, Uldis Rubins, Andris Grabovskis, Indulis Vanags, Olegs Sabelnikovs
1143 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health Long COVID-19 and Coexistence of Fatigue and Depression: A Cross-sectional Study from Saudi Arabia Abdulrahman Alharbi, Faisal Almogbel, Unaib Rabbani, Ziad A. Memish
1144 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Korean Society for Medical Mycology Journal of Mycology and Infection Cutaneous Manifestations of COVID-19 Vaccination and COVID-19 Infection: a Questionnaire-based, Multi-center Study in Korea Ik Jun Moon, Woo Jin Lee, Hyun Chang Ko, Hyojin Kim, Chan Ho Na, Joonsoo Park, et al. (+7)
1145 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Pasifika Medical Association New Zealand Medical Journal Awareness and preparedness of healthcare workers for the initial wave of COVID-19 in Aotearoa New Zealand Thomas Pirker, Ibrahim Al-Busaidi
1146 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Health Communication Pandemic Palliatives and COVID-19 Coping: Toward the Development of a “Coping with Crisis Communications” (COCCO) Scale Annegret F. Hannawa, Brian H. Spitzberg, Aneel Bhusal, Abbie Harriman, Todd Little
1147 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Bentham Science Coronaviruses The Relationship of Self-Care Knowledge Towards COVID-19 Crisis with Anxiety and Quality of Life in Infertile Women Farangis Sharifi, Bahia Namavar Jahromi, Somayeh Alirezaei, Mohammadreza Fayyazi Bordbar, Robab Latifnejad Roudsari
1148 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Revista Eletronica Acervo Saude Revista Eletrônica Acervo Saúde Análise da COVID-19 grave em adolescentes com Fibrose Cística: estudo de casos em um centro brasileiro entre 2020-2022 Ana Caroline Ferreira Dutra Brito, Isadora de Carvalho Trevizoli, Luciana de Freitas Velloso Monte, Isabela Dorneles de Faria
1149 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  PAGEPress Publications Annals of Clinical and Biomedical Research The gaps and strengths towards effective infection prevention and control on a background of knowledge attitude and perception on COVID-19 among undergraduate students in Southeastern Nigeria: a multicentre online cross-sectional survey Samuel Onuzulike Ebede, Ifeyinwa Nkeiruka Nwafia, Paul Tochukwu Nwachukwu, Ibuchukwu Nkeonyenasoya Orabueze, Martin Ekechukwu Ohanu, Chuks Okoli, Walter Chukwuma Nwafia
1150 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  S. Karger AG Kidney & Blood Pressure Research Clinical features and risk factors for outcome in hemodialysis patients with COVID-19 after complete liberalization of epidemic control in China Shuang Zhang, Shu-Xin Liu, Zhi-Hong Wang, Ping Xiao, Hong Liu, Yan Lu, et al. (+2)
1151 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Sku00c5u0082odowskiej w Lublinie Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska sectio G (Ius) Remote Hearings in Civil Cases as a Response to the Crisis Situation Caused by COVID-19 Ewa Posłowska
1152 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo Milenaria Ciencia y arte Leviatán, contrato social en salud pública: acerca de la pandemia de COVID-19 (2020-2023) Enrique Fernández Vilas
1153 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  PsychOpen GOLD Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID) Social Psychological Bulletin How early onset of COVID-19 changed vaccine-related attitudes: A longitudinal study Mateusz Polak, Józef Maciuszek, Dariusz Doliński, Katarzyna Stasiuk
1154 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) World Journal of Engineering Retraction notice: The rise of 3D E-Commerce: the online shopping gets real with virtual reality and augmented reality during COVID-19
1155 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Penerbit UMT, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu Journal of Sustainability Science and Management SUSTAINABLE COVID-19 CONTROL MEASURES: A MATHEMATICAL MODELLING STUDY AMER M. SALMAN, MOHD HAFIZ MOHD
1156 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Eliwise Academy Ltd Advances in Economics Management and Political Sciences A Study on the Layoff Problem After COVID-19 Based on Decision Tree Ensemble Methods Yaxuan Wang
1157 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  MDPI AG Viruses Utility of ISARIC 4C Mortality Score, Vaccination History, and Anti-S Antibody Titre in Predicting Risk of Severe COVID-19 Lin Pin Koh, Travis Ren Teen Chia, Samuel Sherng Young Wang, Jean-Marc Chavatte, Robert Hawkins, Yonghan Ting, et al. (+6)
1158 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  SAGE Publications SAGE Open Nursing Getting Back on Track: Meanings of Recovery After Critical Illness Caused by COVID-19 Päivi Juuso, Åsa Engström, Ulrica Strömbäck, Maria Andersson, Anna Nordin
1159 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Ovid Hypertension Abstract P193: Adoptive transfer of placental CD4+ T Cells from preeclamptic patients with a history of COVID-19 causes hypertension and cognitive dysfunction postpartum in a pregnant rat model of preeclampsia Evangeline Deer, Kimberly Simmons, Owen Herrock, Nathan Campbell, Richard Roman, Baoying Zheng, et al. (+2)
1160 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Jannetti Publications, Inc. MEDSURG Nursing Persevering with Nursing Communication Improvements Despite COVID-19 Challenges Tiffany Gin, Rebecca Woods, Julia Goto, Catherine P. Canamar, Laura Sarff
1161 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Peertechz Publications Private Limited Archives of Community Medicine and Public Health Diagnosis from an Epidemiological Point of View. The Example of COVID-19 Turabian Jose Luis
1162 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  SciELO História Ciências Saúde-Manguinhos Hospitais de Manguinhos: reflexões sobre políticas científicas e patrimônio, das doenças tropicais à covid-19 Renato da Gama-Rosa Costa, Renata Soares da Costa Santos, Giovanna Ermida Martire
1163 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  AOSIS South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences Assessing the contribution of shadow banking to systemic risk in South Africa during COVID-19 Lawrence Mashimbye, Ashenafi B. Fanta
1164 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  SciELO História Ciências Saúde-Manguinhos Manguinhos hospitals: reflections on scientific politics and heritage, from tropical diseases to covid-19 Renato da Gama-Rosa Costa, Renata Soares da Costa Santos, Giovanna Ermida Martire
1165 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Elsevier The International Journal of Management Education Navigating the new normal: Exploring the evolution of entrepreneurship education in the aftermath of COVID-19 Anja Elisabeth Knaut, Hannah Thaler, Thomas Maran, Sascha Kraus, Alessandro Narduzzo
1166 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Nutrition Subcutaneous adipose tissue measured by computed tomography could be an independent predictor for early outcomes of patients with severe COVID-19 Weijian Zhou, Wenqi Shen, Jiajing Ni, Kaiwei Xu, Liu Xu, Chunqu Chen, et al. (+3)
1167 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Wiley Musculoskeletal Care Pain in Biologic-Treated Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients: The Role of Illness Perception Before and After the COVID-19 Pandemic Alexandra Husivargova Theofanidis, Vladimira Timkova, Zelmira Macejova, Zuzana Kotradyova, Dagmar Breznoscakova, Robbert Sanderman, Iveta Nagyova
1168 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Time series analysis of comprehensive maternal deaths in Brazil during the COVID-19 pandemic Mary Catherine Cambou, Hollie David, Corrina Moucheraud, Karin Nielsen-Saines, Warren Scott Comulada, James Macinko
1169 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics A novel orf virus vector-based COVID-19 booster vaccine shows cross-neutralizing activity in the absence of anti-vector neutralizing immunity Ute Klinkardt, Mirjam Schunk, John Ervin, Christoph Schindler, Danny Sugimoto, Bruce Rankin, et al. (+10)
1170 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  The Korean Surgical Society Annals of Surgical Treatment and Research Safety and efficacy of total one-day perioperative completion for inguinal hernia repair during the COVID-19 pandemic: a retrospective cohort study Sung Ryul Lee
1171 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  American Society for Horticultural Science HortTechnology Student Attendance, Study Activities, Major, and Midterm Grades as Predictors of Final Course Grades of Undergraduate and Graduate Plant Materials Courses during the Eras before and after COVID-19 Michael A. Arnold, Mason L. Marshall
1172 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Portland State University Library Northwest Journal of Teacher Education Teacher Retention Challenges: What we learned before and after COVID-19 Brenda Morton, Joel Maresh
1173 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Sciencevolution S.R.L. Sciencevolution Relación entre estrés, estilos de vida y habilidades de mindfulness en estudiantes de posgrado durante la pandemia del COVID-19 Violeta Hoshi
1174 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo Milenaria Ciencia y arte Desafíos del trabajo de laboratorio escolar durante la pandemia por COVID-19 Liliana Gómez Pizano, Irma Ramírez Castro, Jaqueline Pisano Báez
1175 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA) Findings in COVID-19 Pietro G. Lacaita, Anna Luger, Fabian Plank, Fabian Barbieri, Christoph Beyer, Theresa Thurner, et al. (+4)
1176 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Communications Biology FPR1 signaling aberrantly regulates S100A8/A9 production by CD14+FCN1hi macrophages and aggravates pulmonary pathology in severe COVID-19 Zhongyi Wang, Yi Wang, Qing Yan, Changlin Cai, Ying Feng, Qinghan Huang, et al. (+5)
1177 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Digital Contents Society Journal of Digital Contents Society Effects of COVID-19 Social Distancing Behavior on Social Bonding: Mediating Effects Analyzed by Structural Equation Model Jin-Hyuk Lee, SungBok Park
1178 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Jannetti Publications, Inc. MEDSURG Nursing Pharmacotherapeutics and Vaccines for COVID-19 Ergie P. Inocian, Ejay H. Ignacio, Isabelita N. Pandaan, Rhea Faye D. Felicilda Reynaldo
1179 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Jannetti Publications, Inc. MEDSURG Nursing Promoting Patient and Staff Resilience During COVID-19 Carolyn O'Neill, Elizabeth Maran, Emily Emma, Allison Copenhaver, Patricia Bruckenthal
1180 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Ovid Medicine Neutrophil-platelet ratio as a predictor of acute kidney injury in severe COVID-19 Mihrican Sayan, Hatice Betul Altinisik, Ozan Sayan
1181 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Kasmera, Universidad del Zulia Kasmera Microorganismos aislados en pacientes con COVID-19 Maribel Josefina Castellano-González, Mairelin Delia Chirinos Cárdenas, Rosmery Carolay Sanz-Ferrer, Isabelle Virginia Sandoval-Castellano
1182 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Revista Paulista de Enfermagem-REPEn Revista Paulista de Enfermagem Cuidados de Enfermagem no Telemonitoramento da Covid-19","Nursing Care in Telemonitoring of COVID-19","Cuidados de enfermería en la telemonitorización del Covid-19 Marcia Rodrigues dos Santos, Viviane Rosa Schrapett, Carlos Roberto Lyra da Silva
1183 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Medicine Surgical removal of tonsils and risk of COVID-19: a nested case-control study using data from UK Biobank and AMORIS Cohort Yanping Yang, Kejia Hu, Karin Modig, Maria Feychting, Imre Janszky, Niklas Hammar, et al. (+3)
1184 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Even3 REVISTA CIENTÍFICA DA UNIFENAS USO DE MEDICAÇÕES SEM PRESCRIÇÃO MÉDICA ANTES E DURANTE O SURTO MUNDIAL DA COVID-19: UMA REVISÃO DE LITERATURA Geovana Larissa Martins Rocha, Daniely Gauna Ramos Lifante, Marcia Oliveira de Carvalho Romão
1185 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Revista Eletronica Acervo Saude Revista Eletrônica Acervo Saúde Monitoramento de sífilis congênita durante a pandemia do SARS-CoV-2 em um estado da Amazônia Giselly de Lourdes da Silva Santana, Marcelo Coelho Simões, Francisca Regina Oliveira Carneiro
1186 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Rhetoric Society of Korea Korean Journal of Rhetoric Pathos for Gatekeeping and Moderating in Newspaper Discourse - A Corpus-based Comparative Analysis on China’s Human Rights Issues during the Pandemic - Yue Chen
1187 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  University of Babylon Journal of University of Babylon for Pure and Applied Sciences A Comprehensive Examination of the Association Between the ACE2 Gene with the Susceptibility to COVID-19 and the Occurrence of Diabetes Mellitus Ahmed Makki Mohammed
1188 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Long COVID in Immunocompromised and Immunocompetent Patients: A Clinical, Morphologic, and Virologic Portrait Fátima Ramalhosa, Francesca Lunardi, Nicol Bernardinello, Silvia Gori, Federica Pezzuto, Veronica Tauro, et al. (+4)
1189 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Imaging Enhanced COVID-19 Detection from X-ray Images with Convolutional Neural Network and Transfer Learning Qanita Bani Baker, Mahmoud Hammad, Mohammed Al-Smadi, Heba Al-Jarrah, Rahaf Al-Hamouri, Sa’ad A. Al-Zboon
1190 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Ovid Medicine Comprehending symmetry in epidemiology: A review of analytical methods and insights from models of COVID-19, Ebola, Dengue, and Monkeypox Siva Nanthini Shanmugam, Haewon Byeon
1191 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  SD Publisher International Journal of Social Sciences Exploring Pre and Post COVID-19 Educational Practices at Higher Educational Institutions (HEI’s) in Kazakhstan Gahwar Bhatti
1192 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Revista de Enfermagem, UFPE Online Revista de Enfermagem UFPE on line Comparação dos indicadores de atenção à tuberculose antes e durante a pandemia da covid-19 em Porto Alegre Franciela Delazeri Carlotto, Sandra Rejane Soares Ferreira, Rafael Cerva Melo, Deise Lisboa Riquinho
1193 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  SciELO Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem Competências socioemocionais mobilizadas por enfermeiros-líderes no enfrentamento da pandemia pelo covid-19 em um hospital universitário Ises Adriana Reis dos Santos, Simone Coelho Amestoy, Gilberto Tadeu Reis da Silva, Marimeire Morais da Conceição, Patrícia Alves Galhardo Varanda, Vânia Marli Schubert Backes, et al. (+2)
1194 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Universidad Tecnologica Intercontinental Arandu UTIC Estrategias de intervención para mejorar la calidad de vida de la población vulnerable con secuelas Post Covid-19 en la zona sur de Manabí Jocelyne Elizabeth Fuentes Parrales, Juleydi Stefania Miranda Gutierrez, Nathaly Katiuska Intriago Andrade
1195 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Climate Dynamics Correction: Emission reductions during COVID-19 enhance marine heatwave over the North Pacific in spring 2020 Nan Yang, Yan Xia, Chuanfeng Zhao, Fei Xie, Shineng Hu
1196 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  LLC "Medical Knowledge and Technologies" Tuberculosis and lung diseases Assessing the Risk of Tuberculosis Relapse Development during the Period of Stabilization of the COVID-19 Epidemic M. V. Vershinina, A. I. Shevchenko, R. I. Ludanny, T. I. Vorobieva, O. D. Baronova
1197 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Ibrutinib as a Secondary Treatment for Steroid-Refractory or Steroid-Dependent Chronic Graft-Versus-Host Disease: A Case Series of 11 Patients During the COVID-19 Era Yo Mizutani, Tomoaki Ueda, Jiro Fujita, Kentaro Fukushima, Naoki Hosen
1198 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Bentham Science Coronaviruses Sunlight Resurgence in the COVID-19 Era: A Review on Health-risk Dualities via Ayurveda and Conventional Science Perspectives Shalini Rai, Tanuja Nesari, Gayatri Rath, Anand More, Richa Tripathi
1199 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Ovid Hypertension Abstract P207: Regulation of Fetal-Placental ACE and ACE2 in COVID-19 Exposed Pregnancies Compared to Hypertensive and Healthy Pregnancies narjiss aji, Genevieve Fregeau, Nayara cruz, Lea St-Gelais, Isabelle Vachon, Sonia Gagnon, et al. (+2)
1200 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano Castalia - Revista de Psicología de la Academia El autocuidado de universitarias durante la COVID-19. Gestión emocional, percepción del tiempo y género Edith Flores Pérez, Xamanek Cortijo Palacios, Laura Victoria Ortega Leornard
1201 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Racial and ethnic disparities in COVID-19 hospital cost of care Tricia J. Johnson, Joshua Longcoy, Sumihiro Suzuki, Zeynep Isgor, Elizabeth B. Lynch, Jim P. Stimpson
1202 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) World Journal of Engineering Retraction notice: COVID-19 image transmission using convolutional neural networks based algorithms for medical applications
1203 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Jannetti Publications, Inc. MEDSURG Nursing Caring for the Patient with COVID-19 in a Rehabilitation Unit Abigail S. Hardin, Shirley Ambutas, Kendra Koesters, Elizabeth Biggio, Megan Dunning, Samuel Gaines, et al. (+4)
1204 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination in Patients with Cancer and COVID-19 in Mexico Corazón Barrientos-Flores, Diana Vilar-Compte, Nancy Martínez-Rivera, Rodrigo Villaseñor-Echavarri, Alexandra Martin-Onraet
1205 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies Health Risk Analysis Measuring Risk Perception and Risk Compensation among Local Residents toward COVID-19 in the Tourism Sandbox Islands: Comparative Evidence from the Phuket Sandbox and Samui Plus Model in Thailand P. Pholphirul
1206 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies Health Risk Analysis Measuring Risk Perception and Risk Compensation among Local Residents toward COVID-19 in the Tourism Sandbox Islands: Comparative Evidence from the Phuket Sandbox and Samui Plus Model in Thailand P. Pholphirul
1207 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Jannetti Publications, Inc. MEDSURG Nursing Specialist Nurses' Experience of COVID-19 in the United Kingdom Carol Love-Mecrow, Gail Parsons
1208 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  SAGE Publications journal for the education of the gifted Millions of Students are (Still) Above Grade Level: Achievement and Achievement Variability in Mathematics and Reading Before and During COVID-19 in the United States Karen E. Rambo-Hernandez, Matthew C. Makel, Noah Koehler
1209 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Impact of pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical interventions on COVID-19 in Tunisia Hela Abroug, Cyrine Bennasrallah, Manel Ben Fredj, Meriem Kacem, Manel Ben Belgacem, Wafa Dhouib, et al. (+7)
1210 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Advanced Research Publications JOURNAL OF COMMUNICABLE DISEASES Persistent Symptoms at the End of 3 Months after Acute COVID-19 Infection among Adult Patients Admitted to a Tertiary Care Centre: A Descriptive Longitudinal Study Malangori A Parande
1211 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  MDPI AG Medicina Maternal and Fetal Outcome of COVID-19 Infection among Pregnant Women Eman M. Khalil, Yasmin M. Madney, Mahmoud Hassan, Alzhraa M. Fahmy, Saud O. Alshammari, Qamar A. Alshammari, et al. (+4)
1212 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Medknow Publications Annals of Thoracic Medicine Tracking continuous positive airway pressure adherence in obstructive sleep apnea patients before, during, and after the COVID-19 lockdown Abdulaziz O. BaHammam, Fawaz Alhuqayl, Ibrahim Alzaid, Ziyad Alzammam, Faisal Alhuqayl, Bader Rajeh, et al. (+4)
1213 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Ovid Medicine Effect of stressors during COVID-19 lockdown on malnutrition and health-risk behaviors among Jordanian college students: A cross-sectional study Hana Alkhalidy, Islam Al-Shami, Khadeejah Alnaser, Ana’am Alkharabsheh, Hala Nawaiseh, Dongmin Liu
1214 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Elsevier Biomedical Signal Processing and Control Robust multi-modal COVID-19 medical image registration using dense deep learning descriptor model Yallapu Srinivas, Madam Aravind Kumar
1215 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Sissa Medialab Srl Journal of Science Communication Surfing the COVID-19 news waves: a Belgian case study of science communication and public relations with university press releases Miguel Vissers, Steve Paulussen, Gert-Jan de Bruijn
1216 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  SciELO Revista Contabilidade & Finanças Impacto do surto de COVID-19 nos ratings de crédito: aplicação da abordagem through-the-cycle Dante Domingo Terreno, María Eugenia Donadille
1217 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  International Community of Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development Research on Optimization of Function and People Flow Organization of Large Space Buildings Based on the Needs of COVID-19 Nucleic Acid Test: Teng Fei, Yuqing Yang, Wente Pan
1218 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Effectiveness and safety of azvudine versus nirmatrelvir-ritonavir in adult patients infected with COVID-19 omicron strains: a retrospective study in Beijing Huaiya Xie, Yaqi Wang, Yan Xu, Luo Wang, Junping Fan, Siqi Pan, et al. (+17)
1219 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research (IJFMR) International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research The Impact of Covid-19 on the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) Gokul Ramadoss -
1220 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Long-Term Impacts of COVID-19 on Thyroid Health: Insights From Clinical Studies Ria Syal, Jasmeet Kaur, Maheen Siddiqui, Hajera Amatul-Raheem, Cristhian Suarez, Nagavenkata Lova Surya Vamsi Avinash Bojanki, et al. (+5)
1221 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Applied Neuropsychology Adult Exploring the effects of COVID-19 on verbal memory function in schizophrenia: Multiple case study and brief literature review Barbora Keřková, Marián Kolenič, Karolína Knížková, Aleš Hrubý, Monika Večeřová, Petra Šustová, et al. (+2)
1222 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  SciELO Revista Contabilidade & Finanças Impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on credit ratings: Application of the through-the-cycle approach Dante Domingo Terreno, María Eugenia Donadille
1223 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Medknow Publications International Journal of Advanced Medical and Health Research Incidence, Antibiogram, and Comorbid Conditions of Nontyphoidal Salmonella Infections Before and After the COVID-19 Outbreak: A Retrospective, Cross-sectional Study Kundoly V. Suseela, Aiswariya Alex, Subi Das, V. Geethalakshmi
1224 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Ovid Medicine Retrospective analysis of venous thromboembolism, arterial thromboembolism, and microthrombosis incidence at a single center during the COVID-19 pandemic Wenjun Mei, Yuefeng Zhu, Zongjie Nie, Canjun Fang, Zheng Zhang, Haijun Qiu, et al. (+2)
1225 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) International Multilingual Research Journal “A lot for one human to handle”: the experiences of two dual language bilingual education teachers in the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic Ana Solano-Campos, Cori Salmerón
1226 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  CAIRN Pôle Sud South European studies from the democratic transitions to the covid-19 pandemic Susannah Verney
1227 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  International Society for Gerontechnology Gerontechnology Participation of U3A students in virtual activities during the Covid-19 pandemic S. K. Mateus, L. J. Lorenzi, P. C. Castro
1228 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Galenos Yayinevi Mediterranean Journal of Infection Microbes and Antimicrobials Comparison of Rotavirus Genotypes Before and After the COVID-19 Pandemic Ayşe ALICI, Elif Seren TANRIVERDİ, İlayda BUDAK, Murat AKKAN, Gülgün YENİŞEHİRLİ, Barış OTLU
1229 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Bussecon International International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147-4478) Educators’ experiences of using mobile learning as a professional development and knowledge retention tool during the Covid-19 pandemic Bongani Innocent Nkambule, Sindile Amina Ngubane
1230 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Wiley Pediatric Pulmonology Post-infectious bronchiolitis obliterans in children after the end of the COVID-19 pandemic Carlos Martín-de Vicente, Virginia Giménez-Molina, Rafael Fernández-Atuan, Laura Buzón-Serrano
1231 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Interprofessional Care Leveraging the strengths of a global network to adapt and sustain interprofessional education and collaborative practice during the COVID-19 pandemic Vikki Park, Dean Lising, Jill E. Thistlethwaite, Anthony P. Breitbach, Andrea L. Pfeifle, Hossein Khalili
1232 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  SAGE Publications SAGE Open Growing Digital Divide for Expatriates Population in China: A User Perspective Analysis During the COVID-19 Pandemic Ali Cheshmehzangi, Tong Zou, Zhaohui Su, Ayotunde Dawodu, Saeid Pourroostaei Ardakani, Maycon Sedrez, Tian Tang
1233 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Selcuk Iletisim SELÇUK ÜNİVERSİTESİ İLETİŞİM FAKÜLTESİ AKADEMİK DERGİSİ International Humanitarian Assistance for Health: Türkiye’s Health Diplomacy Practices during the Covid-19 Pandemic Gaye Aslı Sancar Demren, Yaşar Şekerci
1234 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  SciELO História Ciências Saúde-Manguinhos The “pharmakon” of prevention: artificial immunity in the covid-19 pandemic Sofia Varino
1235 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  MDPI AG Healthcare Prevalence of Depressive Symptoms in a Predominantly Hispanic/Latinx South Texas Community in the Aftermath of the COVID-19 Pandemic Yuxia Huang, Zhiyong Hu, Ana Guerrero, Emily Brennan, Xavier F. Gonzales
1236 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Global self-esteem and coping with stress by Polish students during the COVID-19 pandemic Ewa Kupcewicz, Anna Maria Cybulska, Daria Schneider-Matyka, Paweł Jastrzębski, Aleksandra Bentkowska, Elżbieta Grochans
1237 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Care Comm Česká a slovenská neurologie a neurochirurgie Physical activity in people with multiple sclerosis and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic Klára Novotná, Barbora Grosserová, Martina Kovari, Lenka Geierová, Edita Strusková, Eva Kubala Havrdová, Renata Větrovská
1238 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Elsevier Personalized Medicine in Psychiatry Mediating effect of emotional distress on the relationship between noncommunicable diseases and lifestyle among Brazilian academics during the COVID-19 pandemic Siqueira Rafael Pena, Cunha Carla de Magalhães, Costa Priscila Ribas de Farias, De Santana Mônica Leira Portela, Oliveira Lucivalda Pereira Magalhaes, Conceição-Machado Maria Ester Pereira da
1239 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Yale University Library Yale Journal of Music & Religion Jewish Worship, Music, and Technology during the Covid-19 Pandemic Jeffrey A. Summit
1240 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Palliative & Supportive Care Depression, anxiety, psychological distress, and perceived social support among Ugandan palliative care providers during the COVID-19 pandemic Mariah Horvath, Simon Kizito, Roya Ghiaseddin, Lisa Christine Irumba, Mark Donald Mwesiga, Lacey N. Ahern
1241 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics Social Aspects of Population Health PREGNANCY AND BIRTH OUTCOMES IN WOMEN DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Nataliya Popova, Natalia Sokolova, Aleksey Popov, Maisa Ivanova, Varvara Sokolova
1242 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Care Comm Transfuze a hematologie dnes Cryopreservation of hematopoietic cells from unrelated donors from the Czech National Bone Marrow Donor Registry in the context of COVID-19 pandemic - are there useless collections? Kateřina Steinerová, Pavel Jindra, Lucie Houdová
1243 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Springer-Verlag International Ophthalmology An international survey on retinopathy of prematurity practice patterns during the COVID-19 pandemic and lessons for future management Rachel Shemesh, Michael Chiang, R. V. Paul Chan, Faruk Orge, Jason C. Yam, Sonal Farzavandi, et al. (+3)
1244 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Wiley Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy EU food price inflation amid global market turbulences during the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine War L. Kornher, T. Balezentis, F. G. Santeramo
1245 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Psychology and Health ‘The coronavirus is a formidable foe’: children’s multimodal articulations of SARS-CoV-2 virus and COVID-19 pandemic experiences in China Daihu Yang, Minghui Zhou, Yan Zhang, Ming Geng, Xiaozhong Cheng
1246 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  ECO-Vector Russian Journal of Forensic Medicine RECONSTRUCTING LEGAL PROTECTION FOR THE MEDICAL PROFESSION IN THE FACE OF MEDICAL DISPUTES DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC FROM THE DIGNIFIED JUSTICE PERSPECTIVE Muhammad Andriady Saidi Nasution, Teguh Prasetyo, Kartina Pakpahan, Mulyadi Mulyadi, Elvira Fitriyani Pakpahan
1247 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Geoscience Education COVID-19 pandemic impacts on student learning in undergraduate mineralogy Susannah M. Dorfman, Julie Libarkin, Naomi Singleton, Grace Brekke
1248 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  SciELO Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem Socio-emotional competencies mobilized by nurse-leaders in coping with the covid-19 pandemic in a university hospital Ises Adriana Reis dos Santos, Simone Coelho Amestoy, Gilberto Tadeu Reis da Silva, Marimeire Morais da Conceição, Patrícia Alves Galhardo Varanda, Vânia Marli Schubert Backes, et al. (+2)
1249 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless Public good, mindful bodies and human rights: a narrative investigation of the health-related experiences of unhoused adults confined in the Strandfontein Camp during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Cape Town, South Africa Alberto Caoci, Lucia Knight, Marlise Richter
1250 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Australian Journal of Psychology Adolescent and young adult sleep and sleep-related behaviour change before and during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown in Canada Nicole E. Carmona, Samlau Kutana, David Sumantry, Onkar Marway, Alison Carney, Maya Amestoy, et al. (+2)
1251 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Pastoral Theology The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Clergy Identity, Their Practice of Ministry and Theology Frederick Jerome Streets
1252 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Seven Events ARACÊ IMPACT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS AT WORK Julia Bomfim Felippe dos Santos, Luís Antônio Monteiro Campos, Janaína Ferreira Teixeira, Ana Lúcia Mendes Teixeira, Diogo Bonioli, Thelma Mary, et al. (+2)
1253 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  MDPI AG Healthcare Gender-Specific Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Orthopedic and Traumatology Care: An Analysis of Hospital Admissions and Length of Stay Karoly Bancsik, Lucia Georgeta Daina, László Lorenzovici, György Rossu, Raluca Bancsik, Timea Claudia Ghitea, et al. (+2)
1254 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Babes-Bolyai University Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Educatio Artis Gymnasticae The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Students’ Sport Activity Cristian-Ioan ȘANTA-MOLDOVAN, Marius Alin BACIU, Radu-Tiberiu ȘERBAN, Dan MONEA, Ionela ȘANTA
1255 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Galenos Yayinevi Mediterranean Journal of Infection Microbes and Antimicrobials Comparison of the Infection Characteristics and Antimicrobial Use Among Patients Hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic Periods Hülya ÇAŞKURLU, Ahmet Naci EMECEN, Begüm BEKTAŞ, Ferda YILMAZ İNAL, Ravza GÜNDÜZ, Sevim GÜNGÖREN OCAK, Yasemin ÇAĞ
1256 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Development Southern Africa Household size and depressive symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic: A gendered analysis Umakrishnan Kollamparambil, Adeola Oyenubi
1257 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research Liquidity and credit risks during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from a dual banking system An Nisaa’ Rahmadany, Tastaftiyan Risfandy, Aldy Fariz Achsanta, Bahtiar Rifai
1258 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  American Educational Research Association Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis Trends in Special Education Identification During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence From Michigan Bryant G. Hopkins, Matthew Guzman, Scott A. Imberman, Adrea J. Truckenmiller, Katharine O. Strunk, Marisa H. Fisher
1259 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw Contemporary Economics To Survive in the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Financial Aspects of NGOs Halina Waniak-Michalak, Sviesa Leitoniene, Ivana Perica
1260 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  E-Journal of Dokuz Eylul University Nursing Faculty Etkili Hemşirelik Dergisi Covid-19 Pandemisinde Kadınlara Yönelik Psikolojik Şiddet Düzeyi ve Kadınların Şiddete Yönelik Tutumları Çiğdem Erdemoğlu, Semiha Aydın Özkan, Tuba Koç Özkan, İpek Turan
1261 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Ovid Medicine Unveiling the significance of Gremlin-1 as a novel biomarker for enhanced severity prediction in COVID-19 patients Muhammet Celik, Erdal Tekin, Mehmet Nuri Koçak, Sevgi Karabulut Uzunçakmak, Mustafa Bayraktar
1262 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Discover Medicine The effect of combination treatment with casirivimab and imdevimab versus standard antiviral therapy on clinical outcomes in hospitalized COVID-19 patients Sahar K. Hegazy, Ahmed H. Hassan
1263 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Heighten Science Publications Corporation Journal of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine Association Between Electrocardiographic Abnormalities and In-Hospital Adverse Outcome in COVID-19 Patients Begum Anjuman, Chowdhury Wadud, KS Suman, KC Arnab, Akteruzzaman Md., Sushanta Barua
1264 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences Epidemiology of Morbidity and Mortality of COVID-19 Patients During the Period of June 2020-September 2021 in Sulianti Saroso Infectious Disease Hospital, Indonesia Pompini Agustina Sitompul, Nina Mariana, Siti Maemun, Aninda Dinar Widiantari, Farida Murtiani, Rosamarlina Rosamarlina, et al. (+3)
1265 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports The short-term and long-term prognosis of discharged COVID-19 patients in Guangdong during the first wave of pandemic Pei-hong Li, Hui Xu, Cheng-yuan Xie, Zhong-liang Ji, Yi-yu Deng, Xin Li, Ming Fang
1266 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Pulmonary Medicine The severity assessment and nucleic acid turning-negative-time prediction in COVID-19 patients with COPD using a fused deep learning model Yanhui Liu, Wenxiu Zhang, Mengzhou Sun, Xiaoyun Liang, Lu Wang, Jiaqi Zhao, et al. (+3)
1267 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Nursing A cross-sectional survey on COVID-19 phobia and its influencing factors among undergraduate nursing students Yunting Luo, Jisong Li, Xu Qiao, Mingyue Zheng
1268 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Termedia Sp. z.o.o. Menopausal Review COVID-19 phobia, personality traits and menopausal symptoms in women in the climacteric period Hülya Özberk, Dilek Bilgic, Fatma Gül Arı, Mehmet Özeren, Melih Başoğlu
1269 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Community Health High Adherence to COVID-19 Public Health Preventive Measures in Indigenous Communities in the Canadian Northwest Territories Rachel Harris, Fariba Kolahdooz, Afsaneh Omidimorad, Adrian Wagg, Carolyn Gotay, Debbie DeLancey, et al. (+6)
1270 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Alfons W. Gentner Verlag Arbeitsmedizin Sozialmedizin Umweltmedizin ASU Zeitschrift für medizinische Prävention COVID-19 quer durch die Berufsgruppen - Infektions-, Krankenhausaufenthalts- und ICU-Muster in einem schwedischen Bezirk Albert Nienhaus
1271 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Ovid Hypertension Abstract P225: Persistent Vascular Dysfunction and Blood Pressure Elevation Over 12 Months After COVID-19 Recovery in Non-Hypertensive Adults - LOCHINVAR Study Stefanie Lip, Tran QB Tran, Rebecca Hanna, Sarah Nichol, John McClure, Christian Delles, et al. (+4)
1272 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Policing An International Journal Correlates of public compliance with COVID-19 regulations in Taiwan Tzu-Ying Lo, Ivan Sun, Yuning Wu, Kuang-Ming Chang, Jyun-Wei Hong
1273 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Victims & Offenders Trade-Offs in COVID-19 Response: Examining Policy Mixes Across 30 Countries-Insights from a Natural Experiment Yongchi Ma, Li Li
1274 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Egyptian Journal of Bronchology Study of CRP, ferritin, and D-dimer in COVID-19 RICU patients as per HRCT severity in assiut university hospitals Mohamed F. Abdel-Ghany, Atef Farouk Mohamed El-Karn, Mina Ibraheem Anis, Sahar Farghly Youssif
1275 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Psychological Medicine Adolescent resilience in the face of COVID-19 stressors: the role of trauma and protective factors Lu Zhang, Vanessa L. Cropley, Sarah Whittle, Divyangana Rakesh
1276 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Contribuciones a las Ciencias Sociales Comparativo entre gestantes com e sem COVID-19 submetidas à internação hospitalar durante a pandemia: um estudo sobre os desfechos materno-fetais Giovana da Silva Oliveira, Raynara da Silva Calíope, Carla Déa Trindade Barbosa, Maria Fernanda Lima Bertolaccini, Ilka Kassandra Pereira Belfort, Andrea Teixeira de Carvalho, Sally Cristina Moutinho Monteiro
1277 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  MDPI AG Healthcare Impact of Multi-Professional Intervention on Health-Related Physical Fitness and Biomarkers in Overweight COVID-19 Survivors for 8 and 16 Weeks: A Non-Randomized Clinical Trial Marielle Priscila de Paula Silva-Lalucci, Déborah Cristina de Souza Marques, Joed Jacinto Ryal, Marilene Ghiraldi de Souza Marques, Victor Augusto Santos Perli, Ana Flávia Sordi, et al. (+4)
1278 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Medicine Accumulated subcutaneous fat in abdomen is associated with long COVID-19 symptoms among non-hospitalized patients: a prospective observational study Tingxin Li, Baoming He, Yuping Liu, Chen Wang
1279 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Infectious Diseases Evolving COVID-19 symptoms and the ongoing course of research Sho Nakakubo
1280 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Ovid Hypertension Abstract P176: Elevated Circulating T Cell-Monocyte Complexes in Long COVID-19 Tachycardia Syndrome: Implications of Immune Dysregulation, Inflammation, and Disease Progression Marwa Abd-Eldayem, Meenakshi Golchha, Yuliya Vance, Tan Ding, Naome Mwesigwa, Wei Chen, et al. (+2)
1281 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  SAGE Publications Statistical Methods in Medical Research A seamless Phase I/II platform design with a time-to-event efficacy endpoint for potential COVID-19 therapies Thomas Jaki, Helen Barnett, Andrew Titman, Pavel Mozgunov
1282 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Ovid Journal of Patient Safety Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes of Patients With COVID-19 Treated in Mayo Clinic’s Advanced Care at Home Program Rachel A. Gothot, Michael J. Maniaci, Margaret R. Paulson, Igor Dumic, Amy A. Haney, Zhuo Li, et al. (+3)
1283 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Clinical Medicine Outcomes and Healthcare Resource Utilization in Patients with COVID-19 Treated with Nirmatrelvir-Ritonavir: Real-World Data Analysis Clara Weil, Lilac Tene, Gabriel Chodick, Noga Fallach, Wajeeha Ansari, Tal Distelman-Menachem, Yasmin Maor
1284 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Jannetti Publications, Inc. MEDSURG Nursing COVID-19 Two Years Later Dottie Roberts
1285 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Discover Public Health COVID-19 vaccination and lethality reduction: a prospective observational study in Venezuela during the last two waves David A. Forero-Peña, Jéssica L. Leyva, María V. Valenzuela, Óscar D. Omaña-Ávila, Oriana A. Regalado-Gutiérrez, Daniela L. Mendoza-Millán, et al. (+15)
1286 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  MDPI AG Life Global Comparison of COVID-19 Vaccination Rates among Psoriasis Patients Edwin Korouri, Charlotte Jeong, Hannah Peterson, Fernando Valenzuela, Ricardo Romiti, Johannes A. Didaskalu, et al. (+11)
1287 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Health Services Research Cost of COVID-19 vaccine delivery in nine States in Nigeria via the U.S. Government Initiative for Global Vaccine Access Dave Haeyun Noh, Roopa Darwar, Belinda V. Uba, Shiva Gab-deedam, Stella Yani, Akolade Jimoh, et al. (+13)
1288 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLOS Global Public Health Factors associated with COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and uptake among populations in the West department of Haiti Martine Etienne-Mesubi, Babatunji Oni, Nancy Rachel Labbe-Coq, Marie Colette Alcide-Jean-Pierre, Delva Lamarre, Darwin Dorestan, et al. (+9)
1289 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLOS Global Public Health To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? Experiences of COVID-19 vaccine uptake among people living with non-communicable diseases in Ghana: A qualitative study Leonard Baatiema, Sheba M. P. Kunfah, Olutobi A. Sanuade, Luke N. Allen, Seye Abimbola, Ama de-Graft Aikins, et al. (+3)
1290 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Medknow Publications Annals of Thoracic Medicine COVID-19 vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia: Correspondence Pathum Sookaromdee, Viroj Wiwanitkit
1291 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  KIMS Foundation and Research Center Journal of Medical and Scientific Research Trends in co-morbidities during COVID-19 waves: A study of prevalence and dynamics in India Verma VK, Manchala S, Beevi SS, Mohod AS, Darapuneni RC, Reddy SG, Upendram P
1292 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Medicine Association of COVID-19 with acute and post-acute risk of multiple different complications and mortality in patients infected with omicron variant stratified by initial disease severity: a cohort study in Hong Kong Eric Yuk Fai Wan, Ran Zhang, Sukriti Mathur, Vincent Ka Chun Yan, Francisco Tsz Tsun Lai, Celine Sze Ling Chui, et al. (+5)
1293 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  MDPI AG Microorganisms Usefulness of the CHA2DS2-VASc Score in Predicting the Outcome in Subjects Hospitalized with COVID-19-A Subanalysis of the COLOS Study Katarzyna Resler, Pawel Lubieniecki, Tomasz Zatonski, Adrian Doroszko, Malgorzata Trocha, Marek Skarupski, et al. (+9)
1294 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Rotherham Press Nanotechnology Perceptions Combining in Silico, in Vitro Studies to Evaluate Potential De Novo Drug for Covid-19-Associated Coagulopathy from Bambusa Bambos Leaves
1295 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Bentham Science Coronaviruses Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) Associated with COVID-19-PIMS-grade 3: A Case Report G Lakshmi Narasimha, D Girirajasekhar, Prakash Goudanavar, Roja Rani Budha, G.S.N. KoteswaraRao, Buduru Gowthami, N. Raghavendra Naveen
1296 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  American Medical Association JAMA Network Open Recovery From COVID-19-Related Disruptions in Cancer Detection Uriel Kim, Johnie Rose, Bryan T. Carroll, Richard S. Hoehn, Eric Chen, Jeremy S. Bordeaux, Siran M. Koroukian
1297 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Advanced Research Publications JOURNAL OF COMMUNICABLE DISEASES COVID-19: A Brief Retrospect R Rajendran
1298 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  SciELO Agencia Nacional de Investigaciu00f3n y Desarrollo (ANID) Revista médica de Chile Convalescent Plasma Therapy in Severe COVID-19: A Pilot Study at the Beginning of the Pandemic Outbreak in Southern Chile José Caamaño, David Díaz, Cecilia Beltrán, Claudina Aguayo, Bárbara Castillo, Luis Bustos, Nicolás Saavedra
1299 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Ovid Circulation Cardiac Arrhythmias and Autonomic Dysfunction Associated With COVID-19: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association Rakesh Gopinathannair, Brian Olshansky, Mina K. Chung, Steve Gordon, Jose A. Joglar, Gregory M. Marcus, et al. (+4)
1300 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Elsevier Archives of Medical Research Post COVID-19: Advancing medical laboratory service integration in nigeria and progress towards establishing integration guideline Augustine Onyeaghala, Nkechi Nwoke, Kingsley Odiabara, Ughweroghene Kingston Omo-Emmanuel, Jibrin Kama, Bashir Mahmud, et al. (+2)
1301 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Rotherham Press Nanotechnology Perceptions Machine Learning-Based Decision Support System For Healthcare In The Context Of Covid-19: Case Study Of Saudi Arabia
1302 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Rotherham Press Nanotechnology Perceptions Machine Learning-based Decision Support System for Healthcare in the Context of COVID-19: Case Study of Saudi Arabia
1303 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Contribuciones a las Ciencias Sociales Estratégias de gestão da obesidade infantil durante a pandemia da Covid-19: desafios e soluções adaptativas Joarley Kelcio de Brito Sousa, Ana Lucia de Brito Sousa, Isadora Helena Freitas da Silva, Adeliane Oliveira Ribeiro da Conceição, Lorena Rafaella Couto Barbosa, Cássio Dourado Kovacs Machado Costa, et al. (+2)
1304 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Mark Allen Group Independent Nurse COVID-19: Nurses faced ‘unimaginable scale of death’, says RCN
1305 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo Milenaria Ciencia y arte Medidores de CO2 ¿Útiles para reducir el contagio de la Covid-19? Norma A. Rodríguez Muñoz, Naghelli Ortega Avila
1306 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Silicon Examination of Potential of Fe-Si78, Fe-C78, Fe-B39P39, Fe-SiNT (9, 0), Fe-CNT (9, 0) and Fe-BPNT (9, 0) to Deliver the Chloroquine as Drug of Coronavirus Disease Junjuan Zhang, Xiangtao Yu
1307 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Jannetti Publications, Inc. MEDSURG Nursing Pressure Ulcers Caused by Personal Protective Equipment in Nurses During the Coronavirus Pandemic Hossein Rafiei, Farnoosh Rashvand, Lida Shamekhi, Masoud Amiri
1309 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation Journal of Poultry Sciences and Avian Diseases The role of migratory birds in the spread of coronaviruses Mohammad Reza Piryaei, Teimur Tabari, Seyed Mostafa Peighambari, Mehdi Vasfi Marandi, Nima Ghahremani
1310 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Abortive infection of bat fibroblasts with SARS-CoV-2 Punam Bisht, Michael D. Gallagher, M. Inmaculada Barrasa, Julie Boucau, Alfred Harding, Marion Déjosez, et al. (+7)
1311 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Elsevier Revue Francophone des Laboratoires Les vaccinateurs vont devoir s'adapter au nouveau variant du Sars-CoV-2 Jean-Marie Manus
1312 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Sociedad Argentina de Pediatria Archivos Argentinos de Pediatria Tromboembolismo pulmonar masivo en adolescente con infección por SARS-CoV-2
1313 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Ovid Hypertension Abstract P380: ISG15 is responsible for endothelial inflammation and vascular disfunction induced by Spike protein 1 of SARS-CoV-2. Francisco Rios, Augusto Montezano, Livia Camargo, Rheure Lopes, Ana Garcia, ELIHU ARANDAY-CORTES, et al. (+3)
1314 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  MDPI AG Viruses Efficacy of Integrase Strand Transfer Inhibitors and the Capsid Inhibitor Lenacapavir against HIV-2, and Exploring the Effect of Raltegravir on the Activity of SARS-CoV-2 Irene Wanjiru Kiarie, Gyula Hoffka, Manon Laporte, Pieter Leyssen, Johan Neyts, József Tőzsér, Mohamed Mahdi
1315 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Hans Publishers Advances in Clinical Medicine Development of a New Model for Predicting the Prognosis of Diabetic Patients Infected with SARS-CoV-2 and Its Predictive Value 玲 谢
1316 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Infectious Diseases Clinical profile analysis of SARS-CoV-2 community infections during periods with omicron BA.2, BA.4/5, and XBB dominance in Hong Kong: a prospective cohort study Yawei Wang, Hau Chi So, Nicole Ngai Yung Tsang, Siu Kan Kwok, Benjamin J Cowling, Gabriel M Leung, Dennis Kai Ming Ip
1317 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Seven Events ARACÊ A PANDEMIA DA SARS-COV-2 E O IMPACTO NA PRÁTICA MÉDICA Alexandre Oliveira Telles, Maria Helena Machado, Eduardo Alexander Júlio Cesar Fonseca Lucas, Lucas Rodrigues Claro
1318 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Revista Paulista de Enfermagem-REPEn Revista Paulista de Enfermagem Plano Tático Operacional para Enfrentamento da Pandemia pelo SARS-COV-2 em Hospital Participante da Jornada Magnet","Tactical and Operational Planning for Coping With the Pandemic by the Sars-Cov-2 in Participant Hospital of the Magnet Journey","Plan Táctico Operativo de Lucha Contra la Pandemia por Sars-CoV-2 en un Hospital que Participa en el Jornada Magnet Wania Regina Mollo Baia
1319 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Wiley Advanced Science Machine Learning Early Detection of SARS-CoV-2 High-Risk Variants Lun Li, Cuiping Li, Na Li, Dong Zou, Wenming Zhao, Hong Luo, et al. (+4)
1320 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Medical Virology Imaging the immune sequelae of infection with SARS-CoV-2 in nonhuman primates by using two nanobody PET-tracers Gerrit Koopman, Tom Verhoeven, Petra Mooij, Roja F. Acar, Thibault Harmand, Laney Flanagan, et al. (+9)
1321 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Sociedad Argentina de Pediatria Archivos Argentinos de Pediatria Massive pulmonary thromboembolism in an adolescent with SARS-CoV-2 infection
1322 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Wiley Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Laboratory-based molecular test alternatives to RT-PCR for the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection Ingrid Arevalo-Rodriguez, Miriam Mateos-Haro, Jacqueline Dinnes, Agustín Ciapponi, Clare Davenport, Diana Buitrago-Garcia, et al. (+10)
1323 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  American Medical Association JAMA Network Open SARS-CoV-2 Infection and New-Onset Type 2 Diabetes Among Pediatric Patients, 2020 to 2022 Margaret G. Miller, Pauline Terebuh, David C. Kaelber, Rong Xu, Pamela B. Davis
1324 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Psychological Medicine SARS-CoV-2 infection and the risk of depressive symptoms: a retrospective longitudinal study from the population-based CONSTANCES cohort Baptiste Pignon, Emmanuel Wiernik, Brigitte Ranque, Olivier Robineau, Fabrice Carrat, Gianluca Severi, et al. (+10)
1325 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology Pulmonary SARS-CoV-2 infection leads to para-infectious immune activation in the brain Cordelia Dunai, Claire Hetherington, Sarah A. Boardman, Jordan J. Clark, Parul Sharma, Krishanthi Subramaniam, et al. (+22)
1326 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  MDPI AG Viruses Molecular Characterization and Genomic Surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 Lineages in Central India Purna Dwivedi, Mukul Sharma, Afzal Ansari, Arup Ghosh, Subasa C. Bishwal, Suman Kumar Ray, et al. (+8)
1327 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Medical Virology The SARS-unique domain (SUD) of SARS-CoV-2 nsp3 protein inhibits the antiviral immune responses through the NF-κB pathway Siyi Xie, Zheng Song, Ran Chen, Xu Zhang, Shuangxin Wu, Jingliang Chen, et al. (+10)
1328 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology Impacts of indoor masks wearing on air contamination during 10-minute speaking in patients with SARS-CoV-2 omicron variant infection Se Yoon Park, Min-Chul Kim, Ji Yeun Kim, Joung Ha Park, Seongman Bae, Jin-Won Chung, et al. (+3)
1329 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Corrigendum: SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence in pregnant women in Kilifi, Kenya from March 2020 to March 2022 Angela Koech, Geoffrey Omuse, Alex G. Mugo, Isaac G. Mwaniki, Joseph M. Mutunga, Moses W. Mukhanya, et al. (+7)
1330 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  MDPI AG Genes Cross-Species Susceptibility of Emerging Variants of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Meng Li, Fei Lv, Zihao Li, Chenyu Zhao, Xiao Wang, Pingfen Zhu, Xuming Zhou
1331 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  MDPI AG Biomolecules Validation of the Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSpot Analytic Method for the Detection of Human IFN-γ from Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells in Response to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Laura E. Carreto-Binaghi, Milton Nieto-Ponce, Andrea Palencia-Reyes, Rodolfo L. Chávez-Domínguez, Jessica Blancas-Zaragoza, Pablo Franco-Mendoza, et al. (+4)
1332 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences The accomplices: Heparan sulfates and N-glycans foster SARS-CoV-2 spike:ACE2 receptor binding and virus priming Giulia Paiardi, Matheus Ferraz, Marco Rusnati, Rebecca C. Wade
1333 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport A NOVEL ENVIRONMENTAL DECONTAMINATION SYSTEM TO REDUCE SARS-COV-2 TRANSMISSION RISK IN INDOOR SPORTS FACILITIES S. Praet, M. Afzal, M. McDonald, M. Willcox
1334 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Wiley Advanced Healthcare Materials Protein Nanoparticles for Targeted SARS-CoV-2 Trapping and Neutralization Marc Fornt-Suñé, Maria C. Puertas, Javier Martinez-Picado, Javier García-Pardo, Salvador Ventura
1335 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  American Society for Clinical Investigation Journal of Clinical Investigation Neutralizing activity of anti-SARS-CoV-2 hyperimmune immunoglobulins and intravenous immunoglobulins against currently circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants Lorenza Bellusci, Hana Golding, Surender Khurana
1336 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Microbiology Society Microbial Genomics The Canadian VirusSeq Data Portal and Duotang: open resources for SARS-CoV-2 viral sequences and genomic epidemiology Erin E. Gill, Baofeng Jia, Carmen Lia Murall, Raphaël Poujol, Muhammad Zohaib Anwar, Nithu Sara John, et al. (+60)
1337 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  MDPI AG Scientia Pharmaceutica Evaluation of the Efficacy of Methylene Blue Administration in SARS-CoV-2-Affected Patients: A Proof-of-Concept Phase 2, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Single-Blind Clinical Trial Beatrice Barda, Bruno Di Mari, Emiliano Soldini, Claudia Di Bartolomeo, Maurizia Bissig, Adriana Baserga, et al. (+4)
1338 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Informatics Publishing Limited Journal of Natural Remedies Effect of Phyto Constitutes of <i>Ayurveda</i> and <i>Siddha</i> Herbs on SARS-CoV-2/CoVID-19 Management by Modulating the Human Gut Microbiome Monalisa Das, Nooruddin Thajuddin, Gangatharan Muralitharan, Sanjib Patra, Megha Pundir
1339 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  MDPI AG Diagnostics Characterization of Respiratory Viruses in Patients with Acute Respiratory Infection in the City of Barranquilla during the SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 Pandemic Leonardo Arrieta-Rangel, Yesit Bello-Lemus, Ibeth Luna-Rodriguez, Martha Guerra-Simanca, Valmore Bermúdez, Yirys Díaz-Olmos, et al. (+3)
1340 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Plant Archives Plant Science Archives Exploring the Antiviral Properties of Dietary Plant Extracts Against SARS-CoV-2: A Comprehensive Review Rathna Kumari B. M.
1341 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Bussecon International International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147-4478) An in-depth exploration of e-learning experiences at the University of Venda amid the pandemic Recheal Nthangeni Mathungeni
1342 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Wiley The Economic History Review Risk Management in Deadly Times: The U.S. Life Insurance Industry in the 1918-9 Influenza Pandemic Gustavo S. Cortes, Gertjan Verdickt
1343 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Science Research Society Journal of Electrical Systems Requirement and User Modeling for Decision Support System Children Disabilities in Pandemic Ripto Mukti Wibowo
1344 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) World Journal of Engineering Retraction notice: Role of machine learning in changing social and business eco-system - a qualitative study to explore the factors contributing to competitive advantage during COVID pandemic
1345 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Prevalence of dry eye disease symptoms, associated factors and impact on quality of life among medical students during the pandemic Attapinya Kunboon, Napaporn Tananuvat, Phit Upaphong, Nahathai Wongpakaran, Tinakon Wongpakaran
1346 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Society for Social Sciences and Research Association Pakistan Journal of International Affairs ECONOMIC SECURITY CHALLENGES TO PAKISTAN DURING POST PANDEMIC ERA Samer Fatima
1347 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  MDPI AG Diagnostics Acoustic and Clinical Data Analysis of Vocal Recordings: Pandemic Insights and Lessons Pedro Carreiro-Martins, Paulo Paixão, Iolanda Caires, Pedro Matias, Hugo Gamboa, Filipe Soares, et al. (+3)
1348 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Journal of Public Budgeting Accounting & Financial Management Accountingization of the pandemic multiple: enactments of perceived completeness in accounting representations Cemil Eren Fırtın
1349 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports The role of personality traits and emotional intelligence in the evaluation of the benefits and costs of social distancing during a pandemic outbreak Alessandro Santirocchi, Pietro Spataro, Clelia Rossi-Arnaud, Antonino Esposito, Marco Costanzi, Federica Alessi, Vincenzo Cestari
1350 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Social Science Electronic Publishing SSRN Electronic Journal The Pandemic, Small Businesses, and the Limits of Law Jeremy McClane, Robert M. Lawless, Verity Winship
1351 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Development and Psychopathology Exclusive breastfeeding mitigates the association between prenatal maternal pandemic-related stress and children sleep problems at 24 months of age Isabella Lucia Chiara Mariani Wigley, Sarah Nazzari, Massimiliano Pastore, Serena Grumi, Livio Provenzi
1352 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences Determining the New Norm Elements in Emergency Departments in Malaysia During a Pandemic: A Fuzzy Delphi Method Jivanya Raj Selvaraju, Nik Hisamuddin Nik Ab. Rahman
1353 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  JMIR Publications Inc. Journal of Medical Internet Research Reflections from the pandemic: is Connectivism the panacea for clinicians? (Preprint) Jennifer Benjamin, Tyson Pillow, Heather MacNeill, Ken Masters, Anoop Agrawal, Neil Mehta
1354 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  SciELO Revista Brasileira de Educação Médica Suggestions from a hospital health team for professional training and preparation for pandemics Henrique Ribeiro de Souza Barros, Suely Grosseman
1355 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases Understanding the impact of pandemics on long-term medication adherence: directly observed therapy in a tuberculosis treatment cohort pre- and post-COVID-19 lockdowns Victoria Overbeck, Samantha Malatesta, Tara Carney, Bronwyn Myers, Charles D.H. Parry, Charles R. Horsburgh, et al. (+5)
1356 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Decisions in Economics and Finance Financial impact of pandemics on pension sustainability: an application for Spain M. Carmen Boado-Penas, Julia Eisenberg, Zuochen Song
1357 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines Kaposi Sarcoma as a Possible Cutaneous Adverse Effect of ChAdOx1 nCov-19 Vaccine: A Case Report Yan-Han Li, Yu-Tzu Lin, Shu-Han Chuang, Hui-Ju Yang
1358 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Nature Cardiovascular Research Endothelial cells as paracrine mediators of long COVID Simon R. Foster, James E. Hudson
1359 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Bentham Science Current Nutrition & Food Science Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency in Patients with Fatigue and Neuropsychiatric Symptoms of Long COVID and its Correlation with Symptom Severity Veevarin Charoenporn, Thammanard Charernboon
1360 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Molecular Sciences Anti-Inflammatory and Neuroprotective Polyphenols Derived from the European Olive Tree, Olea europaea L., in Long COVID and Other Conditions Involving Cognitive Impairment Paraskevi Papadopoulou, Alexia Polissidis, Georgia Kythreoti, Marina Sagnou, Athena Stefanatou, Theoharis C. Theoharides
1361 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific Long Covid is a significant health crisis in China too Ziyad Al-Aly
1362 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences COVID-19: um estudo de revisão sobre a eficácia das diferentes vacinas implementadas Juliana Reis de Albuquerque
1363 2024―Oct―14  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Nature Cardiovascular Research CCL2-mediated endothelial injury drives cardiac dysfunction in long COVID Dilip Thomas, Chikage Noishiki, Sadhana Gaddam, David Wu, Amit Manhas, Yu Liu, et al. (+14)
1364 2024―Oct―13  [GO]  Research, Society and Development Research Society and Development Riscos de exposição à Covid-19 nos profissionais da Atenção Primária à Saúde de um município do Estado de São Paulo Vinicius de Lima Lovadini, Fernanda Marçal Ferreira, Kelly Cristina Máxima Pereira Venâncio, Karina Simão Araújo, Gabriel Gasparini Evangelista de Souza, Luan Souza do Nascimento, et al. (+2)
1365 2024―Oct―13  [GO]  International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research (IJFMR) International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research Covid-19 Led Vulnerability of Vegetable Production and Marketing: Insights from Marginal Farmers of Odisha Alok Ranjan Behera -, Sibanarayan Mishra -, Niharika Mohapatra -, Baikunthanath Sahoo -
1366 2024―Oct―13  [GO]  African Journal of Reproductive Health (AJRH) African Journal of Reproductive Health Innovative pre-exposure prophylaxis interventions among adolescent girls and young women during COVID-19 lockdown period in sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review Lerato L. Olifant, Edith Phalane, Refilwe N. Phaswana-Mafuya
1367 2024―Oct―13  [GO]  Prague University of Economics and Business Central European Business Review Corporate Integration Processes: Lessons from the Covid-19 Crisis Vincent Montenero, Cristina Cazorzi
1368 2024―Oct―13  [GO]  Elsevier Reproductive Toxicology Investigating the Effects of COVID-19 on Sperm in Male Smokers: A Prospective Integrated Proteomic and Metabolomic Study ChengLu Wang, JiaCheng Zhang, Fang Gao, Min Zheng, XiaoHua Fu, KeBing Yang
1369 2024―Oct―13  [GO]  Knowledge E Journal of Biostatistics and Epidemiology Associations between Conspiracy Ideation, Covid-19 Conspiracy Ideation with Adherence to Preventive Measures among Adults in Kuwait: A Cross-Sectional Study Nourah K. Alajmi, Ahmed N. Albatineh
1370 2024―Oct―13  [GO]  Az-buki National Publishing House Pedagogika-Pedagogy To Be or Not to Be… Educated Digitally? The Conclusions from the Transformation of Еducational Process during COVID-19 - the Point of View of the University Professors Miglena Angelova, Rima Tamošiūnienė, Kiril Anguelov
1371 2024―Oct―13  [GO]  Institut Agama Islam Darullughah Waddawah Bangil Pasuruan Batuthah Jurnal Sejarah Padaban Islam BERSEDEKAH DI ERA PANDEMI: KONTRIBUSI LAZISMU KOTA DEPOK TERHADAP FENOMENA WABAH COVID-19 TAHUN 2020-2022 M Muhammad Fariz Alfawwaz
1372 2024―Oct―13  [GO]  Dostoevsky Omsk State University Herald of Omsk University Series Psychology Responsibility, stress resistance and coping strategies as factors of experience of professional stress among medical staff under COVID-19 V.E. Kupchenk
1373 2024―Oct―13  [GO]  African Journal of Reproductive Health (AJRH) African Journal of Reproductive Health Community-based distribution program's response to increased contraceptive demand in the Democratic Republic of Congo during COVID-19 Jacquie Bapura, Joseph M Fataki, Sahra Ibrahimi, Jack Hazerjian, Marie-Claude M. Kabulepa, Anna William, et al. (+6)
1374 2024―Oct―13  [GO]  Revista Enfermagem Atual Revista Enfermagem Atual In Derme MANIFESTAÇÕES CUTÂNEAS DA COVID-19 Beatriz Regina Lima de Aguiar, Elaine Barros Ferreira, Paula Elaine Diniz dos Reis
1375 2024―Oct―13  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Ethnicity and Health Exploring differences in perceived barriers and facilitators to COVID-19 vaccine uptake and testing intention by vaccination status and testing hesitancy among rural Latino communities in Southwest Florida Laura Redwine, Acadia W. Buro, Diana Rancourt, Kyaien Conner, Heewon L. Gray, Carmen Rodriguez, et al. (+3)
1376 2024―Oct―13  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine Corrigendum to “A comparison of four self-controlled study designs in an analysis of COVID-19 vaccines and myocarditis using five European databases” [Vaccine 42 (12) (2024) 3039-3048] Anna Schultze, Ivonne Martin, Davide Messina, Sophie Bots, Svetlana Belitser, Juan José Carreras-Martínez, et al. (+15)
1377 2024―Oct―13  [GO]  Elsevier Economics Letters Uncertainty, Corporate Investment, and Hiring: The Case of COVID-19 John R. Graham, Naoshi Ikeda, Kotaro Inoue, Takashi Yamasaki
1378 2024―Oct―13  [GO]  Asian Scholars Network Asian Journal of Research in Education and Social Sciences Mothers' Psychological Distress and their Perceived Parent-Child Closeness during COVID-19
1379 2024―Oct―13  [GO]  University of Rzeszow Kultura - Przemiany - Edukacja Wirus w koronie - sytuacja społeczna dzieci odrzuconych rówieśniczo w przestrzeni szkolnej a pandemia COVID-19 Anna Gaweł-Mirocha
1380 2024―Oct―13  [GO]  International Journal of Biosciences International Journal of Biosciences (IJB) Impact of COVID-19 on central nervous system biomarkers: A comparative analysis with multiple sclerosis and healthy controls in Erbil city, KRG, Iraq
1381 2024―Oct―13  [GO]  SAGE Publications Environment and Urbanization Asia Examining the Impact of Socio-economic, Demographic and Policy Factors on Reverse Migration in India During COVID-19 Pandemic Piyush Tiwari, Saumen Majumdar
1382 2024―Oct―13  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus A Systematic Review of the Impact of Energy Insecurity on Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic Naelijwa J Manongi, Ramkumar Rajapandian, Sajida Moti Wala, Esraa M AlEdani, Essa A Samuel, Khoula Ahmad, Ana P Arcia Franchini
1383 2024―Oct―13  [GO]  Elsevier Economics Letters Shock Resistors or Transmitters? Contagion across Industries and Countries during the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Global Financial Crisis Hadi Harb, Mehmet Umutlu
1384 2024―Oct―13  [GO]  CSIRO Publishing Australian Health Review Response to ‘A collaborative approach to support people with a disability living in Australian group homes during the COVID-19 pandemic: a case study’ Hinpetch Daungsupawong, Viroj Wiwanitkit
1385 2024―Oct―13  [GO]  Polaris Archives Of Pharmacy Practice Hematological Markers and Coagulation Profiles in COVID-19 Patients: A Retrospective Cohort in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Nada Bajuaifer, Samah Mokhles
1386 2024―Oct―13  [GO]  Knowledge E Journal of Biostatistics and Epidemiology CRP, PCT, and D-dimer as Biomarkers for Disease Severity in COVID-19 Patients: A Retrospective Study in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo Tasnime Hamdeni, Frederick Tshibasu, Asma Kerkeni, Soufiane Gasmi
1387 2024―Oct―13  [GO]  Journal of Scientific Perspectives Health Sciences Quarterly The effect of viral anxiety experienced by nurses working in pediatric service on psychological factors during Covid-19 period Çiğdem Müge Haylı, Seockhoon Chung, Dilek Demir Kösem
1388 2024―Oct―13  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Community Health Engaging with Social Media: Implications for COVID-19 Research Participation Among Adults Living in the State of Florida Jennifer E. Akpo, Caitlin Murphy, Jennifer Mull, Trudy Gaillard, Lori A. Bilello, Fern J. Webb
1389 2024―Oct―13  [GO]  DoNotEdit Journal of North Khorasan University of Medical Sciences A Systematic Review of the Use of Health-oriented Models and Theories in Predicting the Acceptance of the COVID-19 Vaccination
1390 2024―Oct―13  [GO]  Knowledge E Journal of Family & Reproductive Health Determinants of Non-Acceptance of the COVID-19 Vaccine During Pregnancy in Pregnant and Postpartum Women: Correspondence Hinpetch Daungsupawong, Viroj Wiwanitkit
1391 2024―Oct―13  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Reconsidering inequalities in COVID-19 vaccine uptake in Germany: a spatiotemporal analysis combining individual educational level and area-level socioeconomic deprivation Marvin Reis, Niels Michalski, Susanne Bartig, Elisa Wulkotte, Christina Poethko-Müller, Daniel Graeber, et al. (+3)
1392 2024―Oct―13  [GO]  Springer-Verlag CME Covid-19-Impfung so wichtig wie Grippeschutz Karl-Heinz Patzer
1393 2024―Oct―13  [GO]  SAGE Publications Clinical Pediatrics Complete Blood Count in Children With COVID-19: A Predictor of Disease Severity Sandra Regina Loggetto, Thiago de Souza Vilela, Julia Maimone Beatrice, Priscila Grizante-Lopes, Janahyna Gomes Emerenciano, Andrea Angel, Josefina Aparecida Pellegrini Braga
1394 2024―Oct―13  [GO]  SAGE Publications INQUIRY The Journal of Health Care Organization Provision and Financing Comparing Social Isolation in Older Adults With and Without Physical Health Challenges During COVID-19: Church and Church Friends Matter Tina R. Kilaberia, Yuanyuan Hu, Edward R. Ratner, Janice F. Bell
1395 2024―Oct―13  [GO]  Research, Society and Development Research Society and Development Atuação do Enfermeiro do Trabalho na Pandemia de COVID-19: Uma revisão de literatura Alessandre dos Santos Souza
1397 2024―Oct―13  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Oxoammonium salts exert antiviral effects against coronavirus via denaturation of their spike proteins Ryosuke Segawa, Yusuke Sasano, Yusuke Hatakawa, Yuto Fujisawa, Shuhei Akutsu, Masanobu Uchimura, et al. (+7)
1398 2024―Oct―13  [GO]  Kowsar Medical Institute Journal of Reports in Pharmaceutical Sciences The Impact of United Kingdom SARS-CoV-2 Spike Mutations on Spike-ACE2 Interactions Investigated Through Molecular Dynamic Simulation Zohreh Salehi, Mohammad Ali Hosseinpour Feizi, Reza Safaralizadeh, Mohsen Shahlaei
1399 2024―Oct―13  [GO]  Walter de Gruyter GmbH Translational Neuroscience Long COVID elevated MMP-9 and release from microglia by SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein Duraisamy Kempuraj, Irene Tsilioni, Kristina K. Aenlle, Nancy G. Klimas, Theoharis C. Theoharides
1400 2024―Oct―13  [GO]  Research, Society and Development Research Society and Development Laserterapia para o controle de disfunções gustativas e/ou olfatórias decorrentes da infecção pelo vírus SARS-CoV-2: Estudo piloto Ângela Nathalie Silva Lima, Nathalia Matias de Freitas, Gabriele Gonçalves de Lima, William José e Silva Filho, Márcia de Melo Rodrigues, Cícero Eustáquio Rodrigues de Carvalho, et al. (+2)
1402 2024―Oct―13  [GO]  Springer-Verlag CEN Case Reports A case of de novo glomerulonephritis following COVID-19 in a patient with preexistent IgA vasculitis Daigo Kobayashi, Jun Yoshino, Maki Hanada, Masafumi Ohba, Tomohiro Oka, Kenichi Itoga, et al. (+2)
1403 2024―Oct―13  [GO]  International Technology and Science Publications Proceedings Series Study on the Effect of Rain Classroom + BOPPPS Teaching Model in the Preventive Medicine Course under the COVID-19 Pandemic Yixin Ye
1404 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Uphills Publishers LLC South Eastern European Journal of Public Health Correlation Of BCG Vaccination And COVID-19 Disease Through Measurement Of Immunological Markers IFN-Γ And Anti-BCG Igg In Different Age Groups Running Title: Correlation Between BCG Vaccination And COVID-19 Disease Farah Muwaffaq Abdullghani, Haider Abdul-Lateef Mousa
1406 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of the Knowledge Economy Socio-Economic Factors and Their Influence on Covid-19 Deaths in Latin America: Role of Knowledge and Its Economic Implications Javier Cifuentes-Faura
1407 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Uphills Publishers LLC South Eastern European Journal of Public Health Evaluation of Immuno-Hematological Parameters of Severe and Mild COVID-19 Cases in Babylon Province, Iraq Muthanna Abdulameer, Mustafa Jawad Al-Imari, Mohammed Sameir, Wafaa H. Ajam
1408 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Infectious Diseases and Therapy Respiratory Syncytial Virus Risk Profile in Hospitalized Infants and Comparison with Influenza and COVID-19 Controls in Valladolid, Spain, 2010-2022 Mariana Haeberer, Martin Mengel, Rong Fan, Marina Toquero-Asensio, Alejandro Martin-Toribio, Qing Liu, et al. (+10)
1409 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Elsevier Child Abuse & Neglect The potential influences of COVID-19 and social vulnerability measures on child maltreatment in the United States: Spatial temporal cluster analysis and negative binomial regression Tae Kyung Park, Hui-Peng Liew, Hyunji Lee
1410 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Asia Pacific Academy of Science Pte. Ltd. Smart Tourism Exploring tourism SMEs crisis management practices during Covid-19 at Boudha, Kathmandu Asmita Oli, Niranjan Devkota, Ranjana Kumari Danuwar, Mijala Kayestha, Ajaya Dhakal, Deep Kumar Baral, et al. (+3)
1411 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  FSBEI HE NSMU MOH Russia Sibirskij medicinskij vestnik STUDY OF AUTOIMMUNIZATION MARKERS IN PATIENTS WITH COVID-19 ASSOCIATED MULTISYSTEM INFLAMMATORY SYNDROME G.S. Karpovich, I.V. Kuimova, T.I. Ryabichenko, O.O. Obukhovа, M.I. Voevoda
1412 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Elsevier Annals of Vascular Surgery Risk of Acute Aortic Events Following COVID-19 and Influenza Respiratory Viral Infections: Comment Hinpetch Daungsupawong, Viroj Wiwanitkit
1413 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research Suez Canal University Medical Journal Clinical Trial to Assess Efficacy of Fluticasone Nasal Spray and Smell Retraining Therapy on Post COVID-19 Anosmia in Suez Canal University Hospital Samar A. Khedr, Mohammed El-Tabakh, Mahmoud M. Soliman, Yehia M. Ashry
1414 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Dove Medical Press International Journal of Women s Health Health of Saudi Women in the Post-Pandemic Era: Candidiasis Incidence and Post COVID-19 and COVID-19-Vaccination Sami Alawfi
1415 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Urban Management Housing infrastructure and women in care: COVID-19 experiences from urban informal settlements of Khulna, Bangladesh Salma Akter, Sheikh Serajul Hakim, Md Azharul Islam, Md Saydur Rahman
1416 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Universitas Tidar Jurnal REP (Riset Ekonomi Pembangunan) NAVIGATING THE SHIFT: HOW CASHLESS PAYMENTS, INTEREST RATES, AND COVID-19 AFFECT MONEY SUPPLY Fifi Nofita, Diah Wahyuningsih
1417 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Ovid Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Work trajectories of patients with persistent complaints after a COVID-19 infection receiving allied healthcare in the Netherlands: a secondary analysis of the ParaCov cohort Ângela Jornada Ben, Arie Cornelis Verburg, Esther T. Maas, Thomas J. Hoogeboom, Marissa H. G. Gerards, Anne I. Slotegraaf, et al. (+4)
1418 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Elsevier Brain and Spine How Continuing Medical Education Changed after COVID-19 - Results of an Online Survey among Users af a Non-profit Multi-specialty Live Online Education Platform Tobias Schulte, Thilo Gröning, Babett Ramsauer, Jörg Weimann, Martin Pin, Dipl.-Päd. Karin Jerusalem, Sami Ridwan
1419 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Universidade Federal da Bahia Revista de Contabilidade da UFBA A Influência da Pandemia da Covid-19 no Funcionamento dos Escritórios de Contabilidade do Estado de Alagoas Maria Jeiciane de Melo Tenório, José Augusto de Medeiros Monteiro, Karenn Patrícia Silva Siqueira, Tatiana Silva Fontoura de Barcellos Giacobbo
1420 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research مجلة البحوث المالیة والتجاریة استخدام نماذج: (Wavelet) و(Vine Copula) لنمذجة التأثيرات متعددة الأبعاد فى قياس أثر جائحة (Covid-19) على قطاع التأمين المصرى " دراسة تطبيقية " وائل محمود على محمد, أحمد عبد الوهاب أحمد علي, عبير منصور عبد الحميد علي
1421 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Journal of Neurosurgery Publishing Group Journal of Neurosurgery Pediatrics Pediatric CSF diversion procedures for treatment of hydrocephalus during the COVID-19 pandemic Paige Lundy, Ariana Barkley, A. K. M. Fazlur Rahman, Anastasia Arynchyna-Smith, Jessica Thrower, Addison Stewart, et al. (+22)
1422 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Asia Pacific Academy of Science Pte. Ltd. Smart Tourism Mitigating the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on hotel services: A conceptual framework on technological innovations and employee well-being Patita Paban Mohanty
1423 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Komitet Redakcyjno - Wydawniczy Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychiatrycznego Psychiatria Polska Co-occurrence of psychopathological symptom severity and personality predisposition in post-traumatic stress disorder in patients several months after hospitalisation due to COVID-19 Barbara Bętkowska-Korpała, Katarzyna Olszewska-Turek, Anna Pastuszak-Draxler, Anna Laskowska-Wronarowicz, Jolanta Walczewska, Anna Starowicz-Filip, Dominika Dudek
1424 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Bangladesh Journals Online Journal of Monno Medical College Short-term Clinical Outcomes of COVID-19 Patients Hospitalized with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Asthma in Three Tertiary Level Hospitals in Bangladesh Md. Ziaul Hoque, SM Nahid Hasan, Shah Didar Imam, SM Moniruzzaman
1425 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research دراسات تربوية وطفولة اتجاهات طلبة جامعة حفر الباطن نحو التعليم عن بُعد وعلاقتها بالتوافق النفسي لمواجهة تداعيات فيروس كورونا (covid-19) عبدالله بن حلاوي الشمري
1426 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Eliwise Academy Ltd Journal of Food Science Nutrition and Health A meta-analysis of efficiency of traditional Chinese medicine concerning physical recovery in COVID-19 Yao Xiang
1427 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Smart Technology and Learning Challenges encountered by overseas Chinese students during online learning amid COVID-19 Ming Chen, Meiyan Liu, Aiqin Yu
1428 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Idragon publisher New Medicine Exploration of the shared gene signatures and molecular mechanisms between asthma and COVID-19
1429 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Journal of Health Population and Nutrition Comparative clinical trial of Langenlianqiao oral liquid and Lianhuaqingwen capsule in the treatment of mild cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Yan-Mo Yang, Qin-Xuan Li, Yi-Zhao Liu, Mi Zhou
1430 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Electronic Journal of Social Sciences Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi In the Shadow of Crisis: Societal and Political Transformations of Covid-19 Kutay Üstün
1431 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Brazilian Journal of Health Review Brazilian Journal of Health Review O possível impacto do aumento de problemas oftalmológicos durante a pandemia de COVID-19 Júlia Rocha Matoso, Maria Gabriela Prandini Nunes Cota, Thierry Rossine Belém Soares, Bernardo Fontoura Castro Carvalho
1432 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Associacao Multidisciplinar de Investigacao Cientifica Revista Angolana de Ciencias Estúdio comparativo de los estados emocionales y recursos de afrontamiento en adultos argentinos durante la cuarentena por el COVID-19","Comparative study of emotional states and coping resources in Argentine adults during quarantine by COVID-19","Estudo comparativo de estados emocionais e recursos de enfrentamento em adultos argentinos durante quarentena por COVID-19 Marcelo R. Ceberio, Facundo Cocola, Maria Gabriela Benedicto, Gilda Jones, Jesica Agostinelli, Marcos Díaz Videla, et al. (+2)
1433 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Associacao Multidisciplinar de Investigacao Cientifica Revista Angolana de Ciencias Pandemia na era secular: Liberdade religiosa em Portugal nos inícios do surto da COVID-19","Pandemic in the secular age: Religious freedom in Portugal at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic","Pandemia en la era secular: La libertad religiosa en Portugal al inicio de COVID-19 Jorge Botelho Moniz
1434 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Revista Ciencias em Saude HSJ Idosos, homens e sedentários tiveram maior número de hospitalizações por COVID-19: prevalência e fatores associados em Barbacena-MG, Brasil, 2021-2022","Older adults, males, and sedentary individuals had a higher number of hospitalizations for COVID-19: prevalence and associated factors in Barbacena-MG, Brazil, 2021-2022 Juliano Bergamaschine Mata Diz
1435 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences IMPACTO DA PANDEMIA DE COVID-19 NOS ÍNDICES EPIDEMIOLÓGICOS DE SÍFILIS NO ESTADO DO CEARÁ: ANÁLISE DE VARIAÇÕES EM CASOS DE SÍFILIS ADQUIRIDA, CONGÊNITA E GESTACIONAL ENTRE 2017 E 2023 Lucas Farias Linhares Silva, Yane Vitória de Lima Cavalcante, Sandrielle Maria Brito do Nascimento, Lowhana Farias Siqueira, Fernando Ériton Aguiar Moita, Jefferson Lima Mouta, et al. (+8)
1436 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences Impacto do isolamento social e da COVID-19 na adesão ao tratamento cirúrgico de pacientes com transtornos psiquiátricos. Lillian Socorro Menezes de Souza
1437 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Current Psychiatry Reports Assessing Military Mental Health during the Pandemic: A Five Country Collaboration Jennifer E. C. Lee, Clare Bennett, Neanne Bennett, Fethi Bouak, Irina Goldenberg, Kate Harrison, et al. (+5)
1438 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Contribuciones a las Ciencias Sociales Psicologia da saúde: fatores de risco emergentes na sindemia da COVID-19 e possíveis complexidades associadas Hugo Marques Correia, Eliane Maria Fleury Seidl
1439 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research Microbes and Infectious Diseases Covid-19 impact on oral health related quality of life : A cross-sectional study kalyanam rashmi durga, aruna ganganna, ravindra shivamurthy, anitha subbappa, purnima bandari, chandan nagendraswamy
1440 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Vaccine hesitancy in context of COVID-19 in East Africa: systematic review and meta-analysis Melsew Setegn Alie, Gossa Fetene Abebe, Yilkal Negesse, Amanuel Adugna, Desalegn Girma
1441 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Smart Technology and Learning Challenges of mandatory ICT use among university lecturers and students during COVID-19 in Liberia Gabriel M. Kennedy
1442 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Uphills Publishers LLC South Eastern European Journal of Public Health Risk Factors Associated With COVID-19 Infection Among Schools’ Children in Basrah City / Iraq Mortadha Hameed Kreeb Al-Dalfi, Shrouk Abdulrazak Hassan Al. Ibraheem
1443 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Revista ft Ltda Revista ft COBERTURA VACINAL EM CRIANÇAS NO MUNICÍPIO DE EUNÁPOLIS-BA ENTRE 2018 E 2022: UM ESTUDO SOBRE O IMPACTO DA COVID-19 NA IMUNIZAÇÃO NA PRIMEIRA INFÂNCIA Alyce Silva Correia, Juliana Galvão Barreto Wyatt, Nathalia Viana Teixeira
1444 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Eliwise Academy Ltd Journal of Applied Economics and Policy Studies What Were the Most Important Impacts of COVID-19 on Chinese Tertiary Industry and How Might They Change Its Future Trajectory? Zetao Xu
1445 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Springer-Verlag The Journal of Economic Inequality Projecting the impact of COVID-19 on education and intergenerational mobility in Sub-Saharan Africa Guido Neidhöfer, Nora Lustig, Patricio Larroulet
1446 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Ateneo de Manila University Journal of Management for Global Sustainability Outdoor Workshops: A Means of Restoration Amidst COVID-19 Online Modes Santa Stopniece
1447 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Politeknik Sawunggalih Aji Jurnal Ekonomi dan Teknik Informatika Analisis Perbandingan Kinerja Keuangan Sebelum Dan Selama Covid-19 Pada Perusahaan Subsektor Transportasi Dyunita Dyunita, Enika Rahajeng
1448 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Negah Scientific Publisher International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Forensic Medicine Predictive Factors of Mortality in Methanol Poisoning Outbreaks: A Cross-sectional Study During the COVID-19 Pandemic Ehsan Bolvardi, Fatemeh Rezvani Fard, Seyed Reza Habibzadeh, Maryam Vahabzadeh, Maryam Panahi, Maryam Mohammadi, et al. (+4)
1449 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics Corporate governance and corporate immunity against COVID-19 pandemic Budhi Setiya Yoga, Danar Sutopo Sidig
1450 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies Hong Kong higher education students’ perceived adjustments in their community of inquiry presence during political turmoil and the COVID-19 pandemic Simon Wong, Yuk Ming Tang, Pat Chan, Yui-Yip Lau, Anthony Loh
1451 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) International Journal of Production Research The effect of visibility on forecast and inventory management performance during the COVID-19 pandemic Kaveh Dehkhoda, Valérie Bélanger, Martin Cousineau
1452 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Yale University Library Yale Journal of Music & Religion The Online Cathedral: A Case Study Analysis of Egalitarian Music Outreach at Liverpool Cathedral for Mental Health and Spiritual Wellbeing during the COVID-19 Pandemic Simone Krüger Bridge
1453 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Discover Public Health Game-theoretical perspectives on COVID-19 pandemic Nikolaos Nagkoulis
1454 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Elsevier Archives of Psychiatric Nursing Managing the risk of suicide in a psychiatry clinic: An ethnographic study on the work atmosphere of nurses during the Covid-19 pandemic Sevda Öztürk, Duygu Hiçdurmaz, Mark Lewis Soileau
1455 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research Egyptian Journal of Nutrition and Health Assessment of Eating Habits and Food Purchasing Behavior Changes among Cairo University 4th Year Medical Students during COVID-19 Pandemic, 2021 Mennatallah Said Hosney Shehata, Ola Abd El Naser Mohamed, Maha Mohamed Ghobashi
1456 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Wiley Birth Birth Outcomes and Prenatal Care Use in the U.S. During the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020 and 2021 Wei Lyu, George L. Wehby
1458 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health “Empathy for children is often missing”: a mixed methods analysis of a German forum on COVID-19 pandemic measures Văn Kính Nguyễn, Astrid Berner-Rodoreda, Nina Baum, Till Bärnighausen
1459 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  International Journal of Exercise Science, L.L.C. International Journal of Exercise Science The Acute Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in University Students and Employees
1460 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research CDELT Occasional Papers in the Development of English Education Interpersonal Metadiscourse in Western News Sites’ Coverage of the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Corpus-Based Study Doaa Talaat Sayed Muhammed
1461 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  OPUS - Uluslararasi Toplum Arastirmalari Dergisi OPUS Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi The Correlates of Psychological Resilience in Turkish Adolescents During The COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review Sema Durmuş Haşimi, Özden Yalçınkaya Alkar
1462 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Trials Why were so few randomized trials of public health and social measures conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic? The Norwegian experience Atle Fretheim, Petter Elstrøm, Cathinka Halle Julin, Unni Gopinathan, Ingeborg Hess Elgersma, Runar Barstad Solberg, Arnfinn Helleve
1463 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Uphills Publishers LLC South Eastern European Journal of Public Health The Model of Nursing Administration and Quality of Working Life Management of Nurses after COVID-19 Pandemics, in Thailand Nawasanan Wongprasit
1464 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon Alterations in the expression of serum-derived exosome-enclosed inflammatory microRNAs in Covid-19 patients Nazanin Joudaki, Ali Khodadadi, Marziye Shamshiri, Sajad Dehnavi, Ali Asadirad
1465 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine Dizziness in Post COVID-19 Patients
1466 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Innovare Academic Sciences Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research ROLE OF BIOCHEMICAL MARKERS AMONG COVID-19 PATIENTS AND THEIR ASSOCIATION WITH SEVERITY OF DISEASE RACHNA SABHARWAL
1467 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research Microbes and Infectious Diseases Antimicrobial resistance patterns of bacterial and fungal lower respiratory tract infections among COVID-19 patients and their impact on Mortality Rania Mohamed Amir, Rehab Mohamed Ateya, Heba Kadry Shalaby
1468 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Uphills Publishers LLC South Eastern European Journal of Public Health Unveiling the Impact of Statin Drugs on Liver Enzyme Variation in COVID-19 Patients in Baghdad, Iraq Osamah Alkilidar, Hayder Albaghdadi, Samaa Kh.alhashimi
1469 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Knowledge E Journal of Iranian Medical Council Daily Versus Conventional Dialysis for COVID-19 Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial Fatemeh Yassari, Hossein Amini, Maryam Sadat Mirenayat, Bahareh Hajibaratali, Somayeh Ghadimi, Nooshin Dalili
1470 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Wiley Annals of Noninvasive Electrocardiology Are Pre-Hospitalization ECG Abnormalities Associated With Increased Mortality in COVID-19 Patients? A Quantitative Systematic Literature Review Danielle Askey, Ann Smith
1471 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Nursing Correction: Emotions reflected in colours: experiences of nursing students during the COVID-19 period Eda Atay, Ezgi Dirgar, Kadiriye Pehlivan, Betül Tosun, Ahmet Ayaz, Ayla Yava, Juan M. Leyva-Moral
1472 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science Covid-19 Prediction Model Using Data Mining Algorithms Zahraa Naser Shah weli
1473 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Interpersonal Violence The Impact of COVID-19 Restrictions on Reports of Domestic Violence Against Women in the Context of a Middle-Income Country: The Case of Belo Horizonte, Brazil Vitor S. Goncalves, Mateus R. Santos, April Miin Miin Chai
1474 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Turk Tarim ve Doga Bilimleri Dergisi Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi Covid-19 Süreci ve Sonrası Dönemde Tüketicilerin Online Gıda Alışverişi Yapma Durumlarının Belirlenmesi Yeşim Aytop, Semiha Çetinkaya, Gizem Yaylamaz
1475 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research ALEXMED ePosters POST COVID-19 SHORT-TERM LUNG SEQUELAE ON FOLLOW-UP CT-CHEST Yehia Halim Zaky, Amr Aly Abd El Kerim, Dina Abdel Salam Altarawy, Marsel Nageh Lamay Gendy
1476 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Uphills Publishers LLC South Eastern European Journal of Public Health Potential Relationship between ABO Blood Group and COVID-19 Susceptibility Sara Kareem Shalal
1477 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Elsevier Cities Community kitchens as metropolitan infrastructure: Mapping the fight against food insecurity in Santiago de Chile during COVID-19 N. Valenzuela-Levi, J. Ponce-Mendez, S. Madrid-Solorza, F. Magnani, M. Miranda
1478 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Learning Gate Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology A comparative study on the perception of integrated resort in Korea before and after COVID-19 using social big data Jang Heon Han, Kab Soo An
1479 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Uphills Publishers LLC South Eastern European Journal of Public Health Potential Link Between COVID-19 Vaccination and Multiple Sclerosis in Children With Cases Study from Puebla, Mexico: The Bases Benjamin Malpica H., Carlos E. Cabrera I.
1480 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  European International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Management Studies International Journal of Medical Science and Dental Health ANALYSIS OF DETERMINANTS OF COVID-19 VACCINATION BEHAVIOR IN THE ACEH BESAR COMMUNITY Safrida Hanum, Nurjannah Nurjannah, Rachmad Suhanda, Irwan Saputra, Nasrul Zaman
1481 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine Immunogenicity and Adverse Events after Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Vaccination in Patients with Systemic Inflammatory Autoimmune Diseases
1482 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Asian Institute of Research Journal of Health and Medical Sciences Dynamics of COVID-19 Vaccination Policy in Indonesia: Analysis of Readiness and Implementation Dumilah Ayuningtyas, Eme Stepani Sitepu, Elfrida Rooslanda, Lili Damayanti, Nurul Safitri
1483 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Knowledge E Journal of Iranian Medical Council Efficacy Evaluation of COVID-19 Vaccines in Patients with Autoimmune Rheumatic Diseases in Mashhad, Iran Zahra Rezaieyazdi, Farzaneh Sookhtanloo, Masoumeh Salari, Rozita Khodashahi, Maryam Sahebari, Zahra Mirfeizi, et al. (+2)
1484 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Maad Rayan Publishing Company Journal of Qualitative Research in Health Sciences The Ethical Challenges Faced by Nurses Providing Care to Patients with COVID-19: A Qualitative Content Analysis Fereshteh Ghaljaei, Majid Reza Akbarizadeh, Mahin Naderifar
1485 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Wiley Learned Publishing Effects of the coronavirus 2019 pandemic on medical publishing: The sacrifice of quality for quantity? Aliza Becker
1486 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Maad Rayan Publishing Company Journal of Qualitative Research in Health Sciences Is Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats Analysis Effective in Preventing and Controlling Coronavirus Disease-19? A qualitative study Aliasghar Kheirkhah Vakiabad, Ehsan Movahed, Fereshte Gheybi, Fatemeh Kave Farsani, Fatemeh Rigabadi
1487 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Associacao Multidisciplinar de Investigacao Cientifica Revista Angolana de Ciencias Aplicação para o Rastreio de Contactos de Infectados por Coronavírus em Angola","Application for Digital Contact Tracing of Infected by Coronavirus in Angola","Aplicación para el Seguimiento de Contactos de Infectados por Coronavirus en Angola Lázaro Emílio Makili, José Valdemiro Caseiro, Elda Jael Paulo, Arnaldo Luciano de Jesús Domingos, Abílio de Jesús Epalanga Anapaz, Hermenegildo José Camenhe Severino
1488 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Uphills Publishers LLC South Eastern European Journal of Public Health Evaluation The Role Of Some Immunological Markers In Coronavirus-19 Infection In A Sample Of Iraqi Patients Hussam A. Al-Waely, Saife D. Al-Ahmer
1489 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Veterinary Research Identification and genetic characterization of five novel bat coronaviruses from Yunnan, China Qian Li, Yutong Hou, Baoyang Huang, Xiang Le, Binghui Wang, Xueshan Xia
1490 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Dental Research Immune Dysregulation in the Oral Cavity during Early SARS-CoV-2 Infection C. Graves, E. Babikow, N. Ghaltakhchyan, T.Q. Ngo, C. Li, S. Wang, et al. (+10)
1491 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Cardiovascular Disorders Baseline level of interleukin-6 is associated with the risk of acute coronary syndrome development in SARS-CoV-2 infection Mohsen Sedighi, Mohammad Hasan Shahabi, Maryam Akbarpour, Alireza Amanollahi, Nader Tavakoli, Aydin Mohammad Valipour, Hamed Basir Ghafouri
1492 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Elsevier Brain Behavior & Immunity - Health SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Microglia and Its Sequelae: What Do We Know So Far? Echo Yongqi Luo, Raymond Chuen-Chung Chang, Javier Gilbert-Jaramillo
1493 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Civic organization "Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics Educational Institute" (CLADEI) Ukrainian Journal of Laboratory Medicine PREDICTION OF THE STATE OF CRITICAL PATIENTS WITH SARS-CoV-2 INFECTION (LABORATORY ASPECT) H. Yushchuk, O. Korzhyk, V. Pykaliuk
1494 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Elsevier The Science of The Total Environment Corrigendum to “The Efficient and Practical virus Identification System with ENhanced Sensitivity for Solids (EPISENS-S): A rapid and cost-effective SARS-CoV-2 RNA detection method for routine wastewater surveillance” [Sci. Total Environ. 843 (2022) 157101 (15 October)] Hiroki Ando, Ryo Iwamoto, Hiroyuki Kobayashi, Satoshi Okabe, Masaaki Kitajima
1495 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Springer-Verlag GeroScience Broad immunogenicity to prior SARS-CoV-2 strains and JN.1 variant elicited by XBB.1.5 vaccination in nursing home residents Yasin Abul, Clare Nugent, Igor Vishnepolskiy, Tiffany Wallace, Evan Dickerson, Laurel Holland, et al. (+29)
1496 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences MERS-CoV-nsp5 expression in human epithelial BEAS 2b cells attenuates type I interferon production by inhibiting IRF3 nuclear translocation Y. Zhang, S. Kandwal, D. Fayne, N. J. Stevenson
1497 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Uphills Publishers LLC South Eastern European Journal of Public Health Evolution of Pandemic Discourse: Portrayal of Diseases, Public Healthcare and Culture Anxiety in Pandemic-Themed Film Rasmuna Shafiee, Vimala Perumal, Wong Chee On
1498 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Universitas Andalas Palito STRATEGI ASEAN DALAM PEMULIHAN EKONOMI AKIBAT PANDEMI COVID-19 DI ASIA TENGGARA Meli Anggraini, Muhammad Yusra, Diah Anggraini Austin
1499 2024―Oct―12  [GO]  Quest Journals International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention Regard Géographique Sur Le Vécu Et La Perception De La Covid-19 En Milieu Carcéral : Etude Qualitative Auprès Des Personnes Incarcérées à La Maison d’Arrêt Et De Correction De Tiassalé Et De Daloa (Côte d’Ivoire). Bouadi Arnaud Ferrand KOFFI, Any Kouamé EHOUNOU
1501 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Fundacao CECIERJ EAD em FOCO Tecnologia na Educação Física Escolar: um Estudo sobre os Impactos antes e depois da Pandemia de COVID-19 (2020-2023) Guilherme Carvalho Vieira, Lucas Matheus Araujo Bicalho, Stefany Reis Marquioli
1502 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Wydawnictwo Czelej Sp. z o.o. Przegląd Pediatryczny Zapalenie mięśnia sercowego jako powikłanie po szczepieniu przeciwko COVID-19 - omówienie na podstawie przypadku klinicznego Patrycja Ordyk-Rusek, Aleksandra Gumińska, Kamila Halama, Michał Chołuj
1503 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Ubiquity Press, Ltd. Perspectives on Medical Education Time to Publication in Medical Education Journals: An Analysis of Publication Timelines During COVID-19 (2019&ndash;2022) Lauren A. Maggio, Joseph A. Costello, Kirsten R. Brown, Anthony R. Artino Jr., Steven J. Durning, Ting Lan Ma
1504 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Wiley British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology Pharmacokinetic modelling to enable early attrition of repurposed antiviral drug combination candidates with a high likelihood of failure in COVID-19
1505 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Pakis Journal Institute Media Ilmiah Kesehatan Indonesia PENGARUH TEGANGAN TABUNG SINAR-X (kV) TERHADAP KUALITAS CITRA RADIOGRAFI FOTO TORAKS PASIEN COVID-19 Sitti Normawati, Jumardin Jumardin, Supri Harmiati
1506 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Plasma bioactive adrenomedullin predicts mortality and need for dialysis in critical COVID-19 Patrik Johnsson, Theodor Sievert, Ingrid Didriksson, Hans Friberg, Attila Frigyesi
1507 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Advanced Research Publications JOURNAL OF COMMUNICABLE DISEASES Comparison of Nucleocapsid Antigen, ORIF 1ab and RdRp (RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase) in the Diagnosis of COVID-19 Nandhini RV
1508 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  College of Graduate Studies, Walailak University Asia Social Issues Evolving of Low-wage Migrant Workers’ Health Information Seeking Roles Pre and Post Covid-19 Weerachaya Jarupreechachan, Thattapon Surasak
1509 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona Anuario de Psicología Victimización Electrónica en Adolescentes Españoles durante la Pandemia COVID-19 Paola Bertomeu Panisello, Diego A. Díaz-Faes, Noemí Pereda, Georgina Guilera
1510 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona Anuario de Psicología Resiliencia organizacional sanitaria antes de la pandemia por COVID-19 Lila Gonçalves Oliveira, Roser Sala Escarrabill
1511 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona Anuario de Psicología Analysis of satisfaction, resilience and SPS in a group of grandparents who interact with their grandchildren during COVID-19 Pedro Javier Castañeda-García, María José Chinea-Cabrera, Vanesa Cruz-Santana
1512 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Scientific Press International Limited Advances in Management and Applied Economics The Financial Consequences of the Covid-19 Health Crisis on Walloon Municipalities in the short term, and the Resulting Changes in the longer term Dorian Empain, Jordan Signor, Julien Vandernoot, Camille Wallemacq
1513 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Public Health A survey of telehealth and its role in orthopaedic trauma during and after COVID-19 Juliette Gammel, Gabriella Rivas, Ryan Horn, James Munford, Kristoff Reid, Langdon Hartsock
1514 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Elsevier JAAD International COVID-19 Infection or Vaccination and Hidradenitis Suppurativa: A Systematic Review Alim Osman, Megan Jayne Ralston, Michael Christopher Povelaitis, Mariela Mitre
1515 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Korean Academy of Medical Sciences Journal of Korean Medical Science Active Surveillance for Safety Monitoring of XBB.1.5-Containing COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines in Korea Bomi Park, Hye Ah Lee, Yeonjae Kim, Chung Ho Kim, Hyunjin Park, Seunghee Jun, et al. (+5)
1516 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Thomas Telford Ltd. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Transport Editorial: How the transport industry is changing due to Covid-19 Metin Mutlu Aydın
1517 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  MDPI AG Viruses Higher Frequency of SARS-CoV-2 RNA Shedding by Cats than Dogs in Households with Owners Recently Diagnosed with COVID-19 Michele Lunardi, Felippe Danyel Cardoso Martins, Emanuele Gustani-Buss, Roberta Torres Chideroli, Isabela Medeiros de Oliveira, Kamila Chagas Peronni, et al. (+3)
1518 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  MDPI AG Diagnostics Assessment of the Predictive Ability of the Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio in Patients with In-Stent Restenosis after COVID-19 Lyudmila Pivina, Gulnara Batenova, Diana Ygiyeva, Andrey Orekhov, Maksim Pivin, Altay Dyussupov
1519 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Fundacao Edson Queiroz Revista Subjetividades Expectativas de futuro de estudantes de graduação e pós-graduação após a Pandemia de COVID-19 Juliana Cantele, Adria de Lima Sousa, Charlene Fernanda Thurow, Claudia Daiana Borges, Leila Gracieli da Silva, Douglas Garcia, et al. (+3)
1520 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  IIUM Press International Journal of Economics Management and Accounting The Potential Influence of COVID-19 on the Arab World Economy Ahmed N.K. Alfarra, Ahmed Hagag
1521 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Elsevier Child Abuse & Neglect The effects of COVID-19 on the development of reported incidents of child maltreatment over time: A systematic literature review A. Jud, E. Orban, A. Kaman, U. Ravens-Sieberer, M. Jarczok, L.Y. Li, et al. (+8)
1522 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Publishing House of Scientific Journals and Children's Fiction НАУКА НОВЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ И ИННОВАЦИИ КЫРГЫЗСТАНА ИЗУЧЕНИЕ КУЛЬТУРАЛЬНЫХ СВОЙСТВ ДЕЛЬТА-ИНДИЙСКОГО ВАРИАНТА SARS-COV-2 КОРОНАВИРУСНОЙ ИНФЕКЦИЙ COVID-19 К.Б. Бисенбаева, Г.С. Усенгазиева, Б.Ш. Мырзахметова, Г.А. Жаппарова, Л.Б. Кутумбетов
1523 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  IIUM Press International Journal of Economics Management and Accounting Theory of Planned Behavior in Determining Factors Influencing Tourists' Travel Intentions during the COVID-19 Pandemic Cheam Chai Li
1524 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Elsevier Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health A comparative study of the growth indicators of infants born before and during the Covid-19 pandemic Ali Omidian, Arghavan Afra, Mohammad Javad Golabvand, Maryam Ban, Naser Kamyari, Shima Seneysel Bachari
1525 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Elsevier Midwifery Women ‘s perception on the quality of maternal and newborn care during the COVID-19 pandemic in German-speaking countries: findings from the IMAgiNE EURO project comparing data from Germany, Switzerland and Austria Susanne Grylka-Baeschlin, Michael Gemperle, Ilaria Mariani, Alessia Abderhalden-Zellweger, Céline Miani, Christoph Zenzmaier, et al. (+10)
1526 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon Major injuries and associated factors in traffic accidents among motorcycle food delivery riders during the COVID-19 pandemic in Thailand Siriaran Kwangsukstith, Vithawat Surawattanasakul, Chollada Mahakkanukrauh, Jinjuta Panumasvivat, Wachiranun Sirikul, Amornphat Kitro, Penprapa Siviroj
1527 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Social Science Electronic Publishing SSRN Electronic Journal The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic Outbreak: Experiences of Sri Lanka Kandasamy Sathiyasegar, Thanabalasingam Krishnamohan
1528 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of the Formosan Medical Association Strengthening resilience and patient safety in healthcare institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic: Experience from a quasi-medical center Szu-Ying Chen, Shih-Hao Wang, Yi-Ming Wang, Yu-Wei Huang, Shu-Ching Chi
1529 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Wiley British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology Favipiravir pharmacokinetics in saliva, tears and nasal secretions of hospitalized COVID-19 patients following intravenous favipiravir administration
1530 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta II SANITAS Jurnal Teknologi dan Seni Kesehatan Profile of Antiviral and Antibiotic Prescribing in COVID-19 Patients in Bengkulu Indonesia Zamharira Muslim, Kadek Deby, Helena Julia Candrawati, Setiyati Jatiningsih
1531 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Studies Editora Revista Caderno Pedagógico Atividade física, humor e percepção na imagem corporal de universitários no período de pandemia da COVID-19 Ercizio Lucas Biazus, Gabriel de Souza Zanini, Anderson Ricardo Malmonge Barbosa Luciano, Carlos Eduardo Lopes Verardi
1532 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  EDITORA SCIENTIFIC Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Trabalho Mitigating burnout and suicidal ideation in Brazilian healthcare taskforce: workplace support's role during COVID-19 Carolina Meira Moser, Bárbara Tietbohl Santos, Ana Margareth Siqueira Bassols, Pricilla Braga Laskoski, Simone Hauck
1533 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  SCIRES WEB - RITHA Publishing Journal of Applied Economic Sciences (JAES) Monetary Policy, Uncertainty and COVID-19 Christian P. PINSHI
1534 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Elsevier Partial Differential Equations in Applied Mathematics A study on the fractional-order COVID-19 SEIQR model and parameter analysis using homotopy perturbation method Mominul Islam, M. Ali Akbar
1535 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis Corrigendum to ‘COVID-19 outcomes in persons with hemophilia: results from a US-based national COVID-19 surveillance registry’ [Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis Volume 22, Issue 1, January 2024, Pages 61-75] Anjali Sharathkumar, Linder Wendt, Chris Ortman, Ragha Srinivasan, Christopher G. Chute, Elizabeth Chrischilles, Clifford M. Takemoto
1536 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial of a Passive Non-invasive Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) Device for Delivering Positive Pressure Therapy Compared to Standard Care in Non-critically Ill Patients With COVID-19 Lalit Gupta, Abhinav Bassi, Bharath Kumar Tirupakuzhi Vijayaraghavan, Lovenish Bains, Kirti Nath Saxena, Naomi E Hammond, et al. (+9)
1537 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Revista de Enfermagem da UFSM As dimensões da (des)valorização da enfermagem: percepções dos trabalhadores no contexto da pandemia da covid-19 Carolina Cassiano, Priscila Andreja Oliveira, Laura Andrian Leal, Tanyse Galon, Silvia Helena Henriques, Álvaro da Silva Santos
1538 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Revista Eletronica Acervo Saude Revista Eletrônica Acervo Saúde Avaliação do desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor em crianças após reabertura escolar na pandemia da COVID-19 Tainá Souza e Silva, Giovanni Scuracchio Baccalá, Amanda Dourado Souza Akahosi Fernandes, Guillermo Andrey Ariza Traslaviña
1539 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Elsevier Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North America Interventions to Improve COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Nnenna Ezeh, Taussia Boadi, Maria I. Danila, Rosalind Ramsey-Goldman, Candace H. Feldman
1540 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Revista Eletronica Acervo Saude Revista Eletrônica Acervo Saúde Os desafios e dificuldades enfrentadas por portadores de hanseníase durante a pandemia da COVID-19 Mayra Olivia Printes Matos, Andressa Alves dos Anjos, Caroline Gomes Macedo, Tatiane Costa Quaresma
1541 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Idragon publisher New Discovery Identification of candidate hub genes for COVID-19-induced idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis by bioinformatic analysis Li Ding
1542 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Elsevier Cognitive and Behavioral Practice Treating the Trauma-Based Psychological Sequelae of a COVID-19-Related Hospitalization: Two Case Studies of Patients Who Experienced Delirium Kendra E. Hinton-Froese, Victoria A. Powers, Samantha R. Richards, Michelle L. Miller
1543 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Wiley British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology Pharmacokinetics of molnupiravir and favipiravir in plasma separation cards from patients with COVID-19: Agile CST-2 and CST-6
1544 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Social Science Electronic Publishing SSRN Electronic Journal The Allocation of Public Guaranteed Loans to Firms During Covid-19: Credit Risk and Relationship Lending Davide Moretti, Emilia Bonaccorsi di Patti, Roberto Felici, Francesca Rinaldi
1545 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Elsevier Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North America The Burden of Post-Acute Sequelae of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Individuals with Rheumatic Diseases Shruthi Srivatsan, Naomi J. Patel
1546 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Elsevier Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North America The Impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019 on Patients Living with Rheumatic Diseases Samantha O. Kohn, Ishitha Jagadish, Jeffrey McNaughton, Kristen J. Young
1547 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Journal of Medical Case Reports Coronavirus-disease-2019-associated Stevens-Johnsons syndrome in a 15-year-old boy: a case report and review of the literature Na Li, Jian Li
1548 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Elsevier Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Structure-guided design and photochemical synthesis of new carbamo(dithioperoxo)thioates with improved potencies to SARS-CoV-2 3CLpro De-Hang Yin, Jie Xin, Shizhao Chen, Shuai-Shuai Li, Zi-Ying Li, Jin-Xi Meng, et al. (+7)
1549 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Wiley British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology Viral dynamic modelling of nirmatrelvir against in vitro SARS-COV-2 infection with different treatment initiation times
1550 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Hospital Infection Non-pharmaceutical infection prevention measures in nosocomial SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks: a retrospective multicentre cohort study Isabella Dresselhaus, Claas Baier, Nicolas Reinoso Schiller, Annika Brodzinski, Milena Berens, Monika Cristofolini, et al. (+8)
1551 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Wiley British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology Optimal dose and safety of intravenous favipiravir in hospitalized patients with SARS-COV-2: A phase I, open-label, dose-escalating, randomized controlled study
1552 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific Long COVID facts and findings: a large-scale online survey in 74,075 Chinese participants Shijie Qin, Yanan Zhang, Yanhua Li, Ling Huang, Ting Yang, Jiahui Si, et al. (+4)
1553 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Elsevier Regional Science Policy & Practice Why did COVID-19 affect some cities more than others? Insights from Brazil before vaccination Juan Pablo Chauvin
1554 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Revista Ibero-Americana de Humanidades, Ciencias e Educacao Revista Ibero-Americana de Humanidades Ciências e Educação DIAGNÓSTICO SANITÁRIO/TERRITORIAL DOS ÓBITOS PELA COVID-19 ENTRE INDÍGENAS BRASILEIROS","SANITARY AND TERRITORIAL DIAGNOSIS OF DEATHS BY COVID-19 AMONG BRAZILIAN INDIGENOUS PEOPLE","DIAGNÓSTICO SANITARIO Y TERRITORIAL DE MUERTES POR COVID-19 ENTRE INDÍGENAS BRASILEÑOS Luís Paulo Souza e Souza, Rosana Franciele Botelho Ruas, Antônia Gonçalves de Souza, Ivanilde Nepomuceno
1555 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona Anuario de Psicología Activities between grandfathers and grandchildren before and during Covid-19. Analysis of the level of satisfaction and perception on the intergenerational role. Pedro Javier Castañeda-García, Nazaret Santana-Rodríguez, Paula Sánchez-Quinteiro, Vanesa Cruz-Santana
1556 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Comparison of clinical, laboratory and radiological characteristics between COVID-19 and Chlamydia psittaci pneumonia: a multicenter retrospective study Rongli Lu, Jiefeng Luo, Fengyu Lin, Duoduo Han, Gang Chen, Wen Li, et al. (+8)
1557 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Oxford University Press Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society Antibiotic Overuse in Pediatric Patients Hospitalized with RSV, COVID-19, and Influenza Mrinmoyee Kalasikam, Ritu Banerjee, Natalia Jimenez-Truque
1558 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Springer-Verlag European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases Comparison of clinical and laboratory characteristics of COVID-19 and influenza in hospitalized children Zeynep Savaş Şen, Türkan Aydın Teke, Rumeysa Yalcinkaya, Suna Özdem, Rüveyda Gümüşer Cinni, Hasibe Gökçe Çinar, et al. (+6)
1559 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Wiley American Journal of Industrial Medicine Prevalence of COVID-19 and Long COVID by industry and occupation: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System 2022 S. R. Silver, J. Li, N. D. Ford, D. Shi, S. H. Saydah
1560 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Community Work & Family Route to prospects or distress?: COVID-19 and migrants’ employment in India Tarak Nath Sahu, Sudarshan Maity, Varuna Agarwala
1561 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  EDITORA SCIENTIFIC Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Trabalho Health-related quality of life, fear of COVID-19 and work activity among informal workers in Bogota, Colombia Jaime Moreno-Chaparro, Olga Beatriz Guzmán-Suárez, Mónica Bermúdez-Lugo
1562 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon Decoding the mechanism of Qingjie formula in the prevention of COVID-19 based on network pharmacology and molecular docking Yu Pan, Wanchun Lin, Yueyue Huang, Jingye Pan, Yihua Dong
1563 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Spectrum of COVID-19 cases in Arkhangelsk, Northwest Russia: Findings from a population-based study linking serosurvey, registry data, and self-reports of symptoms Ekaterina Krieger, Alexander V. Kudryavtsev, Ekaterina Sharashova, Olga Samodova, Anna Kontsevaya, Vitaly A. Postoev, Miquel Vall-llosera Camps
1564 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy Symptoms of Post COVID-19 Condition and Diseases/Conditions Diagnosed After COVID-19 in Japanese Patients: A Real-world Study Using a Claims Database Satoshi Kutsuna, Ryotaro Tajima, Genta Ito, Takuji Komeda, Hideyuki Miyauchi, Yoshitake Kitanishi
1565 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities COVID-19 Deaths and Minority Health Social Vulnerability, in the U.S., January 1, 2020 through June 24, 2023 Hope King, Makhabele Nolana Woolfork, Andrea Yunyou, Yuwa Edomwande, Erik Euler, Olivia Almendares, et al. (+2)
1566 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  A & G Editor LatIA Advancing Medical Image Analysis: The Role of Adaptive Optimization Techniques in Enhancing COVID-19 Detection, Lung Infection, and Tumor Segmentation Alqaraleh Muhyeeddin, Salem Alzboon Mowafaq, Mohammad Subhi Al-Batah, Abdel Wahed Mutaz
1567 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines Did We Overreact? Insights on COVID-19 Disease and Vaccination in a Large Cohort of Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Disease Patients during Sequential Phases of the Pandemic (The BELCOMID Study) Jeroen Geldof, Marie Truyens, João Sabino, Marc Ferrante, Jo Lambert, Hilde Lapeere, et al. (+7)
1568 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Instituto Metodista de Ensino Superior Educação & Linguagem A pandemia de Covid-19 e os desafios do ensino remoto Derocina Alves Campos Sosa
1569 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Revista Brasileira de Geografia Fisica Revista Brasileira de Geografia Física Revisão sistemática de literatura: COVID-19 e variáveis ambientais Anacleto Marito Diogo, Danilo Cirino Muniz Nascimento, Edimar Olegário de Campos Júnior, Matheus Luíz Jorge Cortez, Vagner Braga Nunes Coelho, Bráulio Magalhães Fonseca, et al. (+6)
1570 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Universidade Federal da Bahia Revista Eletrônica de Gestão e Tecnologias Ambientais A ÁGUA PARA CONSUMO HUMANO EM TEMPOS DE PANDEMIA DA COVID-19 EM UMA CIDADE NO OESTE DA BAHIA Maiara Macedo Silva, Adriana Ilha da Silva
1571 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico CIENCIA ergo sum Análisis espacial de COVID-19 en Zacatecas, México: Patrones espaciales locales y factores que influyen Mónica Terán-Hernández, Juan Campos-Alanís, Bruno Rivas Santiago, Irma Elizabeth González Curiel
1572 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Elsevier Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders The Correlation Between Rituximab Dose Reduction and Acute Relapses of Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder, Lessons From COVID-19 Epidemic. Fereshteh Ashtari, Roshanak Mehdipour, Mina Asgari, Arshia Ghalamkari
1573 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Novosibirsk State University (NSU) Reflexio Double Bind in Russian Media during the COVID-19 Epidemic N. S. Pervushin
1574 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Oxford University Press Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society STI Rates Among High-Risk Youth Undeterred During Early COVID-19 In A HIV Care Clinic Elspeth Bittle, Nehali Patel, Katherine Knapp, Amanda Green
1575 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  South Florida Publishing Journal of Lifestyle and SDGs Review Indoor Air Pollution And Sustainable Development Goals: During Covid-19 in Saudi Arabia Mohamed Bilel Triki
1576 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Salvia Medical Sciences Ltd Galen Medical Journal Changes in Inflammatory Cytokines, Vascular Markers, Cell Cycle Regulators, and Gonadotropin Receptors in Granulosa Cells of COVID-19 Infected Women Sina Vakili, Amirabbas Rostami, Bahia Namavar Jahromi, Morteza Jafarinia
1577 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  APO Society of Specialists in Heart Failure Kardiologiia Incremental Value of Radiomics Features of Epicardial Adipose Tissue for Detecting the Severity of COVID-19 Infection Ni Yao, Yanhui Tian, Daniel Gama das Neves, Chen Zhao, Claudio Tinoco Mesquita, Wolney de Andrade Martins, et al. (+6)
1578 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography One-Year Surveillance of a Patient Cohort’s Lung Ultrasonography Findings Post Mild-Moderate COVID-19 Infection Mariam B. Camacho, Pamela M. Resnikoff, Samantha R. Spierling Bagsic, Bruce J. Kimura
1579 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Aga Khan University Hospital Anaesthesia Pain & Intensive Care The effect of severe COVID-19 infection on biochemical markers (FBS, HbA1C, FA, INS, C-Pep) in diabetic patients Marwah S. Yones, Estabraq Al-Wasiti, Abdul Hameed Al Qaseer, Hadel Kareem Al-Rubaiawi
1580 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Wiley CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics Correction to “Reduced Risk Tolerance and Cortical Excitability Following COVID-19 Infection”
1581 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases Inactivated vaccine dosage and serum IgG levels correlate with persistent COVID-19 infections in hematologic malignancy patients during the Omicron Surge in China Li Ye, Ye Yang, Xuewu Zhang, Lu Wang, Li Zhu, Xia Li, et al. (+20)
1582 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention China CDC Weekly Impact of COVID-19 Interventions on Respiratory and Intestinal Infectious Disease Notifications - Jiangsu Province, China, 2020-2023 Ziying Chen, Xin Liu, Jinxing Guan, Yingying Shi, Wendong Liu, Zhihang Peng, Jianli Hu
1583 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Medical Virology Serum-derived bovine immunoglobulin treatment in COVID-19 is associated with faster resolution of symptoms: A randomized pilot clinical trial Netanya S. Utay, Roberto Güerri-Fernández, Shahin Gharakhanian, David M. Asmuth, Moises Contreras, Charlotte Kunkler, et al. (+2)
1584 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  AOSIS Jàmbá Journal of Disaster Risk Studies The Social Contract at Risk: COVID-19 Misinformation in South Africa Wouter H. Kruger, Ivan Henrico, Hendrik A.P. Smit
1585 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Oxford University Press Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society Parental perceptions of COVID-19 mitigation measures: Analysis of mis- and disinformation shared during school board meetings within Tennessee’s five largest counties Brianna M White, Olufunto A Olusanya, Chad Melton, Fekede Kumsa, Nupur Singh, Arash Shaban-Nejad
1586 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  F1000 Research Ltd F1000Research Covid-19 mortality risk factors:  Survival analysis of the hospitalized cohort in Sahloul university hospital in Tunisia ARWA NEFFATI, Hela Ghali, rania bannour, Sana bhiri, Habiba Ben hamada, Balsam Kacem, et al. (+6)
1587 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Dove Medical Press Infection and Drug Resistance Enhancing Predictive Accuracy of Pediatric COVID-19 Mortality: Integrating Clinical Indicators Beyond HCT-ALB [Letter] Huiye Yang, Xiaotao Wang
1588 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  SciELO Cadernos de Saúde Pública Efecto de la exposición previa a COVID-19, ocurrencia de brotes y tipo de vacuna en la respuesta inmune humoral de adultos mayores institucionalizados Fernanda Aguirre, María Jimena Marro, Pamela E. Rodriguez, Pablo Rall, Esteban A. Miglietta, Lucía A. López Miranda, et al. (+8)
1589 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research Changes in Antipsychotic Medication Adherence Among Medicaid Beneficiaries with Schizophrenia During COVID-19 Siyuan Shen, Catherine Yang, Molly Candon, Emily Lorenc, Min Jang, David Mandell
1590 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Novosibirsk State University (NSU) Reflexio Influence of the COVID-19 on the Time Perspective E. A. Dorosheva, V. N. Kudinov, Ya. D. Krutikov
1591 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  MDPI AG Sustainability Sustainable Adoption of E-Learning in Romanian Universities after the COVID-19 Outbreak Adina-Liliana Prioteasa, Darko Shuleski, Laurențiu Dan Lazăr, Carmen Nadia Ciocoiu, Felicia-Alina Chivulescu
1592 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  ISMA SYC INT EUROPEAN RESEARCH STUDIES JOURNAL Cryptocurrencies as a Safe Haven Investment During the COVID-19 Outbreak: A Comprehensive Analysis Amira Hakim, Eleftherios Thalassinos
1593 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Elsevier IDCases Genetic Characterization and Phylogenetic Analysis of Chikungunya Virus: A Case from Jeddah During the COVID-19 Pandemic Hassan I. Alguridi, Eitezaz A Zaki, Hapuarachchige Chanditha Hapuarachchi, Safar A Almalki, Ali A. Alzahrani, Waleed S. Alsalem, et al. (+2)
1594 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Wiley Stress and Health Factors associated with loneliness, depression, and anxiety during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic Candace M. Raio, Kristin L. Szuhany, Aysu Secmen, Alexandra M. Mellis, Alan Chen, Samrachana Adhikari, et al. (+5)
1595 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  American Medical Association JAMA Network Open Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Age-Specific All-Cause Mortality During the COVID-19 Pandemic Jeremy Samuel Faust, Benjamin Renton, Tasce Bongiovanni, Alexander Junxiang Chen, Karen Dorsey Sheares, Chengan Du, et al. (+18)
1596 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  ISMA SYC INT EUROPEAN RESEARCH STUDIES JOURNAL Ethical and Legal Dilemmas in Management: The Case of the Tourism Industry During the COVID-19 Pandemic Andrzej Sztandera, Dominik Borek, Katarzyna Gralak, Aneta Chrzaszcz
1597 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  MDPI AG Religions Latent Profiles of Seminary Students’ Perceptions of Sense of Community Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic Peter J. Jankowski, Steven J. Sandage, David C. Wang
1598 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Uskudar University Etkileşim The Effect of Public Relations Activities on Pregnant Women's Vaccination Attitudes During the Covid-19 Pandemic Esra Öztürk, Esra İlkay Keloğlu İşler
1599 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Firm resiliency and dividend policy during the COVID-19 pandemic Matteo Rossi, Santi Gopal Maji, Prasenjit Roy
1600 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  F1000 Research Ltd Open Research Europe Profiling of linear B-cell epitopes against human coronaviruses in pooled sera sampled early in the COVID-19 pandemic Emil Bach, Mustafa Ghanizada, Nikolaj Kirkby, Søren Buus, Thomas Østerbye
1601 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science Perceived Stress and Sources of Stress among University Academics During the Covid-19 Pandemic Weerasinghe, S.P.S.P.
1602 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Linking personal initiative and family help as well as social support: a case study of learning challenges and solutions for older adults in rural China during the COVID-19 pandemic Hao Cheng
1603 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  EDP Sciences E3S Web of Conferences Analysis of return and volatility spillover between oil-gold and oil-bitcoin during the covid-19 pandemic Asty Khairi Inayah, Lesia Fatma Ginoga, Dahri Tanjungan, Resti Jayeng Ramadhanti, Novi Rosyanti, A. Azhar, et al. (+6)
1604 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Sumy State University Obraz The Blogosphere of Ukraine: Content Analysis of the Anti-Vaccine Campaign During the COVID-19 Pandemic Viktoriya Shevchenko, Petro Zubar
1605 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Global Mental Health Measuring Caribbean stress and resilient coping: Psychometric properties of the PSS-10 and BRCS in a multi-country study during the COVID-19 pandemic Michael H. Campbell, Jill Gromer-Thomas, Katija Khan, Bidyadhar Sa, Paula M. Lashley, Damian Cohall, et al. (+7)
1606 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Knowledge E KnE Social Sciences Strengthening Destination Safety Formation to Increase Tourist Loyalty After COVID-19 Pandemic Bambang Supriadi, Ronald David Marcus, Mochammad Fauzie Said, Djuwitawati Ratnaningtyas
1607 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Atena Editora International Journal of Health Science NON-CARIOUS NECK LESIONS ASSOCIATED WITH PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDERS: POST COVID-19 PANDEMIC Edilma Silva Lopes, Jaciara Ferreira Marques, Antonione Santos Bezerra Pinto
1608 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Consumer Affairs “It's kinda like a sick joke”: Young people, labor market experiences, and the COVID-19 pandemic Emily Shupp Parker, Michael Kloc, Terri Friedline, Trina Shanks
1609 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine Substance use during the COVID-19 pandemic among persons with traumatic spinal cord injury: A cross-sectional perspective Yuying Chen, Huacong Wen, Anne Deutsch, Amanda Botticello, James G. Lo, J. Scott Richards
1610 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Elsevier The British Accounting Review COVID-19 Pandemic and Audit Quality Bingxuan Lin, Liansheng Wu, Yimin Zhang, Jian Zhou
1611 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Novosibirsk State University (NSU) Reflexio The experience of the COVID-19 pandemic and tolerance to uncertainty Olga N. Pervushina, Alexandr A. Fedorov, Elena A. Dorosheva
1612 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Bristol University Press Evidence & Policy A Journal of Research Debate and Practice The production and utility of evidence synthesis during the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada: perspectives of evidence synthesis producers Tricia Corrin, Paul Cairney, Eric B. Kennedy
1613 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Social support and health behaviors of older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic in China: a moderated mediation model of loneliness and economic income Jin Peng, Hongyuan Qi, Ziyue Fan, Qianyi Zhou, Yanwei Lin
1614 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Jurnal Penyuluhan Jurnal Penyuluhan Family Farm Resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia: Case Studies on Organic and Conventional Farming Rahmat Saleh, Marya Yenita Sitohang, Vanda Ningrum, Ade Latifa, Fitranita Ibnu, Zainal Fatoni
1615 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  College of Graduate Studies, Walailak University Asia Social Issues Prevention Behavior and Awareness of COVID-19 Pandemic of People in Thai-Myanmar Border Area, Mae Hong Son Province, Thailand Ittipong Thongsrikate, Jirawat Rugchat, Pasunit Saramad
1616 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) International Journal of Organizational Analysis The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare workers Lei Wang, Jennifer Welbourne
1617 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  F1000 Research Ltd Wellcome Open Research Update to: Study Pre-protocol for “BronchStart - The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Timing, Age and Severity of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Emergency Presentations; a Multi-Centre Prospective Observational Cohort Study” Thomas C. Williams, Steve Cunningham, Simon B. Drysdale, Helen Groves, Dalia Iskander, Xinxue Liu, et al. (+9)
1618 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Decision Sciences Risk and Management Doctors' attitudes toward social media use amid the COVID-19 pandemic using an extended technology acceptance model Alexios Serafeim Nterekas, Christos D. Melas, Vassilis S. Moustakis
1619 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) International Journal of Science Education Distance teaching, science teaching, and preschoolers’ reactions during the COVID-19 pandemic-A comparison of the first and third lockdowns Ornit Spektor-Levy, Taly Shechter
1620 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  North Atlantic University Union (NAUN) International Journal of Education and Information Technologies E-Learning Impact on Higher Education Institutions during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Bibliometric Analysis Thamer Al-Rousan, Hassan Abualese
1621 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  EDITORA SCIENTIFIC Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Trabalho Experiences of residents of the San Ignacio University Hospital in Bogotá DC, Colombia during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study Valentina Lugo-Mesa, Carlos Jose Villota, Maria Paz Andrade, José Antonio Garciandía, Francisco Palencia-Sánchez, Yazmin Cadena-Camargo
1622 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Children’s self-reported exposure to sugary beverage advertisements and association with intake across six countries before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: a repeat cross-sectional study Élisabeth Demers-Potvin, Simone Lemieux, Rachel B. Acton, Tarra L. Penney, Gary Sacks, Christine M. White, et al. (+3)
1623 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Novosibirsk State University (NSU) Reflexio COVID-19 Pandemic: A Review of the First Publications O. N. Pervushina, A. P. Shabalin
1624 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Nursing Roles and experiences of nurses in primary health care during the COVID-19 pandemic: a scoping review Bada Kang, Eui Geum Oh, Sue Kim, Yeonsoo Jang, JiYeon Choi, Kennedy Diema Konlan, Hyeonkyeong Lee
1625 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Bentham Science Current Proteomics Comparative Clinical, Proteomic, and Serologic Evaluation in Non-Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients and Healthy Individuals Solmaz Alihosseini, Hakimeh Zali, Ahmad Majd, Monireh Movahedi, Hamed Abdollahi
1626 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Nursing Correction: Experience of Chinese counter-marching nurses with COVID-19 patients’ death in Wuhan: a qualitative study Zhifang Guo, Kunli Wu, Huibin Shan, Younglee kim, Qilian He
1627 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  MDPI AG Medicina The Impact of Infliximab on Hyperinflammation State in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients: A Retrospective Study Yasmine M. Saied, Ahmed Essam Abou Warda, Rasha Mahmoud Allam, Wajid Syed, Mahmood Basil A. Al-Rawi, Ayesha Iqbal, et al. (+3)
1628 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  MDPI AG Diagnostics Predictive Value of Diaphragm and Lung Ultrasonography for Weaning Failure in Critically Ill Patients with Acute Respiratory Failure Due to COVID-19 Pneumonia Camila Fonseca, Claudio Novoa, Matias Aguayo, Ricardo Arriagada, Cristóbal Alvarado, César Pedreros, et al. (+4)
1629 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  SAGE Publications Review of Radical Political Economics China’s Changing COVID-19 Policies: Market and Public Health Zhun Xu
1630 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  SAGE Publications Clinical Trials Composite endpoints in COVID-19 randomized controlled trials: a systematic review Pedro Nascimento Martins, Mateus Henrique Toledo Lourenço, Gabriel Paz Souza Mota, Alexandre Biasi Cavalcanti, Ana Carolina Peçanha Antonio, Fredi Alexander Diaz-Quijano
1631 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Elsevier Radiology Case Reports Tocilizumab in the treatment of COVID-19 related encephalopathy with Claustrum lesion: A case report Chenhui Liu, Qiongqiong Hu, Ning Wang, Xiaochang Li, Manman Zhou, Hongzhi Guan, Gaiqing Yang
1632 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  SAGE Publications OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying Does Meaning-Making Mediate COVID-19 Restrictions’ Impact on Grief and Psychological Symptoms? João Batista, Sara Albuquerque, Mayra Delalibera, João T. Oliveira, Alexandra Coelho
1633 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Palestinian university students’ perspectives on COVID-19 risk and remote learning during the pandemic: A qualitative photovoice study Mohammed B. A. Sarhan, Hanin Basha, Rita Giacaman, Masamine Jimba, Rika Fujiya, Atiyeh Abdallah
1634 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Elsevier iScience Delineating sex-specific circulating host response signatures associated with COVID-19 severity and mortality. Nick Keur, Antine W. Flikweert, Isis Ricaño-Ponce, Anneke C. Muller Kobold, Simone van der Sar-van der Brugge, Izabela A. Rodenhuis-Zybert, et al. (+7)
1635 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  University of Oslo Library Nordic Journal of Health Economics An Interim Economic Evaluation of Sweden’s Initial COVID-19 Strategy Henrik Andersson, Cristian Huse
1636 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Elsevier Clinical Nutrition Open Science Accuracy of Resting Energy Expenditure Predictive Equations in Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Survivors Montserrat Montes-Ibarra, Camila L.P. Oliveira, Taiwo Olobatuyi, Maria Cristina Gonzalez, Richard Thompson, D. Ian Paterson, Carla M. Prado
1637 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  European Open Access Publishing (Europa Publishing) European Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Post-COVID-19 Complications and Associated Factors among COVID-19 Survivors in Southern Part of Bangladesh Syed Muhammad Baqui Billah, Jannatul Ferdous, A. K. M. Akbar Kabir, Farzana Ferdous Munmun, Indrani Kar, Sabrina Tymee
1638 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia Artemisia afra and COVID-19, the Media Storm Versus the Current State-of-the-Art Frank Van der Kooy
1639 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon Identification of potential biomarkers and drug of ischemic stroke in patients with COVID-19 through machine learning Sixian Wang, Yuxing Tai, Xiaoqian Yang, Peizhe Li, Han Wang, Yi Tan, et al. (+3)
1640 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Elsevier Epidemics Quantifying the impact of prevalence-dependent adaptive behavior on COVID-19 transmission: a modeling case study in Maryland Alexander Tulchinsky, Gary Lin, Alisa Hamilton, Nodar Kipshidze, Eili Klein
1641 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Nutrition Associations between SARS-CoV-2 Infection or COVID-19 Vaccination and Human Milk Composition: A Multi-Omics Approach Sneha P. Couvillion, Ernesto S. Nakayasu, Bobbie-Jo M. Webb-Robertson, Isabella H. Yang, Josie G. Eder, Carrie D. Nicora, et al. (+12)
1642 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  SAGE Publications Therapeutic Advances in Vaccines and Immunotherapy COVID-19 vaccination in children aged 5-11: a systematic review of parental barriers and facilitators in Western countries Stephanie A. Davey, Daniel Gaffiero
1643 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Health Management The Moderating Role of Proposed External Incentives on COVID-19 Vaccination Intentions in an Emerging Economy Context Mohammed Anam Akhtar, Khurram Ajaz Khan, Shaista Fatima, Pankaj Kumar Tripathi
1644 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  BMJ Heart The impact of COVID-19 vaccination on patients with congenital heart disease in England: a case-control study Catriona Harrison, Simon Frain, Farideh Jalalinajafabadi, Simon G Williams, Bernard Keavney
1645 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  American Society of Nephrology Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Correction: BNT162b2 versus mRNA-1273 Third Dose COVID-19 Vaccine in Patients with CKD and Maintenance Dialysis Patients
1646 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Wiley American Journal of Reproductive Immunology COVID-19 Vaccine mRNA Biodistribution: Maternal and Fetal Exposure Risks Connie Zhong, Koral Cohen, Xinhua Lin, Emily Schiller, Surendra Sharma, Nazeeh Hanna
1647 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines Modelling the Relative Vaccine Efficacy of ARCT-154, a Self-Amplifying mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine, versus BNT162b2 Using Immunogenicity Data Van Hung Nguyen, Pascal Crépey, Jean Marie Pivette, Ethan Settembre, Sankarasubramanian Rajaram, John Youhanna, et al. (+4)
1648 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona Anuario de Psicología Estrés Percibido durante el Aislamiento Social por COVID-19 y su Impacto Cognitivo en Jóvenes Universitarios Karol Gutiérrez Ruiz, Isabel Negrín Pérez
1649 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  JMIR Publications Inc. JMIRx Med Peer Review for “Identification of COVID-19-Associated Hepatitis in Children as an Emerging Complication in the Wake of SARS-CoV-2 Infections: Ambispective Observational Study” Petar Velikov
1650 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  JMIR Publications Inc. JMIRx Med Authors’ Response to Peer Reviews of “Identification of COVID-19-Associated Hepatitis in Children as an Emerging Complication in the Wake of SARS-CoV-2 Infections: Ambispective Observational Study” Sumit Kumar Rawat, Ajit Anand Asati, Nitu Mishra, Ashish Jain, Radha Kanta Ratho
1651 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  JMIR Publications Inc. JMIRx Med Peer Review for “Identification of COVID-19-Associated Hepatitis in Children as an Emerging Complication in the Wake of SARS-CoV-2 Infections: Ambispective Observational Study” Mario Coccia
1652 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt KG Umsatzsteuer-Rundschau Fristen für die Erklärung und Entrichtung bestimmter Steuern - Verlängerung aufgrund der Covid-19-Pandemie - Versagung der Ausübung des Rechts auf Vorsteuerabzug - Ausschlusswirkung
1653 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Ernst Reinhardt, GmbH & Co. KG Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht Kita-Schließungen und kindliche Verhaltensprobleme in der Covid-19-Pandemie - Wen trafen sie, und wenn ja, wie viele? Franz Neuberger, Hanna Lena Maly-Motta, Mariana Grgic, Susanne Kuger, Sabine Walper
1654 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Health Services Research Pilot implementation study of a web-based men’s health screening app in primary care during COVID-19: a mixed-methods approach Chor Yau Ooi, Chirk Jenn Ng, Anne Sales, Chin Hai Teo
1655 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Health Care Management Science Optimization of testing protocols to screen for COVID-19: a multi-objective model Hadi Moheb-Alizadeh, Donald P. Warsing, Richard E. Kouri, Sajjad Taghiyeh, Robert B. Handfield
1656 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-Being Sexual and mental health of Singaporean gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men in times of COVID-19: a qualitative study Xin Yi Seah, Rayner Kay Jin Tan, Xu Ming Yong, Miho Asano
1657 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  SciELO Trabalho Educação e Saúde Transformação do trabalho no contexto da covid-19: experiências de trabalhadores da Estratégia Saúde da Família Celita Almeida Rosário, Ester Paiva Souto, Márcia Valéria Guimarães Cardoso Morosini, Priscila Cardia Petra, Gustavo Corrêa Matta
1658 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Science Advances Erratum for the Research Article: “Epidemic outcomes following government responses to COVID-19: Insights from nearly 100,000 models”
1659 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  SAGE Publications Therapeutic Advances in Vaccines and Immunotherapy Vaccine skepticism and vaccine development stages; inoculation from “cowpox” lesion to the current mRNA vaccine of COVID-19: review Chernet Tafere, Desalegn Getnet Demsie, Bereket Bahiru Tefera, Adane Yehualaw, Kebede Feyisa, Malede Berihun Yismaw, Ashagrachew Tewabe Yayehrad
1660 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  BioOne (American Association of Avian Pathologists) Avian Diseases Antiviral Effect of Different Essential Oils on Avian Coronavirus Cintia Hiromi Okino, Gláucia Roberta Melito, Maria Eduarda de Almeida Astolfo, Maria Eduarda Da Mata Martins, Stanislau Bogusz Junior, Marcos David Ferreira
1661 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Translational Medicine Communications Insilco vaccine design of spike and hemagglutinin esterase proteins of bovine coronavirus Eman A. Awadelkareem, S. Hamdoun
1662 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Wiley Health Services Research Disparities in infectious disease-related health care utilization between Medicaid-enrolled American Indians and non-Hispanic Whites-Lessons from the first 16 months of coronavirus disease 2019 and a decade of flu seasons Scarlett Sijia Wang, Randall Akee, Emilia Simeonova, Sherry Glied
1663 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Obuda University Acta Polytechnica Hungarica An Analysis of the Consequential Characteristics of Telework, due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, based on the Opinion surveys of Hungarian Employees Péter Karácsony, Győző Attila Szilágyi, Vivien Valkó, Dávid Szabó
1664 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Education and Information Technologies E-assessment and e-proctoring implementation during coronavirus pandemic: A participatory study using socio-technical systems theory Amal Iaaly, Patrick Daou, Mantoura Nakad, Rami J. Abboud
1665 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  MDPI AG Viruses Protoporphyrin IX-Dependent Antiviral Effects of 5-Aminolevulinic Acid against Feline Coronavirus Type II Tomoyoshi Doki, Junna Shimada, Misa Tokunaga, Kaito To, Koichi Orino, Tomomi Takano
1666 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Universidade Estadual de Londrina Informação & Informação Fontes de informação em vigilância genômica do Sars-Cov-2","Information sources on Sars-Cov-2 genomic surveillance","Fuentes de información para vigilancia genómica del Sars-Cov-2 Eduardo Nascimento, Daniela S. Moreira da Silva, Angel Freddy Godoy Viera
1667 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Oxford University Press Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 Among Deported Guatemalan Migrants in Tecun Uman, Guatemala Songhee Han, Edgar Barrios, Neudy Rojop, Julio del Cid, Claudia Paiz, Melisa Gomez, et al. (+5)
1668 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Biological Chemistry Polypurine Reverse Hoogsteen hairpins as a therapeutic tool for SARS-CoV-2 infection Carlos J. Ciudad, Simonas Valiuska, José Manuel Rojas, Pablo Nogales-Altozano, Anna Aviñó, Ramón Eritja, et al. (+3)
1669 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC) Eurosurveillance Association between delayed outbreak identification and SARS-CoV-2 infection and mortality among long-term care home residents, Ontario, Canada, March to November 2020: a cohort study Kevin A Brown, Sarah A Buchan, Adrienne K Chan, Andrew Costa, Nick Daneman, Gary Garber, et al. (+10)
1670 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Pediatric Research Association between SARS-CoV-2 infection before the age of two and child development Nattaporn Tassanakijpanich, Kemmapon Chumchuen, Juthamas Worachotekamjorn, Kamolwish Laoprasopwattana
1671 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  MDPI AG Biomedicines Cardiac Function and Structure before and after Mild SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Elite Athletes Using Biventricular and Left Atrial Strain Jana Schellenberg, Lynn Matits, Daniel A. Bizjak, Freya S. Jenkins, Johannes Kersten
1672 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Oxford University Press Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society Epidemiological trends of SARS-CoV-2 infections during pregnancy in Chicago Kavya Reddy, Mary J Akel, Ashwin Sunderraj, Ramon Lorenzo Redondo, Jeffery Goldstein, Leena B Mithal
1673 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC) Eurosurveillance Early unrecognised SARS-CoV-2 introductions shaped the first pandemic wave, Sweden, 2020 Robert Dyrdak, Emma B Hodcroft, Sandra Broddesson, Malin Grabbe, Hildur Franklin, Magnus Gisslén, et al. (+7)
1674 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  MDPI AG Pathogens In Silico Identification of Potential Inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease (Mpro) Manuel Alejandro Hernández-Serda, Víctor H. Vázquez-Valadez, Pablo Aguirre-Vidal, Nathan M. Markarian, José L. Medina-Franco, Luis Alfonso Cardenas-Granados, et al. (+6)
1675 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  F1000 Research Ltd Wellcome Open Research SARS-CoV-2 memory response in non-hospitalised cases: immunology in the context of a population-based cohort study Ruth E. Mitchell, Milla Kibble, Marianna Santopaolo, Emily Milodowski, Holly E. Baum, Ore Francis, et al. (+16)
1676 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Elsevier EBioMedicine Real-world assessment of immunogenicity in immunocompromised individuals following SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination: a two-year follow-up of the prospective clinical trial COVAXID Puran Chen, Peter Bergman, Ola Blennow, Lotta Hansson, Stephan Mielke, Piotr Nowak, et al. (+17)
1677 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Emerging Microbes & Infections Neutralisation Resistance of SARS-CoV-2 Spike-Variants is Primarily Mediated by Synergistic Receptor Binding Domain Substitutions Long V. Pham, Alexander P. Underwood, Alekxander Binderup, Ulrik Fahnøe, Carlota Fernandez-Antunez, Blanca Lopez-Mendez, et al. (+6)
1678 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Microbiology Society Access Microbiology Spectrum of respiratory viruses identified from SARS-CoV-2-negative human respiratory tract specimens in Watansoppeng, Indonesia Irfan Idris, Isra Wahid, Ungke Antonjaya, Edison Johar, Fiqry Hasan Kleib, Ida Yus Sriyani, et al. (+8)
1679 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Gavin Publishers Annals of Case Reports A Case of Secondary Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (sHLH) Induced by a recent Infection of SARS-CoV2
1680 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Neolectura LITERATUS The Impact of Exports on Indonesia's Economy Before and During the Pandemic Khoirul Umam, Sidik Priadana, Machfud Sidik, Heru Subiyantoro
1681 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Elsevier Transportation Research Part E Logistics and Transportation Review Food transportation and price impacted by diesel price and truck-driver shortage pre-, amid and post pandemic Aichih Jasmine Chang, Fuqin Zhou, Nesreen El-Rayes, Jim Shi
1682 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  SciELO Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural Grassroots initiatives of digital food markets in southern Brazil: the barred window of opportunity for institutional changes opened by the pandemic Paulo Niederle, Jeferson Tonin, Evandro Pedro Schneider, Sergio Schneider, Eric Sabourin
1683 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Information Communication & Society Have people ‘had enough of experts’? The impact of populism and pandemic misinformation on institutional trust in comparative perspective Václav Štětka, Francisco Brandao, Sabina Mihelj, Fanni Tóth, Daniel Hallin, Danilo Rothberg, et al. (+2)
1684 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Health Psychology “We didn’t even have time to worry about our mental health.” Long-term impact of the pandemic on nursing professionals’ experiences Tyele Goulart Peres, Paul Springer, Sezercan Ucar, Bruna Larissa Seibel, Ivy Bastos Ramis
1685 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Nature Medicine Lassa vaccines to save lives, spare economies and assist in pandemic preparedness
1686 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Universitas Pasundan Jurnal Riset Bisnis dan Manajemen THE EFFECT OF FINANCING ON PROFITABILITY OF ISLAMIC BANKS: AN ANALYSIS BEFORE AND DURING PANDEMIC","Pengaruh Pembiayaan Terhadap Profitabilitas Bank Umum Syariah: Analisis Sebelum Dan Selama Pandemi Moh. Rif'an Saiq, Yudi Faisal
1687 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Psychosocial and pandemic-related circumstances of suicide deaths in 2020: Evidence from the National Violent Death Reporting System Briana Mezuk, Viktoryia Kalesnikava, Aparna Ananthasubramaniam, Annalise Lane, Alejandro Rodriguez-Putnam, Lily Johns, et al. (+4)
1688 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  University College Cork UCC Student Medical Journal Palliative medicine during the pandemic: a medical student's perspective Alisha Poppen
1689 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  EDITORA SCIENTIFIC Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Trabalho Working conditions of intensive care unit nurses and quality of care during the pandemic: a qualitative study John Camilo Garcia, Yuliana Cardenas, Isabela García, Susana Vallejo, Anibal Arteaga
1690 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) European Early Childhood Education Research Journal Using teach ECE to observe the quality of online teaching during the pandemic: an exploratory study in a pre-school in Chile Carolina Melo, Bernardita Tornero, Beatriz Aguayo, Andrea Rolla
1691 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  University College Cork UCC Student Medical Journal Do doctors have a duty to treat during a pandemic? Oleksandra Kaskun
1692 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  PsychOpen GOLD Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID) Journal of Social and Political Psychology Neoliberalism and pandemics: A critical cultural psychological perspective Tyler Jimenez, Harrison J. Schmitt
1693 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  SAGE Publications Science Communication Stark Decline in Journalists’ Use of Preprints Postpandemic Juan Pablo Alperin, Kenneth Shores, Alice Fleerackers, Natascha Chtena
1694 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  American Medical Association JAMA Network Open Long COVID Among Undocumented Latino Immigrant Populations in the Emergency Department Karen P. Reyes, Zubaid Rafique, Brian Chinnock, Vijaya Arun Kumar, Michael Gottlieb, Kristin L. Rising, Robert M. Rodriguez
1695 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Institute for Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research International Journal of Vaccine Theory Practice and Research At Least 55 Undeclared Chemical Elements Found in COVID-19 Vaccines from AstraZeneca, CanSino, Moderna, Pfizer, Sinopharm and Sputnik V, with Precise ICP-MS Lorena Diblasi, Martín Monteverde, David Nonis, Marcela Sangorrín
1696 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Medknow Publications Egyptian Journal of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis The outcome of coronavirus disease 2019 in hospitalized patients with diabetes mellitus at Assiut University Hospital Mohammad G.A. Khalaf, Raafat T.I. El-Sokkary, Martina S.L. Eskander, Ahmed M. Azzouz
1697 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Medknow Publications Egyptian Journal of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis Risks and outcomes among coronavirus disease 2019 patients admitted to Assiut University Hospital Mohamed M. Moustafa, Maha K. Ghanem, Hoda A. Makhlouf, Ali A. E. Hassan
1698 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  Elsevier The Science of The Total Environment Wastewater surveillance in post-omicron silent phase uncovers silent waves and cryptic transmission of SARS-CoV-2 variants; a yearlong study in Western India Vinay Rajput, Rinka Pramanik, Kiran Nannaware, Vinita Malik, Sejal Matra, Shubham Kumar, et al. (+18)
1700 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  University of Lagos African Journal of Housing and Sustainable Development Global Evidence of the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Affordable Housing and Housing Supply: A Meta-Analysis James Ogunbiyi
1701 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  NIXNIX GLORY Jurnal Ekonomi dan Ilmu Sosial PERUBAHAN PRILAKU KONSUMEN DAN EKSISTENSI UMKM DI ERA PANDEMI COVID-19 Made Ngurah Demi Andayana
1703 2024―Oct―11  [GO]  NIXNIX GLORY Jurnal Ekonomi dan Ilmu Sosial PENGARUH KINERJA KEUANGAN SEBELUM DAN SELAMA PANDEMI COVID-19 TERHADAP NILAI PERUSAHAAN (Studi Pada Industri Telekomunikasi Yang Listing Di BEI) Fajrin Dinda Andini, Petrus E De Rozari, Reyner F Makatita
1704 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Civiliza Publishing Journal of Economics and Social Sciences (JESS) Kebijakan Moneter Dalam Pemulihan Ekonomi Indonesia Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 M. Veri Galih Nugroho Saputro, Miftahul Ghulam Al Fakhri
1705 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Civiliza Publishing Journal of Economics and Social Sciences (JESS) Peran Pemerintah Dalam Meningkatkan Perekonomian Indonesia Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Gendia Saumy Lathifah, Ilham Dwi Prayoga
1706 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Associacao Brasileira da Rede Unida Saúde em Redes “Cuidar do outro é também cuidar de mim”: percepção sobre autocuidado dos profissionais residentes durante a COVID-19 Alessandra Luiza De Oliveira, Cássia De Andrade Araújo, Jaqueline Tavares de Assis
1707 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Elsevier Australian Critical Care Comment on dose-response relationship between awake prone-positioning duration and PaO2/FiO2 changes and risk of disease aggravation in patients with severe COVID-19 Hinpetch Daungsupawong, Viroj Wiwanitkit
1708 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Journal of Nutritional Science Psychological well-being, food insecurity, academic performance and other risk factors in a sample of university students in Jordan during COVID-19 Tamara Y. Mousa, Latefa A. Dardas
1709 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Elsevier Results in Chemistry Synthesis, confirmation based on in vitro and in silico study of thiadiazole-based thiazolidinone scaffolds: An approach toward Covid-19 Shoaib Khan, Rafaqat Hussain, Yousaf Khan, Tayyiaba Iqbal, Mohammad Shahidul Islam, Tahani Mazyad Almutairi
1710 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Dove Medical Press Diabetes Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity Targets and Therapy Increased Insulin Requirements in Severe Cases of Covid-19 are Higher Than in Moderate Cases Takaaki Matsui, Emi Ushigome, Masahide Hamaguchi, Kazuki Sudo, Nobuko Kitagawa, Yuriko Kondo, et al. (+6)
1711 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  EDUFU - Editora da Universidade Federal de Uberlandia Management in Perspective Desafios da liderança de equipes remotas durante a pandemia da COVID-19 Gabriel José Dos Santos Domingues Arneiro, Arnaldo Di Petta, Maria Lucia Granja Coutinho Coutinho
1712 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  EDUFU - Editora da Universidade Federal de Uberlandia Management in Perspective A Utilização das Mídias Sociais como Estratégia de Marketing no Segmento de Vestuário no Município de Santa Vitória-MG em tempos de Pandemia (Covid-19) Bruna Barbosa Dias, Jussara Goulart da Silva
1713 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Social Science Electronic Publishing SSRN Electronic Journal Mismatch Unemployment During COVID-19 and the Post-Pandemic Labor Shortages&nbsp; Serdar Birinci, Yusuf Mercan, Kurt See
1714 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Associação de Medicina Intensiva Brasileira Critical Care Science Resposta para: Fatores associados à mortalidade em pacientes ventilados mecanicamente com síndrome respiratória aguda grave por evolução da COVID-19 Luis Felipe da Fonseca Reis, João Paulo Arruda de Oliveira, Arthur de Sá Ferreira, Agnaldo José Lopes
1715 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Contemporary Social Science COVID-19 and (the health-related promotion of) physical activity. The situation before, during and after the pandemic Enrico Michelini, Nico Bortoletto, Alessandro Porrovecchio
1716 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Archivos de historia del movimiento obrero y la izquierda Archivos de historia del movimiento obrero y la izquierda Resistir, producir e innovar: el caso de la fábrica recuperada Madygraf (exDonnelley) durante la pandemia de Covid-19 en Argentina (2020-2021) Ernesto Alejandro Najmias
1717 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  REMUS (Revista Estudiantil de Medicina de la Universidad de Sonora). REMUS - Revista Estudiantil de Medicina de la Universidad de Sonora Panel de discusión: El futuro para la COVID-19 y las enfermedades respiratorias","Panel discussion: The future for COVID-19 and respiratory diseases Miguel Pérez-Fausto, Gerardo Álvarez-Hernández, Rafael Guerrero-Lozoya, Carlos Boroel-Cervantes, Iris Anahí López-Zazueta
1718 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Social Science Electronic Publishing SSRN Electronic Journal Insecurity; A Threat to Primary Education in Post Covid-19 Era A Case of Plateau State, Nigeria Domshak Vwamse, Sunday Dawap, Ayuba Ngumap
1719 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Current Bladder Dysfunction Reports Acute Covid-19 and Long Covid-19: How is the Lower Urinary Tract Affected? Peter Galloway, James Chen, Vincent Tse
1720 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  American Chemical Society ACS Omega Multiomics Reveals a Mechanism: Glycogen Synthesis, Galactose Metabolism, and Ethanol Degradation Pathways, the Durable Role of Neutralizing Antibodies in Preventing COVID-19 Huayu Luo, Linrui Fan, Feng Cao, Tong Ren, Yujie He, Tao Shen, et al. (+2)
1721 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Mary Ann Liebert Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases Prevalence of Toscana Virus Antibodies in Residents of Bulgaria: A Nationwide Study Following the Pandemic of COVID-19 Iva Trifonova, Kim Ngoc, Teodora Gladnishka, Elitsa Panayotova, Evgenia Taseva, Vladislava Ivanova, et al. (+3)
1722 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Dove Medical Press Journal of Inflammation Research The Mediating Role of Inflammation and Coagulation in the Association Between COVID-19 and 3-Month Outcome After Stroke During the Omicron Wave Luqian Zhan, Ye Zhang, Yanwei Li, Chenhui Lin, Heyu Zhang, Yuntao Liu, Jincai He
1723 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  eScholarship The CATESOL Journal Impact of Undocumented Immigrants on Adult ESL during COVID-19 and Beyond Janet L. Eyring
1724 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Medical Education Experience of caring for patients with COVID-19 and educational achievement among Japanese resident physicians: a nationwide survey with general medicine in-training examination Sho Nishiguchi, Yuji Nishizaki, Miki Hamaguchi, Atshushi Goto, Masahiko Inamori, Kiyoshi Shikino, et al. (+7)
1725 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Association of self-reported periodontal disease and inequities with long haul COVID-19 Sara Alhaffar, Sriha Yalamanchi, Anubhuti Shukla, Tanay Chaubal
1726 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  SAGE Publications SAGE Open Digital Health Literacy Predictors and COVID-19 Online Information-Seeking Behaviors Among University Students from Romania Emilia A. Glodici, Monica G. Brînzac, Andreea Rusu, Răzvan M. Cherecheş, Marius I. Ungureanu, Mădălina A. Coman
1727 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Asian Scholars Network Asian Journal of Research in Education and Social Sciences Finding a Place for Third Culture Kids in Culture: A Preliminary Study Exploring Negative and Positive Impacts on Their Experiences Living in a Muslim Country During the COVID-19 Pandemic
1728 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  SAGE Publications Review of Radical Political Economics Portuguese Households on a Tightrope: Income Vulnerability during the COVID-19 Pandemic Cristina Matos
1729 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  SAGE Publications Women s Health No one listens to us, we know this, so we participated: Qualitative evidence from menstruation research during the COVID-19 pandemic Eleanor J Junkins, Samar Chehab, Katharine MN Lee, Kathryn BH Clancy
1730 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Elsevier EBioMedicine SARS-CoV-2 antigen rapid detection tests: test performance during the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact of COVID-19 vaccination Isabell Wagenhäuser, Kerstin Knies, Tamara Pscheidl, Michael Eisenmann, Sven Flemming, Nils Petri, et al. (+16)
1731 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Sciedu Press Journal of Nursing Education and Practice Clinical experiences of final-year RN and BSc nursing students during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Guyana: A mixed-methods study Tabitha Mallampati, Terrance Ross, Meshel Williams-Sampson, Noel Holder
1732 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  SAGE Publications Qualitative Health Research Sensing Sociality: Disruptions of Social Life When Living With Chemosensory Dysfunctions After COVID-19 Nicklas Neuman, Elin Lövestam, Jacob Karlén, Pernilla Sandvik
1733 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Tropical Futures Sustainable Business Governance &amp Development Implications of COVID-19 relief packages on livelihoods of rural dwellers in border towns along Southwestern Ghana Issahaku Alhassan, Nyavor Abednego Donkor, George Asekere
1734 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Hans Publishers Statistics and Applications Analysis of Monitoring Results of COVID-19 Serum Antibody Levels in Xiling District 礼艳 谭
1735 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Contribuciones a las Ciencias Sociales Indicadores bibliométricos de patentes: relação entre nanotecnologia e os estudos sobre COVID-19 (2019 - 2023) Fernanda Lima Subrinho, Cláudia Pinheiro Nascimento, Jefferson Bruno Pereira Ribeiro, Jonathan Rosa Moreira
1736 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  OpenEdition Bulletin de l’Institut français d’études andines Jorge Lossio y Mariana Cruz. ¿Qué hicimos mal? Sociedad y Estado frente al COVID-19 Irène Favier
1737 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Termedia Sp. z.o.o. Biology of Sport Mpox in sports: A comprehensive framework for anticipatory planning and risk mitigation in football based on lessons from COVID-19 Karim Chamari, Helmi Ben Saad, Wissem Dhahbi, Jad Washif, Abdelfatteh El Omri, Piotr Zmijewski, Ismail Dergaa
1738 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Associacao Brasileira de Ensino Odontologico ABENO Revista da ABENO Análise da experiência de aprendizagem de um modelo híbrido em Ortodontia no contexto da pandemia da COVID-19 Marian Vilardo Moutinho, Vandilson Pinheiro Rodrigues, Maria Cardoso de Castro Berry, Cátia Cardoso Abdo Quintão
1739 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Asian Scholars Network Asian Journal of Research in Education and Social Sciences Exploring Reasons for Support and Hesitancy Towards Covid-19 Vaccines in Malaysia
1740 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  SAGE Publications SAGE Open Research Output, Key Topics, and Trends in Productivity, Visibility, and Collaboration in Social Sciences Research on COVID-19: A Scientometric Analysis and Visualization Walaa Hamdan, Hanan Alsuqaih
1741 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  LPPM Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang - Research Department in Indonesia University JUDIKA (JURNAL PENDIDIKAN UNSIKA) MENINGKATKAN LITERASI MATEMATIKA KONTEKS GIZI SISWA SMA MENGGUNAKAN FLIPPED CLASSROOM PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Chandra Sri Ubayanti, Yessi Crosita Octaria
1742 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Himpunan Perawat Medikal Bedah Indonesia Regional Jawa Barat / Association of Medical Surgical Nursing Medical-Surgical Journal of Nursing Research HUBUNGAN BURNOUT DENGAN JOB SATISFACTION PADA TENAGA KESEHATAN DI PUSKESMAS RAJAGALUH SELAMA PANDEMI COVID-19 Gita Amoria Haelena Wibowo, Ati Surya Mediawati, Udin Rosidin
1743 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Current Psychology Validation of the Parent-report Pandemic Anxiety Scale (PAS-P) in the context of COVID-19 Olly Robertson, Simona Skripkauskaite, Cathy Creswell, Eoin McElroy, Polly Waite
1744 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Developing a cyberchondria severity scale to promote self-care among university students during COVID-19 Wan-Chen Hsu
1745 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Journal of Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences (JLUMHS) Journal of Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences Correlation between Elevated Bradykinin Concentrations and Death by COVID-19
1746 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia MATHEMA JURNAL PENDIDIKAN MATEMATIKA Perspektif Mahasiswa Pendidikan Matematika di Kota Langsa Terhadap Masalah Pembelajaran Matematika Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Iden Rainal Ihsan, Roni Priyanda, Rizki Amalia
1747 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Asian Scholars Network Jurnal Dunia Pendidikan Pandangan dan Cabaran Guru Kolej Vokasional terhadap Pelaksanaan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran di Rumah (PdPR) dalam tempoh Pandemik Covid-19
1748 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Discover Psychology The benefits of transformational leadership for addressing workplace emotions after COVID-19 at a large multi-campus university Nicholas O. Rule, Cheryl Regehr
1749 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Universitas Andalas JOURNAL OBGIN EMAS Clinical Characteristics, Laboratory, Maternal and Fetal Outcomes in Pregnancy with Covid-19 at RSUP dr. M. Djamil Padang Roza Sriyanti, Heri Farnas, Dovy Djanas
1750 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Aga Khan University Hospital Anaesthesia Pain & Intensive Care The COVID-19 babies are even more blue and lethal Tariq Hayat Khan, Habib Md Reazaul Karim
1751 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Journal of Engineering Design and Technology Repurposing product development after COVID-19 by integrating Industry 4.0 and agile new product development practices in emerging economies Manoj A. Palsodkar, Rajesh Pansare, Madhukar R. Nagare, Vaibhav Narwane
1752 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Sumy State University Eastern Ukrainian Medical Journal FEATURES OF THE COURSE OF RARE COVID-19 COMPLICATIONS Igor Duzhyi, Alla Yurchenko, Yaroslava Khyzhnia, Anzhela Klochko, Marina Koshil Marina Koshil, Oleksandr Yurchenko
1753 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Elsevier Epidemics Impact of COVID-19 control measures on respiratory syncytial virus and hand-foot-and-mouth disease transmission in Hong Kong and South Korea Yiu-Chung Lau, Sukhyun Ryu, Zhanwei Du, Lin Wang, Peng Wu, Eric H.Y. Lau, et al. (+2)
1754 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  SAGE Publications Hispanic Health Care International COVID-19 Deaths in Transnational Settings: Disrupted Bereavement and Pandemic-Related Prolonged Grief Disorder in the Latinx Immigrant Population Kelsey Shaulis, Victor Garcia
1755 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Revista de Enfermagem, UFPE Online Revista de Enfermagem UFPE on line Interfaces do acidente vascular encefálico como complicação da COVID-19 e gravidades clínicas: revisão integrativa Maisa Gonçalves de Araújo, André Alexandre da Cruz Junior, Andryelle Rayane Coelho De Oliveira, Márcia Andréa Fernandes Secundino, Milton Cezar Compagnon, Miriane Virlane Da Silva, Raquel da Silva Menezes
1756 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Brazilian Journal of Health Review Brazilian Journal of Health Review Pandemia de COVID-19 e internações por cardiopatia reumática: desafios clínicos e impactos no sistema de saúde Claudio Eduardo Luiz Granja Junior, Anna Laura Toledo Franco, Keilane Silva Carvalho, Caio Souto Santos
1757 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) The Egyptian Journal of Neurology Psychiatry and Neurosurgery Psychiatric outcomes among COVID-19 egyptian patients at ain shams university quarantine hospitals: A cross-sectional study Fairouz Tawfik, Maha Mohamed Sayed, Reem Hassan ElGhamry, Mariam Yehia Mohamed, Rahaf Mohamed Abdel Rahman, Tarek Mohamed El Sehrawy
1758 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Universidad de Antioquia Contaduría Universidad de Antioquia El interés público y la certificación del contador público, en atención al estado de emergencia por Covid-19 en Colombia Andrés Felipe Pulgarín Arias, Carlos Eduardo Castaño Rios
1759 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Universidad de Antioquia Contaduría Universidad de Antioquia Rentabilidad y endeudamiento antes y durante el evento disruptor COVID-19 en pymes del sector caficultor colombiano William Malpica Zapata, Andrés Mauricio Castro Figueroa, Daniela Alejandra Lasso Espitia
1760 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  IJSSHMR Publication International Journal of Social Science Humanity & Management Research Courage, the Career Adaptability and Employee Engagement of Hotel Service Staff at HCM in the Context of the COVID-19 Epidemic Nguyen Bao Trung
1761 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Associação de Medicina Intensiva Brasileira Critical Care Science Reply to: Factors associated with mortality in mechanically ventilated patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome due to COVID-19 evolution Luis Felipe da Fonseca Reis, João Paulo Arruda de Oliveira, Arthur de Sá Ferreira, Agnaldo José Lopes
1762 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS) WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS Identifying COVID-19 Fake News on Social Networks Using Deep Learning: You will not know what happens next! Pushpendu Kar, Zhongyi Wang
1763 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Associação de Medicina Intensiva Brasileira Critical Care Science Avanços na compreensão da COVID-19 grave: desvendar a linfopenia por meio da correspondência da pontuação de propensão - Resultados do estudo multicêntrico LYMPH-COVID José Pedro Cidade, Vicente Cês Souza-Dantas, Rafaela Braga Mamfrim, Renata Carnevale Miranda, Henrique Tommasi Caroli, Natália Almeida Oliveira, et al. (+3)
1764 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Cambridge University Press International Journal of Asian Studies Failure of China's COVID-19 health diplomacy in wining hearts and minds in Thailand and the Philippines: political efficacy constrained by local politics Xirui Li, Zi Yang, Mingjiang Li
1765 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Risk of systemic lupus erythematosus flare after COVID-19 hospitalization: A matched cohort study Arthur Mageau, Christel Géradin, Kankoé Sallah, Thomas Papo, Karim Sacre, Jean-François Timsit, Sham Santhanam
1766 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Aga Khan University Hospital Anaesthesia Pain & Intensive Care Depression, anxiety and stress among healthcare workers in COVID-19 ICUs Sairah Sadaf, Ranna Mussrat, Babar Bashir
1767 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) The Egyptian Journal of Internal Medicine Correction: Relation between vitamin D and COVID-19 in Egyptian patients Nour Hussein Hammam, Mona Ramadan Abdel Aziz, Alshaimaa Mohamed Mosaad Soliman, Sarah Younes Abdel Aziz, Eman Hussein Soliman Altaweel, Asmaa M. A. Omran, Mervat Ragab Abdel Rahman Nassar
1768 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Centro de Investigaciones y Publicaciones Farmaceuticas (CIPF) Pharmacy Practice Distribution of ACE gene I/D genotypes and clinical characteristics of patients with hypertension and COVID-19 in Indonesia Ingrid Faustine, Deli Marteka, Lisa Amelia, Shellinna Kurniawati, Amarila Malik, Retnosari Andrajati, et al. (+2)
1769 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  AOSIS Health SA Gesondheid Experiences of nurses studying towards post-basic qualifications during COVID-19 in KwaZulu-Natal Dudu G. Sokhela, Kathleen Nokes, Penelope M. Orton
1770 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Springer-Verlag PharmacoEconomics The Impact of Tocilizumab Coverage on Health Equity for Inpatients with COVID-19 in the USA: A Distributional Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Stacey Kowal, Katherine L. Rosettie
1771 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  EDITORA SCIENTIFIC Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Trabalho Deaths from COVID-19 in workers hospitalized at Ronaldo Gazolla Municipal Hospital from the perspective of work precariousness Ana Beatriz dos Santos Domingos, Leonardo do Vale Carvalho Chaves, Aline Silva da Costa, Lúcia Rotenberg
1772 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  American Geophysical Union GeoHealth A Global Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Greenspaces on COVID-19 Infection and Mortality Rates Bopaki Phogole, Kowiyou Yessoufou
1773 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Clinical Oral Investigations Cleft lip and palate and periconception COVID-19 infection in five arab countries Heba Jafar Sabbagh, Mohammad Zeinalddin, Ola B. Al-Batayneh, Taimoor Al Bulushi, Mamdouh A. AboulHassan, Mohamed Koraitim, et al. (+20)
1774 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of International Medical Research Risk of COVID-19 infection in patients with NSCLC receiving EGFR-TKI targeted therapy during the first wave in China Peng Huang, Ling-Ming Liao, Jia-li Zhao, Chen Luo, Yan-Ling Yi, Yu Chen, Long Huang
1775 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Public Health Reviews Do COVID-19 Infectious Disease Models Incorporate the Social Determinants of Health? A Systematic Review Ava A. John-Baptiste, Marc Moulin, Zhe Li, Darren Hamilton, Gabrielle Crichlow, Daniel Eisenkraft Klein, et al. (+15)
1776 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Elsevier Urban Governance Impact of COVID-19 led transition of work culture and travel to work patterns on society and environment in Delhi Deepty Jain
1777 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Multi-scale input layers and dense decoder aggregation network for COVID-19 lesion segmentation from CT scans Xiaoke Lan, Wenbing Jin
1778 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) The Cartographic Journal Misleading Whom? Assumptions about Map Users and Engagement Contexts in COVID-19 Map Misleadingness Claims Johanna Meyer, Danaë Stanton Fraser, Julie Barnett
1779 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  MDPI AG Risks Behavioral Biases in Panic Selling: Exploring the Role of Framing during the COVID-19 Market Crisis Yu Kuramoto, Mostafa Saidur Rahim Khan, Yoshihiko Kadoya
1780 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journalism Practice Understanding COVID-19 Media Framing: Comparative Insights from Germany, the US, and the UK During Omicron Victoria Sophie Teschendorf
1781 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Elsevier Progress in Disaster Science The socio-economic impacts of the COVID-19 mitigation measures and vulnerabilities in Singapore Patrick Daly, Amin Shoari Nejad, Katarina Domijan, Jamie McCaughey, Caroline Brassard, Laavanya Kathiravelu, et al. (+4)
1782 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  The Korean Society of Nephrology Kidney Research and Clinical Practice Artificial intelligence-powered chest computed tomography analysis unveils prognostic insights for COVID-19 mortality among prevalent hemodialysis patients Eunji Kim, Soo-Jin Yoon, Sungbong Yu, Eunsil Ko, Kyungjun Shon, Jooyeon Yoon, et al. (+5)
1783 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Wiley Statistics in Medicine Does Remdesivir Lower COVID-19 Mortality? A Subgroup Analysis of Hospitalized Adults Receiving Supplemental Oxygen Gail E. Potter, Michael A. Proschan
1784 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases Predictors of moderate-to-severe side-effects following COVID-19 mRNA booster vaccination: a prospective cohort study among primary health care providers in Belgium Julie Domen, Steven Abrams, Marina Digregorio, Pauline Van Ngoc, Els Duysburgh, Béatrice Scholtes, Samuel Coenen
1785 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research Influence of COVID-19 on the clinical characteristics of patients with uterine cervical cancer in Japan: A single-center retrospective study Atsushi Murakami, Hidetaka Nomura, Akiko Abe, Atsushi Fusegi, Yoichi Aoki, Makiko Omi, et al. (+4)
1786 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Al-Azhar University Al-Azhar International Medical Journal Impact of COVID-19 on Thyroid Hormones Basem Abd El-hamid, Ahmed Khaled Behery, Hosny Abd-Elkareem Younos, Walaa Samy
1787 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Social Movement Studies The impacts of COVID-19 on youth activisms in Spain (2020-2022)* Gomer Betancor Nuez, María Martínez, Jorge Benedicto, Francisco José Fernández-Trujillo Moares
1788 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  MDPI AG Viruses Correction: Silva Julian et al. Severe COVID-19 Outcomes in Five Latin American Countries in the Postvaccination Era. Viruses 2024, 16, 1025 Guilherme Silva Julian, Júlia Spinardi, Melissa Diaz-Puentes, Diana Buitrago, Ida Caterina García, Moe H. Kyaw
1789 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Human Development and Capabilities Transformative Institutions and Capabilities to Aspire in the Context of Radical Uncertainty: Lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic Lavinia Bifulco
1790 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Geoscience Education Seismic shift: Lessons learned and online resources created during the COVID-19 pandemic Rachel Teasdale, Mark Abolins, LeeAnna Chapman, Reginald Archer
1791 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Applied Statistics Bayesian poisson regression tensor train decomposition model for learning mortality pattern changes during COVID-19 pandemic Wei Zhang, Antonietta Mira, Ernst C. Wit
1792 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  MDPI AG Applied Sciences The Role of Disease Severity, Affected Joints, and Physical Activity Levels on Functional Impairment in Osteoarthritis after the COVID-19 Pandemic Rodrigo Gallardo-Rodríguez, Felipe Poblete-Valderrama, Viviana Rodas-Kürten, João Paulo Vilas-Boas
1793 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Wiley Global Policy Singapore's triumph: Governance strategies and societal cohesion during the COVID-19 pandemic Zainul Abidin Rasheed, Crystal Wen Wen Goh
1794 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  UCL Press London Review of Education Methodological issues in technology-mediated qualitative data collection: a mapping of research undertaken in schools during the Covid-19 pandemic Leanete Thomas Dotta, André Freitas, Rita Tavares de Sousa
1795 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services The effect of disruptive change on the spatial variation of commercial rental prices: The case of the COVID-19 pandemic Rafael Cano-Guervos, Jorge Chica-Olmo, Jorge Chica-Garcia
1796 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Informa UK (Informa Healthcare) Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability Executive function abilities in Mexican people with Down syndrome during the COVID-19 pandemic Julia B. Barrón-Martínez, Judith Salvador-Cruz
1797 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology Changes in use of multiplex respiratory panel testing during the COVID-19 pandemic Jonathan D. Baghdadi, Chih Chun Tung, J. Kristie Johnson, Daniel J. Morgan, Anthony D. Harris
1798 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Sumy State University Obraz Rumor Generation and Spreading on WeChat and Facebook During the COVID-19 Pandemic Maryna Sadivnycha, Yawei Hu
1799 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Universidade Estadual de Campinas Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences Search for urgent dental care during COVID-19 pandemic Juliana de Oliveira Zóffoli, Francisco Wilker Mustafa Gomes Muniz, Vera Ligia Vieira Mendes Soviero, Thayanne Brasil Barbosa Calcia
1800 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Universidade Estadual de Campinas Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences Practical application of teledentistry in orthodontic patients during the Covid-19 pandemic Karima Qurnia Mansjur, Aafiah Ifada, Mansjur Nasir, Eka Erwansyah, Ardiansyah S. Pawinru, Eddy Heriyanto Habar, et al. (+4)
1801 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS) Acta Horticulturae Japan’s flower and plant industry during the COVID-19 pandemic Y. Niisato
1802 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Elsevier Heart Lung and Circulation Trends in Sudden Unexpected Deaths in an Australian Population: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic James Healy, Andrew M. Youssef, Sonia Sawant, Jessica J. Orchard, Rajan Rehan, Rianie Van Vuuren, et al. (+3)
1803 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Centro de Investigaciones y Publicaciones Farmaceuticas (CIPF) Pharmacy Practice A longitudinal study of UK pharmacists’ resilience, burnout andwellbeing throughout the COVID-19 pandemic Catherine Langran, Amina El-Beik, Louise HUGHES, Efi Mantzourani, Kat Hall, Sarah Willis
1804 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Adonis and Abbey Publishers Journal of African Films & Diaspora Studies An Analysis of the use of Cyberspace to Perpetrate Crime in the Financial Sector amid the COVID-19 Pandemic Kola O. Odeku, Katlego Mashiane
1805 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Psychosocial work aspects, work ability, mental health and SARS-CoV-2 infection rates of on-site and remote Brazilian workers during the COVID-19 pandemic - a longitudinal study Marcela Alves Andrade, David M. Andrews, Tatiana de Oliveira Sato
1806 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  SAGE Publications Childhood Adults’ articulations about children and their coping strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic - Antonovsky-inspired thematic analysis of Swedish junior and daily newspapers Stinne Glasdam, Marie Meier, Carola Tilgmann, Sigrid Stjernswärd
1807 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  MediHealth Academy Journal of Dental Sciences and Education Has the COVID-19 pandemic altered the frequency of periodontitis? An analysis conducted using Google trends Devrim Deniz Üner, Bozan Serhat İzol
1808 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Aga Khan University Hospital Anaesthesia Pain & Intensive Care Anesthesia staff perceptions about preparedness for the COVID-19 pandemic at King Abdulaziz University Hospital: A cross-sectional study Wadeeah Bahaziq, Alaa Sabbahi, Auhood Bukhary, Nada Noaman, Daina Sabbahi, Sarah Farsi, Abdulaziz Boker
1809 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Aga Khan University Hospital Anaesthesia Pain & Intensive Care The gut microflora changes during the COVID-19 pandemic due to exposure to disinfectants Aliasghar Manouchehri, Parisa Sadighara, Mohadeseh Pirhadi, Mehdi Safta, Saber Abbaszadeh
1810 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health The Geographical Conditioning of Regional Differentiation Characterising the COVID-19 Pandemic in European Countries Marcin Mazur, Jerzy Bański, Wioletta Kamińska
1811 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists BJPsych Open Projections of anxiety disorder prevalence during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany using the illness-death model Chisato Ito, Bernhard T. Baune, Tobias Kurth, Ralph Brinks
1812 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health The effect of school lockdown on well-being and self-esteem of adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic in Hungary David Major, Márton Falus, Dorottya Árva, Daniel Eorsi, András Terebessy, Adam G. Tabak, Vince Fazekas-Pongor
1813 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Contemporary Japan Perks or burdens? Being “nearly (Im)mobile” as IT foreign professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan Aimi Muranaka
1814 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Elsevier Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North America Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic in Rheumatology Jeffrey A. Sparks, Zachary S. Wallace
1815 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Der Hautarzt Auswirkungen der COVID-19-Pandemie auf die stationäre Dermatochirurgie in Deutschland","Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on inpatient dermatosurgery in Germany Galina Balakirski, Chalid Assaf, Edgar Dippel, Anne Fröhlich, Lukas Kofler, Alexander Kreuter, et al. (+9)
1816 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Elsevier Cancer Epidemiology Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on lung cancer diagnoses and mortality: A nationwide study in France Jonas Poucineau, Myriam Khlat, Nathanaël Lapidus, Christos Chouaïd, Maude Espagnacq, Tristan Delory, Sophie Le Cœur
1817 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Elsevier American Journal of Infection Control Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Reusable Device Pre-Cleaning Training for Front-line Staff Josephine Fox, Lydia Grimes-Jenkins, Heather Gasama, Ashley Lloyd, Helen Wood, Satish Munigala, David K. Warren
1818 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Sexually Transmitted Infection Testing and Diagnosis in Lebanon: A Retrospective Chart Review Nadine Sunji, Peter Bo﫞l, Iman Fakih, Jana Haidar Ahmad, Mathieu Choufani, Nabih Habib, et al. (+7)
1819 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Medical Education Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on teaching and research activities in obstetrics and gynecology: a national two-stage, stratified, cluster sampling survey in China Lei Li, Shuwen Zhang, Junning Fan, Yang Cao, Ting Li, Jinghe Lang, et al. (+3)
1820 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies THE IMPACT OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ON THE WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT OF VIETNAMESE-LISTED FIRMS DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC PERIOD Nguyen Vinh Khuong, Bui Anh Thanh
1821 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  MDPI AG Infectious Disease Reports Investigation of the Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic Period on Respiratory Tract Viruses at Istanbul Medical Faculty Hospital, Turkey Sevim Mese, Aytaj Allahverdiyeva, Mustafa Onel, Hayriye Kırkoyun Uysal, Ali Agacfidan
1822 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  MDPI AG Healthcare Differences in the Rates of Diagnoses of Mental and Behavioral Disorders Due to Psychoactive Substance Use by Sex and Age during Pre-Pandemic and COVID-19 Pandemic Periods in Kazakhstan Kamila Akkuzinova, Ken Inoue, Elaman Toleuov, Timur Moldagaliyev, Nursultan Seksenbayev, Ulzhan Jamedinova, et al. (+2)
1823 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  JMIR Publications Inc. JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting Two-year Follow-up of Internet-based Parent Training with Telephone Coaching Aimed at Treating Child Disruptive Behaviors in a Clinical Setting during the COVID-19 Pandemic (Preprint) Saana Sourander, Minja Westerlund, Amit Baumel, Susanna Hinkka-Yli-Salomäki, Terja Ristkari, Marjo Kurki, Andre Sourander
1824 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  PT Formosa Cendekia Global Formosa Journal of Applied Sciences Analysis of the Effectiveness of Communication Media in Teaching and Learning Activities of Teachers and Students at SD Negeri Cempaka Putih Barat 01 Post Covid-19 Pandemic (Zoom Meeting Case Study) Oki Wahyudi, Yulianto Yulianto, Maharnani Tri Astuti
1825 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Dove Medical Press Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare Health Workers’ Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and Resilience During COVID-19 Pandemic [Corrigendum] Hsiang-Yu Ma, Nein-Tsu Chiang, Rui-Hsin Kao, Chih-Ying Lee
1826 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  American Medical Association JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery Lower Thyroid Cancer Incidence During the COVID-19 Pandemic-Should We Be Concerned? Leba Michael Sarkis, Antoine Eskander
1827 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Tunisian Society of Medical Sciences La Tunisie Médicale Implementation of simulation training in the Intensive Care Units during the COVID-19 pandemic: A scoping review Hajer Nouira, Oussama Jaoued, Islem Ouanes, Maissa Jrad, Soumaya Chtioui, Rim Gharbi, et al. (+3)
1828 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Aga Khan University Hospital Anaesthesia Pain & Intensive Care The challenge of COVID-19 pandemic: a standpoint from a lower middle-income country Muhammad Asghar Ali, Khalid Maudood Siddiqui, Bushra Salim, Muhammad Sohaib, Muhammad Faisal Khan
1829 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Aga Khan University Hospital Anaesthesia Pain & Intensive Care The effects on mental health of nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review and meta-analysis Samet MERMERKAYA, Fadime ÇINAR
1830 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Contribuciones a las Ciencias Sociales Theoretical reflection on nursing performance in the COVID-19 pandemic: advances and challenges Sergio Vital da Silva Junior, Lecidamia Cristina Leite Damascena, Juliana Paiva Góes Ramalho, Cintia Maria de Andrade Forte, Evaneide Vieira de Sousa, Diana Nunes da Silva, et al. (+9)
1831 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  SAGE Publications India Quarterly A Journal of International Affairs Book review: A. S. Bhalla, National and Global Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Do Leaders Matter? Ananya Ghosh Dastidar
1832 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Aga Khan University Hospital Anaesthesia Pain & Intensive Care Airway management practices in Covid ICU during the first and second phase of Covid-19 pandemic: experience from a tertiary care hospital of Western Uttar Pradesh, India Nazia Nazir, Anupriya Saxena
1833 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Health Services Research Psychological distress among healthcare providers during the COVID-19 pandemic: patterns over time Iris Gutmanis, Brenda L. Coleman, Kelly Ramsay, Robert Maunder, Susan J. Bondy, Curtis Cooper, et al. (+16)
1834 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Centro de Investigaciones y Publicaciones Farmaceuticas (CIPF) Pharmacy Practice Practices of community pharmacists during the COVID-19 pandemic: potential barriers and views on providing pharmacy services in Thailand Narumol Jarernsiripornkul, Kamonphat Wongtaweepkij, Disorn Pason, Thanyaporn Namwan
1835 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  PsychOpen GOLD Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID) Journal of Social and Political Psychology Potential changes in ties with people all over the world during the COVID-19 pandemic: Quantitative and qualitative analyses of Polish adults Katarzyna Hamer, Marta Boczkowska, Krzysztof Kaniasty, Paulina Górska, Maria Baran, Beata Urbańska
1836 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Supportive Care in Cancer Healthcare use among cancer survivors during the COVID-19 pandemic: results from the SHARE COVID-19 Survey Ana Sofia Pimentel, Ana Rute Costa
1837 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Elsevier American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry A Mixed Methods Effectiveness Study of a Peer Support Intervention for Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Results of a Randomized Clinical Trial Jin hui Joo, Alice Xie, Namkee Choi, Joseph J. Gallo, Yunyang Zhong MA, Mingyue Ma, et al. (+4)
1839 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Current Psychology Posttraumatic growth trajectories among adolescents during COVID-19 pandemic: the role of time-varying stress reactions and systems’ satisfaction Benedetta Taddei, Lisa De Luca, Annalaura Nocentini
1840 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Psychology Health & Medicine How did the depression and anxiety levels of older New Zealanders change during the COVID-19 pandemic? Tamara McLean, Matt Williams, Chris Stephens
1841 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Dove Medical Press International Journal of General Medicine Dynamic Characteristics of Lymphocyte Subsets and Their Predictive Value for Disease Progression and Prognosis in Primary Infection and Unvaccinated COVID-19 Patients Xinyi Zhang, Zhu Chen, Jun Zheng, Chen Feng, Bennan Zhao, Lijuan Lan, Dafeng Liu
1842 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Centro de Investigaciones y Publicaciones Farmaceuticas (CIPF) Pharmacy Practice An overview of the experience of Iraqi COVID-19 patients, andthe role of the pharmacists during their infection Razan Nassar, Iman A. Basheti, Alhareth Ahmad, Shaymaa Al-Majmaie, Dima Awajan, Ruaa R. Al-Alwany, et al. (+2)
1843 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Aga Khan University Hospital Anaesthesia Pain & Intensive Care The match of CO-RADS score and vaccination status of COVID-19 patients applying to the emergency room Necip Gokhan Guner, Ensar Durmus, Fatih Guneysu, Nuray Aslan, Yusuf Yurumez
1844 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Aga Khan University Hospital Anaesthesia Pain & Intensive Care Case fatality rate and survival functions of severe COVID-19 patients in intensive care unit of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University in Bangladesh: an observational study Md. Shafiqul Islam, Dilip Kumar Bhowmick, Monira Parveen, Md Mostafa Kamal, Akhtaruzzaman AKM
1845 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Clinical Medicine Risk of Hepatitis B Virus Reactivation in COVID-19 Patients Receiving Immunosuppressive Treatment: A Prospective Study Nicoleta Mihai, Mihaela Cristina Olariu, Oana-Alexandra Ganea, Aida-Isabela Adamescu, Violeta Molagic, Ștefan Sorin Aramă, et al. (+2)
1846 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Aga Khan University Hospital Anaesthesia Pain & Intensive Care Requirement and response pattern for sedatives in COVID-19 patients requiring non-invasive ventilation: A pilot observation Habib Reazaul Karim, Pratyasha Nayak
1847 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  SAGE Publications Australasian Psychiatry Managing COVID-19 patients with mental illness in a specialized neuropsychiatric setting: An experience from a tertiary care hospital in India Harkishan Mamtani, Karthick Navin, Pratima Murthy, Arpita Sharma, Siddharth Bangari, Jayant Mahadevan, Sydney Moirangthem
1848 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Beliefs and Values How does the social unrest of 2020/21 affect the teaching of Religious Education? Findings of a European study on the effects of the COVID-19 period Tania ap Siôn, Sandra Cullen, Sonja Danner, Bianca Kappelhoff, Eszter Kodácsy-Simon
1849 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  MDPI AG Education Sciences Trends and Gender Disparities in Grades and Grade Anomalies among Bioscience and Health-Related Major Students before, during, and after COVID-19 Remote Instruction Alysa Malespina, Fargol Seifollahi, Chandralekha Singh
1850 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Edizioni Minerva Medica Minerva Dental and Oral Science Restorative and endodontic clinical strategies during COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic: a revision of the literature Manuele MANCINI, Flavio PALAZZI, Francesco IACONO
1851 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Elsevier International Journal of Infectious Diseases Impact of Early Antiviral Therapy on SARS-CoV-2 Clearance Time in High-Risk COVID-19 subjects: A Propensity Score Matching Study Marta Colaneri, Federico Fama, Federico Fassio, Darcy Holmes, Giovanni Scaglione, Chiara Mariani, et al. (+6)
1852 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Mapping vulnerability for increased COVID-19 susceptibility and worse outcomes: a scoping review Rodrigo de Macedo Couto, Daniel Gonçalves dos Santos, Patrícia Rodrigues Sanine, Andrea Pires dos Santos, Louise Bach Kmetiuk, Alexander Welker Biondo, Alexandra Crispim Boing
1853 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Centro de Investigaciones y Publicaciones Farmaceuticas (CIPF) Pharmacy Practice Ciclesonide inhaler for post-acute COVID-19 syndrome: promisingclinical evidence Javedh Shareef, THOMAS SABIN, Sathvik Belagodu Sridhar, Sujith S Sujith, Mullaicharam Bhupathyraaj
1854 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  LPPM Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang - Research Department in Indonesia University JUDIKA (JURNAL PENDIDIKAN UNSIKA) DAMPAK PANDEMI COVID-19 TERHADAP PEMBELAJARAN DARING BAGI SISWA SEKOLAH DASAR Nur Aliyah, Katiah Katiah
1855 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Aga Khan University Hospital Anaesthesia Pain & Intensive Care Chest tube management in COVID-19 thoracic trauma care unit Klein Dantis, Vimesh Rajput, Habib Md Reazaul Karim
1856 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Verlag Osterreich GmbH Zeitschrift für Beihilfenrecht COVID-19 und staatliche Beihilfen im Luftverkehrssektor: Die Saga geht weiter (Teil 1) Petar Petrov
1857 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  The Medical Letter, Inc. The Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics COVID-19 Update: Novavax Vaccine for 2024-2025
1858 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Comparative study on health behaviors among adolescents with chronic allergic disease before and during COVID-19 using data from the Korean Youth Health Panel Surveys Sunyeob Choi, Hyewon Shin, Dian Susmarini
1859 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Metabolomic profiling of COVID-19 using serum and urine samples in intensive care and medical ward cohorts Ana Isabel Tristán, Cristina Jiménez-Luna, Ana Cristina Abreu, Francisco Manuel Arrabal-Campos, Ana del Mar Salmerón, Firma Isabel Rodríguez, et al. (+5)
1860 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases Meningitis after COVID-19 vaccination, a systematic review of case reports and case series Amirhomayoun Atefi, Aref Ghanaatpisheh, Amirhosein Ghasemi, Hoda Haghshenas, Kimia Eyvani, Arash Bakhshi, et al. (+3)
1861 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Wiley BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology COVID-19 Vaccination Rates and Vaccine Hesitancy in Pregnant Women in Seven Low- and Middle-Income Countries Through May 2023: An Observational Study From the Global Network Robert L. Goldenberg, Seemab Naqvi, Sarah Saleem, Marion Koso-Thomas, Elizabeth M. McClure
1862 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases Correction: COVID-19 vaccination side effects among the child age group: a large cross-sectional online based survey in Saudi Arabia Hassan Alwaf, Abdallah Y. Naser, Abdulelah M. Aldhahir, Ahmad Alhazmi, Areen Naif Alosaimi, Rasha Abdulaziz Mandili, et al. (+9)
1863 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Racial disparities in Phase 1 COVID-19 vaccine shipments to Neighborhood sites in Pennsylvania by the Federal Retail Pharmacy Program Geoffrey S. Holtzman, Yukun Yang, Pierce Louis, Stephen G. West, Piranavakumar Kandaswamy
1864 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Oxford University Press Journal of Public Health Letter to editor: public response to Covid policies: diverse contextual influences correspondence: perceptions of COVID-19 vaccine side effects by political affiliation Ya-Ting Yang, Yi-Hsin Elsa Hsu, Wun-Ting Luo, Jan-Show Chu
1865 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Digital Health Assessing changes in COVID-19 vaccine uptake and intentions among the Brigada Digital Latino social media audience: a repeated cross-sectional study Courtney Riggle-van Schagen, E. L. Andrade, S. Chandarana, N. Lu, A. González, C. Favetto, et al. (+4)
1866 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Side Effects of COVID-19 Vaccines in Iraqi Kurdistan: A Population-Based Study Ibrahim A Naqid, Ahmed A Mosa, Lilaz S Abdullrahman, Dania S Jamil, Israa T Shukur, Dana S Abdulkareem, Nawfal R Hussein
1867 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  American Medical Association JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery Thyroid Cancer Incidence During 2020 to 2021 COVID-19 Variant Waves Rebecca Bell, Daniel M. Weinberger, Manasa Venkatesh, Sara Fernandes-Taylor, David O. Francis, Louise Davies
1868 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Apex Publishing Preventive Care In Nursing and Midwifery Journal Nurses consultation during COVID-19 via hotlines: a descriptive phenomenological study abstract Mahboobeh Namnabati, Atefeh Shamsi, Mohsen Shahriari, Sedigheh Farzi, Maryam Eghbali babadi, Maryam Shahshahani
1869 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Elsevier Biological Psychiatry Astrogliosis marker [11C]SL25.1188 After COVID-19 With Ongoing Depressive and Cognitive Symptoms Joeffre Braga, Emily J.Y. Kuik, Mariel Lepra, Pablo M. Rusjan, Stephen J. Kish, Erica L. Vieira, et al. (+13)
1870 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  American Society of Neuroradiology American Journal of Neuroradiology Evidence for a Link of COVID-19-Associated Long-Term Neurologic Symptoms and Altered Brain Integrity? Alexander Rau, Horst Urbach, Jonas A. Hosp
1871 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Elsevier Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy as an Immunomodulatory Intervention in COVID-19-induced ARDS: Exploring Clinical Outcomes and Transcriptomic Signatures in a Randomised Controlled Trial Anders Kjellberg, Allan Zhao, Anna Lussier, Adrian Hassler, Sarah Al-Ezerjawi, Emil Boström, et al. (+4)
1872 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Aga Khan University Hospital Anaesthesia Pain & Intensive Care Pulmonary hypertension following severe COVID-19: a case report Chandra Shekhar Karmakar, Mohammad Abdul Hannan, Md Shafiqul Islam, Dilip Kumar Bhowmik, Akhtaruzzaman AKM
1873 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Aga Khan University Hospital Anaesthesia Pain & Intensive Care Published- Post cervical spine surgery hyperpyrexia (108°F) in a patient with COVID-19: a case report Nimisha Cherunghattil, Chinmaya K. Panda, Habib M. R. Karim, Mishal Dhawan
1874 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Elsevier Data in Brief Changes in spirometry and pulmonary diffusing capacity in Mexican Hispanics approximately one year after having severe COVID-19: A dataset Arturo Cortes-Telles, Gerald Stanley Zavorsky
1875 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Nursing Correction: Middle Eastern nurses’ views/experiences of work and well-being with the support measures during past disease outbreaks and COVID-19: a qualitative systematic review Sara Ahmed Marair, Nigel Slater
1876 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Aga Khan University Hospital Anaesthesia Pain & Intensive Care Acute kidney injury in COVID-19: A single-center experience in Nigeria Olayinka Rasheed Ibrahim, Taofeek Oloyede, Hakeem Gbadamosi, Yusuf Musa, Rasaki Aliu, Surajudeen Oyeleke Bello, et al. (+3)
1877 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  MediaMedica Terapevticheskii arkhiv Polymorphism of RAAS genes in patients with COVID-19: comparison with frequency in population and relationship with severity of course Anna E. Bragina, Yulia N. Rodionova, Ekaterina S. Ogibenina, Alexander S. Fomin, Valery I. Podzolkov
1878 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Microbiology Society Journal of Medical Microbiology Predictors of the severity of the course of COVID-19: demographic factors, clinical signs and laboratory markers Klaudia Bartoszewicz, Mateusz Bartoszewicz, Samuel Stróż, Anna Stasiak-Barmuta, Piotr Kosiorek
1879 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Elsevier Transfusion Clinique et Biologique Hyperimmune plasma against COVID-19: does it work or not? Massimo Franchini, Daniele Focosi
1880 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Brazilian Journal of Health Review Brazilian Journal of Health Review A eficiência do antiviral Paxlovid (nirmatrelvir-ritonavir) na redução da morbimortalidade por COVID-19: uma revisão de literatura Ana Estrela Melo, Marcelo Tadeu Gottlieb Grolla, Marlon Yuri Gonçalves Silva, Amanda Moreira Rêgo Pessanha, João Pedro Miranda Rossetti, Wesal Khaled Zayed Dahan, et al. (+2)
1881 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Associação de Medicina Intensiva Brasileira Critical Care Science Advancing insights in critical COVID-19: unraveling lymphopenia through propensity score matching - Findings from the Multicenter LYMPH-COVID Study José Pedro Cidade, Vicente Cês Souza-Dantas, Rafaela Braga Mamfrim, Renata Carnevale Miranda, Henrique Tommasi Caroli, Natália Almeida Oliveira, et al. (+3)
1882 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Aga Khan University Hospital Anaesthesia Pain & Intensive Care Ivermectin for COVID-19; to use or not to use? Yasuhiro Morimoto
1883 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Adonis and Abbey Publishers Journal of African Films & Diaspora Studies How Did Fact-Checking Help Mitigate the Social Phenomenon of Fake News During COVID-19? A Desktop Study Cebisa Khwebulana, Gedala Mulliah Naidoo
1885 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Apex Publishing Preventive Care In Nursing and Midwifery Journal The correlation between fear of infection with coronavirus disease 2019 and the mental health of pregnant women Sepideh Dinmohammadi, Giti Ozgoli, Shabnam Towfighi, Malihe Nasiri, Fatemeh Bayat
1886 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Medknow Publications Tanta Dental Journal The psychological impact of coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic on parents’ knowledge, attitudes, and children’s anxiety during pediatric dental practice Dina E.-b. Hassaballah, Fatma A. Elhendawy, Shaimaa S. El-Desouky
1887 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Elsevier Respiratory Medicine Favorable Impact of Azithromycin on Patients in the Intensive Care Unit with Coronavirus Disease 2019: Insights from the First Wave Using a Japanese Database Takatomo Tokito, Takashi Kido, Shuntaro Sato, Masato Tashiro, Ritsuko Miyashita, Mutsumi Ozasa, et al. (+13)
1888 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Veterinary Research Equine coronavirus infection and replication in equine intestinal enteroids Yoshinori Kambayashi, Manabu Nemoto, Akihiro Ochi, Daiki Kishi, Takanori Ueno, Koji Tsujimura, et al. (+4)
1889 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  European International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Management Studies International Journal of Modern Medicine POSSIBILITIES OF PREDICTING THE OUTCOME OF THE COURSE OF ACUTE PURULENT-DESTRUCTIVE LUNG DISEASES IN PATIENTS WHO HAVE HAD SARS-COV-2 Bobokulova Shokhista Abdualimovna
1890 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Infection Synergistic evolution: the dynamic adaptation of SARS-CoV-2 and human protective immunity in the real world Yunhui Li, Xiaohan Zhang, Jingkun Yi, Yuan Chen, Jing Liang, Li Wang, et al. (+7)
1891 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Tunisian Society of Medical Sciences La Tunisie Médicale Comparison of long-term anti-RBD SARS-CoV-2 antibody response following different vaccination schemes in Tunisia Awatef Ben Jemaa, Rihab Bouabsa, Meriam Ben Othmen, Ridha Oueslati, Hamdi Dhaouadi
1892 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Molecular Sciences Implementation of an Immunoassay Based on the MVA-T7pol-Expression System for Rapid Identification of Immunogenic SARS-CoV-2 Antigens: A Proof-of-Concept Study Satendra Kumar, Liangliang Nan, Georgia Kalodimou, Sylvia Jany, Astrid Freudenstein, Christine Brandmüller, et al. (+10)
1893 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  University of Tetova Journal of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of UT-JNSM PREVALENCE OF SARS-CoV-2 IgG/IgM ANTIBODIES AMONG PATIENTS IN THE TETOVO REGION, NORTH MACEDONIA Mije REÇI, Beslinda MEMETI, Ismail FERATI, Sheval F MEMISHI
1894 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  American Society of Neuroradiology American Journal of Neuroradiology Macro- and Microstructural White Matter Differences in Neurologic Postacute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection Erin E. O’Connor, Rosangela Salerno-Goncalves, Nikita Rednam, Rory O’Brien, Peter Rock, Andrea R. Levine, Thomas A. Zeffiro
1895 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Elsevier iScience Long-term effectiveness of an ultra-rapid rollout vaccination campaign with BNT162b2 on the incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection Lena Tschiderer, Hanna Innerhofer, Lisa Seekircher, Lisa Waltle, Lukas Richter, Janine Kimpel, et al. (+10)
1896 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Centro de Investigaciones y Publicaciones Farmaceuticas (CIPF) Pharmacy Practice Assessment of the efficacy and safety of favipiravir in patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection in United Arab Emirates: A single-center study Bayan Ayash, Sahab Alkhoujah, Neena Abraham, Ahmad El Ouweini, Sara Mansour, Syed Wassif Gillani, et al. (+3)
1897 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology The molecular mechanisms of CD8+ T cell responses to SARS-CoV-2 infection mediated by TCR-pMHC interactions Shasha Deng, Zhihao Xu, Jing Hu, Yunru Yang, Fang Zhu, Zhuan Liu, et al. (+3)
1898 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Sumy State University Eastern Ukrainian Medical Journal MYELOPATHY IN A CHILD AFTER SARS-COV-2 INFECTION: A CASE REPORT FROM SUMY, UKRAINE Oleksandr Smiyan, Viktoriia Horbas, Natalia Shevchenko, Viktoriia Buhaienko, Yuliya Lendych, Oleksandr Marchenko, et al. (+3)
1899 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases Emergence of the B.1.214.2 SARS-CoV-2 lineage with an Omicron-like spike insertion and a unique upper airway immune signature Andrew Holtz, Johan Van Weyenbergh, Samuel L. Hong, Lize Cuypers, Áine O’Toole, Gytis Dudas, et al. (+36)
1900 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  American Chemical Society Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling Molecular Mechanism-Driven Discovery of Novel Small Molecule Inhibitors against Drug-Resistant SARS-CoV-2 Mpro Variants Jingyi Yang, Beibei Fu, Rongpei Gou, Xiaoyuan Lin, Haibo Wu, Weiwei Xue
1901 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials The evaluation of SARS-CoV-2 mutations at the early stage of the pandemic in Istanbul population Yavuz Uyar, Selen Zeliha Mart Kömürcü, Yakup Artik, Nevra Pelin Cesur, Arzu Tanrıverdi, Kamuran Şanlı
1902 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Universidade Federal da Bahia GeoTextos Serviços médico-hospitalares e dinâmica de propagação do SARS-COV-2 na rede urbana da região geográfica imediata de Colinas, Maranhão, Brasil Allison Bezerra Oliveira, Arialdo Ribeiro de Moraes Júnior, Pedro Henrique Araújo Santos
1903 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  MDPI AG Molecules SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid Protein Antagonizes GADD34-Mediated Innate Immune Pathway through Atypical Foci Jie Liu, Guanwen Guan, Chunxiu Wu, Bingbing Wang, Kaifei Chu, Xu Zhang, et al. (+5)
1904 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Aga Khan University Hospital Anaesthesia Pain & Intensive Care Utility of invasive pressure transducer for endotracheal tube cuff pressure monitoring: Implications during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic B. M. Munasinghe, Nishanthan Subramaniam, Ramil Wickramasinghe
1905 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC The EMBO Journal Transplacental SARS-CoV-2 protein ORF8 binds to complement C1q to trigger fetal inflammation Tamiris Azamor, Débora Familiar-Macedo, Gielenny M Salem, Chineme Onwubueke, Ivonne Melano, Lu Bian, et al. (+13)
1906 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Elsevier International Immunopharmacology In-vitro and in-silico evaluation of rue herb for SARS-CoV-2 treatment Maliha Khandoker Minu, Md Enamul Kabir Talukder, Ramzi A. Mothana, Sk Injamamul Islam, Abdullah R. Alanzi, Sidgi Hasson, et al. (+5)
1907 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Nature Communications De novo protein sequencing of antibodies for identification of neutralizing antibodies in human plasma post SARS-CoV-2 vaccination Thierry Le Bihan, Teresa Nunez de Villavicencio Diaz, Chelsea Reitzel, Victoria Lange, Minyoung Park, Emma Beadle, et al. (+8)
1908 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Infectious Diseases and Therapy Bridging the Gap: Delphi Consensus Statements for SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination in Immunocompromised Patients Hersh D. Ravkin, Lior Nesher
1909 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology High prevalence of long COVID in anti-TPO positive euthyroid individuals with strongly elevated SARS-CoV-2-specific T cell responses and moderately raised anti-spike IgG levels 23 months post-infection Zsolt Matula, Viktória Király, Gabriella Bekő, Márton Gönczi, András Zóka, Róbert Steinhauser, et al. (+2)
1910 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Series Biology OXIDATIVE MODIFICATION OF PROTEINS IN BLOOD PLASMA OF PATIENTS WITH OSTEOARTHRITIS AFTER SARS-CoV2 INFECTION Yurij Tuharov, Kateryna Dvorshchenko
1911 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Series Biology EXPRESSION GENES OF CARTILAGE STRUCTURAL PROTEINS OF PATIENTS WITH OSTEOARTHRITIS AFTER SARS-COV2 INFECTION Serhij Borodin, Alevtyna Huet, Kateryna Dvorshchenko
1912 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE SARS-CoV2 mRNA vaccine intravenous administration induces myocarditis in chronic inflammation Ha-Eun Jeon, Seonghyun Lee, Jisun Lee, Gahyun Roh, Hyo-Jung Park, Yu-Sun Lee, et al. (+9)
1913 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Acta Parasitologica Acute Respiratory Syndrome Mimicking Shipping Sickness in Theileria buffeli Infected Buffalo Calf Varghese Raina, Y. Ajith, Sasi Adithya, S. Anandu, N. Athira, K. S. Athira, et al. (+13)
1914 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  eScholarship The CATESOL Journal Participatory Writing in the Remote ESOL Classroom Space: Critical Learnings from a Pandemic Kelly Metz-Matthews, Michele McConnell
1915 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Gavin Publishers Journal of Community Medicine & Public Health ‘It Took a Pandemic.’ Initial Impacts of the Pandemic and Public Health Orders on Area Agencies on Aging in Los Angeles County
1916 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET) International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology Societal Adaptation to Pandemic Challenges: Analysing the Role of Local Governance and Healthcare Systems in Madhya Pradesh Ashish Pyasi
1917 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  MDPI AG Epidemiologia Resilience, Anger, and Insomnia in Nurses after the End of the Pandemic Crisis Argyro Pachi, Aspasia Panagiotou, Nikolaos Soultanis, Maria Ivanidou, Maria Manta, Christos Sikaras, et al. (+2)
1918 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) East Asian Science Technology and Society The Art of State-Societal Reconfiguration in a Time of Pandemic Crisis: A Health System Resilience Typology and Comparative Analysis Between Transcending Nations (the US, UK, and India) and Coping Nations (South Korea and Taiwan) Ming-Sin Choong, Ying-Che Hsieh, Chan-Yuan Wong
1919 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  EDITORA SCIENTIFIC Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Trabalho The worsening of low back pain in teachers during the pandemic is multicausal and not only due to social environment and working conditions Josef Finsterer
1920 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Aga Khan University Hospital Anaesthesia Pain & Intensive Care The impact of corona pandemic on critical care medicine Faraz Mansoor
1921 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  eScholarship The CATESOL Journal Pandemic Perspectives: International English Learners’ Issues with Online Instruction Iyad Alomari, L. Erika Saito
1922 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Ali Institute of Research & Skills Development The Critical Review of Social Sciences Studies Framing Consumer Behavior During and After the Pandemic Recession: Qualitative Research Approach Dr. Zoya Wajid Satti
1923 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Cogent Food & Agriculture What does it take to drive young consumers to purchase green food? Perceived usefulness, environmental problem, or fear of pandemic recurrence? Yi Zhang, Farzana Quoquab, Jiale Zhang, Jihad Mohammad
1924 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Microbe Pandemic risk characterisation of zoonotic influenza A viruses using the Tool for Influenza Pandemic Risk Assessment (TIPRA) Reina Yamaji, Wenqing Zhang, Akiko Kamata, Cornelia Adlhoch, David E Swayne, Dmitriy Pereyaslov, et al. (+11)
1925 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  PT Formosa Cendekia Global International Journal of Contemporary Sciences (IJCS) The Factor Analysis of Contactless Services and Its Impact Towards Employee Performance of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Gresik Branch Office during the Covid 19 Pandemic with Work Family Conflict Mediation Ravika Imania Rasyid, Ernani Hidayati, Umi Muawanah
1926 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Oxford University Press Journal of Public Health Association between public health measures and the public’s well-being during the pandemic: a nationwide Japanese study Toshiki Miwa, Hitoshi Honda, Akane Takamatsu, Takahiro Tabuchi, Kiyosu Taniguchi, Kenji Shibuya, Yasuharu Tokuda
1927 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Annals of Gastronomy and Tourism Studies Annals of Gastronomy and Tourism Studies RESIDENTS SUPPORT FOR TOURISM AFTER THE PANDEMIC: EMOTIONAL SOLIDARITY, PERCEIVED RISK, ECONOMIC ANXIETY BEYBALA TİMUR
1928 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  eScholarship The CATESOL Journal Parent-Centered Intervention in the Time of the Pandemic: Meeting the Complex Communication Needs of a Bilingual Preschooler Jesica Hercules, Kai Greene
1930 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Utilitas Jeff Sebo, Saving Animals, Saving Ourselves: Why Animals Matter for Pandemics, Climate Change, and Other Catastrophes (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022), pp. xvii + 255. Kyle Johannsen
1931 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Faculty of Philology - University of Montenegro Folia linguistica et litteraria CORECORE: HYPER-ROMANTICISM AND THE POSTPANDEMIC INTERNET AESTHETIC Vladimir Vujošević
1932 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon Efficient clinical decision-making process via AI-based multimodal data fusion: A COVID-19 case study Daniel I. Morís, Joaquim de Moura, Pedro J. Marcos, Enrique Míguez Rey, Jorge Novo, Marcos Ortega
1933 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud Revista del Nacional (Itaguá) Cobertura de vacunación contra el COVID-19 en estudiantes y docentes de una facultad de odontología en el año 2022 Auriestela Benítez, Abigail Zárate, María Elida Quintana, Clarisse Díaz-Reissner
1934 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) International Journal for Equity in Health Gender sensitivity of the COVID-19 mental health research in Europe: a scoping review Mayte López-Atanes, Margarita Sáenz-Herrero, Nele Zach, Meret Lakeberg, Asier Ugedo, Elisa Fraile-García, et al. (+4)
1935 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  The University of Lahore Journal of University College of Medicine and Dentistry The Infodemic and its Impact on the Mental Health of Researchers and Health Professionals: The COVID-19 Pandemic Aftermath Deborah Hilton
1936 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Oxford University Press Open Forum Infectious Diseases Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Group A Streptococcal Necrotizing Soft-Tissue Infections: A Retrospective Cohort Study Gioia Epprecht, David Weller, Daniel A Hofmaenner, Angeliki M Andrianaki, Pascal M Frey, Silvio D Brugger, Annelies S Zinkernagel
1937 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Infectious Diseases and Therapy COVID-19 Vaccination Recommendations for Immunocompromised Patient Populations: Delphi Panel and Consensus Statement Generation in the United States Kira Zhi Hua Lai, Stuart Greenstein, Rajesh Govindasamy, Jaya Paranilam, Joseph Brown, Samantha Kimball-Carroll
1938 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  Even3 Revista Interdisciplinar Déficits de memória na população acometida pela covid-19: uma revisão sistemática da literatura Henrique Souza Nascimento, José Juliano Cedaro, Marcelo Xavier de Oliveira, Lilia Jarina Almeida Martins dos Santos, Manuela Havena Rosendo Lopes, Júlia Mendes Santos
1939 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  F1000 Research Ltd F1000Research Building resilience of the Ghanaian healthcare system: Lessons from a global health stage: Preparedness for the next pandemic: A scoping review Martin Ankomah, Patience Aseweh Abor, Humphrey Karamagi
1940 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  NIXNIX Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios en Red XXVIII. IMPACTO DEL COVID-19 EN EL DESARROLLO DE LAS HABILIDADES SOCIALES EN LA PRIMERAINFANCIA DEL CDI NUEVO AMANECER EN LA CIUDAD DE TUNJA 2021-2022 Cutiva Culma Carmen Rosa Cutiva Culma Carmen Rosa, Lina Marcela Agudelo Espitia, María Elisa Castillo Quintero
1942 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  NIXNIX Al-Nisour Journal for Medical Sciences Influence of COVID-19 Infections on LH, FSH and Prolactin level in group of Males Recovered from COVID-19 in Baghdad Mays Adnan Abbas, Nadia M.M. Al-Shakir, Amal H. A.
1943 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  NIXNIX Al-Nisour Journal for Medical Sciences Knowledge regarding COVID-19 disease among primary health care centers' Reviewers in Baghdad city Tabarek Ayad Noori, Ishraq Ahmed Chiad, Essa khalil Hasan
1944 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  NIXNIX Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios en Red XXXVIII. LA LITERATURA CLÁSICA EN TIEMPOS DE COVID-19 Meléndez Pérez Dra. Guadalupe del Carmen Meléndez Pérez Dra. Guadalupe del Carmen
1945 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  NIXNIX Al-Nisour Journal for Medical Sciences Measurement level of stem cell factor and lipid profile in the sera of Iraqi patients who have acute coronary syndrome with COVID-19 Zahraa kareem Yaseen, Farhan Abood Risan, Suhad Hassan Aubaid
1947 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  NIXNIX Papeles del Psicólogo - Psychologist Papers Impact of COVID-19 on the Mental Health of the Elderly Yeimy Mayumi Bravo Carhuachin, Nancy Elena Cueva Torres, Regina Zarela Saez Berrocal, María Rosario Palomino Tarazona, Abel Alejandro Tasayco Jala
1948 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  NIXNIX Al-Nisour Journal for Medical Sciences The value of some biochemical parameters in the prediction of kidneys severity in COVID-19 patients Omar Sadik Shalal, Hanaa N. Abdullah, Othman Almahdawy
1949 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  NIXNIX Al-Nisour Journal for Medical Sciences Diagnostic utility of IL-6 and some biomarker correlated with the diseases severity of COVID-19 patients Ekhlas Saddam Falih, Suhad Hassan Obaid
1950 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  NIXNIX Al-Nisour Journal for Medical Sciences Early Identification of COVID-19 Patients Using Hematological Profile and Biochemical Parameters Zahra'a Abdul AL-Aziz Yousif, Jabbar S. Hassan, Ghaith Hamid Hameed
1951 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  NIXNIX Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinarios en Red IV. CALIDAD DE VIDA RELACIONADA A LA SALUD EN ESTUDIANTES DE ENSEÑANZA MEDIA BAJO EL CONTEXTO DE LA PANDEMIA DEL COVID-19, REGIÓN DE LOS LAGOS, CHILE Tania Andrea Flores Igor, José Luis Cárdenas Barría, Sepúlveda Mauricio González
1952 2024―Oct―10  [GO]  NIXNIX Al-Nisour Journal for Medical Sciences C-reactive protein level and lipid profile among SARS-CoV-2 recovered patients in Baghdad / Iraq Madha Mohammed Sheet Saleh, Abdulrazzak Jabbar Al-Shawi
1953 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  A.N. Bakoulev National Scientific and Practical Center for Cardiovascular Surgery Russian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Эффективность открытой и эндоваскулярной реваскуляризации при лечении острой ишемии конечности у пациентов в острой стадии COVID-19 А.В. Никольский, В.Н. Кравчук, А.С. Мухин, Н.А. Трофимов, В.С. Ермаков, Д.В. Волков, et al. (+3)
1954 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences Journal of Image and Graphics Multiscale codec network based CT image segmentation for human lung disease derived of COVID-19 Qianjie Lu, Zhengyao Bai, Shenglan Fan, Xue Zhou, Zhu Xu
1955 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  Universidad ORT Uruguay Cuadernos de Investigación Educativa Propiedades de agencia de doctorandos en procesos de investigación durante la pandemia por la COVID-19","Agency properties of doctoral students in research processes during the COVID-19 pandemic","Propriedades de agência de doutorandos em processos de pesquisa durante a pandemia da COVID-19 Mercedes Zanotto González, Martha Leticia Gaeta González, María del Socorro Rodríguez Guardado
1956 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  Universidade Estadual de Londrina Educação em Análise A influência da psicomotricidade no desenvolvimento e aprendizagem infantil durante a pandemia de Covid-19","The influence of psychomotricity on child development and learning during the Covid-19 pandemic","La influencia de la psicomotricidad en el desarrollo y aprendizaje infantil durante la pandemia de Covid-19 Agenor Sousa Silva Junior, Fabrícia Gomes da Silva, Francione Charapa Alves
1957 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  Universidad Nacional del Nordeste De Prácticas y Discursos Crisis de cuidados presentes en los acompañamientos de trayectorias educativas de adolescentes y jóvenes con discapacidad. Un análisis en el contexto del covid-19 Noelia Silvia Montero, Verónica Gabriela Falcón
1958 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  Pakistan Society of Internal Medicine Journal opf Pakistan Society of Internal Medicine Assessment of Efficacy and Safety of Ivermectin in the Patients of COVID-19
1959 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Pflügers Archiv - European Journal of Physiology ACE2 and TMPRSS2 in human kidney tissue and urine extracellular vesicles with age, sex, and COVID-19 Marie Lykke Bach, Sara Laftih, Jesper K. Andresen, Rune M. Pedersen, Thomas Emil Andersen, Lone W. Madsen, et al. (+9)
1960 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Comparative analyses of post-infectious olfactory dysfunction between COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 cases Tae-Seong Eo, Yeonsu Jeong, Hyung-Ju Cho, Min-Seok Rha, Chang-Hoon Kim
1961 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Molecular Diversity A deep drug prediction framework for viral infectious diseases using an optimizer-based ensemble of convolutional neural network: COVID-19 as a case study A. S. Aruna, K. R. Remesh Babu, K. Deepthi
1962 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  Kare Publishing Northern Clinics of Istanbul Conducting risk assessments and case detection in online environments in the scope of fight with COVID-19 Banu Cakir
1963 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  AOSIS South African Journal of Psychiatry Depression, anxiety and coping mechanisms among mental healthcare practitioners during COVID-19 Yolandi Stals, Edwin Du Plessis, Paul J. Pretorius, Mariette Nel, Alexander Boateng
1964 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  Mary Ann Liebert Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News Vaccine Innovations Beyond the Existing mRNA-Based Vaccines for COVID-19 Mike May
1965 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  Universidad Nacional del Nordeste De Prácticas y Discursos Desigualdad digital y vida doméstica: la experiencia de mujeres chilenas teletrabajando durante la pandemia por covid-19 Soledad Martínez Labrín, Bruno Bivort
1966 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  Instituto Tecnologico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) Ciencia y Salud Adaptarse a la incertidumbre: cómo la medicina basada en la evidencia guió la atención renal en la República Dominicana durante covid-19 Eliana Dina-Batlle, Anthony Gutiérrez-Martínez
1967 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  Elsevier Procedia CIRP Forecasting the number of customers visiting restaurants in COVID-19 Takashi Tanizaki, Takeshi Shimmura, Takayuki Kataoka
1968 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  Wiley Mycoses Candidemia Following Severe COVID-19 in Hospitalised and Critical Ill Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Karan Srisurapanont, Bhoowit Lerttiendamrong, Tanaporn Meejun, Jaedvara Thanakitcharu, Kasama Manothummetha, Achitpol Thongkam, et al. (+12)
1969 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  MEDIKON LLC Comorbidity neurology Vegetative Index of Blood Circulation in Ischemic Stroke in Adults Against the Background of COVID-19 M.M.T. Yuldasheva, E.N. Madjidova
1970 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  APESC - Associacao Pro-Ensino em Santa Cruz do Sul Signo Leitura compartilhada em contexto familiar: Modelos conceituais, evidências empíricas e a pandemia de COVID-19 Gabriella Koltermann, Jerusa Fumagalli de Salles
1971 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  Elsevier IFAC-PapersOnLine Viability and Resilience in the Personal Protective Equipment Supply Chain. The Impacts of Covid-19 Giulia Caggia, Julien Fondrevelle, Anna C. Cagliano
1972 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Development and validation of predictive models for mortality of cases with COVID-19 (Omicron BA.5.2.48 and B.7.14): a retrospective study Peifang Li, Huiliang Yang, Jinyu Wu, Yanfei Ma, Ailin Hou, Jiali Chen, Ning Ning
1973 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Current Microbiology Invasive Fungal Infections in Immunocompromised Conditions: Emphasis on COVID-19 Mahaldeep Kaur, Payal Thakur, Nandini Verma, Stanzin Choksket, Suresh Korpole, Devadatha Bandarupalli, Vishakha Grover
1974 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  Ovid Evidence-Based Practice Revitalized by CBT following COVID-19 Anton Dahbura, Brandon Sowell, Carina Brown
1975 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  GSC Online Press Magna Scientia Advanced Research and Reviews Contact tracing in epidemiology: Lessons learnt from COVID-19 Taiwo Akindahunsi
1977 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  Wiley Pediatric Obesity Effects of school closure on lifestyle behaviours and health outcomes in children during the COVID-19 pandemic in Chile: A time-matched analysis Mónica Suárez-Reyes, Rodrigo Fernández-Verdejo, Daiana Quintiliano, Anna Cristina Pinheiro, Tito Pizarro
1978 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Neurosurgical Review Comment on - “The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on global neurosurgical education: a systematic review” Hethesh Chellapandian, Sivakamavalli Jeyachandran
1979 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  PT. Sanskara Karya Internasional West Science Business and Management Transformation of SME Business Models Through Innovation: The Case of Home Business Camp (HBC) in the Post Covid-19 Pandemic Period Budi Purnomo Saputro, Tititk Kusmantini, Yekti Utami, Hafidh Rifky Adiyatna, Faizatu Almas Hadyantari
1980 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences Journal of Image and Graphics Spatiotemporal data learning of graph convolutional neural network for epidemic prediction of COVID-19 Chengyi Yang, Feng Liu, Jiayin Qi, Yan Duan, Runqian Lyu, Zilong Xiao
1981 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  Communicable Diseases Intensive Care Association Infusion & Chemotherapy Features of immune status in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis after the COVID-19 Yu.O. Matviienko, O.M. Rekalova, O.R. Panasiukova, V.M. Zhadan, S.H. Yasyr, A.V. Taranenko
1983 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  EDUFU - Editora da Universidade Federal de Uberlandia Olhares & Trilhas Avaliação do Uso de uma Tecnologia sem fio para o desenvolvimento da consciência fonológica de crianças com defasagem de aprendizagem do sistema de escrita devido à pandemia de Covid-19 Paulo Fernando Kuss, Maria Salete, Renato Ventura Bayan Henriques
1984 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  Elsevier Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews The Yin and Yang of TLR4 in COVID-19 Suprabhat Mukherjee, Jagadeesh Bayry
1985 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  Brazilian Journal of Health Review Brazilian Journal of Health Review Perfil comportamental das crianças pós-pandemia COVID-19 Cassandra Amaral de Medeiros Moraes, Nayanne Medeiros Nóbrega, Ana Clara Rebouças Teixeira de Carvalho, Ana Beatriz Lira Aires, Maria Liz Celani Hypácio, Jedson Cordeiro Pontes, et al. (+2)
1986 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  Institute of Sport, Tourism and Nutrition, University of Zielona Góra, Poland Turystyka Kulturowa Tradycje kulturowe i zachowania żywieniowe turystów płci męskiej w dobie COVID-19 Tomasz Abramski, Anna Magdalena Fabisiak, Mariusz Jaworski
1987 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Decline in and recovery of fertility rates after COVID-19-related state of emergency in Japan Tomohiro Mitoma, Jota Maki, Hikaru Ooba, Hisashi Masuyama
1988 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Assessing the safety and pharmacokinetics of casirivimab and imdevimab (CAS+IMD) in a cohort of pregnant outpatients with COVID-19: results from an adaptive, multicentre, randomised, double-blind, phase 1/2/3 study Thomas D Norton, Mazhar Thakur, Samit Ganguly, Shazia Ali, Jesse Chao, Alpana Waldron, et al. (+19)
1989 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Revista Odontológica Mexicana Coronavirus asociado a mucormicosis en el sistema estomatognático: Revisión sistemática exploratoria Jose Eduardo Orellana Centeno, Roxana Nayeli Guerrero Sotelo
1990 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  Social Science Electronic Publishing SSRN Electronic Journal Exploring Crisis Mitigating Measures of Micro and Small Enterprises during the Coronavirus Pandemic Crisis in Indonesia Tulus Tambunan
1991 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC European Journal of Development Research Social Safety Nets and Food Insecurity in MENA in the Time of COVID-19 Amira El-Shal, Eman Moustafa, Nada Rostom, Yasmine Abdelfattah
1992 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  Universitas Nusa Cendana Jurnal Kajian Veteriner Gambaran Hematologi Darah Pasca Vaksinasi Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) pada Ternak Babi di Kabupaten Kupang Marsyella Gloria Sole, Yohanes T. R. M. R. Simarmata, Maria Aega Gelolodo
1993 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  SciVision Publishers LLC Japan Journal of Research The Effects of Different Treatment Methods on Blood Hematological Parameters İn COVID 19: A Retrospective Look at Patients in Pandemic İntensive Care Unit During The First Wave of the Pandemic Yesim Cokay ABUT, Kubra Bolat Gursoy, Fusun ADAM, Didem SARI, Ece KISA
1994 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  International Journal of Innovative Research & Development (GlobeEdu) The International Journal of Business & Management The Analysis of the Government Internal Control System on the Effectiveness of Social Assistance Management Affected by COVID-19 Hasna Safira
1995 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa Jurnal Manajemen ANALISIS IMPLEMENTASI PRINSIP GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE PADA PT BANK NEGARA INDONESIA (PER SERO) Tbk CABANG SURABAYA SELAMA PANDEMI COVID-19 Neilly Alfiatur Rohmah, Salvany Maulida Rahma Hafsah, Ambar Kusumaningsih, Rohmawati Kusumaningtias
1996 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  Ovid Circulation Research Abstract We127: Infective Endocarditis in COVID-19 - An Unusual Suspect Sean Masi, Darshine Venugopal, Stefanie Delvecchio
1997 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  Institute of Sport, Tourism and Nutrition, University of Zielona Góra, Poland Turystyka Kulturowa Organizacja czasu wolnego w obliczu pandemii COVID-19 - doświadczenie różnych pokoleń (osób młodych i seniorów) Magdalena Kugiejko, Piotr Kociszewski
1998 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists The Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy Glycemic Management in Patients with COVID-19 Admitted to the Intensive Care Unit: Evaluation of Glycemic Control and Drug Therapy Emily Blacklaws, Kieran Shah, Sarah Stabler
1999 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Infection Epidemiological comparison of emergency department presentations with seasonal influenza or COVID-19 and an outcome of intensive care admission or death: A population-based records linkage study in New South Wales, Australia David J. Muscatello, Nectarios Rose, Kishor Kumar Paul, Sandra Ware, Michael M. Dinh, Mohammed Mohsin, et al. (+3)
2000 2024―Oct―09  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management Institutional (ante)narratives of anticipatory entrepreneurial resilience: COVID-19 and the global entrepreneurship monitor Allison Lucas, Rahul Mitra
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