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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

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  Date original article Publishing House Journal Title Authors All Authors
1 2025―Mar―25  [GO]  CDAK Society of Communication Design Journal of Communication Design A Study on the design of COVID-19 questionnaire check stickers -Focusing on tertiary hospitals with different locations belonging to the same medical center- Hee-joo Hwang
2 2025―Mar―25  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Marriage and Family Parental burnout and mental health across COVID-19 parenting circumstances: A person-centered approach Margaret L. Kerr, Inés Botto, Erika Gonzalez, Sydney Aronson
3 2025―Mar―25  [GO]  Learning Gate Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology How house’s condition and facilities can reduce mental health problem, learn from COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review Andi Prasetiyo Wibowo, Ainul Mardiah
4 2025―Mar―25  [GO]  World Scientific Environment Innovation and Management The Response of the Insurance Market to the COVID-19 Pandemic Shock in China: The Power of Confucius Culture Ruo-Hong Gu, Hideaki Uchida
5 2025―Mar―25  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Global Health The long-term impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on tuberculosis care and infection control measures in anti-retroviral therapy (ART) clinics in low- and middle-income countries: a multiregional site survey in Asia and Africa Marie Ballif, Nicolas Banholzer, Lisa Perrig, Anchalee Avihingsanon, Dominique Mahambu Nsonde, Sarah Obatsa, et al. (+18)
6 2025―Mar―25  [GO]  SciELO Cadernos de Saúde Pública Did the COVID-19 pandemic influence the use of psychotropic medications by university students and LGBTQIAPN+? A Brazilian multicenter study Waléria de Paula, Adriana Lúcia Meireles, Bruna Carolina Rafael Barbosa, Luiz Antônio Alves de Menezes Júnior, Clareci Silva Cardoso, Lívia Garcia Ferreira, et al. (+8)
7 2025―Mar―25  [GO]  Learning Gate Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology Psychiatric nursing in crisis: Lived experiences and coping strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines Alfred S. Tamon, Sheilla M. Trajera, Toni-An B. Lachica, Gregory S. Ching
8 2025―Mar―25  [GO]  Ovid Sexually Transmitted Diseases STI TESTING AND RATES OF STI DIAGNOSES BEFORE AND DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN A U.S. HIV COHORT Gina M. Simoncini, Carl Armon, Kate Buchacz, Jonathan Mahnken, Qingjiang Hou, Kalliope Chagaris, et al. (+7)
9 2025―Mar―25  [GO]  Ovid Nursing Research Hospital Performance, Nursing Resources, and Health Inequities During the COVID-19 Pandemic Ann Kutney-Lee, Daniela Golinelli, Shelli L. Feder, Kelvin Eyram Amenyedor, Karen B. Lasater, Matthew D. McHugh, J. Margo Brooks Carthon
10 2025―Mar―25  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Child & Youth Services From Youth Protest to Scramble for Food: Food Security Challenges and Nigeria’s Social Protection System during COVID-19 Pandemic Nathaniel Umukoro, Clement Obagbinoko, Vincent Efebeh
11 2025―Mar―25  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology Resilience in Japanese Older Immigrants in Canada and the Role of Community Support During the COVID-19 Pandemic Mineko Wada, Sarah L. Canham
12 2025―Mar―25  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Assessing the impact of COVID-19 on middle-aged and older females in China: a comparative study of urban-rural disparities Xiaoxu Jiang, Jie Gao
13 2025―Mar―25  [GO]  Mary Ann Liebert Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology Pediatric Neuropsychiatric Syndromes: Updates on COVID-19 Infection and Vaccination Sarah O’Dor, Celia Adams, Jessica Gavin, Julia S. Zagaroli, Elliott Carlisle, Olivia M. Downer, et al. (+2)
14 2025―Mar―25  [GO]  Ovid Medicine Case Reports and Study Protocols A randomized controlled study on the safety and efficacy of microhyperbaric oxygen therapy in patients with severe COVID-19 infection Bo Yang, Zeping Jiang, Yuting Liu, Lan Zhou, Lingling Ding, Lingling Zhu, et al. (+2)
15 2025―Mar―25  [GO]  Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Negara (JUAN) Behavioral Intention of the Use of COVID-19 Governance Application: A Literature Review Yoserizal Yoserizal, Krismena Tovalini, Yulia Hanoselina
16 2025―Mar―25  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Monitoring reported SARS-CoV-2 variants to assess the status of COVID-19 epidemics in the low epidemic state Bin Liu, Zhongliang Wang, Shanshan Lu, Zhongtian Qi, Zhijie Zhang, Jie Luan, Jianbo Ba
17 2025―Mar―25  [GO]  CDAK Society of Communication Design Journal of Communication Design A Study on the Lifestyle Change on Characteristics of Generation Z after Covid-19 Na-eun Choi, Sook-yeon Kim, Yeo-eun Yun
18 2025―Mar―25  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Global and Public Health The future of pandemic modeling in support of decision making: lessons learned from COVID-19 Kelly R. Moran, Tammie Lopez, Sara Y. Del Valle
19 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Effectiveness and tolerance of exercise interventions for long COVID: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials Cillian P McDowell, Barrie Tyner, Shibu Shrestha, Leah McManus, Fearghal Comaskey, Patricia Harrington, et al. (+3)
20 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  ISTE OpenScience Technologie et innovation Open Innovation as A Driver of Industrial and Organizational Mutations during the Pandemic: Case Study of the Pharmaceutical Sector Camille Aouinaït, Son Thi Kim Le, Michelle Mongo, Laurent Adatto
21 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Comparative Studies in Society and History “The wife is the mother of the husband”: Marriage, Crisis, and (Re)Generation in Botswana’s Pandemic Times Koreen M. Reece
22 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw Contemporary Economics 5 Coping with Pandemic Shock to Enhance Individual’s Performance During Crisis: A Cross-National Study My-Trinh Bui, Don Jyh-Fu Jeng Jeng, Dao Cong-Tuan
23 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Wiley Risk Management and Insurance Review Building economic resilience to pandemic risk in Switzerland Anastasia Kartasheva, Eleonora Pascucci, Omid Ghavibazoo
24 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Everant Journals Journal of Economics Finance and Management Studies Revolutionizing Internal Audits: A Pandemic Review at RSUD ABC Solo Raya Sri Hantoro, Payamta .
25 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Istanbul Aydin University AYDIN TIP FAKÜLTESİ KLİNİKLERİ DERGİSİ Being a Child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Parent of Them During the Pandemic Period İrem Damla Çimen, Müjdat Erarkadaş, Nefise Büşra Çelebi, Akın Altuğ Özboduroğlu, Özlem Yıldız Gündoğdu
26 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists BJPsych Open Psychological cost of Hong Kong’s zero-COVID policy: three-wave repeated cross-sectional study of pandemic fatigue, pandemic fear and emotional well-being from peak pandemic to living-with-COVID policy shift Sam S. S. Lau, Jason W. L. Fong, Marco C. H. Cheng
27 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  GSC Online Press World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences Long-term covid outcomes and cardiovascular health: New pandemic after the pandemic? Anastasiia Hovornyan
28 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  CamEd Business School Journal of Accounting Finance Economics and Social Sciences The Influence of Macroeconomic Variables on Indonesia’s Non-cyclical Sector Stock Price Index Post-COVID-19 Pandemic Syarifudin Putra Alwindaru, Afina Latifah, Aldenia Luthfian Ilma, Rusdi Hidayat Nugroho, Lidya Veronica Christy Rihidima
29 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Nutrition Formononetin and mizoribine inhibit Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus replication in vitro Zhanding Cui, Jinlong Liu, Jinlong Wang, Jing Zhang, Yimei Cao, Kun Li, et al. (+13)
30 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  MDPI AG Veterinary Sciences Validation of Polymorphisms Associated with the Immune Response After Vaccination Against Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus in Yorkshire Gilts Salvador Icedo-Nuñez, Rosa I. Luna-Ramirez, R. Mark Enns, Scott E. Speidel, Jesús Hernández, Xi Zeng, et al. (+6)
31 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology Memory B cell proliferation drives differences in neutralising responses between ChAdOx1 and BNT162b2 SARS-CoV-2 vaccines David Hodgson, Yi Liu, Louise Carolan, Siddhartha Mahanty, Kanta Subbarao, Sheena G. Sullivan, et al. (+2)
32 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  MDPI AG COVID Use of a Multiplex Immunoassay Platform to Investigate Multifaceted Antibody Responses in SARS-CoV-2 Vaccinees with and Without Prior Infection Troy Odo, Brien K. Haun, Caitlin A. Williams, Aquena Ball, Albert To, Teri Ann S. Wong, et al. (+8)
33 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  American Psychological Association Psychological Services Supplemental Material for A Mixed Methods Evaluation of a Motivational Enhancement Intervention to Increase SARS-CoV-2 Testing Among People Experiencing Houselessness and People Who Inject Drugs
34 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Mary Ann Liebert Viral Immunology Enhanced Humoral and Cellular Immune Responses Elicited by Salmonella Flagellin-Adjuvanted SARS-CoV-2 S1 Subunit Vaccine Li Song, Yaodan Cui, Qiaoju Wang, Ruimeng Tan, Yaya Wen, Chuang Meng, et al. (+2)
35 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Public Health Assessing time requirements of two models of SARS-CoV-2 screening and testing in routine healthcare services in Kenya and Cameroon: a descriptive study James Ndimbii, Tatiana Djikeussi, Rogacien Kana, Stephen Siamba, Rhoderick Machekano, Nilesh Bhatt, et al. (+8)
36 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases Early biomarkers in hospitalized patients as predictors of post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection: a one-year cohort study Chithira V. Nair, Malavika Krishnakumar, Georg Gutjahr, Kiran G. Kulirankal, Merlin Moni, Dipu T. Sathyapalan
37 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  S. Karger AG Developmental Neuroscience Acute onset neuropsychiatric conditions in children and adolescents following SARS-CoV-2 infection: a case series Mohamed T. Jasser, Thomas Ferland, Thomas Bocian, Matthew Goff, Abigail Gauch, Michael V. Heinz, et al. (+5)
38 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  FSPSI SCFHHRP Acta Biomedica Scientifica (East Siberian Biomedical Journal) Effect of phytocomposition on dyslipidemia in patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection at the health resort stage of treatment I. A. Yatskov, L. Sh. Dudchenko, F. M. Melikov, V. A. Beloglazov, E. A. Solovyova, G. N. Andreeva
39 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Elsevier Laboratory Investigation 1634 Fetal SARS-CoV-2 Giant Cell Myocarditis in an Expectant Patient with Long COVID Faye Victoria Casimero, Aram Krauson, Zakir Siddiquee, Lauren Ray, James Stone, Katelyn Dannheim
40 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health The use of wastewater surveillance to estimate SARS-CoV-2 fecal viral shedding pattern and identify time periods with intensified transmission Wan Yang, Enoma Omoregie, Aaron Olsen, Elizabeth A. Watts, Hilary Parton, Ellen Lee
41 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Universidad La Salle, Mexico Memorias del Concurso Lasallista de Investigación Desarrollo e innovación Detección del SARS-CoV-2 en saliva en trabajadores y estudiantes de Medicina durante la quinta ola de repunte de contagios Andrea Alejandra García Cervantes, Uriel Muñoz Ramírez, Gilberto Guzmán Valdivia Gómez, Rodolfo Pinto Almazán
42 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology Mutations in ace2 gene modulate cytokine levels and alter immune responses in Mycobacterium tuberculosis and SARS-CoV-2 co-infection: a Cameroonian cohort Mary Ngongang Kameni, Eric Berenger Tchoupe, Severin Donald Kamdem, Nikhil Bhalla, Jean Paul Assam Assam, Arnaud Njuiget Tepa, et al. (+5)
43 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Respiratory Research Head-to-head comparison of anterior nares and nasopharyngeal swabs for SARS-CoV-2 antigen detection in a community drive-through test centre in the UK Rachel L Byrne, Ghaith Aljayyoussi, Konstantina Kontogianni, Karina Clerkin, Mathew McIntyre, Jahanara Wardale, et al. (+6)
44 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  MDPI AG Molecules Antiviral Activity of Halogenated Compounds Derived from L-Tyrosine Against SARS-CoV-2 Paula A. Velásquez-Bedoya, María I. Zapata-Cardona, Laura M. Monsalve-Escudero, Jaime A. Pereañez, Diego Guerra-Arias, Manuel Pastrana-Restrepo, et al. (+2)
45 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Coordinacion de Publicaciones de la Escuela Superior de Economia PANORAMA ECONÓMICO Credibilidad, ley de Benford y la política pública del SARS-CoV-2 Benjamín Oliva Vázquez, Javier Galán Figueroa, María del Rosario Coronel de Lucio
46 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Western Journal of Emergency Medicine Western Journal of Emergency Medicine Characteristics of Alcohol-based Hand Sanitizer Ingestions in Florida Before and During the Coronavirus-2019 Pandemic Justin Arnold, Amira Athanasios, Diep Nguyen, Rahul Mhaskar
47 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Media Sphere Publishing Group Zhurnal nevrologii i psikhiatrii im S S Korsakova Coronavirus infection as a risk factor in occlusive-stenotic lesions of the brachiocephalic arteries A.L. Lushchik, E.A. Kalaeva, V.N. Kalaev, N.G. Zhukova, O.V. Bragina, I.A. Firsova
48 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  FSPSI SCFHHRP Acta Biomedica Scientifica (East Siberian Biomedical Journal) Assessment of the inflammatory response in convalescents of a new coronavirus infection in the catamnesis T. G. Lobova, T. I. Vitkina
49 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Hindawi Limited Transboundary and Emerging Diseases Emergence of Canine Parvovirus Type 2a and Canine Enteric Coronavirus in Diarrheal Outbreaks Among Farmed Raccoon Dogs in China Rongguang Lu, Haixu Cao, Wei Yang, Jianhai Fu, Tingli Qian, Chengqi Zhang, et al. (+10)
50 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Diabetes Investigation Analysis of the Japanese gestational diabetes mellitus diagnostic strategy during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic using DREAMBee study data Yoshifumi Kasuga, Kei Miyakoshi, Maki Yokoyama, Noriyuki Iwama, Raishi Ichikawa, Hiroshi Yamashita, et al. (+15)
51 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Masaryk University Press Pedagogická orientace Distanční vzdělávání v náhradní rodině během pandemie COVID-19: Zkušenosti, výzvy a spolupráce s učiteli z perspektivy poručníků Barbora Plisková
52 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  JMIR Publications Inc. Journal of Medical Internet Research Acceptability and Effectiveness of a Fully Web-Based Nutrition and Exercise Program for Individuals With Chronic Disease During COVID-19: Randomized Controlled Trial Puneeta Tandon, Kathleen P Ismond, Graeme Purdy, Christofer Cruz, Evelyn Etruw, Kirsten Suderman, et al. (+10)
53 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Covid-19: Inquiry hears of doctors’ lack of confidence in PPE as ministers defend VIP lane Jacqui Wise
54 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  American Accounting Association The ATA Journal of Legal Tax Research Tax-Exempt Organizations See Substantial Increase in Automatic Revocations Due to Covid-19: IRS Missed Opportunities to Support Tax-Exempt Organization William A. Bailey, Brian D. Webb
55 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases Modulation of RAAS receptors and miRNAs in COVID-19: implications for disease severity, immune response, and potential therapeutic targets Thais Freitas Barreto Fernandes, Jose Henrique Pilotto, Priscila Alves Cezar, Fernanda Heloise Côrtes, Mariza G. Morgado, Carmem Beatriz W. Giacoia-Gripp, et al. (+9)
56 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Social Science Electronic Publishing SSRN Electronic Journal Comment on "Food Insecurity and Mental Health of Women During Covid-19: Evidence from a Developing Country" by Rahman Et Al Lenka Fiala, Anders Kjelsrud, Essi Kujansuu, Abel Brodeur
57 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Nursing Nurses’ and midwives’ job satisfaction and retention during COVID-19: a scoping review Laura Hynes, Sadie Geraghty, Sheena McChlery, Aisling Smyth, Reeti Brar, Karen Clark-Burg
58 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  MDPI AG Viruses Predictors of Unfavorable Outcomes in COVID-19-Related Sepsis: A Prospective Cohort Study Diana-Maria Mateescu, Ioana Cotet, Cristina Guse, Catalin Prodan-Barbulescu, Norberth-Istvan Varga, Stela Iurciuc, et al. (+3)
59 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  SAGE Publications Australasian Psychiatry Comment on “Online interest in ADHD predicts ADHD medication prescriptions in Australia from 2004 to 2023: A time-series analysis revealing COVID-19-related acceleration” Hinpetch Daungsupawong, Viroj Wiwanitkit
60 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Pediatric Research COVID-19’s causal impact on child abuse and socioeconomic status: a Bayesian time series study Foad Kazemi, Jiaqi Liu, Isam W. Nasr, Charbel Chidiac, Shenandoah Robinson, Alan R. Cohen
61 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Consortium Erudit Nouvelles perspectives en sciences sociales Renouveler la recherche qualitative par les méthodes sensibles et les médias du co-design pendant la Covid-19","Pandemic-Responsive Qualitative Research: Integrating Sensitive Methods and Co-Design Media Marie-Julie Catoir-Brisson
62 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  International Journal of Science and Research International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) COVID-19 Virus: A Comprehensive Analysis of Its Pathophysiology, Effects, and Management Techniques Raksha Lalotra
63 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  MDPI AG Mathematics Correction: Alabrah et al. Gulf Countries’ Citizens’ Acceptance of COVID-19 Vaccines-A Machine Learning Approach. Mathematics 2022, 10, 467 Amerah Alabrah, Husam M. Alawadh, Ofonime Dominic Okon, Talha Meraj, Hafiz Tayyab Rauf
64 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  LookUs Bilisim A.S. Turkish Bulletin of Hygiene and Experimental Biology COVID-19 vaccine literacy in Çankırı province Ayşe AKYURT, Sinan BULUT, Oğuzhan AYKURT
65 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) The Egyptian Journal of Neurology Psychiatry and Neurosurgery COVID-19 vaccine impact on seizure control in patients with epilepsy: insights from Saudi Arabia Ziyad Althani, Sirin Almulhim, Shaikhah Al-Dossary, Asma Alruwaili, Shahid Bashir
66 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Narra T Narra J Seroepidemiological investigation of SARS-CoV-2 infection and risk factors in Indonesia before mass COVID-19 vaccination Tri YM. Wahyono, Renti Mahkota, Fajaria Nurcandra, Ansariadi Ansariadi, Atik C. Hidajah, Helda Helda, et al. (+3)
67 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Epidemiology and Infection Quantifying the direct and indirect components of COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness during the Delta variant era Anna Suomenrinne-Nordvik, Tuija Leino, Mikhail Shubin, Kari Auranen, Simopekka Vänskä
68 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Newinera Publisher Journal La Medihealtico Relationships between Clinical Outcomes of Coronary Heart Disease of Covid-19 Vaccinated Patients with Hypertension Lia Susika, Diana Laila Ramatillah, Mohamad Elnaem
69 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  MDPI AG COVID “Black People Listen to Black People”: Strategies to Improve COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence Among Black People Living in Canada Aisha Giwa, Delores V. Mullings, Andre M. N. Renazho, Oluwabukola Salami
70 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine Sociodemographic differences in parental hesitancy to the COVID-19 vaccine Courtney K. Blackwell, Traci Bekelman, Shivani Bakre, Lisa P. Jacobson, Nissa R. Towe-Goodman, Johnnye Lewis, et al. (+4)
71 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Digital Health The role of social media messages and content creators in shaping COVID-19 vaccination intentions Xiaofeng Jia, Soyeon Ahn, Susan E. Morgan
72 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making COVID-19 vaccination and test management for healthcare workers-development, implementation and feasibility of a custom human resources information platform at a university hospital Matthias Bonigut, Ana Zhelyazkova, Mathias Weber, Stefanie Geiser-Metz, Markus Geis, Bernhard Heindl, Stephan Prückner
73 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus A Series of Glomerular Diseases That Developed After COVID-19 Vaccination Yukako Umezawa, Hitoshi Suzuki, Hitomi Hirose, Hisatsugu Takahara, Shigeki Tomita, Yusuke Suzuki
74 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  SAGE Publications Perfusion Level of sedation in patients with COVID-19 supported with ECMO: Comment Hinpetch Daungsupawong, Viroj Wiwanitkit
76 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Health Services Research Functionality and performance of COVID-19 taskforces in response to the pandemic in Uganda David Musoke, Micheal Jonga, Gloria Kisakye Ndagire, Benon Musasizi, Amanuel Gidebo, Asrat Tolossa, et al. (+3)
77 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Applied Economics Letters COVID-19, perception of legal compliance, and the rule of law: an analysis using Korea’s regional data Joonkyung Ha, Donghun Joo
78 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  MDPI AG Life Physical Activity and Mental Health After COVID-19 Recovery: Age and Sex Differences Miloš Stamenković, Saša Pantelić, Saša Bubanj, Emilija Petković, Bojan Bjelica, Nikola Aksović, et al. (+6)
79 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  JCDR Research and Publications JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND DIAGNOSTIC RESEARCH Association of Clinicodemographic Factors and Vaccination Status with COVID-19 Positivity in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Southern India: A Cross-sectional Study Soumya Kaup, Soujanya Kaup, Srinivas Roopashree
80 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases Efficacy of monocyte distribution width in predicting critical illness in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia: a retrospective cohort study Chia-Hung Lai, Chun-Hung Chen, Yen-Wei Chiu, Fen-Wei Huang, Shih-Yun Wu, Hong-Mo Shih, PO-Ren Hsueh
81 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Universitas Serambi Mekkah JURNAL SERAMBI ILMU Implementing Discipline in the Covid-19 Period in Improving Student Achievement Amirzan
82 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology Investigating the relationship between cycle threshold of SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR, clinical features, and laboratory data in hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Semnan, Iran Mohammad Hassan Kalantar Neyestanaki, Omid Gholizadeh, Saman Yasamineh, Mahdieh Tarahomi, Pegah Pooya, Majid Eslami, et al. (+2)
83 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Malaysian Journal of Microbiology Malaysian Journal of Microbiology Assessment of D-dimer level and C-reactive protein in correlation with CT findings in positive PCR- COVID-19 patients Omran, T.
84 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Alfmed LLC Medical alphabet Research of the interrelationships of anemia markers and cytokines in COVID-19 patients and their clinical informative value S. P. Kazakov, M. A. Marchenkova, E. V. Kryukov, V. T. Sakhin, O. A. Rukavitsyn, S. B. Putkov, et al. (+2)
85 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Wiley Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy Psychopathological Symptoms of Individuals Recently Bereaved During COVID-19 Pandemic: Symptom Profiles, Predictive Factors and Correlations With Insomnia Wenli Qian, Tong Xie, Renzhihui Tang, Xin Xu, Keyuan Jiao, Xinyan Zou, Jianping Wang
86 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Psychology Mothers’ psychological distress during COVID-19 pandemics: three-waves longitudinal study Fitri Ariyanti Abidin, Laila Qodariah, Vidya Anindhita, Fitriani Yustikasari Lubis, Zahrah Aulianissa Manindjo, Fredrick Dermawan Purba
87 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  LookUs Bilisim A.S. Turkish Bulletin of Hygiene and Experimental Biology Is wastewater surveillance an appropriate method for monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic? Tülin ÇOBAN, Cavit Işık YAVUZ
88 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty Cost Analysis of Labor Loss in The COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of Düzce Tarık Gedik, Harun Görgün, Muhammet Çil
89 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Hospital-based specialist palliative care involvement before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: secondary analysis of a regional retrospective decedent cohort study in Ottawa, Canada Peter Lawlor, Valérie Gratton, Leila Cohen, Samantha Rose Adeli, Ella Besserer, Rebekah Murphy, et al. (+22)
90 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  The Korean Operations and Management Science Society Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society Analysis of Structural Income Mobility in Korea Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Markov Chain Approach Wonjae Lee, Bongkyoo Yoon
91 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances Health outcomes attributed to inhalation of microplastic released from mask during COVID-19 pandemic: A Systematic Review Abbas Shahsavani, Hasan Pasalari, Majid Kermani, Mahbubeh Tangestani, Fatemeh Ahmadi
92 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Scholars Middle East Publishers Middle East Research Journal of Dentistry Dental Visits and Dental Treatment Patterns among Preschool Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Retrospective Study Rawan Aldeijani, Waleed Aldeeweli, Mohammad Almehateb, Cynthia Kar Yung Yiu, Hai Ming Wong, Ni Zhou
93 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Mental Health in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Scoping Review of Collateral Effects on Common Mental Disorders (CMDs) Anna Maria Höhn, Leonie Ascone, Luzie Lohse, Dimitrij Kugler, Martin Lambert, Natalia Wege, et al. (+5)
94 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Editora Unijui Revista Contexto & Saúde Manejo de transtornos de ansiedade e depressão por universitários durante a pandemia da covid-19: Um estudo transversal","Management of anxiety and depression disorders by university students during the covid-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study Bruna Silva, Bruna Lopes Antonucci, Sthefany Brito Salomão, Yohan Mazzini, Walleri Reis, Genival Santos-Junior, et al. (+3)
95 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Changes in health behaviour of medical students during and after the COVID-19 pandemic-focus on physical activity, screen time, sleep duration, unhealthy foods, alcohol, and tobacco Lukas Liebig, Willy Gräfe, Hendrik Berth, Béla Birkás, Nora Faubl, Erika Zelko, et al. (+2)
96 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Universitas Serambi Mekkah JURNAL SERAMBI ILMU The Effect of UMKM Growth in the Covid-19 Pandemic Period on Banda Aceh City's Economic Growth Khairuna
97 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  SAGE Publications SAGE Open Comparing Online Shopping Behaviour Between the Pre-COVID-19 Pandemic and COVID-19 Pandemic Period in Türkiye Ahmet Kamil Kabakuş, Şeyda Ünver, Ülke Hilal Çelik, Ömer Alkan
98 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Readability and complexity of written information presented to hospitalised patients for trial consent during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK: a retrospective document analysis Ewan Gourlay, Tim Felton, Mona Bafadhel, Christopher E Brightling, Jane C Davies, Rachael A Evans, et al. (+9)
99 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Universitas Serambi Mekkah JURNAL SERAMBI ILMU The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Students’ Sedentary Behavior in Indonesia Syiva Fitria
100 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Research on Adolescence The worldwide impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on adolescents' experiences with family, peers, school, and civic engagement Susan Branje, Suman Verma, Jennifer E. Lansford, Eden Terol
101 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Palacky University Olomouc Diskuze v psychologii The impact of the covid-19 pandemic on anorexia and bulimia nervosa in women aged 18-26 - pilot study Ema Marcela Barinová, Ondrej Gergely
102 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  American Psychological Association Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science Supplemental Material for Trajectories of Mothers’ Perinatal Depressive Symptoms During COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdowns: The Protective Role of Romantic Relationship Quality
103 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Corvinus University of Budapest Corvinus Journal of Sociology and Social Policy Supporting Informal Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Vietnam: A Lesson Learned Linh Phuong Dinh
105 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  American Psychological Association Rural Mental Health Supplemental Material for Mental Health Care Quality Across the COVID-19 Pandemic in Rural Versus Urban Patients
106 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Inno Science Press International Journal of Population Studies Older adults, gender, and emotions: Fear during the COVID-19 pandemic in Buenos Aires City, Argentina Graciela Dinardi, Ignacio Llovet, María Obdulia Gonzalez Fernandez
107 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Journal of Financial Crime Detecting financial statement fraud using new ensemble learning: evidence during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia Moh. Riskiyadi
108 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  University of Cape Coast Drumspeak International Journal of Research in the Humanities Presidential addresses during the period of the Covid-19 pandemic in Ghana: A rhetorical analysis of President Nana Akufo-addo’s speeches Kweku Rockson
109 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  AME Publishing Company mHealth Variation in subsequent viral load testing and outcomes by visit type patterns in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic at a large academic medical center in North Carolina Valerie Yelverton, Jan Ostermann, Michael E. Yarrington, Yuliya V. Lokhnygina, Andrew K. Weinhold, Nathan M. Thielman
110 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Universitas Andalas AMAR (Andalas Management Review) Donation-Based Crowdfunding During Covid-19 Pandemic Yuni Nustini, Tiyas Kurnia Sari
111 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Archives of Public Health Short-term acute outcomes by clinical and socioeconomic characteristics in adults with SARS-CoV-2: a population-based cohort study focused on the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic Alice Corsaro, Federico Banchelli, Rossella Buttazzi, Enrico Ricchizzi, Carlo Gagliotti, Elisa Fabbri, et al. (+6)
112 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Wiley Nursing Open Experiences of Communication and Working During the Covid-19 Pandemic Among Nursing Home Staff: A Qualitative Interview Study Elisabet Eriksson, Katarina Hjelm
114 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia Salud Ciencia y Tecnología Posttraumatic stress symptoms and posttraumatic growth in Chilean children and adolescents during the COVID-19 Pandemic Mariela Andrades, Felipe E. García, Ryan P. Kilmer, Diego Arancibia, Cibelle Lucero, Fabián Nichel
115 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Intensive Care Medicine The Cleveland Clinic Post-ICU Recovery Clinic: Early Experience During the COVID-19 Pandemic Kavya Kommaraju, Heather Torbic, Joshua Veith, Xiaofeng Wang, Michelle Biehl
116 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Universitas Serambi Mekkah JURNAL SERAMBI ILMU High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) Of Ibtidaiyah Madrasah Teacher Education Program (PGMI) Study Program Students During The Covid-19 Pandemic Siti Sarah
117 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  SAGE Publications Work Effects of environmental factors on university teachers’ performance from Latin America during the COVID-19 pandemic Arturo Realyvásquez Vargas, Jorge Luis García Alcaraz, Bogart Yail Márquez Lobato, Alfonso Jesús Gil López, José Roberto Díaz Reza
118 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Human Resource Management Academic Research Society International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting Finance and Management Sciences Government Policy Responses and Stock Liquidity: COVID-19 Pandemic Yee Ee Chia, Mohd Ashari Bakri, Eva Nur
119 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Social and Personal Relationships Korean parents’ intergenerational solidarity with adult children and their psychological outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic Woosang Hwang, Joohong Min, Maria T. Brown, Merril Silverstein
120 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Clinical Medicine Lessons Learned from Reconstructing Severe Hand Injuries During the COVID-19 Pandemic Christina Glisic, Tonatiuh Flores, Erol Konul, Hugo Sabitzer, Giovanni Bartellas, Alexander Rohrbacher, et al. (+6)
121 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  MDPI AG Sustainability The Impact of Exogenous Shocks on the Sustainability of Supply Chain Relationships: Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic Shengmei Chen, Gui Ren
122 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  American Medical Association JAMA Pediatrics Age-Specific Trends in Pediatric and Adult Firearm Homicide After the Onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic Jonathan Jay, Patrece L. Joseph, Jason E. Goldstick
123 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Hipatia Press Journal of Research in Mathematics Education Students’ Motivation, Learning Strategies, and Math Performance in the Modular Distance Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic Eldee R. Balolong, Melissa R. Gerzon, Stephen J. Manilag, Emerson D. Peteros, Jonathan O. Etcuban
124 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Nepal Journals Online Education Quarterly Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Masters Level Students on the COVID-19 Pandemic Rajan Binayek Pasa, Khanal Prasad Khanal, Bishnu Bahadur Khatri, Devendra Adhikari, Suman Kharel, Mohan Kumar Sharma, Edwin R. Van Teijlingen
125 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Extubation in the operating room after elective on-pump CABG surgery: impact on patient outcome and clinical practice during the COVID-19 pandemic Anna Fischbach, Julia Alexandra Simons, Steffen Bernhard Wiegand, Celiné Lang, Rüdger Kopp, Gernot Marx, et al. (+4)
126 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Universitas Serambi Mekkah JURNAL SERAMBI ILMU Model Concept Attainment To Enriching Students’ Vocabulay Mastery By Using Integrated Reading Book As A Leraning Media During The Covid-19 Pandemi Wawat Srinawati
127 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember STOMATOGNATIC - Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Perkembangan Penyakit Periodontal Pasca Dua Tahun Pandemi COVID-19 pada Pasien Dengan Diagnosis Penyakit Periodontal di RSGM UMY Fitri Yuniawati, Sekar Hasna Khairunnisa, Chantika Azzahra Anindita
128 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Japanese Society of Environmental Infections Japanese Journal of Infection Prevention and Control Draft Guidelines for Ventilation to Control Aerosol Infection Based on COVID-19 Outbreaks in Hospitals in Japan","病院のCOVID-19集団感染を踏まえた換気ガイドライン案 Motoya HAYASHI
129 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta Riset Akuntansi dan Keuangan Indonesia Factors Affecting Corporate’s Coping Strategy Choice During The Covid-19 Outbreak: Case of Indonesia Suhita Whini Setyahuni, Agus Triyani
130 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Japanese Society of Environmental Infections Japanese Journal of Infection Prevention and Control Experience with HEPA-filtered Air Purifiers during the COVID-19 Outbreak","COVID-19流行下における一般病棟での空気清浄機の使用経験 Haruka IMAI, Shiro ENDO, Yukiko HORIUCHI, Makiko YOSHIDA, Mitsuo KAKU
131 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Author Correction: The impact of the initial COVID-19 outbreak on young adults’ mental health: a longitudinal study of risk and resilience factors Anna Wiedemann, Jan Stochl, Sharon A. S. Neufeld, Jessica Fritz, Junaid Bhatti, Roxanne W. Hook, et al. (+54)
132 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Sciencedomain International Journal of Scientific Research and Reports Frontline Fatigue: The Psychological Impact of COVID-19 on Uttar Pradesh’s Healthcare Workers in India Km. Bachana, Shishir Kala, Neha Sanwal, Madan Lal, Sudhanand Prasad Lal
133 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  MDPI AG Tourism and Hospitality Impact of Altered Holiday Plans Due to COVID-19 on Tourist Satisfaction: Evidence from Costa Daurada Indrajeet Mallick, Daniel Miravet, Aaron Gutiérrez
134 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Financial hardship and psychological distress during and after COVID-19 lockdowns in Victoria, Australia: a secondary data analysis of four repeated state-wide surveys Thach Tran, Andrew Joyce, Hau Nguyen, Jane Fisher
135 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Surgery Effect of mild-to-moderate COVID-19 on the incidence and risk factors for deep vein thrombosis in patients with hip fracture: a retrospective study Haoran Li, Jian Xing, Zhe Song, Zhiqiang Fan, Hongquan Wen, Shaobo Liang, et al. (+6)
136 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Elsevier Laboratory Investigation 1469 Impact of COVID-19 on T-cell Mediated Rejection in Liver Transplant Recipients: A Case Series Jasmine Wang, Deepti Reddi, Jason Siu, Lakshmisree Vemulakonda, Kareem Hosny, Annie Samraj, et al. (+2)
137 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness The Effect of COVID-19 on Quality of Life: A Community-Based Study in Türkiye Selman Kızılkaya, Perihan Şenel Tekin
138 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Indospace Publications INTERANTIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT Impact of COVID-19 on Supply Chain: A Comprehensive Analysis Deepika Nathany
139 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Wiley ANZ Journal of Surgery Impact of COVID-19 on elective general surgery cancellations and emergency presentations Kai Yun Jodene Tay, Evangeline Woodford, Jingyi Cao
140 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Medical Research Reports Medical Research Reports The Relationship Between Blood Eosinophil Levels and COVID-19 Mortality Gökben Yaslı, Gülper Şener, Ebru Turhan
141 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Universidad La Salle, Mexico Memorias del Concurso Lasallista de Investigación Desarrollo e innovación Sistema auxiliar para el diagnóstico de COVID-19 mediante el análisis de imágenes de CR torácica basado en Deep Learning Ian Perrilliat-García, Marco Antonio Gámez-Guerrero, Sandra Luz Rocha-Nava
142 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  MDPI AG Trauma Care Identifying the Patterns of Orthopaedic Trauma During the Victorian COVID-19 Lockdowns: An Interrupted Time Series Study Lucas R. Neumaier, Joanna F. Dipnall, Susan Liew, Belinda J. Gabbe
143 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Elsevier International Immunopharmacology Rapid detection of systemic and mucosal antibody responses to COVID-19 infection or vaccination Valentina A. Schmidt, Victoria R. Stevens, Mark Rivieccio, Alina Sikar-Gang, Kathleen Simonetti, Dhammika Gunasekera, et al. (+2)
144 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  SAGE Publications Child Maltreatment Changing Profiles of Youth Referred for Commercial Sexual Exploitation before and since the Onset of COVID-19 in the United States Matthew Kafafian, Ieke de Vries, Amy Farrell, Christen Asiedu, Elizabeth Bouchard
145 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Elsevier Enfermería Intensiva Nursing diagnoses for patients hospitalized with COVID-19 in critical care units in Brazil: A cross-sectional study Giovanna Maria de Lima-Medeiros, Caio Rodrigo Menezes-dos-Santos, Thiago de Jesus-Santos, Edilza Fraga-Santos, Andreia Centenaro-Vaez, Fernanda Gomes de Magalhães Soares-Pinheiro, Damião da Conceição-Araújo
146 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Scientific Research Publishing, Inc. Modern Economy An Established Knowledge-Based Economy: The Key Strategy to Facilitating Economic Recovery and Growth Post Covid-19 in Botswana Kelebogile Kenalemang, Kellello Stephens
147 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan Przegląd Politologiczny Lessons for Implementing Human Rights from Covid-19 How the Pandemic has Changed the World, vol. 1, eds. Jedrzej Skrzypczak, Oscar Pérez de la Fuente, Tylor & Francis, New York 2024, pp. 200.","Lessons for Implementing Human Rights from Covid-19 How the Pandemic has Changed the World, vol. 1, eds. Jedrzej Skrzypczak, Oscar Pérez de la Fuente Juan Pablo Carbajal-Camberos
149 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Auctores Publishing LLC Journal of Surgical Case Reports and Images Structural Equation Modeling of Commitment in The Covid-19 Era Cruz García Lirios
150 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  University of Alberta Libraries Critical Gambling Studies Gambling in an Australian First Nations Community in the COVID-19 Era Sarah MacLean, Anastasia Kanjere, Tiffany Griffin, Jai Portelli, Gabriel Caluzzi, Michael Savic, Amy Pennay
151 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Medicine Designing novel “Smell-Aids” to improve olfactory function in post COVID-19 era Veronica L. Formanek, Barak M. Spector, Gabriela Zappitelli, Zhenxing Wu, Kai Zhao
152 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Red de Investigadores Latinoamericanos LATAM Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades “Se hizo lo que se pudo”: experiencias de vinculación emocional de parejas no cohabitantes durante el confinamiento por Covid-19 en la Ciudad de México Natalia Tenorio Tovar
153 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Irish Journal of Medical Science (1971 -) The effect of COVID-19 during pregnancy on postpartum depression and mother-infant attachment Canan Satır Özel, Reyhan Ayaz Bilir, Evrim Şenkal, Tahsin Gökhan Telatar, Abdulkadir Turgut
154 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  MDPI AG Life Variability in Arterial Stiffness and Vascular Endothelial Function After COVID-19 During 1.5 Years of Follow-Up-Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Danuta Loboda, Krzysztof S. Golba, Piotr Gurowiec, Aelita Bredelytė, Artūras Razbadauskas, Beata Sarecka-Hujar
155 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  GSC Online Press World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences Healthcare Cloud Computing-Based Intelligent COVID-19 Detection System with Iot integration using deep learning Durga Praveen Deevi
156 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  MDPI AG Applied Microbiology Advancing COVID-19 Detection in a University Environment: Comprehensive Validation and Longitudinal Analysis of High-Throughput Breathalyzer Technology Khemraj Hirani, Joana R. N. Lemos, Maritza Suarez, Rahul Mittal, Jannet Yern, Giselle Wicks, et al. (+6)
157 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Bontang Journal of Power Electric and Renewable Energy SISTEM PENDETEKSI DINI PENULARAN VIRUS COVID-19 BERBASIS ESP 32 Zizin Kinanti, Hendra Ari Winarno
158 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Cambridge University Press British Journal of Political Science International Border Restrictions During COVID-19 as Global Health Security Theatre Catherine Z. Worsnop
159 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care A longitudinal study depicting persistence of COVID-19 antibodies after half a year using chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay among healthcare workers and frontline workers in Mumbai, India’s largest metropoli Rujuta S. Hadaye, Sachee Agrawal, Mangala Gomare, Daksha Shah, Abhiram Kasbe, Jayanthi Shastri, et al. (+4)
160 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Auctores Publishing LLC Journal of Surgical Case Reports and Images Management of Acute COVID-19 and Multi-system Organ Failure in a Post-operative Esophagogastrectomy Patient Aryan Meknat
161 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Korean Society of Infectious Diseases and Korean Society for Chemotherapy (KAMJE) Infection and Chemotherapy Understanding and Addressing Long COVID, the Lingering Shadow of COVID-19 Jung Wan Park
162 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Newinera Publisher Journal La Medihealtico Relationship between Hemodialysis Duration, Hemoglobin, and Creatinine of Hemodialysis Erythropoietin Vaccinated Patients with Covid-19 Diana Laila Ramatillah, Syed Azhar Syed Sulaiman
163 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Journal of Cannabis Research Sleep, psychological symptoms, and cannabis use before, during, and after COVID-19 “stay-at-home” orders: a structural equation modeling approach Nicole P. Bowles, Sean P. M. Rice, Joey Hebl, Alicia V. Stewart, Steven A. Shea
165 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Walter de Gruyter GmbH Multilingua Joulu Kotona (Christmas at home): translocal multilingual practices in a Facebook music livestream during COVID-19 Mariza Georgalou
166 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Yayasan Al'Adzkiya Rantauprapat Al Adzkiya International of Education and Sosial (AIoES) Journal An Analysis of Orientation Metaphor on BBC News about Covid-19
167 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Medknow Publications CHRISMED Journal of Health and Research Association of Inflammatory Markers with the Severity of COVID-19 Shubham Mishra, Vikas Kumar Gupta, Romel Tickoo
168 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Journal of Childrens Infections CHILDREN INFECTIONS Features of acute obstructive laryngitis (croup) in children during COVID-19 V. F. Sukhovetskaya, T. M. Chernova, V. N. Timchenko, T. A. Kaplina, E. V. Barakina, M. D. Subbotina, et al. (+3)
169 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  FSPSI SCFHHRP Acta Biomedica Scientifica (East Siberian Biomedical Journal) Phenotypic composition of umbilical blood monocytes and health status of newborns from mothers with COVID-19 I. A. Andrievskaya, K. S. Lyazgiyan, E. M. Ustinov
170 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Coordinacion de Publicaciones de la Escuela Superior de Economia PANORAMA ECONÓMICO Riesgo de mercado en países asiáticos. Un análisis antes y después de la llegada del COVID-19 Héctor Alonso Olivares Aguayo, Maria de Lourdes Soto Rosales, José Carlos Trejo García
171 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Universidad La Salle, Mexico Memorias del Concurso Lasallista de Investigación Desarrollo e innovación De la ciencia básica a la clínica: experiencias en el reposicionamiento de compuestos bioactivos durante la pandemia por COVID-19 Marco Antonio Loza Mejía, Valente Maldonado Ríos, Rodolfo Pinto Almazán, Juan Rodrigo Salazar
172 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Universidad La Salle, Mexico Memorias del Concurso Lasallista de Investigación Desarrollo e innovación Impacto de la transformación digital en la resiliencia que las PyMEs enfrentaron ante la pandemia COVID-19 Juan Martínez Ramírez
173 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Universidad La Salle, Mexico Memorias del Concurso Lasallista de Investigación Desarrollo e innovación Trastornos afectivos y consumo de alcohol en estudiantes de la Facultad Mexicana de Medicina, durante el periodo de confinamiento por COVID-19 Alejandro Daniel Domínguez-González, Ricardo Secín-Diep, Gilberto Guzmán Valdivia-Gómez, Sebastián Ángeles Téllez, María Isabel Manjarrez-Ángeles
174 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  Universidad La Salle, Mexico Memorias del Concurso Lasallista de Investigación Desarrollo e innovación Protocolo de prevención y actuación para instituciones educativas de nivel primaria de la Ciudad de México, ante la emergencia sanitaria COVID-19 Alma Rosa Hernández-Mondragón, Rosario Ayala Moreno, Esther Vargas-Medina, Blanca Alicia Romero-Martín, Arely Vergara-Castañeda, Pablo Hernández-Vignon, et al. (+5)
175 2025―Mar―24  [GO]  MDPI AG Life Executive Functions, Anxiety, Social Participation and Quality of Life in Children with Migraine During COVID-19 Jacob Genizi, Hila Samet, Hussein Zaitoon, Uriel Elimelech, Nogah C. Kerem, Aharon Kessel, et al. (+3)
176 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  East African Health Research Commission East African Health Research Journal Sustaining Functionality of Not-for-Profit Health Organisations During Pandemics: Lessons and COVID 19 Experience from Makerere University Walter Reed Project Jude Thaddeus Ssensamba, Brenda Atwijuka, Stephanie Nakimuli, Brenda Kyohangirwe, Gladys Atim, Ezra Musingye, et al. (+7)
177 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  East African Health Research Commission East African Health Research Journal Psychological and Occupational Factors Associated with Depression Among Healthcare Providers During the COVID - 19 Pandemic in A Regional Referral Hospital in Kisumu County Jared Makori Bundi, Moses Poipoi, Everlyne Nyanchera Morema
178 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Wiley European Journal of Neurology Neurological long COVID in the outpatient clinic: Is it so long? Stefano Giuseppe Grisanti, Sara Garbarino, Margherita Bellucci, Cristina Schenone, Valentina Candiani, Simmaco Di Lillo, et al. (+13)
179 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings Cognitive Impairments in Two Samples of Individuals with ME/CFS and Long COVID: A Comparative Analysis Zoe Sirotiak, Jenna L. Adamowicz, Emily B. K. Thomas
180 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  GSC Online Press International Journal of Science and Research Archive The Impact of COVID 19 pandemics and Online Learning on Medical Students’ Academic Achievement Husam Ghazi Al-Anbari
181 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  East African Health Research Commission East African Health Research Journal Antibody Responses to SARS-CoV-2 among Health Care Workers in North-Eastern Tanzania Jaffu Chilongola, Felix Anthony, Pendo Ibrahim, Happiness Mshana, Never Zekeya, Hadija Semvua
182 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  TAF Publishing Journal of administrative and business studies Survival strategies of the hotel industry from the pandemic to a new normal: From dynamic capabilities to 6S sub-constructs Hsuan-Pei Ho
183 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Elsevier Global Epidemiology Estimating risk of acquiring SARS-COV2 infection in treatment-experienced PLWH: A case-control study Pierluigi Francesco Salvo, Valentina Iannone, Francesca Lombardi, Arturo Ciccullo, Francesco Lamanna, Rosa Anna Passerotto, et al. (+6)
184 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  FGI Federal Centre for Animal Health (FGI ARRIA) Veterinary Science Today Preparation of recombinant SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein A. S. Yakovleva, A. V. Kanshina, A. M. Timina
185 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Wiley ChemistrySelect Virtual Screening and Molecular Simulation Uncover Potent Traditional Chinese Medicine Small Molecules Against SARS-CoV-2 Mpro Di Han, Hongkun Yang, Yunlong Gao, Yiwei Xue, Fengxiang Liu, Meiting Wang, et al. (+3)
186 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Wiley Drug Development Research Novel Benzosuberone/Indanone-Linked Thiazoles as Small-Molecule SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease Inhibitors Thoraya A. Farghaly, Elham N. Bifari, Mariam A. Al-sheikh, Afaf Y. Khormi, Hanadi Y. Medrasi, Jihan Qurban, Hanan Gaber Abdulwahab
187 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports A bioinformatics approach combined with experimental validation analyzes the efficacy of azithromycin in treating SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with IPF and COPD These authors contributed equally: Yining Xie, Guangshu Chen, and Weiling Wu Yining Xie, Guangshu Chen, Weiling Wu, Xueman Wen, Meizheng Lai, Li Che, Jianmin Ran
189 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology COVID-19: India’s Economic Crunch and Proposed Advanced Technological Measures to Restrain Future Infections Vineeta Singh, Shashi Prakash Gupta, Sujoy Kumar Samanta
190 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Hashemite University Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences Kinetics Profile of Hybridoma Clones SB4 and RD8 Producing Monoclonal Antibodies Against The Spike Protein Of SARS-Cov-2 In Low-Serum Medium
191 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Elsevier Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal In Silico and In Vitro Development of novel small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 Noha Samir Taibe, Sara H. Mahmoud, Maimona A. Kord, Mohamed Ahmed Badawy, Mahmoud Shehata, Mahmoud Elhefnawi
192 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Hindawi Limited Indoor Air Efficacy of Flow-Through Air Purification Device in Removing Aerosolized SARS-CoV-2 C. K. Law, Joseph H. K. Lai, Roger G. N. Sze-To, R. S. Tuttle, K. Solocinski, J. E. Wilkinson, et al. (+4)
193 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Universitas Sumatera Utara SCRIPTA SCORE Scientific Medical Journal A Review: How Metformin Improves the Prognosis for Coronavirus Disease-19 Patients with Hypertension? Muhammad Mufaiduddin, Vito Etenio Ade Laryan, Saekhol Bakri
194 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  FGI Federal Centre for Animal Health (FGI ARRIA) Veterinary Science Today Role of rotavirus, coronavirus and Escherichia coli in disease etiology in young cattle (review) I. A. Kruglov, A. V. Kononov, A. A. Nesterov, S. V. Kononova, O. V. Pruntova
195 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Wiley Clinical and Translational Allergy Eosinophils and COVID-19: Insights into immune complexity and vaccine safety Wided Sahli, Joana Vitte, Benoit Desnues
196 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Communicable Diseases Intensive Care Association Infusion & Chemotherapy Endothelial protection in patients with coronary heart disease in combination with COVID-19: aspects of the different therapeutic strategies O.B. Dynnyk, S.Ye. Mostovyi, N.M. Bobok, V.Ye. Medvediev
197 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Ess and Ess Research Publications International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Science Engineering and Technology The Impact of AI in COVID-19: AI-Powered Diagnostics, Epidemiology Mohit Mittal
198 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology The impact of rurality and hospital proximity on melanoma staging during COVID-19: A retrospective cohort study Ananya Munjal, Bradley Loeffler, Madeline Fitzhugh, Smrithi Mani, Madalyn Walsh, Pavane Gorrepati, et al. (+2)
199 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Elsevier Applied Geography Spatial adaptations in hospitality amid COVID-19: A case study of Xiamen's B&B sector Juan Lin, Han Li, Shuyu Xing, Weiye Xiao
200 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Publicationes Universitatis Miskolciensis, Sectio Juridica et Politica Publicationes Universitatis Miskolcinensis Sectio Juridica et Politica A magyar adópolitika legfontosabb jellemzőinek alakulása a Covid-19-világjárvány előtt és után Éva Erdős, Mónika Czirjákné Kispál
201 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Elsevier Physica A Statistical Mechanics and its Applications Corrigendum to “Effectiveness of vaccination and quarantine policies to curb the spread of COVID-19” [Phys. A: Stat. Mech. App. 637 (2024) 129580] Gyeong Hwan Jang, Sung Jin Kim, Mi Jin Lee, Seung-Woo Son
202 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Medknow Publications Pediatric Respirology and Critical Care Medicine The Latest COVID-19-associated Croup Rate in Children: A Retrospective Cohort Study from the TriNetX US Collaborative Networks Ya-Chun Hu, Pei-Lun Liao, Ko-Huang Lue, Hai-Lun Sun
203 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Discover Public Health On different roles of interpersonal and institutional trust and trust in scientists in shaping COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy Alena Auchynnikava, Nazim Habibov, Yunhong Lyu, Lida Fan
204 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Public Health Dentistry COVID-19 Vaccination in Canadian Dental Schools Isabella Turquete, Sreenath Madathil, Paul J. Allison
205 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology ‘I am not an anti-vaxxer’: Women's Diverging Representations of COVID-19 Vaccination and Pregnancy Shayleigh Walker-Jones, Gail Moloney, Marie Hutchinson
206 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Service Business Serving with masks: a comparative analysis of flight attendants’ emotional labor between normal and COVID-19 times Anna D. Winkler, Nina Pihan, Dieter Zapf, Marcel Kern
207 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine Adverse events among early caregivers' COVID-19 vaccination correlated inversely with intention to vaccinate their children R.D. Goldman, R.J. Hart, J.N. Bone, M. Seiler, P.G. Olson, K. Keitel, et al. (+16)
208 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Elsevier Next Research Development of Saffron-Based Inhibitor Against COVID-19 Spike Protein: A Molecular Dynamics Analysis Kasra Abedi, Zahra Rahmani, Maryam Mahnama
209 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Military Health Influence of military preventive policy for recruit training on COVID-19 seroconversion: the IMPACT-COVID-19 study Michael John Stacey, P Ferentinos, F Koivula, I T Parsons, R M Gifford, D Snape, et al. (+9)
210 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Elite Scientific Forum Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences (PJLSS) Association Between Self-Directed Learning Ability and Academic Performance of Korean Physical Therapy College Students Under Covid-19 Stress: A Cross-Sectional Study Hyo-Lyun Roh
211 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders Predicting COVID-19 progression in hospitalized patients in Kurdistan Province using a multi-state model Shnoo Bayazidi, Ghobad Moradi, Safdar Masoumi, Seyed Amin Setarehdan, Hamid Reza Baradaran
212 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences Evaluation of the relationship between ETCO2 and delta CO2 pressure and the severity of disease in COVID-19 pneumonia Mehmet Emin Altun, Emine Emektar, Şeref Kerem Çorbacıoğlu, Yunsur Çevik
213 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  NIXNIX Journal of Applied Biological Sciences INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECT OF GENDER ON LABORATORY PARAMETERS AND LENGTH OF HOSPITAL STAY IN HOSPITALIZED COVID-19 PATIENTS: A RETROSPECTIVE STUDY Dilek Dülger, Mehmet Demirci, Seda Ekici, Akın Yiğin, Ahmet Zeki Şengil, Burak Güngör, Umit Murat Parpucu
214 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Infection Impact of treatment of COVID-19 with sotrovimab on post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC): an analysis of National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C) data Myriam Drysdale, Rose Chang, Tracy Guo, Mei Sheng Duh, Jennifer Han, Helen Birch, et al. (+6)
215 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Wiley Policy Studies Journal Scientists in power plays: How substantive were scientists' narratives during the COVID-19 pandemic? Jule Ksinsik, Caroline Schlaufer
216 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Wiley British Journal of Social Psychology Measuring associations among British national identification, group norms and social distancing behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic: Testing a Social Identity Model of Behavioural Associations (SIMBA) Emily A. Hughes, Joanne R. Smith
217 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences Experiences of Elderly Living Alone During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Phenomenological Research Ayşegül Ilgaz, Esma Nur Sert, Sebahat Gözüm, Selma Öncel
218 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Elsevier Scientific African Clustering and Spatial Dynamics of Informal Trading in Zimbabwe During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Meshach Ndlovu
219 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Emotional State of School Children Rukiye Çelik, Birgül Erdoğan, Gizem Çakır, Naime Altay, Ebru Kılıçarslan Törüner
220 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Wiley Immunity Inflammation and Disease Psychological and Burnout Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Individuals Bahar Ürün Ünal, Neslihan İyit, Yunus Akdoğan, Burcu Gök Erdoğan, Yüksel Duygu Altıparmak
221 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Elsevier International Dental Journal Long-Term Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Dental Care Delivery in Poland: A Single-Center Retrospective Analysis Kacper Łaganowski, Martyna Ortarzewska, Agata Czajka-Jakubowska, Anna Surdacka, Kacper Nijakowski
222 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Wiley Cancer Medicine An Ecological Analysis of HPV Vaccination in the United States Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic by Age, Sex, and Urbanicity Using Private Insurance Claims Data Milkie Vu, Jingjing Li, Kai Hong, Jennifer W. Kaminski, Bo-Hyun Cho, Yoonjae Kang
223 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Elsevier Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics Plus Relationship between changes in activities to prevent disability due to the COVID-19 pandemic and mental status or life-related functions among community-dwelling older adults Keita Nakagawa, Hungu Jung, Hitoshi Okamura, Tomoyuki Ishii, Shinya Ishii
224 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Cendikia Mulia Mandiri Technical and Vocational Education International Journal (TAVEIJ) Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Implementation of Online Learning at the Beginning of the Covid-19 Pandemic Albertus L. Setyabudhi, Okta Veza
225 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  "Public Organization" Association of Neurologists, Psychiatrists and Narcologists of Ukraine Ukrains kyi Visnyk Psykhonevrolohii FEATURES OF PSYCHOPATHOLOGICAL SYMPTOMS IN INDIVIDUALS EXPERIENCING FORCED SOCIAL ISOLATION DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Olena Venger, Tetiana Ivanitska-Diachun
226 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of American College Health US-based international students’ resilience, well-being, and academic performance during the COVID-19 pandemic Piyawan Charoensap-Kelly, Pavica Sheldon, Zhenzhu Zhang
227 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Elsevier Psychiatry Research Rates of anxiety disorders, mood disorders, and substance use disorders in federally qualified health centers before and during the COVID-19 pandemic Jack Tsai, Laura Witte, Vanessa Schick
228 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Medknow Publications Pediatric Respirology and Critical Care Medicine Trends in Caregiver-Reported Prevalence and Severity of Pediatric Asthma During the COVID-19 Pandemic Supriya Sivadanam, Sasank Sivadanam, Dmitry Tumin
229 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine A rapid human vaccine process development map outlining lessons learnt from ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine during the COVID-19 pandemic Michael James Francis
230 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Hospital Infection The impact of the COVID-19 national health alert on Enterobacteriaceae hospital outbreaks in Chile Cristian Lara, Mauro Orsini, Mónica Pohlenz, Karen Ulloa, Ignacio Castro, Carmen Muñoz-Almagro, Pedro Brotons
231 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Theoretical and Applied Climatology Exploring the influence of human activities and the COVID-19 lockdown on urban air quality in Rajasthan, India Porush Kumar
232 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Wiley Acute Medicine & Surgery Early lymphopenia as a predictor of COVID-19 outcomes: A multicenter cohort study Kazuhiro Okada, Takashi Tagami, Takanobu Otaguro, Mineji Hayakawa, Kazuma Yamakawa, Akira Endo, et al. (+4)
233 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Wiley United European Gastroenterology Journal Long-Term Impact of COVID-19 on Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction: Incidence, Symptom Burden, and Psychological Comorbidities Giovanni Marasco, Keren Hod, Luigi Colecchia, Cesare Cremon, Maria Raffaella Barbaro, Giulia Cacciari, et al. (+62)
234 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  ScopeMed Acta Informatica Medica Sociodemographic and Clinical Factors Associated with COVID-19 Mortality in India: a Retrospective Study Lokesh Parashar, Himanshu Shekhar, Hina Arya, Shankar Vig, Jagdish Prasad, Girish Meshram
235 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Hashemite University Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences COVID-19 Molecular Diagnosis Challenges Faced by Medical Laboratory Specialists in Hospitals of Jordan: A Qualitative Study
236 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Elsevier Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice When COVID-19 meets diabetes: A bibliometric analysis Yingli He, Qingcong Zheng, Zhang Zhifang, Nie Xiaofeng, Wu Shenggen, Mengzhou Xue, et al. (+2)
237 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Akademia Baru Publishing International Journal of Advanced Research in Future Ready Learning and Education Contextual Teaching of Engineering Mathematics to Improve Levels of Accuracy and Confidence in COVID-19 Knowledge Ahmad Salahuddin Mohd Harithuddin, Adi Azriff Basri
238 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Association of Slovenian Dermatovenerologists Acta Dermatovenerologica Alpina Pannonica et Adriatica Kawasaki-like illness following COVID-19 infection in a minor β-thalassemic girl Giusto Trevisan, Serena Bergamo, Serena Bonin
239 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Wiley Clinical Case Reports Dual Burden of MDR-TB and COVID-19 in a Previously Treated Tuberculosis Case: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Dilemmas Gudisa Bereda
240 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Elsevier IDCases Case report: Persistent COVID-19 in a patient with B cell lymphoma refractory to antiviral treatment due to resistance to Remdesivir Luiz Eduardo Ceccon Calil de Assumpção, Bruno Graciano Ponce Romeo, João Carlos de Campos Guerra, Luis Fernando Aranha Camargo, Marcelo Akira Nagaoka, Deyvid Emanuel Amgarten, et al. (+8)
241 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Communicable Diseases Intensive Care Association Infusion & Chemotherapy Dynamics of the epidemiological indicators of tuberculosis in the Republic of Moldova during different periods and during the COVID-19 epidemics E.V. Lesnic, L.D. Todoriko
242 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences Advancements and challenges in CT image segmentation for COVID-19 diagnosis through augmented and virtual Reality: A systematic review and future perspectives Kahina Amara, Oussama Kerdjidj, Mohamed Amine Guerroudji, Nadia Zenati, Naeem Ramzan
243 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Wiley Journal of International Development Role of Digital Transformation in Closing the Financial Inclusion Disparities in West African Economic and Monetary Union and the Covid-19 Effect Koffi Sodokin, Joseph Kokouvi Djafon
244 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Yayasan Bina Lentera Insan Jurnal Lentera - Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Analisis Pelaksanaan Pelayanan Covid-19 di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud Tahun 2021 Apdalah Hermansa Saranaung, Franckie R.R Maramis, Febi K. Kolibu
245 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Learning Environments Research In-person versus virtual: Learning modality selections and movement during COVID-19 and their influence on student learning Ji-Eun Lee, Erin Ottmar, Jenny Yun-Chen Chan, Lauren Decker-Woodrow, Barbara Booker
246 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Elsevier The Journal of the American Dental Association Oral health care use among an insured population after COVID-19 Joseph Dill, Margherita Fontana, Jim Bader, Jeffrey Chaffin, George Eckert
247 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Wiley Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences The Optimal Vaccination Strategy to Control COVID-19 Huaiyu Teng, Toshikazu Kuniya
248 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Discover Social Science and Health Graduation from poverty condition of HAOR (seasonal wetland) people of Bangladesh: simultaneous effects of microcredits, SSNPs, flood and COVID-19 Md Zakir Hossain, Roushni Rafa Majumder
249 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Current Psychology Stigmatizing attitudes toward COVID-19 among various Thai populations Kriengkrai Srithanaviboonchai, Jarunee Siriphan, Pailin Duangmala, Siriporn Nonenoy, Piranun Hongchookiat, Aphakan Klinsukontakul, et al. (+5)
250 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Wiley Psychogeriatrics A neglected geriatric syndrome: assessment of self-neglect in the shadow of COVID-19 Çiğdem Alkaç, Nurdan Şentürk Durmuş, Zeynep Rumeysa Beşışık Yılmaz, Yasin Yıldız, Muhammed Emin Çelenk, Büşra Can, Aslı Tufan
251 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  Cendikia Mulia Mandiri Technical and Vocational Education International Journal (TAVEIJ) Indeks Kos Sara Hidup Pelajar Kolej Komuniti Kuantan selepas Era Pandemik Covid-19 Nor Mohd Syamsi Abd Malek, Noor Rahimi Idiris, Zamrizal Zakaria
252 2025―Mar―23  [GO]  O Publico e o Privado Conexão ComCiência AÇÕES EDUCATIVAS PARA A PREVENÇÃO E COMBATE AO COVID-19 Silara Fonseca, Suzete Rosana De Castro Wiziack
253 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE Access Machine Learning for Long COVID Inference based on the Acute Phase: A Case Study in Healthcare Professionals Caio B. S. Maior, Sandrely P. Da Silva, Isis D. Lins, Ana Lisa Gomes, Márcio J. C. Moura
254 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Elsevier Clinical Microbiology and Infection ORCHESTRA Delphi Consensus: Clinical Management of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in People with HIV Alessandro Tavelli, Alessandra Vergori, Antonella Cingolani, Francesca Bai, Anna Maria Azzini, Gabriel Levy Hara, et al. (+76)
255 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Association pour la Recherche Pharmaceutique et l Enrichissement des Connaissances (ARPEC) Batna Journal of Medical Sciences Improving Quality of Life for Long COVID Patients: The Benefits of Rehabilitation Ayatoulah AMAMRI, Abdelghani MILIANI, Mahmoud DIB, Youcef MELLAL, Ilyes HAFIDI, Sofiane LOUNES
256 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Nature Communications Whole-body visualization of SARS-CoV-2 biodistribution in vivo by immunoPET imaging in non-human primates Alexandra Detrille, Steve Huvelle, Marit J. van Gils, Tatiana Geara, Quentin Pascal, Jonne Snitselaar, et al. (+10)
257 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Elsevier Virology Translational research on pandemic virus infection using nonhuman primate models Hirohito Ishigaki, Yasushi Itoh
258 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Bangladesh Bioethics Society Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics Why A New Ethical Framework Is Needed To Eliminate Disability Discrimination? A New Learning From The Pandemic. Gausul Azam Ranju, Tania Serice
259 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia Bulimia and Obesity Decreasing prevalence or increase in unregistered cases of bulimia nervosa in children and adolescents in Germany? A comparison using representative claims data pre- vs. intra-COVID-19 pandemic Jule Leickert, Stephan Zillmer, Christian J. Bachmann, Annika Vivirito, Dirk Enders, Josephine Pintsch, et al. (+2)
260 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Veterinary Research Dynamic interplay between RNA N6-methyladenosine modification and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus infection Zi-Han Wang, Jing Li, Sai-Ya Ma, Meng-Xuan Liu, Yu-Fei Zhan, Feng Jin, et al. (+8)
261 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Canadian Center of Science and Education International Journal of Biology Ischemic Brain Stroke and SARS-CoV-2/Covid 19 Zelei Cheng
262 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Communications Biology Structural and virological identification of neutralizing antibody footprint provides insights into therapeutic antibody design against SARS-CoV-2 variants Yuki Anraku, Shunsuke Kita, Taishi Onodera, Akihiko Sato, Takashi Tadokoro, Shiori Ito, et al. (+19)
263 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai Journal of Human and Education (JAHE) Pengalaman Tenaga Kesehatan Dalam Memberikan Layanan Voluntary, Counselling, And Testing (VCT) Pada Masa Dan Pasca Pandemi Covid-19: Studi Kualitatif Tika Rindiani, Yulia Irvani Dewi, Yulia Rizka
264 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  American Chemical Society The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters A Reflection on the Use of Molecular Simulation to Respond to SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic Threats Lorenzo Casalino, Carlos A. Ramos-Guzmán, Rommie E. Amaro, Carlos Simmerling, Alessio Lodola, Adrian J. Mulholland, et al. (+2)
265 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Education for Business Variables impacting e-learning acceptance among instructors in post COVID-19: Egypt-centric analysis Rehaballah Elbadrawy, Hend Abd El Halim
266 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Elsevier Clinical Microbiology and Infection ORCHESTRA Delphi Consensus: diagnostic and therapeutic management of SARS-CoV-2 infection in haematological patients Lorenzo Maria Canziani, Anna Maria Azzini, Jon Salmanton-García, Alessia Savoldi, Maria Giulia Caponcello, Zeno Pasquini, et al. (+54)
267 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Elsevier IDCases SARS-CoV-2 induced abducens nerve palsy: A case report and response to methylprednisolone João Hugo Abdalla Santos, Ligia Fernandes Abdalla, Cleitiene de Souza Sierpinski, Camila Feldberg Porto, Felipe Gomes Naveca
268 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Veterinary Research Repeated detection of SARS-CoV-2 in pet dogs in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria: a cause for vigilance I.K. Peter-Ajuzie, C. N. Chinyere, A. B. Olorunfemi, L. Z. Kpasham, O. O. Opaleye, A. S. Bakarey, et al. (+7)
269 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Elsevier Virology Defining diverse Spike-Receptor interactions involved in SARS-CoV-2 entry: Mechanisms and Therapeutic Opportunities Michael Anderson, Julian Lopez, Maya Wyr, Peter W. Ramirez
270 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Assessing student satisfaction with university policies related to in-person classes in the era of COVID-19: a case study from Korea Sungyo Jung, Yoojin Cho, Jinhyun Kwon, Yeram Yang, Jaewon Lee, Sungkyoon Kim
271 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Infection Co-infection dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 and respiratory viruses in the 2022/2023 respiratory season in the Netherlands Gesa Carstens, Eva Kozanli, Kirsten Bulsink, Scott McDonald, Mansoer Elahi, Jordy de Bakker, et al. (+5)
272 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research COVID-19-related hospitalizations in Italy: an application of the synthetic control method to investigate the trajectory of diagnosis related group 79 and its counterfactual during 2010-2021 Carlo Lazzaro, Giovanni Fattore, Angelo Guido Corsico
273 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Medknow Publications Brain Circulation From long COVID to neurodegeneration Luis Del Carpio-Orantes
274 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Elsevier Virology Multiple Exposures to SARS-CoV-2 Spike enhance Cross-Reactive Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity against SARS-CoV-1 Guillaume Beaudoin-Bussières, Alexandra Tauzin, Katrina Dionne, Omar El Ferri, Mehdi Benlarbi, Catherine Bourassa, et al. (+4)
275 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Elsevier International Journal of Biological Macromolecules Effective preparation and immunogenicity analysis of antigenic proteins for prevention of porcine enteropathogenic coronaviruses PEDV/TGEV/PDCoV Xinhao Jia, Hang Liu, Yinhe Sun, Nianxiang Wang, Mengwei Qian, Zi Wang, et al. (+4)
276 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Association Between Occupational Stress and Mental Health in Healthcare Workers During the Coronavirus Pandemic in 2019 Keiko Wataya, Hirokazu Tachikawa, Kiyotaka Nemoto, Shinichiro Sasahara, Yuichi Oi, Shotaro Doki, et al. (+4)
277 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  SciELO Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira Pregnancy and delivery outcomes in coronavirus disease 2019: a cross-sectional study from a tertiary center Suzan Şahin, Bülent Kaya, Emre Mat, Gazi Yıldız, Adil Barut
278 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine Alcohol consumption does not influence SARS-CoV-2 vaccine immunogenicity: A stop the spread Ottawa cohort analysis Alicia Vachon, Alexa Keeshan, Yannick Galipeau, Angela M. Crawley, Marc-André Langlois, Curtis L. Cooper
279 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Nursing Second victim syndrome among nursing professionals as a result of COVID-19: qualitative research Inmaculada Corral-Liria, Marta Losa-Iglesias, Ricardo Becerro-De-Bengoa-Vallejo, Elena Herraiz-Soria, César Calvo-Lobo, Marta San-Antolín-Gil, et al. (+2)
280 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Scientific Archives LLC Journal of Cellular Immunology Evaluating the Role of the Renin-angiotensin System in COVID-19: Implications for ACE Inhibitor and ARB Use During SARS-CoV-2 Infection Sarah Renee Tritsch, Evelyn Mendoza-Torres, Mónica Gómez-Pulido, Jairo Castellar-López, Rebecca Lynch, Carlos Andres Herrera Gomez, et al. (+8)
281 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Globalization and Health Immigrant workers in the meat industry during COVID-19: comparing governmental protection in Germany, the Netherlands, and the USA Nora Gottlieb, Ingrid Jungwirth, Marius Glassner, Tesseltje de Lange, Sandra Mantu, Linda Forst
282 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  NIXNIX Physical Education Health and Social Sciences An explainable phosphorylation peptide associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection employing a 2D Convolutional Neural Network (2DCNN) Ali Ghulam
283 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports SARS-Cov-2 vaccination strategies in hospitalized recovered COVID-19 patients: a randomized clinical trial (VATICO Trial) Sofía Sábato, Susana Benet, Angela J. Rogers, Thomas A. Murray, Melissa Skeans, Beatriz Mothe, et al. (+292)
284 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Borneo Epidemiology Journal Telehealth Among Elderly During Covid-19: A Scoping Review Nur Adilah Zainal, Noor Fadzilah Zulkifli
285 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Budapesti Metropolitan Egyetem Új Munkaügyi Szemle Magyar-osztrák szervezetek HR-gyakorlata a Covid-19 világjárvány idején a 2021-2022-es Cranet kutatás tükrében József Poór, Judit Garamvölgyi, Katalin Szabó, Zsolt Sándor Kőmüves
286 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health COVID-19 vaccination uptake in Ohio: analyzing the difference between metro and non-metro residents Maya Patel, Yevgeniya Gokun, Cecilia DeGraffinreid, Chasity Washington, Ryan D. Baltic, Matthew D. Ringel, Electra D. Paskett
287 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Elsevier Neuroimage Reports Fixel based analysis on diffusion MRI of COVID-19 survivors Sapna S Mishra, Tapan Kumar Gandhi, Bharat Biswal
288 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Sciencedomain International Advances in Research A Comparative Covid-19 Stability Analysis Using a Sir Epidemiological Model amongst the Kenyan Population for the Periods Before and After Vaccination Mocheche George M
289 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  SciELO Ciência & Saúde Coletiva Atuação da Sociedade Brasileira de Bioética e da Frente pela Vida na pandemia de COVID-19 sob a ótica da bioética crítica Thiago Rocha da Cunha, Marcos Aurélio Trindade
290 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Springer-Verlag International Journal of Bullying Prevention COVID-19 School Closures and Peer Violence in Adolescents in 42 Countries: Evidence from the Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children Study Sophie D. Walsh, Frank Elgar, Wendy Craig, Alina Cosma, Peter D. Donnelly, Yossi Harel-Fisch, et al. (+4)
291 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Elsevier Acta Otorrinolaringologica (English Edition) ENT pediatric infection diseases and its relationship with COVID-19. Results of a retrospective cohort study in Madrid, Spain Montserrat Asensi-Diaz, Monica Hernando Cuñado, Alex Lowy Benoliel, Juan Antonio Pasamontes Pingarron, Carlos Martin-Oviedo, Rosalia Souviron Encabo, et al. (+2)
292 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  The Follmer Group, Inc. Best Practices in Mental Health Trauma-Informed Phone Interviews: Learning from the COVID-19 Quarantine Sylvia Namakula, Agnes Grace Nabachwa, Catherine Carlson, Sophie Namy, Violet Nkwanzi, Lauren Ng, Kelsey Galaway
293 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  SAGE Publications SAGE Open Medical Case Reports Massive isolated pneumomediastinum in a ventilated patient with COVID-19 pneumonia managed with the insertion of a novel mediastinal drain Ashani Ratnayake, Buddhika Dassanayake, Prabhashini Kumarihamy, Ayeshani Rajapaksha, Nirmitha Morel
294 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation Journal of Assessment and Research in Applied Counseling The Effectiveness of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) in Reducing Anxiety in COVID-19 Patients Admitted to ICU Maziyar Jelveh
295 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Bangladesh Bioethics Society Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics COVID-19 Pandemic: Ethical and Medical issues arising for people with disability in Bangladesh Taslim Uddin
296 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  SciELO Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira Effects of kangaroo mother care restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic on feeding and physiological parameters in preterm neonates: a cohort study Zühal Çamur, Deniz Akyildiz
297 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  SciELO Saúde em Debate The Discourse of Collective Affirmation about COVID-19 pandemic life experiences in the São Remo favela Oswaldo Santos Baquero, Júlia Amorim Faria, Sara Cristina Aparecida da Silva, Dora Mariela Salcedo Barrientos, Ana Claudia Camargo Gonçalves Germani, Gislene Aparecida dos Santos
298 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Elsevier Public Health Suicidal ideation among US adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic: Exploring individual, interpersonal, and community-level resilience factors Yingwei Yang
299 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Web Based Communities Exploring the impact of COVID-19 pandemic and vaccine dissemination on Airbnb's popularity and sentiment on Twitter Sina Shokoohyar, Vahid Ghomi, Amirsalar Jafari Gorizi, Weimin Liang, Charlie Evert
300 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Elsevier SSM - Qualitative Research in Health Integrating portable air purifiers in German daycare centers during the COVID-19 pandemic - a qualitative exploration of usage, maintenance and impact on prevention behaviors Hannah Stephan, Felix Droop, Thomas Kistemann, Nico T. Mutters, Timo Falkenberg
301 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Association pour la Recherche Pharmaceutique et l Enrichissement des Connaissances (ARPEC) Batna Journal of Medical Sciences Statistical study of drug consumption before and during COVID-19 pandemic Ouahiba CHEMOUL
302 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  SciELO Saúde e Sociedade The reasons for vaccine hesitancy in Brazil: an analysis based on the perception of health workers who worked during the COVID-19 pandemic Michelle Fernandez, Ester Paiva, Priscila Petra, Celita Almeida Rosário, Patricia de Lima Lemos, Flávia Vieira, Gustavo Matta
303 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Health Services Research Determinants of the number of dental visits in the general adult population in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic André Hajek, Hans-Helmut König, Berit Lieske, Loujain Wees, Tjore Model, Larissa Zwar, Ghazal Aarabi
304 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Ovid Pediatric Emergency Care Pediatric Dog Bite Injury Trends During the COVID-19 Pandemic Paul T. Menk, E. Melinda Mahabee-Gittens, Stephanie Ruest, Holly R. Hanson, Margaret Formica, Maneesha Agarwal, et al. (+3)
305 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Elsevier Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives Liberation from location ties: A descriptive systematic review of shifts in location perception during and after the COVID-19 pandemic Behnam Asadieh, Paulina Maria Neisch
306 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Pediatric Cardiology Changes in Youth Cholesterol Screening Rates in an Academic Center During the COVID-19 Pandemic Jessica K. Schwartz, Xiao Zhang, Amy L. Peterson
307 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation Journal of Assessment and Research in Applied Counseling The Relationship between Health Anxiety and Emotion Regulation with Rumors on Social Networks during the COVID-19 Pandemic Somayeh Shahamatinejad
308 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  The Follmer Group, Inc. Best Practices in Mental Health The Impact of COVID-19 on the Well-Being of Foster Youth: Implications for Policy and Practice M. Sebrena Jackson, Alex D. Colvin, Angela N. Bullock
309 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  IK Press Asian Journal of Sociological Research Psychological Impact of COVID-19 on Nepal’s Tourism Sector: A Study of Mental Health Challenges among Industry Stakeholders Bindu Adhikari
310 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Al-Kindi Center for Research and Development Journal of Economics Finance and Accounting Studies The Impact of COVID-19 on Banking and Finance: Challenges, Opportunities, and Future Directions Sunil Kumar Puli
311 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  The Follmer Group, Inc. Best Practices in Mental Health The Influence of COVID-19 on Alcohol Consumption among Individuals in Outpatient Treatment: Emerging Clinical Practices Charles LaBarre, Paul R. Stasiewicz, Braden K. Linn, Junru Zhao, Gregory E. Wilding, Clara M. Bradizza
312 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  SciELO Ciência & Saúde Coletiva Modelagem da COVID-19 no Brasil e a interação entre academia e gestores durante a pandemia Michelle Quarti Machado da Rosa, Ângela Maria Bagattini, Isabella Inês Rodrigues Rosa, Gabriel Berg de Almeida, Lorena Mendes Simon, Suzi Alves Camey, Cristiana Maria Toscano
313 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  SciELO Saúde em Debate Discurso Coletivo de Afirmação sobre vivências da pandemia de covid-19 na favela São Remo Oswaldo Santos Baquero, Júlia Amorim Faria, Sara Cristina Aparecida da Silva, Dora Mariela Salcedo Barrientos, Ana Claudia Camargo Gonçalves Germani, Gislene Aparecida dos Santos
314 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Elsevier Enfermería Intensiva (English ed ) Incidence of unscheduled removal of invasive devices in patients with COVID-19 in intensive care Susana Arias-Rivera, Raquel Jareño-Collado, María del Mar Sánchez-Sánchez, Fernando Frutos-Vivar
315 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Elsevier Practical Laboratory Medicine Evolution of reference intervals for renal-hepatic biomarkers and micronutrients in normal pregnancy in 2021-2022 (Covid-19) in hospitals in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo Eddy Bombile Bakemo, Benjamin Longo- Mbenza, Bienvenue Kuyangisa, Dophie Beya, Gédéon Bongo, Mireille Nganga
316 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Ovid Journal of the American Heart Association Social Vulnerability and Long-Term Cardiovascular Outcomes After COVID-19 Hospitalization: An Analysis of the American Heart Association COVID-19 Registry Linked With Medicare Claims Data Reza Fakhraei, Yang Song, Dhruv S. Kazi, Rishi K. Wadhera, James A. de Lemos, Sandeep R. Das, et al. (+5)
317 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Clinical Lipidology Prevention of Acute Systemic Reaction During LDL apheresis post COVID-19 by Icatibant Pre-Treatment Lauren R. Davidson, Naz Baecher, Brian Cheung, Theresa A. Bingemann, Robert C. Block
318 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Elsevier Neuroimage Reports Cognitive functioning and brain MRI findings six months after acute COVID-19. A prospective observational study Janne Pihlajamaa, Henriikka Ollila, Juha Martola, Linda Kuusela, Riikka Pihlaja, Annamari Tuulio-Henriksson, et al. (+5)
319 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Elsevier Medicina Intensiva (English Edition) SARS-CoV-2 vaccination reduces the risk of thrombotic complications in severe COVID-19 M. Ángeles Alonso Fernández, Carola Bledig, Madian Manso Álvarez, Raquel Gómez Guardiola, Marina Blancas García, Irene Bartolomé, et al. (+10)
320 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  SciELO Saúde e Sociedade Os motivos da hesitação vacinal no Brasil: uma análise a partir da percepção dos profissionais de saúde que atuaram na pandemia da COVID-19 Michelle Fernandez, Ester Paiva, Priscila Petra, Celita Almeida Rosário, Patricia de Lima Lemos, Flávia Vieira, Gustavo Matta
321 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Infection Rapid spread of Candida auris in China after COVID-19 Jian Bing, Yanfeng Huang, Han Du, Penghao Guo, Junmin Cao, Mei Kang, et al. (+2)
322 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Critical Care Influence of SARS-CoV-2 variants and corticosteroid use on the effectiveness of baricitinib therapy in critical COVID-19 Seung-Hun You, Moon Seong Baek, Tae Wan Kim, Sun-Young Jung, Won-Young Kim
323 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  SciELO Cadernos Saúde Coletiva Ameaças emergentes à segurança alimentar e nutricional de pessoas com deficiência pela pandemia de COVID-19 Ursula Viana Bagni
324 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Brazilian Journal of Health Review Brazilian Journal of Health Review Compartilhando Ciência na Pandemia: relato de experiência sobre a COVID-19 Eduardo José Navarrete de Andrade, Tainá Zanette Galdino, Edicleia Martins Rampani
325 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Respiratory Research Alveolar epithelial type 2 cell specific loss of IGFBP2 activates inflammation in COVID-19 Valentina Pujadas, Chiahsuan Chin, Narendra V. Sankpal, James Buhrmaster, Ashwini Arjuna, Rajat Walia, et al. (+5)
326 2025―Mar―22  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Discover Cities Water consumption in Santa Catarina municipalities in times of COVID-19 Elisa Henning, Andreza Kalbusch, Lucas Henrique Fleischmann, Isabela das Chagas Luiz, Olga Maria Formigoni Carvalho Walter
327 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  AOSIS African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine Limitations of point-of-care testing for low SARS CoV-2 loads: Insights for future pandemics Ivy Rukasha
328 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Springer-Verlag MMW - Fortschritte der Medizin Long Covid oder psychisch krank?","Long Covid or mentally ill? Kristina Adorjan, Hans Christian Stubbe
329 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Science Research Society Power System Technology Crisis Preparedness: How Nurses Lead Response Teams in Pandemics and Disasters Awad Mohammed Alhadidi
330 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Elsevier Public Health in Practice Leading the next Pandemics Obinna Oleribe
331 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Elsevier Omega Mechanism design for sharing critical medical resources in pandemic Nifei Lin, Xin Yun, L. Jeff Hong
332 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Psychology Beyond the pandemic: physical activity and health behaviors as predictors of well-being among Filipino tertiary students Lizamarie Campoamor-Olegario, Desiderio S. Camitan, Maria Luisa M. Guinto
333 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Politechnika Slaska - Silesian University of Technology Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology Organization and Management Series Coopetition during the pandemic: dynamics of coopetitve relationships under uncertainty
334 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  American Medical Association JAMA Health Forum Medicaid Eligibility Gaps and Pandemic-Era Postpartum Insurance Rates Ellerie Weber, Heeun Kim, Annabelle Ng, Frances M. Howell, Ashley Fox, Teresa Janevic
335 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  BioResources BioResources Investigation of the status of the wooden pallet market during the COVD-19 pandemic, Sean Hobbs, Laszlo Horvath, Brad Gething
336 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Veterinary Science The pandemic’s cruel aftermath: progressive decline in spay/neuter capacity Simone D. Guerios, Gina Clemmer, Julie K. Levy
337 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Science Research Society Power System Technology How Medical Labs Contribute to Global Health and Pandemic Preparedness Ibrahim Masad Musif Almutairi
338 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Wiley Child & Family Social Work RETRACTION: Examining the Impact of Pandemic Stressors on Parental Stress in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Double ABC-X and Moderated Mediation Model Analysis of Family Mechanisms
339 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Research Bridge Publisher International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research (IJSSHR) ISSN 2959-7056 (o) 2959-7048 (p) Strategy Shift on Small and Medium Enterprises’ Resilience Postcovid 19 Pandemic in Taita Taveta County. Pongah Cristopher Kale, Patrick Kimaku, Bella Chepkulei
340 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Elsevier International Economics Floating Exchange Rate Efficiency: Grouping Patterns and Pandemic Impacts Teresa Corzo Santamaría, Karin Martin-Bujack, Jose Portela, Alejandro Rodriguez Gallego
341 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Universitas Informatika dan Bisnis Indonesia JIPSI Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Berpikir Positif Terhadap Konflik Peran Ganda Pada Perempuan Yang Bekerja Ketika Pandemic Corona Dyah Rachman Kuswartanti, Novella Amanda
342 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Infectious Diseases SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and associated risk factors in adult outpatients from Western Romania Tudor Rares Olariu, Sorin Ursoniu, Alin Gabriel Mihu, Maria Alina Lupu
343 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Infectious Diseases SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and associated risk factors in adult outpatients: comment Hinpetch Daungsupawong, Viroj Wiwanitkit
344 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Revista Ibero-Americana de Humanidades, Ciencias e Educacao Revista Ibero-Americana de Humanidades Ciências e Educação A PESSOA IDOSA, A VIOLÊNCIA E O DIA SEGUINTE: UMA ANÁLISE DO PERÍODO DE 2020-2024 (PERÍODO PANDÊMICO E PÓS-PANDÊMICO)","THE ELDERLY, VIOLENCE, AND THE DAY AFTER: AN ANALYSIS OF THE PERIOD FROM 2020 TO 2024 (PANDEMIC AND POST-PANDEMIC PERIOD)","LA PERSONA MAYOR, LA VIOLENCIA Y EL DÍA SIGUIENTE: UN ANÁLISIS DEL PERÍODO DE 2020 A 2024 (PERÍODO PANDÉMICO Y POST-PANDÉMICO) Caio Vinícius Lopes de Oliveira, Cristina Mateus Sanchez, Elienai Souza Mourão Vantuil, Marcio de Jesus Lima do Nascimento, Jane Mary Lopes Assef
345 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Science Research Society Power System Technology The COVID Pandemic and Climate Change: Multifactorial risk and vulnerability Francisco Rubén Sandoval Vázquez
346 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Cambridge University Press The Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics The Proposed Pandemic Agreement: A Pivotal Moment for Global Health Law Pedro A. Villarreal, Aeyal Gross, Alexandra Phelan
347 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  University of the Philippines College of Education, Benitez Hall Roxas Avenue Philippine Journal of Education Studies Teacher Emotional Agency: Appropriating the Learning Management System amid the Pandemic Peter Romerosa, Maria Mercedes Arzadon, Clement Camposano
348 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing Rebuilding Philanthropy: Social Media’s Impact on Nonprofits After the Pandemic Wanzhu Shi, Lauren Azevedo, Ravij Seth
349 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Universitas Airlangga Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine Snack Consumption Behavior and Tooth Decay-Related Pain during Corona Virus Disease-19 Pandemic Retno Palupi, Dania Artha Fakhrunnisa, Asma' Sya'bania, Fatiha Az-Zahra
350 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Universitas Gadjah Mada INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACY Risk Factors of Symptoms Occurrence in SARS-CoV-2 Infection After Implementing Vaccination Program in Bali Ni Nyoman Yudianti Mendra, Dewa Gede Juli Sarjana, Ni Made Dharma Shantini Suena, Ni Putu Udayana Antari
351 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Virology Journal Increase of VEGF and Fibronectin expression and ultrastructural alterations of intercellular junctions in a swab negative patient after SARS-COV-2 infection Carolina Simioni, Juana Maria Sanz, Roberta Gafà, Giovanna Cenacchi, Savino Occhionorelli, Angelina Passaro, Luca Maria Neri
352 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Inno Science Press Microbes & Immunity Glancing back at SARS-CoV-2: Serological classification Xin Sun, Jun Liu
353 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Elsevier Diamond and Related Materials Corrigendum to “Potentiality graphene oxides-functionalized magnetic nanomaterials for RNA extraction from rabies and SARS-CoV-2 viruses” [Diam. Relat. Mater. 148 (2024) 111509] María Rivera, Larissa Akashi, Luis M. Rodríguez, Pablo D. Pérez, Camila Mosca Barboza, Helena Batista, Ana Champi
354 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Elsevier Virology Recent SARS-CoV-2 evolution trajectories indicate the emergence of Omicron’s several subvariants and the current rise of KP.3.1.1 and XEC Chiranjib Chakraborty, Manojit Bhattacharya, Ali Saber Abdelhameed
355 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  American Society for Microbiology Journal of Virology A parainfluenza virus 5 (PIV5)-vectored intranasal SARS-CoV-2 vaccine (CVXGA1) elicits protective and long-lasting immunity in nonhuman primates Ashley C. Beavis, Peng Xiao, Maria Cristina Gingerich, Kelsey Briggs, Geng Li, Elizabeth W. Howerth, et al. (+13)
356 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Elsevier Gene Human-genetic variants associated with susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection Daniel Azcarate, Felix Olasagasti Arsuaga, Eva Granizo Rodriguez, Eunate Arana-Arri, Pedro Pablo España, Maider Intxausti, et al. (+4)
357 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  SciELO Agencia Nacional de Investigaciu00f3n y Desarrollo (ANID) Revista chilena de infectología Recomendación del CAVEI sobre incorporación de la vacunación contra SARS-CoV-2 en el Programa Nacional de Inmunizaciones a partir del año 2025, mediante su inclusión en el Decreto Exento N.° 50/2021
358 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLOS Global Public Health Epidemiological and phylogenetic analyses of public SARS-CoV-2 data from Malawi Mwandida Kamba Afuleni, Roberto Cahuantzi, Katrina A. Lythgoe, Atupele Ngina Mulaga, Ian Hall, Olatunji Johnson, et al. (+2)
359 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  American Society for Microbiology Journal of Virology SARS-CoV-2 cellular coinfection is limited by superinfection exclusion Anna Sims, Daniel J. Weir, Sarah J. Cole, Edward Hutchinson, Anice C. Lowen
360 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Elsevier Antiviral Research Corrigendum to “IgA class switching enhances neutralizing potency against SARS-CoV-2 by increased antibody hinge flexibility” [Antiv. Res. (2025) 106082] Mengxin Xu, Zhaoyong Zhang, Yuzhu Sun, Haoting Mai, Siqi Liu, Shuning Liu, et al. (+17)
361 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Clinical Virology Nucleocapsid-directed antibody testing is unsuitable to estimate hybrid immunity against SARS-CoV-2, a longitudinal cross-border study in the Meuse-Rhine Euroregion D.A.T. Hanssen, C.J.A. van Bilsen, C.D.J. den Heijer, C. Stabourlos, C.P.B. Moonen, R. de Vries, et al. (+7)
362 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Journal of Medical Case Reports Distrust, trauma, doubt, and protective reactions to coronavirus disease 2019: cautionary tales and lessons to learn for future pandemics: a case report Jacinda K. Dariotis, Dana A. Eldreth, Stephanie M. Sloane, Iffat Noor, Rebecca Lee Smith
363 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Academic Publishing Pte. Ltd. Advances in Differential Equations and Control Processes Herd immunity in a coronavirus disease 2019 epidemic model with consideration of vaccination and quarantine interventions Hasan Moh, Faizal Rifky Fahreza
364 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology Enhanced and long-lasting SARS-CoV-2 immune memory in individuals with common cold coronavirus cross-reactive T cell immunity David M. Florian, Michael Bauer, Amelie Popovitsch, Ingrid Fae, David N. Springer, Marianne Graninger, et al. (+9)
365 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Red de Investigadores Latinoamericanos LATAM Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Impacto económico y social del Coronavirus C-19 en el sector informal: caso vendedores ambulantes en comunidades chiapanecas Isabel Pérez Pérez, Carolina Gómez Hinojosa, Gabriel Velázquez Castillejos, José Ramón Román Solís
366 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Contribuciones a las Ciencias Sociales Clinical and epidemiological characterization of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome in Southern Brazil Sergio Vital da Silva Junior, Ronilson Batista de Souza, Aldenice de Assis Silva, Juliana Paiva Góes Ramalho, Iracy Karina de Albuquerque Carrenho, Hortênsia Paula Bernardino Ribeiro, et al. (+9)
367 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Ucimed Revista Ciencia y Salud Integrando conocimientos Los efectos adversos oculares producto de la pandemia COVID-19: una revisión bibliográfica actualizada Luis Diego Mora Solano
368 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  SciELO Agencia Nacional de Investigaciu00f3n y Desarrollo (ANID) Estudios pedagógicos (Valdivia) Orientaciones de contención socioemocional para la comunidad educativa en pandemia Covid-19: un análisis de discursos Irene Villalobos-Saldivia, Roberto Fernández-Droguett
369 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Familia e Sociedade em Debate Oikos Família e Sociedade em Debate Ações da administração pública diante da crise causada pela Covid-19: uma revisão sistemática Estefânia Soares dos Santos
370 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences Diabetes e COVID-19: Uma Interseção Bidirecional entre Comorbidades e Desafios Leticia Meneses dos Santos, Izabella Costa Almeida Mariuzzo, Ighor Scalla, Sabrina Dias Campos, Verônica Sobreiro Pereira, Lenilson Mendes Lesqueves Júnior, et al. (+6)
371 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Revista de Medicina da UFC Revista de Medicina da UFC Alterações morfológicas em leucócitos e hemácias de pacientes com COVID-19: uma breve revisão Bruno Pedroso da Silva, Vanessa Queiros dos Santos, Lacy Cardoso de Brito Junior
372 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  MPM Comunicacao Saúde Coletiva (Barueri) Inovação Tecnológica da Oxigenoterapia no Sistema Único de Saúde Durante a COVID-19: Relato de Experiência Isabel Cristina Reinheimer, Luísa Litvin Raffin, Lorenzo de Lemos Bernd, Ana Paula Machado Wolffenbüttel, Leonardo Reis da Silva, Miriam Viviane Baron, et al. (+4)
373 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines Geographical Differences in SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Response Dynamics and Neutralisation Profiles to Mild COVID-19: Lessons from a UK-Uganda Comparison Laban Kato, Jackson Sembera, Gerald Kevin Oluka, Joseph Ssebwana Katende, Juliana Bemanzi, Violet Ankunda, et al. (+9)
374 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Stockholm University Press Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research Psychological Distress Among Finnish Higher Education Students with Disabilities During COVID-19: Financial Situation, Study Workload, and Loneliness as Mediators Marja Eliisa Holm, Olli Kiviruusu, Suvi Parikka, Päivi Sainio
375 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Correction: Coping with COVID-19: Differences in hope, resilience, and mental well-being across U.S. racial groups Carol Graham, Yung Chun, Bartram Hamilton, Stephen Roll, Will Ross, Michal Grinstein-Weiss
376 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  MPM Comunicacao Saúde Coletiva (Barueri) Descrição Clínica e Epidemiológica da Covid-19: Dados de um Estudo Sentinela em Unidades de Saúde do Rio de Janeiro Lucas Dalsenter Romano da Silva, Rafael Mello Galliez, Amilcar Tanuri, Roberto de Andrade Medronho
377 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Clinical Medicine Ultra-Low-Dose Inhalation of Melphalan as an Additional Treatment for COVID-19-Associated Pneumonia Evgeny Sinitsyn, Alexandra Zykova, Roman Shamin, Anna Rvacheva, Anna Bogatyreva, Elena Yarovaya, et al. (+5)
378 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  JMIR Publications Inc. Journal of Medical Internet Research Quantifying Public Engagement With Science and Malinformation on COVID-19 Vaccines: Cross-Sectional Study David Robert Grimes, David H Gorski
379 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Science Research Society Power System Technology The Rise of RNA-Based Therapies: From Covid-19 Vaccines to Cancer Treatments Jassim Mohammed Ibrahim Al Homood
380 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Scientific Research Publishing, Inc. Journal of Tuberculosis Research COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake: Prevalence, Health Facility Enablers and Barriers among Adult Tuberculosis Patients across Nairobi County Clinics, Kenya Waqo Boru, George Makalliwa, Caroline Musita
381 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  ARC Publications Pvt Ltd. International Journal of Media Journalism and Mass Communications The Role of Social Media Influencers on COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in Cameroon Efuetji Mary Nkemngong, Dr.Nengieh Lizzie Wantchami, Prof. Julius Che Tita, Mesumbe N. Neville
382 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  American Society for Microbiology Journal of Virology Efficacy of parainfluenza virus 5 (PIV5)-vectored intranasal COVID-19 vaccine as a single dose primer and booster against SARS-CoV-2 variants Ashley C. Beavis, Zhuo Li, Kelsey Briggs, María Cristina Gingerich, Elizabeth R. Wrobel, Maria Najera, et al. (+16)
383 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Comprehensive Publications International Journal of Advanced Community Medicine Parent’s intentions and perceptions about COVID-19 vaccination for their children: At BaghdadAl Karkh primary health care centers Reem Abdul Samad Mohammed, Wasan Jasim Mohammed, Dhuha Fakhri Jassim
384 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  LSE Press Economía COVID-19 Vaccination and Economic Recovery in Latin America: Evidence from the 2021 HFPS Sergio Olivieri, Francesc Ortega, Ana Rivadeneira
385 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropologia Social Encartes Notas sobre conspiracionismo a propósito de Los reptilianos y otras creencias en tiempos de covid-19. Una mirada desde los imaginarios inverosímiles en clave castoridiana","Notes on Los reptilianos y otras creencias en tiempos del Covid 19 and Conspiracy Theories: Implausible Imaginaries from a Castoriadis Perspective Enriqueta Lerma Rodríguez
386 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Clemson University Journal of Extension Supporting Local-Food Businesses to Conduct E-commerce During COVID-19 through Remote Student Internships Angel Cruz, Barry Nash, Daniel Holloman, Joyce Joyce
387 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  MDPI AG Healthcare Patient Satisfaction with Pharmacist-Led COVID-19 Testing in Community Pharmacies: Insights from the Croatian Experience Katarina Fehir Šola, Pero Hrabač, Urszula Religioni, Ljubica Frančić Pranjković, Piotr Merks
388 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Genomics Altered structural and transporter-related gene expression patterns in the placenta play a role in fetal demise during Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus infection Angelica Van Goor, Alex Pasternak, Kristen E. Walker, Shannon Chick, John C. S. Harding, Joan K. Lunney
389 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Inno Science Press Journal of Clinical and Basic Psychosomatics Emotional and physiological impact of COVID-19 stressors on university students: Exploring arousal, anxiety, and gender differences Krisztian Kasos, Catriona O’Halloran, Emma Swift, Thebe Van Rensbergen, Fanni Vikor, Prakashini Banka-Cullen
390 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Naksh Solutions International Journal of Advanced Research in Science Communication and Technology Media Influence on COVID-19 Risk Perception Among College Teachers: A Comparative Analysis of Social Media and Traditional Media Hari Krishna Silamanthula
391 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Correction: Factors associated with change in adherence to COVID-19 personal protection measures in the Metropolitan Region, Chile Simón Varas, Felipe Elorrieta, Claudio Vargas, Pablo Villalobos Dintrans, Claudio Castillo, Yerko Martinez, et al. (+2)
392 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  MDPI AG Life Effectiveness and Safety of Remdesivir for the Treatment of COVID-19 Patients with Liver Cirrhosis: A Retrospective Cohort Study Yi-Ching Wong, Chip-Jin Ng, Yan-Bo Huang, Shou-Yen Chen
393 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  MDPI AG Pathogens Unraveling Dysgeusia in SARS-CoV-2 Infection: Clinical and Laboratory Insights from Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients in Romania Elena Camelia Kouris, Sînziana Irina Mirea, Sigrid Covaci, Monica Luminița Luminos, Victor Daniel Miron
394 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Science Research Society Power System Technology The Relationship between Pulmonary Embolism and Prone Position among Covid-19 Patients in King Abdulaziz Medical City Atheer Alsubaie
395 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Discover Food Deciphering the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on food security across different socioeconomic strata in Chile Adolfo Donoso, Jorge González, Matías Betancur, Macarena Jara
396 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Elsevier International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences Assessing the effect of awareness of international oxygen therapy guidelines on oxygen administration practices among nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic: A survey of nurses working in the pediatric and medical departments of a National Teaching and Referral Hospital in low-resource settings Joseph Odhiambo, Lucy W Kivuti-Bitok, Solomon Omare, Irene Ngune
397 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Noteworthy trends in maladaptive coping strategies and hindrances to help-seeking behaviour among adolescents living in Malaysia’s People’s Housing Project (PPR) during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study Siti Nur Farhana Harun, Noorlaile Jasman, Feisul Mustapha, Norrafizah Jaafar, Siti Nadiah Busyra Mat Nadzir, Zanariah Zaini, et al. (+3)
398 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  JMIR Publications Inc. Journal of Medical Internet Research Income-Based Disparities in Perceived Benefits and Challenges of Virtual Global Health Activities during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mixed-Methods Analysis (Preprint) Shuo Zhou, Enid Kawala Kagoya, Alexandra Coria, Alyssa Beck, Jessica Evert, Marina Haque, et al. (+3)
399 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  NIXNIX South Dakota Law Review The Supreme Court During COVID-19: Keeping Its Head When Those About it Were Losing Theirs Timothy MacDonnell
400 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  The Korean Society of Clinical Microbiology Annals of Clinical Microbiology A survey on laboratory capacity, testing practices, and management during COVID-19 pandemic response in Korea: a cross-sectional survey study Changseung Liu, Daewon Kim, Jung-Hyun Byun, Jeonghyun Chang, Sungjin Jo, Heungsup Sung
401 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health A Global Index to Quantify Discrimination Resulting from COVID-19 Pandemic Response Policies Claus Rinner, Mariko Uda, Laurie Manwell
402 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Canadian Public Health Association Can J Public Health Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of Black youth Khadija Brouillette, Olivia Aiello, Onaopeoluwapo Egbedeyi, Olga Loggale, Andre M. N. Renzaho, Aloysius Maduforo, Oluwabukola Salami
403 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  MDPI AG COVID Regional Analysis of Household Income and Milk Spending During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Mexico Marisol López-Romero, Stephanie Sophia Alva-Ruiz, Ulises Macias-Cruz, José Alejandro Roque-Jiménez
404 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Aurora Publishing House Limited Journal of Linguistics and Communication Studies Legitimation and Leadership Communication During Crisis: A Case Study of President Uhuru Kenyatta’s Political Speeches on the COVID-19 Pandemic George Ezekiel Aberi, Nathan Oyori Ogechi
405 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine Concordance between parent-reported and documented COVID-19 vaccination status among hospitalized children and adolescents: Implications for vaccine effectiveness estimates, May 2021-October 2023 Sarah Hamid, Regina M. Simeone, Margaret M. Newhams, Natasha Halasa, Katherine E. Fleming-Dutra, Amber O. Orzel-Lockwood, et al. (+4)
406 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  AME Publishing Company Journal of Thoracic Disease Lifestyle change during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan: implications for continuous positive airway pressure adherence in obstructive sleep apnea patient Yo Suzuki, Ayako Inoshita, Naoko Sata, Erina Ishimizu, Shoko Suda, Ryo Naito, et al. (+2)
407 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Japanese Society of Internal Medicine Internal Medicine New-onset Fulminant Type 1 Diabetes Following COVID-19 Vaccination Takaaki Shigematsu, Yu Yamaguchi, Takeo Watanabe, Kazutaka Tsujimoto, Fuminori Sato, Tetsuya Yamada, Motoyoshi Tsujino
408 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Agriculture and Food Research An institutional framework for enhanced food security amidst the COVID-19 pandemic: Strategic implementation and outcomes Akbar Akbar, Rahim Darma, Andi Irawan, Letty Fudjaja, Riri Amandaria, Rida Akzar
409 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC BDJ Team EBD spotlight: Did the COVID-19 pandemic impact antibiotic prescribing amongst dentists? Manas Dave
410 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  NIXNIX Jurnal Kesehatan STIKes IMC Bintaro Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Masyarakat Tentang Vaksin Covid-19 Terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan Vaksinasi Pada Masyarakat Di Desa Kaduengang","Relationship Between Level of Public Knowledge About Covid-19 Vaccine and Level of Vaccination Anxiety in the Community in Kaduengang Village Mey Lys Ceryah Hutasoit, Oryza Intan Suri, Ernawilis Ernawilis, Ahmad Fahruroji
411 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Dove Medical Press Clinical Ophthalmology Microbial Keratitis Before, During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic, and the Role of Contact Lens Wear and Hand Hygiene Anna Randag, Liesbeth Wellens, Nelly Kazemian, Barbara Schimmer, Jeroen van Rooij
412 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Japanes Society for Medical and Biological Engineering Advanced Biomedical Engineering Electronic Musical Instrument Music Therapy for Severe Dementia Patients with Cognitive and Psychological Decline Due to COVID-19 Quarantine Eisuke KONDO, Ken-ichi TABEI, Ryuhei OKUNO, Kenzo AKAZAWA
413 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna w Warszawie Nowoczesne Systemy Zarządzania Multidimensional comparative analysis of passenger air transport in terms of the recovery from the impact of COVID-19 pandemic and economic security Bartosz Kozicki
414 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Journal of African Law Informality in Governance: Evaluating Intergovernmental Relations in Kenya's Health Sector During the COVID-19 Pandemic Kamotho Waiganjo, Collins Odote, Nkatha Kabira
415 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Journal for Human Caring International Journal for Human Caring “You Can’t Pour From an Empty Cup”: Nurse Experiences 2 Years Into the COVID-19 Pandemic Kara H. Evans, Kim L. Larson, Kathleen Sitzman
416 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Virtus Interpress Risk Governance and Control Financial Markets & Institutions Financial behavior decision for mergers and acquisitions in European financial institutions after the COVID-19 pandemic Georgios Kyriazopoulos
417 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  MDPI AG Behavioral Sciences Analysis of Economic Activity Participation and Determining Factors Among Married Women by Income Level After the COVID-19 Pandemic Yu-Jin Cha
418 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Clemson University Journal of Extension Leveraging Community Partnerships and Resources to Address Food Insecurity in a Rural County During the COVID-19 Pandemic Kristen Johnson, Amy Elizer, Karen Franck, Soghra Jarvandi
419 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Wilfrid Laurier University Balsillie Papers Lessons Learned from Prisoner Releases during the COVID-19 Pandemic Katherine Bruce-Lockhart, Ashley M. W. Mungai
420 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Sociology Citizens here and there against the crisis: immigrant organizations’ transnational solidarity during the COVID-19 pandemic Maurizio Artero
421 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports An interrupted time series study of the leprosy case detection in Brazil after the COVID-19 pandemic George Jó Bezerra Sousa, Daniele dos Santos Lages, Patrícia Pereira Lima Barbosa, Margarida Cristiana Napoleão Rocha, Sebastião Alves de Sena Neto, Jurema Guerrieri Brandão, et al. (+5)
422 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Elsevier Resources Policy Price contagion and risk spillover in the global commodities market: COVID-19 pandemic vs. global financial crisis Md Mostafa Kamal, Eduardo Roca, Bin Li, Chen Lin, Rajibur Reza
423 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Genomics Seminal plasma proteomics of asymptomatic COVID-19 patients reveals disruption of male reproductive function Jialyu Huang, Yufang Su, Jiawei Wang, Zheng Fang, Yiwei Zhang, Hong Chen, et al. (+5)
424 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Habitus Toplumbilim Dergisi Habitus Toplumbilim Dergisi Covid-19 Pandemi Sürecinde Panoptik Denetim ve Gözetim Uygulamaları Ahmet Mazlum, Öykü Ulusoy
425 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Vietnam Journal of Science Technology and Engineering Vietnam Journal of Science Technology and Engineering Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation of blood in critical COVID-19 paediatric patients: 2 cases reported Thai Son Pham, Thanh Luan Vo, Manh Cuong Nguyen, Thi Ngoc Diem Dang, Duy Tan Nguyen, Chau Viet Do, et al. (+2)
426 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Health Services Research The impact of Covid-19 on inter-organizational coordination in Swedish eldercare: a mixed methods study Sébastien Lindhagen, Anton Modigh, Ulrika Winblad
427 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Science Research Society Power System Technology Proactive Nursing Interventions and COVID-19 Outcomes: A Policy Perspective Nada Abdulrahman Amar Almaghrabi
428 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Elsevier Acta Psychologica The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the use of social media: A cross-national comparison Franco Delogu, Kineta Morgan-Paisley, Claudia Del Gatto, Allegra Indraccolo, Tiziana Pedale, Riccardo Brunetti
429 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Health Sciences University Gaziosmanpasa Education and Research Hospital Journal of Academic Research in Nursing The Relationship Between the Levels of Health Literacy and Knowledge of About COVID-19 of Individuals with Chronic Diseases Ezgi Kınıcı Dirik, Eylem Paslı Gürdoğan, Berna Aksoy Kahraman
430 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Universidade do Contestado - UnC Ágora revista de divulgação científica Impacto da COVID-19 na arrecadação do imposto sobre serviços de qualquer natureza em Minas Gerais","Impact of COVID-19 on tax collection on services of any nature in Minas Gerais Vasconcelos Reis Wakim, Elizete Aparecida de Magalhães, Adriana Limas Pereira Araujo, Simão Pereira da Silva
431 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Universidade do Contestado - UnC Saúde e meio ambiente revista interdisciplinar Achados audiológicos de funcionários de uma multinacional pós infecção por COVID-19","Audiological findings of employees of a multinational after COVID-19 infection Julia Milena Lopes, Vanessa Bohn, Piêrangela Nota Simões, Janaina Xavier Roque Lima, Isabela Carvalho da Silva, Juliana Fracalosse Garbino
432 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Walter de Gruyter GmbH Journal of Organizational Sociology A Pandemic of Possibilities: The Spread of Potentiality-Seeking Organisations under Conditions of the COVID-19 Lockdown Niels Åkerstrøm Andersen, Giacomo Carli, Paul Stenner, Maria Rita Tagliaventi
433 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Assessment of the impact of COVID-19 on tuberculosis care at a tertiary hospital: integrating lessons from COVID-19 learned Norma A. Téllez-Navarrete, Jesús Romero-Tendilla, Alejandra Morales, Eduardo Becerril, Néstor Alvarado-Peña, Miguel A. Salazar-Lezama, et al. (+4)
434 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Bristol University Press Global Discourse A reply to ‘A toxic defence of a toxic legacy? Unpacking Boris Johnson’s evidence to the UK COVID-19 inquiry’ by Peter Kerr and Steven Kettell Tim Heppell
435 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Bristol University Press Global Discourse A toxic defence of a toxic legacy? Unpacking Boris Johnson’s evidence to the UK COVID-19 inquiry Steven Kettell, Peter Kerr
436 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open COVID-19 information sources, knowledge, attitude and control practices among community members during the pandemic in Ebonyi state, Nigeria: an analytical cross-sectional study Ugwu I Omale, Ugochi I A Nwali, Olaedo O Nnachi, Okechukwu O Ukpabi, Ifeyinwa M Okeke, Richard L Ewah, et al. (+7)
437 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Social Science Electronic Publishing SSRN Electronic Journal How Much does COVID-19 Increase with Mobility? Evidence from New York and Four Other U.S. Cities Edward L. Glaeser, Caitlin Gorback, Stephen J. Redding
438 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta Profetika Jurnal Studi Islam Social Piety and Care for Families Infected with Covid-19 in the Context of SDGs in the Kuyudan Makamhaji Muslim Community Ma’arif Jamuin, Ratna Sesotya Wedadjati
439 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Public Health Social determinants of recovery from ongoing symptoms following COVID-19 in two UK longitudinal studies: a prospective cohort study Nathan J Cheetham, Vicky Bowyer, María Paz García, Ruth C E Bowyer, J D Carpentieri, Andy Guise, et al. (+14)
440 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Editora Cubo Biotechnology Research and Innovation Quantitative test for COVID-19 in the cardiovascular process: in silico gene-target cluster evaluation Luiz Henrique Pontes dos Santos, Chad Eric Grueter, Vânia Marilande Ceccatto
441 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Oxford University Press Journal of Leukocyte Biology Early neutrophil responses are potential biomarkers to predict severe COVID-19 in adults Ananya Singh, Nurhidayah Binte Mohamed Yazid, Raika Francesca Morales, Keisuke Ejima, Po Ying Chia, Siew Wai Fong, et al. (+10)
442 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Army Medical College Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal ENT Related Symptomatology of COVID-19 in a Tertiary Care Hospital Sohail Aslam, Syed Muhammad Asad Shabbir Bukhari, Naeem Riaz Bhatti, Syeda Atiya Batool Gardezi, Muhammad Fahad Wasim Khan, Waseem Ahmad Khan
443 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  IOR Press International Journal of Computer Communication and Informatics Utilisation of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNS) in the Automated Diagnosis of Covid-19 from Chest X-Ray Qudus Muritala, Swathi Ganesan, Nalinda Somasiri, Ganapathy Kumar
444 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Portal de Periodicos UFPB Áltera Revista de Antropologia MALUF, Sônia Weidner; FRANCH, Mónica; SILVA, Luziana M. da Fonseca; CARNEIRO, Rosamaria Giatti; SILVA, Érica Quinaglia. Antropologias de uma Pandemia: Políticas Locais, Estado, Saberes e Ciência da Covid-19. Florianópolis: Edições do Bosque, 2024. 467 P. Heytor Queiroz Marques
445 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Nurses and Midwives Association of Slovenia Slovenian Nursing Review COVID-19 experiences and fears among nurses Esin Kavuran, Rabia Atli
446 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  CAIRN Flux Entre parenthèse enchantée et héritage : la crise sanitaire de COVID-19 et la gouvernance des politiques d’aménagements cyclables en Ile-de-France Mariane Thébert, Manon Eskenazi
447 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  CAIRN Sociologie Crise de la Covid-19 et confinement : regards sociologiques Claire Bidart, Michel Castra, Séverine Chauvel, Violaine Girard, Colin Giraud, Carine Ollivier
448 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Studies Editora Revista Caderno Pedagógico Genética molecular e COVID-19 entre licenciandos de Ciências Biológicas: concepções Marcos Antonio Nobrega de Sousa, Ana Luiza Vieira Soares, Jeniffer Gabrielly de Sousa Pereira, Francisca Vitória Amaral Nóbrega, Paulo de Melo Bastos, Dácio Dacliélio Tenório da Silva, et al. (+2)
449 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Red de Investigadores Latinoamericanos LATAM Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades El impacto de la pandemia del COVID-19 en la parroquia de Oyacachi y el desarrollo del turismo comunitario Joseth Reinoso Imbaquingo, Alonso Javier Chandi Yépez, Yeseña Berenice Muñoz Carranco, Fausto Roberto Hernández Simaluisa, Dennise Pamela Toapanta Ulcuango
450 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Even3 Revista de Administração e Contabilidade da Faculdade Anisio Teixeira Efeito da covid-19 e da corrupção nos indicadores financeiros de empresas citadas na operação Lava Jato Jéssica Caila Mendes Batista, Antonio Gualberto Pereira
451 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau Jurnal Sains Matematika dan Statistika Penerapan Model SIR dengan Nonlinier Incidence Rate pada Penyebaran Covid-19 di Provinsi Riau Irma Suryani, Fitri Kurniyawati
452 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Elsevier Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence Class imbalance-aware domain specific transfer learning approach for medical image classification: Application on COVID-19 detection Marut Jindal, Birmohan Singh
453 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Glówny Urzad Statystyczny Statistics in Transition New Series Analytical modelling for COVID-19 data (fatality): a case study of Nigeria for the period of February 2020 - April 2022 Emmanuel Torsen, Umar Muhammad Modibbo, Mohammed Mijinyawa, Lema Logamou Seknewna, Irfan Ali
454 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Is there anything good about conspiracy beliefs? Belief in COVID-19 conspiracy theories is associated with benefits to well-being Javier A. Granados Samayoa, Courtney A. Moore, Benjamin C. Ruisch, Jesse T. Ladanyi, Russell H. Fazio, Cengiz Erisen
455 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  LLC Science and Innovations Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research Maxillary osteonecrosis as a complication of COVID-19 (Clinical cases) Tatyana V. Rogatina, Nadegda L. Erokina, Alexandr V. Lepilin, Galiya R. Bakhteeva, Svetlana S. Savelyeva
456 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  SAGE Publications Obstetric Medicine Investigation of the presence of SARS-CoV-2 in the maternal-fetal compartment: Study of pregnant women with confirmed COVID-19 at Persahabatan Hospital, Jakarta Yuyun Lisnawati, Budi Haryanto, Sri Pudyastuti, D Cahyarini, P Rinaldi, Agnes Yunie P, et al. (+2)
457 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Policing & Society Abstract policing, Covid-19 and the ‘rural idyll’ in Scotland Jamie Buchan, Shane Horgan, Andrew Wooff, Andy Tatnell
458 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Neurology Sex-related differences in the association between migraine, COVID-19, and long COVID: a population-based cohort Linda Al-Hassany, Antoinette MaassenVanDenBrink, Tobias Kurth
459 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Regional Health - Americas COVID-19 and its impact on life expectancy among First Nations people in Alberta, Canada from 2019 to 2022: a population-based study Chris Sarin, Dean T. Eurich, Olivia Weaver, Li Huang, Sydney Rudko, Cerina Dubois, et al. (+8)
460 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open COVER-ME: developing and evaluating community-based interventions to promote vaccine uptake for COVID-19 and influenza in East London minority ethnicity (ME) and underserved individuals - protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial Tahreem Chaudhry, Patricia Tum, Hui Zhen Tam, Adam Brentnall, Hector Smethurst, Karina Kielmann, et al. (+5)
461 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Future Virology Neurofilament light chain as a biomarker for neurodegenerative changes in COVID-19 and clinical implications Yousef Rasmi, Yeganeh Farnamian, Marijana Markovic Boras, Nihal Inandiklioglu, Charles Adolfu Shirima, Ladan Jalali
462 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  CAIRN Revue économique La crise du Covid-19 a-t-elle modifié les opinions à l’égard de l’interventionnisme public ? Une enquête auprès d’étudiants français Nicolas Bédu, Sophie Massin, Maxence Miéra, Mohamed Ane, Joseph Attila, Christian Ben Lakhdar, et al. (+3)
463 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  University of Trunojoyo Madura Rechtidee PERAN NEGARA DALAM MELINDUNGI HAK TENAGA KERJA INDONESIA DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Yulianto Syahyu
464 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  CISP Journal Services International Journal of Disease Reversal and Prevention Oxidative Stress in COVID-19, Oxidant Sink Theory, and a Plausible Solution to Severe COVID-19 DuWayne Carlson, Cheryl True, Christopher Wilson
465 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  NIXNIX Jurnal Kesehatan STIKes IMC Bintaro Pengaruh Teknik Relaksasi Otot Progesif Terhadap Penurunan Tingkat Kecemasan Pasien Covid-19 Di Kota Metro","The Effect of Progressive Muscle Relaxation Techniques on Reducing Anxiety Levels in Covid-19 Patients in Metro City Resa Livia Nica
466 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Universitas Informatika dan Bisnis Indonesia JIPSI Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Konflik Peran Ganda Dengan Stres Karyawati Yang Melakukan Work From Home (Wfh) Saat Situasi Pandemi Covid-19 Dyah Rachman Kuswartanti
467 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  AOSIS Health SA Gesondheid Assessing the psychological distress and coping strategies among academic staff of a university during COVID-19 Isaiah Owoeye, Toluwani Agunbiade, Adebanke Agboola, Oluwafemi Sanya, Babatope Adebiyi, Furaha Akimanimpaye
468 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Associacao Internacional Uniao das Americas Revista Pleiade Avaliação da Funcionalidade e Sintomas Depressivos em Idosos Durante o Isolamento Social na Pandemia por Covid-19 Camila M.M. Nascimento, Jéssica M. N. de Souza, Mariana P. V. da Silva, Eduardo J. N. Montenegro, Maria das G. R. de Araújo, Maria G. Paiva
469 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  MPM Comunicacao Saúde Coletiva (Barueri) Análise da Funcionalidade Familiar de Estudantes Universitários Durante a Pandemia do Covid-19 Brunna Leonel Machado, Roselma Lucchese, Fernanda de Souza Freitas, Débora Gondim Lopes e Costa, Ana Carolina Marcarini Cocco, Ivânia Vera
470 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  SciELO Agencia Nacional de Investigaciu00f3n y Desarrollo (ANID) Estudios pedagógicos (Valdivia) Desafíos de la educación y la docencia en Chile durante la crisis por COVID-19 Vanessa Orrego
471 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  SciELO Agencia Nacional de Investigaciu00f3n y Desarrollo (ANID) Estudios pedagógicos (Valdivia) Trabajo colaborativo para el aprendizaje de la lectoescritura en niños con diagnóstico de TEL en un contexto rural durante la pandemia por Covid-19 Abraham Novoa-Lagos, Karina Olivares-Dauvin, Andrea Escobar-Muñoz, Cinthya Fierro-Azócar
472 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  CAIRN Sociologie Ne pas rompre la trajectoire des corps morts. Articulations professionnelles durant la pandémie de Covid-19 Gaëlle Clavandier, Philippe Charrier, Marc-Antoine Berthod, Martin Julier-Costes, Veronica Pagnamenta, Alexandre Pillonel
473 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  CAIRN Sociologie L’impossible prise en compte des ressources des bénéficiaires. Le Secours populaire face à la Covid-19 Alizé Cavé
474 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  CAIRN Sociologie Les perturbations des relations interpersonnelles durant la pandémie de Covid-19 Michel Grossetti, Guillaume Favre, Julien Figeac, Lydie Launay
475 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa Olhar de Professor A inclusão e o Programa Residência Pedagógica: reflexões e vivências de licenciandas em Pedagogia em tempos de pandemia (COVID-19) Samara Cavalcanti da Silva Melo, Neizade Lourdes Frederico Fumes
476 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Sociedade em Debate Sociedade em Debate Estágio em Serviço Social: orientações em tempos de pandemia de Covid-19 Manuela Nogueira de Almeida, Alzira Maria Baptista Lewgoy
477 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Determination of both the expression and serum levels of epidermal growth factor and transforming growth factor β1 genes in COVID-19 Pinar Yildiz Gulhan, Recep Eroz, Cihadiye Elif Ozturk, Dilek Yekenkurul, Hasan Baki Altinsoy, Ege Gulec Balbay, et al. (+3)
478 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC EMBO Molecular Medicine DNA methylation changes during acute COVID-19 are associated with long-term transcriptional dysregulation in patients’ airway epithelial cells Marey Messingschlager, Sebastian D Mackowiak, Maria Theresa Voelker, Matthias Bieg, Jennifer Loske, Robert Lorenz Chua, et al. (+19)
479 2025―Mar―21  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine Predicting immune protection against outcomes of infectious disease from population-level effectiveness data with application to COVID-19 Tianxiao Hao, Gerard E. Ryan, Michael J. Lydeamore, Deborah Cromer, James G. Wood, Jodie McVernon, et al. (+3)
480 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  College of Humanities, University of Dar es Salaam ORSEA Journal Continuous Social Media Use Intention in the Accommodation Sector Recovery during Post-Covid-19 Pandemic: Reflection on the Tanzania Experience Donatus Peter Massawe, Omari K Mbura, Tumsifu Elly, Cosmas Masanja
481 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  National Center for Global Health and Medicine (JST) Global Health & Medicine Health system analysis for pandemic policies: Suggestions for the Japan Institute for Health Security (JIHS) Michael R. Reich
482 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Sociological Spectrum The effects of a pandemic on community college faculty work life Matthew West
483 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Wiley Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses Assessment of Influenza Severity in Bhutan by Using WHO Framework Pandemic Influenza Severity Assessment (PISA): An Implementation Research Study Tshering Dorji, Kunzang Dorji, Vishal Chettri, Sonam Gyeltshen, Holly Sadler
484 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Elsevier Clinical Microbiology and Infection Is a human H5N1 pandemic inevitable? Effrossyni Gkrania-Klotsas, Anne L. Wyllie, Pikka Jokelainen, Nitin Gupta, Aleksandra Barac, José Ramón Paño-Pardo, et al. (+5)
485 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Yayasan Dharma Indonesia Tercinta (Dinasti) Greenation International Journal of Economics and Accounting Determinants of Financial Distress and Its Implications on Corporate Value Case Study on Property and Real Estate Sub-Sector Stocks on the Indonesia Stock Exchange Pandemic Era Dini Hadiati Putri Kinasih, Luqman Hakim, Riyanti Riyanti
486 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Environmental Politics Russia’s climate policy in an era of pandemic and war: weathering disruption Laura A. Henry, Lisa McIntosh Sundstrom
487 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Springer-Verlag VirusDisease Abstracts of the papers presented in the international conference of Indian Virological Society, VIROCON 2024 on “Emerging viruses: pandemic and biosecurity perspectives” held during 11-13 November, 2024 at Defence Research and Development Establishment (DRDE), DRDO, Ministry of Defence, Gwalior, India
488 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Korean Association Of Computers and Accounting Korean Association Of Computers And Accounting The Impact of Managerial Ability and Financial Constraints on Investment Efficiency During the COVID-19 Pandemic : Focusing on the Healthcare Industry Tae-Wan Kim
489 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Social Fragility: Impact of Early Fertility and Domestic Violence in Colombia During the Pandemic Fabian Dávila, Favio Cala-Vitery
490 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Social Science Electronic Publishing SSRN Electronic Journal Face to Face Learning (FFL) Policy: Maintaining Sustainability and Quality Education During Pandemic Bachtiar Dwi Kurniawan, Nawang Kurniawan, Alim Bubu Swarga, Alam Mahadika
491 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Polish Academy of Sciences Chancellery Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences Genetic variation and recombination analysis of the NSP11 gene of Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome-2 strains in China from 1996 to 2022 Y. Zheng, G. Li, R. Sun, Q. Luo, M. Zhao
492 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Elsevier Virology A Meta-Analysis on the Immunogenicity of Prototype, Monovalent-adapted and Bivalent vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 Wildtype, Omicron BA.1 and Omicron BA.4/5 in Healthy Adults. Jo-Lewis Banga Ndzouboukou, Abdul A. Kamara, Nadeem Ullah, Qing Lei, Xiong-lin Fan
493 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Turkish Society of Microbiology Türk Mikrobiyoloji Cemiyeti Dergisi Real-time PCR detection of SARS-CoV-2: Performances Vary Based on Instrumentation and Kits Hatice Albayrak, Fadile Yıldız Zeyrek, Akın Yiğin
494 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Computationally designed multi-epitope vaccine construct targeting the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein elicits robust immune responses in silico Varughese Deepthi, Aswathy Sasikumar, Kochupurackal P Mohanakumar, Usha Rajamma
495 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Termedia Sp. z.o.o. Physiotherapy Quarterly Differences between cardiorespiratory fitness in adult men with asymptomatic or mild SARS-COV-2 infections Nia Sri Ramania, Tommy Apriantono, Bagus Winata, Rini Syafriani, Samsul Bahri, Maria Immaculata Iwo, Ashari Budi Nugraha
496 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Neurology SARS-CoV-2 infection in people with multiple sclerosis Kathryn C Fitzgerald
497 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  John Libbey Eurotext European Journal of Dermatology Viral infection as a trigger of hidradenitis suppurativa disease activity: the role of SARS-CoV-2 infection in acute flares Elisa Molinelli, Edoardo De Simoni, Daisy Gambini, Andrea Maurizi, Maria Luisa Dragonetti, Sara Belleggia, et al. (+3)
498 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Elsevier Experimental Gerontology Age-related peculiarities of antibody-mediated humoral immune response following SARS-CoV-2 infection M. Movsisyan, H. Harutyunyan, Movsisyan Kh, I. Kasparova, A. Hakobyan, K. Yenkoyan
499 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  CAIRN Revue de biologie médicale SARS-CoV-2 aux origines du mal Brice Perrier
500 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Measuring SARS-CoV-2 RNA in Bangkok wastewater treatment plants and estimating infected population after fully opening the country in 2023, Thailand Thanchira Saita, Bussarakam Thitanuwat, Nattamon Niyomdecha, Jarunee Prasertsopon, Hatairat Lerdsamran, Pilaipan Puthavathana, Pirom Noisumdaeng
501 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Scientific Research Publishing, Inc. Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology Antiviral Activity of Natural Compounds Immuno Formula Shiban2/5 against SARS-CoV-2 Abdulhameed A. Al Shaibani, Mohamed Taoubane Maallah, Abderahim Maallah
502 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Effectiveness of the Pfizer-BioNTech (BNT162b2) vaccine against the omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 among adults aged 50 and above: A case-control study in Lebanon, June 2022 Maryo Baakliny, Nada Ghosn, Nadine Saleh, Patrick Maison, Marwan Osman,
503 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Medical Virology Lipid Peroxidation and Glutathione Levels Among People Living With HIV Co-infected With Human Coronaviruses in Ghana Esimebia Adjovi Amegashie, Caleb Koranteng Kwayisi-Darkwah, Mildred Adusei-Poku, Ruth Oyawole Sikeola, Lawrencia Ami Emefa Ativi, Abigail Ahene, et al. (+5)
504 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Franz Steiner Verlag GmbH Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik Die wahrgenommene Ausbildungssituation verschiedener Gruppen von Berufslernenden während des coronavirusbedingten Shutdowns im Frühjahr 2020 Jan Hofmann, Markus P. Neuenschwander, Lukas Ramseier, Michael Jüttler
505 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Elsevier Molecular Therapy — Nucleic Acids Deciphering the NSP12/7/8 complex: Key insights into coronavirus replication and potential therapeutic targets Gao Luwen, Zhou Liyan, Abdul Rahman, Zulqarnain Baloch
506 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation Journal of Assessment and Research in Applied Counseling A Review of Anxiety-Exacerbating Factors in Pregnant Women in the Coronavirus Pandemic Tahereh Yaghoubi, Fatemeh Pourbarar, Fatemeh Shahriyari
507 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Medical Virology Remdesivir for the Treatment of Human Coronavirus OC43 Encephalitis Jacques Fourgeaud, Pascal Turlure, Marine Dupont, Nicolas Veyrenche, Clémence Busquet, Sophie Alain, et al. (+3)
508 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  CAIRN Revue de biologie médicale L’énigme de la pandémie de grippe russe de 1889 : un coronavirus en cause ? Patrick Berche
509 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Ovid Pediatric Emergency Care Impact of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic on Clinical Trends in Pediatric Intentional Self-Poisonings Hannah Wilkins, Jennifer Perry, Chary Akmyradov, Erica Liebelt
510 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  The Korean Academy of Family Medicine Korean Journal of Family Practice Treatment for Persistent Mass and Pain Lasting 4 Months Following Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination: A Case Report Han Kyu Cho
511 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Baycinar Tibbi Yayincilik Cardiovascular Surgery and Interventions [MSB-63] The Demographic Impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019 on Open Heart Surgery: A Cardiac Center Perspective Abdul Kerim Buğra
512 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Asia Pacific Association of Allergy, Asthma, and Clinical Immunology Asia Pacific Allergy Clinical outcomes of persistent cough following coronavirus disease 2019 infection: a 1-year retrospective cohort study Sang Pyo Lee, Sung-Yoon Kang
513 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation Journal of Assessment and Research in Applied Counseling The Relationship between Coronavirus Anxiety and its Consequences on Employees' Mental Health Zahra Alizadeh Birjandi, Mohadaseh Ghonchei, Fatemeh Hokmabadi, Seyedeh Zahra Mousaviyan
514 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Elsevier Cell Global surveillance and countermeasures for ACE2-using MERS-related coronaviruses with spillover risk Shibo Jiang, Fan Wu
515 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Acquaint Publications Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Reports Mathematical Analysis of The Novel Coronavirus
516 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation Journal of Assessment and Research in Applied Counseling The Roles of Stress Coping Strategies in Reducing Fear of Coronavirus Mina Abdoli, Nagar Mirzaei, Maryam Abdoli, Maryam Kamaei, Nahid Ghelichkhan
517 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Current Medical Research and Opinion A population-based study of incident prescribing for hypercholesterolaemia and hypertension in Scotland: is the healthcare system recovering from the impact of COVID-19? Amanj Kurdi, Morven Millar, Uchenna Nnabuko, Stuart McTaggart, Tanja Mueller, Euan Proud, et al. (+2)
518 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Kantor Perwakilan Bank Indonesia Provinsi Jawa Timur East Java Economic Journal What is The Level Technical Efficiency of Dairy Cooperative Association of Indonesia In East Java Province During Covid-19? Atik Purmiyati, Thea Safira
519 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  AVES Publishing Co. Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology Psychological Impact of COVID-19: Validity and Reliability of the Turkish Fear of Illness and Virus Evaluation(FIVE) Scale Oğuzhan Kılınçel, Zekiye Çelikbaş, Sedat Batmaz
520 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Drug-Drug Interactions Leading to Tacrolimus Toxicity in a Renal Transplant Patient With COVID-19: The Role of Paxlovid and the Mitigating Use of Phenytoin Ricardo A Pagan Santini, Vinay Nair, Ilan Berlinrut, Gayatri Nair, Madhu Bhaskaran
521 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  UCI School of Education Journal for Learning through the Arts A Research Journal on Arts Integration in Schools and Communities The Intersectionality of Arts-Integration and Social-Emotional Learning during COVID-19: Musical Bridges Around the World: The Musical Sprouts Program Kimberly Alexis Salazar, Belinda Bustos-Flores, Awilda Ramos, Becky Huang, PhD
522 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Neurology Multiple sclerosis and COVID-19: interactions and unresolved issues Ana Zabalza, Alan Thompson, Dalia L Rotstein, Amit Bar-Or, Xavier Montalban
523 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  MDPI AG Economies Monetary Policy Adjustments in Mexico During COVID-19: Fear of Floating and Macroeconomic Volatility Jesús Eduardo López-Mares, Juan Manuel Ocegueda-Hernández, Rogelio Varela-Llamas
524 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Project MUSE Merrill-Palmer Quarterly College Student Coping Strategies During COVID-19: Differences Across Gender, Ethnicity, and Academic Level Elizabeth A. D'Amico, Anna Thodhori, Feihong Wang
525 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Genesis Scientific Publication Advances In Clinical And Medical Research Cardiovascular Disorders as a Risk Factor for Severe Covid-19: A Systematic Literature Review Sara Abou Al-Saud
526 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Elsevier American Journal of Kidney Diseases G-180 Non-Lupus Full House Glomerulonephritis Following COVID-19: A Rare Case of DNAJB9- Negative Fibrillary GN
527 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Medicine Impact of obstructive sleep apnea on inpatient outcomes of COVID-19: a propensity-score matching analysis of the US Nationwide Inpatient Sample 2020 Wei Du, Hong Xu, Yunqi Chang, Biying Feng, Qiong Wang, Weifeng Li
528 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists BJPsych Open Mental health among Chinese university students during COVID-19: 28-month, ten-wave longitudinal study Wendy Wen Li, Daniel Miller, Christopher Rouen, Fang Yang, Huizhen Yu
529 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Elsevier American Journal of Kidney Diseases G-195 When the Kidneys Slip Under COVID's Grip: Uncovering a Rare Case of COVID-19-Related Glomerulopathy
530 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Verlag Osterreich GmbH Zeitschrift für Beihilfenrecht EuGH: Rechtsmittel - Staatliche Beihilfen - Beihilferegelung - Maßnahmen zur Unterstützung von Luftfahrtunternehmen mit einer nationalen Betriebsgenehmigung im Zusammenhang mit der Covid-19-Pandemie - Beschluss der Europäischen Kommission, keine Einwände zu erheben - Begründungspflicht Alexander Egger
531 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Universa BV Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde Remedies bij langdurig covid-19-gerelateerd reukverlies M. Finoulst, P. Vankrunkelsven, J. van Waterschoot, L. Van Gerven
532 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Medip Academy International Surgery Journal COVID-19-associated mesenteric adenitis mimicking acute appendicitis: a case report Stephanie Alexander, Trent Cross
533 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Corporacion Universitaria Iberoamericana Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología The Effects of COVID-19 Work Demands on Mental Health and Work-Family Conflict: The Moderating Role of Supervisor Support Elisa Valenzuela, Ernesto Rosario, Antonio Zapata
534 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Effect of antecedent B-cell depletion therapy for patients hospitalized with COVID-19 within a single health system: a propensity score analysis William M. Garneau, Kunbo Wang, Tao Liang, Yanxun Xu, Douglas E. Gladstone, Robin K. Avery, et al. (+6)
535 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  A & G Editor AG Salud Covid-19 with gastrointestinal symptoms: a narrative review Janeth Vásquez-Granda, Jessy C. Tarrillo-Olivos, Naomy R. Pereyra-Urbina, Jhanina Paola P- Santa-Cruz, Víctor Álvarez-Manrique, Mardel Morales-García, et al. (+2)
536 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Health Communication Examining the Impact of a Culture-Centric Narrative on COVID-19 Vaccines and Mental Wellness Among Latinos in the Midwest Kristina Medero, Shelly Hovick, Sandra Stranne Miller, Jacob Andrew Charlton, Emily Moyer-Gusé, Tasleem J. Padamsee
537 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Turkish Society of Microbiology Türk Mikrobiyoloji Cemiyeti Dergisi Comparison of IFN-γ and IgG Antibody Levels After Two Different COVID-19 Vaccines Betül Dönmez Gökboğa, Şükrü Öksüz, Emel Çalışkan, Cihadiye Elif Öztürk, Nagihan Ege, Eda Acar, Banu Hümeyra Keskin
538 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines Pooled Analysis of the Effect of Pre-Existing Ad5 Neutralizing Antibodies on the Immunogenicity of Adenovirus Type 5 Vector-Based COVID-19 Vaccine from Eight Clinical Trials Wenqing Liu, Yuqing Li, Xiaolong Li, Feiyu Wang, Runjie Qi, Tao Zhu, Jingxin Li
539 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine Challenges and enablers to establishing COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness studies in the World Health Organization Africa region: A mixed-methods evaluation of the African region monitoring vaccine effectiveness (AFRO-MoVE) network Adam W. Crawley, Katherine Murphy, Ian D. Plumb, Grace Adjoa Ocansey, Isaac Baffoe-Nyarko, Norman Nyazema, et al. (+2)
540 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Regional Science Do Neighborhoods Matter for Individual Decision-Making? The Case of COVID-19 Vaccination in Sweden Johan Klaesson, José Lobo, Charlotta Mellander, Sofia Wixe
541 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Medknow Publications International Journal of Preventive Medicine COVID-19 Vaccination and Cardiovascular Events: A Systematic Review and Bayesian Multivariate Meta-Analysis of Preventive Benefits and Risks Raheleh Karimi, Mina Norozirad, Foad Esmaeili, Marjan Mansourian, Hamid R. Marateb
542 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  American Psychological Association Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science Identifying opioid relapse during COVID-19 using natural language processing of nationwide Veterans Health Administration electronic medical record data. Nicholas A. Livingston, Amar D. Mandavia, Anne N. Banducci, Rebecca Sistad Hall, Lauren B. Loeffel, Michael Davenport, et al. (+9)
543 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Elsevier Health Policy OPEN The effectiveness of the states’ crisis response policies: Survival analysis on the COVID-19 transmission suppression in the United States Hanvit Kim, Kyungmin Lee, Jungwon Yeo
544 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Redshine Publication International Journal of Indian Psychology COVID-19 Stress among College Students Mythily S
545 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Far Eastern Scientific Center Of Physiology and Pathology of Respiration Bulletin physiology and pathology of respiration Asthma and COVID-19 (review) O. S. Kruglova, E. A. Sobko, I. V. Demko, A. Yu. Kraposhina, U. A. Khramova, S. A. Geyl'
546 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  American Public Health Association American Journal of Public Health Enumeration 2024: What We Know and What We Wish We Knew About the Governmental Public Health Workforce in a COVID-19 Recovery Landscape Jonathon P. Leider, Casey P. Balio, Rachel Hogg-Graham, Nicole M. Weiss, Abby Vogel, Sezen O. Onal, et al. (+9)
548 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Bentham Science Coronaviruses Dexmedetomidine: A Promising Agent to Enhance Tolerance of Non-invasive Ventilation in COVID-19 Patients: A Narrative Review Mohsen Gholinataj Jelodar, Fatemeh Saghafi, Samaneh Mirzaei
549 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Acquaint Publications Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Reports The saga of psycho-social well-being of family members of newly diagnosed COVID-19 patients in Belgium: A subjective report on their emotional journeys during the pandemic.
550 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Darshan Publishers International Journal of Current Research in Medical Sciences Mortality of COVID-19 Patients at ICU with Diabetes Mellitus in Bangladesh: Role of Multimorbidity and Diagnostic Biomarkers Shuvajit Saha, Faroque Md Mohsin, Maherun Nesa, Shekh Mohammad Mostafa, Aditta Das, Seema Roy, et al. (+7)
551 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  University Library in Kragujevac Preventive Paediatrics UTICAJ COVID-19 PANDEMIJE NA UNOS VOĆA I POVRĆA KOD OMLADINACA U NIŠU Maja Nikolić, Aleksandra Stanković, Biljana Kocić
552 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Universitas Bina Nusantara International Journal of Computer Science and Humanitarian AI Two-Dimensional Segmentation to Reconstruct Three-Dimensional Covid-19 Patient’s Lung CT Using Active Contour Zaki Ambadar, Tri Arief Sardjono, Nada Fitrieyatul Hikmah
553 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research (IJFMR) International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research Challenges and Prospects in Dental Education During and Post Covid-19 Pandemic: Embracing the Future of Teaching and Learning Rommel Toledo, Rebecca Nueva España
554 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Social and Personal Relationships A threat-complexity hypothesis of conspiracy thinking during the COVID-19 pandemic: Cross-national and longitudinal evidence of a three-way interaction effect of financial strain, disempowerment and paranoia Gennaro Pica, N. Pontus Leander, Hadi Sam Nariman, Márton Hadarics, Daniel W. Snook, Jocelyn J. Bélanger, et al. (+5)
555 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  ISMA SYC INT EUROPEAN RESEARCH STUDIES JOURNAL Marketing Activities Caused by the Covid-19 Pandemic: Analysis and Perspectives Stanislaw Kaczynski
556 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Social Science Electronic Publishing SSRN Electronic Journal The Role of Non-government Organisations in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges and Way Forward  Md Shahnur Rahman, Md Sahidul Islam
557 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Gastroenterology Assessing the consistency of FIB-4, APRI, and GPR in evaluating significant liver fibrosis and cirrhosis in COVID-19 patients with concurrent liver diseases Pan Yan, Xiaoping Yu, Zhu Chen, Lijuan Lan, Jun Kang, Bennan Zhao, Dafeng Liu
558 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Elsevier World Neurosurgery Litigation Involving Delay of Spinal Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Review of Reported Legal Cases in the U.S. Mayur S. Patel, Arianna D. Carfora, Kathleen Botterbush, Dominic Franceschelli, Justin Zhang, Andrew Grossbach, et al. (+2)
559 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus No-Show Rates in a Cardiology Clinic During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Retrospective Analysis From a Safety-Net Hospital Khalid Sawalha, Andrew J Fancher, Subhi Al'Aref, Angel Lopez Candales
560 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Elsevier Transportation Research Part E Logistics and Transportation Review Assessing the resilience of urban truck transport networks under the COVID-19 pandemic: A case study of China Yitao Yang, Erjian Liu, Yan Chen, Xin Meng, Ting Wang, Hui Wang, et al. (+3)
561 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Etiological Profile of Hospitalized Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI) Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study Anjali Zoting, Swati Bhise, Priyanka Mategadikar, Pravin Deshmukh, Sunanda Shrikhande
562 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Elsevier American Journal of Kidney Diseases G-396 COVID-19 Pandemic-Induced Healthcare Disruption and Chronic Kidney Disease Progression: A Study in New York City
563 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Printspublications Private Limited Nagarlok The COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of Reverse Migration from Mumbai Flora Pandya, Saujanya Jagtap
564 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Traumatic Stress Running up that hill: Applying the challenge model of resilience to understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on youth resettled as refugees Ahmed Elashmawy, Noor Abou-Rass, Raya Nashef, Bassem Saad, Arash Javanbakht, Lana Ruvolo Grasser
565 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  PAGEPress Publications Monaldi Archives for Chest Disease The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the profile of interstitial lung disease presenting to the pulmonary medicine department of a tertiary care center in western India Unnati Desai, Ketaki Utpat, Aravind Raj
566 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  University of the Philippines Manila Acta Medica Philippina The Psychological Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Students
567 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Bilingual Publishing Co. Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences Climatic Variables and Food Security of Villagers during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Districts of Huancayo, Peru Doris Marmolejo Gutarra, Elizabeth Nelly Paitan Anticona
568 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists BJPsych Open Fluctuations in dispensed out-patient psychotropic medication prescriptions during the COVID-19 pandemic in The Netherlands Damian A. Visser, Daphne S. Everaerd, Hannah Ellerbroek, Janneke R. Zinkstok, Indira Tendolkar, Femke Atsma, Arnt F. A. Schellekens
569 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Cambridge University Press International Journal of Law in Context Blurred spaces and erosions of privacy: Examining working from home during the Covid-19 pandemic in Norway through the lens of the legal notion of privacy Emily M. Weitzenboeck, Cathrine Egeland
570 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  F1000 Research Ltd HRB Open Research Changes in depressive symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic differ by personality type: Findings from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing Brendan O'Maoileidigh, Cillian McDowell, Cathal McCrory, Rose Anne Kenny, Celine DeLooze, Mark Ward
571 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Medknow Publications Indian Journal of Continuing Nursing Education Online Learning Stress during the COVID-19 Pandemic besides the Economic Crisis Jaha Shantha Rohan Savarimuttu, R. Joel Jairus, W. M. Sumith Dananjaya, E. B. Veerasingam, Rogina J. S. Savarimuthu, C. Kanniammal
572 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management The role of technology in developing resilient supply chains: a systematic literature review during the COVID-19 pandemic and the disruptions of economic sanctions Birhanu Shanko Dura, Simon Peter Nadeem, Jose Arturo Garza-Reyes, Abebe Ejigu Alemu, Bahman Rostami Tabar, Daniel Henao Zapata, Andre Kreie
573 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  JMIR Publications Inc. Journal of Medical Internet Research Contextualizing Changes in e-Cigarette Use During the Early COVID-19 Pandemic and Accompanying Infodemic (“So Much Contradictory Evidence”): Qualitative Document Analysis of Reddit Forums Shannon Lea Watkins, Katherine Snodgrass, Lexi Fahrion, Emily Shaw
574 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement Caregivers’ Experiences of Nursing Home Restrictions During the COVID-19 Pandemic - CORRIGENDUM Mary Jean Hande, Lori E. Weeks, Stephanie A. Chamberlain, Emily Hubley, Rosanne Burke, Grace Warner, et al. (+2)
575 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Willingness of healthcare professionals in China to continue participating in and recommend telemedicine post COVID-19 pandemic Weiyi Wang, Xianying He, Xu Zhang, Yuntian Chu, Chenchen Li, Baozhan Chen, Jie Zhao
576 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Universitas Sebelas Maret SEPA Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis PERFORMANCE AGRICULTURAL, MINING, AND INDUSTRIAL SECTORS IN SOUTH SUMATRA PROVINCE BEFORE AND DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Muhammad Aris Pujiyanto, Dwidjono Hadi Darwanto, Jangkung Handoyo Mulyo
577 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies Factors affecting the quality of life of caregivers of children with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic Hye Young Kim, Yuji Shin, JiHye Jung
578 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Wiley Counselling and Psychotherapy Research Factors Associated With Marital Satisfaction of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual People During the COVID-19 Pandemic Patrícia Oliveira Lima, Aline Nogueira de Lira, Ananda Reis Tavares, Normanda Araujo de Morais
579 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Glokom Katarakt Turkish Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology Using google trends to evaluate the public interest to ocular diseases and symptoms during the covid-19 pandemic Günsu Deniz, Enver Mirza, Selman Belviranlı, Mehmet Adam, Ali Osman
580 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases Trajectories of depression and anxiety in adults with rare disorders across 13 months during the COVID-19 pandemic Øyvind Halsøy, Stian Orm, Hugo Cogo-Moreira, Wendy K. Silverman, Krister Fjermestad
581 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Humanities and Social Sciences Communications Does disclosure of CSR activities improve corporate value? Moderating role of intellectual capital and COVID-19 pandemic Rayed Obaid Hammoud AlObaid, Omar Al Farooque, Ameen Qasem
582 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Springer-Verlag AIDS and Behavior Challenges Faced by Perinatally-Infected Kenyan Adolescents and Youth Living with HIV During the COVID-19 Pandemic Manjot Singh, Winstone Nyandiko, Allison Delong, Celestine Ashimosi, Dennis Munyoro, Janet Lidweye, et al. (+11)
583 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Education Association of South Africa South African Journal of Education School principals’ leadership development: Lessons from the ACE school leadership programme on leading during the COVID-19 pandemic Ephraim Matala Kgwete
584 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  MDPI AG Viruses Comparative Interactome Profiling of Nonstructural Protein 3 Across SARS-CoV-2 Variants Emerged During the COVID-19 Pandemic Valeria Garcia Lopez, Lars Plate
585 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Seven Events ARACÊ BIRTH AND FERTILITY RATES BEFORE AND AFTER THE LOCKDOWN IN THE FEDERAL DISTRICT OF BRAZIL DUE TO THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Antonio Garcia Reis Junior, Antonio Carlos de Souza, Sulani Silva de Souza, Francisca Rego, Stela Marcos de Almeida Neves Barbas
586 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  University of Szczecin Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine Aerobic performance of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University students in Košice in reflection on their physical activity after Covid-19 pandemic Marcel Čurgali, Richard Melichar, Kristína Čurgali, Ján Junger
587 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Fedração das Associações de Ginecologia e Obsterícia Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia / RBGO Gynecology and Obstetrics Comment on: Access and adequacy of antenatal care in during two phases of the COVID-19 pandemic Amnuay Kleebayoon, Viroj Wiwanitkit
588 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Fedração das Associações de Ginecologia e Obsterícia Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia / RBGO Gynecology and Obstetrics The experience of pregnancy in the COVID-19 pandemic Mariana Corniani Lopes, Cheryl Tatano Beck, Zelina Hilária de Souza Rosa, Erika de Sá Vieira Abuchaim
589 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  MDPI AG Healthcare Risk Factors for Poor Sleep Quality and Subjective Cognitive Decline in Older Adults Living in the United States During the COVID-19 Pandemic Celina Pluim McDowell, Jairo E. Martinez, Averi Giudicessi, Diana Munera, Clara Vila-Castelar, Edmarie Guzmán-Vélez, et al. (+4)
590 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Housing Research The Declining Impact of Walkability and Transit Accessibility on U.S. Home Values During the COVID-19 Pandemic Bradley Bereitschaft
591 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Communications Medicine The unprecedented Paxlovid journey from milligrams to millions of patient doses during the Covid-19 pandemic Weili Yu, Mahesh K. Krishnan, Matt Weekly, Ravi M. Shanker, Pankaj Doshi, John A. Ragan, et al. (+6)
592 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Wiley International Endodontic Journal Same-day emergencies in endodontic specialists' practice: Before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic Ali Nosrat, Yuke Tian, Prashant Verma, Nardin Mossad, Di Wu, Ashraf F. Fouad
593 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE COVID-19 outbreak management in Western Sydney residential aged care homes: A mixed-methods Donabedian evaluation Vincent V. Vicencio, Catherine Viengkham, Nicholas Grange, Sophie Norton, Ramon Z. Shaban, Asrat Genet Amnie
594 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Global Vision Press International Journal of Smart Business and Technology Impact of COVID-19 on the Performance of Commercial Banks of Bangladesh: A Comparative Analysis of Pre-COVID, COVID Period and the Determinants for Post-COVID Performance Anupam Das Gupta, Zapan Barua, Afsana Yesmin
595 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  International College of Surgeons International Surgery The effect of Covid-19 on bariatric surgery patients in Türkiye: the risk, weight gain, psychological symptoms Ali Durmuş, Ugur Kesici
596 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Impact of COVID-19 on the HIV Treatment Outcomes Among Men Who Have Sex with Men in South Africa After the Implementation of a Differentiated Service Delivery Model: An Interrupted Time Series Analysis Betty Sebati, Edith Phalane, Yegnanew A. Shiferaw, Jacqueline Pienaar, Stanford Furamera, Refilwe Nancy Phaswana-Mafuya
597 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management Wear a Mask, Save a Life? Insights From COVID-19 on Shifting Digital Influence Amid High Epistemic Uncertainty During Crisis Yonggang Lu
598 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Victims & Offenders Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 on Courts in a Midwestern State Katelyn M. McMahon, Ethan Amidon, Jennifer LaPrade
599 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Nepal Journals Online Shaheed Smriti Journal Impact of Covid-19 on Economy of Nepal Jagannath Pokhrel
600 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Fedração das Associações de Ginecologia e Obsterícia Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia / RBGO Gynecology and Obstetrics Effect of COVID-19 on Brazilian cesarean and prematurity rates: a cross-sectional study Clarissa Suzart, José Paulo de Siqueira Guida
601 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Asia Pacific Academy of Science Pte. Ltd. Business and Management Theory and Practice COVID-19, nature of ownership and surplus value correlation Zhiqi Yuan, Xuanming Zhang
602 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Bentham Science Current Pharmaceutical Design Identification of Natural Compounds as Potential COVID-19 Main Protease (Mpro) Inhibitors: A Comprehensive Study and In silico Evidence Arti Devi, Vagish Dwibedi, Sahil Jain, Gursharan Kaur, Zaved Ahmed Khan, Sudip Kumar Mandal, et al. (+4)
603 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Long-term effects of the COVID-19 lockdown on the structural and functional outcomes of neovascular AMD patients in Suzhou, China Zheyao Gu, Xiangying Luo, Ruizhu Sun, Ting Xi, Chunyuan Zhang, Vasudevan Ramachandran
604 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Department of Architecture and Planning, NED University of Engineering and Technology Journal of Research in Architecture & Planning IMPACT OF COVID-19 LOCKDOWN ON AIR QUALITY AND URBAN HEAT ISLANDS: A REMOTE SENSING ANALYSIS OF PM2.5, NO2, AND TEMPERATURE IN LAHORE, PAKISTAN Aqsa Qalb, Aisha Khan, Suleman Sarwar, Rida Waheed
605 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  MDPI AG Risks COVID-19 Intensity, Resilience, and Expected Returns Elham Daadmehr
606 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Open Exploration Publishing Exploration of Digital Health Technologies Digital modeling by biomedical informatics analysis predicts suppression of COVID-19 infectivity via ‘targeting oligonucleotide-directed devolution’ Frank-Un Hong, Miguel Marciano Castro, Klaus D. Linse
607 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Elsevier American Journal of Kidney Diseases G-277 ANCA-Positive IGA Nephropathy After COVID-19 Infection
608 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Elsevier American Journal of Kidney Diseases G-257 Anti-Glomerular Basement Membrane Disease Following COVID-19 Infection
609 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Elsevier American Journal of Kidney Diseases G-449 Primary Membranous Nephropathy in a Kidney Donor After COVID-19 Infection
610 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Korean Society of Exercise Physiology Exercise Science Changes in Physical Activity and Cognitive Function of the Elderly Due to COVID-19 in South Korean Eunjae Lee, Seung-Taek Lim
611 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Acquaint Publications Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Reports Average Mortality rate of Covid-19 in Iran
612 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  American Psychological Association Spirituality in Clinical Practice Evaluation of the effectiveness of “Noor” Prayer in reducing anxiety, stress, and depression and improving physical symptoms of COVID-19 in Muslim hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in Iran. Fatemeh Fayyaz, Alireza Fatemi, Hananeh Aliakbarzadeh, Jamile Mohammadi, Ahmadreza Okhovvat, Mahdi Jafari, et al. (+3)
613 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Performance Measurement and Metrics Leveraging AraBERT for COVID-19 event monitoring on Arabic Twitter Fouzi Harrag, Ouissem Touameur, Maroua Zermani
614 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  CAIRN Rhizome Pandémie de Covid-19 et niveaux d’anxiété en France : données épidémiologiques Maria Melchior, Judith Van der Waerden, Camille Davisse-Paturet, Cédric Galéra, Alexandra Rouquette
615 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  SAGE Publications The Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh A neuroradiology e-mail service for a district general hospital in the COVID-19 era Mary T McCullagh, Ferghal McVerry, Peter Flynn, Niall MacKenzie, Gillian Thompson, Mark O McCarron
616 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Teaching Cardiac Auscultation: Effectiveness of Virtual Simulation-Based Training on Improving Cardiac Auscultatory Skills in Post-graduate Trainees in the COVID-19 Era Melissa Hidalgo, Sophia Navajas, Michael A Chizner
617 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Clinical Infectious Disease Society An Unusual Case of COVID-19 Enterocolitis Complicated by Promyelocyte Arrest and Pancytopenia Sreenath Sreedharan, Aquil Kalanad, Shali Aruketty Shanmughan, A. K. Haniyya
618 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Health Research Policy and Systems A bespoke rapid evidence review process engaging stakeholders for supporting evolving and time-sensitive policy and clinical decision-making: reflection and lessons learned from the Wales COVID-19 Evidence Centre 2021-2023 Ruth Lewis, Alison Cooper, David Jarrom, Mala Mann, Rebecca-Jane Law, Deborah Edwards, et al. (+12)
619 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Revista Brasileira De Cancerologia (RBC) Revista Brasileira de Cancerologia Desafios e Estratégias no Enfrentamento da Pandemia de Covid-19 em Oncologia Pediátrica: Lições Aprendidas Fernanda Ferreira da Silva Lima, Arissa Ikeda Suzuki, Lícia Neves Portela, Luiz Claudio Santos Thuler, Sima Esther Ferman
620 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Yayasan Bina Lentera Insan Jurnal Lentera - Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Identifikasi Social Capital dalam Penanggulangan Pandemi Covid-19 di Sulawesi Utara Asep Rahman, Rahayu Akili
621 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Factors influencing uptake of COVID-19 diagnostics in Sub-Saharan Africa: a rapid scoping review Mackwellings Maganizo Phiri, Yasmin Dunkley, Elizabeth Di Giacomo, Wezzie Lora, Moses Kumwenda, Itai Kabonga, et al. (+8)
622 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Yayasan Bina Lentera Insan Jurnal Lentera - Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Perilaku Masyarakat Terhadap Pencegahan Covid-19 di Desa Kalasey Satu Kecamatan Mandolang Kabupaten Minahasa Herty Utari Runtuwene, Sulaemana Engkeng, Grace Esther Caroline Korompis
623 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  EDUFU - Editora da Universidade Federal de Uberlandia Hygeia - Revista Brasileira de Geografia Médica e da Saúde PROCEDIMENTOS PARA ESTIMATIVA DA VELOCIDADE DE DISSEMINAÇÃO DE DOENÇAS - UM ESTUDO DE CASO COM DADOS DA COVID-19 NO ESTADO DO PARANÁ","PROCEDURES FOR ESTIMATING THE SPREAD VELOCITY OF DISEASES - A CASE STUDY WITH COVID-19 DATA IN THE STATE OF PARANÁ Tony Vinicius Moreira Sampaio, Emanuele Cristina Gustani Buss, Carla Luiza da Silva, Daniela Frizon Alfieri, Glauco Nonose Negrão, Marcos Aurélio Pelegrina, Pedro Augusto Breda Fontão
624 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Australian Journal of Maritime & Ocean Affairs Seafarers’ voices during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond: when excessive workload and related impacts become a turning point to quit Maria Carrera-Arce, Raphael Baumler, Bikram Singh Bhatia, Johan Hollander
625 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  MDPI AG COVID COVID-19 Control in Highly Urbanized Philippine Cities: Leveraging Public Health Open-Source Government Data for Epidemic Preparedness and Response Maria Catherine B. Otero, Lorraine Joy L. Bernolo, Refeim M. Miguel, Zypher Jude G. Regencia, Lyre Anni E. Murao, Emmanuel S. Baja
626 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Research Notes Sedentary behaviour and level of physical activity among people with post COVID-19 condition: associated factors and changes over time Elin Östlind, Åsa B Tornberg, Elisabeth Ekstrand, Iben Axén, Christina Brogårdh, Agneta Malmgren Fänge, et al. (+2)
627 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  MDPI AG Reports — Medical Cases Images and Videos Multimodal Telerehabilitation in Post COVID-19 Condition Recovery: A Series of 12 Cases Beatriz Carpallo-Porcar, Esther del Corral Beamonte, Carolina Jiménez-Sánchez, Paula Córdova-Alegre, Natalia Brandín-de la Cruz, Sandra Calvo
628 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines Interplay Between Viral Shedding, Age, and Symptoms in Individual Infectivity of COVID-19 Breakthrough Infections in Households Shuaibing Dong, Ying Sun, Shuyu Ni, Yi Tian, Zhaomin Feng, Lei Jia, et al. (+5)
629 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Water Process Engineering Insights on the degradation mechanism of COVID-19 antiviral drug chloroquine phosphate using UV/chloramine: Kinetic, mechanistic and toxicity evaluation Guilin He, Zeting Chen, Tuqiao Zhang, Qingyue Jiang, Yonglei Wang
630 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Knowledge and Learning COVID-19 and the new situation in higher education Eduardo Carlos Dittmar, David López Jiménez, Jenny Patricia Vargas Portillo
631 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Wiley Respirology Case Reports Bronchopleural Fistula Following COVID-19 and Necrotizing Pneumonia in Childhood: Treatment With Intrapleural Vacuum-Assisted Closure Therapy Jose Carlos Fraga, Felipe Colombo Holanda, Natalia Zanini Silva, Maria Fernanda Oliveira, Paola Santis Isolan, Elenara Fonseca Procianoy
632 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Elsevier American Journal of Kidney Diseases G-235 COVID-19 and APOL1: Increased risk of AKI
633 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Elsevier Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews Forgetting COVID-19 - Introduction to the Special Issue John Hiscott
634 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Korea Hotel & Resort Association Journal of Hotel & Resort A Study on the Perception of Travel-tech in the Tourism Industry after COVID-19 - Focusing on Semantic Network Analysis - Hyesun Kim, Heeju Kwon
635 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Yayasan Bina Lentera Insan Jurnal Lentera - Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Pariwisata Alam di Taman Wisata Alam Batuputih, Kota Bitung, Sulawesi Utara di Era Pandemi Covid-19 Saroyo
636 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Pediatric Health Care Response to Letter to the Editor from the Authors of the published article, Caregiver Willingness, Pediatric Clinical Research and COVID-19 Crystal S. Lim, Dustin E. Sarver, Dustin C. Brown, Tre D. Gissandaner, Robert D. Annett
637 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Yayasan Bina Lentera Insan Jurnal Lentera - Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Gambaran Pengetahuan dan Sikap tentang Higiene Perorangan Jemaat GMIM Exodus Sagerat Weru Dua dalam Pencegahan Covid-19 Jemima Kisy Olga Lariwu, Ricky C. Sondakh, Oksfriani J. Sumampouw
638 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) PRACTICE Exploring the well-being of early career teachers: staying afloat whilst fixing the boat during COVID-19 Phil Wood, Aimee Quickfall, Emma Clarke
639 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  CV. Syntax Corporation Indonesia Syntax Literate Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia Gambaran Kreativitas Dosen dalam Perkuliahan Offline Pascapandemi COVID-19 Mardiani Kusuma Putri, Rini Sugiarti
640 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Universidad Complutense de Madrid Estudios Complutenses de Asia Oriental Un estudio sobre la construcción del discurso de la imagen china en los principales medios peruanos: tomando como ejemplo el informe sobre el Covid-19 Zhi Chén
641 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Ferrata Storti Foundation Haematologica Clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential associates with higher risk of thromboembolism in severe COVID-19 Gregorio Maria Bergonzi, Jacques-Emmanuel Galimard, Federico Mario Aletti, Piera Angelillo, Sara Mastaglio, Federico Erbella, et al. (+11)
642 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health How Social Support and Parent-Child Relationships Related to LGBTQ+ College Students’ Academic Challenges During COVID-19 Yuan Zhang, Miranda R. Garcia, Eva. S. Lefkowitz
643 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Elsevier American Journal of Kidney Diseases G-194 When Immunity Attacks: Anti-GBM Disease and COVID-19
644 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Far Eastern Scientific Center Of Physiology and Pathology of Respiration Bulletin physiology and pathology of respiration Activity of the apoptosis-inducing ligand TRAIL in the blood of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease who had COVID-19 E. G. Kulik, V. I. Pavlenko, S. V. Naryshkina
645 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Corporacion Universitaria Iberoamericana Horizontes Pedagógicos Formas de subjetivación en estudiantes universitarios de Colombia durante la pandemia por COVID-19 Diana Cristina Buitrago Duque, Sara Yurley Graciano Ochoa
646 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Far Eastern Scientific Center Of Physiology and Pathology of Respiration Bulletin physiology and pathology of respiration Efficacy of combined folic acid, cyanocobalamin, and pyridoxine hydrochloride therapy in the comprehensive management of pneumonia associated with COVID-19 I. Ya. Tseymakh, D. E. Bogachev, A. Yu. Zhbanov, A. N. Karkavina, T. A. Kornilova
647 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  MDPI AG Tourism and Hospitality DMOs and Social Media Crisis Communication in Low-Responsibility Crisis: #VisitPortugal Response Strategies During COVID-19 Mariana Casal-Ribeiro, Rita Peres, Inês Boavida-Portugal
648 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  American Medical Association JAMA Ophthalmology Prevalence and Severity of Astigmatism in Children After COVID-19 Ka Wai Kam, Erica Shing, Yuzhou Zhang, Xiu Juan Zhang, Arnold S. H. Chee, Mandy P. H. Ng, et al. (+10)
649 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Mobilities ‘It changes your priorities’: stay-return motivations among UK’s Polish essential workers in the polycrisis of Brexit and Covid-19 Anna Gawlewicz
650 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  CAIRN Revue de biologie médicale La dengue à l’île de la Réunion : épidémiologie et approche diagnostique rapide par temps de COVID-19 C. Pianetti, C. Vanhecke, Esthelle Kouakam Magne, Olia Boukhezra
651 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Three decades of atrial fibrillation and flutter epidemiology and risk factors in Iran with a focus on the impact of COVID-19 Hoomaan Ghasemi, Mohammad-Mahdi Bastan, Morvarid Najafi, Seyed Aria Nejadghaderi
652 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro UNIRIO Revista de Pesquisa Cuidado é Fundamental Online Discursivity of nursing professionals in coping with the death of hospitalized patients with covid-19 / Discursividade de profissionais de enfermagem no enfrentamento da morte de pacientes hospitalizados com covid-19 Caio Bismarck Silva de Oliveira, Luana Carla Santana Ribeiro
653 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  European Respiratory Society ERJ Open Research Differential Platelet Protein Release Profiles in Community-Acquired Pneumonia and COVID-19 Osoul Chouchane, Valentine Léopold, Erik H.A. Michels, Justin de Brabander, Christine C.A. van Linge, Augustinus M. Klarenbeek, et al. (+3)
654 2025―Mar―20  [GO]  Publikasi Indonesia COMSERVA Indonesian Jurnal of Community Services and Development Analisis Determinasi Jumlah Investasi Tenaga Kerja Dan Inflasi Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Di Indonesia Sebagai Dammy Variabel (Studi Covid-19) Bakri Soamole, Firdaus Duko, Adurahman Senuk, Mohammad Kotib
655 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Wiley Naval Research Logistics (NRL) Navigating the Waves: The Global Pandemic's Impact on Container Shipping and Freight Rates Across Different Policy Scenarios Shiyuan Zheng, Changmin Jiang
656 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) The Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice Global pandemic, social media, and fake news: FoMO, need for connectivity and compulsive buying Vahideh Arghash, Yavuz Gunalay, Elif Yolbulan Okan
657 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Korean Neuropsychiatric Association Psychiatry Investigation Prenatal Mental Health and Its Stress-Process Mechanisms During a Pandemic Lockdown: A Moderated Parallel Mediation Model Man Jiang, Lei Chen, Nan Tuo, Dongjian Yang, Shimeng Liu, Zhen Huang
658 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Elsevier JHLT Open Outcomes of lung transplantation from SARS-CoV-2 positive donors during the Omicron wave Sonya M Kothadia, Cameron R Wolfe, Arthur W Baker, Katherine A Young, John M Reynolds, Matthew G Hartwig, et al. (+2)
659 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Elsevier Virus Research Combination Therapy Enhances the Antiviral Activity of IFN-λ Against SARS-CoV-2 and MERS-CoV Vahid Rajabali Zadeh, Jocelyne M. Lew, M. Atif Zahoor, Deanna Santer, Jordan J. Feld, Darryl Falzarano
660 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia (STIESIA ) Surabaya EKUITAS (Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan) EXAMINING THE ECONOMIC IMPACT OF CORRUPTION: ARE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE CLEANEST AND MOST CORRUPT COUNTRIES BEFORE AND DURING COVID-19? Lestari Agusalim, Muhammad Ilham Alfiansyah, Puguh Prasetyoputra, Riko Noviantoro
661 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Edizioni Minerva Medica Minerva Medica Long COVID: emerging pathophysiological mechanisms Michael R. MUELLER, Ravindra GANESH, Thomas J. BECKMAN, Ryan T. HURT
662 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Nature Immunology Navigating the path forward for evidence-based management of long COVID Joseph J. Breen, Robert W. Eisinger, Sarah W. Read, John Beigel, Tara N. Palmore, H. Clifford Lane, et al. (+6)
663 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Vitamin B12 as an epidrug for regulating peripheral blood biomarkers in long COVID-associated visuoconstructive deficit Larissa M. G. Cassiano, Jonas J. de Paula, Daniela V. Rosa, Débora M. Miranda, Marco A. Romano-Silva, Roney S. Coimbra
664 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Neurology Asymmetrical glymphatic dysfunction in patients with long Covid associated neurocognitive impairment- correlation with BBB disruption Joga R. Chaganti, Tanush K. Talekar, Bruce James Brew
665 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Anfo Publication House Journal of Frontiers in Multidisciplinary Research Public Health Crisis Management and Emergency Preparedness: Strengthening Healthcare Infrastructure against Pandemics and Bioterrorism Threats Olakunle Saheed Soyege, Collins Nwannebuike Nwokedi, Busayo Olamide Tomoh, Ashiata Yetunde Mustapha, Akachukwu Obianuju Mbata, Obe Destiny Balogun, et al. (+2)
666 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research International Journal of Telecommunications Enhancing Smart Infrastructure Monitoring in Response to Approaching Pandemics Nourhan Osama Mohamed, khaled Abd El Salam Ali, Ahmed Magdy Mohamed, Bassem ELhady ElNaghi
667 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul Ulum (Unipdu) Teknologi Implementasi Video Call untuk Mendukung Mobile Government di Masa Pandemi NCOVID19 Andreas Sahabat Lumban Batu
668 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Social Science Electronic Publishing SSRN Electronic Journal TLTRO III and Banks' Loan Book Rebalancing During the Pandemic: Less 'Targeted' than Intended for Some? Claudio Corte Coi, Aristeidis Dadoukis, Hannah Sabine Hempell, Elena Rancoita
669 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Elsevier International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction Effects of an unconditional cash transfer program during the pandemic: Empirical evidence from Thailand Worarit Vannavanit, Kazushi Takahashi
670 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  San Jose State University Library - DIGITAL COMMONS JOURNALS Secrecy and Society Introduction, Special Issue on Pandemic Secrecy: The COVID Origin Story and Pandemic Risk Society Susan Maret
671 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Building Engineering AI-Driven Short-Term Load Forecasting Enhanced by Clustering in Multi-Type University Buildings: Insights Across Building Types and Pandemic Phases Yu-Shin Hu, Kai-Yun Lo, I-Yun Lisa Hsieh
672 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Springer-Verlag European Journal of Epidemiology The impact of the pandemic on non-COVID-19 causes of death in the United States: a multiple cause of death analysis Yu Li, Hang Li, Tim Adair
673 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Autonomous University of Yucatan Educación y ciencia Duolingo Plus para aprender francés durante el confinamiento en Pandemia","Studying French in Mexico with Duolingo Plus During the Pandemic as Support for Self-Learning María Cristina Covarrubias Cruz
674 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication The Turkish Online Journal of Design Art and Communication SUDDEN TRANSITION FROM PHYSICAL TO DIGITAL: COLOR LEARNING IN ARCHITECTURAL EDUCATION DURING THE COVID 19 PANDEMIC İlayda Soyupak
675 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  San Jose State University Library - DIGITAL COMMONS JOURNALS Secrecy and Society Covid Cover-up: Secrecy, Censorship and Suppression during the Pandemic Brian Martin
676 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Epidemiology and Population Health Impact de la pandémie de COVID-19 sur le système tunisien de déclaration obligatoire des maladies Arwa NEFFATI, Hind BOUGUERRA, Latifa MAAZAOUI, Salsabil REJAIBI, Ahlem SALINI, Chakib ZIDDINI
677 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Microbiology The role of major and minor structural proteins of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus in induction of protective immunity Dan Li, Laixu Zhu, Chenchen Cui, Zhenchun Wu, Pengkai Qing, Qiongqiong Zhou, et al. (+7)
678 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Epidemiology and Population Health Estimation de l'impact des retards induits par la pandémie de COVID-19 sur la mortalité par cancer du sein en France à l'aide d'un modèle de microsimulation. Tom STOCKHOLM, Aldéric FRASLIN, Thomas FILLERON, Aurélie BERTAUT, Audrey BLANC-LAPIERRE, Jamila MARGHADI, et al. (+2)
679 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  American Chemical Society ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science Spike Protein-Fibrinogen Interaction: A Novel Immune Evasion Strategy of SARS-CoV-2? Saroj Kumar Panda, Shashi Singh, Parth Sarthi Sen Gupta
680 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Acquaint Publications Journal of Medical Case Reports and Case Series Aortic Thrombosis in A Patient with SARS-Cov2 Pneumonia
681 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Epidemiology and Infection Factors associated with carditis adverse events following SARS-COV-2-19 vaccination Kyung Hyun Min, Jun Hyeob Kim, Jin Yeon Gil, Jun Hyuk Park, Ji Min Han, Kyung Eun Lee
682 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Wiley Chronic Diseases and Translational Medicine Correction to “Alignment of Human KAT2A (GCN5) Histone Acetyltransferase and SARS-CoV-2 Orf8 Viral Proteins”
683 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Fortune Journals Archives of Clinical and Biomedical Research Distress and Factors for Maintaining Good Mental Health among General Practitioners during the SARS-COV-2 Pandemic Kathryn Hoffmann, Florian O Stummer, Esther van Poel, Sara Willems, Silvia Wojczewski
684 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Elsevier Respiratory Investigation Characteristics of the 11th wave by SARS-CoV-2 KP.3 subvariant: Re-increase in pneumonia severity Naoyuki Miyashita, Yasushi Nakamori, Makoto Ogata, Naoki Fukuda, Akihisa Yamura, Tomoki Ito
685 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Elsevier Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery Acute transverse myelitis following SARS-CoV-2 infection during treatment for ulcerative colitis with anti-TNFα therapy Tsuyoshi Hamaguchi, Michiyo Fujita-Nakata, Yuri Shojima, Nobuaki Uchida, Megumi Nakanishi, Tohru Itoh, Masato Asahina
686 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Ovid Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine Number of Symptoms During the Acute Phase of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Athletes Is Associated With Multiorgan Involvement: AWARE III Carolette Snyders, Marlise Dyer, Esme Jordaan, Leonie Scholtz, Andre Du Plessis, Martin Mpe, et al. (+2)
687 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Khabarovsk Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology of Rospotrebnadzor The Far Eastern Journal of Infectious Pathology EFFECTIVE ANIMAL MODELS FOR STUDYING SARS-COV-2 INFECTION E.P. Fomenko, A.V. Gapeka, P.G. Milovankin, E.K. Merlov, M.Yu. Shchelkanov
688 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC npj Digital Medicine Wearable data reveals distinct characteristics of individuals with persistent symptoms after a SARS-CoV-2 infection Katharina Ledebur, Marc Wiedermann, Christian Puta, Stefan Thurner, Peter Klimek, Dirk Brockmann
689 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Media Sphere Publishing Group Profilakticheskaya meditsina A clinical case of the aortic rupture after SARS-CoV-2 in the patient with Stickler syndrom O.V. Alpidovskaya
690 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Acquaint Publications Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Reports Reinfection with SARS-CoV-2 in Afghanistan: A case study
691 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Khabarovsk Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology of Rospotrebnadzor The Far Eastern Journal of Infectious Pathology CHARACTERISTIC MUTATIONS OF SARS-COV-2 IN PRIMORSKY KRAI DURING 2020-2024 (SHORT COMMUNICATION) A.A. Belik, L.M. Semeikina, N.V. Krylova, M.Yu. Shchelkanov
692 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases Assessment of the factors affecting the clinical outcomes of infection and safety of vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 among Egyptian patients Amira A. Zidan, Ahmed Yousef Jad, Nermine H. Zakaria, Hazem M. El-Hariri, Maged El-Setouhy
693 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Elsevier Virologica Sinica The SARS-CoV-2 3CL protease inhibits pyroptosis through the cleavage of gasdermin D Yecheng Zhang, Xinlei Ji, Dan Huang, Gen Lu, Xinwen Chen
694 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Acquaint Publications Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Reports Effective Treatment of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia with Chinese Herbal Decoction FeiDuQing: A Retrospective Cohort Study
695 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Acquaint Publications Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Reports Systematic Evaluation And Meta-Analysis Of The Effectiveness Of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Vaccine Against Omicron Mutant
696 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Acquaint Publications Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Reports Practical Experience In The Treatment And Prevention Of Viral Diseases, Including Coronavirus In 2020-2023.
697 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  The Royal Society of Chemistry Soft Matter Microneedle arrays coated with Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus DNA vaccine via electrospray deposition Sarah H. Park, Isha R Shah, Nandita C. Jhumar, Yaxin Mo, Shalaka Tendolkar, Jerry Shan, et al. (+7)
698 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Clinical Medicine Exploring Coronavirus Disease 2019 Risk Factors: A Text Network Analysis Approach Min-Ah Kang, Soo-Kyoung Lee
699 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Predicting coronavirus disease 2019 severity using explainable artificial intelligence techniques Takuya Ozawa, Shotaro Chubachi, Ho Namkoong, Shota Nemoto, Ryo Ikegami, Takanori Asakura, et al. (+34)
700 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  AVES Publishing Co. Addicta The Turkish Journal on Addictions Anxiety, Social Media Addiction, and the Effect of These Conditions on Insomnia During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Period Yiğit Can Meral, Raziye Şule Gümüştakım, Celal Kuş, Zeynep Yasemin Taş
701 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  CAIRN Alternatives Économiques Une institution contestée au cœur de la lutte contre le coronavirus Auriane Guilbaud
702 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Ovid Annals of Medicine and Surgery Critical biomarkers in the battle against COVID-19: unveiling thrombotic risks and predictive indicators in Syrian hospitals Rawaa Al-Kayali, Mohamed Yahia Youzghati, Ali Ibrahim
703 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Disciplinarum Scientia: Sociais Aplicadas Disciplinarum Scientia - Ciências Sociais Aplicadas Políticas públicas de saúde e educação no cenário da pandemia da Covid-19: uma análise de resultados e das consequências diretas e indiretas vivenciadas por crianças e adolescentes Rosane Beatris M. da R. B. Terra
704 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences ABORDAGEM TERAPÊUTICA COM LASER DE BAIXA INTENSIDADE EM PACIENTES COM ANOSMIA PÓS COVID-19: REVISÃO INTEGRATIVA Ana Cecília Mittestainer Fonseca, Rafaela Cardoso Siqueira, Ana Laura Silveira, Ivânia Aparecida Pimenta Santos Silva, Tatiana Carvalho Montes, Lorene Pereira de Queiroz Casali, Rodrigo Soares de Andrade
705 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Elsevier Vacunas Seasonal influenza in the wake of COVID-19: Redressing the H3N2 outbreak and its implications for public health Farid Rahimi, Amin Talebi Bezmin Abadi
706 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Wiley Pediatric Pulmonology What to Look for in Chest X-Rays of Pediatric Patients With COVID-19: Insights From a Colombian Cohort Hinpetch Daungsupawong, Viroj Wiwanitkit
707 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Public Health Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on health services utilisation and mortality in Ontario, Canada: an interrupted time series analysis Kiran Saqib, Joel A Dubin, Vivek Goel, Jeremy VanderDoes, Zahid A Butt
708 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Korean Academy of Medical Sciences Journal of Korean Medical Science Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide Monoclonal Antibody Treatment in Nine Cases of Persistent Headache Following COVID-19-Infection Soyoun Choi, Yooha Hong, Mi-Kyoung Kang, Tae-Jin Song, Soo-Jin Cho
709 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Neuroimmunology Ofatumumab for the treatment of COVID-19-associated autoimmune encephalitis: A case report Zhuoran Wang, Xiaoping Du, Qiong Wang, Yating Zhang, Junhong Guo, Huifang Wang
710 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Gesellschaft Anthroposophischer Arzte in Deutschland GAAD Der Merkurstab Krankheitsdispositionen im Zusammenhang mit der Entwicklung der Bewusstseinsseele unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der COVID-19- Erkrankung
711 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Two-years mothering into the pandemic: Impact of the three COVID-19 waves in the Argentinian postpartum women’s mental health Agustín Ramiro Miranda, Ana Veronica Scotta, Mariela Valentina Cortez, Elio Andrés Soria, Pracheth Raghuveer
712 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Cukurova Anestezi ve Cerrahi Bilimler Dergisi Cukurova Anestezi ve Cerrahi Bilimler Dergisi Impact of COVID-19 Waves and Lockdowns on Emergency Department Visits and Intensive Care Unit Admissions: A Retrospective Analysis Ayşe Ayyıldız, Fatih Alper Ayyıldız, Selim Yıldırım
713 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Diabetes with COVID-19 was a significant risk factor for mortality, mechanical ventilation, and renal replacement therapies: A multicenter retrospective study in Japan Hirotsugu Suwanai, Masato Kanda, Kazuharu Harada, Keitaro Ishii, Hajime Iwasaki, Natsuko Hara, et al. (+5)
714 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Scientific Scholar Journal of Comprehensive Health Determinants of COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake During Pandemic Times: Insights from Rural Tamil Nadu Geetha Mani, Gurubaran Thirumurugan, Thirunaukkarasu Dhandapani
715 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine Anti-vaccine attitudes and COVID-19 vaccine status at the end of the U.S. public health emergency Jasmin Choi, Jonathan Feelemyer, Karen Choe, Kathleen Lynch, Courtney McKnight, Lawrence H. Yang, et al. (+2)
716 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine Socio-demographic differences in citizen' preferences for distributing a scarce, lifesaving resource: A case study using COVID-19 vaccine distribution in Belgium Nele Raskin, Mickaël Hiligsmann, Jeroen Luyten, Sandy Tubeuf, Alexander Grigoriev, Roselinde Kessels
717 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Health Services Research Costs of delivering COVID-19 vaccine in Botswana during the height of the pandemic: a retrospective study Kelsey Vaughan, Onalenna T. Mokena, Goabaone Rankgoane-Pono, Moses Keetile, Ulla Kou Griffiths
718 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  MDPI AG Healthcare A Greek Nationwide Survey About Sources of Information on Seasonal Influenza and COVID-19 Vaccination Used by Healthcare Facility Staff During the Pandemic Ioanna Avakian, Katerina Dadouli, Stamatia Kokkali, Konstantinos Fotiadis, Christos Hadjichristodoulou, Varvara Α. Mouchtouri
719 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research The Egyptian Journal of Hypertension and Cardiovascular Risk Higher rates of thrombolysis failure and stent thrombosis during the COVID-19 upsurges. What should we learn at recurrent waves AHMAD SAMIR, Michael Gergis, Ahmed ElBoraei, Kerolos Wagdy, Ahmed Osman, Khaled Hattal, et al. (+3)
720 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Molecular Sciences Pulmonary Myeloid Cells in Mild Cases of COVID-19 Upregulate the Intracellular Fc Receptor TRIM21 and Transcribe Proteasome-Associated Molecules Andrea Henriques-Pons, Maria Clicia S. Castro, Vanessa S. Silva, Maiana O. C. Costa, Helena S. I. L. Silva, Maria Emilia M. T. Walter, et al. (+6)
721 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  American Institute of Physics AIP Advances Analyzing the COVID-19 transmission dynamics with the stretched logistic model: Origin of anomalous time-dependent infection rates Carlito Pinto, Koichi Shimakawa, Hidekazu Fukai
722 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  The Electrochemical Society Journal of The Electrochemical Society Enantioselective Sensor for the Potentiometric Detection of Atorvastatin Used in COVID-19 Therapy Sharad S Upadhyay, Nayan S Gadhari, Mushtaq Dar, Hossein Khosropour, Suyog S Patil, Jayram V Gholave, et al. (+2)
723 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Ovid Blood Pressure Monitoring Comparison of the head-up tilt test and the 10-minute NASA lean test for assessing blood pressure and heart rate responses in young individuals with postacute COVID-19 syndrome Nontanat Sathaporn, Aomkhwan Timinkul, Watjanarat Panwong, Parkpoom Pipatbanjong, Tanyasorn Dangwisut, Phimkan Phusabsin, et al. (+2)
724 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus A Case of Japanese Spotted Fever Coinciding With COVID-19 That Progressed to Septic Shock and Cardiac Arrest: A Case Report Takuya Fusada, Nobuya Kitamura
725 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Three hospitalized non-critical COVID-19 subphenotypes and change in intubation or death over time: A latent class analysis with external and longitudinal validation William S. Stringer, Amy S. Labar, Joshua D. Geleris, Evan V. Sholle, David A. Berlin, Claire M. McGroder, et al. (+8)
726 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Universitas Perjuangan Tasikmalaya Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil ANALISIS KINERJA LALU LINTAS SIMPANG BERSINYAL PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 (Studi Kasus Simpang Tugu Padayungan Kota Tasikmalaya) Indra Hermawan, Dicky Nurmayadi, Farhan Sholahudin
727 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Molecular Biology Reports Association of VDR and TMPRSS2 gene polymorphisms with COVID-19 severity: a computational and clinical study Shrikant Verma, Sushma Verma, Zeba Siddiqi, Syed Tasleem Raza, Tabrez Faruqui, Asma Imran Ansari, et al. (+2)
729 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Autonomous University of Yucatan Educación y ciencia School coexistence and social distancing in Mexican college students at Covid-19's pandemic Cecilia Vallejos-Parás, María Anabel Covarrubias Díaz-Couder
730 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  NIXNIX Clio s Psyche Death and the Pandemic: A Poem by Ted Kooser, U.S. Poet Laureate Emeritus Judith Harris
731 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Trinidad and Tobago Medical Association Caribbean Medical Journal COVID-19 related community lockdowns in two low-income communities in Jamaica Cameal Chin-Bailey, Camelia Thompson, Desmalee Holder-Nevins, Dawn Walters, Kayon Donaldson-Davis, Kenneth James
732 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Leveraging a digital network of pharmacy professionals to test a technology-assisted model to improve pharmacy access to quality-assured COVID-19 rapid antigen tests approved for self-use in Vietnam Tien Ho, Jaca Maison Lailo, Edrick Ramoran, Karishma Mutreja, Anabel Gomez, Michael Gallo, et al. (+2)
733 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Naksh Solutions International Journal of Advanced Research in Science Communication and Technology Impact of Media Exposure on COVID-19 Prevention Strategies Among College Teachers: An Analysis of Behavioral Responses Hari Krishna Silamanthula
734 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  NIXNIX Clio s Psyche A Distant Mirror: Modi, Trump, and Pandemic Politics in an Authoritarian Age Brian D’Agostino, Sagnik Dhar, Souvik Raychaudhuri
736 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Infection The adverse impact of cytomegalovirus infection on intensive care units outcomes in critically ill COVID-19 patients: a single-center prospective observational study Marina López-Olivencia, Raúl de Pablo, Noemí Paredes de Dios, Susana García-Plaza, Sergio Sáez-Noguero, Javier Sáez de la Fuente, et al. (+2)
737 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  NIXNIX Clio s Psyche “We Can’t Breathe”: Pandemic, Dreams, and Helping Juhani Ihanus
738 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  NIXNIX Clio s Psyche Space in a Time of Pandemic and Madness Norman Simms
740 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Enhanced prediction of thrombotic events in hospitalized COVID-19 patients with soluble thrombomodulin Sergio Padilla, María Andreo, Pascual Marco, Ana Marco-Rico, Christian Ledesma, Marta Fernández-González, et al. (+6)
741 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  NIXNIX Clio s Psyche Spaces We Create, Enjoy, Fear, and Live in During a Pandemic Paul Elovitz
742 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  NIXNIX Clio s Psyche Warm April Morning During the Pandemic Judith Harris
743 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  NIXNIX Clio s Psyche Teaching At-Risk Students in a Pandemic Marcia Newton
744 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Wiley Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Frequency and outcomes of critically ill COVID-19 patients with tracheostomy, a retrospective two-center cohort study Louise Elander, Anzal Abdirashid, Henrik Andersson, Jonna Idh, Håkan Johansson, Michelle S. Chew
745 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Dove Medical Press Infection and Drug Resistance Impact of Early Administration of Albumin on Mortality Among Severe COVID-19 Patients, China Jing Sha, Guiqing Kong, Lin Fu, Peng Wang, Lin Zhang, Tao Wang, et al. (+3)
746 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  MDPI AG Viruses Liver Scores in the Prognostication of COVID-19 Patients Thilo Gambichler, Dominic König, Nadine Schuleit, Laura Susok, Wolfgang Schmidt, Nessr Abu Rached
747 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Bentham Science Current Proteomics CovidLLM: A Robust Large Language Model with Missing Value Adaptation and Multi-Objective Learning Strategy for Predicting Disease Severity and Clinical Outcomes in COVID-19 Patients Shengjun Zhu, Siyu Liu, Yang Li, Qing Lei, Hongyan Hou, Hewei Jiang, et al. (+6)
748 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Sveikatos Mokslai Health Sciences COVID-19 PANDEMIJOS ĮTAKA SAVIŽUDYBĖMS LIETUVOJE Jovilė Aleksė, Virginija Adomaitienė
749 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  AME Publishing Company Journal of Hospital Management and Health Policy Improving same-day discharge after catheter ablation procedures: the Hawthorne effect or an epiphenomenon of the COVID-19 pandemic? Sheldon M. Singh, Suzette Turner
750 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta Insight Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Identification of predictor factors of post-traumatic growth (PTG) post COVID-19 Pandemic: A systematic literature review Elli Nur Hayati, Siti Urbayatun
751 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Fortune Journals Archives of Clinical and Biomedical Research Supply Chain Challenges of Personal Protective Equipment, and Methods of Mitigation Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study from Sri Lanka, a Developing Country in South East Asia Ishanka Ayeshwari Talagala
752 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Acquaint Publications Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Reports Job Satisfaction and Wellbeing Among Paediatric Nurses During Covid-19 Pandemic: A Cross Sectional Study In Saudi Arabia
753 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases Regional difference on rotavirus vaccine coverage in children with diarrhea in Mozambique, before and during COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional analysis Marta Cassocera, Adilson Fernando Loforte Bauhofer, Assucênio Chissaque, Benilde Munlela, Esperança Guimarães, Telma Isaías, et al. (+4)
754 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Infection and Public Health Nirmatrelvir-Ritonavir Significantly Reduces Severe COVID-19 Outcomes in Diverse Taiwanese Populations: Comprehensive Evidence from a Large-Scale Longitudinal Cohort Study in Taiwan Fu-Der Wang, Yu-Hui Chang, Han-Chuan Chuang, Tsong-Yih Ou, Mei-Hui Lee, Phung-Anh Nguyen, et al. (+7)
755 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  NIXNIX Clio s Psyche Reflections Concerning the Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic Ludwig Janus
756 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on prehospital emergency medical service: a scoping review Hannah Richter, Marlieke Schneider, Johanna Eisenberger, Nastaran Jafari, Hannah Haumann, David Häske
757 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Urban Health Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Social Support Networks of Gay and Bisexual Men with HIV in New York City Jorge H. Soler, Victoria A. Frye, Vijay Nandi, Melonie Walcott, Abena Bosompem, José E. Diaz, et al. (+3)
758 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research المجلة العلمية لکلية التربية للطفولة المبکرة – جامعة المنصورة العلاج بالفن كمدخل لتخفيف الآثار النفسية لوباء كورونا علي الأطفال "Art therapy as an approach to alleviate the psychological effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on children" جمال عطيه فايد, رضوان رضوان على زحام, سماح طلعت احمد ابو زيد
759 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Acquaint Publications Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Reports The Impact of The COVID-19 Pandemic on Cervical Cancer Screening: An Ecological Study on Pap Smears Test Conducted In Brazil.
760 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Theoretical Medicine & Bioethics Cutter, Mary Ann G.: An Ethics of Clinical Uncertainty: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic. New York: Routledge, 2024, x + 123 pp, $144 (cloth), ISBN: 978-1-032-62099-2 James Marcum
761 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  NIXNIX Clio s Psyche Dying (Not Only) in Times of COVID-19: Transfer of Dying Patients, its Causes, and Possible Remedies Karsten Weber, Wolfgang George
762 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  NIXNIX Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education Literacy Clinics During COVID-19: Pivoting and Imagining the Future Barbara Laster, Rebecca Rogers, Tiffany Gallagher, D. Beth Scott, Sheri Vasinda, Pelusa Orellana, et al. (+12)
763 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  NIXNIX Clio s Psyche Inner Spaces During COVID-19: Mount Meru Padmavathy Desai
764 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  NIXNIX Clio s Psyche COVID-19: Denial, Mourning, George Floyd, and Healing Our Losses Paul Elovitz
765 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Accelerated global burden of depressive disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic from 2019 to 2021 Jinlei Zhou, Yuan Zhang, Shuangshuang He, Sen Xu, Qice Sun, Tingxiao Zhao, Yaqin Dai
766 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  SAGE Publications Communication and the Public The dark side of the Internet: Fueling misinformation in the COVID-19 pandemic and the 2020 US Presidential Election Zhicong Chen, Wenting Yu, Yixiao Sun, Cheng-Jun Wang, Xiao Fan Liu
767 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation The Practice of Standard Precautions During COVID-19 Pandemic among Professional Healthcare Workers Christabel Jumbo, Eunice. O Osuala, Basil. N Ogbu, John. E Anieche
768 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Bentham Science Endocrine Metabolic & Immune Disorders - Drug Targets Ultra-Processed Food Consumption during the COVID-19 Pandemic Domenico Triggiani, Vincenzo Triggiani, Giuseppe Lisco
769 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Index Copernicus International Security Dimensions EU Instruments for Emergency Response and Civil Protection Assistance during the Covid-19 Pandemic - part I Alicja Paluch
770 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  National Research University, Higher School of Economics (HSE) Higher School of Economics Economic Journal Changes in Out-of-Home Food and Alcohol Expenditure during the COVID-19 Pandemic V. Voytenkov
771 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Psychiatry Prevalence and determinants of suicidal ideation among South African Health Sciences students at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic Samhaa Seedat, Muhle Sengwayo, Salma Gani, Lesedi Mashego, Jordan Ochayon, Ashleigh Shepard, et al. (+5)
772 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities Change in Health Status Among American Indian/Alaska Native Adolescents Living Outside of Tribal Land in California Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic Daniel L. Dickerson, Elizabeth J. D.’Amico, David J. Klein, Anthony Rodriguez, Lu Dong, Ryan Brown, et al. (+2)
773 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Journal of Health Population and Nutrition Understanding the ability of households to cope with economic shocks: an empirical study of Pakistan during the COVID-19 pandemic Arslan Austin, Imran Ur Rahman, Zunera Rana
774 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  University of California Press Music Perception A Uses and Gratifications Approach to Examining Lo-Fi Music Genre Popularity among Indian Gen Z during the COVID-19 Pandemic Andy Silveira, Karman Khanna, Priya Kataria
775 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  American Society of Clinical Oncology JCO Oncology Practice Erratum: Analysis of the Implementation of Telehealth Visits for Care of Patients With Cancer in Houston During the COVID-19 Pandemic Jorge G. Darcourt, Kalia Aparicio, Phillip M. Dorsey, Joe E. Ensor, Eva M. Zsigmond, Stephen T. Wong, et al. (+7)
776 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Instituto de Pesquisa Economica Aplicada - IPEA Planejamento e Políticas Públicas (PPP) n 68 ago /dez 2023 Using a natural experiment to assess the short-run costs and effectiveness of intensifying social isolation at the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic Cristiano Aguiar de Oliveira, Rafael Mesquita Pereira, Gabriel Costeira Machado
777 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Psychiatric Quarterly Factors Associated with Leaving Ambulatory Psychiatric Treatment in a Large, Academic Health System During the COVID-19 Pandemic Nathaniel A. Sowa, Xiaoming Zeng
778 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Juniper Publishers Psychology and Behavioral Science International Journal Multisite Randomized Controlled Trial on the Provision of the EMDR Integrative Group Treatment Protocol for Ongoing Traumatic Stress Remote to Healthcare Professionals Working in Hospitals During the Covid-19 Pandemic Jarero Ignacio
779 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Australia Academic Press Pty Ltd Disease Biology Genetics and Socioecology East Meets West: Overcoming Barriers to Compliance with Mitigation Behaviours during the COVID-19 Pandemic Julian W. Tang, Daniel Pan, Tze Ping Loh
780 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Seventh Sense Research Group Journals International Journal of Industrial Engineering Israel- Palestine Conflict: A Supply Chain Disruption Growing after Russia- Ukraine War and Covid-19 Pandemic Monali Babasaheb Markad, Hulas Raj Tonday
781 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  NIXNIX Clio s Psyche COVID-19, Psychoanalysis, and Zoom Krystyna Sanderson
783 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz Bewertung der Einsätze des Robert Koch-Instituts für COVID-19-Ausbruchsuntersuchungen durch subnationale Gesundheitsbehörden","Evaluation of the Robert Koch Institute’s missions for COVID-19 outbreak investigations by local and state health authorities in Germany Mario Martín-Sánchez, Claudia Siffczyk, Anna Loenenbach, Katja Kajikhina, Nadine Zeitlmann
784 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Epidemiology and Population Health COVID-19 et évènements thrombo-emboliques chez les patients traités par bévacizumab pour cancer - cohorte TIC-TAC, SNDS France 2019-2021 Adrien MIGEON, Romain CHAUTARD, Hugo DESMARS, Pascal VIGNY, Anne-Isabelle LECUYER, Emeline LAURENT, et al. (+2)
785 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  MDPI AG Risks Towards Examining the Volatility of Top Market-Cap Cryptocurrencies Throughout the COVID-19 Outbreak and the Russia-Ukraine War: Empirical Evidence from GARCH-Type Models Ștefan-Cristian Gherghina, Cristina-Andreea Constantinescu
786 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research (IJFMR) International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research Impact of COVID-19 on the Transgender Community in Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh: Some Observations. Doraboina Kumar
787 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  SAGE Publications Music & Science The Impact of COVID-19 on the Perceived Value of Music Listening Amanda E. Krause, Sabrina McKenzie, Solange Glasser, Margaret S. Osborne
788 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Akademia Baru Publishing Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 on the Mental Health of Higher Education Students: A Qualitative Study in Malaysia Rohaya Latip, Farah Hanis, Sazlinah Hasan, Mohd Ali Khameini, Mazen Farid, A.V. Senthil Kumar
789 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Humanities and Social Sciences Communications Navigating health communication in China: a corpus-based critical discourse analysis of COVID-19 news from 2020 to 2023 Hong Lei
790 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Epidemiology and Population Health Évolution des remboursements de dépenses de santé pour les patients atteints de pathologies cardiovasculaires aiguës pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 en France : une étude dans le Système National des Données de Santé Paul MOULAIRE, Tristan DELORY, Maude ESPAGNACQ, Myriam KHLAT, Sophie LE COEUR, Gilles HEJBLUM, Nathanaël LAPIDUS
791 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Elsevier Pharmacological Research - Natural Products Acalypha indica: A comprehensive review of its natural Compounds, and traditional medicine applications in COVID-19 management Soumya Ghosh, Jovana Vunduk, Norfaizah Mahmud, Nur Ardiyana Rejab, Nur Kusaira Khairul Ikram, Wan Abd Al Qadr Imad Wan-Mohtar, et al. (+5)
792 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Academy of Science of South Africa South African Journal of Occupational Therapy Older adults’ adaptiveness to disruptions during South Africa’s COVID-19 lockdown: Keep your head up and continue breathing Aaqil De Vries, Thuli G Mthembu, Lisa Wegner
793 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Seventh Sense Research Group Journals International Journal of Recent Engineering Science Harnessing AI for COVID-19 Mitigation in Indonesia Khoirun Nisa, Sony Kartika Wibisono, Muhammad Jogo Samodro, Agung Pangestu, Rosyid Ridlo Al-Hakim, Hadi Jayusman, et al. (+3)
794 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul Ulum (Unipdu) Teknologi Upaya Meningkatkan Pelayanan Vaksinasi Covid-19 Memanfaatkan Website dan Whatsapp Gateway Nurul Fitriani
796 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  San Jose State University Library - DIGITAL COMMONS JOURNALS Secrecy and Society A Narrative Review of the COVID-19 Infodemic and Censorship in Healthcare Mitchell Liester, Sohaib Ashraf, Patricia Callisperis, Hector Carvallo, Shankara Chetty, Robert Enzenauer, et al. (+5)
797 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Narra T Narra J Evaluation of an E. coli-expressed spike protein-based in-house ELISA system for assessment of antibody responses after COVID-19 infection and vaccination Sitti Nurisyah, Mitsuhiro Iyori, Ammar A. Hasyim, Khaeriah Amru, Kei Itani, Kurumi Nakamura, et al. (+9)
798 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Epidemiology and Population Health Exposition in utero aux vaccins à ARNm contre la COVID-19 durant le 1er trimestre de la grossesse et risque de malformation congénitale : une étude de cohorte nationale Clément BERNARD, Lise MARTY, Jérémie BOTTON, Jérôme DROUIN, Rosemary DRAY-SPIRA, Alain WEILL, Mahmoud ZUREIK
799 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Discover Viruses The effect of vaccination on the biochemical inflammatory markers and disease severity during the third wave of COVID-19 in Tamil Nadu Chenniappan Raghavi, Subramanian Kavitha, Srinivasan Sasi Moneshaa
800 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Duke University Press Journal of Korean Studies Pending: The Temporality of Crisis and Normalcy during COVID-19 in South Korean Queer Activism Yookyeong Im
801 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  NIXNIX Review of Management and Economic Engineering COVID-19 PANDEMIC IMPACT ON DIGITAL INDUSTRY Ana-Maria GULEI
802 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT DELOS Desarrollo Local Sostenible Interrelation between fumctional tests in post infection COVID-19 individuals Karine Lima Rodrigues, Raniel da Silva Machado, Sara Sabrina Vieira Cirilo, Alexandre da Conceição Santos, Baldomero Antônio Kato da Silva
803 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Asian Academy of Business and Social Science Research Journal of Medical & Health Sciences Review KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDE, AND PRACTICES AMONG STAFF NURSES IN A TERTIARY HEALTH CARE HOSPITAL TOWARDS COVID-19 IN KARACHI, PAKISTAN Imtiaz Ali
804 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Scientific Research Publishing, Inc. Creative Education Instruction under the Influence of the Double Health and Security Crises (COVID-19) in Bamenda (North-West Cameroon): Adaptive Dynamics and Educational Challenges Nantchouang Djibie Dany Forming
805 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  NIXNIX Review of Management and Economic Engineering CONSIDERATIONS ON TELEWORKING BEFORE AND DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Tudor IRIMIAȘ
806 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Wiley Disasters COVID-19 impacts on emergency responder resilience in Bergen and London Jarle Eid, Ilan Kelman, Kjersti B. Valdersnes, Roar Espevik, Guttorm Brattebø, Anita L. Hansen, et al. (+2)
807 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Colegio Profesional de Psicologos de Costa Rica Revista Costarricense de Psicología Aspectos psicológicos y percepción de vida durante la fase aguda de la pandemia por COVID-19 en adultos residentes en Perú David Jáuregui-Camasca, Mónica Alexandra Tamayo-Toro
808 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Ubiquity Press, Ltd. International Journal of Integrated Care What Can We Learn for Future Integrated Care Models in Long Term Care Facilities After the COVID-19 Emergency? Lessons From an Observational Study in Catalonia Mireia Massot Mesquida, Miquel À. Mas, Rosa García-Sierra, Sara Pablo Reyes, Ramón Miralles Basseda, Xavier Vallès, et al. (+20)
809 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Bangladesh Journals Online Journal of Association of Clinical Endocrinologist and Diabetologist of Bangladesh Association of dysglycemia with severity of COVID-19 disease in Bangladeshi patients Md Kamrul Azad, Md Fariduddin, Choudhury Faisal Md Manzurur Rahim, Sarojit Das, Sayed Azmal Mahmood, Md Sajjadur Rahman
810 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences Optimising Accuracy Rate of Genomic Image Representation of Human Corona Virus Sequences for COVID-19 Detection using Modified Quantum-Based Marine Predators Algorithm Gowri Ganesh, Sharanyaa S., Harikrishnan R, Subashree S
811 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Epidemiology and Population Health Trajectoires de soins des patients atteints de maladies respiratoires chroniques après hospitalisation pour COVID-19 Alexandre SABATE ELABBADI, Lucie BROLON, Marie AL RAHMOUN, Christian BRUN BUISSON, Didier GUILLEMOT, Muriel FARTOUKH, Laurence WATIER
812 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  CAIRN Recherches familiales Le numérique au service des liens familiaux des résidents en Éhpad avec leurs proches : la pandémie de covid-19 comme catalyseur de « lien social 2.0 » ? Christophe Humbert, Céline Racin, Vivien Braccini, Fabien Capelli, Cédric Sueur, Célia Lemaire
813 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Applied Mathematics in Science and Engineering Mathematical modelling and analysis of stochastic malaria and COVID-19 co-infection model Michael A. Pobbi, Samuel M. Naandam, Stephen E. Moore
814 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  SAGE Publications Sociological Research Online Contingencies of Solidarity: Comparing TwitterX Discourses in Italy and Germany during the COVID-19 Crisis Rocco Paolillo, Till Hilmar, Patrick Sachweh
815 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT DELOS Desarrollo Local Sostenible Priorities in nutritional care in teleconsulting in the telehealth-ba system in the COVID-19 context Amanda Karine da Silva, Liliane Elze Falcão Lins Kusterer, Gladys Reis de Oliveira
816 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  San Jose State University Library - DIGITAL COMMONS JOURNALS Secrecy and Society COVID-19 Conspiracies: A Bodyguard of Lies Chris Hables Gray
817 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Consortium Erudit Revue de droit de l Université de Sherbrooke COVID-19, Bail, and the Jail: Trends and Responses to Harmful Conditions of Imprisonment Jay De Santi, Marie Manikis
818 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  International Digital Organization for Scientific Research NEWPORT INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND PHARMACY Effectiveness of Covid-19 Awareness Programme on the Understanding of the Covid-19 Disease among the Lay Population in Hoima, Kinubu Cell Bavuga Solomon, Musitwa Joseph
819 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  CAIRN Recherches familiales Regards des parents sur l’enseignement à distance en contexte de confinement dû à la Covid-19 au Maroc Houda Ouazzani Touhami, Myriam Kettani
821 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Neurologic manifestations of COVID-19 and viral test in cerebrospinal fluid Carla de Oliveira Cardoso, Evandra Strazza Rodrigues Sandoval, Lilian Beatriz Moreira de Oliveira Chagas, Soraya Jabur Badra, Dimas Tadeu Covas, Simone Kashima Haddad, et al. (+2)
822 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  NIXNIX Clio s Psyche COVID-19 in Spain: Quarantine Songs Abigail Jareño Gómez
823 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Liverpool University Press Nomadic Peoples COVID-19 AND PASTORALISM IN NORTHERN BENIN Jeannett Martin, Abiguël Elijan, Nikolaus Schareika
824 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Acquaint Publications Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Reports COVID-19 and its impact on pre-professional practices at the Medical University of Santiago de Cuba.
825 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Sociedade Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia Geriatrics Gerontology and Aging COVID-19 and institutional long-term care: strategies in four Latin American countries Pablo Villalobos Dintrans, Patricia Morsch, Patrick Alexander Wachholz, Isabel Barrientos-Calvo, Jorge Browne, Omar Yaxmehen Bello-Chavolla, Enrique Vega
826 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  NIXNIX Clio s Psyche Death at the COVID-19 Front Peter Petschauer
827 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Interciencia Interciencia Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Toward Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) among University Students: A Single University Study in Saudi Arabia Ghadeer B. AlQurashi, Afaf K. AlHarthi, Amal M. Aladwani, Salha S. AlGhamdi, Fatimah M. AlShehri, Azza A. K. El-Sheikh, et al. (+2)
828 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Acquaint Publications Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Reports Knowledge, Attitude and Preventive Practices Towards COVID-19 Among The University’s Population of Ngaoundere-Cameroon
829 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  AFRICAJOURNALS Pharos Journal of Theology The Impact of the COVID-19 Aftermath on the Sustainability of Women’s Informal Business Enterprises in Zimbabwe: The Need for Faith Based Interventions Anniegrace Mapangisana Hlatywayo
831 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  NIXNIX Review of Management and Economic Engineering THE IMPACT OF THE COVID-19 EPIDEMIC ON THE FINANCING STRUCTURE OF ROMANIAN COMPANIES (PART I) Laura-Nicoleta COVACIU, Laura BACALI
832 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Technoscience Academy International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology Spatiotemporal Analysis of COVID-19, AIDS, and SARS Epidemics across Maharashtra, Delhi, and West Bengal Husam H. Abdulmughni
833 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) European Journal of Physiotherapy Effect of a 4-week pulmonary telerehabilitation program for people with respiratory post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 - A randomised controlled trial Jack M. Reeves, Lissa M. Spencer, Ling-Ling Tsai, Andrew J. Baillie, Yuna Han, Regina W. M. Leung, et al. (+8)
834 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  NACE International CoatingsPro Navigating the Effects of COVID-19 Trent Cotney
835 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Universitas Perjuangan Tasikmalaya Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil EVALUASI KINERJA TERMINAL KALOKO DI KEL. TAKIMPO, KEC. PASARWAJO, KAB. BUTON DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 La Sianto, Muhammad Chaiddir Hajia
836 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  SMC Media European Journal of Case Reports in Internal Medicine Apixaban failure in a post-bariatric surgery female patient with thoracic aortic thrombus secondary to COVID-19 Joshua Hermiz, Nikolas Kenaya, Quang Dat Ha, Masahiro Yabe, Umesh Bhagat, Christian Toquica Gahona
837 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Journal for Language Teaching Journal for Language Teaching Reflections on student agency through the use of voice notes in university English tutorials during Covid-19 Atiyyah Motala, Leila Kajee
838 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Evolution characteristics and obstacle factors of rural resilience in Chinese minority areas in the background of rural tourism and COVID-19 Jilin Wu, Derong Guo, Jinyou Zuo, Jing Yang, Shuiliang Liu
839 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Contribuciones a las Ciencias Sociales Estratégias de enfrentamento do luto no contexto familiar frente à pandemia de COVID-19 Anna Livia de Medeiros Dantas, Alana Costa Silva, Amanda Rangel de Brito Pereira Sales, Ana Beatriz Pereira, Isabele Silva dos Santos, Sergio Balbino da Silva, et al. (+2)
840 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  CAIRN Gestion et management public Comment s’adapter localement pour répondre à une crise qui dure ? Retour d’expérience des collectivités locales pendant la crise COVID-19 Mohamed Ayoub Laouni, Sophie Le Bris, Dominique Philippe Martin
841 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus An Alarming Sign: Acute Limb Ischemia in Patients With COVID-19 Mohd Faris B Mohd Aladin, Rosenelifaizur Ramely
842 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Elsevier Preventive Medicine Reports Initial and persistent changes in cancer screening in a US Midwestern community health center network following the onset of COVID-19 Lawrence C. An, Amy Zarr-McDonagh, Andrew Krumm, Elizabeth Bacon, Celeste Liebrecht, Halli Rennaker, et al. (+2)
843 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  CAIRN Santé Publique Anticiper de futures crises : leçons de l’expérience patient mucoviscidose pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 Audrey Chansard, Dominique Pougheon-Bertrand, Cécile Frenod, Isabelle Danner-Boucher, Asma Gabsi, Sylvie Montcouquiol, et al. (+2)
844 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Khabarovsk Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology of Rospotrebnadzor The Far Eastern Journal of Infectious Pathology THE EFFECT OF BODY OVERWEIGHT ON THE CLINICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF COVID-19 K.O. Baeva, M.Yu. Shchelkanov
845 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul Ulum (Unipdu) Teknologi Pengujian Model Multiplicative Holt Winter’s Exponential Smoothing dalam Peramalan Data Time-Series Terdampak Covid-19 Nisa Ayunda, Liami Ningsih, Afsah Novitasari
847 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  NIXNIX Clio s Psyche Leadership at a Loss: Why Britain and the U.S. Mishandled the COVID-19 Crisis Nick Duffell
848 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  NIXNIX Clio s Psyche How the Talking Cure Reduced COVID-19 Anxiety in a University Classroom Thomas Cook
849 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  NIXNIX Clio s Psyche COVID-19 and the Changing Spaces We Inhabit Peter Petschauer
850 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  NIXNIX Clio s Psyche Unmasking an Agenda: COVID-19 and America’s Indifference to Life Peter Petschauer
851 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  NIXNIX Clio s Psyche Coronavirus (COVID-19) 2020, or the Natural History of Disease Howard Stein
852 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  NIXNIX Clio s Psyche 2020 Election and COVID-19 Dorothea Leicher
853 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  NIXNIX Clio s Psyche Personal Reflections on Living in the Altered State of COVID-19 Ruth Lijtmaer
854 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  NIXNIX Clio s Psyche Teaching Psychotherapy in Wuhan in the Era of COVID-19 Arlene Kramer Richards, Arnold Richards
855 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  NIXNIX Journal of Basic Science Cytokine Signaling Pathways are involved in Lung Cancer and COVID-19 Dalia Alammari
856 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  NIXNIX Clio s Psyche Edvard Munch, the Spanish Flu, and COVID-19 James Kelley
857 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  NIXNIX Review of Management and Economic Engineering STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT IN SMALL BUSINESSES DURING COVID-19 Oana Ofelia BERTEA, Alexandra-Maria COROIAN, Andrei Alexandru LĂCRARU, Izabela POPESCU, Larisa IVAȘCU
858 2025―Mar―19  [GO]  NIXNIX Revenue Manuscript Analisis Pengaruh Faktor Fundamental, Teknikal dan Makro Ekonomi Terhadap Harga Saham pada Perusahaan yang Terdaftar pada Index JII Selama Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Novita Novita
859 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  MDPI AG Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease Alterations and Dynamics of Major Meningitis Etiological Agents During and Post-COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review Luís Arthur Brasil Gadelha Farias, Larissa Santos Weyne, Lenifer Siqueira Landim, Pablo Eliack Linhares de Holanda, Aliniana da Silva Santos, Luciano Pamplona de Góes Cavalcanti, et al. (+6)
860 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Maad Rayan Publishing Company Journal of Oral Health and Oral Epidemiology Challenges of clinical dental education during the pandemic: A mixed-methods approach Ghazal Nosrati, Maryam Sadeghipour, Sediqe Shafiei, Mahshid Namdari
861 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Maad Rayan Publishing Company BioSocial Health journal Social determinants and mental health resilience after the pandemic: A biosocial perspective Sara Pourrazavi, Somayeh Azimi
862 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science Increasing the Utility of Real-World Data to Inform Public Health Decision Making Through a US-based Private-Public Partnership: 10 Lessons Learned from a Principled Approach to Rapid Pandemic RWE Generation Nicolle M. Gatto, Elizabeth M. Garry, Melanie Wang, Névine Zariffa, Laura Roe, Aloka Chakravarty, Donna Rivera
863 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Association for Computing Machinery Digital Government Research and Practice Sustainable Personalized Home Care for Pandemic Management: A Service-Oriented Approach Hafsa Zafar, Muhammad Ali, Zarmina Ahmad, Maria Sarfraz, Basit Shafiq, Shafay Shamail, et al. (+4)
864 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Psychology Pandemic perspectives: the temporal influence of COVID-19 on attitudes toward marriage and childbirth Jessica T. Campbell, Amanda N. Gesselman, Margaret Bennett-Brown
865 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Mark Allen Group The Veterinary Nurse The pandemic puppy paradox: the role of the veterinary nurse Tom Allaway
866 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Oriental Scientific Publishing Company Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal Transforming Healthcare Delivery: Assessing the Role of E-Governance Strategies in IOMT and AIML-Based Medical System Administration during the Pandemic in the Indian Subcontinent Susheela Vishnoi, Saneh Lata Yadav, Ashok Kumar Saini, Prashant Vats
867 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Sex differences in the association between preexisting comorbidities and COVID-19-related symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Dominican Republic Shu-Hui Wen, Beatrice Chakanika, Nelson Martínez Rodríguez, Katherine Victorio Suberví, Julia Pérez Rodríguez, Lih-Ming Yiin, Chia-Jung Hsieh
868 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Environment and Waste Management Effects of Yajna activity on AQI in India: solutions for pandemic challenges in cities and healthcare remedies Rohit Rastogi, Mukund Rastogi, Saransh Chauhan, Vaibhav Aggarwal, Utkarsh Agrawal, Richa Singh
869 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Stellenbosch University - Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk Rising to the challenge: The critical role of social workers in the face of the HIV/AIDS pandemic KL Saloner
870 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific American Preventing the Next Pandemic Tanya Lewis
871 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Goodwood Publishing Jurnal Akuntansi Keuangan dan Manajemen Financial Distress on Islamic Banks in Indonesia Impact of Covid 19 Pandemic and Economic Recession Shafitranata Shafitranata, Ria Octavia
872 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Archives of Virology Humoral immune response characteristics of vulnerable populations against SARS-CoV-2 strains EG.5 and JN.1 after infection with strains BA.5 and XBB Huan Zhang, Shi Ouyang, Yunyun Qu, Zhuolin Li, Yushan Jiang, Tingting Peng, et al. (+5)
873 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Crystallography Reviews Structural Biology of the SARS-CoV-2 replication-transcription complex Cameron D. Fyfe, Cromarte Rogers, Alexander Matthew Payne, Lea von Soosten, Gianluca Santoni, Andrea Thorn
874 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Elsevier Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications A novel replicase-mediated self-amplifying RNA amplification mechanism of the SARS-CoV-2 replication-transcription system Hsien-Lin Liu, Sam Lin, William Hung, Donald C. Chang, Shi-Lung Lin
875 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Georg Thieme Verlag KG Pneumologie Auswirkungen von SARS-CoV-2 Re-Infektionen und Impfung: Vergleich der Effekte einer Re-Infektion und Impfung bei Patienten mit post-COVID-Syndrom J Fuge, C Valtin, L Boblitz, B Bollmann, N Drick, T Welte, I Pink
876 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Altered auditory brainstem responses are post-acute sequela of SARS-CoV-2 (PASC) Christopher Niemczak, Erika Skoe, Samantha Leigh, Linda Zhang, Megan Dotzenrod, Annalise Kieley, et al. (+9)
877 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Georg Thieme Verlag KG Pneumologie Characteristis and outcomes of patients hospitalized for infection with Influenza A, SARS-CoV-2 or respiratory syncytial virus in the season 2023/24 in a large German primary care centre L Wiechert, C Fischer, R Jörres, S Engelhardt, P Alter, S Budweiser, K Kahnert
878 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Structural Biology Structural insights into the RNA binding inhibitors of the C-terminal domain of the SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid Preeti Dhaka, Jai Krishna Mahto, Ankur Singh, Pravindra Kumar, Shailly Tomar
879 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Nature Medicine mRNA-based seasonal influenza and SARS-CoV-2 multicomponent vaccine in healthy adults: a phase 1/2 trial Amanda K. Rudman Spergel, Jintanat Ananworanich, Ruiting Guo, Weiping Deng, Lizbeth Carmona, Kristin Schaefers, et al. (+7)
880 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Molecular Biology Distinct roles of SARS-CoV-2 N protein and NFP in host cell response modulation Hsin-Chi Lan, Bo-Yi Hou, Shu-Ting Chang, Cheng-Yu Kuo, Wei-Chen Wang, Ya-Li Yao, et al. (+3)
881 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Oxford University Press PNAS Nexus Clinical and molecular landscape of prolonged SARS-CoV-2 infection with resistance to remdesivir in immunocompromised patients Chisako Iriyama, Takaya Ichikawa, Tomokazu Tamura, Mutsumi Takahata, Takashi Ishio, Makoto Ibata, et al. (+24)
882 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Deficiency in platelet 12-lipoxygenase exacerbates inflammation and disease severity during SARS-CoV-2 infection Ana Claudia dos S. P. Andrade, Emile Lacasse, Isabelle Dubuc, Leslie Gudimard, Annie Gravel, Florian Puhm, et al. (+11)
883 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Edizioni Minerva Medica Minerva Biotechnology and Biomolecular Research Profile of synovial inflammatory mediators in patients with knee osteoarthritis following SARS-CoV-2 infection Larysa KOT, Tetiana VOVK, Tetiana HALENOVA, Nataliia RAKSHA, Olexii SAVCHUK, Liudmyla DOMYLIVSKA, et al. (+5)
884 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Pleiades Publishing Neurochemical Journal Different Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Reactivity in Males and Females with Bipolar Disorder after Previous SARS-CoV-2 Infection M. S. Zinchuk, T. A. Druzhkova, E. A. Sviatskaia, S. B. Popova, M. Yu. Zhanina, A. B. Guekht, N. V. Gulyaeva
885 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  J-SciMed Central, LLC Journal of Immunology & Clinical Research Breakthrough Infection Influenced SARS-CoV-2 IgG Antibody Titer in a Group of Healthcare Providers Afrin Haque, Chomel Mahbub, Biplob Hossain, Sa’dia Tasnim, Muhammad Saiedullah, Zahid Hassan, Rosy Sultana
886 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases Time course and determinants of the antibody response to SARS-CoV-2 in Costa Rica: the RESPIRA study Rolando Herrero, Romain Fantin, Viviana Loría, Amada Aparicio, D. Rebecca Prevots, Michael Zúñiga, et al. (+20)
887 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Universidade de Sao Paulo, Agencia USP de Gestao da Informacao Academica (AGUIA) Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) SARS-CoV-2 e habilidades de linguagem: um estudo de comparação em adultos jovens Larissa Coradini, Hélinton Goulart Moreira, Larine da Silva Soares, Vitor Cantele Malavolta, Pedro Vinícius de Godoy Ferrão, Michele Vargas Garcia
888 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Nature Communications Complement-mediated enhancement of SARS-CoV-2 antibody neutralisation potency in vaccinated individuals Jack Mellors, Raman Dhaliwal, Stephanie Longet, Tom Tipton, Iain McInnes, Stefan Siebert, et al. (+41)
889 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Scholars Academic and Scientific Publishers SAS Journal of Medicine Seronegative Rheumatoid Arthritis in State Phase Manifesting as Rheumatoid Lung Associated with Co-Infection SARS-Cov-2 and Klebsiella Pneumoniae, In a Context of Probable Variable Expression Hypogammaglobulinemia. At the Intersection of Immunology and Infectious Diseases: Case Report and Literature Review Ibrahima Amadou Dembélé, Stéphane Loique Djeugoue, Kaly Keïta, Mamadou Cissoko, Adama Sinayoko, Pamanta Sory Ibrahim, et al. (+29)
890 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Biotecnia BIOtecnia Binding affinities analysis of ivermectin, nucleocapsid and ORF6 proteins of SARS-CoV-2 to human importins α isoforms: A computational approach","Análisis de las afinidades de unión de la ivermectina, las proteínas nucleocápside y ORF6 del SARS-CoV-2 a las isoformas de las importinas α humanas: Un enfoque computacional Elvio Gayozo, Laura Rojas, Julio Barrios
891 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Publicaciones Universidad de Alicante Discurso y Sociedad Estado, población penal y coronavirus: un análisis discursivo de la promulgación de la Ley de Indulto General Conmutativo en Chile Francisca Toro Varela, Javier González Riffo
892 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  MDPI AG Viruses Novel Rodent Coronavirus-like Virus Detected Among Beef Cattle with Respiratory Disease in Mexico Ismaila Shittu, Judith U. Oguzie, Gustavo Hernández-Vidal, Gustavo Moreno-Degollado, Diego B. Silva, Lyudmyla V. Marushchak, et al. (+3)
893 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Elsevier International Journal of Pharmaceutics Practical approach to development of GS-445124-loaded PLGA nanoparticles for the long-term treatment of feline infectious peritonitis caused by feline coronavirus infection Minki Jin, Hyun-Jin Cho, Young-Guk Na, Taek-Seon Yun, Bomin Song, Sang-Rae Lee, et al. (+10)
894 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  De Gruyter Open Sp. z o.o. Archivum Immunologiae et Therapiae Experimentalis Immunomodulatory Effect of the Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) Vaccine on the In Vitro Interferon Response Induced by Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Antigens Magdalena Jurczak, Joanna Kaczmarek, Magdalena Kowalewska-Pietrzak, Magdalena Druszczynska
895 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Research, Society and Development Research Society and Development Interleucinas anti-inflamatórias (il-4 e il-10) e sua relação com a gravidade do COVID-19: Uma revisão sistemática Gabriel Cerqueira Santos, Carolina Moura Almeida, Eduardo Chaves Ferreira Coelho, Ricardo Silva Freire, Alyssa Alves Fernandes Silva, Letícia Romeira Belchior, Irmtraut Araci Hoffmann Pfrimer
896 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Publicaciones Universidad de Alicante Discurso y Sociedad Por uma sociedade mais justa na pandemia da COVID-19: uma análise crítico-discursiva-multimodal da campanha #ElesPorElasEmCasa Pauline Freire Pimenta, Clarice Gualberto
897 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Studies Editora Revista Caderno Pedagógico Eficiência dos gastos públicos em educação básica nos munícipios paraibanos no contexto da COVID-19: uma abordagem desde a análise envoltória de dados (DEA) Endyara de Morais Cabral Mariano, Roseane Patrícia de Araújo Silva, Ricardo Ferreira Dantas, Aluska Ramos de Lima
898 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Psychology The transdiagnostic role of event-related rumination on internalizing and externalizing symptoms during the pandemic: a two-wave longitudinal study Bin-Na Kim, Hyo Shin Kang, Jungkyu Park
900 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Sciencedomain International Asian Journal of Economics Business and Accounting Optimal Portfolio Selection During the Health Crisis of Covid-19: Examining Risk-Based Allocation Methods Zied BOUAZIZ, Ibtissem SAID
901 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  SAGE Publications Asian Journal of Comparative Politics Descriptive social norms and willingness to volunteer to help society deal with COVID-19: A survey experiment Swe Oo Mon
902 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Prolonged physical isolation, agonistic behaviour, and human resilience in pandemic times Giuseppina Marsico, Claudio Russo
903 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Walden University Journal of Social Work in the Global Community Social Work Field Education and Supervision: What a Global Pandemic Taught Us Christie Jansing, Melissa Ketner, Lynn Shaw, Dianna Cooper-Bolinskey, Stephanie Rudd
904 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Clinical Medicine The Role of Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio and Right Ventricular Dysfunction in Indonesian Patients with COVID-19: A Retrospective Cohort Study Raksheeth Agarwal, Stanislaus Ivanovich Krishnanda, Oliver Emmanuel Yausep, Raka Aldy Nugraha, Gatut Priyonugroho, Siti Hertine, et al. (+4)
905 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Engaging Science Technology and Society Assembling Sociality in Caring Spaces: Culturally Sensitive Robot Deployment During the Pandemic in Residential Care Homes in Ireland and Japan Naonori Kodate, Pranav Kohli, Yurie Maeda, Kazuko Obayashi, David Prendergast, Shigeru Masuyama
906 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Elsevier Nursing Outlook Addressing gaps in women’s health and policy for persistent post COVID-19: A nursing perspective Pei Li-zhen, Cao Li-ming, Juan He, Qin Xiao-ying
907 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Elsevier Brain Behavior & Immunity - Health Subjective cognitive, psychiatric, and fatigue symptoms two years after COVID-19: A prospective longitudinal cohort study Henriikka Ollila, Marjaana Tiainen, Riikka Pihlaja, Sanna Koskinen, Annamari Tuulio-Henriksson, Viljami Salmela, et al. (+2)
908 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology T and B cell responses in different immunization scenarios for COVID-19: a narrative review Eva Piano Mortari, Francesca Ferrucci, Irini Zografaki, Rita Carsetti, Luciano Pacelli
909 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Predictors and regional prevalence of food insecurity in Ethiopia during COVID-19: a multilevel analysis Henok Wariso Waqo, Gezahegn Mekonnen Woldemedihn, Zeytu Gashaw Asfaw
910 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Georg Thieme Verlag KG Pneumologie Asthma and COVID-19: A Meta-Analysis Assessing Symptom Severity by Year and Variants B Er Dedekarginoglu, A Gülsen, S Keymel, S Krüger
911 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Elsevier Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases Prognosis of patients with acute myocardial infarction in the setting of COVID-19: A French nationwide observational study Ahmad Abou Hamed, Maeva Gourraud, Thibaud Genet, François Barbier, Denis Angoulvant, Laurent Fauchier, Fabrice Ivanes
912 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Pleiades Publishing Neurochemical Journal Morphometric Brain Alterations in Patients with Depression after COVID-19: A Comparative Study with Non-COVID-19 Depression and Healthy Controls N. V. Ierusalimsky, E. D. Karimova, I. S. Samotaeva, R. V. Luzin, M. S. Zinchuk, A. B. Guekht
913 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Scientific Research Publishing, Inc. Open Journal of Internal Medicine Profile of Patients Responding to Positive End-Expiratory Pressure and Prone Position during ARDS Related to COVID-19: A Case of the Sens Hospital Chris Nsitwavibidila, Wilfrid Mbombo, Joseph Nsiala, Daniel Tonduangu, Junior Poba, Youssef Lutangu, et al. (+8)
914 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Postpartum Depression and Anxiety in COVID-19-Positive and COVID-19-Negative Mothers: Insights From a Dedicated Hospital in Eastern India Monika Anant, Priyanka Raj, Sangam Jha, Rajeev Ranjan, Samshad Ahmad, Chandni Sinha, et al. (+2)
915 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Akademiai Kiado Zrt. Hematológia−Transzfuziológia Az anémia és a COVID-19-megbetegedés prevalenciája 2020-2022 között a Pécsi Tudományegyetem Sürgősségi Betegellátó Osztályán Zsuzsanna Faust, Sándor Pál, Margit Solymár, Barbara Réger, Péter László Kanizsai, Hussain Alizadeh, Attila Miseta
916 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Knowledge E International Journal of Medical Laboratory A Review of COVID-19-associated Fungal Infections Ali Kamali, Mehdi Taheri Sarvtin
917 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Elsevier Revue Neurologique Essential palatal tremor following COVID-19 vaccine : A case report Khalil Toumi, Yahya Naji
918 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Japan Academy of Nursing Science Journal of Japan Academy of Nursing Science Thoughts and Practices of Nurses Providing End-of-Life Care to Patients with COVID-19","新型コロナウイルス感染症患者へのEnd of Life Careにおける看護師の思いと実践 Etsuko Nishiguchi, Maki Aomori, Eriko Hayashi, Ryota Ochiai, Etsuko Katsukura, Kazuhiko Takahashi, Nao Tamai
919 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  State Institution of Science Research and Practical Center Клінічна та профілактична медицина TREATMENT OPTIONS FOR COVID-19 WITH VITAMIN D SUPPLEMENTS Tetiana V. Fartushok, Nadiia V. Fartushok, Serhii Z. Baran
920 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Correction: Comparing methods to classify admitted patients with SARS-CoV-2 as admitted for COVID-19 versus with incidental SARS-CoV-2: A cohort study
921 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology Characterizing HLA-A2-restricted CD8+ T-cell epitopes and immune responses to Omicron variants in SARS-CoV-2-inactivated vaccine recipients Chanchan Xiao, Jian Xiang, Haoyun Wang, Wen Gao, Tianchan Peng, Shumin Li, et al. (+7)
922 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine acceptability in Ghana: An urban-based population study Hannah Benedicta Taylor-Abdulai, Edem Kojo Dzantor, Nathan Kumasenu Mensah, Mubarick Nungbaso Asumah, Stephen Ocansey, Samuel Kofi Arhin, et al. (+6)
923 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLOS Global Public Health Factors shaping Covid-19 vaccine acceptability among young people in South Africa and Nigeria: An exploratory qualitative study Marisa Casale, Oluwaseyi Somefun, Genevieve Haupt Ronnie, Joshua Sumankuuro, Olagoke Akintola, Lorraine Sherr, et al. (+2)
924 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Wiley British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology General practitioner consultation for postmenopausal bleeding after COVID-19 vaccination-a self-controlled cohort study Rana Jajou, Eugène P. van Puijenbroek, Renee Veldkamp, Jetty A. Overbeek, Florence P. A. M. van Hunsel, Agnes C. Kant
925 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Infectious Diseases Anti-SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid antibodies to detect exposure to SARS-CoV-2: results from a prospective cohort study on COVID-19 vaccination Magnus Rasmussen, Ariane Neumann, Mahnaz Moghaddassi, Malin Inghammar, Jonas Björk, Ulf Malmqvist, Fredrik Kahn
926 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Oxford University Press Molecular Biology and Evolution A phylogenetic method identifies candidate drivers of the evolution of the SARS-CoV-2 mutation spectrum Russ Corbett-Detig, Kelley Harris
927 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Ovid Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine Analysis of Higher Education Athletic Department COVID-19 Testing: A Comparison of Screening Versus Testing-Based Protocols Kasey Stickler, John Castillo, Andy Gilliland, John Roth, Andrew Brown, Adam M. Franks, David Rupp
928 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific Preparing for the next pandemic: insights from Aotearoa New Zealand’s Covid-19 response Nigel P. French, Howard Maxwell, Michael G. Baker, Fiona Callaghan, Kristin Dyet, Jemma L. Geoghegan, et al. (+7)
929 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Infection Post-vaccination IgG4 and IgG2 class switch associates with increased risk of SARS-CoV-2 infections Carla Martín Pérez, Sílvia Ruiz-Rius, Anna Ramírez-Morros, Marta Vidal, D. Herbert Opi, Pere Santamaria, et al. (+8)
930 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  PeerJ PeerJ Exploratory analysis of COVID-19 propagation using logistic model Xing Zhang, Chunhe Da, Wenjuan Ye
931 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Mark Allen Group British Journal of Hospital Medicine Survey and Analysis of Mental Health among Otolaryngology Nurses Following the Conclusion of COVID-19 Prevention and Control Measures Xiuli Yang, Rong Yu, Huiling Zhao
932 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Asociacion Latinoamericana para el Avance de la Ciencia Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar Vinculación del Umbral de Ciclo con Valores Clínicos en Pacientes Afectados por Covid-19, Perú José Carlos Carrasco Zapata, Juan José Augusto Moyano Muñoz, César Augusto Peña Llontop, Jacinto Joaquín Vertiz Osores, Pedro Jorge Chimoy Effio
933 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Biochemical Genetics Evaluation of D-Dimer, P-Selectin, and miR-17-5p Expression in ICU and Non-ICU COVID-19 Patients: A Cross-sectional Study Vida Shirani Asl, Mohsen Moghaddami, Sahar Abbasi, Niloofar Sohrabi, Parisa Tandel, Gholamhossein Tamaddon
934 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Association For Science TSMU COLLECTION OF SCIENTIFIC WORKS EFFICACY OF PAXLOVIDE IN THE TREATMENT OF COVID-19 PATIENTS WITH DIABETES TYPE 2 Tamar Megrelishvili, Marina kvitashvili, Ia Mikadze, Elene x Elene Pachkoria, Nino Kipiani
935 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Medknow Publications The Journal of Clinical and Scientific Research Coronavirus-2019-related multisystem inflammatory syndrome in adults: A descriptive cross-sectional study K. C. Mridula Varma, Jijith Krishnan, C. V. Sonia George, B. A. Haseena
936 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Maad Rayan Publishing Company International Journal of Health Policy and Management The Rights of People With Disabilities in Policy Development Comment on "How Did Governments Address the Needs of People With Disabilities During the COVID-19 Pandemic? An Analysis of 14 Countries’ Policies Based on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities" Olaf Kraus de Camargo
937 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Wiley Population Space and Place Individual and Spatial Determinants of Mortality During the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Case of Belgium in 2020 Mélanie Bourguignon, Joan Damiens, Yoann Doignon, Thierry Eggerickx, Audrey Plavsic, Jean-Paul Sanderson, Aurélie Bertrand
938 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Current Psychology The impact of parental emotional abuse on psychological distress among primary school students in China during the COVID-19 pandemic: the roles of resilience, growth mindset, and positive relationships at school Sylvia Y. C. L. Kwok, Siqi Fang, Chi Kin Kwan
939 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Psychological Medicine Global burden of mental disorders in children and adolescents before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 Yubo Liu, Yijun Ren, Chenxi Liu, Xiaoli Chen, Danlei Li, Jia Peng, et al. (+2)
940 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences Persistent regional income inequalities in Kenya during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from a bi-dimensional inequality decomposition analysis Mitsuhiko Kataoka, Geoffrey Mwenda Kirugi
941 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities Access and Utilization of HIV/STI Testing Services among Men Who have Sex with Men During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review Courtney E. Gomillia, Trisha Arnold, Thomas E. Dobbs, Mauda L. Monger, Amy Nunn, Lori M. Ward
942 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Burden of acute and long-term COVID-19: a nationwide study in Bahrain Mariam Murad, Stephen L. Atkin, Pearl Wasif, Alwaleed Abdulaziz Behzad, Aamal M. J. Abdulla Husain, Roisin Leahy, et al. (+8)
943 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Georg Thieme Verlag KG Pneumologie Impact of Socioeconomic Factors on Emergency Respiratory Cases in Urban Areas during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Retrospective Analysis from Lübeck D Pawlak, M Kück, A Grünewaldt, L Over-Müller, D Drömann, K Franzen
944 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Portal de Periodicos da UFC Fisioterapia & Saúde Funcional Perfil de saúde de sujeitos com dor crônica musculoesquelética na pandemia do COVID-19: um recorte populacional Fabíola Maria Sabino Meireles, Patricia Moreira Collares, Bernardo Diniz Coutinho, Keyla Rejane Frutuoso de Morais, Rafael Barreto de Mesquita, Clarissa Bezerra Silva Matos
945 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Health Psychology Association between self-perceptions of aging, care deferrals, and change in health status among US adults aged ≥ 50 years during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study Siddhi Korgaonkar, Prachi Prajapati, Marie Barnard, Swarnali Goswami
946 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Springer-Verlag SN Social Sciences Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on vulnerable communities and their coping strategies: evidence from Kushtia district, Bangladesh Md. Salman Sohel, Babul Hossain, Md. Khaled Sifullah
947 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Ovid Annals of Surgery Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Management of Groin Hernia Repairs: A Nationwide Population-Based Study From the Swedish Hernia Register Ramia Stolt, Peder Rogmark, Fernando Ruiz-Jasbon, Johanna Österberg, Kristina Ticehurst, Hanna De la Croix
948 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) International Journal of Organizational Analysis Organizational justice perceptions of employer COVID-19 vaccine mandates in the USA Jay Pickern, Helena Costakis
949 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE The effect of exposure to the COVID-19 pandemic on nutritional status and cognitive, motor, and behavioural development among children aged 20 months in rural Bangladesh: A repeated cross-section study between 2020 and 2022 Jena Derakhshani Hamadani, Saiful Alam Bhuiyan, Mohammed Imrul Hasan, Sally Grantham-McGregor, S.M. Mulk Uddin Tipu, Diego Parra Alvarez, et al. (+6)
950 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health An examination of multiple illness and social related stressors during the COVID-19 pandemic on maternal and child mental health; findings from a birth cohort in rural Pakistan Joanna Maselko, Amanda Collins, Victoria Baranov, Sonia Bhalotra, Michelle S. Escobar Carias, Allison Frost, et al. (+3)
951 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics Heterogeneous impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on financial performance among European hotels Tomáš Heryán, Petra Růčková, Jana Šimáková
952 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Environment and Waste Management The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on e-waste generation and management in the Philippines Megan Rylene A. Sioco, Arnagreth A. Alabanza, Bea Angela N. Macalalag, Priyanka Aljorie L. Tan, Zeba F. Alam
953 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  European Center for Economic & Social Research Journal of Business Sectors The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on business activity indicators in the V4 region Simona Vojtekova, Patricia Miklusicakova, Vladislav Krastev, Pavol Durana
954 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Institute of Mathematical Statistics The Annals of Applied Statistics Leveraging cellphone-derived mobility networks to assess Covid-19 travel risk Justin J. Slater, Patrick E. Brown, Jeffrey S. Rosenthal, Jorge Mateu
955 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  MDPI AG Administrative Sciences Analysis of the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Hotel Sector Spanish: An Efficiency Study by Regions Juan Antonio Giménez Espín, María Pilar Alberca Oliver, José Manuel Santos-Jaén
956 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  MDPI AG Nursing Reports Experience of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Care of Patients with Predominantly Antibody Deficiencies (PADs)-A Qualitative Study with Perspectives from Both Patients and Nurses Ramona Fust, Sofia Nyström, Britt Åkerlind, Åsa Nilsdotter-Augustinsson, Christina Petersson
957 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of the Knowledge Economy The Role of Digital Transformation in Local Governments During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Türkiye: Opportunities and Challenges Alper Aytekin, Hakan Özköse, Fatma Akgün, Ahmet Ayaz
958 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Ovid Medicine Predictors of post-traumatic stress disorder among healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland Anna Włoszczak-Szubzda, Mariusz Goniewicz, Juan Gómez-Salgado, Ahmed M. Al-Wathinani, Krzysztof Goniewicz
959 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Health, Utan Kayu Publishing Journal of Psychological Perspective Psychological Dynamics of Society about Minimum Age Limit Change for Marriage from the Perspective of Religious Court Judges during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia Very Julianto
960 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  SAGE Publications American Journal of Men s Health Domestic Violence Against Men and Its Effect on Marital Satisfaction During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Iran Zahra Kazemi Asl, Fateme Rahmanian, Zahra Rastegari, Seyede Zahra Ghaemi
961 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Universidade de Sao Paulo, Agencia USP de Gestao da Informacao Academica (AGUIA) Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) Respiratory syncytial virus and human rhinovirus causing pneumonia during the COVID-19 pandemic in hospitalized children in a northeastern Brazilian capital Diana Karla Lourenço Bastos, Rodrigo Sevinhago, Gustavo Thales Bringel Vieira, Wyllyane Rayana Chaves Carvalho, Francisca Bruna Arruda Aragão, Márcio Anderson Sousa Nunes, et al. (+4)
962 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Sciencedomain International Asian Journal of Probability and Statistics A Deterministic Approach to Analyze COVID-19 Reinfection Using a Susceptible Vaccination Exposed Quarantine Asymptomatic Infectious Treatment and Recovered (SVEQAITR) Model NWAGWU, GC, NWOBI, FN
963 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  State Institution of Science Research and Practical Center Клінічна та профілактична медицина HUMAN RESOURCES OF HEALTHCARE IN UKRAINE DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC AND WAR Oleksandr P. Volosovets, Dmytro D. Diachuk, Igor A. Lurin, Oleksandr M. Naumenko, Valentin D. Pariy, Anton O. Volosovets
964 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Access to lactation consult services during the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact on breastfeeding outcome variables Caroline Maltese, Chintan K. Gandhi, Sarah Ines Ramirez, Kristin K. Sznajder, Nicole Hackman, Ayman A. Swelum
965 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Early Childhood Research Infant and toddler teachers perspectives on interconnections between relationships and professional well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic Kayla Stinson Green, Ana Johnson, Holly E Brophy-Herb, Jody Cook, Carla Barron, Loria Kim, et al. (+4)
966 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Contemporary Educational Technology Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies An investigation into the rationales for the use and non-use of technological tools by Thai EFL university teachers during and after the COVID-19 pandemic Atipat Boonmoh, Kannikar Boonkhaos
967 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health A Scoping Review to Explore the Intersection of Immigration-Related Policies and Immigrants’ Health Access and Outcomes During the COVID-19 Pandemic Aishat Adewoye, Bettye Apenteng, Linda Kimsey, Samuel Opoku
968 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Springer-Verlag International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique Counterfactual Conditionals as Arguments in Public Debates: The Case of the COVID-19 Pandemic Mateusz Klinowski, Bartek Lisowski, Karolina Szafarowicz
969 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Health messages that engage audiences after the COVID-19 pandemic: content analysis of Chinese posts on social media Jing Yu, Yitong Zhao
970 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  NIXNIX Psychology and Education A Multidisciplinary Journal The Relationship Between Teachers’ Workload and Job Satisfaction in Time of Pandemic Maria Joan Caballes, Lorelie Gamutan
971 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  NIXNIX Journal of International Crisis and Risk Communication Research WORK STRESS AND ITS IMPACT ON THE HEALTH OF UNIVERSITY TEACHERS DURING AND POST-COVID-19 PANDEMIC Yudelly Torrejón Rodríguez, Elena Vega Torres, Nely Yolanda Silva Fernández, Melva Isabel Torres Donayre, Wagner Colmenares Mayanga, Rocío Isabel Ramírez Miguel, Urfiles Bustamante Quiroz
972 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Retirement Among Canadian Otolaryngologists Nick Sahlollbey, Arunima Vijay, Michele M. Carr
973 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Universitas Padjadjaran Kumawula Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat PENERAPAN STRATEGI INOVASI ADAPTIF PASCA COVID-19 PADA UMKM BATIK RINDANI KOTA JAMBI Yenny Yuniarti, Erida Erida, Dessy Ellyana, Rista Aldilla Syafri, Feny Tialonawarmi
974 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Jurnal Ilmiah Manuntung, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Samarinda Jurnal Ilmiah Manuntung ANALISIS MULTIVARIAT : PENGKAJIAN PENGETAHUAN, SIKAP DAN DETERMINASI NIAT PENERIMAAN VAKSIN COVID-19 PADA WARGA KELURAHAN PEJUANG KOTA BEKASI Adin Hakim Kurniawan, Yetri Elisya, Muhammad Fregi Marsa
975 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  SAGE Publications Global Business Review A Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms to Predict Stock Price During COVID-19 Outbreaks: An Empirical Investigation of Pakistan Stock Exchange Saba Zahid, Hassan Mujtaba Nawaz Saleem
976 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Retraction: Impact of donors’ financial fairness perception on donation intention in nonprofit organizations after COVID-19 outbreak
977 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Universidad Pablo de Olavide Revista de Métodos Cuantitativos para la Economía y la Empresa Qualitative information: a proposal for measurement to quantify eh effects of COVID-19 on the emotional well-being of women and men by means of proximities Raquel González del Pozo
978 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Annals of Medicine Impact of COVID-19 on chronic kidney disease progression in non-dialysis patients: a retrospective cohort study in Palestine Fadi Basha, Yazan Dumaidi, Masa Sabbobeh, Hamzeh Almasri, Ahmad Rjoub, Zakaria Hamdan, Zaher Nazzal
979 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Portuguese Economic Journal Stayin’ alive? Government support measures in Portugal during the Covid-19 pandemic Márcio Mateus, Katja Neugebauer
980 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Universidade de Sao Paulo, Agencia USP de Gestao da Informacao Academica (AGUIA) Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) Impacto da COVID-19 na saúde mental dos profissionais de enfermagem atuantes no estado de São Paulo Maria Olivia Esteves Gimenez, Natalia Martins Faria, Felipe Augusto Rodrigues Murat, Ane Caroline Tedeschi Gonçalves, Fernanda Pataro Marsola Razera, Ana Paula Ribeiro Razera
981 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Fiat Justisia Pancasila and Law Review Reevaluating the Necessity of a State of Emergency: Lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic Muhamad Dzadit Taqwa, Nayla Amalia Al Bone
982 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Revista ft Ltda Revista ft ANÁLISE EPIDEMIOLÓGICA DA VACINAÇÃO E NÍVEIS DE CONHECIMENTO QUANTO À COVID-19 NA REGIÃO METROPOLITANA DE BELÉM-PA Carlos Victor Carvalho Gomes, Daniel de Oliveira Mackert, Gabrielle de Oliveira Moreira, Maria Luiza Bandeira da Silva, Sandra Souza Lima, Izaura Maria Vieira Cayres Vallinoto
983 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Springer-Verlag GeroScience An incidental finding during a brain plasticity study: substantial telomere length shortening after COVID-19 lockdown in the older population Kirsten Jahn, Shambhabi Chatterjee, Christopher Sinke, Jonas Janik Ralf Koberschinski, Kristin Jünemann, Clara Eline James, et al. (+5)
984 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Ovid Medicine The effect of inflammatory proteins on COVID-19 is mediated by blood metabolites: A Mendelian randomization study Yuling Chen, Chang Chen
985 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Extending a COVID-19 Job Exposure Matrix: The SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19 Job Exposure Matrix Module (SCoVJEM Module) for Population-Based Studies Ximena P. Vergara, Kathryn Gibb, David P. Bui, Elisabeth Gebreegziabher, Elon Ullman, Kyle Peerless
986 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Georg Thieme Verlag KG Pneumologie Effects of COVID-19 Infection on QoL and Arterial Stiffness - a longitudinal observational study C Ekenhorst, D Pawlak, M Weckmann, T Jagomast, D Drömann, K Franzen
987 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Poznan University of Medical Sciences Journal of Medical Science Acute heart failure with improved ejection fraction in middle-aged patient with myocarditis and COVID-19 infection. Małgorzata Tomaszewska, Patrycja Rzesoś, Magdalena Dudek, Magdalena Janus, Ewa Straburzyńska-Migaj
988 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Elsevier Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice The influence of diabetes and hyperglycemia on short and long-term mortality after the first-ever known COVID-19 infection Bruno A. Soto, Ana C. Varella, Marcos R.N. Cavalcante, Carla Romagnolli, Ligia M.G. Fedeli, Gerson S.S. de Oliveira, et al. (+2)
989 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Elsevier Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice Evaluating the Impact of Lavender Aromatherapy and Music Therapy on Reducing Stress, Anxiety, and Depression in Female Nurses During the COVID-19 Pandemic Hao-Jan Yang, Miao Wen Li, Tzu-Chun Chen
990 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  SAGE Publications Digital Health Understanding vaccine hesitancy: Insights from social media on polio, human papilloma virus, and COVID-19 in Zambia Samuel Munalula Munjita
991 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA International Journal of Public Health Phenotypic Variation in Disease Severity Among Hospitalized Pediatric Patients With COVID-19: Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 in the EPICO Study María Camila Sossa-Alarcón, Mónica Paola Gutiérrez, Natalia Becerra, Luz Yessenia Ortegon, María Camila David, Melisa Naranjo Vanegas, et al. (+33)
992 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Institute of Mathematical Statistics The Annals of Applied Statistics A three-state coupled Markov switching model for COVID-19 outbreaks across Q based on hospital admissions Dirk Douwes-Schultz, Alexandra M. Schmidt, Yannan Shen, David L. Buckeridge
993 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Maad Rayan Publishing Company hormozgan medical journal Burnout and Risk of COVID-19 in Healthcare Workers in South of Iran: A Case-Control Study Hadi Eshaghi Sani, Mehdi Hassni Azad, Shafei Rahimi, Fuad Jahandideh
994 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Infectious Diseases and Therapy Risk of Severe COVID-19 in Four Immunocompromised Populations: A French Expert Perspective Paul Loubet, Ilies Benotmane, Slim Fourati, Florent Malard, Fanny Vuotto, Elodie Blanchard, et al. (+4)
995 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Ovid Medicine Magnitude and associated factors of common mental disorders among pregnant women during COVID-19 in Ethiopia: A systematic review and meta-analysis Aragaw Asfaw Hasen, Ahmed Adem Mohammed, Mekash Ayalew Mohammed, Abubeker Alebachew Seid
996 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Institute of Mathematical Statistics The Annals of Applied Statistics Has the Covid-19 outbreak capsized the predictive performance of Bayesian VAR models with cointegration and time-varying volatility? Anna Pajor, Łukasz Kwiatkowski, Justyna Wróblewska
997 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) World Journal of Emergency Surgery Impact of COVID-19 on urgent gastrointestinal surgery outcomes: increased mortality in 2020 Aurélie Gouel-Chéron, Kankoe Sallah, Saiba Sawadogo, Axelle Dupont, Philippe Montravers
998 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Centers For Disease Control and Prevention Emerging Infectious Diseases Population-Based Matched Cohort Study of COVID-19 Healthcare Costs, Ontario, Canada Beate Sander, Sharmistha Mishra, Sarah Swayze, Yeva Sahakyan, Raquel Duchen, Kieran Quinn, et al. (+3)
999 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Georg Thieme Verlag KG Pneumologie Neural Network-Assisted Humanisation of COVID-19 Hamster Transcriptomic Data Reveals Matching Severity States in Human Disease P Pennitz, V Friedrich, E Wyler, J Adler, D Postmus, K Mueller, et al. (+14)
1000 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) European Journal of Social Work Child protection and rights in India: COVID-19 experiences and contemporary challenges Sigamani Panneer, Udhayakumar P.
1001 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Eurasian Scientific and Industrial Chamber, Ltd. Современные проблемы науки и образования (Modern Problems of Science and Education) PECULIARITIES OF THE COVID-19 EPIDEMIC IN CHILDREN IN STAVROPOL KRAI FOR THE PERIOD 2020-2023 O.A. Musaelyan, M.V. Golubeva, B.S. Shaposhnikov, L.V. Pogorelova, Y.V. Borisova, Y.A. Vasilchenko, et al. (+2)
1002 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  MDPI AG Children The Impact of COVID-19 on the Language Skills of Preschool Children: Data from a School Screening Project for Language Disorders in Greece Eleni Kyvrakidou, Giannis Kyvrakidis, Anastasia S. Stefanaki, Asterios Asimenios, Athanasios Gazanis, Asterios Kampouras
1003 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Publicaciones Universidad de Alicante Discurso y Sociedad Impactos de la crisis mundial de la COVID-19 en las relaciones de género, raza, etnia, sexualidades y otros ejes identitarios de las diferencias en los más variados contextos y prácticas socioculturales y políticas Maria Carmen Aires Gomes, Kleber Silva
1004 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Publicaciones Universidad de Alicante Discurso y Sociedad Repercusión del aislamiento social por COVID-19 en la salud mental en la población de Perú: síntomas en el discurso del ciberespacio Marco Lovón, Aixa Daniela Chegne Cortez
1005 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Universidade de Sao Paulo, Agencia USP de Gestao da Informacao Academica (AGUIA) Revista de Medicina Validação do protocolo 4-C mortality score na estratificação de risco da covid-19 em pacientes internados em um hospital do Distrito Federal Victória Piantino, Leonardo Joaquim Soares de Lima, Tarquino Erastides Gavilanes Sanchez
1006 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Universidade do Vale do Rio Dos Sinos - UNISINOS Fronteiras – estudos midiáticos Uma Análise dos Memes sbre Vacinação de COVID-19 em Redes Sociais Tiago Franklin Rodrigues Lucena, Lara Beatriz Natalie Arantes, Graça Penha Nascimento Rossetto
1007 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Universidade de Sao Paulo, Agencia USP de Gestao da Informacao Academica (AGUIA) Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) Transição do cuidado de pacientes com Covid-19 do hospital para outros pontos da rede de atenção: contribuições da gestão da clínica Leonardo Pedro dos Santos Alves, Vanessa Alves Mendes, Jordany Lopes Viegas Pulcherio, Caroline Cechinel-Peiter, Gímerson Erick Ferreira, Mara Regina Rosa Ribeiro
1008 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Universitas Padjadjaran Kumawula Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat PEMBERDAYAAN POTENSI UMKM BIDANG KULINER PASCA PANDEMI COVID-19 DI DAERAH RANCAEKEK, KABUPATEN BANDUNG, JAWA BARAT Pradnya Paramarta Raditya Rendra, Nana Sulaksana, Emi Sukiyah, Murni Sulastri
1009 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Universitas Padjadjaran Kumawula Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat MENINGKATKAN KETAHANAN MASYARAKAT: PENDEKATAN HOLISTIK MELALUI EDUKASI COVID-19 DAN IMMUNOMODULATOR ALAMI Yedi Herdiana
1010 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Elsevier EBioMedicine COVID-19 convalescent plasma in immunocompromised COVID-19 patients: more certainty and clarity are added to a complex evidence base Hyunah Yoon, Liise-anne Pirofski
1011 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Apex Publishing Roshd -e- Fanavari Identification of Organizational Capital and Its Evaluation in Covid-19 Conditions hajieh rajabi farjad
1012 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Medknow Publications Nigerian Journal of Medicine Associations between COVID-19 Clinical Screening Tools, Rapid Diagnostic Tests and Computed Tomography for Effective Risk Mitigation of COVID-19 in a Private Hospital Setting in Nigeria Victor Ede, Edet Ekeng, Swabirah Sulaiman, Hannatu Sani, Monday Solomon, Timi Oladipo, Ibrahim Wada
1013 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Criminal Justice Education Racial Injustice, Protests & Reflexivity: Student’s Perspectives During COVID-19 Class Journaling Activity Shanell Sanchez, Catherine Venegas-Garcia, Kelly Szott, Larry Gibbs
1014 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Georg Thieme Verlag KG Pneumologie Langzeitfolgen und zelluläre Immunprofile nach COVID-19 bei initial hospitalisierten Patienten L Boblitz, A Sauer, L Ruhl, N Drick, J Fuge, C Valtin, et al. (+7)
1015 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  CAIRN Empan La rue démasquée. Les habitants de la rue face aux débuts du Covid-19 au Luxembourg Mauro Almeida Cabral
1016 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Editorial Cientifico-Tecnica Ocronos Revista Ocronos Hallazgos de laboratorio en pacientes con COVID-19 atendidos en el área de emergencia pediátrica del Hospital General IESS del Sur, de abril a junio del 2020
1017 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Maad Rayan Publishing Company Middle East Journal of Digestive Diseases COVID-19 and Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding; Etiology, Risk Factors, and Outcomes: A Case-Control Study Sara Shafieipour, Mohammad Rezaei Zadeh Rukerd, Niloofar Farsiu, Mohsen Nakhaie, Samaneh Jahangiri, Maysam Yousefi, et al. (+2)
1018 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Knowledge and Learning COVID-19 and the new situation in higher education David López Jiménez, Jenny Patricia Vargas Portillo, Eduardo Carlos Dittmar
1019 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLOS Global Public Health Clinical characterization of acute COVID-19 and Post-COVID-19 Conditions 3 months following infection: A cohort study among Indigenous adults and children in the Southwestern United States Chelsea S. Lutz, Rachel M. Hartman, Marqia Sandoval, Amanda B. Burrage, Loretta Christensen, Ryan M. Close, et al. (+20)
1020 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Elsevier The Journal of the Economics of Ageing COVID-19 and domiciliary care utilisation: Evidence from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing Anastasia Arabadzhyan, Nikita Jacob, Panagiotis Kasteridis, Anne Mason, Nigel Rice
1021 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Ovid Porto Biomedical Journal Prevalence and associated factors of COVID-19 among biomedical science students of Rivers State University, Port Harcourt, Nigeria: a cross-sectional study Moore I. Mike-Ogburia, Gift M. Hart, Barynem Vito-Peter, Aisha Dio, Victory C. Nwogu
1022 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Universidade de Sao Paulo, Agencia USP de Gestao da Informacao Academica (AGUIA) Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) Características clínicas e fatores associados à internação hospitalar de pessoas com Covid-19 acompanhadas por telessaúde Aline Carrilho Menezes, Clareci Silva Cardoso, Clara Rodrigues Alves de Oliveira, Ana Flávia Avelar Maia Seixas, Hygor Kleber Cabral Silva, Mayara Santos Mendes, et al. (+2)
1023 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Masters Program in Public Health, Sebelas Maret University Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health Assessment of COVID-19 Deaths in Botswana using the SIRD Model for the Period 2020 to 2022 Lebotsamang Abidile
1024 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Korea Entertainment Industry Association Journal of the Korea Entertainment Industry Association The Effects of Mortality Salience on Online Portal News Use: Mediating Role of Uncertainty and Moderating Role of Infection Experience in the Context of COVID-19 Hee-Won Im
1025 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Elsevier The American Journal of Medicine We Need a Broad Look at Oral Microbiota and Long COVID-19 Lukasz Szarpak, Basar Cander, Michal Pruc
1026 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Masters Program in Public Health, Sebelas Maret University Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health Detection of Change Patterns in COVID-19 Deaths and the Implementation of Public Health Policies in Botswana Lebotsamang Abidile, Morvyn Nyakudya
1027 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Publicaciones Universidad de Alicante Discurso y Sociedad Performatividad (online y offline) de dos comunidades indígenas en México sobre quiénes son y cómo pueden vivir en tiempos de pandemia del SAR2 COVID-19 Marisela Colín Rodea, Leonardo Herrera González
1028 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Marriage and Family Exploring African American marital strengths during COVID-19 Lori Nixon Bethea
1029 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Scholars Academic and Scientific Publishers Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports Rapidly Progressive Pancreatitis with Multi-Organ Failure: A Severe Sequela of COVID-19 A. Handa, R. Semlali, F. Chakor, O. Nacir, F. Lairani, A. Ait Errami, et al. (+3)
1030 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Universidade de Sao Paulo, Agencia USP de Gestao da Informacao Academica (AGUIA) Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) Interprofissionalidade em ambientes digitais: experiência do PET-Saúde frente aos impactos da pandemia de Covid-19 Maico Lau Cibils Ferreira, Ludmila Mourão Xavier Gomes Andrade, Anália Rosário Lopes, Nandra Martins Soares, Monica Augusta Mombelli
1031 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  SAGE Publications Annals of Neurosciences Study on Gender-specific Population at Risk of Developing Dementia, Anxiety and Depression Following Exposure to COVID-19 Jigar S. Padhiar, Uddipak Rai
1032 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  MDPI AG Genes SARS-CoV-2 Genetic Variants Identified in Selected Regions of Ethiopia Through Whole Genome Sequencing: Insights from the Fifth Wave of COVID-19 Getnet Hailu, Mengistu Legesse, Andargachew Mulu, Girmay Medhin, Mesfin Mengesha Tsegaye, Dawit Hailu Alemayehu, et al. (+11)
1033 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Studies Editora Revista Caderno Pedagógico Fatores de risco cardiovasculares e perfil alimentar de idosos durante o período de isolamento social provocado pela pandemia da COVID-19 Juliana Arruda de Souza Monnerat, Raílla Kling Dutra, Bianca Bittencourt Lucchetti, Pedro Ribeiro de Souza, Flávio Andrade Camacho, Aline D’avila Pereira, et al. (+2)
1034 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Brazilian Journal of Health Review Brazilian Journal of Health Review Qualidade de vida dos profissionais de saúde da rede do município de São João Del Rei pós pandemia do COVID-19 Miguel Henrique Dos Reis, Ana Lívia Teixeira, Laila Cristina Moreira Damázio
1035 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities Spatial Associations of Anti-Asian Hate on Social Media in the USA During COVID-19 Alexander Hohl, Xiao Huang, Daniel Han, Alexander Yao, Alex Liu, Richard M. Medina, et al. (+4)
1036 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Emerging Markets Finance and Trade The Role of Export Incentives and Bank Credit on the Export Survival of Firms in India During COVID-19 Radeef Chundakkadan, Subash Sasidharan, Ketan Reddy
1037 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Knowledge E Iranian Journal of Public Health Suicide Data in Türkiye from 2017 to 2022 (Impact of COVID-19) Betül Battaloğlu Inanç
1038 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Publisher Correction: Development and validation of nomogram models for severe and fatal COVID-19 Jiahao Chen, Qingfeng Hu, Ruifang Zhong, Ling Li, Yanli Kang, Liangyuan Chen, et al. (+2)
1039 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Research, Society and Development Research Society and Development Perspectivas de tratamento e desafios na terapia antifúngica para a mucormicose em pacientes com COVID-19 Franciele Maiara de Araújo Castro, Francisca Karolina de Luna Souto, Paula Raquel Ribeiro Silva, Igara Oliveira Lima, Wylly Araújo de Oliveira
1040 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Georg Thieme Verlag KG Pneumologie Comparison of predictive performances of pnemonia scores, qSOFA and 4C mortality score in patients hospitalized for COVID-19 T Sabelhaus, S Yagmur, S Ewig
1041 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Georg Thieme Verlag KG Pneumologie Randomisierte, Placebo-kontrollierte, doppelblinde Multicenterstudie zur Bewertung der Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit von ELOM-080 bei ambulanten Patienten mit COVID-19 M Dreher, H Heier, A Kienle-Gogolok, K Röschmann-Doose, J Simon, R Singhal, et al. (+6)
1042 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Elsevier The American Journal of Medicine A Prospective Design is Desirable for the Evaluation of Risk Factors, Clinical and Radiological Presentation, and Functional Outcome of Long COVID Carla Alexandra Scorza, Fulvio Alexandre Scorza, Josef Finsterer
1043 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Wiley Health Expectations Exploring Long Covid Prevalence and Patient Uncertainty by Sociodemographic Characteristics Using GP Patient Survey Data Mirembe Woodrow, Nida Zia�n, Dianna Smith, Nisreen A. Alwan
1044 2025―Mar―18  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Issues in Mental Health Nursing “I’m a Flower in Concrete”: A Qualitative Analysis of the Language, Culture, and Identity of African American Women Dementia Caregivers During a Pandemic: Part 3 Shanae Rhodes, Pamela Recto, Janna Lesser
1045 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  JF Publisher SUJANA (Education and Learning Review) TEACHER STRATEGIES IN ONLINE LEARNING DUE TO PANDEMIC: A LITERATURE REVIEW Izzet Fikrotul Fauqi
1046 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal How are Tokyo's Independent Restauranteurs Surviving the Pandemic? James Farrer
1047 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal Fostering Trust in Government During a Pandemic: The Case of South Korea Nathan Park
1048 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Wiley American Journal of Agricultural Economics Pandemic-Induced Changes in Food Acquisitions: Implications for Child Diet Quality in the United States Travis A. Smith, Joanne Guthrie, Biing-Hwan Lin, Alexander Stevens
1049 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  SAGE Publications Socius Sociological Research for a Dynamic World Pandemic-Based Stress and Timing of Fertility Intentions among Partnered Adults Wendy D. Manning, Karen Benjamin Guzzo, Claire Kamp Dush, Gabrielle Juteau
1050 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal Becoming a Mom in Pandemic Tokyo Wei-Chuan Chen
1051 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal Abe Prioritized Olympics, Slowing Japan's Pandemic Response Jeff Kingston
1052 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal Misplaced Priorities, Unnecessary Effects: Collective Suffering and Survival in Pandemic Philippines Nastassja Quijano, Maria Carmen (Ica) Fernandez, Abbey Pangilinan
1053 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal Hong Kong in 2020: Pandemic, Protest and Great Power Rivalry Mark W. Frazier
1054 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Wiley JCMS Journal of Common Market Studies Minding the Gaps: Solidaristic Transfers and Burden-Sharing in the European Union and Its Member States' Pandemic Response Péter Marton, Balázs Szent-Iványi
1055 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Clinical Medicine Indirect Impact of Pandemic on the Diagnosis of New Primary Melanoma: A Retrospective, Multicenter Study Luca Nespoli, Lorenzo Borgognoni, Virginia Caliendo, Dario Piazzalunga, Piero Rossi, Marco Clementi, et al. (+19)
1056 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal PM Abe's Floundering Pandemic Leadership Jeff Kingston
1057 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal Military Politics in Pandemic Indonesia Jun Honna
1058 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Zeitschrift für Bildungsforschung Family support resources at the transition-vocational orientation and paths of young people after non-grammar school education programmes before and during the corona pandemic in Germany","Familiale Unterstützungsressourcen am Übergang - Berufliche Orientierung und nachschulische Übergangswege von Jugendlichen in nicht-gymnasialen Bildungsgängen vor und während der Corona-Pandemie in Deutschland Frank Tillmann, Karen Hemming
1059 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Dove Medical Press International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease COPD Exacerbations, Air Pollutant Fluctuations, and Individual-Level Factors in the Pandemic Era Sahar Mikaeeli, Dany Doiron, Jean Bourbeau, Pei Li, Shawn Aaron, Kenneth Chapman, et al. (+9)
1060 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness Challenges and Adaptive Measures for the Potential Next Pandemic Caused by Climate Change Shandiz Moslehi, Sajjad Narimani, Samira Soleimanpour
1061 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal Special Issue: Pandemic Asia, Part II (Table of Contents) Jeff Kingston
1062 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal Introduction: Pandemic Asia Jeff Kingston
1063 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal Special Issue: Pandemic Asia, Part I (Table of Contents) Jeff Kingston
1064 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  SAGE Publications Young The Pandemic and the Challenges for Young People of Living Well in the Anthropocene Seth Brown, Peter Kelly, James Goring, Meave Noonan
1065 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Index Copernicus International Bank i Kredyt Calendar anomalies as an example of interferences of the efficient market hypothesis - pandemic and post-pandemic economic reality Bartłomiej Lisicki
1066 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Wiley Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers The place where we live: Children, families, play, neighbourhoods and spaces of care during and after the pandemic Alison Stenning, Wendy Russell
1067 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal Towards a Renewed Sense of Sociality in the Pandemic Age Sachiko Horiguchi
1068 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal The Whole Block Goes Down: Refugees in Japan's detention centers during the pandemic David H. Slater, Rose Barbaran
1069 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT Why we missed the threat of a new pandemic - and other existential risks John Gittings
1070 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal This Will Still Be True Tomorrow: “Fukushima Ain't Got the Time for Olympic Games”: Two Texts on Nuclear Disaster and Pandemic Muto Ruiko, Norma Field
1071 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Microbiology Society Microbial Genomics Human respiratory syncytial virus genetic diversity and lineage replacement in Ireland pre- and post-COVID-19 pandemic Alan Rice, Gabriel Gonzalez, Michael Carr, Jonathan Dean, Emer O’Byrne, Lynn Aarts, et al. (+15)
1072 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology Mucosal multivalent NDV-based vaccine provides cross-reactive immune responses against SARS-CoV-2 variants in animal models Irene González-Domínguez, Adam Abdeljawad, Tsoi Ying Lai, Marta Boza, Stephen McCroskery, Nicholas Lemus, et al. (+15)
1073 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Neurological Sciences Letter to editor: Is there still hesitancy towards SARS-CoV-2 vaccination among people with neurological disease? Rabia Nizam
1074 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC npj Vaccines A randomized phase I trial of intranasal SARS-CoV-2 vaccine dNS1-RBD in children aged 3-17 years Kai Chu, Jiali Quan, Xiaohui Liu, Qi Chen, Xia Zang, Hanmin Jiang, et al. (+10)
1075 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  American Chemical Society Biochemistry Design of Mimetic Antibodies Targeting the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Glycoprotein Based on the GB1 Domain: A Molecular Simulation and Experimental Study Anderson A. E Santo, Aline Reis, Anderson A. Pinheiro, Paulo I. da Costa, Gustavo T. Feliciano
1076 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine SARS-CoV-2 Placentitis: A Review of Pathologic Findings and Discussion of Differential Diagnosis Sarah H. Farran, Raja Rabah, Caroline Simon
1077 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Pharmacology FDA-approved drug repurposing screen identifies inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 pseudovirus entry Manisha Singh, Shruthi Shanmukha, Raghda E. Eldesouki, Maged M. Harraz
1078 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  JMIR Publications Inc. JMIR Research Protocols Protocol for the correlation between severity of Prakriti (body constitution) and structural alterations in the lungs of SARS-COV-2 patients (Preprint) Dr. Rugaved Gudadhe, Dr. Gaurav Sawarkar 2nd, Dr.Amol Deshpande 3rd
1079 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Pleiades Publishing BIOPHYSICS Antiviral Effect Against SARS-CoV-2 of Dinitrosyl Iron Complex Solutions when Inhaled to Syrian Hamsters in a “Nose-Only” Chamber A. V. Shipovalov, A. F. Vanin, N. A. Tkachev, O. V. Pyankov, N. B. Asanbaeva, S. V. An’kov, et al. (+4)
1080 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Current Issues in Molecular Biology Structure-Based Identification of SARS-CoV-2 nsp10-16 Methyltransferase Inhibitors Using Molecular Dynamics Insights Ahmad M. Alharbi
1081 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Virology Journal Chemokines simultaneously bind SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein RNA-binding and dimerization domains Alberto Domingo López-Muñoz, Jonathan W. Yewdell
1082 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  American Chemical Society ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters Design, Synthesis, Evaluation, and Molecular Dynamics Simulation of SARS-CoV-2 Mpro Inhibitors Qinghua Yang, Keli Zong, Xu Zhao, Fenghua Zhang, Fei Li, Xingzhou Li
1083 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Microorganisms Efficacy of Molnupiravir in Reducing the Risk of Severe Outcomes in Patients with SARS-CoV-2 Infection: A Real-Life Full-Matched Case-Control Study (SAVALO Study) Ivan Gentile, Riccardo Scotto, Maria Michela Scirocco, Francesco Di Brizzi, Federica Cuccurullo, Maria Silvitelli, et al. (+12)
1084 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Sociedade Beneficente Israelita Brasileira Hospital Albert Einstein Einstein (São Paulo) Assessment of mortality due to severe SARS-CoV-2 infection in public and private intensive care units in Brazil: a multicenter retrospective cohort study Thiago Domingos Corrêa, Thais Dias Midega, Ricardo Kenji Nawa, Ricardo Luiz Cordioli, Adriano José Pereira, Moacyr Silva, et al. (+16)
1085 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Pediatrics Pediatric SARS-CoV-2 infection and development of anxiety and depression Frederick Dun-Dery, Jianling Xie, Roger Zemek, Kathleen Winston, Brett Burstein, Vikram Sabhaney, et al. (+14)
1086 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Current Medical Research and Opinion Unravelling the pandemic: impaired bone metabolism and risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection E Pariente, M Martin-Millán, D Nan, D Martínez-Revuelta, H Basterrechea, J Pardo, et al. (+7)
1088 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Elsevier International Journal of Biological Macromolecules Cnidii fructus and Sophorae Flavescentis Radix polysaccharides inhibit SARS-CoV-2 entry by interfering with Spike protein-mediated membrane fusion Feng Liu, Chao Shang, Cheng Zhang, Xuyong Jiang, Yanling Lin, Fushan Wu, et al. (+5)
1089 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  IOP Publishing Biofabrication Efficient one-step immobilization of DNA probes on 1DZnO nanoplatforms targeting a low-mutation region of SARS-CoV-2 Shirlley Martínez Tolibia, Rafael A Salinas, Cesar Millán-Pacheco, Edgar O Castrejón-González, Erik A Vázquez-Montelongo, Josué E Romero, et al. (+2)
1090 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  SAGE Publications Natural Product Communications An Anisole Derivative in the Essential oil of Wurfbainia schmidtii with Virucidal Activity Against SARS-CoV-2 and Anti-Inflammatory Properties Charmaine Sagayap, Piyachat Chuysinuan, Nopporn Chutiwitoonchai, Patcharee Pripdeevech, Wittaya Kaewsri, Sanya Sureram, et al. (+7)
1091 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Characteristics of Community-Dwelling Older People Who Are Less Likely to Respond to Mail Surveys Under Infection Countermeasures for New Strains of Coronavirus: The Takasaki Study Akihiko Murayama, Daisuke Higuchi, Kosuke Saida, Shigeya Tanaka, Tomoyuki Shinohara
1092 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal Rethinking Human-Nature Relationships in the Time of Coronavirus: Postmodern Animism in Films by Miyazaki Hayao & Shinkai Makoto Shoko Yoneyama
1093 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal The Coronavirus Pandemic: India in Global Perspective Ramesh Thakur, Deepak Nayyar
1094 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation Journal of Assessment and Research in Applied Counseling The Effectiveness of a Family-Centered Problem-Solving Program on Parent-Child Interaction During the Coronavirus Period Samira Ganjipour, Keivan Kakabraee, Seyeda Al-Sadat Hosseini, Mokhtar Arefi
1095 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS Pathogens Coronavirus endoribonuclease nsp15 suppresses host protein synthesis and evades PKR-eIF2α-mediated translation shutoff to ensure viral protein synthesis Xiaoqian Gong, Shanhuan Feng, Jiehuang Wang, Bo Gao, Wenxiang Xue, Hongyan Chu, et al. (+13)
1096 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal The Coronavirus Crisis: Disability Politics and Activism in Contemporary Japan Mark Bookman
1097 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal Coronavirus and Impact on the Bangladesh Economy: Assessing the Damage of the Black Swan of 2020 Sajid Amit
1098 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Saidu Medical College Journal of Saidu Medical College Swat Experiences and Challenges of Educators and Learners During COVID-19; A Qualitative Phenomenology Study Mushyyada Durrani, Khurram Naushad, Mehwish Durrani, Jodat Askari, Uzma Siddique, Zainab Akbar
1099 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Elsevier Brain Stimulation Evaluating the Efficacy of Repetitive Anodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Cognitive Fatigue in Long COVID: A Randomized Controlled Trial Magdalene Mischke, Tino Zaehle
1100 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Universidade Catolica Dom Bosco Revista Psicologia e Saúde Profissionais de Saúde, Condições de Trabalho e Pandemia da Covid-19: Um Estudo no Contexto do SUS-Bahia Sonia Maria Guedes Gondim, Ana Célia Araújo Simões, Rayana Santedicola Andrade, Paloma Almeida Rios da Silva, Felipe Santos Meireles, Jeane Trindade de Brito, et al. (+6)
1101 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Health Psychology Factors associated with parents’ hesitancy to vaccinate their children against COVID-19: The moderator role of parental anxiety Josée Richard, Anik Dubé, Jalila Jbilou, Mylène Lachance-Grzela
1102 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal Resilient Japanese Local Food Systems Thrive during COVID-19: Ten Groups, Ten Outcomes (十人十色 jyu-nin-to-iro) Jack Lichten, Chika Kondo
1103 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal Limitations of Social Protections of Migrant Families in Japan Exposed by COVID-19: The Case of Nepalese Women Masako Tanaka
1104 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Saidu Medical College Journal of Saidu Medical College Swat Platelet-Lymphocyte Ratio Dynamics and Severity Correlation in COVID-19: Insights from Platelet Count Variations Sunia Qasuria Khan, Muhammad Kaleem Khan, Yasar Mehmood Yousafzai, Dure Nayab, Dure Zara, Anila Farid
1105 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  SciELO Bakhtiniana Revista de Estudos do Discurso A atuação de intérpretes de Libras-português durante a pandemia de Covid-19: interpretação remota e interlocução presumida Vinícius Nascimento, Felipe Venâncio Barbosa
1106 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Trends in Higher Education Health Sciences Faculty’s Perceptions of Educational Changes During COVID-19: Global Lessons Karima Lalani, Tanya E. Karwaki, James Condon
1107 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Healthcare Advancements in Digital Cytopathology Since COVID-19: Insights from a Narrative Review of Review Articles Daniele Giansanti
1108 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Intensive Care Medicine Optimizing non-intubated respiratory support in COVID-19: evaluating the impact of bundle of care strategy on awake prone positioning tolerance Beilei Chen, Sheng Li
1109 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal Study-abroad in Japan under COVID-19: Emerging Parallels with a Course on Environmental Pollution Shizuka Hsieh, Roger Ort, Kerry Walker
1110 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal Community-Based Care During COVID-19: Balancing Social Distancing And Social Care In Rural Japan - The Case Of The Aso Region Hanno Jentzsch, Sebastian Polak-Rottmann
1111 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal Crafting the Taiwan Model for COVID-19: An Exceptional State in Pandemic Territory Ian Rowen
1112 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Korean Society of Infectious Diseases and Korean Society for Chemotherapy (KAMJE) Infection and Chemotherapy Poor Prognosis of Pneumococcal Co-Infection in Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19: A Propensity Score-Matched Analysis Soyoon Hwang, Eunkyung Nam, Shin-Woo Kim, Hyun-Ha Chang, Yoonjung Kim, Sohyun Bae, et al. (+7)
1113 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  IR Research Publication Biological Sciences Exploring the Therapeutic Potential of Natural Alkaloids Against Covid-19: A Tripartite Investigation of Their Efficacy Through In-Vivo, In-Vitro and In-Silico Models Bazil Ekuh Ewane
1114 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Antibiotics Antibiotic Usage and Healthcare-Associated Clostridioides difficile in Patients with and Without COVID-19: A Tertiary Hospital Experience Darko Zdravkovic, Ljiljana Markovic-Denic, Vladimir Nikolic, Zoran Todorovic, Marija Brankovic, Aleksandra Radojevic, et al. (+2)
1115 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal Japanese Religious Responses to COVID-19: A Preliminary Report Levi McLaughlin
1116 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Advances in Rheumatology Clinical and laboratory markers defining MIS-C and hyperinflammation in COVID-19: a cross-sectional study in a tertiary hospital Ana Paula Radünz Vieira, Paulo Roberto Antonaccio Carvalho, Sandra Helena Machado, Taís Sica da Rocha
1117 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Elsevier One Health Regulations, biosecurity measures, and impact of COVID-19: A comprehensive mixed method study in traditional wet and live animal markets in Bangladesh Sukanta Chowdhury, Tushar Kumar Das, Nurun Nahar Chisty, Sajal Kanti Biswas, Mohammed Ziaur Rahman, Jiaxin Ling, et al. (+2)
1118 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Pubtexto Journal of Medical and Clinical Studies Effectiveness of COVID-19 Vaccines in Japanese Pediatric Patients (Autumn 2022 to Autumn 2023): A Case-Control Study
1119 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Epidemiology and Infection Comparison of two methods for the estimation of COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness of the autumnal booster within the VEBIS-EHR network in 2022/23 Susana Monge, James Humphreys, Nathalie Nicolay, Toon Braeye, Izaak Van Evercooren, Christian Holm Hansen, et al. (+15)
1120 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine X Reverse vaccinology-based multi-epitope COVID-19 vaccine targeting SARS-CoV-2 structural and non-structural proteins induces immune responses in mice Azzania Fibriani, Nicholas Yamahoki, Annisa Meliana Shani, Afifatur Rofiqoh, Agust Leo Fany Siregar, Cynthia Gunawan, et al. (+5)
1121 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and hesitancy in Cameroon: a systematic review and meta-analysis Fabrice Zobel Lekeumo Cheuyem, Adidja Amani, Iyawa Clarisse Alma Nkodo, Lionel Bethold Keubou Boukeng, Michel Franck Edzamba, Ariane Nouko, et al. (+4)
1122 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  National Society for Cutaneous Medicine SKIN The Journal of Cutaneous Medicine COVID-19 Vaccination as a Precipitating Factor in Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus with Lupus Nephritis: A Clinical Case Report Elisha Myers, Marla Rodriguez, Michelle Schneider, Sabrina Shearer
1123 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology Vitiligo development following COVID-19 vaccination: A retrospective analysis of 128 cases using the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System Gaurav N. Pathak, Bianca Sanabria, Anurag N. Pathak, Devina M. Lohani, Shazli Razi, Babar Rao
1124 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences Knowledge, Attitude, and Hesitance of COVID-19 Vaccination amongst Emergency Health Care Workers (EHCW) in Qassim Region, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - A Cross-sectional Survey Shaher Almutairi
1125 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia Salud Ciencia y Tecnología Dermatologic Manifestations Induced By Immune Responses After Covid-19 Vaccination Dayana Aracely León Pallasco, Elio Joel Palma Coque, Sebastián Oswaldo Paredes Tobar, Edwin Marcelo Miranda Solis
1126 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Molecular Sciences Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP) in COVID-19 Therapy-Shedding of ACE2 and TMPRSS2 via ADAM10 Charlotte Gutzler, Kerstin Höhne, Daniele Bani, Gian Kayser, Sebastian Fähndrich, Michael Ambros, et al. (+6)
1127 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Cancers Real-World Experience with the Available Outpatient COVID-19 THErapies in Patients with canceR (CO.THER) Angioletta Lasagna, Giulia Gambini, Catherine Klersy, Simone Figini, Sofia Marino, Paolo Sacchi, Paolo Pedrazzoli
1128 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  AJER Publishing African Journal of Empirical Research The Effects of Perceived Efficacy Beliefs in Covid-19 Television Messages on Vaccine Adoption Behavior Among Youths in Kiambu County, Kenya Faith Njeri Ngure, Hellen Mberia, Joseph Muchiri
1129 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal So What? Hong Kong's Covid-19 Success Won't be Why It Remembers 2020 Simon Cartledge
1130 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Pathogenic built environment? Reflections on modeling spatial determinants of health in urban settings considering the example of COVID-19 studies Tobia Lakes, Tillman Schmitz, Henning Füller
1131 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Stability and control analysis of COVID-19 spread in India using SEIR model Ramesh Ramalingam, Arul Joseph Gnanaprakasam, Salah Boulaaras
1132 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Estimating the causal impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions on COVID-19 spread in seven EU countries via machine learning Jannis Guski, Jonas Botz, Holger Fröhlich
1133 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Community Psychology COVID-19 Stress and Coping Among Black Youth: The Role of Socio-Emotional Community Mentor Support Robyn Douglas, Ta-yang Hsieh, Lauren Alvis, Noni Gaylord-Harden, Amy K. Syvertsen
1134 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Association Between Housing Status and COVID-19 Severity, Morbidity, and Mortality in the United States: A Propensity Score-Matched Analysis of the National Inpatient Sample Alexandra Millhuff, Mohammed A Quazi, Abdullah W Mamdani, Mahnoor Waqar, Rimmel Ali, Rayika Syed, et al. (+2)
1135 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  The Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing COVID-19 Prediction Model Empowered with Fused Computational Intelligence Technique Muhammad Adnan Khan, Iftikhar Naseer, Muhammad Nadeem Ali, Byung-Seo Kim
1136 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Bentham Science Coronaviruses The Therapeutic Effectiveness of Two Combined Regimens in Managing COVID-19 Pneumonia Patients: A Single-Center, Retrospective Observational Analysis Manal Abdulkhaliq Ibrahim, Manar Abdulwahid Karem Alzubaidi, Rasha Naseer Mohammed
1137 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences Oral-Health Related Quality of Life of Children in Two Gulf Countries After Lifting of COVID-19 Restrictions: A Comparative Study Lena Fahad Alammari, Maram Ibrahim Alenezi, Bashaer Kanaan Almutairi, Rayan Lafi Althafiri, Mohammad Abdul Baseer, Abdul Rahman Dahham AlSaffan, Wasmiya A AlHayyan
1138 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Elsevier Nurse Education in Practice A study of academic resilience, psychological resilience and psychological distress in undergraduate nursing students in Hong Kong and Australia during COVID-19 restrictions Graeme D. Smith, Roger Watson, Sara Poon, Wendy M. Cross, Ms. Larissa Hutchison, Elisabeth Jacob, et al. (+4)
1139 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Medical Virology Epidemiology of Parvovirus B19 Infection In an Italian Metropolitan Area, 2012-2024: COVID-19 Pre-Pandemic, Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Trends Simona Venturoli, Alessia Bertoldi, Elisabetta Manaresi, Tiziana Lazzarotto, Giorgio Gallinella
1140 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  UiTM Press, Universiti Teknologi MARA Journal of Clinical and Health Sciences Evaluation of Antinuclear Antibodies of SLE Panel in COVID-19 Patients: A Cross-Sectional study in a Tertiary Care Hospital K Usha Krishnan, Therese Mary Dhason, Ananthakrishnan Parthasarathy, Thyagarajan Ravinder
1141 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Medical Sciences Association Between Sociodemographic Disparities and Door to Computerized Tomography Time in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke Across COVID-19 Periods in the Emergency Department: A Multi-Center Cohort Study Yu-Lin Hsieh, Ching-Fang Tiffany Tzeng, Maha Khan, Andrew Shedd, Thomas Damrow, Dahlia Hassani, et al. (+4)
1142 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  American Scientific Publishing Group Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things SCNN-UNet: A Novel Deep Learning Approach for Pulmonary Embolism Detection in COVID-19 Patients Using Super Pixel Segmentation Sukhider Sukhider, Vijay Dhir
1143 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Viruses Risk Factors Affecting the Severity, Mortality, and Intensive Care Unit Admission of COVID-19 Patients: A Series of 1075 Cases Ecem Narin Çopur, Dilek Ergün, Recai Ergün, Serap Atik, Hatice Türk Dağı, Muslu Kazım Körez
1144 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Galaxy Science International Journal of Multidisciplinary Applied Business and Education Research Socio-Demographic and Parental Acceptability of Covid-19 Pediatric Vaccination of Children with Co-Morbidities Christian Jay S. Orte, Sheree G. Ganzon, Christian Jay S. Orte, Ma. Theresa D. Morales, Ruby Santos-Matibag
1145 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Sciencedomain International Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology Nirmatrelvir-ritonavir for Treating COVID-19 Patients: A Case-Control Study Tania Castillo-Cruz, Daniel Lopez-Hernandez, María del Rocío Thompson-Bonilla, Antonio Mayoral-Ortiz, Leticia Brito-Aranda, Liliana Grisel Liceaga-Perez, et al. (+15)
1146 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Kare Publishing Eurasian Journal of Pulmonology The effect of blood parameters on the frequency of thromboembolic events in COVID-19 patients Özgür Barış
1147 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Elsevier Genetics in Medicine Open P380: Identification of genes and pathways with varied expression using publicly accessible RNA-sequencing data from nasal swabs of COVID-19 patients Suhair Saad Sadoon Sadoon, Michael Green
1148 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology Non-neutralizing anti-type I interferon autoantibodies could increase thrombotic risk in critical COVID-19 patients Mario Framil, Lydia García-Serrano, Francisco Morandeira, Juan Francisco Luchoro, Arnau Antolí, Jose Luis Gomez-Vazquez, et al. (+2)
1149 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Metabolites Cytokine-Based Insights into Bloodstream Infections and Bacterial Gram Typing in ICU COVID-19 Patients Rúben Araújo, Luís Ramalhete, Cristiana P. Von Rekowski, Tiago A. H. Fonseca, Cecília R. C. Calado, Luís Bento
1150 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Elsevier Data in Brief GLD-IPOR Malawi COVID-19 Panel Survey Dataset Erica Ann Metheney, Victor Saidi Phiri, Samuel Tafesse Wakuma
1151 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon Corrigendum to “Generalized anxiety disorder among mothers attending perinatal services during COVID-19 pandemic: Using ordinal logistic regression model” [Heliyon Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2022, Article e09778] Mesfin Esayas Lelisho, Amanuel Mengistu Merera, Seid Ali Tareke, Sali Suleman Hassen, Sebwedin Surur Jemal, Admasu Markos Kontuab, Meseret Mesfin Bambo
1152 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Croatian Medical Association Liječnički vjesnik Adjustments in family medicine practice organization and patient care in Croatia during the COVID-19 pandemic: results from the cross-sectional PRICOV-19 study
1153 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal Japanese Freelance Workers Struggle during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Social Media, Critique, and Political Resistance Satsuki Uno, Robin O'Day
1154 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Medical Ethics Ethical challenges in conducting research in low and middle income setting during public health emergencies: a qualitative evidence of a COVID-19 pandemic: the experience of Iran Ehsan Shamsi-Gooshki, Alireza Parsapoor, Soolmaz Moosavi
1155 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  SciELO Bakhtiniana Revista de Estudos do Discurso The Work of Libras-Portuguese Interpreters during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Remote Interpretation and Presumed Interlocution Vinícius Nascimento, Felipe Venâncio Barbosa
1156 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Elsevier Child Abuse & Neglect Youth receiving protection and advocacy services in the COVID-19 pandemic: Impacts and service recommendations from the perspectives of youth and their supporters David B. Nicholas, Kim Spicer, Hilary Nelson, Rosslynn T. Zulla, Melissa Mostert
1157 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics Mindfulness-Based Eating Solution (MBES) for Body Dissatisfaction and Disordered Eating Attitudes in Nutrition Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Randomised Clinical Trial Taísa Alves Silva, Amanda Thaís Flôres, Thamara Smaniotto Buttros, João Henrique Fabiano Motarelli, Geórgia das Graças Pena, Fernanda Rodrigues de Oliveira Penaforte, Camila Cremonezi Japur
1158 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Microbiology Correction: Antimicrobial resistance patterns of WHO priority pathogens at general hospital in Southern Ethiopia during the COVID-19 pandemic, with particular reference to ESKAPE-group isolates of surgical site infections Mohammed Seid, Berari Bayou, Addis Aklilu, Dagimawie Tadesse, Aseer Manilal, Abdurezak Zakir, et al. (+4)
1159 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Behavioral Sciences Associations of Home-Based Individual and Family Exercise with Personal and Family Well-Being Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Population-Based Survey in Hong Kong Jinzhou Yu, Katherine Yuk-Ping Sze, Agnes Yuen-Kwan Lai, Shirley Man-Man Sit, Wei-Jie Gong, Jia Guo, et al. (+3)
1160 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Health Services Research Factors shaping the mental health of healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study in Ghana Akua O. Gyamerah, Osamuedeme J. Odiase, Helen H. Habib, Fabian Achana, Andy Canizares, Monica Getahun, et al. (+5)
1161 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Factors influencing suicidal ideations among late adolescents in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study from the Korea community health survey Jiyoung Song, Min Gi Kim
1162 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Animals Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Wildlife in Huangshan Scenic Area, Anhui Province, China Yuting Lu, Yaqiong Wan, Lanrong Wang, Dapeng Pang, Yinfan Cai, Yijun Wu, et al. (+3)
1163 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Correction to: Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on obesity and its risk factors: a systematic review Tahir Yousuf Nour, Kerim Hakan ALTINTAŞ
1164 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation Journal of Assessment and Research in Applied Counseling Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Mental Health: A Review Study Shoaleh Darbani, Abasat Mirzaei
1165 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Children’s Physical Activity As Perceived by Their Parents Heba W Haidar, Alaa R Kalash, Fatima A Alshamsi, Noura N Alzaabi, Amal Hussein
1166 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Working with Older People Older people during the COVID-19 pandemic in rural and urban areas: digital technologies, medical care and adaptation Konstantin Galkin, Oksana Parfenova, Irina Petukhova
1167 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Granthaalayah Publications and Printers ShodhKosh Journal of Visual and Performing Arts DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION AMONG WOMEN-LED MSMES DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN KERALA Rakhi Saratni K S
1168 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Australasian Medical Publishing Co. Pty. Ltd. The Medical Journal of Australia The potential of maternal and child health service data in Australia: how lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic can accelerate data-informed decision making Ashleigh Shipton, Meredith O'Connor, Melissa Wake, Sharon Goldfeld, Helen Lees, Catina Adams, et al. (+5)
1169 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Discover Public Health Risk perceptions, health, and policy support in China: an analysis of WeChat group posts during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2022 Xiao Wang
1170 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  National Library of Serbia Psihologija Invariance of the COV19 - impact on quality of life (COV19-QoL) measurement in people who lost a loved one during the COVID-19 pandemic from four south American countries Tomás Caycho-Rodríguez, Daniel Yupanqui-Lorenzo, Hector Sánchez Carlessi, Carlos Reyes Romero, Patricia Matos Ramírez, Carlos Carbajal-León, et al. (+17)
1171 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Global burden of malaria before and after the COVID-19 pandemic based on the global burden of disease study 2021 Jiaofeng Huang, Yuekai Hu, Yinlian Wu, Li Pan, Mingfang Wang, Wei Wang, Su Lin
1172 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Bentham Science Coronaviruses Research Investigating Consumer Preference for Purchasing Medicine Online and the Influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic Karan Shende, Deepak S. Khobragade, Trupti Wade, Kalindi Pillare, Sunil Kumar Kadiri, Prashant Tiwari
1173 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Academy of Economic Studies Economica Empirical Evaluation of Stock Market Responses to Brent Oil Futures during the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Russo-Ukrainian Armed Conflict Giorgiana-Roxana Ene
1174 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  AOSIS Journal of Public Health in Africa Implications of COVID-19 pandemic and response approaches in Uganda: Stakeholder perspectives Moses Ocan, Josephine Bayigga, Adelline Twimukye, Hellen Nansiiro, Daphine Sanger, Mordecai Tayebwa, et al. (+11)
1175 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  American Institute of Mathematical Sciences STEM Education A comparative case study of a foundation mathematics course for student mathematics teachers before and after the COVID-19 pandemic and implications for low-enrollment programs at regional universities William Guo
1176 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Royal College of Psychiatrists BJPsych Open Illness-death model to predict anxiety prevalence in general population during COVID-19 pandemic and beyond: a promising development in mental health epidemiology Nathan J. Monk, Ben Beaglehole
1177 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Correction: Self-reported impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, affective responding, and subjective well-being: A Swedish survey Maria Gröndal, Karl Ask, Timothy J. Luke, Stefan Winblad
1178 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Sociedade Beneficente Israelita Brasileira Hospital Albert Einstein Einstein (São Paulo) How the COVID-19 pandemic affected routine child vaccination: an integrative review Julia Stoeterau Moré, Daniel Rodrigo Serbena, Luiz Gustavo Gusson de Camargo, Pedro Augusto Clemente, Fernando Sluchensci dos Santos, Juliana Sartori Bonini
1179 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Korean Contents and Industry Association Journal of Contents and Industry Changes in Health Level According to Economic Conditions : Analysis of Differences Before and After The COVID-19 Pandemic Doyoung Gim
1180 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Scholink Co, Ltd. Research in Health Science The Importance of Activity Space: Implication from the COVID-19 Pandemic Jiangdong Hu, Pu Wang, Jue Wang, Weibing Ye, Rong Zhu
1181 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Supportive Care in Cancer Relationship between physical activity and quality of life among patients with respiratory and digestive system cancer during and outside the COVID-19 pandemic Hui-Mei Chen, Jiu-Yun Tian, Wei-Ling Gao, Zih-Yun Deng, Pei-Shan Ho, Yi-Yun Lin
1182 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal Voices of Sanitation Workers in Japan amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic Makiko Deguchi, Matsumoto Chie
1183 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal Domestic Violence and Japan's COVID-19 pandemic Rei Ando
1184 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal The “End of Poverty” Illusion: Global and East Asian Realities in the COVID-19 Pandemic Mel Gurtov
1185 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal Screening Love: Relational Practices in Japanese TV Dramas Produced During the COVID-19 Pandemic Nora Kottmann, Forum Mithani, Elisabeth Scherer
1186 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal “Asia’s Orphan” During the COVID-19 Pandemic Brian Hioe
1187 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  SciELO Physis Revista de Saúde Coletiva Facing the violence, a virus and a president: Notes on successful practices in combating violence against women and feminicide in Brazil during the COVID-19 pandemic Bárbara Cristina Soares Sena, Letícia Yuki de Araujo Furukawa, Amanda Barbosa Ferrador, Alex Sandro Gomes Pessoa, Linda Liebenberg
1188 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  SAGE Publications INQUIRY The Journal of Health Care Organization Provision and Financing Resilience Among Undocumented Migrants: An Analysis of the Likelihood to Participate in a Panel Study Among Undocumented Migrants Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic Jan-Erik Refle, Yves Jackson, Claudine Burton-Jeangros
1189 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Antibiotics Increase in Antibiotic Utilisation in Primary Care Post COVID-19 Pandemic Sky Wei Chee Koh, Si Hui Low, Jun Cong Goh, Li Yang Hsu
1190 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  SAGE Publications Digital Health Users’ perspectives about challenges of using telemedicine for patient with diabetes during the COVID-19 pandemic Fatemeh Mirasghari, Haleh Ayatollahi, Farnia Velayati
1191 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Discover Public Health Herbal medicine and non-hospital utilisation in Malaysia during the COVID-19 pandemic Ashwini Reddy Ravi Chander, Teik Guan Tan, Rahela Zaman, Eugenie Sin Sing Tan, Normina Ahmad Bustami, Chung Keat Tan
1192 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science Enhancing Psychiatric Care Delivery: Assessing Telehealth Patient Experience in Psychiatric Intensive and Outpatient Programs in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic Macarena Kruger, Cynthia Bautista, David H. Klemanski
1193 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  University of Toronto Press Inc Canadian Journal of Communication Polytechnic Pivot: Remote Learning Student Support by Polytechnics Canada Member Institutions During the First 13 Months of the COVID-19 Pandemic Steven James May
1194 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Universitas Bina Nusantara Binus Business Review From Crisis to Innovation: Bridging the Digital Divide for Micro and Small Enterprises in Yogyakarta during the COVID-19 Pandemic Helen Dian Fridayani, Li-Chun Chiang
1195 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Galaxy Science International Journal of Multidisciplinary Applied Business and Education Research The Lived Experiences of Parents of Traditional Low-income Households in the Shift from Modular to Blended Learning: A Phenomenological Study in the Philippines during the COVID-19 Pandemic David Neil Joseph V. Lumba, Fiorella Matilda Abella, Robert Andaya III, Warren Victor Bea, Jillian Maristela Pel, Neville Antonio Tanchuling
1196 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Univ. of Malaya The Asia Pacific Journal of Curriculum & Teaching CHALLENGES FROM PHYSICAL CLASS TO ONLINE LEARNING IN YOUNG CHILDREN AND PRESCHOOL TEACHERS DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC Yih Wern See, Ishak Zahari, Mohd Nazri Abdul Rahman
1197 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Environmental Management The short-term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on takeaway dietary pattern, its environmental footprints, and nutritional quality Yiqiang Zhong, Yuanchao Hu, Lan Wang, Fuxin Jiang, Shenghui Cui
1198 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Healthcare Patient Perspectives on Healthcare Utilization During the COVID-19 Pandemic in People with Multiple Sclerosis-A Longitudinal Analysis Heidi Stölzer-Hutsch, Dirk Schriefer, Joachim Kugler, Tjalf Ziemssen
1199 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Comparative Education The impact of Covid-19 on the institutional fabric of higher education: old patterns, new dynamics, and changing rules? Rebecca A. Price
1200 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  SAGE Publications Science Progress Impact of COVID-19 on the prevalence of oral and maxillofacial disorders: A retrospective cohort study Bashar Abdullah, Omar Museedi, Noor Allawi, Fatimah J. Ismael, Saman Warnakulasuriya
1201 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Comparative Migration Studies Im/mobility in a disruptive time: the impact of Covid-19 on the size and directional flow of international student mobility Merve Zayim-Kurtay, Sevgi Kaya-Kasikci, Yasar Kondakci, Betul Bulut-Sahin, Anita Kéri, Antonina Levatino, et al. (+6)
1202 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Correction: The compounding impact of the social determinants of health and COVID-19 on the mental health of young workers in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative, arts-based study Roberta L. Woodgate, Corinne A. Isaak, Julia Witt, Pauline Tennent, Ashley Bell
1203 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Investigative Dermatology 57: Impact of pediatric teledermatology on historically underserved patients during COVID-19 pandemic compared to pre-COVID year in the Pacific Northwest Danielle McClanahan, Milie Fang, Tracy Funk, Jeong Youn Lim, Emile Latour, Julie Dhossche
1204 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  NIXNIX Revista Interciência & Sociedade Sociabilidade, pais, escolas e a pandemia de COVID-19: uma revisão de artigos recentes sobre o tema Juliana Lima da Silva, José Roberto Netto Nogueira
1205 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Oxford University Press Health Affairs Scholar Trends in Hospital Discharge Outcomes Among High-Risk Medicare Beneficiaries Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic Anthony I Roberts, Christopher M Santostefano, Zihan Chen, Brian E McGarry, Elizabeth M White, Linda J Resnik, et al. (+3)
1206 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  SciELO Physis Revista de Saúde Coletiva Caracterização epidemiológica da mortalidade materna por Covid-19 no Brasil Joyce Arce Alencar, Paulo Roberto Haidamus de Oliveira Bastos
1207 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Europub Congress Revista Foco IMPACTO DA PANDEMIA DO COVID-19 NO CAPITAL DE GIRO DAS EMPRESAS BRASILEIRAS DE CAPITAL ABERTO SEGUNDO O MODELO DE FLEURIET Mateus de Alencar Medeiros, Giovanna Tonetto Segantini
1208 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  SciELO Physis Revista de Saúde Coletiva O impacto da pandemia de Covid-19 nas condições de trabalho da categoria docente da Educação Básica no Brasil, através de uma revisão de escopo: precarização, trabalho feminino e saúde José Nunes da Silva Filho, Cristiane Batista Andrade, Flávia Porto
1209 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  NIXNIX Journal of Social Science Transformation in Children's Daily Routine, Attitudinal Traits and Behavioral Patterns during Covid-19: A Psycho-Social Study at Patgram Upazila in Lalmonirhat District Muhammad Illias
1210 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal Image Management over COVID-19 Management Samrat Choudhury
1211 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  F1000 Research Ltd F1000Research Exploring Ghanaian medical students’ learning experiences during the COVID-19 lockdown: a case study of the University for Development Studies Medical School Anthony Amalba, Bright Yammaha Amoore, Sophia Ewuenye Adwoa Kpebu, Bruce Ayabilla Abugri, Victor Mogre
1212 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Molecular Modeling Investigating the mechanisms of ethanol-induced disruption of COVID-19 lipid bilayers through molecular dynamics simulations Azadeh Kordzadeh, Ahmad Ramazani SA
1213 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Society for AgroEnvironmental Sustainability AgroEnvironmental Sustainability A Review on What Consequence Did COVID-19 Leave on Agriculture and Its Associated Sectors? Neeraj Pandey, Amrit Kumar, Divya Mishra, Tamali Mondal, Piyush Kumar, Irina Das Sarkar
1214 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities Relationships Between Vaccine Knowledge, Hesitancy, and Conspiracy Beliefs on COVID-19, Influenza, and HPV Vaccination Sabrina L. Dickey, Ibrahim Yigit, Allysha C. Maragh-Bass, Maria Leonora G. Comello, Marie C. D. Stoner, Margo Adams Larsen, et al. (+4)
1215 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Molecular Biology Reports Role of furin in the severity of COVID-19 infection via effects on miR-20b and miR-106a Ismail Mahmoud, Amr E. Ahmed, Olfat Shaker
1216 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Surgut State University Vestnik SurGU Meditsina Characteristics of COVID-19 infection in donor kidney recipients Г. Г. Громова, Н. В. Жбанова, Л. Л. Катанахова, Е. А. Сундукова
1218 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Geographies Spatiotemporal Diffusion Patterns Associated with COVID-19 in the Tel Aviv-Jaffa and Haifa (Israel) Metropolitan Regions Adi Ofir, Motti Zohar
1219 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  SciELO Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem The symbolic-representational construction of COVID-19 in vulnerable population groups Denize Cristina de Oliveira, Vanessa Bittencourt Ribeiro, Yndira Ita Machado, Sergio Correa Marques, Jessica Grativol Aguiar Dias de Oliveira, Hellen Polliana Cecílio, et al. (+2)
1220 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Editora Unijui Revista Contexto & Saúde Qualidade ar e casos confirmados de covid-19 na região metropolitana de Porto Alegre/RS: Estudo ecológico","Air quality and confirmed cases of covid-19 in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre/RS: Ecological study Stefani Lüdke Hübner, Aline Belem Machado, Gustavo Marques Da Costa, Daniela Montanari Migliavacca Osório, André Luis Machado Bueno, Daiane Bolzan Berlese
1221 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Apex Publishing Journal of Spatial Analysis Environmental Hazards Evaluating the effects of social capital on socio-economic indicators affecting the reduction of vulnerability from the spread of covid-19 in the border villages of Sistan Arastoo yari hesar, Vakil heidarysarban, Bahram Imani, samaneh sarani
1222 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Religious affiliation and perceptions of healthcare access during and after COVID-19 in Poland Magdalena Tuczyńska, Maja Matthews-Kozanecka, Ewa Baum
1223 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal COVID-19 in Nepal: Times of Anxiety and Fear Mukta S. Tamang
1224 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Ovid Critical Care Explorations Interferon Regulatory Factor 3 Exacerbates the Severity of COVID-19 in Mice Wendy E. Walker, Luiz F. Garcia, Pedro M. Palermo, Nawar Hakim, Dinesh G. Goswami, Alok K. Dwivedi, Douglas M. Watts
1225 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal COVID-19 in Japan: A Nighttime Disease Valentina Giammaria
1226 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal Vulnerable Populations Under COVID-19 in Japan: A Lull in the Storm? David H. Slater
1227 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal The Burdens of Self-Restraint: Social Measures and the Containment of Covid-19 in Japan Amy Borovoy
1228 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal Special Issue: Vulnerable Populations Under COVID-19 in Japan (Table of Contents) David H. Slater
1229 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  SciELO Physis Revista de Saúde Coletiva Epidemiological characterization of maternal mortality due to COVID-19 in Brazil Joyce Arce Alencar, Paulo Roberto Haidamus de Oliveira Bastos
1230 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Governance and responses of health and surveillance systems to COVID-19 in BRICS countries: A scoping review protocol Adelyne Maria Mendes Pereira, Monique Azevedo Esperidião, Sílvia Karla Azevedo Vieira Andrade, João Felipe Marques Silva, Louise Celeste Rolim Silva, Adriano Silva, et al. (+5)
1231 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal COVID-19 in Bangladesh: How the Awami League Transformed a Crisis into a Disaster Ikhtisad Ahmed
1232 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE Latin America Transactions COVID-19 impact in the Brazilian Multiplex Air Transportation Network Fernanda Silva Toledo, Nelson Francisco Favilla Ebecken
1233 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Wiley Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Functional Trajectories After COVID-19 Hospitalization Among Older Adults Jim Q. Ho, Gail J. McAvay, Terrence E. Murphy, Denise Acampora, Katy Araujo, Mary Geda, et al. (+4)
1234 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports COVID-19 health data prediction: a critical evaluation of CNN-based approaches Tae Hoon Kim, Ravikumar Chinthaginjala, Asadi Srinivasulu, Sivarama Prasad Tera, Safia Obaidur Rab
1235 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal Oil Price Wars, Covid-19 Havoc and the Evolving US-China Trade War John A. Mathews
1236 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Bussecon International Bussecon Review of Social Sciences (2687-2285) Impacts of cost leadership, service innovation, customer value creation on business performance during the Covid-19 Era Gonul Akin, Erkut Altindag
1237 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Journal of Modelling in Management Quantile regression modelling of herd behaviour in the Indian equity market across sectors: implications on financial market dynamics spanning the COVID-19 epoch Sanjeev Gupta, Ashish Kumar
1238 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal Australia and the Rhythm of the Covid-19 Epidemic Michael Bartos
1239 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Kowsar Medical Institute Annals of Military and Health Sciences Research Nurses’ Attitudes Towards Barriers to the Use of Personal Protective Equipment in Selected AJA Healthcare Centers During the COVID-19 Epidemic: A Descriptive Analytical Study Maryam Nezamzadeh, Fatemeh Kalroozi, Amir Hosein Pishgooie, Reza Momen
1240 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Investigación Científica Revista Científica de Salud BIOSANA Impacto del Covid-19 en la salud mental de los profesionales de la salud Maricelys Jimenez Barrera, Alan Galeas Zambrano, Ober Robles Robalino, Paulina Carrera Zambrano
1241 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agricolas Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas Impacto socioeconómico del Covid-19 en sistemas agrícolas y agroforestales del Distrito de Riego 005, Chihuahua María Fernanda Rodríguez-Baeza, Luis Ubaldo Castruita-Esparza, Martín Alfredo Legarreta-González, Jesús Miguel Olivas-García, Concepción Luján Álvarez
1242 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  SciELO Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem A construção simbólico-representacional da COVID-19 em grupos populacionais vulneráveis Denize Cristina de Oliveira, Vanessa Bittencourt Ribeiro, Yndira Ita Machado, Sergio Correa Marques, Jessica Grativol Aguiar Dias de Oliveira, Hellen Polliana Cecílio, et al. (+2)
1244 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Editora Unijui Revista Contexto & Saúde Percepção e enfrentamento da pandemia da covid-19 em duas comunidades tradicionais da amazônia brasileira","Perception and coping with the covid-19 pandemic in two traditional communities in the brazilian amazon Analynne Rodrigues Negrão, Kenneri Cezarini Hernandes Alves, Dyana Joy Santos-Fonseca
1245 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Pediatrics The severity of pediatric COVID-19 during hospitalization is not associated with mortality within six months of discharge Izzah Baridah, Dwi Kisworo Setyowireni, Arsitya Nayana Citta, Eggi Arguni
1246 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Science Research Publication International Journal of Science and Management Studies (IJSMS) Battling Beyond Boundaries: The Experiences of Hemodialysis Patients with COVID-19 during the Pandemic Lloyd Matthew C. Derasin
1247 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Ali Institute of Research & Skills Development Research Journal of Psychology Across Culture Adaptation of Santa Clara Religious Belief Scale in Urdu: Religious Belief as a Predictor of Wellbeing and Life Satisfaction during Covid-19 in Pakistan Komal Saleem
1249 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal Facing a Pandemic at a Time of Elections and Cricket: Socio-Political Consequences of Sri Lanka's COVID-19 Curfew Udan Fernando
1250 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cogitatio Media and Communication Televisual Inequalities and Gender Dynamics in German News: Health Experts During the Covid-19 Crisis Juliane Wegner
1251 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Wiley Knowledge and Process Management Navigating the Infodemic: An Exploration of Organisational Knowledge Integration and Communication Strategies on Twitter During the COVID-19 Crisis Moheeb Abualqumboz, Sammar Javed, Jie Ma
1252 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Accounting Auditing and Performance Evaluation Do cultural differences bridge the gap between CSR and earnings quality Evidence from civil law system before and during Covid-19 crisis Karima Lajnef, Ellouz Siwar
1253 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Hindawi Limited International Journal of Biomedical Imaging CDSE-UNet: Enhancing COVID-19 CT Image Segmentation With Canny Edge Detection and Dual-Path SENet Feature Fusion Jiao Ding, Jie Chang, Renrui Han, Li Yang, Gallegos Funes Francisco Gallegos-Funes
1255 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  ISHIB (Ethnicity & Disease) Ethnicity & Disease COVID-19 Case-Fatality Rates in Michigan Are Higher for Arab Americans Compared With Non-Hispanic White Individuals for the Oldest Age Groups Florence J. Dallo, Tiffany B. Kindratt, Randell Seaton, Julie J. Ruterbusch
1256 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal Japan's Integration of All-Hazard Resilience and Covid-19 Countermeasures Andrew DeWit
1257 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Universitas Semarang Jurnal Transformatika Classification Covid-19 Based on X-Ray Using GLCM and ANN Backpropagation Ghafur Ade Riyanto
1258 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  SciELO Physis Revista de Saúde Coletiva Tecendo fragilidades: uma revisão de escopo sobre o cenário pandêmico da Covid-19 como fator de risco para ansiedade e depressão entre universitários Janaína da Câmara Zambelli, Luiz Eduardo de Almeida, Pedro Henrique Brito da Silva, Fábio Luiz Mialhe, Rosana de Fátima Possobon
1259 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal Singapore's COVID-19 Catastrophe: Authoritarian bungling, an infectious election, and an international humanitarian crisis Fangpi Liao
1260 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal COVID-19 Attacks the Regime: The Case of Thailand Pavin Chachavalpongpun
1261 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Canadian Center of Science and Education International Education Studies A Systematic Review on the Effectiveness of Project-Based Learning for Teacher Preparation During the COVID-19 Epidemic Fathi Shamma, Amir Khniefss, Tom Pessah, Lialy Badarny
1262 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  SAGE Publications Science Progress COVID-19 beyond the lungs: Unraveling its vascular impact and cardiovascular complications-mechanisms and therapeutic implications Ishita Saha, Oly Banerjee, Shampa Sarkar (Biswas), Sandip Mukherjee
1263 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Medwave Estudios Limitada Medwave COVID-19 as a risk factor for the development of pulmonary fibrosis in a referral hospital in Lima, Peru Yeisson Rivero-Moreno, Vanessa García-Gil, Andrea García-Nunes, Miguel Rivas-Pérez, Erinor Montero-Palma, Andrea Chávez-Contreras, et al. (+6)
1264 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines COVID-19 and Transplant Patients: Challenges, Risks, and Evolving Strategies Mariarosaria Campise
1265 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal COVID-19 and the Reification of the US-China “Cold War” Giulio Pugliese
1266 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  MDPI AG Diagnostics Correction: del Re et al. Data from Emergency Medical Service Activities: A Novel Approach to Monitoring COVID-19 and Other Infectious Diseases. Diagnostics 2025, 15, 181 Daniele del Re, Luigi Palla, Paolo Meridiani, Livia Soffi, Michele Tancredi Loiudice, Martina Antinozzi, Maria Sofia Cattaruzza
1267 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Granthaalayah Publications and Printers ShodhKosh Journal of Visual and Performing Arts COVID-19 AND MIGRANT WORKERS: A CONSPECTUS ON ASSESSING ACCOUNTABILITY AT THE HANDS OF THE GOVERNMENT IN INDIA B.Someswara Rao
1268 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Springer-Verlag International Tax and Public Finance Who cares about childcare? Covid-19 and gender differences in local public spending Alda Marchese, Paola Profeta, Giulia Savio
1269 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) African Identities Effects of COVID-19 and government stimulus packages on the resilience and recovery of micro, small, and mediumenterprises in Ghana Richard Kofi Asravor, Nicholas Essah, Frank Gyimah Sackey
1270 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal COVID-19 and Extremism in Southeast Asia Sidney Jones
1271 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  American Chemical Society Journal of Chemical Education How Instructional Modalities Shape Learning: A Longitudinal Study of Student Perceptions, Engagement, and Outcomes in General Chemistry II during COVID-19 and Post-Pandemic Kailene Black, Alexa Bullis, Jake Marcotte, Patrick McGuire, Joey Wagoner, Julie Wiley, et al. (+2)
1272 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal Introduction: COVID-19 and Authoritarian Creep in South and Southeast Asia Jeff Kingston
1273 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal We are All Chinese Now: COVID-19 and Anti-Asian Racism in the United States Linda Hasunuma
1274 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal A Fearful Asymmetry: Covid-19 and America's Information Deficit with China David Moser
1275 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Manajemen dan Bisnis Indonesia Moneter Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Pengaruh Penerapan Good Corporate Governance dan Kompetensi Dewan Direksi Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Dadan Kurniawan
1276 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Investigación Científica Revista Científica de Salud BIOSANA Ética del cuidado en contextos de crisis: aprendizaje de Covid-19 Kelly Nayely Pozo Burbano, Maricelys Jimenez Barrera, Melany Elizabeth Chuba Moyon, Rosa Annel Zambrano Camacho
1277 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Bentham Science Coronaviruses Inflammatory Marker and Severity in COVID-19 Rosaria Anggraeni, Alfian Nur Roysid, Arina Dery Puspitasari
1278 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Korean Contents and Industry Association Journal of Contents and Industry Recovery and Changes in the Tourism Industry After COVID-19 : Industry-Specific Analysis and Policy Implications Geum-Hee Song
1279 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal In the Age of COVID-19 - Indian restaurants and the Indian cooks in Japan Megha Wadhwa
1280 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal Social Distancing from the Problem of Japanese Homelessness under Covid-19 David H. Slater, Sara Ikebe
1281 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal Vietnamese Technical Trainees in Japan Voice Concerns Amidst COVID-19 Bao Quyen Tran
1282 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal Information as the Key: Evaluating Japan's Response to COVID-19 Azby Brown
1283 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal The First Phase of Japan's Response to COVID-19 Kazuhiko Togo
1284 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Asia-Pacific Journal Modern Pandemics and Old Methods: What AIDS, SARS, Ebola and the Long History of Quarantine Tell Us about Covid-19 Michael Bartos
1285 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  SciELO Physis Revista de Saúde Coletiva Enfrentando a violência, um vírus e um presidente: notas sobre práticas bem-sucedidas no combate à violência contra a mulher e feminicídios no Brasil durante a pandemia Covid-19 Bárbara Cristina Soares Sena, Letícia Yuki de Araujo Furukawa, Amanda Barbosa Ferrador, Alex Sandro Gomes Pessoa, Linda Liebenberg
1286 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Corporacion Universitaria Americana Ad-gnosis La relevancia de la teoría keynesiana durante la crisis sanitaria del COVID-19 JOAQUÍN BELTRÁN RADA, WILLIAM DE JESÚS MANJARRÉS DE ÁVILA, JAVIER ENRIQUE DE LA HOZ MERCADO
1287 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin space&FORM THE INFLUENCE OF WORK ORGANIZATION ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF OFFICE ARCHITECTURE FROM THE TIME OF TAYLORISM TO THE COVID-19 Ewa Stankiewicz-Świniarska
1288 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Navigating Digital Geographies and Trauma Contexts: Conceptions of Online Communities and Experiences Among LGBTQ+ People During COVID-19 Rachel M. Schmitz, Jennifer Tabler, Ruby Charak, Gabby Gomez, Reagan E. Cole, Joshua J. Schmitz
1289 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Poetry Therapy Poetry of the depressed or symphony of hope: South Asian poetry on COVID-19 Ayesha Perveen
1290 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul INTERFACES DA EDUCAÇÃO Experiências pedagógicas de professores de uma estudante autista do Ifes durante o período de pandemia de covid-19 Rodolfo Moura Pereira, Crisóstomo Lima do Nascimento, Cristiana Barcelos da Silva
1292 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Holistic Nursing Holistic Healing Through Mindfulness: An Experimental Study Addressing Psychological Challenges Among Nurses Caring for Patients With COVID-19 Hossam Alhawatmeh, Luay Abusaif, Maryam Alharrasi, Raeda F. AbuAlrub, Shaher H. Hamaideh
1293 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC npj Vaccines Differential efficacy of first licensed western vaccines protecting without immunopathogenesis Wuhan-1-challenged hamsters from severe COVID-19 Aileen Ebenig, Mona V. Lange, Michelle Gellhorn Serra, Alexandra Kupke, Roland Plesker, Bingqian Qu, et al. (+3)
1294 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  University of Toronto Press Inc Canadian Journal of Communication Introduction to Common Concern: Conversations on Anti-Asian Racism in the Wake of COVID-19 Sibo Chen
1295 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  University of Toronto Press Inc Canadian Journal of Communication Introducing Common Concern: Conversations on Anti-Asian Racism and COVID-19 Sibo Chen, Stuart Poyntz
1296 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Wiley Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Outsized and Overwhelming Impact of COVID-19 Lona Mody
1297 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  American College of Physicians Annals of Internal Medicine Correction: Anticoagulation Among Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19
1298 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Yayasan Dharma Indonesia Tercinta (Dinasti) Dinasti International Journal of Economics Finance & Accounting The Role of Working Capital Management in Increasing Profitability (A Study of Fashion Retail Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange During and Post Covid-19) Muhammad Arsala Bil Huda, Layyinaturrobaniyah Layyinaturrobaniyah
1299 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Yayasan Dharma Indonesia Tercinta (Dinasti) Dinasti International Journal of Economics Finance & Accounting Assessing the Mediating Role of Competitive Advantage: The Influence of Innovation Capabilities and Strategic Flexibility on Firm Performance in East Java’s F&B Industry Post COVID-19 Clara Angelia Gunawan, Gracia Ongkowijoyo
1300 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  FKIP Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa Untirta Civic Education Journal PERAN PEREMPUAN DALAM UPAYA MENINGKATKAN KETAHANAN EKONOMI KELUARGA PADA KONDISI PANDEMI COVID-19 Stevany Afrizal, Wika Hardika Legiani, Rahmawati Rahmawati
1301 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Uniwersytet Mikolaja Kopernika/Nicolaus Copernicus University Journal of Education Health and Sport Irritable bowel syndrome: An Underestimated Consequence of Post-Acute COVID-19. A Literature Review Aleksandra Warunek, Gabriela Gronowicz, Joanna Wanat, Izabela Dzikowska, Wojciech Homa, Agata Siejka, et al. (+3)
1302 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Health Psychology Patients’ experiences of living with Long Covid and their beliefs about the role of psychology in their condition Saara Petker, Jane Ogden
1303 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Elsevier iScience Segregation and Integration of Resting-state Brain Networks in a Longitudinal Long COVID Cohort Yuchen Zhang, Gengchen Ye, Wentao Zeng, Ruiting Zhu, Chiyin Li, Yanan Zhu, et al. (+7)
1304 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Elsevier Infectious Diseases Now HLA-A*03 may confer protection against long COVID through an enhanced immune response Eduardo Pons-Fuster, Rodrigo Martinez-Rodriguez, Lourdes Gimeno-Arias, M.J. Alcaraz, Marta Moreno, Jose M. Gómez, et al. (+9)
1305 2025―Mar―17  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology Editorial: Long COVID and brain inflammation: unravelling mechanisms and potential therapies Fatemeh Saheb Sharif-Askari, Jacob Raber, Karem H. Alzoubi
1306 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  Christ University Bangalore - Mapana Journal of Sciences Mapana Journal of Sciences E-PHARMACY IN INDIA: LESSONS FROM THE PANDEMIC AND THE WAY FORWARD Maheswari K
1307 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  Christ University Bangalore - Christ University Law Journal Christ University Law Journal Management of Biomedical Waste in India: A Holistic Approach Towards Environmental Protection, Human Rights, and Judicial Oversight with reference to the Pandemic Sonia B Nagarale
1308 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation Applied Family Therapy Journal Identifying the consequences of corona pandemic in children and adolescent female athletes based on the lived experience of parents and girls athletes Mohammad Zare abandansari, Mehrdad Mohamzadeh, Fatemeh Rezapour
1309 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation Applied Family Therapy Journal Presenting a causal model of academic motivation based on self-fulfillment and self-regulation mediated by academic meaning in Corona pandemic conditions Nazanin Noorshahi, Taher Tizdast, Mohammad Ali Rahmani
1310 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation Applied Family Therapy Journal The Effectiveness of Teaching Coping Skills in Posttraumatic Stress Effects’ Reductions amongst Adolescents Recovered from Corona Pandemic Azar Jozan, MohammadAli Fardin, Gholamreza Sanaguye Moharer
1311 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Planta Remedying SARS-CoV-2 through nature: a review highlighting the potentiality of herbs, trees, mushrooms, and endophytic microorganisms in controlling Coronavirus Babita Patni, Malini Bhattacharyya, Anshika Pokhriyal, Devendra Pandey
1312 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  Malaysian Society of Parasitology and Tropical Medicine Tropical Biomedicine Decrease in RT-PCR Ct values among SARS-CoV-2 positive samples during the emergence of B.1.617.2 (Delta) variant in Malaysia Che-Kamaruddin N.
1313 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  Parnam Publication Co. Journal of Biological Studies Monitoring and detecting SARS-CoV-2 in Albanian Clinical Practice - The efficiency of CLIA serological assay, Real-Time PCR analysis and Biochemical analysis Stela Papa, Teuta Bare, Linda Luarasi, Paola Xhelili
1314 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  ScopeMed THE ULUTAS MEDICAL JOURNAL Epilepsy Seizures in Hyponatremic COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2: A Comprehensive Single-Center Analysis Ali Saglik
1315 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation Applied Family Therapy Journal Prediction of mental (psychological) pain based on psychological capital among people with grief experience because of Coronavirus: The mediating role of social support Roya Daliri, Azam Fattahi andabil, Farideh Dokanehi Fard
1316 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  Editorial Committee of Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases, National Institute of Infectious Diseases Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases SARS Coronavirus-Infected Cells in Lung Detected by New In Situ Hybridization Technique Noriko Nakajima, Yasuko Asahi-Ozaki, Noriyo Nagata, Yuko Sato, Florencio Dizon, Fem J. Paladin, et al. (+4)
1317 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation Applied Family Therapy Journal The comparison of the effectiveness of group training on the concepts of positivist psychology and metacognition on the level of anxiety and resilience of female adolescents during the Coronavirus pandemic quarantine Fariba Narimani, Masoumeh Azmoudeh, Sholeh Livarjani, Javad Mesrabadi
1318 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation Applied Family Therapy Journal A causal model of maladaptive schema based on cognitive flexibility and preferring coping strategies with the mediating role of emotional intelligence during home quarantine conditions caused by the Coronavirus pandemic Elaheh Ghorbani, Abolfazl Karami, Farahnaz Noormohammadi, Ali akbar Khosravi babadi
1319 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation Applied Family Therapy Journal Prediction of post-traumatic growth based on psychological well-being and mindfulness during Coronavirus conditions among female nurses Maryam Afzali, Shabnam Hajizadeh koli, Parand Aber, Narjes Ghasemi
1320 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation Applied Family Therapy Journal Prediction of Coronavirus anxiety based on the mental strength of girls: With the mediating role of self-criticism Fatemeh Mahmoodi, Zahra Abdian, Elham Maali Mehrabani, Marzieh Sarikhani
1321 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation Applied Family Therapy Journal The role of psychological distress and tolerance of ambiguity in the loneliness among working women who were quarantined during Coronavirus conditions Parasto Sabeti, Maedeh Haghgoi, Fahimeh Farzaneh, Mona Ajabi, Soroush Alimardani
1322 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation Applied Family Therapy Journal Prediction of Coronavirus anxiety based on the meaning in life and intimacy of family members among housewife mothers Ala Rakhshandeh, Nadereh Doroudian, Nasrin Nemati jahan, Mehri Rostamnezhad
1323 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation Applied Family Therapy Journal The effectiveness of emotionally focused therapy on mental toughness and sleep quality among people with a history of hospitalization because of Coronavirus Seyed Amir Omrani, Maryam Baratian, Zohreh Zareh hoseinzadeghan, Zahra Jedari Seyedi
1324 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation Applied Family Therapy Journal The effectiveness of reality therapy on the experience of grief and psychological resilience among the families of the deceased of Coronavirus Jaleh Ravanpoor, Leila Mahmoudian, Pardis Bagheri, Jaber Babajani Gavzan
1325 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  Revista JRG de Estudos Academicos Revista JRG de Estudos Acadêmicos A velhice para pessoas idosas brasileiras frente à pandemia de Covid-19: uma Análise Psicossocial Gutemberg de Sousa Lima Filho, Mateus Egilson da Silva Alves, Evair Mendes da Silva Sousa, Maria Fernanda Lima Silva, Jéssica Gomes de Alcântara, Paulo Henrique Oliveira Barbosa, et al. (+2)
1326 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Public Health Evaluation of the case fatality rate in 2 031 309 hospitalised Brazilian patients due to COVID-19: An observational study of the first 3 years of the pandemic in Brazil Camila Vantini Capasso Palamim, Tais Mendes Camargo, Felipe Eduardo Valencise, Fernando Augusto Lima Marson
1327 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Effect of COVID-19 with or without acute kidney injury on inpatient mortality in England: a national observational study using administrative data Nitin V Kolhe, Richard Fluck, Maarten Taal
1328 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  Omer Halisdemir Universitesi Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Fakultesi Dergisi Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi THE ANALYSIS OF YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT IN TÜRKİYE UNDER THE IMPACT OF COVID-19 WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF UNEMPLOYMENT HYSTERESIS AND THE NATURAL RATE OF UNEMPLOYMENT Ali İhsan Balcı
1329 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  Society of Pharmaceutical Tecnocrats Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research CARDIOVASCULAR COMPLICATIONS OF COVID-19 VACCINATION, ITS DIAGNOSIS, PATHOGENESIS, AND TREATMENT: A REVIEW Minahil Fatima
1330 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  Yayasan Dharma Indonesia Tercinta (Dinasti) Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen Sistem Informasi Peran Mediasi Manajemen Risiko Pada Pengaruh Penggunaan Digital Payment Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Bank Swasta di Indonesia Selama Pandemi Covid-19 Tahun 2020-2023 Bambang Susilo
1331 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  Elsevier Infectious Diseases Now Early suPAR levels as a predictor of COVID-19 severity: A new tool for efficient patient triage Pauline Nègre, Didier Tayac, Thibaut Jamme, Marie-Sophie Combis, Françoise Maupas-Schwalm
1332 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  Malaysian Society of Parasitology and Tropical Medicine Tropical Biomedicine Use of multiplex molecular respiratory panel in COVID-19 patients with suspected co-infections: Insights and considerations in results interpretation Nawi A.S.
1333 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  ScopeMed THE ULUTAS MEDICAL JOURNAL Comparison Between Surgical Procedures Performed in the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Previous Year in a Tertiary Hospital: A Retrospective Analysis Haci Gunes, Mazlum Aslan, Cemal Kacar, Siddik Keskin
1334 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  Negah Scientific Publisher Basic and Clinical Neuroscience Journal Comparison of the Effects of Emotionally Focused Therapy and Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Anxiety and Quality of Life of Patients with Coronary Artery Disease during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Randomized Clinical Trial Shahnaz Gili, Sarieh Ebrahimiasl
1335 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation Applied Family Therapy Journal The effectiveness of combined Orton-Davis method as distance learning on dyslexia of dyslexic female students in elementary school in Tehran in Covid-19 Pandemic Period Shirin Mohammadi, Ahmad Baseri, Alireza Mohammadi Aria
1336 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  SPRIDA Journal Infectology The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the epidemiology of whooping cough (review of literature) N. A. Filaeva, I. V. Babachenko, N. N. Kurova
1337 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  National Academy of Medical Sciences Post-Graduate Medical Journal of NAMS Postnatal Experiences of Mothers during COVID-19: A Qualitative Study Sarswati Lohani, Babita Shakya, Laxmiswori Prajapati
1338 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  Universiti Putra Malaysia Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences Effectiveness of Home-based Rehabilitation Program Services on Improving the QoL of Post-stroke Patients Post the Covid-19 Pandemic in Malang City Rakhmad Rosadi, Sri Sunaringsih Ika Wardojo, Haidzir Manaf
1339 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation Applied Family Therapy Journal Priorities of mate selection during Covid-19 pandemic compared to the last decade Peyman Rastegari, Narges Razeghi, Mahdi Zabihi
1340 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  Al-Kindi Center for Research and Development Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies Implementation of Modular Distance Learning in Public Elementary Schools During  the Covid-19 Pandemic Gengen Padillo
1341 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Early Childhood Education Journal Both Me and My Daughter Would Cry Sometimes: Parents’ and Children’s Experiences with Home Education During the Early and Later COVID-19 Pandemic Esther Yu, Samantha Burns, Calpanaa Jegatheeswaran, Michal Perlman
1342 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  Revista Eletronica Acervo Saude Revista Eletrônica Acervo Saúde Impactos da pandemia da COVID-19 na saúde de idosos no centro-oeste brasileiro Amanda Lacerda Oliveira Miranda, Antônio Mateus Alves de Lima Batista, Francine Golghetto Casemiro, Vicente Paulo Alves
1343 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Jurnal Edutech Undiksha Online Learning Supporting Tools: An Analysis the Impact of Supporting Tools During the Pandemic of Covid-19 on Student Achievement Muhammad Faisal
1344 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  NIXNIX New Zealand Journal of Psychology Delivering Videocall Therapy During COVID-19: Counselling Psychologists’ Experience Kirsten Van Kessel, Cherry Kura, Elizabeth Du Preez, Ties Coomber
1345 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  SciRes Literature LLC Journal of Biomedical Research & Environmental Sciences Preventing COVID-19 Infection by Complementary Medicine and Oral Health Scilla Sparabombe, Stefano Sarri*, Enrica Scagnetto, Mario Giannoni
1346 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  SPRIDA Journal Infectology Clinical and-laboratory characteristic of Covid-19 in children during the onset of the pandemic in the Tomsk region Yu. A. Ermolaeva, V. E. Yun, Yu. G. Samoilova, D. A. Ponomareva, O. A. Oleynik
1347 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  Kent Akademisi Kent Akademisi Covid-19 Fobisinin Yaşlılar Üzerindeki Etkisinin İncelenmesi: Erzincan İl Merkezi Örneği İbrahim Akkaş
1348 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation Applied Family Therapy Journal A Comparison of Scientism, Religious Tendencies, and Social Capital in Two Fields (University- Seminary Students) during the COVID-19 Era Mojgan Ghafarzadeh Namazi, MohammadHosein Assadi, Ali Roshanaei
1349 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  Universitas Sriwijaya Simbur Cahaya Persidangan Perkara Pidana di Pengadilan Secara Elektronik Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Ditinjau dari Asas Peradilan Pidana Neisa Angrum Adisti, Nashriana Nashriana, Isma Nurillah, Alfian Mardiansyah
1350 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  Scienceline Publication Journal of Life Science and Biomedicine Evaluating the sensitivity and specificity of a rapid antigen screening test against real-time polymerase chain reaction for COVID-19 detection in northern Ethiopia Betelehem ABEBE, Nega BIRHANE, Getu GIRMAY, Debaka BELETE
1351 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation Applied Family Therapy Journal Comparison of the effectiveness of emotion-based therapy and acceptance-based therapy on disaster perception and mental well-being in people recovering from Covid-19 disease Masoumeh Hajar Kargar, Hossein Akbari Amarghan, Hamid Nejat, Ehsan Ormoz
1352 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  NIXNIX New Zealand Journal of Psychology Compassion and Burnout in Psychologists During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Aotearoa. Rushaina Variava, Rosie Dobson, Meihana Douglas, Lisa Reynolds
1353 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  Uphills Publishers LLC South Eastern European Journal of Public Health DEEP LEARNING TECHNIQUES FOR COVID-19 DETECTION: A FOCUS ON DENSENET ARCHITECTURE Shereena V B, Hajarommabi P A
1354 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research Microentrepreneurial commitment and perseverance in local communities during the COVID-19 crisis Muhibul Haq, Wilson Ng, Tribikram Budhathoki, Julie Davies, Leo Paul Dana
1355 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  American Society for Clinical Investigation Journal of Clinical Investigation Post-transfusion activation of coagulation pathways during severe COVID-19 correlates with COVID-19 convalescent plasma antibody profiles Svenja Weiss, Hung-Mo Lin, Eric Acosta, Natalia L. Komarova, Ping Chen, Dominik Wodarz, et al. (+13)
1356 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation Applied Family Therapy Journal The comparison of the meaning in life and affective control among survivors of victims of COVID-19 and death due to biological causes Ali Hajighasem, Mehryar Anasseri
1357 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  Universitas Sriwijaya Simbur Cahaya Analisis Materi Muatan Perppu Kebijakan Keuangan Negara Dan Stabilitas Sistem Keuangan Periode Covid-19 Ghina Salsabila Aven, Henry Darmawan Hutagaol
1358 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  Universitas Sriwijaya Simbur Cahaya Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Pekerja Dengan PKWTT Akibat Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Muhammad Fahry Yogaswara, Arfianna Novera, Ahmaturrahman -
1359 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  Universitas Sriwijaya Simbur Cahaya Informed Consent: Persetujuan Tindakan Kedokteran dalam Pelayanan Kesehatan bagi Pasien Covid-19 Helena Primadianti Sulistyaningrum
1360 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Substance Use & Misuse Telehealth Disparities in Outpatient Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Treatment among Medicaid Beneficiaries during COVID-19 Sugy Choi, Shazia Hussain, Yichuan Wang, Thomas D’Aunno, Tod Mijanovich, Charles J. Neighbors
1361 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  Universitas Sriwijaya Simbur Cahaya Efektivitas Peraturan Daerah yang Berkesejahteraan Sosial di Kota Palembang: Studi Kasus Anak Jalanan, Gelandangan dan Pengemis di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Ulya Kencana, Yuswalina Yuswalina, Eza Triyandhy
1362 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation Applied Family Therapy Journal The mediating role of workplace spirituality on the relationship of Meaning of Life and family cohesion of teachers in COVID-19 Seyed Mahdi Zaeimzadeh, Asghar Jafari
1363 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation Applied Family Therapy Journal Investigating the Mothers' Challenges in the Socialization of Primary School Children in the Pandemic of COVID-19 Asieh Shariatmadar, Sargol Ebrahimi, Mahsa Shahin bana, Nasim Sheikhi-Fini
1364 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation Applied Family Therapy Journal The effectiveness of EIS couple therapy training on marital conflict and marital boredom in infertile women during quarantine due to COVID-19 Samaneh Ghobadi, Mahmoud Goudarzi
1365 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation Applied Family Therapy Journal The mediating role of self-esteem in the relationship between family functioning and symptoms of eating disorder in adolescents during home quarantine duo to coronavirus (COVID-19) Motahareh Gholami hosnaroudi, Mohsen Kachooei, Nazanin Fatehi
1366 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation Applied Family Therapy Journal Comparison of the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy, brief intervention and combined intervention on the social support of those who have recovered from Covid-19 Abbas Rahmati, Reza Ahmadi, Shahram Mashhadizadeh, Ahmad Ghazanfari
1367 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation Applied Family Therapy Journal Comparison of psychological characteristics (anxiety, depression, stress) of inpatients and outpatients with covid-19 Fareshteh Daneshnejad, Maryam Shahbazi
1368 2025―Mar―16  [GO]  SPRIDA Journal Infectology The association of cytokine gene polymorphisms with the development and course of COVID-19 N. I. Baranova, L. A. Ashchina, O. A. Kulieva, A. I. Bolgova
1369 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Minerva “A Militia of Anarchists Run by a General”. A Case of Scientific Policy Advice in Austria During the Pandemic Thomas König, Michael Stampfer
1370 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  National Medical Research Center For Rehabilitation And Balneology Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine Autonomic dysfunction in long COVID patients: a review Kirill V. Petrov, Elena Yu. Mozheyko, Elena G. Shanina, Artem V. Petrov
1371 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Science Research Society Journal of Information Systems Engineering & Management Create an AI-based Model for Dynamic Risk Management in Equity Portfolios that Accounts for Extreme Market Events (e.g., Pandemics, Financial Crises) Shaikh Sarfarazurrehman Mohammad Asif
1372 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Lembaga Riset Ilmiah Yayasan Mentari Meraki Asa International Journal Of Economics Social And Technology Global Pandemic: Impacts and Solutions Akinyosoye Kehinde, Melis Kaytaz
1373 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  SAGE Publications Community Health Equity Research & Policy Community-Engaged Health Communication Strategies During the COVID 19 Pandemic: Experiences From Southern Andean Peru Jeannie Samuel, Carmen J. Yon, Ariel Frisancho, Luz Estrada, Milagro Lourdes Valdez Jaén, Domingo P. Paucar Pari, Daniel Rojas
1374 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Springer-Verlag The Annals of Regional Science The teleworking paradox: the geography of residential mobility of workers in pandemic times Pui-Hang Wong, Karima Kourtit, Peter Nijkamp
1375 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Immunology Monitoring of immunoglobulin treatment compliance of patients with an inborn error of immunity during the pandemic period Yasin Karali, Zuhal Karali, Sukru Cekic, Irem Cakir, Sara Sebnem Kilic
1376 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Apex Publishing Scientific Journal of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences A Comparative Study of Learning Efficiency in Virtual versus Face-to-Face Education During the Corona Pandemic in the Students of the Faculty of Health and Paramedicine of Gonabad University of Medical Sciences Iman Eskandare, Kokab Basirimoghadam, Mohammad Matlabi, Fatemeh Ghasemiroshnavand
1377 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Lembaga Riset Ilmiah Yayasan Mentari Meraki Asa International Journal Of Economics Social And Technology Non-Financial Perceptions when Evaluating Financial Performance in the Pandemic Era in Islamic Accounting: Literature Study Ikhsan Abdullah, Andri Soemitra
1378 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  SAGE Publications Discourse & Communication Book Review: Douglas A. Vakoch, John C. Pollock, and Amanda M. Caleb, COVID Communication: Exploring Pandemic Discourse VakochDouglas A.PollockJohn C.CalebAmanda M., COVID Communication: Exploring Pandemic Discourse. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023. xx + 280 pp. US$151.85 (hbk), ISBN 9783031276644. Muhammad Yunus Zulkifli, Farina Islami, Rifal Hasan, Rizki Kurniawan
1379 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Lembaga Riset Ilmiah Yayasan Mentari Meraki Asa International Journal Of Economics Social And Technology Islamic Index With an Islamic Economic Approach to the Judgment Strategy in the Concept of Working Capital and Income During the Covid 19 Pandemic Arnida Wahyuni Lubis, Andri Soemitra
1380 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Caspian University Scientific works "Adilet" Protecting human rights during a pandemic A.B. Bidayshiyeva
1381 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Yayasan Dharma Indonesia Tercinta (Dinasti) Dinasti International Journal of Education Management And Social Science The Influence of Competency, Organizational Culture and Emotional Intelligence on the Performance of Hospital Electromedical Staff in Yogyakarta During the Pandemic Budi Ramadianto, Nur Wening, Marwan Marwan
1382 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  All-Russian National Academy of Mycology Immunopathology Allergology Infectology Comprehensive evaluation of immunological activity of recombinant AD26 and AD5 expressing S protein gene of the SARS-COV-2 virus O Zubkova, T Ozharovskaia, O Popova, D Voronina, D Zrelkin, A Tukhvatulin, et al. (+5)
1383 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Elsevier The Journal of Lipid Research High density lipoproteins and COVID-19: preparing the next pandemic Marie Laurine Apalama, Floran Begue, Sébastien Tanaka, Maxime Cournot, David Couret, Olivier Meilhac, Mohammad Ryadh Pokeerbux
1384 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Pulmonary Medicine Risk prediction and early intervention strategies for persistent SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma: a retrospective cohort study Wailong Zou, Jia Zhang, Yulin Li, Yuwei Cao, Jiaxin Li, Zhe Zhang, et al. (+8)
1385 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Elsevier International Immunopharmacology Elucidating the inhibitory role of miR-140-5p in SARS-CoV-2 infection Xiaoyan Ding, Xiaozhong Chen, Yuheng Liu, Jiuxiang He, Yuxin Zhou, Jintao Li
1386 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Apex Publishing Reports of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology SARS-CoV-2 and Its Omicron Variants Detection with RT-RPA -CRISPR/Cas13a-Based Method at Room Temperature Jia Li, Xiaojun Wang, Liujie Chen, Lili Duan, Fenghua Tan, Kai Li, Zheng Hu
1387 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  All-Russian National Academy of Mycology Immunopathology Allergology Infectology Clinical and laboratory characteristics of patients with false positive IgM test for SARS-CoV-2 S Pylaeva, R Sayfullin, L Karan, O Stukolova, L Kozlovskay, D Sinyavkin, A Ishmukhametov
1388 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Apex Publishing Scientific Journal of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences A review on phytogenic compounds inhibit coronaviruses associated with respiratory syndrome in human Majid Gholami-Ahangaran, Maryam Karimi-Dehkordi
1389 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Veterinary Research Bovine coronavirus presence in domestic bovine and antelopes sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from Namibia Umberto Molini, Lauren M. Coetzee, Maria Y. Hemberger, Mark Jago, Siegfried Khaiseb, Kalihulu Shapwa, et al. (+4)
1390 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation Applied Family Therapy Journal The prediction of the psychological burden of Coronavirus on women in the family during the quarantine: The role of problem-solving styles and psychological capital Sajjad Farhadi, Hajar Gholam nazari
1391 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Elsevier Infectious Disease Clinics of North America Next-Generation Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccines Kathryn E. Stephenson
1392 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  University of Baghdad - College of Arts Al-Adab Journal التجربة الذكية لدولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة للتعليم عن بُعْد بَعْد جائحة كورونا","The UAE’s Smart Experience of Distance Learning after the Corona Pandemic هدى النقبي
1393 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Medknow Publications Biomedical and Biotechnology Research Journal (BBRJ) Classification of Coronavirus Disease 2019 and Pneumonia Based on US-VM Model Nursah Dincer, Pelin Görgel
1395 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  LP2M Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta ETIKONOMI Navigating Market Volatility: ESG and Islamic Stock Performance amidst Covid-19 Stringency Isnaini Nuzula Agustin, Destiana Safitri, Hesniati Hesniati, Hesniati Hesniati, Robin Robin
1396 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Science Research Society Journal of Information Systems Engineering & Management Prediction of COVID-19: WAOptimizer Ensemble Classification Model with Clinical Parameters L.William Mary, S. Albert Antony Raj
1397 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta INDEPENDEN Jurnal Politik Indonesia dan Global POLITIK LUAR NEGERI INDONESIA ERA COVID-19: PENYELAMATAN DAN KERJASAMA Asep Setiawan
1398 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Bristol University Press European Journal of Politics and Gender Race, gender and class under COVID-19: narratives of care, caring and carers Jayanthi Thiyaga Lingham, Shirin M. Rai, Shahnaz Akhter
1399 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Asosiasi Penelitian dan Pengajar Ilmu Hukum Indonesia Momentum Matrix International Journal of Communication Tourism and Social Economic Trends Business Strategy and Hybrid Models in Indonesia's Mice Industry Post Covid-19: Impacts, Policies, and Development Potential M. Amboro Alfianto
1400 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Center of Language and Culture Studies Cendekia Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran Indonesian Online Learning in New Normal Under Covid-19: from Traumatic to Intimacy Hieronimus Canggung Darong, Erna Mena Niman
1401 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Unmasking the Long-Term Effects of COVID-19 With a Focus on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Community-Based Study From India Arti Gupta, Vishnu Rajan, Rajeev Aravindakshan, Pulla Sirisha
1402 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Debunking COVID-19 vaccine misinformation with an audio drama in Ghana, a randomized control trial Maike Winters, Sarah Christie, Hannah Melchinger, Iddi Iddrisu, Hudi Al Hassan, Eulette Ewart, et al. (+8)
1403 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Research and Applied Medicine Research and Applied Medicine LA POLÍTICA Y LA ÉTICA ACADÉMICAS EN LA ERA DEL COVID-19 UNA PERSPECTIVA DESDE CANADÁ
1406 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Slovenian Association Informatika Informatica Q-Rung Orthopair Fuzzy Sets-Enhanced FMEA for COVID-19 Risk Assessment Lazim Abdullah, Noor Azzah Awang, Muhammad Qiyas
1407 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Early Childhood Research ‘There hasn’t been a lot of play this year’: Teacher perspectives on play at school and young children’s socio-emotional development during COVID-19 restrictions Colin O’Brien, Suzanne M Egan
1408 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Pediatrics Comparative analysis of croup severity and treatment in pediatric patient: a study of COVID-19 positive vs. negative cases during peak Omicron Fatemeh Pourjoula, Seyed Hossein Mirlohi, Niloufar Ghanbari
1409 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo A percepção do sofrimento psíquico da Covid-19 por meio de desenhos em Arteterapia em jovens universitários Ana Cláudia Afonso Valladares-Torres, Jaqueline Rosa Siqueira
1410 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Saglik Bilimleri Universitesi İzmir Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi Covid-19 Pnömonisi Ayırıcı Tanısında Eozinofilik Pnömoni: Olgu Sunumu Bahar Busra Sivrikaya, Özgür Günal, Bengi Şermut, Süleyman Sırrı Kilic
1411 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Elsevier Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases Evaluating the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Outcomes of Conversion and Revisional Bariatric Surgery: An MBSAQIP Study Mélissa V. Wills, Komol Chaivanijchaya, Juan S. Barajas-Gamboa, Gabriela Restrepo, Valentin Mocanu, Ayan Farah, et al. (+8)
1412 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Medical Virology Metabolomic Biomarkers of Pulmonary Fibrosis in COVID-19 Patients One Year After Hospital Discharge Marina Botello-Marabotto, Julia Tarrasó, Alba Mulet, Lucía Presa-Fernández, Estrella Fernández-Fabrellas, José A Rodríguez Portal, et al. (+6)
1413 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  JMIR Publications Inc. JMIR Medical Education Recruiting medical, dental and biomedical students as first responders in the immediate aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic: Prospective follow-up study (Preprint) Nicolas Schnetzler, Victor Taramarcaz, Tara Herren, Eric Golay, Simon Regard, François Mach, et al. (+5)
1416 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Nursing Burnout among South African nurses during the peak of COVID-19 pandemic: a holistic investigation Natasha Khamisa, Siyanda Madala, Cyril Bernsah Fonka
1417 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Elsevier Nutrition Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases Social isolation and loneliness in non-communicable chronic diseases: impact of COVID-19 pandemic, population aging and technological progress. Valeria Guglielmi, Luca Colangeli, Maria Eugenia Parrotta, Ciammariconi Azzurra, Ilaria Milani, Monica D’Adamo, et al. (+2)
1418 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Wiley Geriatrics and Gerontology International Effect of participating in Kayoi-no-ba during the COVID-19 pandemic on frailty 1 year later in older adults Hiroki Mori, Satoshi Seino, Yuri Yokoyama, Mari Yamashita, Yu Nofuji, Takuya Ueda, et al. (+8)
1419 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  SAGE Publications Substance Use &amp Addiction Journal Disparities in Receipt of Medications for Opioid Use Disorder Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the US Veterans Health Administration Minhee L. Sung, Casey León, Joel I. Reisman, Kirsha S. Gordon, Robert D. Kerns, Wenjun Li, et al. (+4)
1420 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Center of Language and Culture Studies Cendekia Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran Idiosyncrasies of Cultural Arts Education, Heutagogy, and Online Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia Rizki Amalia Putri, Warih Handayaningrum
1421 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Elsevier Annals of Allergy Asthma & Immunology Increased asthma burden during and post the COVID-19 pandemic among U.S. adults Hongxuan Fan, Zhaoyu Ren, Ping Zhang, Boda Zhou
1422 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Surgical Research The COVID-19 Pandemic and Delays in Melanoma Treatment: A National Cancer Database Study Sophie H. Chung, Jacob L. Leung, Kelsey S. Romatoski, Gordana Rasic, Anna J. Kobzeva-Herzog, Jennifer F. Tseng, et al. (+2)
1423 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Center of Language and Culture Studies IJOLTL (Indonesian Journal of Language Teaching and Linguistics) EFL Teachers’ Pedagogical Practices based on Their Perception during Covid-19 Pandemic Faisal Tanjung
1424 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Apex Publishing Scientific Journal of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences Virtual Education Status From the Perspectives of Students of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences during the Covid-19 Pandemic Kimya Khoramipoor, Jalil Adabi, Sana ahmadi, Marya Kalhor, Ali Ebrazeh, Azad Shokri
1425 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Cancer Comparative inpatient care of cancer vs. non-cancer patients in Switzerland during the national COVID-19 lockdown: a nationwide interrupted time series analysis Loïc Brunner, Anna Nicolet, Isabelle Peytremann-Bridevaux, Joachim Marti, Jean-Luc Bulliard, Lorenzo Righi, et al. (+8)
1426 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  SciELO Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências An institutional COVID-19 initiative: creation of a biobank and serological data analysis in pre- and post-vaccination cohorts LORENA O. FERNANDES-SIQUEIRA, RAPHAEL R.A. MELO, LUCIANA S. WERMELINGER, FABIO C.L. ALMEIDA, DIDIER SALMON, GUSTAVO C. FERREIRA, ANDREA T. DA POIAN
1427 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Center of Language and Culture Studies IJOLTL (Indonesian Journal of Language Teaching and Linguistics) Teacher Perception in Teaching English for SMP in Klaten Regency During Covid-19 Outbreak Mentari Astuti, Imroatus Solikhah
1428 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Wiley Clinical Case Reports Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome Triggered by COVID-19 Infection in a Pediatric Patient With CD46 Mutation Parsa Lorestani, Parisa Maleki Dana, Mohamad Reza Tohidi
1429 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Comprehensive Publications International Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences The psychological impact of COVID-19 on undergraduate nursing students Mohammad N Alshloul, Mohammad S Albashtawy, Nazzal M Alshloul, Doha M Alshloul
1430 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Discover Health Systems The impact of COVID-19 on the de facto behavioral health system in rural Georgia, United States Diane W. Bales, Maria Bowie, Virginia Brown, Anna Scheyett
1431 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Wiley Geriatrics and Gerontology International Durability of antibody titers and associated factors after the booster dose of COVID-19 mRNA vaccination in Japanese SARS-CoV-2 infection-naive residents in geriatric intermediate care facilities Ayane Kasamatsu, Satoko Ohfuji, Asae Suita, Kyoko Kondo, Hiroyuki Nakata, Tetsuya Kita, et al. (+18)
1433 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  SAGE Publications SAGE Open The Influence of Zakāt Management Institutions on Zakāt Compliance Intention During the COVID-19 Lockdown in Malaysia: A Multilevel Analysis Mohamad Syahmi Mat Daud, Hairunnizam Wahid
1434 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Journal of Baghdad College of Dentistry Journal of Baghdad College of Dentistry Cellular and humoral immunity assessment in recovered COVID-19 Iraqi dentists Ferial M Abdulrida, Ameena R Diajil, Michaela L Goodson
1435 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Elsevier NeuroImage Diffusion Tensor Imaging after COVID-19 infection: A systematic review Breanna K. Nelson, Lea N. Farah, Sidney A. Saint, Catie Song, Thalia S. Field, Vesna Sossi, et al. (+6)
1436 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Hazardous Materials Effects of Early-Life Air Pollution Exposure on Childhood COVID-19 Infection and Sequelae in China Chan Lu, Wen Deng, Zipeng Qiao, Wenying Sun, Wanxue Xu, Ting Li, Faming Wang
1437 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth Double balloon catheter induction of labor in pregnant women with COVID-19 infection Jiao Yi, Lei Chen, Xianglian Meng, Yi Chen
1438 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta Forum Geografi Impact of COVID-19 on Subjective Well-being and Community Im-portance-Performance in Sanitation Programs in Jakarta, Indonesia Evi Siti Sofiyah, Betanti Ridhosari, Sapta Suhardono, Chun-Hung Lee, I Wayan Koko Suryawan
1439 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Apex Publishing Scientific Journal of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences Hematological Factors and MRI in Covid-19 Infected may Predict the Prevalence of Multiple Sclerosis in the Post-Covid era Bakhtiar Ebrahimirad, Mahnaz Taherianfard, Arash Mosarezaii
1440 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Publishing House Zaslavsky EMERGENCY MEDICINE Evaluation of enisamium iodide’s impact on the clinical course of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and COVID-19 in outpatients O.A. Golubovska, K.O. Chalyу, O.V. Bezrodna, А.О. Golubovska, еt Al.
1441 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  EScience Press Ricos Biology Association Between Helicobacter Pylori Infections and the Severity of COVID-19 in Iraqi Patients Ahmed S. Salman, Maitham G. Yousif
1442 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Center of Language and Culture Studies IJOLTL (Indonesian Journal of Language Teaching and Linguistics) Jokowi's Opinions and Attitudes towards Covid-19 in Indonesia: A Critical Discourse Analysis Hasnan Yasin, Didin Nuruddin Hidayat, Alek Alek
1443 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Bozok Tip Dergisi Bozok Tıp Dergisi CLINICAL FEATURES AND OUTCOMES OF COVID-19 PATIENTS WITH CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE: SINGLE CENTER EXPERIENCE Kardiyovasküler Hastalığı Olan COVID-19 Hastalarının Klinik Özellikleri ve Sonlanımları: Tek Merkez Deneyimi Ayşegül Ülgen Kunak, Tolga Kunak
1444 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Bozok Tip Dergisi Bozok Tıp Dergisi ARE SCORING SYSTEMS SUPERIOR TO EACH OTHER IN CLINICAL FOLLOW-UP PLANNING AND MORTALITY ASSESSMENT OF COVID-19 PATIENTS? Covid-19 Hastalarının Klinik Takip ve Mortalite Değerlendirmesinde Puanlama Sistemleri Birbirinden Üstün Mü? Dilek Atik, Fulya Köse, Hasan Burak Kaya, Hamza Enes Güçlü, Cesareddin Dikmetaş, Nuray Kılıç
1445 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Allerton Press Molecular Genetics Microbiology and Virology A Review of COVID-19 Effective Pharmaceutics Based on Molecular Targets and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Saba Seyedi, Mohammadreza Gerami, Shadan Navid, Samira Ezi, Ziba Nariman-Saleh-Fam, Lida Nariman-Saleh-Fam, Zahra Saadatian
1446 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Nilton Lins University Journal of Medical and Biosciences Research Análise eletrocardiográfica de pacientes com Covid-19 grave na UTI do Complexo Hospital de Clínicas da UFPR Waleska Jackowski Bilous, Augusto Boshammer Piazera
1447 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Research and Applied Medicine Research and Applied Medicine THE POLITICS AND ETHICS OF ACADEMIA IN THE COVID-19 ERA A PERSPECTIVE FROM CANADA
1448 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Apex Publishing Scientific Journal of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences A Narrative Review of The Modulatory Effects of Vitamins in the Course of Covid-19 Disease Mohaddeseh Larypoor, Mehdi Shamsi, Mona Maleki, Atefeh Tazari, Mohammad Soroosh Farhadi
1450 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta INDEPENDEN Jurnal Politik Indonesia dan Global STRATEGI PEMERINTAH INDONESIA DALAM MENANGANI WABAH COVID-19 DARI PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI Saleha Mufida, F.G. Cempaka Timur, Surryanto Djoko Waluyo
1451 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Akademia Baru Publishing Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology COVID-19 Chest X-Ray Lung Segmentation by Locally Adaptive Thresholding Muhammad Ammar Mohamad Roslan, Aimi Salihah Abdul Nasir, Marni Azira Markom, Allan Melvin Andrew, Edy Victor Haryanto
1452 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Early Identification of Severe COVID-19 Cases and the Need for ICU Care Based on Clinical and Laboratory Risk Factors Jawad Mahmood, Muhammad Izhar Ul Haque, Maria Gul, Aliya Ayub, Fawwad A Ansari, Wiqas Ahmad
1453 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Archives of Microbiology Immunological assessment of NSFu1: A novel fusion molecule constructed from structural proteins of SARS-CoV-2 for improving COVID-19 antibody detection Shaista Arif, Mohsina Akhter, Aqsa Anwar, Sania Javaid, Zara Ashi, Mohsin Shad, et al. (+5)
1454 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Brawijaya University Jurnal Kewirausahaan dan Inovasi Pengaruh Fleksibilitas Kerja Dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Dengan Work Life Balance Sebagai Variabel Mediasi Selama Pandemi Covid-19 Faiz Firdaus Shalahuddin, M. Abdi Dzil Ikhram
1455 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Elsevier Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health Baseline Characteristics and Outcomes of Patients with COVID-19 Admitted to the Intensive Care Unit in Armed Force Hospital, Oman: A Single Center Cohort Masoud Kashoob, Mohammed Al Shukairi, Mariya Al Abdali, Anisa Al Jabri, Rawan Al Abdulsalam, Jawahir Al Badri, et al. (+2)
1456 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Bozok Tip Dergisi Bozok Tıp Dergisi PHYSIOTHERAPY OF FACIAL PARALYSIS BETWEEN PRECOVID 19 AND COVID-19 PANDEMIC PERIODS Covid-19 Öncesi ve Covid-19 Pandemi Dönemlerinde Fasiyal Paralizi Fizyoterapisi Sercan Çıkrıkcı, Gülseren Demir Karakılıç
1457 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  SAGE Publications Substance Use &amp Addiction Journal The Lookout Project: A Student-Run Mail-Based Overdose Response Kit Distribution Program Through Social Media During COVID-19 Shelby A. Shaughnessy, Katherine C. Hankes, Victoria Garrow, John A. Hopper, Chin Hwa Dahlem
1458 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics Business Management ANALYZING THE ADOPTION OF MOBILE BANKING SERVICE IN VIETNAM: EXTENDING UTAUT2 WITH FEAR OF COVID-19 Nguyen Thao Nguyen, Mien Thi Ngoc Nguyen
1459 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  SAGE Publications Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin Experiences in Rehabilitation Counseling Education for Disabled Graduate Students During COVID-19 Toni Saia, Charles Edmund Degeneffe, Mark Tucker
1460 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Anfo Publication House International Journal of Medical and All Body Health Research Evaluating the Evolving Role of Nurses in Healthcare Infection Control Amid COVID-19 Ayoola A Ayoola, Oloruntobi Funmilola Adeoye, Abayomi Ayoola, Akinremi Joy
1461 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  International Academic Press Statistics Optimization & Information Computing Hybrid Deep Learning Model: LSTM and 2BiGRU for Predicting Coronavirus (COVID-19) Thanaa Moustafa, Hossam Refaat, Mohamed Makhlouf
1462 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Molecular Medicine miR-27a-5p, miR-21-5p, miR-1246 and miR-4508: a candidate microRNA signature in the protection and regulation of viral infection in mild COVID-19 Malena Gajate-Arenas, Candela Sirvent-Blanco, Omar García-Pérez, Angélica Domínguez-de-Barros, José E. Piñero, Jacob Lorenzo-Morales, Elizabeth Córdoba-Lanús
1463 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Apex Publishing Scientific Journal of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences Effect of the Educational Program Based on the Extended Parallel Process Model in Adopting Preventive Behaviors Against Covid-19 sahar nawrozi, afshin bahmani, sairan nili, arezoo fallahi
1464 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo O Polo Farmacoquímico de Pernambuco e o CEIS como estratégias para fortalecer a resiliência do SUS e reduzir a dependência nacional na COVID-19 Thiago Vasconcellos Modenesi, Lucas Ribeiro Ferraz, José Lamartine Soares Sobrinho, Fábio Rocha Formiga, Abraham Benzaquen Sicsu, Fábio Henrique Cavalcanti de Oliveira, Marcos Roberto Gois de Oliveira Macedo
1466 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  Springer-Verlag SERIEs The economic linkages of Covid-19 across sectors and regions in Europe Fidel Pérez-Sebastián, Rafael Serrano-Quintero
1467 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  CEIT S.A. Revista de Finanzas Análisis del comportamiento de compra del consumidor turístico post Covid-19 en las agencias de viaje de la ciudad de Machala Diana Armijos-Ramírez, Katty Reyes-Alvarado, Vladimir Avila-Rivas
1469 2025―Mar―15  [GO]  NIXNIX Moderation | Journal of Islamic Studies Review PENINGKATAN ANGKA PERCERAIAN SAAT COVID-19 DI PENGADILAN AGAMA JAKARTA SELATAN Sunarto Sunarto, Tubagus Fadilah
1470 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Journal of Anatolia Nursing and Health Sciences Journal of Nursology Everything’ll be Fine Together! Peer Support in the Pandemic: A Mixed Methods Study Sevim Şen Olgay, Hediye Arslan, Begüm Kırık, Ceren Zeren
1471 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  SAGE Publications Environment and Planning B Urban Analytics and City Science Does class matter? Understanding differential pandemic recovery via a building typology Byeonghwa Jeong, Karen Chapple
1472 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Health Economics Effects Of Income on Infant Health: Evidence from the Expanded Child Tax Credit and Pandemic Stimulus Checks Wei Lyu, George L. Wehby, Robert Kaestner
1473 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) The International Journal of Psychoanalysis The representation of pandemic anxieties in a psychoanalytic group psychodrama for adolescents and young adults Olivier Taieb, Jeanne Defontaine, Catherine Le Du, Mohammad Mouma, Thierry Baubet
1474 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology Subcutaneous Administration of an Endocrine-Mimetic, Slow-Release Protein Material Reduces the Severity of SARS-CoV-2 Infection Eloi Parladé, Ferran Tarrés-Freixas, Marianna T.P. Favaro, Jara Lascorz, Merce Márquez-Matínez, Rosa Mendoza, et al. (+9)
1475 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Politechnika Slaska - Silesian University of Technology Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology Organization and Management Series RANKING OF EUROPEAN CAPITALS BEFORE AND AFTER THE COVID PANDEMIC Adam SOJDA
1476 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Journal of Translational Medicine Exposure of monocyte-derived macrophages to the UV-inactivated SARS-CoV-2 VOCs shows similar effects on the transcriptomic profile as active virus: a comparative analysis Josè Camilla Sammartino, Roberta Vazzana, Nicola Cuscino, Salvatore Castelbuono, Roberto Giambruno, Claudia Carcione, et al. (+7)
1477 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  MDPI AG Viruses Genetic Variations of Three Kazakhstan Strains of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus Bekbolat Usserbayev, Kulyaisan Sultankulova, Yerbol Burashev, Aibarys Melisbek, Meirzhan Shirinbekov, Balzhan Myrzakhmetova, et al. (+7)
1478 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Elsevier ESMO Real World Data and Digital Oncology Observational study on the safety and effectiveness of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in patients with lung cancer E. Nadal, T. Morán, A. Estival, M.Á. Sala, M. Antoñanzas, J.G. González, et al. (+12)
1479 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine Targeting the early life stages of SARS-CoV-2 using a multi-peptide conjugate vaccine Lauren Myburgh, Haiko Karsjens, Athanasios Blanas, Aafke de Ligt, Karlijn van Loon, Elisabeth J.M. Huijbers, et al. (+6)
1480 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines Stabilizing Prefusion SARS-CoV-2 Spike by Destabilizing the Postfusion Conformation Debajyoti Chakraborty, Randhir Singh, Raju S. Rajmani, Sahil Kumar, Rajesh P. Ringe, Raghavan Varadarajan
1481 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  University of Ghana Health Sciences Investigations Journal SARS-CoV-2 seroepidemiology among tertiary students and health workers at the Korle-Bu community in Accra, Ghana
1482 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  World Scientific Journal of Computational Biophysics and Chemistry Selective Targeting of SARS-CoV-2 Mpro with Novel Ebsulfur-Based Compounds: A Computational Drug Discovery Approach Combining Molecular Dynamics and DFT Simulations Seifollah Jalili, S.M. Hossein Rahmati, Atena Pakzadiyan
1483 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  MDPI AG Molecules Design, Synthesis, and Biological Evaluation of 5,8-Dimethyl Shikonin Oximes as SARS-CoV-2 Mpro Inhibitors Jiahua Cui, Shouyan Xiang, Qijing Zhang, Shangqing Xiao, Gaoyang Yuan, Chenwu Liu, Shaoshun Li
1484 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  S. Karger AG Neonatology MicroRNA signatures in umbilical cord blood of neonates exposed to maternal SARS-CoV-2 infection during pregnancy Ira Winkler, Christina Fröschl, Christoph Hochmayr, Eva Huber, Martina Urbanek, Ursula Kiechl-Kohlendorfer, et al. (+2)
1485 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  MDPI AG Reports — Medical Cases Images and Videos Type I Diabetes-A Rare Adverse Event Described in Patients Receiving Immunotherapy Versus a Side Effect from SARS-CoV-2 Infection Raluca-Ileana Pătru, Miruna Ghigeanu, Maria-Alexandra Barbu, Andreea Iuliana Ionescu, Antone-Iordache Ionuț-Lucian
1486 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  American Chemical Society ACS Sensors Sustainable Electrochemical-Magnetic Biosensor Fabricated from Recycled Materials for Label-Free Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in Human Saliva Caio Lenon Chaves Carvalho, Steffane Q. Nascimento, Thiago Bertaglia, Luana C. I. Faria, Erika R. Manuli, Geovana M. Pereira, et al. (+7)
1487 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  American Society for Microbiology Journal of Clinical Microbiology External quality assessment of molecular detection and variant typing of SARS-CoV-2 in European expert laboratories in 2023 Kim C. Heimsch, Kamelia R. Stanoeva, Ramona Mögling, Annette Kraus, Eeva K. Broberg, Jan Felix Drexler, et al. (+5)
1488 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Elsevier Oral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology Expression of SARS-CoV-2 cellular entry factors in pleomorphic adenoma Fernanda Aragão Felix, Flávia Martins Vasconcellos Filliú, Marina Gonçalves Diniz, Silvia Ferreira de Sousa
1489 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Biotecnia BIOtecnia Detection of SARS-CoV-2 by RT-qPCR in pooled samples of staff and patients at hospital of So-nora, Mexico","Detección de SARS-CoV-2 por RT-qPCR en muestras agrupadas de personal y pacientes en hospitales de Sonora, México Liliana Carolina Rojo Arreola, Jorge Hernández López, Daniel Coronado Molina, Marcos José Serrato Félix, Joaquín Sánchez González, Alvaro Santos Romo
1490 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  MDPI AG Viruses Prevalence of EBV, HHV6, HCMV, HAdV, SARS-CoV-2, and Autoantibodies to Type I Interferon in Sputum from Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients Ulf Hannestad, Annika Allard, Kent Nilsson, Anders Rosén
1491 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  GRAPHIMEDIC SA DE CV Acta Médica Grupo Ángeles Perspectivas actuales sobre la enfermedad de Kikuchi-Fujimoto recurrente y la correlación con SARS-CoV-2 César Adolfo Nieves Pérez, Víctor Morales Muñoz, Estefania Francés Frangos, Adriana Celia Gallegos Garza, Óscar Castro Quiroz, Rafael Hurtado Monroy
1492 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Science Advances SARS-related coronavirus S-protein structures reveal synergistic RBM interactions underpinning high-affinity human ACE2 binding Jingjing Wang, Yong Ma, Zimu Li, Hang Yuan, Banghui Liu, Zexuan Li, et al. (+12)
1493 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Scientific Research Publishing, Inc. Open Journal of Radiology Medical Imaging of Military Tubercular Co-Infection and COVID-19: About a Bouake Case Brou Lambert Yao, Akoli Eklou Baudouin Bravo-Tsri, Kouame Paul Bonfils Kouassi, Kesse Emile Tanoh, Allou Florent Kouadio, Bouassa Davy Melaine Kouakou, et al. (+3)
1494 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  MDPI AG Viruses Colorimetric Reverse Transcription Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification with Xylenol Orange Targeting Nucleocapsid Gene for Detection of Feline Coronavirus Infection Kotchaporn Khumtong, Witsanu Rapichai, Wichayet Saejung, Piyamat Khamsingnok, Nianrawan Meecharoen, Siriluk Ratanabunyong, et al. (+6)
1495 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Revista Argentina de Cardiologia Revista Argentina de Cardiologia Two Cases of Myocardial Infarction with Normal Coronary Arteries in the Context of Acute Coronavirus Infection Mariano Trevisán, Jorge Luis Bocian, María Jorgelina Medus, Juan Pablo Bonifacio, Fernando Nazzetta, Matías Calandrelli
1496 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Japan Society for Clinical Anesthesia THE JOURNAL OF JAPAN SOCIETY FOR CLINICAL ANESTHESIA Clinical Outcomes of Ketamine in Patients with Severe Coronavirus Disease on Ventilator Support:A Retrospective Study","重症COVID-19の人工呼吸管理でケタミンを併用した場合の臨床的アウトカムの後方視的解析 Ayami SATO, Takayuki OGURA, Toshitaka KOINUMA, Kayo MISUMI, Takuya KIMURA, Yoshihiro HAGIWARA
1497 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Elsevier Infectious Disease Clinics of North America Pharmacologic Treatment and Management of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Amy Hirsch Shumaker, Adarsh Bhimraj
1498 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Japan Society for Clinical Anesthesia THE JOURNAL OF JAPAN SOCIETY FOR CLINICAL ANESTHESIA Examination of the Anesthesia Induction Method in the New Age of Coronavirus Disease - Trial of No-Ventilated Rapid Induction -","新型コロナ時代の麻酔導入法の検討─無換気急速導入法の試み─ Takuji INADA, Hajime SAKAMOTO
1499 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation Psychology of Woman Journal Predicting coronavirus anxiety based on problem-solving styles and distress tolerance in working women Zahra Ariya, Maryam Yavari Kermani, Bahram Movahedzadeh
1500 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation Applied Family Therapy Journal Prediction of Coronavirus Anxiety Based on Anxiety Tolerance and Cognitive Emotion Regulation in Employed Women Mahboobeh Salari, Sadie Bakraei, Mohammad Amin sharufi nejad, Narges Alizadeh, Fatemeh Mohseni
1501 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Antimicrobial Stewardship & Healthcare Epidemiology Perceptions of sources of transmission among hospital employees infected with severe acute respiratory coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in an urban tertiary care hospital: a qualitative study to inform future pandemic management Ziyue Luo, Daniel E. Kent, Pooja Shah, Dina Poplausky, MacKenzie Clark MacRae, Cassidy Boomsma, et al. (+6)
1502 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Elsevier Infectious Disease Clinics of North America Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Immunology and Coronavirus Disease 2019 Clinical Outcomes Aljawharah Alrubayyi, Hsinyen Huang, Gaurav D. Gaiha
1503 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Revista Argentina de Cardiologia Revista Argentina de Cardiologia Dos casos de infarto con arterias coronarias normales en el contexto de infección aguda por coronavirus Mariano Trevisán, Jorge Luis Bocian, María Jorgelina Medus, Juan Pablo Bonifacio, Fernando Nazzetta, Matías Calandrelli
1504 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Revista JRG de Estudos Academicos Revista JRG de Estudos Acadêmicos Alterações neuropsiquiátricas da COVID-19: uma revisão de literatura Camila Fortes Dossi, Simone Galli Rocha Bragato
1505 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC) Eurosurveillance Impact of SARS-CoV-2 variant mutations on susceptibility to monoclonal antibodies and antiviral drugs: a non-systematic review, April 2022 to October 2024 Maja Vukovikj, Angeliki Melidou, Priyanka Nannapaneni, Tanja Normark, Annette Kraus, Eeva K Broberg
1506 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  American Academy of Pediatrics PEDIATRICS COVID-19 Vaccination During Pregnancy and Major Structural Birth Defects Stacey L. Rowe, Sheena G. Sullivan, Flor M. Muñoz, Matthew M. Coates, Brianna Agnew, Onyebuchi A. Arah, Annette K. Regan
1507 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  SciELO Jornal Vascular Brasileiro Desenvolvimento de tromboembolismo venoso e seu impacto em adultos hospitalizados com covid-19: revisão sistemática rápida Andressa Pereira Rocha, João Gabriel Sanchez
1508 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  SciELO Jornal Vascular Brasileiro Development of venous thromboembolism and its impact on hospitalized adults with covid-19: rapid systematic review Andressa Pereira Rocha, João Gabriel Sanchez
1509 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  SciELO Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem Enfrentamento da tuberculose durante a pandemia de COVID-19: o olhar das pessoas que a vivenciaram Thaynara Eloise Baracho de Albuquerque Farias, Hellen Cristina Sthal, Valdízia Mendes e Silva, Aguinaldo José de Araújo, Paula Hino, Roxana Isabel Cardoso Gonzales, et al. (+2)
1510 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  GN1 Genesis Network Revista Brasileira de Queimaduras Pacientes hospitalizados por queimaduras durante a pandemia da COVID-19: Estudo transversal Carolina Batista Lira dos Santos, Isabel Galdino da Silva Corrêa, Thais Mendes Luquetti, Luanna Gabriella Resende da Silva
1511 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Elsevier Oral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology Migratory glossitis as the first indicator of celiac disease following COVID-19: case report Miguel Afonso da Costa Pontes, Jennifer Costa Bentes, Vivianny Kemelly de Souza Nunes, Michelle di Benedetto, Victor Bernardes Barroso da Costa, Maurício Borborema de Medeiros, Gerson de Oliveira Paiva-Neto
1512 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Epidemiology and Infection Data for Action - Description of the Automated COVID-19 Surveillance System in Denmark and Lessons Learnt, January 2020 to June 2024 Gudrun Witteveen-Freidl, Karina Lauenborg Møller, Marianne Voldstedlund, Sophie Gubbels
1513 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  The Korea Tourism Enhancement Society Journal of Tourism Enhancement Analysis of the Resilience of Travel Industry Before and After COVID-19: Based on Tourism Industry Survey Data from 2019 to 2023 Jang-Wook Kwon
1514 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Universitas Airlangga Jurnal NERS Building Community Resilience to COVID-19: An Interprofessional Collaborative Model Nursalam Nursalam, Elsi Dwi Hapsari, Setiawan Setiawan, Diah Priyantini, Rifky Octavia Pradipta
1515 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  SAGE Publications Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease Effect of pulmonary rehabilitation for patients with long COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Shige Li, Bing Dai, Yusheng Hou, Liang Zhang, Jie Liu, Haijia Hou, et al. (+7)
1516 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Pediatrics Cardiac complications associated with COVID-19: a single-center study from Southern Iran Marjan Tariverdi, Mohammadbagher Rahmati, Maryam Mohammadian, Shahrokh Rajaei, Mohammadreza Kargarfard Jahromy, Niloufar Rahimi, et al. (+4)
1517 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Reactions Weekly COVID-19-vaccine/Carboplatin/Gemcitabine
1518 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  American Scientific Publishing Group International Journal of Neutrosophic Science Differential Equation of COVID-19 with Constraint Algebraic Equation and Sustainable health development With Applications in Neutrosophic Environment Mohammed Mohammed, A.Y.J A.Y.J.Almasoodi, Sarah A.AL A.AL-Ameedee, Sarah A.AL A.AL-Ameedee
1519 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science Marketing Consumer habits of fashion products before and during the pandemic COVID-19 with an emphasis on online shopping Karolina Perčić, Milica Slijepčević, Stefan Alimpić
1520 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Oxford University Press Open Forum Infectious Diseases Comparison of COVID-19 vs non-COVID-19 patients without hematological malignancies treated for invasive pulmonary aspergillosis: a 5-year retrospective cohort study with propensity-based adjustment Sara Volpi, Shaniko Kaleci, Erica Franceschini, Samuele Cantergiani, Gabriella Orlando, Adriana Cervo, et al. (+21)
1521 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Cambridge University Press British Journal of Political Science Benchmarking pandemic response: How the UK’s COVID-19 vaccine rollout impacted diffuse and specific support for the EU Irene Rodríguez, Toni Rodon, Asli Unan, Lisa Herbig, Heike Klüver, Theresa Kuhn
1522 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine Applying the health belief model (HBM) to understand COVID-19 vaccine uptake among youth and young adults: Findings from a 6-month follow-up study in the United States Jiayi Xu, Shahin Davoudpour, Gregory Phillips
1523 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology The impact of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine on the Th-like cytokine profile in individuals with no history of COVID-19: insights into autoimmunity targeting heat shock proteins Stefan Tukaj, Magdalena Sitna, Krzysztof Sitko
1524 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine Health care institutions and their physicians are the greatest promoters of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance among health care workers Laetitia Ricci, Cécile Fery, Florence Tubach, Nelly Agrinier, Amandine Gagneux-Brunon
1525 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Center of Language and Culture Studies IJOLTL (Indonesian Journal of Language Teaching and Linguistics) Examining Translation Techniques in the Health Article on Benefits of Getting the COVID-19 Vaccine ORVIN GRENDI PUTRI KEMANGI
1526 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research Digital Journal of Clinical Medicine Myocardial Infarction Trends Following COVID-19 Vaccination: A Retrospective Investigation From India Hema S Pinnam, Hrithika Madhavan, Jagarlamudi Harshitha, Vikram Patil, Harshita Tiwari, Isha A Kumthekar, Jampala Sri Mounya
1527 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Pandemic Pregnancy Experiences and Risk Mitigation Behaviors: COVID-19 Vaccination Uptake in Canada Sigourney Shaw-Churchill, Karen P. Phillips
1528 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine Factors associated with influenza and COVID-19 vaccination among health workers in Lao PDR, 2023 Chansay Patthammavong, Natalie Wodniak, Kongxay Phounphenghack, Chankham Tengbriacheu, Bandith Soumphonphakdy, Viengkhan Phixay, et al. (+10)
1529 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Mental Health Effectiveness of Self-Help Plus in its digital version in reducing anxiety and post-traumatic symptomatology among nursing home workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: secondary analysis of randomised controlled trial data Marianna Purgato, Federico Tedeschi, Marianna Riello, Debora Zaccoletti, Roberto Mediavilla, Jose Luis Ayuso-Mateos, et al. (+3)
1530 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  World Scientific International Journal of Biomathematics Modeling the Impact of Quarantine on COVID-19 Transmission: A Comprehensive Approach Fatemeh Sahami Nejhad, Nemat Nyamoradi, Zohreh Eskandari
1531 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health The impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions on COVID-19 transmission and its effect on life expectancy in two European regions Carlo Delfin S. Estadilla, Chiara Cicolani, Rubén Blasco-Aguado, Fernando Saldaña, Alessandro Borri, Javier Mar, et al. (+4)
1532 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Nutrition Vaccination and food consumption: association with Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome in Brazilian adults (CUME Study) Marlise Lima Brandão, Helen Hermana Miranda Hermsdorff, Arieta Carla Gualandi Leal, Josefina Bressan, Adriano Marçal Pimenta
1533 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Clinical Nursing Clinically Significant Functional Impairments and Symptoms in COVID-19 Survivors: Empirical Research Quantitative Chia-Chun Tang, Wei-Wen Wu, Sung-Jung Ho, Wang-Da Liu, Mei-Yan Pan, Shih-Chieh Chang, et al. (+4)
1534 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Elsevier Transportation Research Part A Policy and Practice Can curbside bicycle lanes buffer COVID-19 ridership losses? A case study from Melbourne, Australia Alexa Delbosc, Zi Sheng Goh, Mahsa Naseri, Tim Powers
1535 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Ubiquity Press, Ltd. Annals of Global Health The Global Health Security Index and Its Role in Shaping National COVID-19 Response Capacities: A Scoping Review Danik Iga Prasiska, Kennedy Mensah Osei, Durga Datta Chapagain, Vasuki Rajaguru, Tae Hyun Kim, Sun Joo Kang, et al. (+3)
1536 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases Corrigendum to “ROTEM and von Willebrand Factor in COVID patients presenting with acute ischemic stroke: A case series: ROTEM and von Willebrand Factor in COVID-19 Related Stroke” [Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, Volume 33 (11), 2024 Nov 1, p.107894] Tamara Strohm
1537 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  University of Guelph Rural Review Ontario Rural Planning Development and Policy A Review of Literature and Media Reporting on COVID-19 Related Migration Nicole Moore, Sara Epp, Ryan Gibson, Chris Fullerton
1538 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  University Press of Florida Rhetoric of Health & Medicine Risk Metaphors in Canadian COVID-19 Public Health Communication Philippa Spoel, Michelle Reid, Emily Cooke, Catherine Copley
1539 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  SAGE Publications Global Advances in Integrative Medicine and Health Efficient Control of IL-6, CRP and Ferritin in COVID-19 Patients With Two Variants of Beta-1,3-1,6 Glucans in Combination: An Open-Label, Prospective, Randomised Clinical Trial Subramanian Pushkala, Sudha Seshayyan, Ethirajan Theranirajan, Doraisamy Sudhakar, Kadalraja Raghavan, Vidyasagar Devaprasad Dedeepiya, et al. (+4)
1540 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Clinical Medicine Severely Ill COVID-19 Patients May Exhibit Hypercoagulability Despite Escalated Anticoagulation Soslan Shakhidzhanov, Anna Filippova, Elizaveta Bovt, Andrew Gubkin, Gennady Sukhikh, Sergey Tsarenko, et al. (+15)
1541 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  F1000 Research Ltd F1000Research Mental health problems of asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic COVID-19 patients in hospitel in Thailand: A cross-sectional study Nitchawan Kerdcharoen, Pantri Kirdchok, Chayut Wonglertwisawakorn, Yingrat Naviganuntana, Nongnuch Polruamngern, Chotiman Chinvararak
1542 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Elsevier NeuroImage Quantitative Brain Volume Differences between COVID-19 patients and non-COVID-19 volunteers: A systematic review Breanna K. Nelson, Lea N. Farah, Sidney A. Saint, Catie Song, Thalia S. Field, Vesna Sossi, et al. (+6)
1543 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Journal of Translational Medicine Gut Microbiome dysbiosis and immune activation correlate with somatic and neuropsychiatric symptoms in COVID-19 patients Paula L. Scalzo, Austin G. Marshall, Sirena Soriano, Kristen Curry, Mario Dulay, Timea Hodics, et al. (+4)
1544 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Kutafin Moscow State Law University Legal Science in China and Russia The Judicial Application of the Crime of Obstructing the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases under the Background of COVID-19 (Part I) Hexin Qu, Dongmei Pan
1545 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  SciELO Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem Facing tuberculosis during the COVID-19 pandemic: the perspective of those who experienced it Thaynara Eloise Baracho de Albuquerque Farias, Hellen Cristina Sthal, Valdízia Mendes e Silva, Aguinaldo José de Araújo, Paula Hino, Roxana Isabel Cardoso Gonzales, et al. (+2)
1546 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  JMIR Publications Inc. JMIR Infodemiology Experiences of Public Health Professionals Regarding Crisis Communication During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Systematic Review of Qualitative Studies Tsuyoshi Okuhara, Marina Terada, Hiroko Okada, Rie Yokota, Takahiro Kiuchi
1547 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  MIT Press Asian Economic Papers Comments by Juthathip Jongwanich, on Unintended Consequences of Business Digitalization Among MSMEs During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of Indonesia
1548 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  MIT Press Asian Economic Papers Comments by Maria Socorro Gochoco-Bautista, on Unintended Consequences of Business Digitalization Among MSMEs During The COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of Indonesia
1549 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  MIT Press Asian Economic Papers Unintended Consequences of  Business Digitalization Among MSMEs During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of Indonesia Keita Oikawa, Fusanori Iwasaki, Yasuyuki Sawada, Shigehiro Shinozaki
1550 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University of Bandung International Journal of Nusantara Islam Innovation of Small Medium Micro Business Governance (MSMEs) Resilience Post Covid-19 Pandemic in Bandung City Muhammad Ridwan Caesar, Rudi Haryadi
1551 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  University of Guelph Rural Review Ontario Rural Planning Development and Policy Mutual Aid and Third Places during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Intersections in Nova Scotia & New Brunswick John Dale
1552 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Social Psychology of Education Peer victimization and anxiety during COVID-19 pandemic: disentangling between and within person effects Katja Košir, Tina Pivec, Ana Kozina
1553 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Ethnomusicology Forum Haitian musical activism in Brazil during the Covid-19 pandemic: engaging SARS-Cov2 and racialized regimes of mobility through song Caetano Maschio Santos
1554 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Infectious Diseases Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic Elizabeth Haslam
1555 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Elsevier Neurology Perspectives Clinical and immune evolution in neurological/psychiatric patients during the COVID-19 pandemic Andrea Toledo, Marco Antonio Gaona, Tania Delgadillo, Carlos Tellez Arellano, Alejandra Padilla, Sergio Bravo, et al. (+6)
1556 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Elsevier Preventive Medicine Reports Racial-ethnic composition of U.S. school districts, wildfire smoke PM2.5 levels, and reduced in-person learning among schoolchildren and adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic Daniel Kim
1557 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University of Bandung International Journal of Nusantara Islam Affective and Psychomotor Education in Islamic Religious Learning through the Use of Technology during the Covid-19 Pandemic Aat Royhatudin, Abdul Mujib, Naf'an Tarihoran
1558 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health A physical activity and socioemotional intervention for residents of a large vulnerable community in Brazil during the COVID-19 pandemic: a randomized controlled study Mateus Torres-Cruz, Mariana Moura-Alves, Renata Pereira Lima, Rachel King, Cleber Aparecido dos Santos, Thiago da Silva Almeida, et al. (+7)
1559 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Edizioni Minerva Medica Minerva Respiratory Medicine WEB-REHAB Program for people with cystic fibrosis during COVID-19 pandemic: a feasibility study Matteo DE MARCHIS, Marco RIVOLTA, Sara DE DOMINICIS, Mario CIARNELLA, Paola LEONE, Francesco MILO, et al. (+8)
1560 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Adolescent physical activity during school days: a comparative study before and after COVID-19 pandemic restrictions Karel Frömel, Gregory Welk, Dorota Groffik, Lukáš Jakubec, Jan Dygrýn, Josef Mitáš
1561 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine Journal of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine Fournier’s gangrene in a COVID-19 pneumoniae: a case report","COVID-19肺炎治療後にフルニエ壊疽を発症した1例 Masanori Nobuhiro, Susumu Matsushime
1562 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Ovid Journal of Craniofacial Surgery Analysis of the Influence of the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Pandemic on the Search for Facial Aesthetic Procedures Nathaly Ciaramicolo, Osny Ferreira Junior
1563 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  MedCrave Group Obstetrics & Gynecology International Journal Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the number of births in the Caribbean Bharat Bassaw, S Khan, D Best, J Bissessar, C Bassano, F Ali-Bassaw, et al. (+8)
1564 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Yayasan Dharma Indonesia Tercinta (Dinasti) Greenation International Journal of Economics and Accounting Analysis of the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Stock Prices in the Construction Sector in Indonesia Vella Mirfaqoh, Sri Yusriani, Tengku Ahmad Helmi, Ahmad Fadhil, Fajriyah Melati Sholihah, Kusnadi Kusnadi
1565 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Springer-Verlag European Journal of Pediatrics The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on sarcopenic obesity among children between 6 and 10 years of age: a prospective study Bahar Öztelcan Gündüz, Aysu Duyan Çamurdan, Mücahit Yıldız, Fatma Nur Baran Aksakal, Emine Nükhet Ünsal
1566 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Revista Argentina de Cardiologia Revista Argentina de Cardiologia Temporal Evolution of the Psychophysical Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Health Workers Sebastián Bellia, Luciano Battioni, Cristhian E. Scatularo, Casandra Godoy Armando, Julio Giorgini, Adrián Lescano, Stella Pereiro
1567 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Current Psychiatry Reports The Fallout of the COVID-19 Pandemic on College Students Brunhild Kring, Ludmila de Faria, Alexandra Ackerman, Meera Menon, Francesco Peluso
1568 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Sciedu Press Journal of Nursing Education and Practice A comparative analysis of care seeking behaviors in people living with congestive heart failure during the covid-19 pandemic in the U.S. and U.K. James Whyte, Mia Newlin-Bradner, Josef Hodgkins, Erin Stearns, Shauna Barnes, Vianca Colon
1569 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  University of Guelph Rural Review Ontario Rural Planning Development and Policy Impacts of Agritourism on Social Capital during the COVID-19 pandemic in Rural Ontario Elizabeth MacLaughlin Nakashima
1570 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  SAGE Publications Information Development Off-campus Library Services During The Covid-19 Pandemic In Developing Countries: Perspectives From Pakistani University Librarians Husnain Haider, Muhammad Ijaz Mairaj
1571 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  LPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya AbdimasMu UMTAS Health Education Of Children and Adolescents In Implementing Health Protocols During The Covid-19 Pandemic in Bungursari Village Ayunda Alysa F, Cipta Muhammad Maruf, Fahrul Rizal, Nabila Salsabila, Sahira Anggita, Dina Nurazizah, et al. (+12)
1572 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Communication difficulties among individuals with hearing impairments during the COVID-19 pandemic and their associated factors: a cross-sectional study using a national survey in Japan Taeko Watanabe, Takehiro Sugiyama, Ai Suzuki, Nanako Tamiya
1573 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Politechnika Slaska - Silesian University of Technology Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology Organization and Management Series EFFICIENCY OF INVESTMENT PORTFOLIOS DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC AND THE WAR IN UKRAINE Monika MIŚKIEWICZ-NAWROCKA
1574 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  MDPI AG Fractal and Fractional Analysis of Self-Similarity in Short and Long Movements of Crude Oil Prices by Combination of Stationary Wavelet Transform and Range-Scale Analysis: Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Russia-Ukraine War Salim Lahmiri
1575 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports The COVID-19 pandemic and clinical characteristics of colorectal cancer: a multicenter retrospective study Yoon Dae Han, Sung Uk Bae, Woo Ram Kim, Dae Ro Lim, Chang Woo Kim
1576 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  F1000 Research Ltd F1000Research Emergency response to the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond: Qualitative content analysis Kyoo-Man Ha
1577 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Wiley British Educational Research Journal Activism in the arts: Co-researching cultural inequalities with young people during the COVID-19 pandemic Sadia Habib
1578 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  University of Guelph Rural Review Ontario Rural Planning Development and Policy The Urban Exodus:​ Understanding the Impacts of Migration to Rural Ontario as a Result of the COVID-19 Pandemic Aimi Shimada, Heather Graham, Sara Epp, Chris Fullerton, Ryan Gibson
1579 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Warsaw School of Economics Journal of Management and Financial Sciences Reconfiguration of Relations within the Business Ecosystem: Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic Joanna Cygler, Katarzyna Dębkowska
1580 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  LPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya AbdimasMu UMTAS Implementation Of Hope Tree Media as an Effort to Increase Learning Motivation in Al Falah Mts Students in Cibalanarik Village During the Covid-19 Pandemic Yuyun Solihatin, Widi Pamungkas, Ita Pania, Iis Balqis Nur, Sania Maulida, Vega Nurul Fauzi, et al. (+7)
1581 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Ovid Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Global Open Impact of Mask-Wearing on Public Attitudes, Perceptions, and Interest in Rhinoplasty During the COVID-19 Pandemic Mohanad M. Alsuhaim, Abdullah A. Fallatah, Mohammed H. Shawosh, Adil N. Althobaity
1582 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Wiley Child Care Health and Development Child Well-Being and Family Quality of Life During the COVID-19 Pandemic Conné Lategan, Amanda S. Newton, Jennifer Thull-Freedman, Jianling Xie, Kathleen Winston, Bruce Wright, et al. (+2)
1583 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  MDPI AG Sustainability Building Business Resilience Through Strategic Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Culinary Micro-Enterprises in Bandung During the COVID-19 Pandemic Dinna Charisma, Bambang Hermanto, Margo Purnomo, Tetty Herawati
1584 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Elsevier SSM - Population Health The impact of increased telehealth use on the treatment of substance use disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic Fares Qeadan, Sydney Shimizu, Benjamin Tingey, Philip J. Kroth, Talar Markossian
1585 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Revista Argentina de Cardiologia Revista Argentina de Cardiologia Ventricular Septal Rupture Due to Evolved Acute Myocardial Infarction. Side Effects of Delayed Diagnosis During the COVID-19 Pandemic Carmen Marcos Alonso, María Carmen Lucena Porras, Javier Toral Marín
1586 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Universidad Privada Domingo Savio Impulso Revista de Administración Gobierno digital en las municipalidades provinciales de Perú durante la pandemia del COVID-19","Digital government in provincial municipalities of Peru during the COVID-19 pandemic José Julio Bendezú Huaroto, Ana Carolina Palomino Bendezú, Angélica María Quispe Avalos, Yvonne Jacqueline Pecho Riveros, María del Rosario Palomino Bendezú de Rabec
1587 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Narra T Narra J Evaluation of an E. coli-expressed spike protein-based in-house ELISA system for assessment of antibody responses after COVID-19 infection and vaccination Sitti Nurisyah, Mitsuhiro Iyori, Ammar A. Hasyim, Khaeriah Amru, Kei Itani, Kurumi Nakamura, et al. (+9)
1588 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Office of Academic Resources, Chulalongkorn University - DIGITAL COMMONS JOURNALS Journal of Health Research Regional Government Preparedness in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia Eme Stepani Sitepu, Dumilah Ayuningtyas, Purnawan Junadi, Satibi Satibi
1589 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  MedCrave Group International International Journal of Avian & Wildlife Biology Potential health risk and genotoxicity of mycotoxins associated with staled agricultural food items of covid-19 palliatives consumed by protesters in calabar, Nigeria Godwin M Ubi, Joyce F Akpan, Etangetuk NA, Edu N Eyogor, Juliet N Ekpang, Effiom B Ekeng, et al. (+2)
1590 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  LPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya AbdimasMu UMTAS The Effect of Covid-19 On Elementary School Education In Mareje Village Wan Ridwan Husen, Mochammad Faizal Darsono
1591 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Infectious Diseases and Therapy The Impact of the COVID-19 Omicron Variant on Immunocompromised Patients: ICU Admissions and Increased Mortality Jan Pander, Fabian Termorshuizen, Dylan W. de Lange, Wendy Beekman-Hendriks, Josien Lanfermeijer, Ferishta Bakhshi-Raiez, Dave A. Dongelmans
1592 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Brazilian Journal of Development Brazilian Journal of Development Sites de transparência pública como instrumento de informação e controle durante a pandemia da COVID-19 na Amazônia Legal Eden do Carmo Soares Júnior, Luciana Rodrigues Ferreira, Káty Maria Nogueira Morais, Hugo Leonardo Ferreira Araujo, Antonio Cloves Silva
1593 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Japanese Society of Internal Medicine Internal Medicine A Severe Case of Rhabdomyolysis Requiring Renal Replacement Therapy Following COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination Motohiro Ueda, Kohei Uchimura, Kie Ohkoshi, Natsumi Saegusa, Keiichi Osano, Shun Yoshida, et al. (+4)
1594 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Impact of Economic Factor, Percent Vaccination, Healthcare Quality, and Population Density on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Mortality Rates: A Global Analysis in 2023 Sitthichai Kanokudom, Natchanid Piamsa-nga, Kantachai Ratanapanich, Kritpaul Prasattongosoth, Monile Suchitbharabitya, Punpiti Piamsa-nga, et al. (+3)
1595 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  University of Guelph Rural Review Ontario Rural Planning Development and Policy Understanding the Impacts of COVID-19 Migration on Rural Communities: Research Overview Sarah Kurtz
1596 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement COVID-19 Lung Infection Segmentation with Cascaded Aggregation Network Jiangping Tang, Xiaofei Zhou, Yuhan Gao, Xiaowen Chu, Zongpeng Li, Chenggang Yan, Jiyong Zhang
1597 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Elsevier Atmospheric Research Evaluating thunderstorm characteristics and air quality during the COVID-19 lockdown in Northeastern and Eastern India Rupraj Biswasharma, Gour Prasad Pramanik, N. Umakanth, Imolemba Longkumer, Imlisunup Pongener, Mahen Konwar, et al. (+6)
1598 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Genome Biology A single-nucleus and spatial transcriptomic atlas of the COVID-19 liver reveals topological, functional, and regenerative organ disruption in patients Yered Pita-Juarez, Dimitra Karagkouni, Nikolaos Kalavros, Johannes C. Melms, Sebastian Niezen, Toni M. Delorey, et al. (+62)
1599 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Global or local modeling for XGBoost in geospatial studies upon simulated data and German COVID-19 infection forecasting Ximeng Cheng, Jackie Ma
1600 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Medicine Dynamic changes in platelet counts and psychological state in ITP patients after COVID-19 infection Xiaoli Chen, Dan Wang, Jie Tang, Li Wang, Yao Quan, Jia Liu, et al. (+4)
1601 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science Gerontologija casopis gerontoloskog drustva Srbije Significance of comorbidity and laboratory parameters in geriatric patients with COVID-19 infection Dunja Trailov, Katarina Stefanović, Aleksandar Jeremić, Dejan Trailov
1602 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Center of Language and Culture Studies LINGUA Jurnal Bahasa Sastra dan Pengajarannya Perlawanan dan Kepasrahan: Pandemi Covid-19 di Mata Empat Penyair Arab Muhammad Luthfi Zuhdi
1603 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Center of Language and Culture Studies LINGUA Jurnal Bahasa Sastra dan Pengajarannya Ujaran Kebencian pada Berita-Berita Covid-19 di Instagram Nisa Anggraini Batubara
1604 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya JPM17 Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Peningkatan Kesadaran Sosial Pencegahan Penyebaran Covid-19 Melalui Pelatihan Apresiasi dan Menulis Cerpen Bertema Pandemi Covid-19 di FTBM Kab. Karawang Ferina Meliasanti, Dian Hartati, Wienike Dinar Pratiwi, Imam Muhtarom, Dheny Jatmiko, Ferina Meliasanti
1605 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Reactions Weekly Use of mABs for COVID-19 increases risk of hepatotoxicity and neutropenia
1606 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon Corrigendum to “Depression, anxiety and stress among people infected with COVID-19 in Dhaka and Chittagong cities” [Heliyon Volume 8, Issue 9, September 2022, Article e10415] Mohammad Salim Zahangir, Md Rokonuzzaman
1607 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Pediatrics A resilient health system? Well-child visits before and after COVID-19 in Chile Carolina Acevedo
1608 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Volvamos Juntos: evaluation of the implementation of a Social Health Intervention to mitigate the impact of Covid-19 in businesses in Antofagasta, Chile Jaime C. Sapag, Mónica Molina, Mayra Martínez, Paola Cordón, Patricio Céspedes, Mauro Concha, et al. (+7)
1609 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  University of Arizona The Journal of Second Language Acquisition and Teaching (JSLAT) Students’ Perspectives on Project-Based Learning Integration into Flipped Critical Listening Course during COVID-19 Pandemic: An Example from Indonesia Elys Putri Karismawati
1610 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Frontline Medical Communications, Inc. Federal Practitioner COVID-19 Impact on Veterans Health Administration Nurses: A Retrospective Survey Judy Carlson
1611 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Medicine Corrigendum: A prospective cohort study on cognitive and psychological outcomes in COVID-19 ICU survivors at 3 months of follow up Merlin Thomas, Mansoor Hameed, Mousa Hussein, Saibu George, M. R. Rajalekshmi, Jaweria Akram, et al. (+5)
1612 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Elsevier Children and Youth Services Review Family resilience of children before and during the COVID-19 epidemic: A latent transition analysis Xianzhi Li, Kangle Song, Yuanyuan An, Chao Song, Xiaohui Li
1613 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Revista Argentina de Cardiologia Revista Argentina de Cardiologia Impacto psicofísico de la COVID-19 en trabajadores de la salud: subanálisis temporal Sebastián Bellia, Luciano Battioni, Cristhian E. Scatularo, Casandra Godoy Armando, Julio Giorgini, Adrián Lescano, Stella Pereiro
1614 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Office of Academic Resources, Chulalongkorn University - DIGITAL COMMONS JOURNALS Journal of Health Research Experiences of Caregivers of Children with COVID-19 in Isolation Rooms: A Qualitative Study Conducted at Queen Sirikit National Institute of Child Health in Bangkok, Thailand Kidjapan Pinchai, Surasak Treenai, Chollada Jongsomjitt
1615 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine The Asia Pacific Scholar The emotions, coping strategies and learning behaviours of medical students during quarantine period of COVID-19 Ozlem Tanriover, Sukran Peker, Seyhan Hidiroglu, Dilek Kitapcioglu, M. Ali Gülpınar
1616 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Korean Open Association for Early Childhood Education Korea open association for early childhood education An exploration of the lives of underprivileged children: A focus on multicultural, North Korean defector, and single-parent families in the era of catastrophic crisis caused by COVID-19 Hwewon Kim
1617 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Edizioni Minerva Medica Minerva Respiratory Medicine Impact of the main pharmacological option for COVID-19 disease progression in hospitalized patients in northern Italy: a single-center retrospective study Cesare BOLLA, Serena PENPA, Eleonora SARCHI, Andrea SCHIMMENTI, Giorgia PICENI, Marinella BERTOLOTTI, et al. (+4)
1618 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation Applied Family Therapy Journal The Relationship Between Self-Differentiation and Anxiety of COVID-19 Disease in Adolescents Mediated by Parent-Child Conflict Maryam Kazemi, Ali Reza Sadeghi
1619 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  MDPI AG Viruses COVID-19 Disease Burden in the Omicron Variant-Dominated Endemic Phase: Insights from the ROUTINE-COV19 Study Using Real-World German Statutory Health Insurance Data Sabrina Müller, Andrea Schmetz, Julia K. Knaul, Thomas Wilke, Jingyan Yang, Sabine Dornig, et al. (+2)
1620 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Psychology Development of depressive symptoms during the COVID-19 crisis: the role of coping strategies and their change Charikleia Lampraki, Daniela S. Jopp, Angélique Roquet, Adar Hoffman, Kim Uittenhove
1621 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Risk and Financial Management Environmental Risk Concern and Short-Term IPO Performance of Green Stocks During the COVID-19 Crisis Period Jang-Chul Kim, Sharif Mazumder, Pritam Saha
1622 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  World Scientific Quarterly Journal of Finance Socially Conscious Investors Mitigating Stock Market Losses in A Time of Crisis: Evidence from the COVID-19 Crash Ruoke Yang, Iva Koci
1623 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Information Technology & Politics Living with COVID-19 conspiracies on Chinese TikTok (Douyin): unpacking multimodal features, national identity, and user engagement Zituo Wang, Jiayi Zhu, Wenqing Zuo, Zihan Jiang, Jinhao Lei, Zhuoyu Wang
1624 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Research Collaboration Community (RCC) International Journal of Business Economics and Social Development Nature and Extent of COVID-19 Challenges Among Small, Medium, and Micro Enterprises in Botswana. PEARSON CHAURURA
1625 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Publicidad Permanyer, SLU Revista Mexicana de Medicina Familiar Evaluación de la calidad de vida en individuos con COVID-19 atendidos mediante un programa de telesalud de seguro médico Flor M. Ledesma-Solaeche, Fernando E. Coppolillo, Silvina G. Despalanque, Mariana Latorraca, Pablo S. Funes-Peris
1626 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon Corrigendum to “Personal growth initiative moderates the mediating effect of COVID-19 preventive behaviors between fear of COVID-19 and satisfaction with life” [Heliyon Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2022, Article e09729] Zane Asher Green, Murat Yıldırım
1627 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19) and recurrent pregnancy loss management: Trends in clinical care from a tertiary centre Savitha Balachandran, Bahi Fayek, Sabina Dobrer, Sarka Lisonkova, Amr O. Abdelkareem, Paul J. Yong, et al. (+2)
1628 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC) Eurosurveillance Quasi-species prevalence and clinical impact of evolving SARS-CoV-2 lineages in European COVID-19 cohorts, January 2020 to February 2022 Matilda Berkell, Anna Górska, Mathias Smet, Delphine Bachelet, Elisa Gentilotti, Mariana Guedes, et al. (+18)
1629 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  NIXNIX International Journal of Elementary School Teacher The Effect Of Network Learning On Students' Learning Motivation During The Covid-19 Pandemic At UPTD SDN 146 Barru Mallusetasi District, Barru Regency Nurfajriani Baharuddin
1630 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Elsevier Oral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology Central giant cell lesion in the maxilla: from differential diagnosis of brown tumor to death due to COVID-19 Thiago Macedo Marques, Livia Bino Marques
1631 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology Increased circulating levels of SP-D and IL-10 are associated with the development of disease severity and pulmonary fibrosis in patients with COVID-19 Xin Pan, Zhisheng Huang, Ningning Tao, Chuanjun Huang, Shanshan Wang, Zuowang Cheng, et al. (+2)
1632 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Surgery Today The impact of perioperative oral care on postoperative infection in patients with esophageal cancer: a retrospective cohort study before and during COVID-19 Aoi Kubo, Kimie Fujita, Satomi Tanaka, Yasue Kimura, Naohisa Wada
1633 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  GN1 Genesis Network Revista Brasileira de Queimaduras Queimaduras domésticas em Criciúma: Frequência e fatores associados antes e durante os dois primeiros anos da pandemia de COVID-19 Sergio Emerson Sasso, Gabriela Possamai Della Colle, Leticia Teixeira Espindola
1634 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  American Medical Association JAMA Network Open Health Concerns of Youths From Historically Marginalized Communities During the Postacute Phase of COVID-19 Melissa A. Jones, Margaux Jones, Kathleen M. Mazor, Benjamin P. Linas
1635 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Seven Events ARACÊ AMAZÔNIA LEGAL: EXPERIÊNCIAS E DESAFIOS CARACTERIZADOS PELAS INVESTIGAÇÕES DOS ÓBITOS POR COVID-19 Luis Adriano Freitas Oliveira, Patricia Trindade Pantoja, Juliana da Costa Santana, Katia Leite Rodrigues Januário, Wagner Ferreira Da Conceição, Pedro Souza Andrade, et al. (+2)
1636 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Revista Interfaces: Saude, Humanas e Tecnologia Revista Interfaces Saúde Humanas e Tecnologia GRAPE JUICE MINIMIZES INFLAMMATION AND REDUCES HOSPITALIZATION TIME IN PATIENTS WITH COVID-19 Crislane de Moura Costa, Alexandre Sergio Silva, Aislan Erick Pereira de Sousa, Rayane Carvalho de Moura, Valmir Oliveira Silvino, Aline Camarão Telles Biasoto, et al. (+10)
1637 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Japanese Society of Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Risk Factors for Liver Injury and Their Association with Treatment in Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19 Chihiro Kato, Yutaka Ito, Yuta Mori, Keima Ito, Kensuke Fukumitsu, Satoshi Fukuda, et al. (+7)
1638 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  NIXNIX International Journal of Elementary School Teacher Analysis Of Parent Companion Of 33 Boddie Public Elementary School Students Pangkajene And Islands District On Activities Learning From Home During The Covid-19 Pandemic Anirma Musfira Asniar, Widya Karmila Sari Achmad, Hotimah Hotimah
1639 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  NIXNIX Journal of Society Medicine Maternal Knowledge of Exclusive Breastfeeding and Nutritional Status of Children Under Two Years During the COVID-19 Pandemic Amirra Fairuz SMW, Tubagus Ferdi Fadilah
1640 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  NIXNIX International Journal of Elementary School Teacher The Effectiveness Of Online Learning On Student Learning Participation During The Covid-19 Pandemic Ahmad Syawaluddin, Erma Suryani Sahabuddin, Sitti Nursiah, Muh. Nasrul Suparman
1641 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Revista Politicas Publicas e Cidades Revista Políticas Públicas & Cidades ADAPTAÇÃO E FLEXIBILIZAÇÃO NO ENSINO SUPERIOR: FORMAÇÃO INICIAL DE PROFESSORES DURANTE PANDEMIA DA COVID-19 Osório Augusto de Souza Neto, Estéfano Vizconde Veraszto
1642 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  NIXNIX Pinisi Journal Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Nyaring Kalimat Sederhana Dengan Menggunakan Media Grafis Berbantuan Whatsapp Grup di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 pada Siswa Kelas 1 SD Inpres Pakkingkingang Rafiuddin Rafiuddin, Ila Israwaty, Asriani Arifuddin
1643 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University of Bandung International Journal of Nusantara Islam Implementation of Pillantrophy to Improve the Identity of the Community of Kampung Pos RW 10 Kelurahan Pakansari, Cibinong District in the Pandemic Muhamad Subkhan, Pat Kurniati
1644 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Infectious Diseases The history of a pandemic Henrietta Dunsmuir
1645 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Elsevier Comprehensive Psychiatry Associations of physical activity and sleep with mental health during and post-COVID-19 pandemic in chinese college students: a longitudinal cohort study Haonan Wang, Yixiao Ding, Yinghong Dai, Zilin Fan, Shubo Wen, Xinying Wang, et al. (+3)
1646 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Social distancing and mental health two years into a global pandemic: a sequential exploratory mixed-methods investigation in Hong Kong Grace W K Ho, Sau Fong Leung, Yim Wah Mak, Kwan Ho Wong, Robin K H Kwok, Alice Yuen Loke
1647 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Center of Language and Culture Studies LINGUA Jurnal Bahasa Sastra dan Pengajarannya English Online Learning in the Age of Global Pandemic: How Do Teachers and Students Feel? Dwi Ilmiani, Muamaroh Muamaroh, Arif Nugroho
1648 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Center of Language and Culture Studies LINGUA Jurnal Bahasa Sastra dan Pengajarannya English Online Learning in the Age of Global Pandemic: How Do Teachers and Students Feel? Dwi Ilmiani, Muamaroh Muamaroh, Arif Nugroho
1649 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Apex Publishing Journal of Psychological Science A preventive approach in investigating the role of lifestyle, social relations and the social, economic status of the family in the severity infection of covid-19 Mozhgan Rabani Bavojdan, Fatimah Nosrati, Mahdi Dehestani, Gholamali Afrooz
1650 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Canadian Public Health Association Can J Public Health Learning from the pandemic: Building capacity for risk communication in the Canadian federal health portfolio Gabriela Capurro, Josh Greenberg
1651 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Auctores Publishing LLC International Journal of Clinical Case Reports and Reviews Smartphone Medicine in Solving Long COVID Savely Yurkovsky
1652 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  SAGE Publications Lupus Long COVID in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: A case-control study Chris Ching Lam Cheung, Chi Chiu Mok
1653 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  International Global Health Society Journal of Global Health Evolution of long COVID over two years in hospitalised and non-hospitalised survivors in Bangladesh: a longitudinal cohort study Farzana Afroze, Shohael Mahmud Arafat, Chowdhury Meshkat Ahmed, Baharul Alam, Sayera Banu, Md Zahidul Islam, et al. (+14)
1654 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Psychoactive Drugs Therapeutic Potential of Psilocybin for Treating Neuropsychiatric Long COVID Symptoms: A Reddit Investigation Lukas Bobak, Ian Dorney, Alexsandra Kovacevich, Brian S. Barnett
1655 2025―Mar―14  [GO]  Wiley Allergy The Omics Landscape of Long COVID-A Comprehensive Systematic Review to Advance Biomarker, Target and Drug Discovery Nadia Baalbaki, Elise M. A. Slob, Samuel W. Kazer, Mahmoud I Abdel-Aziz, Harm Jan Bogaard, Korneliusz Golebski, Anke H. Maitland-van der Zee
1656 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines Immune Imprinting, Non-Durable Hybrid Immunity, and Hybrid Immune Damping Following SARS-CoV-2 Primary Vaccination with BNT162b2 and Boosting with mRNA-1273 Alejo Erice, Néstor Nuño, Lola Prieto, Cristina Caballero
1657 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Multimedia Tools and Applications Enhanced detection and segmentation of ground-glass opacities in SARS-CoV-2 patients using Mask R-CNN on Chest CT images Debajyoty Banik
1658 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Elsevier Global Transitions Assessing the Impact of Sustainability Risks on Disaster and Pandemic Vulnerabilities: A Global Perspective Abroon Qazi, Linda C. Angell, Mecit Can Emre Simsekler, Abdelkader Daghfous, M.K.S. Al-Mhdawi
1659 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health A questionnaire-based survey on the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with chronic HBV infection and HIV infection Lu Chen, Chao Cai, Si-Jie Zheng, Liang Hong, Hui Zhao, Fei-Fei Su, Ming-Qin Lu
1660 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  The Korean Society of Critical Care Medicine Acute and Critical Care Neuroleptic malignant syndrome requiring intensive care unit admission in two patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection in Portugal Marina Costa, Ana Raquel Covas, Fábio Neves Correia, Sara Bernardo, Pedro Silveira
1661 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  AOSIS Journal of Public Health in Africa Soap and water cleaning versus bleach-based cleaners for eliminating SARS-CoV-2 infection Ekong E. Udoh, Ubong A. Udoh, Abiodun Egwuenu, Ekpereonne B. Esu, Aruk Eteng, Faithman E. Ovat, et al. (+4)
1662 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases SARS-CoV-2 genomic evolution during a severe and long-lasting omicron infection under antiviral therapy Matteo Bolis, Sara Uceda Renteria, Laura Alagna, Arianna Liparoti, Beatrice Zita Passerini, Andrea Pastena, et al. (+5)
1663 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Mains Libres Mains Libres L’éradication du SARS-CoV-2 est impossible… comme pour toutes les zoonoses infectieuses Dominique Baudon
1664 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Communications Medicine Age- and vaccination status-dependent isolation guidelines based on simulation of SARS-CoV-2 Delta cases in Singapore Keisuke Ejima, Marco Ajelli, Ananya Singh, Hoong Kai Chua, Luis Ponce, Yuqian Wang, et al. (+10)
1665 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Ovid AIDS SARS-CoV-2 antibody prevalence in adults living with HIV Mary Lucey, Fiona Burns, Sanjay Bhagani, Marc Lipman, Sara Madge, Margaret Johnson, et al. (+4)
1666 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Mains Libres Mains Libres Performance des tests salivaires par rapport aux tests nasopharyngés dans la détection du SARS-CoV-2 chez les enfants : un essai clinique comparatif prospectif Yves Fougère, Jean Marc Schwob, Alix Miauton, Francesca Hoegger, Onya Opota, Katia Jaton, et al. (+7)
1667 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Wiley Reviews in Medical Virology Oral SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Risk for Long Covid Joel Schwartz, Kristelle Capistrano, Heba Hussein, Avin Hafedi, Deepak Shukla, Afsar Naqvi
1668 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) RNA Biology Characterization of the binding features between SARS-CoV-2 5’-proximal transcripts of genomic RNA and nucleocapsid proteins Shih-Cheng Chen, Cui-Ting Xu, Chuan-Fu Chang, Chia-Shin Yang, Pin-Han Lin, Wei-Min Liu, et al. (+2)
1669 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Elsevier European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry Development of Acylhydrazone Linked Thiazoles as Non-Covalent Dual Inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 Proteases Vidya Jyothi Alli, Shubham Kumar Singh, Mounika Darna, Vavilapalli Suresh, Swapnil Anil Sule, Aruna Jangam, et al. (+13)
1670 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Sestre Milosrdnice University Hospital Center (KBC Sestre milosrdnice) Acta Clinica Croatica Comparison of Abbott real time SARS-COV-2 assay and Liferiver Novel Coronavirus Real Time Multiplex kit for the RT-PCR based detection of SARS-COV-2 from nasopharyngeal swabs Jelena Stojčević-Maletić
1671 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Molecular Sciences Impact of Maternal Exposure to SARS-CoV-2 on Immunological Components of Breast Milk Nayara Gomes Graciliano, Marília Oliveira Fonseca Goulart, Alane Cabral Menezes de Oliveira
1672 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Archives of Virology Proteomic analysis identifies intracellular targets for avian coronavirus NSP10 Hao Dong, Xueyan Li, Shengkui Xu, Yuxin Wang, Ting Xia, Peng Li, Wenke Ruan
1673 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  MDPI AG Biology Modulatory Effects of the Recombinant Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) Spike S1 Subunit Protein on the Phenotype of Camel Monocyte-Derived Macrophages Jamal Hussen, Abdullah I. A. Al-Mubarak, Turke Shawaf, Khulud Bukhari, Khaled R. Alkharsah
1674 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Mains Libres Mains Libres L’immunité protectrice saisonnière contre les coronavirus est de courte durée Arthur W.D. Edridge, Joanna Kaczorowska, Alexis C.R. Hoste
1675 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences Anti-interferon armamentarium of human coronaviruses Oyahida Khatun, Sumandeep Kaur, Shashank Tripathi
1676 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation Psychology of Woman Journal Predicting coronavirus anxiety based on coping strategies and stress tolerance in working mothers ali safari
1677 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Maad Rayan Publishing Company Journal of Biochemicals and Phytomedicine Exploring Dermatological Complications of Drugs Used in Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Treatment: A Mini Review Marziyeh Soltani, Fatemeh Abdi, Somayeh Shahsavari
1678 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  AOSIS Journal of Public Health in Africa XEC severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 subvariant in Africa: A rising health alarm Abdulrakib Abdulrahim, Bashar H. Gulumbe, Michael A. Oluwasola, Mohammed B. Danlami, Yusuff A. Adebisi
1679 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Directive Publications Journal of Respiratory Medicine and Research Idiopathic Non-Glass Ground Opacities Appearance In A Patient Post COVID-19; A Case Study. Aimen Warsi, Noman Mansoor, Amna Warsi, Aleena Amjad, Rishi Kumar, Xenia Xenia, Syed Haider Ali Warsi
1680 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Canadian Public Health Association Can J Public Health Action intersectorielle locale pendant la pandémie de COVID-19: une démarche de développement territorial en milieu rural Lucie Morin, André-Anne Parent, Deena White, Christian Jetté
1681 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Mains Libres Mains Libres Les masques et autres barrières similaires pour prévenir les maladies respiratoires comme le COVID-19: un examen systématique rapide Julii Suzanne Brainard, Natalia Jones, Iain Lake, Lee Hooper, Paul Hunter
1682 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Elsevier Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal VirusWarn: A Mutation-Based Early Warning System to Prioritize Concerning SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza Virus Variants from Sequencing Data Christina Kirschbaum, Kunaphas Kongkitimanon, Stefan Frank, Martin Hölzer, Sofia Paraskevopoulou, Hugues Richard
1683 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Elsevier Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports In silico studies to understand the interactions of flavonoid inhibitor with nsp12-RNA dependent RNA polymerase of SARS-CoV-2 and its homologs Shamiya Anwar Kizhakkiniyakath, Tejaswini Choudhury, Madhan Vishal Rajan, Sagar Rathee, Basant Meena, Gururao Hariprasad
1684 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya JURNAL NERS LENTERA Gambaran kepatuhan lansia dalam pencegahan penularan Covid-19: Studi Kualitatif Anindya Arum Cempaka, Maria Theresia Arie Lilyana
1685 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara AL-HANIF Jurnal Pendidikan Anak dan Parenting Inovasi Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) di Era Pandemi COVID-19: Strategi dan Tantangan
1686 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  JABB - Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology Multidisciplinary Science Journal Evaluating pulmonary sequelae in patients recovering from COVID-19: Short- and mid term complications and correlations with initial disease severity Mrinmayee Mayekar, Amreesh Paul
1687 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Pleiades Publishing Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology Flavonoids as Complementary Medicines for Therapy and Prevention of COVID-19: Part I. Experimental and Clinical Applications Ya. F. Zverev, A. Ya. Rykunova
1688 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Pleiades Publishing Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology Flavonoids as Auxiliary Means in the Therapy and Prevention of COVID-19: Part II. Potential Targets Ya. F. Zverev, A. Ya. Rykunova
1689 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Korean Association of Southeast Asian Studies THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN STUDIES Comparative Analysis of Leisure Industry Trends in South Korea and Japan After COVID-19: Focusing on the 2023 South Korea and Japan Leisure White Papers Geum-Hee Song
1690 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  SAGE Publications Production and Operations Management EXPRESS: Digital Resilience to Covid-19: Evidence from the Medical Aesthetics Industry Lili Wenli Zou, Mengxin Li, Cheng Yi, Harry Jiannan Wang
1691 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Editora Unijui Revista Contexto & Saúde Significando a hospitalização por covid-19: Uma abordagem metodológica na teoria fundamentada","Meaning of hospitalization due to covid-19: A methodological approach in grounded theory Camila Harmuch, Jessica dos Santos Pini, Paula Antunes Bezerra Nacamura, Anny Caroline Ribeiro Devechi, Juliana Graciela Vestena Zillmer, Maria Aparecida Salci, Marcelle Paiano
1692 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Wiley Health Science Reports Relationship Between Periodontitis and the Severity of Lung Infection Caused by COVID-19: A Case-Control Observational Study Dorsa Mobaien, Maryam Babaei, Manizheh Jozpanahi, Ahmadreza Mobaien, Parissa Bagheri Toolaroud, Mahsa Sadeghi
1693 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers The Journal of The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers 3. Long-term OB Production under COVID-19: 5 hours operation a day for 15 straight days","3.コロナ禍における長期間にわたるスポーツ中継について ~1日5時間×15日間の大相撲中継の現場から~ Takaaki Suzuki, Sadanori Ogawa, Genbun Ohashi, Masaki Kobayashi
1695 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  University of Toronto Press Inc Canadian Journal of General Internal Medicine Patient Outcomes and Healthcare Worker Safety Related to Tracheostomy in Critically Ill Ventilated COVID-19-Positive Patients Jaymee Shell, Candice Griffin, Natalie Kozij, Rebecca Kruisselbrink
1696 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Mains Libres Mains Libres Les professions de santé non médicales en renfort dans la lutte contre la Covid-19 ? Yves Larequi
1697 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Mains Libres Mains Libres Opposition à l’hésitation vaccinale durant la pandémie de Covid-19 : un commentaire critique et une déclaration commune d’une communauté internationale de chercheurs en ostéopathie Oliver P Thomson, Andrew MacMillan, Jerry Draper-Rodi, Brett Vaughan, Gerard Alvarez, Kesava Konavur Sampath, et al. (+9)
1698 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Mains Libres Mains Libres Kinedoc, CISMeF et COVID-19 : la nécessité de référencer les brochures pédagogiques pour le patient Gaétan Kerdelhué, Julien Grosjean, Emeline Lejeune, Catherine Letord, Stéfan Darmoni, Jean-Marc Oviève, et al. (+2)
1699 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Mains Libres Mains Libres Place du physiothérapeute respiratoire dans la crise Covid-19 : expérience neuchâteloise Jonathan Dugernier, Nils Correvon, Stéphanie Gérard Mattsson, Matthieu Pons, Christophe Mathys, Noémie Bianco, et al. (+11)
1700 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Mains Libres Mains Libres Covid-19 : conséquences sur le larynx, la respiration et la voix Pascale Amberger
1701 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Mains Libres Mains Libres L’enseignement pratique en visioconférence pendant la période Covid-19 [i]-[/i] Un parallèle avec la télé-réhabilitation ? Anne-Violette Bruyneel
1702 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  AOSIS Journal of Public Health in Africa COVID-19 vaccine utilisation among people living with HIV on antiretroviral therapy in Zimbabwe Talent Tapera, Clifford Odimegwu, Tatenda Makoni, Waraidzo Mukuwapasi, Vivian Chitiyo, Gilton Kadziyanike, et al. (+4)
1703 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  AOSIS Journal of Public Health in Africa COVID-19 vaccine uptake, barriers and associated factors among healthcare workers in Malawi Clara Sambani, Tonny Muwonge, Liness Chinyamunyamu, Amon Dembo, Mosoka P. Fallah, Victor Chikwapulo, et al. (+21)
1704 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  AOSIS Journal of Public Health in Africa COVID-19 vaccine uptake and associated factors among health workers in Kampala city, Uganda Moses Ocan, Maureen Katusiime, Daniel Kyabayinze, Benon Kwesiga, Rodgers Ayebare, Suzan Nakasendwa, et al. (+13)
1705 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines Robust COVID-19 Vaccine Responses Despite Filarial Co-Infection: Insights from a Lymphatic Filariasis Cohort in Ghana Julia Meyer, Jennifer Nadal, Linda Batsa Debrah, Alexander Yaw Debrah, Jubin Osei-Mensah, Derrick Adu Mensah, et al. (+5)
1706 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Oxford University Press Genomics Proteomics & Bioinformatics The High Expression of PD-1 Defines A Subpopulation of Tfh Cells Responding to COVID-19 Vaccine in Humans Jingxin Guo, Zhangfan Fu, Yi Zhang, Mengyuan Xu, Jinhang He, Haocheng Zhang, et al. (+11)
1707 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  AOSIS Journal of Public Health in Africa Real-world COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness in Zimbabwe: A test-negative case-control study Clara Haruzivishe, Nicholas Midzi, Tafadzwa Matanhire, Senga Sembuche, Masceline J. Mutsaka-Makuvaza, Rodgers R. Ayebare, et al. (+13)
1708 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Discover Public Health Breast cancer patients and survivors: perceived safety and understanding about the COVID-19 vaccine and impact of the pandemic on treatment and follow-up Soo Y. Kim, Stacey Lovo, Rohit Sachdeva
1709 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases The efficacy of COVID-19 vaccination in cystic fibrosis patients: a systematic review Azam Gholami Shahrebabak, Masoud Rezaei, Amirhossein Shahpar, Nazanin Zeinali Nezhad, Mohammad Sharifi Sarasyabi, Mohsen Nakhaie, et al. (+2)
1710 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Georg Thieme Verlag KG Ibnosina Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Unprovoked Venous Thrombosis Following COVID-19 Vaccination: A Retrospective Analysis of the Role of mRNA Vaccines Abdul Moqeeth Mohammed, Ayesha Fatima, Mohammed A. Alamin, Vajeeha Haider, Nadia Karim Bakhsh, Mohamed Salem Abdelgelil, et al. (+2)
1711 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Learning Gate Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology Did health professionals accept the COVID-19 vaccination at the initial period of its introduction? Awirut Singkun, Natthawadee Maneeprom, Piriya Patiwikraiwong, Hanifah Booraka
1712 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  AOSIS Journal of Public Health in Africa Barriers and enhancers to COVID-19 vaccination among healthcare workers in Zimbabwe Nicholas Midzi, Clara Haruzivishe, Senga Sembuche, Masceline J. Mutsaka-Makuvaza, Rodgers Ayebare, Leah Mbabazi, et al. (+15)
1713 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Wiley Health Science Reports A Systematic Review of Vascular Injuries: A Review of Petechiae, Purpura, and Ecchymosis in Critical Situations Following COVID-19 Vaccination Yasamin Kalantari, Seyed Mohamad Sadegh Mirahmadi, Sanam Alilou, Sara Sadeghi, Zeinab Aryanian, Alireza Jafarzadeh, Azadeh Goodarzi
1714 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  American Psychological Association Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science Supplemental Material for Identifying Opioid Relapse During COVID-19 Using Natural Language Processing of Nationwide Veterans Health Administration Electronic Medical Record Data
1715 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao - SB Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society Comparative Evaluation of Deep Learning Models for Diagnosis of COVID-19 Using X-ray Images and Computed Tomography Aroldo Ferraz, Roberto Cesar Betini
1716 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  AOSIS Journal of Public Health in Africa Physical distancing for reducing and mitigating COVID-19 transmission: A rapid review Ekpereonne B. Esu, Ehimario U. Igumbor, Anthony T. Okoro, Patience O. Idiege, Kelechi Meremikwu, Angela E. Oyo-Ita, et al. (+3)
1717 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  International Journal of Medical Science and Health Research International Journal of Medical Science and Health Research Recovery From COVID-19 Syndemic in the U.S.A.: Exploring the Necessity of Invoking the Federal False Claim Act. Jan C Biro
1718 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Mains Libres Mains Libres Effets de la pandémie de la Covid-19 sur la pratique des physiothérapeutes et la gestion d’une association de physiothérapeutes genevois Philippe Rochetin
1719 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  AOSIS Journal of Public Health in Africa Respiratory pathogens detected in specimens collected for COVID-19 surveillance in Zambia Martin Nyahoda, Ngonda Saasa, Katendi Changula, Walter Muleya, Zachariah Mupila, Chilufya Chikoti, et al. (+4)
1720 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Iris Publishers LLC Global Journal of Nutrition & Food Science The Relationship among Exercise, Nutrition, and COVID-19 Severity Stella Lucia Volpe
1721 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  AOSIS Journal of Public Health in Africa Acceptability of the social uses of the COVID-19 screening test among women in southern Benin Mingnimon A. Affo
1722 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Pembangunan Jember Majalah Ilmiah DIAN ILMU Implementasi Kebijakan Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan Covid-19 Sebagai Bentuk Manuver Organisasi Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Bali I Dewa Dalem Siwa Reditiya, I Nyoman Subanda, Gede Sri Darma
1723 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers The Journal of The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers 3. Non-contact COVID-19 Screening System Using Image Sensors","3.COVID-19迅速スクリーニング Takemi Matsui
1724 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Mains Libres Mains Libres L’importance d’une swiss national covid-19 science task force Yves Larequi
1725 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Mains Libres Mains Libres La réhabilitation : indispensable pour les survivants d’une COVID-19 sévère Simone Grácio, Serdar Koçer
1726 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Discover Public Health Digital innovations for COVID-19 response in Bangladesh: an NGO perspective Monzur Patwary, Naimul Islam
1727 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Springer-Verlag International Microbiology Correction to: Epidemiological and molecular study of Providencia rettgeri outbreak at a university hospital during the COVID-19 reference center Julia Da Silva Pimenta, Gerusa Luciana Gomes Magalhães, Joao Gabriel Material Soncini, Nilton Lincopan, Eliana Carolina Vespero
1728 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Mains Libres Mains Libres Les implications et les leçons de la COVID-19 pour [i]Mains Libres[/i] Anne-Violette Bruyneel, Claude Pichonnaz, Yves Larequi
1730 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Medicine Management of concurrent severe COVID-19 pneumonia and antibody-mediated rejection following kidney transplantation: a case report Qiuxiang Xia, Heng Li, Kailun Sun, Hanying Li, Xianpeng Zeng
1731 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Annals of Medicine Identification and mechanism analysis of biomarkers related to butyrate metabolism in COVID-19 patients Wenchao Zhou, Hui Li, Juan Zhang, Changsheng Liu, Dan Liu, Xupeng Chen, et al. (+6)
1732 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases Socio-psychological behavior on COVID-19 patients from neighbors during home isolation in Kathmandu Valley-a cross-sectional study Sachita Barma, Mukesh K. L. Das, Puja Patel, Sanjeev Gurung
1733 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Ovid Critical Care Explorations Host Response Protein Biomarkers Indicative of Persistent Acute Kidney Injury in Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients Thei S. Steenvoorden, Koen C. de Kruijf, Brent Appelman, Bas Moggre, Lieuwe D. J. Bos, Alexander P. J. Vlaar, et al. (+11)
1734 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Healthcare utilization in the departments of obstetrics and gynecology during the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic: time series analysis in Jining, China Yao He, Hong Xiao, Fang Liu, Xiaochen Dai, Hongyan Wang, Haomin Yang, et al. (+2)
1735 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  SAGE Publications Hispanic Health Care International Prevalence and Associated Factors of Mental Health Outcomes in Peruvian Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The FRONTLINE Study C. Mahony Reategui-Rivera, David Villarreal-Zegarra, Miguel Burgos-Flores, Jaime Rosales-Rimache
1736 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Elsevier ImmunoInformatics Molecular Mimicry Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Sequence Homology Between SARS-CoV-2 and Autoimmune Diseases Epitopes Pablo Maldonado-Catala, Ram Gouripeddi, Naomi Schlesinger, Julio C. Facelli
1737 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Disability & Society Seeking redress for harm in institutional care during the COVID-19 pandemic: immunity from civil liability as barrier Poland Lai
1738 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  MDPI AG Diagnostics Concurrent Tuberculosis and COVID-19 Testing from a Single Sputum Specimen for Enhanced Disease Detection Anura David, Leisha Genade, Lesley Erica Scott, Manuel Pedro da Silva, Lyndel Singh, Wendy Stevens, Neil Martinson
1739 2025―Mar―13  [GO] Academia Mental Health and Well-Being The psychological impact on American healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: an initial scoping review Sri Vaishnavi Konagalla, Maryam Azeem, Varsha Kumaravel, Vedasree Keerthi Machiraju, Mary Nguyen, Riley A. Decker, et al. (+5)
1740 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Medknow Publications Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research Community’s Educational Needs During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study Mohammad Azadmanesh, Aliasghar Jamalinasab, Atefeh Afshari, Mohammad Reza Soleymani, Habibollah Hosseini, Mahrokh Keshvari
1741 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  AOSIS Journal of Public Health in Africa Factors shaping cleaning and disinfection practices during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative evidence synthesis Ogonna N.O. Nwankwo, Anne N. Meremikwu, Ezinne C. Okebe, Marcel A. Otonkue, Hope N. Okebalama, Kathleen Dunn, et al. (+2)
1742 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Wiley Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology Perinatal Health and Healthcare Utilisation During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Nationwide Interrupted Time Series Analysis Deborah Karasek, Daniel F. Collin, Rita Hamad, Kaitlyn Jackson, Alison Gemmill
1743 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Community Health Colorado’s Health Extension Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multi-method Evaluation Ashley Sherrill, Kimberly Wiggins, Tristen L. Hall, Douglas H. Fernald, L. Miriam Dickinson, Gillian Grant, et al. (+4)
1744 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  MDPI AG Healthcare The Economic and Occupational Impact of Mental Health-Related Temporary Work Disabilities in Spanish Workers During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal Study Eva María Gutiérrez Naharro, José Antonio Ponce Blandón, Amalia Sillero Sillero, José Fernández Sáez
1745 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Health Services Research Drivers of primary care appointment volumes before and after the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal study Tianchang Zhao, Rachel Meacock, Matt Sutton
1746 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Springer-Verlag European Journal of Pediatrics Distinct seasonality and increased respiratory failure in RSV patients < 2 years of age after emergence of SARS-CoV-2: data from the multicentric, prospective PAPI study Jessica Bähre, Matthias Lange, Patrick Salaschek, David Twardella, Stefan Arens, Frank Eberhard, et al. (+6)
1747 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Sciencedomain International Asian Journal of Education and Social Studies Resilience of a Private Catholic University during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study Jackjun G. Caupayan, Carousel Tagaylo, Weldon Sacro Jr.
1748 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Social Science Electronic Publishing SSRN Electronic Journal COVID-19 Pandemic-Induced Disruptions in the Food System and Their Implications for Dietary Patterns and Nutritional Outcomes: A Systematic Review Kyaw Lin, Thein Hlaing, Hla Hla Win
1749 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers The Journal of The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers 2. AI Technologies Used in Program Production in the COVID-19 Pandemic","2.コロナ禍の番組制作で活躍したAI技術 Takayuki Shinoda
1750 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers The Journal of The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers 1. Program Productions in NHK under COVID-19 Pandemic","1.NHKにおける新型コロナウイルス禍での番組制作 Takao Tsuda
1751 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers The Journal of The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers 4. The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on TV and Online-Video Viewers","4.コロナ禍はテレビと動画の視聴行動を変えたか? ~新型コロナとメディアの最新調査データから~ Takayuki Hotaka
1752 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Politechnika Slaska - Silesian University of Technology Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology Organization and Management Series THE IMPACT OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON THE USE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN THE FINANCIALIST AND ACCOUNTANT PROFESSION Izabela EMERLING
1753 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  LPPM Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara The Effect of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Economy of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Sinarsari Village, Dramaga District, Bogor Regency Yeni Rahmawati, Alan Jaelani
1754 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  MDPI AG Behavioral Sciences The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Development of Motor Skills of German 5- to 6-Year-Old Children Aileen Kotzsch, Andy Papke, Angela Heine
1755 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport Impact of congested match schedules during the COVID-19 pandemic on technical and physical performance in the Chinese Super League Xudong Yang, Zhigang Liu, Zuyao Xu, Baitu Li, Yanmiao Yu, Changjing Zhou
1756 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Critical Public Health Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on maternal health research: emerging trends and bibliometric analysis Siddig Ibrahim Abdelwahab, Manal Mohamed Elhassan Taha, Ehab I. El-Amin, Hammad Ali Fadlalmola, Uma Chourasia, Maha Murtada Abdelmageed, et al. (+8)
1757 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  LLC "Medical Knowledge and Technologies" Tuberculosis and lung diseases The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Epidemiological Situation in Children in Smolensk Oblast E. A. Lobanova, A. A. Borisevich, T. V. Myakisheva
1758 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  MDPI AG Applied Sciences The Rebound Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer Diagnosis Antonio Fanelli, Ugo Giovanni Falagario, Marco Finati, Francesco Guzzi, Antonella Ninivaggi, Luca Montrone, et al. (+8)
1759 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  University of Toronto Press Inc Canadian Journal of General Internal Medicine Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Clinical Practice and Work-Life Integration Experienced by Academic Medical Faculty Stephanie Garner, Natalie Williams, James Douketis, Patricia C. Liaw, Shamir Mehta, MyLinh Duong, et al. (+2)
1760 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of the Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Buckle Fracture Treatment Mehmet E. Kilinc, Evan P. Sandefur, Mosufa Zainab, Nicholas J. Peterman, Andrea A. Yu-Shan, Peter J. Apel
1761 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Public Health Longitudinal retrospective study of real-world adherence to colorectal cancer screening before and after the COVID-19 pandemic in the USA Harsh Gupta, Robyn Ann Husa, Staci J Wendt, Ann Vita, Claire Boone, Jessica B Weiss, Anton J Bilchik
1762 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Revista Ibero-Americana de Humanidades, Ciencias e Educacao Revista Ibero-Americana de Humanidades Ciências e Educação PERFIL SOCIODEMOGRÁFICO DOS PROFISSIONAIS DE NÍVEL MÉDIO DA ENFERMAGEM QUE ATUARAM NA PANDEMIA DA COVID - 19 NO MUNICÍPIO DE CÁCERES","SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE OF MIDDLE-LEVEL NURSING PROFESSIONALS WHO WORKED IN THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF CÁCERES Râmela Lana Costa, Helena Isaura Fernandes Pereira, Ana Raquel Florindo Mateus Rangel, Kamilla da Silva Rodrigues, Aliny Nunes da Cruz, Elayza Laura Oliveira Cardoso, Rosane Maria Andrade Vasconcelos
1763 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  SAGE Publications Political Research Quarterly Political Preferences Through Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic Alena Bičáková, Štěpán Jurajda
1764 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC npj Viruses Potent bivalent nanobody constructs that protect against the SARS-CoV-2 XBB variant Peter J. Halfmann, Jeong Soo Lee, Nikki McArthur, Ojas Gupta, Yoshihiro Kawaoka, Ravi S. Kane
1765 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines The Effectiveness of Four Quadrivalent, Inactivated Influenza Vaccines Administered Alone or in Combination with Pneumococcal and/or SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines: A Population-Wide Cohort Study Cecilia Acuti Martellucci, Annalisa Rosso, Enrico Zauli, Alessandro Bianconi, Matteo Fiore, Graziella Soldato, et al. (+7)
1766 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Discover Social Science and Health Educational differences in self-report of forgoing care during the COVID-19 pandemic in Denmark Sarah Leslie Banks Johns, Anna Munk Sigsgaard, Rikke Lund, Charlotte Juul Nilsson
1767 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  MDPI AG Behavioral Sciences Workers’ Psychological Distress During the Early Months of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Brazil: A Cross-Sectional Study Melissa Spröesser Alonso, Maria Cristina Pereira Lima, Adriano Dias, Hélio Rubens de Carvalho Nunes, Carlos Ruiz-Frutos, Javier Fagundo-Rivera, et al. (+2)
1768 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  University of Toronto Press Inc Canadian Journal of General Internal Medicine The Expansion of Medical Assistance in Dying in the COVID-19 Pandemic Era and Beyond: Implications for Vulnerable Canadians Sera Whitelaw, Trudo Lemmens, Harriette G.C. Van Spall
1769 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Education for Business Accounting students’ learning modality preference in the COVID-19 pandemic era and beyond: Evidence from a commuter school Jing-Wen Yang, Tina Lang, Lan Wu
1770 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  LPPM Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara Efforts to Increase Sales During the Covid-19 Pandemic at Alta Cake & Pastry Vicka Nathasya Benska, Widhi Ariyo Bimo
1771 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Elsevier International Journal of Infectious Diseases Recent trends in hospitalizations for Respiratory Syncytial Virus after the COVID-19 pandemic and before routine immunization: seasonality and severity updates from the 2023/2024 season in Tuscany, Italy Vieri Lastrucci, Martina Pacifici, Monia Puglia, Giorgia Alderotti, Elettra Berti, Guglielmo Bonaccorsi, et al. (+10)
1772 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  LPPM Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara Efforts to Increase Children's Motivation to Learn the Quran Through Audio-Visual Learning Media During the Covid-19 Pandemic Mulan Alfipah, Samsul Basri
1773 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition Effect of social assistance and coping mechanisms on dietary diversity in rural Chad during the COVID-19 pandemic Thonaeng Charity Molelekoa, Abayomi Samuel Oyekale
1774 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Directive Publications The Journal of Clinical Oncology The Access Of Oncological Patients To Medical Care Amid The Rigid Social Restriction Context Related To The Covid-19 Pandemic Bruno Michelassi Bernardes De Oliveira, Cintia Kelly Bittar, Henrique Chiarini Batistella, Bruna Granin Valente, Aline Cremasco Rocha, Silvia Raquel Fricke Matte, Luciano Augusto Reganin
1775 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Georgia Southern University Journal of the Georgia Public Health Association Understanding the Role of Perceived Racial Discrimination on Adolescent Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic Jill Klosky, Delia Lang, Briana Woods-Jaeger, Julie Gazmararian
1776 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  SAGE Publications Transfer European Review of Labour and Research EU migrant workers and the right to health in the Netherlands during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic Sandra Mantu, Lisa Berntsen, Tesseltje de Lange, Anita Böcker, Natalia Skowronek
1777 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Georg Thieme Verlag KG Revista Brasileira de Ortopedia O impacto do isolamento social da Covid-19 na atividade física e no comportamento sedentário de crianças e adolescentes brasileiros Fernando Leite Miranda, Carlos Henrique Fernandes, Lia Myiamoto Meirelles, Flavio Faloppa, Benno Ejnisman, Moises Cohen
1778 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Wiley World Medical & Health Policy Assessing COVID-19 Outcomes in Light of Cultural Norms and Policy Changes: A Time-Series Analysis Tool Grounded in Safety-Focused Policy Science Yoshiyasu Takefuji
1779 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  CARI Journals Limited International Journal of Health Sciences Impact of COVID-19 on HIV Preventive Services for Pregnant Women in Kenya: A Comparative Study across Nairobi, Machakos, and Kajiado Counties Modesta Vesonder
1780 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  AOSIS Journal of Public Health in Africa Perspectives of healthcare stakeholders in Nigeria on the impact of COVID-19 on health services Adeponle O. Adeoye, Yewande T. Nejo, Chinwe L. Ochu, Josephine Bayigga, Rodgers R. Ayebare, Adedayo O. Faneye, et al. (+14)
1781 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy Delayed inflammatory nodule from predominantly low-molecular-weight hyaluronic acid filler secondary to COVID-19 infection Daniel P. Friedmann, Eshani Mehta, Kritin K. Verma, Vineet Mishra
1782 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  NEPAS ABCS Health Sciences Perfil epidemiológico da automedicação por estudantes universitários, durante a pandemia da COVID-19, no Brasil Nikolas Lisboa Coda Dias, Beatriz Guerra Santos, Lívia Danielle de Oliveira Pereira, Maria Eduarda Puga Rezende, Stefan Vilges de Oliveira, Wallisen Tadashi Hattori
1783 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Eliwise Academy Ltd Theoretical and Natural Science Enhancing Immunogenicity on COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine with Lipid Nanoparticles and Innovation of Nanotechnology Xin Wang
1784 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Georgia Southern University Journal of the Georgia Public Health Association Effect of COVID-19 Vaccination on COVID-19 Mortality by Age in Georgia Brennan Bogdanovich, McKenzie Maloney, James Pollock, Lane Langston, Brittany Ange, Jack Yu
1785 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  MDPI AG Populations The Migrant Mortality Penalty in a Pandemic: Disparities in COVID-19 Mortality Among Foreign Residents in Switzerland, 2020 Philippe Wanner, Lorenzo Piccoli
1786 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation The willingness of consumers to pay for fruit and vegetables: does crisis-related health like COVID-19 matter Yusuph John Kulindwa
1787 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  International Journal of Medical Science and Health Research International Journal of Medical Science and Health Research The Impact of Covid-19 Lockdown on Missed Appointments Among HIVinfected Adults in Ekurhuleni District, South Africa, 2019 to 2021: An Interrupted Time Series Analysis Sikhanyiselwe Nkomo, Mahlatse L Moropeng
1788 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Global impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on biodiversity data collection Stephanie Roilo, Jan O. Engler, Anna F. Cord
1789 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Mains Libres Mains Libres COVID-19, le regard des sciences sociales Fiorenza Gamba, Marco Nardone, Toni Ricciardi, Sandro Cattacin
1790 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Universitas Airlangga Current Internal Medicine Research and Practice Surabaya Journal Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Leads to Risen Hypertension Prevalence among Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients Arnindia Puspitasari, Artaria Tjempakasari, Dias Tiara Putri Utomo
1791 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Universitas Airlangga Current Internal Medicine Research and Practice Surabaya Journal Bacterial and Fungal Coinfections in COVID-19 Inpatients at a Tertiary Hospital in Surabaya, Indonesia, from November 2020 to February 2022 Naura Ghina Shabira, Agung Dwi Wahyu Widodo, Musofa Rusli
1792 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  AOSIS Journal of Public Health in Africa Disinfection methods for preventing COVID-19 infections in healthcare settings: A rapid review Joseph Okebe, Atana Ewa, Ememobong Aquaisua, Obasesam A. Ikpi, Ella Olughu, Ebere C. Chukwuemelie, et al. (+3)
1793 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Computers, Materials and Continua (Tech Science Press) International Journal of Mental Health Promotion Physical Fitness and Mental Health Three Months after COVID-19 Infection in Young and Elderly Women Meng Wang, Onkei Lei, Frankie U Kei Wong, Water Soi Po Wong, Walter Heung Chin Hui, Gasper Chi Hong Leong, et al. (+2)
1794 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Wiley Tropical Medicine & International Health Spatial prediction of immunity gaps during a pandemic to inform decision making: A geostatistical case study of COVID-19 in Dominican Republic Angela Cadavid Restrepo, Beatris Mario Martin, Helen J. Mayfield, Cecilia Then Paulino, Michael de St. Aubin, William Duke, et al. (+17)
1795 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  American Academy of Sleep Medicine Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine COVID-19 infection and sleep health: findings from the nationally representative COVID-19 Unequal Racial Burden survey Dana M. Alhasan, Symielle A. Gaston, Paula D. Strassle, Anna María Nápoles, Chandra L. Jackson
1796 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Universidad Tecnica de Manabi International Journal of Health Sciences Outcomes of cardiac surgeries following COVID-19 infection Badr Fayed, Nora Abdelmoneim Singab, Walaa M. Eid, Ahmed Abdelsamae
1797 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  AOSIS Journal of Public Health in Africa Post-exposure testing at healthcare facilities with SARS-CoV-2 transmission: A rapid review Emmanuel E. Effa, Okokon Ita, Joshua Mwankon, Funmi Siyanbade, Francis Iwomi, Eleanor Ochodo, et al. (+2)
1798 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Spatial and socioeconomic patterns of COVID-19 in transition zones between municipalities in eastern Amazonia Dinar Duarte Vasconcelos, Hermes Fonsêca de Medeiros, José Antonio Herrera, Lucas de Oliveira Lima, Pedro Fernando da Costa Vasconcelos, Juarez Antonio Simões Quaresma
1799 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  AOSIS Journal of Public Health in Africa Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation for surface cleaning of COVID-19 in healthcare settings: A review Chioma M. Oringanje, Sidney K. Oparah, Chukwudi Oringanje, Chibuike M. Meremikwu, David Olatunji, Alice A. Uzuta, Chinwe L. Ochu
1800 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  MDPI AG Infectious Disease Reports Unhealthy Food Consumption Is Associated with Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19 in Brazilian Elderly People Guilherme José Silva Ribeiro, Rafaela Nogueira Gomes de Morais, Olufemi Gabriel Abimbola, Nalva de Paula Dias, Mariana De Santis Filgueiras, André de Araújo Pinto, Juliana Farias de Novaes
1801 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Georgia Southern University Journal of the Georgia Public Health Association Racial Residential Segregation and COVID-19 Health Outcomes: Evidence from the State of Georgia Palek Patel, Simon Medcalfe, Catherine Slade
1802 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine X Mid- and long-term mortality risk factors after COVID-19 hospitalization: A retrospective observational study in Peru Max Carlos Ramírez-Soto, Hugo Arroyo-Hernández
1803 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  ECO-Vector Perm Medical Journal COVID-19 immune trace: predictors of rheumatoid arthritis development A. K. Karibova, O. V. Khlynova, M. T. Kudaev, S. Sh. Akhmedkhanov, D. I. Mustafaev
1804 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers The Journal of The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers 6. What We Can Do: Thinking about the with COVID-19 era through optimization by quantum annealing","6.例えば私たちにできること~量子アニーリングによる最適化でWith COVID-19時代を考える~ Masayuki Ohzeki
1805 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Red de Investigadores Latinoamericanos LATAM Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Ecuador: impacto del COVID-19 en la esperanza de vida al nacer, 2020 Roberto Ortiz Moya, Hernán Rengel Sandoval, Katherine Ortiz Freire, Mariela Sánchez Alejandro, Patricia Benavides Sánchez, Galo Izquierdo Espinosa
1806 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  American Scientific Publishing Group Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things Transforming Public Health with AI and Big Data Deep Learning for COVID-19 Detection in Medical Imaging Md Md, Awakash Mishra
1807 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Elsevier Social Science & Medicine Economic and Health Implications of Early COVID-19 Lockdown Exits: Evidence from a Difference-in-Differences Analysis Deivis Nicolas Guzman-Tordecilla, Antonio J. Trujillo
1808 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Journal of Translational Medicine Health-related quality of life in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Post COVID-19 Condition: a systematic review Breanna Weigel, Maira Inderyas, Natalie Eaton-Fitch, Kiran Thapaliya, Sonya Marshall-Gradisnik
1809 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Instituto Nacional de Salud - Direccion de Vigilancia y Analisis del Riesgo en Salud Publica Reporte Epidemiológico Nacional Conglomerados de COVID-19 en Colombia: comportamiento epidemiológico entre marzo y diciembre de 2020","COVID-19 clusters in Colombia: epidemiological characteristics from March to December 2020 Mónica Carolina Carreño Niño, Sandra Milena A Aparicio Fuentes, Nathaly Rozo Gutiérrez, Greace Alejandra Ávila Mellizo, Milena Edith Borbón Ramos, Helena Patricia Salas-Suspes, et al. (+8)
1810 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine Viral community-acquired pneumonia: What’s new since COVID-19 emerged? Catia Cilloniz, Alejandro J. Videla, Laura Pulido, Mary Joy Uy-King
1811 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Uphills Publishers LLC South Eastern European Journal of Public Health Advancing Machine Learning in COVID-19 Diagnostics: Symptom-Based Classification and Ensemble Techniques Jayendra S. Jadhav, Jyoti Deshmukh
1812 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  World Scientific Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology Research on COVID-19 Diagnosis Technology of CT Images Based on Swin Transformer Shun Nian Luo, Yuh-Chung Lin, Xiaodong Yu, Tai-Wen Kuang
1813 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Plasmonics High-Sensitivity Terahertz Refractive Index Sensor Using Black Phosphorus-MXene-Graphene Hybrid Metasurfaces for Label-Free COVID-19 Detection Jacob Wekalao, Refka Ghodhbani, Dhivya R, Arun Kumar U, Ammar Armghan, Shobhit K. Patel
1814 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Jurnal Farmasi Sains dan Terapan Efektivitas Terapi Tocilizumab Terhadap Mortalitas Pasien COVID-19 Derajat Berat di Rumah Sakit “X” Surabaya: studi observasional Vania Denise Djunaidy, Ida Ayu Andri Parwitha, Intan Sari Yati Dinillah, Galuh Nawang Prawesti, Nika Lestyaningtyas
1815 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Yayasan Pondok Pesantren Nurul Islam Pungging Mojokerto Journal of Management Accounting and Administration Perbandingan Kinerja Keuangan Bank Konvensional dan Bank Syariah pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 dengan Menggunakan Metode Economic Value Added (EVA) dan Market Value Added (MVA) Lira Eka Novianti, Faizal Amir
1816 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers The Journal of The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers 1. Computer-assisted Diagnosis of COVID-19 CT Images Based on Machine Learning","1.機械学習によるCOVID-19症例CT画像の診断支援 Kensaku Mori
1817 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Mains Libres Mains Libres Efficacité des vaccins Covid-19 contre le variant B.1.617.2 (Delta) Jamie Lopez Bernal, Nick Andrews, Charlotte Gower, Eileen Gallagher
1818 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics Factors affecting the impact of COVID-19 vaccination on post COVID-19 conditions among adults: A systematic literature review Abby E. Rudolph, Nadine Al Akoury, Natalija Bogdanenko, Kristen Markus, Isabelle Whittle, Olivia Wright, et al. (+4)
1819 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Asia Pacific Academy of Science Pte. Ltd. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL REGULATORS AND HOMEOSTATIC AGENTS Amelioration of COVID-19 comorbid depressions via interleukin 6 with agomelatine Yang I. Cao
1820 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Mains Libres Mains Libres COVID-19 chez les personnes atteintes de diabète : comprendre les raisons de la péjoration de l’état de ces patients Matteo Apicella
1821 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Mains Libres Mains Libres La distanciation sociale modifie l’évolution clinique de la COVID-19 chez les jeunes adultes : une étude de cohorte comparative Michel Bielecki, Roland Züst, Denise Siegrist, Daniele Meyerhofer, Giovanni Andrea, Gerardo Crameri, et al. (+4)
1822 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  University of Toronto Press Inc Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada Randomized trial of the safety and efficacy of anti-SARS-CoV-2 mAb in the treatment of patients with nosocomial COVID-19 (CATCO-NOS) Alain Tremblay, Ranjani Somayaji, Holly Hoang, Conar O’Neil, Ashlesha Sonpar, John Conly, et al. (+3)
1823 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Elsevier European Economic Review Herd behavior and the intention to vaccinate against COVID-19 Gil S. Epstein, Odelia Heizler, Osnat Israeli
1824 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Elsevier CHEST Critical Care The Semi-Awake Exit: Revisiting Extubation Timing in COVID-19 Abigail Chua, James Richard Mattson, Ewa Rakowski, Hailey Capuano, Sahar Ahmad
1825 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  MDPI AG Pathogens Conformational and Stability Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Variants by Molecular Simulation Gustavo E. Olivos-Ramirez, Luis F. Cofas-Vargas, Tobias Madl, Adolfo B. Poma
1826 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  American Chemical Society ACS Sensors Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Nanorod Arrays-Based Organic Electrochemical Transistor for SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Detection in Artificial Saliva Syed Atif Ali, Ying-Lin Chen, Hsueh-Sheng Tseng, Hailemichael Ayalew, Jia-Wei She, Bhaskarchand Gautam, et al. (+3)
1827 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Elsevier Bioresource Technology Algae-based biotransformation of COVID-19 antiviral ribavirin: Insight on metabolic effect, wastewater application and biological toxicity Yongtao Cheng, Chenxi Zhou, Kang Shan, Yong Liu, Chuanyue Peng, Yuanyuan Wu, et al. (+3)
1828 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics Business Management COVID-19 AND RELATED GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS’ IMPACT ON EMPLOYMENT IN GEORGIA Giga Abuseridze, Nino Paresashvili, Teona Maisuradze, Badri Gechbaia, Levan Gvarishvili, Janis Grasis
1829 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Health and Human Services Administration Dynamic Capabilities, COVID-19, and Public Sector Death Management: Introducing the Dirty Work Micro-Foundational Capability Staci M. Zavattaro, Clifford P. McCue
1830 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  NIXNIX Salesianum Models of Cosmotheandric Life-experience in the Face of Coronavirus Pandemic: Empirical Research in the European Context Francis-Vincent Anthony
1831 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC International Journal of Disclosure and Governance Corporate governance, COVID-19, and financial inclusion: insights from OECD countries Ahmed Samour, Abdullah AlGhazali, Inès Gharbi
1832 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLOS Global Public Health Willingness to be vaccinated against COVID-19 and associated factors in Migori County, Kenya: Analysis of cross-sectional observational survey data Gianna Ferrara, Sandra Mudhune, Ash Rogers, Julius Mbeya, Alyn Achieng, Vincent Were, et al. (+4)
1833 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Sciencedomain International Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medical Research Psychosocial Impacts of COVID-19 and 2014-16 Ebola Virus Disease Outbreaks on Australian - based West Africans: A Narrative Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations Sulaiman L Mandoh, Phillip T Bwititi, Ezekiel U Nwose
1834 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Contribuciones a las Ciencias Sociales Post-traumatic stress disorder in the bioceanic route: Prevalence after COVID-19 among health professionals from Jujuy Leandro Posztbiegel Santos, Fábio Paes Barreto, Gladis Antonia Apaza, Vinícius Pereira do Carmo
1835 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  NIXNIX medtigo Journal of Medicine Health Disparities and COVID-19: A Commentary Ashruta Patel
1836 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Open Systems Publications Лечащий врач Особенности микробиома желудочно-кишечного тракта у больных COVID-19 Е.Н. Лазарева, В.В. Малеев, Ж.Б. Понежева, Н.С. Швачкина, Н.А. Цветкова
1837 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Research Group on Collaborative Spaces Journal of Openness Commons & Organizing From emplacement to Virtuality: A sociomaterial Perspective on the Emotional Transformations in Coworking Spaces during COVID-19 Carlotta Cochis
1838 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Wiley The International Journal of Health Planning and Management The Shadow Pandemic Contextualised: Albania's Response to Domestic Violence During COVID-19 Venera Bekteshi, Mary van Hook, Eglantina Gjermeni, Jenn L. Bellamy
1839 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Vellalar College for Women FoodSci Indian Journal of Research in Food Science and Nutrition Consumption Pattern of Pro- and Anti-Inflammatory Foods in Women before and during COVID-19 K. C. Sivapriya, D. K. Meera
1840 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of International Medical Research A meta-analysis of the efficacy and safety of immunomodulators in the treatment of severe COVID-19 Xuegui Ju, Jiayao Li, Haonan Huang, Yidan Qing, Bhushan Sandeep
1841 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Pembangunan Jember Majalah Ilmiah DIAN ILMU Kelayakan Strategi Korporasi Universitas Argopuro Jember Dalam Persaingan Industri Pendidikan Tinggi Pada Era “Distance Learning” Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 Riza Wahyu Utami, Nur Sayidah, Sri Utami Ady
1842 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Clinical Medicine Association of Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Polymorphisms with Clinical Severity in Patients with COVID-19 Aytekin İdikut, İlter Değer, Gamze Göktaş, Sevilay Karahan, Sevinç Sarınç, Deniz Köksal, et al. (+2)
1843 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Mains Libres Mains Libres, des recommandations professionnelles permettant la pratique de soins à domicile auprès des personnes âgées non atteintes par la Covid-19
1844 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Sestre Milosrdnice University Hospital Center (KBC Sestre milosrdnice) Acta Clinica Croatica THE EFFECT OF URIC ACID LEVEL ON THE SEVERITY OF COVID-19 Kubra Aydin Bahat
1845 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Mains Libres Mains Libres Le monde d’après Covid-19 Yves Larequi
1846 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Universitas Psychologica La prosocialidad como factor protector de la adicción al juego durante el COVID-19 Javier Esparza-Reig, Manuel Martí-Vilar, Francisco González-Sala
1847 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Fundacao Edson Queiroz Revista Brasileira em Promoção da saúde Trabalhadores de saúde e o atravessamento da espiritualidade e finitude no contexto da COVID-19 Mikaelli Curinga de Souza, Rita de Cássia da Silva Medeiros, Alvaro Micael Duarte Fonseca, Ana Karoline Lima Costa e Silva, José Antonio da Silva Júnior, Ysabele Yngrydh Valente Silva, Ellany Gurgel Cosme do Nascimento
1848 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  STIKES Borneo Cendekia Medika Jurnal Borneo Cendekia KEKERASAN DALAM RUMAH TANGGA PADA IBU HAMIL DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Nurbita Fajarini, Suci Fitriana Pramudya Wardani
1849 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  University of Toronto Press Inc Canadian Journal of General Internal Medicine La prochaine phase dans la gestion de la pandémie de COVID-19 James Douketis
1850 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  University of Toronto Press Inc Canadian Journal of General Internal Medicine Visiting Loved Ones In the Era of COVID-19 Zainab Al Duhailib, Roman Jaeschke
1851 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  American Psychological Association Translational Issues in Psychological Science Increased resilience serves as a protective factor against depression, anxiety, and stress among Hispanic college students during COVID-19. Aitiana Sanchez-Garciaguirre, Carlos Portillo, Craig A. Field
1852 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Apex Publishing Journal of Psychological Science Comparison of computer-based cognitive stimulation efficacy with and without transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on the quality of life of patients recovered from Covid-19 Alireza Lotfi, Alireza rajaei, mahdi Nayyeri
1853 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Asociacion Latinoamericana para el Avance de la Ciencia Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar Virtualidad y Factor Emocional en el Discurso de Estudiantes Universitarios Desertores Durante la Pandemia por Covid-19 Patricia Haydee Salas Castañeda, Claudia Patricia Contreras, David Picazo
1854 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Eliwise Academy Ltd Lecture Notes in Education Psychology and Public Media The Participation of Chinese Social Organizations in Pandemic Prevention and Control: Experiences, Challenges, and Improvements Zichuan Liu
1855 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  NEPAS ABCS Health Sciences Leishmaniose Visceral com Síndrome Hemofagocítica em paciente infectado por SARS-COV2: um relato de caso Letícia Vitória Lino Sousa, Gilnara Fontinelle Barros, Inggryd Eduarda Possidônio de Souza Santos, Ana Carolina Silva Rocha, Kamilly Ieda Silva Viegas
1856 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Elsevier Cell Biomaterials Engineered DPP4 decoy confers broad-spectrum inhibition of MERS-CoV infection Keisuke Nishioka, Yusuke Sakai, Daisuke Motooka, Naoko Iwata-Yoshikawa, Hiroaki Tojo, Satoaki Matoba, et al. (+4)
1857 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology Harnessing immunotherapeutic molecules and diagnostic biomarkers as human-derived adjuvants for MERS-CoV vaccine development Abdullah R. Alrasheed, Maaweya Awadalla, Hadeel Alnajran, Mohammed H. Alammash, Adil M. Almaqati, Ishtiaq Qadri, Bandar Alosaimi
1858 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Universiti Malaysia Pahang Publishing nternational Journal of Language Education and Applied Linguistic The Relevance of Home-Grown Rubrics for Online Communicative Assessment in an Islamic Institution During the Pandemic Roszalina Abdul Rahim, Nor Yazi Hj Khamis, Hafizoah Kassim, Shuhada Mustafa Hilmi
1859 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Uniwersytet Kardynala Stefana Wyszynskiego Forum Pedagogiczne A student with a chronic illness during a pandemic - challenging circumstances for teachers Iwona Konieczna
1860 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Uniwersytet Kardynala Stefana Wyszynskiego Forum Pedagogiczne School Citizenship - Children’s Voices During the Pandemic and the War in Ukraine Anna Górka-Strzałkowska
1861 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  LPPM Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara Canteen Development Innovation and Business Partners Around the Alamtirta Tourism Swimming Pool in Barengkok Village in the Covid Pandemic Era Sulthan Sami Dzakwan Akhmad Khan, Muhamad Azis Firdaus
1862 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Psychology Influence of the pandemic on the mental health of professional workers Jelena Atanackovic, Henrietta Akuamoah-Boateng, Jungwee Park, Melissa Corrente, Ivy Lynn Bourgeault
1863 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Clinical Medicine SMART Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA)-One of the Keys to Future Pandemic Strategies Gianina-Valentina Băcescu Ene, Mirela-Anca Stoia, Cristian Cojocaru, Doina Adina Todea
1864 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  American Geophysical Union Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres Impacts of Pandemic-Associated Plastic Waste on Microplastics in Ambient PM2.5 Fobang Liu, Mengting Guo, Yanan Wang, Shuqi Yang, Xu Yang, Kai Wang, et al. (+4)
1865 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Springer-Verlag European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology Will patient data collection methods change after a pandemic? A systematic review of the strengths, challenges and opportunities of this new scenario Rafael dos Reis Guilherme, William Dias Belangero, Robinson Esteves Santos Pires, Vincenzo Giordano
1866 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Green Publication Journal of Population Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology ETHICAL IMPLICATIONS OF AI IN PREDICTING AND PREVENTING PANDEMICS Rakesh Paul
1867 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  BMJ Evidence-Based Nursing Social Isolation but not Loneliness Influences Heart Failure Patients’ Self-Care in the Postpandemic era Yun-Hung Shih, Hsing-Mei Chen
1868 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  SAGE Publications Clinical Pediatrics Enhancing Pediatric Long COVID Care Through Telementoring: Insights From an ECHO Program Cindy Villatoro, Ellen Henning, Rowena Ng, Marianna Kogut, Janna Steinberg, Belinda Chen, et al. (+3)
1869 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Medicine Explainable machine learning model and nomogram for predicting the efficacy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in treating Long COVID: a retrospective study Jisheng Zhang, Yang Chen, Aijun Zhang, Yi Yang, Liqian Ma, Hangqi Meng, et al. (+5)
1870 2025―Mar―13  [GO]  NIXNIX Journal of Marketing Management and Innovative Business Review Systematic Literature Review: Kondisi Makroekonomi Indonesia Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 dan Prospek di Masa Mendatang Petrus Peleng Roreng, Johannes Baptista Halik, Maria Yessica Halik
1871 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE The territorialization of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome and its socioeconomic, demographic and public health policy risk factors in Belém, state of Pará, Eastern Amazon, Brazil: a cross-sectional and ecological study Nelson Veiga Gonçalves, Alessandra Lima Leal, Heloisa Maria Melo e Silva Guimarães, Arthur Carneiro Bernardes, Silvana Rossy de Brito, Taiana Moita Koury Alves, et al. (+7)
1872 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Ovid International Journal of Surgery The risks of autoimmune inflammatory outcomes in patients infected with SARS-CoV-2: a longitudinal, population-based cohort study Lijun Zhang, Dong Chen, Yu Long, Lingyi Li, Yanlin Lyu, Meijun Meng, et al. (+6)
1873 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Wiley European Journal of Immunology Age and Latent Cytomegalovirus Infection Do Not Affect the Magnitude of De Novo SARS-CoV-2-Specific CD8+ T Cell Responses Jet van den Dijssel, Veronique A. L. Konijn, Mariël C Duurland, Rivka de Jongh, Lianne Koets, Barbera Veldhuisen, et al. (+11)
1874 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Publicidad Permanyer, SLU Nefrología Latinoamericana Humoral response to SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in lupus nephritis Sofia Fernández, Maximiliano Castillo, Andrea Cattivelli, Julieta García, Ignacio Paladino, Eugenia Piriz, et al. (+5)
1875 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Immunity & Ageing Delayed viral clearance and altered inflammatory responses affect severity of SARS-CoV-2 infection in aged mice Émile Lacasse, Isabelle Dubuc, Leslie Gudimard, Ana Claudia dos S. P. Andrade, Annie Gravel, Karine Greffard, et al. (+8)
1876 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Publicidad Permanyer, SLU Archivos de Neurociencias PEDIATRIC GUILLAIN-BARRÉ SYNDROME IN MÉXICO CLINICAL FEATURES BEFORE AND DURING SARS-COV-2 PANDEMIC Fabiola Marycruz De la Fuente-Silva, Juan Antonio De la Fuente-Pineda, Martín Arturo Silva-Ramírez, Sofía Lucila Rodríguez-Rivera, Ricardo Iván Montaño-González, Paula Ramírez-Palacios
1877 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  MDPI AG Viruses Biochemical Screening of Phytochemicals and Identification of Scopoletin as a Potential Inhibitor of SARS-CoV-2 Mpro, Revealing Its Biophysical Impact on Structural Stability Sarika Bano, Jyotishna Singh, Zainy Zehra, Md Nayab Sulaimani, Taj Mohammad, Seemasundari Yumlembam, et al. (+3)
1878 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  MDPI AG Current Issues in Molecular Biology Anti-Infective Screening of Selected Nine Cannabinoids Against Clostridium perfringens and Influenza A (H5N1) Neuraminidases, and SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease and Spike Protein Interactions Thanet Pitakbut, Oliver Kayser
1879 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Infection and Public Health Duration of mild acute SARS-CoV-2 infections with Omicron depending on previous vaccinations and infections - Using data of the German DigiHero cohort study from post-pandemic winters 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 Nadine Glaser, Sophie Diexer, Bianca Klee, Janka Massag, Laura R. Pfrommer, Oliver Purschke, et al. (+10)
1880 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Association between pre-existing chronic conditions and severity of first SARS-CoV-2 infection symptoms among adults living in Canada: a population-based survey analysis from January 2020 to August 2022 Nicholas Cheta, Dianne Zakaria, Alain Demers, Peri Abdullah, Samina Aziz
1881 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology Pulmonary lymphoid tissue induced after SARS-CoV-2 infection in rhesus macaques Zhong-Min Ma, Katherine J. Olstad, Koen K. A. Van Rompay, Smita S. Iyer, Christopher J. Miller, J. Rachel Reader
1882 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Molecular Sciences Maternal-Fetal Outcomes and Antibody Transfer, Depending on the Trimester of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Non-Vaccinated Women-A Danish Nationwide Prospective Cohort Study Line Fich, Ann-Marie Hellerung Christiansen, Kathrine Vauvert R. Hviid, Anna J. M. Aabakke, Eva Hoffmann, Andreas Ingham, et al. (+31)
1883 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Elsevier Pediatrics & Neonatology Heart Rate Variability as An Early Predictor for Children with SARS-CoV-2-Associated Encephalopathy Yu-Shin Lee, Hung-Tao Chung, Shao-Hsuan Hsia, Oi-Wa Chan, En-Pei Lee, Kuang-Lin Lin, et al. (+2)
1884 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Malabaricone C isolated from edible plants as a potential inhibitor of SARS-CoV-2 infection Yuta Murai, Ai Fujimoto, Rintaro Kawamura, Akira Kitamura, Sajeer Koolath, Seigo Usuki, et al. (+6)
1885 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  American Public Health Association American Journal of Public Health Observed Mask Wearing and Presence of SARS-CoV-2 in School Wastewater, San Diego County, CA, 2022 Rebecca Fielding-Miller, Tommi Gaines, Ashkan Hassani, Tina Le, Vinton Omaleki, Marlene Flores, et al. (+5)
1886 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Emerging Microbes & Infections Vaccine Effectiveness Dynamics against Influenza and SARS-CoV-2 in Community-tested Patients in France 2023-2024 Claire Nour Abou Chakra, François Blanquart, Vincent Vieillefond, Vincent Enouf, Benoit Visseaux, Stéphanie Haim-Boukobza, et al. (+5)
1887 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Spatial transcriptomics of the epipharynx in long COVID identifies SARS-CoV-2 signalling pathways and the therapeutic potential of epipharyngeal abrasive therapy Kensuke Nishi, Shohei Yoshimoto, Takayuki Tanaka, Shoichi Kimura, Toshiyuki Tsunoda, Akira Watanabe, et al. (+5)
1888 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  AME Publishing Company mHealth When medical consultations are not face-to-face: a pilot study of patient-centred care communication during coronavirus disease 2019 Biyun Li, Bernadette Watson, Amos Yung
1889 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  MDPI AG Technologies Portable DNA Probe Detector and a New Dry-QCM Approach for SARS-CoV-2 Detection Dhanunjaya Munthala, Thita Sonklin, Narong Chanlek, Ashish Mathur, Souradeep Roy, Devash Kumar Avasthi, et al. (+2)
1890 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Elsevier Water Research Aptamer-based biosensors for wastewater surveillance of influenza virus, SARS-CoV-2, and norovirus: A comprehensive review Yilei Wang, Mohan Amarasiri, Wakana Oishi, Masayasu Kuwahara, Yuka Kataoka, Hiroki Kurita, et al. (+4)
1891 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego Dziennikarstwo i Media Analiza postów prezydentów miast wojewódzkich na Facebooku w okresie pandemii SARS-CoV-2 Julia Książek
1892 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Medical Informational Agency Publishers Clinical Medicine (Russian Journal) Celen-Gellerstedt syndrome with the development of microhemorrhages in the lungs after reinfection with SARS-CoV-2 L. P. Romanova, O. V. Alpidovskaya, O. I. Moskovskaya, S. V. Lezhenina, A. V. Moskovsky
1893 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Tropical Animal Health and Production Bovine Coronavirus in diarrheic pre-weaned calves in Egypt: prevalence, risk factors, and the associated biochemical alterations Magdy M. Elgioushy, Wafaa Hassan, Shimaa M. Abdullah, Hend E. M. Elsheikh, Mahmoud H. Emam
1894 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Central Research Institute for Epidemiology Problems of Virology Total antibodies and neutralizing ability of convalescent sera against three different strains of SARS-CoV-2 Natalia V. Palyanova, Lubov S. Adamenko, Olga G. Kurskaya, Tereza A. Saroyan, Mariya V. Solomatina, Ivan A. Sobolev, Alexander M. Shestopalov
1895 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Wiley FEBS Journal Derivatives of MOPS: promising scaffolds for SARS coronaviruses Macro domain-targeted inhibition Oney Ortega Granda, Karine Alvarez, Benjamin Morin, Bruno Canard, François Ferron, Nadia Rabah
1896 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Correction: Social determinants of health during and after coronavirus: a qualitative study Farideh Izadisabet, Aliakbar Aminbeidokhti, Sakineh Jafari
1897 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Wiley Pediatrics International Rate of vertical transmission of coronavirus disease 2019 and effect of maternal vaccination: A prospective cohort study Satoshi Matsunashi, Hiroyuki Unoki-Kubota, Takehiro Sugiyama, Kei Yamamoto, Shinsuke Ebihara, Nobuko Nishioka, et al. (+14)
1898 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Journal of Biosocial Science Are internal migrants (head porters) sexually vulnerable due to the coronavirus pandemic? A qualitative study of the situation in Ghana Elvis Junior Dun-Dery, Frederick Dun-Dery, Mary Eyram Ashinyo, James Avoka
1899 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Elsevier Building and Environment Architectural design and building-level infections during the early stage of COVID-19: A study of 2597 public housing buildings in Hong Kong. Qingyao Qiao, Chongyang Ren, Shuning Chen, Yuebing Liang, Yvonne Lai, Yulun Zhou, et al. (+3)
1900 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Wiley Health Science Reports Health-Related Quality of Life One Year After Intensive Care Unit Admission for COVID-19: A Retrospective, Cross-Sectional, Longitudinal Observational Study Carina M. Samuelsson, Netha Hussain, Avril Drummond, Carina U. Persson
1901 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Clinical Medicine The Prevalence of Previous Coronavirus Disease-19 in Patients with Pulmonary Thromboembolism and Its Effect on Embolism Severity Nagihan Durmuş Koçak, Nuri Tutar, Gizem Çil, Emine Afşin, Ayşegül Şentürk, Derya Aydın, et al. (+38)
1902 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Internal and Emergency Medicine Predictors of high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) failure in severe community-acquired pneumonia or COVID-19: comment Aslıhan Gürün Kaya, Akın Kaya
1903 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Knowledge E Iranian Journal of Allergy Asthma and Immunology Are Asthma and COPD Risk Factors for Poor Outcomes in COVID-19? A Single-center Observational Study in the South of Iran Latife Jabbari, Mohammad Mohammadi Pashtooi, Zahra Alipour, Saeed Hosseini Teshnizi, Saeed Hayati
1904 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Wiley Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie Accidental Flexibility: The Effects of COVID-19-Induced Remote Learning on Graduate Student Mothers Andrea DeKeseredy
1905 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Georg Thieme Verlag KG Psychiatrische Praxis COVID-19-bezogene Ängste und deren Zusammenhang zur psychischen und physischen Gesundheit - Ergebnisse einer bevölkerungsbasierten Längsschnittstudie Julia Junghans, Markus Zenger, Elmar Brähler, Yve Stöbel-Richter, Franziska Emmerich, Lisa Irmscher, et al. (+2)
1906 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Georg Thieme Verlag KG Nervenheilkunde COVID-19-assoziierte axonale Neuritis und Enzephalitis V Umathum, C König, D Bandorski, L Scheffer, J Weis, H H Krämer-Best, et al. (+2)
1907 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing Journal of Trauma Intensive Care STIC Evaluating Risk Factors for COVID-19-associated Mucormycosis: Insights from a Case Series Shefali Gautam, Shashank Kumar, Shreya Mahesh, Shruti Kabi
1908 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Wiley Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Plasma expansion and renal perfusion in critical COVID-19 with AKI: A prospective case control study Tomas Luther, Per Eckerbom, Eleanor Cox, Miklos Lipcsey, Sara Bülow-Anderberg, Michael Hultström, et al. (+5)
1909 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Amazonia: Science and Health Amazônia Science & Health O prognóstico de pacientes obesos internados em unidade de terapia intensiva por COVID-19: revisão integrativa Mariana da Silva Neres Soares, Cinthia Santos Silva Ferreira, Anna Beatriz Mendes Coelho, Irineu Rasera Junior
1910 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Czech Statistical Office Demografie Vývoj plodnosti v Česku v období pandemie covid-19: Mezinárodní srovnání a dosavadní poznatky Jitka Slabá, Anna Šťastná
1911 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine Feasibility of cohort event monitoring and assessment of reactogenicity and adverse events among a cohort of AstraZeneca and Moderna COVID-19 vaccine recipients in Nigeria, 2021 Omotayo Bolu, Oluwafemi D. Alo, Emem Iwara, Ashley T. Longley, Ikwe Hadley, Comfort K. Ogar, et al. (+28)
1912 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Elsevier Economic Modelling Unveiling consumption patterns during COVID-19: Insights from credit cards Simone Emiliozzi, Concetta Rondinelli, Stefania Villa
1913 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Wiley Head & Neck Influence of COVID-19 Vaccination on Treatment-Related Adverse Events and Oncologic Outcomes of Nonmetastatic Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Minglong Liu, Bin Zhang, Yufei Pan, Xiaoping Lin, Guanhong Luo, Yuan Xie, et al. (+8)
1914 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Dove Medical Press Infection and Drug Resistance In-Utero Maternal-to-Fetal Transmission of COVID-19: An Immunological and Virological Study in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia Hibah Alzayer, Basavaraja Hunasemarada, Arwa Alumran, Shaikha Aldossary, Reem Al Dossary
1915 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Clinical and Experimental Medicine VEGF-A in COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analytical approach to its prognostic value Seyed Sobhan Bahreiny, Mohammad-Navid Bastani, Hossein Keyvani, Reza Mohammadpour Fard, Mojtaba Aghaei, Zahra Mansouri, et al. (+4)
1916 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology Corrigendum: Clinical characteristics and the role of IL-6 in acute-on-chronic liver failure patients with or without COVID-19: a multicenter paired cohort study Ruoyu Yao, Guofen Xu, Xiujuan Fu, Wenrui Zhang, Han Wang, Yu Chen, Jia Yao
1917 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Post-infection symptoms up to 24 months after COVID-19: a matched cohort study in Berlin, Germany Anne Meierkord, Daniel Schulze, Maximilian Gertler, Joachim Seybold, Marcus A. Mall, Tobias Kurth, et al. (+2)
1918 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Wiley Journal of the American Geriatrics Society The Association of Long COVID-19 Symptoms, Physical Function, and Activities of Daily Living Among Older Women Xiaochen Zhang, Chloe Hery, Eric M. McLaughlin, Nancy F. Woods, Marian L. Neuhouser, Holly Harris, et al. (+5)
1919 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  SAGE Publications SAGE Open Nursing Examining the Long-Term Impact of COVID-19-Induced Clinical Practice Changes on Problem-Solving Behaviors Among Newly Graduated Nurses: A Longitudinal Study Takashi Ohue, Yuka Ohue, Hiroe Harada
1920 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Clinical Nursing Correction to: “The Mediating and Moderating Role of Recovery Experience Between Occupational Stress and Turnover Intention in Nurses Caring for Patients With COVID-19”
1921 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  MDPI AG Microorganisms Safety and Efficacy of Ephedrine Alkaloids-Free Ephedra Herb Extract (EFE) for Mild COVID-19: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Randomized Comparative Trial Hiroshi Odaguchi, Sumiko Hyuga, Mariko Sekine, Hirofumi Michimae, Masashi Hyuga, Nahoko Uchiyama, et al. (+14)
1922 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  MDPI AG Biomedicines Determination of Cortisol Levels in a Small Volume of Saliva of COVID-19-Recovering Patients During Treatment with Psychotropic Drugs Ewelina Dziurkowska, Grażyna Guz-Rzeniecka, Maciej Dziurkowski
1923 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Nature Immune molecule links COVID-19 with severe inflammatory disorder in children
1924 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo Jurnal Studi Guru dan Pembelajaran Ilustrasi Tutorial Webinar Era Covid-19 Program Pendidikan Dasar dan Non Pendidikan Dasar Universitas Terbuka Patmawati Halim, Kusmaladewi Kusmaladewi, Asdar Asdar
1925 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  SAGE Publications Therapeutic Advances in Vaccines and Immunotherapy Parental hesitancy for pediatric COVID-19 vaccines in Chile Daisy Cedillo, María Jesús Godoy, Paula Leal, Rodolfo Villena
1926 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Wiley Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses Effectiveness of the XBB.1.5 COVID-19 Vaccines Against SARS-CoV-2 Hospitalisation Among Adults Aged ≥ 65 Years During the BA.2.86/JN.1 Predominant Period, VEBIS Hospital Study, Europe, November 2023 to May 2024 Liliana Antunes, Madelyn Rojas-Castro, Marcos Lozano, Iván Martínez-Baz, Isabel Leroux-Roels, Maria-Louise Borg, et al. (+25)
1927 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Drug Safety Off-the-Shelf Large Language Models for Causality Assessment of Individual Case Safety Reports: A Proof-of-Concept with COVID-19 Vaccines Andrea Abate, Elisa Poncato, Maria Antonietta Barbieri, Greg Powell, Andrea Rossi, Simay Peker, et al. (+3)
1928 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Wiley Statistics in Medicine Estimation and Hypothesis Testing of Strain-Specific Vaccine Efficacy With Missing Strain Types With Application to a COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Fei Heng, Yanqing Sun, Li Li, Peter B. Gilbert
1929 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Wiley Health Promotion Journal of Australia ‘I'm glad my baby has weaned so I don't need to make that decision.’ Understanding breastfeeding-related COVID-19 vaccine narratives on social media Becky K. White, Sharyn K. Burns, Jennie Carson, Jane A. Scott
1930 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Global Media Holdings Pty Ltd International Journal of Innovation Creativity and Change Murals as Health Communication: A COVID-19 vaccine promotion feasibility study Alexandra K. Rodriguez, George Hack, Devin Valdes, Jill Sonke
1931 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Kōtuitui New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online Hidden behind a cloak of silence and exclusion: a qualitative study of healthcare professionals and mandated COVID-19 vaccinations Jan Dewar, Te Wai Barbarich-Unasa, Gail Pacheco, Lisa Meehan, Denise Wilson
1932 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  IKENGA International Journal of Institute of African Studies IKENGA Journal of Institute of African Studies Examining the impact of newspaper framing of COVID-19 vaccination controversies as the cause of vaccine hesitancy in Enugu State, Nigeria Ndidi Ibenyenwa, Ifeanyi Anorue, Ngozi Osueke, Olayinka Ogundoyin
1933 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Comprehensive Publications International Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Pathology The study of laboratory parameter alteration and clinical correlation with disease severity in COVID-19 patients at a tertiary care hospital Hetal Joshi, Shyama Chag, Aman Kalaria, Suraj Chaudhari
1934 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Prevalence and pattern of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination among adult population in Sokoto metropolis, northwest, Nigeria Habibullah Adamu, Sufyanu Lawal, Ishaka Alhaji Bawa, Akilu Muhammad Sani, Adamu Ahmed Adamu, Francesco Sessa
1935 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Molecular Medicine Longitudinal study on immunologic, lipoproteomic, and inflammatory responses indicates the safety of sequential COVID-19 vaccination Jurissa Lang, Andres Bernal, Julien Wist, Siobhon Egan, Sze How Bong, Oscar Millet, et al. (+9)
1936 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Elsevier Scientific African Enhanced LSTM model with integrated attention mechanism and data augmentation for projecting COVID-19 trends in Africa Soufiana Mekouar
1937 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Wiley Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting How Does Corporate Social Responsibility Shield Firms From the Adverse Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic? the Role of Financial Flexibility Walid Ben-Amar, Ziyu Kong, Isabelle Martinez
1938 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Cambridge Media Journal of Children and Young People s Health COVID-19 testing and diagnosis in children under 6 years of age: a systematic review Ure Ure, Mandie J Foster, Julie Blamires
1939 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Wiley PsyCh Journal Dispositional Awe Predicts Mental Health Through Interpretation Bias During COVID-19 Transmission: A Longitudinal Study Xiaohan Wang, Li Luo, Jiajin Yuan
1940 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  BOHR Publishers BOHR International Journal of Finance and Market Research What lessons does the pandemic of COVID-19 teach us about banking liquidity and information share in the CEMAC zone? Djimoudjiel Djekonbe, Dany Dombou T. Rostand
1941 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of the Neurological Sciences Post-COVID microvascular dysfunction in hospitalized COVID-19 survivors is associated with acute disease severity and persistent cognitive complaints Noa van der Knaap, Simona Klinkhammer, Alida A. Postma, Johanna M.A. Visser-Meily, Janneke Horn, Caroline M. van Heugten, et al. (+11)
1942 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Death Studies Comparison of suicidal behavior among Chinese university students before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: Findings from a two-wave cross-sectional study Zhi-Ying Yao, Xiao-Mei Xu, Chang-Gui Kou, Xin-Ting Wang, Bao-Peng Liu, Sheng-Li Cheng, et al. (+5)
1943 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Amazonia: Science and Health Amazônia Science & Health O impacto da pandemia por COVID-19 sobre a saúde mental dos profissionais de saúde: revisão integrativa Edlainny Araujo Ribeiro, Ana Julia Maciel Oliveira, Alexya Karen Barbosa Fernandes
1944 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Auctores Publishing LLC General medicine and Clinical Practice Covid-19 Time Series from October 2022 to October 2024. Sars-cov-2 Is Not seasonal, but covid-19 Shows Seasonal Patterns of Social and Immune Origin Jose Luis Turabian
1945 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Knowledge E Iranian Journal of Allergy Asthma and Immunology Association between IFN-γ +874T/A SNP and COVID-19 Severity Seyyed Amin Seyyed rezaei, Vahid Asgharzadeh, Behroz Mahdavi Poor, Mohammad Asgharzadeh, Asra Poorghani, Mahdi Asghari Ozma, et al. (+4)
1946 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Uniwersytet Mikolaja Kopernika/Nicolaus Copernicus University Quality in Sport COVID-19 Sequelae: Long-Term Impairments in Physical Performance Maria Spychalska, Jan Spychalski
1947 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Wiley International Journal of Psychology A Latent Profile Analysis of Psychological Functioning During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Adolescents' Perceived Social Support and Lifestyle Behaviours Giulia Pecora, Fiorenzo Laghi, Roberto Baiocco, Emma Baumgartner, Stefania Sette
1948 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Oman Medical Journal Oman Medical Journal COVID-19 Severity and Associated Laboratory Tests Abnormalities in Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Samer A. Al Shbailat, Michael H. Habash, Bashar O. Tarabsheh, Zaid M. Al Ammouri, Rand Suleiman, Jaber H. Jaradat, et al. (+7)
1949 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  MDPI AG Urban Science Impact of COVID-19 Restrictions and Traffic Intensity on Urban Stormwater Quality in Denver, Colorado Khaled A. Sabbagh, Pablo Garcia-Chevesich, John E. McCray
1950 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Wiley Public Health Challenges Reductions in Blood Lead Level Screening During Peak COVID-19 Restrictions and Beyond Meghan L. McCarthy, Jonah Bradenday, Elizabeth Chen, Mark R. Zonfrillo, Indra Neil Sarkar
1951 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Now Publishers Foundations and Trends® in Technology Information and Operations Management Leveraging Social Media for COVID-19 Response: Insights from a Data Competition Mehmet Eren Ahsen, Ashish Khandelwal, Ramanath Subramanyam, Anton Ivanov, Dmitrii Sumkin, Ujjal Kumar Mukherjee, Sridhar Seshadri
1952 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Global Academy of Training and Research (GATR) Enterprise Global Conference on Business and Social Sciences Proceeding Healthy City Conventions Development, Beyond COVID-19 Recovery for Khon Kaen MICE City Asst.Prof. Donruetai Kovathanakul, Ph.D.
1953 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Revista Pueblos y fronteras digital Vulnerabilidad ambivalente y memoria: COVID-19, pueblo maya y futuros posibles Yassir Jesús Rodríguez Martínez, Abrahan Collí Tun, Julian Dzul Nah
1954 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Wiley American Journal of Industrial Medicine Student and Parental Job Loss During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency: Effects on Household Economic Security Sharon R. Silver, Taylor M. Shockey, Jonetta J. Mpofu
1955 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Central Library of the Slovak Academy of Sciences Studia Psychologica Personality Traits and COVID-19 Vaccination Status in Slovakia: The Role of Trust in Health Institutions, and COVID-19 Pseudo-Science and Conspiracy Beliefs Peter Halama
1956 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Wiley Birth Changes in Fear of Childbirth and Its Predictors Over Three COVID-19 Pandemic Waves in Poland Michalina Ilska, Anna Kołodziej-Zaleska, Anna Brandt-Salmeri, Heidi Preis, Marci Lobel
1957 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Elsevier Indian Journal of Tuberculosis Composite Radiological Score (CRS)-A Novel Imaging Biomarker: Correlation with Clinical Outcomes in Patients with COVID-19 Pneumonia Sudhakar Pipavath, Bornali Datta, Yaddanapudi Kavitha, Kulbir Ahlawat, Ashish Kumar Prakash, Jaya Prasad Tripathy, et al. (+8)
1958 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Cachexia Sarcopenia and Muscle Can Intermittent Hypoxic Conditioning Enhance the Benefits of Standard Long COVID-19 Rehabilitation? Tim Kambič, Tadej Debevec, Mitja Lainscak
1959 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Health Services Research The effectiveness of the Sierra Leone health sector’s response to COVID-19: a quantitative analysis Augustus Osborne, Philip S. Amara, Fredline A.O. M’Cormack-Hale, Mohamed Kanu, Alhassan Fouard Kanu, Regina Mamidy Yillah, et al. (+2)
1960 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS) Optimizing chest X-rays as a leading diagnostic modality for handling COVID-19: a diagnostic study Utami Purbasari, Nurhayati Adnan Prihartono, Helda Helda, Budhi Antariksa, Fatira R. Audita
1961 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on influenza vaccination rates among healthcare workers and the general population in Saudi Arabia: A meta-analysis Salah Alshagrawi, Ahmed Hazazi
1962 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Wiley Immunity Inflammation and Disease Serum Lactate Dehydrogenase Levels Reflect the Lung Injury Extension in COVID-19 Patients at Hospital Admission Maria Sofia Bertilacchi, Giulia Vannucci, Rebecca Piccarducci, Lorenzo Germelli, Chiara Giacomelli, Chiara Romei, et al. (+4)
1963 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Wiley Community Dentistry And Oral Epidemiology Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Antibiotic Prescribing by Dental Practitioners Across the United Kingdom's Four Countries: A Pharmacoepidemiological Study of Population-Level Dispensing Data, 2016-2023 Jonathan Bowman-Newmark, Amin Vahdati, Anup Karki, Linda Young, Gerry Cleary, Wendy Thompson
1964 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Universiti Putra Malaysia Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences Procalcitonin, C-Reactive Protein-to-Mean Platelet Volume Ratio, and Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio as Predictors of Secondary Bacterial Infections in COVID-19 Patients Rizka Humardewayanti Asdie, Tri Hartati, Eko Budiono, Faisal Heryono, Dhite Bayu Nugroho
1965 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Wiley Geriatrics and Gerontology International Coronary heart disease as a risk factor for delirium in older COVID-19 patients Young-gun Lee, Sang-Won Park, Jihwan Bang, Eunyoung Lee
1966 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Medical Virology COVID-19 Patients Benefitting From Remdesivir for Improved Survival: A Neural Network-Based Approach Carolina Garcia-Vidal, Christian Teijón-Lumbreras, Tommaso Francesco Aiello, Mariana Chumbita, Rosario Menendez, Aina Mateu Subirà, et al. (+11)
1967 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Medical Virology Cost-Effectiveness of Nirmatrelvir/Ritonavir in COVID-19 Patients at High-Risk for Progression in Spain José Ramón Azanza, Juan María González Del Castillo, Raúl Ferrando, José María Molero, Alex Soriano, Carmen Peral, et al. (+5)
1968 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  IP Innovative Publication Pvt Ltd Panacea Journal of Medical Sciences CRP levels and platelet count as markers of prognostic index in COVID-19 patients Akanksha Srivastava, Anuradha Bharosay, Abhinav Manish, Vivek Bharosay
1969 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Geriamed Revue de gériatrie The COVID-19 pandemy seen through thoughts from committee members of ethical reflection in a rural hospital Christophe BEAUBATIE, Agnès CHARIOUX, Eva DUMETRE, Nicole RANGER, Muriel SIMOUNET, Denis SIMONNEAU, et al. (+2)
1970 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  MDPI AG Viruses Managing HIV-Associated Hodgkin Lymphoma During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Case Report and Literature Review Monica-Daniela Padurariu-Covit, Mihaela Andreescu, Elena Niculet, Alina Plesea-Condratovici, Manuela Arbune
1971 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Wiley Neurogastroenterology & Motility Trends in Prevalence of Rome IV Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Results From a Nationally Representative Sample of Over 160,000 People in the US Christopher V. Almario, So Yung Choi, William D. Chey, Brennan M. R. Spiegel
1972 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Advanced Nursing Postpartum Depression, Social Support and Quality of Life Between Adolescent and Adult Mothers in Six Months Postpartum in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Longitudinal Comparative Study Bussara Sangsawang, Nucharee Sangsawang
1973 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Access and use of general and mental health services before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review and meta-analysis Camilla Sculco, Beatrice Bano, Eleonora Prina, Federico Tedeschi, Monica Bianca Bartucz, Corrado Barbui, et al. (+2)
1974 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Plant Archives Journal Of Business It and Social Science Parental role in the English Language learning of their children during COVID-19 pandemic: A study of parents of secondary school ESL learners Mohammed Takhee Pasha, R. Vennela
1975 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  JMIR Publications Inc. JMIR Mental Health Mental health care guidelines for telemedicine during the COVID-19 pandemic: A scoping review (Preprint) Julia Ivanova, Triton Ong, Hattie Wilczewski, Mollie Cummins, Hiral Soni, Janelle Barrera, et al. (+2)
1976 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Wiley Health Expectations Announcements of Death During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study of Family Experiences Axelle Avazeri, Juliette Bonin, Axelle Maneval, Philippe Vorilhon
1977 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Wiley Economica Health risks and labour supply: evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic Joseph Richardson
1978 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Lesson learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative inquiry into patient and family experiences in Pakistan Naheed Feroz Ali, Zahira Amir Ali, Mehak Barolia, Sajid Iqbal, Pammla Margaret Petrucka, Rubina Barolia
1979 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Valley International Social Science and Humanities Journal Communication Anxiety of Industrial Workers during the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Descriptive Study in Indonesian Industrial Area Nikmah Suryandari, Citra Dairotus Sholichah
1980 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Ege Journal of Medicine Ege Tıp Dergisi Levels of anxiety, depression, and quality of life in patients with fibromyalgia during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study. Ece Cinar, Meryem Burcu Türkoğlu Aytar, Simin Hepguler, Hayriye Elbi
1981 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Wiley Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal Mothers' perspectives on children's recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic: An exploratory study J. Mitchell Vaterlaus, Tiana Carney, Emily V. Patten, Lori A. Spruance
1982 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Wiley Physiological Reports The impact of COVID-19 severity on adult survivors: Is there a relationship between vascular reactivity and cardiorespiratory fitness? Guilherme Dionir Back, Murilo Rezende Oliveira, Guilherme Peixoto Tinoco Arêas, Patricia Faria Camargo, Cássia da Luz Goulart, Claudio Ricardo de Oliveira, et al. (+4)
1983 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  New England Complex Systems Institute WHN Science Communications A Comprehensive Beginners Guide to the Ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic (UK Edition) … or Why and How to Minimise Reinfection Charlie Dennis
1984 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  MDPI AG Disabilities We’re Moving Online: Lessons Learned During the COVID-19 Pandemic to Support Adaptive Leisure Time Physical Activity in the Virtual Environment Cassandra Herman, Delphine Labbé, Chelsea Elder
1985 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Medical University of Silesia Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis Demand for publicly funded mental health services in chronic patients during COVID-19 pandemic (Poland 2018-2023) Paweł Juraszek, Mateusz Grajek
1986 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  EU European Publishing Tobacco Prevention & Cessation Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on tobacco product consumption and behavioral patterns from a low-middle income country perspective: A qualitative study Ana Paula Coelho Figureira Freire, Eric Foch, Bruna Aparecida Santos Medina, Juliana Souza Uzeloto, Marceli Rocha Leite, Bruna Spolador de Alencar Silva, et al. (+2)
1987 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  SAGE Publications Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Physical Function Among Community-Dwelling People With Disabilities in Japan: A Follow-Up Study Takayuki Kamimoto, Michiyuki Kawakami, Hikaru Matsunaga, Kunitsugu Kondo, Tetsuya Tsuji
1988 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Prioritising community-defined interventions to address the health and well-being impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on racially minoritised communities in East London: results from an adapted James Lind Alliance priority setting partnership Vanessa Apea, Isabelle Whelan, Suzannah Kinsella, Chloe Orkin
1989 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  American Public Health Association American Journal of Public Health Population-Level Risks for HIV Mortality During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States by Demographic Characteristics and Medicaid Access, 2020-2021 Donrie Purcell, Wayne A. Duffus, Maisha Standifer, Robert Mayberry, Sonja S. Hutchins
1990 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of the Knowledge Economy Effectiveness of Government Measures Against COVID-19 Pandemic in OECD Countries Ines Abdelkafi, Youssra Ben Romdhane, Sahar Loukil
1991 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Mohammad Husni Thamrin Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Perkotaan Analisis Hubungan Sikap terhadap Perilaku Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Infeksi (PPI) COVID-19 pada Perawat Pelaksana di Puskesmas Kabupaten Karawang Shinta Andika Putri, Brian Sri Prahastuti, Nur Asniati Djaali
1992 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Imperium Institute AKURASI Jurnal Riset Akuntansi dan Keuangan Dampak negatif leverage dan periode pandemi Covid-19 pada kinerja perusahaan sektor konstruksi di Indonesia Robby Adam Fadlillah, Ossi Ferli
1993 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Harm Reduction Journal City-level drug policies in Portugal: the COVID-19 pandemic as an analyzer of harm reduction responsiveness in Porto and Lisbon Cristiana Vale Pires, Adriana Curado, Ricardo Fuertes, Maria Carmo Carvalho, Helena Valente
1994 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Wiley International Journal of Cancer Safe prescribing in cancer patients during the COVID-19 pandemic and outcomes following restart of cancer care following SARS-CoV-2 infection: The COV-SPOT initiative Nathan Appanna, Rosie Mew, Sophie Williams, Thomas Starkey, Grisma Patel, Laura Hudson, et al. (+23)
1995 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  JMIR Publications Inc. Journal of Medical Internet Research Digital, Personalized Clinical Trials Among Older Adults: Lessons Learned from The COVID-19 Pandemic and Directions for the Future (Preprint) Lindsay Arader, Danielle Miller, Alexandra Perrin, Frank Vicari, Ciaran P. Friel, Elizabeth Vrany, et al. (+2)
1996 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Elsevier Cities COVID-19 pandemic and community resilience: Study of gated and non-gated communities of Gurugram, India Sumedha Yadav
1997 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine Childhood vaccination coverages in rural Guinea-Bissau before and during the early COVID-19 pandemic, a cohort study Julie Odgaard Vedel, Oides Furtado, Laerte Lima Almeida, Kimberly Raisa Nehal, Line Møller Nanque, Sabine Margarete Damerow, et al. (+3)
1998 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Impact of COVID-19 on key populations and people living with HIV: recommendations and sociopolitical responses from the EPIC community research program in Latin America Valeria Stuardo Ávila, Océane Apffel Font, Ángela León Cáceres, Pablo Radusky, Ines Aristegui, Harold Mendoza, et al. (+17)
1999 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Mental health of general practitioners and family medicine specialists 2 years into the COVID-19 pandemic Marija Zafirovska, Jelena Danilenko, Aleksandar Zafirovski, Kristien Coteur, Heidrun Lingner, Cristián Andrés Frigolett, et al. (+13)
2000 2025―Mar―12  [GO]  Knowledge E Advances in Pharmacology and Therapeutics Journal Impact of Basic Science Research on Controlling the COVID-19 Pandemic Mahdi Mashhadi Akbar Boojar
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