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COVID Antworten in den wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften der Welt

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  Datum Original Artikel Verlag Zeitschrift Titel Autoren Alle Autoren
2001 2024―Sep―06  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering Remediation of plastic waste generated during the COVID-19 pandemic: A conceptual process design of pyrolysis using polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene based polymers Soham V. Kawale, Shrikant S. Mete, Debashis Kundu
2002 2024―Sep―06  [GO]  Elsevier Computers in Biology and Medicine Preventing future zoonosis: SARS-CoV-2 mutations enhance human-animal cross-transmission JunJie Wee, Jiahui Chen, Guo-Wei Wei
2003 2024―Sep―06  [GO]  MDPI AG Life COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment-2nd Edition Silvia De Francia, Daniela Di Grazia, Maura Caudana, Sarah Allegra
2004 2024―Sep―06  [GO]  Pascasarjana Universitas Pasundan Implikasi Jurnal Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Performance Analysis of Mining Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic for the 2018-2021 Period Erna Chotidjah Suhatmi, Putri Intan Prastiwi, Della Restiana
2005 2024―Sep―06  [GO]  Adonis and Abbey Publishers African Journal of Public Administration and Environmental Studies The Complexities of COVID-19 Policy Interventions in Ghana: A Case Study of Border Towns in Bia West District of Southern Ghana Alhassan Issahaku, Nyavor Abednego Donkor, George Asekere
2006 2024―Sep―06  [GO]  Inno Science Press Innovative Medicines & Omics In silico analysis for the proposal of new drugs against the phosphoprotein nucleocapsid of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 virus Amanda Bubula de Souza, Leonardo Pereira de Araújo, Amanda Almeida Morais, Leandro Marcos Santos, Yana Cristina Albanez Santos, Cássia Milene Ribeiro Lopes, et al. (+3)
2007 2024―Sep―06  [GO]  Corpus Publishers Current findings in Journal of Nursing (CFJN) Surgical Nursing In Coronavirus Pandemia Sule Olgun
2008 2024―Sep―06  [GO]  Inno Science Press Innovative Medicines & Omics Potent and selective inhibitory effect of 4-aminoquinoline derivatives on SARS-CoV-2 replication Nicolas Glanzmann, Thamara Kelcya F. Oliveira, Vinicius Carius de Souza, Amanda R. Tucci, Eduarda Alves Penna, Alice Santos Rosa, et al. (+12)
2009 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  National Documentation Centre (EKT) Ανοικτή Εκπαίδευση το περιοδικό για την Ανοικτή και εξ Αποστάσεως Εκπαίδευση και την Εκπαιδευτική Τεχνολογία Σχολική εξ αποστάσεως δευτεροβάθμια εκπαίδευση στην Ελλάδα σε συνθήκες πανδημίας Covid-19. Διερεύνηση των δυσκολιών των εκπαιδευτικών και της αξιοποίησης ΤΠΕ στην εκπαιδευτική διαδικασία Γεώργιος Κούρτης, Ηλίας Μαυροειδής, Βασιλική Ιωακειμίδου
2010 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Contemporary Islam Navigating Islamophobia, COVID-19 bans, and ideology: a study of Tablighi Jamaat’s apolitical movement and jihad in a complex world Rameez Ahmad Lone
2011 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  FSBEI HE NSMU MOH Russia JOURNAL of SIBERIAN MEDICAL SCIENCES Association of the novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19) and endometrial pathology (literature review) A.V. Zatvornitskaya, E.L. Kazachkov, E.A. Kazachkova, E.E. Voropaeva
2012 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Galenos Yayinevi Turkish Journal of Intensive Care Factors Affecting Mortality in Covid-19 Burcu Özer, Ülkü Arslan Yıldız, Ali Sait Kavakli, Melike Cengiz, Hakan Temel, Murat Yılmaz
2013 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare Retraction notice: Measurement and evaluation the impact of perceived healthcare service quality on guest loyalty during COVID-19
2014 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Thrombosis Journal Circulating microRNAs targeting coagulation and fibrinolysis in patients with severe COVID-19 Tuukka A. Helin, Marja Lemponen, Katariina Immonen, Päivi Lakkisto, Lotta Joutsi-Korhonen
2015 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Small Business Economics Digital equity and government support during COVID-19 Shabnam Kazembalaghi, Jerry Coakley, José M. Liñares-Zegarra, Silvio Vismara
2016 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  National Documentation Centre (EKT) Ανοικτή Εκπαίδευση το περιοδικό για την Ανοικτή και εξ Αποστάσεως Εκπαίδευση και την Εκπαιδευτική Τεχνολογία H πρότερη ψηφιακή κατάρτιση των εκπαιδευτικών ως παράγοντας διευκόλυνσης της εφαρμογής της σύγχρονης τηλεκαπίδευσης κατά το β’ κύμα της πανδημίας COVID-19 Φώτης Σταχτέας
2017 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  National Documentation Centre (EKT) Ανοικτή Εκπαίδευση το περιοδικό για την Ανοικτή και εξ Αποστάσεως Εκπαίδευση και την Εκπαιδευτική Τεχνολογία Οι απόψεις εκπαιδευτικών Πρωτοβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης της Περιφέρειας Ηπείρου από την εφαρμογή της εξ αποστάσεως - σύγχρονης και ασύγχρονης -εκπαίδευσης την περίοδο του Covid-19 Φίλιππος Ευαγγέλου
2018 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  National Documentation Centre (EKT) Ανοικτή Εκπαίδευση το περιοδικό για την Ανοικτή και εξ Αποστάσεως Εκπαίδευση και την Εκπαιδευτική Τεχνολογία Εξ αποστάσεως εκπαίδευση στην προσχολική ηλικία: Μελέτη περίπτωσης αξιοποίησης των περιβαλλόντων Webex και e-Class την περίοδο της πανδημίας Covid-19. Γεωργία Θεοδωρος Τζήλου, Σοφία Παπαδημητρίου
2019 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  MDPI AG Oxygen The Roles of Glutathione and Oxidative Stress in Diabetes and COVID-19 Evan Los, George Ford, Dawn Tuell, Demetrio Macariola, William Stone
2020 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  IAIN BONE Constitutional Law Review Perceraian ; Sebuah Tinjauan di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Andi Risal Kadir, Irfan Amir
2021 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  National Documentation Centre (EKT) Διεθνές Συνέδριο για την Ανοικτή & εξ Αποστάσεως Εκπαίδευση Μια κοινωνιολογική διερεύνηση του αποκλεισμού μαθητών δημοσίων και ιδιωτικών νηπιαγωγείων από την εξ αποστάσεως εκπαιδευτική διαδικασία την περίοδο του Covid-19 Γεράσιμος Σ. Κουστουράκης
2022 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Sriwijaya PESIRAH Jurnal Administrasi Publik Revitalisasi Objek Wisata Taman Kyai Langgeng Kota Magelang Pasca Pandemi COVID-19 Agasi Agni
2023 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  National Documentation Centre (EKT) Διεθνές Συνέδριο για την Ανοικτή & εξ Αποστάσεως Εκπαίδευση Εξ αποστάσεως εκπαίδευση και ευάλωτες κοινωνικές ομάδες: ανισότητες και προκλήσεις την περίοδο του COVID-19 ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗ ΜΟΥΛΑΡΑ
2024 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Publishing India Group International Journal of Banking Risk and Insurance Navigating Market Turbulence: Exploring Banking Sector Volatility Amidst COVID-19 Jonika Lamba, Esha Jain, Priyanka Banerji
2025 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Molecular Sciences The Functions of SARS-CoV-2 Receptors in Diabetes-Related Severe COVID-19 Adam Drzymała
2026 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Universitas Pamulang Jurnal Teknologi Sistem Informasi dan Aplikasi Penerapan Stacking untuk Optimasi Model Diagnosa Coronavirus Disease 19 (COVID-19) Yulianti Yulianti, Sri Mulyati, Teti Desyani
2027 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Seminars in Ophthalmology Frosted Branch Angiitis After COVID-19 Kayo Sugiura, Ken Fukuda, Rika Shoji, Mayu Kadono, Kenji Yamashiro
2028 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  PT Bangun Harapan Bangsa Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research Pembelajaran Matematika Berbasis Blended Learning Dalam Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di SMA Negeri 1 Motoling Melati Gratia Lumantow, Victor R. Sulangi, Murni Sulistyaningsih
2029 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  American Psychological Association Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology Supplemental Material for Criminality, Foreignness, and Illness Stereotypes Underlie Racial Minorities’ Social Identity Threat Wearing Different Face Masks During COVID-19
2030 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  American Psychological Association Psychology & Neuroscience Base rates of failure on performance validity testing in patients with postacute sequelae of COVID-19. Ryan C. Thompson, Jared B. Hammond, Melissa M. Gardner, Grant Moncrief, Jonathan Lichtenstein, Brad Tyson, Robert M. Roth
2031 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  The Ohio State University Libraries Ohio Journal of Public Health Development and Delivery of a Novel Interdisciplinary Online Course Focused on Pandemics and COVID-19 Brittany Bates, Daniel Thoryk, Ryan Augustine
2032 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo Qualidade de vida e estresse ocupacional de professores durante a pandemia da Covid-19 Silvia Ribeiro Santos Araújo, Rogério Mariano de Miranda, Beatriz Magalhães Pereira, Fabíola Bertu Medeiros, Rômulo Mariano de Miranda
2033 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Dental Research and Review Evidence of Oral Mucosal Manifestation in Patients with COVID-19 Apeksha Dhole, Divya Dube, Mukta Motwani
2034 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia Medical Journal of Indonesia Effects of digoxin in inhibiting ACE2 and SARS-CoV-2 binding for attenuating COVID-19 in human adipocytes Meity Ardiana, I Gde Rurus Suryawan, Hanestya Oky Hermawan, Primasitha Maharani Harsoyo Putri, Safira Rahma
2035 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Universitas Darussalam Gontor TSAQAFAH The Role of Gusdurian Peduli's Philanthropic Actions in Overcoming the Economic Turbulence of Communities Affected by COVID-19 Arif Zunaidi, Fachrial Lailatul Maghfiroh, Nurul Athirah Mohd Azmi
2036 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Sumatera Medan Hikmah Analisis Model Kurikulum Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 Syarifah Syarifah, Farida Isroani, Muwahidah Nurhasanah, Samsul Samsul, Khoula Azwary
2037 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Sumatera Medan Hikmah Upaya Guru Bimbingan dan Konseling Mengatasi Perilaku Prokrastinasi Akademik Siswa Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 Rizki Assingkily, Mahidin Mahidin
2038 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Universidad Privada de Tacna REVISTA VERITAS ET SCIENTIA - UPT La educación en la región de Tacna en tiempos de pandemia por el COVID-19 Carmen Rosa Cohaila Quispe, Ema Tuyo Quispe, Elia Liny Condori Garcia
2039 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Daarut Thufulah International Journal of Educational Narratives The Impact of Covid-19 on Student Achievement in Higher Education Arif Hidajad, Woolnough Cale, Bouyea Jonathan
2040 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Even3 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE EXTENSÃO UNIVERSITÁRIA Extensão Universitária: Inovação na realização de atividades não presenciais de promoção da saúde com idosos na pandemia da COVID-19 Josineide Francisco Sampaio, Tyrone Raphael Feitosa Lima, Nyaria Flêmera de Souza, Larissa Silva do Nascimento, Thérèse Raphaela Feitosa Lima, Gabriela Correia de Freitas Costa
2041 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLOS Global Public Health Leveraging tuberculosis programs for future pandemic preparedness: A retrospective look on COVID-19 Whitney Bowen, Ho Tri, Sebastian Romero, Roaa Shaheen, Victoria Kipngetich, Nick McGowan, et al. (+6)
2042 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Universidad Juarez Autonoma de Tabasco Horizonte Sanitario Ética y derechos humanos en el servicio hospitalario por COVID-19","Ethics and human rights in the hospital service by COVID-19 Leticia Palomeque Cruz
2043 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Revista ft Ltda Revista ft COMPARAÇÃO DO PERFIL EPIDEMIOLÓGICO BRASILEIRO DA SÍNDROME DE BURNOUT ANTES E APÓS A PANDEMIA DA COVID-19 Allana Bandeira Carrilho, Aline Tenório Lins Carnaúba, Vitória Maria Ferreira da Silva, Tainá de Carvalho Gonçalves
2044 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Revista ft Ltda Revista ft O MECANISMO DA HIPERGLICEMIA DURANTE A INFECÇÃO DE COVID-19 Luize Coelho Zanatta, Giovanna Nogueira Bonfante, Vivian Lopes de Lima, José Afonso Ferreira David Thomé Filho
2045 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Wiley Statistics in Medicine Assessing the Performance of Machine Learning Methods Trained on Public Health Observational Data: A Case Study From COVID-19 Davide Pigoli, Kieran Baker, Jobie Budd, Lorraine Butler, Harry Coppock, Sabrina Egglestone, et al. (+16)
2046 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Universidad Santo Tomas Diversitas Implementación de un programa de escuela para familias en una institución educativa durante la contingencia sanitaria COVID-19","Implementation of a school for families program in an educational institution during the sanitary contingency COVID-19 Christian Alexander Morales-Vallejo, Nathalia Marcela Vallejo-Erazo, Camila Alejandra España-Riascos, Álvaro Darío Dorado- Martínez, Yuranny Alejandra Tabares-Díaz
2047 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Universitas Pakuan Journal of Social Studies Arts and Humanities (JSSAH) Educational Technology Evolvement During The Covid-19 Pandemic Hamim H
2048 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Pneumonia Etiology and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of bacteria causing pneumonia among adult patients with signs and symptoms of lower respiratory tract infections during the COVID-19 pandemic in Mwanza, Tanzania: a cross-sectional study Johannes Rukyaa, Martha F. Mushi, Vitus Silago, Prisca Damiano, Katherine Keenan, Wilber Sabiiti, et al. (+3)
2049 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Clinical and Experimental Optometry Incidence of hordeola and chalazia during the COVID-19 pandemic: the role of mask wear Raman Bhakhri, Rebecca Zoltoski, Moheera Athar, Shaadan Hasan
2050 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Universitas Muslim Indonesia Window of Public Health Journal Pengaruh Video Edukasi Terhadap Pengatahuan Pengurus Osis Pencegahan Covid-19 SMAN 3 SIDRAP Rianto Yusrianto Sani
2051 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Wiley European Journal of Clinical Investigation Rate of recurrence after discontinuing anticoagulation in patients with venous thromboembolism within 30 days after COVID-19 vaccine Luis Jara-Palomares, Behnood Bikdeli, David Jiménez, Alfonso Muriel, Pablo Demelo-Rodríguez, Isabelle Mahé, et al. (+4)
2052 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Nature Communications Influence of mRNA Covid-19 vaccine dosing interval on the risk of myocarditis Stéphane Le Vu, Marion Bertrand, Laura Semenzato, Marie-Joelle Jabagi, Jérémie Botton, Jérôme Drouin, et al. (+3)
2053 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  FSBEI HE NSMU MOH Russia JOURNAL of SIBERIAN MEDICAL SCIENCES Peculiarities of the course of a novel coronavirus infection caused by SARS-CoV-2 in children in the outpatient settings Т.V. Kartseva, L.М. Panasenko, Zh.V. Nefedova, D.A. Oladele, Е.V. Karmazina, I.М. Mitrofanov, et al. (+2)
2054 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Daarut Thufulah International Journal of Educational Narratives Classroom Service Guide Using Kahoot Game During Covid 19 Pandemic Siti Rahmi, Sopianto Sopianto, Riski Sovayunanto
2055 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Daarut Thufulah International Journal of Educational Narratives Using Facebook as a Digital Platform During the Covid 19 Pandemic to Support Online Learning Sri Supiah Cahyati, Yuanyuan Wang, Guijiao Zou
2056 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  National Documentation Centre (EKT) Ανοικτή Εκπαίδευση το περιοδικό για την Ανοικτή και εξ Αποστάσεως Εκπαίδευση και την Εκπαιδευτική Τεχνολογία Εποχή COVID-19 και Εξ Αποστάσεως Εκπαίδευση στο νηπιαγωγείο. Διερεύνηση απόψεων εκπαιδευτικών. ΠΑΡΑΣΚΕΥΗ ΕΥΣΤΡΑΤΙΟΥ ΦΩΤΗ
2057 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  National Documentation Centre (EKT) Διεθνές Συνέδριο για την Ανοικτή & εξ Αποστάσεως Εκπαίδευση H Ψηφιακή Ικανότητα των Εκπαιδευτικών στις Τ.Π.Ε κατά τη διάρκεια της Πανδημίας Covid-19 και ο Ρόλος των Επιμορφώσεων Ευάγγελος Συρόπουλος, Ιωάννης Λεύκος
2058 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  National Documentation Centre (EKT) Διεθνές Συνέδριο για την Ανοικτή & εξ Αποστάσεως Εκπαίδευση Θετικές επιπτώσεις της πρόσφατης πανδημίας COVID-19 στην εκπαίδευση: η χρήση των εφαρμογών Web 2.0 Γεώργιος Πανέτας, Ανθή Β. Καρατράντου, Χρήστος Παναγιωτακόπουλος
2059 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Clinical Medicine Maternal and Fetal Outcomes of COVID-19 According to the Trimester of Diagnosis: A Cross-Sectional Prospective Study in a Tertiary University Hospital Naser Al-Husban, Rahaf Mohammad Di’bas, Sara Salem Karadsheh, Lara Ali Alananzeh, Iman Aolymat, Asma Kilani, et al. (+3)
2060 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Uphills Publishers LLC South Eastern European Journal of Public Health Whether COVID-19 Affected Hospital Death Rate in Split - Dalmatia County, Croatia Ivana Marasović Šušnjara, Marijana Mijaković, Anamarija Jurčev Savičević, Mario Marendić
2061 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Dental Research and Review Evaluation of Knowledge, Awareness, and Perception toward the Application of Teledentistry on Managing Early Childhood Caries during COVID-19 among Dental Professionals in Kolkata, West Bengal Topi Nyodu, P. N. Nanmaran, Khooshbu Gayen, Subir Sarkar, Somen Roychowdhury
2062 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Systematic Reviews Acceptance and uptake of vaccines against tetanus, influenza, pertussis, and COVID-19 among pregnant and postpartum women in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol Imen Ayouni, Tshepiso Mbangiwa, Edina Amponsah-Dacosta, Susanne Noll, Benjamin M. Kagina, Rudzani Muloiwa
2063 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Intensive Care Medicine Long-term mortality and health-related quality of life with lower versus higher oxygenation targets in intensive care unit patients with COVID-19 and severe hypoxaemia Elena Crescioli, Frederik Mølgaard Nielsen, Anne-Marie Bunzel, Anne Sofie Broberg Eriksen, Martin Siegemund, Lone Musaeus Poulsen, et al. (+13)
2064 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Walter de Gruyter GmbH Epidemiologic Methods Using specific, validated vs. non-specific, non-validated tools to measure a subjective concept: application on COVID-19 burnout scales in a working population Chadia Haddad, Aline Hajj, Hala Sacre, Rony M. Zeenny, Marwan Akel, Katia Iskandar, Pascale Salameh
2065 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Nursing Unbiased care, unequal outcomes: a nursing telehealth intervention reveals systematic inequities in COVID-19 care delivery Anthony Cheng, Kyle Hart, Andrea Baron, Emily Dollar, Brian Park, Jen DeVoe, et al. (+3)
2066 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Richtmann Publishing Journal of Educational and Social Research Enhancing Elementary School Teaching Strategies in the Wake of COVID-19 Challenges and Innovations Zenel Sina, Lindita Lutaj, Elda Tartari, Helena Grillo Mukli, Llambi Prendi
2067 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Edizioni Minerva Medica European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Effectiveness of telerehabilitation vs. face-to-face pulmonary rehabilitation on physical function and quality of life in people with post COVID-19 condition: a systematic review and network meta-analysis Oliver MARTÍNEZ-POZAS, Camilo CORBELLINI, Juan N. CUENCA-ZALDÍVAR, Érika MELÉNDEZ-OLIVA, Pierluigi SINATTI, Eleuterio A. SÁNCHEZ ROMERO
2068 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Elsevier Asian Journal of Psychiatry Comparative analysis of mental health impairment among COVID-19 confirmed cases across the pandemic period in South Korea Dongkyu Lee, So Yeon Hyun, Hyejin Kim, Euihyun Kwak, Songeun Lee, Myungjae Baik, et al. (+3)
2069 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  UNISA Press Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa Budgeting for Women’s Rights in a COVID-19 Context: 2020-2021 Experiences from South Africa and Zimbabwe Priccilar Vengesai
2070 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Humanity Only - HO Global Immunological & Infectious Diseases Review The Impact of Microsmart Lockdown (MSLD) Strategy on Flattening the Covid-19 Curve in Pakistan Sadiq Ali, Natasha -, Syed Asim Shah
2071 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Universitas Islam Indragiri Indragiri Law Review Vaksinasi Covid-19 dalam Perspektif Maqashid al-Syari’ah: Sebagai Hak atau Kewajiban Muannif Ridwan
2072 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Instituto Nacional de Salud Biomédica HCoV-NL63 and HCoV-HKU1 seroprevalence and its relationship with the clinical features of COVID-19 patients from Villavicencio, Colombia","Seroprevalencia de HCoV-NL63 y HCoV-HKU1 y su relación con las características clínicas de pacientes con COVID-19 de Villavicencio, Colombia Lida Carolina Lesmes-Rodríguez, Luz Natalia Pedraza-Castillo, Dumar Alexander Jaramillo-Hernández
2073 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  De Gruyter Open Sp. z o.o. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences Section B Natural Exact and Applied Sciences Gut Microbiome Differences Regarding Lifestyle and the History of COVID-19 Disease in Ulcerative Colitis Patients Zane Straume, Nikola Krūmiņa, Ilze Elbere, Maija Rozenberga, Laura Blomniece, Renārs Erts, et al. (+3)
2074 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Instituto Nacional de Salud Biomédica Coinfección o sobreinfección fúngica en pacientes con COVID-19 en un hospital de tercer nivel en México","Fungal coinfection/superinfection in COVID-19 patients in a tertiary hospital in Mexico Eduardo García-Salazar, Sandra Benavidez-López, Alexandro Bonifaz, Emma Alejandra Hernández-Mendoza, Xóchitl Ramírez-Magaña, María del Rocío Reyes-Montes, et al. (+3)
2075 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Universidad Juarez Autonoma de Tabasco Horizonte Sanitario Ansiedad, estrés y calidad de sueño asociados a COVID-19 en universitarios del noroeste de México","Anxiety, stress and sleep quality associated to COVID-19 in university students in northwestern Mexico Alejandrina Bautista Jacobo, Maria Olga Quintana Zavala, Manuel Alejandro Vázquez Bautista, Daniel González Lomelí
2076 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  National Documentation Centre (EKT) Ανοικτή Εκπαίδευση το περιοδικό για την Ανοικτή και εξ Αποστάσεως Εκπαίδευση και την Εκπαιδευτική Τεχνολογία Elements of unfairness in e-learning distance higher education in covid-19 era MARIA KOUTSOUBA, KONSTANDINA KOUTSOUBA, YIANNIS GIOSSOS
2077 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  National Documentation Centre (EKT) Ανοικτή Εκπαίδευση το περιοδικό για την Ανοικτή και εξ Αποστάσεως Εκπαίδευση και την Εκπαιδευτική Τεχνολογία Distance Education in the COVID-19 era: The example of Greece and the international opportunity to transition to the Open School of Inquiry Based Learning, Collaborative Creativity, and Social Solidarity Panagiotes Anastasiades
2078 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Oxford University Press The Gerontologist Covid-19 Impacts on Physical Activity among Community-dwelling Older Adults with Memory Problems: The Moderating Role of Walkable Neighborhood Destinations Xi Chen, Chanam Lee, Marcia G Ory, Sungmin Lee, Samuel D Towne, Xuemei Zhu
2079 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Religion Brain & Behavior Accordance and conflict between religious and scientific precautions against COVID-19 in 27 societies Theodore Samore, Daniel M.T. Fessler, Adam Maxwell Sparks, Colin Holbrook, Lene Aarøe, Carmen Gloria Baeza, et al. (+43)
2080 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Elsevier American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education A Retrospective Study to Compare Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) in Hypertension and Diabetes Patience O. Obih, Ijeoma Innocent-Ituah, Elizabeth M. Howard, Susan Olet
2081 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  South Asian Research Publication South Asian Research Journal of Biology and Applied Biosciences Characteristics of Lipid Metabolism Disorders in Type 2 Diabetic Patients with COVID-19 in Pointe Noire Freddy Saturnin Pouki, Luc Magloire Anicet Boumba, Aladin Atandi Batchy, Charley Elenga-Bongo, Ange Cerna Malonga Ngouma, Rebecca Frédérique Dussaud, et al. (+8)
2082 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Persistent COVID-19 Infection in an Immunocompromised Host: A Case Report Rashmita Das, Rajesh P Karyakarte, Suvarna Joshi, Marie Joy, Abhay Sadre
2083 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  American Podiatric Medical Association Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association Clinical and Medical Imaging Findings of the Forefoot Following a COVID-19 Infection: A Case Report Dominick Casciato, Randall Thomas, Joshua Houser
2084 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences TERAPIA ANTICOAGULANTE E MELHORIAS NO PROGNÓSTICO DE PACIENTES COM COVID-19 INTERNADOS: UMA REVISÃO SISTEMÁTICA Matheus Gomes Balduino, Andréia Emily Silva de Azevêdo, Milena Nunes Alves de Sousa, Tiago Bruno Carneiro de Faria, Rita de Cássia Jales de Oliveira
2085 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  MDPI AG Tomography A Joint Classification Method for COVID-19 Lesions Based on Deep Learning and Radiomics Guoxiang Ma, Kai Wang, Ting Zeng, Bin Sun, Liping Yang
2086 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Bristol University Press Evidence & Policy A Journal of Research Debate and Practice Policy advisory bodies during crises: a scoping review of the COVID-19 literature in Europe Clemence Bouchat, Sonja Blum, Ellen Fobé, Marleen Brans
2087 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Springer-Verlag International Journal of Environmental Research Noise Mapping and Impact of COVID-19 Lock Down on Traffic Noise Induced Health Issues Using SEM Approach Chidananda Prasad Das, Shreerup Goswami, Bibhu Prasad Panda, Bijay Kumar Swain, Mira Das
2088 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Jan Evangelista Purkyne University in Usti nad Labem EduPort GENERAL NURSING EDUCATION DURING THE COVID-19 LOCKDOWN AND THE COMPARISON WITH THE PRE-PANDEMIC AND POST-PANDEMIC OUTCOMES Tomáš Novotný, Michal Vostrý, Kateřina Tichá, Karel Hrach
2089 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Corpus Publishers Current Trends in Engineering Science (CTES) The Contributions of Faith Based Organizations on the Education of Vulnerable Children in Post Covid-19 Lockdown Era in Njeru Municipality: Focus on Divine Holistic Ministries Fred Kiwanuka
2090 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Science Research Society European Economic Letters Social Impact of COVID-19 Lockdowns on Indian Migrant Workers: A Survey-Based Investigation
2091 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Acta Dermato-Venereologica Acta Dermato Venereologica Commentary on “Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Syndrome Following COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination: Th2 to Th1 Transition-related Molecular Machinery” Hinpetch Daungsupawong, Viroj Wiwanitkit
2092 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Revista ft Ltda Revista ft IMPACTO DA PANDEMIA DE COVID-19 NO ATENDIMENTO PSICOSSOCIAL DO CENTRO DE REFERÊNCIA DE ASSISTÊNCIA SOCIAL (CRAS): ANÁLISE NO MUNICÍPIO DE BRASIL NOVO, ESTADO DO PARÁ, BRASIL Eliane Barros Costa Faleiro, Géssica Nayara Rosa, Jéssica Mardegan Xavier, Carlos Vitor Miranda Vieira, Diogo Viana Lopes, Elison Sousa Moraes, et al. (+3)
2093 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Bangladesh Journals Online Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical College Journal A Cross-Sectional Study on Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Towards COVID-19 of the Residents of Nagarkanda Upazila, Faridpur District Abdul Majid Khan, Md Munim Ur Rahman Khan, Md Rafiqul Islam, Md Samiul Alam, Esrat Jahan, Ayesha Rahman
2094 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  The Korea Academia-Industrial Cooperation Society Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society The effect of economic changes in families caused by COVID-19 on adolescent suicidal thoughts, suicide plans, and suicide attempts : Focusing on the experience of depression Gyeongchan Kim, Eunjeong Kang, Hyewon Lee
2095 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  INTI International University INTI Journal Impact of COVID-19 on Caregiver Burden among Parents of Differently Abled Children: A Survey Ramya Chandran, Jagatheesan Alagesan
2096 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  F1000 Research Ltd F1000Research Impact of distress and anxiety due to COVID-19 on digital addictions in university students in the third wave period  Walter Capa-Luque, Luz Elizabeth Mayorga-Falcón, Evelyn Barboza-Navarro, Armando Martínez-Portillo, Yovana Pardavé-Livia, Edmundo Hervias-Guerra, et al. (+2)
2097 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Consumer Affairs Job loss during COVID-19 on early retirement withdrawals: A moderated-mediation analysis Haotian Zheng, Stephen Roll, Mathieu Despard
2098 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Integrative Medicine and Public Health Impact of COVID-19 on essential health services in Bangladesh Sharmin Parveen, Nasreen Nahar, Md Shahriar Mahbub, Kazi Abu Mohammad Morshed, Abu Said Juel Miah
2099 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  The Korean Association for Survey Research Survey Research Cultural shifts in pandemic crisis: Examining the differential impact of COVID-19 on omnivorous cultural consumption Ahhyun Cho
2100 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Psychology Psychological impact of COVID-19 on the Ecuadorian population: a comparative analysis 1 year after quarantine measures Jorge Andrés Gallardo-Rumbea, María José Farfán Bajaña, Hans Mautong, Jorge Moncayo-Rizzo, Derly Andrade, Ivan Cherrez-Ojeda, Geovanny Alvarado-Villa
2101 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  DJ Studio Dariusz Jasinski Fizjoterapia Polska An unforgettable negative memory: the effects of Covid-19 on the endurance of kabaddi athletes I Gusti Putu Ngurah Adi Santika, I Putu Gede Adiatmika, Y Touvan Juni Samodra, Maryoto Subekti, Ketut Tirtayasa, Susy Purnawati, et al. (+2)
2102 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  De Gruyter Open Sp. z o.o. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences Section B Natural Exact and Applied Sciences Quality of Life in Patients with Ulcerative Colitis During the Covid-19 Outbreak: A Cross-Sectional Study in a Single Centre in Latvia Zane Straume, Nikola Krūmiņa, Ilze Elbere, Maija Rozenberga, Laura Blomniece, Renārs Erts, et al. (+3)
2103 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Akademi Farmasi Bumi Siliwangi Pharmaceutical Science and Clinical Pharmacy Evaluasi Peresepan Obat Penanganan COVID-19 Pada Pasien Geriatri di Rawat Inap Salah Satu Rumah Sakit di Kabupaten Bandung Anna Fitriyana
2104 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  LP2M - UM Banjarmasin TEFLA Journal (Teaching English as Foreign Language and Applied Linguistic Journal) DEVELOPING THE 21ST CENTURY SKILLS IN ESSAY WRITING COURSE DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Siti Nuridayanti, Sarah Aqila, Diani Nurhajati
2105 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  State University of Medan Journal of Community Research and Service The Effect of Financial and Macroeconomic Performance on Stock Value in Companies in the Restaurant, Hotel and Tourism Sub-Sector Companies Listed on the IDX During the Covid-19 Pandemic Rizky Amalia, Vina Arnita
2106 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  American Thoracic Society Annals of the American Thoracic Society Policy Proposals for Mitigating ICU Strain: Insights from the COVID-19 Pandemic Ivor S Douglas, Anuj Mehta, Jason Mansoori
2107 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Integrative Medicine and Public Health Psychological impact of quarantine and isolation on patients, carers, and frontline healthcare workers during COVID-19 pandemic Ovais Wadoo, Naveed Nazir Shah, Mudasir M. Firdosi, Arshad Hussain, Mehvish Mushtaq, Aaliya Mohi-uddin Azad, et al. (+6)
2108 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Uphills Publishers LLC South Eastern European Journal of Public Health Mental Health Disorders of Bulgarian Healthcare Professionals during a Recurring Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic Pavlina Gidikova, Gergana Sandeva, Pavlina Parusheva, Darko Simonov, Desislava Baltadzhieva, Kosara Kopraleva
2109 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Uphills Publishers LLC South Eastern European Journal of Public Health Evaluating The Challenges That Nursing Students Faced With E- Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic Arben Gjonej, Risida Gjonej, Albana Poloska, Elida Mataj
2110 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Head & Neck Physicians and Surgeons The Utility of Telemedicine for Postoperative Follow-Up Care in Head and Neck Cancer Patients during the COVID-19 Pandemic N. Apoorva Reddy, Shalini Thakur, B. M. Joshna, Koustabh Kumar, Akshay Kudpaje, U. S. Vishal Rao
2111 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Outcomes Following Paediatric Tonsillectomy From a UK Tertiary Centre: Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust’s Experience During the COVID-19 Pandemic Gani N Nuredini, Paula Coyle
2112 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Dental Research and Review Descriptive Study of Dental Diseases among Patients Visiting for dental care in a Tertiary Care Center During COVID-19 Pandemic Hitesh Chander Mittal, Rajesh Kumar Singh, Ashish Pant, Pragati Singhal
2113 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Dental Research and Review A Pilot Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice Survey among Pediatric Dentists during COVID-19 Pandemic Priyanka Kashyap
2114 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Dental Research and Review Satisfaction of Primary Caregiver with the Dental Treatment by Silver Diammine Fluoride during COVID-19 Pandemic Faraha Javed, Saima Y. Khan, Manoj Kumar Sharma
2115 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Impact of regional SARS-CoV-2 proceedings on changes in diagnoses of pediatric malignancies in Bavaria during the COVID-19 pandemic Mira Reger, Kirsi Manz, Theresa Kaeuferle, Ramona Coffey, Zofia Wotschofsky, Irene von Luettichau, et al. (+5)
2116 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Preventing Chronic Disease Asthma Hot Spots in New York Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic Samira Skochko, Trang Nguyen, Stephanie Mack, Brooke Turcotte, Catherine Adler, Eli S. Rosenberg, et al. (+4)
2117 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  American Psychological Association Translational Issues in Psychological Science Supplemental Material for Shelter in the Online World? Benefits and Risks Associated With Social Media Use for College Students’ Mental Health in the Early Stage of COVID-19 Pandemic
2119 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  American Psychological Association American Journal of Orthopsychiatry Supplemental Material for Professional Quality of Life Among Israeli Social Workers in Hospitals and a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) During the COVID-19 Pandemic
2120 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  American Psychological Association American Journal of Orthopsychiatry The role of racial bias and pathways to self-harm outcomes for Mexican-descent college students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Natalia Jaramillo, Gisel Suarez Bonilla, Brandy Piña-Watson, Gabriela Manzo, Aundrea Garcia, Maria Sanchez, Jocelyn I. Meza
2121 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  International Journal of Life Sciences Biotechnology and Pharma Research International Journal of Life Sciences Biotechnology and Pharma Research Perception of E-Learning Amongst the Undergraduate Students in a Tertiary Care Medical College & Hospital of Southern Assam During the COVID-19 Pandemic Nishanta Thakuria, Abdul Hakim, Pranjal Kumar Medhi
2122 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Wiley Acta Paediatrica Children hospitalised with gastroenteritis before and during the COVID-19 pandemic Hamida Saidian, Rie Daugberg, Lise Heilmann Jensen, Ann-Marie Malby Schoos, Maren Johanne Heilskov Rytter
2123 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Elsevier American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education Understanding Mental Health of Pharmacists During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic Bradley J. Newell, Sainamitha Palnati, Pooja Patel, Saajan Bhakta
2124 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Elsevier American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education Comparison of NAPLEX First-Time Pass Rates Before and After COVID-19 Pandemic Subrata Deb, Prashant Sakharkar
2125 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  MDPI AG Healthcare Factors Affecting CPAP Adherence in an OSA Population during the First Two Years of the COVID-19 Pandemic Dimosthenis Lykouras, Eirini Zarkadi, Electra Koulousousa, Olga Lagiou, Dimitrios Komninos, Argyris Tzouvelekis, Kyriakos Karkoulias
2126 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Institute for Population and Social Research Journal of Population and Social Studies Stress, Depression, Public Stigma, and Their Associated Factors Among University Students in Thailand After the COVID-19 Pandemic Pallop Siewchaisakul, Prapassara Sirikarn, Surachai Phimha, Nutcha Narom, Noppcha Singweratham, Manita Yimcharoen, et al. (+3)
2127 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  UNISA Press Social and Health Sciences Public Perceptions of Electronic Health Services in Bangladesh During the COVID-19 Pandemic Md. Robiul Islam, Abdur Rahman, M. Rezaul Islam
2128 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Elsevier International Review of Economics & Finance Salience and Food Waste Reduction: Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic Yuan Gao, Rigoberto A. Lopez, Ruili Liao, Xiaoou Liu
2129 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Community Health Sustainability and Adaptability of a Community Health Advisor-Led Educational Program in Faith-Based Organizations in Underserved Communities during the COVID-19 Pandemic Deborah B. Marin, Vanshdeep Sharma, Zorina Costello, Vilma Prieto, Jonathan DePierro, Sydney Starkweather, et al. (+3)
2130 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  University of St. La Salle Journal of Higher Education Research Human Resources and Professional Quality of Life Among Hospital Nurses During the COVID-19 Pandemic Zhang Yaqi, Loresita Antonia Chua
2131 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Serbian Society for Mitochondrial and Free Radical Physiology RedoXplore VITAMIN MISUSE DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC - SINGLE CENTER EXPERIENCE Marija Petrushevska, Dragica Zendelovska, Emilija Atanasovska
2132 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Dental Research and Review Awareness of COVID-19 Pandemic among Dental Outpatients Suganya Ravi, Sabitha Gokulraj, Karthik Rajaram Mohan, Kumar Appusamy, Ravikumar Pethagounder Thangavelu
2133 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Head & Neck Physicians and Surgeons Facial Masks for COVID-19 Pandemic an Approach toward Awareness among Health Practitioners Shivani Sachdeva, Harish Saluja1, Amit Mani, Shubhangi Mani, Kirti Chawla, Syeda Nikhat Mohammadi
2134 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Effects of health-related dispositions on citizens’ appraisals toward the COVID-19 pandemic and protective behavior Xinyuan Fu, Ruoran Fu, Shuxian Li, Xiaona Du, Mei Zhang, Jiaxin Duan, et al. (+3)
2135 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Uniao Atlantica de Pesquisadores Concilium Losses experienced by families during the COVID-19 pandemic and the resources used to cope with them Sandra Dal Pai, Mara Regina Santos da Silva, Gabriele Schek, Adriane Maria Netto de Oliveira, Eda Schwartz, Evy Nazon
2136 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Elsevier American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education Re-Engaging the Community After the COVID-19 Pandemic at an Interprofessional Student-Run Clinic Jala A. Reed, Caitlin Reighard, Olivia Lee, Laura Hanson, Anna Balinski, Sarah Adams, et al. (+2)
2137 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Dental Research and Review Dental Problems and Awareness of Patients for Oral Health in COVID-19 Pandemic during Lockdown and Postlockdown Period Rashmi Deshpande Sathe, Annette M. Bhambal, Shivakumar Ganiga Channaiah, Tarun Pratap Singh, Sameer V Sathe
2138 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Der Schmerz Einfluss von Versorgungskrisen auf die Behandlung von Tumorschmerzen: eine Darstellung am Beispiel der COVID-19-Pandemie aus Versorgersicht","Influence of health care crises on the treatment of cancer pain: a presentation using the example of the COVID-19 pandemic from the provider’s perspective Frederik Dombrowski, Stefan Wirz, Hannes Hofbauer, Pascal Kowark, Joachim Erlenwein, Ulrike Stamer, Kristin Kieselbach
2139 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Art and Science Press Pte. Ltd. Environment and Social Psychology Neuroticism, coping styles and psychological distress among frontliners during COVID-19 pandemic in Kelantan, Malaysia Barath Chidambar Subramanian, Raishan Shafini Bakar, Aisyah Che Rahimi, Mohd Azhar Mohd Yasin
2140 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Public Health Challenges faced by migrant populations in complying with public health measures during the COVID-19 pandemic in Malaysia: A qualitative study Tharani Loganathan, Amirah Zafirah Zaini, Watinee Kunpeuk, Rapeepong Suphanchaimat, Huso Yi, Aysha Farwin, Hazreen Abdul Majid
2141 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Dove Medical Press Infection and Drug Resistance Assessment of Non-Adherence to Anti-TB Drugs and Associated Factors Among Patients Attending TB Treatment Centers During COVID-19 Pandemic in Mogadishu, Somalia: A Cross-Sectional Study Abdullahi Omar, Jamal Mohamoud, Mohamed Adam, Bashiru Garba, Mariam Hassan, Ibrahim Mohamed, Zakaria Adam
2142 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Wydawnictwo Adam Marszalek Nowa Polityka Wschodnia The six critical tasks of strategic leaders during crisis. Ensuring safety of stakeholders during COVID-19 pandemic in Poland Zdzisław Polcikiewicz, Norbert Świętochowski, Marek Tomaszycki
2143 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  SAGE Publications Global Pediatric Health Chronic Conditions and Resilience: Adolescent Health Behaviors in the Midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Thailand Phatchara Thitamethee, Narueporn Likhitweerawong, Orawan Louthrenoo, Nonglak Boonchooduang
2144 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Southeast Asia A Multidisciplinary Journal Humanitarian leadership in urban communities: an exploratory study on the role of community leaders in humanitarian coordination during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines Maria Carinnes Alejandria, Philippe Jose Hernandez, Marie Antonette Quan-Nalus, Froilan Alipao, Denise Tumaneng, Cathleen Justine Ruiz, et al. (+2)
2145 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Chinese Economy Perceived Employability During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Greater Bay Area (GBA) of China Louis T. W. Cheng, Yam Wing Siu, Anson Wong, Pauline Wong, Christine Armatas, K. P. Yuen
2146 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  National Documentation Centre (EKT) Ανοικτή Εκπαίδευση το περιοδικό για την Ανοικτή και εξ Αποστάσεως Εκπαίδευση και την Εκπαιδευτική Τεχνολογία The psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Greek teachers and the emerging challenges for their professional development Natassa Raikou, Georgia Konstantopoulou, Konstantinos Lavidas
2147 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  S. Karger AG Respiration Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on home mechanical ventilation in Germany: A descriptive observational study Sarah Bettina Stanzel, Maximilian Wollsching-Strobel, Daniel Sebastian Majorski, Doreen Kroppen, Melanie Patricia Berger, Falk Schumacher, et al. (+3)
2148 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Pediatrics Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on neurodevelopmental outcome in very low birth weight infants: a nationwide cohort study Hyuna Kim, Yong Hun Jang, Joo Young Lee, Gang Yi Lee, Jae Yong Sung, Mi Jung Kim, et al. (+6)
2149 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on ocular disease: KNHANES 2015-2021 Hyeon Jung Kim, Yun Kyoung Ryu, Young Joo Shin
2150 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Dental Research and Review Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Management of Dental Pain and Odontogenic Infections in Pediatric Patients Nádia Carolina Teixeira Marques, Nelson Pereira Marques, Sarah Vitor Teixeira Rodrigues, Aluísio Eustáquio de Freitas Miranda-Filho, Valdirene Miranda Esteves Orsi, Eduardo Araújo de de Oliveira, Hercílio Martelli-Júnior
2151 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Head & Neck Physicians and Surgeons A Longitudinal Cohort Study on Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Mental Health of Cancer Care Providers Abhinav Thaduri, Amit Sehrawat, Dharma Ram Poonia, Anindya Das, Rajesh Kumar, Arun Varghese, et al. (+5)
2152 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  American Psychological Association American Journal of Orthopsychiatry The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on U.S. Latinx mental health: A validation of the Epidemic-Pandemic Impacts Inventory (EPII) scale. Lucas Torres, Cristalís Capielo Rosario, Fiorella L. Carlos Chavez
2153 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  International Journal Of Advanced Research International Journal of Advanced Research PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC SCHOOL CLOSURE AMONG MEDICAL STUDENTS IN A TERTIARY INSTITUTION IN SOKOTO STATE, NIGERIA Ango U.M, Babazhitsu M., Bakare A.T, Hali B., Yilbat M.T, Musa U., Usman S.D
2154 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Institut Pendidikan Indonesia Jurnal Inovasi Pembelajaran Matematika PowerMathEdu Online mathematics learning during the covid-19 pandemic using the whatsapp application Pranitha Agustina
2155 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Yonsei University College of Medicine Yonsei Medical Journal Association of the COVID-19 Pandemic with HbA1c Testing and Complication Screening in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Jieun Jang, Doo Woong Lee, Junghwan Suh, Jaeyong Shin
2156 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  F1000 Research Ltd F1000Research Insomnia in teachers at the time of resumption of in-person instruction at schools amidst the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study Sowmini Padmanabh Kamath, Prasanna Mithra, Padmanabh Kamath, Bhaskaran Unnikrishnan
2157 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Current Psychology The association of mental health with physical inactivity in Chinese adults over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal study Lamei Deng, Weihao Xiong, Yu Chen, Zongyou Xu, XiaoPeng Shang
2158 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  University of Cape Coast Journal of Business and Enterprise Development Pricing Strategies and Customer Patronage in the Midst of Covid-19 Pandemic: A Study of Fast Moving Goods' Consumers in Lagos and Ogun States, Nigeria Dr. Samuel Abimbola ODUNLAMI, Anthony Abiodun Eniola
2159 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Universidad Santo Tomas Diversitas Solidaridad en la pandemia del COVID- 19: un estudio exploratorio en Bogotá, Colombia","Solidarity in the covid-19 pandemic: an exploratory study in Bogotá, Colombia Nicolasa Del Llano Toro, Wilson López-López
2160 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Archives of Women s Mental Health Mental health during the Covid-19 pandemic: An international comparison of gender-related home and work-related responsibilities, and social support Dominique Eugene, Jani Nöthling, Lorenzo Tarsitani, Christina Palantza, Davide Papola, Corrado Barbui, et al. (+22)
2161 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Racial Attitudes and Perceptions of Government Response during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Implications for Public Health Strategies Man Hung, Jeremy D. Franklin, William A. Smith, Carlos J. Crespo, Evelyn U. Ezikwelu, Jerry Bounsanga, Martin S. Lipsky
2162 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology Online Learning Experiences During COVID-19 Pandemic: Preservice Teachers’ Perception of Quality, Coping Mechanisms and Learning Satisfaction Leal, Jonathan P.
2163 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Universal Library Open Access Publications LLC Universal Library of Innovative Research and Studies SMEs Development during the Covid-19 Pandemic: SWOT Analysis of Surabaya Metropolitan City Dr. Waspodo Tjipto Subroto
2164 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Consumer Behaviour Envy and revenge buying behavior after the COVID-19 pandemic: The moderating role of added purchasing power Zaid Mohammad Obeidat, Hamzah Al-Mawali, Rami Aldweeri
2165 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  A and V Publications Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology Analysis of CT Value, Levels of C-Reactive Protein, and Procalcitonin as Inflammatory Markers in COVID-19 patients with and without Comorbidities at the Rumah Sakit KhususInfeksi (RSKI) Universitas Airlangga Surabaya Retno Budiarti, Ediono Ediono, Muhammad Miftahussurur, Muhammad Abdulloh Machin, Wiwin Is Effendi, Mochammad Wijdan Rosyich
2166 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  The Korea Academia-Industrial Cooperation Society Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society Analysis of the issue of the disabled during the COVID-19 period in media reports -Focusing on topic modeling analysis- Young-Min Lee
2167 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems Sustainable COVID-19 Policy Responses With Urban Mobility Network Epidemic Models Yanggang Cheng, Shibo He, Cunqi Shao, Chao Li, Jiming Chen
2168 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  World Wide Journals INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH A STUDY OF RANDOM BLOOD GLUCOSE AND ITS CORRELATION WITH HBA1C LEVEL IN COVID-19 POSITIVE PATIENTS Kamlesh J. Upadhyay, Nilima K. Shah, Arjun Chandrakant Jadav, Zenith Damor, Rahul Bariya, Hardik Amin
2169 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  World Wide Journals INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH A STUDY OF CLINICAL PROFILE OF COVID-19 POSITIVE PATIENTS Kamlesh J Upadhyay, Nilima K Shah, Damor Zenith Mayurbhai, Arjun C Jadav, Hardikkumar T Amin
2170 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  National University of Singapore Press China An International Journal Racing to Villages: On-site Visits by Government Officials and COVID-19 Response in Rural China Jinrui Xi
2171 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Genetic variants regulating the immune response improve the prediction of COVID-19 severity provided by clinical variables Pablo Delgado-Wicke, Sara Fernández de Córdoba-Oñate, Emilia Roy-Vallejo, Estíbaliz Alegría-Carrasco, Diego A. Rodríguez-Serrano, Amalia Lamana, et al. (+87)
2172 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Integrative Medicine and Public Health Primary response to COVID-19 situation by Himachal Pradesh, India, during pandemic year 2019-20 Gopal A. Sharma, Vijay K. Barwal, Anmol Gupta
2173 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  MDPI AG Life Diaphragm Muscle Atrophy Contributes to Low Physical Capacity in COVID-19 Survivors Janusz Kocjan, Mateusz Rydel, Jan Szczegielniak, Katarzyna Bogacz, Mariusz Adamek
2174 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLOS Digital Health Optimizing COVID-19 testing resources use with wearable sensors Giorgio Quer, Arinbjörn Kolbeinsson, Jennifer M. Radin, Luca Foschini, Jay Pandit, Sulaf Assi
2175 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Journal of Global Medicine, Ibadan Medical Specialist Group Journal of Global Medicine Determinants of Covid-19 Treatment Outcomes among Patients Admitted at an Infectious Disease Centre in sub-Saharan Africa Wulaimat Abimbolanle Adekunle, Mobolaji Modinat Salawu, Taiwo A. Obembe, Waheed Ismail, Idris Fasasi, Muritala Dapo Bello, Olufunmilayo Fawole
2176 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Factors associated with full COVID-19 vaccination among persons living with diabetes mellitus in Uganda-A cross-sectional study Umar Senoga, David Guwatudde, John Bosco Isunju, Kevin Ouma Ojiambo
2177 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Dove Medical Press Patient Preference and Adherence Acceptance of COVID-19 Vaccination and Vaccine Hesitancy Among People with Chronic Diseases in Thailand: Role of Attitudes and Vaccine Literacy Towards Future Implications Sirirat Leelacharas, Wantana Maneesriwongul, Nipaporn Butsing, Kamonrat Kittipimpanon, Poolsuk Visudtibhan
2178 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Frontline Medical Communications, Inc. Cutis Comment on “Erythrodermic Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris Following COVID-19 Vaccination” Hinpetch Daungsupawong
2179 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Community Health Messaging Preferences about the COVID-19 Vaccine among Adults in Eastern North Carolina Abby J. Schwartz, Alice R. Richman, Essie Torres
2180 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Comprehensive Publications International Journal of Advanced Community Medicine Parents acceptance, experience and beliefs to vaccinate their children with COVID-19 vaccine in a sample at Al-Imamain Al-Kadhimain Medical city in Iraq 2023 Shahad Mohammed Abdullah, Nibras Alaa Hussain
2181 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  MDPI AG Laws Correction: Cowart et al. (2023). Should Pharma Companies Waive Their COVID-19 Vaccine Patents? A Legal and Ethical Appraisal. Laws 12: 47 Tammy Cowart, Tsuriel Rashi, Gregory L. Bock
2182 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines COVID-19 Vaccine: A Potential Risk Factor for Accelerating the Onset of Bullous Pemphigoid Anna Pira, Feliciana Mariotti, Francesco Moro, Biagio Didona, Giovanni Luca Scaglione, Annarita Panebianco, et al. (+2)
2183 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines Asian Flush Gene Variant Enhances Cellular Immunogenicity of COVID-19 Vaccine: Prospective Observation in the Japanese General Population Sudarma Bogahawaththa, Megumi Hara, Takuma Furukawa, Chiharu Iwasaka, Takeshi Sawada, Goki Yamada, et al. (+6)
2184 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Expert Review of Vaccines A review of the immunogenicity and safety of booster doses of omicron variant-containing mRNA-1273 COVID-19 vaccines in adults and children Frances Priddy, Spyros Chalkias, Brandon Essink, Jordan Whatley, Adam Brosz, Ivan T. Lee, et al. (+13)
2185 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Zaporozhye State Medical University Pathologia Clinical-pathogenetic and prognostic value of the nitrotyrosine level in the blood serum of patients with coronavirus disease (COVID-19) with pneumonia O. V. Riabokon, I. O. Kuliesh, I. F. Bielenichev, Yu. Yu. Riabokon
2186 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Wiley Japan Journal of Nursing Science Sense of coherence on the relationship between COVID-19-related stress and sleep quality among nurses Mami Ishitsuka, Kei Muroi, Tomoko Hachisuka, Itsuka Shibata, Daisuke Hori, Shotaro Doki, et al. (+3)
2187 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  National Documentation Centre (EKT) Διεθνές Συνέδριο για την Ανοικτή & εξ Αποστάσεως Εκπαίδευση Διερεύνηση επιμορφωτικών αναγκών εκπαιδευτικών Α΄ βαθμιας εκπαίδευσης κατά τη διάρκεια της πανδημίας COVID-19: Απόψεις και πρακτικές εκπαιδευτικών σχετικά με την εξ αποστάσεως εκπαίδευση και τον τρόπο αξιοποίηση διαφόρων μέσων με στόχο την προσωπική τους ΘΕΟΔΩΡΑ ΑΓΓΕΛΙΚΗ ΑΠΑΡΤΟΓΛΟΥ, ΔΗΜΗΤΡΑ ΜΑΡΚΟΥ
2188 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  National Documentation Centre (EKT) Ανοικτή Εκπαίδευση το περιοδικό για την Ανοικτή και εξ Αποστάσεως Εκπαίδευση και την Εκπαιδευτική Τεχνολογία Η διαδικτυακή μάθηση στην εποχή του Covid-19: Μελέτη περίπτωσης των στάσεων των σπουδαστών της Ακαδημίας Εμπορικού Ναυτικού Μαίρη Ματσούκα, Αρετή Βαλασίδου, Βασίλειος Δαγδιλέλης
2189 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  National Documentation Centre (EKT) Ανοικτή Εκπαίδευση το περιοδικό για την Ανοικτή και εξ Αποστάσεως Εκπαίδευση και την Εκπαιδευτική Τεχνολογία Η Σχολική Εξ Αποστάσεως Εκπαίδευση στην εποχή του Κορωνοϊού COVID-19: το παράδειγμα της Ελλάδας και η πρόκληση της μετάβασης στο «Ανοιχτό Σχολείο της Διερευνητικής Μάθησης, της Συνεργατικής Δημιουργικότητας και της Κοινωνικής Αλληλεγγύης». Παναγιώτης Αναστασιάδης
2190 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Nursing Evaluation of the effectiveness of a segmented alternating shift pattern based on wearable vital signs monitoring devices during COVID-19: a cross-sectional study Meilian Xie, Zhiyun Zhang, Ronghua Jin, Xiaoyou Chen, Zhe Liu, Jianping Ma, Wenying Qiao
2191 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics Response to comment on ‘Clinical characteristics and risk factors for ZF2001 fully vaccinated inpatients with COVID-19: A retrospective cohort study’ Liping Jin, Jiayuan Le, Yuming Sun, Furong Zeng
2192 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Universidad Juarez Autonoma de Tabasco Horizonte Sanitario Seguridad alimentaria, consumo y COVID-19: un estudio observacional en estudiantes universitarios","Food Safety, Consumption and COVID-19: an Observational Study among University Students María Magdalena Alvarez-Ramírez, Manuel Salvador Luzanía Valerio, Christian Soledad Ortiz Chacha, Lol Ki Itzel López Galindo, Miriam Celia Pérez Juárez
2193 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Scientific Research Publishing, Inc. Journal of Biosciences and Medicines Does Herd Immunity Reduce the Risk of Contracting COVID-19? Emma Li
2194 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  JMIR Publications Inc. JMIR Formative Research Implementation and user satisfaction of a comprehensive telemedicine approach for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 self-sampling: a monocentric, prospective, interventional, open-label, controlled, two-arm feasibility study (Preprint) Florian Voit, Johanna Erber, Silvia Egert-Schwender, Michael Hanselmann, Michael Laxy, Victoria Kehl, et al. (+8)
2195 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Internal Medicine of India Hemorrhagic stroke in a young male with coronavirus disease 2019 Amitesh Aggarwal, Arunav Garg, Abhinav Aggarwal, Arunima Aggarwal
2196 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Indian College of Anaesthesiologists Anesthetic Management of Preterm Lower-segment Cesarean Section with Severe Coronavirus Disease 2019 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Ashwin Marwaha, Manish Kohli, Anjleena Kumar Gupta, Ajay Sirohi, Jayashree Sood
2197 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  TMR Publishing Group Integrative Medicine Discovery The potential role of Gegen Qinlian decoction in the treatment of coronavirus disease 2019 based on network pharmacology and validation of lipopolysaccharide-induced macrophages Lei Wang, Ling-Yun Wang, Li Zhong, Jian-Feng Shi, Xiao-Ming Yao, Wan-Wei Yang
2198 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) Translational Vision Science & Technology Impact of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic on Outpatient Visits for Diabetic Retinopathy in Japan: A Retrospective Cohort Study Kunihiko Hirosawa, Takenori Inomata, Yasutsugu Akasaki, Jaemyoung Sung, Alan Yee, Masao Iwagami, et al. (+12)
2199 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports A Gaussia luciferase reporter assay for the evaluation of coronavirus Nsp5/3CLpro activity Asimenia Vlachou, Rayhane Nchioua, Kerstin Regensburger, Frank Kirchhoff, Dorota Kmiec
2200 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Richtmann Publishing Journal of Educational and Social Research The Effectiveness of Social Media Education among the US Colleges During the Coronavirus Pandemic Areej Ali Alfozan, Abdullah Suliman Almutlaq
2201 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Ghent University Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift Infectieuze bronchitis bij kippen en het allereerste effectieve coronavirusvaccin (1939) L. Devriese
2202 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Structural and virologic mechanism of the emergence of resistance to M pro inhibitors in SARS-CoV-2 Shin-ichiro Hattori, Haydar Bulut, Hironori Hayashi, Naoki Kishimoto, Nobutoki Takamune, Kazuya Hasegawa, et al. (+9)
2203 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Water Process Engineering From time series to visibility algorithms: A novel approach to study the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater A. Simone, A. Cesaro, G. Esposito
2204 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Nature Reviews Rheumatology Molecular mimicry links SARS-CoV-2 infection and MIS-C Jessica McHugh
2205 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology Proteomics of severe SARS-COV-2 infection and paraquat poisoning in human lung tissue samples: comparison of microbial infected and toxic pulmonary fibrosis Jiang Min, Hou Jiaqi, Lin Lihua, Chai Qianqian, Wang Shujuan, Liu Xiang, et al. (+4)
2206 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Clinical Medicine Contextual Hospital Conditions and the Risk of Nosocomial SARS-CoV-2 Infection: A Matched Case-Control Study with Density Sampling in a Large Portuguese Hospital Francisco Almeida, Sofia Correia, Cátia Leal, Mariana Guedes, Raquel Duro, Paulo Andrade, et al. (+4)
2207 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology Humoral and cellular immune response from first to fourth SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination in anti-CD20-treated multiple sclerosis patients-a longitudinal cohort study Frederik Novak, Anna Christine Nilsson, Emil Birch Christensen, Caroline Louise Stougaard, Mike Bogetofte Barnkob, Dorte K. Holm, et al. (+5)
2208 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Oxford University Press FEMS Microbiology Reviews The emerging role of SARS-CoV-2 non-structural protein 1 (nsp1) in epigenetic regulation of host gene expression Konstantin I Ivanov, Haibin Yang, Ruixue Sun, Chunmei Li, Deyin Guo
2209 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Uphills Publishers LLC South Eastern European Journal of Public Health The Association between Comorbidity and Severity of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant (B.1.1.529) Infection in Bengkulu: A Cross-Sectional Study Retno Wulan Seroja, Mardhatillah Sariyanti, Annelin Kurniati, Utari Hartati Suryani
2210 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Oxford University Press Virus Evolution Comprehensive detection and dissection of interlineage recombination events in the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic Jia-Ying Li, Hao-Yang Wang, Ye-Xiao Cheng, Chengyang Ji, Shenghui Weng, Na Han, et al. (+3)
2211 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS Pathogens Dual-role epitope on SARS-CoV-2 spike enhances and neutralizes viral entry across different variants Gang Ye, Fan Bu, Ruangang Pan, Alise Mendoza, Divyasha Saxena, Jian Zheng, et al. (+4)
2212 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Comprehensive Publications International Journal of Immunology Research The Influence of SARS-CoV-2 Variants on Long COVID Symptoms and Recovery Dr. Ethan Clarke, Dr. Ethan White
2213 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLOS Global Public Health Influence of the SARS-COV2 pandemic on access to healthcare services among people living with HIV and its subsequent effects on antiretroviral therapy uptake in Malawi Thulani Maphosa, Malocho Phoso, Lucky Makonokaya, Louiser Kalitera, Rhoderick Machekano, Alice Maida, et al. (+3)
2214 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Head & Neck Physicians and Surgeons “Race for SARS-CoV2 Vaccine Areeba Shahid, Neeta Misra, Shivakumar Ganiga Channaiah, Sumalatha Masineni Narayanappa
2215 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Uphills Publishers LLC South Eastern European Journal of Public Health Assessing Covi-19’s Effects on Mental Health in Nursing Students During E-Learning in Pandemic Risida Gjonej, Arben Gjonej, Albana Poloska, Elida Mataj
2216 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Elsevier Future Generation Computer Systems Intelligent transportation system for automated medical services during pandemic Amit Kumar Singh, Rajendra Pamula, Nasrin Akhter, Sudheer Kumar Battula, Ranesh Naha, Abdullahi Chowdhury, Shahriar Kaisar
2217 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Daarut Thufulah Journal of Multidisciplinary Sustainability Asean Elementary School Students' Behavior Towards Memorizing The Quran During The Covid 19 Pandemic Rifki Zaitul Ikhlas, Abdillah Rofiif Fatin Ritonga, Muhammad Hanif
2218 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation Вестник Сибирского университета потребительской кооперации COOPERATIVES OF EUROPE IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE PANDEMIC В.Н. Соловьёва
2219 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation Вестник Сибирского университета потребительской кооперации Modern Approaches to Anti-Crisis Management in a Pandemic В.И. Чистякова, В.М. Красилов, Е.О. Бакарасов
2220 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  World Wide Journals INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH CHANGING UROLOGICAL PRACTICE IN AN INDIAN TERTIARY CARE CENTER AMID A PANDEMIC AND ITS AFTERMATH Naresh Kumar Kaul, Abheesh Varma Hegde, Sajal Gupta, Sandesh Vithal Parab, Tarunkumar Prakash Jain, Mukund Ganesh Andankar, Hemant Ranganath Pathak
2221 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Integrative Medicine and Public Health Pandemic and the fear syndrome K. Rajasekharan Nayar, Shaffi Fazaludeen Koya
2222 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  National Documentation Centre (EKT) Ανοικτή Εκπαίδευση το περιοδικό για την Ανοικτή και εξ Αποστάσεως Εκπαίδευση και την Εκπαιδευτική Τεχνολογία Open, distance education and self-directed learning of teachers during Covid19 pandemic crisis Παναγιώτα Ξανθοπούλου, Σταματία Σβάρνα
2223 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Social Science Electronic Publishing SSRN Electronic Journal Tipos de campaña Astroturfing de contenidos desinformativos y polarizados en tiempos de pandemia en España Types of Astroturfing campaigns of disinformative and polarised content in times of pandemic in Spain Tipos de campanhas Astroturfing de conteúdo desinformativo e polarizado em tempos de pandemia em Espanha (Types of Astroturfing Campaigns of Disinformative and PolariZed content in times of pandemic in Spain) Sergio Arce Garcia, Elias Said-Hung, Daria Mottareale
2224 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Head & Neck Physicians and Surgeons Teleconsultation - The Pandemic Mantra or the New Norm? V. Shwetha, S. Sujatha, N. Rakesh, T. Pavan Kumar, P. Vaishnavi, P. Sreekanth
2226 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Nature Biotechnology Pandemic preparedness demands proper prioritization
2227 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia Revista Enfermeria Herediana Factores estresores en madres con hijos en edad escolar en situación de pandemia","Stressors in mothers with school age children in a pandemic situation","Estressores em mães com filhos em idade escolar em situação de pandemia Leslie Lizbhet Castañeda Carrasco, Heydi Nicoll Rojas Bardales, Julia Raquel Meléndez de la Cruz
2228 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Granthaalayah Publications and Printers ShodhKosh Journal of Visual and Performing Arts READING THE GENDERED NARRATIVES OF THE PANDEMIC THROUGH NAMITA GOKHALE’S “THE BLIND MATRIARCH” Das Nupur, Swati Singh
2229 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  MDPI AG Antibiotics Returned Rate and Changed Patterns of Systemic Antibiotic Use in Ambulatory Care in Hungary after the Pandemic-A Longitudinal Ecological Study Helga Hambalek, Mária Matuz, Roxána Ruzsa, Erika Papfalvi, Róbert Nacsa, Zsófia Engi, et al. (+5)
2230 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Springer-Verlag AStA Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv Die Volkswirtschaftlichen Gesamtrechnungen in Zeiten der Pandemie - wurden alle Herausforderungen gemeistert?","National accounts in times of pandemic-have all the challenges been mastered? Josef Richter
2231 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Emerging Markets Finance and Trade Policy Effectiveness in Mitigating Pandemic-Induced Macroeconomic Impacts: Evidence from Large Net Oil Importers of Asia Bhavesh Garg
2232 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Elsevier American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education Pandemic-Produced Penalty in Pharmacy Practice Publication Productivity: Effects by Faculty Gender and Academic Rank Samuel O. Adeosun, Ayonna M. Hollowell, Olalekan Soremekun
2233 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  SAGE Publications International Journal of Social Psychiatry Suicide among adolescents in Brazil in times of pandemic: A perspective Raphael Mendonça Guimarães, Marcelo Rasga Moreira, Nilson do Rosário Costa
2234 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Elsevier American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education Student Perspectives on Benefits and Challenges of Being Online During the Pandemic: A Qualitative Study Cherie Chu, Jarred B. Prudencio, Nicole S. Young, Deborah A. Taira
2235 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  North American Business Press Journal of Leadership Accountability and Ethics Examining Psychological and Physical Distance and Ethical Leadership During a Pandemic: A Two-Sample Study of the Effects on Ratings of Crisis Leader Effectiveness, Well-Being, and Improved Business-Related Outcomes Kate McCombs, Ethlyn Williams, Raj Pillai, Kevin Lowe
2236 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Visual Studies Seeing a pandemic: how COVID changed urban spaces and places Gwendolyn Purifoye
2237 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Dental Research and Review Are we ready for the Pandemics Aditi Verma
2238 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Public engagement in defining triage before future pandemics Bridget K MacDonald
2239 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Oxford University Press Open Forum Infectious Diseases Correction to: Postacute Sequelae of COVID (PASC or Long COVID): An Evidenced-Based Approach
2240 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Neurology Long COVID and hypermobility spectrum disorders have shared pathophysiology Ravindra Ganesh, Bala Munipalli
2241 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Identifying long covid in children … and other research Ann Robinson
2242 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Elsevier EClinicalMedicine Characteristics and predictors of Long Covid in children: a 3-year prospective cohort study Anna Camporesi, Rosa Morello, Anna La Rocca, Giuseppe Zampino, Federico Vezzulli, Daniel Munblit, et al. (+3)
2243 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Sleep Research Long COVID symptoms and sleep problems: a population-based study Anna Letícia, Rosália Garcia Neves, Yohana Pereira Vieira, Tatiane Nogueira Gonzales, Melissa Marochi, Rodrigo Zopellaro Reis, et al. (+3)
2244 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Contribuciones a las Ciencias Sociales Gastos com coberturas para prevenção de lesão por pressão no contexto da pandemia de COVID-19 em um hospital público de Sergipe - Brasil Thaís Santos de Matos, Cristina Nunes Capeloa, Carlos Alberto Ocon, Christian Douradinho, Roberta Cristina das Rocha Sudré, Cristina Braga, et al. (+6)
2245 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Contribuciones a las Ciencias Sociales Impact of smoking and physical activity on COVID-19 infection and vaccination rates Aline Gabriele Etur dos Santos, Emanuel Italo dos Reis Silva, Nathalia Ferreira Clivatti, André Lamanna Rodrigues, Giovana Infante de Freitas, Silvana Ribeiro, et al. (+2)
2246 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Technological and Economic Development of Economy On the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the household’s consumption and labor supply: theory and application Lu Liu, Yangyi Zhang
2247 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Elsevier Marine Pollution Bulletin Impact of tourism on metal concentrations in Phorcus sauciatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic period in Canary Islands (CE Atlantic, Spain) Enrique Lozano-Bilbao, Arturo Hardisson, Dailos González-Weller, Soraya Paz, Ángel J. Gutiérrez
2248 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Elsevier Geoforum Mobilising (and immobilising) giving in pandemic and austerity Britain Amy Clarke, Liz McDonnell
2249 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Mogadishu Somali Turkiye Training and Research Hospital Somalia Turkiye Medical Journal (STMJ) A COVID-19 Case: Isolated and Persistent Headache Çiğdem Yalçın, Ali Kutta Çelik
2250 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Kuwait University المجلة العربية للعلوم الإدارية Competition, Credit Risk and Banks’ Franchise Value: Evidence from Kuwait and COVID-19 Policy Insights","العلاقة بين المنافسة ومخاطر الائتمان وقيمة امتياز البنوك: أدلة من قطاع البنوك في الكويت ورؤى وسياسات كوفيد-19 Abdullah N. Aldousari, Ahmed Mohammed
2251 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine Disparities in COVID-19 vaccination receipt by race, ethnicity, and social determinants of health among a large patient population in a network of community-based healthcare centers Holly C. Groom, Frances M. Biel, Bradley Crane, Evelyn Sun, Joanna P. Georgescu, Eric S. Weintraub, et al. (+6)
2252 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Elsevier Teaching and Teacher Education Emotional labor mediates how personal knowledge and school leadership influence mental health in pandemic online teaching: Integrating multidisciplinary theories into Grandey's model Zixun Hua, Yangang Li, Huang Zuo, Rui Ma, Ruixiang Gao
2253 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine Insights from an observational translational research program during the COVID-19 pandemic: Four years of experience Marjorie Rowe, Ai-ris Yonekura Collier, Dan H. Barouch
2254 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Ainara JIIP - Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan Strategi Komunikasi Interpersonal Guru dalam Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Daring di SD pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Dina Saidatul Nuhmah, Ahmad Hariandi, Silvina Novianti
2255 2024―Sep―05  [GO]  Oxford University Press Journal of Leukocyte Biology Neutrophil phenotype, effector functions and microbicidal activity in SARS-CoV-2-associated ARDS patients Quentin Quelven, Murielle Grégoire, Valentin Coirier, Arnaud Gacouin, Simon Le Gallou, Vincent Cattoir, et al. (+7)
2256 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Charaka Publishers Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences (JAIMS) A conceptual study of Aahar on Post Covid-19 complications Priyanka Kumari
2257 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  JSC National Scientific Medical Research Center Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan ‘Patterns’ of COVID-19 coronavirus infection in pregnant women in physician practice Gulbanu Ganikyzy Shaimerdenova
2258 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Journal of Business Economics and Management Determinants of bank profitability in Vietnam: a focus on financial and COVID-19 crises Phan Dinh Nguyen
2259 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  JMIR Publications Inc. JMIR Formative Research Intention to seek mental health services during the 2022 Shanghai COVID-19 city-wide lockdown: A Web-Based Cross-Sectional Study (Preprint) Lingzi Luo, Gen Li, Weiming Tang, Dan Wu, Brian Hall
2260 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine Editorial: Unravelling the reality of COVID-19 cardiovascular complications: true myocarditis vs. myocardial injury-the role of a multilayered approach N. Wilmes, A. R. Vrettou, S. Lerakis, F. W. Asselbergs
2261 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Wiley Respirology A 5-year perspective on coronavirus diseases 2019 (COVID-19) David S. C. Hui, Alimuddin Zumla
2262 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Brawijaya University Telaah Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Perpajakan Pengaruh Peran Account Representative, Insentif Pajak Dan Pemeriksaan Pajak Terhadap Penerimaan Pajak Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Agianti Diskaveria Utami
2263 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  State University of Malang (UM) Jurnal Inovasi Teknologi dan Edukasi Teknik Adaptasi Manusia yang Hidup Sejak Era Society 3.0 di Era Society 5.0 saat Pandemi Covid-19 Mohammad Agung Rizki, Anik Nur Handayani
2264 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine Cuproptosis-associated lncRNA impact prognosis in patients with non-small cell lung cancer co-infected with COVID-19 Jing Li, Nan Wang, Guocai Mao, Jiantang Wang, Mengqi Xiang, Huachuan Zhang, et al. (+3)
2265 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Brazilian Journal of Health Review Brazilian Journal of Health Review Impactos do isolamento social em pacientes pediátricos com Trastorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade durante a pandemia do COVID-19 Alice Campos Neuenschwander, Ana Clara Dias Resende Chaves, Beatriz Chiari Messias, Bruna Stancioli Paiva, Bárbara Isidoro Faria de Pádua
2266 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Psychiatry Psychology and Law The relationship between public law-abiding tendency and safe COVID-19 behaviors, development of a new scale, and association with health-related behaviors Ramin Shiraly, Ali Khani Jeihooni, Fazal Irshad Mir, Mark D. Griffiths
2267 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Canadian Journal of Anesthesia/Journal canadien d anesthésie Trends in characteristics, interventions, and outcomes of hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in Canada: a multicentre prospective cohort study","Tendances des caractéristiques, interventions et issues des personnes hospitalisées atteintes de la COVID-19 au Canada : une étude de cohorte prospective multicentrique Divyajot Sadana, David Granton, Neill K. J. Adhikari, Ruxandra Pinto, Srinivas Murthy, Robert A. Fowler
2268 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. Global Business and Economics Review A systematic review of stock market responses to COVID-19 and future research agendas Md. Azizur Rahman, Roni Bhowmik, Md. Saiful Islam, Md. Abul Kalam Azad
2269 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 676 CF, COVID-19, and glucose impairment: is there a connection? K. Patel, M. Martin, D. Batchelder, S. Gillespie, A. Stecenko, T. Daley, M. Cook
2270 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Kantoh Sociological Society The Annual review of sociology COVID-19 and Borders","COVID-19と境界 Tatsuya Mima
2271 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Tropical Medicine and Health A serological survey of COVID-19 among predominantly aboriginal residents of a tourist island in southern Thailand Supakorn Sripaew, Kameelah Yasharad, Dzerlina S. Rahari, Weiyan Feng, Zhenzhu Qian, Huynh Ngoc Thanh, et al. (+9)
2272 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo A COVID-19 alterou o comportamento sedentário e o nível de atividade física em jovens universitários brasileiros? Júlia Pagotto Matos, Larissa Quintão Guilherme, Natiele Resende Bedim, Valter Paulo Neves Miranda, João Carlos Bouzas Marins, Helton de Sá Souza, Paulo Roberto dos Santos Amorim
2273 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Human Genomics The T-cell repertoire of Spanish patients with COVID-19 as a strategy to link T-cell characteristics to the severity of the disease Fernando Marín-Benesiu, Lucia Chica-Redecillas, Verónica Arenas-Rodríguez, Esperanza de Santiago, Silvia Martínez-Diz, Ginesa López-Torres, et al. (+6)
2274 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Rev Rene - Revista da Rede de Enfermagem do Nordeste Rev Rene Fatores associados ao óbito em pacientes com COVID-19 internados em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Adulto","Factors associated with death in patients with COVID-19 admitted to the Adult Intensive Care Unit Gabriela Müller Generoso, Catiele Raquel Schmidt, Edna Ribeiro de Jesus, Julia Estela Willrich Boell, Greici Capellari Fabrizzio, Michelle Mariah Malkiewiez, Elisiane Lorenzini
2275 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Public Health Action TB-related technical enquiries received at the Research Institute of Tuberculosis, Japan, during COVID-19 M. Urakawa, A. Yasukawa, S. Hirao, M. Ota, Y. Hatamoto, T. Zama, et al. (+2)
2276 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Kethea Εξαρτήσεις / Exartiseis Διερεύνηση της σχέσης των χαρακτηριστικών προσωπικότητας και του εγκλεισμού κατά την πανδημία COVID-19 στην προβληματική χρήση του διαδικτύου σε νεαρούς ενήλικες Χρήστος Σωζόπουλος, Χρήστος Παναγιωτόπουλος
2277 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Kesetiakawanan Sosial Indonesia NAJ Nursing Applied Journal Gambaran Tingkat Kepuasan Perawat Dalam Menangani Pasien Covid-19 di Ruang Isolasi RSUD Dr. Hasri Ainun Habibie Alan Yusuf
2278 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Elsevier Discourse Context & Media “Yu haf no idr how feckin fablus I feel rite now”: “Wine mom” humour in an online support group for mothers during COVID-19 Vincent Wai Sum Tse, Olga Zayts-Spence
2279 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology Immunomics in one health: understanding the human, animal, and environmental aspects of COVID-19 Jing Gao, Chutian Zhang, Åsa M. Wheelock, Siming Xin, Hui Cai, Lei Xu, Xiao-jun Wang
2280 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Latin American Research Review El Estado disperso: Relaciones ci�nía-Estado en el Ecuador durante la pandemia COVID-19 Michael D. Hill, Consuelo Fernández-Salvador, Mateo Navarrete, Emilia Cuito
2281 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Modern Supply Chain Research and Applications Responding to the ripple effect from systemic disruptions: empirical evidence from the semiconductor shortage during COVID-19 Kateryna Kravchenko, Tim Gruchmann, Marina Ivanova, Dmitry Ivanov
2282 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  The Korean Child Neurology Society Annals of Child Neurology A Pediatric Case of Hypocalcemic Seizure Associated with COVID-19 Infection Bo Yeong Ryu, Bo Lyun Lee, Jeong Eun Lee
2283 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Innovation of Vocational Technology Education Student's Perception of Learning in the New Normal Era of Covid-19 Dessy Riyana Wati, Mauren Gita Miranti, Suhartiningsih Suhartiningsih, Niken Purwidiani
2284 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  National Research and Innovation Agency BACA JURNAL DOKUMENTASI DAN INFORMASI Evaluasi Kualitas Layanan Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Badratun Nafis, Syukran Syukran
2285 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Aarhus University Library Samfundsøkonomen Covid-19 og kønsforskelle på arbejdsmarked og i familien Jonas Cuzulan Hirani, Miriam Wüst
2286 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  National Research and Innovation Agency BACA JURNAL DOKUMENTASI DAN INFORMASI Karakteristik dan Perilaku Dosen di Ruang Digital pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Muhtar Mochamad Solihin
2287 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Top Italian Scientists Top Italian Scientists Journal Policy lessons from the Italian pandemic of Covid-19 José M. Carcione, Jing Ba
2288 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Universitas Maritim AMNI Semarang Profit Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis dan Akuntansi Pengaruh E-Wallet, Mobile Banking, dan E-Money Terhadap Transaksi Bisnis Digital Pasca Covid-19 Afifah Rohmawati
2289 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Review of Economics of the Household Parental labor market penalties during two years of COVID-19 Maria De Paola, Salvatore Lattanzio
2290 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Jurnal Farmasi UIN Alauddin Makassar Analisis Tingkat Pengetahuan Tenaga Teknis dan Non Teknis Universitas X terhadap Vaksin Covid-19 M. Rusdi
2291 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Jurnal Farmasi UIN Alauddin Makassar Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Lansia terhadap Penanganan Pertama Kejadian Ikutan Pasca Imunisasi (KIPI) Vaksin Covid-19 Munifah Wahyuddin
2292 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Elsevier EBioMedicine Bridging gaps: a neural network approach for cross-species scRNA-seq analysis in COVID-19 Peng Luo, Zi-Wei Ye, Shuofeng Yuan
2293 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development Intention and behaviour towards sustainable consumption of Vietnamese consumers in the context of Covid-19 Tran Thi Diu, Tran Le Huy, Nguyen Ngoc Anh, Nguyen Thi Phuong Linh
2294 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Universitas Islam Syekh-Yusuf Tangerang DIALEKTIKA KOMUNIKA Jurnal Kajian Komunikasi dan Pembangunan Daerah STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI KRISIS DI MEDIA SOSIAL GUBERNUR DKI JAKARTA ANIES BASWEDAN DALAM MENGHADAPI PANDEMI COVID-19 Andi Angger Sutawijaya
2295 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN Revista Ciência Plural EMOÇÕES E ESTRATÉGIAS ADOTADAS POR BRASILEIROS E PORTUGUESES DURANTE A PANDEMIA DA COVID-19 Lyria Reis, Ana Isabel Mateus da Silva
2296 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) The International Journal of Psychoanalysis Splits in the fabric: A community psychoanalytic project during COVID-19 Francisco J. González, Lee Slome
2297 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Latin American Journal of Telehealth Latin American Journal of Telehealth SOFIAbot: chatbot para a ampliação de serviços de saúde na pandemia da COVID-19 HUMBERTO OLIVEIRA SERRA, Luciana Albuquerque de Oliveira, Piercarlo Holanda Guinzani, Augusto Zanoni Frade Souza Santiago, Luiz Gonzaga Penha, Rubem de Sousa Silva, et al. (+8)
2298 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Infectious Diseases and Therapy Efficacy and Safety of Low-Dose, Rapidly Infused Bamlanivimab and Etesevimab: Phase 3 BLAZE-1 Trial for Mild-to-Moderate COVID-19 Dipak R. Patel, Lisa Macpherson, Martin Bohm, Himanshu Upadhyaya, Carmen Deveau, Ajay Nirula, et al. (+3)
2299 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Aslib Journal of Information Management Misleading and correcting: characteristics of online misinformation and refutations in China during the COVID-19 pandemic Ningyuan Song, Kejun Chen, Jiaer Peng, Yuehua Zhao, Jiaqing Wang
2300 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems An Analysis of the Impact of the Surrounding Environment of Subway Stations on Elderly's Subway Use in Seoul during the COVID-19 Pandemic Jin Bee Lee, Sangho Choo, Ju Hee Seo
2301 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  F1000 Research Ltd F1000Research A Dynamic, D-dimer-based Thromboprophylaxis Strategy in Patients with COVID-19 Lantarima Bhoopat, Anastasia Martynova, April Choi, Pattharawin Pattharanitima, Semi Han, Senxi Du, et al. (+8)
2302 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education Acta Academiae Beregsasiensis Economics Snapshot Aspect of the Bibliometric View in Offering Themes of Strategic Management During Covid-19 Period","stratégiai menedzsment témák bibliometriai elemzésének eredményei a Covid-19 időszak publikációiban","Результати бібліометричного аналізу тем стратегічного управління у публікаціях періоду Covid-19 Chai Ching Tan, Datao’ Syed Ahmad Al-Idrus Syed Azuan, Nina Poyda-Nosyk
2303 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  EnPress Publisher Journal of Infrastructure Policy and Development Characteristics of the COVID-19 pandemic and role of laboratory medicine in containment: An insight from Saudi Arabia’s policies and guidelines on containment strategies Almonther Abdullah Hershan, Saleh Abdulhabib Alnahdi
2304 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Contemporânea - Journal of Ethics and Political Philosophy Revista Contemporânea MICROBIOLOGIA DE INFECÇÃO URINÁRIA ASSOCIADA AO CATETER EM UTI DE HOSPITAL GERAL EM PACIENTES COM COVID-19 Maria Eduarda Vicente Diniz, Maria da Conceição Cavalcanti de Lira, Danielly Mouzinho Ramos Monteiro, Sueli Moreno Senna, Viviane de Araújo Gouveia, Assucena Tuany de Albuquerque Feliciano, et al. (+2)
2305 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Indonesian Journal Publisher Jurnal Psikologi Hubungan antara Kebersyukuran dengan Resiliensi pada Pekerja yang mengalami PHK akibat Pandemi Covid-19 Fyona Shafa Amadhea, Desti Chintia Romadhon, Putri Septiana Maulania
2306 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  GLS University GLS KALP Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Social Media during Crisis: Special reference to Covid-19 Shikha Modwel, Divya Tulsyan, Pravin Narang, Rajesh Mhatre
2307 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico INTERdisciplina Representaciones de las mujeres migrantes en los cibermedios de México, España y Estados Unidos durante la pandemia del COVID-19 Frambel Lizárraga Salas, Ángeles Arjona Garrido
2308 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of General Internal Medicine Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Home Medical Care Utilization in Japan: An Interrupted Time Series Analysis Masashi Shibata, Takuya Aoki, Masato Matsushima
2309 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Akademia Baru Publishing Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology The Global Warming Impact Evaluation of Public Transportation During the COVID-19 Pandemic Using the Life Cycle Assessment Approach Ari Rahman, Chairunnisa Noviarini, I Wayan Koko Suryawan, Iva Yenis Septiariva
2310 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Social Science Electronic Publishing SSRN Electronic Journal <span><span>The Role of Quantitative Easing Policy in the U.S. Economic Recovery From the COVID-19 Pandemic</span></span><span></span> Nikita Saveliev
2311 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Emergency Medicine Exploring the challenges of emergency medical service providers in the initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative content analysis Afshin Khazaei, Mohammad Torabi, Maryam Shayganihonar, Ali Reza Bayat
2312 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Brazilian Journal of Health Review Brazilian Journal of Health Review Estudo comparativo do biomarcador procalcitonina entre pacientes internados e acometidos por Síndrome da Disfunção Respiratória Aguda (SDRA), Pneumonia associada à ventilação mecânica (PAV) e Síndrome respiratória aguda grave da Covid-19 (Sars- Cov-2) Américo Calzavara Neto, Catherine Damke Penso, Gabriel El-Corab Esteves, Ana Luiza Horta Torres, Jacqueline Domingues Tiburcio
2313 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Egyptian Journal of Bronchology Radiological and spirometric changes in relation to drugs used in post COVID pulmonary fibrosis in a cohort of COVID-19 survivors Mohamed Hamoda, Amina Abd El-Maksoud, Aida M. Yousef, Dalia Monir Fahmy, Mohamed Tohlob
2314 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Dove Medical Press Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare The Psychological Impact of COVID-19: A Comparative Analysis of Pre-Lockdown and During-Lockdown Periods Among Saudi General Population Junaid Amin, Ammar Siddiqui, Muhammad Ilyas, Salman Amin, Mishal Aldaihan, Hamayun Zafar
2315 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Medicine New-onset obstructive airway disease following COVID-19: a multicenter retrospective cohort study Min-Hsiang Chuang, Wei Hsu, Ya-Wen Tsai, Wan-Hsuan Hsu, Jheng-Yan Wu, Ting-Hui Liu, et al. (+2)
2316 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Wiley Counselling and Psychotherapy Research A comparison of the efficacy of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and Beck cognitive therapy on the depression and anxiety of patients recovering from COVID-19: A pilot study Maryam Khajehnezhad, Sahar Khanjani Veshki
2317 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Experimental & Molecular Medicine Author Correction: Generation of a lethal mouse model expressing human ACE2 and TMPRSS2 for SARS-CoV-2 infection and pathogenesis Gi Uk Jeong, Insu Hwang, Wooseong Lee, Ji Hyun Choi, Gun Young Yoon, Hae Soo Kim, et al. (+6)
2318 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  General Practice and Emergency Medicine Association of Nepal (GPEMAN) Journal of General Practice and Emergency Medicine of Nepal Integrated emergency medical services during COVID-19 crisis Prakash Banjade, Ahmeed Nasir, Jeetendra Bhandari, Ashik Rajak
2319 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Language Research Institute Language and Linguistics Trust Restoration Strategies During the COVID-19 Crisis Krisda Chaemsaithong
2320 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Consortium Erudit Revue québécoise de droit international The COVID-19 Crisis and the Global Compact on Migration: The Momentum and the Tool to Overcome “Immobility” Olivier Delas, Baptiste Jouzier
2321 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Kantoh Sociological Society The Annual review of sociology (Re-) Entry of Migrants into Japan during the COVID-19 Crisis: Continuities with Normal Times in the Logic of Regulation and Acceptance","コロナ危機における移民の日本への(再)入国――規制と受け入れの論理にみる平時との連続性―― Sachi Takaya
2322 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  IAIN Purwokerto YINYANG Jurnal Studi Islam Gender dan Anak Kekerasan berbasis gender dalam kasus perceraian pada masa pandemi Covid-19 di Kabupaten Cirebon Naila Farah, Musahwi Musahwi, Muhamad Ridho Hidayatullah
2323 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Uphills Publishers LLC South Eastern European Journal of Public Health Design of COVID-19 Disease Detection Framework for Medical Health Care System
2324 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Uniao Atlantica de Pesquisadores Peer Review Vacinação do COVID-19 e a incidência de doenças neurológicas: benefícios superam os riscos? Maria Luiza De Souza Saia, Henrique Martins Fassina
2325 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Third World Quarterly Migrants’ entangled socio-political and biological lives during the COVID-19 emergency in Brazil Flávia Rodrigues de Castro, Gisela P. Zapata, Marcia Vera Espinoza
2326 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Canadian Journal of Anesthesia/Journal canadien d anesthésie Factors contributing to health care worker turnover in intensive care units during the COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta, Canada: a qualitative descriptive interview study","Facteurs contribuant au roulement du personnel de santé dans les unités de soins intensifs pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 en Alberta, au Canada : une étude descriptive qualitative fondée sur des entretiens James Mellett, Sarah K. Andersen, Sadie Deschenes, Sebastian Kilcommons, Matthew J. Douma, Carmel L. Montgomery, et al. (+6)
2327 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  MDPI AG COVID The Subjective Well-Being of the Staff at a Teaching Dental Center in a COVID-19 Epidemiological Surveillance System between the Years 2020 and 2022 Fabiola Antonella Corituma-Basaldua, Lucía Rafaela Negrón-Saldaña, Carola Rojas-Susanibar, Daniel Kevin Pérez-Alvarez, María Claudia Garcés-Elías, Roberto A. León-Manco
2328 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Management in Education Determinants of students' intention of choice to study at higher education institutions of Malaysia in the COVID-19 era Joshua Teck Khun Loo, Christine Li Ping Leong, Mei Ling Siew, Sima Ahmadpour
2329 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Dae Han Society of Industrial Management Journal of Industrial Convergence The Effect of Adolescent’s Problem-Solving Ability on Sociality in the Covid-19 Era : The Mediating Effect of Self-esteem Soon-Jin Park, Jina Paik
2330 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Marriage and Family COVID-19 experiences and family resilience: A latent class analysis Xuejiao Chen, Wei-Jun Jean Yeung
2331 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  MDPI AG Sustainability Impacts of Spatiotemporal and COVID-19 Factors on Bike-Share Ride Duration in Detroit Anahita Zahertar, Steven Lavrenz
2332 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Sociopolitical context and COVID-19 fatality rates in OECD countries: a configurational approach Toktam Paykani, Ioana-Elena Oana
2333 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Affective Disorders COVID-19 impacted the suicidal ideation among health care workers and medical students: An interrupted time-series analysis of data from 30 countries Meng-Wei Ge, Hong-Lin Chen, Fei-Hong Hu, Yi-Jie Jia, Wen Tang, Wan-Qing Zhang, De-Jun Yu
2334 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Uniao Atlantica de Pesquisadores Concilium Covid-19 in child health and nutrition: exploring relationships between anthropometric indicators and food and nutrition insecurity Kleslene Maciel, Amanda Mota, Janaina Maiana Barbosa, Adriana Rêgo, Maria Raimunda Chagas, Angela Falcai, Alexsandro Dos Santos
2335 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Elsevier Spatial Statistics Spatio-temporal Clustering using Generalized Lasso to Identify the Spread of Covid-19 in Indonesia according to Provincial Flight Route-based Connections Septian Rahardiantoro, Sachnaz Desta Oktarina, Anang Kurnia, Nickyta Shavira Maharani, Alfidhia Rahman Nasa Juhanda
2336 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Kantoh Sociological Society The Annual review of sociology The Effect on Family of COVID-19 in Japan","コロナ禍が家族に与えた影響 Masahiro Yamada
2337 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Publishing House ABV Press Oncohematology COVID-19 in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia T.   S. Chudnova, E. N. Misyurina, E. A. Baryakh, T. N. Tolstykh, L. T. Shimanovskaya, D. E. Gagloeva, et al. (+9)
2338 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Crimson Publishers Investigations in Gynecology Research & Womens Health (IGRWH) Clinical Characteristics and Pregnancy Outcome of COVID-19 Infection in Term or Near-Term Singleton Pregnancy: A Retrospective Cohort Study Cheryl Tam
2339 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation Clinical Medicine & Research Assessment of the Prophylactic Effects of Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Synbiotics Against COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials Maryam Emadzadeh, Mona Kabiri
2340 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports ƩS COVID-19 is a rapid high throughput and sensitive one-step quadruplex real-time RT-PCR assay Ekasit Kowitdamrong, Sasiprapa Anoma, Thitiya Loykaew, Pokrath Hansasuta, Parvapan Bhattarakosol
2341 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM) Publication International Journal of All Research Education & Scientific Methods Psychological Challenges Faced by Elderly During Covid-19 Lockdown Rohit Koliyot
2342 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Discover Education Investigating influential factors in group learning: personality traits, COVID-19 lockdowns and back-to-school policies Yong Zheng
2343 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Urban Affairs Temporary food insecurity, social capital, and mental health during the COVID-19 lockdowns in Shanghai Guanghua Han, Yida Zhai
2344 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  National Research and Innovation Agency BACA JURNAL DOKUMENTASI DAN INFORMASI Analisis Bibliometrik Promosi Kesehatan Selama Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Menggunakan VOSviewer Rohmayanti Rohmayanti, Retna Tri Astuti
2345 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology The immune response to Covid-19 mRNA vaccination among Lymphoma patients receiving anti-CD20 treatment Edina Komlodi-Pasztor, Marta Escarra-Senmarti, Danielle A. Bazer, Aastha Bhatnagar, Carlos A. Perez Heydrich, Marcus Messmer, et al. (+10)
2346 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  NEPAS ABCS Health Sciences O impacto da pandemia de COVID-19 na aptidão física de idosos: um estudo longitudinal Laís Schmidt, Felipe Fank, Enaiane Cristina Menezes, Giovana Zarpellon Mazo
2347 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Social Science Electronic Publishing SSRN Electronic Journal Impact Of COVID-19 On Indian Politics Shivangi Kashyap, Shashi Saurav
2348 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLOS Global Public Health The impacts of COVID-19 on older adults in Uganda and Ethiopia: Perspectives from non-governmental organization staff and volunteers Satveer Dhillon, Isaac Luginaah, Susan J. Elliott, Justine Nagawa, Ronah Agaba Niwagaba, Razak M. Gyasi
2349 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon Impact of COVID-19 on pets and pet owners: A survey conducted in selected veterinary clinics in Accra, Ghana Godwin Dogbey, Amos Dugah, Richard Kwamena Abbiw, Anthony Agbolosu, Kweku Asare-Dompreh, Theophilus Odoom, et al. (+4)
2350 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  RGSA- Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental The Impact of Covid-19 on Religious Tourism: an Approach Through Institutional Logics in Aparecida do Norte - SP Paulo Roberto Lucas de Oliveira, Renato Telles, Roberto Bernardes Junior, Peron Avelino Santos, Cristiane Ferreira de Souza Martins
2351 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Risk factors associated with the intensity of COVID-19 outbreaks in Canadian community settings: a retrospective analysis of outbreak-level surveillance data Demy Dam, Michelle Chen, Erin E. Rees, Bethany Cheng, Lynn Sukkarieh, Erin McGill, et al. (+4)
2352 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Wiley Journal of School Health School Perceptions and Attendance for Children With Medical Complexity During COVID-19 Over Time Ryan J. Coller, Gregory P. DeMuri, Jens C. Eickhoff, Kristina Singh-Verdeflor, Gemma Warner, Sabrina M. Butteris, et al. (+5)
2353 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Journal of General Health Sciences (JGEHES), Necmettin Erbakan University Journal of General Health Sciences (JGEHES) Necmettin Erbakan University COVID-19 Pandemi Sürecinde Hemşirelik Öğrencilerinin Gözünden Aile Bireylerinin Evde Sağlık Davranışlarının Değerlendirilmesi Zeynep SAÇIKARA, Dilek CİNGİL
2354 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Raiya Academic International LLC Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture Digitalization, Webometrics, and Its Impact on Higher Education Quality During the COVID-19 Pandemic Khairiah Khairiah
2355 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  SAGE Publications Sociology of Race and Ethnicity Racial Discrimination and Mental Health among Asian Americans during the COVID-19 Pandemic Teresa Toguchi Swartz, Claire M. Kamp Dush, Xiaowen Han, Miranda N. Berrigan, Wendy D. Manning, Katie Nguyen
2356 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Al-Jami'ah Research Centre Sunan Kalijaga International Journal of Islamic Civilization Consent and Resistance: Indonesian Corona-Inspired Islamic Music in the Wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic Febriyanti Lestari
2357 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  SAGE Publications European Journal of Cultural Studies Influencer responsibility in practice: The role of Instagram debates for individualised politics during the COVID-19 pandemic Ida Vikøren Andersen, Moa Eriksson Krutrök, Johanna Arnesson
2358 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Wiley Area Making the case for ‘care-full’, ‘slower’ research: Reflections on researching ethically and relationally using mobile phone methods with food-insecure households during the COVID-19 pandemic Alison Briggs
2359 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Al-Jami'ah Research Centre Profetik Jurnal Komunikasi Islamic Journalistic Ethics To Reduce Hoax News During The Covid-19 Pandemic Suf Kasman, Monita Sholeha
2360 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. Middle East J of Management Effect of crises on the healthcare marketing mix and customer satisfaction: evidence from the UAE during the COVID-19 pandemic Nabeel Al Amiri, Gouher Ahmed, Khaled Al Qawasmeh, Haneen Afana
2361 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Uphills Publishers LLC South Eastern European Journal of Public Health Resilience and Adaptation: Investment Metrics of Indonesian Healthcare Companies Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic
2362 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Oxford University Press Journal of Public Health Enhancing PHU-school collaborations: a crucial strategy for student mental health resilience during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic Ajeng Ayu Widiastuti, Adi Atmoko, Nur Eva
2363 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Ageing International Telehealth use by older New Yorkers during the COVID-19 Pandemic Kiana Chan, Monique Millington, Andrea Low, Shannon M. Farley, David Hoos, Wafaa M. El-Sadr, et al. (+2)
2364 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Exceptionality Experiences of Teachers of Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities During the COVID-19 Pandemic Grace L. Francis, Alexandra S. Reed, Morgan M. Thompson, Alexandra R. Raines, Marci Kinas-Jerome
2365 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology Designing Affordable and Effective Easy-to-Make Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) During Global Healthcare Crisis: Lessons Learned during COVID-19 Pandemic Ghairatmal L, Manalai L, Manalai P
2366 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Multimedia Tools and Applications An autoencoder based unsupervised clustering approach to analyze the effect of E-learning on the mental health of Indian students during the Covid-19 pandemic Pritha Banerjee, Chandan Jana, Jayita Saha, Chandreyee Chowdhury
2367 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  MDPI AG Behavioral Sciences How Distressed Are Adolescent Students? A Mix-Method Study on High School Students in Northern Italy, Two Years after the Beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic Anna Maria Della Vedova, Loredana Covolo, Carlotta Fiammenghi, Silvia Marconi, Umberto Gelatti, Maurizio Castellano, Barbara Zanini
2368 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Medical Screening Breast cancer mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic Camilla Mattiuzzi, Giuseppe Lippi
2369 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Hindawi Limited Journal of Nursing Management A Delphi Study on the Changes in Work, Organizational Culture, and Health Issues of Nurses at Tertiary Hospitals in South Korea during the COVID-19 Pandemic MiRa Yun, WonJong Kim, Boas Yu, Eun-Hi Choi, Paolo C. Colet
2370 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Neurology Sudden sensorineural hearing loss: audiological profile during the COVID-19 pandemic Kelly Abdo Peron, Marina Cançado Passarelli Scott, Tracy Lima Tavares Soeiro, Jônatas Bussador do Amaral, Sujana S. Chandrasekhar, Norma de Oliveira Penido
2371 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Westburn Publishers Social Business Examining the Impact of Mobile Service Quality Dimensions on Customer Satisfaction, Trust, and Loyalty in the Telecommunications Sector in Egypt During the Lockdown Period of the COVID-19 Pandemic Eman Mohamed Abd-El-Salam, Shaymaa Farid Fawzy, Ahmad Yahya Shaheen
2372 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Elsevier Travel Behaviour and Society Has the COVID-19 pandemic affected travellers’ willingness to wait with real-time crowding information? Arkadiusz Drabicki, Oded Cats, Rafał Kucharski
2373 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Institut Islam Ma'arif Jambi Wasatiyah Jurnal Hukum BIROKRASI PUBLIK UNTUK MECIPTAKAN PEMERINTAHANAN YANG BAIK (GOOD GOVERNANCE) PASCA PANDEMI COVID-19 Suci Rachmawati, Muhammad Randhy Martadinata
2374 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Institut Islam Ma'arif Jambi Mikraf Jurnal Pendidikan ALTERNATIF IMPLEMENTASI GERAKAN LITERASI SEKOLAH (GLS) DI MADRASAH PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Sri Yulia Sari, Meira Dwi Indah Purnama
2375 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Innovation of Vocational Technology Education Rejuvenating Technical Vocational Education and Training Programmes in Polytechnics Amid the Covid-19 Pandemic for Poverty Reduction and Economic Recovery in Nigeria Offia Tugwell Owo, Prince Maduabuchukwu Ajie
2376 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Kantoh Sociological Society The Annual review of sociology Report of the 70th Annual Conference (Session A) How to Examine the Experiences of the COVID-19 Pandemic from a Sociological Perspective","解題 第70回大会テーマ部会A報告「コロナ禍の経験を社会学としてどう捉えるか」 Kahoruko Yamamoto
2377 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  SAGE Publications INQUIRY The Journal of Health Care Organization Provision and Financing Nursing Home Certificate of Need Moratoria During the COVID-19 Pandemic Had Little Impact on Access Anthony Yu, Christopher Whaley
2378 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Ovid Epidemiology Maternal health during the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S.: an interrupted time series analysis Kaitlyn Jackson, Deborah Karasek, Alison Gemmill, Daniel F. Collin, Rita Hamad
2379 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Georg Thieme Verlag KG Journal of Coloproctology Covid-19 Pandemic Increased the Number of Ostomies Performed in the Mid-west of Santa Catarina Fabiana Baldissera Bom, Barbarah Zimlich de Souza, Abel Botelho Quaresma
2380 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Eliwise Academy Ltd Advances in Social Behavior Research To What Extent Has the Covid-19 Pandemic Influenced Levels of Anxiety and Depression in Children and Adolescents? Yufei Ma
2381 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Wiley Area Trading in troubled times: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, military coup, and Chinese border closure on the Kachin amber industry Seng Lawn Dan, Alessandro Rippa
2382 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Transportation Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on bike-sharing uses in two French towns: the cases of Lyon and Toulouse Angelo Furno, Bertrand Jouve, Bruno Revelli, Paul Rochet
2383 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on bone and soft tissue sarcoma patients’ consultation and diagnosis Ryunosuke Oyama, Makoto Endo, Eijiro Shimada, Tomoya Matsunobu, Nokitaka Setsu, Shin Ishihara, et al. (+11)
2384 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Mary Ann Liebert Foodborne Pathogens and Disease Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Foodborne Disease Healthcare-Seeking Behavior and Diagnoses at a Large Academic Medical System James A. Barkley, Robert L. Scharff, Joan-Miquel Balada-Llasat, Barbara Kowalcyk
2385 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Ovid Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention Effect of Masking Secondary to the COVID-19 Pandemic on Functional Capacity Improvement in Cardiac Rehabilitation Frederick Lu, Julia Berkowitz, Arlene Gaw, Vincent Salvador, Julianne DeAngelis, Wen-Chih Wu
2386 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  IOP Publishing Environmental Research Letters Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on greenhouse gas and criteria air pollutant emissions from the San Pedro Bay ports and future policy implications Jiachen Zhang, Junhyeong Park, Nancy Bui, Sara Forestieri, Elizabeth Mazmanian, Yucheng He, et al. (+2)
2387 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Social Science Electronic Publishing SSRN Electronic Journal The Effects of Utility Shutoff and Eviction Moratoria During the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Use of Alternative Financial Services Loans Jennifer Andre, Breno Braga, Kassandra Martinchek, Signe-Mary McKernan
2388 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  AOSIS Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research Applied One Health: Nigeria National Veterinary Research Institute COVID-19 pandemic response Clement A. Meseko, Ismaila Shittu, Olayinka O. Asala, Adeyinka J. Adedeji, Tinuke A. Laleye, Ebere R. Agusi, et al. (+26)
2389 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  MDPI AG Antibiotics Incidence and Predictors of Healthcare-Associated Infections in Patients Admitted to a Temporary Intensive Care Unit during the COVID-19 Pandemic Waves: A Two-Year (2021-2023) Retrospective Cohort Study in Rome, Italy Antonio Sciurti, Valentina Baccolini, Mariateresa Ceparano, Claudia Isonne, Giuseppe Migliara, Jessica Iera, et al. (+7)
2390 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Health Services Research Public health care staff during the COVID-19 pandemic: a comparison of job demands and work functioning between temporary and permanent staff Ylse van Dijk, Sarah I. M. Janus, Michiel R. de Boer, Sytse U. Zuidema, Sijmen A. Reijneveld, Corne A. M. Roelen
2391 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Universitas Presiden Proceeding of the International Conference on Family Business and Entrepreneurship OVERCOMING LABOR SHORTAGES WHILE MEETING PRODUCTION DEMAND DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC: A LEARNING FROM INDONESIAN CONSTRUCTION SERVICE COMPANY Iman Permana, Maradel Sijabat
2392 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Longwoods Publishing Healthcare Policy | Politiques de Santé Changes in Primary Care Health Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal Analysis of Data From Ontario Onlak Ruangsomboon, Adrina Zhong, Alexander Kopp, Beth Elston, Kirsten Eldridge, Samantha Lee, et al. (+4)
2393 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Journal of General Health Sciences (JGEHES), Necmettin Erbakan University Journal of General Health Sciences (JGEHES) Necmettin Erbakan University Nurses Experiences and Ethical Dilemmas in the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Phenomenological Study Gülcan EYÜBOĞLU, Arnel BÖKE KILIÇLI, Zehra GÖÇMEN BAYKARA, Firuze ÇEVİK AYDIN
2394 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Mary Ann Liebert Autism in Adulthood Parents’ Experiences Caring for Their Autistic Adult Children During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Analysis Kyleigh Hricak, Molly Helt, Brenna B. Maddox, Ashley de Marchena
2395 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  MDPI AG Healthcare Family Experiences of Loss and Bereavement in Palliative Care Units during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Interpretative Phenomenological Study Maria João Mateus, Luís Simões, Amira Mohammed Ali, Carlos Laranjeira
2396 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Knowledge and Learning Determining the efficacy level of online education in higher studies during COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from Bangladesh Sumayya Begum, Mohammad Amzad Hossain Sarker, Afzal Hossain, Md Yusuf Hossein Khan
2397 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Kantoh Sociological Society The Annual review of sociology Report of the 71st Annual Conference (Session A) How to Examine the Experiences of the COVID-19 Pandemicfrom a Sociological Perspective","解題 第71回大会テーマ部会A報告「コロナ禍の経験を社会学としてどう捉えるか」 Kahoruko Yamamoto
2398 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Clinical Medicine Human-in-the-Loop-A Deep Learning Strategy in Combination with a Patient-Specific Gaussian Mixture Model Leads to the Fast Characterization of Volumetric Ground-Glass Opacity and Consolidation in the Computed Tomography Scans of COVID-19 Patients Constanza Vásquez-Venegas, Camilo G. Sotomayor, Baltasar Ramos, Víctor Castañeda, Gonzalo Pereira, Guillermo Cabrera-Vives, Steffen Härtel
2399 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Annals of Intensive Care Angiotensin-(1-7) infusion in COVID-19 patients admitted to the ICU: a seamless phase 1-2 randomized clinical trial Ana Luiza Valle Martins, Filippo Annoni, Filipe Alex da Silva, Lucas Bolais-Ramos, Gisele Capanema de Oliveira, Renata Cunha Ribeiro, et al. (+10)
2400 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  MDPI AG Diagnostics Model for End-Stage Liver Disease Including Na, Age, and Sex Is Powerful Predictor of Survival in COVID-19 Patients on Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Freya Sophie Jenkins, Mohammed Morjan, Jan-Philipp Minol, Esma Yilmaz, Ismail Dalyanoglu, Moritz Benjamin Immohr, et al. (+4)
2401 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Anesthesiology Prognostic significance of muscle fasciculations in critically Ill COVID-19 patients under mechanical ventilation Jeroen Molinger, John Whittle, Susie Cha, David MacLeod, Marat Fudim, Luis Ulloa, et al. (+9)
2402 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Ovid Annals of Medicine and Surgery Prediction of hospitalization time probability for COVID-19 patients with statistical and machine learning methods using blood parameters Kiomars Motarjem, Mahin Behzadifard, Shahin Ramazi, Seyed Amir Hossein Tabatabaei
2403 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  EU European Publishing Pneumon Factors predicting poor outcomes in elderly nursing home residents hospitalized due to COVID-19 pneumonia Vasiliki E. Georgakopoulou, Aikaterini Gkoufa, Sotiria Makrodimitri, Paschalis Steiropoulos, Nikolaos V. Sipsas
2404 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLOS Global Public Health Factors associated with knowledge and practices of COVID-19 prevention among mothers of under-2 children in Bangladesh Zarin Tasnim, Muhammed Nazmul Islam, Antara Roy, Malabika Sarker, Preeti Mahato
2405 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Gaceta Medica de Caracas Gaceta Médica de Caracas Cambios en la fisiología pulmonar y la ventilación mecánica en pacientes obesos con COVID-19. Revisión Bibliográfica Wilmer Arley Criollo López, Jhoselin Daniela Castillo Martínez
2406 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences Cognitive technology in human capital management: a decision analysis model in the banking sector during COVID-19 scenario Senthil Kumar Arumugam, Joji Abey, R. Seranmadevi, Shefali Srivastava, Ashish Dwivedi
2407 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  MIT Press Neurobiology of Language Impact of COVID-19 school closures on white matter plasticity in the reading network Lauren Blockmans, Fumiko Hoeft, Jan Wouters, Pol Ghesquière, Maaike Vandermosten
2408 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Genetics Genomic insight into COVID-19 severity in MAFLD patients: a single-center prospective cohort study Mykhailo Buchynskyi, Valentyn Oksenych, Iryna Kamyshna, Olena Budarna, Iryna Halabitska, Pavlo Petakh, Oleksandr Kamyshnyi
2409 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Universitas Merdeka Malang Journal of Regional Economics Indonesia Analisis Dampak Covid-19 terhadap Perekonomian dan Tenaga Kerja di Jawa Timur Visi Saujaningati Kristyanto
2410 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Data Mining Modelling and Management Analysing and Forecasting COVID-19 Vaccination - Evidence from a Native American Community in North Carolina, USA Xinyan Shi, Zhixin Kang, Guanlin Gao, Xin Zhang
2411 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  American Public Health Association American Journal of Public Health Strategies to Improve COVID-19 Vaccination in a Pregnant, Marginalized Population: Correspondence Hinpetch Daungsupawong, Viroj Wiwanitkit
2412 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Medknow Publications Singapore Medical Journal Myopericarditis following COVID-19 vaccination in children: a systematic review and meta-analysis Ashiley Annushri Thenpandiyan, Ryan Ruiyang Ling, Robert Grignani, Megan Ruien Ling, Arthena Anushka Thenpandiyan, Bee Choo Tai, et al. (+3)
2413 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  International Journal Of Advanced Research International Journal of Advanced Research CORE MANAGERIAL COMPETENCIES IN THE UPTAKE OF COVID-19 VACCINE AMONG FIRST-LINE NURSE MANAGERS IN NYERI COUNTY, KENYA: A DESCRIPTIVE CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDY Florence Mbuthia, Nelia Muiruri, Esther Opisa
2414 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Ovid International Journal of Surgery Global Health Does the COVID-19 vaccine cause a disease flare in patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome? A Cross-Sectional Study Lama A. Al Darwish, Naram M. Khalayli, Rahaf A. Almajzoub, Maysoun Kudsi
2415 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Medical Economics Comparison of healthcare resource use and cost between influenza and COVID-19 vaccine coadministration and influenza vaccination only Darshan Mehta, Tianyu Sun, Jane Wang, Aaron Situ, Yoonyoung Park
2416 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Global Health Action Strategies to address COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in First Nations peoples: a systematic review Adeline Tinessia, Katrina Clark, Madeleine Randell, Julie Leask, Catherine King
2417 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Kare Publishing BAU Health and Innovation Evaluation of the Thoughts and Attitudes About COVID-19 Vaccine of Families of Children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus İlknur Kızılkaya
2418 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Pasifika Medical Association New Zealand Medical Journal Effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines against hospitalisation, death and infection over time in Aotearoa New Zealand: a retrospective cohort study James Mbinta, Andrew Sporle, Jan Sheppard, Aliitasi Su’a-Tavila, Binh Nguyen, Nigel French, Colin Simpson
2419 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Elsevier The American Journal of Emergency Medicine Antiviral therapy for COVID-19 virus: A narrative review and bibliometric analysis Saeid Mezail Mawazi, Nousheen Fathima, Syed Mahmood, Sinan Mohammed Abdullah Al-Mahmood
2420 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Wiley Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences Reports Online consortium managing COVID-19-related mental health problems Aya Sekine, Hirokazu Tachikawa, Saori Ecoyama, Kiyotaka Nemoto, Sho Takahashi, Megumi Sasaki, et al. (+3)
2421 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE The mediation effects of COVID-19-related traumatic stress symptoms and mentalization on the relationship between perceived stress and psychological well-being in healthcare workers transitioning to a post-pandemic world Qian Wang, You Zhou, Gang Wang, Xinyu Pan, Sha Sha, Zhe Wang, et al. (+4)
2422 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation Clinical Medicine & Research COVID-19-Related Treatment Cancellations and Oncology Patients’ Psychological Health in Nigeria Adedayo Joseph, Abdul R. Shour, Nwamaka N. Lasebikan, Mutiu A. Jimoh, Bolanle C. Adegboyega, Emmanuella Nwachukwu, et al. (+15)
2423 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Kantoh Sociological Society The Annual review of sociology Difficulties and Resilience in Local Communities Revealed by COVID-19: A Case Study on the Cancellation and Resumption of Festivals in Local Towns","コロナ禍が浮き彫りにした地域社会の困難とレジリエンス――地方都市における祭礼の中断・再開を手がかりとして―― Shunsuke Takeda
2424 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Applied Economics Women’s political empowerment, economic development, and democracy around COVID-19: a cross-country analysis Mohammad Bitar, Jonathan Peillex, Imane El Ouadghiri, Hassan Obeid
2425 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Nilton Lins University Journal of Medical and Biosciences Research Cenário epidemiológico da malária relacionado à COVID-19: uma revisão literária","Epidemiological scenario of malaria related to COVID-19: a literature review","Escenario epidemiológico de la malaria relacionado con la COVID-19: una revisión de la literatura Paulo Ricardo Cunha Mendonça Peruche, Isabela Nishimura Megiani, Lucas Supino Ferreira, Guilherme Mendonça Roveri2
2426 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Clinical Medicine Cyclosporin A as an Add-On Therapy to a Corticosteroid-Based Background Treatment in Patients with COVID-19: A Multicenter, Randomized Clinical Trial Lucía Llanos Jiménez, Beatriz Alvarez-Alvarez, Eva Fonseca Aizpuru, Germán Peces-Barba, Gloria Pindao Quesada, Mª Jesús Rodríguez Nieto, et al. (+6)
2427 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Research Review Publisher RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary The Gold Market and COVID-19: An Indian Perspective Poonam Mahajan, Arwinder Singh
2428 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Kantoh Sociological Society The Annual review of sociology Sociological Point of View on Disaster Recovery and Revitalization from COVID-19: Examples of Fieldwork in Ishinomaki After the Great East Japan Earthquake","コロナ禍に対峙する社会学的災害復興研究の視角――東日本大震災・石巻の事例研究から―― Jun Oyane
2429 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Sciencedomain International Microbiology Research Journal International Probiotics as Potential Therapeutics for Managing COVID-19: Mechanisms and Implications Aditya Chaudhary, Baljeet Singh Saharan, Swati Tyagi, Chhaya Goyal, Neelam Kumari Mandal, Ramesh Kumar, et al. (+2)
2430 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  GN1 Genesis Network Revista Brasileira de Queimaduras Queimaduras em crianças durante a pandemia da COVID-19: Representação da mídia digital brasileira Raquel Pan, Ana Luisa da Cruz Franciscon, Isabella Luiz Resende, Mariana Karolina Martins Rosa de Jesus, Stefano Lúcio Magalhães de Carvalho, Tanyse Galon
2431 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Universidad Nacional de La Plata Question Clases Remotas y Universitarios Colombianos En El Contexto Del Coronavirus Gonzalo Rojas Reyes
2432 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Wiley Advanced Science Broad Adaptability of Coronavirus Adhesion Revealed from the Complementary Surface Affinity of Membrane and Spikes Aritz B. García-Arribas, Pablo Ibáñez-Freire, Diego Carlero, Pablo Palacios-Alonso, Miguel Cantero-Reviejo, Pablo Ares, et al. (+9)
2433 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  AVES Publishing Co. Thoracic Research and Practice Clinical Course of Coronavirus disease 2019 C-19 in Patients with Bronchiectasis Ebru Çakır Edis, Aykut Çilli, Deniz Kızılırmak, Ayşın Şakar Coşkun, Abdullah Sayıner, Sedat Çiçek, et al. (+8)
2434 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Galenos Yayinevi Turkish Journal of Intensive Care The Predictive Values of Chest Computed Tomography Severity Score for Air-Leak Syndrome in Critically Ill Patients with Coronavirus Disease-2019 Özlem Öner, Mehmet Çagatay Gürkok, Hakan Aktuna, Fahriye Merve Balcıoğlu, Ali Cantürk, Naciye Sinem Gezer, et al. (+5)
2435 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Risk and Financial Management Corporate Social Responsibility and the Misclassification of Income Statement Items during the Coronavirus Pandemic Zakeya Sanad, Hidaya Al Lawati, Abdalmuttaleb Al-Sartawi
2436 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Publishing house Pegas Journal of Applied Research Labor complaints during the coronavirus pandemic: spatial distribution И.Ю. Бочарова, А.Ю. Рыманов
2437 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Expert Review of Anti-infective Therapy Inflammatory response to sars-CoV 2 and other respiratory viruses André Emilio Viñán Garcés, Eder Cáceres, Juan Olivella Gómez, Ignacio Martín-Loeches, Luis Felipe Reyes
2438 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases Transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) following intravenous immunoglobulin infusion in a rituximab immunosuppressed patient with long-shedding SARS-CoV-2 Ganna Degtiarova, Anna Conen, Alexander Klarer, Teuta Arifi, Gina Guldimann, Sebastian Finkener, et al. (+2)
2439 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Biomedical Research Network, LLC Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research "Vitamins: The Mega Preventive and Therapeutic Micronutrients for Sars-Cov-2 and Viral Infections" Chateen I Ali Pambuk
2440 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Nature Communications Structural basis for the evolution and antibody evasion of SARS-CoV-2 BA.2.86 and JN.1 subvariants Haonan Yang, Huimin Guo, Aojie Wang, Liwei Cao, Qing Fan, Jie Jiang, et al. (+9)
2441 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Archives of Public Health Two-year epidemiology of post-COVID-19 conditions in Bangladesh: a cohort study of post-COVID-19 from 12,925 SARS-CoV-2 cases between July and December 2021-2023 in Bangladesh Altaf Hossain Sarker, Md. Feroz Kabir, K. M. Amran Hossain, Sharmila Jahan, Md. Zahid Hossain, Tofajjal Hossain, et al. (+4)
2442 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Revista Multidisciplinar em Saude Revista Multidisciplinar em Saúde Soroprevalência, cinética de anticorpos e fatores de exposição à infecção por SARS-CoV-2 em trabalhadores de laboratório de uma universidade pública Helen Regina Silva Sodré de Matos, Daniel Lima de Moura, Victor Otero Martinez, Joelma Nascimento de Souza, Joice Neves Reis Pedreira, Tânia Fraga Barros, et al. (+8)
2443 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Elsevier Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría Caracterización clínica y sociodemográfica de pacientes con infección SARS-CoV-2 en un hospital psiquiátrico María Corina Ochoa Rojas, Luisa Fernanda Daza Cardona, Laura Marcela Barón Castaño, Mauricio Hernández-Carillo, David Ernesto Martínez Pérez, Carlos Alberto Miranda Bastidas, Juan Carlos Rivas Nieto
2444 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  American Society for Microbiology Journal of Virology Immunogenicity and efficacy of XBB.1.5 rS vaccine against the EG.5.1 variant of SARS-CoV-2 in Syrian hamsters Nadia Soudani, Traci L. Bricker, Tamarand Darling, Kuljeet Seehra, Nita Patel, Mimi Guebre-Xabier, et al. (+6)
2445 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Vigilancia Sanitaria em Debate: Sociedade, Ciencia y Tecnologia Vigilância Sanitária em Debate Prevenção e controle das infecções relacionadas à assistência à saúde e de SARS-CoV-2 no contexto de trabalho dos cirurgiões-dentistas da Estratégia Saúde da Família, em município de grande porte do Nordeste brasileiro","Prevention and control of healthcare-associated infection and SARS-CoV-2 in the work context of dentists of Family Health Strategy in a large municipality of the Brazilian Northeast Elizabete Araújo Melo, Tomaz De Medeiros Aquino, Maria Eneide Leitão De Almeida, Caroline Mary Gurgel Dias Florêncio, Paulo Sergio Dourado Arrais
2446 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  MDPI AG Antioxidants Multiple Mechanisms of Action of Sulfodyne®, a Natural Antioxidant, against Pathogenic Effects of SARS-CoV-2 Infection Paul-Henri Romeo, Laurine Conquet, Sébastien Messiaen, Quentin Pascal, Stéphanie G. Moreno, Anne Bravard, et al. (+6)
2447 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Mass Spectrometry Molecular fingerprint by omics-based approaches in saliva from patients affected by SARS-CoV-2 infection Gabriella Pinto, Monica Gelzo, Gustavo Cernera, Mariapia Esposito, Anna Illiano, Stefania Serpico, et al. (+4)
2448 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection in professional settings, shops, shared transport, and leisure activities in France, 2020-2022 Simon Galmiche, Tiffany Charmet, Arthur Rakover, Olivia Chény, Faïza Omar, Christophe David, et al. (+3)
2449 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Medicine The impact of pulmonary tuberculosis on SARS-CoV-2 infection: a nationwide cohort study Sang Hwan Lee, Yun Jin Kim, Jaehoon Oh, Hyunggoo Kang, Kyung Hun Yoo, Byuk Sung Ko, et al. (+9)
2450 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 227 Distinct molecular responses of bronchial epithelium to SARS-CoV-2 infection: insight into preexisting respiratory conditions O. Terrier, J. Oliva, M. Ruffin, C. Calmel, A. Soulé, A. Emad, et al. (+3)
2451 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Elsevier Medicina Clínica (English Edition) Effectiveness of tixagevimab/cilgavimab in reducing SARS-CoV-2 infections, hospitalizations and mortality in inmunocompromised patients Marc Marti-Pastor, Ricardo Bou-Monterde, Lucia Ciancotti-Oliver, Marta Alcover-Pons, Aurora Amorós Cantero, Raquel Sánchez-Lopezosa, Neus Montañana-Rosell
2452 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Microbiology The effects of iron deficient and high iron diets on SARS-CoV-2 lung infection and disease Agnes Carolin, David Frazer, Kexin Yan, Cameron R. Bishop, Bing Tang, Wilson Nguyen, et al. (+5)
2453 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Elsevier Resuscitation Plus The impact of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on in-hospital cardiac arrest: A systematic review and meta-analysis Alexa Fekete-Győr, Anna Seckington, Boldizsár Kiss, Bettina Nagy, Ádám Pál-Jakab, Dénes Zsolt Kiss, et al. (+2)
2454 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Medicine SARS-CoV-2 replicates in the placenta after maternal infection during pregnancy Anda-Petronela Radan, Patricia Renz, Luigi Raio, Anna-Sophie Villiger, Valérie Haesler, Mafalda Trippel, Daniel Surbek
2455 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 220 Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 and transmembrane protease serine 2 expression and localization in cystic fibrosis lungs: Potential role in SARS-CoV-2 susceptibility W. Lewis, F. Chappe, A. Li, V. Chappe
2456 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 76 SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in adults with cystic fibrosis elicits diverse, receptor-binding domain-focused serum antibody repertoires containing shared clonotypes S. Ionov, S. Shin, R. Connor, J. Lee
2457 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC npj Vaccines Broad protection and respiratory immunity of dual mRNA vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 variants Renee L. Hajnik, Jessica A. Plante, Srinivasa Reddy Bonam, Grace H. Rafael, Yuejin Liang, Nicholas C. Hazell, et al. (+8)
2458 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Peer Community In Peer Community Journal Spatial and temporal epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 virus lineages in Teesside, UK, in 2020: effects of socio-economic deprivation, weather, and lockdown on lineage dynamics E.D. Moss, S.P. Rushton, P. Baker, M. Bashton, M.R. Crown, R.N. dos Santos, et al. (+8)
2459 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  American Chemical Society ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Systematic Study of Various Functionalization Steps for Ultrasensitive Detection of SARS-CoV-2 with Direct Laser-Functionalized Au-LIG Electrochemical Sensors Caroline Ji-Mei Brustoloni, Pouya Soltan Khamsi, Vinay Kammarchedu, Aida Ebrahimi
2460 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology Methotrexate prolonged the shedding of replicable SARS-CoV-2 with re-increased antigens in a rheumatoid arthritis patient A Takatani, T Kobayashi, N Iwamoto, T Aramaki, K Terada, K Izumikawa, et al. (+5)
2461 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Ovid Annals of Medicine and Surgery Role of PCSK9 inhibition during the inflammatory stage of SARS-COV-2: an updated review: Erratum
2462 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  MDPI AG Fractal and Fractional On the Numerical Investigations of a Fractional-Order Mathematical Model for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Outbreak Faisal E. Abd Alaal, Adel R. Hadhoud, Ayman A. Abdelaziz, Taha Radwan
2463 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Economic Issues Analysis of Society’s Perception of Fair Price and its Influence on Firms’ Actions in Times of Pandemic Fabiano Simões Coelho, Clea Beatriz Macagnan, Roberto Frota Decourt
2464 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  EconJournals International Review of Management and Marketing Analysis of the Relationship between Corporate Branding and Sales Revenue during COVID 19 Pandemic Mosie C. C. Molate, Collins C. Ngwakwe, Nebbel K. Motubatse
2465 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Cogent Education A reflexive autoethnography of supervisory psychosocial-educational support in online academic family meetings for postgraduate nursing students during the pandemic J. E. Maritz
2466 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology Operationalizing urgency in oncology: ethical challenges amidst the pandemic Aaron Lawson McLean
2467 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Journal of General Health Sciences (JGEHES), Necmettin Erbakan University Journal of General Health Sciences (JGEHES) Necmettin Erbakan University Health Anxiety and Sleep Quality of Nurses and Midwives in Pandemic Nurten TERKEŞ, Sabriye UÇAN YAMAÇ
2468 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Nature Why the next pandemic could come from the Arctic - and what to do about it Christian Sonne
2469 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  MDPI AG Societies Theorising Pandemic Necropolitics as Evil: Thinking Inequalities, Suffering, and Vulnerabilities with Arendt Anastasia Christou
2470 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Society for Art Education of Korea Society for Art Education of Korea A Qualitative Case Study on Reflection during the Pandemic of the ‘Love for Humanity:Let’s Draw with Graphic Designers’ Graphic Design Exhibition
2471 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Dove Medical Press Cancer Management and Research Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Clinical and Pathologic Characteristics of Colorectal Cancer: A Retrospective Multicenter Study in South Korea Jae Hyun Kang, Il Tae Son, Sang Nam Yoon, Jin Soo Ihm, Byung Mo Kang, Jong Kim
2472 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 833 Exploring reduced pulmonary exacerbation rates in cystic fibrosis: A pandemic or modulator effect? J. Sykes, S. Stanojevic, X. Ma, J. Ostrenga, J. Todd, A. Faro, et al. (+8)
2473 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Economic Issues Veblen on the Crossroad: Global Pharmaceuticals and Financialization of Vaccine Production in the Pandemic Period Ömer Tuğsal Doruk
2474 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  American Medical Association JAMA H5 Influenza Vaccines-Moving Forward Against Pandemic Threats Jesse L. Goodman, Rick A. Bright, Nicole Lurie
2475 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  SAGE Publications Proceedings of the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care “HeRoEs WoRk HeRe”: An Exploration of the Impact of Pandemic Virtue Signaling on Nursing Culture Grace Babalola, Jack Felag, Sumantra Sarkar, Zeynep Ertem, Shannon Walter, Marie-Claire Rosenberg Roberts, Stephanie Tulk Jesso
2476 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Consortium Erudit Philosophy in Review Peg Brand Weiser. "Camus’s The Plague: Philosophical Perspectives"Alice Kaplan and Laura Marris. "States of Plague: Reading Albert Camus in a Pandemic" Ronald Aronson
2477 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Project MUSE Perspectives in Biology and Medicine A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Pandemic: The 1977 "Russian Flu" Donald S. Burke, Amy Schleunes
2478 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Wiley Economics and Politics Patriarchy, pandemics, and the gendered resource curse thesis: Evidence from petroleum geology Jubril Animashaun, Ada Wossink
2479 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  American Public Health Association American Journal of Public Health The Challenge of Mortality Surveillance in Pandemics-Imperfect Perceptions of Reality Andrew C. K. Lee
2480 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Association of physical symptoms with accelerometer-measured movement behaviors and functional capacity in individuals with Long COVID Francisco José Rosa-Souza, Yuri Alberto Freire, Leony Morgana Galliano, Francisco Dalton-Alves, Júlio Cesar Barbosa de Lima Pinto, Carla Elane Silva Godtsfriedt, et al. (+5)
2481 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  MDPI AG COVID Enhanced External Counterpulsation Improves Dyspnea, Fatigue, and Functional Capacity in Patients with Long COVID Jessie Fox, Farhan Ali, Marielisa Lopez, Sachin A. Shah, Christian W. Schmidt, Odayme Quesada, et al. (+2)
2482 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Al-Esraa University Al-Esraa University College Journal for Engineering Sciences An Intelligent System Using Deep Learning for Healthcare Monitoring in Light of the COVID-19 and Future Pandemics Based on IoT Sara Salman Qasim, Rajaa J. Khanjar, Jamal Nasir Hasoon, Baesher Abdullateff Abad, Ali Hussein Fadil, Shajan.M. Alsowaidi
2483 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  University Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje ANNUAL of ISPJR PANDEMIC OF PERSECUTION: COVID-19 AND THE PERSECUTION OF RELIGIOUS MINORITIES Kostake Milkov
2484 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Opast Group LLC International Journal of Preventive Medicine and Care Trends in Sudden Cardiac Death in Pilots: A Post COVID-19 Challenging Crisis of Global Perspectives (2011-2023) - A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
2486 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  University of St. La Salle Journal of Higher Education Research Hand Hygiene: Knowledge, Beliefs, and Practices Among Nursing Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic Juan Qiao, Mary Beth Diva
2488 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Seven Events LUMEN ET VIRTUS The mental health of nursing professionals in Intensive Care Units during the COVID-19 pandemic: An integrative review Klinsmann Webert Paz e Silva, Vitória Graziela de Lima Mourão, Laysla Grazieli Lopes da Silva, Victória Nolêto Bezerra, Alice Vilanova Neiva, Lesley Ian Leite Moura, et al. (+2)
2489 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Elsevier European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry How many organic small molecules might be used to treat COVID-19? From natural products to synthetic agents Zai-Qun Liu
2490 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Contribuciones a las Ciencias Sociales Dispensação de psicotrópicos no período da pandemia da COVID-19 em uma unidade básica de saúde do interior do Rio Grande do Sul Eduarda Desordi Azzolini, Itamar Luís Gonçalves, Christiane de Fátima Colet, Fernanda Dal’Masso Camera, Lenara Schalanski Krause, Anna Paula Abreu, et al. (+2)
2491 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Medknow Publications Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research Prevalence and Predictors of Fatigue among Thai Women after COVID-19 Infection Chanokporn Jitpanya, Surachai Maninet, Pannita Saengkham
2492 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Orthopaedic Diseases and Traumatology Association between COVID-19 Infection and Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head: A Cross-sectional Observational Study Anikrit Srivastava, Gopal Pundkare, Madhav Khadilkar, Sanjay N. Patil
2493 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Orthopaedic Diseases and Traumatology Orthopedic Manifestations in Patients of Long COVID-19 Syndrome Aditya Goel, Shakeel A. Qidwai, A. N. Mishra
2494 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Medknow Publications Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research The Caring Process in Patients with Covid-19: A Grounded Theory Study Leila Sayadi, Fatemeh Karami, Ali Karimi Rozveh, Sara Pakzad Karamad
2495 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Elsevier Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology Similarity- and neighbourhood-based dynamic models for infection data: Uncovering the complexities of the COVID-19 infection risks Helena Baptista, Jorge M. Mendes, Ying C. MacNab
2496 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  ARI Journal Art/Research International A Transdisciplinary Journal Understanding Nursing Resilience During the COVID-19 Pandemic Through Narrative and Art Carol Flegg
2497 2024―Sep―04  [GO]  Elsevier Life Sciences Sex-related differences concerning the profile and evolution of cardiovascular complications in patients with post-acute COVID-19 syndrome Cristina Tudoran, Mariana Tudoran, Ahmed Abu-Awwad, Simona-Alina Abu-Awwad, Cosmin Faur, Mihaela Crisan-Vida, et al. (+2)
2498 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Associacao Brasileira de Ensino Odontologico ABENO Revista da ABENO Metodologias ativas no ensino da Prótese Parcial Removível durante a COVID-19 Dúcia Caldas Cosme-Trindade, Isis de Araújo Ferreira Muniz, Débora e Silva Campos, Ingrid Andrade Meira, Luciano Elias da Cruz Perez
2499 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  The Institute for Research and Community Services ITB Communication in Biomathematical Sciences On Data Driven SIRD Model of Delta and Omicron Variants of COVID-19 Aditya Firman Ihsan
2500 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Journal of Biological Researches Berkala Penelitian Hayati COMPOSITION OF VOLATILE BIOACTIVE COMPOUNDS OF SEA CUCUMBER (HOLOTHURIA ATRA) EXTRACT AND THEIR BIOACTIVITY AS ANTIVIRALS FOR SARS-COV-2 COVID-19 Endik Nugroho, Ahmad Misbakhus Sururi, Dwi Anggorowati Rahayu, Reza Ardiansyah, Nia Kurniawan, Widodo Widodo, Roisatul Ainiyah
2501 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Healthcare of Kyrgyzstan Scientific and practical journal "Healthcare of Kyrgyzstan" Жаңы коронавирустук инфекцияга (COVID-19) каршы эмдөө боюнча бала эмиз ген энелердин маалымдуулугу жана кармануу деңгээли А.Н. Алтымышев, А.Дж. Исмаилова, Н.А. Алтымышева, Н.А. Шейшеева
2502 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Manajemen dan Bisnis Indonesia Maeswara Jurnal Riset Ilmu Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan Meningkatnya Jumlah Investor dalam Pasar Saham Indonesia Pada Era Pandemi Covid-19 Masridha Masridha
2503 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Manajemen dan Bisnis Indonesia Maeswara Jurnal Riset Ilmu Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan Strategi Peningkatan Komitmen SDM Dan Pengembangan Bisnis Model Canvas (BMC) Kampung Madu KTH Bina Lestari Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 Yulia Khoerunnisa
2504 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Wiley Neurogastroenterology & Motility Somatic, emotional, and gastrointestinal symptom severity are increased among children and adolescents with COVID-19 Joshua B. Wechsler, Jonathan A. Berken, Kaitlyn Keeley, Wolfgang Singer, Ravi Jhaveri, Ben Z. Katz, et al. (+2)
2505 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Politeknik Kampar DINAMIKA PUBLIK Jurnal Manajemen dan Administrasi Bisnis Pengaruh Brand Image Dan Promosi Terhadap Keputusan Pemakaian Indihome Di PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Area IV Jateng Kota Semarang Dimasa Pandemi Covid-19 Nadia Dwi Irmadiani
2506 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Eliwise Academy Ltd Theoretical and Natural Science Therapeutic effects of Tocilizumab on COVID-19 Zihan Wang
2507 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  International Next-Generation Convergence Technology Association The Journal of Next-generation Convergence Technology Association The Journal of the Relationship between Youth's Cultural Capital and Life Satisfaction : Verification of Mediating Effect of Social Capital Before and After COVID-19 Hannah Lee, Jin Kwon
2508 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia EDUTECH HYBRID LEARNING: STRATEGI PENYELENGGARAAN PEMBELAJARAN PASCA PENERAPAN KEBIJAKAN PTMT DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Vonny Vonny, Fariha Shiyama, Supriyatin Supriyatin
2509 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Applied Economics Letters Work from home, polarization, and new residential construction during COVID-19 Dylan Brewer, Graham Lewis
2510 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Ignited Minds Pvt. Ltd. International Journal of Information Technology and Management Impact of multi-model machine learning approach prediction of Covid-19 Prabhat Kumar
2511 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo Indonesian Journal of Public Policy Review Evaluation of the Implementation of the Kampung Tangguh Semeru Model in Handling Covid-19 Surya Dinariyanti, Isnaini Rodiyah
2512 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta Caring Jurnal Keperawatan Hubungan Faktor Koping, Dukungan Keluarga Dan Dukungan Teman Sejawat Dengan Kualitas Hidup Perawat Di Ruang Isolasi Covid-19 Sofia Lestari
2513 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal High level of RNA HAS2-AS1 in the buffy coat of a patient blood sample is a more informative prognostic marker of COVID-19 clinical course compared to the level of hyaluronic acid in plasma E. Dubrovskyi, T. Drevytska, V. Dosenko, D. Stroy
2514 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Perkumpulan Pengelola Jurnal PAUD Indonesia Journal of Education Research Implementasi Aplikasi Google Classroom pada Pembelajaran Daring Bahasa Indonesia Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Marwiyah Marwiyah, M. Bahri Arifin, Azainil Azainil
2515 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  DoNotEdit Yafteh Lorestan University of Medical Sciences Effect of saffron supplementation and endurance training on the concentration of interleukin-8, C-reactive protein, and clinical symptoms in outpatients with COVID-19
2516 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji Pedagogi Hayati Keragaman Penelitian Biologi Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Rosi Feirina Ritonga, Mega Elvianasti
2517 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Universidade Federal do Parana Interação em Psicologia Fatores de risco e de proteção e autoavaliação de desempenho escolar frente à Covid-19 Janaina Chnaider, Tatiana De Cássia Nakano, Laís Santos-Vitti
2518 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Universidade Federal do Parana Interação em Psicologia Vivências e práticas de psicólogos hospitalares durante a pandemia de Covid-19 Bárbara Aline Bezerra de Miranda, Cintia Bragheto Ferreira
2519 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Uppsala Medical Society Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences Lung function at 1-year follow-up in patients with persistent dyspnea after mild COVID-19 - comparisons with moderate and critical COVID-19 Marta Kisiel, Carl-Johan Neiderud, Emil Ekbom, Gabriel Westman, Helena Janols, Miklos Lipcsey, et al. (+3)
2520 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Revista Cientifica Semana Academica Revista Científica Semana Acadêmica UMA VISÃO HERMENÊUTICA DO DIREITO DA LIBERDADE RELIGIOSA EM TEMPOS DE PANDEMIA DO COVID-19 Ânderson Roberto da Silva, Luiz Carlos Ferreira Moreira
2521 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Europub Congress Revista Foco ALTERAÇÃO DA COMPOSIÇÃO ALIMENTAR DE GESTANTES DE ALTO RISCO EM RAZÃO DA PANDEMIA DE COVID-19 Emily Caroliny Manesco dos Santos, Jacqueline Danesio de Souza
2522 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Studies Editora Revista Caderno Pedagógico Panorama da Síndrome Respiratória Aguda Grave em crianças de 0 a 14 anos no Brasil de 2013 a 2021: um estudo epidemiológico antes e durante a pandemia de COVID-19 Ana Carolina Messias de Souza Ferreira da Costa, Amina Kadja Martins Cahú, Tonny Cley Campos Leite, Dianefer Vizzotto, Maraisa do Nascimento, Fatima Gisselle Amarilla Pereira, et al. (+4)
2523 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  FSBSI Research Institute of Human Morphology CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MORPHOLOGY Neutrophil syncytia in the peripheral blood of patients with coronavirus infection (COVID-19) L.M. Somova, S.A. Abramova, E.I. Drobot, E.V. Pustovalov, I.N. ILyapun, M.Yu. Shchelkanov
2524 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  CV. Eureka Murakabi Abadi INHEALTH INDONESIAN HEALTH JOURNAL Analisis Kelengkapan Vaksinasi Covid-19 Di Wilayah Puskesmas Cina Kecamatan Cina Kabupaten Bone Pipin Erpina
2525 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Elsevier IJID Regions Detection of COVID-19 Incidence Among Attendees of the 2022 Hajj Season Thamir A. Alandijany, Fadi S. Qashqari, Mohammad Alfelali, Sumyya H. Hariri, Ahmed M. Hassan, Arwa A. Faizo, et al. (+8)
2526 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Elsevier International Journal of Infectious Diseases COVID-19 Increased Existing Gender Mortality Gaps in High Income More than Middle Income Countries Kathleen Beegle, Gabriel Demombynes, Damien de Walque, Paul Gubbins, Jeremy Veillard
2527 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Escola de Saude Publica do Ceara Cadernos ESP - Revista Científica da Escola de Saúde Pública do Ceará AVALIAÇÃO DO USO DE MEDICAMENTOS EM ESTUDANTES DURANTE A PANDEMIA DA COVID-19 Mariana Rabelo Pimentel, Werlissandra Moreira de Souza
2528 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Associação de Medicina Intensiva Brasileira Critical Care Science Características da mecânica respiratória na apresentação do barotrauma em pacientes com infecção grave pela COVID-19 Gabriela Vieira Steckert, Sophia Andreola Borba, Gabriela Meirelles Marchese, Fabrício Schultz Medeiros, Tiago Severo Garcia, Marcio Manozzo Boniatti, Iuri Christmann Wawrzeniak
2529 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE The effects of icon design features on user perception and preference: A case study of icons for Covid-19 Deng Lujie, Chunhua Lin, Qiong Liao, Shuicai Qiu, Jorge Abelardo Falcón-Lezama
2530 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Universidade Severino Sombra Revista Mosaico Instrumentos neuropsicológicos na avaliação de déficit cognitivo em pacientes adultos com COVID-19 Pedro Henrique Nogueira Guerra, Mylena Chaves Muniz Santos, Gisele Cristina Resende, Marck de Souza Torres
2531 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Randomized trial of influence of vitamin D on the prevention and improvement of symptomatic COVID-19 Huan Wang, Liyuan Tao, Liyan Cui, Yahong Chen, Dongyang Liu, Lixiang Xue, et al. (+17)
2532 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Art Education The Self-Initiated Creativity of Children During COVID-19 David Rufo
2533 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji Pedagogi Hayati Profil Resiliensi Akademik Mahasiswa Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Riau selama pandemi COVID-19 Muhammad Farhan Ali
2534 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Universidad Catolica Santa Maria La Antigua Investigación y Pensamiento Crítico Influencia de las Estrategias Discursivas en el Alcance de las Publicaciones del MINSA en Instagram sobre el COVID-19 Abraham Santamaría Barraza
2535 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  STIE Widya Gama Lumajang International Journal of Accounting and Management Research Analysis of the Millennial Generation's Perspective Becoming Young Entrepreneurs during the Covid-19 Pandemic Nawangsih Nawangsih, Hassan Touati
2536 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  The Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education The impact of social interaction anxiety on endemic blue among university students who experienced the COVID-19 pandemic: The mediating effect of social phobia Ahrin Kim, Hae Ok Jeon, Myung-Ock Chae
2537 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Foundation for Orphan and Rare Lung Disease (FORLD) The ASEAN Journal of Radiology Findings of Abdominal Computed Tomography In COVID-19 Patients with Abnormal Abdominal Symptoms In Siriraj Hospital Thanawat Punyavik, Nithida Na Songkhla, Kobkun Muangsomboon
2538 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  The Institute for Research and Community Services ITB Communication in Biomathematical Sciences Deterministic Double Dose Vaccination Model of COVID-19 Transmission Dynamics - Optimal Control Strategies with Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Afeez Abidemi, Fatmawati Fatmawati, Olumuyiwa James Peter
2539 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  The Institute for Research and Community Services ITB Communication in Biomathematical Sciences Optimal Control Strategies on Mobility for Preventing COVID-19 Transmission: A study with A Three-Patch Compartmental Model A.V.R. Hansana, N.C. Ganegoda, H.C.Y. Jayathunga
2540 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Southern Regional Science Association Review of Regional Studies Political and Sociodemographic Determinants of Covid-19 Vaccination in Florida: A Spatial Analysis Amir B. Ferreira Neto, Roxana Ruiz Rodriguez, John Shannon, Juan Sayago Gomez
2541 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics COVID-19 vaccine confidence and its effect on vaccine uptake among people with hypertension or diabetes mellitus in Kilimanjaro region, Tanzania Monica Mtei, Daimon Mwasamila B, Caroline Amour, Julieth S Bilakwate, Laura J Shirima, Amina Farah, et al. (+4)
2542 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  SAGE Publications American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine Proposed Mechanisms and Associations of COVID-19 with Cardiometabolic Risk Factors Koushik R. Reddy, Kamil F. Faridi, Monica Aggarwal, Adithi A. Tirumalai, Tamanna Singh, Kristen S. Tejtel, et al. (+12)
2543 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Journal of the Asian Academy of Applied Business (JAAAB) Inflation Rate and COVID-19: A Bibliometric Analysis Using R Siti Asmah Juhan, Suddin Lada, Mat Salleh @ Salleh Wahab, Faerozh Madli
2544 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  AlfaUnipac Revista Multidisciplinar do Nordeste Mineiro PREVALÊNCIA DA QUALIDADE DO SONO EM UNIVERSITÁRIOS NO TRIÊNIO ANTERIOR E DURANTE À PANDEMIA DO COVID-19: UMA REVISÃO SISTEMÁTICA Marcos Antonio Araújo Bezerra, Raissa Geremias Leite, Anna Luiza Diniz Bezerra, Jenifer Kelly Pinheiro
2545 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon SARS-COV-2 BREAKTHROUGH INFECTION AND ITS COVARIATES AMONG HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS OF A HOSPITAL IN BANGLADESH DURING THE OMICRON WAVE Masfida Akhter, Suman Kumar Roy, Abul Khair, Md Rabiul Karim, Ummel Khare Fatema Khan Mojlish, Minhaj Uddin Ahmed, Liaquat Ali
2546 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Wiley American Journal of Industrial Medicine SARS-CoV-2 infection among Colorado adults working outside the home: Occupation, race and ethnicity and mask use Michelle R. Torok, Alice E. White, Rachel H. Jervis, Amanda D. Tran, Bernadette A. Albanese, Elaine J. Scallan Walter
2547 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Journal of Medical Case Reports Add-on hemoperfusion in SARS-CoV-2-infected pregnant patients: a case series Supattra Chiewroongroj, Thummaporn Naorungroj, Ranistha Ratanarat
2548 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Towarzystwo Naukowe Organizacji i Kierownictwa Przegląd Organizacji Realizowanie wybranych działań z zakresu CRM -perspektywa konsumenta w czasach pandemii Covid-19 Agnieszka Bojanowska, Anna Żelazna, Barbara Buraczyńska
2549 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Towarzystwo Naukowe Organizacji i Kierownictwa Przegląd Organizacji Zarządzanie cyberbezpieczeństwem podmiotów gospodarczych w kontekście wyzwań pandemii COVID-19 Joanna Antczak, Joanna Nowakowska-Grunt
2550 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  FSBSI Research Institute of Human Morphology CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MORPHOLOGY Features of hydrodynamic resistance in the vessels of microvasculature in the lungs during COVID-19 - morphometric study results V.S. Chirsky, D.Yu. Plaminsky, R.E. Lakhin, S.G. Grigoriev
2551 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Jurnal Ilmiah Islam Futura EFFORTS TO PREVENT THE SPREAD OF COVID-19 ACCORDING TO THE DOCTRINE OF MUHAMMADIYAH IN INDONESIA: HADITH STUDIES Rohmansyah Rohmansyah, Yayat Hidayat
2552 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Specific persistent symptoms of COVID-19 and associations with reinfection: a community-based survey study in southern China Dongjing Liu, Binglin Chen, Xuejiao Liao, Zheng Zhang, Sen Wei, Xinxin Han, Yong Xu
2553 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  MDPI AG Diseases The Effect of COVID-19 and COVID-19 Vaccination on Assisted Human Reproduction Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Andrea Milostić-Srb, Nika Srb, Jasminka Talapko, Tomislav Meštrović, Tihomil Žiger, Stana Pačarić, et al. (+3)
2554 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Affective Disorders Internet access during COVID-19 and depressive symptoms in middle-aged and older adults: Evidence from a quasi-experimental study in China Xinfeng Wang, Xin Ye
2555 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Warsaw School of Economics Edukacja Ekonomistów i Menedżerów Transformation of human capital of scientists-women in the Era of COVID-19 and digitalization Tetiana Shkoda, Iuliia Gernego, Mykhailo Dyba, Larysa Yemelyanenko
2556 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  International Journal of Science and Research International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) COVID-19 and Its Effects on Patients with Terminal Cancer Ankitha Bhat, Swapnil Shetty
2557 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Psychiatry COVID-19 and mental health consequences: moving forward Sadaf Arefi Milani, Yong-Fang Kuo, Mukaila Raji
2558 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Publishing House &quot;Food Industry&quot; Food processing industry Consequences of the spread of coronavirus COVID-19 and new strains for agro-industrial complex and consumer market development Н.А. Коломейцева, И.А. Глотова, С.В. Шахов
2559 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Neurology Exploring cognitive impairments and the efficacy of phosphatidylcholine and computer-assisted cognitive training in post-acute COVID-19 and post-acute COVID-19 Vaccination Syndrome Julian Frederic Hotz, Sophie Kellerberger, Sara Elea Jöchlinger, Iren Danielova, Hanife Temizsoy, Sandra Ötsch, et al. (+3)
2560 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta Jurnal Teknologi Kesehatan (Journal of Health Technology) Differences Of COVID-19 Antibody Titer In The Group After The Two Sinovac Vaccine And The Three Moderna Of Prodia Employees Yogyakarta Elisabeth Yann Tri Undari
2561 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  SAGE Publications Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine A Novel Protocol for the Early Detection of COVID-19 at a Skilled Nursing Facility Linda Mayhue, Jeong Woo (Glen) Choi, Sun Jong (Sam) Yang, Jennifer Jacobsen, Yuna Lee, Salim Ahmed
2562 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Ainara JIIP - Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan College Adjustment pada Mahasiswa Tahun Pertama: Studi Fenomenologi pada Pasca Pandemi COVID-19 Onik Imanniar, Rudi Cahyono, Anandhika Agus Saputra, Roida Hazima, Adiva Istighfarini
2563 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  DiscoverSys, Inc. Intisari Sains Medis Complication acute limb ischemia in a COVID-19 confirmed patient Komang Siska Lestari Sugitha, I Ketut Agus Somia, Ni Made Renny Anggreni Rena
2564 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  MDPI AG Adolescents Behind the Sadness of Teen Girls: A Retrospective Survey Analysis Amidst the COVID-19 Crisis of 2021 Onur Baser, Sara Alsaleh, Yixuan Zeng, Isabel Baser
2566 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Manajemen dan Bisnis Indonesia Jurnal Rimba Riset Ilmu manajemen Bisnis dan Akuntansi Pengaruh Pelayanan Dan Penghasilan Wajib Pajak Terhadap Kepatuhan Dalam Membayar Pajak Bumi Dan Bangunan (PBB-P2) Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 Di Kecamatan Ngadiluwih Kabupaten Kediri Amelya One Zarina
2567 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  DiscoverSys, Inc. Intisari Sains Medis Tingkat kecemasan mahasiswa kedokteran gigi klinik terhadap penyebaran COVID-19 di Klinik Profesi Universitas Udayana Mia Ayustina Prasetya, IGA Fienna Novianthi Sidiartha, Nurun Nahar
2568 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Universitas Muslim Maros Emik Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial Resiliensi Pelaku Bisnis Kuliner di Masa dan Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 di Kota Makassar Mohammad Khomeiny
2569 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Manajemen dan Bisnis Indonesia MENAWAN Jurnal Riset dan Publikasi Ilmu Ekonomi Peran Masyarakat Nelayan Pada Peningkatan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Mata Pelajaran Ips Kelas Viii Masa Covid-19 Di Mts Muhammadiyah Al-Fatah Nangahale SUMAIA
2570 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Perkumpulan Pengelola Jurnal PAUD Indonesia Journal of Education Research Tantangan dan Model Pembelajaran Pasca Pandemi COVID-19 di Perguruan Tinggi Noni Dwi Sari, Priarti Megawanti, Jan Setiawan
2572 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta Caring Jurnal Keperawatan Pengetahuan Tentang Covid-19 Terhadap Kepatuhan Perawat Dalam Penggunaan Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) Guna Mencegah Penularan Covid-19 Di Ruang Isolasi Covid RSAU dr. Esnawan Antariksa Jakarta Timur Agung Setiyadi
2573 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Franco Angeli ECONOMIA E SOCIETÀ REGIONALE La segmentazione del mercato del lavoro migrante in italia: dinamiche durante e dopo la pandemia da Covid-19 Antonio Sanguinetti
2574 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Metodik Didaktik FLEKSIBILITAS ORGANISASI INTEGRATED CURRICULUM PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 DI SEKOLAH DASAR Rela Imanulhaq, Andi Prastowo
2575 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  PT WIM Solusi Prima Indonesian Journal of Health Science Gambaran evaluasi fungsi ginjal (kadar ureum, kreatinin dan asam urat darah) pasca covid-19 di wilayah gang anwar tahun 2022 Insani Fitrahulil Jannah, Mike Permata Sari, Afifa Radhina
2576 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Wiley Political Psychology Personal experiences with the national healthcare system and institutional trust in times of COVID-19 Nicoletta Cavazza, Michele Roccato
2577 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology Evaluating TRAIL and IP-10 alterations in vaccinated pregnant women after COVID-19 diagnosis and their correlation with neutralizing antibodies Wei-Chun Chen, Shu-Yu Hu, Chao-Min Cheng, Ching-Fen Shen, Hui-Yu Chuang, Chin-Ru Ker, et al. (+2)
2578 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Elsevier Psiquiatría Biológica Síntomas de ansiedad y depresión en trabajadores de la salud durante la pandemia por COVID-19 en un centro de salud en Barranquilla, Colombia. Estudiante Medicina Arenas-Contreras Erika, Estudiante Medicina Ariza-Teheran Laura, Estudiante Medicina Borja-Egher Laura, Estudiante Medicina Diazgranados-Gonzalez Omaira, Estudiante Medicina Mora-Cartusciello Oriana, Estudiante Medicina Thowinsson-Merizalde Lawren, et al. (+4)
2579 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Wiley Nursing Open A cross-sectional study of low birth satisfaction during the COVID-19 epidemics' fifth wave Forough Mortazavi, Maryam Mehrabadi
2580 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Wydawnictwo Adam Marszalek Polish Political Science Yearbook Scapegoating and Antisemitism During the COVID-19 Health Crisis: A Critique of Jewish Identity in Germany Hilal Zeynep Tanrıverdi
2581 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Current Microbiology A Cluster of Diutina catenulata Funguria in Patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Hospitalized in a Tertiary Reference Hospital from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Rodrigo Almeida-Paes, Marcus de Melo Teixeira, Fernanda Alves de Oliveira, Marcos de Abreu Almeida, Fernando Almeida-Silva, Kim Mattos Geraldo, et al. (+7)
2582 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  MDPI AG Electronics ECF-Net: Enhanced, Channel-Based, Multi-Scale Feature Fusion Network for COVID-19 Image Segmentation Zhengjie Ji, Junhao Zhou, Linjing Wei, Shudi Bao, Meng Chen, Hongxing Yuan, Jianjun Zheng
2583 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Qeios Ltd Qeios Emerging Omicron Subvariants EG.5 and BA.2.86: Implications for COVID-19 Immunity and Surveillance Javeria Hamraa, Feriha Fatima Khidri, Sania Saeed, Oluwabusola Elizabeth Oni, Sundus Anbreen, Sumbal Shaukat
2584 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth Risk perception increase due to COVID-19 impacted antenatal care utilization among women in an indigenous community Paulina Gómez-Chávez, Valeria M Soriano-Avelar, Alejandra Aguilar-Rodríguez, Mario Rojas-Russell, Lilia V Castro-Porras
2585 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Research, Society and Development Research Society and Development A comprehensive analysis of the limitations of the shift to virtual learning in universities and colleges during COVID-19 in developing nations Débora Brito Goulart
2586 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Regional Studies Regional Science An empirical study of administrative justice at times of COVID-19 in Italy Giuseppe Di Vita, Paolo Lorenzo Ferrara, Alessandra Patti
2587 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Augusta University Arsenal Augusta University’s Undergraduate Research Journal COVID-19 IN NURSING HOMES: A COMPREHENSIVE SURVEY OF HEALTHCARE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES Anabelle O'Keefe
2588 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Spandidos Publications World Academy of Sciences Journal Risk factors associated with the mortality of COVID-19 in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus Junior Carbajal, Carlos Ballon-Salcedo, Leonardo Uribe-Cavero, Gabriel Saravia, Sthefany Cuadros-Aguilar, Maria Lopez, et al. (+5)
2589 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  David Publishing Company Chinese Business Review The Impact of the Monetary Policy During the COVID-19 in the Brazilian Banking Sector Karina Robial
2590 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Acta Gastro Enterologica Belgica Acta Gastro Enterologica Belgica SARS-CoV-2 antibody vaccine response in Inflammatory Bowel Disease patients with positive anti-nucleocapsid serology or history of COVID-19 infection A Hoyois, C Gulkilik, L Mekkaoui, H Dahma, V Wambacq, C Minsart, et al. (+7)
2591 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Associação de Medicina Intensiva Brasileira Critical Care Science Respiratory mechanics characteristics at the time of barotrauma presentation in patients with critical COVID-19 infection Gabriela Vieira Steckert, Sophia Andreola Borba, Gabriela Meirelles Marchese, Fabrício Schultz Medeiros, Tiago Severo Garcia, Marcio Manozzo Boniatti, Iuri Christmann Wawrzeniak
2592 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Termedia Sp. z.o.o. Advances in Dermatology and Allergology A case of acquired reactive perforating collagenosis after COVID-19 infection Shaoheng Wang, Xuefen Min, Xi Wang, Lifang Cheng, Liguo Qiu
2593 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Elsevier Expert Systems with Applications A stratified review of COVID-19 infection forecasting and an efficient methodology using multiple domain-based transfer learning Sandeep Kumar, Sonakshi Garg, Pranab K. Muhuri
2594 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Association Between the Level of Vitamin D and COVID-19 Infection in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review Zohreh-Al-Sadat Ghoreshi, Javad Charostad, Nasir Arefinia, Mohsen Nakhaie, Mohammad Rezaei Zadeh Rukerd, Aryan Zandi, et al. (+3)
2595 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Springer-Verlag International Urology and Nephrology A scoping review on adult patients with de novo glomerular diseases following COVID-19 infection or vaccine Liam Qi, Aman Deep, Jordan Fox, Mark Yii, Muhammad Rahman, Mar Myint, et al. (+2)
2596 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Mesopotamian Academic Press Babylonian Journal of Mathematics Biomathematics and its Applications in Modeling COVID-19 Infections Rohayanti Hassan, Raed Abdulkareem Hasan
2597 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Farmasi Muhammadiyah Cirebon Medical Sains Junal Ilmiah Kefarmasian IN SILICO IDENTIFICATION OF BREADFRUIT PLAN COMPOUNDS (Artocarpus atilis) AGAINST ANGIOTENSIN-CONVERTING ENZYME 2 AS A CANDIDATE MODEL OF COVID-19 INHIBITORS Muhammad Fauzi, Yulistia Budianti Soemarie
2598 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  MDPI AG Psychiatry International Cognitive Impairment and Risk of Depressive Episodes from a Bipolar Spectrum Perspective: A Case-Control Study in Older Adults during the COVID-19 Lockdown Diego Primavera, Fabrizio Bert, Ferdinando Romano, Giuseppe La Torre, Cesar Ivan Aviles Gonzalez, Alessandra Perra, et al. (+7)
2599 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Educational Technology Research and Development DUDA: a digital didactic learning unit based on educational escape rooms and multisensory learning activities for primary school children during COVID-19 lockdown Walter Setti, Rebecca Tarello, Erica Volta, Lucia Ferlino, Monica Gori, Gualtiero Volpe
2600 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Copernicus GmbH Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Measurement report: Characteristics of airborne black-carbon-containing particles during the 2021 summer COVID-19 lockdown in a typical Yangtze River Delta city, China Yuan Dai, Junfeng Wang, Houjun Wang, Shijie Cui, Yunjiang Zhang, Haiwei Li, et al. (+4)
2601 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Comparative Assessment of the Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on Air Quality: A Multinational Study of SARS-CoV-2 Hotspots Ahmed Ould Boudia, Mohamed Asheesh, Frank Adusei-Mensah, Yazid Bounab
2602 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Association of American Medical Colleges MedEdPORTAL Mitigating Misinformation Toolkit: Addressing COVID-19 Misinformation Through Interprofessional Learning and Collaboration Using a Standardized Patient-Based Educational Module Jennifer Hayman, Sara W. Nelson, Leah A. Mallory, Emily K. Dornblaser, Linda H. Chaudron, Stephanie Nichols, et al. (+5)
2603 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Research, Society and Development Research Society and Development Estudo epidemiológico da correlação entre fatores sociodemográficos e adesão à vacinação contra a COVID-19 na macrorregião Sul de Minas Gerais Bárbara Ferreira Rodrigues, Mateus Freire Vieira, Gérsika Bitencourt Santos Barros
2604 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Revista CPAQV Centro de Pesquisas Avançadas em Qualidade de Vida O IMPACTO DA COVID-19 NA SAÚDE DA POPULAÇÃO BRASILEIRA: UMA REVISÃO LITERÁRIA ABRANGENTE Andreza Luzia de Oliveira
2605 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  SAGE Publications Health Services Insights Exploring the Impact of COVID-19 on Cervical Cancer Screening Services: A Qualitative Study of Healthcare Providers’ and Women’s Perspectives and Experiences Fennie Mantula, Yoesrie Toefy
2606 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Beyond Infection: Unmasking the Impact of COVID-19 on Diabetes Emergency Trends Sedat C Güney, Can Akçura, Samet Alkan, Gamze Gelir Çavdar, Nilüfer Özdemir, Zeliha Hekimsoy
2607 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  MDPI AG Economies Underestimating the Pandemic: The Impact of COVID-19 on Income Distribution in the U.S. and Brazil Federica Alfani, Fabio Clementi, Michele Fabiani, Vasco Molini, Francesco Schettino
2608 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Souphanouvong University Souphanouvong University Journal Multidisciplinary Research and Development The Psychological Impact of Covid-19 on Nurses at the CentralHospital in Vientiane, Lao PDR Souksavanh PHANPASEUTH, Souphavalath SIKHOTCHOUNLAMANY, Anousone SYSOULATH, Eungkham SYHALATH
2609 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Wiley Epilepsia Open The impact of COVID-19 on people with epilepsy: Global results from the coronavirus and epilepsy study Michael J. Vasey, Xin You Tai, Jennifer Thorpe, Gabriel Davis Jones, Samantha Ashby, Asma Hallab, et al. (+21)
2610 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Manajemen dan Bisnis Indonesia Jurnal Rimba Riset Ilmu manajemen Bisnis dan Akuntansi Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Sebelum Dan Selama Pandemi Covid-19 Pada Perusahaan PT Kalbe Farma Tbk Srisetyawanie Bandaso
2611 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Elsevier Perioperative Care and Operating Room Management Investigating the Relationship between Awareness, Beliefs, and Performance of Operating Room Students in Hand Hygiene with Analysis of Microbial Flora on Hands during the COVID-19 Pandemic Tayebeh Arabzadeh, Ahmad Badeenezhad, Nima Daneshi, Zargham Faramarzinia, Mostafa Moazamfard
2613 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  MDPI AG Mathematics Exploring the Dynamic Behavior of Crude Oil Prices in Times of Crisis: Quantifying the Aftershock Sequence of the COVID-19 Pandemic Fotios M. Siokis
2614 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  North American Business Press Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice Changes and Challenges Amid a Global Crisis: A Case Study of Chinese International Students in the United States During the COVID-19 Pandemic Lianzi Ouyang
2615 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  MDPI AG Social Sciences Racial Disinformation, Populism and Associated Stereotypes across Three European Countries during the COVID-19 Pandemic Francesca D’Errico, Paolo Giovanni Cicirelli, Angelica Lops, Rosa Scardigno
2616 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Publishing House Helvetica Public management and administration in Ukraine THE IMPACT OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE ON THE PSYCHOLOGICAL SAFETY OF CIVIL SERVANTS DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC O.I. Bilyk, N.V. Tsyhylyk
2617 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Global Energy Issues Oil market crashes: from the subprime crisis to the COVID-19 pandemic Donia Aloui, Rafla Hchaichi, Khaled Guesmi
2618 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Galenos Yayinevi Gulhane Medical Journal Medical interns’ anxiety about their professional skills acquired during their internal medicine clerkship amid the COVID-19 pandemic Beyza Cabbaroğlu, Rohat Cansever, Umut Bulat, Seyfi Durmaz, S. Ayhan Çalışkan
2619 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Wiley Poverty & Public Policy Exploring the impact of a maternal support grant to improve mental health and food security amongst pregnant women in South Africa during the COVID-19 pandemic Christina A. Laurenzi, Masedi Menyatsoe, Mustafa Shuaib, Amanda Edwards, Kelly Gemmell, Hayli Geffen, et al. (+4)
2620 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Women s Health Breast cancer and cervical cancer: a comparison of the period before and during the COVID-19 pandemic Kely Paviani Stevanato, Lander dos Santos, Fernando Castilho Pelloso, Deise Helena Pelloso Borghesan, Marcia Edilaine Lopes Consolaro, Rosane de Almeida, et al. (+11)
2621 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Healthcare of Kyrgyzstan Scientific and practical journal "Healthcare of Kyrgyzstan" Emergency surgery in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic А.А. Сопуев, Т.Ж. Белеков, М.Э. Эрнисова, А.Т. Атакозиев, М.К. Ормонов
2622 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Canadian Center of Science and Education Journal of Sustainable Development Environmental Education at Waste Incineration Facilities in Japan: Educational Activities Continued Even during the COVID-19 Pandemic Atsuko Hanashima
2623 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  INTI International University INTI Journal Prevalence of Lifestyle Changes in Online Learning Technology among College Students During Covid-19 Pandemic Vishnupriya ., Prathap Suganthirababu, Vinodhkumar Ramalingam, Vignesh Srinivasan, Kumaresan Abathsagayam, Jagatheesan Alagesan
2624 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  MDPI AG Sustainability Understanding Food Insecurity and Participation in Food Assistance Programs among Hispanic/Latino Residents of Hialeah, Florida, before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic Destiny Treloar, Dorceta E. Taylor, Ashley Bell
2625 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  LPPM Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor INOVATOR Analysis of Factors Affecting Online Shopping Activities for MSME Products During the COVID-19 Pandemic Erry Nugroho Himawan, Popy Novita Pasaribu
2626 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  LPPM Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor INOVATOR Portfolio Performance Analysis Using the Treynor Model in the Early Period of the Covid-19 Pandemic Titing Suharti, Diah Yudhawati, Anuraga Kusumah, Berliani Fatimah
2627 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Elsevier The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry Open Science Education and Practice Identifying preferences and barriers to psychiatric video-telemedicine use among older Latino adults with limited English proficiency during the COVID-19 pandemic Catherine Gonzalez, Benjamin S. Zide, Claudia Margarita Avila-Urizar, Subrina Farah, Carmen Maria Urizar, Elsy Rosales, Juan Carlos Urizar
2628 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Universitas Airlangga Amerta Nutrition Determinants for Low Birth Weight in Mothers Giving Birth during the Covid-19 Pandemic Lia Kurniasari, Martha Irene Kertasurya, Sri Achadi Nugraheni, Farid Agushybana
2629 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia EDUTECH E-LEARNING PEDAGOGICAL CHALLENGES OF EFL TEACHERS DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC Wulandari Putri
2630 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Pediatrics Nasopharyngeal carriage of Streptococcus pneumoniae among children aged 30 days to <60 months in Beijing and Shenzhen, China (2018-2021) during pneumococcal conjugate vaccine introduction and the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic Qianqian Du, Zhaoqiu Liu, Hongmei Wang, Yani Wang, Li Liu, Xuexia Wen, et al. (+9)
2631 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  VM Media Sp zo.o. - VMGroup SK Nowotwory Journal of Oncology Breast cancer treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic - a patient’s perspective Karolina Osowiecka, Kamila Mieszała, Dominik Olejniczak, Monika Rucińska
2632 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  LPPM Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor INOVATOR Analysis of the Health Level of Bank (BPRS) Amanah Ummah Bogor Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic (2019-2020 Period) Cicih Sukarsih, Immas Nurhayati
2633 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Psychiatry Psychotropic drug prescribing before and during the COVID-19 pandemic among people with depressive and anxiety disorders: a multinational network study Hao Luo, Yi Chai, Sijia Li, Wallis C Y Lau, Carmen Olga Torre, Joseph Hayes, et al. (+13)
2634 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Ignited Minds Pvt. Ltd. International Journal of Information Technology and Management Work-Life Balance during COVID-19 Pandemic and Remote Work Dr. D. Kanthi Sree Dr. D. Kanthi Sree
2635 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo Procedia of Social Sciences and Humanities Analysis of Factors Affecting Financial Management of Accounting Students During the Covid-19 Pandemic (Case Study on Accounting Students at Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta) ERVINA DENTA MAR'ATU SHOLIKHAH, Kurnia Rina Arian
2636 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Creative Publishing House Journal of Ecohumanism Exploring the Hospital Performance during the COVID-19 Pandemic from the Perspective of Intellectual Capital: An Empirical Study of Taipei Hospital in Taiwan Hsing-Hua Hsiung, Yu-Jie Lin
2637 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health The prevalence and related factors of post-partum anxiety and depression among mothers during COVID-19 pandemic in 2021 Masoomeh Salimian, Mohammad Javad Tarrahi, Tahmineh Dadkhahtehrani, Masoumeh Pirhady
2638 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Politeknik Kampar DINAMIKA PUBLIK Jurnal Manajemen dan Administrasi Bisnis Understanding The Impact Of Covid-19 Pandemic On Corporate Branding Strategies Mia Christy Patricia
2639 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  MDPI AG Antibiotics Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Inpatient Antibiotic and Antifungal Drug Prescribing Volumes in Germany Winfried V. Kern, Michaela Steib-Bauert, Jürgen Baumann, Evelyn Kramme, Gesche Först, Katja de With
2640 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Walter de Gruyter GmbH Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization Losing Ground: Measuring the Welfare Effects of Retail Food Price Inflation during the COVID-19 Pandemic on Mexican Household Noé J. Nava, Benjamin D. K. Wood, Rafael Garduño-Rivera
2641 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Edra SpA Italian Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics Impact of stressful life events, including the COVID-19 pandemic, on stillbirth rates: a study in Jordan O. AlKuran, L.M. Al-Mehaisen, S.N. Albeitawi, S. Abdelhafez, A. Rabadi, H.A. Alshatti, et al. (+5)
2642 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  The Journal of Emerging Investigators, Inc. Journal of Emerging Investigators Investigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the cognitive dissonance of adolescents Vishruth Dinesh, Amulya Harish, Tanisha Mehta, Heejee Yoon, Lale Kurtulush, Maddy Zhang, et al. (+4)
2643 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Aerosol Science and Engineering Wavelet Based Semblance Analysis of Anthropogenic Aerosol Control on Air Quality During the COVID-19 Pandemic Period J. Arul Asir, H. Johnson Jeyakumar, C. P. Anil Kumar
2644 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo Indonesian Journal of Public Policy Review Cash Assistance: Addressing COVID-19 Pandemic-induced Poverty Mochammad Alfalah Khisbi, Isnaini Rodiyah
2645 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Bioethics News Zero-covid advocacy during the COVID-19 pandemic: a case study of views on Twitter/X Kasper P. Kepp, Kevin Bardosh, Tijl De Bie, Louise Emilsson, Justin Greaves, Tea Lallukka, et al. (+6)
2646 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Psychiatry Antipsychotic exposure and infection risk in people with schizophrenia spectrum disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic: a Danish nationwide registry study Vardan Nersesjan, Rune H B Christensen, Elisabeth Wreford Andersen, Daniel Kondziella, Michael E Benros
2647 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Behavioral Medicine An online delivered running and walking group program to support low-active post-secondary students’ well-being and exercise behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic: a pilot randomized controlled trial Colin M. Wierts, Ryan E. Rhodes, Guy Faulkner, Bruno D. Zumbo, Mark R. Beauchamp
2648 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Mobile Communications Changes in consumers' mobile payment behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic: a stimulus-organism-response model perspective Umut Ünal, Mertcan Taşçıoğlu, Dursun Yener
2649 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Changes in mortality due to Chronic Liver Diseases (CLD) during the COVID-19 pandemic: Data from the United States’ National Vital Statistics System James M. Paik, Dipam Shah, Katherine Eberly, Pegah Golabi, Linda Henry, Zobair M. Younossi, Dong Hyun Sinn
2650 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Ignited Minds Pvt. Ltd. International Journal of Information Technology and Management Academic Libraries’ Obstacles and Problems During Covid-19 pandemic: Librarians’ Response to Service Model Naseem Raza Naseem Raza, Dr. Dharampal . Dr. Dharampal .
2651 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Walter de Gruyter GmbH Turkish Journal of Biochemistry Investigation of SARS-CoV-2 release in fecal specimens of discharge COVID-19 patients Arzu Koparan, Süreyya Dede, Nilgün Işıksaçan, Zuhal Yeşilbağ, Emine Karakuş
2652 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  MDPI AG Diagnostics Investigation of the Relationship between Vitamin D Deficiency and Vitamin D-Binding Protein Polymorphisms in Severe COVID-19 Patients Lutfiye Karcıoğlu Batur, Mehmet Dokur, Suna Koç, Mehmet Karabay, Zeyneb Nur Akcay, Ezgi Gunger, Nezih Hekim
2653 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Kesetiakawanan Sosial Indonesia The Journal General Health and Pharmaceutical Sciences Research The Impact Of Workload, Availability Of PPE Facilities And Organizational Support On The Work Stress Of Health Workers Taking Attention To Covid-19 Patients At RS Keluarga Kita Stefano Leatemia
2654 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Wiley Health Science Reports Machine learning approaches to predict the need for intensive care unit admission among Iranian COVID-19 patients based on ICD-10: A cross-sectional study Zahra Karimi, Jaleh S. Malak, Amirhossein Aghakhani, Mohammad S. Najafi, Hamid Ariannejad, Hojjat Zeraati, Mir S. Yekaninejad
2655 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  IOS Press Human Antibodies Relation of ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 markers in COVID-19 patients in Kirkuk province Zubaida Najat Mustafa Albarzanji, Nuha Mumin Wahid, Najlaa Bakir Shaker, Zaid Mohammed Al-Bayati
2656 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Cancer Hospital and post-discharge mortality in COVID-19 patients with a preexisting cancer diagnosis in Iran Monireh Sadat Seyyedsalehi, Marveh Rahmati, Reza Ghalehtaki, Azin Nahvijou, Bita Eslami, Zoha Shaka, et al. (+2)
2657 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Inflammopharmacology The impact of vitamin D administration on mortality in COVID-19 patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Chia Siang Kow, Dinesh Sangarran Ramachandram, Syed Shahzad Hasan, Zhiyun Wong, Kaeshaelya Thiruchelvam
2658 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Universidade Severino Sombra Revista Mosaico A imunização contra a COVID-19 pela ótica dos usuários do SUS: uma análise netnográfica Natalí Nascimento Gonçalves Costa, Rejane Santos Barreto, Laís Pinheiro de Brito, Simone Santos Souza, Maria Lúcia Silva Servo
2659 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Medicine Deep learning infused SIRVD model for COVID-19 prediction: XGBoost-SIRVD-LSTM approach Hisham Alkhalefah, D. Preethi, Neelu Khare, Mustufa Haider Abidi, Usama Umer
2660 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  MDPI AG Applied Sciences Analysing Urban Traffic Patterns with Neural Networks and COVID-19 Response Data Lucia Svabova, Kristian Culik, Karol Hrudkay, Marek Durica
2661 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Project Hope Health Affairs COVID-19 School Closures Were Associated With A Decline In Employment For Female Nurses With Young Children Jonathan Cantor, Christopher M. Whaley, Jason Ward, Anupam B. Jena
2662 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Isolated Trigeminal Mononeuropathy: A Possible COVID-19 Sequelae Hamza Jamil, Momin Noor, Jared Hollinger, Sydney Martin, Danial Bajwa, Syed Hashim Ali Inam
2663 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of the Air Transport Research Society Public Health Infrastructure and COVID-19 Spread: An Air Transportation Network Analysis JULES YIMGA
2664 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  INTI International University INTI Journal Effect of Body Weight Exercises for COVID-19 Survivors Dubba NagaRaju, Muthukumaran Jothilingam, Dasarapu Indrani
2665 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Universitas Muslim Maros Emik Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial Respon Terhadap Covid-19, Tanaman Hias, dan Status Sosial Nur Safitra Fitra, Anwar Anwar
2666 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Universidad Nacional de San Martin Revista Científica Ratio Iure Eficacia de las técnicas de litigación oral en el interrogatorio de representantes del ministerio público frente al Covid-19","Effectiveness of Oral Litigation Techniques in the Interrogation of Representatives of the Public Ministry against Covid-19Effectiveness of Oral Litigation Techniques in the Interrogation of Representatives of the Public Ministry against Covid-19, Tarapoto 2020 Milagros Hidalgo-Dávila
2667 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines Exploring the Views of Barbers and Stylists on the Acceptability of Delivering Community-Based Interventions to Promote COVID-19 Testing and Vaccination in South Carolina Paddington T. Mundagowa, Sachi Vora, Fatima Seck, Neal Dhankhode, Kwame S. Sakyi, Mufaro Kanyangarara
2668 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  EJournal Publishing International Journal of Pharma Medicine and Biological Sciences The Thymoquinone Inhalable Nano-drug Delivery System with COVID-19 Therapeutic Potential Chengwei Jiang
2669 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Innovate! Accelerate! Evaluate! Harnessing the RE-AIM framework to examine the global dissemination of parenting resources during COVID-19 to more than 210 million people Jamie M. Lachman, Nisso Nurova, Angelique Nicole Chetty, Zuyi Fang, Alison Swartz, Lorraine Sherr, et al. (+7)
2670 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Wiley Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine Post-intubation hypotension risk factors in patients with COVID-19 undergoing endotracheal intubation in the emergency department: A prospective observational study Mahla Abbaszadeh, Amirhossein Mirafzal, Mitra Movahedi, Seyed Danial Alizadeh, Hanieh Mirkamali, Mohammad Nafeli, et al. (+2)
2671 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Art Education Teaching Art Online During COVID-19 Using Media as Sites of Memory Megan Wonowidjoyo
2672 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Salivary immune responses after COVID-19 vaccination Kenny Nguyen, Boris Relja, Monica Epperson, So Hee Park, Natalie J. Thornburg, Veronica P. Costantini, et al. (+2)
2673 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  MDPI AG Viruses The Anti-SARS-CoV-2 S-Protein IgG, Which Is Detected Using the Chemiluminescence Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA) in Individuals Having Either a History of COVID-19 Vaccination and/or SARS-CoV-2 Infection, Showed a High-Titer Neutralizing Effect Dilan Cin, Pinar Soguksu, Meryem Merve Oren, Nuray Ozgulnar, Ali Agacfidan, Sevim Mese
2674 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Infectious Diseases The descriptive epidemiology of adverse events following two doses of mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in Curaçao, the Caribbean Jonathan Lambo, Sirving Keli, Shaheen Khan Kaplan, Temiloluwa Njideaka-Kevin, Sireesha Bala Arja, Alaa Khedir Omer Altahir, et al. (+2)
2675 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Darul Yasin Al Sys International Journal of Education Management and Technology Perception of Public Relations Officers of Government Public Relations Approaches towards the Acceptability of COVID-19 Vaccination in Taraba State, Nigeria Chiakaan Jacob Gbaden, Bamigboye Damilola Faith
2676 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine Jurisdiction-level costs of the initial phase of the COVID-19 vaccination program in the United States, December 20, 2020-May 31, 2021 Christine Kim, Christopher Dunphy, Christopher Duggar, Jamison Pike
2677 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities “Life as We Knew It”: Continued Challenges in Getting Up-to-Date COVID-19 Vaccinations Amongst Black and Latinx Michigan Residents Fernanda L. Cross, Ana Patricia Esqueda, C. P. Ku, Rebecca Hunt, Joel Lucio, Charles E. Williams, et al. (+4)
2678 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta Caring Jurnal Keperawatan The Relationship Between Knowledge Levels and Social Support For the Implementation of the Covid-19 Vaccine at STIKES Harapan Ibu Jambi Ayu Nopita
2679 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Archives of Toxicology A review of the scientific literature on experimental toxicity studies of COVID-19 vaccines, with special attention to publications in toxicology journals Jose L. Domingo
2680 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  MQRinvestigar MQRInvestigar Efectos a largo plazo de infecciones virales: estudio de las secuelas a largo plazo de infecciones virales como el covid-19 y el virus del ébola en la salud humana Jairo Geovanny Cañarte-Quimis, Iveth Anahí Chinga-Cevallos, Vinicio Josué Molina-Pincay
2681 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  S. Karger AG Kompass Pneumologie Obstruktive Schlafapnoe: Risikofaktor für einen schweren COVID-19-Verlauf Wolfgang Galetke
2682 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Eliwise Academy Ltd Communications in Humanities Research The Impact of Remote Work on Workplace Loneliness During and after COVID-19: A Literature Review Xinyi Wu
2683 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness The Self-Care of Older Australians during bushfires and COVID-19: A Qualitative Study Cristina THOMPSON, Tasmin DILWORTH, Sharon JAMES, Katharine HAYNES, Marijka BATTERHAM, Elizabeth HALCOMB
2684 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Elsevier Endocrine and Metabolic Science Hypoalbuminemia on admission in diabetic patients correlates with severity of illness in COVID-19: A retrospective clinical study and literature review Mayumi Shoji, Naoya Teramoto, Takahiro Ishikawa, Aiko Hayashi, Ai Matsumoto, Hidetoshi Ochiai, et al. (+16)
2685 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Wydawnictwo Adam Marszalek Polish Political Science Yearbook Safety Issues of the Rail Transport System in Poland during COVID-19: A Review Based on Statistics and Research Gabriel Nowacki, Karolina Jaworska
2686 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  SAGE Publications Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare Irritant contact dermatitis in military healthcare personnel during COVID-19: Case report Chubin Goh, Wai Leong Kok
2687 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. Electronic Government an International Journal COVID-19: cybersecurity issues in times of pandemic Yadigar Imamverdiyev, Lyudmila Sukhostat
2688 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  GN1 Genesis Network ACADEMIA PAULISTA DE PSICOLOGIA Grupos de apoio ao luto na pandemia pela Covid-19: desafios e possibilidades Ivânia Jann Luna, Leticia Macedo Gabarra, Maria Laura Kellermann Marcellino, Paula Cardoso de Schuler, Matheus Leoni Dultra Brasil, Mateus Bellotto Engelmann, Samíris Coral Hoepers Heinzelmann
2689 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  University of Toronto Press Inc Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada Clinical practice guideline supported administration of monoclonal antibody therapy for high-risk patients with COVID-19: Experience of a quaternary care centre Keely Hammond, François Bourdeau, Marina Klein, Donald C. Vinh, Makeda Semret
2691 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Universidade Severino Sombra Revista Mosaico Sintomatologia depressiva, ansiedade e COVID-19: repercussões no exercício da paternidade Raphaella Magalhães, Regina Azevedo, Flávio Lima
2692 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  DiscoverSys, Inc. Intisari Sains Medis Terapi thrombopoietin receptor agonist pada pasien immune thrombocytopenia dengan infeksi COVID-19: sebuah laporan kasus I Gede Komang Aditya Permana, Renny Anggreni Rena
2693 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia EDUTECH PENGGUNAAN SOFTWARE SEBAGAI SUMBER DAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN SEKOLAH SELAMA PANDEMI COVID-19: STUDI LITERATUR Jaja Jamaludin, Gingin - Ginanjar, Euis Teti Halimah, Deden - Sudrajat
2694 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Universidad Catolica Santa Maria La Antigua Investigación y Pensamiento Crítico Igualdad de Género y la Pandemia de la COVID-19: Un enfoque en España y Cataluña Laura Auberni Salvadó
2695 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Wiley Diabetes Obesity and Metabolism Patients with type 1 diabetes are at elevated risk of developing new hypertension, chronic kidney disease and diabetic ketoacidosis after COVID-19: Up to 40 months’ follow-up Shiv Mehrotra-Varma, Justin Y. Lu, Montek Singh Boparai, Sonya Henry, Stephen H. Wang, Tim Q. Duong
2696 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Metodik Didaktik CHILD COMIC DEVELOPMENT WITH THE THEMES OF PREVENTION COVID-19: VALIDATION ANALYSIS Munjiatun Munjiatun, Guslinda Guslinda, Otang Kurniaman, Eddy Noviana, Muhammad Ramadhan
2697 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Medknow Publications The Indian Journal of Occupational Therapy Impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019 on Occupational Therapy Students' Fieldwork in the United States of America Shivani Bharti Vij
2698 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  AVES Publishing Co. Balkan ORL-HNS Is There an Association Between Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss and Coronavirus Disease 2019? A Comparison Between the Pre-pandemic and Pandemic Periods in Portugal Adriana Cunha, Teresa Bernardo, Francisco T. Marques, Clara Pedro Mota, Nuno Lousan
2699 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  FSBSI Research Institute of Human Morphology CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MORPHOLOGY Characteristics of the clinical course of the new coronavirus disease in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis and systemic AA amyloidosis. Clinical observation Z.V. Gioeva
2700 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Elsevier Antiviral Research The triple combination of Remdesivir (GS-441524), Molnupiravir and Ribavirin is highly efficient in inhibiting coronavirus replication in human nasal airway epithelial cell cultures and in a hamster infection model. Thuc Nguyen Dan Do, Rana Abdelnabi, Bernadett Boda, Samuel Constant, Johan Neyts, Dirk Jochmans
2701 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Mobile Communications Factors affecting consumers' reuse of online food delivery services during the coronavirus-19 pandemic Hung Chou Lin, Edward Shih Tse Wang, Yu Ting Liao
2702 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Elsevier Biosafety and Health Construction of pseudotyped human coronaviruses and detection of pre-existing antibodies in the human population Qi Jiang, Xi Wu, Fangyu Dong, Shan Qiao, Qiaoyun Shi, Changyong Jian, et al. (+4)
2703 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Healthcare of Kyrgyzstan Scientific and practical journal "Healthcare of Kyrgyzstan" Кыргыз Республикасында RT-PCR-RT методдорун колдонуу менен SARS-CoV-2 коронавирус РНКсын аныктоо үчүн профессионалдык тестирлөө программасын иштеп чыгуу жана ишке ашыруу С.В. Хегай, Т.Э. Кучук, С.А. Мырзаева
2704 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Wiley Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies in Kosovo-Wide Population-Based Seroepidemiological Study Naser Ramadani, Sanije Hoxha-Gashi, Dafina Gexha-Bunjaku, Arijana Kalaveshi, Xhevat Jakupi, Isme Humolli, et al. (+4)
2705 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Japanese Society of Internal Medicine Internal Medicine A Case of Severe Adenovirus Infection with SARS-CoV-2 Co-infection Yumi Inukai Motokura, Akihiro Ito, Tao Yuri, Tadashi Ishida
2706 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Molecular Sciences The Inhibiting Effect of GB-2, (+)-Catechin, Theaflavin, and Theaflavin 3-Gallate on Interaction between ACE2 and SARS-CoV-2 EG.5.1 and HV.1 Variants Chung-Kuang Lu, Jrhau Lung, Li-Hsin Shu, Hung-Te Liu, Yu-Huei Wu, Yu-Shih Lin, et al. (+3)
2707 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  MDPI AG Viruses Investigations on the Potential Role of Free-Ranging Wildlife as a Reservoir of SARS-CoV-2 in Switzerland Juliette Kuhn, Iris Marti, Marie-Pierre Ryser-Degiorgis, Kerstin Wernike, Sarah Jones, Grace Tyson, et al. (+9)
2708 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Virology Journal Case reports of persistent SARS-CoV-2 infection outline within-host viral evolution in immunocompromised patients Luca Ruotolo, Silvia Silenzi, Beatrice Mola, Margherita Ortalli, Tiziana Lazzarotto, Giada Rossini
2709 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  MDPI AG Life Retrospective Analysis of the Effect of Postmenopausal Women Medications on SARS-CoV-2 Infection Progression Veronica Cocetta, Manuel Zorzi, Stefano Bejor, Maria Candida Cesta, Maria De Pizzol, Jean-Philippe Theurillat, et al. (+4)
2710 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  American Society for Microbiology Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy Design of novel and highly selective SARS-CoV-2 main protease inhibitors Adi N. R. Poli, Ian Tietjen, Nitesh K. Nandwana, Joel Cassel, Troy E. Messick, Emery T. Register, et al. (+9)
2711 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  The Royal Society of Chemistry RSC Medicinal Chemistry Asymmetric imidazole-4,5-dicarboxamides derivatives as SARS-CoV-2 main protease inhibitors: Design, Synthesis and Biological Evaluation Phuong Nguyen Hoai Huynh, Phatcharin Khamplong, Minh-Hoang Phan, Thanh-Phuc Nguyen, Phuong Vu Ngoc Lan, Quang-Vinh Tang, et al. (+7)
2712 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Nature Immunology The delivery device of SARS-CoV-2 mucosal vaccine matters Fanchong Jian, Yunlong Cao
2713 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Research, Society and Development Research Society and Development Sobrevivência dos pacientes coinfectados com HIV e SARS-CoV-2 no Hospital Universitário Gaffrée e Guinle Luciana Ranauro Assumpção, Dario José Hart Pontes Signorini, Jairo Dias Barreira, Walquiria Baihense de Araújo Couto, Fabiana Carolino
2714 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Elsevier Biosafety and Health Drupacine as a potent SARS-CoV-2 replication inhibitor in vitro Chen Yang, Yanying Yu, Qi Peng, Jingwei Song, Bo Sun, Yi Shi, Qiang Ding
2715 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Medical Virology E3 ubiquitin ligase FBXO22 inhibits SARS-CoV-2 replication via promoting proteasome-dependent degradation of NSP5 Yuzheng Zhou, Wei Feng, Chuwei Yang, Xiafei Wei, Lujie Fan, Yezi Wu, et al. (+4)
2716 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  American Institute of Physics Physics of Plasmas Interaction mechanism of cold atmospheric plasmas and fusion peptides of spike protein in SARS-CoV-2 revealed by reactive molecular dynamics simulation Yang Chen, Zhao-Nan Chai, Yuan-Tao Zhang
2717 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Elsevier EBioMedicine Convergence of SARS-CoV-2 spike antibody levels to a population immune setpoint Eric J. Nilles, Kathryn Roberts, Michael de St Aubin, Helen Mayfield, Angela Cadavid Restrepo, Salome Garnier, et al. (+16)
2718 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Opast Group LLC Biomedical Science and Clinical Research Acquired Immunity and Effects of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination in Healthcare Work-ers and Nursing Students. Post-Booster Follow-Up
2719 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Oxford University Press Bioinformatics SWAMPy: Simulating SARS-CoV-2 Wastewater Amplicon Metagenomes William Boulton, Fatma Rabia Fidan, Hubert Denise, Nicola De Maio, Nick Goldman, Janet Kelso
2720 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Biomaterials Science Polymer Edition Targeting SARS-CoV2 spike glycoprotein: molecular insights into phytocompounds binding interactions - in-silico molecular docking K. Saravanan, S. Elavarasi, G. Revathi, P. Karuppannan, M. Ashokkumar, C. Muthusamy, A. Ram Kumar
2721 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  MDPI AG Merits Administration and K-12 Teachers Promoting Stress Adaptation and Thriving: Lessons Learned from the COVID Pandemic Wendy Rowe, Jennifer Walinga
2722 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Diaspora Indigenous and Minority Education Exploring the senior high school Iindigenous students’ challenges, realizations, and aspirations during the pandemic Trixie E. Cubillas
2723 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Political Science Editorial: The politics of the pandemic Roula Nezi, Xavier Romero Vidal
2724 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Vision for Scientific Research and Publishing LTD International Journal for Scientific Research The Degree of Using Social Networking Sites by the Basic Stage English Language Teachers in the South Hebron Directorate During the f the Corona Pandemic Mohammad Rajoub
2725 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  I Publication Service Revista Electronica de Veterinaria A Study Of Pandemic Cases In South Africa Using ARIMA Model Himanshu Bhatt
2726 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Walter de Gruyter GmbH Nonprofit Policy Forum How did the Pandemic Crisis Affect the Financial, Economic, and Social Performance of Social Enterprises? Insights from Italian Social Cooperatives Alessandro Montrone, Elizabeth A.M. Searing, Simone Poledrini
2727 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  LPPM Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor INOVATOR Enhancing Islamic Job Satisfaction in the Midst of Pandemic Era: The Role of Leadership Yayan Firmansah, Lathiefa Rusli, Bagas Bambang Pamujo
2728 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology Dysfunction and the Parents Assistance Role to Study Elementary School Children during the Covid 19 Pandemic in Ambon City Samel Sopakua, Feby Latuihamallo, Hans Luther Tongotongo, Fransiska Kristi Widari, Merlins .
2729 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness Pandemic incident management for vaccine safety challenges: Victoria’s Alert Advisory Group experience Hazel J Clothier, Michelle Wolthuizen, Ingrid Laemmle-Ruff, Georgina Lewis, Catherine Radkowski, Jim Buttery, Nigel Crawford
2730 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo Procedia of Social Sciences and Humanities Impact of the Corona virus Pandemic on the Global Economy M. M. Shokirov
2731 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  IOS Press Work Understanding the impact of the pandemic on university students: Changes in sleep, eating patterns, and psychological well-being Figen Turk Dudukcu, Muteber Gizem Keser, Nurhan Unusan
2732 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Elsevier Dialogues in Health Open-sourced modeling and simulating tools for decision-makers during an emerging pandemic or epidemic - Systematic evaluation of utility and usability: A scoping review update Rebecca Sophia Lais, Julia Fitzner, Yeon-Kyeng Lee, Verena Struckmann
2733 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Uskudar University üha Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: "There is a vaccine for the digital pandemic"
2734 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Canadian Center of Science and Education Journal of Politics and Law Pandemic-Driven Leadership Perceptions: Attribution Theory in the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election Florent Nkouaga
2735 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLOS Mental Health Gender differences in severity and parental estimation of adolescent’s pandemic-related stress in the United States Andrew Simkus, Kristen Holtz, Morgan Fleming, Eric Twombly, Nicole Wanty, Jinjin Lu
2737 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Association of Nurse Managers Sağlık ve Hemşirelik Yönetimi Dergisi Nurses’ Motivation, Altruism and Professional Commitment Levels During the Pandemic: A Descriptive and Correlational Study Aysel Özsaban, Nuray Turan, Yasemin Kıyak, Ayşen Karabacak, Gözde Ataş Türköz, Gizem Öner, Türkinaz Aştı
2739 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Elsevier International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction Housing inequality and psychological resilience among youth Chinese during a pandemic: The influence of community resilience and governance efficacy Yue Hu, Xuhong Wu, Hua Zhang
2740 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Wiley Public Health Challenges Systems Thinking, Causal Loop Diagram, and Systems Dynamic in Public Health Challenges: Navigating Long COVID Syndrome and Sense of Smell in LGBTQIA+ Communities Behnaz Akbari, Jessica M. Wang, Namdar Baghaei-Yazdi, Hooshang Lahooti, Janet Hope Sherman
2741 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK-ULAKBIM) - DIGITAL COMMONS JOURNALS TURKISH JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES Relationship between functional status and fatigue after COVID-19 infection: a multicenter study from Türkiye İPEK CANDEMİR, PINAR ERGÜN, DİCLE KAYMAZ, MUSTAFA ENGİN ŞAHİN, İPEK ÖZMEN, ELİF YILDIRIM, et al. (+24)
2742 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  MDPI AG Fishes Seafood Purchasing Behavior in the U.S. during the Early Recovery Period from the COVID-19 Pandemic Mustafa Selcuk Uzmanoglu, Shraddha Hegde, Carole Engle, Jonathan van Senten, Ganesh Kumar, Madan Dey
2744 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta Indonesian Journal of Nursing Sciences and Practice Hubungan antara Stigma Masyarakat dengan Tingkat Kecemasan Pasien Pasca Terpapar COVID-19 Dwirima Saputri, Priyo Hadi Prasetyo Lofa, Yani Sofiani
2745 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK-ULAKBIM) - DIGITAL COMMONS JOURNALS TURKISH JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES Do patients infected with human coronavirus before the COVID-19 pandemic have less risk of being infected with COVID-19? GAMZE ŞANLIDAĞ İŞBİLEN, AYÇA AYDIN UYSAL, SELİN YİĞİT, ÖZGÜR APPAK, HİLAL SİPAHİ, GÜLENDAM BOZDAYI, et al. (+4)
2746 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  University of Toronto Press Inc Canadian Journal of Medical Sonography Universal Precautions and Infection-Prevention Protocol for Ultrasound Devices and Room during COVID-19 Nicole Marley, X Fatima Tul Zahra, Raquel Teichroeb
2747 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  University of Toronto Press Inc Canadian Journal of Medical Sonography Sonography Canada Statement: Sonographers and COVID-19 Sonography Canada
2748 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  University of Toronto Press Inc Canadian Journal of Medical Sonography Sonography Canada: Recommended Resources for COVID-19
2749 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Faculdade Insted Revista Insted de Direito Sistema constitucional de crises e os aspectos relevantes sobre o adiamento das Eleições ante a pandemia de Covid-19 Pamela Gomes da Silva
2750 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine Using health literacy principles to improve understanding of evolving evidence in health emergencies: Optimisation and evaluation of a COVID-19 vaccination risk-benefit calculator Carissa Bonner, Melody Taba, Michael Anthony Fajardo, Carys Batcup, Ben R. Newell, Amy X. Li, et al. (+3)
2751 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Kesetiakawanan Sosial Indonesia Jurnal Riset Ilmu Kesehatan Umum dan Farmasi (JRIKUF) Sistem Informasi dan Pelayanan Kasus Emergency Menghadapi Kuliah Offline Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 Jasmin Ambas
2752 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta Journal of Agricultural Social and Business Strategi Usaha Rumah Makan Sambel Cowek Cabang Perumnas di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Bagus Yusron Amin, Ni Made Suyastiri, Antik Suprihanti
2753 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal NET-inducing diamond nanoparticles with adsorbed hydrophobic SARS-CoV-2 antigens serving as vaccine candidate G. Bila,, V. Vovk,, V. Utka,, et al. (+8)
2754 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Virological Methods Carboxy-PEG-thiol functionalized gold nanoparticle conjugates for the detection of SARS-CoV-2: detection tools and analytical method development Lerato Hlekelele, Katlego Setshedi, Vusani Mandiwana, Lonji Kalombo, Yolandy Lemmer, Vongani Chauke, Arjun Maity
2755 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta Journal of Agricultural Social and Business Analisis Strategi Pemasaran Produk Kopi Luwak Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Di Kopi Luwak Mataram Bantul Raina Sabrina Fajriati, Siti Hamidah, Budiarto Budiarto
2756 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Kesetiakawanan Sosial Indonesia Jurnal Riset Ilmu Kesehatan Umum dan Farmasi (JRIKUF) Gambaran Tingkat Kepuasan Perawat Dalam Menangani Pasien Covid-19 Di Ruang Isolasi RSUD Dr. Hasri Ainun Habibie Alan Yusuf
2757 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Faculdade Insted Revista Insted de Direito Pandemia do Covid-19 e obrigatoriedade da vacinação: análise constitucional nas relações de trabalho Jackeline Almeida Dorval Cândia, Juliana Pasolini da Silva Pastorin
2758 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  National Organization for Student Success Journal of the National Organization for Student Success COVID-19 Impact on College Algebra Annie Childers, Lianfang Lu
2759 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  University of St. La Salle Journal of Higher Education Research Navigating Uncertainty: Lived Experience of COVID-19 Infected Nurses on the Frontlines Rica Flores, Sheilla Trajera
2760 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Towarzystwo Naukowe Organizacji i Kierownictwa Przegląd Organizacji Zarządzanie projektem z obszaru pomocy publicznej w dobie pandemii COVID-19 na przykładzie polskich powiatów Luiza Piersiala, Judyta Kabus, Andrzej Brzeziński, Ireneusz Miciuła
2761 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  PT. Xsolusi Media Cendekia Indonesia Journal of Public Administration and Government Impact Of Covid-19 News On Health Workers' Anxiety In Sumber Agung Pharmacy Doctor Practice Sirajul Rahman, Yunanri W
2762 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  University of Toronto Press Inc Canadian Journal of Medical Sonography Literature Review on the Impact of COVID-19 on the Mental Health of Diagnostic Imaging Professionals Ahmed Mohamed, Jessica Routhier, Archana Thayanithy, Junesa Wei
2763 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation Journal of Psychological Dynamics in Mood Disorders The Role of Spiritual-Religious Behaviors and Beliefs in Reducing Stress and Anxiety and Enhancing Spiritual-Psychological Health among a Group of Iranian Women during the COVID-19 Pandemic Tahereh Seghatoleslam, Fatemeh Yazdian, Hossein Habil
2764 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  University of Toronto Press Inc Canadian Journal of Medical Sonography Infection Control and Safety Protocols to Protect Sonographers and Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic Grace Park, Salwa Bahador, Linda La
2765 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  University of St. La Salle Journal of Higher Education Research Burnout Level Among Nurses During the COVID-19 Pandemic Wu Qiong, Jocelyn May Flor Cadena
2766 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Duta Wacana Christian University Berkala Ilmiah Kedokteran Duta Wacana TRANSFORMATION OF MEDICAL RESEARCH DUE TO AND BEYOND THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Kristin Purnama Dewi
2767 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Affective Disorders Exploring the moderated mediation of stress and media use: Social support's impact on anxiety among older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic - Insights from a large-scale cross-sectional study in China Yu Yang, Keren Cai, Jiale Qi, Fuqiang Wang, Ruoyu Yang, Liyan Wang, et al. (+4)
2768 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Kesetiakawanan Sosial Indonesia Jurnal Riset Ilmu Kesehatan Umum dan Farmasi (JRIKUF) Dampak Pandemi Covid-19 Terhadap Keberlangsungan Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional Bagi Pekerja Badan Usaha Swasta Gusti Agung Sri Guntari
2769 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Oxford University Press Rheumatology Advances in Practice Real world data on tolerability of COVID-19 vaccination in patients with rheumatoid arthritis based on patient reported outcomes Martin Feuchtenberger, Magdolna Szilvia Kovacs, Anna Eder, Axel Nigg, Giovanni Almanzar, Martina Prelog, Arne Schäfer
2770 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  National Research University, Higher School of Economics (HSE) Philosophical Literary Journal Logos The Crisis of Representation of Expert Knowledge and Medical Practice in the Age of COVID-19: Raoult-Agamben’s Case Igor Chubarov
2771 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  University of Toronto Press Inc Canadian Journal of Medical Sonography Special Report: COVID-19: The Use of Lung Ultrasound Sheena Bhimji-Hewitt
2772 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Medknow Publications Alexandria Journal of Pediatrics Assessment of the quantitative serum severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 immunoglobulin M antibodies in febrile children and its relation to coagulation profile Mahytab S. Ahmed, Ahmed M. Abd El-Razek, Mohammed M. Fouda, Mohamed B. Hamza, Asmaa A. Elkaffas
2773 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Universidade Federal do Piaui Revista de Enfermagem da UFPI Anxiety, depression, and suicide risk among health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic Regiane Lustosa da Cruz, Fernando José Guedes da Silva Júnior, Jaqueline Carvalho e Silva Sales, Maria Zélia de Araújo Madeira, Angélica Martins de Souza Gonçalves
2774 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Universidade Federal do Piaui Revista de Enfermagem da UFPI Lifestyle and health vulnerabilities of people with disabilities in the COVID-19 pandemic Paula Marciana Pinheiro de Oliveira, Gisele Mendes da Silva, Francisco Jardsom Moura Luzia, Sonha Maria Coelho de Aquino, Edmara Chaves Costa, Carolina Maria de Lima Carvalho, Monaliza Ribeiro Mariano Grimaldi
2775 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  Societe de Reanimation de Langue Francaise Médecine Intensive Réanimation Compartimentation de la réponse inflammatoire au cours du sepsis bactérien et du COVID-19 Jean-Marc Cavaillon
2776 2024―Sep―03  [GO]  The Ohio State University Libraries Disability Studies Quarterly “It’s Not Easy Being Around That Kind of Sickness”: Intellectual Disability and the COVID-19 Pandemic Rebecca Monteleone
2777 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  UIN Sumatera Utara Medan Shihatuna Jurnal Pengabdian Kesehatan Masyarakat Peningkatan Pengetahuan tentang Penanganan Pasien COVID-19 dengan Komorbid pada Ibu Rumah Tangga Iroma Maulida, Umriaty Umriaty, Novia Ludha Arisanty, Nora Rahmanindar, Leny Leny
2778 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of International Marketing EXPRESS: Global Events Demand Global Data: COVID-19 Crisis Responses and the Future of Selling and Sales Management around the Globe Maria Rouziou, Willy Bolander, Karen Peesker, Pia Hautamäki, Deva Rangarajan, Manoshi Samaraweera, et al. (+17)
2779 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Program Studi Kewirausahaan, Universitas Nusa Nipa MASMAN Master Manajemen Public Response To Media Relations Strategies Amidst COVID-19 Crisis Sri Utami Nurhasanah
2780 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Springer-Verlag General Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Aortic floating thrombus and COVID-19 Mesut Engin
2782 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram JCES | FKIP UMMat PELATIHAN PRAKTIKUM FLUIDA STATIS SECARA HANDS ON DALAM MELATIH KETERAMPILAN PROSES SAINS PESERTA DIDIK SMA PASCA COVID-19 Tri Lestari, Herwinarso Herwinarso, Anthony Wijaya, Elisabeth Prathidina Founda Noviani, Jane Koswojo
2783 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Akademi Komunitas Manajemen Perhotelan Indonesia Jurnal Manajemen Pelayanan Hotel Performance Strategy to Improve Quality for Hotel Employees Post Covid-19 at Conrad Hotel Nusa Dua BALI Putu Tiana Raditya, I Nengah Sandi Artha Putra, Komang Shintiya Nita Kristiana
2784 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Politics Groups and Identities When pandemic threat does not stoke xenophobia: evidence from a panel survey around COVID-19 Yang-Yang Zhou, Daniel Rojas, Margaret E. Peters
2785 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Science Publishing Group International Journal of Infectious Diseases and Therapy Mental Health Effects of COVID-19 Among Health Care Providers: A Case Study of Kalulushi General Hospital in Kalulushi District, Zambia Kanjiye Sakutaha, Tinkler Simbeye, Charity Chimwala-Selico, Arthur Chisanga, Tara Kafle, Adam Ibrahim, et al. (+16)
2786 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Science Publishing Group American Journal of Laboratory Medicine Imaging the Impact: Computed Tomography Thorax in COVID-19 - A Comprehensive Review and Clinical Analysis Yasmeena Maqbool
2787 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Ukrainian Assembly of Doctors of Science in Public Administration Перспективи та інновації науки ПЕРЕНЕСЕНИЙ COVID-19 ЯК ФАКТОР РОЗВИТКУ ПСИХОПАТОЛОГІЧНОЇ СИМПТОМАТИКИ В ОСІБ, ЩО ПЕРЕБУВАЮТЬ В УМОВАХ ВИМУШЕНОЇ СОЦІАЛЬНОЇ ІЗОЛЯЦІЇ ПІД ЧАС ПАНДЕМІЇ Тетяна Іваніцька-Дячун
2788 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Publishing House Ophthalmology Modern technologies in ophtalmology Comorbid and multimorbid condition in syndromal uveitis in patients, having COVID-19 K.M. Kamilov, D.M. Babakhanova, L.M. Maksudova
2789 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Green Publication Journal of Population Therapeutics & Clinical Pharmacology APPLICATION OF CRISPR CAS SYSTEM IN THE TREATMENT OF GENETIC DISEASES AND COVID-19 Wajiha Afzal
2790 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Leadership and Policy in Schools “Hard Work, Patience, and a Lot of Grace”: Lessons Learned from Charter School Leaders During the COVID-19 Natalie Neugebauer Schoettler, David T. Marshall
2791 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Institut Agama Islam Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor El-Mujtama Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Investor Perseroan Terbatas Akibat Pandemi Covid-19 Abdus Salam Rezeki, Agung Wira Hadi Prabowo, Andi Kesuma Septian Samosir, Fiqria Muzdalifah Hsb, Fitri Anggraini, Syafira Hasril, et al. (+3)
2792 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Medknow Publications Dentistry and Medical Research Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Health-Care Professionals Related to COVID-19 Syed Nahid Basheer, Syed Wali Peeran, Syed Ali Peeran, Mohammed Zameer, Gulam Anwar Naviwala, Ahmed Taher Elhassan
2793 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Aceno - Revista de Antropologia do Centro-Oeste Aceno - Revista de Antropologia do Centro-Oeste “Existe uma diferença entre ser abandonada… e ser esquecida”: percursos acerca das condições de vivência de travestis/trabalhadoras do sexo durante a pandemia da Covid-19. Luís Antonio Bitante Fernandes, Carlos Eduardo Henning
2794 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (SENDAMAS) Job Insecurity dan Work Engagement pada Karyawan Perusahaan Retail di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Sun Riama Natalia, Yuditia Prameswari
2795 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia Salud Ciencia y Tecnología Research on Difficulties Associated with Webcam Application in Virtual Medical Training during Covid-19 Parthasarathy S, Jaskirat Singh, Shweta Singh, Saumya Goyal, Vijay J. Upadhye, Sourav Rampal
2796 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Science Publishing Group American Journal of Sports Science Redefining Coaching in a Pandemic: A Qualitative Exploration of Physical Educators&apos; Responses to Sports During COVID-19 Garily Camatison
2797 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Politeknik Kampar Jurnal Elektronika dan Teknik Informatika Terapan ( JENTIK ) Penerapan Data Mining Dalam Menentukan Tingkat Kepuasan Orangtua Terhadap Kinerja Guru Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Priya Adhitia
2799 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Center for Research on Poverty and Attitude (Pvt) Ltd Journal of Asian Development Studies Navigating Planning Crises: Karachi’s Response to COVID-19 Ghammaz Husnain
2800 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Brawijaya University Islamic Economics and finance in Focus ANALISIS KINERJA BPR SYARIAH DI JAWA TIMUR: STUDI KASUS SEBELUM DAN SESUDAH PANDEMI COVID-19 Muhammad Irfan Ubaidillah
2801 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Darcy & Roy Press Co. Ltd. Highlights in Business Economics and Management Adapting to Change: How Brick-and-Mortar Retailers Responded to Consumer Behavior Shifts During COVID-19 Qiyue Zeng
2802 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Pan African Medical Journal Pan African Medical Journal Acute severe hepatitis and COVID-19 Saber Hmimass, Maryeme Kadiri, Mohamed Borahma, Fatima-Zahra Chabib, Camelia Berhili, Nawa Lagdali, et al. (+2)
2803 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Flores Analisis PENGARUH INSENTIF PAJAK TERHADAP PENGUNGKAPAN TECHNOLOGICAL CAPITAL DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Zulfikar Ikhsan Pane Pane
2804 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Institute of Cytology and Genetics, SB RAS Сибирский научный медицинский журнал To the question of thrombotic and hemorrhagic complications in patients with COVID-19 N. I. Glushkov, P. D. Puzdriak, A. N. Zvyagintseva, E. I. Panasyuk, V. Yu. Gavrilov, M. A. Ivanov, K. V. Zhdanovich
2805 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  MDPI AG Diagnostics Back to Basics: The Diagnostic Value of a Complete Blood Count in the Clinical Management of COVID-19 Anwar A. Sayed
2806 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Institute of Cytology and Genetics, SB RAS Сибирский научный медицинский журнал Features of gender, age, social factors and polymorbidity in patients, undergone COVID-19 Yu. A. Nikolaev, E. V. Sevostyanova, I. M. Mitrofanov, V. Ya. Polyakov
2807 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences RGUHS Journal of Allied Health Sciences Comparison of Inflammatory Markers in Pre and Post-Menopausal Women During First and Second Waves of COVID-19 Sethulakshmi J, Vishalakshi G, Rajesh Shenoy, G Mukthayakka, Sanyuktha T
2808 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Elsevier Cerebral Circulation - Cognition and Behavior The cerebrovascular pathology of COVID-19 Elisabet Englund, Erik Danielsson
2809 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Revista de Enfermagem da UFSM Resiliência entre profissionais de saúde brasileiros durante a pandemia de COVID-19 Pedro Henrique Tertuliano Leoni, Laelson Rochelle Milanês Sousa, Andressa Silva Torres dos Santos, Ana Cristina de Oliveira e Silva, Renata Karina Reis, Elucir Gir
2810 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Medknow Publications Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology Immature platelet fraction in patients diagnosed with COVID-19 Neha Parashar, Rashmi J. Gupta, Divya Gupta, Alka Siroha, Sandeep Garg, Suresh Kumar
2811 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  AVES Publishing Co. Turkish Archives of Pediatrics Exploring the Therapeutic Potential of Vitamin D in Kawasaki Disease and Its Interplay with the COVID-19 Visuddho Visuddho, Yongki Welliam, Fan Maitri Aldian, Mahendra Tri Arif Sampurna, Abyan Irzaldy
2812 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Warta Farmasi, Politeknik Bina Husada Kendari JURNAL ANALIS KESEHATAN KENDARI GAMBARAN JUMLAH ERITROSIT PADA PASIEN SUSPEK COVID-19 DI RSUD KOTA KENDARI Ani Umar, Darmayanita Wenty, Salni Salni
2813 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Institute of Research and Community Services Diponegoro University (LPPM UNDIP) Jurnal Epidemiologi Kesehatan Komunitas Profil Penggunaan Antibiotik untuk Pengobatan Pasien COVID-19 di Salah Satu Rumah Sakit Kota Bitung Randy Tampa'i, Destine Daity Lumepaa, Devita Kristianty Johana Mangangantung
2814 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  UIN Sumatera Utara Medan Shihatuna Jurnal Pengabdian Kesehatan Masyarakat Edukasi Anak Terkait Protokol Kesehatan Dalam Pencegahan COVID-19 di SDN 003 Sanga-Sanga Bachtiar Safrudin Lubis, Anisa Oktaviani
2815 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Investigation of risk factors for invasive pulmonary aspergillosis among patients with COVID-19 Li Song, Ling Qiu, Gang Wang, Wenlu Zou, Shilong Zhang, Lintao Sai
2816 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE PEDAGOGY Covid-19 Era Alternative Strategies: Exploring Blended Learning Methods in Malay Language Nurul Haniza Samsudin, Nur Azimah Mohd Bukhari, Akhmad Mansur
2817 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  MDPI AG Mathematics Differential Equations and Applications to COVID-19 Tierry Mitonsou Hounkonnou, Laure Gouba
2818 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia Salud Ciencia y Tecnología Epidemiological study on Covid-19 frequency, severity, and territorial spreading Nesamani Sonja J, Charisma S. Ututalum, Prabakaran S, Himanshu Makhija, Pooja Srishti, Prathima Prakasam
2819 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia Salud Ciencia y Tecnología The Novel Meta-Heuristic Optimization-Based Deep Learning Framework for Predicting Diagnoses with COVID-19 in Patients Undergoing Emergency Treatment P Anandan, Shrinidhi Shrinidhi, Simran Kalra, Shobhit Goyal, Shivani Sharma, Jatin Khurana
2820 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Medknow Publications Dentistry and Medical Research Air Droplet Versus Airborne Transmission - Essential Concepts for Understanding COVID-19 Infection Control Vinoth Kumar Kalidoss, Satvinder Singh Bakshi
2821 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Oxford University Press American Journal of Epidemiology Reduced Risk of SARS-CoV-2 Infection Among Household Contacts with Recent Vaccination and Past COVID-19 Infection: Results from Two Multi-Site Case-Ascertained Household Transmission Studies Melissa A Rolfes, H Keipp Talbot, Kerry Grace Morrissey, Melissa S Stockwell, Yvonne Maldonado, Huong Q McLean, et al. (+38)
2822 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Edulib Have Some Signatories of a Covid-19 Literature Open Access Agreement Reneged on Their Promise? Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva, Hilary I. Okagbue
2823 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Universidade de Sao Paulo, Agencia USP de Gestao da Informacao Academica (AGUIA) Estilos da Clinica Psicoterapia infantil on-line: experiências de psicólogas de orientação psicanalítica durante a pandemia de COVID-19 Letícia Resende Ferreira, Tales Vilela Santeiro, Conceição Aparecida Serralha
2824 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Yayasan Pendidikan Bima Berilmu Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Indonesia (JPPI) Internalisasi Kurikulum Pendidikan Agama Islam Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 melalui Merdeka Belajar di SD Al Azhar 1 Batam Abdul Halim, Bagus Wahyudi Ramadhan, Suparmi Suparmi
2825 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Oxford University Press American Journal of Epidemiology U.S. County-level Food Insecurity and COVID-19 Mortality: A Bayesian Spatial Analysis with R-INLA Christian A Maino Vieytes, Mauricio Campos, Sara L McLafferty, May A Beydoun, Francesca Gany, Anna E Arthur, Rebecca L Smith
2826 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Revista ft Ltda Revista ft RELAÇÃO ENSINO-APRENDIZAGEM SOBRE O ENSINO REMOTO DURANTE A COVID-19 NA PERSPECTIVA DE GRADUANDOS DE ENFERMAGEM Daniela Guimarães Freire, Gabrielly Nascimento Neves, Carla Natalina da Silva Fernandes
2827 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  O Publico e o Privado Conexão ComCiência REPERCUSSÕES DA PANDEMIA NO PROCESSO DE ENSINO-APRENDIZAGEM DE GRADUANDOS DE ENFERMAGEM: COVID-19. Wanderson Ribeiro, Larissa Christiny Amorim dos Santos
2828 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Centro Universitario de Maringa Saúde e Pesquisa Internações no SUS por Condições Sensíveis à Atenção Primária no Paraná antes e durante a pandemia de COVID-19 Aliny De Lima Santos, Ramon Ferreira Santa Rosa, Maria Eduarda Hernandes de Lima, Mariana Lemos Carlos, Clarissa Fonseca Vollrath Possmoser
2829 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Centro Universitario de Maringa Saúde e Pesquisa Repercussões emocionais manifestadas por enfermeiros(as) diante do cuidado a pacientes com COVID-19 Ester Lorrane Borges Barreto, Nathalia Martins de Morais, Johnatan Martins Sousa, Marciana Gonçalves Farinha, Nathália dos Santos Silva, Camila Cardoso Caixeta
2830 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Medknow Publications Indian Journal of Anaesthesia Abstract No.: ABS0875: Utilisation of machine learning in predicting clinical outcome in COVID-19 Venkata Sandeep Eadara
2831 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Centro Universitario de Maringa Saúde e Pesquisa Equidade em saúde e acesso a vacinas: reflexões sobre a distribuição de imunizantes para indivíduos privados de liberdade durante a pandemia de COVID-19 Glaucia Oliveira Abreu Batista Meireles, Bruna Meireles Silva, Ketllen Raiara Ferreira Santos Freires, Marcos Antônio Pontes de Aguiar, Marcos André de Matos
2832 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Revista ft Ltda Revista ft INCIDÊNCIA DE OUTRAS DOENÇAS INFECTOCONTAGIOSAS RESPIRATÓRIAS, NO MUNICÍPIO DE VALENÇA, DURANTE O PERÍODO DA COVID-19 Tathiana Martins Trece Costa, Ana Carolina Costa de Athayde, Ana Luiza Kozlowsky de Alencar, Bernardo Pinto Entringe, Matheus Murteira Célem Garcia Vidal
2833 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Akademi Komunitas Manajemen Perhotelan Indonesia Jurnal Manajemen Pelayanan Hotel Financial Performance and Shares of PT Bukit Uluwatu Villa TBK Before, During and After The Covid-19 Pancemic I Wayan Budi Artha, Putu Santika, Surya Nugraha
2834 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  The Medical Journal of Mustafa Kemal University Interdisciplinary Medical Journal Factors Associated with Post-COVID Syndrome Three Months After COVID-19 Hasan Açık, Gülen Açık
2835 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Infection The IL-6 hypothesis in COVID-19: A phase 2, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of free IL-6 sequestration by the monoclonal antibody sirukumab in severe and critical COVID-19 Robert L. Gottlieb, Meredith Clement, Paul Cook, Audra Deveikis, Kap Sum Foong, Philip Robinson, et al. (+12)
2836 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Infectious Diseases Weighing up monoclonals and vaccination against COVID-19 David L V Bauer
2837 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Revista Debates em Ensino de Quimica (REDEQUIM) Revista Debates em Ensino de Química Tweets de Agências de Verificação de Notícias e a Química: Um Estudo de Caso sobre a Pandemia de COVID-19 Rebeca Rodrigues Pereira, Patrícia Fernanda De Oliveira Cabral
2838 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Universitas Borneo Tarakan Borneo Journal of English Language Education THE STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION OF THE APPLICATIONS USED IN ONLINE LEARNING DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC AT BORNEO TARAKAN UNIVERSITY Tri Muhamad Al Itiroof Haditya, Winarno Winarno, Fitriawati Fitriawati
2839 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  EnPress Publisher Journal of Infrastructure Policy and Development Road’s mortality prediction for the most vulnerable users in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in Santiago de Cali, Colombia Jackeline Murillo-Hoyos, Ribká Soracipa Muñoz, Daniel Eduardo Guzmán Rodríguez, Sandra Catalina Correa Herrera, Signed Esperanza Prieto-Bohórquez, Ciro Jaramillo Molina
2840 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Medknow Publications Dentistry and Medical Research Impact of Social Media on the Knowledge Regarding Oral Health Practices and COVID-19 Preventive Measures among Children Usha Kiran Vudata, Narsimha Rao V. Vanga, Jayalakshmi Pandranki
2841 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE PEDAGOGY Teacher’s Belief in Online Learning during Pandemic Covid-19: Learner’s Need Vina Fathira, Hermawati Syarif, Sitti Hadijah
2842 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Masyarakat Ekonomi Syariah Bogor Economic Reviews Journal Analisis Omzet Penjualan Era Pandemi dan Pasca Pandemi Covid-19: Studi Kasus pada D’orbit Bistro, Lounge & KTV Ardhiyah Regita Iriani
2843 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Knowledge Enterprises Journals Medical Research Archives Carbohydrate PL-M binds galectin-3 to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 viral entry into cells Michelle Miller, Alben Sigamani, David Platt, Kevin Mayo
2844 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Medknow Publications Dentistry and Medical Research The Pandemic for Women in Dentistry Harpreet Singh Dhillon, Bindiya Manalikuzhiyil, Shibu Sasidharan, Gurpreet Kaur Dhillon, Babitha M
2845 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Inovasi Kurikulum Patterns of planning and implementation of PJOK curriculum in elementary schools in the post-COVID-19 pandemic period Mohammad Faruk, Mohammad Ali, Rudi Susilana, Laksmi Dewi, Norlidah Alias, I Made Sriundy M, Imam Syafi’i
2846 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  SAGE Publications Phi Delta Kappan Policy Solutions: Pandemic recovery will depend on political rediscovery Jonathan E. Collins
2847 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Universitas Hamzanwadi VELES Voice of English Language Education Society Teaching and Learning of English in Higher Education before, during, and after Pandemic: What differs? Fanny Tifano, Ismail Petrus, Sary Silvhiany
2848 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Wiley Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing The effectiveness of exercise in alleviating long COVID symptoms: A systematic review and meta-analysis Xueyan Cheng, Mengyao Cao, Wing-Fai Yeung, Denise Shuk Ting Cheung
2849 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Nature Digest long COVIDの真犯人は「ならず者」抗体か?
2850 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing Symptom Clusters and Quality of Life in People with Long COVID: A Cross-Sectional Online Survey Yu Kyeong Jeong, Hye Young Kim
2851 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Wiley International Journal of Cancer Humoral immune response as an indicator for protection against Covid-19 after anti-SARS-COV2-booster vaccination in hematological and oncological patients Dieter Mainka, Nathalie Bauer, Lutz Dietze, Sonja Lehnert, Johanna Krandick, Daniel Himmelreich, et al. (+5)
2852 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Wiley Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open COVID-19 and coworker conflict among emergency medical service clinicians Gennaro Di Tosto, Halia Melnyk, Jonathan R. Powell, Eben Kenah, Christopher B. Gage, Ashish R. Panchal, Ann Scheck McAlearney
2853 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Institute of Cytology and Genetics, SB RAS Сибирский научный медицинский журнал COVID-19 and pregnancy: impact, outcomes, and potential therapy V. I. Shcherbakov, T. I. Ryabichenko, O. O. Obukhova, T. V. Kartseva, V. E. Menshchikova, D. V. Eliseeva, M. I. Voevoda
2854 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Using Association Rules to Obtain Sets of Prevalent Symptoms throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Analysis of Similarities between Cases of COVID-19 and Unspecified SARS in São Paulo-Brazil Julliana Gonçalves Marques, Bruno Motta de Carvalho, Luiz Affonso Guedes, Márjory Da Costa-Abreu
2855 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Intensive Care Medicine Towards improved management of pulmonary herpes simplex virus and cytomegalovirus in COVID-19 ARDS: a future perspective Thanigaivel Sundaram, Kuppusamy Sathishkumar
2856 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Faculdade de Enfermagem Nova Esperanca Revista de Ciências da Saúde Nova Esperança CUIDADOS DE ENFERMAGEM PARA PESSOA IDOSA ACOMETIDA POR COVID-19 ATENDIDA NA ATENÇÃO BÁSICA WELLYSON SOUZA, Karoline De Lima Alves, Carmem Silvia Laureano Dalle Piagge, Maria Adelaide Silva Paredes Moreira, Thalys Maynnard Costa Ferreira, Antonia Lêda Oliveira Silva
2857 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Assessing Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Social Determinants Among COVID-19 Case-Contact Dyads in Household Settings Aparna Ajay, Anas Tharakan, Aswathy Sreedevi, Lalithambika C. V.
2858 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Artificial Life and Robotics Prediction of COVID-19 cases using SIR and AR models: Tokyo-specific and nationwide application Tatsunori Seki, Tomoaki Sakurai, Satoshi Miyata, Keisuke Chujo, Toshiki Murata, Hiroyasu Inoue, Nobuyasu Ito
2859 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Microbiology Society Journal of Medical Microbiology Lessons learned: drive-through COVID-19 clinic testing during an adaptive epidemic response and a point-of-care test assessment of a computer-read rapid lateral flow immunoassay with fluorescence-based detection Leah Rankine-Wilson, Teresa Oncken, Irshan Basrewan, Courtney Jeffery, Todd M. Pryce, Rebecca Wake, et al. (+3)
2860 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Medknow Publications International Journal of Mycobacteriology Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis and COVID-19 Co-Infection Yeimer Ortiz-Martínez, Carolina Mejía-Alzate, Agustín Vega-Vera, Javier E. Fajardo-Rivero, Alfonso J. Rodriguez-Morales
2861 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Oxford University Press Journal of Leukocyte Biology Integrated viral and immune monitoring in a prospective COVID-19 cohort from India Sachee Agrawal, Nandini Kasarpalkar, Sayantani Ghosh, Gaurav Paradkar, Vaibhav Daund, Shilpa Bhowmick, et al. (+15)
2862 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  MDPI AG Biomedicines Decreased Protein C Pathway Activity in COVID-19 Compared to Non-COVID Sepsis: An Observational and Comparative Cohort Study Heiko Rühl, Christian Bode, Tobias Becher, Sebastian Eckert, Ghaith Mohsen, Hannah L. McRae, et al. (+6)
2863 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines Safety and Immunogenicity of the Intranasal Vaccine Candidate Mambisa and the Intramuscular Vaccine Abdala Used as Booster Doses for COVID-19 Convalescents: A Randomized Phase 1-2 Clinical Trial Gilda Lemos-Pérez, Yinet Barrese-Pérez, Yahima Chacón-Quintero, Rolando Uranga-Piña, Yisel Avila-Albuerne, Iglermis Figueroa-García, et al. (+15)
2864 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (SENDAMAS) Sosialisasi 3M Pencegahan Covid-19 dan Workshop Handsanitizer Otomatis dengan Panel Surya Rifa Syabila, Suci Rahmatia, Nandang Sumarto, Aji Rachmat Hidayat
2865 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Universitas Gadjah Mada Jurnal Manajemen Pelayanan Kesehatan (The Indonesian Journal of Health Service Management) KUALITAS KEHIDUPAN KERJA PERAWAT PADA KRISIS KESEHATAN: PANDEMI COVID-19 DI RSUD DR LOEKMONO HADI KUDUS Syahirul Alim, Edina Waluyo, Hersinta Retno Martani, Khudazi Aulawi
2866 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (SENDAMAS) Sosialisasi Penerapan 3M dan Pencegahan Covid-19 di TPQ Bazma An - Naafi’ Kelurahan Kebon Pala Jakarta Timur Aina Sabrina, Iqbal Fikri Pradana, Muhammad Radhiva, Suci Rahmatia
2867 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Lembaga Riset Ilmiah Yayasan Mentari Meraki Asa Medani Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Analisis Kepuasan Pelayanan Pemberian Vaksinasi Di Era Pandemik Covid-19 Di UPT Puskesmas Medan Tuntungan Yudica Rosalina
2868 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Springer-Verlag New Generation Computing Chaotic Satin Bowerbird Optimizer Based Advanced AI Techniques for Detection of COVID-19 Diseases from CT Scans Images V. Uma Maheswari, S. Stephe, Rajanikanth Aluvalu, Arunadevi Thirumalraj, Sachi Nandan Mohanty
2869 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Publicidad Permanyer, SLU Boletín Médico del Hospital Infantil de México Drugs and natural products for the treatment of COVID-19 during 2020: comment Hineptch Daungsupawong, Viroj Wiwanitkit
2870 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Centro Universitario de Maringa Saúde e Pesquisa Qualidade de vida e sintomas de depressão: influências da COVID-19 e atividade física Marcos Monteiro dos Santos, Rochelle Rocha Costa, Karini Borges dos Santos
2871 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Centro Universitario de Maringa Saúde e Pesquisa Comparação de mortalidade proporcional por COVID-19 e por causas externas no estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil, 2020-2021 Cremildo João Baptista
2872 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Centro Universitario de Maringa Saúde e Pesquisa Sintomas iniciais da COVID-19 e sua relação com a mortalidade em pacientes internados no Paraná Danielle Bordin, Jessica Cardozo, Midiã Vanessa Dos Santos Spekalski, Geiza Rafaela Bobato, Péricles Martim Reche, Carla Luiza Da Silva
2873 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Centro Universitario de Maringa Saúde e Pesquisa Perfil farmacoterapêutico de pacientes internados com COVID-19 em hospital universitário Priscila Becker Packeiser, Leonardo Regis Leira Pereira
2874 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Universidad Metropolitana de Educacion, Ciencia y Tecnologia Revista Saluta Concentración sérica de inmunoglobulina G contra los toxoides tetánico y diftérico en convalecientes de COVID-19 en Cuba Cira Virgen Rodríguez Pelier, Yaíma Zúñiga Rosales, Bárbara Torres Rives, Dayamnis Cruz Arbelo
2875 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  SciELO Serviço Social & Sociedade El impacto de la crisis del capital y de la pandemia de COVID-19 en el Estado social español Patrícia Soraya Mustafa
2876 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  College National des Generalistes Enseignants EXERCER Acceptabilité de la vaccination contre la Covid-19 en période de pandémie parmi des soignants en soins premiers D HERMELIN, A VALLET, A HENRIOT
2877 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Elsevier Medicina Clínica Práctica Investigating the psychological disorder and nutritional disorder during COVID-19 epidemic Samira Foji, Fatemeh Torklalebaq, Marjan Vejdani
2878 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  HARD Publishing Company Polish Journal of Environmental Studies The Impact of the COVID-19 Epidemic on China’s High-Level Tourist Attractions: Evidence from Jiangsu Province Zhi-yang Chang, Qiu-yi Xie
2879 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  JMIR Publications Inc. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance Wastewater Monitoring During COVID-19 Epidemic: the Experience in the Veneto Region (Italy) (Preprint) Honoria Ocagli, Marco Zambito, Filippo Da Re, Vanessa Groppi, Marco Zampini, Irene Amoruso, et al. (+4)
2880 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  MDPI AG Children Long-Term Mandatory Homeschooling during COVID-19 Had Compounding Mental Health Effects on Parents and Children Lucretia V. M. Groff, Mariam M. Elgendi, Sherry H. Stewart, Storm Hélène Deacon
2881 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Atypical Presentation of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia Stomatitis Post COVID-19 in an Immunocompetent Adolescent Mohamed Alharami, Ahmad Anbar, Mohamed Alsharif, Frhaan Zahrawi, Ammar Hemaidan
2882 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases Clinical profiles and mortality predictors of hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in Ethiopia Eyob Girma Abera, Kedir Negesso Tukeni, Temesgen Kabeta Chala, Daniel Yilma, Esayas Kebede Gudina
2883 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Advances in Continuous and Discrete Models Modeling the co-circulation of influenza and COVID-19 in Hong Kong, China Li Wen, Yi Yin, Qiong Li, Zhihang Peng, Daihai He
2884 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  AOSIS Journal of Public Health in Africa Work-life balance mediating stress and quality of life in academics during COVID-19 in Malaysia Lwin M. Aye, Jeremy Ern Hwei Tan, Shamala Ramasamy
2885 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Mitigating COVID-19 in meat processing plants: what have we learned from cluster investigations? Pauline Kooh, Yvonnick Guillois, Michel Federighi, Mathilde Pivette, Anne-Laure Maillard, Ngoc-Du Martin Luong, Estelle Chaix
2886 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Infectious Diseases Facing COVID-19 in South Africa Jonathan Blott
2887 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases COVID-19 in the Tibet, China, the roof of the world: a comparative analysis of high-altitude residents and newcomers Xiaosong Yan, Ying Shan, Qiaoxia Luo, Dongmei Liu, Yanfei Zhang, Qiangrong Zhai, et al. (+16)
2888 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Knowledge Enterprises Journals Medical Research Archives Immunogenicity and effectiveness of the Sinopharm BIBP COVID-19 inactivated vaccine in people living with HIV: A case-control study in Omicron era Ali Dehnavi, Seyed Manshadi, Seyed Alinaghi, Behnam Amini, Fatemeh Rashidi, Masoumeh Ashtiani, et al. (+4)
2889 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Endocrinology Changes in nonfunctional adrenal incidentaloma after COVID-19 infection and a model for predicting benign and malignant adrenal incidentaloma Danlei Chen, Sheng Zeng, Qian Liu
2890 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) International Journal of Emergency Medicine Cytokine release syndrome following COVID-19 infection during treatment with nivolumab for cancer of esophagogastric junction carcinoma: a case report and review Takahisa Niimoto, Takafumi Todaka, Hirofumi Kimura, Shotaro Suzuki, Shumpei Yoshino, Kosuke Hoashi, Hirotaka Yamaguchi
2891 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  MDPI AG Viruses High Levels of Incidental COVID-19 Infection in Emergency Urology Admissions: A Propensity Score-Matched Real World Data Analysis across Surgical Specialties Alex Qinyang Liu, Eric Ka-Ho Choy, Peter Ka-Fung Chiu, Chi-Hang Yee, Chi-Fai Ng, Jeremy Yuen-Chun Teoh
2892 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  The Medical Association of Nippon Medical School Nihon Ika Daigaku Igakkai Zasshi A Case of a Boy with Myasthenia Gravis in Adolescence after COVID-19 Infection","COVID-19感染後に発症した思春期重症筋無力症の1男児例 Haruka Ota, Jun Hayakawa, Ryosuke Matsui, Erika Watase, Sayaka Ide, Koji Hashimoto, et al. (+3)
2893 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  F1000 Research Ltd F1000Research Association between Hematological Parameters and Severity of Covid-19 Infections Gokul Krishnan, Shubhada Karanth, Sudha Vidyasagar, Archit Aggarwal, Anurupa Udupi, Suresh Karanth, Shivashankara Kaniyoor Nagri
2894 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  EnPress Publisher Journal of Infrastructure Policy and Development Prospects and challenges in establishing entrepreneurship in post COVID-19 language and culture-related tourist attractions Yuni Budi Lestari, Kamaludin Yusra
2896 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Health Services Research Falls in focus: an analysis of the rate of falls in 25 Australian residential aged care facilities from 2019 to 2021, pre- and during COVID-19 lockdowns Isabelle Meulenbroeks, Nasir Wabe, Magdalena Z. Raban, Karla Seaman, Johanna Westbrook
2897 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Elsevier Energy Economics Heterogeneous effects of government energy assistance programs: Covid-19 lockdowns in the republic of Georgia Anna Alberini, Levan Bezhanishvili, Milan Ščasný
2898 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Lembaga Riset Ilmiah Yayasan Mentari Meraki Asa Impression Jurnal Teknologi dan Informasi E-Learning Solusi Pembelajaran Online Pandemi Covid-19 Mahasiswa di Kota Medan Dewi Sholeha
2899 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Wiley International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases Exploring passive immunization therapies for COVID-19 management in rheumatic patients Chia Siang Kow, Dinesh Sangarran Ramachandram, Syed Shahzad Hasan, Kaeshaelya Thiruchelvam
2900 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  O Publico e o Privado Conexão ComCiência Impactos da pandemia da COVID-19 no processo de ensino-aprendizagem no ensino superior: um ensaio da literatura Wanderson Ribeiro, Larissa Christiny Amorim dos Santos
2901 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Faculdade de Enfermagem Nova Esperanca Revista de Ciências da Saúde Nova Esperança INCIDÊNCIA DA COVID-19 NO RIO GRANDE DO NORTE E ESTRATÉGIAS DE CONTROLE DA PANDEMIA Débora De Souza Lucena, Daniel Pinheiro Callou do Nascimento, Iracema Filgueira Leite, Emanuel Nildivan Rodrigues da Fonseca, Rosângela Vidal de Negreiros, André Luís Lopes Gomes de Siqueira
2902 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Avrasya Sosyo-Ekonomik Arastirmalar Dernegi (ASEAD) Journal of Economics and Research EVALUATION OF THE EFFECT OF EXPANSIONARY MONETARY POLICIY IMPLEMENTED DURING COVID-19 ON THE TÜRKİYE, EU AND US ECONOMIES İsmail Aktar
2904 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Universidad de Guadalajara Mercados y Negocios Impact of the Supply Chain on Sustainable and Business Performance During the COVID-19 Pandemic Sandra Yesenia Pinzón Castro, Gonzalo Maldonado Guzmán
2905 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Auckland University of Technology (AUT) Library Applied Finance Letters CEO GENDER AND FIRM PERFORMANCE: EVIDENCE FROM THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Georgios Koimisis, Christos Giannikos, Jun Lou
2906 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Universidad Autonoma de Bucaramanga Medunab Consideraciones o efecto del estado de aislamiento en adultos mayores durante la pandemia del COVID-19","Considerations or effects of the state of isolation in older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic Claudia Marcela Camargo-Rojas
2907 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Universidad Autonoma de Bucaramanga Medunab Compromiso académico y burnout en estudiantes de enfermería durante la pandemia COVID-19","Academic engagement and burnout in nursing students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Rodrigo-Alejandro Ardiles-Irarrázabal, Eduardo Jaramillo-Calderón, María Moya-Cruz, Manuel Figueroa-Sánchez, Romina Palza-Valck
2908 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Elsevier International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences Exploring faculty members and medical sciences students’ experiences of E-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic Zahra Borzabadi Farahani, Nazi Nejat, Ali Jadidi
2909 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Knowledge Enterprises Journals Medical Research Archives Disparities in Colorectal Cancer Presentation at a National Cancer Institute-Designated Cancer Center and a Safety-Net Hospital during the COVID-19 Pandemic Munir Buhaya, Megan Turley, Ofelia Vasquez, Nicholas Bryant, Baqir Baqir Jafry, Sitaram Chilakamarry, et al. (+3)
2910 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Influence of parental attitudes and coping styles on mental health during online teaching in the COVID-19 pandemic Fang Cheng, Lixian Chen, Huabing Xie, Chenglan Wang, Ruonan Duan, Dihui Chen, et al. (+3)
2911 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Wiley Immunity Inflammation and Disease Prevalence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among first time visitors at STIs clinic in Hangzhou, China: Assessing the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic Jiyun Tian, Shi Chen, Xinzheng Li, Yong Teng, Baobing Chen
2912 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  MDPI AG Cancers Education and Information to Improve Adherence to Screening for Breast, Colorectal, and Cervical Cancer-Lessons Learned during the COVID-19 Pandemic Raimondo Gabriele, Monica Campagnol, Paolo Sapienza, Valeria Borrelli, Luca Di Marzo, Antonio V. Sterpetti
2913 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  SAGE Publications Global Qualitative Nursing Research “The Walls Had Been Built”: A Qualitative Study of Canadian Adolescent Perspectives on Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic Mischa Taylor, Gina Dimitropoulos, Shannon D. Scott, Shelly Ben-David, Carla Hilario
2914 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  SAGE Publications Global Qualitative Nursing Research Beyond Burnout: Nurses’ Perspectives on Chronic Suffering During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic Melissa A. Powell, Tolu O. Oyesanya, Susan D. Scott, Deborah H. Allen, AnnMarie Walton
2915 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Walter de Gruyter GmbH Linguistics Vanguard The moving project: exploring language, migration, and identity using participatory podcasting during the COVID-19 pandemic Sadie Durkacz Ryan
2916 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Modestum Limited Electronic Journal of General Medicine Pathogenic organism and risk factors of infection after acute ischemic stroke during the COVID-19 pandemic Weny Rinawati, Abdulloh Machin, Aryati Aryati
2917 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Technoscience Publications Nature Environment and Pollution Technology The Risks and Safety Practices of Waste Pickers at Selected Dumping Sites in Pretoria, South Africa, During the COVID-19 Pandemic L. L. Mugivhisa, M. P. Mphitshana, J. O. Olowoyo
2918 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  AOSIS HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies Congregation members’ response to worship and fellowship in the digital space during the COVID-19 pandemic Binsar J. Pakpahan, Puji H. Aritonang, Agus Hendratmo
2919 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Everant Journals International Journal of Social Science and Human Research Analyzing UNESCO’s Report on Global Educational Challenges Amidst The COVID-19 Pandemic Dr. Ilham EL MAJDOUBI
2920 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) The Egyptian Journal of Neurology Psychiatry and Neurosurgery The flow pattern of neuro-pediatric emergency visits during COVID-19 pandemic Imad M. Khojah, Osama Y. Muthaffar, Anas S. Alyazidi, Maha K. Alghamdi, Mayar M. Salem, Hassan A. Alalawi, et al. (+2)
2921 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Publishing House Ophthalmology Modern technologies in ophtalmology The state of the organ of vision in young people with myopia during and after the COVID-19 pandemic E.V. Kremkova, I.V. Lobanova, E.I. Lobanova, E.S. Zhidkova, E.Y. Zhiltsova
2923 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Interaction effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and regional deprivation on self-rated health: a cross-sectional study Hajae Jeon, Junbok Lee, Mingee Choi, Bomgyeol Kim, Sang Gyu Lee, Jaeyong Shin
2924 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Opast Group LLC Journal of Clinical Review & Case Reports Family and Mental Health Challenges Faced by Remote Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Future Outlook for Remote Working Sangeeta Singg, Gabriel Gomez
2925 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Geriatrics Medical visits and mortality among dementia patients during the COVID-19 pandemic compared to rates predicted from 2019 Kaushik Ghosh, Susan T. Stewart, Trivellore Raghunathan, David M. Cutler
2926 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Oxford University Press Diseases of the Esophagus 390. CONTINUED IMPLICATIONS OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ENVIRONMENT ON ESOPHAGEAL CANCER CHARACTERISTICS AND TREATMENT IN THE UNITED STATES Christina Stuart, Michael Bronsert, Nicole Mott, Salvador Rodriguez-Franco, Ana Gleisner, Benedetto Mungo, et al. (+5)
2927 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  The Medical Journal of Mustafa Kemal University Interdisciplinary Medical Journal Comparison of effectiveness indicators before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in a university hospital Mehmet Erdem, Bircan Kara, Sibel Armağan Karadeniz
2928 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Sexual Health & Compulsivity “Seen, Yet Unseen”: Predictors of Problematic Pornography Use Among Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Bangladesh Md. Tanvir Hossain, Umme Salma Khan, Nusrat Jahan, Benojir Ahammed, Md. Akhtarul Islam, Md Mostafizur Rahman, et al. (+3)
2929 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Prevalence, incidence and associated factors of musculoskeletal disorders before and during the Covid-19 pandemic in faculty members: a comparative cross-sectional study Mahdi Jalali, Sajjad Farhadi, Reza Esmaeili, Hamed Aghaei, Somayeh Rahimimoghadam, Mahdieh Niroumand, Aida Shahmohammadi
2930 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  EManuscript Services Journal of Young Pharmacists COVID-19 Vaccination Status and Rational Use of Antibiotics in Women: A Prospective Cross-Sectional Study during the COVID-19 Pandemic in India Swetha Soma, Manichandana Narla, Nandini Rajuri, Arundhati Sai Gaddam, Satyanarayana SV Padi
2931 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Wiley Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences Reports Exploring factors associated with increased suicides during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan: A study using data from postmortem examinations conducted in an urban area Yotaro Katsumata, Toshiaki Okano, Tadashi Takeshima, Yuka Igarashi
2932 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Discover Sustainability People-environment relations following COVID-19 pandemic lifestyle restrictions: a multinational, explorative analysis of intended biophilic design changes Kalterina Shulla, Bernd-Friedrich Voigt, Salim Lardjane, Kerstin Fischer, Piotr Kędzierski, Giuseppe Scandone, Thomas Süße
2933 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  The Online Learning Consortium Online Learning The Impact of Online Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic on Academic Outcomes for Newly-Struggling High School Students Kristine Webster
2934 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  MDPI AG Sustainability Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Construction Professionals’ Skills: A Case Study of Chile Felipe Araya, Katherine Olivari, Luis A. Salazar, Omar Sánchez, Leonardo Sierra-Varela, Briguitte Neculman
2935 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Oxford University Press Diseases of the Esophagus 369. IMPACT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON ESOPHAGEAL CANCER PATIENTS UNDERGOING ESOPHAGECTOMY: AN ACS-NSQIP DATABASE ANALYSIS Thitiporn Chobarporn, Stephanie Wood
2936 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  F1000 Research Ltd Routledge Open Research Beyond resilience? A comparative sociological analysis of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on five European health care systems Guido Giarelli, Marilin Mantineo
2937 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Elsevier International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction THE CONSEQUENCES OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON HUMAN DEVELOPMENT, EDUCATION AND SOCIAL WELFARE: A CASE OF CENTRAL VISAYAS Joana Mariz C. Castillo-Pananganan, Mark Gilbert S. Milallos, Ma.Mayla Imelda M. Lapa
2938 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Maltepe Tu0131p Dergisi Maltepe Tıp Dergisi The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on recommended adult vaccination in the elderly: A hospital-based study Cemile Karaçepiş, Hacer Hicran Mutlu, Hasan Hüseyin Mutlu, Ayşe Gülek
2939 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Korean Neuropsychiatric Association Psychiatry Investigation Impact of the Early COVID-19 Pandemic on Suicide Attempts and Suicide Deaths in South Korea, 2016-2020: An Interrupted Time Series Analysis Subin Kim, Min Ho An, Dong Yun Lee, Min-Gyu Kim, Gyubeom Hwang, Yunjung Heo, Seng Chan You
2940 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Institute of Cytology and Genetics, SB RAS Сибирский научный медицинский журнал Features of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the prevalence of certain respiratory diseases of infections etiology I. A. Sorokin, M. V. Nikolskaya, V. L. Melnikov
2941 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the quality of care for juvenile idiopathic arthritis patients: insights from Thailand Rattakorn Pinpattanapong, Maynart Sukharomana, Sirirat Charuvanij
2942 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Community Mental Health Journal Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Turnover Rates Among Staff in Community Mental Health and Substance Use Organizations Matthew MacNeil, Zachary Bodtorf, Charlotte McCorkel
2943 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Medknow Publications Hellenic Urology A Review of the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Urology Residence Training Panagiotis Velissarios Stamatakos, Ioannis Glykas, Charalampos Fragkoulis, Athanasios Dellis
2944 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine The Annals of Clinical and Analytical Medicine The effect of COVID-19 pandemic period on the diagnosis and treatment process of breast cancer patients Enes Şahin, Mehmet Eşref Ulutaş, Kazım Şahin, Mehmet Fatih Özsaray, Sertaç Ata Güler, Turgay Şimşek, et al. (+2)
2945 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Diva Enterprises Private Limited Journal of Information Management Scientometric analysis on covid-19 pandemic publications: A study Sangita Das Talukdar
2946 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Medknow Publications Indian Journal of Dental Sciences Faculty Members' Perception of the Challenges and Prospects of Online Learning in Dental Institutes in India during the COVID-19 Pandemic Scenario Rupandeep Kaur Samra, Ashutosh Nirola, Anupama Verma, Archana Nagpal, Gauri Malik, Gurinder Bir Singh Thind
2947 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Medknow Publications Egyptian Journal of Dermatology and Venerology The flare up of immune-mediated inflammatory dermatoses during COVID-19 pandemic-a cross sectional study in a tertiary care hospital P.S. Mohanasundari, Mani S. Kumar, V. Anandan, R. Sowmiya, Saranya Rajee
2948 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Health-Related Physical Fitness and Biochemical Parameters in Overweight Older People during Social Isolation Imposed by the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal and Observational Study Marilene Ghiraldi de Souza Marques, Braulio Henrique Magnani Branco, Déborah Cristina de Souza Marques, Marielle Priscila de Paula Silva Lalucci, Victor Augusto Santos Perli, José Roberto Andrade do Nascimento, et al. (+2)
2949 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  SciELO Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clínica Integrada Assessing the Knowledge of Parents and Guardians about Dental Trauma in Children During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Pilot Study Marcelo Fernandes de Castro, Nicole Caetano, Patrícia Rodrigues Moraes, Renata Cristiane da Silva Molina, Jasiel de Oliveira, Marcia H. Tanaka
2950 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases Decreased hospital-acquired respiratory infections among older inpatients during the COVID-19 pandemic: a retrospective observational study in a general hospital in China Qian Li, Lihua Zhao, Jin Chen, Shuang Qu, Xiaoting Niu, Ruixia Zhu, Wei Hu
2951 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  WHO Press Bulletin of the World Health Organization Health worker protests and the COVID-19 pandemic: an interrupted time-series analysis Kartik Sharma, Sorcha Brophy, Michael Law, Veena Sriram
2952 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  De Gruyter Open Sp. z o.o. NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy The 2020 Czech Regional Elections in the Shadow of the Covid-19 Pandemic: Electoral Participation in the Spread of the Pandemic Pavel Maškarinec, Daniel Klimovský, Lukáš Novotný, Petr Bláha
2953 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Medknow Publications International Journal of Mycobacteriology Is Tuberculosis Epidemic Riding upon the Waves of COVID-19 Pandemic? A Time-trend Study from South India Jayamol Revendran, Ghanshyam Verma, Jince Ann Jose, Ruthramoorthy Prasana, Kumar Roopesh Kishan, Narayanamoorthy Thanigaiarasu
2954 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Acute-phase proteins as indicators of disease severity and mortality in COVID-19 patients Lech Chrostek, Kacper Gan, Marcin Kazberuk, Michał Kralisz, Ewa Gruszewska, Anatol Panasiuk, Bogdan Cylwik
2955 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Bentham Science Current Respiratory Medicine Reviews Iron Dysregulation: Unveiling Predictive Biomarkers for Severity in COVID-19 Patients Zahra Shaghaghi, Seyyed Hamid Hashemi, Maryam Alvandi, Zeynab Marzhoseyni, Hamidreza Ghasemi Basir, Tayeb Mohamadi, Soghra Farzipour
2956 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Medknow Publications Indian Journal of Anaesthesia Abstract No.: ABS3159: Utility of prognostic scores in prediction of mortality after emergency surgery in COVID-19 patients - A prospective observational cohort study Sunaina Tejpal Karna
2957 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Intensive Care Medicine Comparative efficacy of prolonged versus shorter awake prone positioning in managing acute respiratory failure in COVID-19 Patients. A Clinical Assessment Kuppusamy Sathishkumar
2958 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Kare Publishing Journal of Critical and Intensive Care Mortality Prediction with Machine Learning in COVID-19 Patients in Intensive Care Units: A Retrospective and Prospective Longitudinal Study Suleyman Yildirim
2959 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Intensive Care Medicine Awake prone positioning for COVID-19 patients with acute respiratory failure: unknown appropriate duration Guangting Zeng, Linlin Wang
2960 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Medknow Publications International Journal of Mycobacteriology COVID-19 Pneumonia with Pulmonary Tuberculosis Shital Patil, Gajanan Gondhali
2961 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Chiang Mai University Oral Sciences Reports Effects of Covid-19 Preoperative Mouthrinses and Different Beverages and on Surface Alteration of Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) Paphon Pattarakitniran, Sasiwimol Sanohkan, Chaimongkon Peampring
2962 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health The impact of COVID-19 restrictions on HIV prevention and treatment services for key populations in South Africa: an interrupted time series analysis Danwei Yao, Naomi Hill, Ben Brown, Dorian Gule, Matshidiso Chabane, Mfezi Mcingana, et al. (+12)
2964 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) The TQM Journal The impact of e-commerce platforms' quality on customer satisfaction and repurchase intention in post COVID-19 settings Marco Savastano, Sorin Anagnoste, Isabelle Biclesanu, Carlo Amendola
2965 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon Corrigendum to Fractional model analysis of COVID-19 spread based on big data platform Yanfang Li, Xianghu Liu
2966 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Brawijaya University Journal of Development Economic and Social Studies ANALISIS FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI KEBERLANJUTAN UMKM DI ERA PANDEMI COVID-19 (STUDI KASUS KABUPATEN SIDOARJO) Alif fikri Basuki
2967 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Centro Universitario de Maringa Saúde e Pesquisa Idosos que foram infectados por COVID-19 tem mais medo de cair? Gabriela Bezerra Oliveira, José Henrique de Lacerda Furtado, Caio Ramon Queiroz, Isabelle Lopes do Valle, Amanda Celebrim de Paulo, Priscila de Oliveira Januário, Ariela Torres Cruz
2968 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Brawijaya University Journal of Development Economic and Social Studies ANALISIS DAMPAK COVID-19 TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN EKONOMI REGIONAL JAWA TIMUR Adinda Putri Nuraini, Agus Suman
2969 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Elsevier Transplantation Proceedings Perceptions of COVID-19 Vaccination Among Organ Transplant Recipients River Lerner, Panos Arvanitis, Dorra Guermazi, Dimitrios Farmakiotis
2970 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  WHO Press Bulletin of the World Health Organization COVID-19 vaccination campaigns in fragile and conflict-affected settings, Somalia Muhammad Farid, Abdulrazak Ibrahim, Hamayoun Mohammad, Quamrul Hassan, Mohamed Abdullahi Omar, Mohamed Abdulrahman Ismael, et al. (+7)
2971 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccination of lung transplant recipients with prior SARS-CoV-2 infection induces durable SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies and T cells Siqi Liu, Laura L.A. van Dijk, Yvette den Hartog, Rogier Hoek, Erik Verschuuren, Corine H. Geurtsvankessel, et al. (+3)
2972 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Infectious Diseases Effect of timing of casirivimab and imdevimab administration relative to mRNA-1273 COVID-19 vaccination on vaccine-induced SARS-CoV-2 neutralising antibody responses: a prospective, open-label, phase 2, randomised controlled trial Flonza Isa, Ana M Gonzalez Ortiz, Jonathan Meyer, Jennifer D Hamilton, Benjamin A Olenchock, Taylor Brackin, et al. (+34)
2973 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine Risk of heavy menstrual bleeding following COVID-19 vaccination: A nationwide case-control study Jérémie Botton, Marion Bertrand, Marie-Joëlle Jabagi, Lise Duranteau, Kim Bouillon, Jérôme Drouin, et al. (+5)
2974 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology High School Students’ Perceptions towards COVID-19 Vaccination: Benefits, Barriers and Influencing Factors Soukaina Essalih, Salah- Eddine Khzami
2975 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases Factors influencing the third COVID-19 vaccine booster dose acceptance among older adults in northern Thailand Archin Songthap, Kanamas Sesang, Chanikan Ratchaphan, Thanachaporn Luangkhan, Phattaraporn Jenjob
2976 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine Canadian health care providers' and education workers' hesitance to receive original and bivalent COVID-19 vaccines Brenda L. Coleman, Iris Gutmanis, Susan J. Bondy, Robyn Harrison, Joanne Langley, Kailey Fischer, et al. (+13)
2977 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Scientia Psychiatrica,Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Kedokteran Jiwa Indonesia Region Sumatera Selatan Archives of The Medicine and Case Reports Impact of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines on Blood Pressure in Hypertensive Patients: A Retrospective Observational Study Mugi Rahma Raysyifa
2978 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile Horizonte de enfermeria ACOMPAÑAMIENTO EN EL PROCESO DE PARIR, EN PERIODOS DE PANDEMIA POR COVID-19, VALPARAÍSO, CHILE Felipe Calderón Canales, Bárbara Vásquez Latorre, Pía Araya Ponce, Katherine Astudillo Valencia, Javiera Cisternas Moncada, Claudio Novoa Jaime, et al. (+2)
2979 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education An examination of COVID-19’s impact on student learning: a self-determination theory perspective Holly Hapke, Anita Lee-Post, Tereza Dean, Kun Huang
2980 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  SAGE Publications Perfusion Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support in adult patients: Comparing COVID-19- and non-COVID-19-associated respiratory failure Tak Kyu Oh, In-Ae Song
2981 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Wiley Nihon Kyukyu Igakukai Zasshi 重症熱中症との鑑別に苦慮したCOVID-19関連の急性壊死性脳症の成人例(An adult case of COVID-19-associated acute necrotizing encephalopathy mimicking severe heat stroke) 犬飼 公一, 岸谷 豪, 小堀 俊満, 渡邉 敬祐, 金子 寛之, 伊藤 裕介, 澤野 宏隆
2982 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Knowledge Enterprises Journals Medical Research Archives Comparison of diagnostic techniques in patients with COVID-19-associated pulmonary aspergillosis (CAPA) in a Venezuelan population Primavera Alvarado, Daniela Campins, Alegría Lusinchi, Julio Vivas, Yenis Rojas, Rommie Alado, et al. (+2)
2983 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Elsevier Toxicology Letters P15-15 Unveiling the therapeutic potential of MSC-derived conditioned media and exosomes towards COVID-19-induced neurological sequelae C.M. Trigo, S.P. Camões, A.S. Serras, A.T. Matos, R. Vitorino, A.R. Vaz, et al. (+3)
2984 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  MDPI AG Biomedicines Impact of Hyponatremia on COVID-19-Related Outcomes: A Retrospective Analysis Pedro Maciel de Toledo Piza, Victor Muniz de Freitas, Isabella Aguiar-Brito, Barbara Monique Calsolari-Oliveira, Érika Bevilaqua Rangel
2985 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Wiley Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy Intolerance of Uncertainty as a Situational Vulnerability Factor in the Context of the Pandemic: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of COVID-19-Related Psychological Impacts Mehdi Akbari, Mohammad Seydavi, Elahe Zamani, Shiva Jamshidi, Mark H. Freeston
2986 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus COVID-19-Related Risk Factors for Developing Occupational Contact Dermatitis Along With Its Incidence, Prevention, and Management: A Systematic Review Esraa M AlEdani, Jahnavi Gurramkonda, Shaan Chaudhri, Amina Amin, Binay K Panjiyar, Dhuha S Al-taie, Tuheen Sankar Nath
2987 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Elsevier Neurología (English Edition) Valproic acid could help in the fight against COVID-19: A case-control study O. Moreno-Pérez, E. Merino, J. Manuel Ramos, J. Carlos Rodríguez, C. Diaz, P. Mas, et al. (+6)
2988 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Everant Journals International Journal of Social Science and Human Research Shift in Traditional Masculine Role Amid COVID-19: A Comprehensive Overview From Bangladesh Fariha Azme Arthy
2989 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Psychology The relationship between risk perceptions and negative emotions in the COVID-19: a meta-analysis Ruihua Zhou, Kan Shi, Xudong Song, Shuqi Li, Wei Zhou
2990 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Nursing Clinical supervisor’s experiences of peer group clinical supervision during COVID-19: a mixed methods study Owen Doody, Kathleen Markey, James Turner, Claire O. Donnell, Louise Murphy
2991 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases Current status and clinical outcomes of pharmacotherapies according to SARS-CoV-2 mutations in patients with mild-to-moderate COVID-19: a retrospective single center study Susin Park, Nam Kyung Je, Dong Wan Kim, Miran Park, Jeonghun Heo
2993 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Brawijaya University Islamic Economics and finance in Focus KOMPARASI KETAHANAN BANK SYARIAH DAN BANK KONVENSIONAL SELAMA PANDEMI COVID-19: ANALISIS INDEX BANKING CRISIS Anisa Cindy Arzamitha
2996 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Revista Debates em Ensino de Quimica (REDEQUIM) Revista Debates em Ensino de Química Materiais Didáticos de Química e a Pandemia de COVID-19: Uma Análise Documental Isabella Balducci Rezende, Juliana Maria Sampaio Furlani
2997 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (SENDAMAS) Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Dalam Pencegahan Penularan Covid-19; Sebuah Upaya Mendukung Ketahanan Nasional Herti Windya Puspasari, Asep Kusnali
2998 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Medknow Publications EyeQuest CORONAVIRUS AND YOUR EYES Abhilasha
2999 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Medknow Publications Egyptian Journal of Dermatology and Venerology Male sexual disorder in coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic Refaat R. Hammad, Hazem L. Abdalaleem, Abdalaziz S. Abdalaziz, Abdalrahman M. Abdalfattah
3000 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Medknow Publications International Journal of Mycobacteriology Bacillus Calmette-Guerin as a Quick and Temporary Solution to Coronavirus Disease-2019 Priyanka Kumari, Umesh Datta Gupta, Sameer Suresh Bhagyawant
3001 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Dove Medical Press Journal of Inflammation Research A Multi-Machine Learning Consensus Model Based on Clinical Features Reveals That Interleukin-10 Derived from Monocytes Leads to a Poor Prognosis in Patients with Coronavirus Disease-2019 Jing Yu, Yike Zhang, Zhixiong Ye, Kun Tang, Yiming Ma, Linlin Fu, et al. (+4)
3002 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Virology Journal Persistence of two coronaviruses and efficacy of steam vapor disinfection on two types of carpet Jinge Huang, Angela Fraser, Xiuping Jiang
3003 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  The Royal Society of Chemistry The Analyst In silico selection of aptamers against SARS-CoV-2 Amir Muhaimin Akmal Shukri, Seok Mui Wang, Chaoli Feng, Suet Lin Chia, Siti Farah Alwani Mohd Nawi, Marimuthu Citartan
3004 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports T-cell responses to ancestral SARS-CoV-2 and Omicron variant among unvaccinated pregnant and postpartum women living with and without HIV in South Africa William C. McMahon, Gaurav Kwatra, Alane Izu, Stephanie A. Jones, Nkululeko J. Mbele, Nwabisa Jafta, et al. (+5)
3005 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines Combating the Co-Circulation of SARS-CoV-2 and Seasonal Influenza: Identifying Multi-Dimensional Factors Associated with the Uptake of Seasonal Influenza Vaccine among a Chinese National Sample Xiaoying Zhang, Pinpin Zheng, Xuewei Chen, Ang Li, Lixin Na
3006 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Elsevier Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease Clinical performance of a rapid RT-PCR assay using STANDARD™ M10 SARS-CoV-2 between July 2022 and January 2023 in Korea Eunhee Han, Jinyeong Kim, Young Jin Kim, Hyuk joong Choi, Mi Hyun Bae
3007 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Georg Thieme Verlag KG American Journal of Perinatology Delivery Hospitalization Cardiac and Respiratory Complications during SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant Dominance Ruiyan Wang, Alexander Michael Friedman, Whitney Alexandra Booker, Lilly Liu, Timothy Wen
3008 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  The Royal Society of Chemistry RSC Advances Antiviral activity of pyrazole derivatives bearing a hydroxyquinoline scaffold against SARS-CoV-2, HCoV-229E, MERS-CoV, and IBV propagation Alaa R. I. Morsy, Sara H. Mahmoud, Noura M. Abou Shama, Walaa Arafa, Gehad A. Yousef, Ahmed. A. Khalil, Sayed K. Ramadan
3009 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases A case report of prolonged viral shedding of SARS-CoV-2 in a patient who receive ibrutinib for CLL therapy Siyuan Ma, Dong Wei, Weiwei Hu, Min Xi, Yi Zhang, Xiaohua Chen, Jie Chen
3010 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Portland Press Biochemical Society Transactions Human E3 ubiquitin ligases: accelerators and brakes for SARS-CoV-2 infection Jesse Pellman, Anna Goldstein, Mikołaj Słabicki
3011 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Age and Hair Cortisol Levels as Predictors of SARS-CoV-2 Infection Nancy Fiedler, Pamela Ohman-Strickland, Jialin Doris Shen, Kathleen Black, Daniel B. Horton, Reynold Panettieri, et al. (+5)
3012 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC npj Viruses Resistance to SARS-CoV-2 infection in camelid nasal organoids is associated with lack of ACE2 expression Tim I. Breugem, Samra Riesebosch, Debby Schipper, Anna Z. Mykytyn, Petra van den Doel, Joaquim Segalés, et al. (+2)
3013 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Elsevier The Journal of Pediatrics A Population-based Epidemiologic Study of Symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infections and Fatalities in Brazilian Children over Three Years Eduardo A. Oliveira, Maria Christina L. Oliveira, Ana Cristina Simões e Silva, Cristiane S. Dias, Lilian M. Diniz, Enrico A. Colosimo, et al. (+7)
3014 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Molecular Recognition Investigating the Inhibition of Diindolylmethane Derivatives on SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease Wenjin Li, Xiaoyu Chang, Hang Zhou, Wenquan Yu, Ruiyong Wang, Junbiao Chang
3015 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Bentham Science Letters in Drug Design & Discovery Structural Optimization of Quinazolin-4-One Derivatives as Novel SARS-CoV-2 Mpro Inhibitors by Molecular Simulation Jinping Wu, Peng Li, Yucheng Mu, Ruiguang Peng, Zhongyao Zhao, Jinke Lei, et al. (+4)
3016 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Elsevier Toxicology Letters P17-05 The T cell response to SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine in adults with high exposure to perfluoroalkyl substances from Ronneby, Sweden A. Andersson, A. Lundgren, Y. Xu, C. Nielsen, C. Lindh, D. Pineda, et al. (+6)
3017 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Centro Universitario de Maringa Saúde e Pesquisa Reação cruzada e coinfecção por DENV e SARS-CoV-2 no Brasil: uma série de casos Deborah De Castro Moreira, Gabriella Letícia Bonone, Gabriele Nascimento De Oliveira, Léo Shigueki Sato, Luciana Dias Ghiraldi Lopes, Dennis Armando Bertolini
3018 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Oxford University Press Virus Evolution Deep mutational scanning of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.2.86 and epistatic emergence of the KP.3 variant Ashley L Taylor, Tyler N Starr
3019 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Elsevier Toxicology Letters P21-34 SARS-CoV-2 omicron infection aggravates lung fibrosis through IL6/ CSF/ RANTES activation and dysfunction of lipid metabolism in mice with PHMG-induced lung injury S. Jeon, Y.K. Kim, J.-H. Hwang, M.-S. Kim
3020 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Elsevier The Science of The Total Environment Shedding light on the cellular mechanisms involved in the combined adverse effects of fine particulate matter and SARS-CoV-2 on human lung cells Sara Marchetti, Anita Colombo, Melissa Saibene, Cinzia Bragato, Teresa La Torretta, Cristiana Rizzi, et al. (+2)
3021 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Wiley Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry Novel Abietane type Sugar Triazole Hybrids and Amides against SARS-CoV-2 Spike Glycoprotein and Influenza A Virus Elena Tretyakova, Liwen Hua, Anna Smirnova, Oxana Kazakova, Vladimir Zarubaev, Hongwei Jin, et al. (+2)
3022 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Medical Virology N121T and N121S substitutions on the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein impact on serum neutralization Van Thi Lo, Hyun A. Lim, Seong Sik Jang, Min Chan Kim, Alain Chrysler Chamfort, Ha Yeon Kim, et al. (+8)
3023 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Elsevier Toxicology Letters P16-02 Subchronic intramuscular toxicity and immunogenicity study of a plant-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccine in Sprague-Dawley rats with a 4-week recovery period S.-J. Park, E.Y. Koo, H. Park, S.E. Min, B.-H. Choi, N. Kim, et al. (+3)
3024 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Oxford University Press Virus Evolution SARS-CoV-2 Variant Replacement Constrains Vaccine-Specific Viral Diversification Bethany L Dearlove, Anthony C Fries, Nusrat J Epsi, Stephanie A Richard, Anuradha Ganesan, Nikhil Huprikar, et al. (+22)
3025 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology Booster vaccination using bivalent DS-5670a/b is safe and immunogenic against SARS-CoV-2 variants in children aged 5-11 years: a phase 2/3, randomized, active-controlled study Rino Suzuki, Miharu Suda, Katsuyasu Ishida, Kei Furihata, Aisaku Ota, Kaori Takahashi, et al. (+3)
3026 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines Beta Spike-Presenting SARS-CoV-2 Virus-like Particle Vaccine Confers Broad Protection against Other VOCs in Mice Irfan Ullah, Kelly Symmes, Kadiatou Keita, Li Zhu, Michael W. Grunst, Wenwei Li, et al. (+3)
3027 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Elsevier Cerebral Circulation - Cognition and Behavior SARS-CoV-2-induced brain endothelial barrier disruption and neuroinflammation are ameliorated by α5 integrin inhibitor ATN 161 Narayanappa Amruta, Timothy E Gressett, Milla Volic, Blake Ouvrier, Saifudeen Ismael, Grant Talkington, Gregory Bix
3028 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  MDPI AG Viruses Wastewater Surveillance of SARS-CoV-2: A Comparison of Two Concentration Methods Christina Diamanti, Lambros Nousis, Petros Bozidis, Michalis Koureas, Maria Kyritsi, George Markozannes, et al. (+12)
3029 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  MDPI AG Animals Further Evidence That Science-Based Biosecurity Provides Sustainable Prevention of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus Infection and Improved Productivity in Swine Breeding Herds Scott Dee, Lisa Brands, Roy Edler, Adam Schelkopf, Joel Nerem, Gordon Spronk, et al. (+2)
3030 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions Burnout among behavioral healthcare workers during the pandemic Michael Fendrich, Ilva Llakmani, Eleni Rodis, Melissa Ives, Kevin Petranu
3031 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  MIJP Publication International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research Impact of Boutique Hotels in The Indian Hospitality Industry Concerning Acquisitions, Revenue and Occupancy: Case Study of Sunday Hotels Pre and Post-Covid Pandemic Anoushka Sharma
3032 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  International Collaboration of Research and Publications Journal of Intercultural Communication Culture, Paralanguage, and Learning Spanish as a Foreign Language During Pandemic Nancy Gómez-Torres, Consuelo Cedano-Pineda, Oscar Alberto Molina-Márquez
3033 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Universitas Borneo Tarakan Borneo Journal of English Language Education THE CORRELATION BETWEEN EIGHTH GRADERS’ LEARNING MOTIVATION AND ENGLISH ACHIEVEMENT DURING THE PANDEMIC AT SMPN 1 TARAKAN Megawati Oktafiani, Jhoni Eppendi
3034 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Universitas Islam Indonesia (Islamic University of Indonesia) Enthusiastic International Journal of Applied Statistics and Data Science Analyzing the Impact of the Pandemic on Indonesia’s Economic Growth Using Dynamic Time Warping Arum Handini Primandari, Widya Kusuma Arum
3035 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  The Online Learning Consortium Online Learning The Impact and Process of Transition from Face-to-Face to Online Teaching During a Pandemic: A Grounded Theory Approach Steven Busby, ELENA WONG ESPIRITU, Marnie Vanden Noven, Jenny R. Mills, Julie W. Hunt
3036 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Discover Public Health Assessment of the public knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of Nigerians regarding preparedness for future pandemics Ismail Ayoade Odetokun, Oluwatobi Oniyanda, Ali Raza, Uduak Akpabio, Aliyu Ibrahim Musawa, Idris Umar Hambali, et al. (+4)
3037 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Hindawi Limited Case Reports in Medicine Use of Locally Produced Novel Low-Cost 3D Printed Respiratory Muscle Strength Trainer Device (RMSTD) for Long COVID-Rehabilitation: An Innovative Case Report Dipendra Kandel, Arjan J. Knulst, Joshua Riggsbee, Sarah O. Riggsbee, Suman Tamang, Himal Bikram Bhattarai, et al. (+2)
3038 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Affective Disorders Anxiety and depression among individuals with long COVID: Associations with social vulnerabilities Victoria Menzies, Fern Webb, Debra E. Lyon, Lisiane Pruinelli, Debra Lynch Kelly, Molly Jacobs
3039 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Office of Academic Resources, Chulalongkorn University - DIGITAL COMMONS JOURNALS Journal of Health Research Developing a COVID-19 health risk behaviour assessment web application and online health education to promote a healthy university Wanicha Pungchompoo, Kannikar Intawong, Waraporn Boonchieng, Sirirat Pungchompoo, Warawan Udomkhwamsuk, Sirinard Deechairam
3040 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Clinical Anesthesia Since the COVID-19 pandemic, approximately 90% of elective anesthetics have been ambulatory: A retrospective analysis of statewide data in Florida from 2010 through 2022 Richard H. Epstein, Franklin Dexter, Brenda G. Fahy
3041 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  MDPI AG Social Sciences Analyzing Media Content in Turkiye and the UK during the COVID-19 Pandemic Considering the Dimensions of Quadruple Helix Collaboration Processes Lutz Peschke, Seyedehshahrzad Seyfafjehi, Irmak Dündar, Yasemin Gümüş Ağca
3042 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Elsevier Respiratory Medicine Case Reports Protracted coronavirus disease 2019 after chimeric antigen receptor-T cell therapy successfully treated with sequential multidrug therapy Masahiro Yamashita, Hisao Higo, Nobuharu Fujii, Chiaki Matsumoto, Go Makimoto, Kiichiro Ninomiya, et al. (+8)
3043 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Elsevier Advances in Kidney Disease and Health Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Kidney Transplantation - A 2024 Update Bassam G. Abu Jawdeh, Holenarasipur R. Vikram
3044 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  MDPI AG Antibodies Long-Term Immunity against SARS-CoV-2 Wild-Type and Omicron XBB.1.5 in Indonesian Residents after Vaccination and Infection Ammar Abdurrahman Hasyim, Akihiko Sakamoto, Kyouhei Yamagata, Kartika Hardianti Zainal, Desi Dwirosalia Ningsih Suparman, Ika Yustisia, et al. (+5)
3045 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Elsevier Lung Cancer What’s behind thoracic surgery explosion in young patients under the age of 40 in Wuhan after COVID-19 outbreak? Chang Zhu
3046 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Universitas Islam Nusantara An-nida Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Peran Keluarga dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa di Era Pandemi Covid-19 Engkam Julaeha, Ahmad Tafsir, Helmawati Helmawati
3047 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Universitas Negeri Makassar PERFORMANCE JOURNAL OF ENGLISH EDUCATION AND LITERATURE The Implementation of English Online Learning Strategy at Junior High School in Rural Area Post Covid-19 Pandemic Asmi Asmi, Munir Munir, Syarifah Farahdiba
3048 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences O IMPACTO DA INFECÇÃO POR COVID-19 SOBRE O RISCO DE DESENVOLVIMENTO DE CÂNCER OVARIANO: UMA REVISÃO INTEGRATIVA Mauricio Marlon Mota de Oliveira, Stefan Gabriel Gonçalves Martiniano, Iramaia Fernanda Kataoka, Lucas Roberto Pereira Casarotto, Maria Eduarda Guisoni Elias, Adrielly Nunes dos Santos, et al. (+4)
3050 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Auckland University of Technology (AUT) Library New Zealand Journal of Counselling COVID-19: Experiences and strategies of secondary school counsellors in the 2021 Auckland lockdown. Kim Hyeeun, James Kim, Elahe Khaleghian, Paumea McKay
3051 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  9VOM Journal of Applied Bioscience SARS-COV-2 infection and pregnancy outcome: a cross-sectional study from eastern U.P. population, India Sangeeta Rai, Ashish Ashish, Shivani Mishra, Bhupendra Kumar, Kusum Kusum, Royana Singh
3052 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  International Journal of Medical Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences International Journal of Medical Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences Complications of Diabetics in SARS-COVID patients Pawan Gupta, Yashika Gupta
3053 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Universitas Negeri Makassar PERFORMANCE JOURNAL OF ENGLISH EDUCATION AND LITERATURE Students’ Motivation In English Learning During the Pandemic: A Study of Year Eight Students at SMP Negeri 27 Makassar Adhe Ramdhany Syam, Chairil Anwar Korompot, Maemuna Muhayyang
3054 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Contribuciones a las Ciencias Sociales Repercussões obstétricas e neonatais associadas à infecção por SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) durante a gestação Gabriela Augusto Rodrigues Pereira, Pâmela Thayne Macêdo Sobreira, Francisco Alirio da Silva, Igor de Souza Gabriel, Francisco Carlos Oliveira Júnior, Ankilma do Nascimento Andrade Feitosa
3055 2024―Sep―02  [GO]  Sociedade Brasileira de Sociologia Revista Brasileira de Sociologia - RBS Impactos do contexto da Covid-19 na dimensão onírica","Impacts of the Covid-19 context on the oneiric dimension","Impactos del contexto de la Covid-19 en la dimensión onírica Enio Passiani, Harlon Romariz Rabelo Santos, Weslley Daniel Bueno Moraes
3056 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Knowledge Enterprises Journals Medical Research Archives What Do Suicides, Heart Attacks and COVID-19 Deaths Have in Common? Keith Gandal, Neil Gandal
3057 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  The Adham Center for Television and Digital Communication Arab Media & Society COVID-19 Crisis Communication: The Strategic Use of Instagram Messages by the Bahraini Ministry of Health in Light of the Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication Model (CERC) Naglaa Elgammal
3058 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  The Adham Center for Television and Digital Communication Arab Media & Society Tracing Cultural Relations Through The COVID-19 Crisis Ilhem Allagui
3059 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  PubPub European Law Blog Anonymization by decentralization? The case of COVID-19 contact tracing apps Stephanie Rossello, Pierre Dewitte
3060 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Academy Publication Journal of Language Teaching and Research The Universal Culture of COVID-19 as Provoked by the War Against COVID-19 Metaphor Maisarah M. Almirabi
3061 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Global Journal of Public Health Medicine Global Journal of Public Health Medicine PERI-OPERATIVE ANAESTHETIC CONCERNS IN COVID-19 ASSOCIATED MUCORMYCOSIS
3062 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Brabdo for Educational Services Humanitarian and Natural Sciences Journal A study on fear of the students from covid-19 at University of Basrah, Bab Al-Zubair campus
3063 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Middle East Current Psychiatry Exploring COVID-19 anxiety across demographics: psychometric validation and application of the COVID-19-Anxiety Questionnaire in Arabic Fahmi H. Fadhel, Abdrabo Soliman, Mohammed M. J. Alqahtani
3064 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  GSC Online Press World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews Level of global preparedness to pandemics and responsiveness of health systems to pandemics: Lessons learned from Covid-19 and Monkeypox Outbreak Saidu Malgwi Hassan
3065 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Knowledge E Immunology and Genetics Journal Cardiovascular Complications in Respiratory Viral Infections with a Focus on COVID-19 Elahe Aleebrahim-Dehkordi, Mehdi Mohebalizadeh, Zahra Ganjirad, Sara Torabi, Dariush Hooshyar, Amene Saghazadeh
3066 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  University of Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur Jurnal Dinamika Ekonomi Pembangunan Agriculture Economic Recovery dan Ketahanan Pangan Kabupaten Lamongan pada Saat Pandemi Covid-19 Salsa Yuli Setiani, Iqbal Abdul Aziz Zain, Tika Pratiwi
3067 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  The Adham Center for Television and Digital Communication Arab Media & Society The Impact of Social Media on Arab Health Risk Perception during COVID-19 Suzan Elkalliny
3068 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology The telehealth surge: Speech-language pathology mode of service delivery and consumer characteristics during COVID-19 Vincent Learnihan, Sue-Ellen Hogg, Kimberley Davis
3069 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  The Adham Center for Television and Digital Communication Arab Media & Society “I’ll See You on Zoom!” International Educators’ Perceptions of Online Teaching Amid, and Beyond, Covid-19 Adity Saxena, Sahar Khamis
3070 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Elsevier International Journal of Infectious Diseases Seasonality and severity of respiratory syncytial virus during the COVID-19 pandemic: a dynamic cohort study Vieri Lastrucci, Martina Pacifici, Monia Puglia, Giorgia Alderotti, Elettra Berti, Marco Del Riccio, et al. (+8)
3071 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  GSC Online Press World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences Unraveling the neurological mysteries of COVID-19: A fatal case of pediatric stroke Haider Mohamed Osman Saeed
3072 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Knowledge-based Engineering and Sciences Knowledge-Based Engineering and Sciences Artificial Intelligence Models and Association of Air Pollutants and Novel Coronavirus: A Survey for Asia and Oceania Ekta Sharma, Ravinesh C. Deo, Zaher Mundher Yaseen, Mukesh Khare, Sachin Dhawan
3073 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Virus Eradication Indomethacin inhibits human seasonal coronaviruses at late stages of viral replication in lung cells: effect on virus-induced COX-2 expression Caterina Tramontozzi, Anna Riccio, Silvia Pauciullo, Simone La Frazia, Antonio Rossi, M. Gabriella Santoro
3074 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) One Health Outlook Monitoring SARS-CoV-2 infection in urban and peri-urban wildlife species from Catalonia (Spain) Leira Fernández-Bastit, Tomás Montalvo, Sandra Franco, Laura Barahona, Manel López-Bejar, Annais Carbajal, et al. (+4)
3075 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia Malaysian Family Physician Migraine symptoms and association of triggers, coping strategies and clinical characteristics with COVID-19 diagnosis among university students in Peninsular Malaysia: A cross-sectional study Selvakumar Kiruthika, Lee Fan Tan, Chai Nien Foo
3076 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Diversitas Journal - Periodico Cientu00edfico Multidisciplinar Diversitas Journal Óbitos por COVID-19 e atenção primária em saúde: narrativas de familiares","COVID-19 deaths and primary health care: narratives from family members","COVID-19 defunciones y atención primaria de salud Naylane Viana Batista, Marcos Antônio Barbosa Pacheco, Neemias Costa Duarte Neto, Déborah Adriane Pinheiro Trindade, Flor de Maria Araújo Mendonça Silva, Francisca Bruna Arruda Aragão, et al. (+3)
3077 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  The Adham Center for Television and Digital Communication Arab Media & Society Pragmatics in Egyptian and Chinese Journalistic Discourse on Covid-19 Global Health Diplomacy: A Comparative Study and Proposed Preventive Geopolitics Perspective (Arabic) Ahmed Adel Abd El Fattah Mohamed
3078 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Uniao Atlantica de Pesquisadores Concilium Oral manifestations of COVID-19 in children: a narrative literature review Erika Alves da Fonseca Amorim, Luis Claudio Nascimento da Silva, Ana Vivian Souza
3079 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Our Dermatology Online Our Dermatology Online Symmetrical Drug-related Intertriginous and Flexural Exanthema (SDRIFE)-like rash following COVID-19 infection Takehiro Nakamura, Miyuki Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Yamamoto
3080 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Kowsar Medical Institute International Journal of Infection How Does Chronic Hepatitis B Infection Impact on Severity of COVID-19 Infection? Behnaz Khodabakhshi, Mahdi Mazandarani, Narges Lashkarbolouk, Mehrnaz Razzazan, Khadije Amjadi
3081 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing Comparative Analysis of Aerosol Direct Radiative Forcing During COVID-19 Lockdown Period in Peninsular India Tharani Kotrike, Venkata Reddy Keesara, Venkataramana Sridhar, Deva Pratap
3082 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Lembaga Mitra Solusi Teknologi Informasi AJAD Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Peningkatan Kapasitas Produksi dan Penjualan Produk Kelapa Gongseng Aceh Pasca Pandemi COVID-19 Melalui Teknologi Tepat Guna dan Pemasaran Digital M Saleh, M Rasyidin, Dasril Azmi, Iin Shintia, Muhammad Rizal
3083 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Personnel Review Fighting fear: the buffering of well-being-HRM on the effects of nurses’ fear of COVID-19 on job stress and patient care Timothy Bartram, Tse Leng Tham, Hannah Meacham, Beni Halvorsen, Patricia Pariona-Cabrera, Jillian Cavanagh, et al. (+2)
3084 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology Caregivers’ reports of the home literacy environments of children with developmental language disorder and typically developing peers during the COVID-19 pandemic Katharine M. Radville, Rouzana Komesidou, Julie Wolter, Jessie Ricketts, Tiffany P. Hogan
3085 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Elsevier The Science of The Total Environment Spatiotemporal variations and the ecological risks of microplastics in the watersheds of China: Implying the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic Xufei Liu, Lin Zhang, Yaqing Du, Xue Yang, Xuefei He, Jiasen Zhang, Bokun Jia
3086 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  The Adham Center for Television and Digital Communication Arab Media & Society Info-Deficiency in an Infodemic: The Gender Digital Gap, Arab Women and the COVID-19 Pandemic Sahar Khamis, Eliza Campbell
3087 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Promoting Pedagogical Resilience: Unveiling the Efficacy of Synchronous Online Lectures Compared to Traditional Methods From the Students’ Vantage Point Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic Smita R Sorte, Sachin B Rathod, Dipali K Chatur, Anup Kumar D Dhanvijay
3088 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  PT. Zillzell Media Prima International Journal of Accounting Management Economics and Social Sciences (IJAMESC) ABNORMAL ANALYSIS OF RETURN AND TRADING VOLUME ACTIVITY DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Peny Prastiwi Rahayu
3089 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Academy Publication Journal of Language Teaching and Research Impacts of LMS Socio-Linguistic and Psychometric Factors on Students' English and Translation Proficiency and Communicative Competence: A Paradigm Shift During COVID-19 Pandemic Magda Madkour, Hajer Alaskar
3090 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Association of Thailand Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology Level of asthma control in children and adolescents before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
3091 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  The Adham Center for Television and Digital Communication Arab Media & Society COVID-19 Pandemic and Diffusion of Fake News through Social Media in the Arab World Hussein Khalifa, Mujeeb Al-Absy, Sherif Badran, Tamer Alkadash Qais Almaamari, Muskan Nagi
3092 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia Malaysian Family Physician Prevalence of personal, work-related and patient-related burnout during the COVID-19 pandemic and its associated factors among healthcare workers in health clinics in the district of Manjung, Perak: A cross-sectional study Yee Theng Lau, Hui Teng Chia, A Hadi Nadia, Marzuki Mohd Shaffari, Ismail Liliwati, Che Ismail Noor Syazana
3093 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Knowledge Enterprises Journals Medical Research Archives Families' perception of the psychological effects of screen use in the COVID-19 pandemic and post-pandemic in the age group of 4 to 12 years age group in Asunción, Paraguay Peggy Stark, Bernardita Stark, Robledo Rocío
3094 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  The Adham Center for Television and Digital Communication Arab Media & Society An Analysis of Yemeni Online Journalism Discourse on the COVID-19 Pandemic (Arabic) Abdulrahman Mohammed Saeed Al-Shami
3095 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Global Journal of Public Health Medicine Global Journal of Public Health Medicine THE SILENT STRUGGLE: DEPRESSION AND ITS DETERMINANTS AMONG ADULTS IN THE WAKE OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN DELHI
3096 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 50932 Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Commonly Published Conditions in High Impact Factor Dermatology Journals Eli Raneses, Aubrey Winn
3097 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Faculty of Military Health Sciences, University of Defence Military Medical Science Letters THE IMPACT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON CZECH SOCIAL WORKERS ON THE FRONTLINE Aneta Marková, Radka Prázdná, Zuzana Truhlářová, Pavel Zikl, Petra Bendová, Ivana Havránková, et al. (+2)
3098 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  ARC Publications Pvt Ltd. International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education A Decennial Review of Homelessness Trends: A Comparative Assessment of the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Homelessness Severity and Dynamics Adeleye Joy Adedapo
3099 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 48813 Single-institution retrospective review evaluating the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on isotretinoin prescribing practices Dina Poplausky, Brandon Block, Annie Chang, Sach Thakker, Jade N. Young, Nicholas Gulati, Jonathan Ungar
3101 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Hellenic Regulatory Body of Nurses Hellenic Journal of Nursing Science Nutritional habits of nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Review of the bibliography Eugenia Polydoropoulou, Georgios Panoutsopoulos, Georgios Intas
3102 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 52472 Deconstructing Trends in the Equity of Teledermatology Use and Outcomes Among Acne Patients on Isotretinoin During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Single-Center Retrospective Comparative Analysis Courtney Smith, Courtney Smith, Diana Wang, Deeti Pithadia, Marcia Hogeling, Carol Cheng
3103 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  The Adham Center for Television and Digital Communication Arab Media & Society Risks and Crisis Communication Strategies in Dealing with the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Analytic and Critical View (Arabic) Amal El Ghazawy
3104 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 50097 Direct to Patient Synchronous Teledermatology during COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons for future Teledermatology practice Neil Vaishampayan, Nicole Trupiano, Rebecca Goldberg, Haihan Zhang, Michael Tang, Ahab Chopra, et al. (+3)
3105 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 54229 Incidence of Melanoma during the COVID-19 Pandemic: SEER Database Analysis Joshua Kent, Lori E. Ullman, Celine M. Schreidah, Emily R. Gordon, Brigit A. Lapolla
3106 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 52543 Analyzing Post COVID-19 Patient Demographics at Dermatology Free Clinic Jiwon Park, Atreyu Balasundaram, Tue Nguyen, Anaya Shah, Bahar Momin, John Browning
3107 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 54777 Cardiovascular outcomes of amyloidosis in COVID-19 patients Chapman Wei, Judy Hess, Angela Rosenberg, Radu Grovu, Alanna Davis, Nawal Mustafa, et al. (+2)
3108 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Kowsar Medical Institute Journal of Microbiota A Cross-Sectional Study Conducted in Tehran, Iran, Analyzed the Typical Patterns of Primary Lung CT Scans in Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients Using a Semi-Quantitative Scoring System Mohammad Torabi, Masoomeh Raoufi, Shahram Sayadi, Sara Salarian
3109 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Bangladesh Journals Online Bangladesh Heart Journal Demographics, Clinical Characteristics and In-Hospital Outcome of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Patients With or Without Diabetes Mellitus Fazila Tun Nesa MaliK, Md Kalimuddin, Mir Ishraquzzaman, Ashok Dutta, Smita Kanungo, Md Habibur Rahman, et al. (+4)
3110 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Evaluating Personalized Add-On Ayurveda Therapy in Oxygen-Dependent Diabetic COVID-19 Patients: A 60-Day Study of Symptoms, Inflammation, and Radiological Changes Somit Kumar, Karthikeyan Ramaraju, Mitravinda S Kakarla, Sujith S Eranezhath, Chaithanya Chenthamarakshan, Murali Alagesan, et al. (+5)
3111 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Cubes & Cones Pvt Ltd Academia Journal of Medicine Clinical Outcome of Vitamin D Supplementation in Moderate and Severe COVID-19 Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial Dr. Sanket Agrawal, Dr. Sushant Meshram, Dr. Shruti Agrawal, Dr. Kamlesh Taori, Dr. Shubham Biyani
3112 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Istanbul Gelisim University Journal of Health Sciences, Istanbul Gelisim University İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi Deprem ve COVID-19 Salgınının Neden Olduğu Maternal Stresin Pre/eklampsi Üzerine Olan Etkisinin İncelenmesi Özlem Koç, Ahmet Şenocak, Bünyamin Çim, Salih Kavak
3113 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  International Academic Publishing House International Academic Publishing House A Novel Computer-Aided Approach for Predicting COVID-19 Severity Using Hyperparameters in ResNet50v2 from X-ray Images Rahul Deva, Arvind Dagur
3114 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Goacademica Research and Publishing Journal of Social and Economics Research DAMPAK PANDEMI COVID-19 TERHADAP BANK SYARIAH DAN PENDIDIKAN Arifudin
3115 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 53552 Flare of Sweet Syndrome After COVID-19 Vaccination Daniel Xie, Jeffrey Callen
3116 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 53188 A Global Analysis of Cutaneous Lymphomatoid Reactions after COVID-19 Vaccination Emily R. Gordon, Bradley D. Kwinta, Celine M. Schreidah, Oluwaseyi Adeuyan, Lauren M. Fahmy, Dawn Queen, et al. (+3)
3117 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Global Journal of Public Health Medicine Global Journal of Public Health Medicine KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDE TOWARDS COVID-19 VACCINATION AMONG VACCINE-ELIGIBLE SELECTED RESIDENTS OF DHAKA CITY
3118 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 52629 Prevalence of alopecia areata after COVID-19 vaccination: A cross-sectional survey among 54,365 vaccine recipients at the Central Vaccination Center of Thailand Norachak Koomchamnarn, Chinmanart Lekhavat
3119 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Borneo Journal of Medical Sciences (BJMS) Hesitancy to COVID-19 Vaccine Among Healthcare Workers: A Scoping Review Azidah Abdul Kadir, Ng Ying Ying
3120 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Knowledge Enterprises Journals Medical Research Archives Assessing the Predictors of COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Among People Living with HIV/AIDS: A Scoping Literature Review Charles Olomofe
3121 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies Association Journal of Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies Hotline Number to Reach and Offer Agricultural Information to Plain Anabaptists during the COVID-19 Workplace Closures Emily Shoop, Carly Becker, Nathan Glenn Briggs, Danielle Smarsh
3122 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 51297 Low dose oral minoxidil in COVID-19-associated telogen effluvium. A retrospective analysis of 69 patients. Cesar D. Villarreal-Villareal, Daniela Mares-Custodio, Estefania Boland-Rodriguez, Juan F. Molina-de la Garza, David Saceda-Corralo
3123 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Editic Revista Internacional de Desarrollo Humano y Sostenibilidad Scientometric analysis of COVID-19: A basis for developing a general theory of pandemic from scholarly communications perspective","Análisis cienciométrico de COVID-19: una base para desarrollar una teoría general de la pandemia desde la perspectiva de las comunicaciones académicas Murtala Ismail Adakawa, N.S. Harinarayana
3124 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies Association Journal of Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies Plain Anabaptists and COVID-19: A Distinct Response to Government Restrictions? Michael Sauder
3125 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 54699 Trends in the Mohs Micrographic Surgery Fellowship Match in the Era of COVID-19: An Analysis Comparing 2017-2019 to 2020-2022 Micah Belzberg, Michelle Robinson, Jordan Lim, Emily Merkel
3126 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  University of Calgary Journal of Educational Thought / Revue de la Pensée Educative The New Coronavirus and the Consequences in Our Time Ian Winchester
3127 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning Empowering students with modern pedagogical approaches: a case study on the fourth industrial revolution in the wake of coronavirus disease 2019 Marios Vassiliou, Mekerdich Mike Costanian, Tatiana Harkiolakis, Marcos Komodromos, Andreas Masouras
3128 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  The Adham Center for Television and Digital Communication Arab Media & Society Applying the Four Models of Science Journalism to the Publics’ Interaction with Coronavirus News Lobna Khairy
3129 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Knowledge Enterprises Journals Medical Research Archives Biosensors application for SARS-CoV-2 detection Maha Farhat, Aljowhara Alsaeed, Manar Bahammam, Nof Alzayyat, Salma Alkattan, Sara Alidan
3130 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia Malaysian Family Physician Reply to: Off-label use of repurposed ivermectin for SARS-Cov-2 infection should be banned by authorities unless efficacy is proven Abdul Jalil Aina Amanina, Tar’ali Filza Nur Athirah
3131 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia Malaysian Family Physician Off-label use of repurposed ivermectin for SARS-CoV-2 infection should be banned by authorities unless efficacy is proven Josef Finsterer
3132 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine Reversible effects of the SARS-CoV-2 on semen parameters Meritxell Jodar, Yasmina Barral, Marina Leiva, Judit Castillo, Ruth Barrio, Inés Agustí, et al. (+15)
3133 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  International Academic Publishing House International Academic Publishing House Stability of Envelope Proteins of SARS-CoV-2 Variants Could Be a Choice of New Drug Target Ambreen Shafaat Khan, Bennet Angel, Annette Angel, Vinod Joshi, Shareef BM, Poorna Khaneja, et al. (+12)
3134 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Universidad del Magdalena Jangwa Pana Estudio de caso sobre los usos de las tecnologías digitales por el estudiante universitario durante la pandemia","Uses of digital technologies by university students during the pandemic Gerzon Yair Calle Álvarez, William Enrique Mercado Borja
3135 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies Association Journal of Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies Ethnography and Plain Anabaptist Women: Some Considerations on Positionality, Power, and Pandemic Beth Graybill
3136 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Creative Publishing House Journal of Ecohumanism Perceptions of Faculty Members at Jordanian Universities for the Efficiency of Crisis Management at the University (Corona Pandemic as a Model) Mariam Ayed Murtada, Mohammad Omar Al-Momani, Reem S. Khalidi, Amal Abdelfattah Alsedawi
3137 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Knowledge Enterprises Journals Medical Research Archives “Investigation of primary education teachers' happiness and mentality resilience after the covid 19 pandemic Georgia Konstantopoulou, Vaia Papageorgiou, Eleni Mavroeidi
3138 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Clausius Scientific Press, Inc. Journal of Sociology and Ethnology From 'Extraordinary' to 'Ordinary': Logical Progression of the Public's Internalization of Heroic Spirit under the Impact of the Pandemic-Based on Kurt Lewin's Group Dynamics
3139 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Turkish Journal of Sports Medicine, Turkish Sports Medicine Association Turkish Journal of Sports Medicine Exemplifying successful sports event amidst the pandemic: the case of the Turkish women's football super league Esin Nur Taşdemir, İsmail Başöz, İlker Yücesir, Bülent Bayraktar
3140 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Diversitas Journal - Periodico Cientu00edfico Multidisciplinar Diversitas Journal A reinvenção das práticas psicológicas durante a pandemia","The The reinvention of psychological practices during the pandemic:","La REINVENCIÓN DE LAS PRÁCTICAS PSICOLÓGICAS DURANTE LA PANDEMIA: Thainne Sousa Muniz, Neemias Costa Duarte Neto, Denise Alves Santos, Aline Da Silva Reis Souza, Maisa Silva de Oliveira, Mara Eduarda Alencar, et al. (+2)
3141 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  PubPub European Law Blog Critical notes on platformised education: untangling privacy and data protection in postpandemic universities Alexandra Giannopoulou, Rossana Ducato, Giulia Schneider, Chiara Angolini
3142 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Kowsar Medical Institute Journal of Microbiota The Interplay of Microbiota, Long COVID, and Musculoskeletal Pain: A Narrative Review Leila Simorgh, Rozita Hedayati, Mina Sadat Mirshoja, Masoomeh Salmani
3143 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  Springer-Verlag European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience Outpatient mental health care during high incidence phases of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany - changes in utilization, challenges and post-COVID care Mandy Fehr, Sabine Köhler, Christa Roth-Sackenheim, Katharina Geschke, Oliver Tüscher, Kristina Adorjan, et al. (+3)
3144 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  The Russian Academy of Sciences Доклады Российской академии наук Науки о жизни Quantitative description of the N-protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus degradation in cells stably expressing it under the influence of new modular nanotransporters Y. V. Khramtsov, A. V. Ulasova, T. N. Lupanova, G. P. Georgiev, A. S. Sobolev
3145 2024―Sep―01  [GO]  The Russian Academy of Sciences Доклады Российской академии наук Науки о жизни Modular nanotransporters capable of cause intracellular degradation of the N-protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in A549 cells with temporary expression of this protein fused with the fluorescent protein <i>mRuby3</i> Y. V. Khramtsov, A. V. Ulasov, T. N. Lupanova, G. P. Georgiev, A. S. Sobolev
3146 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Universitas Andalas Majalah Kedokteran Andalas Correlation Of Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio And Platelet Lymphocyte Ratio With Severity Of COVID-19 Fadil Ahmadhia Warman, Dwi Yulia, Husnil Kadri, Roza Mulyana, Elfira Yusri, Syandrez Prima Putra
3147 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Al-Jami'ah Research Centre Jurnal Dakwah Dakwah dan Komunikasi Persuasif Tuan Guru di Lombok dalam Penyampaian Pesan Vaksinasi Covid-19 Athik Hidayatul Ummah
3148 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Al-Jami'ah Research Centre Jurnal Dakwah Tiktok Sebagai Media Kreativitas di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Chotijah Fanaqi
3149 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Asuncion REVISTA PARAGUAYA DE EDUCACIÓN A DISTANCIA (REPED) Uso de TIC en la docencia de Odontología-UNA durante la pandemia de COVID-19 Cynthia Victoria Vera Gómez, Gloria Mercedes Moreno Franco
3150 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  LPPM Universitas Pelita Bangsa Pelita Teknologi Peran Literasi Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi dalam Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh di Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Fajri Anshori, Nurhadi Surojudin, Suratman Suratman
3151 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Universitas Sebelas Maret JPI (Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia) Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Analisis peran guru dalam meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa kelas iii sekolah dasar pada masa pandemi covid-19 Cikita Rahmantri, Sandra Bayu Kurniawan, Tri Budiharto
3152 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Universitas Sebelas Maret JPI (Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia) Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Analisis peran guru dalam meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa kelas iii sekolah dasar pada masa pandemi covid-19 Cikita Rahmantri, Sandra Bayu Kurniawan, Tri Budiharto
3153 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Universitas Sebelas Maret JPI (Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia) Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Peran dan strategi kepala paud dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan pada masa pandemi covid-19 Rokhadi Rokhadi
3154 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Universitas Sebelas Maret JPI (Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia) Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Strategi pengendalian mutu program pendidikan nonformal dan informal pada saat pandemic covid-19 Lilik Hidayati
3155 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Hindawi Limited Health & Social Care in the Community “I Never Thought I’d See the Day That I Would Be Doing Things on Zoom”: Reimagining Day Care for Older People and Unpaid Carers in the Context of COVID-19 Ailsa M. Cameron, Laura Bennett, Paul Willis, Joanna Thorn, Demi Patsios, Karen West, et al. (+3)
3156 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Current Research in Scientific Medicine Relationship between prevalence of hookworm infestation and incidence of COVID-19 Rujittika Mungmunpuntipantip, Viroj Wiwanitkit
3157 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Clinical Diabetes and Endocrinology The relationship between COVID-19 and hyperglycemia: screening and monitoring hospitalized patients Faranak Salajegheh, Somayyeh Salajegheh, Mohsen Nakhaie, Niloofar Farsiu, Seyedeh Mahdieh Khoshnazar, Reza Sinaei, et al. (+2)
3158 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Universitas Sebelas Maret JPI (Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia) Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Analisis kesulitan belajar peserta didik kelas IVB SDN 1 Gabusan pada materi FPB & KPK di masa pandemi Covid-19 berdasarkan kecerdasan logis matematis Najmul Laila, Riyadi Riyadi, Muhammad Ismail Sriyanto
3159 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Universitas Sebelas Maret JPI (Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia) Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Pelaksanaan Belajar Dari Rumah (BDR) selama darurat COVID-19 di kelas V sekolah dasar Watin 'Azizah, Idam Ragil Widianto Atmojo, Joko Daryanto
3160 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Aarhus University Library Qualitative Health Communication “I felt like it was the right thing to do”: How college students’ decisions to disclose COVID-19 diagnoses reflect privacy preferences, perceptions of stigma, and cultural norms Jenna LaFreniere, Emma Bedor Hiland
3161 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Instituto Interdisciplinario de Economia Politica de Buenos Aires Latitud SUR (En línea) ISSN 2683-9326 Covid-19 e federalismo brasileiro: conflitos verticais e cooperação horizontal entre os entes federados Stephani Dos Santos
3162 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Comprehensive Publications International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development Challenges faced by select output based agri-startups during covid-19 in Telangana Dhunukunala Navya, Dr. D Srinivasa Reddy, P Radhika, A Meena
3163 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Current Research in Scientific Medicine COVID-19 infection-triggered complicated childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosus Priya Jose, Ramesh Kotai, Jude Antonieo Raja, Peter Prasanth Kumar Kommu
3164 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Current Research in Scientific Medicine Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on characteristics of unnatural deaths autopsied at a tertiary care center in Pondicherry Sunil Subramanyam, Joshima Janardhanan, Udit B. Das, Kandasamy Ravichandran
3165 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Current Research in Scientific Medicine Intolerance to uncertainty among the medical professionals in Central Kerala - Did COVID-19 make us intolerant? Sangeetha Merrin Varghese, Anulekha Mary John, Jithin Mathew Abraham, Irene Ann, Alena T. Abraham, George Chandy Mateethra, et al. (+4)
3166 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Indonesian Institute for Counseling, Education and Therapy (IICET) JPPI (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Indonesia) The Influence of Covid-19 on Industrial Work Practices of Building Engineering Students of SMKN 1 West Sumatra Jonni Mardizal, Rezo Haristama Narwansyah, Palmizal Palmizal, Samsudin Samsudin
3167 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Universitas Sebelas Maret JPI (Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia) Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Peran orang tua dalam memotivasi kegiatan belajar dari rumah di era COVID-19 pada peserta didik kelas IV sekolah dasar K Nisa, Chumdari Chumdari, Karsono Karsono
3168 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Universitas Sebelas Maret JPI (Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia) Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Analisis gaya belajar siswa dalam mata pelajaran IPA di masa pandemi covid-19 pada peserta didik kelas V SD Ismi Rizki Rahayu, Peduk Rintayati, Fadhil Purnama Adi
3169 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Rural Studies Farm adaptive business strategies in crisis management: COVID-19 Peter Gittins, Gerard McElwee
3170 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon Nonrigid registration method for longitudinal chest CT images in COVID-19 Yuma Iwao, Naoko Kawata, Yuki Sekiguchi, Hideaki Haneishi
3171 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Aarhus University Library Qualitative Health Communication The role of civil society organizations (CSOs) as community-based knowledge brokers: A qualitative study with CSOs during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada Simran Purewal, Julia Smith, Anne-Marie Nicole
3172 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Medip Academy International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Burden of noncommunicable diseases and COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control strategies Ashwini Katole
3173 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Elsevier Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease Inflammatory Markers and Lymphocyte Subsets in COVID-19 Patients with Respiratory Bacterial Co-Infection: Clinical Implications Tongtong Guo, Baolin Li, Haojun Huang, Jia Feng, Caihong Ye, Xiaoting Zhan, et al. (+2)
3174 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji Pedagogi Hayati Pengembangan E-Modul Terintegrasi Informasi COVID-19 Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Biologi Alif Yanuar Zukmadini
3175 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Current Research in Scientific Medicine A case of enteric fever complicated by hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis probably induced by ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 COVID-19 vaccine Mathew Cherian, Siddhant Jeevan Thampi
3176 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Current Research in Scientific Medicine COVID-19 vaccination and the mentally ill” - A comparative study on knowledge and attitude toward COVID-19 vaccine between patients with mental illness and their caregivers from Southern India Gargi Pushpalal, Partheeban Muruganandam, Karthick Subramanian, Sivaprakash Balasundaram
3177 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Current Research in Scientific Medicine COVID-19-associated pulmonary aspergillosis Priyanka Singh, Aanchal Kakkar
3178 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Current Research in Scientific Medicine Epidemiological characteristics of COVID-19-positive health-care personnel and their workplace contacts at a tertiary care hospital Anjum B. Fazili, Shamila Hamid Qadri, Uroosa Farooq Allaqband, Rohul jabeen Shah, Suhail Manzoor Shah, Javeed Ahmad Parray
3179 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Elsevier The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Latent Class Analysis Reveals, in patient profiles, COVID-19-related better prognosis by calcifediol treatment than glucocorticoids Marta Entrenas-Castillo, Luis Manuel Entrenas-Costa, María P. Pata, Bernabé Jurado Gámez, Cristina Muñoz-Corroto, Cristina Gómez-Rebollo, et al. (+3)
3180 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Current Research in Scientific Medicine Evidence, end-points, and epistemic - Handling the uncertainty of COVID-19-related infodemic M. Shuriya Prabha, V. Dinesh Kumar
3181 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Annals of Hematology Cold case: COVID-19-triggered type 1 cryoglobulinemia L.A.J. van Gils, M.F. Corsten, C.A. Koelman, R.J. Bosma, R. Fijnheer, A.H.L. Mulder, J.C. Regelink
3182 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  LPPM Universitas Pelita Bangsa Pelita Teknologi Analisis Perubahan Perilaku Konsumen dalam Konteks Bisnis Elektronik Pasca-Pandemi COVID-19: Implikasi dan Strategi Pengembangan Bisnis Achmad Rezky Gunawan, Amali Amali, Jidan Restu Kurniawan, Muhammad Saepul, Anggi Muhammad Rifa'i
3183 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Instituto Interdisciplinario de Economia Politica de Buenos Aires Latitud SUR (En línea) ISSN 2683-9326 El Gran Caribe y la pandemia de Covid-19: una mención a la geopolítica del narcotráfico Jorge Contreras Peralta
3184 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Elsevier Phytomedicine Potential of 6′-hydroxy justicidin B from Justicia procumbens as a therapeutic agent against coronavirus disease 2019 Min Heui Yoo, Han Young Eom, Wan-Jung Im, Byoung-Seok Lee, Kang-Hyun Han, Joung-Wook Seo, et al. (+6)
3185 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Current Research in Scientific Medicine Utility of biomarkers in predicting the severity and mortality of coronavirus disease 2019 infection Sapna S. Deshpande, Namrata Mestri, Mohasin J. Halgale, Pradnya M. Chimankar
3186 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Elsevier Respiratory Medicine Case Reports A case of microscopic polyangiitis with interstitial pneumonia after coronavirus disease-2019 infection, evidenced by positivity for multiple autoantibodies Naoto Arai, Toshikazu Takasaki, Masashi Bando, Kei Yaoita, Yutaro Ueki, Shu Hisata, Makoto Maemondo
3187 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  International Federation of Medical Students Associations of Brazil (IFMSA Brazil) Brazilian Medical Students MANEJO RESÍDUOS SARS-COV-2 Gabriella Giandotti Gomar, Paula Cristina Yukari Suzaki Fujii, Julia Maria De Medeiros, Nicole Kovalhuk Borini, Débora Maria Vargas Makuch
3188 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Elsevier Current Therapeutic Research In vitro inhibitory effect of Nigella sativa L. extracts on SARS-COV-2 spike protein-ACE2 interaction. Najma Ali, Asha Caroline Cyril, Anagha P, Cijo George Vazhappilly, Reem Kais Jan, Haneen Aburamadan, et al. (+6)
3189 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Current Research in Scientific Medicine Knowledge, attitude, and Practices of telemedicine among the health-care practitioners during COVID pandemic Mahalaxmi S. Petimani, Nagapati P. Bhat, P. Preethishree, Prabhakar Adake
3190 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Elsevier New Microbes and New Infections First Human Fatality from H5N2 Virus: Have We Learnt Lessons in Pandemic Preparedness? Faithful Miebaka Daniel, Victoria Ezinne Emeruwa, Lydia Daopuye
3191 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Elsevier The New Scientist Will mpox be a global pandemic? Michael Le Page
3192 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Current Research in Scientific Medicine Framing standard operating procedure for infection control and prevention during COVID pandemics Haritha Madigubba, R. Deepashree, Apurba Sankar Sastry
3193 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Elsevier The New Scientist Symptoms of long covid can differ depending on age Carissa Wong
3194 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Wiley British Journal of Psychology Social sharing of emotion during the collective crisis of COVID-19 Gloria W. S. Ma, Jonas P. Schöne, Brian Parkinson
3195 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas Konsumen & Konsumsi Jurnal Manajemen Strategi Berbasis Konsumen dalam Meningkatkan Bisnis Pasca Covid-19 Siera Syailendra Era, Ahmad Sopyan
3196 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Ignited Minds Pvt. Ltd. International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences Study on Experiences of Fitness Freaks during the Period of Lockdown Due to COVID-19 Dr. Vipendra Singh Parmar Dr. Vipendra Singh Parmar
3197 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research مجلة العلوم التجارية والبيئية Digital Transformation and Employees: Four Years After COVID-19 Saleh Kadi
3198 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Project MUSE Anthropological Quarterly On Disrupted Death Rites and COVID-19 Tamara Kohn, Hannah Gould
3199 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Apex Publishing Journal of Health and Care The effect of Treatment based on Acceptance and Commitment on Pathological Worry and Death Anxiety in Nurses with the Experience of Complicated Grief Caused by COVID-19 V Aghaei, R Kazemi, S Taklovi, V Nazari
3200 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Apex Publishing Journal of Health and Care Predicting Psychological Well-being based on Social Support and Family Functioning in People Who Have Recovered from COVID-19 F Shamsaei, A Amirfakhraei, N Taghizadeh
3201 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Hindawi Limited Autoimmune Diseases Evidence for Molecular Mimicry between SARS-CoV-2 and Human Antigens: Implications for Autoimmunity in COVID-19 Andrea Arévalo-Cortés, Daniel Rodriguez-Pinto, Leonardo Aguilar-Ayala, Rizgar Mageed
3202 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia SABANA Jurnal Sosiologi Antropologi dan Budaya Nusantara EFEKTIVITAS PROGRAM REHABILITASI YAYASAN REHABILITASI RUMAH UMMI DI MASA COVID-19 Angelica Theresia Adelia Br Banjar Nahor
3204 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Chetverta ?hvylia Cardiac Surgery and Interventional Cardiology The impact of cardiac complications on COVID-19 outcomes","Вплив кардіальних ускладнень, асоційованих із COVID-19, на найближчий та віддалений прогноз Yu. V. Rudenko, V. I. Mazur
3205 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia SABANA Jurnal Sosiologi Antropologi dan Budaya Nusantara IMPLEMENTASI KEBIJAKAN PEMERINTAH TERHADAP PENGURANGAN PEKERJA ANAK DI INDONESIA PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 (2020-2021) Regina Gabriella Memah
3206 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus COVID-19 and Carcinogenesis: Exploring the Hidden Links Özgür Tanrıverdi, Ali Alkan, Turan Karaoglu, Sait Kitaplı, Aysegul Yildiz
3207 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Apex Publishing Journal of Health and Care The Relationship between Challenges to Deal with COVID-19 and Caring Behaviors of Nurses Samira Paydar, Zahra Molavi, Roya Kheiri, Sevda Fazlizadeh, Mohammad Ali Mohammadi
3208 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Social Science Electronic Publishing SSRN Electronic Journal Global Crisis Governance in Response to Scientific Information: Comparing and Understanding Regulatory Responses from the WHO and IPCC Concerning the Covid-19 and Climate Crises Karin Buhmann, Jingjing Wu
3210 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  SAGE Publications International Journal of Mass Emergencies & Disasters Book Review: Trust in Government Agencies in the Time of COVID-19 by Robinson, Scott E., Gupta, Kuhika, Ripberger, Joseph, A. Ross, Jennifer, Fox, Andrew, Jenkins-Smith, Hank, and Silva, Carol Samantha Zuhlke
3211 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Social Science Electronic Publishing SSRN Electronic Journal Comparing Regulatory Responses to the Climate and Covid-19 Crises: A Social-Systems Theory-Informed Method for Inquiry Karin Buhmann, Jingjing Wu
3212 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Al-Jami'ah Research Centre Jurnal Dakwah Covid-19 dalam Refleksi Lintas Iman Sri Sulastri
3213 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Universitas Teuku Umar Community Pengawas Dinamika Sosial Strategi Bertahan Hidup Korban PHK Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Desa Tejakula, Buleleng, Bali Gede Kamajaya, Wahyu Budi Nugroho
3214 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Universitas Andalas Majalah Kedokteran Andalas Evaluasi Biaya Perawatan Intensif Pasien COVID-19 Di RSUP Persahabatan Jakarta: Pendekatan Activity Based Costing Andika Chandra Putra
3215 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Elsevier Placenta Profiling of the 2022 placental transcriptome after maternal COVID-19 disease Ana Medel-Martínez, Mark Strunk, Alberto Cebollada-Solanas, Marta Fabre, Sonia Gomez, Daniel Orós, et al. (+2)
3216 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Elsevier Placenta Examining the impact of SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 disease severity on the placental renin-angiotensin system Rabia Anwar, Lisa Bebell, Lena Serghides
3217 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research african journal of gastroenterology and hepatology Fecal Calprotectin as a Marker of Severity of COVID-19 Disease: A Hospital-based Study Ahmed Ibrahim Gad, Amr EL Hawary, Rania M. Abdullah, Amir Abd-elhameed Barakat
3218 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Brazilian Journal of Health Review Brazilian Journal of Health Review Extensão universitária na prevenção do câncer de boca em tempos de COVID-19 e redes sociais Gustavo Bezerra dos Santos Lira, Daysa da Silva Martins, Gabriella Karolyne Pompeu Martins, Gabriel Mácola de Almeida, Cecília Abrahão Nascimento de Santi, Hélder Antônio Rebelo Pontes, et al. (+2)
3219 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo Health and Biosciences Associação entre as características sociodemográficas e sintomas da COVID-19 em pacientes residentes do Espírito Santo, Brasil Dominique Nápoli Caliari, Kamilly Martins Campos, Paula Siqueira dos Santos, Stéfany Neves Louro, Thais Neves Curty, Thais Lomar Mendanha, Erika Cardoso dos Reis
3220 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Brazilian Journal of Health Review Brazilian Journal of Health Review Uso de fármacos contra COVID-19 entre estudantes de medicina, enfermagem, fisioterapia e psicologia em uma faculdade de Belo Horizonte, Brasil Guilherme Augusto Turbino Ribeiro, Thiago Chinchilla Gonzaga, Matheus Martins Lanna, Marcilene Rezende Silva
3221 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  European Scientific Institute, ESI European Scientific Journal ESJ A Socio-Cultural Analysis of Users’ Intentions to Use Facemask in the Post Covid-19 Era in Nigeria Mojisola Bolarinwa, Paul Adeosun
3222 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Ignited Minds Pvt. Ltd. International Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences The Role of Selected Fitness Program and Meditation in Covid-19 for the Improvement of Immune System Dr. Anil Kumar Gupta Dr. Anil Kumar Gupta, Dr. Shankar Jyoti Basumatary Dr. Shankar Jyoti Basumatary
3223 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Universidad Tecnica de Manabi International Journal of Health Sciences Financial incentives and work commitment among Ghanaian COVID-19 frontline healthcare workers Lily Yarney, Emmanuel Konadu, Emmanuel Ayisi
3224 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Diva Enterprises Private Limited Dynamics of Public Administration Understanding the pandemic’s toll: Mental health challenges among women from diverse background during COVID-19 in asian countries Samia Jafrin Jhara
3225 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Kowsar Medical Institute Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Sciences The Influence of Mindfulness-Based Counseling on Sleep Quality Women with a History of COVID-19 in Pregnancy Najme Shahriary, Farideh Mohsenzadeh Ledari, Shabnam Omidvar, Alireza Azizi, Hemmat Gholinia Ahangar
3226 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Empirica The varying impact of COVID-19 in the Spanish Labor Market Guillermo Cabanillas-Jiménez, Yannis Galanakis
3227 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  ScopeMed Medicine Science | International Medical Journal Analysis of reaction time, psychomotor speed and concentration levels in individuals who had COVID-19 infection Furkan Bodur, Deniz Senol, Demet Senol, Cenk Ozer
3228 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  International Scientific Organization International Journal of Chemical and Biochemical Sciences Assessment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients Infected with Covid-19 Infection during the Pandemic Kareem Essam, Mohamed Hassany, Amr Maged, Mohamed Mannaa, Ahmed sayed, Sara Essam, Mohamed Magdy
3229 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  ASOS Yayinevi Perspectives in Palliative & Home Care Epilepsi Hastalarında COVID-19 Korkusunun Öz Yönetime ve Tedaviye Uyuma Etkisi Tuğba Menekli
3230 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science SCRIPTA MEDICA COVID-19 led to an increased online search interest for "urticaria" Vikas Malgotra, Sunakshi Sharma, Jaspreet Kaur
3231 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Wiley Clinical and Public Health Guidelines Lifespan of COVID-19 living guideline recommendations: A survival analysis Emma McFarlane, Toby Mercer, Steve Sharp, Debra Hunter, Kate Kelley, Fiona Glen, Maria Majeed
3232 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Milano University Press Epidemiology Biostatistics and Public Health Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on Air Pollutant Emissions in Port Regions. Scoping Review Sandro Roberto Mastellari Francisco, Giullia Carvalho Mangas Lopes, Gustavo Duarte Mendes, Nicole Amado Riso, Victória Iglesias Breda, Marcela Gonçalves Leal, et al. (+2)
3233 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Universitas Teuku Umar Community Pengawas Dinamika Sosial Rasionalitas Mitigasi Covid-19 Masyarakat Madura Melalui Kearifan Lokal Qashidah Burdah Fitria Dayanti, Hanifah Az Zahra, Nadzir Ahmad Firdaus
3234 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  The University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan Journal of UOEH Trends in the Implementation of Workplace COVID-19 Measures in Japanese Companies: A One-Year Prospective Cohort Study","日本企業における職場でのCOVID-19対策の実施率の変遷:1年間の前向きコホート研究 Tomoichiro KUWAZURU, Tomohiro ISHIMARU, Hajime ANDO, Kiminori ODAGAMI, Ayako HINO, Seiichiro TATEISHI, et al. (+3)
3235 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  LPPM (Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian) UNTAG Semarang Jurnal JURISTIC Problematika Penolakan Pasien Dan Keluarga Pasien Terhadap Pemeriksaan Corona Virus Disease-19 (Covid-19) Melalui 3T (Test, Trace, Treatment) Muhammad Rizal Ardiana
3236 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of the American Pharmacists Association How New Pharmacists Handled COVID-19 Misinformation: A Qualitative Study Saara Z. Nasruddin, Shishir Maharjan, Joanne Canedo, Vibhuti Arya, Alicia Bouldin, Marie Barnard, Meagen Rosenthal
3237 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Nilton Lins University Journal of Medical and Biosciences Research O Coração e a COVID-19: O impacto da pandemia de COVID-19 nas internações por infarto agudo do miocárdio Anna Carolina Veras Ferreira, Jéssica Godinho Botelho, Letícia Pereira Maria, Maria Eduarda de Aragão Peixoto, Amanda Henrique Santana, Anderson Mota Batista, et al. (+14)
3238 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  The Society of Practical Otolaryngology Practica Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica Two Cases of Acute Laryngitis Caused by the COVID-19 Omicron Variant","COVID-19オミクロン株による急性喉頭炎の2例 Takahiro Nakata, Shinji Iwata, Naoya Nishida
3239 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research (IJFMR) International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research Theoretical Review of the Impact of Covid-19 on Loans Performance- A Generic Approach to Reforms, Obstacles, and Future Opportunities-perspective from Zambia Loti Saidi -
3240 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Inspira International Journal of Education Modern Management Applied Science & Social Science IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON THE ADOPTION AND USAGE OF DIGITAL PAYMENTS IN INDIA Priyanka Daya Choudhary, Ranjeeta Madhwani, Vidhi Patel
3241 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Apex Publishing Journal of Spatial Analysis Environmental Hazards The effects of Covid-19 on the lifestyle of border villagers of Sistan arastoo yari hesar, bahram imani, samaneh sarani
3242 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Education Association of South Africa South African Journal of Education Perceived psychosocial effects of COVID-19 on the teaching realities of Foundation Phase educators in selected rural quintiles 1 to 3 schools in South Africa Nozipho Mtande, Eleanor Ross
3243 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization The impact of COVID-19 on the willingness to work in teams Sunduz Divle, Seda Ertac, Mert Gumren
3244 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences BARREIRAS ENFRENTADAS PELA COMUNIDADE SURDA NO ESTADO DE ALAGOAS EM TEMPO DE PANDEMIA DA COVID-19 Taynara Nunes Queiroz, Lucas Cruz do Nascimento, André Luis Rocha Peixoto dos Santos, Thaise Ferreira Nunes, Marcus Luiz Almeida Santana Segundo, Laércio Pol-Fachin, Francisco Joilsom Carvalho Saraiva
3245 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Sport Sciences for Health Exercise interventions for mitigating the persistent side effects of COVID-19 Sahil Gupta, Kaitlyn Rebecca Liu, Simran Sandhu, Ananya Gupta
3246 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi Bisnis Syariah Bina Mandiri Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis dan Keuangan Pengaruh Implementasi Manajemen Strategik terhadap Ketahanan Bisnis saat Pandemi Covid-19 pada PT. Es Teh Indonesia Makmur Allya Nathalie Radina Sudiro, Herman Ruslim
3247 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine Confidence and barriers: Analysis of factors associated with timely routine childhood vaccination in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic Harry MacKay, Jeremy D. Gretton, Sandra Chyderiotis, Stephanie Elliott, Ana Howarth, Catherine Guo, et al. (+5)
3248 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Elsevier Advanced Exercise and Health Science Associations of Changes in Physical Activity and Well-Being Among Cancer Survivors During the COVID-19 Pandemic Natalie Cuda, Allyson Tabaczynski, Denise Bastas, Alexis Whitehorn, Golnaz Ghazinour, Linda Trinh
3249 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Elsevier Preventive Medicine Reports Changes in blood pressure measurement prevalence among United States adults with hypertension before and during the COVID-19 pandemic Baffour Otchere, Adam S. Vaughan, LaTonia Richardson, Hilary K. Wall, Fátima Coronado
3250 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Medknow Publications Annals of African Medicine Public Health Ethics and the COVID-19 Pandemic Alhaji A. Aliyu
3251 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research Alexandria Scientific Nursing Journal Hospital Preparedness as Perceived by Health Care Providers during the COVID-19 Pandemic Marwa Ali Mohamed, Hala Ahmed Abdou, Rehab Gamel Hussein
3252 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research Alexandria Scientific Nursing Journal The relationship between psychological distress and sleep quality among community-dwelling older adults during the Covid-19 pandemic. Samia Elhusseini Elkholy, Gehad Wahid Ramadan Awad, Dina Metwally Sorour
3253 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Naksh Solutions International Journal of Advanced Research in Science Communication and Technology Media Representation and Tribal Vulnerabilities: Analyzing the Challenges Faced by Alluri Sitaramaraju District's Tribal Communities During the COVID-19 Pandemic George Farnadase Bh
3254 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Asian Scholars Network Asian Journal of Research in Education and Social Sciences Factors Influencing Customers’ Restaurant Dining Behaviour During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic
3255 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Project MUSE Anthropological Quarterly Waves of Grief: Fluctuating Restrictions, Treatments of Corpses and Experiences of Loss during the COVID-19 Pandemic Marc-Antoine Berthod, Gaëlle Clavandier, Philippe Charrier, Martin Julier-Costes, Veronica Pagnamenta, Alexandre Pillonel
3256 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Information Technology and Science (ITScience) GOVERNORS Analysis Of Financial Performance Of Muhammadiyah Aisyiyah Hospital In Jakarta Before And After The Covid-19 Pandemic Teguh Pantjatmono, Andry Priharta, Riyanti Riyanti
3257 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Wiley Internal Medicine Journal The experience of an adult diabetic foot unit continuing face-to-face consults during the COVID-19 pandemic Joanna Y. Gong, Lucy Collins, Rahul D. Barmanray, Nang S. K. Pang, Minh V. Le, Paul R. Wraight
3258 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  SAGE Publications Educational Policy Associations Between Administrative Burden and Children’s ECE Stability During the Covid-19 Pandemic Karen Babbs Hollett
3259 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Universitas Teuku Umar Community Pengawas Dinamika Sosial Mosques as Dangerous Places: Media Framing of Mosques During the COVID-19 Pandemic Mukhijab Mukhijab, Muna Yastuti Madrah, Reynold Timothy Tampubolon
3260 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Apex Publishing Journal of Health and Care Investigating the Relationship between Forgotten Nursing Care and Moral Courage of Nurses during the COVID-19 Pandemic M Salimi-Monazam, A Karampourian, S Solgi, S Bajelan, M Rangchian, S Khazaei
3261 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  DoNotEdit Avicenna Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Care Investigation of the Effect of Virtual Stress Management Training on the General Health of Pre-hospital Emergency Personnel: A Semi-experimental Study during the COVID-19 Pandemic
3262 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  SAGE Publications Clinical Pediatrics Changes in School-Age Children’s Well-being and School-Related Needs Post COVID-19 Pandemic Rachel G. Spronz, Rebecca N. Dudovitz, Kyla Thomas, Peter G. Szilagyi, Nathalie Vizueta, Sitaram Vangala, Arie Kapteyn
3263 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Psychology An examination of the relationship between risk perceptions, cultural-religious beliefs and coping during COVID-19 pandemic control in South Asian countries: a systematic review Rakhshi Memon, Ayesha Khaliq, Veronica Ranieri, Muqaddas Asif, Mujeeb Masood Bhatti, Bilal Ahmad Khan, et al. (+4)
3264 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Medknow Publications Nigerian Journal of Basic and Clinical Sciences Evaluation of Excess Deaths in a Tertiary Hospital in Urban Northern Nigeria during the COVID-19 Pandemic (EDiK-2020 Study) Hadiza S. Galadanci, Isa S. Abubakar, Baba M. Musa, Aishatu Adamu, Muktar A. Gadanya, Fatimah Tsiga-Ahmed, et al. (+8)
3265 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science Arhiv za farmaciju How the COVID-19 pandemic has affected mental health and internet addiction in adolescents: A comprehensive review Ana Pjevač, Teodora Safiye, Emir Biševac, Elvis Mahmutović, Mirjana Jovanović
3266 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Project MUSE Anthropological Quarterly New Technologies in Pentecostal Funeral Rituals During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Brazil Andréia Vicente da Silva
3267 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Training & Research Institute Jeramba Ilmu Sukses Prosiding Seminar Nasional Forum Manajemen Indonesia - e-ISSN 3026-4499 The Effect of Exchange Rate, Interest Rate, and Inflation on Jakarta Composite Index (IHSG) during COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia Riza Zahrotun Nisa
3268 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Wiley Geriatrics and Gerontology International Sex differences in reduction of trunk muscle mass related to falls and cognitive function during the COVID-19 pandemic in older adults Masahiro Nagano, Mai Kabayama, Yuka Ohata, Michiko Kido, Hiromi Rakugi, Kei Kamide
3269 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Uniao Atlantica de Pesquisadores Concilium The COVID-19 pandemic in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: a focus on the most vulnerable Anna Beatriz de Aguiar Araujo, Maria de Fátima Ebole de Santana, Marcio Candeias Marques, Marcio Sacramento de Oliveira
3270 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  International Journal Of Advanced Research International Journal of Advanced Research STUDY ON THE METHOD OF SETTING STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES (SOP) FOR MOSQUE AND SURAU ACTIVITIES DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN SELANGOR AND MELAKA Syuhaida Idha Abd Rahim, Siti Khurshiah Mohd Mansor, Nur Hidayah Zainal, Zawawi Temyati
3271 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon Associations among screen time, sleep, mental health and cognitive functioning in school-aged children during the COVID-19 pandemic, November 2020 through to August 2022 Eun Jung Choi, Diane Sequin, Amira Hmidan, Emma G. Duerden
3272 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  DoNotEdit Avicenna Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Care Effects of Education and Nurse-led Telephone Follow-ups (Telenursing) in COVID-19 Pandemic on Self-efficacy and Quality of life in Diabetic Patients Referred to Fatemieh Hospital, Hamadan
3273 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Green Publisher Eduvest - Journal Of Universal Studies Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Stocks Market Performance of Service Industry in Indonesia Soraya Rizfathanty, Dwi Nastiti Danarsari
3274 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Radinka Jaya Utama Publisher JOURNAL OF DIGITAL LEARNING AND DISTANCE EDUCATION Effect Of Applying The E-Learning Learning Model As A Solution To The Covid-19 Pandemic On Student Learning Outcomes Jainal Abidin
3275 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports The impact of increased computer screen time during the COVID-19 pandemic on the occurrence of upper part of musculoskeletal diseases among health personnel Ewa Lucka, Agnieszka Wareńczak-Pawlicka, Mateusz Lucki, Przemysław Lisiński
3276 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Global Health Predicting poor mental health among older Syrian refugees in Lebanon during the COVID-19 pandemic: a nested cross-sectional study Berthe Abi Zeid, Leen Farouki, Tanya El Khoury, Abla M. Sibai, Carlos F Mendes de Leon, Marwan F Alawieh, et al. (+4)
3277 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Current Psychology Long-term psychological implication of the COVID-19 pandemic: a network analysis among the Italian population Annarosa Cipriano, Cesare Cavalera, Margherita Stabile, Stefania Cella
3278 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon Predicting Online Learning Experiences in Sports Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Implications for pedagogical strategies Ran An, Abdullah Addas, Nadia Rehman, Shazia Rehman
3279 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Education Association of South Africa South African Journal of Education Using social media for teaching English during the COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons from Indonesia Herli Salim, Afrianto Daud, Muhammad Hanif
3280 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Granthaalayah Publications and Printers International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH MENTAL HEALTH AND COVID-19 PANDEMIC: SURVEY ON URBAN ESTATE POPULATION OF PATIALA DISTRICT Amarpreet Singh, Parminder Singh, Naseer Ud Din Waza
3281 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Elsevier Ultrasonics Corrigendum to “Knowledge fused latent representation from lung ultrasound examination for COVID-19 pneumonia severity assessment” Zhiqiang Li, Xueping Yang, Hengrong Lan, Mixue Wang, Lijie Huang, Xingyue Wei, et al. (+6)
3282 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  SAGE Publications International Social Work Is COVID-19 related workload related to Chinese social workers’ mental health? A moderated mediation model of compassion burnout and emotional regulation Chaoxin Jiang, Hao Song, Shan Jiang
3283 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  SD Publisher Journal of Social Research and Behavioral Sciences Covid-19 Sürecinde Yaşam Doyumu, Algılanan Stres, Umutsuzluk, Psikolojik Sağlamlığın İncelenmesi Aida SAHMUROVA
3284 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development African Journal of Food Agriculture Nutrition and Development Determinants of rural households’ food security status in South Africa: lessons from covid-19 social relief grant recipients in NIDS-CRAM wave 5 K Takawira, A Mushunje, SO Olawuyi
3285 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Apex Publishing Journal of Health and Care Structural Relationship Patterns of COVID-19 Stress Prediction Based on Self-Control with the Mediating Role of Perceived Social Support in Students Z AkhaviSamarein, p porzoor, B Amani
3286 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences The impact of COVID-19 stringency measures on emerging stock market stability: Does economic resilience matter? Hind Lebdaoui, Ikram Kiyadi, Fatima Zahra Bendriouch, Youssef Chetioui, Firdaous Lebdaoui, Zainab Alhayki
3287 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Universitas Teuku Umar Ius Civile Refleksi Penegakan Hukum dan Keadilan Analisis Yuridis Tingginya Cerai Gugat Istri terhadap Suami pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 (Studi Penelitian di Mahkamah Syar’iyah Lhoksukon) Eko Gani PG, Eka Chyntia
3288 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research (IJFMR) International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research A study of determinants of pulmonary fibrosis in COVID-19 survivors. Raj Kumar -, Rajiv Garg -, Surya Kant -, S.K. Verma -, Santosh Kumar -, R.A.S. Kushwaha -, et al. (+4)
3289 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Advanced Lung Health Assessment of Pulmonary Functions in COVID-19 Survivors and Their Clinical Correlation at the 6-month Follow-up: A Prospective, Observational Study Mahmood Dhahir Al-Mendalawi
3290 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Universitas Malahayati Bandar Lampung MAHESA Malahayati Health Student Journal Analisis Tingkat Pengetahuan tentang Covid-19 Terhadap Kepatuhan Mahasiswa Menerapkan Protokol Kesehatan di Laboratorium Keperawatan Ardi Rama Lukita, Dewi Wijayanti, Ahmat Pujianto, Hendy Lesmana, Donny Tri Wahyudi
3291 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi Bisnis Syariah Bina Mandiri Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis dan Keuangan Efek Pandemi Covid-19 terhadap Kinerja Keuangan dan Ekonomi Daerah Tahun 2019-2021 Muhammad Umroh, Finansia Palmira Utami, Rudy Badruddin
3292 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Universitas Teuku Umar Ius Civile Refleksi Penegakan Hukum dan Keadilan Implikasi Pandemi Covid-19 Terhadap Penanganan Tindak Pidana Korupsi Oleh Kejaksaan Intan Munirah, M Gempa Awaljon
3293 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Universitas Teuku Umar Jurnal Source Ilmu Komunikasi PENGARUH ELABORASI PESAN INFODEMIK VAKSIN COVID-19 TERHADAP PENGAMBILAN KEPUTUSAN VAKSINASI GENERASI Z Windhiadi Yoga Sembada, Adam Abimanyu, Utih Amartiwi
3294 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Gavin Publishers Journal of Urology and Renal Diseases Serum Zinc Levels of Patients with COVID-19 Undergoing Hemodialysis
3295 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Canadian Urological Association Journal Canadian Urological Association Journal Case - Recurrent abscess and vaginal-thigh fistula from a transobturator mesh tape after COVID-19 vaccination Catherine Lu, Dobrochna Globerman, Ken Maslow
3296 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Lycia Press London UK Medical Science and Discovery Delayed Hypersensitivity Reaction to Dermal Fillers Following mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination Ilkay Keskinel, Müzeyyen Eryılmaz
3297 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence Evolution of COVID-19 Vaccination-related Topics on Twitter","Twitterにおける新型コロナワクチンに関する話題の変化 Yuka Takedomi, Yuri Nakayama, Towa Suda, Takeaki Uno, Takako Hashimoto, Masashi Toyoda, et al. (+3)
3298 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  DoNotEdit Avicenna Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Care Investigating the Factors Related to the Acceptance of the Covid-19 Vaccine by the Parents of Children Aged 5 to 12 Years
3299 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Maad Rayan Publishing Company International Journal of Health Policy and Management Pandemic Agreement Must Include Levers to Redirect Pharmaceutical Industry Behaviour During Pandemics; Comment on "More Pain, More Gain! The Delivery of COVID-19 Vaccines and the Pharmaceutical Industry’s Role in Widening the Access Gap" Deborah Gleeson, James Scheibner, Brigitte Frances Tenni, Belinda Townsend, Dianne Nicol
3300 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Social Science Electronic Publishing SSRN Electronic Journal A Study on The Effects of COVID-19 With Reference to Street Food Vendors of Kolkata&nbsp; Raunak Bhattacharyya, Arunima Dey, Sumit Samaddar
3301 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Infomedic International Revista de la Federación Centroamericana de Obstetricia y Ginecología La relación entre la vacunación con COVID-19 y la irregularidad menstrual: ¿qué se ha descrito en la bibliografía? Tiago Almeida Costa
3302 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Project MUSE Anthropological Quarterly De-Exceptionalizing Pandemic Death in the United States: COVID-19’s Ambiguous and Layered Mourning Ariel Santikarma, Sarah Wagner
3303 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Global Social Welfare COVID-19-Related Experiences and the Psychological Wellbeing of Adolescent Girls in Uganda: A Cross-sectional Study Vicent Ssentumbwe, Florence Namuli, Samuel Kizito, Flavia Namuwonge, Phionah Namatovu, Proscovia Nabunya, et al. (+6)
3304 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Apex Publishing Journal of Health and Care Explaining the Motivation for the Voluntary Participation of Clergies in the Care of Patients with COVID-19: A Qualitative Content Analysis R Dashti-Kalantar, Sh Irani
3305 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Maad Rayan Publishing Company International Journal of Health Policy and Management Learning Health Systems Are Resilient Health Systems; Comment on "Re-evaluating Our Knowledge of Health System Resilience During COVID-19: Lessons From the First Two Years of the Pandemic" Rachel Neill, Michael Peters
3306 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Universitas Andalas Majalah Kedokteran Andalas Anosmia pada Rinitis Virus dan Rinitis COVID-19: Sebuah Tinjauan Naratif Lucky Berliandi, Dolly Irfandy, Husna Yetti
3307 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Psychiatric Research ONSET OF BIPOLAR DISORDER BY COVID-19: THE ROLES OF ENDOGENOUS OUABAIN AND THE Na,K-ATPase Louise Castro de Jesus, Cassiano Felippe Gonçalves-de-Albuquerque, Patrícia Burth
3308 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Brazilian Journal of Health Review Brazilian Journal of Health Review Hesitação vacinal na Covid-19: um estudo qualitativo Ana Carolina da Silva Corrêa, Andrea Souza Rodrigues Nogueira, Millena Kellen Sousa Carvalho, Ana Carolina Vale Campos Lisbôa
3309 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of the Practice of Cardiovascular Sciences Risk Factors for Cardiac Involvement in Children with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2-related Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children: A Prospective Observational Study R. V. Chinchilu, Kiran Narayanan, Susy Joseph, A. S. Ajith Krishnan
3310 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Elsevier AJOG Global Reports Experiences of Midwestern Obstetric Clinicians during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic Dr. Drishti D. Sinha, Dr. Megan Foeller, Ms. Abigail S. Bell, Mr. Anthony J. Nixon, Dr. Darrell Hudson, Dr. Aimee S. James, et al. (+7)
3311 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Pulmonary Medicine Impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic on hospital admissions for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: a nationwide population-based study In-So Cho, Jihye Lim, Min-Seok Chang, Ji-Ho Lee
3312 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  American Chemical Society Analytical Chemistry Fast Viral Diagnostics: FTIR-Based Identification, Strain-Typing, and Structural Characterization of SARS-CoV-2 Pooja Lahiri, Souvik Das, Shivani Thakur, Rukmankesh Mehra, Piyush Ranjan, Naveet Wig, et al. (+4)
3313 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Opast Group LLC Journal of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics A Study on the Institutional Context and Dynamics Surrounding the Emergence of SARS-CoV-2
3314 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research Egyptian Journal of Chemistry Integrating in-vitro experiments and in-silico approaches identified antiviral activity of black mulberry (Morus nigra) as a potential treatment option for SARS-CoV-2 Thamer Ahmad Bouback
3315 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Associacao Brasileira de Transplantes de Orgaos Brazilian Journal of Transplantation Vaccines Against SARS-CoV-2 and their Effects on Mortality in Transplant Patients: A Systematic Review with Meta-analysis Arthur Rocha, Eveline Pipolo Milan, Renan Oliveira de Carvalho Caminha, Daniel Felipe Fernandes Paiva
3316 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Associacao Brasileira de Transplantes de Orgaos Brazilian Journal of Transplantation Vacinas contra SARS-CoV-2 e seus Efeitos Frente à Mortalidade em Pacientes Transplantados: Uma Revisão Sistemática com Metanálise Arthur Rocha, Eveline Pipolo Milan, Renan Oliveira de Carvalho Caminha, Daniel Felipe Fernandes Paiva
3317 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research Microbes and Infectious Diseases Enteric viruses and SARS-CoV-2 in environmental water in rural communities of Osun State, Nigeria Ayokunle David Obayomi, Waidi Folorunso Sule, Sunday Babatunde Akinde
3318 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Elsevier Placenta Effects of SARS-CoV-2 infection during pregnancy on protein and gene expression in the human placenta Hélène Pinatel, Marie-Ève Brien, Amadou Diogo Barry, Géraldine Delbès, Sylvie Girard, Laurent Chatel-Chaix, Cathy Vaillancourt
3319 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Neuroscience Bulletin SARS-CoV-2 Inhibits Exo-Endocytosis and Enhances Short-Term Depression at a Central Synapse Jiawei Hu, Yuhan Zhang, Qingzhuo Liu, Jiaqi Hu, Yichen Ru, Lu Zhang, et al. (+2)
3320 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Reconstructing SARS-CoV-2 lineages from mixed wastewater sequencing data Isaac Ellmen, Alyssa K. Overton, Jennifer J. Knapp, Delaney Nash, Hannifer Ho, Yemurayi Hungwe, et al. (+3)
3321 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Elsevier Placenta Pathological characteristics of full- term placenta in SARS-CoV-2 patients Chizuko Yaguchi, Naomi Isomura, Masako Matsumoto, Hiroaki Itoh
3322 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Oxford University Press Virus Evolution Intrahost evolution leading to distinct lineages in the upper and lower respiratory tracts during SARS-CoV-2 prolonged infection Majdouline El Moussaoui, Sebastien Bontems, Cecile Meex, Marie-Pierre Hayette, Marie Lejeune, Samuel L Hong, et al. (+8)
3323 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Nature Communications Antibodies utilizing VL6-57 light chains target a convergent cryptic epitope on SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and potentially drive the genesis of Omicron variants Qihong Yan, Xijie Gao, Banghui Liu, Ruitian Hou, Ping He, Yong Ma, et al. (+15)
3324 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Hindawi Limited Case Reports in Infectious Diseases Evaluation of Neutralizing Capacity of Tixagevimab plus Cilgavimab (AZD7442) against Different SARS-CoV-2 Variants: A Case Report Study with Comparison to a Vaccinated Population Constant Gillot, Jean-Louis Bayart, Vincent Maloteau, Jean-Michel Dogné, Jonathan Douxfils, Julien Favresse, Piyush Baindara
3325 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research Journal of Bioscience and Applied Research Evaluation of genotoxicity and some biochemical parameters in preeclampsia patients with SARS-Cov2 Alaa younis Mahdy Al-Hamadany, Atyaf Talal Mahmood, Sarab Dalaf Khalaf, Ali M. Saadi
3326 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Intellect Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies A crisis without a context? The framing of economic inequality through the pandemic Sophie Knowles, Nadine Strauß, Vesile Cinceoglu
3327 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research (IJFMR) International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research Impact of psychological correlates, Social isolation and loneliness on the management and self care behaviors of Cardio-vascular Disease after COVID- 19 Pandemic Sharda Ghoghre -
3328 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Antibiotic resistance pattern of bacterial strains emerged using frequent hand sanitizers during corona pandemic Nikita Vadadoriya, Shilja Sajeevan, Gopal Bhojani, Neha Patel, Soumya Haldar, Shruti Chatterjee
3329 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research Alexandria Scientific Nursing Journal Mothers ‘Knowledge Versus Their Practices Toward COVID -19 Pandemic Among Children . Rasha Ibrahim Mohamed, Nadia Madeny Helaly, Rasha Mohamed Abohadida
3330 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research Journal of Environmental Science Egyptian electronic newspapers’ treatment of the Corona pandemic (Analytical and field study) Gouda A. Abdelmoula, Dina F. Mohammed, Safia M. Ahmed
3331 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Educational Psychology in Practice The ongoing impact of social and locality restrictions on children’s play at home - How play changed during the pandemic, and how it remains different Aidan Fielding, Emma Harding
3332 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  PT. Transpublika Jaya Abadi Jurnal Ekonomi Kreatif dan Manajemen Bisnis Digital PENGARUH KUALITAS PELAYANAN, HARGA DAN LOKASI TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN PASCA PANDEMIC COVID (Studi pada Konsumen di Sardo Swalayan Kota Malang) Insyanin Qamilia Arrum, Siti Saroh, Khoiriyah Trianti
3333 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Hindawi Limited Health & Social Care in the Community Important Issues about Chinese Rural Older Adults’ Pandemic Crisis Coping: A Qualitative Study by Grounded Theory Yuhui Ruan, Dianjiang Li, Mohammad Niroumand Sarvandani
3334 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Cogent Education Lessons learned from navigating the COVID pandemic in a health sciences university: a disaster medicine perspective Dara Cassidy, David Sklar, Maikki Cullen, Gareth Edwards, Catherine Bruen, Jenny Moffett, et al. (+4)
3335 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  SAGE Publications Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine Understanding Pandemic Increases in Long-Stay Psychotropic Prescribing for Dementia Symptoms: A Survey of Nursing Home Clinicians John William Kerns, Jonathan D. Winter, Katherine M. Winter, Rebecca Etz, Sarah Reves, C. J. Christian Bergman
3336 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  SAGE Publications New Media & Society Disrupting deliberation? The impact of the pandemic on the social practice of deliberative engagement Martin King, Graham Smith
3337 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Elsevier Case Studies on Transport Policy Strategic approaches to crisis management: The global challenges of the pandemic on the Turkish container shipping industry Arda Toygar, Umut Yıldırım
3338 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  LookUs Bilisim A.S. Kocaeli Medical Journal Affecting Levels of the Pandemic Process on Patients who had Bariatric Surgery. Single Center Survey Study Doğuş Durmuş, Emin Lapsekili, Ümit Alakuş, Yaşar Subutay Peker, Ali Coskun
3339 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Subjectivity The pandemic state of exception: restrictions, subjectivities, and authority Thorvald Sirnes
3340 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Social Science Electronic Publishing SSRN Electronic Journal Energy Shocks, Pandemics and the Macroeconomy Luisa Corrado, Stefano Grassi, Aldo Paolillo, Francesco Ravazzolo
3341 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Project MUSE Anthropological Quarterly On Pandemics Being Productive John Troyer
3342 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  An-Najah National University - PMPJ Palestinian Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal Phytochemicals and Medicinal Plants: A Promising Frontier for Antiviral Research in the Age of Pandemics: REVIEW Diksha Tapsale, Radhika Baheti, Jayashri Mahore, Rashmi Trivedi, Vinita Patole
3343 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Elsevier The Ocular Surface Detection of SARS-CoV-2 binding receptors and miscellaneous targets as well as mucosal surface area of the human lacrimal drainage system Anna-Lena Rau, Martin Schicht, Ingrid Zahn, Mohammad Javed Ali, Minas Theodore Coroneo, Friedrich Paulsen
3344 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Green Publication Educational Administration Theory and Practices An Analysis Of COVID-19 Pandemic Management Policies: Effectiveness And Challenges In Agra District Sumeet Saraswata
3345 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Narra T Narra J Post COVID-19 vaccination binding and neutralizing antibody with or without previous infection: An 18-month longitudinal study in Indonesia Tonang D. Ardyanto, Khariri Khariri, Telly P. Agus, Amin Subandrio
3346 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Elsevier Acta Psychologica Last-mile delivery during COVID-19: A systematic review of parcel locker adoption and consumer experience Jung-Fa Tsai, Hong Ngoc Ngo, Zhen-Hua Che
3347 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Natural Hazards Assessing and enhancing public space resilience to pandemics and earthquakes: a case study of Chongqing, China Mohsen Alawi, Dongzhu Chu
3348 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Azramedia Indonesia PARADIGM Journal Of Multidisciplinary Research and Innovation MANIFESTATION OF COLLECTIVE SECURITY IN ASEAN AS A REGIONAL ORGANIZATION DURING PANDEMIC COVID-19 Nur Afifah Ramadhani Musa, Agussalim Burhanuddin
3349 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Jurnal Manajemen Eka Prasetya, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Eka Prasetya PROCEEDING INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS CONFERENCE (IBEC) The Effect of E-Tax System and Tax Socialization on Taxpayer Compliance During Pandemic and Endemic Putri Wahyuni
3350 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Homoeopathic Chronicles International Journal for Fundamental and Interdisciplinary Research in Homoeopathy Role of Homoeopathy in Adjustment Disorder After Covid- 19 Pandemic Period Among Children Aleena Roy, Ajay Singh Parihar
3351 2024―Aug―31  [GO]  Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Educacao Ensaios Pedagógicos POLÍTICAS PÚBLICAS DE DIVULGAÇÃO E POPULARIZAÇÃO DA CIÊNCIA E TECNOLOGIA: OS IMPACTOS DA PANDEMIA DA COVID-19 NO PROGRAMA “BRASIL NA FRONTEIRA DO CONHECIMENTO” Griscele Souza de Jesus
3353 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Medical Journal of Dr D Y Patil Vidyapeeth Exploring Community's Perceptions and Behavior Toward People Presumptive or Treated for COVID-19 Geetha Mani, Subashchandrabose Varatharajan, Hariharan Mohan
3354 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Medical Journal of Dr D Y Patil Vidyapeeth A Critical Take on Sustaining Precautionary Behaviors for COVID-19 Madhumita Dobe, Arista Lahiri, Monalisha Sahu, Sweety Suman Jha
3355 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Medical Journal of Dr D Y Patil Vidyapeeth Mucormycosis and COVID-19 Ankit Kaushik, Anamika Jaiswal, Hari S. Pandey, Paramjeet Singh
3356 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Brawijaya University Journal of Development Economic and Social Studies JANUARY EFFECT DALAM RETURN DAN VOLATILITAS PERDAGANGAN SAHAM SERTA KONDISINYA SAAT COVID-19 Sulistyana Dwi Agustian, Dias Satria
3357 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Future Convergence Technology Research Society Asia-pacific Journal of Convergent Research Interchange The Effects of Perceived Health Status and Burnout of Hospital Workers on Health Promotion Behavior, Work-life Balance, and Happiness during the COVID-19 Mi-Suk Hyun
3358 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Brawijaya University Journal of Development Economic and Social Studies ANALISIS HUBUNGAN LITERASI DIGITAL DAN LITERASI EKONOMI DENGAN KEBERLANGSUNGAN USAHA MIKRO DAN KECIL DI KOTA MALANG SELAMA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Ignatius Reynara, Farah Wulandari Pangestuty
3359 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Brawijaya University Journal of Development Economic and Social Studies ANALISIS KINERJA KEUANGAN PERBANKAN SYARIAH DI INDONESIA SEBELUM DAN SELAMA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Ajeng Kartika Galuh
3360 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Brawijaya University Journal of Development Economic and Social Studies FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI KINERJA PARUH WAKTU WANITA PADA HOME INDUSTRY PASCA COVID-19 Elisa Robiatul Ulfah
3361 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Brawijaya University Journal of Development Economic and Social Studies ANALISIS FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI PRODUKTIVITAS TENAGA KERJA PASCAPANDEMI COVID-19 Akhmad Asrul Ramadani
3362 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara Jurnal Hukum Kaidah Media Komunikasi dan Informasi Hukum dan Masyarakat Faktor-Faktor Peningkatan Permohonan Dispensasi Nikah Di Pengadilan Agama Panyabungan Pada Masa Covid-19 Uswatun Hasanah
3363 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Brawijaya University Jurnal Management Risiko dan Keuangan Pengaruh Rasio Pasar, Rasio Solvabilitas, dan Rasio Profitabilitas Terhadap Harga Saham Sebelum dan Selama Pandemi Covid-19 Anya Sendy Aprista Alhamzah, Moeljadi Moeljadi
3364 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Brawijaya University Jurnal Management Risiko dan Keuangan Analisis Perbandingan Kinerja Keuangan pada Sebelum, Saat, dan Sesudah Pandemi Covid-19 Hasriel Muhammad Azri, Sumiati Sumiati
3365 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Korean Association For Learner-Centered Curriculum And Instruction Korean Association For Learner-Centered Curriculum And Instruction Study on the Comparison and Mutual Influence of Online and Offline Self-Regulated Learning of High School Students in the Context of COVID-19 Ju-Hyun Kim, Kyung-Sook Lee
3366 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Kantor Bahasa Kepulauan Riau Genta Bahtera Jurnal Ilmiah Kebahasaan dan Kesastraan INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIP BUILT BY WHO’S OFFICIAL COVID-19 ADVERTISEMENT: A MULTIMODAL ANALYSIS Vilya Lakstian Catra Mulia, Riana Dwi Rahayu, Sheila Shalihaila Salsabila, Arfi Sabihah
3367 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Medical Journal of Dr D Y Patil Vidyapeeth COVID-19 and Climate Viroj Wiwanitkit
3368 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Medical Journal of Dr D Y Patil Vidyapeeth Media Consumption during COVID-19 and its Impact on Psychological Well-Being Saloni Kumari, Saloni Bhagat, Shikha Surbhi, Mamta Singh
3369 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare La Parole Journal of Language Teaching and Pedagogy The Students’ Readiness in Facing Offline Class After Pandemic Covid-19 at The Eleventh Grade Students’ of UPT SMAN 4 Parepare Tri Mulyanugrahah HS, Salasiah Salasiah, Ika Yanti Sakti
3370 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Harapan Ibu Jambi Riset Informasi Kesehatan The Community behaviour in reception COVID-19 booster vaccine with a method approach Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) in Jambi City Ressy Elsis GS, Yosef Wijoyo
3371 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Manajemen dan Bisnis Indonesia Jurnal Inovasi Ekonomi Syariah dan Akuntansi Analisis Komparasi Kinerja Keuangan Daerah Sebelum Covid-19 dan Semasa Covid-19 di Kabupaten Kotawaringin Timur Tahun 2018-2021 Josia Ananta
3372 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Kantor Bahasa Kepulauan Riau Genta Bahtera Jurnal Ilmiah Kebahasaan dan Kesastraan ANALISIS FRAMING PEMBERITAAN VAKSINASI COVID-19 DI INDONESIA DALAM MEDIA MASSA ONLINE Raden Yusuf Sidiq Budiawan, Vradyna Ashary Utomo
3373 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Medical Journal of Dr D Y Patil Vidyapeeth Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices toward COVID-19 during Pandemic among Indian Adults Vaishali Praful Bansod, Mayavati Nannaware, Shradhha Kulkarni, Samir Singru, P.S. Chawla, Khyati Kalra
3374 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Medical Journal of Dr D Y Patil Vidyapeeth Usefulness of CRP as a Prognostic Marker in the Clinical Course of Covid-19 Infection during the Three Waves Shailaja Alapaty, Suhas Dhulipala, Jyothi A Natikar, H Ajit, Mangala Sirsikar, Umalakshmi Annavarapu, Deepthi Mahendrakar
3375 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Medical Journal of Dr D Y Patil Vidyapeeth COVID-19 Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Survey among Population of Western Maharashtra B. Thomas Asha, K. Vaidya Bhalchandra, R. Chandani Sneha, Kawade Anand, S. Chitlange Sohan, S. Sarode Varsha, et al. (+2)
3376 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Medical Journal of Dr D Y Patil Vidyapeeth The Covid-19 Marathon Amitav Banerjee
3377 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau Jurnal An-Nur Pengaruh Zakat Produktif terhadap Tingkat Perekonomian Mustahik pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 oleh Baznas Kabupaten Labuhanbatu ditinjau dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Syariah Irma Yani, Budi Azwar
3378 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Borneo Tarakan Borneo Community Health Service Journal Penyuluhan Kesehatan, Pembagian Masker dan Hand Sanitizer dalam Upaya Antisipasi Penyebaran COVID-19 Pada Masyarakat Ramdya Akbar Tukan, Darni Darni, Rahmatuzulfia Rahmatuzulfia, Dewi Wijayanti
3379 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Imelda Medan Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan Imelda PENGARUH EDUKASI KESEHATAN TERHADAP PENCEGAHAN PENULARAN COVID-19 PADA MASYARAKAT DI KELURAHAN PAYAH PASIR TAHUN 2022 Edisyah Putra Ritonga, Sarida Surya Manurung, Hamonangan Damanik, Nataria Yanti Silaban, Eka Nugraha V Naibaho
3380 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  AME Publishing Company Current Challenges in Thoracic Surgery Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation & lung transplant outcomes: COVID-19 pandemic Hamna Javed, Iqbal Ratnani, Salim Surani
3381 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Medical Journal of Dr D Y Patil Vidyapeeth Psychological Impact on Health-care Workers at a Tertiary Hospital in South India during the COVID-19 Pandemic Ajay Christopher, Abigail Ruth Gojer, Aparna Lohanathan, Anju Kuruvilla, Rajesh Gopalakrishnan, Kundavaram Paul Prabhakar Abhilash
3382 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Medical Journal of Dr D Y Patil Vidyapeeth COVID-19 Pandemic Amitav Banerjee
3383 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  INTI International University INTI Journal Effect of Prolonged use of Facemask among Health Science Students during COVID-19 Pandemic HariHara Sudan Subramanian, Manoj Abraham Manoharlal, Vinosh Kumar Purushothaman
3384 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Palopo Journal of Indonesian Islamic Studies Teacher's Strategy in Improving the Ability to Read and Write the Qur'an of TPA Santri during the Covid-19 Pandemic Jumarni Jumarni
3385 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Palopo Journal of Indonesian Islamic Studies The Role of the Family in Fostering Adolescent Religious Attitudes during the Covid-19 Pandemic Ali Imran
3386 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Medical Journal of Dr D Y Patil Vidyapeeth COVID-19 Pandemic and Contagion Laws and Policies in International and National Perspectives M.Z. M. Nomani
3387 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Medical Journal of Dr D Y Patil Vidyapeeth Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic and Lockdown on Physical, Psychological, and Social Well-Being of Persons with Disabilities Amruta P. Chutke
3388 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Palopo Journal of Indonesian Islamic Studies Utilization of WhatsApp Application Features and Zoom Cloud Meetings as Online Learning Media during the Covid-19 Pandemic at Madrasah Tsanawiyah An-Nashihin Kademangan Lili Hermawati, Miftakhul Arif, Dewi Marina
3389 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Medical Journal of Dr D Y Patil Vidyapeeth A Study on Psychological Distress among Pregnant Women during COVID-19 Pandemic in a Rural Area of West Bengal Biswadip Chattopadhyay, Bobby Paul, Lina Bandyopadhyay, Madhumita Bhattacharyya, Pritam Ghosh, Ankush Banerjee
3390 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Medical Journal of Dr D Y Patil Vidyapeeth Comparison of Trends of Monsoon-Related Diseases during COVID-19 Pandemic in a Tertiary Care Center Reema L. Wankar, Smita S. Chavhan, Balkrishna B. Adsul, Prasad T. Dhikale
3391 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Palopo Journal of Indonesian Islamic Studies Online Learning Strategy for Islamic Education Studies during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Elementary Schools Dahmayati Dahmayati, Syamsu Sanusi, Kartini Kartini
3392 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Medical Journal of Dr D Y Patil Vidyapeeth A Study to Evaluate the Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Mental Health of Junior Doctors of a Government Medical College in West Bengal Shouvik Das, Arunima Chaudhuri, Parthasarathy Sinha, Daniel Saldanha
3394 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  IAIN Salatiga INJECT (Interdisciplinary Journal of Communication) The Meaning of Worship for Religious People in The Covid-19 Pandemic: a Phenomenological Research Yopi Kusmiati, Kalsum Minangsih, Tantya Legistiana, Edi Santoso, YP Wahyu Gunawan, Yanti Hermawati
3395 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Redfame Publishing Applied Economics and Finance Global Financial Factors and the COVID-19 Pandemic: What Drove the Degree of (In)Efficiency of the Brazilian Stock Market in the Recent Period? Edson Zambon Monte
3396 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  INTI International University INTI Journal The Perceptions, Willingness, and Barriers towards Participation in Telerehabilitation among Malaysian COVID-19 Patients Hai Su Jia, Ong Jun Hui, Heaw Yu Chi
3397 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Medical Journal of Dr D Y Patil Vidyapeeth Peripheral Blood Morphology and Hemogram in COVID-19 Patients Correlates with Disease Severity Priyanka Mishra, Samir Agarwal, Preeti Patni, Sukant Pathak, Mandeep Kaur, Nidhin Rehman
3398 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Medical Journal of Dr D Y Patil Vidyapeeth A Study on Correlation of Hematological Parameters with Computed Tomography Severity Score in COVID-19 Patients in a Tertiary Care Center Jayanthi Chandran, Umamageswari Amirthalingam, S Abinizha, R Sindhuri
3399 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Palopo Journal of Indonesian Islamic Studies The Impact of Online Learning Media on Students' Learning Interests in Islamic Religious Education Subjects during the Covid-19 Period Kartika Kartika, Sahraini Sahraini, Taqwa Taqwa
3400 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports A large scale study of portable sweat test sensor for accurate, non-invasive and rapid COVID-19 screening based on volatile compound marker detection Isaya Thaveesangsakulthai, Kaywalee Chatdarong, Naraporn Somboonna, Nuttapon Pombubpa, Tanapat Palaga, Sureerat Makmuang, et al. (+6)
3401 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara Jurnal Hukum Kaidah Media Komunikasi dan Informasi Hukum dan Masyarakat Penegakan Hukum Terhadap Pelaku Tindak Pidana Penimbunan Alat Kesehatan Pada Masa Covid-19 (Studi Di Kepolisian Resort Simalungun) Sarmanto Simanihuruk
3402 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember Berkala Forum Studi Transportasi antar Perguruan Tinggi Kinerja Angkutan Umum Statis Bus Trans Metro Dewata pada Masa dan Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 (Studi Kasus: Terminal Ubung Koridor 3B) Ni Putu Candra Rahayu Cahyani, Ni Kadek Anggie Risthi, Putu Ariestha Adelia Putri, Dwi Wahyu Hidayat
3403 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Brawijaya University Journal of Development Economic and Social Studies PENGARUH PAJAK HOTEL, PDRB, TINGKAT HUNIAN HOTEL, JUMLAH WISATAWAN, COVID-19 TERHADAP PAD Tiara Rachellya Chrisanta Jomaki, Devanto Shasta Pratomo
3404 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Medical Journal of Dr D Y Patil Vidyapeeth Dramatic Reduction in COVID-19 Testing Sachin R. Atre, Jitendra S. Bhawalkar
3405 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Instituto Politecnico Nacional/Centro de Investigacion en Computacion Computación y Sistemas Multi-class Sentiment Analysis of COVID-19 Tweets by Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches Moustafa Maaskri, Sid Ahmed Mokhtar Mostefaoui, Madani Hadj Meghazi, Mohamed Goismi
3406 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Medical Journal of Dr D Y Patil Vidyapeeth Breakthrough SARS-Cov-2 Infection After Covid-19 Vaccination - A Retrospective Observational Clinico-Epidemiological Study from North-Western India Shilpi Gupta, Shweta Singh Rathore, Umesh Kapoor, Ankush Gupta, Ved Prakash Mamoria
3407 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Medical Journal of Dr D Y Patil Vidyapeeth Prevalence and Risk Factors of COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy among Healthcare Workers at a Tertiary Care Center Prashant R. Kokiwar, Varun Vijay Gaiki
3408 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  IAIN Salatiga INJECT (Interdisciplinary Journal of Communication) The Behavior of Searching for Covid-19 Vaccine Information in Supporting Vaccination Decision-Making Mirnawati Ahaya, Yudi Perbawaningsih
3409 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  IAIN Salatiga INJECT (Interdisciplinary Journal of Communication) A Reception Study On Disinformation Of Covid-19 Vaccine Messages In Social Media Virtual Communities Sinta Lestari
3410 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Medical Journal of Dr D Y Patil Vidyapeeth COVID-19 Vaccine-Associated Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome: Concern on Antiplatelet Factor 4 Testing Rujittika Mungmunpuntipantip, Viroj Wiwanitkit
3411 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Bina Darma MBIA Work-life Balance Among Daily Worker Amid Covid-19: Differences Between Gender and Sector Dina Mellita, Fitriasuri Fitriasuri, Efan Elpanso, Andrian Noviardy
3412 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Slowly Progressive Rhabdomyolysis Post COVID-19: Insights for Acute Kidney Injury Prediction With Discordant Creatine Kinase and Myoglobin Elevations Takeshi Okubo, Hidemichi Kouzu, Ayaka Kamada, Kota Endo, Wataru Kawaharata, Wataru Ohwada, et al. (+5)
3413 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Paediatrica Indonesiana - Indonesian Pediatric Society Sari Pediatri Analisis Hubungan Eosinopenia Terhadap Derajat Keparahan Infeksi COVID-19: Studi Cross-Sectional di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Moewardi Surakarta Johan Wijaya Kesit, Ganung Harsono, Annang Giri Moelyo
3414 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Medical Journal of Dr D Y Patil Vidyapeeth Adoption of a Protocol Among Healthcare Workers to Improve the Containment of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Outbreak Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava
3415 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Medical Journal of Dr D Y Patil Vidyapeeth Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic Saurabh RambihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava
3416 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Medical Journal of Dr D Y Patil Vidyapeeth Coronavirus Lexicon Harish Gupta
3417 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Medical Journal of Dr D Y Patil Vidyapeeth Coronavirus Outbreak, Traditional Medicines, and Interpathy Research Ajay Gavkare, Sachin Mumbre, Abhijit Rayate, Basavraj Nagoba
3418 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Medical Journal of Dr D Y Patil Vidyapeeth Correlation between Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 and Cytomegalovirus Ahmed Danbous Obayes Al-Hussainy, Falah Hasan Obayes AL-Khikani, Aliaa Zaraa Allah Allah Hussein, Rasha Salih Mahdi Alshamary
3419 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Medical Journal of Dr D Y Patil Vidyapeeth Clinical Profile of SARS-CoV-2 Infection-Associated Pediatric Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS-C) Vipulkumar V. Gandhi, Sandeep Kavade, Shankar Gore, Komal Chopra
3420 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Medical Journal of Dr D Y Patil Vidyapeeth CORONA Pandemic Jyotsna Satish Paranjpe
3421 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Korean Association For Learner-Centered Curriculum And Instruction Korean Association For Learner-Centered Curriculum And Instruction Analysis of Media Coverage of Foreign Students During the Pandemic
3422 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  SAGE Publications Social Change Book review: Ranabir Samaddar, A Pandemic and the Politics of Life Anjuman Ara Begum
3423 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Pandemic lessons on essential healthcare services for the urban poor: a qualitative perspective of users and providers in Bangladesh A M Rumayan Hasan, Md Zahid Hasan, Mohammad Wahid Ahmed, Mohammad Abdus Selim, Md Golam Rabbani, Sabrina Rasheed, et al. (+2)
3424 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Medical Journal of Dr D Y Patil Vidyapeeth How Long Time to Learn Lessons and Move on From Pandemic? Sahjid Mukhida, Sameena Khan, Nikunja Kumar Das, Rajashri Patil, Chanda Vyawahare
3425 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Revista Eletronica Acervo Saude Revista Eletrônica Acervo Saúde Resistência populacional de imunizantes contra Covid-19 Anna Alice Carvalho Nunes, Joab Gomes da Silva Sousa, Kerma Márcia de Freitas, Marina Pessoa de Farias Rodrigues, Heloiza Talita Adriano da Silva, Vinícius Rodrigues de Oliveira, et al. (+4)
3426 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Simalungun Jurnal Ekuilnomi Pengaruh Penggunaan Uang Elektronik Terhadap Tingkat Konsumsi Masyarakat Di Kota Pematangsiantar Pada Saat Pandemi COVID-19 Abdi Putra Manurung, Pinondang Nainggolan, Dian G Purba
3428 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier Colloids and Surfaces B Biointerfaces Eugenol's electrochemical behavior, complexation interaction with copper chloride, antioxidant activity, and potential drug molecular docking application for Covid-19 Saleh M. Elgushe, Adel Z. El-Sonbati, Mostafa A. Diab, Esam A. Gomaa, Elsayed M. AbouElleef
3429 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Brawijaya University Telaah Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Perpajakan Faktor-Faktor yang Berpengaruh Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan Selama Pandemi Covid-19 Ajeng Ayu Indy Prasetyo, Sutrisno T
3430 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Historia Oral História Oral Narrativas de uma professora da Educação Infantil em uma escola do campo no contexto da pandemia de Covid-19 Darciel Pasinato, Rosangela Fritsch
3431 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Walter de Gruyter GmbH Open Health Long-term economic outlook for Japan, as impacted by COVID-19 Panagiotis Tsigaris, Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva, Masayoshi Honma
3432 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  IOS Press Work Time-related underemployment in Indian agro-based industry during Covid-19 Manjeet Kaur, Sukhmani Virk
3433 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  MDPI AG Life Superficial Vein Thrombosis in an Asymptomatic Case of Cholangiocarcinoma with Recent History of COVID-19 Mihai-Lucian Ciobica, Bianca-Andreea Sandulescu, Mihai Alexandru Sotcan, Lucian-Marius-Florin Dumitrescu, Lucian-George Eftimie, Cezar-Ionut Calin, et al. (+5)
3434 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Al-Jami'ah Research Centre HISBAH Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling dan Dakwah Islam CYBER COUNSELING: MEDIA & SOLUSI LAYANAN KONSELING DI TENGAH PANDEMI COVID-19 Sukamto Sukamto, Suryadi Suryadi Suryadi
3435 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Training & Research Institute Jeramba Ilmu Sukses Prosiding Seminar Nasional Forum Manajemen Indonesia - e-ISSN 3026-4499 Customer Experience of Filipino Buffalo Dairy Product Resellers amid COVID-19 Estephanie P De Gracia, Jyro B Triviño
3436 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University of Bandung Reputation Jurnal Hubungan Masyarakat Manajemen Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Perum Perhutani Jawa Barat dan Banten Pasca Covid-19 Nur Fathia, Yusuf Zainal Abidin, Paryati Paryati
3437 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University of Bandung Irsyad Jurnal Bimbingan Penyuluhan Konseling dan Psikoterapi Islam Pengaruh Konseling Individu Terhadap Koping Siswa Dimasa Pandemi Covid-19 Nisrina Rif'ati Hazimah
3438 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  American Economic Association American Economic Review Insights Zooming to Class? Experimental Evidence on College Students’ Online Learning during COVID-19 Michael S. Kofoed, Lucas Gebhart, Dallas Gilmore, Ryan Moschitto
3439 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  NHM Press NURSING UPDATE Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Keperawatan P-ISSN 2085-5931 e-ISSN 2623-2871 Risiko Stress Kerja Saat Work From Home (WFH) Selama Pandemi COVID-19 Dita Amanda Deviani, Titis Sriyanti, Riyan Dwi Prasetyawan
3440 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  NHM Press NURSING UPDATE Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Keperawatan P-ISSN 2085-5931 e-ISSN 2623-2871 Hubungan Karakteristik Individu dan Beban Kerja Terhadap Kualitas Hidup Staff Pelayanan Ambulan Kota Semarang Selama COVID-19 Kristianto Dwi Nugroho, Riris Risca Megawati, Shifa Ayu Wardani
3441 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  NHM Press NURSING UPDATE Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Keperawatan P-ISSN 2085-5931 e-ISSN 2623-2871 Hubungan antara Aktivitas Fisik dengan Tingkat Kecemasan pada Komunitas Lansia di Kota Malang setelah Pandemi Covid-19 Anni Afifatus Shalihah, Nungki Marlian Yuliadarwati, Zidni Imanurrohmah Lubis
3442 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  NHM Press NURSING UPDATE Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Keperawatan P-ISSN 2085-5931 e-ISSN 2623-2871 PENGALAMAN MAHASISWA PROGRAM STUDI PENDIDIKAN NERS DALAM PEMBELAJARAN DARING DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Richel Febiola Nadya Gultom, Evelyn Hemme Tambunan
3443 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  NHM Press NURSING UPDATE Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Keperawatan P-ISSN 2085-5931 e-ISSN 2623-2871 HUBUNGAN BEBAN KERJA DENGAN PERILAKU CARING PERAWAT PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Ratnasari Ratnasari, M Syamsul Arif SN, Iin Nur Khosidah
3444 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  NHM Press NURSING UPDATE Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Keperawatan P-ISSN 2085-5931 e-ISSN 2623-2871 PENGARUH PENDIDIKAN KESEHATAN TERHADAP PENGETAHUAN DAN SIKAP LANSIA DALAM MENERAPKAN PROTOKOL KESEHATAN COVID-19 Arvida. Bar, Febriyati Nengsih, Dewi Masyitah, Sovia Sovia
3445 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  NHM Press NURSING UPDATE Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Keperawatan P-ISSN 2085-5931 e-ISSN 2623-2871 PENERAPAN DAN EKSPLORASI TERAPI KECEMASAN PADA IBU DENGAN PREEKLAMPSIA DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Rinda Intan Sari, Anis Ardiyanti
3446 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  NHM Press NURSING UPDATE Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Keperawatan P-ISSN 2085-5931 e-ISSN 2623-2871 Kecerdasan Emosional dan Tingkat Stres Akademik Mahasiswa Keperawatan pada Pembelajaran Daring Saat Pandemi Covid-19 Tirta Adikusuma Suparto, Asih Purwandari Wahyoe Puspita, Afianti Sulastri, Andria Pragholapati
3447 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  NHM Press NURSING UPDATE Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Keperawatan P-ISSN 2085-5931 e-ISSN 2623-2871 MILLEU THERAPY DENGAN SENI KREASI MUSIK TERHADAP KESEPIAN LANSIA SAAT PANDEMI COVID-19 Ermilda Ermilda, Linda Widyastuti, Siti Nura'eni, Sarah Faulia Azhara
3449 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  NHM Press NURSING UPDATE Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Keperawatan P-ISSN 2085-5931 e-ISSN 2623-2871 Kemandirian Belajar Mahasiswa Keperawatan dalam Pembelajaran Daring di Era Pandemi Covid-19 Christian Irmando Sikteubun, Evelyn Hemme Tambunan
3450 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Akademi Keperawatan Kesdam I/Bukit Barisan Medan Jurnal Riset Hesti Medan Akper Kesdam I/BB Medan Kualitas Pelayanan BPJS Kesehatan di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Muchti Yuda Pratama, Ida Yustina, Nurmaini Nurmaini, Zulkarnain Zulkarnain
3451 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  SciELO Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem Afetividades negativas em universitários e relação com desempenho acadêmico e perspectiva profissional após a COVID-19 Bruna de Oliveira Alves, Bárbara Guimarães Lourenço, Bianca Bacelar Assis Araújo, Luana Vieira Toledo, Rafael Lopes Chaves, Érika de Cássia Lopes Chaves, et al. (+2)
3452 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  SciELO Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem Negative affectivity in university students and its relationship with academic performance and professional outlook after COVID-19 Bruna de Oliveira Alves, Bárbara Guimarães Lourenço, Bianca Bacelar Assis Araújo, Luana Vieira Toledo, Rafael Lopes Chaves, Érika de Cássia Lopes Chaves, et al. (+2)
3453 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  SciELO Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem Significados atribuídos às mudanças vividas por indivíduos após hospitalização pela COVID-19 Camila Harmuch, Jéssica dos Santos Pini, Paula Antunes Bezerra Nacamura, Anny Caroline Ribeiro Devechi, Vinícius Brito de Souza, Juliana Graciela Vestena Zillmer, et al. (+2)
3454 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  SciELO Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia Desigualdades sociais no autorrelato de infecção por SARS-CoV-2 em adultos brasileiros: Pnad COVID-19 Mateus Andrade Rocha, Cândido Norberto Bronzoni de Mattos, Marcos Pascoal Pattussi
3455 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  SciELO Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia Social inequalities in self-reported SARS-CoV-2 infection in Brazilian adults: PNAD COVID-19 Mateus Andrade Rocha, Cândido Norberto Bronzoni de Mattos, Marcos Pascoal Pattussi
3456 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  SciELO Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem Literacidad digital en salud, comportamiento y conocimiento de adolescentes para la higienización de las manos en la pandemia de COVID-19 Rafaela Aparecida Prata, Juliana Bastoni da Silva, Sidiany Mendes Pimentel, Hélio Rubens de Carvalho Nunes, Marla Andréia Garcia de Avila
3457 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  SciELO Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem Letramento digital em saúde, comportamento e conhecimento de adolescentes para higienização das mãos na pandemia de COVID-19 Rafaela Aparecida Prata, Juliana Bastoni da Silva, Sidiany Mendes Pimentel, Hélio Rubens de Carvalho Nunes, Marla Andréia Garcia de Avila
3458 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Makassar Jurnal MediaTIK Desain dan Efektivitas Pola Bimbingan Online untuk Skripsi Mahasiswa Selama Pandemi Covid-19 Samnur Samnur, Eko Hadi Sujiono
3459 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM Press) e-Bangi Journal of social science and humanities Cabaran Ekonomi Ibu Tunggal B40 di Selangor semasa Pandemik Covid-19 Asila Nur Adlynd Mohd Shukry, Siti Marziah Zakaria, Wan Nurdiyana Wan Yusof
3460 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM Press) e-Bangi Journal of social science and humanities Analisis Peranan Agama Islam Dalam Membentuk Amalan Warga Tua Terhadap Vaksinasi COVID-19 Nur Izyan Ismail, Sabariah Mohamed Salleh
3461 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Makassar Jurnal MediaTIK Persepsi Mahasiswa Pada Penggunaan Program E-Learning Berbasis LMS Pada Masa Covid-19 Hartini Ramli, Andi Muh. Achyar AM, Nur Azizah Ayu Safanah, Ahmad Faris Al Faruq
3462 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Watu Youth Village Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship Collaborative conversations with teachers about hope: during and after COVID-19 Nadia Swanepoel, Joyce West
3463 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Politeknik Pratama Purwokerto CENDEKIA Jurnal Ilmu Sosial Bahasa dan Pendidikan Pengaruh Literasi Digital Terhadap Minat Membaca dan Menulis Anak Sekolah Dasar Selama Pandemi Covid-19 Sahlatul Fatimah
3464 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Housing Studies Live-in or locked-out: housing of migrant workers before and during COVID-19 Tamar Barkay, Yahel Kurlander, Idit Zimmerman
3465 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  LPPM Universitas Dhyana Pura JAKADARA JURNAL EKONOMIKA BISNIS DAN HUMANIORA Pengaruh Mekanisme Good Corporate Governance dan Financial Indicator Terhadap Financial Distress pada Perusahaan Sub Sektor Transportasi yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Vivi Anindita Prasetya
3466 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  LPPM Universitas Dhyana Pura JAKADARA JURNAL EKONOMIKA BISNIS DAN HUMANIORA Pengaruh Mekanisme Good Corporate Governance dan Ukuran Perusahaan terhadap Kinerja Perusahaan di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Wahyu Nusa Manika
3467 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  STIKOM Bali Eksplora Informatika Menentukan Faktor-Faktor Akademik yang Mempengaruhi Hasil Belajar Online Selama Pandemi COVID-19 Syafrial Fachri Pane, Ravi Rahmatul Fajri
3468 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Institute of Research and Community Services Diponegoro University (LPPM UNDIP) JURNAL AKUNTANSI DAN AUDITING FINANCIAL DUE DILIGENCE IN INCREASING COMPANY VALUE THROUGH BANKING MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS DURING COVID-19 Arnika Dwiyanti, Ludovicus Sensi Wondabio
3469 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Institute of Research and Community Services Diponegoro University (LPPM UNDIP) JURNAL AKUNTANSI DAN AUDITING FENOMENA AUDIT DELAY: FINANCIAL DISTRESS PASCA COVID-19 Enny Susilowati Mardjono, Yanti Puji Astutie
3470 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Prevention Science Pivoting Training and Coaching for an Early Numeracy Intervention During COVID-19 David Fainstein, Ben Clarke, Derek Kosty, Lauren M. Cycyk, Jessica Turtura, Christian T. Doabler
3473 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Islam Darul Ulum Lamongan Unisda Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science (UJMC) Analisis Survival Model Regresi Cox Pada Lama Waktu Sembuh Pasien Gejala Sedang Covid-19 Sulantari Sulantari, Wigid Hariadi
3474 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Negeri Semarang Economics Development Analysis Journal Impact of Program Keluarga Harapan on Child Labor During Covid-19 Cindy Candrawati, Ilmiawan Auwalin
3475 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember EFL Education Journal Identifying Students’ Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation in Online Learning Amidst Pandemic COVID-19 Kholufah Catur Prakoso, Bambang Arya Wijaputra, Siti Masrifatul Fitriyah
3476 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Brawijaya University Jurnal Kewirausahaan dan Inovasi Strategi Pengusaha untuk Memenuhi Kebutuhan Keluarga di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Nina Safitri, Moch. Ilham Noer Sunan, Sama'i Sama'i
3477 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Islam As-Syafiiyah El-Arbah Jurnal Ekonomi Bisnis Dan Perbankan Syariah SHARIA INSURANCE POST PANDEMIC COVID-19 Yulia Sari Harahap, Difa Sabrina, Gusfa Rahil, Dzulfikri Noor
3478 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Program Studi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam - IAIN Lhokseumawe Liwaul Dakwah Jurnal Kajian Dakwah dan Masyarakat Islam Tranformasi Perpustakaan Berbasis Inklusi Sosial untuk Pemulihan Ekonomi Masyarakat Pasca Covid-19 Nurjannah Nurjannah, Yuliza Yuliza
3479 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier Thrombosis Research Tocilizumab reduces hypercoagulation in COVID-19 - Perspectives from the coagulation and immunomodulation Covid assessment (Coag-ImmCovA) clinical trial Lou M. Almskog, Anna Sjöström, Jonas Sundén-Cullberg, Apostolos Taxiarchis, Anna Ågren, Sara Freyland, et al. (+8)
3480 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  NHM Press NURSING UPDATE Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Keperawatan P-ISSN 2085-5931 e-ISSN 2623-2871 Eksplorasi Respon, Koping Dan Adaptasi Pasien Kanker Yang Sedang Menjalani Kemoterapi Selama Masa Pandemi Covid-19 : Studi Fenomenologi Hendra Dwi Cahyono, Ina Martiana
3481 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  NHM Press NURSING UPDATE Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Keperawatan P-ISSN 2085-5931 e-ISSN 2623-2871 PENGALAMAN PERAWAT DALAM PENANGANAN PASIEN COVID-19 : TINJAUAN PUSTAKA Roulita Roulita, Yanny Trisyani, Etika Emiliyawati
3482 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier iScience Effect of Physical Activity on Anxiety and Depression in COVID-19 Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis" Qingyuan Luo, Peng Lan, YuanZheng Lin, Peng Zhang, Xiujie Ma
3483 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitat de Valencia Cuadernos Constitucionales Ana Marrades Puig (coord.): Los cuidados en la era COVID-19. Análisis jurídico, económico y político Julia Sevilla Merino
3484 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Program Studi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam - IAIN Lhokseumawe Idarah (Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kependidikan) Analisis Kebijakan Pendidikan dalam Masa Darurat Penyebaran Covid-19 (Analisisis SE Mendikbud No.4 tahun 2020) Leni Marlina, Bashori Bashori
3485 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  IGI Global International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics What Factors Affect People's Opinions Toward COVID-19 and Contact Tracing Apps in the United States Haijing Hao, Garrett Smith, Yunan Chen, Mainack Mondal, Po-Shen Loh, Staci B. Smith, Xinru Page
3486 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  AMO Publisher European Journal of Contemporary Education and E-Learning COVID-19 and Distance-Learning of English Language in Cote d’Ivoire: A Case Study through an Analysis of the Situation Kassoum Kone
3487 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  MDPI AG Nutrients Emotional Impact of COVID-19 and Emotional Eating and the Risk of Alcohol Use Disorder in Peruvian Healthcare Students Jhon Alex Zeladita-Huaman, Juan Pablo Aparco, Eduardo Franco-Chalco, Luz Nateros-Porras, Sonia Tejada-Muñoz, Denices Abarca-Fernandez, et al. (+2)
3488 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  TARUS Media MAEDICA – a Journal of Clinical Medicine COVID-19 and the Manoeuvres of the Tobacco Industry Florin Dumitru MIHALTAN, Armand-Gabriel RAJNOVEANU, Ruxandra-Mioara RAJNOVEANU
3489 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  FSBEI HE NSMU MOH Russia JOURNAL of SIBERIAN MEDICAL SCIENCES The effect of the CD4+ T cell subset and anti-tubercular therapy on SARS-CoV-2 clearance in patients with COVID-19 and tuberculosis co-infection I.Ya. Tseymakh, A.P. Semitko, D.E. Bogachev, Ya.A. Dauletova, A.A. Shmakova
3490 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM Press) e-Bangi Journal of social science and humanities Covid-19 and Women’s Mental Health: A Case of Women in Polygamous Marriages in Johane Marange Apostolic Church in Zimbabwe Lindah Tsara, Lufuluvhi Maria Mudimeli
3491 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  American Economic Association American Economic Review Insights Nonrepresentativeness in Population Health Research: Evidence from a COVID-19 Antibody Study Deniz Dutz, Michael Greenstone, Ali Hortaçsu, Santiago Lacouture, Magne Mogstad, Azeem M. Shaikh, et al. (+2)
3492 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Socialism and Democracy COVID-19 as a Catalyst for Hegemonic Change? Exposing Neoliberal and Neoconservative Threats to the Brazilian Liberal Democracy Felipe Costa Lima
3493 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier The British Accounting Review Sustainable Development Goals, Accounting Practices and Public Financial Management: A Pre and Post COVID-19 Assessment Franklin Nakpodia, Rilwan Sakariyahu, Temitope Fagbemi, Rasheed Adigun, Oluwatoyin Dosumu
3494 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  State Islamic University (UIN) of Sunan, Ampel Jurnal PUBLIQUE Dampak Pandemi Covid-19 Bagi Kehidupan Sosial Ekonomi Pengrajin Sangkar Burung di Desa Sanggra Agung Riskianaz
3496 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  NHM Press NURSING UPDATE Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Keperawatan P-ISSN 2085-5931 e-ISSN 2623-2871 Analisis Tanda Dan Gejala Long Covid-19 Berbasis Imunopatologi Klinis Nur Iszakiyah, Taufiqur Rahman, Nindawi Nindawi, Faisal Amir
3497 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier Geriatric Nursing Assessing the influence of nursing home size and care models on COVID-19 case and mortality rates Yuchi Young, Yichun Liu, Ashley Shayya, Wan-Yu Chiu, Wanhsiang Hsu, Thomas O'Grady
3498 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  MDPI AG Epidemiologia Optimising Clinical Epidemiology in Disease Outbreaks: Analysis of ISARIC-WHO COVID-19 Case Report Form Utilisation Laura Merson, Sara Duque, Esteban Garcia-Gallo, Trokon Omarley Yeabah, Jamie Rylance, Janet Diaz, Antoine Flahault
3499 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Modeling Earth Systems and Environment Assessing the impact of intervention measures in a mathematical model for monkeypox and COVID-19 co-dynamics in a high-risk population Andrew Omame, Aeshah A. Raezah, Godwin Amechi Okeke, Tayyaba Akram, Azhar Iqbal
3500 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Ovid Medicine Path analysis of COVID-19 cognition, social support, and mental health of pregnant women with interventional prenatal diagnosis during the COVID-19 pandemic based on structural equation modeling Hao Yang, Xihong Wang, Wanying Luo, Li Wan, Hui Zhu, Wentao Peng, Yujia Guan
3501 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier iScience Characterization model of the Post COVID-19 Condition based on immunological, biochemical and cytokine markers. Bárbara Oliván-Blázquez, Marta Bona-Otal, Fátima Méndez-López, David Lerma-Irureta, Paula García-Izuel, Jesús Ibáñez-Ruiz, et al. (+12)
3502 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Pediatric Research Post COVID-19 conditions in an Australian pediatric cohort, 3 months following a Delta outbreak Philip N. Britton, Rebecca Burrell, Emily Chapman, Julia Boyle, Shirley Alexander, Yvonne Belessis, et al. (+10)
3503 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Caring is not always sharing: A scoping review exploring how COVID-19 containment measures have impacted unpaid care work and mental health among women and men in Europe Hande Gencer, Regina Brunnett, Tobias Staiger, Hürrem Tezcan-Güntekin, Kathleen Pöge, Kahsu Gebrekidan
3504 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) The Learning Organization Multilevel learning in a knowledge-intensive public organization during teleworking implementation amidst the COVID-19 crisis Michelle de Andrade Souza Diniz Salles, Fernando Victor Cavalcante, Beatriz Quiroz Villardi, Camila de Sousa Pereira-Guizzo
3505 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  MDPI AG Healthcare Preparedness of Nursing Homes: A Typology and Analysis of Responses to the COVID-19 Crisis in a French Network Sylvain Gautier, Fabrice Mbalayen, Valentine Dutheillet de Lamothe, Biné Mariam Ndiongue, Manon Pondjikli, Gilles Berrut, et al. (+6)
3506 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon Epidemiological Modeling of COVID-19 Data with Advanced Statistical Inference Based on Type-II Progressive Censoring Naif Alotaibi, A.S. Al-Moisheer, Amal S. Hassan, Ibrahim Elbatal, Salem A. Alyami, Ehab M. Almetwally
3507 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Bioscientifica Endocrine Abstracts Non-thyroidal illness syndrome in SARS-CoV-2 infection: insights from a COVID-19 dedicated hospital at the peak of the pandemic Paweł Komarnicki, Alicja Rajewska, Jolanta Tomczak, Zbigniew Krasiński, Marek Ruchała
3509 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas HKBP Nommensen Medan Nommensen Journal of Medicine HUBUNGAN STATUS VAKSINASI COVID-19 DENGAN LUARAN MATERNAL, LUARAN PERINATAL DAN LUARAN PLASENTA Gerald Osson Fransiska Siahaan
3510 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Akademi Keperawatan Kesdam I/Bukit Barisan Medan Jurnal Riset Hesti Medan Akper Kesdam I/BB Medan Hubungan Antara CT Value dengan Faktor Determinan pada Pasien COVID-19 dengan Ventilator di RSPAD Gatot Soebroto Hendik Wicaksono
3511 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Nucleosides Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids The effect of the MBL2 gene rs1800450 variant on COVID-19 development in Turkish patients Mustafa Capraz, Akin Tekcan, Mustafa Cihangiroglu, Ayse Feyda Nursal, Aylin Capraz, Elif Menekse, et al. (+3)
3512 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  FKIP Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa Jurnal Eksistensi Pendidikan Luar Sekolah (E-Plus) PERAN ORANG TUA DALAM MENGATASI NOMOPHOBIA PADA ANAK USIA DINI SAAT MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 DI biMBA AIUEO KOTA BEKASI Zahra Kambali, Ahmad Syahid, Ratna Sari Dewi
3513 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Cendikia Mulia Mandiri Engineering and Technology International Journal Strategi Pengembangan Turunan Ikan Patin Selama Pandemi Covid-19 Di Desa Koto Mesjid Kecamatan XIII Koto Kampar (Studi Kasus Pudung Anugrah) Agustina Agustina, Jahrizal Jahrizal, Dahlan Tampubolon
3514 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  State Islamic University (UIN) of Sunan, Ampel Jurnal PUBLIQUE Kehidupan Keluarga Nelayan di Era Pandemi Covid-19 di Desa Palang Kecamatan Palang Kabupaten Tuban Elya Wahyu Ningrum
3516 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  NHM Press NURSING UPDATE Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Keperawatan P-ISSN 2085-5931 e-ISSN 2623-2871 Independensi dan Karakteristik Sikap Masyarakat Tentang Isolasi Mandiri Pada Pasien Covid-19 di Desa Teja Timur Pamekasan Prastomo Suhendro, Elisa Christiana, Taufiqur Rahman, Khomisatul Alfia
3517 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  NHM Press NURSING UPDATE Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Keperawatan P-ISSN 2085-5931 e-ISSN 2623-2871 Hubungan Pengetahuan Masyarakat Tentang Pentingnya Cuci Tangan 6 Langkah Terhadap Penularan Covid-19 Di Desa Telukjaya Pakisjaya Karawang Tahun 2020 Arabta M. Peraten Pelawi, Fhikka Aulia, Eddy Moeljono
3518 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  LPPM Universitas Dhyana Pura JAKADARA JURNAL EKONOMIKA BISNIS DAN HUMANIORA Reaksi Pasar Sebelum dan Sesudah Pengumuman Covid-19 di Indonesia (Event Study Sub Sektor Perdagangan Besar Barang Produksi di Bursa Efek Indonesia) Ni Putu Aprita Dewi, Putu Aristya Adi Wasita, Rai Gina Artaningrum
3519 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Institute of Research and Community Services Diponegoro University (LPPM UNDIP) Jurnal Manajemen Kesehatan Indonesia ANALISIS PEMANFAATAN LAYANAN TELEMEDICINE PASCA PANDEMI COVID-19 DI JAWA TENGAH Bagus Satrio Santoso, Rani Tiyas Budiyanti, Nurhasmadiar Nandini
3520 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Univesitas Nias Raya TUNAS Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi EVALUASI KURIKULUM 2013 DI ERA WABAH COVID-19 DI KABUPATEN NIAS SELATAN TAHUN PEMBELAJARAN 2020/2021 Martiman S. Sarumaha, Yan P. B. Ziraluo, Petra Yuli Rena Lestari Laia
3521 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Kota Malang PANGRIPTA ANALISIS EFEKTIVITAS PROGRAM PENGENTASAN KEMISKINAN AKIBAT PANDEMI COVID-19 DI KABUPATEN PASURUAN Achmad Miftahul Khoiri, Ulfa Binada, Bahagia Nastiti
3522 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Tanjungpura University Jurnal Kajian Pembelajaran dan Keilmuan DAMPAK PEMBELAJARAN DARING BAGI SISWA SMA SELAMA COVID-19 DI KECAMATAN CIKEUSAL KAB. SERANG-BANTEN Indriyani Indriyani, Muhammad Agus Hardiansyah
3523 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Univesitas Nias Raya Curve Elasticity Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi ANALISIS PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN DARING PADA MATA PELAJARAN IPS SELAMA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 DI KELAS VIII SMP NEGERI 1 TOMA Alfrida Yurni Mardayanti Loi
3524 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  NHM Press NURSING UPDATE Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Keperawatan P-ISSN 2085-5931 e-ISSN 2623-2871 FAKTOR RISIKO MOBILTAS PENDUDUK DENGAN KEJADIAN COVID-19 DI KOTA BAUBAU Yanti Sutiani, Ramadhan Tosepu, Wa Ode Salma
3526 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Kota Malang PANGRIPTA Pemetaan Risiko Bencana Pandemi COVID-19 DI Kota Malang Berdasarkan Aspek Ancaman, Kerentanan, Dan Kapasitas Fadhilatus Shoimah
3527 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Islam Darul Ulum Lamongan Unisda Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science (UJMC) Peramalan Harga Minyak Goreng Pada Masa Pemulihan Pandemi Covid-19 Di Pasar Kabupaten Blitar Galuh Tyasing Swastika, Luthfi Qathrun Nada, Ardhi Sanwidi
3528 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  NHM Press NURSING UPDATE Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Keperawatan P-ISSN 2085-5931 e-ISSN 2623-2871 Karakteristik Pasien Tuberkulosis Paru Pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19 di Poli Paru RSUD dr. H. Chasan Boesoirie Marwah Widuri Anwar
3530 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Bina Husada Jurnal Kesehatan Bina Husada ANALISIS SISTEM PENGELOLAAN LIMBAH MEDIS PADAT COVID-19 DI RSUD PRABUMULIH TAHUN 2022 Hadi Winata
3531 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Andalas Majalah Kedokteran Andalas Hubungan Komorbid dengan Outcome Pasien Terkonfirmasi COVID-19 Di RSUP M. Djamil Padang Tahun 2020 Adiiba Turfha Zahira, Ida Rahmah Burhan, Yusticia Katar, Yuniar Lestari, Fenty Anggrainy, Fathiyyatul Khaira
3532 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Andalas Majalah Kedokteran Andalas Perbandingan antara CT Score dan Saturasi Oksigen pada Pasien COVID-19 di Rumah Sakit UKI Tahun 2021 Patricia Roulin Elizabeth
3533 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Al-Jami'ah Research Centre HISBAH Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling dan Dakwah Islam POLA BIMBINGAN BELAJAR SISWA TUNARUNGU SAAT PANDEMI COVID-19 DI SLB NEGERI GUNUNGSARI Alfin Miftahul Khairi, Ranty Purwita Ningrum
3534 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Univesitas Nias Raya TUNAS Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi ANALISIS IMPLEMENTASI KURIKULUM 2013 DALAM PEMBELAJARAN BIOLOGI PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 DI SMA NEGERI 1 AMANDRAYA Nitehekhoda Buulolo, Ujian hati Zega, Amaano Fau
3535 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Akademi Keperawatan Kesdam I/Bukit Barisan Medan Jurnal Riset Hesti Medan Akper Kesdam I/BB Medan Pengalaman Perilaku Remaja tentang Kesehatan Reproduksi pada Masa Covid-19 di SMK Raflesia Depok 2023 Johara Johara, Ita Ita, Hendik Wicaksono
3536 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Univesitas Nias Raya Curve Elasticity Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi STRATEGI PEMBELAJARAN GURU DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 DI SMP NEGERI 3 FAOMASI LAHOMI KABUPATEN NIAS BARAT Baharui Daeli
3537 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  NHM Press NURSING UPDATE Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Keperawatan P-ISSN 2085-5931 e-ISSN 2623-2871 Analisis Deskriptif Sikap dan Pola Perilaku Masyarakat Dalam Penanganan Kejadian Ikutan Pasca Imunisasi (KIPI) Vaksin Covid-19 Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Teja - Pamekasan Taufiqur Rahman, Robbiyanti Isnaini, Faisal Amir
3538 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Qubahan Organization for Development Qubahan Academic Journal The Need for a Model of Accompanying Family Members for Elderly with Covid-19 During Isolation at Sembiring Delitua Public Hospital North Sumatera, Indonesia to Avoid Anxiety Herri Novita Br Tarigan, Afrizal Afrizal, Andani Eka Putra, Adang Bachtiar, Rusdiana Rusdiana
3539 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud Revista de salud publica del Paraguay Cumplimiento de las recomendaciones de la OMS para la notificación de COVID-19 en Argentina Lina Heredia Mamani, Laura D Acosta, Bruno Sebastián Ribotta
3540 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM Press) e-Bangi Journal of social science and humanities Understanding Resilience Factors among High-Risk Groups Amidst the COVID-19 Endemic in Malacca Choon Yu Low, Loh Yoke Link, Kamaruzzaman Abdul Manan, Sakian Josry
3541 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Asian Journal of Transfusion Science A rare case of late developing anti-E antibody in a pregnant female leading to severe hemolytic disease of the newborn: A missed follow-up in COVID-19 epoch Suhasini Sil, Daljit Kaur, Poonam Singh, Dixa Kumari, Ashish Jain, Gita Negi
3542 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  MDPI AG Diseases Characteristics of Patients with Persistent COVID-19 Symptoms and Unscheduled Return Visits to a Centre for COVID-19 Evaluation Silvia Nica, Remus Iulian Nica, Horia Alexandru Nica, Daniela Miricescu, Mohamed Abuzied Ali Khattab Abdelfatah, Oana Maria Schiopu, et al. (+5)
3543 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine COVID-19 exacerbates psoriasis progression through inducing IFN-α expression Mingjia Hu, Lele Sun, Qing Zhao, Yanyan Li, Zhenzhen Wang, Hong Liu, Furen Zhang
3544 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation International Journal of Innovation Management and Organizational Behavior Design and Presentation of a Stock Market Volatility Model with Emphasis on the COVID-19 Financial Crisis Fatemeh Ghanbari, Mohammad Ebrahim Pourzarandi, Zadollah Fathi
3545 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Herald Scholarly Open Access Alternative Complementary & Integrative Medicine Alberta Complementary Health Integration Project (ABCHIP): Meeting the Pain and Mental Health Care Needs under COVID-19 for Vulnerable Populations Mingshan Lu
3546 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier International Journal of Infectious Diseases Reconstructing the age-structured case count of COVID-19 from sentinel surveillance data in Japan: a modeling study Yuta Okada, Minami Ueda, Hiroshi Nishiura
3547 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Georg Thieme Verlag KG European Journal of General Dentistry Corrigendum: The Ability to Detect the COVID-19 Genome Using Saliva Swabs in Comparison with Nasopharyngeal Swabs in Baghdad Amera Khalil Alkaisi, Yasir Mﻭ Abdulateef, Salma Burhan Abdo
3548 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier Radiotherapy and Oncology 1237: What if Covid-19 hadn’t existed? An analysis to assess its impact on a high-flow radiation oncology Federico Mastroleo, Roberto Gatta, Mariagrazia Lorusso, Stefania Volpe, Stefania Orini, Giulia Corrao, et al. (+8)
3549 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of European Social Policy COVID-19 hits care homes: A cross-national study of mortality rates Margarita Estévez-Abe, Costanzo Ranci
3550 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  SciELO Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem Meanings attributed to changes experienced by individuals after COVID-19 hospitalization Camila Harmuch, Jéssica dos Santos Pini, Paula Antunes Bezerra Nacamura, Anny Caroline Ribeiro Devechi, Vinícius Brito de Souza, Juliana Graciela Vestena Zillmer, et al. (+2)
3551 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology Predictive biomarkers of mortality in patients with severe COVID-19 hospitalized in intensive care unit Sandrelli Meridiana de Fátima Ramos dos Santos Medeiros, Bruna Maria Nepomuceno Sousa Lino, Vinícius Pietta Perez, Eduardo Sérgio Soares Sousa, Eloiza Helena Campana, Fábio Miyajima, et al. (+8)
3552 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Medizinrecht AMG-Auskunftsanspruch: Covid-19 Impfschaden
3553 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  JMIR Publications Inc. Journal of Medical Internet Research The Challenges and Strategies of Accrual and Retention During COVID-19 in a Randomized Controlled Trial Testing A Dyad-focused eHealth Intervention (Preprint) Chunxuan Ma, Rachel H. Adler, Daria B. Neidre, Ronald C. Chen, Laurel L. Northouse, Christine Rini, et al. (+2)
3554 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Psychology Coping, connection appraisal, and well-being during COVID-19 in the U.S., Japan, and Mexico Laurel R. Benjamin, Shu-wen Wang
3555 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi Accounting And Business Journal Differences In Stock Trade Frequency Due To Announcement Of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (Psbb) Due To Covid-19 In Transportation Companies Listed On The Indonesia Stock Exchange Arma Yuliza
3556 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Magister Hukum Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Gorontalo Damhil Law Journal Analysis of the Impact of Covid-19 in Triggering Spouse Conflict Leading to Divorce Zulfikar Turuki, Nirwan Junus, Mohamad Taufiq Zulfikar Sarson
3557 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  JMIR Publications Inc. Journal of Medical Internet Research Effectiveness of a Smartphone-Based Stress Management Program for Depression in Hospital Nurses During COVID-19 in Vietnam and Thailand: 2-Arm Parallel-Group Randomized Controlled Trial Kazuhiro Watanabe, Thuy Thi Thu Tran, Narisara Sripo, Asuka Sakuraya, Kotaro Imamura, Plernpit Boonyamalik, et al. (+19)
3558 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon Impact of short-term exposure to ambient air pollutants and meteorological factors on COVID-19 incidence and mortality: A retrospective study from Dammam, Saudi Arabia Manal Mutieb Almutairi, Nargis Begum Javed, Soni Ali Sardar, Amal Yousef Abdelwahed, Razan Fakieh, Mohammed AL-Mohaithef
3559 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  FSFEI HE Don State Technical University Safety of technogenic and natural systems Update of the COVID-19 Incidence Forecast with the Overlap of Seasonal Flu Outbreaks N. N. Azimova, D. Kh. Zairova, A. S. Ermakov, E. N. Ladosha
3560 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Adult Laryngotracheobronchitis in the Setting of a COVID-19 Infection Arjun H.M, Varsha Shinde, Suhrith Bhattaram
3561 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Army Medical College Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal Safety and Feasibility of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy in Patients with Critical COVID-19 Infection - A Comparative Study Sohaib Ahmed
3562 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  A and V Publications Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology COVID-19 Infection in patients with Chronic Kidney Disease: Prognosis and Pharmacological Management Laura Garazhayeva, Abduzhappar Gaipov, Almagul Kauysheva
3563 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  ASEAN Heart Journal ASEAN Heart Journal Assessment of Cardiac Involvement in Adult Filipino Patients Recovered From Corona Virus Disease-19 (COVID-19) Infection Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging Maria Stephanie Alessa R. Sales-Florentino, Saturnino P. Javier, Simonette T. Sawit, Valerie Z. Geron, Joel A. Dela Rosa, Paul C. Quetua, Noel L. Rosas
3564 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier Transplant Immunology Early tocilizumab treatment was associated with survival benefits in hospitalized kidney transplants with severe COVID-19 infection: A prospective cohort study Yangming Tang, Saifu Yin, Haohan Zhang, Lijuan Wu, Yu Fan, Tao Lin, Turun Song
3566 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier The Science of The Total Environment Dual isotope analysis reveals the COVID-19 lockdown impact on nitrate aerosol sources and formation pathways in Shanghai Rong Wang, Hao Xiao, Yu Xu, Ai-Min Long, Min Zhou, Wen-Kai Guan, et al. (+2)
3567 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Society of Indian Physiotherapists Consequences of COVID-19 Lockdown on Self and Perceived Adaptive Functioning in Persons with Parkinson’s Disease and Caregiver Burden: A Cross-Sectional Study Jude John D’souza, Saachi Tinaikar, Shailesh Gardas
3568 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health The Impacts of COVID-19 Lockdowns on Road Transport Air Pollution in London: A State-Space Modelling Approach Hajar Hajmohammadi, Hamid Salehi
3569 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier Research in Globalization African and international financial markets interdependencies: Does Covid-19 media coverage make any difference? Godfred Amewu, Mohammed Armah, Saint Kuttu, Baah Aye Kusi
3570 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Wiley Animal Conservation Movement ecology of endangered caribou during a COVID-19 mediated pause in winter recreation - response to Wilson (2024) R. Gill, R. Serrouya, A. M. Calvert, A. Ford, R. Steenweg, M. J. Noonan
3573 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Health Communication The Relationship Between News Coverage of COVID-19 Misinformation and Online Search Behavior Ella Douglas-Durham, Andy S. L. Tan, Karen M. Emmons, Kasisomayajula Viswanath
3574 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Revista Eletronica Acervo Saude Revista Eletrônica Acervo Saúde COVID-19 no período neonatal Roseane Lima Santos Porto, Francisco Prado Reis, Cristiane Costa da Cunha Oliveira
3575 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  LPPM Universitas Dhyana Pura JAKADARA JURNAL EKONOMIKA BISNIS DAN HUMANIORA Analisis Perbedaan Abnormal Return dan Trading Volume Activity sebelum dan sesudah Peristiwa Pengumuman Covid-19 oleh WHO Kriswinner Bagus Laksana
3576 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  MDPI AG Education Sciences The Effect of COVID-19 on a Short-Term Teacher-Education Program: The Israeli Case Yael Fisher, Orna Shatz-Oppenheimer, Rinat Arviv Elyashiv
3577 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon Causal effect of COVID-19 on longitudinal volumetric changes in subcortical structures: A Mendelian randomization study Zirui Wang, Siqi Wang, Haonan Li, Mengdong Wang, Xingyu Zhang, Jiayuan Xu, et al. (+2)
3578 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier Radiotherapy and Oncology 1609: A review assessing the impact of COVID-19 on radiotherapy activity in Scotland, 2 years post-COVID Laura Grocutt, Thomas Rowe, Donna Caldwell, Alasdair Rutherford, Chloe Wilkinson, Sean M. O'Cathail
3579 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  BMJ Open Heart Impact of COVID-19 on recorded blood pressure screening and hypertension management in England: an analysis of monthly changes in the quality and outcomes framework indicators in OpenSAFELY Milan Wiedemann, Victoria Speed, Christine Cunningham, Rose Higgins, Helen J Curtis, Colm Andrews, et al. (+28)
3580 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Korean Dental Association The Journal of The Korean Dental Association Impact of COVID-19 Outbreak and its Different Waves on Hospital Admissions for Odontogenic Infections: A Single-Center Retrospective Study Chan-Min Kim, Jae-Hoon Lee
3581 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  American International University - Bangladesh AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE) The Impact of COVID-19 Outbreak on the Power Sector in Bangladesh: A Strategic Adoption for Any Pandemic Condition Kazi Firoz Ahmed, Rubaiyat Imroze, Rethwan Faiz, Nuzat Nuary Alam, Mohammad Najibullah
3582 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  NHM Press NURSING UPDATE Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Keperawatan P-ISSN 2085-5931 e-ISSN 2623-2871 HUBUNGAN PENGETAHUAN DAN SIKAP IBU TERHADAP PERILAKU PENCEGAHAN COVID-19 PADA ANAK BALITA Kenia Cynthia Putri, Arvida. Bar
3584 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  NHM Press NURSING UPDATE Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Keperawatan P-ISSN 2085-5931 e-ISSN 2623-2871 Peningkatan Kepatuhan Pencegahan Penularan Covid-19 Pada Ibu Hamil Dengan Edukasi Online (Via WhatsApps) di Kecamatan Kwanyar Kabupaten Bangkalan Merlyna Suryaningsih, Qurrotu Aini
3585 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  NHM Press NURSING UPDATE Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Keperawatan P-ISSN 2085-5931 e-ISSN 2623-2871 Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan dengan Upaya Perilaku Pencegahan Penularan Covid-19 Pada Kader Posyandu Di Dusun Krajan Desa Glundengan Kecamatan wuluhan Kabupaten jember Rida Darotin
3586 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Program Pascasarjana Universitas Muslim Indonesia Journal of Accounting and Finance (JAF) Pengaruh Insentif Pajak Penghasilan Pasal 21, Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak dan Pemeriksaan Pajak Terhadap Penerimaan Pajak Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Pada Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Makassar Utara Mursalim Laekkeng, Nurwulan Syah Putri, Syamsuri Rahim
3587 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Program Pascasarjana Universitas Muslim Indonesia Journal of Accounting and Finance (JAF) Pengaruh Insentif Pajak Penghasilan Pasal 21, Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak dan Pemeriksaan Pajak Terhadap Penerimaan Pajak Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Pada Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Makassar Utara Nurwulan Syah Putri
3588 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Tanjungpura University Jurnal Kajian Pembelajaran dan Keilmuan ANALISIS KEJENUHAN BELAJAR PESERTA DIDIK DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 PADA KELAS XI IIS SMA NEGERI 9 PONTIANAK Agus Kardianti, M Asrori, Purwanti Purwanti
3589 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  NHM Press NURSING UPDATE Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Keperawatan P-ISSN 2085-5931 e-ISSN 2623-2871 Hubungan Literasi Kesehatan Dengan Perilaku Vaksinasi Covid-19 Pada Masyarakat Di Desa Panusupan Kecamatan Rembang Kabupaten Purbalingga Yayan Bayu Anggara, Feti Kumala Dewi, Ema Wahyu Ningrum
3590 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Sebelas Maret JPI (Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia) Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Analisis pelaksanaan pembelajaran online selama pandemi covid-19 pada mata pelajaran matematika kelas VI Linda Fitri Nurlina, Riyadi Riyadi, Muhammad Ismail Sriyanto
3591 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  NHM Press NURSING UPDATE Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Keperawatan P-ISSN 2085-5931 e-ISSN 2623-2871 Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Dengan Perilaku Mendapatkan Vaksin Covid-19 Pada Orang Dengan HIV/AIDS (ODHA) Di Yayasan Tanpa Batas Erna Febriyanti
3592 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University of Bandung Irsyad Jurnal Bimbingan Penyuluhan Konseling dan Psikoterapi Islam Fenomena Dzikir dalam Memperoleh Ketenangan Menghadapi Pandemi Covid-19 pada Pedagang di Pasar Sore Trenggalek Hanik Shofiyatun
3596 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Veteran Economics, Management & Accounting Review, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta Veteran Economics Management & Accounting Review ANALISIS KLAIM PASIEN COVID-19 PADA PRODUK MiSMART HEALTH CARE SYARIAH MANULIFE INDONESIA Annisya Nuriva Handayani, Mira Rahmi
3597 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  LPPM Universitas Dhyana Pura JAKADARA JURNAL EKONOMIKA BISNIS DAN HUMANIORA Strategi Pemasaran dalam Menghadapi Persaingan di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 pada Senja Coffee Bali Putu Aditya Wiwekananda
3599 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications The Egyptian Orthopaedic Journal Management of spinal trauma in resource-limited circumstances during the COVID-19 pandemic Ali M. Maziad
3600 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier AJPM Focus Work-Related Factors Associated with Psychological Distress among Grocery Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic Julianne Payne, Nikie Sarris Esquivel, Karen Strazza, Catherine Viator, Becky Durocher, Jacqueline Sivén, et al. (+3)
3601 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Regional Health - Europe Understanding excess mortality in Europe during the COVID-19 pandemic Lasse S. Vestergaard, Richard G. Pebody
3602 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  IOS Press Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine Caregiver and student perspectives on school services for students with traumatic brain injury during the COVID-19 pandemic Cara Palusak, Libby Dart, Angela Ciccia, Drew Nagele, Jennifer P. Lundine
3604 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier Radiotherapy and Oncology 575: Ageing and consumer factors shortfalls on RT fractionation use in Basilicata after Covid-19 pandemic Grazia Lazzari, Angela Pia Solazzo, Ilaria Benevento, Antonietta Montagna, Barbara D'Andrea, Antonella Bianculli, et al. (+4)
3605 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Asian Journal of Transfusion Science A cross-sectional study exploring factors affecting blood donation intentions and blood donation-related behavior of Filipinos during the COVID-19 pandemic Benjie M. Clemente, I Gregorio L. Martin
3608 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health A global scoping review of adaptations in nurturing care interventions during the COVID-19 pandemic Lidia Godoi, Simone Schenkman, Ana A. Baumann, Aylene Bousquat, Gabriela Buccini
3609 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Medical Science Educator The Impact of Students’ Socio-economic Background, Study Habits, and Technology Access on Their Histology Learning Strategy During the COVID-19 Pandemic Davide Carlos Joaquim, Ana Caroline Rocha de Melo Leite, Letícia de Castro Viana, Débora Letícia Moreira Mendes, Ismael Pordeus Bezerra Furtado, Juliana Jales de Hollanda Celestino, et al. (+2)
3611 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  MDPI AG Sports Sociodemographic Factors Related to Perceived Physical Activity on Chilean Adults after COVID-19 Pandemic Rodrigo Gallardo-Rodríguez, Felipe Poblete-Valderrama, Viviana Rodas-Kürten, João Paulo Vilas-Boas
3612 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  SciELO Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem Digital health literacy, behavior and knowledge of adolescents for hand hygiene during the COVID-19 pandemic Rafaela Aparecida Prata, Juliana Bastoni da Silva, Sidiany Mendes Pimentel, Hélio Rubens de Carvalho Nunes, Marla Andréia Garcia de Avila
3613 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health The Reality of Healthcare Professionals in Leadership Positions at the Onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic Nancy Shehadeh, Georgina Silva-Suarez, Emily Ptaszek, Farah Roman Velez
3614 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  SAGE Publications Human Systems Therapy Culture and Attachments ‘Trapped With My Children’ fathers’ caregiving experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic Lars Voellmy, Ben Grey, Nancy Fowler, Bine Walter
3615 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Wiley Risk Analysis Predicting pharmaceutical supply chain disruptions before and during the COVID-19 pandemic Andrea C. Hupman, Juan Zhang, Haitao Li
3616 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Journal of Design to Resilience in Architecture & Planning Journal of Design for Resilience in Architecture and Planning Exploring the impact of landscape design on user preferences in shopping centers post the COVID-19 Pandemic Özlem Nur Aslantamer, Hüseyin Emre Ilgın
3617 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Annals of Movement Disorders Increased Occurrence of Functional Movement Disorders during the COVID-19 Pandemic K. P. Divya, Ajith Cherian, Naveen K. Paramasivan, S. Krishna, R. Amod, Soumya Sundaram
3618 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Magister Hukum Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Gorontalo Damhil Law Journal Utilizing Prisoner Assimilation in the Midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic Andi Armansyah Akbar
3619 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics Journal of The Korean Society of Laryngology Phoniatrics and Logopedics Humidified Nebulizer to Prevent Tracheostomy Cannula From Obstruction During the COVID-19 Pandemic Ki Ju Cho, Min Ji Kim, Yoon Se Lee, Minsu Kwon, Yonghan Kim, Young Ho Jung, et al. (+2)
3620 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Airlangga The Indonesian Journal of Public Health TEENAGE PREGNANCY PREDICTION INDEX DURING THE ONLINE LEARNING PERIOD OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Eny Qurniyawati, Santi Martini, Fariani Syahrul, Jayanti Dian Eka Sari, Rahayu Lubis, Nayla Mohamed Gomaa Nasr
3621 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Muslim Indonesia Green Medical Journal Factors Associated with Anxiety Level of Resident Doctors during The COVID-19 Pandemic Ilma Khaerina Amaliyah Bakhtiar, Saidah Syamsuddin
3622 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember EFL Education Journal Students’ Perception on the Implementation Of Online English Learning in the Covid-19 Pandemic Niejaar Fatwa Prasojo, Eka Wahjuningsih, Rizki Febri Andika Hudori
3623 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Islam As-Syafiiyah El-Arbah Jurnal Ekonomi Bisnis Dan Perbankan Syariah CONSUMPTION PATTERNS OF THE MILLENIAL GENERATION IN ONLINE SHOPPING (E-COMMERCE) DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Hilma Farhani, R Raihan, Ratih Ayu Sekarini
3624 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier Obesity Pillars Adoption of Telemedicine for Obesity Treatment During the COVID-19 Pandemic Achieved Comparable Outcomes to In-Person Visits Andrés R. Latorre-Rodríguez, Raj H. Shah, Seema Munir, Sumeet K. Mittal
3625 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of the Egyptian Womenʼs Dermatologic Society Mask-related dermatological problems during COVID-19 pandemic among a sample of Egyptian population Ihab Younis, Sherine M. Elsabbagh, Samah E. Ibrahim
3626 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medwave Estudios Limitada Medwave The caregiving work experience of healthcare workers in Chile during the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on mental health: A qualitative study based on the international initiative HEROES Jorge Ramírez, Victoria Lermanda, Antonia Aguirre, Sebastián Villarroel, María Soledad Burrone, Valentina Carrera, et al. (+3)
3627 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Magister Hukum Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Gorontalo Damhil Law Journal The Implementation of e-Court during The Covid-19 Pandemic as An Effort to Support The Contante Justitie Principle Muhammad Yusuf Putra, Fenty U. Puluhulawa, Nur Mohamad Kasim
3628 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  NHM Press NURSING UPDATE Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Keperawatan P-ISSN 2085-5931 e-ISSN 2623-2871 The Relationship between Online Learning and Student Stress Levels During the Covid-19 Pandemic at Klakah Senior High School. Thesis, Bachelor Nursing Program, Hafshawaty Institute of Health Sciences Zainul Hasan Genggong Zakiyah Muslimah, Rizka Yunita, Suhari Suhari
3629 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  NHM Press NURSING UPDATE Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Keperawatan P-ISSN 2085-5931 e-ISSN 2623-2871 The Relationship between the level of anxiety of pregnant women and visits to antenatal care services during the Covid-19 pandemic at Puskesmas Bojong Rawalumbu Bekasi Rotua Suriany Simamora, Farida M Simanjuntak, Riyen Sari Manullang
3630 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Ahmad Dahlan International Journal of Healthcare Research Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Karyawan Di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Grhasia Selama Pandemi COVID-19 Santi Hapsari Worowulan, Ahmad Ahid Mudayana
3631 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Institute of Research and Community Services Diponegoro University (LPPM UNDIP) Journal of Public Health for Tropical and Coastal Region COVID-19 Pandemic Impacts on Quality of Life of Diabetes Mellitus Patients Arrum Firda Ayu Maqfiroch, Elviera Gamelia, Siti Masfiah, Windri Lesmana Rubai
3632 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier Radiotherapy and Oncology 78: Patient recruitment into clinical studies during the COVID-19 pandemic in a tertiary cancer center Jens von der Grün, Maiwand Ahmadsei, Isabel Breyer, Christian Britschgi, Daniel Eberli, Thomas Hermanns, et al. (+11)
3633 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Discover Mental Health Remote mental health services during the COVID-19 pandemic in Finland and the Netherlands: a qualitative study Saskia Karina Coomans, Lotta Virtanen, Anu-Marja Kaihlanen, Teemu Rantanen, Timo Clemens, Tarja Heponiemi
3634 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Variants Imported Through Land Borders at the Height of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Ghana, 2022 Ivy A Asante, Charles N Lwanga, Cecilia Takyi, Ama N Sekyi-Yorke, Joseph A Quarcoo, Magdalene A Odikro, et al. (+12)
3635 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Islam Indonesia (Islamic University of Indonesia) Indonesian Journal of Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies Mosque Leaders and Management of COVID-19 Pandemic in Ijebu North-East of Ogun State, Nigeria: A Qualitative Survey Kazeem Dauda
3636 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Current Psychology From lockdown to cradle: Navigating the psychological challenges of childbirth during the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy- Evidence from a 3-year analysis Valentina Lucia La Rosa, Silvia Oddo-Sommerfeld, Karin Schermelleh-Engel, Elena Commodari
3637 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Human Resource Management Academic Research Society International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences Teaching and Learning Online During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Malaysia: Challenges, Motivation, and Lessons from the Hadith "Man Salaka ?ar?qan" Muhammad Zulkifli Bin Nor Azib, Helimy Bin Aris, Walid Bin Mohd Said, Abdullah Muiz Bin Mohd Zaki, Ibrahim Adham Afif Bin Ismail, Mustakim Muslim Bin Yubaithullah
3638 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon Loneliness and Mental Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Dutch general population: the Moderating Role of Psychological Flexibility Jasper Tilburg, Marianne Simons, Tim Batink, Mayke Janssens, Sanne Peeters, Johan Lataster, et al. (+2)
3639 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Suicide-Related Emergency Department Visits Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States Melissa N Litenski, Yulia Shtanko, Aoife B O'Reardon, Grettel Castro, Daniel Castellanos, Marcia Varella
3640 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Jenderal Soedirman Insights in Public Health Journal Does Covid-19 pandemic influence the sustainability of health insurance membership among informal workers in Indonesia? Budi Aji, Hasna Tri Rachmatika, Afrina Maharani, Arih Diyaning Intiasari, Dian Anandari, Ahmad Azam Malik
3641 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction Corrigendum to ‘Enforcement of COVID-19 pandemic lockdown orders in Nigeria: Evidence of public (non)compliance and police illegalities’ [Int. J. Disaster Risk Reduc. volume (2022) 77, 103082] Aliu Oladimeji Shodunke
3642 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier Cancer Epidemiology Corrigendum to “The impact of delayed screening colonoscopies during the COVID-19 pandemic on clinical outcomes” [Cancer Epidemiol. 92 (2024) 102629] Róisín McCarthy, Thérèse Mooney, Patricia Fitzpatrick, Rachel A. Kennedy, Hilary Coffey, Mary Sheedy, Padraic MacMathúna
3643 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  State University of Medan IPER (Indonesian Physics Education Research) THE EFFECTIVENESS OF ONLINE LEARNING PROCESS IN THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON ELASTICITY TOPIC Aulia Ramadhani, Alkhafi Maas Siregar
3644 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Oxford University Press American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy Association of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Employment Status Change for Practicing Pharmacists David A Mott, Vibhuti Arya, Brianne K Bakken, William R Doucette, Caroline Gaither, Aaron Gilson, et al. (+3)
3645 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education Association of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Employment Status Change for Practicing Pharmacists David A. Mott, Vibhuti Arya, Brianne K. Bakken, William R. Doucette, Caroline Gaither, Aaron Gilson, et al. (+3)
3646 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of the American Pharmacists Association Association of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Employment Status Change for Practicing Pharmacists David A. Mott, Vibhuti Arya, Brianne K. Bakken, William R. Doucette, Caroline Gaither, Aaron Gilson, et al. (+3)
3647 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Erratum for “The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the diagnosis and progression of oral cancer” [Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 53 (2024) 629-634] M. Cwintal, H. Shih, A. Idrissi Janati, J. Gigliotti
3648 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  SAGE Publications Recreational Sports Journal Sport in Times of Crisis: Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Sport and Physical Exercise Habits of College Students at SEC Member Institutions Katja Sonkeng, Augustus W. Hallmon, Jepkorir Rose Chepyator-Thomson, Emeka Anaza (Deceased)
3649 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  MDPI AG Antibiotics The Profile of Bacterial Infections in a Burn Unit during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic Period Corina Musuroi, Silvia-Ioana Musuroi, Luminita Baditoiu, Zorin Crainiceanu, Delia Muntean, Adela Voinescu, et al. (+3)
3650 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Medicine Epidemiological characteristics of myopia among school-age children before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic: a cohort study in Shenzhen, China Jingfeng Mu, Haoxi Zhong, Mingjie Jiang, Weihua Yang
3651 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Van Yuzuncu Yil University and Institute of Health Sciences Van Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi Examining The Relationship Between Menopausal Symptoms and Burnout Due To The COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study Fatma Şule Bilgiç, Nuran Gencturk
3652 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  SciELO Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem Patient safety culture in times of the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study in a hospital Amanda Lobato Lopes, Rosana Aparecida Pereira, Laura Martins Valdevite Pereira, Felippe Micheli Costa de Castilho, Fernanda Raphael Escobar Gimenes
3653 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Muslim Indonesia Green Medical Journal The Relationship of Aggressiveness and Depression during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Literature Review Ressa Nurzakiyah Zaenudin, Oktaviana Maharani
3654 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Wiley Stress and Health Work-related resilience, engagement and wellbeing among music industry workers during the Covid-19 pandemic: A multiwave model of mindfulness and hope Kristin L. Scott, Emily Ferrise, Sharon Sheridan, Thomas J. Zagenczyk
3655 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports The effect of mindfulness meditation on depressive symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review and meta-analysis Yumiao Fu, Yifan Song, Yining Li, Dalinda Isabel Sanchez-Vidana, Jack Jiaqi Zhang, Way Kwok-Wai Lau, et al. (+3)
3656 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  SciELO Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem Impact of financial toxicity on adults with cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic: an integrative review Luciana de Alcantara Nogueira, Cristiano de Oliveira Ribeiro, Leonel dos Santos Silva, Yasmin Hiorrana dos Santos, Luciana Puchalski Kalinke
3658 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Gadjah Mada Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Indonesia A qualitative study on maternal anxiety over pediatric dental treatment during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic: Implications for future pandemics Dini Setyowati, Richard Kevin Santoso, Nurul Naswaa Kamila, Aqilah Dhiya Ulhaq
3659 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Senora del Rosario Avances en Psicología Latinoamericana Impactos do distanciamento social devido à pandemia da Covid-19: qualidade conjugal e desejo de separação","Impacts of Social Distancing due to the Covid-19 Pandemic: Marital Quality and Desire for Separation","Impactos del distanciamiento social debido al Covid-19: calidad conyugal y deseo de separación Angélica Paula Neumann, Fabrício de Andrade Rocha, Marina Zanella Delatorre, Adriana Wagner
3660 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  SciELO Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem Telenursing with elderly people in home care service during the COVID-19 pandemic: quasi-experimental study Maria Auxiliadora Rodrigues, Rosimere Ferreira Santana, Ana Beatriz Serra Hercules, Patricia de Fátima Augusto Barros, Clelia Barboza Lima
3661 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  JMIR Publications Inc. JMIR Formative Research Tracking the denial related to protective measures during the COVID-19 pandemic: the case of #AglomeraBrasil on Twitter (Preprint) Leandro Machado Oliveira
3662 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Psychology Virtual reality and travel anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic: the moderating role of blockade intensity Qingjin Wang, Renbo Shi, Kaiyun Zhang, Xiao Liu
3663 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Health Communication Making Sense of the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Use of Blogging by People with Inflammatory Bowel Disease Dennis Owen Frohlich, Sally Abdul Wahab
3664 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Editora UEMG - EdUEMG Educação em Foco Medidas Institucionais da Universidade Federal do Paraná para o Enfrentamento da Pandemia de Covid-19:","Institutional Measures of the Federal University of Paraná to face the Covid-19 Pandemic:","Medidas Institucionales de la Universidad Federal de Paraná para enfrentar la Pandemia de la Covid-19: Eliana Santana Lisbôa, Tiago Venturi, Myllena Aparecida de Souza Santos
3665 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  STIE Trisaksti - Jurnal Bisnis Dan Akuntansi Jurnal Bisnis dan Akuntansi DOES TAX AVOIDANCE SENSITIVE TO THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC? Permata Ayu Widyasari, Divaldo Juselvec Yulfan, Maria Euginia Hastuti
3666 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Van Yuzuncu Yil University and Institute of Health Sciences Van Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi COVID-19 Pandemisi Sürecinde Maske Kullanımının Dentofasiyal Dokulara Etkisinin Değerlendirilmesi Gönül Dinç, Saadet Çınarsoy Ciğerim, Gülçin Kılcı, Jamil Bayzed
3667 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Saudi Critical Care Journal The Effect of High-flow Nasal Cannula in the Management of COVID-19 Patients Sukeina AlDakheel, Abdullah AlMohammadi, Reem AlAjmi
3668 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Risk factors for mortality in hospitalized COVID-19 patients across five waves in Pakistan Nosheen Nasir, Salma Tajuddin, Afshan Akhtar, Chanza Fahim Sheikh, Adil Al Karim Manji, Shameen Bhutto, et al. (+10)
3669 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Duta Wacana Christian University Berkala Ilmiah Kedokteran Duta Wacana ASSOCIATION BETWEEN ACUTE RESPIRATORY DISTRESS SYNDROME (ARDS) INCIDENCE AND INCREASED D-DIMER IN COVID-19 PATIENTS AT BETHESDA HOSPITAL YOGYAKARTA Frans Iqlessias Hutagaol, Wiwiek Probowati, Widya Christine Manus
3670 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  MDPI AG Microorganisms Analysis of Cultured Gut Microbiota Using MALDI-TOF MS in COVID-19 Patients from Serbia during the Predominance of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant Aleksandra Patić, Gordana Kovačević, Vladimir Vuković, Ivana Hrnjaković Cvjetković, Mioljub Ristić, Biljana Milosavljević, et al. (+7)
3671 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Clinical characteristics and severity markers in hospitalized COVID-19 patients from western Mexico: a comparative analysis of Delta and Omicron variants Hazael Ramiro Ceja-Gálvez, Cristian Oswaldo Hernández-Ramírez, Alejandra Natali Vega-Magaña, Jorge Hernández-Bello, Kevin Javier Arellano-Arteaga, Francisco Javier Turrubiates-Hernández, et al. (+2)
3672 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports A novel deterioration prediction system for mild COVID-19 patients in Korea: a retrospective study Seung-Bo Lee, Jin-Yeong Kang, Eui Kyu Chie, Ye Seul Bae
3673 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  NHM Press NURSING UPDATE Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Keperawatan P-ISSN 2085-5931 e-ISSN 2623-2871 DIABETES MELITUS BECOME A HEALING DISEASE IN COVID-19 PATIENTS (SYSTEMATIC REVIEW) WAHYU WAHDANA, Hotma Rumoharbo, Murtiningsih Murtiningsih, Yayat Suryati, Hikmat Rudyana
3674 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier Clinica Chimica Acta Utility of plasma nucleocapsid protein in predicting severity and prognosis in severe COVID-19 patients with comorbidities Di Wang, Yutao Shen, Jianbo Wu, Yaju Li, Ke Ma, Guangjie Jiang, et al. (+5)
3675 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  LPPM Universitas Dhyana Pura JAKADARA JURNAL EKONOMIKA BISNIS DAN HUMANIORA Pengaruh Kinerja Keuangan terhadap Harga Saham pada Perusahaan yang Terdaftar Di LQ-45 Sub Sektor Perbankan di Bursa Efek Indonesia sebelum Covid-19 Periode 2016-2019 Ni Made Dewix Triska Yani, I Made Darmayasa, Ni Luh Putu Sri Purnama Pradnyani
3676 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Nepal Journals Online AMC Journal (Dhangadhi) Sustainability in Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of COVID-19 Prevention and Control Bishnu Lamichhane, Barha Lamichhane
3677 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta Jurnal Teknologi Kesehatan (Journal of Health Technology) Knowledge Level with Community Compliance in Implementing Covid-19 Prevention Health Protocols Ninik Ambar Sari Sari
3678 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology The influence of 4G/5G polymorphism in the plasminogen-activator-inhibitor-1 promoter on COVID-19 severity and endothelial dysfunction Tetiana Yatsenko, Ricardo Rios, Tatiane Nogueira, Yousef Salama, Satoshi Takahashi, Eisuke Adachi, et al. (+7)
3679 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  State Islamic University (UIN) of Sunan, Ampel Jurnal PUBLIQUE Peningkatan Ketahanan Ekonomi Keluarga Berbasis Pemberdayaan Perempuan Melalui Program UPKKS Dimasa Pandemi Covid-19 (Studi Kasus di Kecamatan Magetan Kabupaten Magetan) Ulfa Husna Sa'idah
3680 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  LPPM Universitas Dhyana Pura JAKADARA JURNAL EKONOMIKA BISNIS DAN HUMANIORA Strategi Pengembangan Desa Wisata Berbasis Masyarakat Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 (Studi Kasus: Desa Catur, Kintamani, Bangli) Sang Made Widhi Wiguna, I Gusti Bagus Rai Utama, Putu Chris Susanto
3682 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology TGF-β1 overexpression in severe COVID-19 survivors and its implications for early-phase fibrotic abnormalities and long-term functional impairment Enrique Alfaro, Raquel Casitas, Elena Díaz-García, Sara García-Tovar, Raúl Galera, María Torres-Vargas, et al. (+6)
3683 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Univesitas Nias Raya Curve Elasticity Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi PENGARUH PANDEMI COVID-19 TERHADAP AKTIVITAS BELAJAR SISWA DI SMP NEGERI 4 BORONADU Omerina Hulu, Arwan Karier Harefa, Indah Permata Sari Lase
3684 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi JIGC (Journal of Islamic Guidance and Counseling) Pola Asuh Orang Tua Dimasa Pandemi Covid-19 Terhadap Kemandirian Siswi Dalam Belajar Pada Siswi Kelas VII SMP IT Nurul Ilmi Kota Jambi Iis Ramdani, Samin Batubara, Ariandi Batubara, Afriansyah Afriansyah
3685 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Brawijaya University Jurnal Kewirausahaan dan Inovasi Pengaruh Work From Home dan Lingkungan Kerja Akibat Pandemi Covid-19 Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Muhammad Adam Adiba
3686 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Journal of Public Budgeting Accounting & Financial Management Accounting for Knowledge-intensive Public Organizations: challenges represented by COVID-19 to achieve Sustainable Development Goals Ann Martin-Sardesai, Paola Canestrini, Benedetta Siboni, Abeer Hassan
3687 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Wiley Respirology Case Reports Relapsing polychondritis after COVID-19 vaccination Koki Ito, Takunori Ogawa, Shunya Igarashi, Kosuke Miyai, Kimiya Sato, Akihiko Kawana, Yoshifumi Kimizuka
3688 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE COVID-19 vaccination intention among internally displaced persons in complex humanitarian emergency context, Northeast Nigeria Saheed Gidado, Melton Musa, Ahmed Ibrahim Ba’aba, Lilian Akudo Okeke, Patrick M. Nguku, Isa Ali Hassan, et al. (+7)
3689 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine Predictors of the willingness to accept a free COVID-19 vaccine among households in Nigeria Oghenowede Eyawo, Uchechukwu Chidiebere Ugoji, Shenyi Pan, Patrick Oyibo, Amtull Rehman, Mishel Mahboob, Olapeju Adefunke Esimai
3690 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Review of Economic Design Quantifying the social value of a universal COVID-19 vaccine and incentivizing its development Rachel Glennerster, Thomas Kelly, Claire T. McMahon, Christopher M. Snyder
3691 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  SciELO Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem Determining factors for COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among Brazilians: a study using structural equation modeling Emerson Lucas Silva Camargo, Álvaro Francisco Lopes de Sousa, Anderson Sousa dos Reis, Mariana dos Reis Fortunato, Isaias dos Santos Gouveia, Isabel Amelia Costa Mendes, Carla Aparecida Arena Ventura
3692 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Prevention Using Digital Storytelling and Social Media to Combat COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy: A Public Service Social Marketing Campaign Ann F. Dunlap, Alessandro Ciari, Nadia Islam, Lorna E. Thorpe, Maria R. Khan, Terry T. K. Huang
3693 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  NHM Press NURSING UPDATE Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Keperawatan P-ISSN 2085-5931 e-ISSN 2623-2871 The Correlation between Parents' Health Behavior and Acceptance of the Covid-19 Vaccine in Children Aged 6-11 Years at Mi Nurul Ulum, Sarikemuning Village, Senduro Suhari Suhari, Yulia Rachmawati, Reni Anggun Dewanti
3694 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Global COVID-19 vaccine uptake among young adults and Influence of asthma: Correspondence Hineptch Daungsupawong, Viroj Wiwanitkit
3695 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  SAGE Publications SAGE Open Medicine COVID-19 vaccine-associated vasculitis: A systematic review Aseel Abuhammad, Maram Albandak, Mohammed Ayyad, Eman Refayeh, Basema Qawasma, Shaima Hour, et al. (+5)
3696 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) North American Actuarial Journal Estimating the Role of Uninsured in the Spread of COVID-19 via Geospatial Bayesian Models Yanxin Liu, Özgür M. Araz
3697 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  NHM Press NURSING UPDATE Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Keperawatan P-ISSN 2085-5931 e-ISSN 2623-2871 NURSES' ANXIETY RELATED TO COVID-19 WITH SPIRITUALITY Maulidiyah Junnatul Azizah Heru, Atika Jatimi
3698 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Medicine Translation and cultural adaptation of the COVID-19 Yorkshire Rehabilitation Scale into German Lisa Sperl, Tanja Stamm, Erika Mosor, Valentin Ritschl, Manoj Sivan, Kathryn Hoffmann, Brigitte Gantschnig
3699 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Wiley Health Science Reports Comparison of sleep quality, diet quality, and weight change between COVID-19-recovered patients and healthy controls: A matched case-control study Farha Ainin Sofia Muzaffar, Seok Tyug Tan
3700 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of the American College of Cardiology The Effect of Semaglutide on Mortality and COVID-19-Related Deaths Benjamin M. Scirica, A. Michael Lincoff, Ildiko Lingvay, Pawel Bogdanski, Silvio Buscemi, Helen Colhoun, et al. (+13)
3701 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  SAGE Publications Global Pediatric Health Onset of Type I Diabetes Followed by Scleroderma Syndrome in a Child After the COVID-19: A Case Report Ievgeniia Burlaka, Inga Mityuryayeva, Olena Sevastiian, Ivanna Kachula
3702 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  NHM Press NURSING UPDATE Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Keperawatan P-ISSN 2085-5931 e-ISSN 2623-2871 RISK AND PROTECTIVE FACTORS AFFECTING MENTAL HEALTH OF HEALTHCARE WORKERS DURING COVID-19: A LITERATURE REVIEW Wahyi Sholehah Erdah Suswati, Retno Lestari, M. Elyas Arif Budiman, Zidni Nuris Yuhbaba
3703 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Mortality risk of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome cases classified as COVID-19: A longitudinal study Nádia Cristina Pinheiro Rodrigues, Joaquim Teixeira-Netto, Denise Leite Maia Monteiro, Mônica Kramer de Noronha Andrade, Karina Cardoso Meira
3704 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Wiley International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics Clinical characteristics, outcomes and persistent symptoms of pregnant women with COVID-19: A retrospective cohort study Ana Paula Orlandi Ghizzoni, André Kulzer Santos, Raimunda Sinthia Lima de Braga, João Vitor Vigne Duz, Vitoria Dall’agnol Bouvier, Marina Scheffer de Souza, Denise Rossato Silva
3705 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Saudi Journal of Ophthalmology Clinical profile, prognostic factors, and outcomes of rhino-orbital-cerebral mucormycosis in the setting of COVID-19: A retrospective study Swetha M. Hanumappa, Divya Karuppannasamy
3706 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Trisakti Jurnal Ekonomi Trisakti ASSESSING BANK PERFORMANCE DURING COVID-19: A STUDY OF LLOYDS AND HSBC USING THE CAMELS AND PESTEL FRAMEWORKS Jon Bryan Subastian, Luki Adiati Pratomo
3707 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Kota Malang PANGRIPTA KEBIJAKAN REFOCUSING ANGGARAN DAN STRATEGI DI MASAPANDEMI COVID-19: DINAS PERPUSTAKAAN DAN KEARSIPANKEBUPATEN PAMEKASAN Laily Akbariah, Rani Auliawati Rachman, Bahagia Nastiti
3708 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  SciELO Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem Teleenfermería con personas mayores en el servicio de atención domiciliaria durante la pandemia de COVID-19: estudio cuasiexperimental Maria Auxiliadora Rodrigues, Rosimere Ferreira Santana, Ana Beatriz Serra Hercules, Patricia de Fátima Augusto Barros, Clelia Barboza Lima
3709 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  SciELO Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem Telenfermagem com pessoas idosas no serviço de atenção domiciliar na pandemia de COVID-19: estudo quase-experimental Maria Auxiliadora Rodrigues, Rosimere Ferreira Santana, Ana Beatriz Serra Hercules, Patricia de Fátima Augusto Barros, Clelia Barboza Lima
3710 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  SciELO Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem Cultura de segurança do paciente em tempos de pandemia de COVID-19: estudo transversal em hospital Amanda Lobato Lopes, Rosana Aparecida Pereira, Laura Martins Valdevite Pereira, Felippe Micheli Costa de Castilho, Fernanda Raphael Escobar Gimenes
3711 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Investigación Científica Revista Científica de Salud BIOSANA Secuelas post COVID-19: impacto en la salud física y mental de los sobrevivientes Anita María Murillo Zavala, Espinoza Arellano Abel Jair, Huerta Vélez Adonys Andrés, Cortez Caicedo Marianela
3712 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Contemporânea - Journal of Ethics and Political Philosophy Revista Contemporânea ISOLAMENTO SOCIAL DURANTE A PANDEMIA DA COVID-19: IMPLICAÇÕES NO DESENVOLVIMENTO INFANTIL Mylena Amparo de Brito Ferreira, Heloanny Vilarinho Alencar, Ruth Raquel Soares de Farias, Thamyris Tabosa de Sousa, Jonathan Ruan de Castro Silva
3713 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing Stochastic optimal control model for COVID-19: mask wearing and active screening/testing Mohcine El Baroudi, Hassan Laarabi, Samira Zouhri, Mostafa Rachik, Abdelhadi Abta
3714 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Hasyim Asy'ari Tebuireng Jombang JIES Journal of Islamic Economics Studies Peran Islamic Microfinance Institution (MFIs) Pada Usaha Mikro Kecil (UMK) di Masa Pandemi Covid-19: Pendekatan Modifikasi Case Study Robert K. Yin Ade Kurnia, Imam Sopingi
3715 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universidade de Sao Paulo, Agencia USP de Gestao da Informacao Academica (AGUIA) Revista de Medicina Osteonecrose da cabeça femoral por uso de corticosteroides no tratamento da COVID-19: relato de caso Mateus Gonçalves de Sena Barbosa, Rafaela Luiza Vilela de Souza, Maria Eduarda Santos Affi Peixoto, Arthur Carvalho de Oliveira Gonçalves, Luiz Gabriel Gonçalves Cherain, Adriano Correa Cordeiro, et al. (+3)
3716 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  SciELO Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem Repercussões da toxicidade financeira em adultos com câncer durante a pandemia da COVID-19: revisão integrativa Luciana de Alcantara Nogueira, Cristiano de Oliveira Ribeiro, Leonel dos Santos Silva, Yasmin Hiorrana dos Santos, Luciana Puchalski Kalinke
3717 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universidad de Antioquia IATREIA Fisiopatología y características clínicas de las neuropatías en pacientes con COVID-19: una revisión narrativa Andrés Calle-Meneses, Nicolás Calle-Vélez, Carolina Sierra-Aguilar, Paulina González-Obando, Johanna Marcela Vanegas-Múnera
3718 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Respiratory Research Does timing of tocilizumab administration affect mortality in COVID-19? A Scottish multicentre retrospective cohort study Fiona MacGregor, Alison Oprey, Carolyn Caulfield, Pamela MacTavish, Richard Lowrie, Philip Henderson
3719 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  PubPub European Law Blog ESM in the context of the Coronavirus Crisis - a Much Needed Lifejacket or Another Lead Blanket? Anna Zemskova
3720 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  PubPub European Law Blog The Coronavirus Crisis and EU Adequacy Decisions for Data Transfers Christopher Docksey, Christopher Kuner
3721 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Saudi Journal of Ophthalmology Preoperative universal screening of coronavirus disease 2019 during Omicron outbreak in patients undergoing ophthalmic surgeries: Experience from a tertiary eye care center in Saudi Arabia Abdulrahman Albuainain, Majed Alkharashi
3722 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier Critical Care Clinics Social Disparities and Critical Illness during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic Yhenneko J. Taylor, Marc Kowalkowski, Jessica Palakshappa
3723 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Internal Medicine of India Impact of coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic first wave on resident doctors in a tertiary care center Meerut Shweta Sharma, Dhanveer Singh, Dhirendra Pratap Singh, Deeksha Singh, Rajat Mishra
3724 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control Risk of nosocomial coronavirus disease 2019: comparison between single- and multiple-occupancy rooms Hyeon Jae Jo, Pyoeng Gyun Choe, Ji Seon Kim, Mimi Lee, Minkyeong Lee, Jiyeon Bae, et al. (+4)
3725 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  American Veterinary Medical Association Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association Insights on feline infectious peritonitis risk factors and sampling strategies from polymerase chain reaction analysis of feline coronavirus in large-scale nationwide submissions Subarna Barua, Shila Sarkar, Kelly Chenoweth, Calvin Johnson, Diane Delmain, Chengming Wang
3726 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  PubPub European Law Blog Is it time for Europe to reassess internet intermediary liability in light of coronavirus misinformation? Ethan Shattock
3727 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  SAGE Publications SAGE Open The Proportionality of Police Stop and Search in the Coronavirus Pandemic Eric Halford
3728 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Emergence of crucial evidence catalyzing the origin tracing of SARS-CoV-2 Shunmei Chen, Cihan Ruan, Yutong Guo, Jia Chang, Haohao Yan, Liang Chen, et al. (+6)
3729 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier Mathematical Biosciences Understanding antibody magnitude and durability following vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 Quiyana M. Murphy, George K. Lewis, Mohammad M. Sajadi, Jonathan E. Forde, Stanca M. Ciupe
3730 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Asian Journal of Chemistry Asian Journal of Chemistry Ecofriendly Synthesis, Spectroscopic Analysis and in silico Study of Coumarin Hydrazide-Hydrazone Derivative Targeted against HIV and SARS-CoV-2 Shipra Gautam, Poonam Rawat, Anant Ram, Amul Darwari, Sharda Pandey, Anupama Pandey, R.N. Singh
3731 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters Discovery of the potent covalent inhibitor with an acrylate warhead for SARS-CoV-2 3CL protease Wen Shen, Xinyao Chen, Liping Zhou, Yan Cheng, Yan Zhang, Xiangrui Jiang, et al. (+2)
3732 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS Pathogens Protective RBD-dimer vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 and its variants produced in glycoengineered Pichia pastoris Tongxin Zhao, Sheng Liu, Pengyan Wang, Yanfang Zhang, Xinrui Kang, Xiaoqian Pan, et al. (+17)
3733 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology Intranasal HD-Ad-FS vaccine induces systemic and airway mucosal immunities against SARS-CoV-2 and systemic immunity against SARS-CoV-2 variants in mice and hamsters Peter Zhou, Jacqueline Watt, Juntao Mai, Huibi Cao, Zhijie Li, Ziyan Chen, et al. (+6)
3734 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Nature Communications Mapping the immunopeptidome of seven SARS-CoV-2 antigens across common HLA haplotypes Asolina Braun, Louise C. Rowntree, Ziyi Huang, Kirti Pandey, Nikolas Thuesen, Chen Li, et al. (+20)
3735 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  University of Baghdad College of Science Iraqi Journal of Science Outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 Cases during Omicron Variant Infections Mohammed I. Muhsin, Alaa H. Fadhil, Asmaa Haseeb Hwaid, Hula Y. Fadhil, Iman M. Aufi, Nibras M. Hamid
3736 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports A program for real-time surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 genetics Hayden N. Brochu, Kuncheng Song, Qimin Zhang, Qiandong Zeng, Adib Shafi, Matthew Robinson, et al. (+25)
3737 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Army Medical College Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal Correlation of Sars-Cov-2 IGG Antibody Levels with Viral Load Among Vaccine Breakthrough Infections: A Study From Rawalpindi Adnan Shahzad, Eijaz Ghani, Eisha Mansoor, Muhammad Ali Rathore, Saifullah Khan Niazi, Faraz Ahmed
3738 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Medical Virology Efficacy of molnupiravir and interferon for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 in golden Syrian hamster Danlei Liu, Ka-Yi Leung, Ruiqi Zhang, Hoi-Yan Lam, Yujing Fan, Xiaochun Xie, et al. (+2)
3739 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  American Medical Association JAMA Network Open Autoimmune Sequelae After Delta or Omicron Variant SARS-CoV-2 Infection in a Highly Vaccinated Cohort Liang En Wee, Jue Tao Lim, An Ting Tay, Calvin J. Chiew, Benjamin Ong, David Chien Boon Lye, et al. (+2)
3740 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines Correction: Mukherjee et al. Insights into the Scenario of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Male Reproductive Toxicity. Vaccines 2023, 11, 510 Anirban Goutam Mukherjee, Uddesh Ramesh Wanjari, Abilash Valsala Gopalakrishnan, Sandra Kannampuzha, Reshma Murali, Arunraj Namachivayam, et al. (+5)
3741 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier Cell Reports SARS-CoV-2 infection prior to vaccination amplifies Fc-mediated humoral profiles in an age-dependent manner Wonyeong Jung, Arturo Abdelnour, Paulina Kaplonek, Rolando Herrero, Jessica Shih-Lu Lee, Domenic R. Barbati, et al. (+11)
3742 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  PAGEPress Publications Monaldi Archives for Chest Disease SARS-CoV-2 JN.1 variant: a short review Sarkar Malay, Irappa V. Madabhavi, Anurag Tripathi
3743 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  PeerJ PeerJ Screening and affinity optimization of single domain antibody targeting the SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein Qian Yang, Mengru Yan, Juan Lin, Yongkang Lu, Shuang Lin, Zhong Li, et al. (+4)
3744 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  International Global Health Society Journal of Global Health Effect of SARS-CoV-2 on semen parameters: A meta-analysis of 39 articles from 15 countries Lequan Wen, Haokun Tian, Xing Huang, Tiangang Song, Lirui Tang, Wenjie Wei, et al. (+3)
3745 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Science Advances Discovery of SARS-CoV-2 papain-like protease (PL pro ) inhibitors with efficacy in a murine infection model Michelle R. Garnsey, Matthew C. Robinson, Luong T. Nguyen, Rhonda Cardin, Joseph Tillotson, Ellene Mashalidis, et al. (+34)
3746 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier International Journal of Biological Macromolecules Unraveling the role of the nucleocapsid protein in SARS-CoV-2 pathogenesis: From viral life cycle to vaccine development Yousra A. El-Maradny, Moustafa A. Badawy, Kareem I. Mohamed, Renad F. Ragab, Hamssa M. Moharm, Nada A. Abdallah, et al. (+4)
3747 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier Academic Pediatrics Social Behaviors Associated with SARS-CoV-2 Test Positivity Among Children Evaluated in Canadian Emergency Departments, 2020 to 2022: A Cross-Sectional Survey Study Madeleine Sumner, Gillian Tarr, Jianling Xie, Ahmed Mater, Kathleen Winston, Jocelyn Gravel, et al. (+13)
3748 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Regional Health - Americas Effects of mobility, immunity and vaccination on SARS-CoV-2 transmission in the Dominican Republic: a modelling study Emilie Finch, Eric J. Nilles, Cecilia Then Paulino, Ronald Skewes-Ramm, Colleen L. Lau, Rachel Lowe, Adam J. Kucharski
3749 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier Process Biochemistry Scalable bioprocess for the high-yield production of SARS-CoV-2 trimeric spike protein-based immunogen (IMT-CVAX) using suspension CHO cells Sneha Singh, B. Vikram Kumar, Pranaya M. Mishra, Geetika Verma, Sahil Kumar, Suvechchha Pandit, et al. (+5)
3750 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Mary Ann Liebert Viral Immunology Ascorbic Acid and α-Tocopherol in the Inactivated SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Formulation: Induction of the Th1 Pattern in Aged Mice Nika Asefi, Parviz Pakzad, Akbar Khorasani, Morteza Taghizadeh, Zahra Amirkhani, Mohammad Hossein Yazdi, et al. (+2)
3751 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology Mucosal immunity in upper and lower respiratory tract to MERS-CoV Khalid J. Shrwani, Waleed H. Mahallawi, Abdulrhman I. Mohana, Abdullah Algaissi, Nabil Dhayhi, Nouf J. Sharwani, et al. (+9)
3752 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Termedia Sp. z.o.o. Health Problems of Civilization FACTORS MOTIVATING HEALTHCARE WORKERS TO WORK DURING A PANDEMIC Milena Saleva, Makreta Draganova, Eleonora Mineva-Dimitrova
3753 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLOS Global Public Health The case for a global therapeutics development coalition: Building a therapeutics pipeline for pandemic and endemic diseases Shingai Machingaidze, Carmen Pérez Casas, Sheila Mburu, Ruxandra Draghia-Akli, Charles Mowbray, James Rosen, et al. (+4)
3754 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier Teaching and Learning in Nursing Teaching Sensitive Subjects Online: Lessons Learnt From the Pandemic and the Implications for Contemporary Nurse Education Jayne E Price, Elizabeth Crighton, Ann Ooms
3755 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Magister Hukum Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Gorontalo Damhil Law Journal Ideal Concept of Goods/Services Procurement Regulation for Pandemic Emergency Situations Nikodemus Pracaya, Fenty U Puluhulawa
3756 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Tanjungpura University Jurnal Kajian Pembelajaran dan Keilmuan THE ANALYSIS OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS’ RESEARCH PROPOSALS DURING THE PANDEMIC ERA (A Descriptive Research in Language Education Study Program of FKIP UNTAN in the Academic Year of 2020 to 2021) Kevin Damara, Urai Salam
3757 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare La Parole Journal of Language Teaching and Pedagogy The Students' Learning Difficulties In Learning English During Pandemic Era At SMP Negeri 1 Parepare Risdayanti
3758 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  IOS Press Human Systems Management Contextual barriers to implementing pandemic HRM in Indian manufacturing SMEs: A comprehensive analysis Nagamani Subramanian, M. Suresh, Bhavin Shah
3759 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Institute of Research and Community Services Diponegoro University (LPPM UNDIP) Indonesian Historical Studies Asian Flu Pandemic in Indonesia, 1957: Government and Public Response Muhammad Fakhriansyah, Kurniawati Kurniawati
3760 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment Variation of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Concentration during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Jeollabuk-do, Korea and Its Health Effect Chang-Jin Ma, Gong-Unn Kang
3761 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Mulawarman CaLLs (Journal of Culture Arts Literature and Linguistics) Exploration of The Social Context of The Pandemic in The Andromeda Strain by Michael Crichton: A Recent Review Muhammad Ilham Ali
3762 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Forensic Science Medicine and Pathology The impact of SARS-Co-V pandemic on violence against children: one institution’s experience Francesco Lupariello, Lucia Tattoli, Giuliana Mattioda, Barbara Lauria, Sonia Aguzzi, Sara Simona Racalbuto, et al. (+2)
3763 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy Debt maturity structure and corporate risk: an empirical study based on pandemic shock in China Zhenshan Wang, Dandan Feng
3764 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  SciELO Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem Educational actions conducted during the pandemic with primary health care professionals: a scoping review Bruna Dias França, Kênia Lara Silva, Lilian Cristina Rezende, Francisco Carlos Felix Lana, Simone de Pinho Barbosa
3765 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  SciELO Intercom Revista Brasileira de Ciências da Comunicação Mental Health in Times of Pandemic: an Internal Communication Program for Server Health Care at the Federal University of Goiás Beatriz Carvalho Barreto, Solon Bevilaqua
3766 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Ovid Nursing Management Insights to guide infusion therapy during future emergencies and pandemics Susan H. Weaver, Melanie Cardona, Deborah Prinzo, Mani Paliwal, Marlene M. Steinheiser, Bridget Wertz, et al. (+2)
3767 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Ovid Nursing Management Insights to guide infusion therapy during future emergencies and pandemics
3768 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  MDPI AG Microorganisms Towards a Comprehensive Definition of Pandemics and Strategies for Prevention: A Historical Review and Future Perspectives Ricardo Augusto Dias
3769 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Japanese Journal of Political Science Do pandemics reduce support for democracy? A survey experiment in Myanmar Swe Oo Mon, Kyohei Yamada
3770 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Patient Experience A Journey Through Grief: Experiences of Loss Among Patients With Long COVID Ann Scheck McAlearney, Leanna P Eiterman, Elizabeth Mayers, Jennifer L Eramo, Sarah R MacEwan
3771 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Bioscientifica Endocrine Abstracts Long COVID is associated with accelerated aging in type 2 diabetes patients Viktoriia Yerokhovych, Anton Matviichuk, Yeva Ilkiv, Dmytro Krasnenkov, Veronika Korcheva, Tetyana Falalyeyeva, et al. (+3)
3772 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Springer-Verlag European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience Long COVID patients’ brain activation is suppressed during walking and severer symptoms lead to stronger suppression Gengbin Chen, Quan Liu, Jialin Chen, Guiyuan Cai, Chunqiu Tan, Yinchun Zhao, et al. (+4)
3773 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC) Eurosurveillance Post-vaccination, post-infection and hybrid immunity against severe cases of COVID-19 and long COVID after infection with SARS-CoV-2 Omicron subvariants, Czechia, December 2021 to August 2023 Martin Šmíd, Tamara Barusová, Jiří Jarkovský, Ondřej Májek, Tomáš Pavlík, Lenka Přibylová, et al. (+3)
3774 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Ahmad Dahlan International Journal of Healthcare Research Analisis Penggunaan Telemedicine Sebagai Pelayanan Kesehatan Pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19 di RS PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Navisoh Navisoh, Firman Firman, Fitriana Putri Utami, Siti Kurnia Widi Hastuti, Nur Syarianingsih Syam
3775 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier Building and Environment Assessing indoor air temperature settings in residential buildings during the COVID-19 era Bongchan Jeong
3776 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Brawijaya University The International Journal of Accounting and Business Society Investors' Sentiment in The Nigerian Stock Market: Does Covid-19 Matter? Gbenga Festus Babarinde, Olusegun Adegoke Adewusi, Tajudeen Idera Abdulmajeed, Yusuf Hassan Haziel
3777 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier Applied Geography Spatial nonstationarity and the role of environmental metal exposures on COVID-19 mortality in New Mexico Daniel Beene, Curtis Miller, Melissa Gonzales, Deborah Kanda, Isaiah Francis, Esther Erdei
3778 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Brazilian Journal of Development Brazilian Journal of Development Influência psicológica do COVID-19 nos profissionais de saúde atuantes no SAMU 192 de Itajaí-SC Caroline Anne Lucas Leite Resener, Ismael Paludo Göedert, Micaella Ronchi Testoni, Pedro Henrique Lorenz Freitas, Luiza Lenzi
3781 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Indonesia, Directorate of Research and Public Service Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis Terapan THE EFFECT OF CURRENT RATIO, NET PROFIT MARGIN, ROA, COMPANY AGE, ON PROFIT GROWTH& STOCK PRICES DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC
3782 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Ovid Nursing Administration Quarterly Clinician Wellbeing and Mental Health Assessment Across Two Acute Care Hospitals During the COVID-19 Pandemic Roberta Kaplow, Polly Willis, Dinah Steele, Julie Swann, Nancye R. Feistritzer
3783 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Corporate Finance The performance of private equity portfolio companies during the COVID-19 pandemic Paul Lavery, Nick Wilson
3784 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare Retraction notice: The legal nature of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on contractual obligations applied in human rights
3785 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare Retraction notice: Reconsidering the criteria of the healthy house's interior design during crises: COVID-19 pandemic as an example
3786 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Korean Academic Society of Business Administration korean management review Can ESG Management and the Volatility of ESG Management Levels During the COVID-19 Pandemic Lead to Enhanced Firm Value? Jung-eun Yu, Sung-jin Son
3787 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Brawijaya University The International Journal of Accounting and Business Society Covid-19 Pandemic's Effect on Performance and Acceleration of Performance Recovery: A Study on Manufacturing Industry in Bangladesh Golam Shahria
3788 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Brawijaya University The International Journal of Accounting and Business Society Helping Hand During Covid-19 Pandemic: Exploring Motivation and Implications Corporate Social Responsibility Banking Sector Kadek Goldina Putri Dewi, Eko Ganis Sukoharsono, Zaki Baridwan
3789 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Ovid Nursing Administration Quarterly COVID-19 Stressors and Resilience Among Nurse Leaders Aoyjai P. Montgomery, Patricia A. Patrician
3790 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Ahmad Dahlan International Journal of Healthcare Research Dampak Ketidaklengkapan Rekam Medis Rawat Inap Kasus Covid-19 Terhadap Pelayanan di Rumah Sakit Condong Catur Yogyakarta Paskalia Gabrielsa Dehoni, Kori Puspita Ningsih
3791 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Al-Azhar Assiut Medical Journal COVID-19 vaccine and effect of sperm: Correspondence Pathum Sookaromdee, Viroj Wiwanitkit
3792 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Medknow Publications Al-Azhar Assiut Medical Journal Serum amyloid A protein as a predictor of severity in coronavirus disease 2019-infected Egyptian patients Dalia A.E.M.A.E.R. Negm, Wafaa M.A.E.-W. Elzefzafy, Sabah E.A. El Raheem, Nessren M.B. El Deen
3793 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy Characteristics of virus and antibody response in an immunocompromised patient with persistent SARS-CoV-2 infection Shunsuke Yazawa, Kei Fukuyama, Rie Kawakami, Masae Itamochi, Daiki Higashi, Noriaki Tsuji, et al. (+4)
3794 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon Surveillance strategies for SARS-CoV-2 infections through one health approach Chien-Yuan Huang, Shih-Bin Su, Kow-Tong Chen
3795 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Springer-Verlag European Radiology Preserved prenatal lung growth assessed by fetal MRI in the omicron-dominated phase of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic Gloria Biechele, Vanessa Koliogiannis, Philippe Rennollet, Tobias Prester, Enrico Schulz, Thomas Kolben, et al. (+15)
3796 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Virological Methods Characterization of monoclonal antibodies targeting SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein: Reactivity against Delta and Omicron BA. 1 variants Pratik M Kulkarni, Suresh H Basagoudanavar, Shreya Gopinath, Harshita Patangia, P.K. Gupta, BP Sreenivasa, et al. (+10)
3797 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Indraprasta PGRI JABE (Journal of Applied Business and Economic) TOURISM CONSUMER BEHAVIOR: FORECASTING TOURIST DEMAND AFTER COVID19 PANDEMIC Jhonson Pardosi, Nur Cahaya Bangun, Ilham Mirzaya Putra
3798 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier International Journal of Information Management Data Insights Are you game? Health Gamification during disruptions due to the pandemic for sustainability Swati Tayal, K. Rajagopal
3799 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Microbe Global wastewater surveillance for pathogens with pandemic potential: opportunities and challenges Nicholas C Grassly, Alexander G Shaw, Michael Owusu
3800 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Tissue Viability Nursing students’ knowledge, attitudes and learning occasions about pressure injuries at the time of graduation: A multi-method pre-post pandemic study Margherita Zito, Stefania Chiappinotto, Alessandro Galazzi, Illarj Achil, Davide Caruzzo, Stefano Fabris, et al. (+2)
3801 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of the American College of Cardiology Semaglutide, COVID-19 Mortality, and the Power of Harnessing Ongoing Clinical Trials During Unexpected Outbreaks Jeremy Samuel Faust
3802 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier Research in International Business and Finance Connectedness and frequency connection among green bond, cryptocurrency and green energy-related metals around the COVID-19 outbreak Hongjun Zeng, Qingcheng Huang, Mohammad Zoynul Abedin, Abdullahi D. Ahmed, Brian Lucey
3803 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Elsevier Respiratory Medicine Case Reports Subacute thyroiditis after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine Yingshuo Zhong, Chang Di, Xiaohui Yang, Yang Yu
3804 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Molecular Sciences Post-Hoc Analysis of Potential Correlates of Protection of a Recombinant SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Extracellular Domain Vaccine Formulated with Advax-CpG55.2-Adjuvant Nikolai Petrovsky
3805 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  International Journal Labs Journal Of Social Research Hierarchical Analysis of Foodstuffs and Housing in the Formation of the Final CPI After the Covid Pandemic -19 Early 2019-2021 in Ternate City Bakri Soamole, Mohammad Kotib, Firdaus Duko
3806 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Jenderal Soedirman Jurnal of Community Health Development Pemberdayaan Karang Taruna dalam Mendukung Gerakan 3M Selama Pandemi Covid-19 Mad Zaini, Supriyadi Supriyadi, Koernia Nanda Pratama
3807 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Raden Intan State Islamic University of Lampung Salam (Islamic Economics Journal) Peranan Pemerintah Dalam Mengembangkan Ekonomi Kerakyatan Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 Putri Selviana Anjani, Bagus Dwi Cahyo, Ellen Praditha, Fakhri Danii Alfarizi, Heni Noviarita
3808 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Program Pascasarjana Universitas Muslim Indonesia Jurnal Flyover Manfaat Program Padat Karya Revitalisasi Drainase di Waktu Covid-19 Abd Karim Hadi, Ratna Musa, A. Rezeki Nurul Ramadhani Sadar
3810 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  CV. Media Publikasi Profesional Journal of Society and Development Peran Nilai-Nilai Tasawuf dalam Mengatasi Overthinking dan Ketidakbermaknaan di Kalangan Mahasiswa Selama Pandemi Covid-19 Yunita Maulidyna
3811 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Scidac Plus Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal Strategi Pemasaran Perusahaan Wong Solo Dalam Meningkatkan Pendapatan Setelah Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Ajib Romadhona
3812 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Teuku Umar Jurnal Pengabdian Agro and Marine Industry EDUKASI DAN KAMPANYE PUBLIK TENTANG PENERAPAN PROTOKOL KESEHATAN DALAM RANGKA PENGURANGAN POTENSI PENYEBARAN VIRUS COVID-19 Yusnaidi Yusnaidi, Mirdha Fahlevi SI, Amsal Irmalis
3813 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Jurnal Manajemen Eka Prasetya, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Eka Prasetya PROCEEDING INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS CONFERENCE (IBEC) Analysis of the Impact of Covid-19 and Company Policies on Sales Volume in the New Normal Period (Case Study: Medan Market Center) Jeslyn Yennuar Pratama
3814 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Program Pascasarjana Universitas Muslim Indonesia Jurnal Flyover Analisis Kinerja Angkutan Antar Kota Dalam Provinsi (AKDP) Samarinda-Balikpapan pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Berdasarkan Persepsi Penumpang Eko Sutanto, St Maryam H, Asma Massara
3815 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Teuku Umar Jurnal Pengabdian Agro and Marine Industry PROGRAM PENCEGAHAN DAN PENANGGULANGAN COVID-19 CARE (CHARITY, ACTION, REMINDER, EDUCATION) DI KELURAHAN GEDUNG JOHOR KOTA MEDAN Dian Fera, Fedia Rizkita, Lili Rahmawati, Siti Khotimah, Lili Eky Nursia N, Danvil Nabela
3816 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Jurnal Manajemen Eka Prasetya, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Eka Prasetya PROCEEDING INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS CONFERENCE (IBEC) Covid-19 Challenges and the Role of Islamic Fintech: A Literature Review Afrizal
3817 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Teuku Umar Jurnal Pengabdian Agro and Marine Industry STRATEGI PEMASARAN (4P) UMKM DALAM SITUASI PANDEMIC COVID-19 DI JURONG TENGKU FAKINAH GAMPONG PEUNITI KOTA BANDA ACEH Tamitha Intassar Husen, Nabila Hilmy Zhafira, Ikhsan Ikhsan, Cut Devi Maulidasari, Ika Rahmadani
3818 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Jenderal Soedirman Jurnal of Community Health Development UPAYA PENCEGAHAN PENULARAN COVID-19 DI PESANTREN BAITUL QURAN KARANGSALAM KIDUL KABUPATEN BANYUMAS MELALUI PEMBENTUKAN KADER SANTRI Atyanti Isworo, Yunita Sari, Akhyarul Anam, Annas Sumeru
3819 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Jenderal Soedirman Jurnal of Community Health Development Penyegaran Kader Posyandu Balita dan Lansia dalam kondisi Pandemi Covid-19 di Wilayah Kelurahan Ngaliyan Kota Semarang Dwi Retnaningsih, Luthfia Indah Astuti, Muniroul Ulya, Listiowanti Listiowanti, Pradipta Ramadhan
3820 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universal Library Open Access Publications LLC Universal Library of Medical and Health Sciences Managing a Low-Sodium Lifestyle and Dietary Behaviors during COVID-19 for Black Women with Hypertension Angela Groves, Asli McCullers, Emma Mathias, Yendelela C○
3821 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Jurnal Manajemen Eka Prasetya, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Eka Prasetya PROCEEDING INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS CONFERENCE (IBEC) Effect of Capital Structure and Audit Committee on Earnings Management during Covid-19 on Public Companies in the Pulp and Paper Sector Jennifer Hawila
3822 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Jenderal Soedirman Jurnal of Community Health Development Screening Vaksinasi Covid-19 Pada Kegiatan Vaksinasi Umum Dan Lintas Agama Dwi Fijianto
3823 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Jenderal Soedirman Jurnal of Community Health Development OPTIMALISASI DUKUNGAN SOSIAL DALAM UPAYA PENCEGAHAN PENYAKIT MENULAR COVID-19 PADA KELOMPOK RENTAN DI PANTI PELAYANAN SOSIAL LANSIA Asep Iskandar, Rahmi Setiyani, Desiyani Nani
3824 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universitas Teuku Umar Jurnal Pengabdian Agro and Marine Industry SOSIALISASI PEMASARAN PRODUK TANAMAN HERBAL UNTUK DAYA TAHAN TUBUH DI MASA COVID-19 PADA MASYARAKAT GAMPONG UJONG BAROH Cut Devi Maulidasari, Damrus Damrus, Rusma Setiyana, Chairiyaton Chairiyaton, Cut Mega Putri
3825 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam YPBWI Surabaya, Indonesia JIESP Journal of Islamic Economics Studies and Practices Strategi Pemasaran dan Prosedur Produksi Pakaian di Masa Pemulihan Pandemi Covid-19 pada Toko Lenka Muhammad Hamdan Ali Masduqie
3826 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Jurnal Manajemen Eka Prasetya, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Eka Prasetya PROCEEDING INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS CONFERENCE (IBEC) Factors Influencing Occupational Stress: A Study on its Effect on the Performance of MSU-IIT Faculty during COVID-19 Pandemic JESSA MAE BANSE
3833 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Jurnal Manajemen Eka Prasetya, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Eka Prasetya PROCEEDING INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS CONFERENCE (IBEC) The Effect of Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Good Corporate Governance on Employee Performance During the Covid-19 Pandemic (Case Study of Panin Dai-ichi Life Timor Branch) Caroline Tiofanny
3834 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Jurnal Manajemen Eka Prasetya, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Eka Prasetya PROCEEDING INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS CONFERENCE (IBEC) The Role of Digital Marketing and Advertising in Honda Motorcycle Sales at PT. Indako Trading Coy during the Covid-19 Pandemic (Study Case Dealer in Medan, Binjai and Deli Serdang) Wandy Gozali Santy Tan
3835 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universal Library Open Access Publications LLC Universal Library of Medical and Health Sciences D-Dimer Rise: A Possible Link with COVID-19 Vaccines? L. Dupoirieux
3836 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  CV. Media Publikasi Profesional Journal of Society and Development Perempuan dan Perceraian di Masa Pandemi Covid-19: Studi Kasus di Kota Bandung Andi M. Taufiq
3837 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Universal Library Open Access Publications LLC Universal Library of Medical and Health Sciences Encyclopaedia of Epoch-Making of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Coronaviruses Dr. Willie Sai Ho Chan
3840 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Jurnal Manajemen Eka Prasetya, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Eka Prasetya PROCEEDING INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS CONFERENCE (IBEC) The Effect of E-Commerce Utilization and Tax Digitization on CV Citra Anggun Cosmetic's Performance During the Pandemic Gabriella Geby
3841 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  Jurnal Manajemen Eka Prasetya, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Eka Prasetya PROCEEDING INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS CONFERENCE (IBEC) The Impact Of The Pandemic And The Implementation Of Sales Strategies On People's Buying Interest In The New Normal Shelren
3842 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Contribuciones a las Ciencias Sociales Memória de profissionais do Centro de Atenção Psicossocial Álcool e outras Drogas em relação ao cuidado a alcoolistas no contexto da pandemia de COVID-19 Edite Lago da Silva Sena, Sávio Luiz Ferreira Moreira, Vanessa Meira Maia, Thainan Alves Silva, Lúcio Silva Sena, Leila Graziele de Almeida Brito, et al. (+2)
3843 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Contribuciones a las Ciencias Sociales More than social isolation and lack of Public Policies: impacts of COVID-19 on the income, health, eating and physical activity of Brazilian women who underwent a bariatric surgery Mariana Dimitrov Ulian, Ramiro Fernandez Unsain, Ruth Rocha Franco, Marco Aurélio Santo, Luana Cordeiro de Oliveira, Roseanne C. Schuster, et al. (+3)
3844 2024―Aug―30  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Contribuciones a las Ciencias Sociales Microcusteio por absorção em unidades de terapia intensiva durante a pandemia da COVID-19: um estudo transversal Alessandra Ladeira Boçois, Danielly Negrão Guassú Nogueira, Marli de Carvalho Jericó, Maria do Carmo Fernandez Lourenço Haddad, Leticia Coutinho de Oliveira, Renata Pedrão Leme Motomatsu
3845 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Informatika dan Komputer (Aptikom) Provinsi DKI Jakarta Jurnal Ticom Technology of Information and Communication Prototype Rancangan Bangun Alat Pencuci Tangan Elektrik Otomatis dan Sabun Cuci Tangan Otomatis Dengan Arduino Uno R3 menggunakan Sensor Ultrasonik, Sensor IR Inframerah dan Motor Servo untuk Mencegah Penyebaran Covid-19 Dewi Kusumaningsih
3846 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University of Bandung Mabrur Academic Journal of Hajj and Umra Implementasi Manajemen Layanan Haji Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Nakhila Hunafa Al Qudsy, Yusuf Zaenal Abidin, Asep Iwan Setiawan
3847 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University of Bandung Mabrur Academic Journal of Hajj and Umra Implementasi Strategi Bimbingan Manasik Haji Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Putri Diesy Fitriani, Fakhri Awalludin, Raisa Agnia Azzaahra
3848 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University of Bandung Mabrur Academic Journal of Hajj and Umra Evaluasi Strategi Bimbingan Manasik Haji di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19 Fathin Anjani Hilman, Hanadiviyah Hanadiviyah, Gina Fitriyani
3850 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Baishideng Publishing Group Co (World Journal of Virology) World Journal of Virology Rhabdomyolysis-related acute kidney injury in patients with COVID-19 Ahmet Murt, Mehmet Riza Altiparmak
3851 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Ibnu Sina Ajibarang Journal Economic Excellence Ibnu Sina Efektivitas Penerimaan E- Samsat Sumut Bermartabat Sebagai Media Pembayaran Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor (PKB) Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 Murinanda Amalya Parinduri
3852 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Musamus Merauke Musamus Accounting Journal Perbandingan Model Dalam Memprediksi Kebangkrutan Emiten Dimasa Covid-19 Ade Sri Ulita, Agus Nisfur Romdioni, Sopia Betaubun
3853 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Musamus Merauke Musamus Accounting Journal Pengaruh Rasio Likuiditas, Solvabilitas, Dan Profitabiltas Terhadap Kinerja Perusahaan Saat Terjadi Covid-19 Muhammad Arifin, Agus Nisfur Romdioni, Mensy Otelyo Kastanya
3855 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Wiley British Journal of Health Psychology A multiple behaviour temporal network analysis for health behaviours during COVID-19 Zack van Allen, Justin Presseau
3856 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia Undiksha PERSEPSI MAHASISWA TERHADAP PENGGUNAAN APLIKASI ZOOM DALAM PERKULIAHAN KIMIA DASAR SAAT PANDEMI COVID-19 Chichi Rahayu
3857 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Brawijaya University Reviu Akuntansi Keuangan dan Sistem Informasi Pengaruh Fee Audit Dan Audit Delay Terhadap Kualitas Audit Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Rika Nur Widiastutik, Akie Rusaktiva Rustam
3858 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Brawijaya University Reviu Akuntansi Keuangan dan Sistem Informasi Persistensi Laba Dan Konservatisme Akuntansi Sebelum Dan Selama Covid-19 Novita Puji Rahayu, Bambang Hariadi
3859 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Quantifying wildland fire resources deployed during the compound threat of COVID-19 Emily M. Wells, Erin Beval, Shannon Kay, Mitchell J. Small, Gabrielle Wong-Parodi
3860 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Proxy Responses in Research on COVID-19 Among People With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Sarah Lineberry, Matthew Bogenschutz, Michael Broda
3861 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Baishideng Publishing Group Co (World Journal of Virology) World Journal of Virology Recurrent stroke admissions with vs without COVID-19 and associated in-hospital mortality: A United States nationwide analysis, 2020 Rupak Desai, Sai Priyanka Mellacheruvu, Sai Anusha Akella, Adil Sarvar Mohammed, Mushfequa Hussain, Abdul Aziz Mohammed, et al. (+4)
3862 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Baishideng Publishing Group Co (World Journal of Virology) World Journal of Virology Role of vitamin D in COVID-19 and other viral infections Muhammet Mesut Nezir Engin, Öner Özdemir
3863 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives Preparedness for the recent increase in COVID-19 cases Jong-Koo Lee
3864 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Humanities and Social Sciences Communications Shifting sentiments: analyzing public reaction to COVID-19 containment policies in Wuhan and Shanghai through Weibo data Zhihang Liu, Jinlin Wu, Connor Y. H. Wu, Xinming Xia
3865 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  LPPM (Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian) UNTAG Semarang Transformasi Journal of Economics and Business Management Analisis Praktek Bisnis dan Pendapatan UMKM Akibat Covid-19 Di Kecamatan Tamalanrea Kota Makassar Muhamad Hasan
3866 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan PROSES PEMBELAJARAN PRAKTEK PROGRAM KEAHLIAN TATA BUSANA PASCA PANDEMI COVID-19 DI SMK NEGERI 2 SINGARAJA Putri Maylina Sari, I Dewa Ayu Made Budhyani, Made Diah Angendari
3867 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Elsevier Pathology - Research and Practice COVID-19 diagnosis on the basis of nanobiosensors’ prompt interactivity: a holistic review Mohammad Mohammadi, Zahra Asvar, Pooria Solhjoo, Mohammad Sarikhanikhorrami, Hassan Ghader Abadi, Shirin Ghazizadeh, et al. (+6)
3868 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Teuku Umar J-Kesmas Jurnal Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat (The Indonesian Journal of Public Health) Description of the COVID-19 Incident Based on Regional and Individual Characteristics (Case Study in Sleman Regency in The First Year of the Pandemic) Novia Ariyani, Sunarti Sunarti, Tri Wahyuni Sukesi
3869 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Public Health Examining self-described policy-relevant evidence base for policymaking: an evidence map of COVID-19 literature Emelda E Chukwu, Katie Woolaston, Ricardo Kaufer, Alejandro Bortolus, Chad L Hewitt, Evangelina Schwindt, et al. (+7)
3871 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember Jurnal Sains Manajemen dan Bisnis Indonesia Pengaruh Inovasi Produk Dan Orientasi Pasar Terhadap Kinerja Penjualan Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Pada PT. Prammindo Windukarya Cemerlang Haeriyah Haeriyah, Pitri Yandri
3872 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Teuku Umar J-Kesmas Jurnal Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat (The Indonesian Journal of Public Health) Determinants of Multivitamin Supplement Consumption in College Students During The Covid-19 Pandemic Rofiqotin Azizah, Fariani Syahrul, Firman Firdauz Saputra, Geofrey Ssekalembe
3873 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Lembaga KITA International Journal of Management Science and Information Technology Transformational Leadership and Innovation Climate as an Antecedent of Employee Creativity in The Era of The Covid-19 Pandemic Hayyu Komala Sari, Heru Kurnianto Tjahjono, Sri Handari Wahyuningsih
3874 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Lembaga KITA International Journal of Management Science and Information Technology Comparative Analysis of The Performance of The Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG) With the Indonesian Sharia Stock Index (ISSI) During The Covid-19 Pandemic Mikrad Mikrad, Agung Budi, Hendra Galuh Febrianto
3875 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Commissioner Diversity, Environmental Pressures, and Sustainability Disclosure Before and During The COVID-19 Pandemic Muhammad Wisnu Girindratama, Nurma Juwita, Setyaningtyas Honggowati, Doddy Setiawan
3876 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia Indonesian Capital Market Review Moderating Role of Financial Characteristics in Sectoral Performance During the Period of Economic Disruption: Evidence from the Covid-19 Pandemic Himanshu Joshi, Bhavya Joshi
3877 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan VOCATIONAL SCHOOL STUDENTS' PERCEPTIONS OF GOOGLE CLASSROOM IN FULL ONLINE LEARNING AT THE BEGINNING OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Gede Rasben Dantes, Ni Komang Ayu Rinawati, Ni Komang Arie Suwastini, Ni Nyoman Artini
3878 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of International Society of Preventive and Community Dentistry Behavioral Preventative Strategies Undertaken by Dental Clinics in Fiji during COVID-19 Pandemic Kartika Kajal, Masoud Mohammadnezhad
3879 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Elsevier Finance Research Letters The COVID-19 Pandemic, Digitalization Level, and Financing Constraints of Listed Tourism Companies Junli Lyu
3880 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Teuku Umar J-Kesmas Jurnal Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat (The Indonesian Journal of Public Health) Old, New, and Future Food Policy Before and After the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia Andi Eka Yunianto, Djarat Martianto, Arfah Husna, Widya Ayu Kurnia Putri, Ikha Deviyanthi Puspitasari, Erna Susilowati, David Ardhian
3881 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Teuku Umar J-Kesmas Jurnal Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat (The Indonesian Journal of Public Health) Overview of Basic Immunization Coverage in Infants During the Covid-19 Pandemic in North Sumatra Derani Derani, Alvi Hazri Lubis, Mina Ainun Harahap, Aljutri Aljutri, Nofi Susanti
3882 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Indian Pediatrics Erratum to: Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Routine Immunization Among Tribal Children in Odisha: A Rapid Epidemiological Survey G. Alekhya, Dinesh Prasad Sahu, Binod Kumar Patro, Priyamadhaba Behera, Manish Taywade, Sankalp Suhag Dash
3883 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi SMEs Business Survival Model During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of Handicraft SMEs in Bali Province Ni Luh Wayan Sayang Telagawathi, Ni Made Suci, Ni Made Amanda Dewantini, Ni Kadek Sinarwati
3884 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi The Effect of Tax Incentives, Tax Rates, Tax Sanctions, Tax Services, and the Application of SAK EMKM on the Compliance of UMKM Taxpayers during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of UMKM Taxpayers Registered at KPP Pratama Ternate Irfan Zamzam, Resmiyati Ansar
3885 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Infection and Public Health Mortality and morbidity in critically ill COVID-19 patients: A systematic review and meta-Analysis. Gebreamlak Gebremedhn Gebremeskel, Degena Bahrey Tadesse, Teklehaimanot Gereziher Haile
3886 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember Jurnal Sains Manajemen dan Bisnis Indonesia Efektifitas Pemanfaatan E-Commerce Shopee Terhadap Keberlangsungan UMKM Mandailing Dimasa Pandemi Covid-19 (Studi Kasus Toko Mandailing Jakarta Selatan) Nurur Rahma, Yayat Sujatna
3887 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Jurnal Widya Medika POST COVID-19 SYNDROME EFFECT ON DAILY LIFE ACTIVITIES Sianty Dewi, Bernadette Dian Novita Dewi, Niluh Suwasanti, Paul L Tahalele
3888 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Musamus Merauke Musamus Accounting Journal Dampak Pandemi Covid-19 Terhadap Transformasi Perekonomian Di Wilayah Kabupaten Merauke Esy Lewaherilla, Agustinus Fangohoy
3889 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Baishideng Publishing Group Co (World Journal of Virology) World Journal of Virology Dosage and utilization of dexamethasone in the management of COVID-19: A critical review Imran Sethi, Asim Shaikh, Musa Sethi, Hira Khalid Chohan, Sheraz Younus, Syed A Khan, Salim Surani
3890 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan ONLINE LEARNING AMIDST COVID-19: ITS CHALLENGES ON HIGHER EDUCATION IN INDONESIA Ni Komang Arie Suwastini, Ni Komang Ratna Purwanti, Komang Febrinayanti Dantes, Zhuo Huizhao, Ni Wayan Surya Mahayanti
3891 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Elsevier Pregnancy Hypertension A prospective cohort study of pregnancy outcomes following antepartum infection with SARS-CoV-2 James D. Doss, Emily Diveley, Fan Zhang, Amy Scheffer, Ruizhi Huang, Daniel Jackson, et al. (+4)
3892 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Teuku Umar J-Kesmas Jurnal Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat (The Indonesian Journal of Public Health) Implementation of a Sero Survey For Sars-Cov-2 at The Medan City Health Office in 2023 Zata Ismah, Dilla Yustika, Ridha Panalia Siregar, Sunnii Irtiyah Harahap
3893 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Nature Communications Early biological markers of post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection Scott Lu, Michael J. Peluso, David V. Glidden, Michelle C. Davidson, Kara Lugtu, Jesus Pineda-Ramirez, et al. (+27)
3894 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Rheumatology Anti-OJ antibody-positive anti-synthetase syndrome following SARS-CoV-2 infection: a case report and literature review Robin Sia, Benjamin Massouridis, Nicholas Ngan Kee, Bryan Yong, Catriona Mclean, Sian Campbell
3895 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Scientific Research Publishing, Inc. Journal of Tuberculosis Research Contribution of Genomic Surveillance in the Detection and Monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 Variants during the 6 Pandemic Waves in the Central African Republic from 2020 to 2023 Clotaire Donatien Rafaï, Ernest Lango-Yaya, Marie Roseline Darnicka Belizaire, Ouoko Fa-Ti-Gbia Maurel Annicet Adonis, Marcel Mbeko Simaleko, Jean-Baptiste Roungou, et al. (+3)
3896 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Relawan Jurnal Indonesia INCOME Innovation of Economics and Management Analysis of Disruption of Consumer Buying Interest in Cake Products at Mom's Shop During the Pandemic Hesti Ningrum Naufal Urbach
3898 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Medknow Publications International journal of Nutrition Pharmacology Neurological Diseases Managing the Cytokine Storm in COVID-19 Aruna Ganganna, Byalakere Rudraiah Chandrashekar, Madhugiri Prakash Venkatesh, Uzma Belgaumi, Sachin Shivnaikar, Purnima Bhandari
3899 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi Jurnal Ilmiah Al-Hadi Proses Pembelajaran Di Rumah Untuk Anak Usia Dini Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Salma Rozana
3900 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP) Bim EDU SOCIATA ( JURNAL PENDIDIKAN SOSIOLOGI ) Kearifan Lokal Tana Luwu dalam Menghadapi Pandemi Covid-19 Ahmad Fatkul Fikri, Rustian Rustian, Titisari Haruming Tyas, Mohammad Afifuddin, Catur Susilo Rahardi
3901 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences University Informative Draft on COVID-19 Aishwarya Gupta, Nitin Bhola, Rajanikant Kambala
3902 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences University Quarantine for COVID-19 Tanvi Jaiswal, Seema Sathe Kambala
3903 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences University Workplace anxiety due to COVID-19 Sushant Kishore Waghmare
3904 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP) Bim EDU SOCIATA ( JURNAL PENDIDIKAN SOSIOLOGI ) Upaya Orang Tua Dalam Memaksimalkan Belajar Anak Selama School Form Home Pandemi Covid-19 Rahmatul Husna, Zakwan Adri
3905 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Instituto Especializado de Profesionales de la Salud Revista Salud y Desarrollo Indagación sobre prácticas sexuales de adolescentes y jóvenes cubanos en tiempos de covid-19 Lídice Mederos Villalón, Vanesa Bárbara Fernández Bereau, José Eugenio Martínez González
3906 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Conselho Nacional de Justica Sistema e-Revista CNJ Violência doméstica contra as mulheres em situação de rua e a pandemia da covid-19 Adriana Ramos de Mello, Marcela Lobo, Tais de Paula Scheer
3907 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Medknow Publications Indian Journal of Dermatology Atypical erythema multiforme revealing COVID-19 Randa Said, Mouna Korbi, Hichem Belhadjali, Jameleddine Zili
3908 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Medknow Publications Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology COVID-19 Dinesh Jothimani, Radhika Venugopal, Shruthi Manoharan, Silas Danielraj, Swetha Palanichamy, Gomathy Narasimhan, et al. (+2)
3909 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Lepidus Tecnologia ID on line REVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA Federalismo Brasileiro em Tempos de Pandemia: Desafios e Medidas Emergenciais na Resposta à Covid-19 Ilânia Fonseca Cavalcanti, Mariana Filgueiras Vieira, Marcelo Henrique Pereira dos Santos
3910 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Pensar Academico Pensar Acadêmico ATUAÇÃO DE RESIDENTES MULTIPROFISSIONAIS NA ATENÇÃO PRIMÁRIA A SAÚDE DURANTE A PANDEMIA DA COVID-19 Anne Karollyne De Lima, Mariana Aparecida de Lara Streski, Thais Franceni De Oliveira, Mariane Aparecida Sanson Wayar
3911 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Pensar Academico Pensar Acadêmico AUTONOMIA DO PACIENTE EM TEMPOS DE PANDEMIA: O USO (IN)CONTROVERSO DA CLOROQUINA E DA HIDROXICLOROQUINA NO TRATAMENTO DE PACIENTES COM COVID-19 Tiago Cação Vinhas, Victor Conte André, Gabriel Alves De Oliveira, Luiz Fernando Alfrediano
3912 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Asociacion Guatemalteca de Oftalmologia Revista Oftálmica Algunos Cambios en la Oftalmología y sus Paradigmas: Cambios en el paradigna del desarrollo del Queratocono e hitos importantes de la vacunacion del COVI-19 y COVID-19 Erick Sáenz
3913 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Galuh Ciamis Jurnal Wahana Pendidikan Investigasi Kompetensi Tpack Dosen Dan Realisasi Pembelajaran Tatap Muka Pasca Covid-19 Desi Nurani, Luthfiyatun Thoyyibah, Ratnawati Ratnawati
3914 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  MDPI AG Medicina Hypochloremia: A Potential Indicator of Poor Outcomes in COVID-19 Orçun Barkay, Faruk Karakeçili
3915 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  American Psychological Association Developmental Psychology Emerging adults’ journeys out of the shutdown: Longitudinal narrative patterns in a college career defined by COVID-19. Jordan A. Booker, Robyn Fivush, Andrea Follmer Greenhoot, Kate C. McLean, Cecilia Wainryb, Monisha Pasupathi
3916 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo Avaliação das implicações cardíacas em pacientes pós Covid-19 Natália Petreca Cortez da Silva, Victoria Gastaldelo, Thainá Cruz Magalhães, Júlia Maria de Souza Oliveira, Ingrid de Oliveira Silva, Danyelle Cristine Marini
3917 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  American Medical Association JAMA Increasing Mortality Rates in the US, but Not From COVID-19 Steven H. Woolf
3918 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Elsevier Atención Primaria Violence against women in the post-pandemic time of COVID-19 Yesid José Ortega Pacheco, Virginia Isabel Barrero Toncel
3919 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara Sukoharjo Journal Of Business Finance and Economics (JBFE) Analisis Strategi Pemasaran pada Hotel Toraja Prince di Kecamatan Tallunglipu Kabupaten Toraja Utara di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Rical Rical
3920 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Red de Investigadores Latinoamericanos LATAM Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Implementación de la evaluación por competencias en colegios de nivel medio en la Ciudad de San Estanislao, durante la pandemia Covid-19 Hugo Arnaldo Ibañez Mieres
3921 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  LPPM Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor Jurnal Obor Penmas Pendidikan Luar Sekolah PERAN TUTOR UNTUK MENINGKATKAN MOTIVASI BELAJAR PESERTA DIDIK PAKET C SKB KOTA MEDAN DALAM PEMBELAJARAN TATAP MUKA DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Romiani Sibarani, Friska Indria Nora Harahap
3922 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia TOBA Journal of Tourism Hospitality and Destination Strategi Pemasaran Daya Tarik Wisata Alas Harus Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 Kadek Wira Adi Saputra
3923 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Kare Publishing Eurasian Journal of Medical Advances The Effect of Respiratory Exercises on People with Ongoing Dyspnea and Recovered from COVID-19 Şerife Çetin
3924 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Revista Profissao Docente Revista Profissão Docente Diário de um mestrando virtual: um recorte da docência orientada na pandemia de covid-19 Paulo de Tarso Sousa Xavier Sousa Junior, Alberto Manuel Quintana
3925 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Wiley ChemistrySelect Antiviral Effects of Silver, Copper Oxide, Cerium Oxide, and Cobalt Oxide Nanoparticles and Silver and Copper Sheets Against COVID-19 Aida Norouzi, Sobhan Mansouri, Rozita Mardani, Mohammad Hadi Nematollahi, Moslem Abolhassani, Mohammad Erfan Norouzmahani, et al. (+3)
3926 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Oxford University Press Journal of Public Health Holistic adolescent well-being: public health units and spiritual wellness in school mental health during COVID-19 John Patrick C Toledo
3927 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Science Publishing Corporation International Journal of Medicine A comprehensive review of etiology, pathophysiologyepidemiology, and management of hair loss and its correlation with COVID-19 Faraz Changizi
3928 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Rayyan Jurnal MANTAP Journal of Management Accounting Tax and Production Analisis Permintaan dan Penawaran Agregat di Kala Pandemi Covid-19 Sanusi Gazali Pane, Muhammad Fikri, Regita Amalia Saskia, Salsabila Azzahro Lubis, Syahrul Ramadhan
3929 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) East Asian Science Technology and Society Social Welfare as “Legitimation”: National Health Insurance Service (NHIS) and the Politics of Health Reform in South Korea, from 1977 to the Time of COVID-19 John P. DiMoia
3930 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Brawijaya University Journal of Development Economic and Social Studies ANALISIS FAKTOR- FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI KEPUTUSAN MAHASISWA MENGGUNAKAN APLIKASI ONLINE FOOD DELIV-ERY DALAM KONDISI PANDEMI COVID-19 Shafira Hanryani, Ika Khusnia Anggraeni
3931 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines The Influence of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination on the Mortality and Outcomes of Patients with Both Myocardial Infarction and COVID-19 Eugeniusz Hrycek, Anna Walawska-Hrycek, Krzysztof Milewski, Przemysław Nowakowski, Piotr Buszman, Aleksander Żurakowski
3932 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau Jurnal Sains Matematika dan Statistika Analisis Dinamik dan Eksistensi Traveling Wave pada Model Penyebaran Penyakit Covid-19 Chandra Buana, Syamsyida Rozi, Gusmanely Z
3933 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Brawijaya University Journal of Development Economic and Social Studies PENGARUH HARGA, COD, GRATIS ONGKOS PENGIRIMAN, REVIEW POSITIF, DAN STATUS VERIFIKASI TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN DI MARKETPLACE (Studi Kasus Pada Mahasiswa FEB UB Saat Pandemi Covid-19) Luqman Abdullah
3934 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Belarusian State Medical University Medical Journal PROGNOSIS IN COVID-19 Sialitskaya O. P.
3935 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara Sukoharjo Keraton Journal of History Education and Culture Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Power Point Untuk Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Sejarah Siswa Pasca Pembelajaran Daring (COVID-19) Toni Nugroho Saputro, Yusuf Andre Prakoso, I Made Ratih Rosanawati
3936 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Brawijaya University Journal of Development Economic and Social Studies PERUBAHAN PERILAKU KONSUMSI PADA MASYARAKAT JAWA TIMUR SELAMA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Arina Sofi Ulya
3937 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Brawijaya University Journal of Development Economic and Social Studies ANALISIS PENYERAPAN TENAGA KERJA DI SEKTOR PARIWISATA KABUPATEN BLITAR STUDI KASUS PERIODE PANDEMI COVID-19 Endah Rekno Palupi, Nugroho Suryo Bintoro
3938 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Brawijaya University Journal of Development Economic and Social Studies ANALISIS PENGARUH SUKU BUNGA (BI RATE), JUMLAH UANG BEREDAR DAN EKSPOR TERHADAP INFLASI DI INDONESIA PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Dwi Ajeng Ratri, Munawar Munawar
3939 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Brawijaya University Journal of Development Economic and Social Studies PERALIHAN MATA PENCAHARIAN PEKERJA HOTEL YANG TERDAMPAK KRISIS EKONOMI (PANDEMI COVID-19) Vina Adhi Salsabila, Maryunani Maryunani
3940 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Muhammadiyah Metro University GUIDENA Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Psikologi Bimbingan dan Konseling Tinjauan Sistematis: Dampak Stigma terhadap Kesehatan Mental Tenaga Kesehatan yang Bekerja Selama Pandemi COVID-19 Dila Widya Sambhara, Achmad Chusairi
3941 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Muhammadiyah Metro University GUIDENA Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Psikologi Bimbingan dan Konseling Pengaruh Koherensi dan Fungsi Keluarga pada Kualitas Hidup saat Pandemi COVID-19 Irine Irchamillah Azza, Siti Nur Asiyah, Puspa Wardhani
3942 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Muhammadiyah Metro University GUIDENA Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Psikologi Bimbingan dan Konseling Optimisme dan Resiliensi Mahasiswa Tahun Pertama di Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Nada Salsabila, Putri Miftahul Jannah, Masyhuri Masyhuri
3943 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Muhammadiyah Metro University GUIDENA Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Psikologi Bimbingan dan Konseling Penerimaan Diri Remaja yang Kehilangan Orang Tua Akibat COVID-19 Muhammad Fikri Pratama, Suryanto Suryanto
3944 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Yayasan Alpatih Harapan Semesta CIRCULAR Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial dan Ekonomi Pengaruh Pembelajaran Daring Berbasis E-Learning Terhadap Minat Belajar Siswa Man 1 Lombok Timur Selama Pandemi Covid-19 Hairona Alpiana
3945 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten As-Sibyan Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Pola Asuh Orang Tua Dalam Membentuk Karakter Disiplin Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Nurjanah Zakiyah, Nurhikma Nurhikma, Asiyah Asiyah
3946 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten As-Sibyan Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Pola Asupan Gizi Anak Usia Dini Pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Hesti Novita Sari, Kristiana Maryani, Isti Rusdiyani
3947 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten As-Sibyan Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Pengawasan Orang Tua Dalam Penggunaan Gadget Pada Anak Usia Dini Selama Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Cau Kim Jiu, Kharisma Pratama, Jaka Pradika, Hartono Hartono, Indri Erwhani
3948 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Muhammadiyah Metro University GUIDENA Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Psikologi Bimbingan dan Konseling Eksplorasi Pemaknaan Kedukaan Lansia yang Kehilangan Anggota Keluarga Terdekat Akibat Pandemi Covid-19 Fitria Nugraha, Elizabeth Kristi Poerwandari
3949 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Muhammadiyah Metro University GUIDENA Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Psikologi Bimbingan dan Konseling Hubungan Religiusitas dan Perilaku Prososial terhadap Kebermaknaan Hidup Karyawan yang di PHK Selama Pandemi Covid-19 Rika Damayanti, Rahmad Purnama Aksir, Prisilia Laurentika Taga Sikumbang, Bela Sukma Bilqisti
3950 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Islam Darul Ulum Lamongan Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat BAKTI KITA INOVASI PRODUK WISATA EDUKASI PEJAMBON DALAM MENINGKATKAN PEREKONOMIAN MASYARAKAT PASCA COVID-19 Dina Alafi Hidayatin, Hafidza Nash'ul Amrina, Eka Adiputra
3951 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare La Parole Journal of Language Teaching and Pedagogy The Use of Online Learning Model in Teaching English at SMA Negeri 4 Parepare During Pandemic Covid-19 Ayu Mutmainna Abbas, Patahuddin Patahuddin, Sudarmanto Sudarmanto
3952 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Jurnal REKSA Rekayasa Keuangan Syariah dan Audit Tax Incentives Pathfinder under COVID-19 Dinik Fitri Rahajeng Pangestuti, Mun Yah Zahiroh
3954 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo Madu Jurnal Kesehatan Riwayat Penyakit, Status Sosial Ekonomi dan Hubungannya terhadap Kecemasan Reinfeksi pada Penyintas COVID-19 Zul Fikar Ahmad, Lintje Boekoesoe, Melkiyanto Nanto, Siti Surya Indah Nurdin
3955 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Juniper Publishers Academic Journal of Pediatrics & Neonatology Myocarditis in Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome Associated with COVID-19 Maria Ostorga
3956 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Ternopil State Medical University Вісник соціальної гігієни та організації охорони здоров я України ОСОБЛИВОСТІ НАДАННЯ СТРАХОВОГО ЗАХИСТУ ВІД COVID-19","FEATURES OF PROVIDING INSURANCE PROTECTION FROM COVID-19 Н. Я. Климук, Н. О. Кравець
3957 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Gadjah Mada Jurnal Kebijakan Kesehatan Indonesia Determinan Pemanfaatan Pelayanan Antenatal Care pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Ramadhanisa Dwi Primastuti, Septo Pawelas Arso, Rani Tiyas Budiyanti
3958 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP) Jurnal Salingka Nagari Pengaruh Profitabilitas Dan Likuiditas Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan Pada Perusahaan Sub Sektor Transportasi Yang Terdaftar Di BEI Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Fakhrurrazi Fakhrurrazi, Dessi Susanti
3959 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP) Jurnal Salingka Nagari Pengaruh Current Ratio, dan Return On Equity, terhadap Harga Saham Perusahaan Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia (Studi Kasus Pada Perusahaan Sub Sektor Transportasi Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19) Annisa Rahma Ilahi, Dessi Susanti
3960 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP) Jurnal Salingka Nagari Analisis Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kemandirian Belajar Siswa Semasa Pandemi Covid-19 Shara Dwi Amiza, Rita Syofyan
3961 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Lancang Kuning SIKLUS Jurnal Teknik Sipil Pengaruh Keterlambatan Pembangunan Proyek Konstruksi Akibat Pandemi Covid-19 Tamalkhani Syammaun, Hafnidar A Rani, Jurisman Amin
3962 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Adhirajasa Reswara Sanjaya Jurnal Financia PENGARUH NPL DAN LDR TERHADAP ROE SELAMA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Novi Nurcahyani, Renita Rahmawati
3963 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Psychology The chain mediating effects of resilience and perceived social support in the relationship between perceived stress and depression in patients with COVID-19 Lingling Wang, Jing Yu, Xuqian Diao, Yuanbei Zhang, Ye Miao, Wei He
3964 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Yayasan Masyarakat Peduli Anak Indonesia Jurnal Masyarakat Sehat Indonesia Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga dan Dukungan Teman dengan Perilaku 5M Pencegahan COVID-19 Wirda Farah, Dela Aristi
3965 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Creative Publishing House Journal of Ecohumanism Asynchronous Virtual Education Acceptance of University Faculty During Covid-19 Mónica Elva Vaca-Cárdenas, Ermenson Ricardo Ordoñez-Avila, Lorella Gabriele, Leticia Azucena Vaca-Cárdenas
3966 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Lembaga KITA Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Nusantara (JPMN) Peningkatan Layanan Kesehatan Karyawan Melalui Sistem Informasi Perlindungan, Pelacakan, dan Pengawasan Covid-19 Rosalina Rosalina, Genta Sahuri, Simplisius Leandro Okhotan3
3967 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Noyam Publishers E-Journal of Humanities Arts and Social Sciences Information is Power, Technology is Apropos and Food Security is a Must in Africa in the Post COVID-19 African States Samuel Chukwudi Agunyai, Lere Amusan, Kedibone Phago
3968 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Applied Economics COVID-19 and beyond: economic outcomes in Republican vs. Democratic States Dan Rickman, Hongbo Wang
3969 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Dove Medical Press Infection and Drug Resistance Association Between COVID-19 and Diabetes Management Indices in Japanese Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients: A Single-Center, Retrospective Study Kazuhiro Furumachi, Tatsuki Kagatsume, Akari Higuchi, Mariko Kozaru, Etsuko Kumagai, Keiko Hosohata
3970 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Gadjah Mada Jurnal Kebijakan Kesehatan Indonesia The Impact of Cigarette Prices, Store Displays, Covid-19, and Excise Tariffs on Cigarette Consumption Faik Agiwahyuanto, Evina Widianawati, Widya Ratna Wulan
3971 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Naunyn-Schmiedeberg s Archives of Pharmacology Methylene blue for COVID-19 ARDS: insights from a randomized Clinical Trial Zahra Sadat Sanei, Fatemeh Shahrahmani, Behrooz Khaleghi Manesh, Daryoush Hamidi-alamdari, Hassan Mehrad-Majd, Behzad Mavaji Darban, et al. (+2)
3972 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Stellenbosch University - South African Journal of Higher Education South African Journal of Higher Education Postgraduate students’ experiences during COVID-19 at an open distance learning institution K.A. Maboe
3973 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  SAGE Publications Women s Health Women’s experiences of receiving antenatal and intrapartum care during COVID-19 at public hospitals in the Sidama region, Ethiopia: A qualitative study using the combination of three delay and social-ecological framework (hybrid framework) Zemenu Yohannes Kassa, Vanessa Scarf, Sabera Turkmani, Deborah Fox
3974 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  LPPM Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor Jurnal Obor Penmas Pendidikan Luar Sekolah ANALISIS STRATEGI MEMPERTAHANKAN DAN MENGEMBANGKAN WIRAUSAHA DI TENGAH MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 BAGI MASYARAKAT PARANG IV KELURAHAN KWALA BEKALA Agita Brahmana, Angela Octafia, Divia Monica Pasaribu, Nadia Pratiwi Harahap, Novitha Astrydz, Syaluna Syaluna
3975 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP) Bim EDU SOCIATA ( JURNAL PENDIDIKAN SOSIOLOGI ) Makna Pembelajaran Tatap Muka Terbatas Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Bagi Siswa Di SMAN 1 Cikeusal Rohmatulloh Dwi Purnama, Rizki Setiawan, Septi Kuntari
3976 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Gadjah Mada Jurnal Kebijakan Kesehatan Indonesia Upaya Rumah Sakit dalam Merespon Pandemi COVID-19 berbasis WHO SPRP 2021: Scoping Review Wahyu Kristianto
3977 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Bina Insani BINA INSANI ICT JOURNAL Segmentasi Wilayah Terdampak Pandemi Covid-19 Berdasarkan Suhu Dan Kelembaban Lutfi Ali Muharom, Hardian Oktavianto, Zainul Arifin
3978 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Medknow Publications Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology A telepathology based screening tool for COVID-19 by leveraging morphological changes related to leukocytes in peripheral blood smears K Anil Savitha, Vara Prasad, K H. Manjunath, E Nair Govind, S Jagadish Manjula, Ethirajan Renu, et al. (+4)
3979 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Evaluation of the New York City COVID-19 case investigation and contact tracing program: a cascade of care analysis Sarah Conderino, Lorna E. Thorpe, Nadia Shilpi Islam, Carolyn A. Berry, Stefanie Bendik, Rachel Massar, et al. (+3)
3980 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  University of the Philippines Manila Acta Medica Philippina Cross-sectional Cranial CT Imaging Findings and Patterns in Clinically Diagnosed COVID-19 Cases in a Tertiary Referral Center
3981 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  European Respiratory Society European Respiratory Journal COVID-19 changed the world - without changing CTEPH Ioannis T. Farmakis, Stavros V. Konstantinides
3982 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  IGI Global International Journal of Social Media and Online Communities Social Media Usages During COVID-19 Confinement Nisrine Zammar
3983 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Urban Health Lessons Learned from the Launch and Implementation of the COVID-19 Contact Tracing Program in New York City: a Qualitative Study Margaret M. Paul, Lorraine Kwok, Rachel E. Massar, Michelle Chau, Rita Larson, Stefanie Bendik, et al. (+4)
3984 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) The International Journal of Educational Management Self-efficacy of school principals for effective school functioning during the COVID-19 crisis Mowafaq Qadach
3985 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Journal of International Business Studies On the resilience of ESG firms during the COVID-19 crisis: evidence across countries and asset classes Gianfranco Gianfrate, Mirco Rubin, Dario Ruzzi, Mathijs van Dijk
3986 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  State Islamic University (UIN) of Sunan, Ampel Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Analisis Komunikasi Wali Kota Surabaya untuk Menekan Kasus Covid-19 dalam Perspektif Sosiolinguistik Moh Khoirul Anam, Ariza Qurrata A'yun
3987 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Instituto Especializado de Profesionales de la Salud Revista Salud y Desarrollo La continuidad educativa durante la covid-19 desde la perspectiva de directivos, docentes y especialistas salvadoreños Miguel Alexander Quintanilla Villegas, Josuhe Amedh Guardado Caballero
3988 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  State Islamic University (UIN) Mataram Mu amalat Jurnal Kajian Hukum Ekonomi Syariah PENGELOLAAN DAN PENDAYAGUNAAN DANA ZAKAT, INFAK, SEDEKAH PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 DI BAZNAS KOTA TANGERANG DALAM PERSPEKTIF FATWA MUI NOMOR 23 TAHUN 2020 Nur Jamaludin, Viona Hanatasya, Muklis Muklis
3989 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Alma Ata University Press Indonesian Journal of Hospital Administration Kepatuhan Menggunakan Alat Pelindung Diri Sesuai Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) di Kamar Bedah Berhubungan Dengan Tingkat Kecemasan Perawat di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Gedung Bedah Sentral Mahfud Mahfud, Tri Wahyulianto
3990 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Imperium Institute Jurnal Riset Manajemen dan Bisnis Pendapatan daerah dan fiskal stress akibat Covid-19 di Indonesia Juniarti Juniarti, Lina Noersanti, Ali Akhmadi, Maya Mustika, Preztika Ayu Ardheta, Junaidi Hendro
3991 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Institut Agama Islam Nahdlatul Ulama (IAINU) Tuban Alzam Journal of Islamic Early Childhood Education Pentingnya Pendidikan Agama dan Moral Bagi Anak Berspektif Hadist Pada Masa Covid-19 di Indonesia Emi Fahrudi
3992 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Gadjah Mada Jurnal Kebijakan Kesehatan Indonesia Strategi Kebijakan Keuangan Negara Berdasarkan Proporsi Kebutuhan Dalam Upaya Pengentasan Pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia Erwin - Purwaningsih
3993 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  LPPM Universitas Dhyana Pura JURNAL KESEHATAN SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI (JAKASAKTI) Gambaran Pengetahuan, Sikap Dan Perilaku Pasien Covid Tentang Covid-19 Di Kabupaten Badung Komang Tri Jayanti
3995 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  LP2M Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Journal of Religion and Public Health Gambaran Perilaku Hidup Bersih Dan Sehat (Phbs) Santriwati Pesantren X Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Di Kabupaten Bogor Tahun 2022 Nur Lathifa Komariah, Dewi U Iriani
3996 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Gadjah Mada Jurnal Kebijakan Kesehatan Indonesia STUDI KASUS PEMBIAYAAN PELAKSANAAN PROGRAM TUBERKULOSIS SAAT PANDEMI COVID-19 DI KOTA MEDAN Syafriana Sitorus, Yodi Mahendradhata, Faozi Kurniawan
3997 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  IAIN Langsa Jurnal Investasi Islam Studi Komparatif Kinerja Keuangan Pemerintah Daerah Sebelum dan Selama Pandemi Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) di Pulau Sumatera Fitrian Rizky, Azhari Azhari, Rahmat Arfan
3998 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Gadjah Mada Jurnal Kebijakan Kesehatan Indonesia Determinan Partisipasi Kader dalam Pelayanan Posyandu saat Pandemi Covid-19 di Puskesmas Kabupaten Semarang Sitta Nur Aina
4000 2024―Aug―29  [GO]  Universitas Gadjah Mada Jurnal Kebijakan Kesehatan Indonesia Peran Pendanaan Filantropi islam dalam penanganan COVID-19 di RS PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Ira Waty Baharu
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