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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

736410 Results       Page 48

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  Date original article Publishing House Journal Title Authors All Authors
94001 2024―Jan―16  [GO]  Russian Research Anti-Plague Institute Microbe Problems of Particularly Dangerous Infections Serological Monitoring of Pandemic Influenza Virus Markers in the Russian Federation in 2021-2023 T. N. Ilyicheva, A. A. Moiseeva, K. I. Ivanova, M. Sh. Azaev, V. Yu. Marchenko
94002 2024―Jan―16  [GO]  EDP Sciences E3S Web of Conferences Internet of Things (IoT) for Intelligent Healthcare: Smart System to relieve pressure on hospitals during the Pandemic of Corona Asmae Bentaleb, Salaheddine Chouiba, Najat Rafalia, Jaafar Abouchabaka, K. Slimani, O. Gerasymov, M.L. Kerkeb
94003 2024―Jan―16  [GO]  Duzce Universitesi Saglik Bilimleri Enstitusu Dergisi Sağlık Bilimlerinde Değer Pandeminin Beslenmeye Etkisi","The Impact of the Pandemic on Nutrition Serdar ÖZDEMİR
94004 2024―Jan―16  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Advanced Nursing Exploring older people's experiences of the interpersonal care relationship between nurses and patients during hospitalization in the pandemic period: A qualitative study Victoria Pérez-Rugosa, Pablo de Lorena-Quintal, Esther Domínguez-Valdés, Antonia Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Isabel Núñez-Castro, Yolanda Suárez-Fernández, Carmen Sarabia-Cobo
94005 2024―Jan―16  [GO]  Wiley Microbial Biotechnology Avian influenza virus cross-infections as test case for pandemic preparedness: From epidemiological hazard models to sequence-based early viral warning systems Harald Brüssow
94006 2024―Jan―16  [GO]  Scientia Socialis Ltd Problems of Management in the 21st Century TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AND EMPATHY-ALTRUISM IN POST PANDEMIC SERVICE DELIVERY Idongesit Oto Eshiett, Oto Eyamba Eshiett
94007 2024―Jan―16  [GO]  MDPI AG Clean Technologies An Innovative Multi-Objective Rescheduling System for Mitigating Pandemic Spread in Aviation Networks Yujie Yuan, Yantao Wang, Xiushan Jiang, Chun Sing Lai
94008 2024―Jan―16  [GO]  Network Design Lab - Transport Findings Findings Temporary versus Permanent Pandemic Transit Leavers: Findings from the 2022 US National Household Travel Survey Julene Paul
94009 2024―Jan―16  [GO]  EDP Sciences E3S Web of Conferences A Review of Malaysia’s Aerospace Manufacturing Post-COVID19 Pandemic Using Michael Porter’s Five Competitive Forces Model Hafiz Hisan, Norhafeza Ahmad Badruddin, Khairul Huda Yusof, K. Slimani, O. Gerasymov, M.L. Kerkeb
94010 2024―Jan―16  [GO]  Wiley The International Journal of Health Planning and Management Preparing for the ‘next pandemic’: Why we need to escape from our silos Tiago Correia, Walter Ricciardi, Martin McKee
94011 2024―Jan―16  [GO]  Elsevier American Journal of Clinical Nutrition A perfect storm in a pandemic-a child with complex medical history and special diet encounters COVID Stephanie W. Waldrop, Nancy F. Krebs
94012 2024―Jan―16  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science Development and Validation of a Simple Tool for Predicting Pandemic-Related Psychological Distress Among Health Care Workers Kristina Adorjan, Mark Sen Dong, Paul R. Wratil, Niklas A. Schmacke, Tobias Weinberger, Julius Steffen, et al. (+12)
94014 2024―Jan―16  [GO]  International Monetary Fund IMF Working Papers What Caused the Beveridge Curve to Shift Higher in the United States During the Pandemic? Gene Kindberg-Hanlon
94015 2024―Jan―16  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) The Learning Organization Management learning in public healthcare during pandemics Ritva Rosenbäck, Ann Svensson
94016 2024―Jan―16  [GO]  Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University Studies in history and philosophy of science and technology To the history of pandemics: statistics and forecast. V. M. Gamaliia, S. P. Ruda, A. G. Zabuga
94017 2024―Jan―16  [GO]  LLC SCIENCEPROBLEMS TEAM MedicineProblems uz-Topical Issues of Medical Sciences ИЗУЧЕНИЕ ФАКТОРОВ ВЛИЯЮЩИХ НА РАЗВИТИЕ ТРЕВОЖНЫХ СОСТОЯНИЙ У БОЛЬНЫХ, ПЕРЕНЕСШИХ COVID-19 Ботирбек Восиков, Шахноза Магзумова
94018 2024―Jan―16  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation New Asian Journal of Medicine Retrospective Analysis of Haematological Abnormalities in Older Diabetic Patients with COVID-19 Omar Rawi, Miaaz Ziadan, Abdullah Al Naama
94019 2024―Jan―16  [GO]  Green Publication Journal of Chemical Health Risks Age Specific Study in Subjects at Risk of Developing Dementia, Anxiety and Depression after Covid-19 Exposure JigarSanjiv Padhiar, Uddipak Rai
94020 2024―Jan―16  [GO]  Green Publication Journal of Chemical Health Risks Gender Specific Study in Subjects at Risk of Developing Dementia, Anxiety and Depression after Covid-19 Exposure Jigar S Padhiar, Uddipak Rai
94021 2024―Jan―16  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta Asian Journal of Islamic Psychology Telemental health services during COVID-19 outbreak in Saudi Arabia Fajar Ruddin, Sami Saeed Alzahrani
94022 2024―Jan―16  [GO]  Brawijaya University Jurnal Interaktif ASEAN Policies towards the US-China Relationship during the Covid-19 Pandemic Asih Purwanti
94023 2024―Jan―16  [GO]  De Gruyter Open Sp. z o.o. Economic and Regional Studies / Studia Ekonomiczne i Regionalne Policies Aimed at Combating COVID-19 Pandemic and Economic Crisis in Poland Mieczysław Adamowicz
94024 2024―Jan―16  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation New Asian Journal of Medicine Multidimensional Assessment of Student Mental Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Latent Profile Analysis Integrating Positive Psychology Noomen Guelmami, Mouna Saidane, Mohamed Ben Aissa, Mahmoud Rebhi, Nasr Chalghaf, Fairouz Azaiez, et al. (+2)
94025 2024―Jan―16  [GO]  International Monetary Fund IMF Working Papers Digitalization and Employment Gender Gaps During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Latin America and the Caribbean Yuanchen Yang
94026 2024―Jan―16  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation New Asian Journal of Medicine Impact of Comorbidities on the Risk of Death and Intensive Care Admission in COVID-19 Patients Hospitalized in a North-African Center Dhekra Chebil, Sana Rouis, Amal Smati, Hajer Hannachi, Wided Debbebi, Hela Sakly, et al. (+7)
94027 2024―Jan―16  [GO]  KMAN Publication Incorporation New Asian Journal of Medicine Shaping North-African Public Health Decisions: A Latent Class Analysis of Social Media's Influence on Attitudes and Behaviors Towards COVID-19 Vaccines Noomen Guelmemi, Mohamed Ben Aissa, Hatem Ghouili, Mahmoud Rebhi, Nasr Chalghaf, Fairouz Azaiez, et al. (+2)
94028 2024―Jan―16  [GO]  Editora Cubo Revista Brasileira Interdisciplinar de Residências em Saúde Assistência oncológica e as inflexões da pandemia de covid-19: o debate no Serviço Social Cassia Benicio de Carvalho, Taciana Maria da Silva
94029 2024―Jan―16  [GO]  International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease IJTLD OPEN Clinical spectrum of disease and outcomes in children with Omicron SARS-COV-2 infection in Cape Town, South Africa C. Bekker, I. Dewandel, A. Redfern, C. McKenzie, J. Lishman, L.M. Verhagen, et al. (+9)
94030 2024―Jan―16  [GO]  De Gruyter Open Sp. z o.o. Economic and Regional Studies / Studia Ekonomiczne i Regionalne Impact of the SARS-COV-2 Pandemic on Changes in the Financing and Delivery of Forestry Education in Poland - A Case Study Łukasz Zbucki, Katarzyna Radwańska
94031 2024―Jan―16  [GO]  Social Science Electronic Publishing SSRN Electronic Journal Local Variation in Onsite Work During the Pandemic and its Aftermath Katharine G. Abraham, Mohammad Ashoori, Aref Darzi, Nathalie Gonzalez-Prieto, John C. Haltiwanger, Aliakbar Kabiri, Erkut Ozbay
94032 2024―Jan―16  [GO]  De Gruyter Open Sp. z o.o. Economic and Regional Studies / Studia Ekonomiczne i Regionalne Indonesian Cooperatives’ Growth and Improvement Strategies in Time of Pandemic Crisis Fransiscus De Fransu, Fidiana Fidiana, Kurnia Kurnia
94033 2024―Jan―16  [GO]  Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia Maʿālim al-Qurʾān wa al-Sunnah Preventive Healthcare System and Religious Rites of Burial During Pandemic: A Comparison between Jewish and Islamic Rituals Tazul Islam
94034 2024―Jan―16  [GO]  Oxford University Press Biology Methods and Protocols tANCHOR cell-based ELISA approach as a surrogate for antigen-coated plates to monitor specific IgG directed to the SARS-CoV-2 receptor binding domain Hubert Bernauer, Josef Maier, Norbert Bannert, Daniel Ivanusic
94035 2024―Jan―16  [GO]  American Academy of Pediatrics PEDIATRICS Vaccine Effectiveness Against Long COVID in Children Hanieh Razzaghi, Christopher B. Forrest, Kathryn Hirabayashi, Qiong Wu, Andrea Allen, Suchitra Rao, et al. (+21)
94036 2024―Jan―16  [GO]  Wiley European Journal of Clinical Investigation Neutrophil degranulation, endothelial and metabolic dysfunction in unvaccinated long COVID patients Agostino Di Ciaula, Luca Liberale, Piero Portincasa, Mohamad Khalil, Ilaria Galerati, Ilaria Farella, et al. (+10)
94037 2024―Jan―16  [GO]  LIDSEN Publishing Inc OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine Medicament Testing in the Diagnosis of Long COVID Syndrome Naylya Djumaeva, Gulnara Akhundjanova, Leyla Djumaeva, Dilbar Urunova
94038 2024―Jan―16  [GO]  Oxford University Press Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A (Statistics in Society) Statistics did not prove that the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market was the early epicentre of the COVID-19 pandemic Dietrich Stoyan, Sung Nok Chiu
94039 2024―Jan―16  [GO]  Oxford University Press Clinical Infectious Diseases Integrated Genomic and Social Network Analyses of SARS-CoV-2 Transmission in the Healthcare Setting Jocelyn Keehner, Shira R Abeles, Christopher A Longhurst, Lucy E Horton, Frank E Myers, Lindsay Riggs-Rodriguez, et al. (+61)
94040 2024―Jan―16  [GO]  Oxford University Press The Journal of Infectious Diseases Deciphering Factors Linked With Reduced Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Susceptibility in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study Irene A Abela, Anthony Hauser, Magdalena Schwarzmüller, Chloé Pasin, Katharina Kusejko, Selina Epp, et al. (+76)
94041 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Universitas Negeri Gorontalo Jambura Journal of Biomathematics (JJBM) Exploring of Homotopy Perturbation Method (HPM) for Solving Spread of COVID-19 Hamidah Nasution, Mulyono Mulyono, Nurul Maulida Surbakti, Ruth Salisa BR Sihaholo
94042 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Cenderawasih Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan Daerah Analisis Faktor-Faktor Kinerja Keuangan Yang Mempengaruhi Harga Saham Dimasa Pandemi Covid-19 Martupa J. S Siburian, Aaron M. A. Simanjuntak, Pascalina V. S Sesa
94043 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Universitas Patria Artha Patria Artha Journal of Accounting & Financial Reporting ANALISIS PENDAPATAN CV. RAHMAT DI ERA PANDEMIC COVID-19 Nurmiati Nurmiati, Nurwahyuni Nurwahyuni, Ilham Ilham, Bastian Lubis
94044 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo (PUC-SP) Ponto-e-Vírgula Revista de Ciências Sociais Crise e precarização em tempos de COVID-19 Miriam de Oliveira Santos, Jacqueline Lobo De Mesquita
94045 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  MDPI AG Processes Comparison of the Work of Wastewater Treatment Plant “Ravda” in Summer and Winter Influenced by the Seasonal Mass Tourism Industry and COVID-19 Magdalena Bogdanova, Ivaylo Yotinov, Yana Topalova
94046 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico Paradigma Económico Factores económicos y financieros del envío de Remesas Internacionales de Estados Unidos a México en épocas de pandemia COVID-19 Fernando Vera Sánchez, Miguel Cruz Vasquez
94047 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Sex differences in patients with COVID-19 after bariatric surgery: a multicenter cross-sectional study Senlin Wang, Qiubai Jang, Han Wang, Yunning Yang, Min Ruan, Juan Yu, et al. (+2)
94048 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  The Korean Society of Sports Science Korean Journal of Sports Science Development of physical education class awareness measurement scale for secondary school students after the era of COVID-19 and group classification through latent profile analysis Sae-Hyung Kim, Sung-Min Kim
94049 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Korean Food Marketing Association Korean Journal of Food Mareting Econmics An Analysis Chicken Consumption Behavior Considering COVID-19 and Inflation Haewon PARK
94050 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Universitas Negeri Semarang Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen The Fear of Covid-19 and Perceived Employability Effect on Emotional Exhaustion and Work Engagement: The Mediating Role of Job Insecurity Putu Parama Cinthya Dewi, Fanny Martdianty
94051 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Universite du Quebec a Chicoutimi Revue Organisations & territoires Mouvements interrégionaux au Québec avant et après la pandémie de COVID-19 Myriam Ertz, Gautier Georges Yao Quenum
94052 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Elsevier Revista Española de Anestesiología y Reanimación Descripción de los recursos en Cuidados Intensivos y Cuidados Intermedios gestionados por Anestesiología y Reanimación en España y su capacidad de adaptación durante la pandemia de la COVID-19 G. Tamayo Medel, F. Ramasco Rueda, C. Ferrando Ortolá, R. González de Castro, R. Ferrandis Comes, C. Pastorini, et al. (+2)
94053 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Korea Entertainment Industry Association Journal of the Korea Entertainment Industry Association The Changes Of Pulmonary Function, Depression And Stress According to Breathing Exercise In COVID-19 Confirmed Patients Tae-Hwa Seo, Byung-Hoon Lee
94054 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  GSC Online Press World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews Uncovering COVID-19 conversations: Twitter insights and trends Selim Molla
94055 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Institute for Global and Area Studies Journal of Global and Area Studies(JGA) Creative Industries in Los Angeles during the COVID-19 Crisis: “Critical Infrastructure” and “Essential Workers” in the Postindustrial Economy Edward J.W. PARK
94056 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  The Korean Society of Sports Science Korean Journal of Sports Science A Study on the Development Trends of China"s Winter Sports Market in the Post COVID-19 Era Mingming LI, Lyu Chen
94057 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Universitas Negeri Semarang Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen Cash Reserve, CEO Health Risk, the Price Reaction due to COVID-19 First Announcement on Leisure Industry Muhammad Afif Arsyad, Cynthia Afriani Utama
94058 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Korea Entertainment Industry Association Journal of the Korea Entertainment Industry Association Emergency Medical Technology Students Factors influencing of COVID-19 Knowledge, Health Beliefs, and Anxiety on Preventative Health Behaviors Soon-Hee Kim, Mee-Hwa Lee
94059 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Springer-Verlag European Radiology Coronary inflammation on chest computed tomography and COVID-19 mortality Domenico Tuttolomondo, Andrea Ticinesi, Damini Dey, Chiara Martini, Antonio Nouvenne, Maria Nicastro, et al. (+5)
94060 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  American Dental Society of Anethesiology Anesthesia Progress The Impact of COVID-19 on Dental Anesthesiologists: An Online Survey of Board-Certified Dental Anesthesiology Specialists of the Japanese Dental Society of Anesthesiology Takuro Sanuki, Hidetaka Kuroda, Uno Imaizumi, Shota Tsukimoto, Norika Katagiri, Ayako Mizutani, et al. (+4)
94061 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  UiTM Press, Universiti Teknologi MARA Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal Impact of Covid-19 on Mutual Fund Returns by Style
94062 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  IAIN Manado Potret Pemikiran The Dilemma of Islamic Scholars in Responding to the COVID-19 Outbreak in Manado City Ahmad Rajafi
94063 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Universitas Indonesia, Directorate of Research and Public Service MASYARAKAT Jurnal Sosiologi The Resilience of Persons with Disabilities during the COVID-19 Pandemic
94064 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Universitas Indonesia, Directorate of Research and Public Service MASYARAKAT Jurnal Sosiologi Impact and Coping Strategies among Vulnerable Groups: An Urban-Rural Resilience Trajectory of the COVID-19 Pandemic
94065 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Korea Entertainment Industry Association Journal of the Korea Entertainment Industry Association A Phenomenological Analysis of Golf Experiences of Golf Membership Owners Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic Su-Jeong Hahn, Jin-Su Suk
94066 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  LPPM (Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian) UNTAG Semarang Media Ekonomi dan Manajemen The Big Five Personality Traits Indonesia Investor during the Covid-19 Pandemic Werner Ria Murhadi, Bertha Silvia Sutejo, Phan Thị Hồng Xuân
94067 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Korean Home Management Association Journal of Families and Better Life Big Data Analysis on News Articles on One-person Household: A Comparison Before and After the COVID-19 Pandemic Youjin Kim, Hyeonji Cho, Meejung Chin
94068 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Demand for emergency services during the COVID-19 pandemic and disease burden: a case study in Portugal Alcina Nunes, Catarina Costa, João P. Martins, Pedro L. Ferreira, Rui Pimenta
94069 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  IAIN Manado Kawanua International Journal of Multicultural Studies Divorce Contribution During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Banjarmasin City Gusti Muzainah, Miftah Faridh, Ahmadi Hasan
94070 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Institute for Global and Area Studies Journal of Global and Area Studies(JGA) Coping Strategies of Tourism Workers during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Thuy Nguyen Nguyen
94071 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Universitas Negeri Semarang Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen Short-Term Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesian Stock Prices Ahmad Cahyo Nugroho, Sigit Herlambang, Arief Gusnanto
94072 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Universitas Negeri Semarang Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen Success Strategy for the Trans Jogja to Leverage its Services post COVID-19 Pandemic using Kano Model Andrean Emaputra, Achmad Odyk Akbar Nagara, Argaditia Mawadati, Eka Sulistyaningsih
94073 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Financial Innovation The nexus between the volatility of Bitcoin, gold, and American stock markets during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from VAR-DCC-EGARCH and ANN models Virginie Terraza, Aslı Boru İpek, Mohammad Mahdi Rounaghi
94074 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Lycia Press London UK Medical Science and Discovery Characteristics and Pathophysiological Mechanisms of Stroke in COVID-19 Patients Saltanat Mert, Dila Zafer, İbrahim Acır, Çağrı Erdim, Murat Çabalar
94075 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  The Korean Opthalmic Optics Society Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society Effect of Wearing Face Mask as COVID-19 Protection on Spectacle-Fitting Variables Hyung-Min Park, Byoung-Sun Chu
94076 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Universitas Patria Artha Patria Artha Journal of Accounting & Financial Reporting DAMPAK COVID-19 TERHADAP PENDAPATAN USAHA PEDAGANG KAKI LIMA DI LAPANGAN GEDUNG OLAHRAGA SUDIANG KOTA MAKASSAR Siti Nuraisya, Fina Diana
94077 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Universitas Negeri Gorontalo Jambura Journal of Biomathematics (JJBM) Hybrid ARIMA-Spatial Autocorrelation (Moran Index and LISA) for Covid-19 Vaccination in All Indonesian Provinces Nur'ainul Miftahul Huda, Nurfitri Imro'ah
94078 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Division of Epidemiology, Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health Outbreak Surveillance Investigation & Response (OSIR) Journal Rapid Assessment of Cost-effectiveness of COVID-19 Vaccine against Severe Illness in Thailand Phattarin Phongwutthipong, Natthaprang Nittayasoot, Rapeepong Suphanchaimat
94079 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Wiley ESC Heart Failure Autopsy findings in cases of fatal COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis Nicolas Hulscher, Roger Hodkinson, William Makis, Peter A. McCullough
94080 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Why do democracies respond differently to COVID-19? A comparison of the United States and South Korea Yexin Mao
94081 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  The Korean Society of Sports Science Korean Journal of Sports Science A Study on the Perception of Golf Industry after CORONAVIRUS Pandemic using Text Mining Analysis Soon-Young Kim
94082 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology Role of interferons in the antiviral battle: from virus-host crosstalk to prophylactic and therapeutic potential in SARS-CoV-2 infection Grigore Mihaescu, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc, Roxana Filip, Coralia Bleotu, Lia Mara Ditu, Marian Constantin, et al. (+5)
94083 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Epidemiology and Infection Case-Control Study of Behavioural and Societal Risk Factors for Sporadic SARS-CoV-2 Infections, Germany, 2020-2021 (CoViRiS Study) Bettina M Rosner, Gerhard Falkenhorst, Isabella Kumpf, Maren Enßle, Andreas Hicketier, Achim Dörre, et al. (+2)
94084 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Division of Epidemiology, Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health Outbreak Surveillance Investigation & Response (OSIR) Journal SARS-CoV-2 Infections, Vaccination, and Vaccine Effectiveness in Thailand, January 2021-January 2022: Results of a Cohort Study in Four Provinces Sutthichai Nakphook, Davis William, Kriengkrai Prasert, Darunee Ditsungnoen, Hatairat Lerdsamran, Pilaipan Puthavathana, et al. (+8)
94085 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Division of Epidemiology, Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health Outbreak Surveillance Investigation & Response (OSIR) Journal An Investigation of a SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant Cluster Linked to Nightclubs, Kalasin Province, Thailand, December 2021 Krittinan Boonrumpai, Chawisar Janekrongtham, Pichaya Sonthiporn, Orathai Suwanchairob, Prangsiri Nalam, Chonlada Siri, et al. (+3)
94086 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Nutrition A case series exploring the human milk polyclonal IgA1 response to repeated SARS-CoV-2 vaccinations by LC-MS based fab profiling Sebastiaan C. de Graaf, Albert Bondt, Danique M. H. van Rijswijck, Hannah G. Juncker, Sien J. Mulleners, Mirjam J. A. Damen, et al. (+5)
94087 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Veterinary Science First detection and molecular characterization of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus in Namibia, Africa Umberto Molini, Lauren M. Coetzee, Maria Y. Hemberger, Bernard Chiwome, Siegfried Khaiseb, William G. Dundon, Giovanni Franzo
94088 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Universitas Negeri Semarang Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen Developing Business Start-up to Promote Job Creation: An Entrepreneurship Perspective in Pandemic Era Sartono Sartono, Iwan Hermawan, Jusmi Amid, Agus Suwondo, Devani Nariratya Putri
94089 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Universitas Negeri Semarang Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen ‘Monte Carlo’ Simulation Predicting on the Movement of Investments - During the Covid Pandemic in Indonesia Musdalifah Azis, Zainal Ilmi, Yundi Permadi Hakim, Muhammad Qodri, Dio Caisar Darma
94090 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  The Poputation Association of Korea Korea Journal of Population Studies The Effect of Working Mothers’ Primary Caregiving Experience during The Early Pandemic on The Career Maintenance Jooyoung Lee
94091 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona Temps d’Educació La didáctica ante la contingencia sanitaria por COVID-19
94092 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Nepal Journals Online Asian Journal of Population Sciences Retaining the returnee migrant workers: Lessons learned from COVID-19 Padma Prasad Khatiwada
94093 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics CSR exposures of Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation enlisted firms during COVID-19 Babor Ahmad, Md Mostafizur Rahman, Mohammad Samiul Haque, Humaira Begum
94094 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne S.A. Marketing i Rynek Identyfikacja zmian w profilu agroturystów po pandemii COVID-19 Ewa Glińska, Marta Jarocka, Romuald Ziółkowski
94095 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Wiley Clinical and Translational Medicine The roles of innate and adaptive immunity in inactivated viral vaccination-mediated protection against COVID-19 Shanhe Yu, Shijun Chen, Jiang Zhu, Jieming Qu
94096 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Buketov Karaganda State University Bulletin of the Karaganda University Philology series Language convergence: linguistic aspect of COVID-19 М.А. Balabekova
94097 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Editorial Universidad de Sevilla Revista Fuentes Percepciones del proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje con estudiantes universitarios a partir de la COVID-19. Filadelfo León-Cázares, Diana Lizette Becerra-Peña, Carlos Iván Moreno-Arellano, Carmen Leticia Borrayo-Rodríguez
94098 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Centro de Investigaciones y Publicaciones Farmaceuticas (CIPF) Pharmacy Practice Perception and Knowledge of Students of Medical Colleges towards Dietary Supplements Use for Prevention andTreatment of COVID-19 Eyman Eltayib, Nasr Alotaibi, Malik Mohamed, Haifa Alsirhani, Hala Alsharari
94099 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Brill Journal of Religion Media and Digital Culture Islam during the Time of Pandemics: Islamic Arab Scholars’ Framing of covid-19 Ehab Galal
94100 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Warsaw University of Life Sciences u00e2u0080u0093 SGGW Press Metody Ilościowe w Badaniach Ekonomicznych Wykorzystanie analizy dyskryminacyjnej do oceny ryzyka bankructwa przedsiębiorstw branży motoryzacyjnej w okresie pandemii Covid-19 Katarzyna Boratyńska, Katsiaryna Yafremava
94101 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Association of Basic Medical Sciences of FBIH Biomolecules and Biomedicine The ELANE rs17223045C/T and rs3761007G/A variants are protective factors against COVID-19 José Manuel Fragoso, Gilberto Vargas-Alarcón, Ángel Emanuel Martínez-Flores, Isela Montufar-Robles, Rosa Elda Barbosa-Cobos, Gustavo Rojas-Velazco, Julian Ramírez-Bello
94103 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Fakultas Kedokteran UPN Veteran Jakarta SEGARA Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Edukasi dan Pembuatan Hand Sanitizer dari Lemon Upaya Pencegahan Penularan Covid-19 Via Rifkia
94104 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Hanoi Medical University Tạp chí Nghiên cứu Y học Thực trạng trầm cảm, lo âu và rối loạn giấc ngủ ở người bệnh COVID-19 điều trị tại Bệnh viện Điều trị người bệnh COVID-19 Phạm Thành Luân, Nguyễn Hữu Anh, Nguyễn Trường Giang, Nguyễn Bích Diệp, Lê Minh Giang
94105 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Institut Teknologi dan Pendidikan Markandeya Bali Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar Rare Pustaka PENGUATAN KARAKTER DALAM PENDIDIKAN KELUARGA, HIKMAH COVID-19 Ni Wayan Somya Martha Milani, I Nyoman Sudirman, I Ketut Dedi Agung Susanto Putra
94106 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  The Korea Contents Association The Journal of the Korea Contents Association Grief Response of Family Bereaved People in the COVID-19 So-Young Kim, Myoung-Ju Jo, Sook-Nam Kim
94107 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  The Korea Contents Association The Journal of the Korea Contents Association Comparative Analysis of National R&D Research Achievement Factors Before and After the Outbreak of COVID-19 - Focusing on differences between the field of medical sciences and all the fields - Yun-kyung Cha, HongSeok Lee, Kwang-Lae Hoe
94108 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  S. Karger AG Journal of Innate Immunity The Role of Neutrophil in COVID-19 - Positive or Negative Na Rong, Xiaohui Wei, Jiangning Liu
94109 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Medknow Publications Philippine Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Risk determination of COVID-19 among unvaccinated nonpregnant women in Metro Manila, Philippines: A multicenter longitudinal cohort study ErlidiaFlores Llamas-Clark, FranciscoM III Heralde, MayanU Lumandas, MariaEsterlita T Villanueva-Uy, LeilaniC Chavez-Coloma, EleynethI Valencia, et al. (+11)
94110 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Brill Journal of Religion Media and Digital Culture Religion, covid-19, and a Sense of Community: a Facebook Case Study Maggie Vail, Kris Boyle, Pamela Brubaker
94111 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  PT Formosa Cendekia Global Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Formosa Socialization of Black Cumin (Nigella Sativa) supplementation in Reducing Oxidative Damage Due to Covid-19 and Black Cumin Processing Training Ika Kustiyah Oktaviyanti, Ira Nurrasyidah, Eko Suhartono, Holly Diani
94112 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Current Osteoporosis Reports COVID-19 and Bone Loss: A Review of Risk Factors, Mechanisms, and Future Directions Amy Creecy, Olatundun D. Awosanya, Alexander Harris, Xian Qiao, Marie Ozanne, Angela J. Toepp, et al. (+2)
94113 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines A Potential Association between Abdominal Obesity and the Efficacy of Humoral Immunity Induced by COVID-19 and by the AZD1222, Convidecia, BNT162b2, Sputnik V, and CoronaVac Vaccines Javier Angeles-Martinez, Irma Eloisa Monroy-Muñoz, José Esteban Muñoz-Medina, Larissa Fernandes-Matano, Ángel Gustavo Salas-Lais, Ma De Los Ángeles Hernández-Cueto, et al. (+4)
94114 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Nephrology The causal relationship between COVID-19 and estimated glomerular filtration rate: a bidirectional Mendelian randomization study Qiuling Li, Mengjiao Lin, Yinghui Deng, Haozhang Huang
94115 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Korean Academy of Medical Sciences Journal of Korean Medical Science The Risk of COVID-19 and Its Outcomes in Korean Patients With Gout: A Multicenter, Retrospective, Observational Study Min Jung Kim, Borim Ryu, Eun-Gee Park, Siyeon Yi, Kwangsoo Kim, Jun Won Park, Kichul Shin
94116 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  MDPI AG Pathogens SARS-CoV-2 ORF3a Protein as a Therapeutic Target against COVID-19 and Long-Term Post-Infection Effects Jiantao Zhang, Kellie Hom, Chenyu Zhang, Mohamed Nasr, Volodymyr Gerzanich, Yanjin Zhang, et al. (+4)
94117 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Medknow Publications Philippine Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Comparison of maternal and fetal outcomes between COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients in a tertiary government hospital: A retrospective cohort study JanineCarsola Pulido, RaissaMarie Tud
94118 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  MDPI AG Viruses Myocardial Oedema as a Consequence of Viral Infection and Persistence-A Narrative Review with Focus on COVID-19 and Post COVID Sequelae Noel G. Panagiotides, Michael Poledniczek, Martin Andreas, Martin Hülsmann, Alfred A. Kocher, Christoph W. Kopp, et al. (+4)
94119 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  IOP Publishing Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express Self-attention-driven Retrieval of Chest CT Images for COVID-19 Assessment Victoria Fili, Michalis Savelonas
94120 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  The Korea Contents Association The Journal of the Korea Contents Association A Study on the Relationship between Parenting Stress and COVID-19 Blue of Married Women with Young Children : Focused on the mediating effect of the Social Support Hwa-Jin Lee, Sam-Sung Han, Wang-Keun Yoo
94121 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Wiley Statistics in Medicine A Bayesian framework for modeling COVID-19 case numbers through longitudinal monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater Xiaotian Dai, Nicole Acosta, Xuewen Lu, Casey R. J. Hubert, Jangwoo Lee, Kevin Frankowski, et al. (+17)
94122 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Brawijaya University Transformasi Global Paths to Global Health: the World Health Organization's Role in Confronting COVID-19 Challenges Kevin Ramadhani Dinamika
94123 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Hellenic Health Services Management Association Health Review AUSTRIA, BELGIUM, FRANCE, GREECE, LUXEMBOURG, PORTUGAL: The CoViD-19 Challenges and Developing more Resilient Health Systems Georgia OIKONOMOPOULOU
94124 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico Paradigma Económico El uso político de la pandemia de COVID-19 como sustento del discurso antiinmigrante estadounidense, 2020-2022 Raúl Bringas Nostti
94125 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  MDPI AG Bioengineering COVID-19 Detection and Diagnosis Model on CT Scans Based on AI Techniques Maria-Alexandra Zolya, Cosmin Baltag, Dragoș-Vasile Bratu, Simona Coman, Sorin-Aurel Moraru
94126 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Advanced Research Publications Journal of Advanced Research in Medical Science & Technology Empowering Healthcare with Machine Learning: A Comprehensive Review of Machine Learning-based COVID-19 Detection, Diagnosis and Treatment Rupinder Kaur Walia
94127 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Universitas Nasional Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora Penanganan Covid-19 di Indonesia Dalam Perspektif Kebijakan Publik Rusman Ghazali
94129 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Universitas Patria Artha Patria Artha Journal of Nursing Science PENGARUH MUTU PELAYANAN TERHADAP STANDAR AKREDITASI PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 DI RAWAT JALAN RSUD H. PADJONGA DAENG NGALLE TAKALAR Afriyana Amelia Nuryadin, Dian Ekawaty, Mangindara Mangindara, Adriyana Adevia, Suci Rahmadani, Risma Aprianti
94130 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Universitas Patria Artha Patria Artha Journal of Nursing Science PENGARUH BEBAN KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI REKAM MEDIS PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 DI RUMAH SAKIT TK. II 14.05.01 PELAMONIA MAKASSAR Sriyani Windarti, Mangindara -
94131 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Advanced Research Publications International Journal of Preventive Curative & Community Medicine Physicians’ Preparedness to Protect Themselves against COVID-19 during the Unlock Phase in India: An Online Survey Samir Shah
94132 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Corporacion Universitaria Remington Accounting and Management Research Efecto del Covid-19 en el caso de Colombia frente al precio del petróleo Brent Jorge Enrique Díaz-Pinzón
94133 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Universidad Femenina Del Sagrado Corazon Avances en Psicología Impacto del confinamiento por COVID-19 en el estado emocional y conductual de niños con discapacidad Alejandro Dioses Chocano, Connie Daniela Aliaga Guanilo, Johanna Morales Cáceda, Liliana Arana Espinoza, Betsabe Vásquez Florentino, Astry Torres Chamorro
94134 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  SciELO Cadernos Pagu Mujeres que cuidan en silencio. El impacto de la Covid-19 en el trabajo de cuidados domiciliarios en España Mireia Roca-Escoda, Salvador Cayuela-Sánchez, Juan Ignacio Rico-Becerra
94135 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  The Korean Society of Fashion Design Journal of The Korean Society of Fashion Design Analysis of Fashion Distance Education in the Post COVID-19 Era - Focused on South Korea and Global Online Learning Platforms - Sohyun Park
94136 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  The Journal of Rheumatology The Journal of Rheumatology The Future of COVID-19 for Patients With Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Diseases: Who Is at Risk? Cassandra Calabrese
94137 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Duzce Universitesi Saglik Bilimleri Enstitusu Dergisi Sağlık Bilimlerinde Değer Factors Affecting the Duration of Hospitalization of COVID-19 Patients Followed Up in the Infectious Diseases Service of Düzce University Research Hospital","Düzce Üniversitesi Araştırma Hastanesi’nde Enfeksiyon Hastalıkları Servisinde Takip Edilen COVID-19 Hastalarının Yatış Süresine Etki Eden Faktörler Yasemin ÇAKIR, Nevin INCE, Dilek YEKENKURUL, Mustafa YILDIRIM, Mehmet Ali SUNGUR, Cihadiye Elif ÖZTÜRK, Elif Nisa UNLU
94138 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Duzce Universitesi Saglik Bilimleri Enstitusu Dergisi Sağlık Bilimlerinde Değer COVID-19 Hastalarında TNF-α Düşüşünü Etkileyen Faktörler","Factors Affecting TNF-α Decrease in COVID-19 Patients Muhammet GÜLHAN, Merve ALPAY, Şule YILDIZ, Nevra Ezgi YAŞLI, Murat ACAT, Gözde KAHRAMAN, Peri ARBAK
94139 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Medknow Publications Santosh University Journal of Health Sciences After COVID-19, how about the current practice on face mask use Rujittika Mungmunpuntipantip, Viroj Wiwanitkit
94140 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  American College of Physicians Annals of Internal Medicine On Doctoring in the COVID-19 ICU Eileen D. Barrett, Cynthia D. Smith
94141 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  American College of Physicians Annals of Internal Medicine On Doctoring in the COVID-19 ICU Traci N. Adams
94142 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Elsevier European Economic Review Does education prevent job loss during downturns? Evidence from exogenous school assignments and COVID-19 in Barbados Diether W. Beuermann, Nicolas L. Bottan, Bridget Hoffmann, C. Kirabo Jackson, Diego Vera-Cossio
94143 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  SciELO Genetics and Molecular Biology Human genetic determinants of COVID-19 in Brazil: challenges and future plans Bibiana S. de Oliveira Fam, Marilea Furtado Feira, Nathan Araujo Cadore, Renan Sbruzzi, Tábita Hünemeier, Laurent Abel, et al. (+3)
94144 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Multimedia Tools and Applications Detecting COVID-19 in chest CT images based on several pre-trained models Esraa Hassan, Mahmoud Y. Shams, Noha A. Hikal, Samir Elmougy
94145 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Duzce Universitesi Saglik Bilimleri Enstitusu Dergisi Sağlık Bilimlerinde Değer Kolşisin ile Tedavi Edilen Çocukluk Çağı FMF Hastalarında COVID-19'un Hafif Klinik Seyri","Mild Clinical Presentation of COVID-19 in Childhood FMF Patients Treated with Colchicine Önder KILIÇASLAN, Adem KARBUZ, Didem KIZMAZ İŞANÇLI, Gülay ÇAMLICA, Mehmet Ali SUNGUR, Hasan DURSUN
94146 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Georg Thieme Verlag KG Klinische Pädiatrie COVID-19 in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease; Does it Differ Much? Demet Baltu, Eda Didem Kurt-Sukur, Tugba Tastemel Ozturk, Bora Gulhan, Fatih Ozaltin, Ali Duzova, Rezan Topaloglu
94147 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Changing genomic epidemiology of COVID-19 in long-term care facilities during the 2020-2022 pandemic, Washington State Hanna N. Oltean, Allison Black, Stephanie M. Lunn, Nailah Smith, Allison Templeton, Elyse Bevers, et al. (+7)
94148 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Inno Science Press International Journal of Population Studies Population and reproductive health dynamics under COVID-19 in Sub-Saharan Africa: Insights from scientific evidence Yemi Adewoyin, Joshua Odunayo Akinyemi, Akanni Ibukun Akinyemi, Clifford O. Odimegwu
94149 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Medical Communications Sp. z.o.o. Aktualności Neurologiczne Antioxidant supplements as a means to prevent Alzheimer’s disease following COVID-19 infection Mahshid Hosseini, Majid Reza Farrokhi
94150 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  GeoMetodika GeoMetodika A távolléti oktatás tapasztalatai szombathelyi tanulók között a COVID-19 járvány idején, különös tekintettel a földrajztanításra Tibor Lenner, Ildikó Patkó, Viktória Rózsa, Zoltán Zentai
94151 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  MDPI AG Healthcare Gender Differences Regarding Self-Perceived Physical and Mental Health in Spanish University Sports and Physical Therapy Students after Termination of the COVID-19 Lockdown Period Ismael García-Campanario, María Jesús Viñolo Gil, Luc E. Vanlinthout, Carlos Pérez Pérez, Cristina O’Ferrall González
94152 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  PeerJ PeerJ Impact of online learning on physical activity during COVID-19 lockdown period among female undergraduate students in Saudi Arabia: a cross-sectional study Rania Almeheyawi, Alaa Alsini, Bayadir Aljadrawi, Layan Alshehri, Rawan Algethami, Razan Althobaiti, et al. (+4)
94153 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Changes in Sexual Behavior and Satisfaction and Violent Behavior during COVID-19 Lockdown: Explorative Results from the Italian Cross-Sectional Study of the I-SHARE Multi-Country Project Filippo Maria Nimbi, Sara Cavagnis, Stefano Eleuteri
94154 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  MDPI AG Social Sciences Housework Reallocation between Genders and Generations during China’s COVID-19 Lockdowns: Patterns & Reasons Ting Wang
94155 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Universitas Bina Insani INFORMATION MANAGEMENT FOR EDUCATORS AND PROFESSIONALS Journal of Information Management Analisis Sentimen Terhadap Pembelajaran Secara Daring Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 Menggunakan Metode IndoBERT Muhammad Nur Hidayat, Rully Pramudita
94156 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Division of Research Unit, Faculty of Film & Television, Jakarta Institute of the Arts IMAJI Film Fotografi Televisi & Media Baru Budaya Menonton Film: Teknologi Digital dan Katalisasi COVID-19 Menuju (Siklus) Layar Personal Arda Muhlisiun
94157 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  SCIRES WEB - RITHA Publishing Journal of Applied Economic Sciences (JAES) Design of a Covid-19 Model for Environmental Impact: From the Partial Equilibrium to the Computable General Equilibrium Model Rodrigue Nobosse TCHOFFO
94158 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Ovid AIDS Effects of COVID-19 mRNA vaccination on HIV viremia and reservoir size Maggie C. Duncan, F. Harrison Omondi, Natalie N. Kinloch, Hope R. Lapointe, Sarah Speckmaier, Nadia Moran-Garcia, et al. (+14)
94159 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Revista de Epidemiologia e Saúde Pública Revista de Epidemiologia e Saúde Pública - RESP O IMPACTO DA PANDEMIA DE COVID-19 NAS HOSPITALIZAÇÕES POR CÂNCER Pamela dos Santos Monteiro
94160 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo Impacto da pandemia de COVID-19 nas infecções por superbactérias em ambientes hospitalares Breno Henrique Andrade Suhadolnik, Breno Medeiros Borges, Wesley Henrique Macedo De Souza, Marco Túlio Menezes Carvalho
94161 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Franco Angeli SICUREZZA E SCIENZE SOCIALI Resistere al COVID-19 nel Rione Sanità. Forme spontanee di resilienza all'emergenza sanitaria Francesco Calicchia, Maria Elena Capuano
94162 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo (PUC-SP) VERBUM CADERNOS DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO ISSN 2316-3267 ANÁLISE DIALÓGICA DE COMENTÁRIOS SOBRE A VACINA CONTRA A COVID-19 NO INSTAGRAM: SENTIDOS EM CONSTRUÇÃO Silvio Nunes da Silva Júnior, Wilder Kleber Fernandes de Santana
94163 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  MDPI AG Informatics Exploring the Relation between Contextual Social Determinants of Health and COVID-19 Occurrence and Hospitalization Aokun Chen, Yunpeng Zhao, Yi Zheng, Hui Hu, Xia Hu, Jennifer N. Fishe, et al. (+4)
94164 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Synapse, LLC The Russian Archives of Internal Medicine Splenic Infarction and Myocardial Infarction in A Patient with COVID-19 on Anticoagulant Therapy with Normal D-Dimer Levels M. I. Grusha, Y. V. Khametova, A. V. Fedorets, V. E. Suprunov, A. S. Minalieva, G. K. Stakheev
94165 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Centro de Investigaciones y Publicaciones Farmaceuticas (CIPF) Pharmacy Practice Impact of telepharmacy during COVID-19 on patients’ outcome during COVID-19: a systematic literature review Dalal Salem Al-Dossari, Yahya Ali Laghbi, Abdullah Saud Almutairi, Meshal Mohammad Alsupail, Fuad Khulaif Alharbi, Mohammed Hamdan Alharbi, et al. (+3)
94166 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease Coronavirüs enfeksiyonu olan pediatrik astımlı hastaların uzun vadede değerlendirilmesi","Long-Term Effects of COVID-19 on Respiratory Symptoms and Asthma Control in Pediatric Patients with Asthma Azize Pınar METBULUT, Deniz YILMAZ, İlknur KÜLHAŞ ÇELİK, Ersoy CİVELEK, Emine DİBEK MISIRLIOĞLU, Muge TOYRAN
94167 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Society of Pharmaceutical Tecnocrats Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research A HOLISTIC PERSPECTIVE ON THE IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON THE GLOBAL POPULATION IN TERMS OF MORBIDITY AND MORTALITY RATES: IS HUMANITY READY TO FACE FUTURE PANDEMICS? Mostafa Essam Eissa
94168 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  The Korean Housing Association Journal of the Korean housing association Changes in User Perception and Use Condition of Apartment Balcony Before and After COVID-19 Outbreak Chen-Chen Zhao, Jeong-Won Han
94169 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Discover Psychology Social networking usage and mental health problems in the Kurdistan region of Iraq during the COVID-19 outbreak and lockdown Dyari S. Hama amin, Parzheen J. Mohammad
94171 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  MDPI AG Children Parenting Styles and Psychosocial Factors of Mother-Child Dyads Participating in the ENDORSE Digital Weight Management Program for Children and Adolescents during the COVID-19 Pandemic Evi Chatzidaki, Vassiliki Chioti, Lidia Mourtou, Georgia Papavasileiou, Rosa-Anna Kitani, Eleftherios Kalafatis, et al. (+6)
94172 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Noyam Publishers E-Journal of Humanities Arts and Social Sciences Entering University during Times of Disruption: Experiences of First-Year Students from a Historically Disadvantaged University in South Africa during the COVID-19 Pandemic Clever Ndebele, Dagogo William Legg-Jack
94173 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  International Scientific Information, Inc. Medical Science Monitor A Systematic Review of Publications on Perceptions and Management of Chronic Medical Conditions Using Telemedicine Remote Consultations by Primary Healthcare Professionals April 2020 to December 2021 During the COVID-19 Pandemic Arzaq Ahmed, Mahdi Mutahar, Arwa A. Daghrery, Nassreen H. Albar, Ismail Qasem I. Alhadidi, Ali Mohammed Asiri, et al. (+5)
94174 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  PT Formosa Cendekia Global International Journal of Scientific Multidisciplinary Research Exploring the Challenges and Perceptions of Online Education in Pakistani Higher Education Institutions Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic Zohaib Hassan Sain
94175 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  MDPI AG Sustainability The Impact of Real Estate “COVID” Factors on Expressed Satisfaction of Residents during COVID-19 Pandemic Bojan Grum
94176 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Clinical Medicine Trends in the Incidence of Cardiovascular Diagnoses and Procedures over the Years 2012-2021 in Israel: The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic Orna Reges, Wiessam Abu Ahmad, Erez Battat, Walid Saliba, Yael Wolff Sagy, Asaf Danon, Gil Lavie
94177 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Ogretim Teknolojisi ve Hayat Boyu Ogrenme Dergisi (ITALL) Öğretim Teknolojisi ve Hayat Boyu Öğrenme Dergisi - Instructional Technology and Lifelong Learning Scratch, bilgi işlemsel düşünme ve azim: Pandemi öncesi, pandemic süreci ve pandemic sonrası","Scratch, computational thinking, and grit: At the beginning, during, and after the COVID-19 Pandemic Taner ARABACIOGLU
94178 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Clinical Hypertension Trends in blood pressure changes and hypertension prevalence in Australian adults before and during the COVID-19 pandemic Janis M. Nolde, Fleur Streets, Denny Meyer, Won Sun Chen, Jiajun Wei, Nilmini Wickramasinghe, et al. (+3)
94179 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Faculty of Philology - University of Montenegro Folia linguistica et litteraria Critical Discourse Analysis of Newspaper Articles from The Washington Post and Jutarnji list Reporting on the COVID-19 Pandemic Nataša Stojan
94180 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Nature Mental Health Long-term research priorities for mental health of children and young people informed by lived experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic Brian C. F. Ching, Valeria Parlatini, Johnny Downs, Emily Simonoff
94181 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Nature Mental Health A scoping review of mental health and discrimination of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic Abdelrahman Ibrahim, Sylvia H. M. Wong, Sei Eun Kim, Ga Tin Finneas Wong, Anjeli R. Macaranas, Ritika Rastogi, et al. (+7)
94182 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Hanoi University of Public Health Journal of Health and Development Studies Mental health of people with and without disabilities in Vietnam during the COVID-19 pandemic Ngoc Nguyen Bao, Trang Vu Thu, Phung Tran Thi, Mai Vu Quynh, Minh Hoang Van
94183 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Cambridge University Press The Journal of Laryngology & Otology Eustachian Tube Dysfunction After Using Different Types of Masks During COVID-19 Pandemic Nesibe Gül Yüksel Aslıer, Mesut Karataş
94184 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Wiley British Journal of Learning Disabilities Health and healthcare of people with learning disabilities in the United Kingdom through the COVID-19 pandemic Chris Hatton, Richard P. Hastings, Sue Caton, Jill Bradshaw, Andrew Jahoda, Rosemary Kelly, et al. (+4)
94185 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Bulgarian Society for Microbiology (Union of Scientists in Bulgaria) Acta Microbiologica Bulgarica Microbiological Analysis of Consecutively used Face Masks during the Covid-19 Pandemic S. Mahmud, R. Ali, R. Khanam, S. Sarker, T. Islam, T. Ali
94186 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Tropical Medicine and Health Stumbling blocks on the path to measles-free Nepal: impact of the COVID-19 pandemic Chandan Kumar Thakur, Nitin Gupta, Nayanum Pokhrel, Samita Adhikari, Meghnath Dhimal, Pradip Gyanwali
94187 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Medknow Publications Philippine Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Qualitative assessment of the concerns on treatment and patient health among patients with gestational trophoblastic neoplasia and their caregivers during the COVID-19 pandemic JessabethBibat Mercado, Maria FebiBillones De Ramos, Maria StephanieFay Samadan Cagayan
94188 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Universitas Islam Indonesia (Islamic University of Indonesia) Journal of English and Education (JEE) Exploring Students’ Competences in Building Effective Online Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic Rizki Farani
94189 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Royallite Global Research Journal in Advanced Humanities Examining the strategies in the virtual teaching of writings during the COVID-19 pandemic Syawal Syawal, Patahuddin Patahuddin, Muhaimin Abdullah, Esnara B. Chester
94190 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  The Korean Educational Administration Society The Korean Educational Administration Society An Analysis on the Impact of Teacher Engagement and School Climate on Educational Performance : Focusing on Before/After COVID-19 Pandemic Jisung Yoo, Yunreun Kwag, Moonyoung Eom
94191 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Globalisation Societies and Education Countering fragmentation, cultivating solidarity: Arizona teacher organizing during the COVID-19 pandemic Riley Collins
94192 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Uchitel Publishing House Journal of Globalization Studies Global Fertility Changes in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic Igor Efremov, Vladimir Arkhangelsky
94193 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  The Korea Contents Association The Journal of the Korea Contents Association Effect of Self-efficacy Behavior for Respiratory Infection Prevention and Prevention Performance on Coping with Respiratory Infection in Hospitalized Patients with Underlying Conditions during the COVID-19 Pandemic Hye-jin Park, Mi-suk Choi, Jeoungha Sim
94194 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Scientific Scholar Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology Online physiology teaching for nursing students during the COVID-19 pandemic - strengths, challenges and reinforcement measures Savitha D, Susan Kumar, Taniya Anto
94195 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  The Ewha Medical Journal, Ewha Womans University College of Medicine The Ewha Medical Journal Emerging Infectious Diseases at the End of the Fourth Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Recent Updates on Colorectal and Pediatric Endocrine Diseases Sun Huh
94196 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  JCDR Research and Publications National Journal of Laboratory Medicine Analysis of Blood Donor Deferral Pattern during COVID-19 Pandemic at a Tertiary Care Hospital-based Blood Centre, Jammu and Kashmir, India: A Cross-sectional Study Mohd Zubair Qureshi, Saadat Nazir Shah, Shazia Handoo, Sheikh Bilal, Akhil V George, Peer Maroof
94197 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Hellenic Health Services Management Association Health Review PORTUGAL: The CoViD-19 Pandemic Crisis Response Xavier BARRETO
94198 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  PAGEPress Publications Research in Psychotherapy Psychopathology Process and Outcome Attachment styles, mental health, and trauma during the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic in an Italian adult population Elena Ierardi, Marta Bottini, Emanuele Preti, Rossella Di Pierro, Fabio Madeddu, Cristina Riva Crugnola
94199 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Environmental Geochemistry and Health Spatialized PM2.5 during COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil’s most populous southern city: implications for post-pandemic era Gabriela da Costa, Theotonio Pauliquevis, Eduardo Ferreira José Heise, Sanja Potgieter-Vermaak, Ana Flávia Locateli Godoi, Carlos Itsuo Yamamoto, et al. (+2)
94200 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Hanoi University of Public Health Journal of Health and Development Studies Stress among nurses and associated factors during the COVID-19 pandemic in Hanoi, Vietnam, in 2022 Thuy Tran Thi Thu, Anh Nguyen Hong Diep, Bang Nguyen Van, Nga Nguyen Thi Viet, Binh Nguyen Thanh, Long Nguyen Duc, et al. (+2)
94201 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Royallite Global Research Journal in Advanced Humanities Discursive metaphorical representation of COVID-19 Pandemic in Kenya’s newspaper headlines Brian Mulonzi, Mugambi Ngumo, Lilian Omoke
94202 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Izmir Katip Celebi University Faculty of Health Sciences İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi Assessing the Fear of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Patients with Undergoing Gastrointestinal Endoscopy: Online Cross-Sectional Survey","Gastrointestinal Endoskopi Yapılan Bireylerin Koronavirüs Hastalığına Yönelik Korku Düzeyleri ve Etkileyen Faktörler: Online Kesitsel Araştırma Mete AKIN, Ferya ÇELİK, Saliha KORKMAZ, Hicran BEKTAŞ
94203 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Newinera Publisher Journal La Bisecoman The Effect of Attractions, Amenities and Accessibility on Visiting Decisions during the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Malino Area, Gowa Regency ER Ummi Klasum, Nurjannah Nurjannah, Violetha Simatupang
94204 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people living with HIV: a cross-sectional study in Caracas, Venezuela David A. Forero-Peña, Fhabián S. Carrión-Nessi, José L. Forero-Peña, Natasha A. Camejo-Ávila, Daniela L. Mendoza-Millán, Óscar D. Omaña-Ávila, et al. (+13)
94205 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Medpharm Publications South African Journal of Surgery The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on presentation of surgical disease in paediatric patients at a tertiary centre in Cape Town, South Africa C Kohler, B Banieghbal
94206 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  The Ewha Medical Journal, Ewha Womans University College of Medicine The Ewha Medical Journal Influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Treatment Patterns and Outcomes of Colorectal Cancer In Ja Park
94207 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Socio-Ecological Practice Research Assessing differential socio-demographic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on urban livelihood capitals in suburban Accra, Ghana Louis Kusi Frimpong, Stephen Leonard Mensah, Seth Asare Okyere, Matthew Abunyewah, Stephen Kofi Diko, Gordon Amankwaa
94208 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Comprehensive Publications International Journal of Research in Finance and Management Stock markets volatility before and after COVID-19 Pandemic: A bibliometric analysis Dr. Manu Umesh, Sanju Rani
94209 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Zain Publications Cognizance Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies INTEREST MAPPING OF RETURNEE LABOUR MIGRANTS ON ALTERNATIVE LIVELIHOOD OPTIONS DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC: A CASE FROM KARNALI PROVINCE, NEPAL Anil Kumar Pathak, Bishnu Kumar Bishwakarma, Rishi Ram Kattel
94210 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Ghalib University, Kabul Branch Afghanistan Journal of Infectious Diseases Tissue engineering application on coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic: A review Saeedeh Zare Jalise, Sina Habibi
94211 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Asia Pacific Academy of Science Pte. Ltd. Environment and Social Psychology Understanding mobile learning continuance after the COVID-19 pandemic: Deep learning-based dual stage partial least squares-structural equation modeling and artificial neural network analysis Yakup Akgul, Ali Osman Uymaz, Pelin Uymaz
94212 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Criminal Justice Assessing public support for expanded police powers in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic: Testing the limits of sunshine and Tyler's empowerment hypothesis Richard K. Moule, Silas Patterson, George W. Burruss, Chae M. Jaynes
94213 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Medknow Publications Santosh University Journal of Health Sciences Decoding renal impact: An in-depth study on kidney function in COVID-19 patients at a tertiary care facility Jyoti Sahlot, Juhi Aggarwal, Eram Hussain Pasha, Urvashi Midha
94215 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases Clinical antiviral efficacy of favipiravir in early COVID-19 (PLATCOV): an open-label, randomised, controlled, adaptive platform trial Viravarn Luvira, William H. K. Schilling, Podjanee Jittamala, James A. Watson, Simon Boyd, Tanaya Siripoon, et al. (+29)
94216 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Medknow Publications Santosh University Journal of Health Sciences Cystic lesion and subcutaneous emphysema in a child with COVID-19 pneumonia Abhishek Jain, Hare Krishna
94217 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  SCIRES WEB - RITHA Publishing Journal of Applied Economic Sciences (JAES) Towards a New Socially Embedded Intersectional Capabilities Theory (SEICT) in the 21st Century: Analysis of COVID-19 Policies in South Africa through Socio-economic Modeling and Indigenous Knowledge Base Haider A. KHAN
94218 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  PT Formosa Cendekia Global Formosa Journal of Sustainable Research Potential for Development of Seaweed Cultivation Business Post Covid-19 Post in the Marine Area, Serangan City, Denpasar - Bali Gede Agus Pratama
94219 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Centro de Investigaciones y Publicaciones Farmaceuticas (CIPF) Pharmacy Practice Prevalence and factors associated with self-medication for COVID-19 prevention using disproven drugs in Peru: a cross-sectional nationwide study Akram Hernández-Vásquez, Fabriccio J Visconti-Lopez, Dustin M Solorzano-Salazar, Antonio Barrenechea-Pulache
94220 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Institute of International Affairs, Seoul National University Review of International and Area Studies An Analysis on the Policy-making Process in the Reform Era China: A Case Study of COVID-19 Quarantine Young-Nam Cho
94221 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  American College of Physicians Annals of Internal Medicine Annals On Call - COVID-19 Rebound After Nirmatrelvir-Ritonavir Treatment Robert M. Centor, Myron S. Cohen
94222 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  The Journal of Rheumatology The Journal of Rheumatology Role of Creation of Plain Language Summaries to Disseminate COVID-19 Research Findings to Patients With Rheumatic Diseases Mithu Maheswaranathan, Akpabio Akpabio, Laura-Ann Tomasella, Ariella Coler-Reilly, Dawn P. Richards, Richard A. Howard, et al. (+3)
94223 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Spandidos Publications Molecular Medicine Reports Essential contribution of the JAK/STAT pathway to carcinogenesis, lytic infection of herpesviruses and pathogenesis of COVID-19 (Review) Wenkai Li, Yunjing Zhuang, Song-Jun Shao, Pankaj Trivedi, Biying Zheng, Guo-Liang Huang, et al. (+2)
94224 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  MDPI AG COVID Examining the Role of Social Determinants of Health and COVID-19 Risk in 28 African Countries Imelda K. Moise, Lola R. Ortiz-Whittingham, Kazeem Owolabi, Hikabasa Halwindi, Bernard A. Miti
94225 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Franco Angeli TERRITORIO Covid-19's spatiotemporal patterns within cities: a global comparative study Emanuele Sciuva
94226 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Hanoi Medical University Tạp chí Nghiên cứu Y học Chức năng thể chất của người bệnh Covid-19 sau giai đoạn cấp tính Vũ Quốc Đạt, Tạ Thị Diệu Ngân, Bá Đình Thắng, Nguyễn Quang Huy
94227 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico Paradigma Económico Estimación de los impactos de las muertes por COVID-19 sobre el ingreso per capita y el empleo de hombres y mujeres en la Ciudad de Nueva York Alfredo Cuecuecha Mendoza, Norma Fuentes Mayorga
94228 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Comprehensive Publications International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences A review on effectiveness of homoeopathic remedies in the management of post COVID-19 Syndrome Dr. PV Sai Santosh Kiran, Nagula Taraswi, Gundeti Sudha Maye, Devaraj Nithya Shravani
94229 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus COVID-19 Testing Trend: A Retrospective Analysis of the Three Major Pandemic Waves in Punjab, Pakistan Rabia M Chaudhry, Sadia Minhas, Mehroz A Khan, Shumaila Nargus, Kanza Nawadat, Muhammad Athar Khan, Muhammad Kashif
94230 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Access to COVID-19 vaccination and COVID-19-related hospital admissions and mortality Martin C Gulliford, Claire J Steves
94231 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Wiley Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology Response to COVID-19 vaccination in patients on cancer therapy: Analysis in a SARS-CoV-2-naïve population George Cavic, Andrew A. Almonte, Sarah M. Hicks, Teresa Neeman, Jo-Wai Wang, Sue Brew, et al. (+6)
94232 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Elsevier The Egyptian Rheumatologist The impact of corona virus disease-2019 (COVID-19) vaccination on patients with systemic rheumatic diseases attending a tertiary care university-based hospital Rasha E. Gheith, Eman Elsebaie, Abeer Kandeel, Shaimaa Badran
94233 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines The Risk of Herpes Zoster Events in Patients with Spondyloarthritis and the Effect of BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Tal Gazitt, Noa Hayat, Nili Stein, Amir Haddad, Ilan Feldhamer, Arnon Dov Cohen, et al. (+2)
94234 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Medknow Publications Santosh University Journal of Health Sciences An additional fourth dose of viral vector COVID-19 vaccine and mRNA COVID-19 vaccine in kidney transplant recipients: A predictive model based on data in South-East Asia Pathum Sookaromdee, Viroj Wiwanitkit
94235 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Duzce Universitesi Saglik Bilimleri Enstitusu Dergisi Sağlık Bilimlerinde Değer Causes of COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitations and Investigation of Effective Factors in Changing Vaccine Decision Positively","COVID-19 Aşı Tereddütü Nedenleri ve Aşı Kararını Olumlu Yönde Değiştirmede Etkili Faktörlerin İncelenmesi Yusuf AYDEMİR, Ferhat KOÇ, Özlem AYDEMİR, Elif ÖZÖZEN ŞAHİN
94236 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine How manufacturing won or lost the COVID-19 vaccine race Michael L. King
94237 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya Journal of Electronics Electromedical Engineering and Medical Informatics Implementation of Information Gain Ratio and Particle Swarm Optimization in the Sentiment Analysis Classification of Covid-19 Vaccine Using Support Vector Machine
94238 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Elsevier Procedia Computer Science Vaccimon Device: A Design and Development of Vaccine Carrier Monitoring Device for COVID-19 Vaccines Paul Harriet S. Asiñero, Orven E. Llantos
94239 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines Burden and Impact of Reactogenicity among Adults Receiving COVID-19 Vaccines in the United States and Canada: Results from a Prospective Observational Study Matthew D. Rousculp, Kelly Hollis, Ryan Ziemiecki, Dawn Odom, Anthony M. Marchese, Mitra Montazeri, et al. (+4)
94240 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  A and V Publications Asian Journal of Management Management of Non-hospitalized patients with Acute SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) viral infection in among human adult population Pumila Singh, Divya Sharma, Varsha Singh, Sheila Kumari, Arjun Singh, Hema Jain
94241 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Elsevier Healthcare Analytics A mathematical model for investigating the effect of media awareness programs on the spread of COVID-19 with optimal control Naba Kumar Goswami, Samson Olaniyi, Sulaimon F. Abimbade, Furaha M. Chuma
94242 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  University of Santiago de Compostela RIPS Revista de Investigaciones Políticas y Sociológicas Jóvenes y adolescentes ante el abuso de las TIC: el Covid-19 y los efectos del aislamiento social forzado Giuliano Tardivo, Eduardo Díaz Cano
94243 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Advanced Research Publications International Journal of Preventive Curative & Community Medicine From the Valley of Shadow of Death COVID-19 (Year 2020) to Renew and Restore Life (October 2021) Joyce F Vaghela
94244 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Pulmonary Medicine Clinical characteristics and outcomes among critically ill patients with cancer and COVID-19-related acute respiratory failure Ying-Ting Liao, Hsiao-Chin Shen, Jhong-Ru Huang, Chuan-Yen Sun, Hung-Jui Ko, Chih-Jung Chang, et al. (+4)
94245 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Intellect Journal of Digital Media & Policy The digital navigator programme in the time of COVID-19: A case study on Philadelphia’s programme Siddhartha Menon
94246 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Clinical Medicine Effect of Respiratory Failure on Peripheral and Organ Perfusion Markers in Severe COVID-19: A Prospective Cohort Study Mateusz Gutowski, Jakub Klimkiewicz, Bartosz Rustecki, Andrzej Michałowski, Kamil Paryż, Arkadiusz Lubas
94247 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases Correction: Comparison of clinical characteristics and outcomes of hospitalized patients with seasonal coronavirus Infection and COVID-19: a retrospective cohort study Guillermo Rodriguez-Nava, Goar Egoryan, Tianyu Dong, Qishuo Zhang, Elise Hyser, Bidhya Poudel, et al. (+8)
94248 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  SciELO Cadernos Pagu Cuidado em território vulnerabilizado e a COVID-19: interseccionalidade e dinâmica êmica na ética do cuidado Claudia Camilo, Hailton Yagiu, Carlos Roberto de Castro e Silva
94249 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  SciELO Cadernos Pagu Care in socially vulnerabilized territory and the COVID-19: intersectionality and emic dynamics on care ethics Claudia Camilo, Hailton Yagiu, Carlos Roberto de Castro e Silva
94250 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  The Korea Contents Association The Journal of the Korea Contents Association Influence of Health Perception on Happiness in the mid of COVID-19: Mediating Role of Emotion Young-Doo Kim
94251 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Substance Use Substance use and substance use disorders in relation to COVID-19: qualitative experiences of people who use drugs in Jordan Mayyada Wazaify, Sukaina AlZyoud, Dania Shahin, Jenny Scott, Navin Kumar, Richard Pates, Kaveh Khoshnood
94252 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Sultan Qaboos University Journal for Arts & Social Sciences Journal of Arts and Social Sciences [JASS] Social Media as a Health-related Information Source about the Coronavirus among a Sample of Kuwaiti Youth Yagoub Yousif Al-Kandari, Maha Meshari Al-Sejari
94253 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Negah Scientific Publisher Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Research Diagnosis and Critique of Drugs Used in Treating Coronavirus Disease in 2019 in Nigeria: A Review Tajudeen Olusegun Rasheed, Wael Mohamed Noaman Higazy, Bilawu Yisa Abiodun
94254 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases Development and clinical application of loop-mediated isothermal amplification combined with lateral flow assay for rapid diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 Jin Tang, Jie Zhu, Jie Wang, Haiyong Qian, Zengxin Liu, Ru Wang, et al. (+3)
94255 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Nature Reviews Microbiology SARS-CoV-2 biology and host interactions Silvio Steiner, Annika Kratzel, G. Tuba Barut, Reto M. Lang, Etori Aguiar Moreira, Lisa Thomann, et al. (+2)
94256 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  IOP Publishing Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Great enhancement of sensitivity for SARS-CoV-2 detection by integrated graphene FET biosensor using ζ potential modulator Kaori Yamamoto, Natsuki Sato, Kiyoji Sakano, Mamiko Yano, Eriko Ohnishi, Takao Ono, et al. (+9)
94257 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Molecular Sciences The Abundant Distribution and Duplication of SARS-CoV-2 in the Cerebrum and Lungs Promote a High Mortality Rate in Transgenic hACE2-C57 Mice Heng Li, Xin Zhao, Shasha Peng, Yingyan Li, Jing Li, Huiwen Zheng, et al. (+7)
94258 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Cellular and Molecular Immunology Silent battles: immune responses in asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection Nina Le Bert, Taraz Samandari
94259 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases Factors associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection in unvaccinated children and young adults Sarah L. Silverberg, Hennady P. Shulha, Brynn McMillan, Guanyuhui He, Amy Lee, Ana Citlali Márquez, et al. (+14)
94260 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Future Science Ltd Future Science OA Guillain-Barré syndrome in ulcerative colitis and SARS-CoV-2 infection: a case report and literature review Shema Ayadi, Rabeb Hammouga, Slym Majoul, Hela Jamoussi, Yosra Zaimi, Asma Mensi, et al. (+2)
94261 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal Targeted Synthesis of New 5-Phenyl-2-[(E)-Styryl]-1H-Pyrimidin-6-One Derivatives and Their Inhibitory Activity Toward SARS-CoV-2 Major (MPRO) and Papain-Like Proteases (PLPRO) A. S. Rozhkova, I. P. Kodonidi, D. S. Anenko, S. D. Kirik, D. I. Pozdnyakov, V. P. Filippova, N. N. Vdovenko-Martynova
94262 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Elsevier Structure Rational in silico design identifies two mutations that restore UT28K SARS-CoV-2 monoclonal antibody activity against Omicron BA.1 Tatsuhiko Ozawa, Yoshiki Ikeda, Liuan Chen, Rigel Suzuki, Atsushi Hoshino, Akira Noguchi, et al. (+16)
94263 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Elsevier International Journal of Biological Macromolecules Overview of the SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein Ahmed Eltayeb, Faisal Al-Sarraj, Mona Alharbi, Raed Albiheyri, Ehab Mattar, Isam M. Abu Zeid, et al. (+5)
94264 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  MDPI AG Viruses Comparing the Infectivity of Recent SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Sub-Variants in Syrian Hamsters Rana Abdelnabi, Ria Lassaunière, Piet Maes, Birgit Weynand, Johan Neyts
94265 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Acta Epileptologica Frequency and risk factors of psychological distress among individuals with epilepsy before and during the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant in China: an online questionnaire survey Xiaoting Hao, Qi Zhang, Chenxi Zhong, Enzhi Li, Yingqi Jiang, Jiajun Xu, et al. (+3)
94266 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Clinical Medicine Willingness and Barriers to Undertaking Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Reported by Medical Students after the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic-Single-Center Study Filip Jaskiewicz, Wojciech Timler, Jakub Panasiuk, Katarzyna Starosta, Marcin Cierniak, Remigiusz Kozlowski, et al. (+3)
94267 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Medicine Unraveling the genetic evolution of SARS-CoV-2 Recombinants using mutational dynamics across the different lineages Varsha Ravi, Uzma Shamim, Md Abuzar Khan, Aparna Swaminathan, Pallavi Mishra, Rajender Singh, et al. (+3)
94268 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Frequency and risk of SARS-CoV-2 reinfections in Norway: a nation-wide study, February 2020 to January 2022 Håkon Bøås, Margrethe Larsdatter Storm, German Tapia, Anja Bråthen Kristoffersen, Astrid Louise Løvlie, Ketil Størdal, et al. (+4)
94269 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya Journal of Electronics Electromedical Engineering and Medical Informatics Regression Algorithms in Predicting the SARS-CoV-2 Replicase Polyprotein 1ab Inhibitor: A Comparative Study Daniel Febrian Sengkey, Angelina Masengi
94270 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Nature Communications Systematic detection of co-infection and intra-host recombination in more than 2 million global SARS-CoV-2 samples Orsolya Anna Pipek, Anna Medgyes-Horváth, József Stéger, Krisztián Papp, Dávid Visontai, Marion Koopmans, et al. (+14)
94271 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Bulgarian Society for Microbiology (Union of Scientists in Bulgaria) Acta Microbiologica Bulgarica Laboratory Evaluation of SARS-CoV-2 Specific T-Cell Immunity by ELISpot Interferon-γ Based Immunoassay D. Tsaneva-Damyanova
94272 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry Identification and evaluation of antiviral activity of novel compounds targeting SARS-CoV-2 virus by enzymatic and antiviral assays, and computational analysis Ivana Nemčovičová, Katarína Lopušná, Iveta Štibrániová, Fabio Benedetti, Federico Berti, Fulvia Felluga, et al. (+17)
94273 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Elsevier Revista Española de Anestesiología y Reanimación Asociación entre diferentes pautas de corticoides empleadas en la infección grave por SARS-CoV-2 y la mortalidad a corto plazo: estudio de cohortes retrospectivo A. González-Castro, A. Fernandez, E. Cuenca-Fito, Y. Peñasco, J. Ceña, J.C. Rodríguez Borregán
94274 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Cell Communication and Signaling SARS-CoV-2 S protein activates NLRP3 inflammasome and deregulates coagulation factors in endothelial and immune cells Alicia Villacampa, Enrique Alfaro, Cristina Morales, Elena Díaz-García, Cristina López-Fernández, José Luis Bartha, et al. (+7)
94275 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  MDPI AG Applied Microbiology Genetic Analysis and Epidemiological Impact of SARS-CoV-2: A Multinational Study of 1000 Samples Using RT-PCR Talib Banser, Zainularifeen Abduljaleel, Kamal H. Alzabeedi, Adil A. Alzahrani, Asim Abdulaziz Khogeer, Fadel Hassan Qabbani, et al. (+3)
94276 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  MDPI AG Children Persisting Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Children with SARS-CoV-2: Temporal Evolution over 18 Months and Possible Role of Lactoferrin Francesco Mariani, Saveena Rainaldi, Giulia Dall’Ara, Cristina De Rose, Rosa Morello, Danilo Buonsenso
94277 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Veterinary Research ZNF283, a Krüppel-associated box zinc finger protein, inhibits RNA synthesis of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus by interacting with Nsp9 and Nsp10 Heyou Yi, Ruirui Ye, Ermin Xie, Lechen Lu, Qiumei Wang, Shaojun Wang, et al. (+6)
94278 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  PT Formosa Cendekia Global East Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Phenomenology of Consumer Satisfaction through Improving Service Quality in Kediri Banana Chips MSMEs Post Pandemic Erwin Syahputra, Imam Mukhlis
94279 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation A Qualitative Study into the Experiences and Motivation of Filipino Healthcare Professionals in Pre- and Post-COVID-19 Pandemic Alfred Anthony Bueno, Angel May M. Buhisan, Kayle Erika Shayne P. Nayal, Jason O. Manaois
94280 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  PT Formosa Cendekia Global Formosa Journal of Applied Sciences The Influence of Deposit Interest Rates, BI 7 Day Reverse Repo Rate and Inflation on the Composite Stock Price Index in BEI during the 2020 - 2022 Pandemic Anastasya Tindaon
94281 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Franco Angeli RIVISTA DI STUDI SULLA SOSTENIBILITA Experience in regulating public relations during a pandemic Zarina N. Amanzholova, Sara K. Idrysheva
94282 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Emerging Economies Role of Technology in Solid Waste Management: Social Enterprise in a Pandemic Sumit Mitra, Aakriti Deepak
94283 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Darcy & Roy Press Co. Ltd. International Journal of Education and Humanities Online Organizational Leadership and Teacher Satisfaction in Higher Vocational College in China During Pandemic Yuxin Shang
94284 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  The Korea Contents Association The Journal of the Korea Contents Association Effect of Customized Resident Competency Enhancement Education for the Elderly on Participants" Competency in Pandemic Yong-Jin Kim
94285 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Basra مجلة دراسات وبحوث التربية الرياضية Obstacles that faced teaching swimming courses at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Science at Hashemite University during Corona pandemic from the students’ point of view themselves Abed albasit Mobarak alShorman, Faleh Sultan Abu Eid, Neila Muhammad Ghannouchi
94286 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  International Journal of Research Publications International Journal of Research Publications Project E-PERA-SAFE (Enhance Partners Engagement in bringing Recycled materials Amidst the Pandemic in School’s Advocacy on Flood and other disasters in the Environment) Evangeline J. Ilagan
94287 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Newinera Publisher Journal La Bisecoman The Influence of the Synergy of Pentahelix Elements and Compensation on the Welfare of Hotels’s Employees During the Covid - 19 Pandemic in the City of Makassar Muh. Ersyad Nasir, Atang Sabur, Leo Sutanto
94288 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Future Medicine Biomarkers in Medicine Blood biomarkers: a new solution to the silent pandemic of traumatic brain injury Charalampos Tsakiris, Timoleon Siempis, Georgios D Lianos, Labrini Vlachodimitropoulou, Spyridon Voulgaris, George A Alexiou
94289 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Journal of Health Population and Nutrition Effect of Covid pandemic on immunization status of children in tertiary care Hospital of North India: reason for partial and non-immunization a cross-sectional study Narender Kumar, Pinki Allyhan, Anju Aggarwal
94290 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Wiley International Journal of Tourism Research Tourist choice of sustainable hot springs tourism under post-COVID-19 pandemic period: A case in Colorado Li Ding
94291 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Intercultural Studies Pandemic Racism in Australia: A Systematic Review Jehonathan Ben, Amanuel Elias
94292 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Wiley Review of Policy Research How does the use of evidence in policy narratives change during crises? A comparative study of New York City's pandemic school shutdowns Nikolina Klatt, Sonja Blum
94293 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  PT Formosa Cendekia Global Jurnal Multidisiplin Madani Social Construction of the Tradition of Cooking Vegetable Lodeh 7 Rupa as a Repellent to the Covid 19 Pandemic: A Study in Baran Keniten Village, Mojo District, Kediri Regency Ratna Dewi Pangestuti
94294 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Comprehensive Publications International Journal of Political Science and Governance Role of Gram Panchayat in COVID pandemic: Some highlights from Haryana Pawan Kumar
94295 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Franco Angeli SICUREZZA E SCIENZE SOCIALI La dimensione professionale dei Servizi sociali tra pressione pandemica e practices innovative Elena Addessi, Roberta Di Rosa
94296 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Franco Angeli SICUREZZA E SCIENZE SOCIALI Educare alla salute in epoca di crisi pandemica. La progettazione dell'UOSD Promozione della Salute dell'Asl Salerno Rosaria Cammarota, Paolo Diana, Guido Verderosa, Rosamaria Zampetti
94297 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Franco Angeli SICUREZZA E SCIENZE SOCIALI Lo abbiamo fatto per loro. L'emergenza pandemica per le generazioni cosmopolitiche a Milano Sonia Bergamo
94298 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Vietnam Medical Journal, Vietnam Medical Association Tạp chí Y học Việt Nam KẾT QUẢ HOẠT ĐỘNG PHÒNG CHỐNG LAO TẠI SƠN LA TRONG THỜI KỲ DỊCH COVID-19 Hữu Thắng Nguyễn, Bích Hiệp Nông
94299 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  E-Journal of Dokuz Eylul University Nursing Faculty Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi Hemşirelik Öğrencilerinin COVID-19 Algıları, Kaçınma ve Aşı Tutumlarının İncelenmesi: Türkiye Örneği","COVID-19 Perceptions, Avoidance and Vaccine Attitudes of Nursing Students: Case of Türkiye Gülşen ULAŞ KARAAHMETOĞLU, Zeynep ARABACI
94300 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE Access Securing IoMT: A Hybrid Model for DDoS Attack Detection and COVID-19 Classification G Sripriyanka, Anand Mahendran
94301 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Bajang Institute Jurnal Cakrawala Ilmiah KECEMASAN MASYARAKAT AKAN VAKSINASI COVID-19 DI DESA BALOK KABUPATEN KENDAL Riani Pradara Jati
94302 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  E-Journal of Dokuz Eylul University Nursing Faculty Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi COVID-19 Sürecinde Hemşirelerin Merhamet ile Ahlaki Duyarlılıkları Arasındaki İlişki","The Correlation between the Compassion and Moral Sensitivities of Nurses during COVID-19 Pandemic Sibel SEVİNÇ, Erhan ELMAOĞLU, Meltem SUNGUR, Serap ÖZDEMİR
94303 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE Access Differential Dynamics of Transit Use Resilience During the COVID-19 Pandemic Using Multivariate Two-dimensional Functional Data Analysis Won Gyun Choi, Seunghee Ryu, Paul H. Jung, Seungmo Kang
94304 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  E-Journal of Dokuz Eylul University Nursing Faculty Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi Health Anxiety Levels and Coping Attitudes of Individuals in the COVID-19 Pandemic","COVID-19 Pandemisinde Bireylerin Sağlık Kaygısı Düzeyleri ve Başa Çıkma Tutumları Derya ÖZBAŞ GENÇARSLAN, Songül Nida KAPLAN, Eda AÇIKGÖZ, Özlem IŞIL
94305 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Vietnam Medical Journal, Vietnam Medical Association Tạp chí Y học Việt Nam KẾT QUẢ THAI KỲ Ở NHỮNG THAI PHỤ ĐƯỢC TIÊM PHÒNG VACXIN COVID-19 SINH TẠI BỆNH VIỆN PHỤ SẢN TRUNG ƯƠNG Thị Mỹ Linh Đinh, Thị Thanh Hiền Phạm
94306 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Vietnam Medical Journal, Vietnam Medical Association Tạp chí Y học Việt Nam ĐẶC ĐIỂM VIÊM PHỔI CẦN HỖ TRỢ HÔ HẤP Ở TRẺ NHIỄM SARS-COV-2 TẠI BỆNH VIỆN NHI ĐỒNG 2 NĂM 2021-2022 Nhất Vy Phan, Châu Việt Đỗ, Thị Minh Hồng Phạm
94307 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  MDPI AG Education Sciences Competences Expected and Gained during the Teaching Practicum: Analysis of Three Competence Areas Affected during the Pandemic Josué Prieto-Prieto, Javier Cruz-Rodríguez, Blanca García-Riaza, María José Hernández-Serrano
94308 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  University Côte d'Azur Paix et sécurité européenne et internationale Le Conseil de Sécurité des Nations Unies face à la pandémie de Covid-19 : pourquoi ce silence ? Louis Balmond
94309 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  University Côte d'Azur Paix et sécurité européenne et internationale La sécurité sanitaire internationale face à la pandémie de la Covid-19 Louis Balmond
94310 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  University Côte d'Azur Paix et sécurité européenne et internationale Pascal Boniface, Géopolitique du covid-19. Ce que nous révèle la crise du coronavirus, Préface de Roselyne Bachelot, Eyrolles, juin 2020 Jean-François Guilhaudis
94311 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Brawijaya University Jurnal Interaktif Covid-19 Policy at the Village level: Analysis of P TC-19 in Handling Covid-19 in Panggungharjo Village Bagaskoro Nur Abu Yogar, Satria Imam Prasetyo
94312 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Apex Publishing Reports of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Genetic Regulation of Interleukin-6 and Interleukin-10 in COVID-19 Infection Zahra Rostami-Far, Khaled Rahmani, Kamran Mansouri, Mohammad Bagher Khadem Erfan, Farhad Shaveisi-Zadeh, Bahram Nikkhoo
94313 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  PT Multitech Bintang Asia International Journal of Applied Educational Research (IJAER) Digital Native in the Frame of Distant Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic Era Yayuk Widyastuti Herawati
94314 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics Manager Zdravookhranenia Prediction of the risk of an unfavorable outcome in COVID-19 using the classification tree method, taking into account the age and number of comorbid pathology according to the infectious hospital. E. S. Kalashnikov, M. A. Shapovalova, E. A. Polunina
94315 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology Case report: A case of Acute Macular Neuroretinopathy secondary to Influenza A virus during Long COVID Jiaqi Zhang, Yihao Xia, Xiaodong Li, Runxi He, Xuejun Xie
94316 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Elsevier Medicina de Familia SEMERGEN Factores genéticos asociados a long COVID E.J. Gamero-de-Luna, M.R. Sánchez-Jaén
94317 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Wiley Public Health Challenges Long covid and mental and physical health: A cross-sectional study of adults in California Tyler B. Mason, Tara K. Knight, Ryan Lee, Shirin E. Herzig, Daniella Meeker, Jason N. Doctor
94318 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases Characterisation, symptom pattern and symptom clusters from a retrospective cohort of Long COVID patients in primary care in Catalonia Gemma Torrell, Diana Puente, Constanza Jacques-Aviñó, Lucia A. Carrasco-Ribelles, Concepció Violán, Tomás López-Jiménez, et al. (+5)
94319 2024―Jan―15  [GO]  Oxford University Press International Journal of Epidemiology Towards closing socio-economic status disparities in COVID-19 premature mortality: a nationwide and trend analysis in Chile Lea Maureira, Cinthya Urquidi, Alejandro Sepúlveda-Peñaloza, Mario Soto-Marchant, Patricia Matus
94320 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  National Center for Expertise of Medicines and Medical Devices Farmaciâ Kazahstana CЕРДЕЧНО-СОСУДИСТАЯ СИСТЕМА И COVID-19 (ОБЗОР ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ) Г.К. НУРГАЛИЕВА, С.Ж. УРАЗАЛИНА, Н.И. ТОЛЕУОВА, А.У. МЫРЗАБАЕВА
94321 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Elsevier Microchemical Journal A newly developed and validated environmentally friendly RP-HPLC stability indicating method for the COVID-19 antiviral Molnupiravir: Application to degradation kinetics structure suggestion using LC-MS and the effect on viable cells of the major degradation products Hebatallah A. Wagdy
94322 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Hindawi Limited BioMed Research International The COVID-19 Severity and Its Association with Intestinal Parasite Coinfection and Urine Biochemical Parameters among COVID-19-Confirmed Patients Admitted to Debre Markos University COVID-19 Center, Northwest Ethiopia Milkiyas Toru, Aytenew Atnaf, Hylemariam Mihiretie Mengist, Alemayehu Reta, Francesca Mancianti
94323 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  National Center for Expertise of Medicines and Medical Devices Farmaciâ Kazahstana ВЛИЯНИЕ ПАНДЕМИИ COVID-19 НА ОБРАЗ ЖИЗНИ СТУДЕНТОВ И ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНЫЙ ПРОЦЕСС А.К. САКТАПОВ, Д.В. ВИННИКОВ, А.Е. УАЛИЕВА, Ж.В. РОМАНОВА, А.А. МЕРЕКЕ, С.Б. КАЛМАХАНОВ, et al. (+8)
94324 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Research, Society and Development Research Society and Development Perfil espacial e epidemiológico da COVID-19 na região Norte do Brasil entre os anos de 2020 a 2022 Elionai Maia Barbosa, Enzo da Rosa Russillo, Eric Santos Carvalho da Silva, Haila Chicre Quemel Andrade, Hualyson Santos Guimarâes, Irna Cléa de Souza Peixoto, et al. (+4)
94325 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Health-Seeking Behaviour and Its Determinants Following the COVID-19 Pandemic Arham Yahya Rizwan Khan, Mashal Aziz Rana, Dur e Shewar Naqvi, Amina Asif, Fizza Najeeb, Sajida Naseem
94326 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  National Center for Expertise of Medicines and Medical Devices Farmaciâ Kazahstana СРАВНИТЕЛЬНАЯ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКА ТЕЧЕНИЯ COVID-19 В 2020-2021 ГОДЫ В ГОРОДЕ АЛМАТЫ А.М. КУРМАНОВА, А.Е. КАРИМСАКОВА, Г.М. КУРМАНОВА, Г.Ш. ТРИМОВА
94327 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  VFAST VFAST Transactions on Software Engineering Impact of using e-learning tools on Student’s Psychological Health during covid-19 Khushal Das, Muhammad Shehryar, Fazeel Abid, Mohsin Ashraf, Muhammad Adil, Sohaima Inam, et al. (+2)
94328 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Lembaga Riset Ilmiah Yayasan Mentari Meraki Asa Tut Wuri Handayani Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Aerobic Gymnastics in Warding Corona Covid-19 Citra Azhariat Malasari
94329 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Distance Education Emergency remote teaching in Nepali higher education institutions during COVID-19 Raj K. Baral, Laxman Bhatta, Som Nath Ghimire
94330 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia Salud Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias Ansiedad, depresión y estrategias de afrontamiento en pacientes convalescientes de Covid-19 Zaimara Veliz Moreno, Edelys Núñez Ravelo, Lisandra Arencibia Llanes, Idania Esther Suarez Castillo, Yolanda Contreras Tamargo
94331 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Penerbit UMT, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu Universiti Malaysia Terengganu Journal of Undergraduate Research VACCINE INJURY COMPENSATION MECHANISM FOR ADVERSE EVENTS CAUSED BY COVID-19 VACCINES IN SOUTHEAST ASIAN COUNTRIES Nurul Masirah Mustaffa, FAHIRAH SYALIZA MOKHTAR, Akmalia Mohamad Ariff, NAZURA ABDUL MANAP, Mohd Effendy Abd Wahid
94332 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Elsevier Preventive Medicine Reports Ocular manifestations of COVID-19: A systematic review of current evidence Seyed Ahmad SeyedAlinaghi, Esmaeil Mehraeen, Arian Afzalian, Mohsen Dashti, Afsaneh Ghasemzadeh, Ava Pashaei, et al. (+10)
94333 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Elsevier Respiratory Medicine and Research Potential availability of saliva-based reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction in extensive screening for asymptomatic individuals as a business continuity strategy during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic Noriko Tomita, Moto Kimura, Yukari Uemura, Yukumasa Kazuyama, Masato Ikeda, Wataru Sugiura
94334 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Insight Society International Journal on Advanced Science Engineering and Information Technology In Silico Docking to Explore the Coronavirus-2 ACE2 Inhibitor Potential in Brown Seaweed Padina sp. from Morotai Island, North Maluku, Indonesia - Sundari, - Khadijah, Aras Syazili, Lia Hapsari, Abdu Mas'ud
94335 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Insight Society International Journal on Advanced Science Engineering and Information Technology In Silico Docking to Explore the Coronavirus-2 ACE2 Inhibitor Potential in Brown Seaweed Padina sp. from Morotai Island, North Maluku, Indonesia - Sundari, - Khadijah, Aras Syazili, Lia Hapsari, Abdu Mas'ud
94336 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Elsevier Mathematical Biosciences Virus-mediated cell fusion of SARS-CoV-2 variants Ava Amidei, Hana M. Dobrovolny
94337 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Politeknik Negeri Padang JOIV International Journal on Informatics Visualization Comparison of Parametric and Nonparametric Forecasting Methods for Daily COVID-19 Cases in Malaysia I Made Artha Agastya, Afrig Aminuddin
94338 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Alfmed LLC Medical alphabet Comparative analysis of Covid-19 course and post-covid syndrome caused by early strains and omicron strain in patients with rheumatic diseases V. N. Mukhamadieva, N. G. Shamsutdinova, T. Yu. Nuriakhmetova, D. I. Abdulganieva
94339 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  VFAST VFAST Transactions on Software Engineering The Design, Use and Impact of Cloud Computing During the Covid-19 Crises Mujeeb Rehman Jamali, Nadeem Ahmed Kansro, Shahmurad Chandio, Ghulam Nabi Rajper, Syed Akbar Ali Shah
94340 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  VFAST VFAST Transactions on Software Engineering Prediction of covid-19 daily infected cases (worldwide & united states) using Regression Models and Neural Network Neelma Naz, Muhammad Khurram Ehsan, Muhammad Aasim Qureshi, Aasim Ali, Muhmmad Rizwan Amirzada, Asghar Ali Shah
94341 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Department of Academic Affairs - Al-Rafidain University College Journal of Al-Rafidain University College For Sciences ( Print ISSN 1681-6870 Online ISSN 2790-2293 ) [0,1] Truncated Exponentiated Exponential Inverse Weibull Distribution with Applications of Carbon Fiber and COVID-19 Data Alaa Khalaf, Khansaa Yusur, Mundher Khaleel
94342 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  VFAST VFAST Transactions on Software Engineering Analysis of Covid-19 Data using Machine Learning Algorithms Muhammad Irfan, Sarah Bukhari, Muhammad Arif
94343 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  VFAST VFAST Transactions on Software Engineering Review of Artificial Intelligence-based COVID-19 Detection and A CNN-based Model to Detect Covid-19 from X-Rays and CT images Mushtaq Ahmed, Ghulam Gilanie, Muhammad Ahsan, Hafeez Ullah, Faseeh Abid Sheikh
94344 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Utafiti Foundation Journal of Linguistics Literary and Communication Studies Linguistic and Cultural Re-Orientation in the Face of Pandemics: Lessons from the COVID-19 Discourses among the Bukusu of Kenya Mary K. Lonyangapuo
94345 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  The National Academy of Pediatric Science and Innovation Rossiyskiy Vestnik Perinatologii i Pediatrii (Russian Bulletin of Perinatology and Pediatrics) Clinical and laboratory characteristics of newborns from mothers with gestational diabetes mellitus and COVID-19 during pregnancy S. V. Bychkova, G. B. Malgina, G. N. Chistyakova, M. M. Dyakova, G. V. Yakornova, E. G. Deryabina, et al. (+2)
94346 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  VFAST VFAST Transactions on Software Engineering LSTM Based Sentiment Analysis Model to Monitor COVID-19 Emotion Muhammad Asad Arshed, Shahzad Mumtaz, Muhammad Sheharyar Liaqat, Ihtisham ul Haq, Mahmood Hussain
94347 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  JMIR Publications Inc. JMIR Formative Research Factors Impacting the Chinese Elderly’s Intention to Prevent COVID-19 in the Post Stages of the Pandemic: Survey Study (Preprint) Huixin Guan
94348 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Impact of COVID-19 on Cancer Patients: An Experience From a Tertiary Care Center in Northeast India Sumit Kumar, Binoy Singh, Biswajit Dey, Vikas K Jagtap, Shalini Verma, Anthialisha Nongkynrih
94349 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  VFAST VAWKUM Transactions on Computer Sciences The Impact of COVID-19 on E-Learning: Context-Based Sentiment Analysis Discourse Using Text Mining Aqsa Rehman, Naeem Aslam, Kamran Abid, Muhammad Fuzail, Asif-Ur- Rehman
94350 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Applied Nanoscience Retraction Note: Change in hospital admissions in dental diseases before and during the COVID-19 pandemic Nadejda Beleva
94351 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Politeknik Negeri Padang JOIV International Journal on Informatics Visualization Multi-Temporal Factors to Analyze Indonesian Government Policies regarding Restrictions on Community Activities during COVID-19 Pandemic Syafrial Fachri Pane, Adiwijaya Adiwijaya, Mahmud Dwi Sulistiyo, Alfian Akbar Gozali
94352 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science GMIM’s Mission as God’s Mission and Its Reflection in Improving the Quality of Education at GMIM Schools Post COVID-19 Pandemic Vanny Nancy Suoth, Linda P. Ratag, Hein Arina, Franky R. Tulungen
94353 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Elsevier Comprehensive Psychiatry Examining the interplay between internet use disorder tendencies and well-being in relation to sofalizing during the COVID-19 pandemic Christian Montag, Halley M. Pontes, Christopher Kannen, Dmitri Rozgonjuk, Dominique Brandt, Anja Bischof, et al. (+4)
94354 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  University of Tuzla Društvene i humanističke studije (Online) Spreading Like a Virus: Conceptual Integration and Discourse Viewpoint in Internet Memes about the Covid-19 Pandemic Adi Maslo, Sofia Kefalidou
94355 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Universitas Semarang Jurnal The Messenger An Analysis of Communication Strategies of Salatiga Municipality on Instagram during the Covid-19 Pandemic Lina Sinatra Wijaya, Izak Y. M. Lattu, Arthik Davianti
94356 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Elsevier International Dental Journal Oral Health Service Use in Older Peruvians Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic Diego Azañedo, Fabriccio J. Visconti-Lopez, Akram Hernández-Vásquez
94357 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  University of Karachi Pakistan Journal of Applied Social Sciences Crisis Marketing: Hand Washing Brands Communication during Covid-19 Pandemic Faheem Akhter, Fatima Kiran, Aisha Shams
94358 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Saudi Medical Journal Saudi Medical Journal Developing, translating, and validating a survey instrument for assessing hospital food service staff’s food safety knowledge, perceptions, and practices during the COVID-19 pandemic Nisreen M. Abdulsalam, Hajar B. Alnomani
94359 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Discover STM Publishing Ltd. International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries Psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer patients Nahed Qashqary, Mohammad Alnejaidi, Abdulaziz Alzahrani, Mohammed Albariqi, Suliman Alghamdi, Ziad Banoun, et al. (+3)
94360 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  University of Karachi Pakistan Journal of Applied Social Sciences Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Elderly People: A Study of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan Hamid Alam, Adnan Khan, Sameer Ul Khaliq Jan
94361 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  VFAST VFAST Transactions on Mathematics Assessment of the COVID-19 Pandemic's Impact on Gasoline Prices in Pakistan Muhammad Bilal, Muhammad Aamir, Saleem Abdullah, Noor Mahmood, Umair Khalil, Nida Khalid, et al. (+4)
94362 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Elsevier Public Health Re: Letter to the Editor of Public Health in response to ‘Effect of influenza vaccine subsidies for older adults on vaccination coverage and mortality before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: An ecological study in Japan’ T. Ando, Y. Ibuka, R. Goto, J. Haruta, D.D. Le, S. Fujishima
94363 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon Mortality patterns in patients with Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia during the COVID-19 pandemic: Predictors and insights Arash Abdollahi, Marzieh Nojomi, Yeganeh Karimi, Mitra Ranjbar
94364 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  VM Media Sp zo.o. - VMGroup SK Acta Haematologica Polonica Coagulopathy in severe COVID-19 patients: causes, concerns and current treatment regimen Tanusree Sengupta, Arun Luiz, Channakesavan Suganthi, Samarpan Majumder, Samarpan Majumder
94365 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Japanese Society for Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition The Japanese Journal of SURGICAL METABOLISM and NUTRITION COVID-19肺炎患者の炎症と栄養代謝動態の特徴に関する検討","Characteristics of inflammation and nutritional metabolism in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia Takayuki Irahara, Subaru Tanabe, Salma Umme, Masayuki Ozaki, Yuka Kajita, Keisuke Sakurai, et al. (+9)
94366 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine COVID-19 vaccination among young people who use drugs in Vancouver, Canada Erica McAdam, Kanna Hayashi, Brittany Barker, Hudson Reddon, JinCheol Choi, Thomas Kerr, Kora DeBeck
94367 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  VFAST VFAST Transactions on Software Engineering COVID-19 Vaccine Supply chain management by Blockchain Talha Shahzad, Atif Alvi
94368 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Technium Science Eximia Relationship between psychological distress and manifest behaviors of young adults in the Detroit Metro area during a COVID-19 wave Sehaj Gill
94369 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Japan Society for Clinical Anesthesia THE JOURNAL OF JAPAN SOCIETY FOR CLINICAL ANESTHESIA 新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)に罹患した妊婦の帝王切開の麻酔経験─8例の報告─","Anesthetic Management of Cesarean Sections in Pregnant Women with COVID-19:A Report of Eight Cases Atsushi KOTERA
94370 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  VFAST VFAST Transactions on Software Engineering Agent-based Modeling of COVID-19: A case study of Hyderabad city Iqbal Khatoon Mangrio, Amirita Dewani, Areej Fatemah Meghji, Sania Bhatti
94371 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Hukum Awang Long Collegium Studiosum Journal MANAGEMENT OF VILLAGE FUNDS IN HANDLING THE IMPACT OF COVID-19: A REVIEW OF GOOD GOVERNANCE IN LEGAL CONTEXT Feri Kristiyono, Sjaifurrachman Sjaifurrachman, Moh. Zeinudin
94372 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Child Psychiatry & Human Development Longitudinal Association Between Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and Depression Symptoms Among Chinese Adolescents During COVID-19: Evidence from Network Perspective Jialu Jin, Guangzhe Frank Yuan, Yuanyuan An, Xiaohui Li
94373 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  VFAST VFAST Transactions on Software Engineering AI Empowered Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Combating with Covid-19; State of the Art contributions, Available Datasets, Challenges and Future Directions Sana Hameed, Farrukh Arslan, Munaza Iqbal, Mubashir Ali, Muhammad Umar Haroon, Naveed Imran
94374 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  The National Academy of Pediatric Science and Innovation Rossiyskiy Vestnik Perinatologii i Pediatrii (Russian Bulletin of Perinatology and Pediatrics) ANCA-associated vasculitis with recurrent thrombosis in a teenager after the new coronavirus infection L. A. Balykova, O. M. Soldatov, T. I. Razdolkina, V. S. Vereshchagina, M. V. Shirmankina, A. V. Krasnopolskaya, E. F. Moskovskaya
94375 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  NeuroPharmac Journal Journal of Medicine and Health Studies Computational Approaches for Lead Discovery against SARS-CoV-2 3C-Like Protease: Virtual Screening and Molecular Dynamics Studies Mohammad Kalim Ahmad Khan, Feras Almarshad
94376 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Elsevier Chemical Engineering Journal Pda-mediated colorimetric-fluorescence co-enhanced immunochromatography assay for the simultaneous and rapid detection of SARS-CoV-2 and HAdV Xingsheng Yang, Xiaodan Cheng, Zhijie Tu, Hongjuan Wei, Zhen Rong
94377 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Molecular Structure Synthesis of 5-heptadecyl-4H-1,2,4-triazole incorporated indole moiety: Antiviral (SARS-CoV-2), antimicrobial, and molecular docking studies Hayam A. Abd El Salam, Heba M. Abo-Salem, Omnia Kutkat, Mohamed S. Abdel-Aziz, Ahmed Saad Montaser, Eslam Reda El-Sawy
94378 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Elsevier Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Stacked deep learning approach for efficient SARS-CoV-2 detection in blood samples Wu Wang, Fouzi Harrou, Abdelkader Dairi, Ying Sun
94379 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  VFAST VAWKUM Transactions on Computer Sciences Discrimination of SARS-COV2 virus protein strain of three major affected countries: USA, China, and Germany Khalid Allehaibi
94380 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  VFAST VAWKUM Transactions on Computer Sciences A Blockchain-Enabled Machine Learning Mask Detection method for Prevention of Pandemic Diseases Anwar Ali Sathio, Shafiq Ahmed Awan, Ali Orangzeb Panhwar, Ali Muhammad Aamir, Ariz Muhammad Brohi, Asadullah Burdi
94381 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Administracao Publica e Gestao Social Administração Pública e Gestão Social Condição Financeira dos Municípios Brasileiros no Contexto da Pandemia da Covid-19 André Pereira Batista, Thauan Felipe Medeiros de Carvalho, Marcelo Alvaro da Silva Macedo, Cláudia Ferreira da Cruz
94382 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Kent Akademisi Kent Akademisi COVID-19 Pandemisinin Mimari Mekân İhtiyaçları Üzerindeki Etkisi","The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Architectural Space Needs Halit COZA
94383 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Environmental Science and Pollution Research Identifying spatiotemporal trends of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater: from the perspective of upstream and downstream wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) Duyen Phuc-Hanh Tran, Bo-Cheng You, Chen-Wuing Liu, Yi-Ning Chen, Ya-Fen Wang, Shu-Nu Chung, et al. (+2)
94384 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Elsevier Veterinary Microbiology Natural compound Sanggenon C inhibits porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus replication in piglets Xiao Liu, Yinan Meng, Jianyu He, Xuelian Jiang, Shuangquan Zhang, Dan Wang, et al. (+5)
94385 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar Dakar Medical PRONOSTIC DES PATIENTS HOSPITALISéS POUR COVID-19 AU CENTRE DE TRAITEMENT DES é PIDé-MIES (CTE) DE L’HôPITAL RéGIONAL DE T HI èS DU 1ER MAI 2020 AU 15 SEPTEMBRE 2020 Fulgence Abdou Faye, MA Dieng, AD Gueye, NF Ngom, A Ba, Z Marone, et al. (+9)
94386 2024―Jan―14  [GO]  Oxford University Press National Science Review Reduced clinical severity during 2022 Shanghai Spring epidemic of SARS-CoV-2 omicron BA.2 variant infection-an integrated account of virus pathogenicity and vaccination effectiveness Xingyue Wu, Yao Chen, Kangli Cao, Yao Shen, Xueling Wu, Yilin Yang, et al. (+29)
94387 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai Jurnal Basicedu Penerapan Teknologi Gadget Dalam Pendidikan Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 Naufal Yoga Ababiel, Muhammad Miftahur Rohim, Ahmad Saefudin
94388 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai Jurnal Basicedu Strategi Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran ABK di Sekolah Inklusif Selama Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Didi Kriswanto, Suyatno Suyatno
94389 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Wiley Pediatrics International Severe hemolytic anemia in a glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase-deficient child with COVID-19 Mika Dofuku, Daisuke Tamura, Marina Mizobe, Koyuru Kurane, Yuriko Hayashi, Hirokazu Kimura, Akira Shimada
94390 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Advances in Therapy Assessing the Burden and Cost of COVID-19 Across Variants in Commercially Insured Immunocompromised Populations in the United States: Updated Results and Trends from the Ongoing EPOCH-US Study Amita Ketkar, Vincent Willey, Lisa Glasser, Casey Dobie, Cachet Wenziger, Chia-Chen Teng, et al. (+4)
94391 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Religion and Health Spirituality, Mental Health, and COVID-19 Lindsay B. Carey, Harold G. Koenig, Terrence Hill, David Drummond, Ezra Gabbay, Jeffery Cohen, et al. (+2)
94392 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Maad Rayan Publishing Company Epidemiology and Health System Journal Comparison of Individual, Clinical, and Paraclinical Factors in the Survivors and Deceased of COVID-19 Vahid Yousofvand, Farshid Shamsaei, Naser Kamyari, Fatemeh Shahbazi, Narges Kalvandi, Sajjad Amiri Bonyad
94393 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Knowledge Enterprises Journals Medical Research Archives COVID-19 and the Mental Health of Working Mothers as Caregivers in Georgia, USA: Causes, Outcomes and Coping MechanismsCOVID-19 and the Mental Health of Working Mothers as Caregivers in Georgia, USA: Causes, Outcomes and Coping Mechanisms Elizabeth Mensah, Maha Karim, Oluwatoyosi Ogunmuyiwa, Ernest Alema-Mensah, Florence Darko, Kritika Kolla
94394 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Universitas Islam As-Syafiiyah Afiat HUBUNGAN DUKUNGAN KELUARGA DENGAN TINGKAT KECEMASAN PADA PENYINTAS COVID-19 DI RW 007 DESA CILEUNGSI KIDUL Upra Jilani, Istiqomah Istiqomah
94395 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Universitas Islam As-Syafiiyah Afiat HUBUNGAN DUKUNGAN KELUARGA DENGAN TINGKAT KECEMASAN PADA PENYINTAS COVID-19 DI RW 007 DESA CILEUNGSI KIDUL Upra Jilani, Istiqomah Istiqomah
94396 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research Zagazig Nursing Journal Knowledge level of Postpartum Women towards COVID-19 Shereen Abdel-Azeem, Amina Gonied, Sabah Mohamed
94397 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Red de Investigadores Latinoamericanos LATAM Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Estudio comparativo de la capacidad del ejercicio funcional entre pacientes con y sin antecedentes de contagio por COVID-19 Gustavo Andrés Farinango Vinueza, Gema Nathaly Molina Ormaza, Emily Bolaños Burbano, Pablo Buitrón Jácome
94398 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Universidad Tecnica de Manabi International Journal of Health Sciences Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants used in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 infection in the Tiaret region (Algeria) Soudani Leila, Chafaa Meriem, Benabdelkrim Souad, Houcine Rekaia
94399 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Elsevier Economics Letters On the Resilience of US ESG Stocks: Evidences from the COVID-19 Market Crashes Tzu-Jo Hsu, Alex YiHou Huang
94400 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Claremont Colleges Library CODEE Journal Fitting a COVID-19 Model Incorporating Senses of Safety and Caution to Local Data from Spartanburg County, South Carolina D. Griffin, Amanda Mangum
94401 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Claremont Colleges Library CODEE Journal To Open or Not to Open: Developing a COVID-19 Model Specific to Small Residential Campuses Christina Edholm, Maryann Hohn, Nicole Falicov, Emily Lee, Lily Wartman, Ami Radunskaya
94402 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Current Osteoporosis Reports The Utility of AI in Writing a Scientific Review Article on the Impacts of COVID-19 on Musculoskeletal Health Olatundun D. Awosanya, Alexander Harris, Amy Creecy, Xian Qiao, Angela J. Toepp, Thomas McCune, et al. (+2)
94403 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Multimedia Tools and Applications ML based assessment and prediction of air pollution from satellite images during COVID-19 pandemic Priyanka Biswas, Nirmalya Kar, Subhrajyoti Deb
94404 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus A Comparative Study of Deaths Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic During the First and Second Waves in a Tertiary Care Center of a Rural Area in South India Rahul Navab, Anil R, Uma M A, Dhananjaya P E, Sangeetha Kamatchi, Visweswara Reddy Yeragudi jangamareddy
94405 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research Scientific Journal of the Faculty of Education - Assiut University Graduate Students’ Perceptions and Challenges with Distance Learning during COVID-19 أحمد بن يحيى عسيرى, موسى بن سليمان الفيفى
94406 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Oxford University Press Journal of Public Health What can multiple causes of death tell about cardiovascular mortality during COVID-19 pandemic in the United States? Elizaveta Ukolova, Boris Burcin
94407 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Elsevier Enfermedades infecciosas y microbiologia clinica (English ed ) The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare services utilization among people living with HIV in Catalonia, Spain: A population-based cohort study Yi-Hua Pan, Daniel K. Nomah, Marcos Montoro-Fernandez, Sergio Moreno-Fornés, Yesika Díaz, Jordi Aceitón, et al. (+9)
94408 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Applied Economics Letters Explore jump behaviour in China's crude oil future market during the COVID-19 Chunhui Qiao
94409 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta WICARANA EFEKTIVITAS PEMBERIAN BANTUAN HUKUM OLEH POSBAKUM KEPADA TERDAKWA SELAMA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Annisa Rahmadiana, Lies Sulistiani, Ajie Ramdan
94410 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Brazilian Journal of Health Review Brazilian Journal of Health Review A doença periodontal como um fator agravante para a COVID-19 Thaise Batista França, Karoline Rocha Da Silva, Alan Oliveira Pereira, Fabricio Hallef Fontes Pedroso, Yeska Gabriele Silva Nascimento
94411 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Bontang Journal of Power Electric and Renewable Energy Prototype Pintu Otomatis Di PT. Kaltim Nitrate Indonesia Menggunakan Sensor PIR Berbasis Arduino Uno di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Kurnianto Hadi Saputro
94412 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Elsevier Energy for Sustainable Development Effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the Swedish Biogas Sector Markus Johansson, Louise Hedenskog, Rebecka Trångteg, Emma Lindkvist, Christoffer Hahn
94413 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Elsevier Burns Assessment of health-related quality of life in patients with burns injuries during the COVID-19 pandemic: A critical topic for burn survivors Özden Özkal, Mine Seyyah
94414 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Elsevier Zeitschrift für Evidenz Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen Experience report of two living systematic Cochrane reviews on COVID-19 Carina Wagner, Caroline Hirsch, Waldemar Siemens, Philipp Kapp, Claire Iannizzi
94415 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Neuroscience Degree of COVID-19 severity and mortality in stroke: correlation of clinical and laboratory parameters Abdul Gofir, Irawan Satriotomo, Yossy Catarina Budi Nur Syamsah, Mawaddah Ar Rochmah, Tommy Rachmat Setyawan, Adika Mianoki, et al. (+2)
94416 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Elsevier European Journal of Surgical Oncology During COVID-19, the NHSBSP pause in London reduced overdiagnosis, did not increase radical surgery and maintained 3-year survival at pre-COVID rates Rachel Aquilina, Jajini Varghese, Jayant Vaidya
94417 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Elsevier Infectious Disease Modelling Exploring a targeted approach for public health capacity restrictions during COVID-19 using a new computational model Ashley N. Micuda, Mark R. Anderson, Irina Babayan, Erin Bolger, Logan Cantin, Gillian Groth, et al. (+8)
94418 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Elsevier American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Diagnoses and Care following COVID-19 Vaccination Neon Brooks, Stephanie A. Irving, Tia L. Kauffman, Kimberly K. Vesco, Matthew Slaughter, Ning Smith, et al. (+15)
94419 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Reactions Weekly Differences in rates of AESIs between COVID-19 vaccine types
94420 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Reactions Weekly COVID-19-vaccine
94421 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Reactions Weekly COVID-19-vaccine/lamotrigine
94422 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Elsevier Revista Española de Anestesiología y Reanimación Efectividad de un programa de seguimiento específico para el manejo de los componentes mentales del síndrome post-UCI y el dolor crónico tras la infección por COVID-19: resultados del ensayo clínico aleatorizado DOLOR-COVID A. Ojeda, A. Calvo, T. Cuñat, R. Mellado-Artigas, A. Costas-Carrera, M.M. Sánchez-Rodriguez, et al. (+6)
94423 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  American Society of Neuroradiology Neurographics Coronavirus Disease 2019-Associated Brachial Plexus Neuritis B. Otemuyiwa, S. Naganawa, J. Kim, A. Capizzano, T. Moritani
94424 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Microbe The importance of using WHO International Standards to harmonise SARS-CoV-2 serological assays Heidi Hempel, Mark Page, Troy Kemp, Amanda Semper, Tim Brooks, Ligia A Pinto
94425 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Reactions Weekly SARS-COV-2-vaccine-inactivated-Sinovac-Biotech
94426 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Reactions Weekly SARS-COV-2-vaccine-inactivated-Sinovac-Biotech
94427 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Conscientia Beam International Journal of Education and Practice Post COVID-19 adversity quotient levels of kindergarten students and role of teachers in improving child adversity quotient Daviq Chairilsyah, Rita Kurnia, Zetra Hainul Putra
94428 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing Mental health and lifestyle behavior changes during COVID-19 among families living in poverty: A descriptive phenomenological study Nagwan R. Zahry, Jiying Ling, Lorraine B. Robbins
94429 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Hospital Infection COVID-19 and antibiotic consumption in the Intensive Care Units of the Polish tertiary hospital Jadwiga Wójkowska-Mach, Paweł Krzyściak, Mateusz Gajda, Anna Różańska
94430 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Negah Scientific Publisher Journal of Research and Health COVID-19 and Its Relationship to Breastfeeding Patterns: A Systematic Review Study Jafar Bazyar, Zolaykha Karamelahi, Salman Daliri, Razhan Chehreh
94431 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine Liver Involvement in Children with COVID-19 and Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome
94432 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  ID Design 2012/DOOEL Skopje Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences Understanding Coping Strategies Adults Adopted to Survive During COVID-19 and Post-COVID-19 Pandemic Amos A. Olore, Tomike I. Olawande, Tayo O. George, Ajibade Jegede, Matthew Egharevba, Amoo Emmanuel
94433 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Public Choice Size isn’t everything: COVID-19 and the role of government Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard
94434 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Asia-Pacific Applied Economics Association Energy RESEARCH LETTERS Have Precious Metals Lost Their Protective Powers During COVID-19 and the Russia-Ukraine War? Idris A. Adediran, Yetunde O. Adegoke, Abdulfatai Salawudeen
94435 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Mycopathologia COVID-19 associated Pulmonary Aspergillosis in Patients Admitted to the Intensive Care Unit: Impact of Antifungal Prophylaxis Jonas Frost, Maximilian Gornicec, Alexander C. Reisinger, Philipp Eller, Martin Hoenigl, Juergen Prattes
94436 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Industrial Information Integration COVID-19 Automotive Supply Chain Risks: A Manufacturer-Supplier Development Approach Aminreza Karamoozian, Chin An Tan, Desheng Wu, Amirhossein Karamoozian, Saied Pirasteh
94437 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research مجلة کلية الأداب - جامعة السويس A Multimodal Analysis of Some Selected Arabic COVID-19 Awareness Posters, Reham Sayed Omar Abdulhaleem, A PhD Researcher, The Department of English Language and Literature, The Faculty of Arts, Suez University
94438 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Wiley Applied Psychology Health and Well-Being The roles of stress mindset and personality in the impact of life stress on emotional well-being in the context of Covid-19 confinement: A diary study Weilong Zeng, Shaozhuang Ma, Yiqing Xu, Rui Wang
94439 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Maad Rayan Publishing Company Journal of Qualitative Research in Health Sciences Lived Experiences of Physicians Working in Hospitals during the COVID-19 Crisis: A Qualitative Study Ali Asghar Hayat, Ahmad Kalateh Sadati, Seyed Taghi Heydari, Ghobad Ramezani, Mohammad Hasan Keshavarzi
94440 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Wiley Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Unequal loss: Disparities in relational closeness to a COVID-19 death among U.S. older adults Alicia R. Riley, Louise C. Hawkley, Lissette M. Piedra
94441 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Genesis Global Publication International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews A Comprehensive Approach to COVID-19 Detection and Management Using Deep Learning--Review Chennapragada Tarun
94442 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Mobile Networks and Applications SGS: SqueezeNet-guided Gaussian-kernel SVM for COVID-19 Diagnosis Fanfeng Shi, Jiaji Wang, Vishnuvarthanan Govindaraj
94443 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Auricle Technologies Pvt., Ltd. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication Predictive Analysis of Covid-19 Disease Severity in X-ray images: using Deep Learning Techniques Et al. Nagamani Tenali
94444 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Asociacion Latinoamericana para el Avance de la Ciencia Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar Afectaciones Ocasionadas por el COVID-19 en el Ámbito Laboral en México Juan Javier Gutiérrez García, José Emilio Méndez González, Luis Ever Caro Lazos
94445 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Editorial Agricola Tuxpan Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan La participación ci�na durante el periodo de la pandemia covid-19 en el área rural de Tecomatlán Puebla Clara Ortiz Miguel, Guillermo Mejía Méndez, Romeo Pérez Ortiz, Fredy Mera Zúñiga, Marco Antonio Lara de la Calleja
94446 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Elsevier Bulletin de l Académie Nationale de Médecine Rapport 23-28. COVID-19 et système nerveux : Formes aiguës et Covid long François Chollet, Didier Leys, Jean-Marc Léger, Jean-Jacques Hauw
94447 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Wiley International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology CGS-Net: A classification-guided framework for automated infection segmentation of COVID-19 from CT images Wen Zhou, Jihong Wang, Yuhang Wang, Zijie Liu, Chen Yang
94448 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. Global Business and Economics Review TOWARD CASHLESS PAYMENTS THE BOOST OF COVID-19 IN THE ITALIAN CONTEXT Gerardo Petroccione, Flaminia Musella, Elvira Anna Graziano
94449 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Infectious Diseases and Therapy Nirmatrelvir/Ritonavir Utilization for the Treatment of Non-hospitalized Adults with COVID-19 in the National Veterans Affairs (VA) Healthcare System Haley J. Appaneal, Kerry L. LaPlante, Vrishali V. Lopes, Catherine Martin, Laura Puzniak, Timothy L. Wiemken, et al. (+3)
94450 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Oxford University Press Health Policy and Planning Humanitarian-Development Nexus: strengthening health system preparedness, response and resilience capacities to address COVID-19 in Sudan-case study of repositioning external assistance model and focus Muna Mohamed Nur, Huzeifa Aweesha, Mahmoud Elsharif, Ahmed Esawi, Arwa Omer, Mohamed Musa
94451 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Pesatuan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia Ophthalmologica Indonesiana FIRST POSNER SCHLOSSMAN SYNDROME POST COVID-19 INFECTION Kristian Goenawan, Margrette Paliyama
94452 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine Study of the Predictive Value of Neutrophil/Lymphocyte Ratio in Diagnosis of COVID-19 Infection
94453 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Wiley Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology De novo pemphigus vulgaris and pemphigus foliaceus development following COVID-19 infection and vaccination: Matched case-control study P. G. Arduino, A. A. Kubanov, A. V. Vlasova, A. A. Martynov, S. I. Svishchenko, S. Petti
94454 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  SAGE Publications American Journal of Health Promotion Correlates of COVID-19 Information Overload and Information Seeking: Evidence from a Community Survey Masahiro Yamamoto, Archana Krishnan, Annis Golden, Gregory Owen, Lawrence M. Schell, Olivia Mata, Elizabeth A. Holdsworth
94455 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Negah Scientific Publisher Journal of Research and Health Perceived Life Outcomes of Indian Children During the Early Phase of the COVID-19 Lockdown: The Protective Roles of Joint and Nuclear Families Gyanesh Kumar Tiwari, Raghavendra Prasad Tiwari, Rakesh Pandey, Bablu Ray, Abhigyan Dwivedi, Devaki Nandan Sharma, et al. (+3)
94456 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Pesatuan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia Ophthalmologica Indonesiana A RARE CASE OF SUBCONJUNCTIVAL HEMORRHAGE POST COVID-19 mRNA VACCINE: A CASE REPORT Jovita Jutamulia, Arlin Chyntia Dewi, Salma Salsabila, Vicky Octaviani
94457 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo O impacto da pandemia de Covid-19 no diagnóstico de tuberculose no Brasil Heloísa Costa Lima, Luma Rodrigues de Moura Paes, Rafael Bittencourt Friedrich, Thalita Lainy Zoche, Juliana Braga Rodrigues De Castro
94458 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research Minia Journal of Medical Research Role Of platelet-Rich Plasma in Treatment of Post COVID-19 Olfactory Dysfunction Ahmed Sadek, Mohamed Gomma, Omar Abo Hashima, Ahmed Badawi
94459 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research Journal of Nursing Science Benha University Effect of Preventive Nursing Guidelines about COVID-19 on Hospitalized School Age Children Eman Ahmed Taha El-Naggar, Faten Shafik Mahmoud, Basma Rabie Abdel-Sadik
94460 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  ID Design 2012/DOOEL Skopje Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences Analysis of Patient Safety Culture Post of the COVID-19 Outbreak Peak Erwin Gidion Kristanto
94461 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Computational Economics Does COVID-19 Outbreak Push Saudi Crude Oil to Connect with Selected GCC Equity Market? Insight of Time Varying Linkage Miklesh Yadav, Sabia Tabassum, Anas Ali AlQudah, Manaf Al-Okaily, Myriam Aloulou, Nikola Stakic, Marcos Santos
94462 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Elsevier American Journal of Infection Control Factors associated with extent of COVID-19 outbreaks: a prospective study in a large hospital network Clarisse Duverger, Catherine Monteil, Valérie Souyri, Sandra Fournier
94463 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Acta Neurologica Belgica Living with facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy during the first two COVID-19 outbreaks: a repeated patient survey in the Netherlands Johanna C. W. Deenen, Joost Kools, Anna Greco, Renée Thewissen, Wiecke van de Put, Anke Lanser, et al. (+4)
94465 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Turkish Dietetic Association Partner Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics Yetişkin Bireylerde COVID-19 Pandemi Sürecinin Besin Güvencesizliğine Etkilerinin Değerlendirilmesi: Bir Türkiye Örneklemi Hatice Özçalışkan İlkay, Nilüfer Özkan
94466 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Bristol University Press European Journal of Politics and Gender Gender, germs, and governors: political masculinities and leadership in the US during the COVID-19 pandemic Valerie Sperling, Robert G. Boatright
94467 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Business Research Exploring barriers to secondhand luxury consumption among Chinese consumers and changes during the COVID-19 pandemic Hong Luo, Seong-Yeon Park
94468 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Elsevier Epilepsy & Behavior Health care access, psychosocial outcomes and mental health in adults living with epilepsy during the COVID-19 pandemic L. Mc Carthy, B. Mathew, L.J. Blank, G. Van Hyfte, E. Gotlieb, J. Goldstein, et al. (+10)
94469 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  SAGE Publications Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare Performance of a preventive care programme for osteoporosis in primary care settings in Singapore during the COVID-19 pandemic Chin Kwang Chong, Wei Ting Chua, Susie Ling Yii Wong, Tat Yean Tham
94471 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Sultan Agung SULTANIST Jurnal Manajemen dan Keuangan ANALYSIS OF THE FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISES (BUMN) BANKS BEFORE AND DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Raya Panjaitan, Pantas H. Silaban, Roma Narumata Marbun
94472 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Forum Ilmiah Kesehatan - Forikes Health Gate Stress affects the performance of nurses during the Covid-19 Pandemic Sri Widyayantiningsih, Lukyta Suci, Nita Feriani, Miatul Muklis, Yeti Dwi, Anis Susandiatman
94473 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Elsevier Contraception A Survey Of Contraceptive Method Use Among Patients With Delayed Permanent Contraception Due To The COVID-19 Pandemic Sara Carranco, Sarah Bohac, Sarah Casey, Haleh Sangi-Haghpeykar, Sarah Conrad
94474 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Conscientia Beam International Journal of Management and Sustainability Beyond age stereotypes: Unveiling the investment intentions of young individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic Dewita Puspawati, Novel Idris Abas, Widowati Dian Permatasari
94475 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Conscientia Beam Journal of Tourism Management Research Transformative changes in human resources management practices in the tourism sector amidst the COVID-19 pandemic Mehmet Necati Cizreliogullari, Tugrul Gunay, Ugur Kiroglu
94476 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research Egyptian Journal of Social Work Social Worker intervention to Social and Emotional elderly Well-being through the COVID-19 pandemic - An applied study on Miguel Leon Old Age Home in Cuenca Gautam Makwana
94477 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Instytut Badan Gospodarczych / Institute of Economic Research Equilibrium Has the COVID-19 pandemic affected the corporate financial performance? A case study of Slovak enterprises Katarina Valaskova, Dominika Gajdosikova, George Lazaroiu
94478 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Wiley Environmental Microbiology Reports Environmental microbiome in the home and daycare settings during the COVID-19 pandemic, and potential risk of non-communicable disease in children Jill A. McKay, Matthew Crown, Matthew Bashton, David Pearce, Jane A. Entwistle, Vartul Sangal
94479 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Universitas Sumatera Utara ABDIMAS TALENTA Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Hydroponic Provisions for Food Production During the Covid-19 Pandemic Necessitated Restricted Land Use Pasukat Sembiring, Jonathan Liviera Marpaung
94480 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  JMIR Publications Inc. JMIRx Med Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Latino Families with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias: Qualitative Interviews with Family Caregivers and Primary Care Providers (Preprint) Jaime Perales-Puchalt, Jill Peltzer, Monica Fracachan-Cabrera, Adriana Perez, Mariana Ramírez-Mantilla, K Allen Greiner, Jeffrey Murray Burns
94481 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Rheumatology and Therapy Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on People Living with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Experiences and Preferences in Accessing Healthcare Across Five Countries Alain Saraux, Licia Maria Henrique da Mota, Sanjay Dixit, Allan Gibofsky, Tsukasa Matsubara, Amy Mulvey, et al. (+4)
94482 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Auricle Technologies Pvt., Ltd. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication Effectiveness of Learning Package on Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Physical, Mental, Social and Economic Status among Adults at Selected Villages of Gokak Taluk, Karnataka. Et al. Prakash Hiremath
94483 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on rates of adolescents receiving psychopharmacological medication in Austria M. Otter, O. D. Kothgassner, L. Lepuschütz, S. Drahos, P. L. Plener
94484 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Auricle Technologies Pvt., Ltd. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on User Search Behavior: A Case Study of Postgraduate Students Et al. Obada Alhabashneh
94485 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Elsevier Enfermería Clínica (English Edition) Anxiety and depression in pregnancy: associated variables during the covid-19 pandemic period Carmen Paz-Pascual, Isabel Artieta-Pinedo, Paola Bully, Arturo Garcia-Alvarez, Maite Espinosa
94486 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Open Access Pub Journal of Model Based Research Seasonal ARIMA model for Covid-19 pandemic Prediction in the United States Lei Wang, Raul Isea
94487 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Crossroads of well-being and compliance: a qualitative cohort study of visitor restriction policy during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Netherlands, May 2020-December 2021 Fatima Arrahmani, Annerike Gorter, Janneke Elberse, Anne H. Buitenhuis, Gerjo Kok, Pita Spruijt
94488 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Genesis Global Publication International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews Assessing Employee Engagement Strategies and Challenges Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic: A Literature Review Anjum Ajaz, Aqra Altaf
94489 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Contemporary School Psychology Lessons Learned from LGBTQ + Youths’ Experience in the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Phenomenological Investigation Sarah Kiperman, Sahar Al-Tweej, Emily Fisher
94490 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Maad Rayan Publishing Company Journal of Qualitative Research in Health Sciences Explaining the Experiences of Health Care Providers During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study Faeze Kobrai-Abkenar, Parand Pourghane, Fatemeh Jafarzadeh-Kenarsari
94491 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Maad Rayan Publishing Company Journal of Qualitative Research in Health Sciences Exploring Patients’ and Caregivers’ Perception of Healthcare Provision to Cancer Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study Vahid Kaveh, Pooneh Pirjani, Heshmatolah Heydari, Kosar Sadat Hosseini Kolbadi, Ghazal Razani, Romina Sadeqian, et al. (+3)
94492 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon Coping with the hospital environment during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study of the survivors' perspective during their stay at the ICU and inpatient ward Manuel Herrero-Montes, Paula Parás-Bravo, Diego Ferrer-Pargada, Cesar Fernandez-de-las-Peñas, Luis Manuel Fernández-Cacho, Domingo Palacios-Ceña
94493 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  SAGE Publications Scandinavian Journal of Public Health Mental health problems among adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic: a repeated cross-sectional study from Sweden HÅKAN KÄLLMEN, MATS HALLGREN
94494 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health Change in screen time and overuse, and their association with psychological well-being among US-wide school-age children during the COVID-19 pandemic: analysis of the National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH) years 2018-21 Helena T. Wu, Jiandong Li, Amy Tsurumi
94495 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Wiley International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry The risk of developing dementia in the COVID-19 pandemic; a cohort study Daniel Hendrik Baron, Elizabeth Coulthard, Carslake David, Lindsey Isla Sinclair
94496 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Dextrocardia With Situs Inversus in a COVID-19 Patient Anastasia Rigatou, Konstantinos C Christodoulou, Xafnoula Zlatidou, Ioannis Nikolakakis
94497 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Elsevier Virus Research Mucosal-Associated Invariant T Cells are not susceptible in vitro to SARS-CoV-2 infection but accumulate into the lungs of COVID-19 patients Xiaobo Huang, Jonas Kantonen, Kirsten Nowlan, Ngoc Anh Nguyen, Suvi T. Jokiranta, Suvi Kuivanen, et al. (+9)
94498 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Rhinology Rhinology online Prevalence of smell and taste dysfunction in different clinical severity groups of COVID-19 patients S I Vento, I Taskila, J Martola, L Kuusela, G Kurdo, A Lyly, J Hästbacka
94499 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Excellent Publishers International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences Impact of Polymorphism in Transmembrane Serine Protease 2 Gene on Disease Outcome in COVID-19 Patients Amr Samir Tawfik, Mohamed Elegezy Mohamed, Doaa Abdelhalim Shahin, Tamer Ali Elhadidy, Mahmoud Abdel-Aziz Soliman
94500 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Innovare Academic Sciences Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research SERUM FERRITIN AND SERUM LACTATE DEHYDROGENASE LEVELS AMONG COVID-19 PATIENTS ASTHA KAPARUWAN
94501 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  University of Basrah, College of Medicine Basrah Journal of Surgery Timing of administration of Tocilizumab and its effect on outcome in critically ill COVID-19 patients. A retrospective study Singam Geetha, Noor Ul Ain Fatima, Akhya Kar, Soujanya Rani, Padmaja Durga, Lakshmi Brahmaramba
94502 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research SVU-International Journal of Medical Sciences High Atherogenic Index of Plasma at-admission of COVID-19 patients can predict Upcoming Cardiac Morbidity and Mortality in Non-Cardiac patients Amr AlKassas, Hazem Kamel Shalaby
94503 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Maad Rayan Publishing Company Environmental Health Engineering and Management A survey of knowledge, attitude, and performance of Kerman residents on segregation and recycling of household solid wastes during COVID-19 period Hoda Amiri, Majid Hashemi, Moghadameh Mirzaei, Abedin Iranpour, Ramin Moradi
94504 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Negah Scientific Publisher Journal of Research and Health Estimating Algorithms for Prediction and Spread of a Factor as a Pandemic: A Case Study of Global COVID-19 Prevalence Hamideh Rezaei Nezhad, Farshid Keynia, Amir Sabagh Mola Hoseini
94505 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Bolan Society for Pure and Applied Biology (BSPAB) Pure and Applied Biology Finding the major risk factors for higher COVID-19 prevalence in various Districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan Asad Iqbal
94506 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Universitas Sumatera Utara ABDIMAS TALENTA Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Empowering Cadres in COVID-19 Prevention with IT-Based Snake and Ladder Game in Medan Tuntungan Subdistrict, Medan City Kintoko Rochadi
94507 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Negah Scientific Publisher Journal of Research and Health The Impact of Educational Intervention Based on the Health Belief Model on Adopting COVID-19 Preventive Behaviors Among Clients of Urban Health Centers Azadeh Heydari, Mohammad Sarani, Mohammad Abbaszadeh Bazi, Parvaneh Esfahani
94508 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Anadolu Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi Anadolu Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi Covid-19 Sürecinde Ergenlik Dönemindeki Bireylerin Algıladıkları Sosyal Destek Düzeyi ve Mutluluk Düzeylerinin İncelenmesi","Investigation of the Social Support Level and Happiness Levels Perceived by Adolescents in the Covid-19 Process Habibe YILDIZ YÜKSEL
94509 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Asia-Pacific Applied Economics Association Energy RESEARCH LETTERS Causal Nexus Between COVID-19 Risk and Global Oil Price Shocks: Evidence From a Time and Frequency Causality Approach Pradipta Kumar Sahoo, Debasis Pahi, Biplab Kumar Guru, Nirupama Mohanty
94510 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  SAGE Publications Medical Decision Making Perceptions of COVID-19 Risk: How Did People Adapt to the Novel Risk? Karen Sepucha, Aaron Rudkin, Ryan Baxter-King, Annette L. Stanton, Neil Wenger, Lynn Vavreck, Arash Naeim
94511 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  International Journal of Science and Research International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Prevalence of Sleep, Stress, Anxiety and Depression among COVID-19 Survivors Karthik Sunkenapally, Gattupally Nikhil Reddy, Vinayak Krishnan
94512 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  STKIP Persada Khatulistiwa J-PiMat Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Pengaruh Keaktifan Belajar Pasca Covid-19 Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Matematika Siswa Azis Azis
94513 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Universitas Sumatera Utara ABDIMAS TALENTA Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Empowering Communities to Improve Behavior Towards Acceptance of Covid-19 Vaccination Sarah Patumona Manalu, Meutia Nurfahasdi
94514 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Brazilian Journal of Health Review Brazilian Journal of Health Review Antibody response to different COVID-19 vaccine regimes: a review Tamires Cardoso Matsui, Amanda Campelo Lima De Melo, Maria da Conceição Rodrigues Fernandes, Germana Silva Vasconcelos, Marcela Helena Gambim Fonseca, Fernanda Montenegro de Carvalho Araujo
94515 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Maad Rayan Publishing Company Epidemiology and Health System Journal Clinical Challenges of the COVID-19 Vaccines: Frequency of Serious Adverse Events After Immunization in Hospitalized Patients Hamed Delam, Atefeh Ghadri, Zahra Keshtkaran, Behzad Rezaei, Sahar Akbarpoor
94516 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research Human Andrology COVID-19-induced seminal alterations in Qalyubbia Governorate, Egypt Ihab Younis, Ahmed Saleh, Youstina Gerges, karem khalil
94517 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Negah Scientific Publisher Journal of Research and Health Spiritual Health, Nursing Stress, Compassion Fatigue, and COVID-19: A Descriptive Correlational Study Roya Vafaeinia, Tahereh Baloochi Beydokhti, Leila Moghadam Abbaspour, Hosein Ajamzibad
94518 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  SAGE Publications SAGE Open Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms and Coping in the Time of COVID-19: A Longitudinal Assessment Whitney M. Herge, Emily B. Gale, Emily J. Stapleton, Ashley Ofori, Kiley F. Poppino, Shelby P. Cerza, Daniel J. Sucato
94519 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Pustaka Digital Indonesia Jurnal Dieksis Id Tantangan Pembelajaran Daring di Masa Pandemi COVID-19: Analisis Esai Mahasiswa Pendidikan Seni Pertunjukan Ahmad Budi Sutrisno, Sri Wahyuni Syukur
94520 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  ECO-Vector HERALD of North-Western State Medical University named after I I Mechnikov The influence of comorbid diseases on the profiles of signaling biomarkers (macrophage-derived chemokine, interferon-γ-induced protein 10 kD, soluble CD40 ligand, vascular endothelial growth factor) and severity in patients with COVID-19: clinical studies Anna Yu. Anisenkova, Vadim I. Mazurov, Svetlana V. Apalko, Oleg S. Popov, Natalya N. Sushentseva, Olga P. Mamaeva, et al. (+3)
94521 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Journal of Organizational Effectiveness People and Performance Learning from the working from home experiment during COVID-19: employees motivation to continue working from home Hannah Kira Wilson, Matthew Tucker, Gemma Dale
94522 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Social Science Electronic Publishing SSRN Electronic Journal Food Safety Perceptions in the Shadow of COVID-19: Evidence from China Arnab Basu, Nancy H. Chau, Lin Fu, Jieyu Hao
94523 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon A study of the spatial network structure of ethnic regions in Northwest China based on multiple factor flows in the context of COVID-19: Evidence from Ningxia Feng Hu, Qingshan Ma, Hao Hu, Kelly Haiyan Zhou, Shaobin Wei
94524 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo Oclusão venosa retiniana em pacientes com Covid-19: uma complicação emergente Gabriel Santos Bandeira De Mello, Julia Gomes Costa Villas Boas, Luiza Rangel Gambôa, Maria Eduarda Rangel da Silveira Neves, Luciana Cunha de Freitas Lima
94525 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Treatment suspension due to the coronavirus pandemic and mental health of infertile patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies Elnaz Iranifard, Atefeh Yas, Elahe Mansouri Ghezelhesari, Ali Taghipour, Malihe Mahmoudinia, Robab Latifnejad Roudsari
94526 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Genesis Global Publication International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) Infection and Pathogenicity: The Roles of Cell Death and Autophagy Latif Reshi
94527 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Genomics Chronic shedding of a SARS-CoV-2 Alpha variant in wastewater Michael J. Conway, Hannah Yang, Lauren A. Revord, Michael P. Novay, Rachel J. Lee, Avery S. Ward, et al. (+4)
94528 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  American Chemical Society Biochemistry Differences in Oligomerization of the SARS-CoV-2 Envelope Protein, Poliovirus VP4, and HIV Vpu Julia A. Townsend, Oluwaseun Fapohunda, Zhihan Wang, Hieu Pham, Michael T. Taylor, Brian Kloss, et al. (+4)
94529 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Elsevier Infection Prevention in Practice Methods for SARS-CoV-2 hospital disinfection, in vitro observations Dora E. Corzo-Leon, Hadeel Mohammed Abbood, Rosa A. Colamarino, Markus FC. Steiner, Carol Munro, Ian M. Gould, Karolin Hijazi
94530 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Maad Rayan Publishing Company International Journal of Enteric Pathogens Unveiling the Impact of Homogenous Vaccines on Clinical Symptoms and Risk Factors Following the SARS-CoV-2 Infection Amir Aboofazeli, Amirhossein Gharehkhani, Parsa Nobaveh, Roben Soheili, Ali Vasheghani Farahani, Amir Gholamzad, et al. (+3)
94531 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Immunology IgG antibody response to SARS-CoV-2 infection and its influencing factors in lymphoma patients Huan Xie, Jing Zhang, Ran Luo, Yan Qi, Yizhang Lin, Changhao Han, et al. (+2)
94532 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon High diagnostic accuracy of quantitative SARS-CoV-2 spike-binding-IgG assay and correlation with in vitro viral neutralizing activity Noriko Iwamoto, Yuki Takamatsu, Yusuke Asai, Kiyoto Tsuchiya, Kouki Matsuda, Yusuke Oshiro, et al. (+9)
94533 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Allerton Press Molecular Genetics Microbiology and Virology Genetic Variations in Spike Protein: Linking SARS-CoV-2 Variants to Clinical Outcomes Peshnyar M. A. Rashid, Gaza F. Salih
94534 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  SAGE Publications Environment and Planning A Economy and Space Moral mobilization in the digital space: Seafarers exercising agency during the pandemic Lijun Tang
94535 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Mark Allen Group Early Years Educator Using technology in early years: Findings from the pandemic Emma Harvey
94536 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Taru Publications Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences Transformative impact : Online learning evolution in higher education Post-Covid-19 pandemic Sakshee Singh, Reema Aggarwal, Reema Bali, Gautam Bapat, Sagar Mohite
94538 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Everant Journals International Journal of Social Science and Human Research Implementation of Learning Policy during the Pandemic Era at the Darul Hijrah Islamic Boarding School, Indonesia Jamaluddin Jamaluddin, Nida Mufidah, Raudhatul Haura, Sessi Rewetty Rivilla, Mardiana Mardiana
94539 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Asociacion Latinoamericana para el Avance de la Ciencia Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar Application of Strategies in the Knowledge of Business Law and the Im-pact that the Covid Pandemic has Caused in a Manufacturing Company in its Operations in Reynosa Tamaulipas Gabriela Cervantes Zubirías, Mario Alberto Morales Rodríguez, José Alberto Morales Rodríguez, Marco Antonio Díaz Martínez
94540 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Rimar Academy Egitim Arastirma ve Danismanlik Limited Sirketi RIMAK International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences THE HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT PATTERN HAS CHANGED IN LIGHT OF THE CORONA (COVID 19) PANDEMIC IN ALGERIA Samia MOUSSAOUI
94541 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Universitas Sumatera Utara ABDIMAS TALENTA Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat E-Warta Android-Based System to Support Information Acceleration during the Pandemic in the GBKP Runggun Sememei Batu Community Group Dewi Sartika Br Ginting, T.Henny Febriana Harumy, Niskarto Zendrato, Muhammad Erald Setyaki Siregar, Fitri Aulia Fadillah Nasution, Revaldi Irham Syahputra, et al. (+2)
94542 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Wiley Bioethics Ethics of a pandemic of deliberate health misinformation: From abortion care to vaccines Udo Schuklenk
94543 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Southwest Jiaotong University Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University FACTORS INFLUENCING GEN Z’S EATING-OUT BEHAVIOR IN THE POST-COVID-19 PANDEMIC PERIOD
94544 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Anadolu Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi Anadolu Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi The Quality of English Teaching Through The Educational Information Network (EIN) During The Pandemic Process: Teachers’, Students’ and Parents’ Opinions (Erzurum province example)","Pandemi Sürecinde Eğitim Bilişim Ağı (EBA) Aracılığıyla Gerçekleştirilen İngilizce Öğretiminin Niteliği: Öğretmen, Öğrenci ve Veli Görüşleri (Erzurum İli Örneği) Şeyma KARABACAK, Bilge ÇAM AKTAŞ
94545 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Mark Allen Group Early Years Educator Attending early education during the pandemic provided sustained benefits for toddlers' development Catherine Davies
94546 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Project MUSE American Annals of the Deaf Reflections From the Pandemic: Lessons Learned Blake Probert, Raschelle Neild, Patrick Graham
94547 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Social Science Electronic Publishing SSRN Electronic Journal Preparedness for the Future Pandemic: Understanding the Impacts of Risk Perception in Public Health Emergencies Khin Thandar Aung
94548 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Rimar Academy Egitim Arastirma ve Danismanlik Limited Sirketi RIMAK International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences MANAGING AND ADDRESSING ECONOMIC CRISES DURING THE PERIOD OF EPIDEMICS AND PANDEMICS (ISIAMIC ECONOMIC TREATMENTS IN PERIODS OF CRISIS AND THE SMELLS) Rehab Nady ASRAN
94549 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Scholars Academic and Scientific Publishers Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences Leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Predicting and Managing Pandemics: Lessons Learnt and Future Implications in the Healthcare Sector Steward Mudenda, Shafiq Mohamed
94550 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Contribuciones a las Ciencias Sociales From historical pandemics to the COVID-19 crisis: lessons learned, challenges faced, and future directions in global health Layane Franciele Carvalho Delgado, Rosângela Carvalho De Sousa, Tatiane Costa Quaresma, Franciane de Paula Fernandes, Sheyla Mara Silva De Oliveira, Waldiney Pires Moraes, Lívia de Aguiar Valentim
94551 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Contribuciones a las Ciencias Sociales COVID-19 em uma comunidade ribeirinha: desvelando um cenário acerca de adesão à vacinação Ana Eduarda Bastos Da Costa, Yasmin Janaína Silva De Sousa, Érika Marcilla Sousa De Couto, Brenda Ludmilla Braga Vieira, Sheyla Mara Silva De Oliveira, Lívia de Aguiar Valentim, et al. (+3)
94552 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Brawijaya University Journal of Nursing Science Update (JNSU) Study of Homecare Acceptance by The Elderly in The COVID-19 Era Nova Sontry Node Siregar, Nadia Hasibuan, Mayes Felda Simamora, Lidia Silaban, Debora Simamora
94553 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Elsevier World Neurosurgery Effect Modification of COVID-19 Symptoms on the Association between Timing of Surgery and Postoperative Complications in Pediatric Spinal Deformity: A Prospective Cohort Study Haoran Zhang, Yiwei Zhao, You Du, Yang Yang, Jianguo Zhang, Shengru Wang
94554 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Pustaka Digital Indonesia Jurnal IPMAS Membangun Desa Digital untuk Meningkatkan Pelayanan dan Kemandirian Masyarakat Desa Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 Ririn Anggraini, M Rusli Baharuddin, Andi Wafda
94555 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Juta and Company (Pty) Ltd Industrial Law Journal Access to the Labour Courts in Israel during the Covid-19 Crisis Lilach Lurie, Reut Shemer Begas
94556 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Open Access Pub International Journal of Sexually Transmitted Diseases Willingness to take COVID-19 Vaccination among People Living with HIV/AIDS on Anti-Retroviral Therapy and Associated Factors in Woldia Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, Woldia, Ethiopia Abayneh Tunta, Mulu Shiferaw, Habtamu Mesele, Woldeteklehaymanot Kassahun, Fissha Yehualaw, Atitegeb Abera, Jean-Pierre Routy
94557 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Dove Medical Press Psychology Research and Behavior Management Motivational Interviewing as a Tool to Increase Motivation and Adherence to a Long COVID Telerehabilitation Intervention: Secondary Data Analysis from a Randomized Clinical Trial Sandra León-Herrera, Bárbara Oliván-Blázquez, Mario Samper-Pardo, Alejandra Aguilar-Latorre, Rafael Sánchez Arizcuren
94558 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Oxford University Press Journal of Design History Architecture after CovidInteriors in the Era of Covid-19: Interior Design between the Public and Private Realms Annmarie Adams
94559 2024―Jan―13  [GO]  Oxford University Press Virus Evolution SARS-CoV-2 lineage assignments using phylogenetic placement/UShER are superior to pangoLEARN machine-learning method Adriano de Bernardi Schneider, Michelle Su, Angie S Hinrichs, Jade Wang, Helly Amin, John Bell, et al. (+8)
94560 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Oxford University Press International Journal of Epidemiology Correction: Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on total, sex- and age-specific all-cause mortality in 20 countries worldwide during 2020: results from the C-MOR project
94561 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Universitas Hamzanwadi JPEK (Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Kewirausahaan) Strategi Optimalisasi Realisasi Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) Di Kabupaten Lombok Timur Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19
94562 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  STKIP Pasundan Jurnal Master Penjas & Olahraga Motivasi Berlatih Di Waktu Luang Para Siswa Smk 2 Pasundan Banjaran Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Nurdin Nurdin
94563 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  STKIP Pasundan Jurnal Master Penjas & Olahraga Tingkat Keberhasilan Tendangan Penalti Menggunakan Kaki Bagian Dalam Dan Punggung Kaki Dimasa Pandemi Covid-19 Sony Hasmarita, Agus Abdul Rohman, Muchamad Ishak
94564 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Elsevier Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences Unmasking resilience in the ‘New Normal’: coping with unprecedented stressors amid COVID-19 Cecilia Cheng, Si Chen
94565 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  GRAPHIMEDIC SA DE CV Revista Latinoamericana de Simulación Clínica Entrenamiento de habilidades quirúrgicas en casa con simuladores para residentes de Cirugía Vascular durante la pandemia de COVID-19 Cristina Lozano-Ruiz, Elena Iborra-Ortega, Martín Landaluce-Chaves, Julia Ocaña-Guaita, Marina Gómez de Quero-Córdoba
94566 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Changes in sensitivity and hedonic rating to transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation following COVID-19 Grzegorz Błażejewski, Joanna Witkoś, Magdalena Hartman-Petrycka
94567 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  EDP Sciences ITM Web of Conferences Dynamic analysis of a coinfection model of dengue and asymptomatic and symptomatic COVID-19 Atikah Lamis, Hengki Tasman, D. Aldila, Z. Zainal Abidin, M. Imran, J. Widakdo
94568 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Menoufia University Menoufia Medical Journal High Flow Nasal Cannula and Non-Invasive Mechanical Ventilation in Management of COVID-19 Associated Respiratory Failure Hanady Mohammad ElFeky, Ayman Ahmed Rady, Ashraf Mohamed Mostafa, Menan Hany Nassar, Amany Ali Sultan
94569 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Universitas Hamzanwadi JPEK (Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Kewirausahaan) Urgensi Pemanfaatan E-Marketing dan Self Directed Learning Dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja UMKM selama masa pandemi covid-19 di Kabupaten Boalemo
94570 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Jejaring Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science Applications Navigating Healthcare Challenges Text Analytics, Data Integration, and Decision-Making in the COVID-19 Era Shujana
94571 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Psychology Perceived discrimination, anxiety and mood disorders among university students during the COVID-19 era: evidence from a cross-sectional survey in a Ghanaian public university Eugene K. M. Darteh, Jerry Paul K. Ninnoni, Joshua Okyere, Florie Darteh, Johannes John-Langba, Kwamena Sekyi Dickson
94572 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Wiley Nursing Open The experiences of public health nurses during the COVID-19 in Taiwan: A qualitative study Fei-Ling Wu, Jui-Chiung Sun, Hsueh-Ching Wu, Mei-Chen Su, Chia-Ling Lin
94573 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Universitas Hamzanwadi JPEK (Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Kewirausahaan) MSME Strategy In Marketing Products In The Pandemi Of Covid-19 In The New Normal Era
94574 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Elsevier Respiratory Medicine and Research Incidental diagnosis of lung cancer on chest CT scan performed for suspected or documented COVID-19 infection Pascal Wang, Patricia Martel, Mostafa El Hajjam, Lamiae Grimaldi, Etienne Giroux Leprieur
94575 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Greater Baltimore Medical Center Journal of Community Hospital Internal Medicine Perspectives COVID-19 Infection and Clinical Outcomes in Hospitalized Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Insights from the National Inpatient Sample Monique G. Davis, Anum Akhlaq, Sameen Aamer, Hina Shuja, Ehizogie Edigin, Abu Baker Sheikh
94576 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Elsevier Thrombosis Research COVID-19 infection and risk stratification for pulmonary embolism: Identifying optimal D-dimer thresholds Damon E. Houghton, Ana I. Casanegra, Waldemar E. Wysokinski, Leslie J. Padrnos, Ewa Wysokinska, Rajiv Pruthi, et al. (+4)
94577 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Journal of Borneo Social Transformation Studies IMPAK PERINTAH KAWALAN PERGERAKAN (PKP) COVID-19 KE ATAS PENIAGA KECIL B40 DI SEKTOR INFORMAL Siti Mariam Gulam, Dzurizah Ibrahim
94578 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Universal Wiser Publisher Pte. Ltd Contemporary Mathematics An Application of the Caputo Fractional Domain in the Analysis of a COVID-19 Mathematical Model Chandrali Baishya, Sindhu J. Achar, P. Veeresha
94579 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Korean Association of Island The Journal of Korean Island The Impact of Self-Leadership and Occupational Values of Nursing Students in Rural & Fishing Village who experienced COVID-19 on Career Identity Yun-kyung Jung, Chung-Uk Lee
94580 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Medknow Publications Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology Exploring the utility of Aspergillus conidial heads in histopathology specimens of Post COVID-19 outbreak of invasive fungal infections Kanika Gupta, Nadeem Tanveer, Sonal Sharma, Shukla Das, Farhat Naz
94581 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Education The mediating role of academic motivation in the relationship between self-efficacy and learning strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic Marianna Alesi, Giulia Giordano, Ambra Gentile, Michele Roccella, Carola Costanza, Barbara Caci
94582 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Elsevier Disability and Health Journal Changes in postpartum insurance and care use by disability status during the COVID-19 pandemic Erica L. Eliason, Meghan Bellerose
94583 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Elsevier Social Science & Medicine Social capital and all-cause mortality before and during the COVID-19 pandemic among middle-aged and older people: Prospective cohort study in Poland Katarzyna Zawisza, Paulina Sekuła, Michalina Gajdzica, Beata Tobiasz-Adamczyk
94584 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA International Journal of Public Health COVID-19 Pandemic and Food Insecurity Fuel the Mental Health Crisis in Africa Jule Beck, Anke Koebach, Liliana Abreu, Mekdim Dereje Regassa, Anke Hoeffler, Wolfgang Stojetz, Tilman Brück
94585 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Elsevier The Journal of Arthroplasty Total Hip and Total Knee Arthroplasty Outpatient Case Volume During the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic in New York and California Lucas W. Mayer, Mary K. Richardson, Julian Wier, Cory K. Mayfield, Kevin C. Liu, Nathanael D. Heckmann
94586 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  State University of Malang (UM) Jurnal Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan Gender Equality in the Middle of the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Labor Market Ni Putu Wiwin Setyari, Ida Ayu Nyoman Saskara, Ananda Putri Pratama Suwitanty, Gusti Ayu Putu Sinta Dewi Lestari
94587 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Asociacion Latinoamericana para el Avance de la Ciencia Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar La Escuela y Familia en Procesos de Escolarización Durante la Pandemia por COVID-19 Miguel Erasmo Zaldívar Carrillo, Eréndira Romero García, Izcóatl Tlacaélel García Morales, Anyli Yagashala Cabrera Romero
94588 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Wiley Nursing and Health Sciences Obesity care for youth during the COVID-19 pandemic: Challenges youth healthcare nurses experienced in providing obesity care in the Netherlands Siegnella Concincion, Lieke van Houtum, Birgitta van de Vorst, Arnoud Verhoeff, Christine Dedding
94589 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  State University of Malang (UM) Jurnal Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan Young Entrepreneur Transition to Youth NEET During Covid-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Indonesia FX Gugus Febri Putranto, Devanto Shasta Pratomo, M Pudjihardjo
94590 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology Nebulized glycyrrhizin/enoxolone drug modulates IL-17A in COVID-19 patients: a randomized clinical trial Ulises Zendejas-Hernandez, Nemi Alcántara-Martínez, Diana Tovar Vivar, Fermín Valenzuela, Alejandro Sosa Espinoza, Eduardo Emir Cervera Ceballos
94591 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Medknow Publications Saudi Journal of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Enhanced Parent-child Interaction and Language Development during COVID-19 Quarantine in Children with Cochlear Implants Nada A. M. Alsari, Ghada T. A. Najmaldeen
94592 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Osh State University Вестник Ошского государственного университета Медицина THE IMPACT OF HYPERTENSION ON COVID-19 SEVERITY: A GLOBAL REVIEW Kanykei Mamyrova, Singh Manvendra, Asel Murzabek kyzy
94593 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Universitas Pattimura Jurnal Agrosilvopasture-Tech Dampak Covid-19 Terhadap Pendapatan Petani Padi Sawah (Oryza sativa) di Desa Samal Kecamatan Seram Utara Timur Kobi Eka Hermawanti, Natelda R Timisela, Waldemina B Parera
94594 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Springer-Verlag European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology Autoimmune disorders reported following COVID-19 vaccination: A disproportionality analysis using the WHO database Seohyun Kim, Sungho Bea, Seung-Ah Choe, Nam-Kyong Choi, Ju-Young Shin
94595 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Greater Baltimore Medical Center Journal of Community Hospital Internal Medicine Perspectives Subacute thyroiditis due to COVID-19 vaccine Nishant Kumar, Dina Zeki, Mihail Zilbermint
94596 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Asia Pacific Academy of Science Pte. Ltd. Environment and Social Psychology The foreign language students’ readiness for online learning in response to COVID-19: A case of Malaysia Mohd Hafizul Ismail, Nurashikin Saaludin, Siti Nur Dina Haji Mohd Ali
94597 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Elsevier CHEST Journal Early Deep Sedation Practices Worsened During the Pandemic Among Adult Patients Without COVID-19: A Retrospective Cohort Study Anna K. Barker, Thomas S. Valley, Michael T. Kenes, Michael W. Sjoding
94598 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Wiley Andrology Sex hormones and the total testosterone:estradiol ratio as predictors of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection in hospitalized men David Ruiz-Ochoa, Armando-Raúl Guerra-Ruiz, María-Teresa García-Unzueta, Pedro Muñoz-Cacho, Bryan Rodriguez-Montalvan, Carlos Antonio Amado-Diago, et al. (+4)
94599 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Medknow Publications Saudi Journal of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Caregivers’ Satisfaction with Telemedicine for Aural Rehabilitation of Cochlear Implant Patients during Coronavirus Disease 2019 Eman Hajr, Auroabah Almufleh, Tahani Alotaibi
94600 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Epidemiology The descriptive epidemiology of pre-omicron SARS-CoV-2 breakthrough infections and severe outcomes in Manitoba, Canada Souradet Y. Shaw, Jason Kindrachuk, Lyle McKinnon, Jeffery C. S. Biegun, Jocelyn N. Reimer, Carla Loeppky, et al. (+4)
94601 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Elsevier Environment International Comparison of RT-ddPCR and RT-qPCR platforms for SARS-CoV-2 detection: implications for future outbreaks of infectious diseases Jiahui Ding, Xiaoqing Xu, Yu Deng, Xiawan Zheng, Tong Zhang
94602 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Elsevier Respiratory Medicine Case Reports Invasive mucinous adenocarcinoma of the lung with bronchorrhea - A marked reduction volume of sputum after SARS-CoV-2 infection Xin Liu, Xinyue Zhou, Xiaocong Zhang, Lingling Sun, Guangdan Zhao, Shitao Mao, et al. (+4)
94603 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology Mutational analysis of SARS-CoV-2 ORF6-KPNA2 binding interface and identification of potent small molecule inhibitors to recuse the host immune system Muhammad Suleman, Afsheen Said, Haji Khan, Shoaib Ur Rehman, Abdulrahman Alshammari, Sergio Crovella, Hadi M. Yassine
94604 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Ready for new waves: optimizing SARS-CoV-2 variants monitoring in pooled samples with droplet digital PCR Antonella Pacini, Franco Paredes, Sofia Heckel, Guadalupe Ibarra, Maria Victoria Petreli, Marilina Perez, et al. (+6)
94605 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology Modified live vaccine strains of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus cause immune system dysregulation similar to wild strains Katerina Stepanova, Miroslav Toman, Jana Sinkorova, Simon Sinkora, Sarka Pfeiferova, Helena Kupcova Skalnikova, et al. (+14)
94606 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Wiley Geographical Research Food relief providers as care infrastructures: Sydney during the pandemic Miriam J. Williams, Alinta Pilkington, Chloe Parker
94607 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists The Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy Characterization of Coinfections in Patients with COVID-19 Alexander Pai, Zahra Kanji, James Joshua Douglas
94608 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Contemporânea - Journal of Ethics and Political Philosophy Revista Contemporânea AVALIAÇÃO DO PERFIL DE MEMÓRIA DE ALUNOS DE UM CURSO DE MEDICINA APÓS COVID-19 Luana Yumi Salvador, Maiza Martins Mendonça, Samira Alves De Sousa, Loren Silva Machado Peres, Aline Santos Soares De Paula, Fernanda Santos De Oliveira
94609 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Contemporânea - Journal of Ethics and Political Philosophy Revista Contemporânea DESENVOLVIMENTO DE ESTRATÉGIAS PEDAGÓGICAS POR MEIO DO PROJETO “OS TRILHOS DO RECOMEÇO PARA O AVANÇO ESTUDANTIL”: UMA EXPERIÊNCIA DA REDE MUNICIPAL DE ENSINO DE CORUMBÁ-MS NO ENFRENTAMENTO À PANDEMIA DA COVID-19 Adrielli Rocha Silveira, Evaldo Neves Barbosa, Fabiane Aparecida Brandão Da Costa, José Augusto Albuquerque Rabelo, Jorge Luiz Samaniego Sambrana, Luciana Moreira Ligier, et al. (+2)
94610 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Imaging Informatics in Medicine Using the Textual Content of Radiological Reports to Detect Emerging Diseases: A Proof-of-Concept Study of COVID-19 Amandine Crombé, Jean-Christophe Lecomte, Mylène Seux, Nathan Banaste, Guillaume Gorincour
94611 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Animus Revista Interamericana de Comunicação Midiática Programas policiais na cobertura da pandemia de Covid-19 Janaine Aires, Ticianne Maria Perdigão Cabral
94612 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) The International Spectator Changing Images? Italian Twitter Discourse on China and the United States during the First Wave of COVID-19 Frank Maracchione, Giulia Sciorati, Claudia Roberta Combei
94613 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  RGSA- Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental Communication Skills in Students: A Comparison of Reports Before and After Covid-19 Araceli Milagros Cavero-Retuerto, Robert Richard Cucho-Flores, Gliria Susana Mendez Ilizarbe, Roberto Justo Tejada-Estrada, Silvia Filomena Garro-Aburto
94614 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo Análise das alterações no padrão de sono causadas pela pandemia da Covid-19 Amanda Bellardt Campi, Maria Luiza Almeida Sena, Luciano Azevedo Duarte
94615 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Explicit discrimination and ingroup favoritism, but no implicit biases in hypothetical triage decisions during COVID-19 Nico Gradwohl, Hansjörg Neth, Helge Giese, Wolfgang Gaissmaier
94616 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  American Society for Microbiology Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education Incorporating art into a biology course: a student-curated art exhibition about COVID-19 David R. Wessner, Lia Rose Newman, Marisa J. Pascucci, Nella Tsudis, Laura J. MacDonald
94617 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Dove Medical Press Nature and Science of Sleep Depression, Sleep Health & Sociodemographic Correlates in a Nationwide Survey: Implications for Depression Treatment During the COVID-19 Maurice Junior Chery, Amrit Baral, LaShae Rolle, Alireza Abdshah, Maritza Bernard, Laxmi Poudel, et al. (+4)
94618 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Bionika Media Therapy Peculiarities of clinical and radiological parameters, indexes of systemic inflammation and immune status in vaccinated patients with COVID-19 Mineeva E.S. Mineeva, Demko I.V. Demko, Sobko E.A. Sobko, Kruglova O.S. Kruglova, Kudryavtsev Ya.I. Kudryavtsev
94619 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Supply Chain Forum an International Journal Application of industry 4.0 technologies for mitigating humanitarian supply chains risks: the case of Covid-19 Mustapha Hrouga
94620 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Learning Environments Research Patterns of university online teaching and learning delivery approaches and students’ performance during COVID-19 Masitah Shahrill, Elvynna Leong, Daniel Asamoah, Lin Naing, Mohamad Iskandar Petra, Jose H. Santos, Anita B. Z. Abdul Aziz
94621 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  SciELO Psico-USF Valores Humanos e Crença em Informações Enganosas a Respeito da COVID-19 Rafaella S. Daudt, Sabrina Daiana Cúnico, Marcus Levi Lopes Barbosa
94622 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah Menengah Pertama Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur Al-Qalam Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Islam UPAYA MENINGKATAN HASIL BELAJAR PAI MATERI JUJUR, AMANAH DAN ISTIQAMAH SISWA SMPN 15 TANJUNG JABUNG TIMUR MELALUI MODEL PEMBELAJARAN SNOWBALL THROWING SELAMA PANDEMI COVID-19 Masjidin
94623 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Universitas Muslim Maros Emik Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial Tren Glow Up Challenge di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Rahma Rahma, Nurul Ilmi Idrus
94624 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Universitas Muslim Maros Emik Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial “Beli Sekarang Bayar Nanti: Mahasiswi, Spay Later, dan Pandemi Covid-19 Nurwahyu Ilahi
94625 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Social Theory & Health Populism, moral foundations, and vaccine hesitancy during COVID-19 Jeremiah Morelock, Andressa Oliveira, Hoang Minh Uyen Ly, Crystal Lee Ward
94626 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Science Research Society European Economic Letters (EEL) A Paradigm Shift in Customer’s Behaviour Towards Banking Services During Covid-19 Dr. Shoba James, Dr. Ramraj T Nadar
94627 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Korea Sport Society The Korea Journal of Sport A Step-by-Step In-depth Survey Study to Improve the Fringe Benefit of Sports Coach in the Era of COVID-19 YeonTaek Kwon, KyoungAh Yeo
94628 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Institute of Cytology and Genetics, SB RAS Сибирский научный медицинский журнал Efficacy of stage I rehabilitation of medical workers with moderate course of interstitial lung damage associated with COVID-19 L. A. Shpagina, V. A. Drobyshev, S. A. Karmanovskaya, E. M. Loktin, I. S. Shpagin, O. S. Kotova, et al. (+3)
94629 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Universitas Bina Bangsa Jurnal Lebesgue Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika Matematika dan Statistika ANALISIS EFEKTIVITAS PEMBELAJARAN DARING DAN LURING PADA ERA ENDEMIK COVID-19 Defi Yusti Faidah, Nathanael Mareo Liatna, Anugrah Aidil Fitria, Refaldo Richkolas Philadelphia
94630 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Franco Angeli QUADERNI DI PSICOTERAPIA COGNITIVA Passaggio alla psicoterapia online durante la pandemia da Coronavirus (Covid-19): variabili associate alla soddisfazione dei pazienti. Il caso del Centro Medico Santagostino Laura Staccini, Daniele Cavadini, Rosa Gravagnuolo, Elena Olivetti, Camilla Bongiovanni, Raffaella Calati, et al. (+3)
94631 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing Indian Journal of ECMO Prone Positioning in Venovenous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (VV-ECMO) in COVID-19 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) Arpan Chakraborty, Rahul Dixit
94632 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction Human-Computer Interaction in Times of Grief: Unveiling Support Processes Among COVID-19 Affected Users in a Facebook Group Through Netnography Lorenza Entilli, Kairi Kõlves, Diego De Leo, Sabrina Cipolletta
94633 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Wacana, Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia Paradigma Jurnal Kajian Budaya HOW COVID-19 AFFECTS LIBRARIES IN MONGOLIA Tseren Ganbaatar Dr., Narantuya Otgondoo, Zolboo Mashbat
94634 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  F1000 Research Ltd F1000Research A cross-sectional study of the psychosocial and occupational impact of COVID-19 among NHS staff: findings from a Northwest London cohort during the second wave Richard A Powell, Victoria ML Burmester, Ed Waddingham, Jehanita Jesuthasan, John Norton, Sandra Jayacodi, et al. (+2)
94635 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Wiley Population and Development Review COVID-19 and Contraceptive Use in Two African Countries: Examining Conflicting Pressures on Women Jiao Yu, Kathryn Grace, Elizabeth Heger Boyle, Jude P. Mikal, Matthew Gunther, Devon Kristiansen
94636 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  International Global Health Society Journal of Global Health Absence of a causal link between COVID-19 and deep vein thrombosis: Insights from a bi-directional Mendelian randomisation study Mingxuan Li, Lei Xiao, Jiasheng Cai, Kewei Jiang, Yanglei Li, Siqi Li, et al. (+4)
94637 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Archives of Public Health Comparative analysis of COVID-19 and influenza prevalence among Egyptian pilgrims returning from Hajj and Umrah in 2022: epidemiology, clinical characteristics, and genomic sequencing Amr Kandeel, Manal Fahim, Ola Deghedy, Hala BahaaEldin, Wael H. Roshdy, Mohamed Kamal Khalifa, et al. (+6)
94638 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Geriatrics Uptake of COVID-19 and influenza vaccines in relation to preexisting chronic conditions in the European countries Shangfeng Tang, Lu Ji, Ghose Bishwajit, Shuyan Guo
94639 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Factor structure of academic resilience among Polish and Ukrainian students involved in remote education caused by Covid-19 and military aggression Tetiana Matusevych, Nataliia Demeshkant, Sławomir Trusz
94640 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines The Impact of COVID-19 and Non-COVID-19 Vaccinations in Special Populations Kay Choong See
94641 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Sciencedomain International Microbiology Research Journal International Study the Relationship between Severity of Post-Vaccination with Infection of COVID-19 and Vaccination Alaa Hamza Jaber Al-Jelehawy, Ali Redha Abdulamer Sherali
94642 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics How urban versus rural population relates to COVID-19 booster vaccine hesitancy: A propensity score matching design study Yudong Miao, Junwen Bai, Zhanlei Shen, Yi Li, Wanliang Zhang, Dongfang Zhu, et al. (+10)
94643 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Open Access Pub International Journal of Coronaviruses A Data Mining Methodology for Detecting Conspiracy Theories from Scientific Articles: The Covid-19 Case Raúl Isea, Rafael Mayo-García, John Akighir
94644 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  American Medical Association JAMA As COVID-19 Cases Surge, Here’s What to Know About JN.1, the Latest SARS-CoV-2 “Variant of Interest” Rita Rubin
94645 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management Building trust in times of crisis: A panel study of the influence of satisfaction with COVID-19 communication and management Ali Abdelzadeh, Thomas Sedelius
94646 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Edizioni Minerva Medica European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Evidence-based position paper on physical and rehabilitation medicine professional practice for persons with COVID-19, including post COVID-19 condition: the European PRM position (UEMS PRM Section) Maria G. CERAVOLO, Fahim ANWAR, Elisa ANDRENELLI, Cynthia UDENSI, Jawaria QURESHI, Manoj SIVAN, et al. (+2)
94647 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Gomel State Medical University Health and Ecology Issues Analysis of the effectiveness of COVID-19 coronavirus vaccination in patients with chronic heart failure at the outpatient stage of treatment V. А. Sharoiko, I. О. Stoma, A. A. Kovalev, V. A. Yarmolenko
94648 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management Assessing COVID-19 crisis communication and health outcomes based on the Intervention Ladder Matthew Fifolt, Kathryn J. Corvey, J. Cameron Crosby, Rachael A. Lee, Greer A. Burkholder, Sarah Nafziger
94649 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Franco Angeli FINANCIAL REPORTING What drives discretionary loan loss provisions? The role of banks' business model, listing status and COVID-19 crisis in the European banking sector Alessandra Allini, Fiorenza Meucci, Flavio Spagnuolo, Annamaria Zampella
94650 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  MDPI AG Biomedicines Machine Learning for COVID-19 Determination Using Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Tomasz R. Szymborski, Sylwia M. Berus, Ariadna B. Nowicka, Grzegorz Słowiński, Agnieszka Kamińska
94651 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Universitas Muslim Maros Emik Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial Strategi Bertahan Mahasiswa Perantau di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19 di Kota Makassar Nopri Anti Andau
94652 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Universitas Hamzanwadi JPEK (Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Kewirausahaan) Analisis Kebijakan Pemulihan Eknomi Sektor UMKM Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 di Kota Pangkalpinang
94653 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of European Studies Slovenian COVID-19 discourse in the context of verbal as well as physical violence against medical professionals Mojca Ramšak
94654 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Urban Water Journal Urban water quality and COVID-19 during the lockdown periods: a case study of Ghaggar river, Punjab, India Bhupendra Pratap Singh, Preeti Sai, Sakshi Rautela, Harison Masih, Dinesh Kuamr, Sudhir Kumar Singh, Jamson Masih
94655 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo Covid-19 e o suicídio no Brasil: um estudo epidemiológico ecológico Bárbara Luíza Barbosa De Almeida, Yasmin Fernandes Ferreira, Yana Sofia de Jesus Oliveira, Eduardo Henrique de Matos Lima
94656 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Associacao Brasileira de Psiquiatria Revista Debates em Psiquiatria Falhas cognitivas, sintomas de ansiedade generalizada e percepção da pandemia da COVID-19 em estudantes universitários Francisco Wilson Nogueira Holanda Júnior, Fívia de Araújo Lopes, Lillian Karla Felix da Silva "In Memorian", Bernardino Fernández-Calvo
94657 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Open Access Pub International Journal of Coronaviruses Review of Human, Social and intellectual capital in the Covid-19 era Alejandra Navarrete Quezada, Cruz Garcìa Lirios, Alfonso Aguilar Fuentes, Raul Isea
94658 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science Workforce Development and Training Needs for Behavioral Health Telehealth Use in the Post COVID-19 Era Kathryn Fleddermann, Lydia Chwastiak, Ashley Fortier, Heather Gotham, Ann Murphy, Rachel Navarro, et al. (+3)
94659 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Wiley Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine Clinical characteristics and mortality prediction of patients admitted to the Hong Kong East Cluster intensive care units in the COVID-19 fifth wave MY Man, SM Lam, SYJ Yu, JYA Chan, MY Lee, HP Shum, WW Yan
94660 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Multimedia Tools and Applications An intelligent healthcare monitoring system-based novel deep learning approach for detecting covid-19 from x-rays images Shadi AlZu’bi, Amjed Zreiqat, Worood Radi, Ala Mughaid, Laith Abualigah
94661 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Covid-19 has cut UK life expectancy by around half a year, data suggest Adrian O’Dowd
94662 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  PNG Publishers American Journal of Health Behavior Work Environment of Healthcare Workers with COVID-19 in a Hospital in Turkey Seval Müzeyyen Ecin
94663 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Persons diagnosed with COVID-19 in England in the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD): a cohort description Kathleen M Andersen, Leah J McGrath, Maya Reimbaeva, Diana Mendes, Jennifer L Nguyen, Kiran K Rai, et al. (+4)
94664 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Die Gynäkologie COVID-19 in Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe","COVID-19 in gynecology and obstetrics Klaus Friese, Marion Kiechle, Olaf Ortmann
94665 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Medip Academy International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Sleep quality among family medicine physicians before and during COVID-19 in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Eman A. Alshafei, Afnan Alsulami, Anwar Alqurashi, Hanan Salahuddin, Hanin Al luhaibi, Meshal Albaqami, et al. (+5)
94666 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  NII KPSSZ Complex Issues of Cardiovascular Diseases COVID-19 IN PATIENTS WITH CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES AND WITHOUT CARDIOVASCULAR PATHOLOGY: RESULTS OF THE INTERNET SURVEY Alfiya R. Tyapayeva, Elizabeth A. Naumova, Olga N. Semenova, Alexandra А. Boroday, Daria A. Tyapkina
94667 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Wiley HIV Medicine Clinical epidemiology of COVID-19 in people of black ethnicity living with HIV in the UK Zoe Ottaway, Lucy Campbell, Laura R. Cechin, Nisha Patel, Julie Fox, Fiona Burns, et al. (+13)
94668 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  MDPI AG Viruses Incidence and Severity of COVID-19 in Relation to Anti-Receptor-Binding Domain IgG Antibody Level after COVID-19 Vaccination in Kidney Transplant Recipients A. Lianne Messchendorp, Jan-Stephan Sanders, Alferso Abrahams, Frederike Bemelman, Pim Bouwmans, René van den Dorpel, et al. (+10)
94669 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Texas Medical Center Library Journal of Shock and Hemodynamics COVID-19 Induced Right Ventricular Failure and Right Ventricular Assist Device Support Marvin Slepian
94670 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Stallion Publication Journal for Research in Applied Sciences and Biotechnology Plasma D-Dimer Value Corrected with Some Physiological and Inflammatory Markers (C-Reactive Protein and Ferritin) in Iraqi Patients with COVID-19 Infection Reem M. Obaid, Sanaa Hussein Ali, Zainab Ali Hussein, Hadeel Q.A. Habeeb
94671 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  MDPI AG Reports — Medical Cases Images and Videos Acute Aortic Stent Graft Thrombosis in Patient with Recent COVID-19 Infection Antonio Marzano, Jihad Jabbour, Vincenzo Brizzi, Enrico Sbarigia, Simone Cuozzo
94672 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Gomel State Medical University Health and Ecology Issues Predictors of an unfavorable outcome in patients with severe pneumonia against the background of COVID-19 infection D. P. Salivonchyk, T. A. Kurman
94673 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  S. Karger AG Case Reports in Dermatology Interesting Mucocutaneous Manifestations in COVID-19 Infection or Vaccination Confirmed by Histopathology: A Case Series Arash Pour Mohammad, Elahe Noroozi, Milad Gholizadeh Mesgarha, Nasrin Shayanfar, Azadeh Goodarzi
94674 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Clinical Medicine Overview of COVID-19 Infection, Treatment, and Prevention in Children Carol M. Kao
94675 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Research Establishment for Electronic Publication JOURNAL OF HEALTHCARE SCIENCE Incidence and Prevalence of Myocarditis in COVID-19 Infections Samar Alharbi, Reema Al ghmdi, Mona Alqahtani, Mohammed Al-Amri, Abdulelah Almalki, Eman Baothman, et al. (+5)
94676 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  World Scientific International Journal of Biomathematics Assessment of vaccination and underreporting on COVID-19 infections in Turkey based on effective reproduction number Tuğba Akman, Emek Köse, Necibe Tuncer
94677 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Ovid Medicine Preliminary study on molecular mechanism of COVID-19 intervention by Polygonum cuspidatum through computer bioinformatics Tao Liu, Rui Han, Yiqi Yan
94678 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Dokuz Eylul Universitesi Tip Fakultesi Dergisi Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi Implications from an Ongoing Scabies Outbreak During the COVID-19 Isolation Period: Clues for Controlling Scabies Today","COVID-19 İzolasyon Döneminde Devam Eden Uyuz Salgınının Çıkarımları: Bugün Uyuz Kontrolü İçin İpuçları Fatmagül GÜLBAŞARAN, Kamer GÜNDÜZ
94679 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Forum for Medical Ethics Society Indian Journal of Medical Ethics Adolescent abortions in the Covid-19 landscape: Exposing the legal Achilles’ heel Dipika Jain, Anubha Rastogi
94680 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Elsevier The Science of The Total Environment Vegetation net primary productivity in urban areas of China responded positively to the COVID-19 lockdown in spring 2020 Yujie Li, Shaodong Huang, Panfei Fang, Yuying Liang, Jia Wang, Nina Xiong
94681 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Applied Economics Analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on financial technology (FinTech), interest rate liberalization (IRL) and commercial banks’ risk-taking: Chinese empirical evidence Yingrong Zheng, Hao Dong, Na Li
94682 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Effect of COVID-19 Lockdown on Maternal and Infant Healthcare Services in an Urban Resettlement Area of East Delhi Akansha Aggarwal, Khan A Maroof, Somdatta Patra, Dheeraj Shah
94683 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Molecular Sciences Leveraging SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease (Mpro) for COVID-19 Mitigation with Selenium-Based Inhibitors Viviana De Luca, Andrea Angeli, Alessio Nocentini, Paola Gratteri, Silvia Pratesi, Damiano Tanini, et al. (+4)
94684 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  EDP Sciences ITM Web of Conferences Stability Analysis of Covid-19 Model Based on Compliance and Carrier Transmission Mukramati Mukramati, Afiatun Maghfirah, Marwan Ramli, Muhammad Ikhwan, N.Z. Abd Hamid, W.-H. Chen, et al. (+3)
94685 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Sri Lanka Journals Online Journal of the Ceylon College of Physicians Navigating the pandemic of a lifetime: COVID-19 morbidity, mortality, and vaccination through the eyes of a physician S. T. De Silva
94686 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Case Reports Paucisymptomatic post COVID-19 myocarditis in a young athlete during return to play workflow: possible usefulness of global longitudinal strain analysis Gabriele De Masi De Luca, Paola Papadia, Zefferino Palamà, Giovanni Coluccia
94687 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo Perfil epidemiológico dos transtornos mentais relacionados ao trabalho durante a pandemia de COVID-19 no estado da Bahia Lucas Nonato Prado, Carolaine Rocha Dos Santos, Luiza Carla dos Santos Maciel, Sarah Cecília Alves de Souza Santos, Bruno Klecius Andrade Teles
94688 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  IOS Press Work Using teleconsultation for health aspects of computer-based workers in the new normal situation (post COVID-19) of the world Bita Bagheri Gisour, Mahboubeh Ghayour Najafabadi, Hassan Gharayagh Zandi, Ina Shaw
94689 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Elsevier Travel Behaviour and Society Tracing the effects of COVID-19 on short and long bike-sharing trips using machine learning Seung Jun Choi, Junfeng Jiao, Alex Karner
94690 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Korea Sport Society The Korea Journal of Sport The Effects of College Student’s to Participate in Sports Activities after COVID-19 on Social Relations Recovery and Life Satisfaction Ki-Tae Yim, Chan-Soo Jun, Se-Woong Kim
94691 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Diva Enterprises Private Limited JIMS8M The Journal of Indian Management & Strategy Impact of Covid-19 on the stock performance: A study of oil and gas companies listed on national stock exchange Silky Vigg Kushwah, Pushpa Negi
94692 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Magyar Egeszsegugyi Menedzsment Tarsasag IME - Az egészségügyi vezetők szaklapja Távgyógytorna alkalmazásának felmérése a COVID-19 pandémia ideje alatt és után, valamint a módszer használatát befolyásoló tényezők felmérése. Katalin Jánkné Bacskai, Klára Soltész-Várhelyi, Helga Nagy, Ágnes Soós, Judit Lám
94693 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  All Sciences Proceedings International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches COVID-19 PANDEMİSİNİN DİJİTAL İLETİŞİME ETKİLERİ
94694 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam - IAIN Lhokseumawe J-ISCAN Journal of Islamic Accounting Research THE DECLINE IN BUMDes PERFORMANCE DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMI (EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL TURBULENCE IN THE FUTURE) Linda Linda, Ismaulina Ismaulina, Maya Febriyanty Lautania
94695 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Ryerson University Fashion Studies Viral Fashion: Clothing in the 1918 Influenza Pandemic and the COVID-19 Pandemic Robin Chantree, Brigid Trott
94696 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  SAGE Publications The American Surgeon Barriers and Facilitators of Colorectal Cancer Screening During the COVID-19 Pandemic Carrie A. Miller, Jeanine P. D. Guidry, Kristine L. Kenning, Jaime L. Bohl, Bernard F. Fuemmeler, Emily B. Rivet
94697 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Springer-Verlag VOLUNTAS International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations The Fight for Global Health Justice: The Advocacy of International Humanitarian and Development NGOs During the COVID-19 Pandemic Jae-Eun Noh
94698 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Centers For Disease Control and Prevention Emerging Infectious Diseases Key Challenges for Respiratory Virus Surveillance while Transitioning out of Acute Phase of COVID-19 Pandemic Oliver Eales, Michael J. Plank, Benjamin J. Cowling, Benjamin P. Howden, Adam J. Kucharski, Sheena G. Sullivan, et al. (+5)
94699 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Czestochowa University of Technology Polish Journal of Management Studies REALIZED VOLATILITY PREDICTION OF THE US COMMODITY FUTURES DURING THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS (GFC) AND COVID-19 PANDEMIC Judit Oláh, Thuhid Noor, Shamim Uddin
94700 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Czestochowa University of Technology Polish Journal of Management Studies A SIGNIFICANT MANAGERIAL CHALLENGE OF ONLINE MARKETING IN GASTRONOMIC SECTOR DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Margareta Nadanyiova, Lubica Gajanova, Jana Majerova
94701 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Czestochowa University of Technology Polish Journal of Management Studies WORK ENGAGEMENT AND BURNOUT SYNDROME OF CIVIL SERVANTS DURING AND AFTER THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Kateřina Mokrá, Gabriela Poláková, Petra Horváthová, Hana Štverková
94702 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) The International Journal of Educational Management Educational innovation practices in primary and secondary schools during the COVID-19 pandemic Nancy Bouranta, Evangelos Psomas
94703 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  MDPI AG Sustainability Contributions from Research with (and Not without) Roma Women to Social Work during the COVID-19 Pandemic Ane López de Aguileta
94704 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Housing and the Built Environment The experience of students in the Turkish private rented sector during the Covid-19 pandemic Esma Aksoy Khurami, Ö. Burcu Özdemir Sarı
94705 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Twitter social mobility data reveal demographic variations in social distancing practices during the COVID-19 pandemic Paiheng Xu, David A. Broniatowski, Mark Dredze
94706 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) International Journal of Adolescence and Youth Being young in times of uncertainty and isolation: adolescents’ experiences of well-being, health and loneliness during the COVID-19 pandemic Jessica Hemberg, Amanda Sundqvist, Yulia Korzhina, Lillemor Östman, Sofia Gylfe, Frida Gädda, et al. (+3)
94707 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Redfame Publishing Studies in Media and Communication Integrate to America or Bridging with China? Four-in-one Media’s Role during the COVID-19 Pandemic Jack Kangjie Liu
94708 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Policy Research in Tourism Leisure and Events Pamanang Haraya (Inherited Vision): a videographic manifest content analysis of Philippine Local Government Units’ (LGUs) tourism practices during the COVID-19 pandemic Aleza Mae R. Bernal, Carmina C. Samson, Franzcess Nicole B. Aglugub, Gershei Mae K. Quirao, Kristel Pearl B. Capulong, Patrisha Clare B. Santos, Jame Monren T. Mercado
94709 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  MDPI AG Hearts Sex and Ethnic Disparities during COVID-19 Pandemic among Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients Abdulmajeed Alharbi, Ahmed Elzanaty, Mohammad Safi, Momin Shah, Halah Alfatlawi, Zachary Holtzapple, et al. (+2)
94710 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Global Mental Health Changes in depression trends during and after the COVID-19 pandemic among older adults in Korea Kyu-Hyoung Jeong, Ju Hyun Ryu, Seoyoon Lee, Sunghee Kim
94711 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Journal of Public Health Policy Can evidence drive health equity in the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond? Katy Bell, Sam White, Abbey Diaz, Priya Bahria, Fiona Sima, Wael K. Al-Delaimy, et al. (+12)
94712 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Open Access Pub International Journal of Coronaviruses Covid-19 Pandemic and Persons with Disabilities: Impacts and Risk Factors, Lessons for Future Interventions Yahya Muhammed, Amin Ataie
94713 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Neurology Open Poor haemorrhagic stroke outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic are driven by socioeconomic disparities: analysis of nationally representative data Abdulaziz T Bako, Thomas Potter, Alan P Pan, Karim A Borei, Taya Prince, Gavin W Britz, Farhaan S Vahidy
94714 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Diabetologia Early-childhood body mass index and its association with the COVID-19 pandemic, containment measures and islet autoimmunity in children with increased risk for type 1 diabetes Sandra Hummel, Sarah Rosenberger, Thekla von dem Berge, Rachel E. J. Besser, Kristina Casteels, Angela Hommel, et al. (+12)
94715 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Springer Publishing Company Annals of LGBTQ Public and Population Health Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Other Sexual Minority Adults in the United States and Their Unmet Medical Needs and Telehealth Use Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020 Ryan Suk, Zhigang Xie, Jennifer C. Spencer, Aliénor Lemieux-Cumberlege DClinPsychol, Young-Rock Hong
94716 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  MDPI AG Viruses Respiratory Syncytial Virus-Associated Deaths among Children under Five before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Bangladesh Md Zakiul Hassan, Md. Ariful Islam, Saleh Haider, Tahmina Shirin, Fahmida Chowdhury
94717 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Psychology Relationship between health literacy and generalized anxiety disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic in Khuzestan province, Iran Amirreza Dadgarinejad, Nargess Nazarihermoshi, Negar Hematichegeni, Mahta Jazaiery, Shabnam Yousefishad, Hashem Mohammadian, et al. (+3)
94718 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  PNG Publishers American Journal of Health Behavior Key Word Analysis Study on Depression and Anxiety Using Social Big Data During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Korea Chanjung Lee, Hyun Kim, Byungo Ahn, Sungmin Son
94719 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care Local management of the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway: a longitudinal interview study of municipality chief medical officers Silje Rebekka Heltveit-Olsen, Lene Lunde, Anja Maria Brænd, Ivan Spehar, Sigurd Høye, Ingmarie Skoglund, et al. (+4)
94720 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad e Murcia Anales de Psicología The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on perceived stress among Romanian young adults: negative affect and avoidant coping as mediators Raluca Maria Leonti, Daniela Muntele-Hendreș, Maria Nicoleta Turliuc
94721 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  University of California Press Sociology of Development The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Labor Market in Argentina Yasmin A. Mertehikian, Emilio A. Parrado
94722 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  SAGE Publications The American Surgeon Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic Surge on Surgical Outcomes: A Retrospective Study Takuto Yoshida, Rosemary Chude-Sokei, Tarek Araji, Souheil Adra
94723 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Wiley Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences Corrigendum to “Predictors of non-adherence to public health instructions during the COVID-19 pandemic
94724 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  MDPI AG Healthcare Death Unpreparedness Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Concept Analysis Cristina Costeira, Maria Anjos Dixe, Ana Querido, Ana Rocha, Joel Vitorino, Cátia Santos, Carlos Laranjeira
94725 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Psychiatry The relationship between academic stress and depression among college students during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study from China Baoling Chen, Weiwei Wang, Shanlin Yang
94726 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Ovid Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care Evolution of HIV Health Care Workforce Needs in the U.S. Mountain West During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mixed Method Study Claudia R. Amura, Julia Thorne, Meagan Bean, Lisa Krug Avery, Laurie N. Sylla, Hillary K. Liss, Paul F. Cook
94727 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease Assessing the Risk of Hypertension in Chronic, Elderly Patients during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Prospective Study Miguel Quesada-Caballero, Ana Carmona-García, Rubén A. García-Lara, Antonio M. Caballero-Mateos, Nora Suleiman-Martos, Guillermo A. Cañadas-De la Fuente, José L. Romero-Béjar
94728 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Mary Ann Liebert Health Equity The Intersection of Childcare and Health Among Women at a U.S. Safety-Net Health System During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study Seema Jain, Robin T. Higashi, Carolina Salmeron, Kavita Bhavan
94729 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Archives of Public Health Changes in emergency department visits and mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic: a retrospective analysis of 956 hospitals Mahya Razimoghadam, Mehdi Yaseri, Mohammad Effatpanah, Rajabali Daroudi
94730 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness Perceived and Received Support by Academic Medicine Faculty During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Single Institution Study Megan Ferriby Ferber, Tina Chen, Jane McHowat, Rachel L. Charney, Cindy C. Bitter
94731 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  PNG Publishers American Journal of Health Behavior Did Running Events Recover from the COVID-19 Pandemic: Analysis of Participation, Performance and Pacing Strategies in the Stuttgart-Lauf Half Marathon from 2019 to 2023 Murat Cenk Çelen
94732 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  JMIR Publications Inc. Interactive Journal of Medical Research Factors Associated with Worsened Mental Health of Healthcare Workers in Canada During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Cross-sectional Survey Study (Preprint) Ali AbdulHussein, Zahid Ahmad Butt, Stanko Dimitrov, Brian Cozzarin
94733 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journalism Practice Journalistic Role Performance in Australia During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Events, Media Systems and Journalistic Practice David Nolan, Kieran McGuinness, Jee Young Lee, Kate Holland, Monique Lewis
94734 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  SAGE Publications Society and Mental Health Social Change in the Turbulent Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Impacts of Work-related Demands on Work-to-family Conflict, Mastery, and Psychological Distress Shirin Montazer, Laura Pineault, Krista M. Brumley, Katheryn Maguire, Boris Baltes
94735 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Wiley Stress and Health Sleep disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic: Results from the second phase of web-based EPICOVID19 study Caterina Trevisan, Antonio De Vincentis, Marianna Noale, Stefania Maggi, Raffaele Antonelli Incalzi, Claudio Pedone, et al. (+6)
94736 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) International Journal of Manpower Well-being of migrant workers in Taiwan during COVID-19 pandemic: the role of perceived organisational support, employee resilience and ethical leadership Loan Ngoc Tuong Pham, Duong Tuan Nguyen, An Hoang Kim Vo, Lam Dang Nguyen
94737 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  World Scientific The Singapore Economic Review Health System Performance, Disaster Response, and Political Identities during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Theoretical and Empirical Evidence Szu-Hsien Ho, Luke Okafor, Eric Yan
94738 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Universidad Privada del Valle Journal of Latin American Sciences and Culture Implementación de protocolo de estandarización digital Covid-19 para una educación híbrida en Univalle - caso de éxito Microsoft Nora Lizarro Guzmán
94739 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  BMJ Family Medicine and Community Health COVID-19 patient experiences in prehospital pathways: a processual approach using life-events calendar method and state sequence analysis shows detrimental delays Romain Lutaud, Sebastien Cortaredona, Lea Delorme, Patrick Peretti-watel, Juliette Mirouse, Manon Borg, et al. (+9)
94740 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Texas Medical Center Library Journal of Shock and Hemodynamics Right Ventricular Hemodynamics in COVID-19 Patients Steven Hollenberg
94741 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Anesthesiology The level of partial pressure of carbon dioxide affects respiratory effort in COVID-19 patients undergoing pressure support ventilation with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation Yuankai Zhou, Xinchen Wang, Wei Du, Huaiwu He, Xiaoting Wang, Na Cui, Yun Long
94742 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Texas Medical Center Library Journal of Shock and Hemodynamics Extracorpor acorporeal Membr eal Membrane Oxy ane Oxygenation Ther genation Therapy in CO y in COVID-19 Patients with Acute Respir atients with Acute Respiratory Distr y Distress Syndr ess Syndrome Joseph Zwischenberger, Katherine Breetz
94743 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  MDPI AG Viruses Exploring Paxlovid Efficacy in COVID-19 Patients with MAFLD: Insights from a Single-Center Prospective Cohort Study Mykhailo Buchynskyi, Valentyn Oksenych, Iryna Kamyshna, Oleksandr Kamyshnyi
94744 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Clinical Medicine The Effect of Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter-2 Inhibitors on COVID-19 Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Retrospective Cohort Study Using the Common Data Model Kyoung Ree Lim, Kwang Jin Chun, Bum Sung Kim, Seunghwa Lee
94745 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Ergoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi Ergoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi Investigation of Leisure Time and Life Satisfaction of Occupational Therapists in the Covid-19 Period","Covid-19 Döneminde Ergoterapistlerin Serbest Zaman Doyumları ve Yaşam Memnuniyetlerinin İncelenmesi Sedanur GÜRLEK, Damla Ece IRMAK, Sedef ŞAHİN
94746 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Ovid Medicine Association between serum C-reactive protein (CRP) and Omicron variant COVID-19 pneumonia in cancer patients: A multicenter cross-sectional study at the end of 2022 in China Kaijun Che, Zhimin Zeng, Chen Hong, Duanyang Peng, Anwen Liu, Yanqing He
94747 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  F1000 Research Ltd F1000Research COVID-19 pneumonia in older patients: clinical features and outcomes of a 400 case series Yosra Cherif, Maysam Jridi, Samar Derbal, Donia Chebbi, Sameh Farhati, Haifa Sfar, et al. (+3)
94748 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad e Murcia Anales de Psicología The Moderating Role of Perceived Efficacy of COVID-19 Prevention Measures on the Relation Between Perceived Risk and Perceived Mental Health Esther Cuadrado, Naima Z Farhane-Medina, Carmen Tabernero, Tamara Gutiérrez-Domingo, Joaquín Villaécija
94749 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Wiley Geriatrics and Gerontology International The dark side of social capital: Geographic differences in COVID-19 preventive behaviors among older adults in South Korea Juhyeong Lee, Giyeon Kim
94750 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  National Institute for Health Research NIHR Open Research Adapting COVID-19 research infrastructure to capture influenza and respiratory syncytial virus alongside SARS-CoV-2 in UK healthcare workers winter 2022/23 and beyond: protocol for a pragmatic sub-study Jonathan Broad, Dominic Sparkes, Naomi Platt, Anna Howells, Sarah Foulkes, Jameel Khawam, et al. (+5)
94751 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) International Journal of Inclusive Education Shining a light on disparities to access. Specialist teachers’ perceptions on the impacts of COVID-19 restrictions on learning for students with blindness and low vision in Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Melissa Cain, Melissa Fanshawe, Polly Goodwin
94752 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Globalisation Societies and Education Theorising new potentials for teacher activism: union and grassroots activist responses to COVID-19 school reopening plans in Canada Trudy Keil, Pamela Osmond-Johnson
94753 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Cities & Health Relationship between urban form and COVID-19 severity: impact of compactness during the lockdown and post-lockdown periods Md Hamidur Rahman, Angela Antipova
94754 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. EuroMed J of Management COVID-19 stress and employee performance: the mediating effect of counterproductive behaviour Precious Doe, Irene Akpene Amenuvor
94755 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Ovid Journal for Healthcare Quality Differential Mortality Among Heart Failure Patients Across Different COVID-19 Surges in New York City Sheetal Vasundara Mathai, Samuel J. Apple, Xiaobao Xu, Li Pang, Elie Flatow, Ari Friedman, et al. (+6)
94756 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Open Access Pub Journal Of Aging Research And Healthcare Long COVID-19 Syndrome and Frailty: Cause or Consequence or Both? Ray Marks
94757 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Politeknik Negeri Ketapang Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Sains dan Terapan (INTERN ) Dampak Pembelajaran Daring Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Terhadap Minat Belajar Mahasiswa Biologi Uin Syahada Padangsidimpuan Hotmaidah Hasibuan, Wita Widia Suryani Lubis
94758 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo Explorando a relação: Covid-19, trato gastrointestinal e possível transmissão oral fecal Kamila Norberlandi Leite, Lívia Oliveira Mesquita, Fernanda Morais Machado, Hugo Oliveira Mesquita, Danúbio Antônio De Oliveira
94759 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Wyzsza Szkola Nauk Spolecznych z siedziba w Lublinie Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Nauk Społecznych z siedzibą w Lublinie Jadwiga Daszykowska-Tobiasz, Społeczeństwo w dobie pandemii covid-19. Ujęcie interdyscyplinarne, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, Rzeszów 2022, ss. 286. Krzysztof Wielecki
94760 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Medknow Publications Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism Hemorrhagic Rathkes Cleft Cyst Apoplexy Post COVID-19 Vaccination Tarang K. Vora, Rahul Lath, Meenakshi Swain, Amitava Ray
94761 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines Going Forward: Potential Impact of Protein-Based COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage on Population Outcomes and Costs in the United States Kyle Paret, Hadi Beyhaghi, William L. Herring, Josephine Mauskopf, Lesley G. Shane, Matthew D. Rousculp
94762 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Public Health Covid-19 vaccination intentions and uptake pre- and post-vaccine availability: a cross-sectional comparison of theory of planned behavior, anticipated regret, and optimistic bias Katharina Wolff
94763 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Primary Care COVID-19 vaccination uptake and receptivity among veterans enrolled in homelessness-tailored primary health care clinics: provider trust vs. misinformation June L. Gin, Michelle D. Balut, Aram Dobalian
94764 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  F1000 Research Ltd F1000Research Case Report: Acquired hemophilia A following COVID-19 vaccine Emna Bouslama, Hajer Ben Ismail, Kmira Zahra, Nadia Sassi, Yossra Dhaha, Amina Bouatay, et al. (+4)
94765 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, CEnter for Communication Programs Global Health Science and Practice Leveraging COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Monitoring in Ethiopia and Pakistan to Enhance System-Wide Safety Surveillance Aida Arefayne Hagos, Zelalem Sahile, Waqas Ahmed, Souly Phanouvong
94766 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  American Chemical Society ACS Nano Nanoparticle-Conjugated Toll-Like Receptor 9 Agonists Improve the Potency, Durability, and Breadth of COVID-19 Vaccines Ben S. Ou, Julie Baillet, Vittoria C. T. M. Picece, Emily C. Gale, Abigail E. Powell, Olivia M. Saouaf, et al. (+4)
94767 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Ovid International Journal of Surgery Arcturus (XBB.1.16) COVID-19 variant and global public health emergency: correspondence Hinpetch Daungsupawong, Viroj Wiwanitkit
94768 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE Sensors Journal A Safe-Distance Control Scheme to Avoid New Infection like Covid-19 Virus using Millimeter-Wave Radar Chen Chen, Pengtao Yue, Jiabao Si, Ning Lv, Jianlong Zhang, Qingqi Pei, Shaohua Wan
94769 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Communications Medicine Author Correction: Germany’s fourth COVID-19 wave was mainly driven by the unvaccinated Benjamin F. Maier, Marc Wiedermann, Angelique Burdinski, Pascal P. Klamser, Mirjam A. Jenny, Cornelia Betsch, Dirk Brockmann
94770 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Religion and Health Subjective Nearness-to-Death and COVID-19 Worries Among Ultra-Orthodox Jews in Israel: The Moderating Role of Israeli Identity and Sense of Community Itschak Trachtingot, Ruth Maytles, Yoav S. Bergman
94771 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo Covid-19 x etiopatogênese da arritmia: uma revisão bibliográfica Giovana Hellen Silva De Oliveira, Laura Oliveira Campos, Letícia Maria Costa, Gustavo Paiva Azevedo, Rafael Diniz Abrantes
94772 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Non-arteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy Sequela From Potential COVID-19-Associated Coagulopathy Sanad Naber, Nadia Alinaghizadeh, Amy Kotecha
94773 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  MDPI AG Economies Changes in SME Business Due to COVID-19-Survey in Slovakia and the Czech Republic Andrea Janáková Sujová, Václav Kupčák
94774 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  National Research University, Higher School of Economics (HSE) Городские исследования и практики Cубурбанизация в эпоху COVID-19: выживут ли традиционные дачи в России? Анна Юрьевна Скриган, Антон Дмитриевич Шкарубо
94775 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  A.N. Bakoulev National Scientific and Practical Center for Cardiovascular Surgery Kreativnaya kardiologiya Клинические параметры и показатели функции желудочков сердца у больных сердечно-сосудистыми заболеваниями после пневмонии COVID-19: результаты двухлетнего проспективного наблюдения Е.И. Ярославская, Н.Е. Широков, Д.В. Криночкин, Н.А. Осокина, И.О. Коровина, А.Д. Сталлингс, et al. (+3)
94776 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  JCDR Research and Publications National Journal of Laboratory Medicine Clinicopathological Study of Mucormycosis in COVID-19: A Cross-sectional Study from a Tertiary Care Centre in North Kerala, India Junaina Beevi, Anjit Unnikrishnan, . Lakshmipriya, Zuhara Shemin
94777 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Bentham Science Current Psychiatry Research and Reviews Assessing Depression, Anxiety, Perceived Stress, and Job Burnout in Hospital Medical Staff During COVID-19: A Cross-sectional Study in Hamedan, Iran, 2019 Saeid Yazdi-Ravandi, Nasrin Matinnia, Arya Haddadi, Mojtaba Tayebi, Mojgan Mamani, Ali Ghaleiha
94778 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines Exploring Perceptions and Practices Regarding Adult Vaccination against Seasonal Influenza, Tetanus, Pneumococcal Disease, Herpes Zoster and COVID-19: A Mixed-Methods Study in Greece Iordanis Avramidis, Ilias Pagkozidis, Philippe-Richard J. Domeyer, Georgios Papazisis, Ilias Tirodimos, Theodoros Dardavesis, Zoi Tsimtsiou
94779 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  SynthesisHub Advance Scientific Research International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Opinion of Medical Teachers’ Regarding OnlineEducation During COVID-19: A Questionnaire-Based Study
94780 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Gavin Publishers Journal of Community Medicine & Public Health Post-COVID Clinical Manifestations in Non-Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19: A Retrospective Cohort Study
94781 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Wiley The International Journal of Health Planning and Management Evaluating emergency service response to COVID-19: A scoping review Sara Waring, Caitlin Bromley, Susan Giles
94782 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Universitas Muslim Maros Emik Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial Cara Hidup Mahasiswi Kos di Masa Pandemi Covid-19: Apa yang Beda? Ervina Ervina
94783 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  MDPI AG Healthcare Implementing a Food Prescription Program during COVID-19: Benefits and Barriers David Himmelgreen, Nancy Romero-Daza, William Alex Webb, Jacquelyn N. Heuer, Deven Gray, Gabrielle R. Lehigh
94784 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Wiley Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology PREP interventions during COVID-19: Fixing the environment rather than the person W. Ben Mortenson
94785 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Universidad de Huelva - UHU.pdf ENLIGHTENING TOURISM A PATHMAKING JOURNAL Wine tourism and COVID-19: impacts and responses from the perspective of wine route’s wineries Alfonso Cerezo-Medina, Antonio Peláez-Verdet, Ana Isabel Gaspar-González, Inmaculada Concepción Martin-Rojo
94786 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  JABB - Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology Multidisciplinary Reviews Nutritional status of under-5 children during COVID-19: Insights from Anganwadi workers of Kerala, India Aneena Behanan, Anupama Krishnan, Bargale Sushant Sukumar, H. K. Shashirekha, Harshal Tare, Neha Gadgil, Akshar Kulkarni
94787 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Priority populations’ experiences of isolation, quarantine and distancing for COVID-19: protocol for a longitudinal cohort study (Optimise Study) Alisa Pedrana, Anna Bowring, Katherine Heath, Alexander J Thomas, Anna Wilkinson, Stephanie Fletcher-Lartey, et al. (+52)
94788 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Edizioni Minerva Medica European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Rehabilitation and COVID-19: systematic review by Cochrane Rehabilitation Chiara ARIENTI, Stefano G. LAZZARINI, Elisa ANDRENELLI, Claudio CORDANI, Francesco NEGRINI, Elisa POLLINI, Maria G. CERAVOLO
94789 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad e Murcia Anales de Psicología Using virtual classroom for teaching special needs students in inclusive classrooms during and beyond COVID-19: Teachers' perspectives Mohammed Alhwaiti
94790 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo Miocardite associada à vacinação e infecção por Covid-19: uma análise detalhada da incidência e considerações clínicas Bruna Loureiro Leoncio Blanck, Kélly Testa Santorio, Ludmyla Araujo Freitas, Raquel Carletto De Oliveira, Myllena Victoria Zucolotto Scottá, Gabriela Cardoso Dilascio, Luciene Lage Da Motta
94791 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo Complicações da parada cardiorrespiratória em pacientes com COVID-19: uma revisão da literatura Anna Luisa Silva De Oliveira, Camila Barros Araújo, Fernanda Carnelossi, Luiz Gustavo Vilela Silva, Livia Cavalcanti Moret
94792 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  MDPI AG Sustainability The ESG Patterns of Emerging-Market Companies: Are There Differences in Their Sustainable Behavior after COVID-19? Barbara Rocha Gonzaga, Marcelo Cabus Klotzle, Talles Vianna Brugni, Ileana-Sorina Rakos, Ionela Cornelia Cioca, Cristian-Marian Barbu, Teodora Cucerzan
94793 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Universitas Sebelas Maret Sebelas Maret Business Review What are the determinants of non-performing financing in Islamic banks during Covid-19? An Nisaa' Rahmadany, Tastaftiyan Risfandy, Burhanudin Harahap
94794 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  AOSIS African Journal of Disability Lived experiences of South African rehabilitation practitioners during coronavirus disease 2019 Sadna Balton, Mershen Pillay, Rizqa Armien, Annika L. Vallabhjee, Elani Muller, Mark J. Heywood, Jeannie Van der Linde
94795 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  EDP Sciences ITM Web of Conferences The effects of coronavirus news on travel and leisure stocks: Evidence from the NARDL model Qian Cao, Yadong Sun, Shan Zhang, Rufei Zhang, Ying Gao, W.L. Woo
94796 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Nepal Journals Online Economic Review of Nepal Effects of Coronavirus on Nepalese Economy Bashu Dev Dhungel, Kul Prasad Lamichhane
94797 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Westcliff University Westcliff International Journal of Applied Research Resilience and Responsiveness in Logistics Industry during Disruptive Events: A Case Study on the Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic Richa Thakkar
94798 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences On the surprising effectiveness of a simple matrix exponential derivative approximation, with application to global SARS-CoV-2 Gustavo Didier, Nathan E. Glatt-Holtz, Andrew J. Holbrook, Andrew F. Magee, Marc A. Suchard
94799 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Molecular Structure MOLECULAR INTERACTION OF HEPARIN AND PROTEINS - A RELATIONSHIP WITH SARS-CoV-2 Thaynara S.V. Ramos, João V.P. Valverde, Tiego J.C. de Oliveira, Romario J. da Silva, Ricardo Stefani, Josmary R. Silva, Nara C. de Souza
94800 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  The Royal Society of Chemistry New Journal of Chemistry A new Cu(ii) complex derived from the reaction between tris(2-aminoethyl)amine and Cu(i)-activated acetonitrile with potent anticancer activity against some cell lines and high affinity for the essential proteins of SARS-CoV-2 Farshid Hajibabaei, Sadegh Salehzadeh, Katayoun Derakhshandeh, Robert William Gable
94801 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Journal of Biological Methods Journal of Biological Methods Validation of 12 Rapid Antigen Tests for the Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Minghang Yu, Yang Xiong, Pu Liang, Danying Chen, Yuting Zhang, Huan Liu, et al. (+4)
94802 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Methicillin-Sensitive Staphylococcus aureus Co-infection in Adolescent Patients With Delta-Variant SARS-CoV-2 Acute Respiratory Failure Courtney M Cox, Mireille Liboiron, Heather L Young, Sanjiv Pasala, Matthew P Malone
94803 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Clinical Laboratory Publications Clinical Laboratory A Case of Nosocomial Coinfection of SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza A Virus in a Hospitalized Patient with Acute Myocardial Infarction Ningping Shan, Zhuan Zheng
94804 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  American Academy of Pediatrics PEDIATRICS Outcomes of SARS-CoV-2 and Seasonal Viruses Among Children Hospitalized in Brazil Cristiane S. Dias, Lilian M. Diniz, Maria Christina L. Oliveira, Ana Cristina Simões e Silva, Enrico A. Colosimo, Robert H. Mak, et al. (+5)
94805 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines Humoral Response and Safety after a Fourth Dose of the SARS-CoV-2 BNT162b2 Vaccine in Cancer Patients Undergoing Active Treatment-Results of a Prospective Observational Study Chiara Citterio, Claudia Biasini, Camilla Di Nunzio, Giuliana Lo Cascio, Luigi Cavanna
94806 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Centers For Disease Control and Prevention Emerging Infectious Diseases Model for Interpreting Discordant SARS-CoV-2 Diagnostic Test Results Oluwaseun F. Egbelowo, Spencer J. Fox, Graham C. Gibson, Lauren Ancel Meyers
94807 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Monitoring SARS-CoV-2 genetic variability: A post-market surveillance workflow for combined bioinformatic and laboratory evaluation of commercial RT-PCR assay performance Barbara Kosińska-Selbi, Justyna Kowalczyk, Jagoda Pierscińska, Jarosław Wełeszczuk, Luis Peñarrubia, Benjamin Turner, et al. (+8)
94808 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  MDPI AG Microorganisms An Open View on SARS-CoV-2 Infection Erica Diani, Davide Gibellini
94809 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Centers For Disease Control and Prevention Emerging Infectious Diseases Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 Infection among Children and Adults in 15 US Communities, 20211 Jessica Justman, Timothy Skalland, Ayana Moore, Christopher I. Amos, Mark A. Marzinke, Sahar Z. Zangeneh, et al. (+26)
94810 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Centers For Disease Control and Prevention Emerging Infectious Diseases Experimental SARS-CoV-2 Infection of Elk and Mule Deer Stephanie M. Porter, Airn E. Hartwig, Helle Bielefeldt-Ohmann, Jeffrey M. Marano, J. Jeffrey Root, Angela M. Bosco-Lauth
94811 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  American Society for Microbiology Microbiology Spectrum Risk factors for recognized and unrecognized SARS-CoV-2 infection: a seroepidemiologic analysis of the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study Darryl P. Leong, Mark Loeb, Prem K. Mony, Sumathy Rangarajan, Maha Mushtaha, Matthew S. Miller, et al. (+18)
94812 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Wildlife Disease Association Journal of Wildlife Diseases Suburban Population of Bobcats (Lynx rufus) in Connecticut, USA, Tested Negative for SARS-CoV-2, November 2021-February 2022 Maureen Sims, Zeinab Helal, Milton Levin, Tracy Rittenhouse, Jason Hawley, Guillermo R. Risatti
94813 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Ovid International Journal of Surgery The emergence and implications of SARS-CoV-2 omicron subvariant BA.2.86 on global health Prakasini Satapathy, Pawan Kumar, Jeetendra Kumar Gupta, Ali A. Rabaan, Nawal A. Al Kaabi, Dibyalochan Mohanty, et al. (+5)
94814 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Current Eye Research Expression of the SARS-CoV-2 Receptor ACE2 and Protease TMPRSS2 in Ocular Hypertension Eyes of Nonhuman Primate and Human Difang Sun, Zongyi Zhan, Bin Wang, Ting Liu, Minbin Yu, Yuqing Lan, Jun Li
94815 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  The Royal Society of Chemistry Sensors & Diagnostics SARS-CoV-2 recombinase polymerase amplification assay with lateral flow readout and duplexed full process internal control Coleman D. Martin, Andrew T. Bender, Benjamin P. Sullivan, Lorraine Lillis, David S. Boyle, Jonathan D. Posner
94816 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Dermal Granuloma Annulare After SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination: A Rare Complication Muhammad Tahir, Belin F Bodies, Sara Shalin, Thuy Phung, Thomas C Myers, Robert Israel, et al. (+2)
94817 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Sociedad Espanola de Patologia Digestiva (SEPD) Revista Española de Enfermedades Digestivas Immunogenicity and risk factors for poor humoral immune response to SARS-CoV-2 vaccine in patients with autoimmune hepatitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis Zhaoxu Tian, Yonghua Chen, Yingxin Yao, Lihua Chen, Xiakai Zhu, Zhaocong Shen, et al. (+2)
94818 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  The American Association of Immunologists The Journal of Immunology Development of a New Off-the-Shelf Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell-Based Approach for the Expansion and Characterization of SARS-CoV-2-Specific T Cells Anthony Maino, Axelle Amen, Joël Plumas, Lucie Bouquet, Marina Deschamps, Philippe Saas, et al. (+2)
94819 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  American Accounting Association Issues in Accounting Education A Deep Dive into an AI Startup Company in the Pandemic Li Zhang, Austin Chen
94820 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Zain Publications Cognizance Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Factors Affecting Grade 11 Students’ Study Habits During the Pandemic Bethea Jessa N. Languing, Joanne Marie Gwyneth G. Ferol, Jojames Arnaldo G. Gaddi, Ian Robwell T. Sarayan, Bryan Z. Bulay, Jovah Hebe Grace J. Sarvida
94821 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  SAGE Publications The Indian Economic Journal Impact of Product and Process Adoption Strategies on Business Expectations: Evidence from India During the Pandemic Bornali Bhandari, Samarth Gupta, Ajaya K. Sahu, K. S. Urs
94822 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  MDPI AG Healthcare The Experience of Spanish Prison Nurses with the HIV Pandemic Enrique J. Vera-Remartínez, Jose Antonio Zafra-Agea, Julio Garcia-Guerrero, Maria Pilar Molés-Julio
94823 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  UUM Press, Universiti Utara Malaysia Journal of Governance and Development (JGD) CONTRIBUTION OF INFORMAL STREET VENDORS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVENUE DURING POST-COVID 19 PANDEMIC Norlaila Abdullah Chik
94825 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Open Access Pub Journal Of Aging Research And Healthcare Aging And The Pandemic Care Triangle: A View From A Barcelona Natalia Ribas-Mateos, Encarna Herrera-Martínez, Ian James Martins
94826 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines Mathematical Optimization Strategy for Effectiveness Profile Estimation in Two-Dose Vaccines and Its Use in Designing Improved Vaccination Strategies Focused on Pandemic Containment Óscar A. González-Sánchez, Daniel Zaldívar, Erik Cuevas, L. Javier González-Ortiz
94827 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Open Access Pub International Journal of Coronaviruses Pandemic Impact on Population Structure Yurii V. Ezepchuk, Larisa N. Skuratovskaya, Raul Isea
94828 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Fundatia Universitara Sanabuna Romanian Journal of Ophthalmology The Effects of an Increased Workload in Cataract Surgery Since the Pandemic in a Tertiary Care Clinic
94829 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  SAGE Publications Environment and Planning C Politics and Space “Sentir su camino”: (Im)mobilities in the return of Venezuelan migrant women during the pandemic in Ecuador Tania Bonilla Mena
94830 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Saglik Akademisi Kastamonu Sağlık Akademisi Kastamonu Pandemi Döneminde Yoğun Bakım Ünitelerinde Çalışan Hemşirelerin Tükenmişlik Seviyelerinin Belirlenmesi","Determination of Burnout Levels of Nurses Working in Intensive Care Units During the Pandemic Period Nuray UTLU, Derya AKAR, H Aysel ALTAN, Hande ÇAVUŞ ARSLAN, Emrah KULOĞLU
94831 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  JABB - Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology Multidisciplinary Reviews Ayurvedic pandemic perspective: A narrative review Anupama Krishnan, C. V. Jayadevan, Shahnaz Fathima A., Bargale Sushant Sukumar, H. K. Shashirekha, Harshal Tare, et al. (+2)
94832 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  University of Finance and Administration ACTA VŠFS Correlation between the ECB Pandemic Policy and the STOXX Europe 600 Sector Performance Sensitivity Alexander Hütteroth, Petr Budinský
94833 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) PSU Research Review Perceived risk factors assessment: during pandemic via digital buying P. Nagesh, Sindu Bharath, T.S. Nanjundeswaraswamy, S. Tejus
94834 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad e Murcia Anales de Psicología Back to school after the pandemic: Adjustment of Spanish children and adolescents. Mireia Orgilés, Marina Serrano-Ortiz, Jose Pedro Espada, Alexandra Morales
94835 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Open Access Pub International Journal of Coronaviruses Emerging Demands of Nutraceuticals (Functional Foods) Among the Women During Pandemic: An Intensive Exploratory Study Mayuri Banerjee Bhattacharya, Raul Isea
94836 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Revista de Empreendedorismo e Gestao de Pequenas Empresas - REGEPE REGEPE Entrepreneurship and Small Business Journal Entrepreneurship by necessity in times of pandemic: Entrepreneurial motivation and the regulatory focus in explaining the intention to undertake Eduardo Mesquita, Tainá Townsend, Evandro Luiz Lopes, Eliane Herrero Lopes
94837 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Revista de Empreendedorismo e Gestao de Pequenas Empresas - REGEPE REGEPE Entrepreneurship and Small Business Journal Entrepreneurship by necessity in times of pandemic: Entrepreneurial motivation and the regulatory focus in explaining the intention to undertake Eduardo Mesquita, Tainá Townsend, Evandro Luiz Lopes, Eliane Herrero Lopes
94838 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Wiley Psychology in the Schools Inner strength amidst pandemic: Teachers' self-efficacy patterns and perceived personal accomplishments Cheyeon Ha, Tim Pressley
94839 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Verlag der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften VIRUS - Beiträge zur Sozialgeschichte der Medizin GOING VIRAL: Music and Emotions during Pandemics (1679-1919) Marie Louise Herzfeld-Schild
94840 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Research Establishment for Electronic Publication JOURNAL OF HEALTHCARE SCIENCE Pandemics and Epidemics Throughout History Abdulsamad A. Aljeshi, Hussain A. Aljeshi, Zakiyah A. Aljeshi
94841 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Centers For Disease Control and Prevention Emerging Infectious Diseases Integrating Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratories for Emergency Use Testing during Pandemics1 Natasha F. Hodges, McKenzie Sparrer, Tyler Sherman, Treana Mayer, Danielle R. Adney, Izabela Ragan, et al. (+3)
94842 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  SAGE Publications South African Journal of Psychology Leveraging adversity during pandemics: the role of adaptive cognitive appraisals of self and others in mental health outcomes among students Anita Padmanabhanunni, Tyrone B Pretorius, Serena Ann Isaacs
94843 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Elsevier Social Science Research The effect of Covid-19 emergence on religiosity: Evidence from Singapore Radim Chvaja, Martin Murín, Dmitriy Vorobyev
94844 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  STIkes Surya Global Yogyakarta Health Sciences and Pharmacy Journal Faktor yang mempengaruhi kecemasan pada santri setelah Covid-19 pandemi di pondok pesantren Yuni Asri
94845 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Social Science Electronic Publishing SSRN Electronic Journal When the Disruptor is Disrupted: Airbnb and the Covid-19 Pandemic Debanjana Dey
94846 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Elsevier The Journal of Economic Asymmetries Quantile dependence and asymmetric connectedness between global financial market stress and REIT returns: Evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic Mohammed Armah, Godfred Amewu
94847 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Elsevier Resources Policy Synergistic dynamics unveiled: Interplay between rare earth prices, clean energy innovations, and tech companies' market resilience amidst the Covid-19 pandemic and Russia-Ukraine conflict Xiaoming Yang, Md. Monirul Islam, Grzegorz Mentel, Ashfaq Ahmad, László Vasa
94848 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Molecular Structure Investigation of an aminothiazole-based scaffold as an anti-inflammatory Agent: Potential application in the management of cytokine storm in SARS-CoV-19 Majid Ahmad Ganie, Shaghaf Mobin Ansari, Rupali Choudhary, Faheem Fayaz, Gurleen Kour, Vivek Gupta, et al. (+3)
94849 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Universite de Geneve Antibody Reports AH971 and AV865 antibodies label the SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein in focus-forming assay Olha Puhach, Kenneth Adea, Benjamin Meyer, Isabella Eckerle
94850 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC) Eurosurveillance Humoral immune escape by current SARS-CoV-2 variants BA.2.86 and JN.1, December 2023 Lara M Jeworowski, Barbara Mühlemann, Felix Walper, Marie L Schmidt, Jenny Jansen, Andi Krumbholz, et al. (+4)
94851 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Green Publication Journal of Advanced Zoology A Comprehensive Review: COVID-19 And Post-Covid Versus Thromboembolism Dinesh Kumar Thirugnanam, Jennifer Princy, Gayathri Gunasekaran
94852 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  PAGEPress Publications Global Cardiology Intervention options: depression and cardiovascular disease during COVID-19 Eirini Flouda, Athena Stefanatou, Tinia Apergi
94853 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia International Journal of Electrical Computer and Biomedical Engineering Implementation of Xception and EfficientNetB3 for COVID-19 Detection on Chest X-Ray Image via Transfer Learning Nadya Novalina
94854 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Ternopil State Medical University INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICINE AND MEDICAL RESEARCH Comparative analysis of the glomerular filtration rate effect on the course of COVID-19 in patients with coronary heart disease with and without concomitant coronavirus disease Serhii Mostovyi
94855 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  ZIbeline International Publishing Journal Of Third World Economics IMPACTS OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN THE SELECTED BUSINESSES: EVIDENCE FROM PAGSANJAN LAGUNA, PHILIPPINES Mayvel M. Rivera
94856 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Green Publication NVEO - Natural Volatiles & Essential Oils A Comparative Study Of Covid-19 Pandemic On Mental Toughness Of National Level Players Of Selected Team Games Richa Jadaun, Dr Ajay Kumar, Dr Shai Lesh Kumar Singh, Dr Anurodh Sisodia
94857 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  ZIbeline International Publishing Journal Of Third World Economics INVESTIGATION OF THE IMPACT OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON SHOE PRODUCTION: CASE STUDY FROM LOCAL SHOE MAKING COMPANIES Alogala J. A., Alkali. P.N., Salawu A. O., Ishidi M.D., Okeoma Onunkak
94858 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Understanding symptoms suggestive of long COVID syndrome and healthcare use among community-based populations in Manitoba, Canada: an observational cross-sectional survey Leanne Kosowan, Diana C Sanchez-Ramirez, Alan Katz
94859 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Oxford University Press British Journal of Surgery Characterizing the impact of SARS-CoV-2 reinfection on surgical outcomes Xin Ran Li, Tahseen Shaik, Bethany Canales, Xin Yang, Aniko Szabo, Kathryn Lauer, et al. (+131)
94860 2024―Jan―12  [GO]  Oxford University Press The Journal of Infectious Diseases Single-Cell Profiling of the Differential In Vivo Impact of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Infection Among Lung Tissue Cell Subtypes at the Protein Level Leila Fotooh Abadi, Madhav B Sharma, Theodoros Kelesidis
94861 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  The Korean Association of General Education The Korean Association of General Education Before and After COVID-19 : A Comparative Analysis of EFL Learning Responses Among First-year College Students Cinthia M. Chong
94862 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Korean Neuropsychiatric Association Psychiatry Investigation Effects of Online Mindful Somatic Psychoeducation Program on Mental Health During the COVID-19 Young Sook Yook, Jae-Hon Lee, Inkyoung Park, Hwi-young Cho
94863 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  STAINU Madiun El-Wasathiya Jurnal Studi Agama Layanan bantuan hukum dalam kasus kekerasan rumah tangga pada masyarakat terdampak covid-19 Faiq Fauzilla
94864 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Korean Academic Society of Rehabilitation Nursing The Korean Journal of Rehabilitation Nursing The Experience of Fundamental Nursing Practice of Nursing Students in the Situation of COVID-19 Hyun Lim Kang, Seung Ju Kim
94865 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon Vinculatégica Los retos de la cadena de suministro ante la pandemia de COVID-19 Héctor Ramón Casillas-Álvarez, Manuel Alfredo Ortiz-Barrera
94866 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Archives of Women s Mental Health Correction to: Internet-based interdisciplinary therapeutic group (Grupo Interdisciplinar Online, GIO) for perinatal anxiety and depression-a randomized pilot study during COVID-19 M. Gomà, E. Arias-Pujol, E. Prims, J. Ferrer, S. Lara, V. Glover, et al. (+3)
94867 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Universitas Udayana E-Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan Universitas Udayana ANALISIS KESEJAHTERAAN MASYARAKAT DI KABUPATEN/KOTA PROVINSI BALI SAAT PANDEMI COVID-19 Fabiani Vanda Susanto, I Wayan Wenagama
94868 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Kybernetes Insights into mobile learning continuance intention among school students and teachers via a hermeneutic phenomenological study during COVID-19 Yashdeep Singh, P.K. Suri
94869 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Brawijaya University Jurnal Cerdik Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengajaran PEDAGOGI DIGITAL DALAM PENDIDIKAN INDONESIA DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Bambang Arianto
94870 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences The analysis of low-dose glucocorticoid maintenance therapy in patients with primary nephrotic syndrome suffering from COVID-19 Yong-Qi Li, Min Wu, Yu-Jia Wang, Yu-Xia Zhang, Jing Lu, Yi-Nan Zhao, et al. (+4)
94871 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Wiley Acute Medicine & Surgery Dysbiosis of gut microbiota in patients with severe COVID-19 Kentaro Shimizu, Haruhiko Hirata, Natsuko Tokuhira, Daisuke Motooka, Shota Nakamura, Akiko Ueda, et al. (+5)
94872 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Medicine Resurgence of influenza A after SARS-CoV-2 omicron wave and comparative analysis of hospitalized children with COVID-19 and influenza A virus infection Fen Lin, Man-Tong Chen, Lin Zhang, Min Wu, He Xie, Ze-Xiang Guan, et al. (+4)
94873 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Juniper Publishers Global Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences Methylene Blue for Treatment of COVID-19 and Mucormycosis Daryoush  Hamidi Alamdar
94874 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Guiding future research on psychological interventions in people with COVID-19 and post COVID syndrome and comorbid emotional disorders based on a systematic review Verónica Martínez-Borba, Laura Martínez-García, Óscar Peris-Baquero, Jorge Osma, Esther del Corral-Beamonte
94875 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Korean Neuropsychiatric Association Psychiatry Investigation Protective Behaviors Against COVID-19 and Related Factors in Korean Adults With Depressive Symptoms: Results From an Analysis of the 2020 Korean Community Health Survey Ho-Jun Cho, Kyeong-Sook Choi, Jin-Young Lee, Ji-Ae Yun, Je-Chun Yu
94876 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Universitas Udayana E-Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan Universitas Udayana ADAPTASI KEBIASAAN BARU MENUJU MASYARAKAT YANG PRODUKTIF DAN AMAN PADA SITUASI COVID-19 DI DESA SIBANGGEDE I Komang Gede, Ida Bagus Tri Pramana Putra
94877 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Sultan Abdurrahman Kepulauan Riau TANJAK Journal of Education and Teaching Dampak Sosial Proses Pembelajaran Daring Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 di MTS Miftahul Ulum Kawal Romi Aqmal, Yahya Komarudin
94878 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Universidad Internacional del Ecuador INNOVA Research Journal Las fake news sobre la COVID-19 en Latinoamérica 2020-2022. Una revisión sistemática Ana Paula Castro-Paredes, Joaquín Gabriel Tomailla-Sandoval
94879 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Estimating the disability adjusted life years associated with COVID-19 in Iran for the first 2 years of the pandemic Saied -Bokaie, Salman Daneshi, Alireza Bahonar, AliAkbar Haghdoost, Eshagh Barfar, Declan Patrick Moran
94880 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Research, Society and Development Research Society and Development Utilização do Questionário Geral de Saúde de Goldberg (QSG-12) para avaliação dos impactos da pandemia de COVID-19 na psique de membros da comunidade acadêmica de uma universidade privada do sul do país Patrícia Treptow Barbosa da Silva, Mateus Gamarra Schwieder, Leticia de Bairros Noster, Amanda Bobrzyk Pereira, Aline Pinto da Silva, Mariana Piana, Andressa Rodrigues Pagno
94881 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health The impact of COVID-19 on nurses’ job satisfaction: a systematic review and meta-analysis Yasin M. Yasin, Albara Alomari, Areej Al-Hamad, Vahe Kehyayan
94882 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Medicine Policy options and practical recommendations for determining priorities in public health research agendas in peripheral countries: insights from a collaborative work initiative in Argentina during the COVID-19 pandemic Natalia Brenda Fernández, María Georgina Herrera, Matías Blaustein, María Florencia Pignataro
94883 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Japan Medical Association JMA Journal People with Visual Impairment Continue to Experience Difficulties in Their Daily Lives that Affect Their Health-related Quality of Life after the COVID-19 Pandemic
94884 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Dissemination and implementation of evidence-based programs for people with chronic disease: the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic Peter Coyle, Jennifer Tripken, Subashan Perera, Gardenia A. Juarez, Lesha Spencer-Brown, Kathleen Cameron, Jennifer S. Brach
94885 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Psychology Hidden work, frustration and multiple layers of occupational health in emergency situations: a longitudinal study during the COVID-19 pandemic Matej Černe, Darija Aleksić
94886 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Universitas Pancasila Journal of Tourism Destination and Attraction ADAPTATION STRATEGY OF PT. NUSANTARA TOUR & TRAVEL IN FACING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Almas Nabili Imanina
94887 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Korea Youth Research Association Korean Journal of Youth Studies The Relationships between Latent Profiles of Learning Time and Creative Personality, Grit, and Academic Helplessness: Focusing on the COVID-19 Pandemic Hyelim Lee, Gunhee Lee, Insoo Choe, Sunjin kim
94888 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Korean Academic Society of Rehabilitation Nursing The Korean Journal of Rehabilitation Nursing Factors Influencing the Medication Adherence in Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis in the COVID-19 Pandemic Bongsil Lim, Min Young Kim
94889 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  The Korean Society of School Social Work Journal of School Social Work The Job Stress, Emotional Labor and Burnout among Child Welfare Workers during COVID-19 Pandemic · Choo Jae lee
94890 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Prevalence, Knowledge, Causes, and Practices of Self-Medication During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Bangladesh: A Cross-Sectional Survey Sadia Mahmud Trisha, Sanjana Binte Ahmed, Md Fahim Uddin, Tahsin Tasneem Tabassum, Nur-A-Safrina Rahman, Mridul Gupta, et al. (+8)
94891 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  GSC Online Press World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews Profit growth of technology sector companies after the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia Kadek Dian Jatiwardani
94892 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Japan Medical Association JMA Journal Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Health Check-ups in 2021 and 2022: A Nationwide Follow-up Survey of Healthcare Facilities in Japan Society of Ningen Dock
94893 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Japan Medical Association JMA Journal Lesson Learned from Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on People with Visual Impairment
94894 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Psychiatry Patterns of admission in forensic units during the COVID-19 pandemic: a process analysis Isabella D’Orta, François R. Herrmann, Panteleimon Giannakopoulos
94895 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Socioeconomic differences in dietary habits in Italy before and during COVID-19 pandemic: secondary analysis of a nationwide cross-sectional study Jacopo Dolcini, Elisa Ponzio, Marcello Mario D’Errico, Pamela Barbadoro
94896 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  College of Graduate Studies, Walailak University Trends in Sciences Comparison of Changes in Inflammation Markers NLR, CRP, and LCR after Corticosteroid Therapy in Severe and Critical COVID-19 Patients Laurensia Vidya Ayuningtyas, Anastasia Aliesa Hermosaningtyas, Prananda Surya Airlangga, Edward Kusuma, Arie Utariani, Christrijogo Sumartono Waloejo, Pudji Lestari
94897 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Universitas Indonesia, Directorate of Research and Public Service Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research The Potential of Herbal Combinations as Adjunctive Therapy for Standard Care of COVID-19 Patients: A Lesson Learned from Indonesia
94898 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Fluctuation in SARS-CoV-2 Environmental Surface Contamination Levels in Homes Where Patients With COVID-19 Stayed for Recuperation Hidehito Matsui, Chihiro Ueda, Eri Nakajima, Yukiko Takarabe, Yukie Yamaguchi, Yumiko Suzuki, et al. (+4)
94899 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Japan Medical Association JMA Journal Navigating Japan' s COVID-19 Vaccination Challenges: A Shift in Legal Classification and the Opt-out System
94900 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Journal of Medical Case Reports Superior mesenteric vein thrombosis due to COVID-19 vaccination: a case report Keita Suto, Akira Saito, Katsusuke Mori, Atsushi Yoshida, Naohiro Sata
94901 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Impact of COVID-19 vaccination: a global perspective Priya Singh, Aditya Anand, Shweta Rana, Amit Kumar, Prabudh Goel, Sujeet Kumar, et al. (+2)
94903 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Scholars Middle East Publishers Incomplete Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Related to Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Infection A Rare Case Report Guillain-Barré Syndrome after Receiving Sputnik Light COVID-19 Vaccine; a Case Report form Palestine Hamdoon Abu-Arish, Abdelwadod Abuturki
94904 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Juniper Publishers Global Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences Indian Medicinal Plants, A Possible Cure For COVID-19- A Review Shobha MS
94905 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Japan Medical Association JMA Journal Impact of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic on Medical Practices in Awaji Island
94906 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Borneo International Journal of Biotechnology (BIJB) Can Multiplex SYBR Green Real-Time PCR Assay Serve as a Detection and Quantification Method Comparable to the TaqMan Method for SARS-CoV-2 Diagnosis? Helyatul Rasmah Mahali
94907 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Oxford University Press Journal of Applied Microbiology SARS-CoV-2 Inactivation on Hard Non-porous Airplane Cabin Material Surfaces was Limited After Exposure to Far UV-C (222 nm) Radiation Mark E Wilson, Wes W C Quigley, Angela C Davis, Nyle K Critchlow, Angelo J Madonna, Jeffery N Hogan, et al. (+2)
94908 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Psychiatry Nomogram to predict the incidence of delirium in elderly patients with non-severe SARS-CoV-2 infection Guanghui An, Zhihua Mi, Dongmei Hong, Dandan Ou, Xiaoxiao Cao, Qidong Liu, et al. (+2)
94909 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research (NIScPR) Decolorization of anthraquinone-based dye (Vat Brown R) by Pseudomonas aeruginosa NCH - Optimization and kinetic study Computational approach on Moringa oleifera as an inhibitor against SARS-CoV-2 structural proteins
94910 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Controlled Release An inoculation site-retained mRNA vaccine induces robust immune responses against SARS-CoV-2 variants Lei Huang, Fanfan Zhao, Muye He, Yi Fang, Xiaoping Ma, Shuaiyao Lu, et al. (+13)
94911 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Beyond SARS-CoV-2: epidemiological surveillance of respiratory viruses in Jalisco, Mexico Isaac Murisi Pedroza-Uribe, Natali Vega Magaña, José Francisco Muñoz-Valle, Marcela Peña-Rodriguez, Ahtziri Socorro Carranza-Aranda, Rocío Sánchez-Sánchez, et al. (+6)
94912 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems Research on China’s agricultural product sales transformation: online marketing mix strategy and performance on post pandemic area Yaqiong Zhang
94913 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Universitas Hamzanwadi JPEK (Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Kewirausahaan) Strategi Peningkatan Kinerja Dosen Pendidikan Ekonomi Unpam Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19
94914 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Universitas Hamzanwadi JPEK (Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Kewirausahaan) Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Ekonomi Berbasis Mobile Untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19
94915 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  rScroll Journal of Student Research Fertility Rates in Red and Blue States: Before and After COVID-19 Rosella Graham, Lily McGovern, Freddi Mitchell, Marina Prikis, Meron Tesfa, Paul Martin Sommers
94916 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  American Public Health Association American Journal of Public Health Partnering With Community Health Workers to Address COVID-19 Health Inequities: Experiences of the California Alliance Against COVID-19 Patricia Rodriguez Espinosa, Evelyn Vázquez, Mona AuYoung, Frank Zaldivar, Ann Marie Cheney, Dara Sorkin, et al. (+3)
94917 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Universidade Federal de Goias Revista Inter-Ação “VOCÊS CONSEGUEM ME OUVIR?” POLÍTICAS PÚBLICAS E A PRÁTICA DOCENTE POR TRÁS DAS TELAS DURANTE A PANDEMIA DE COVID-19 Priscilla Barros da Silva
94918 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Institucion Universitaria Antonio Jose Camacho Revista Sapientía Análisis de estrategias para el resurgimiento y posicionamiento del sector hotelero del Valle del Cauca, para superar la crisis durante la fase de pandemia del Covid-19 Valeria López Castillo, Juan Pablo Mazuera Espinosa, Maria Elvira Arboleda Castro, Jairo Alejandro Rendón Molina
94919 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Institucion Universitaria Antonio Jose Camacho Revista Sapientía Influencia del confinamiento obligatorio en los niveles de actividad física de profesores universitarios durante la pandemia de Covid-19 Hasbleidy Giovanna Ovalle-Córdoba, Ekkar Yesid Maturín-Cajiao, Gustavo Adolfo Córdoba-Viveros, Patricia Alexandra García Garro
94920 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Exploring the mechanisms between socio-economic status and health: Mediating roles of health-related behaviors before and during COVID-19 Soowon Park, K. M. Amran Hossain
94921 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Revista Temas em Educacao e Saude Temas em Educação e Saúde Os desafios da educação médica e os atravessamentos da pandemia COVID-19 Eliana Goldfarb Cyrino, Maisa Beltrame Pedroso, Mara Regina Leme De Sordi, Maria Antonia Ramos Azevedo, Marta Quintanilha Gomes
94922 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Detection of Specific Immunoglobulins in the Saliva of Patients With Mild COVID-19 Sara Akeel, Soulafa Almazrooa, Ahoud Jazzar, Amal Mohammed Sindi, Nada J Farsi, Nada Binmadi, et al. (+3)
94923 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Medicine Surgery and Public Health D-Dimer Variation in Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Patients of COVID-19 Tabish Khan, Adil Aziz Khan, Sana Ahuja
94924 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Revista Eletronica Acervo Saude Revista Eletrônica Acervo Saúde Prevalência de Burnout em médicos no contexto da pandemia pela COVID-19 Carolina Policeno Paulin, Jéssica de Oliveira Veloso Rezende
94925 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Firenze University Press Wine Economics and Policy Fractional responses with spatial dependence of Portuguese wineries’ domestic market sales to an exogenous shock (Covid-19) Samuel Faria, João Rebelo, Alexandre Guedes, Sofia Gouveia
94926 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Universidad del Norte Ingeniería y Desarrollo Estrategia de abastecimiento colaborativo para el sector salud derivado de un estudio clínico de Covid-19 Erika Tatiana Ruiz Orjuela, Wilson Adarme Jaimes, Hernando Gaitán Duarte
94927 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Applied Nanoscience Retraction Note: A framework for adopting gamified learning systems in smart schools during COVID-19 Farazdaq Nahedh Alsamawi, Sefer Kurnaz
94928 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Revista Eletronica Acervo Saude Revista Eletrônica Acervo Saúde Fadiga na amamentação em mães em atividade ocupacional durante a pandemia da Covid-19 Crislaine Souza Bernardino Carvalho, Carla Patrícia Henandez Alves Ribeiro César, Rafael Romero Nicolino, Raphaela Barroso Guedes Granzotti, Patrícia Aparecida Zuanetti, Samara Kauany Rodrigues Campos, et al. (+2)
94929 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  The University of Chicago Press American Journal of Health Economics Young Children and Parents' Labor Supply during COVID-19 Scott Barkowski, Joanne Song McLaughlin, Yinlin Dai
94930 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo Uso da oxigenação por membrana extracorpórea (ECMO) no manejo de pacientes com COVID-19 Yasmmin Linda De Oliveira, Grégory Matheus Xavier Dos Santos, Denis Carvalho Parry
94931 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile Horizonte de enfermeria CONTINUIDAD DE LOS CUIDADOS PALIATIVOS DOMICILIARIOS DURANTE LA PANDEMIA POR COVID-19 Lorena Bettancourt Ortega, Camila Cabrera - Cisternas, Abby Castro-Rojas, Sofía Masnú-Berríos, Fabiola Quiroz-Gallardo, Paz Ruidíaz-Veliz, Ninoska Santana-Jorquera
94932 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  American Physiological Society Physiological Reviews Timing and cause of olfactory deciliation in COVID-19 Rafal Butowt, Christopher S. von Bartheld
94933 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Technology Management The preventive value effect of firm innovation: the impact of COVID-19 Zhe Zhang, Zhen Yang, Hongjun Xiao, Hongcheng Ling
94934 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Social Science Electronic Publishing SSRN Electronic Journal Hospital Capacity Reporting in Germany During Covid-19 Simon Reif, Sabrina Schubert
94935 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier Revista Clínica Española Impacto de las medidas de aislamiento estricto, actividad quirúrgica y uso de antibióticos en la infección por Clostridioides difficile durante la COVID-19 J. Ena, C. Martinez-Peinado, V. Valls
94936 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  MDPI AG Healthcare Healthcare Social Workers’ Scope of Practice during COVID-19 Tiffany Washington, Terri D. Lewinson
94937 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  IKIP Budi Utomo Malang Prosiding Seminar Nasional IKIP Budi Utomo Metode Pembelajaran Melalui Pendekatan Bermain atau Bertanding dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Minat Pendidikan Jasmani Siswa - Siswi MTs Al-Amin Malang Pasca Covid-19 Karlos Alex Maron, Reno Siska Sari
94938 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Universidade Estadual de Campinas Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional Insegurança alimentar e práticas alimentares de famílias de escolares do ensino fundamental em municípios do sul de Minas Gerais durante pandemia de COVID-19 Bruna Aparecida Avelar, Rayane Oliveira Santos, Rafaela Corrêa Pereira, Michel Cardoso de Angelis-Pereira
94939 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Rayyan Jurnal AURELIA Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia Analysis of Fiscal Policy Strategy in Handling the Impact of Covid-19 Anggrini Manullang, Rian Pasaribu, Rizsa Nabillah
94940 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology Urokinase-type plasminogen activator and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 complex as a serum biomarker for COVID-19 Tetiana Yatsenko, Ricardo Rios, Tetiana Noguiera, Satoshi Takahashi, Yoko Tabe, Toshio Naito, et al. (+3)
94941 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology THE ROLE OF α7 NICOTINIC ACETYLCHOLINE RECEPTORS IN POST-ACUTE SEQUELAE OF COVID-19 Maryna Skok
94942 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona Papers Revista de Sociologia Cuando la problemática apura y aprieta somos esenciales. Valoración del trabajo de cuidados y justicia social: qué nos ha enseñado la COVID-19 Mireia Roca-Escoda, Ana Lucía Hernández-Cordero, Tomasa Báñez-Tello
94943 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying Geodesy Photogrammetry and Cartography Analysis of the association between housing prices and mental health before and during COVID-19 Kangjae Lee, Yunyoung Kim, Keonyeop Kim
94944 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Korean Society for the Study of Obesity Journal of Obesity & Metabolic Syndrome Effects of a 2-Week Kinect-Based Mixed-Reality Exercise Program on Prediabetes: A Pilot Trial During COVID-19 So Young Ahn, Si Woo Lee, Hye Jung Shin, Won Jae Lee, Jun Hyeok Kim, Hyun-Jun Kim, Wook Song
94945 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) World Leisure Journal Get in touch with leisure: a community-based therapeutic recreation programme for older adults during COVID-19 M. Rebecca Genoe, Roz Kelsey, Courtney Domoney, Michelle Buhay, Shauna Reles
94946 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Vietnam Medical Journal, Vietnam Medical Association Tạp chí Y học Việt Nam TÁC ĐỘNG CỦA ĐẠI DỊCH COVID-19 ĐẾN CUỘC SỐNG, CÔNG VIỆC CỦA NHÂN VIÊN Y TẾ TẠI MỘT SỐ CƠ SỞ Y TẾ Ở HÀ NỘI Thị Kim Nhung Tạ, Thị Thanh Xuân Lê, Ngọc Anh Nguyễn, Thanh Thảo Nguyễn, Thị Mai Hương Phan, Quốc Doanh Nguyễn, et al. (+2)
94947 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines Differences in the Evolution of Clinical, Biochemical, and Hematological Indicators in Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19 According to Their Vaccination Scheme: A Cohort Study in One of the World’s Highest Hospital Mortality Populations Martha A. Mendoza-Hernandez, Jose Guzman-Esquivel, Marco A. Ramos-Rojas, Vanessa V. Santillan-Luna, Carmen A. Sanchez-Ramirez, Gustavo A. Hernandez-Fuentes, et al. (+9)
94948 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon Price discovery in Chinese PVC futures and spot markets: Impacts of COVID-19 and benchmark analysis Yunyan Wu, Jiaqi He, Linfei Xiong
94949 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  International Medical University International e-Journal of Science Medicine & Education Synchronous clinical simulation: An effective teaching modality in medical education during COVID-19 and beyond Thiruselvi Subramaniam
94950 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  MDPI AG Cancers Association of COVID-19 and Lung Cancer: Short-Term and Long-Term Interactions Ying-Long Peng, Zi-Yan Wang, Ri-Wei Zhong, Shi-Qi Mei, Jia-Qi Liu, Li-Bo Tang, et al. (+7)
94951 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Nature Cities COVID-19 and the density debate Creighton Connolly
94952 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Social Science Electronic Publishing SSRN Electronic Journal Neo-Colonialism and the Right to Health: COVID-19 and the Right to Vaccine by the Global South CH: Racialization of Disease Archisha Satyarthi
94953 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  SAGE Publications Environment and Planning E Nature and Space Don’t waste the crisis: The COVID-19 Anthropause as an experiment for rethinking human-environment relations Amelia Fiske, Isabella M Radhuber, Consuelo Fernández Salvador, Emilia Rodrigues Araújo, Marie Jasser, Gertrude Saxinger, et al. (+2)
94954 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  MDPI AG Vaccines Immunogenicity of Intradermal Versus Intramuscular BNT162b2 COVID-19 Booster Vaccine in Patients with Immune-Mediated Dermatologic Diseases: A Non-Inferiority Randomized Controlled Trial Chutima Seree-aphinan, Ploysyne Rattanakaemakorn, Poonkiat Suchonwanit, Kunlawat Thadanipon, Yanisa Ratanapokasatit, Tanat Yongpisarn, et al. (+6)
94955 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  SPRIDA Journal Infectology Kidney damage in children with COVID-19 (clinical observation) E. P. Bataeva, I. K. Bogomolova, A. B. Dolina, A. G. Oparina
94956 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Psychology Pandemic fatigue and depressive symptoms among college students in the COVID-19 context: indirect effects through sense of control and intolerance of uncertainty Qinglu Wu, Tian-Ming Zhang, Xue Wang, Yan Zhang
94957 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  SPRIDA Journal Infectology The COVID-19 crisis as a vector for changes in healthcare K. S. Korsak, E. V. Voropaev, A. A. Kovalev, T. M. Sharshakova, I. O. Stoma
94958 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Interpreting COVID-19 data from China: a call for caution Zhi Qu
94959 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Interpreting COVID-19 data from China: a call for caution - Authors' reply Liang Wang, Quanyi Wang, George F Gao
94960 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Red Flower Publication Private, Ltd. Journal of Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology Post Mortem Examination of COVID-19 Deceased and Collection Preservation of Specimens Rinkal Chaudhary, Vinod Dhingra, Sarthak Juglan
94961 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Andijan State Medical Institute Международный журнал научной педиатрии COVID-19, DEPRESSİON AND ANXİETY: A STUDY AMONG ADOLOSCENTES Şaban Azizoğlu
94962 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Bentham Science Current Analytical Chemistry Label-free Electrochemical Nanobiosensors using Au-SPE for COVID-19 Detection: A Comparative Review of Different Biomarkers and Recognition Elements Babak Mikaeeli Kangarshahi, Seyed Morteza Naghib
94963 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Universitas Hamzanwadi JPEK (Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Kewirausahaan) Kontribusi Ibu Rumah Tangga Dalam Menopang Perekonomian Keluarga Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Di Desa Padak Guar Kecamatan Sambelia
94964 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Rayyan Jurnal IJEDR Indonesian Journal of Education and Development Research Resiliensi Usaha Peningkatan Pendapatan Keluarga (UP2K) Selama Pandemi Covid-19 di Kelurahan Bangsal Aceh Kecamatan Sungai Sembilan Kota Dumai Nadia Permata Sari, Wilson Wilson, Muhammad Jais
94965 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports An augmentation aided concise CNN based architecture for COVID-19 diagnosis in real time Balraj Preet Kaur, Harpreet Singh, Rahul Hans, Sanjeev Kumar Sharma, Chetna Kaushal, Md. Mehedi Hassan, Mohd Asif Shah
94966 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Immunity & Ageing Accelarated immune ageing is associated with COVID-19 disease severity Janet M. Lord, Tonny Veenith, Jack Sullivan, Archana Sharma-Oates, Alex G. Richter, Neil J. Greening, et al. (+1017)
94967 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  American Public Health Association American Journal of Public Health Changes in Capacity Building and Sustained Implementation Among a Statewide Coalition to Address Racial/Ethnic COVID-19 Disparities Dina M. Jones, Elizabeth Taylor, Mohammed Orloff, T. Elaine Prewitt, Katherine Donald, Carol E. Cornell, Pebbles Fagan
94968 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Social Science Electronic Publishing SSRN Electronic Journal The Coexistence of Infection Spread Patterns in the Global Dynamics of COVID-19 Dissemination Hiroyasu Inoue, Wataru Souma, Yoshi Fujiwara
94969 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo Perfil de consumo de ansiolíticos e antidepressivos durante a pandemia de Covid-19 e as possíveis repercussões em saúde mental Karoline Antunes Cardoso, Juliana Rezende Borges
94970 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Sociedade em Debate Sociedade em Debate Pandemia da covid-19 e violência doméstica contra a mulher em Minas Gerais Adrian Luís Pereira da Silva Rocha, Flávio Hugo Pangrácio Silva, Evandro Camargos Teixeira
94971 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros (UNIIMONTES) Caminhos da História Mulher e professora negra: narrativa e memória no exercício de ensinar no período da pandemia de COVID-19, em Montes Claros, Minas Gerais Filomena Luciene Cordeiro Reis, Wenceslau Gonçalves Neto
94972 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Institucion Universitaria Antonio Jose Camacho Revista Sapientía Relación de las tecnologías del aprendizaje y el conocimiento (TAC) en las prácticas educativas en el grado primero durante la pandemia por Covid-19 en el Valle del Cauca Ingri Ximena Ramirez-Izquierdo, Miguel Ángel Afanador-Restrepo, Aura Maria Ibarra-Tello, Neiz Adoreiny Santana-Flórez, Diego Fernando Afanador
94973 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Grade IV Glioma Potentially Disguised As COVID-19 Encephalitis Austin Patrick Eisenberg, Nicolina Scibelli, Hannah Fischer, Victor Collier
94974 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  IIUM Press INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARE SCHOLARS Prevalence of Stress and Stressors During the COVID-19 Endemic Era Among Healthcare Students Nor Athirah Hassan, Rusila Ruslan
94975 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Stress and burnout amongst mental health professionals in Singapore during Covid-19 endemicity Suyi Yang, Germaine Ke Jia Tan, Kang Sim, Lucas Jun Hao Lim, Benjamin Yong Qiang Tan, Abhiram Kanneganti, et al. (+3)
94976 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Halic University Journal of Health Sciences Haliç Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi The Relationship Between Quality of Life and Perceived Stress Level of University Staff and Nutritional Habits During the COVID-19 Epidemic Period","COVID-19 Salgını Döneminde Üniversite Çalışanlarının Yaşam Kalitesi ve Algılanan Stres Düzeyi ile Beslenme Alışkanlıkları Arasındaki İlişki Çiğdem YILDIRIM, Nurda ULUGÖL
94977 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Nursing Correction: Psychological capital and organizational citizenship behavior among nurses during the COVID-19 epidemic: mediation of organizational commitment Li Zeng, Fen Feng, Man Jin, Wanqing Xie, Xin Li, Lan Li, et al. (+2)
94978 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery Use of online educational resources before and during the COVID-19 era in oral and maxillofacial surgery Angela J. Hancock, Thomas Pepper, Ashraf Messiha, Michael Millwaters
94979 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Social Service Research The Association of COVID-19 Fear, Age, Economic Anxiety with Life Satisfaction in Syrian Refugees: The Moderated Mediation Model Koray Kopuz, Eymen Ekmen, Mehmet Duruel, Orhan Koçak
94980 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  American Public Health Association American Journal of Public Health A New Model for Engagement and Action Mitigating COVID-19 Harm in Vulnerable Communities: The Work of Collaborative Community Engagement Alliance (CEAL) Initiatives in Three Southern States Caroline E. Compretta, Mona Fouad, Daniel Sarpong, LaKeisha Williams, Marie Krousel-Wood, Rodney Washington, et al. (+6)
94981 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  IUPUI University Library Proceedings of IMPRS Retrospective Analysis of COVID-19 Impact on Social + Emotional Development in Children of Low-Income Communities from Head Start Gabrielle S. Li, Satya P. Sanapati, Amy Han
94982 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  IUPUI University Library Proceedings of IMPRS Retrospective Analysis of COVID-19 Impact on Social + Emotional Development in Children of Low-Income Communities from Head Start Gabrielle S. Li, Satya P. Sanapati, Amy Han
94983 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  GSC Online Press International Journal of Science and Research Archive Assessment of COVID-19 impact on the digitization of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in India Vineet Pandey
94984 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Development in Practice Socioeconomic determinants of income loss during COVID-19 in a mountainous area in Vietnam Toai Nguyen, Quyen Nguyen, Minh Le, Vy Tran
94985 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  MDPI AG Children Socioeconomic and Health Determinants of the Prevalence of COVID-19 in a Population of Children with Respiratory Diseases and Symptoms Agata Wypych-Ślusarska, Karolina Krupa-Kotara, Klaudia Oleksiuk, Joanna Głogowska-Ligus, Jerzy Słowiński, Ewa Niewiadomska
94986 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Medknow Publications Journal of Integrated Health Sciences Why Some Patients Died at Home Due to COVID-19 in a Rural, Tribal Area of India? Shobha P. Shah, Shrey A. Desai, Kapilkumar J. Dave
94987 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism A Population-Based Analysis of Rheumatology Care Patterns for Inflammatory Arthritis During COVID-19 in Alberta, Canada. Claire E.H. Barber, Brendan Cord Lethebe, Jessie Hart Szostakiwskyj, Cheryl Barnabe, Megan R.W. Barber, Steven Katz, et al. (+2)
94988 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Social Science Electronic Publishing SSRN Electronic Journal Business Interruption Insurance and COVID-19 in Australia Paul Latimer
94989 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) INFOR Information Systems and Operational Research Intra-provincial benchmark analysis of COVID-19 in Canada Mehmet A. Begen, Fredrik Ødegaard, Jafar Sadeghi
94990 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Sports Medicine COVID-19 in Female and Male Athletes: Symptoms, Clinical Findings, Outcome, and Prolonged Exercise Intolerance-A Prospective, Observational, Multicenter Cohort Study (CoSmo-S) Manuel Widmann, Roman Gaidai, Isabel Schubert, Maximilian Grummt, Lieselotte Bensen, Arno Kerling, et al. (+45)
94991 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon Consequences of COVid-19 in Latin American dentists in the first year of the pandemic, the period prior to vaccination campaigns Juan Gabriel Costa, Ana Beatriz Gaudio, Nicolás Gomez Giorgi, Camila Hanow
94992 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  MDPI AG COVID COVID-19 in New Zealand: The Moderating Effect of Involvement on the Roles of Attitudes and Subjective Norms Geoff Kaine, Vic Wright
94993 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  American Public Health Association American Journal of Public Health Ensuring Community Engagement in Disease Surveillance: The Municipal Case Investigation and Contact Tracing System for COVID-19 in Puerto Rico Fabiola Cruz López, Danilo T. Pérez Rivera, Joshua Villafañe Delgado, Mónica Robles Fontán, José Zavala González, Lorenzo González Feliciano
94994 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb InterEULawEast journal for the international and european law economics and market integrations THE ECONOMIC IMPACT OF COVID-19 IN THE EU AND TRANSITION COUNTRIES: DOES POLITICAL ORIENTATION MATTER ON ECONOMIC POLICIES? Gazmend Qorraj, Arbnor Bajraliu
94995 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Dove Medical Press Diabetes Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity Targets and Therapy The Implications of the Pandemic with Covid-19 in the Glycemic Control of People with Type 2 Diabetes [Letter] Deddy Adam, - Ngadino
94996 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  SAGE Publications Clinical Pediatrics New Onset Diabetes Mellitus With COVID-19 Infection in a 5-Month Old Jubel Puthusseril, Alicia Lowes, Ryan Heksch
94997 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  American Public Health Association American Journal of Public Health Grassroots and Digital Outreach Strategies Raise Awareness of COVID-19 Information and Research in Baltimore City Hailey N. Miller, Sarah C. Stevens, Donald Young, Cyd T. Lacanienta, Tosin Tomiwa, Monica Guerrero Vazquez, et al. (+11)
94998 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  American Public Health Association American Journal of Public Health COVID-19 Information, Trust, and Risk Perception Across Diverse Communities in the United States: Initial Findings from a Multistate Community Engagement Alliance (CEAL) Rebekah J. Walker, Elizabeth Eisenhauer, Erika L. Thompson, Robin Butler, Nicholas Metheny, Cristina S. Barroso, Miguel Marino
94999 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Utilizing machine learning for survival analysis to identify risk factors for COVID-19 intensive care unit admission: A retrospective cohort study from the United Arab Emirates Aamna AlShehhi, Taleb M. Almansoori, Ahmed R. Alsuwaidi, Hiba Alblooshi, Luis Felipe Reyes
95000 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  American Public Health Association American Journal of Public Health COVID-19 Knowledge, Beliefs, and Intention to Get Vaccinated: A Brief Educational Intervention Among Black and Hispanic Populations Nicole N. Small, Belinda U. Busogi, Nga Nguyen, Minxing Chen, Chelsea C. Carrier, Birnur Buzcu-Guven, Lorna H. McNeill
95001 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Kampala International University African Multidisciplinary Journal of Development Impact and challenges of online learning application platforms for sustaining teaching and learning during covid-19 lockdown in Nigeria Zulaihatu Lawal Bagiwa, Zayyad Musa Ahmed
95002 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Educational Research for Policy and Practice Effects of the Covid-19 lockdown on anxiety and depression in college students: evidence from a Mexican university Adelaido García-Andrés, María Elena Ramos-Tovar, Ernesto Aguayo-Téllez
95003 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE COVID-19 masks and limited number of shoppers as determinants of shop assistants’ (dis)honesty Maciej Koscielniak, Dorota Marciniak, Dariusz Doliński, Simon Porcher
95004 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  RCN Publishing Nursing Standard Skin damage: the personal cost of COVID-19 measures Erin Dean
95005 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo Principais impactos causados pela pandemia de COVID-19 na saúde física e mental de crianças Natânia Mileny Garcia De Paula, Anna Paula De Lima, Carolina Alves Dos Santos, Giovanna de Oliveira Melo Fiuza Lima, Marcelle Peixoto De Mendonça, Maria Luiza Cascudo Oliveira, Fernando Velasco Lino
95006 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Centro Universitario Barao de Maua Revista Interdisciplinar de Saúde e Educação Os efeitos da pandemia da covid-19 na saúde mental dos idosos: uma revisão integrativa da literatura Giulia Bianca do Nascimento Dos Santos, Ingridy Soyan Matos Sampaio de Mesquita, Maria Juliene Lima da Silva, Maria Rita Fialho do Nascimento, Raissa Sousa de Oliveira, Alda Lima dos Santos, et al. (+2)
95007 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Universidade Federal de Goias Revista Inter-Ação MEMÓRIAS DO DISTANCIAMENTO SOCIAL E O DESAFIO DE PRODUZIR PRESENÇA: OFÍCIO DOCENTE NA E PÓS PANDEMIA DE COVID-19 NO BRASIL Fernanda Spanier Amador, Juliana Prediger, Lívia Ricardo Fernandes, Cristiane da Silva Costa
95008 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Analyzing the varied impact of COVID-19 on stock markets: A comparative study of low- and high-infection-rate countries Sharon Teitler Regev, Tchai Tavor, Ricky Chee Jiun Chia
95009 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Cogent Economics & Finance The Impact of COVID-19 on Stock Returns and Firm Characteristics in the Saudi Stock Market Asim Alshaikhmubarek, Nada Kulendran, Lalith Seelanatha
95011 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  The University of Kansas Human Communication & Technology Understanding Asian Americans’ Resilience to COVID-19 Online Hate through Latent Profiles of Ethnic Identity Stephanie Tom Tong
95012 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Advances in Rheumatology Having chronic back pain did not impact COVID-19 outcome in a low-income population - a retrospective observational study Antônia Celia de Castro Alcantara, Hermano Alexandre Lima Rocha, Jobson Lopes de Oliveira, Xenofon Baraliakos, Francisco Airton Castro Rocha
95013 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Jurnal Veteriner jurnal veteriner Deteksi Antibodi Terhadap Covid-19 pada Anjing dan Kucing di Indonesia Yunetta Putri Arios, Joko Pamungkas, I Wayan Teguh Wibawan, Diah Iskandriati, Sriyanto Sriyanto, Andi PM Yusmanto
95014 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Western Caspian University Scientific Bulletin THE CORONAVİRUS (COVID-19) PANDEMİC: ECONOMİC İMPLİCATİONS AND CHALLENGES Kahraman PİRİYEV
95015 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Society for Art and Science The Journal of the Society for Art and Science コロナ禍における近接者ネットワークをもとにした人流の可視化","People Flow Visualization based on Proximity Network during the COVID-19 pandemic Sayaka Morikoshi, Masaki Onishi, Takayuki Itoh
95016 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Pediatric Nursing Quality of life and family management of paediatric chronic condition amidst the COVID-19 pandemic Luísa Maria Costa Andrade, Sara Raquel Machado Lemos, Maria Do Céu Aguiar Barbieri-Figueiredo, Lígia Maria Monteiro Lima
95017 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier The Journal of the American Dental Association Changes in dental visits and oral health for children by race and ethnicity during the COVID-19 pandemic Ashley M. Kranz, Linnea A. Evans, Kimberley H. Geissler
95018 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Society of Teachers of Family Medicine PRiMER Identifying Barriers to Precepting Health Professions Learners During the COVID-19 Pandemic Maha B. Lund, Sonya Green, Allison Leppke, Pamela Vohra-Khullar, Susana Alfonso, Miranda A. Moore
95019 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-Being A scoping review on the operationalization of intersectional health research methods in studies related to the COVID-19 pandemic Adedoyin Olanlesi-Aliu, Mia Tulli, Janet Kemei, Glenda Bonifacio, Linda C. Reif, Valentina Cardo, et al. (+3)
95020 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  American Nurses Association - New York Journal of the American Nurses Association - New York Fellowship, Finance, and Fervor: Nurses Caring for Nurses During the Covid-19 Pandemic Linda Millenbach, Rhonda Maneval, Doreen Rogers, Kathleen Sellers, Deborah Elliott, Jerome Niyirora
95021 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  ScopeMed Medicine Science | International Medical Journal Evaluation of the relationship between nutritional habits, use of nutritional supplements and intuitive eating of healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic Nazan Son
95022 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Social Science Electronic Publishing SSRN Electronic Journal Excessive CEO Compensation and Its Justification for Firm Performance Before and After the Covid-19 Pandemic Primrose Zvinavashe
95023 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier Pacific-Basin Finance Journal Analysis of tail risk contagion among industry sectors in the Chinese stock market during the COVID-19 pandemic JunFeng Wu, Chao Zhang, Yun Chen
95024 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  American Medical Association JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery Head and Neck Cancer Incidence in the United States Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic Jason Semprini, Nitin A. Pagedar, Eric Adjei Boakye, Nosayaba Osazuwa-Peters
95025 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  F1000 Research Ltd F1000Research Validation of a Thai artificial chatmate designed for cheering up the elderly during the COVID-19 pandemic Somrudee Deepaisarn, Ek-uma Imkome, Konlakorn Wongpatikaseree, Sumeth Yuenyong, Ploi Lakanavisid, Rangsiman Soonthornchaiva, et al. (+3)
95026 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  American Psychological Association Journal of Family Psychology Supplemental Material for Parenting and Disruptive Child Behavior: A Daily Diary Study During the COVID-19 Pandemic
95027 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  IUPUI University Library Proceedings of IMPRS Changes in Transport Mode for Pediatric Trauma Patients Before and After the COVID-19 Pandemic Byoungchan An, Jodi L. Raymond, Matthew Paul Landman
95028 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Medknow Publications CHRISMED Journal of Health and Research Role, Knowledge, and Readiness of Medical Undergraduate Students and Factors Influencing their Willingness to Participate in the COVID-19 Pandemic Puneet Kaur Sahi, Arpita Gupta, Annesha Chakraborti, Anirban Mandal
95029 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Technology Management Does technological proximity accelerate innovation speed in R&D collaboration The evidence of rapid vaccine R&D for fighting the COVID-19 pandemic Weinan Wang, Xintong Wu
95030 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  MDPI AG Current Oncology Head and Neck Cancer Patient Population, Management, and Oncologic Outcomes from the COVID-19 Pandemic Julie R. Bloom, Carlos Rodriguez-Russo, Kristin Hsieh, Daniel R. Dickstein, Ren-Dih Sheu, Mayuri Jain, et al. (+10)
95031 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  MDPI AG Administrative Sciences Telework and Work Intensity: Insights from an Exploratory Study in Portugal during the COVID-19 Pandemic Glória Rebelo, Antonio Almeida, Joao Pedra
95032 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies / Revue canadienne des études latino-américaines et caraïbes Civil society in Brazilian urban peripheries during the early COVID-19 pandemic Bruna de Morais Holanda
95033 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  SAGE Publications SAGE Open Nursing Nurse Reports of Moral Distress During the COVID-19 Pandemic Pam Stephenson, Andrea Warner-Stidham
95034 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Association for Computing Machinery ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology Understanding Developers Well-Being and Productivity: a 2-year Longitudinal Analysis during the COVID-19 Pandemic - RCR Report Daniel Russo, Paul H. P. Hanel, Niels van Berkel
95035 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  American Psychological Association Psychological Trauma Theory Research Practice and Policy Supplemental Material for Cumulative Trauma: The Intersection Between Continuous Security Threats and the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Israeli Older Adults
95036 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Nano Convergence Advances in nanobiosensors during the COVID-19 pandemic and future perspectives for the post-COVID era Young Jun Kim, Junhong Min
95037 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  National Documentation Centre (EKT) Health & Research Journal The COVID-19 pandemic and the incidence of acute coronary syndromes at General Hospital of Veroia Evangelos Sdogkos, Pavlos Roditis, Antonios Papadopoulos, Anila Spahiu, Andreas Aidinis, Maria Pliatsika, Ioannis Vogiatzis
95038 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Frontier Scientific Publishing Pte Ltd Journal of Clinical Medicine Research Systematic Thinking on Psychological Crisis Intervention for Major Sudden Infectious Diseases - Taking the Sudden Outbreak of COVID-19 Pandemic as an Example Xinglin Li, Li Liu, Xuehua Wu, Haiyan He, Rui Chen
95039 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Smartphone addiction prevalence, patterns of use, and experienced musculoskeletal discomfort during the COVID-19 pandemic in a general Iranian population Hamid Reza Mokhtarinia, Maryam Heydari Torkamani, Nasim Farmani, Charles Philip Gabel
95040 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Theoretical Biology Who acquires infection from whom? A sensitivity analysis of transmission dynamics during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in Belgium Leonardo Angeli, Constantino Pereira Caetano, Nicolas Franco, Steven Abrams, Pietro Coletti, Inneke Van Nieuwenhuyse, et al. (+2)
95041 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE System dynamics model for an agile pharmaceutical supply chain during COVID-19 pandemic in Iran Mohammad Hamzehlou, Saad Ahmed Javed
95042 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier Pediatric Neurology A systematic review and clinical presentation of central nervous system complications of SARS-CoV-2 in hospitalized pediatric patients during the COVID-19 pandemic in Israel Menucha Jurkowicz, Eugene Leibovitz, Bruria Ben-Zeev, Nathan Keller, Or Kriger, Gilad Sherman, et al. (+4)
95043 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Hindawi Limited Dermatology Research and Practice Facial Papulopustular Eruption during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Patients Treated with EGFR Inhibitors Eleonora De Luca, Pietro Sollena, Lucia Di Nardo, Ettore D’Argento, Emanuele Vita, Giampaolo Tortora, et al. (+2)
95044 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Wiley Nursing Open “We always felt psychologically unstable”: A qualitative study of midwives' experiences in providing maternity care during the COVID-19 pandemic in Tanzania Angelina A. Joho, Subira Abdallah
95045 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics Social Aspects of Population Health ASSESSING AVAILABILITY OF MEDICAL CARE DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN THE KRASNOYARSK REGION Aleksandr Fetisov, Oksana Pasechnik
95046 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Corrigendum: High perceived stress in patients on opioid agonist therapies during rapid transitional response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Ukraine Samy J. Galvez, Frederick L. Altice, Anna Meteliuk, Roman Ivasiy, Eteri Machavariani, Scott O. Farnum, et al. (+3)
95047 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier American Journal of Infection Control Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on infection control nurses: A path analysis of job stress, burnout, and turnover intention Jae Eun Lee, Sung Ran Kim, Byung Chul Chun
95048 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on jobs for people with intellectual disabilities and autism in Wales Elisa Vigna, Andrea Meek, Stephen Beyer
95049 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Juniper Publishers Advanced Research in Gastroenterology & Hepatology The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Living Donor Liver Transplantation: An Integrated Mitigation Strategy with Successful Outcome Kareem Abu- Elmagd
95050 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Adolescent Health The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Mental Health of Adolescents With Chronic Medical Conditions: Findings From a German Pediatric Outpatient Clinic Katharina Förtsch, Rabea Viermann, Christina Reinauer, Harald Baumeister, Petra Warschburger, Reinhard W. Holl, et al. (+8)
95051 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on NHS England waiting times for elective hospital care: a modelling study Syed Ahmar Shah, Chris Robertson, Aziz Sheikh
95052 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics Exploring the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on perceptions of national scheduled childhood vaccines among Māori and Pacific caregivers, whānau, and healthcare professionals in Aotearoa New Zealand Nadia A. Charania, Daysha Tonumaipe’a, Te Wai Barbarich-Unasa, Leon Iusitini, Georgina Davis, Gail Pacheco, Denise Wilson
95053 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Galore Knowledge Publication Pvt. Ltd. International Journal of Research and Review Safety Culture in Acc¬¬redited Hospitals During Pandemic of COVID-19 Duta Liana, Jerry Maratis, Nuraini Fauziah
95054 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Rayyan Jurnal AURELIA Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia The Covid-19 Pandemic Resulted in a Global Political-Economic Crisis Ferry Sahputra Sitorus, Rebecka Tri Talita Panggabean, Rian Pasaribu, Sriatul Adawiah, Armin Rahmasyah Nasution
95055 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances Promoting Well-being: A Scoping Review of Strategies Implemented During the COVID-19 Pandemic to Enhance the Well-being of the Nursing Workforce. Caroline Browne, Ylona Chun Tie
95056 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  SAGE Publications Public Health Reports Surveillance for Unexplained Deaths of Possible Infectious Etiologies During the COVID-19 Pandemic-Minnesota, 2020-2021 Melanie J. Firestone, Linnea Thorell, Leslie Kollmann, Lydia Fess, Greta Ciessau, Anna K. Strain, et al. (+3)
95057 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  IPR Journals and Books (International Peer Reviewed Journals and Books) International Journal of Psychology Comparative Analysis of COVID-19 Pandemic-Related Mental Health Effects on Children with Household Healthcare Workers vs. Those Without Rohil Vallabhaneni
95058 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Food safety-related practices among residents aged 18-75 years during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study in Southwest China Zhourong Li, Ke Jiang, Shengping Li, Tiankun Wang, Huan Zeng, Manoj Sharma, et al. (+2)
95059 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Wiley Nursing Open Pandemic fatigue and clinical front-line medical staff health, job status during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional survey after the lifting of epidemic restrictions Yiqing Zhang, Qihang Xu, Jingjing Ma, Zhengzheng Wang, Shunshun Lu
95060 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Ovid Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions Pivoting Continuing Professional Development During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Narrative Scoping Review of Adaptations and Innovations Sophie Soklaridis, Mushfika Chowdhury, Mary G. Turco, Martin Tremblay, Paul Mazmanian, Betsy Williams, et al. (+2)
95061 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Medicine Retrospective cohort study to evaluate the continuous use of anticholesterolemics and diuretics in patients with COVID-19 Fabrício Marcus Silva Oliveira, Mônica Maria Magalhães Caetano, Ana Raquel Viana de Godoy, Larissa Lilian de Oliveira, Juliana Vaz de Melo Mambrini, Marina Santos Rezende, et al. (+6)
95062 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  MANAS Sosyal Arastirmalar Dergisi MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi COVID-19 Pandemisinin Oluşturduğu Çevresel Belirsizliğe Karşı Uyum Stratejileri: Toplantı ve Kongre Otellerine Yönelik Bir Uygulama","Adaptation Strategies Against Environmental Uncertainty Generated by the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Application for Meeting and Congress Hotels Turgut TÜRKOĞLU, İsa YAYLA, Huseyin PAMUKCU, Ümran YALÇIN
95063 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  The University of Kansas Human Communication & Technology Virtual Dating and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Investigating Motives, Predictors, and Outcomes Luke Youngvorst, Thao Pham
95064 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  American Psychological Association Journal of Diversity in Higher Education Supplemental Material for Longitudinal Associations Between Well-Being and Academic Achievement Throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic: Testing the Moderating Role of Academic Stress Among First-Generation and Continuing College Students
95065 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  SAGE Publications Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry What set some young adults apart during the COVID-19 pandemic? Mental health trajectories, risk and protective factors in an Australian longitudinal study Amarina Donohoe-Bales, Siobhan O’Dean, Scarlett Smout, Julia Boyle, Emma Barrett, Maree Teesson, Marlee Bower
95066 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy Portable color retinography findings in COVID-19 patients admitted to the ward Antônio Augusto de Andrade Cunha Filho, Perseu Matheus Pugliese Neto, Gabriela Hamra Pereira, Neuder Gouveia de Lima Filho, Luis Antonio Sakakisbara, Cássia Fernanda Estofolete, et al. (+3)
95067 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Quality of Life Research COVID-19-related health utility values and changes in COVID-19 patients and the general population: a scoping review Zhuxin Mao, Xiao Li, Mark Jit, Philippe Beutels
95068 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Wiley Health Science Reports Hyperglycemia and elevated C-reactive protein are independent predictors of hospital mortality in hospitalized COVID-19 patients in South-Kivu, eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo: A cross-sectional study Christian Tshongo, Marius Baguma, Guy-Quesney Mateso, Samuel Lwamushi Makali, Aline Bedha, Pacifique Mwene-Batu, et al. (+10)
95069 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier Intensive and Critical Care Nursing Pressure injuries in mechanically ventilated COVID-19 patients utilising different prone positioning techniques - A prospective observational study Cara Woolger, Thomas Rollinson, Fiona Oliphant, Kristy Ross, Brooke Ryan, Zoe Bacolas, et al. (+6)
95070 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Dove Medical Press Infection and Drug Resistance Peripheral Blood CD8+T Cell as a Prognostic Biomarker for Hospitalised COVID-19 Patients Without Antiviral Treatment Yuming Sun, Peilin Liu, Lifang Zhang, Shaorong Lei, Qian Gao
95071 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Springer-Verlag SN Comprehensive Clinical Medicine Impact of Prior Bariatric Surgery on Mortality in COVID-19 Patients: a Comprehensive Meta-analysis Aditi Bhanushali, Muskan Kohli, Svaapnika Rao Sarvepalli, Ali Tariq Alvi, Ananya Prakash, Anchal Pandey, et al. (+4)
95072 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Faculty of Philology - University of Montenegro Folia linguistica et litteraria HAS ONLINE LEARNING CHANGED THE WAY WE STUDY? STUDENT EVALUATION OF TEACHERS’ PEDAGOGICAL SKILLS DURING THE FIRST COVID-19 PERIOD AND POTENTIAL CHANGE IN THEIR LEARNING HABITS Nihada Delibegović Džanić, Çiler Hatipoğlu, Lina Miloshevska, Elżbieta Gajek
95073 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  JMIR Publications Inc. JMIR Mental Health Let’s Text! Piloting the HealthySMS Text Messaging System Adjunct to Adolescent Group Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in the Context of COVID-19 (Preprint) Lauren M. Haack, Courtney C. Armstrong, Kate Travis, Adrian Aguilera, Sabrina M. Darrow
95074 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Impact of Using Antiviral Therapy on COVID-19 Progression in ICU Patients: A Saudi Arabian Retrospective Analysis Lama Alkhunaizi, Jawza A Almutairi, Sarah H Almanea, Shuruq M Alzahuf, Mohammed Fehaid, Abdulaziz Alharthi, et al. (+8)
95075 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  American Public Health Association American Journal of Public Health Microentrepreneurs in Public Health Promotion: Implementation of a Street Vendor-Led COVID-19 Recovery Initiative in Los Angeles, California Kyle J. Moon, Gloria Itzel Montiel, Rosa Vazquez, Destinee Rodriguez, Saira Nawaz
95076 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  American Public Health Association American Journal of Public Health Cosecha: A Statewide Promotor de Salud Network to Attain Equity in Accessing COVID-19 Services in Florida’s Farmworker Corridor Anna Villagomez, Robin Lewy, Bruce Tyler, Jonathan Castro, Zorayda Avila
95077 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier Endocrinología Diabetes y Nutrición Efectos de la pandemia por COVID-19 sobre la diabetes gestacional en Castilla-La Mancha (España) Dulce M.a Calderón Vicente, Amparo Marco Martínez, Inés Gómez García, Rosa Quílez Toboso, Iván Quiroga López, Manolo Delgado Rey, et al. (+5)
95078 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  American Psychological Association International Journal of Stress Management Differential effects of COVID-19 stressor types on mental health and moderating roles of coping strategies. Mariel Emrich, Crystal L. Park, Beth S. Russell, Michael Fendrich
95079 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier European Economic Review COVID-19 supply chain disruptions Matthias Meier, Eugenio Pinto
95080 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Diva Enterprises Private Limited RASSA Journal of Science for Society JN.1: An emerging novel sub variant of Covid-19 Shambhavi Rao, Govind P. Rao
95081 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Vietnam Medical Journal, Vietnam Medical Association Tạp chí Y học Việt Nam MÔ TẢ ĐẶC ĐIỂM LÂM SÀNG CỦA BỆNH NHÂN MẤT NGỦ KHÔNG THỰC TỔN TRONG HỘI CHỨNG HẬU COVID-19 TẠI BỆNH VIỆN ĐA KHOA ĐỐNG ĐA Văn Nam Nguyễn, Quỳnh Hoa Ngô
95082 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Vietnam Medical Journal, Vietnam Medical Association Tạp chí Y học Việt Nam THỰC TRẠNG SỨC KHỎE TINH THẦN CỦA NHÂN VIÊN Y TẾ THAM GIA PHÒNG CHỐNG DỊCH COVID-19 TẠI BỆNH VIỆN BỆNH NHIỆT ĐỚI TRUNG ƯƠNG Thị Quỳnh Hương Lê, Hoàng Thanh Nguyễn, Nguyễn Ngọc Trần, Mạnh Héng Thân, Mạnh Héng Thân, Văn San Béi, Quốc Hưng Đoàn
95083 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Universitas Udayana E-Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan Universitas Udayana PENGARUH PDRB, JUMLAH PENDUDUK, IPM, DAN PANDEMI COVID-19 TERHADAP PENGANGGURAN DI PROVINSI BALI Ni Komang Ayu Perilia, Made Dwi Setyadhi Mustika
95084 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry Three-dimensional Printing Technology: Patient-friendly and Time-saving Approach for Space Management in an Autistic Child in COVID-19 Times Rishi Tyagi, Amit Khatri, Puja Sabherwal, Tavisha Goyal, Padma Yangdol, Namita Kalra
95085 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Vietnam Medical Journal, Vietnam Medical Association Tạp chí Y học Việt Nam NGHIÊN CỨU MỐI LIÊN QUAN GIỮA CÁC ĐẶC ĐIỂM HÌNH ẢNH TỔN THƯƠNG PHỔI COVID-19 TRÊN CLVT NGỰC VỚI GIAI ĐOẠN BỆNH Tuấn Linh Lê, Thị Théy Linh Lê, Tiến Lưu Đoàn
95086 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Nature Cities Socio-spatial inequality and the effects of density on COVID-19 transmission in US cities Constantine E. Kontokosta, Boyeong Hong, Bartosz J. Bonczak
95087 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Medical Research Methodology Comparison of effect estimates between preprints and peer-reviewed journal articles of COVID-19 trials Mauricia Davidson, Theodoros Evrenoglou, Carolina Graña, Anna Chaimani, Isabelle Boutron
95088 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Vietnam Medical Journal, Vietnam Medical Association Tạp chí Y học Việt Nam TRIỆU TRỨNG LO ÂU, TRẦM CẢM HẬU COVID-19 VÀ MỘT SỐ YẾU TỐ LIÊN QUAN Ở SINH VIÊN CÁC TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC VÀ CAO ĐẲNG, HÀ NỘI, 2022 Thị Bình An Nguyễn, Tâm Anh Phan, Minh Trang Hà, Ngọc Phương Nguyễn, Thị Huyền Trang Nguyễn
95089 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  American Public Health Association American Journal of Public Health Rapid Community Translation in the Colorado CEAL (CO-CEAL) Program: Transcreating Messaging to Promote COVID-19 Vaccination Sarah E. Brewer, Mary Fisher, Linda Zittleman, Meredith K. Warman, Meredith Fort, Emma Gilchrist, et al. (+9)
95090 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Korean Society of Neuroimmunology Journal of Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmunology A Review for Vaccination Guidelines in Patients with Central Nervous System Demyelinating Diseases including COVID-19 Vaccination Hyun Ji Lyou, Hye Lim Lee
95091 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier American Journal of Infection Control Understanding factors associated with COVID-19 vaccination among healthcare workers using the diffusion of innovations theory Gail C. D’Souza, Casey N. Pinto, Cara Exten, Jessica M. Yingst, Jonathan Foulds, Jocelyn Anderson, et al. (+2)
95092 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine Assessing the relationship between existing childhood, adolescent and adult immunization programmes and national COVID-19 vaccination capacities in 2021 Shoshanna Goldin, Ann Moen, William J. Moss, Jennifer Nuzzo
95094 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  American Public Health Association American Journal of Public Health Effectiveness of Community-Engaged Research Strategies in Increasing COVID-19 Vaccinations in Targeted Communities: The Community Engagement Alliance (CEAL) Regional Teams Simani M. Price, Robyn Ferg, Elizabeth W. Eisenhauer, Melanie C. Chansky, Jean D. Opsomer
95095 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier Vacunas Knowledge, attitudes, and adherence of the Cape Verdean population to the COVID-19 vaccine Maria de Fátima Carvalho Alves, Janice de Jesus Soares, Maria da Luz Lima Mendonça
95096 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  American Public Health Association American Journal of Public Health Addressing COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy With Community Distribution of Conversation Cards Matthew W. Kreuter, Taylor Butler, Hannah Kinzer, Tyla Carter, Penina Acayo Laker, Charlene Caburnay, et al. (+4)
95097 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLOS Global Public Health Factors associated with COVID-19 vaccine receipt among mobile phone users in Malawi: Findings from a national mobile-based syndromic surveillance survey, July 2021-April 2022 Lucky Makonokaya, Lester Kapanda, Thulani Maphosa, Louiser Upile Kalitera, Rhoderick Machekano, Harrid Nkhoma, et al. (+6)
95098 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Trials Delivering COVID-19 vaccine trials at speed: the implementation of a phase IV UK multi-centre randomised controlled trial to determine safety and immunogenicity of COVID-19 vaccines co-administered with seasonal influenza vaccines (ComFluCOV) Sarah Baos, Rachel Todd, Russell Thirard, Rosie Harris, Jana Kirwan, Katherine Joyce, et al. (+7)
95099 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Ageing International Health Perceptions and Vaccination Complications in People Over 65 Years of Age Who Have Received the Covid-19 Vaccine; A Descriptive Study Tuba Korkmaz Aslan, Işın Cantekin, Rukiye Burucu, Yunus Akdoğan
95100 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics SCB-2019 protein vaccine as heterologous booster of neutralizing activity against SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variants after immunization with other COVID-19 vaccines Camilo C. Roa, Mari Rose A. de Los Reyes, Eric Plennevaux, Igor Smolenov, Branda Hu, Faith Gao, et al. (+5)
95101 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Centers for Disease Control MMWR Office MMWR Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report Effectiveness of Bivalent mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines in Preventing COVID-19-Related Thromboembolic Events Among Medicare Enrollees Aged ≥65 Years and Those with End Stage Renal Disease - United States, September 2022-March 2023 Amanda B. Payne, Shannon Novosad, Ryan E. Wiegand, Morgan Najdowski, Danica J. Gomes, Megan Wallace, et al. (+6)
95102 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Respiratory Medicine The effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines to prevent long COVID symptoms: staggered cohort study of data from the UK, Spain, and Estonia Martí Català, Núria Mercadé-Besora, Raivo Kolde, Nhung T H Trinh, Elena Roel, Edward Burn, et al. (+9)
95103 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Green Publication Journal of Population Therapeutics & Clinical Pharmacology PREVALENCE, SYMPTOMS AND EFFECTIVE MEASURES AGAINST NOVEL COVID-19 VIRUS Kainat Munir, Saira Saira, Sobia Wali Muhammad, Sonia Ali, Abdul Manan, Imad Gul, et al. (+2)
95104 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  American Psychological Association Rural Mental Health Mental ill-health in rural and metropolitan dwelling Australian youth during the first COVID-19 wave. Amy D. Lykins, Suzanne M. Cosh, Warren Bartik, Phillip J. Tully
95105 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  F1000 Research Ltd F1000Research The utility of salivary CRP and IL-6 as a non-invasive measurement evaluated in patients with COVID-19 with and without diabetes Endang Bachtiar, Boy M Bachtiar, Ardiana Kusumaningrum, Hari Sunarto, Yuniarti Soeroso, Benso Sulijaya, et al. (+6)
95106 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Infectious Diseases Psychometric properties of the COVID-19 Yorkshire Rehabilitation Scale: Post-Covid-19 syndrome in Iranian elderly population Negar Tamadoni, Afsaneh Bakhtiari, Hossein-Ali Nikbakht
95107 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Poznan University of Medical Sciences Dental Forum Analiza problemów studentów stomatologii związanych ze studiowaniem w czasie pandemii COVID-19 - badania ankietowe Dominika Cichońska, Maria Czubak, Marta Friedrich, Dominika Komandera, Patryk Mucha, Joanna Sobczak, et al. (+4)
95108 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier Revista Clínica Española (English Edition) Evaluation the efficacy of N-acetylcysteine and bromhexine compared with standard care in preventing hospitalization of outpatients with COVID-19: A double blind randomized clinical trial A. Eslami Ghayour, S. Nazari, F. Keramat, F. Shahbazi, A. Eslami-Ghayour
95109 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  EManuscript Services Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice Fibrinolytic Interventions Targeting Coagulation in COVID-19: A Narrative Review Megha Hegde, Saurav Raj, Dhananjay Tikadar, Agadi Hiremath Viswanatha Swamy, Sanatkumar Bharamu Nyamagoud
95110 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Mary Ann Liebert Telemedicine and e-Health The Effect of Telehealth on Patterns of Health Care Utilization and Medication Prescription in Patients with Diabetes or Hypertension During COVID-19: A Nationwide Study Minho Cho, Woorim Kim, Myunghwa Kim, Ryemi Ye, Yungi Hwang, Dong Woo Lee, Jaeyong Shin
95111 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Public Health Reviews Indoor Air Quality and COVID-19: A Scoping Review Axelle Braggion, Adeline Dugerdil, Olwen Wilson, Francesca Hovagemyan, Antoine Flahault
95112 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier Enfermedades infecciosas y microbiologia clinica (English ed ) Pediatric mucormycosis associated with COVID-19: A systematic review of clinical cases Laura Batista Amaral, Fabianne Carlesse, Luana Rossato
95113 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Geriatrics Clinical characteristics of patients hospitalized for COVID-19: comparison between different age groups Ginevra Fabiani, Carolina Cogozzo, Anna De Paris, Valentina Di Maria, Alessia Lagomarsini, Olimpia Masotti, et al. (+8)
95114 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Accounting and Finance Transfer pricing intensity and its determinants in pre and through COVID-19: evidence from Indian MNCs Rafi Farooq, Khalid Ashraf Chisti
95115 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Covid-19: NICE plans to expand Paxlovid eligibility to 1.4 million more people Elisabeth Mahase
95116 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Centro Universitario Barao de Maua Revista Interdisciplinar de Saúde e Educação Burnout em médicos emergencistas na pandemia de COVID-19: revisão integrativa Maria Carolina Bot Bonfim, Juliana Pereira Machado
95117 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier Clínica e Investigación en Arteriosclerosis Thrombotic risk assessed by PAI-1 in patients with COVID-19: The influence of hyperglycemia and diabetes mellitus Lourdes Basurto, Leticia Manuel-Apolinar, Ariadna Robledo, Sean O’Leary, Carlos Martínez-Murillo, Lina Ivette Medina-Ortíz, et al. (+4)
95118 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Data & Policy Determinants for university students’ location data sharing with public institutions during COVID-19: The Italian case Valeria M. Urbano, Federico Bartolomucci, Giovanni Azzone
95119 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  RCN Publishing Nursing Standard Readers’ panel: COVID-19: would you feel safer if patients still had to wear masks?
95120 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Application of remote monitoring of biosignals and geolocation with a Wearable for patients with sequelae of the coronavirus Santiago Linder Rubiños Jimenez, Mario Alberto Garcia Perez, Eduardo Nelson Chávez Gallegos, Linett Angélica Velasquez Jimenez, Niko Alain Alarcon Cueva, Mauro Bernardo Sanchez Cabrera
95121 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Korean Society for Medical Mycology Journal of Mycology and Infection A Case of Retiform Purpura associated with Coronavirus Disease 2019 Infection Bogyeong Go, Doyeon Kim, Kyung Eun Jung, Young Lee, Young-Joon Seo, Dongkyun Hong
95122 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  ECO-Vector Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy Effect of vaccination on the course of novel coronavirus infection in young patients Renata R. Kalamova, Dmitry V. Cherkashin, Victor A. Ulyatovsky, Alexandra I. Zarubenko, Islam S. Salakhbekov, Vladimir Yu. Filippov, et al. (+2)
95123 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics Social Aspects of Population Health THE IMPACT OF THE NEW CORONAVIRUS INFECTION ON PREGNANCY AND DELIVERY, AS WELL AS ITS OUTCOMES FOR THE MOTHER AND NEWBORN (SYSTEMATIC REVIEW) Marina Banteva, Elena Manoshkina
95124 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports A high-performance polymer composite column for coronavirus nucleic acid purification Akli Zarouri, Aaron M. T. Barnes, Hamada Aboubakr, Vinni Thekkudan Novi, Qiuchen Dong, Andrew Nelson, et al. (+2)
95125 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Medknow Publications CHRISMED Journal of Health and Research Impact of Novel Coronavirus Pandemic on Emergency and Elective Surgical Practice: A Retrospective Study in a Tertiary Care Center Lalit Kumar Bansal, Stuti Gupta, Meenu Garg, Atul Jain, Neeti Kapur
95126 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier EClinicalMedicine The potential epidemiologic, clinical, and economic value of a universal coronavirus vaccine: a modelling study Sarah M. Bartsch, Kelly J. O'Shea, Danielle C. John, Ulrich Strych, Maria Elena Bottazzi, Marie F. Martinez, et al. (+8)
95127 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Measurement of IFN-γ and IL-2 for the assessment of the cellular immunity against SARS-CoV-2 Guillem Safont, Raquel Villar-Hernández, Daria Smalchuk, Zoran Stojanovic, Alicia Marín, Alicia Lacoma, et al. (+14)
95128 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  American Society for Microbiology Journal of Virology Harnessing preexisting influenza virus-specific immunity increases antibody responses against SARS-CoV-2 Harrison Dulin, Ramya S. Barre, Duo Xu, Arrmund Neal, Edward Vizcarra, Jerald Chavez, et al. (+10)
95129 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Nature Immunology Long COVID manifests with T cell dysregulation, inflammation and an uncoordinated adaptive immune response to SARS-CoV-2 Kailin Yin, Michael J. Peluso, Xiaoyu Luo, Reuben Thomas, Min-Gyoung Shin, Jason Neidleman, et al. (+24)
95130 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier Clinical Immunology Immune correlates with disease severity in older patients after SARS-CoV-2 BA.2 infection in Hong Kong Na Liu, Runhong Zhou, Anthony Raymond Tam, Wing-Ming Chu, Dawei Yang, Haode Huang, et al. (+5)
95131 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Vietnam Medical Journal, Vietnam Medical Association Tạp chí Y học Việt Nam KẾT QUẢ KIỂM SOÁT SARS-COV-2 CỦA NƯỚC SÚC MIỆNG CHỨA POVIDONE-IODINE: TỔNG QUAN HỆ THỐNG Mạnh Tuấn Vũ, Quân Phan, Trọng Thanh Ba Vương, Đức Long Dương, Bảo Long Nguyễn, Đức Hoàng Nguyễn
95132 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  American Chemical Society The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters Novel Omicron Variants Enhance Anchored Recognition of TMEM106B: A New Pathway for SARS-CoV-2 Cellular Invasion Xiaoyu Zhao, Feng Gao
95133 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  SAGE Publications Wilderness and Environmental Medicine In reply to “A symptom-driven mitigation protocol for SARS-CoV-2 in a wilderness medicine elective” Christopher Woll
95134 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Red Flower Publication Private, Ltd. Indian Journal of Medical & Health Sciences Unravelling the Knots between Uncontrolled Diabetes, Corticosteroids and SARS-CoV-2 in the Rising Incidence of “Deadlier” Mucormycosis Sonal Jain
95135 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Annals of Medicine The impact of government pandemic policies on the vulnerability of healthcare workers to SARS-CoV-2 infection and mortality in Jakarta Province, Indonesia Rina Agustina, Davrina Rianda, Aly Lamuri, Karina Rahmadia Ekawidyani, Deviana Ayushinta Sani Siregar, Dyana Santika Sari, et al. (+8)
95136 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier Analytica Chimica Acta One-pot synthesized Au@Pt nanostars-based lateral flow immunoassay for colorimetric and photothermal dual-mode detection of SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid antibody Jinyue Zhu, Gengchen Guo, Jianting Liu, Xiang Li, Xianning Yang, Min Liu, et al. (+3)
95137 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier The Lancet Microbe Characteristics of the SARS-CoV-2 omicron HK.3 variant harbouring the FLip substitution Yusuke Kosugi, Arnon Plianchaisuk, Olivia Putri, Keiya Uriu, Yu Kaku, Alfredo A Hinay, et al. (+73)
95138 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  SUNTEXT REVIEWS LLC SunText Review of Virology Upgrade on Monoclonal Antibodies as Prophylaxis-Therapy in the Elderly and Immunocompromised Sars-Cov-2 Population. A Review Weimer LE, Cattari G, Fanales Belasio E, Cuccuru E, Vidili G
95139 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Bentham Science Medicinal Chemistry Structure-based Virtual Screening from Natural Products as Inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein and ACE2-h Receptor Binding and their Biological Evaluation In vitro Timoteo Delgado-Maldonado, Luis Donaldo Gonzalez-Morales, Alfredo Juarez-Saldivar, Edgar E. Lara-Ramírez, Guadalupe Rojas-Verde, Adriana Rodriguez-Moreno, et al. (+2)
95140 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Biomedical Research Network, LLC Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research "Catalyzing Global Action: Addressing SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Hesitancy, Knowledge Disparities, and Epidemic Preparedness Challenges in Pakistan" Umar Saeed
95141 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier Clinical Immunology A tetravalent bispecific antibody outperforms the combination of its parental antibodies and neutralizes diverse SARS-CoV-2 variants Abhishek Chiyyeadu, Girmay Asgedom, Matthias Bruhn, Cheila Rocha, Tom U. Schlegel, Thomas Neumann, et al. (+10)
95142 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier Chemosphere Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 variants in Prague wastewater determined by nanopore-based sequencing Alžběta Dostálková, Kamila Zdeňková, Jana Bartáčková, Eliška Čermáková, Marina Kapisheva, Marco A. Lopez Marin, et al. (+8)
95143 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  American Society for Microbiology Microbiology Spectrum Comparison of analytical performance and economic value of two biosurveillance methods for tracking SARS-COV-2 variants of concern Nicholas P. Pinkhover, Kerriann M. Pontbriand, Kelli P. Fletcher, Eduardo Sanchez, Kenneth Okello, Liam M. Garvey, et al. (+9)
95144 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier Molecular Therapy Distinct roles of vaccine induced SARS-CoV-2-specific neutralizing antibodies and T cells in protection and disease Jingyi Yan, Chandrashekar Ravenna Bangalore, Negin Nikouyan, Sofia Appelberg, Daniela Nacimento Silva, Haidong Yao, et al. (+20)
95145 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  The Korean Health & Fundamental Medical Science Society The Korean Health & Fundamental Medical Science Society Evaluation of Antibody Formation after Vaccination Using SARS-CoV2 IgM/IgG Rapid Diagnostic Kits and ELISA Si Hyun Kim, Jung-Yoon Yu, Yeong-Eun Choi, Cheol Moon
95146 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  American Society for Clinical Investigation JCI Insight CD3-downregulation identifies T-helper-cells with superior functionality and distinct metabolism in SARS-CoV2-vaccination- and recall-antigen-specific immunity Arne Sattler, Stefanie Gamradt, Vanessa Proß, Linda Marie Laura Thole, An He, Eva Vanessa Schrezenmeier, et al. (+5)
95147 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Frontier Scientific Publishing Pte Ltd Modern Economics & Management Forum Optimized Combination Strategies for Hybrid Work Models in SMEs in the Post-COVID-19 Pandemic Yuzhen Liu
95148 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Shakespeare Gender Reversals in Contemporary Shakespeare Adaptations: The Case of the National Theatre at Home During the Pandemic Yeliz Biber Vangölü, Florentina Gümüş
95149 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics Social Aspects of Population Health MORTALITY AMONG WORKING-AGE POPULATION IN RUSSIA AS INDICATOR OF SOCIAL TENSION ASSOCIATED WITH THE PANDEMIC Viktoria Semyonova, Galina Evdokushkina, Natalia Muzykantova, Vyacheslav Zaporozhchenko
95150 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Al-Qadisyiah Medical Journal AL-QADISIYAH MEDICAL JOURNAL Knowledge and awareness towards Swine Flu pandemic among a sample of paramedicals serving in primary health care centers in Baghdad Maral Fathalla Thabit
95151 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Everant Journals Journal of Economics Finance and Management Studies The Effect of Profitability, Liquidity and Leverage Ratios on Internet Financial Reporting and Company Size as Moderating Variables During The Covid 19 Pandemic (An Empirical Study on the BEI Various Industries Sub-Sector) Diah Iskandar, Mulia Alim
95152 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Magyar Kozigazgatas Pro Publico Bono - Magyar Közigazgatás The Consequences of the Pandemic in the Hungarian Penitentiary System Orsolya Czenczer
95153 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Yayasan Banu Samsudin Global International Journal of Innovative Research Innovations in Global Health: Leveraging Technology for Disease Surveillance and Pandemic Preparedness Jasmin Ambas, Muhammad Dzikrullah, Retno Dewi Prisusanti, Tommy Pangandaheng, Martini Nur Sukmawaty
95154 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Primakov Institute of World Economy and International Relations Russian Economic Barometer (QuE) Pandemic Restrictions Are Over: An Overview of Changes in the Main Economic Indicators of Enterprises. Part 2. Investment activity of enterprises and changes in the output structure A. Batyaeva
95155 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier Technology in Society Contagious humans: A Pandemic's positive effect on attitudes towards care robots Manuela Schönmann, Anja Bodenschatz, Matthias Uhl, Gari Walkowitz
95156 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  SPRIDA Journal Infectology Highly pathogenic influenza H5: risks of a new pandemic strain developing D. M. Danilenko, A. B. Komissarov, A. A. Perederiy, A. V. Fadeyev, D. A. Lioznov
95157 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Technology Management How influencing factors of intention to use smart watches changed in pandemic times in Germany - a comparison Christoph Buck, Kristina Hall, Laura Watkowski, Severin Oesterle
95158 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Al-Jami'ah Research Centre Jurnal Sosiologi Reflektif FARMER SURVIVAL MECHANISM DURING THE PANDEMIC: A CASE STUDY OF THE TENGGER TRIBAL COMMUNITY, EAST JAVA Anik Susanti, Hoiril Sabariman
95159 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Korean Society of Emergency Medicine Clinical and Experimental Emergency Medicine Trends in emergency department visits for emergency care-sensitive conditions before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: a nationwide study in Korea, 2019-2021 Seonji Kim, Ho Kyung Sung, Jeehye Lee, Eunsil Ko, Seong Jung Kim
95160 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  RCN Publishing Nursing Standard Post-work drinks in the pandemic? We’re nurses not politicians, Mr Fabricant
95161 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  MDPI AG Microorganisms The Natural and Clinical History of Plague: From the Ancient Pandemics to Modern Insights Antoni Bennasar-Figueras
95162 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Red Flower Publication Private, Ltd. Indian Journal of Medical & Health Sciences EVALUATION OF CRP TITRE IN CASES OF COVID-19 AT THE TIME OF HOSPITALIZATION AND ITS CORRELATION WITH RT-PCR CURVE TIME (VIRAL LOAD), DISEASE SEVERITY AND OUTCOME Bhuvnesh Kumar, Dushyant Pal Singh, Shyam lal Meena, Jigyasa Gupta, Bal Krishna Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, et al. (+3)
95163 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  IAIN Salatiga PUSTABIBLIA Journal of Library and Information Science Efektivitas Pelatihan Mendeley secara Daring di Era Pandemi Covid-19 bagi Mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Aidilla Qurotianti
95164 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence in healthcare: combining deep learning and Bayesian optimization to forecast COVID-19 confirmed cases Areej Alhhazmi, Ahmad Alferidi, Yahya A. Almutawif, Hatim Makhdoom, Hibah M. Albasri, Ben Slama Sami
95165 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Leadership and Policy in Schools From Oyster Reefs to Turnaround Schools: An Educational Restoration Model for the COVID-19 Era Daniel I. Dawer, Sarah L. Woulfin
95166 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  American Board of Family Medicine The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine Health Care Costs Following COVID-19 Hospitalization Prior to Vaccine Availability Tamkeen Khan, Stavros Tsipas, Gregory D. Wozniak, Kate Kirley, Arch G. Mainous
95167 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Uniwersytet Mikolaja Kopernika/Nicolaus Copernicus University Journal of Education Health and Sport The impact of physical activity on the risk and severity of COVID-19 infection Aleksandra Kujawa, Urszula Matuszewska, Aleksandra Nykowska, Katarzyna Beutler, Bartosz Bijata, Dawid Burek, Aleksandra Paszkowska
95168 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy COVID-19 Infection in Swedish Community Pharmacists - A Total Survey Christina Ljungberg Persson, Annika Nordén Hägg, Björn Södergård
95169 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Oxford University Press Chemical Senses Diagnosed and subjectively perceived long-term effects of COVID-19 infection on olfactory function assessed by supervised machine learning Jörn Lötsch, Oskar Brosig, Jana Slobodova, Dario Kringel, Antje Haehner, Thomas Hummel
95170 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Assessing the impact of COVID-19 interventions on the hand, foot and mouth disease in Guangdong Province, China: a Bayesian modeling study Li Zhang, Fen Yang, Zhihua Zhu, Weilin Zeng, Zuhua Rong, Jianxiong Hu, et al. (+15)
95171 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Psychology Health & Medicine Food insecurity, eating behaviour, and relative weight change among young adults in the aftermath of the COVID-19 lockdown Seok Tyug Tan, Chin Xuan Tan, Seok Shin Tan
95172 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Virology Journal The burden of persistent symptoms after COVID-19 (long COVID): a meta-analysis of controlled studies in children and adults Ahmed Azzam, Heba Khaled, Neveen Refaey, Shorouk Mohsen, Ola Ali El-Emam, Nada Dawood, et al. (+12)
95173 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Psychiatry Students' mental health during the pandemic: results of the observational cross-sectional COVID-19 MEntal health inTernational for university Students (COMET-S) study Konstantinos N. Fountoulakis, Nor Aziah Alias, Sarah Bjedov, Nikolaos K. Fountoulakis, Xenia Gonda, Jan Hilbig, et al. (+24)
95174 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  American Board of Family Medicine The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination Trends Among Immunocompromised Patients Bojan Lazarevic, Allison R. Casola, Christopher V. Chambers
95175 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Contribuciones a las Ciencias Sociales Incidência e mortalidade por câncer do colo útero no Mato Grosso do Sul e impacto da pandemia da COVID-19 nas ações para seu controle Aline Janaina Giunco, Marilza Lara De Moraes, Hilda Guimarães Freitas, Adriane Pires Batiston, Luiz Claudio Santos Thuler
95176 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  American Board of Family Medicine The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine Impact of COVID-19 on American Family Physicians’ Intent to Retreat from Clinical Care Chantal M. L. R. Brazeau, Ping-Hsin Chen, Christopher P. Morley, Kristine Olson
95177 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy The Impact of COVID-19 on Pharmacist Working Within Scottish General Practice: A National Survey Natalie Weir, Rosemary Newham, Emma Dunlop, Aimee Ferguson, Marion Bennie
95178 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Lebanese French University Qalaai Zanist Scientific Journal The Influence Of COVID-19 On Planning and Control Performance Measurements and Management in Kurdistan Region Banks
95179 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy An Umbrella Review and Quality Assessment of Renin-Angiotensin System Drugs Use and COVID-19 Outcomes: What is the Quality of the Research Evidence? Natalie Weir, Tanja Mueller, Amanj Kurdi
95180 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Al-Jami'ah Research Centre Jurnal Sosiologi Reflektif RESISTANCE OF MUSLIMS TOWARD THE GOVERNMENT'S POLICY ON PROHIBITING CONGREGATIONAL WORSHIP DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Henky Fernando, Irwan Abdullah, Mohamad Yusuf
95181 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Communication Editorial: Uncertainty management during and about the COVID-19 pandemic Ilaria Riccioni, Alessia Bertolazzi, Anna Tereszkiewicz, Magdalena Szczyrbak, Ramona Bongelli
95182 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy Non-Adherence for Medication Due to Avoiding Pharmacy-Visits Because of the Covid-19 Pandemic Rønnaug Eline Larsen, Lene Berge Holm
95183 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Transport & Health Travel behaviour differences among people with disabilities: A cluster analysis of accessible taxi users before and during the COVID-19 pandemic Yixue Zhang, Steven Farber, Mischa Young, Ignacio Tiznado-Aitken, Timothy Ross
95184 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  American Board of Family Medicine The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine Integrated Behavioral Health Adaptations During the COVID-19 Pandemic Melissa K. Filippi, Andrea Nederveld, Mark D. Williams, Elise Robertson, Chyke Doubeni, Jeanette A. Waxmonsky, Christina M. Hester
95185 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  American Board of Family Medicine The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine Care Delivery in Community Health Centers Before, During, and After the COVID-19 Pandemic (2019-2022) Nicole Cook, Brenda M. McGrath, Suparna M. Navale, Siran M. Koroukian, Anna R. Templeton, Laura C. Crocker, et al. (+3)
95186 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Wiley Health Science Reports Healthcare utilization and associated factors during the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic in Ghana: A cross-sectional survey Dominic D. Gadeka, Justice M. K. Aheto
95187 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Outcome of emergency patients transported by ambulance during the COVID-19 pandemic in Osaka Prefecture, Japan: a population-based descriptive study Yusuke Katayama, Kenta Tanaka, Hisaya Domi, Jun Masui, Shunichiro Nakao, Jotaro Tachino, et al. (+4)
95188 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  American Board of Family Medicine The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine Increased Organizational Stress in Primary Care: Understanding the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Medicaid Expansion, and Practice Ownership Jacqueline B. Britz, Alison N. Huffstetler, E. Marshall Brooks, Alicia Richards, Roy T. Sabo, Ben K. Webel, et al. (+2)
95189 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth The effects of lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic on fetal movement profiles N. Reissland, B Ustun, J. Einbeck
95190 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy Medication Use in Children Before and After the Start of the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Interrupted Time Series Analysis in Three European Countries Elisabeth Pedersen, Elena Tripodi, Mia Aakjær, Huiqi Li, Anna Cantarutti, Fredrik Nyberg, et al. (+3)
95191 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Korean Aging-Frendly Industry Association Korean Aging-Frendly Industry Association After the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Reality and Influencing Factors of Caregiving for Older Patients with Dementia in Community Yong-Joo Rhee
95192 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Neurology The outcome and risk factors associated with central and peripheral nervous system involvement in hospitalized COVID-19 patients: a retrospective cohort study Andreea Raluca Hanganu, Cristian-Mihail Niculae, Adriana Octaviana Dulămea, Emanuel Moisă, Rareș Constantin, Georgiana Neagu, Adriana Hristea
95193 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Universidad Militar Nueva Granada Revista Facultad de Ciencias Básicas Modelo matemático para el control de la transmisión paralela del covid-19 por individuos sintomáticos y asintomáticos Julián Alejandro Olarte García, Oscar Andrés Manrique Arias, Steven Raigosa Osorio, Carlos Alberto Abello Muñoz
95194 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  American Board of Family Medicine The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine Lingering Impact of COVID-19, Preventive Care Considerations, and US Health System Challenges Marjorie A. Bowman, Dean A. Seehusen, Christy J. W. Ledford
95195 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  IAIN Salatiga PUSTABIBLIA Journal of Library and Information Science Penelitian Perpustakaan Digital di Perpustakaan Sekolah era Covid-19 Sebuah Narrative Literature Review Laeli Novani
95196 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  The Korean Health & Fundamental Medical Science Society The Korean Health & Fundamental Medical Science Society Impact of Depression and Subjective Stress Experience among College Students across the Country on Quality of Life in the COVID-19 Situation: Utilization of 2021 Community Health Survey Materials Eun Young Jeong
95197 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology Evaluation of T and B cell immunophenotyping and antibody response to Covid-19 vaccine: Comment Amnuay Kleebayoon, Viroj Wiwanitkit
95198 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology Immunogenicity and reactogenicity of repeated intradermal mRNA COVID-19 vaccines administered as a second booster dose in a Thai geriatric population Prasert Assantachai, Suvimol Niyomnaitham, Zheng Quan Toh, Monthira Thammasalee, Napaporn Pengsorn, Wiyachatr Monklang, et al. (+2)
95199 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy What does Twitter say about COVID-19 Vaccines? Erin Snow, Natalie Weir, Tanja Mueller
95200 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Energy Research The relationship between electricity consumption, trade, and GDP and the effect of COVID-19: a panel ARDL approach on the Visegrad countries Erginbay Uğurlu, Irena Jindřichovská
95201 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  The Korean Health & Fundamental Medical Science Society The Korean Health & Fundamental Medical Science Society The Relationship between Smartphone Overdependence and Academic Helplessness of Nursing Students Experienced COVID-19: The Mediating Effects of Sleep Quality Hee-jung Kim
95202 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Publicidad Permanyer, SLU Archivos de cardiolog�a de M�xico (English ed Internet) Hidden conflicts of interest in scientific publications in time of COVID-19? Ivan D. Lozada-Martínez, Luis R. Moscote-Salazar, Yelson A. Picón-Jaimes
95203 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Wiley Acta Obstetricia Et Gynecologica Scandinavica Outcomes of SARS-CoV-2 infection in early pregnancy-A systematic review and meta-analysis Kenny A. Rodriguez-Wallberg, Hanna P. Nilsson, Emelie Bergman Røthe, Allan Zhao, Prakesh S. Shah, Ganesh Acharya
95204 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Oxford University Press SLEEP Advances Impact of sleep disruption on cognitive function in patients with post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection: Initial findings from a Neuro-COVID-19 clinic Kathryn J Reid, Louis T Ingram, Millenia Jimenez, Zachary S Orban, Sabra M Abbott, Daniela Grimaldi, et al. (+4)
95205 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Universitas Islam Bandung (Unisba) MediaTor (Jurnal Komunikasi) Relationship between Gen Z’s Personality and Motivations with TikTok Usage During Pandemic Risa Krisadhi, Dede Kurniyawan, Dewi Nandini Aryawan, Hanni Shabrina Johan, Muhammad Ikbar Ishomi
95206 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Universitas Islam Bandung (Unisba) MediaTor (Jurnal Komunikasi) Content Creator Strategy as Tourism Journalism for Post-Covid-19 Pandemic Recovery Wiki Angga Wiksana, Dian Widya Putri, Doddy Iskandar Cakranegara
95207 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Wiley World Medical & Health Policy Communicating Through a Pandemic: A Chronicle of Experiences, Lessons Learned, and a Vision for the FutureBy AmeliaBurke-Garcia, PhD, New York: Productivity Press (Routledge). 2023. pp. 196. Kindle Edition. ISBN 978-1-003-26752-2 Mitchell Berger
95208 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Oxford University Press Journal of AOAC International Comparison of 6 aptamer-aptamer pairs on rapid detection of SARS-CoV-2 by lateral flow assay Dilek Çam Derin, Enes Gültekin, Elif Gündüz, Barış Otlu
95209 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  PAGEPress Publications Global Cardiology Intervention options: depression and cardiovascular disease during COVID-19 Eirini Flouda, Athena Stefanatou, Tinia Apergi
95210 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  PAGEPress Publications Global Cardiology Intervention options: depression and cardiovascular disease during COVID-19 Eirini Flouda, Athena Stefanatou, Tinia Apergi
95211 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  ZIbeline International Publishing Journal Of Third World Economics IMPACTS OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN THE SELECTED BUSINESSES: EVIDENCE FROM PAGSANJAN LAGUNA, PHILIPPINES Mayvel M. Rivera
95212 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  ZIbeline International Publishing Journal Of Third World Economics INVESTIGATION OF THE IMPACT OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON SHOE PRODUCTION: CASE STUDY FROM LOCAL SHOE MAKING COMPANIES Alogala J. A., Alkali. P.N., Salawu A. O., Ishidi M.D., Okeoma Onunkak
95213 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Ninety Nine Publication Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) Online Learning Communities Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Agent-Based Model Alfeo B. Tulang
95214 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Ninety Nine Publication Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) The Influence Of Product Innovation And Price On Customer Satisfaction In Halodoc Health Application Services During Covid-19 (Survey Of Halodoc App Users In Bandung In 2021) Didi Tarmidi Et. al.
95215 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Ninety Nine Publication Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) A Study on the Future of Campus Placements in India Post the Pandemic: An Industrial Perspective Dr. Ashutosh Mathur
95216 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence A survey on the role of artificial intelligence in managing Long COVID Ijaz Ahmad, Alessia Amelio, Arcangelo Merla, Francesca Scozzari
95217 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  European Respiratory Society ERJ Open Research Evaluation of the learning effect on the six-minute walk distance in adults with long COVID Tess Volckaerts, Kirsten Quadflieg, Chris Burtin, Kevin de Soomer, Ellie Oostveen, Ella Roelant, et al. (+4)
95218 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Ovid American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Enhanced External Counterpulsation Improves Cognitive Function of Persons with Long COVID Mohanakrishnan Sathyamoorthy, Rajkumar J. Sevak, Juan Cabrera, Marielisa Lopez, Jessie Fox, Sachin A. Shah, Monica Verduzco-Gutierrez
95219 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  IUPUI University Library Proceedings of IMPRS Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR) to Monitor Neuroinflammation Status During Long COVID Luke Fisher, Benecia Goka, Jessica Pater, Fen-Lei Chang
95220 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Elsevier American Journal of Preventive Medicine The Role of U.S Public Health Agencies in Addressing Long COVID Priti R. Patel, Jay R. Desai, Marcus Plescia, Jessica Baggett, Peter Briss
95221 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Medicine First trans-diagnostic experiences with a novel micro-choice based concentrated group rehabilitation for patients with low back pain, long COVID, and type 2 diabetes: a pilot study Gerd Kvale, Eirik Søfteland, Marte Jürgensen, Ane Wilhelmsen-Langeland, Anne Haugstvedt, Sigurd William Hystad, et al. (+4)
95222 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Nature Daily briefing: Where long COVID is understudied and ignored Flora Graham
95223 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  The Endocrine Society Journal of the Endocrine Society Explaining Long Covid: A pioneer cross sectional study supporting the endocrine hypothesis Taieb Ach, Nassim Ben Haj Slama, Asma Gorchane, Asma Ben Abdelkrim, Meriem Garma, Nadia Ben Lasfar, et al. (+7)
95224 2024―Jan―11  [GO]  Oxford University Press The Journals of Gerontology Series A The COVID-19 Pandemic, Geroscience, and Intersectional Dimensions of Health and Well-being Leon McDougle, Jessica T Smith, Lewis A Lipsitz
95225 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Institute of Research and Community Services Diponegoro University (LPPM UNDIP) Holistic Nursing and Health Science Gambaran Lifestyle Behavior, Strategi Koping dan Subjective Well-being Remaja Selama Pandemi Covid-19 di Kota Banda Aceh Rahma Hidayati, Asniar Asniar, Rachmalia Rachmalia
95226 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Editora UEMG - EdUEMG Revista SCIAS Língua de Sinais Impactos na Formação de Professores de Libras no Período da Pandemia Sars-Cov2 (COVID-19) (2020 - 2022) Gabriel Pigozzo Tanus Cherp Martins, Mylene Cristina Santiago
95227 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Universitas Gadjah Mada SASDAYA Gadjah Mada Journal of Humanities Menilik Ulang Resiliensi: Covid-19 dan Pariwisata di Kaliurang Yogyakarta Runavia Mulyasari
95228 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) Visnik Nacional noi academii nauk Ukrai ni Перемога мРНК-вакцин над пандемією коронавірусу SARS-CoV-2, який викликає захворювання COVID-19, або як синтетична мРНК прослизнула повз вроджений імунний захист клітини Сергій Васильович Комісаренко, Світлана Іванівна Романюк
95229 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Nutrition Prevention & Health Vegetarian and plant-based diets associated with lower incidence of COVID-19 Júlio César Acosta-Navarro, Laís Ferreira Dias, Luiza Antoniazzi Gomes de Gouveia, Emerson Pinheiro Ferreira, Marcos Vinnícius Pires Fernandes de Oliveira, Flávia Andréia Marin, et al. (+5)
95230 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Wiley European Journal of Social Psychology Out-group help in the time of Covid-19 and intergroup reconciliation in the Western Balkans Emanuele Castano, Sabina Čehajić-Clancy, Bernhard Leidner, Anna Baumert, Mengyao Li
95231 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Oxford University Press BJR|case reports Radiological findings and endovascular management of internal carotid artery pseudoaneurysm in the setting of mucormycosis and COVID-19 Harini Seshadri, Rashmi Saraf, Satyam Barchha
95232 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Anxiety Disorders Post-what stress? A review of methods of research on posttraumatic stress during COVID-19 Emilie Muysewinkel, Lise Eilin Stene, Helena Van Deynse, Lara Vesentini, Johan Bilsen, Roel Van Overmeire
95233 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Agama Hindu Negeri Mpu Kuturan Singaraja Maha Widya Bhuwana Jurnal Pendidikan Agama dan Budaya PEMANFAATAN TEKNOLOGI SEBAGAI MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN DARING DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 I Gd. Dedy Diana Putra
95234 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Hill Publishing Group Inc. Journal of Humanities Arts and Social Science Comparative Analysis of Multimodal Metaphors in Chinese and American News Reports on COVID-19 Ling Chen, Guiyan Bai
95235 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Ho Chi Minh City Open University KINH TẾ VÀ QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH Tác động của chất lượng dịch vụ, giá cả hợp lý và môi trường nhà hàng đến lòng trung thành khách hàng trong ngành ẩm thực tại Thành phồ Hồ Chí Minh sau đại dịch Covid-19 Hà Nam Khánh Giao
95236 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Bangladesh Army University of Engineering and Technology, Qadirabad BAUET Journal Factors Responsible for the Existence of Digital Divide in Higher Education and Its Impact on Academic Performance during COVID-19 Pinke Rani Dey
95237 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Lembaga Penelitian Universitas YARSI Bibliotech Jurnal Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi NARRATIVE LITERATURE REVIEW PELAYANAN PERPUSTAKAAN DIGITAL KACAPURi PROVINSI KEPULAUAN RIAU SAAT COVID-19 Raja Hamizah Rahmadhini Putri, Sukaesih Sukaesih, Evi Nursanti Rukmana, Samson CMS
95238 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Lembaga Penelitian Universitas YARSI Bibliotech Jurnal Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi LAYANAN REFERENSI EMAIL DI ITL TRISAKTI SAAT PANDEMI COVID-19 Bima Bijak Prasetyo, Indira Irawati
95239 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Pharmacology Pharmacokinetics of recombinant human annexin A5 (SY-005) in patients with severe COVID-19 Brent J. Tschirhart, Xiangru Lu, Aristide Laurel Mokale Kognou, Claudio M. Martin, Marat Slessarev, Douglas D. Fraser, et al. (+3)
95240 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Kybernetes Measuring the multiplier effect of regional tourism and its spatial distribution in Indonesia before and after the COVID-19 Ray Sastri, Fanglin Li, Arbi Setiyawan, Anugerah Karta Monika
95241 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics Social Aspects of Population Health SELECTED PUBLIC HEALTH INDICATORS IN THE SIBERIAN FEDERAL DISTRICT, THE IMPACT OF COVID-19 Darya Sedykh, Olga Barbarash, Elena Indukaeva, Galina Artamonova
95242 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  SAGE Publications Violence Against Women A Qualitative Exploration of Intimate Partner Violence Among HIV/TB Coinfected Persons With Problematic Alcohol Use Participating in an Incentive-Based Alcohol/Medication Adherence Intervention in Uganda During COVID-19 Amanda P. Miller, Ayesha Appa, Winnie Muyindike, Robin Fatch, Allen Kekibiina, Brian Beesiga, et al. (+8)
95243 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Social and Personal Relationships Is social support beneficial after a breakup? A moderation model of social support, depression, emotional volatility and gender for college students during COVID-19 Qianyi Wang, Kenneth G. Rice, Fernán G. Arana, Hannah Wetstone, Benson Bunker
95244 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Incidence and prognostic significance of newly-diagnosed atrial fibrillation among older U.S. veterans hospitalized with COVID-19 Darae Ko, Timothy M. Treu, Laura Tarko, Yuk-Lam Ho, Sarah R. Preis, Ludovic Trinquart, et al. (+10)
95245 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  M. K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University Vestnik of North-Eastern Federal University Pedagogics Psychology Philosophy Comprehensive psychological rehabilitation of patients after COVID-19 N. M. Melnikova, A. M. Kotelnikova, S. P. Vinokurova, M. N. Petrova
95246 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Ikatan Fisioterapi Indonesia Cabang Kota Bekasi Jurnal Fisioterapi dan Kesehatan Indonesia KADAR FERITIN PASIEN COVID-19 Dewi Astuti, Fuas Sitisari, Dewi Yunita, Eva Ayu Maharani
95248 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Ikatan Fisioterapi Indonesia Cabang Kota Bekasi Jurnal Fisioterapi dan Kesehatan Indonesia Hubungan Konsumsi Makanan, Kebiasaan Cuci Tangan Dan Olahraga Dengan Persepsi Imunitas Tubuh Pekerja UMKM Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Cornelis Novianus, Awalludin Hidayat Ramli Inaku, Iswahyudi .
95249 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Ikatan Fisioterapi Indonesia Cabang Kota Bekasi Jurnal Fisioterapi dan Kesehatan Indonesia FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN KEJADIAN LONG COVID PADA PENINTAS COVID-19 Yudha Asy'ari
95250 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Ikatan Fisioterapi Indonesia Cabang Kota Bekasi Jurnal Fisioterapi dan Kesehatan Indonesia Rerata Jumlah langkah RERATA JUMLAH LANGKAH PENANDA AKTIFITAS FISIK IBU MENOPAUSE DENGAN OBESITAS DAN TANPA OBESITAS PADA PANDEMI COVID-19 Junengsih Junengsih, Siti Masitoh
95251 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Ikatan Fisioterapi Indonesia Cabang Kota Bekasi Jurnal Fisioterapi dan Kesehatan Indonesia PENGARUH PURSED LIP BREATHING EXERCISE DENGAN SEMI FOWLER POSITIONING TERHADAP PENURUNAN DYSPNEA PADA PASIEN POST LONG COVID-19 Ratu Karel Lina, Desta Ayu Pratama, Rovika Trioclarise
95252 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Kalimasada Group SEMAR Jurnal Sosial dan Pengabdian Masyarakat GENDER ANALISIS PERAN PEREMPUAN DALAM MENCARI NAFKAH DI ERA PANDEMI COVID-19 Aisyah Aisyah, Neila Susanti, Muhammad Jailani
95253 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Ikatan Fisioterapi Indonesia Cabang Kota Bekasi Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Fisioterapi dan Kesehatan Indonesia PENYULUHAN KEBIASAAN BEROLAHRAGA DAN POLA HIDUP BERSIH DAN SEHAT TERHADAP RISIKO TERPAPAR COVID-19 Abdurahman Berbudi B L, Achwan Achwan, Mohammad Ali
95254 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Virtus Interpress Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior Review Rethinking the use of social blogs for corporate reputation management in emerging markets post COVID-19 Tabani Moyo, Cecile Gerwel Proches, Emmanuel Mutambara, Upasana Gitanjali Singh
95255 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Grodno State Medical University Journal of the Grodno State Medical University CHANGES IN HEMOSTASIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS IN PREGNANT WOMEN WITH ASYMPTOMATIC AND MILD FORM OF COVID-19 T. N. Grinevich, M. O. Kot, M. S. Bakh, K. A. Ostrovskaya
95256 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Chetverta ?hvylia Cardiac Surgery and Interventional Cardiology Successful perioperative management of infective endocarditis in a patient after COVID-19 I.Yu. Mokryk, N.V. Malova, I.O. Stetsiuk, G.F. Hassanzadeh
95257 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Learning Technology Disruptive innovation of EdTech companies in emerging economy during COVID-19 Manish Kumar Dwivedi, Naveen Virmani
95258 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Pop Goes the Lung: Bilateral Pneumothoraces Due to Delayed Pneumatocele Rupture in Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Bashar Khiatah, Amanda Frugoli, Ralph Akl, Allan Wagner, Brian Utz, Robert Bernstein
95259 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Ovid Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice Consequence of Antivirals Versus Standard Care on Clinical Situation in Patients With COVID-19 Marwa N. Alsaraj, Mohannad E. Qazzaz, Mohammed N. Abed, Fawaz A. Alassaf, Mohanad A. Alfahad, Mahmood H.M. Jasim
95260 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Open Access Pub International Journal of Coronaviruses “Happy Village” Concept Helping Villages to Face COVID-19 Rajapaksa Hewageegana NS, Guruge GND
95261 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos sobre Reduccion del Riesgo de Desastres REDER Estrategias de gestión del riesgo en Concepción, Chile: Afrontamiento familiar y comunitario en familias vulnerables durante la pandemia del COVID-19 Andrea Fuentes Aguilar, Rosa Sepúlveda Saravia, Ivette Alvarado Riffo, Javiera Bizama Acevedo
95262 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Edizioni Minerva Medica La Rivista Italiana della Medicina di Laboratorio - Italian Journal of Laboratory Medicine Salivary cortisol level as a stress indicator in school-aged children and the severity of the COVID-19 Halyna PAVLYSHYN, Olha PANCHENKO, Kateryna KOZAK
95263 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Pleiades Publishing Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry Virtual Screening of Orally Active Lead Compounds of Pearl Millet and Their Structural Activity Against Target Protein of COVID-19 Adarsh Kumar Shukla, Ashwani Kumar
95264 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Aceh JURNAL ILMIAH FARMASI SIMPLISIA Tingkat Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Perilaku Mahasiswa Farmasi terhadap Pencegahan COVID-19 Nur Azizah Febriyanti Azizah, Ida Adhayanti, Ismail Ibrahim
95265 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Aceh JURNAL ILMIAH FARMASI SIMPLISIA Manfaat Famili Zingiberaceae Terhadap Imunomodulator COVID-19 Noni Zakiah, Berwi F Pamudi, Rini Handayani
95266 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  American Medical Association JAMA Dermatology Risk of Alopecia Areata After COVID-19 Jong-Seung Kim, Geon-Jong Lee, Cho-Yun Jeong, Sang-Woo Yeom, Kyung-Hwa Nam, Seok-Kweon Yun, Jin Park
95267 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Atención Familiar Calidad de vida profesional en trabajadores sanitarios durante la pandemia de COVID-19 Rosalba Orozco-Sandoval, Misael J. Rubio-Espinosa, Luis A. Rico-Carrizales, Ana C. Méndez-Magaña, Cristian J. Corona-Hernández, Salvador Pérez-Pérez
95268 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Revista Sociedade Científica Revista Sociedade Científica Percepções de práticas em saúde mental no trabalho durante a pandemia covid-19 ELIDIANE LOPES, Leopoldo Barbosa
95269 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Virtual Reality in Telemedicine During Covid-19
95270 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Elsevier The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance Sukuk liquidity and creditworthiness during COVID-19 Mariya Gubareva, Tatiana Sokolova, Zaghum Umar, Xuan Vinh Vo
95271 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Elsevier Molecular Therapy — Nucleic Acids MicroRNA-Centered Theranostics for Pulmoprotection in Critical COVID-19 Manel Perez-Pons, Marta Molinero, Iván D. Benítez, María C. García-Hidalgo, Shambhabi Chatterjee, Christian Ba¨r, et al. (+4)
95272 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Uro-News Erschwert COVID-19 die ART? Joana Schmidt
95273 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Big Data Trends of the COVID-19 dynamics in 2022 and 2023 vs. the population age, testing and vaccination levels Igor Nesteruk
95274 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Psychology Editorial: COVID-19 epidemiological situation as a psychosocial determinant of trauma and stress Mateusz Grajek, Ewa Misterska, Jonathan Adedayo Odukoya, Mateusz Rozmiarek
95275 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Colegio de Profesionales del Trabajo Social de Puerto Rico Voces desde el Trabajo Social Trabajo de reproducción social no remunerado en contexto de pobreza urbana y rural en Argentina durante la pandemia por Covid-19
95276 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  OpenEdition Revue d’ethnoécologie Médecines créoles guyanaise et haïtienne face au Covid-19 Marc-Alexandre Tareau, Guillaume Odonne
95277 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Contribuciones a las Ciencias Sociales Saúde mental e síndrome de Burnout: perspectivas e desafios no trabalho docente durante a pandemia de COVID-19 Lucas Alves de Oliveira Lima, Alcione do Socorro Andrade Costa, Ricardo Furtado De Oliveira, Alane Ribeiro De Carvalho, Clelson Gomes da Silva Pessoa, Inez Rosa Dos Santos, et al. (+4)
95278 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha International Journal of Social Science and Business Jogo Tonggo Program Policy Innovation In Handling Covid-19 In Central Java Province Charis Christiani, R Permadi Mulajaya
95279 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  University of Calgary Alberta Journal of Educational Research Teaching with the Virus: Sociomaterial Assemblages and the Production of Schooling During COVID-19 Cher Hill, Margaret MacDonald
95280 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems Effects of the COVID-19 induced cotton crisis on agricultural production and livelihoods of smallholders in southern Mali Arouna Dissa, Maja Slingerland, Ken E. Giller, Katrien Descheemaeker
95281 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Dove Medical Press Psychology Research and Behavior Management Differential Impact of Emotional and Contextual Factors Associated with COVID-19 on Adolescent Mental Health María Sánchez-López, Desirée Llamas-Díaz, Alberto Megías-Robles, Raquel Gómez-Leal, María José Gutiérrez-Cobo, Pablo Fernández-Berrocal, Rosario Cabello
95282 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Exposure to IQOS ads and reduced exposure claims, and association with perceived risk from COVID-19 on IQOS purchase and use intentions: results from a web-based survey Akshika Sharma, Brian Fix, Andrew Hyland, Maansi Bansal-Travers, Amanda Quisenberry, Richard O’Connor
95283 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha International Journal of Social Science and Business The Effect of Covid-19 on Working Capital Strategy and Profitability Abdul Basyith
95284 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha International Journal of Social Science and Business The Influences of Director’s Remuneration, Earnings Management and Ownership Structure on Company Performance: Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic Komang Ayusta Devi Savitri, I G.A.M Asri Dwija Putri
95285 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Medicine Characteristics of retracted research papers before and during the COVID-19 pandemic Yuki Furuse
95286 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Viet Nam National University Ho Chi Minh City Science and Technology Development Journal Omicron: Flighty factor challenging global vaccine campaigns or the ending signal of the COVID-19 pandemic Thi Kim Lien Giang, Thi Bao Anh Nguyen, Thien Han Le Nguyen, Tu Manh Huy Le, Thi Ngoc Tam Le, Tran Phuoc Thuan Nguyen, Hien Minh Nguyen
95287 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Akademia Baru Publishing Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology Cybersecurity Awareness among Secondary School Students Post Covid-19 Pandemic Masita Jalil
95288 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Dove Medical Press Patient Preference and Adherence Rural, Regional, Racial Disparities in Telemedicine Use During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among US Adults: 2021 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) [Letter] Elanda Fikri
95289 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Sleep Impact of COVID-19 pandemic in children using non-invasive ventilation: a thematic analysis of caregivers answers to a survey study Lauren Dobson, Ella Milne, Heather Halperin, Deborah Olmstead, Shannon D. Scott, Maria L. Castro-Codesal
95290 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Psychiatry Prevalence and correlates of suicidal ideation in the general public during the fifth wave of COVID-19 pandemic in Hong Kong Heidi Ka Ying Lo, Joe Kwun Nam Chan, Corine Sau Man Wong, Gabbie Hou Sem Wong, Janet Hiu Ching Lei, Yuen Kiu So, et al. (+8)
95291 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha International Journal of Social Science and Business Factors Influencing the Decision to Purchase Subsidized Housing during the COVID-19 Pandemic in South Sulawesi: Sequential Exploratory Design Sri Rahmi, Heriyanti Mustafa, Gunawan Bata Ilyas, Hasmin Tamsah, Abdul Razak Munir
95292 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Elsevier International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction Analysing the differential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the resilience of the tourism economy: A case study of the Chengdu-Chongqing urban agglomeration in China Chenhao Ding, Xin Gao, Zhiyang Xie
95293 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha International Journal of Social Science and Business Market Reaction to the Covid-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Countries in the Asia Pacific Indah Yuliana, M. Muzanni
95294 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Elsevier International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction Response to the critique of “Public's perception on nursing education during the COVID-19 pandemic: Sentiment analysis of Twitter data” Ayse Cicek Korkmaz
95295 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology Interferon response and profiling of interferon response genes in peripheral blood of vaccine-naive COVID-19 patients Baozhen Huang, Jinghan Huang, Nim Hang Chiang, Zigui Chen, Grace Lui, Lowell Ling, et al. (+12)
95296 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Ho Chi Minh City Open University SOCIAL SCIENCES Covid-19 semantics of the selected social media posts affecting the lives of Filipinos Rowanne Marie Mangompit, Edwin Pilapil, Allan Marinas, Christian Ray Licen, Aida Verga Un
95297 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology Case report: Enhancing prognosis in severe COVID-19 through human herpes virus coinfection treatment strategies Ye Lu, Cuihong Wang, Yuan Wang, Yu Chen, Li Zhao, Yu Li
95298 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Chromatography Open Identification of Coronavirus Disease Marker Compounds in Sweat with Comprehensive Two Dimensional Gas Chromatography Using Multiloop Splitter-Based Non-cryogenic Artificial Trapping Modulation System Nuttanee Tungkijanansin, Ryland T. Giebelhaus, Sheri A. Schmidt, Thumnoon Nhujak, Kaywalee Chatdarong, Pattama Torvorapanit, et al. (+2)
95299 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Elsevier Sensors and Actuators B Chemical A CRISPR/Cas13a-powered catalytic hairpin assembly evanescent wave fluorescence biosensor for target amplification-free SARS-CoV-2 detection Dan Song, Wenjuan Xu, Yuxin Zhuo, Jiayuan Liu, Anna Zhu, Feng Long
95300 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Compuscript, Ltd. Zoonoses Emergence and Characterization of the SARS-CoV-2 JN.1 Variant: Global Prevalence and Implications for Public Health Hang Fan, Si Qin, Yujun Cui
95301 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon Multi-epitopes vaccine design for surface glycoprotein against SARS-CoV-2 using immunoinformatic approach Sarmad Frogh Arshad, Rehana Rehana, Muhammad Asif Saleem, Muhammad Usman, Hasan Junaid Arshad, Rizwana Rizwana, et al. (+5)
95302 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  ZIbeline International Publishing Malaysian Business Management Journal SUSTAINABILITY OF MICRO BUSINESSES SECTOR IN SAN PABLO CITY, LAGUNA - A COMPARISON OF PRE, DURING AND POST PANDEMIC John Leo B. Dominguez
95303 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Hill Publishing Group Inc. Journal of Humanities Arts and Social Science Information Governance Strategies of China in Mass Emergency Situations: Analyzing Pandemic Response Wei Li
95304 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Primary Care COVID-19 adaptations to a training and support programme to improve primary care response to domestic abuse: a mixed methods rapid study Lucy Downes, Estela Capelas Barbosa
95305 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  BMJ Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases Immunomodulators and risk for breakthrough COVID-19 after third SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine among patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a cohort study Abigail E Schiff, Xiaosong Wang, Naomi J Patel, Yumeko Kawano, Jennifer L Hanberg, Emily N Kowalski, et al. (+10)
95306 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  MDPI AG Viruses Investigating the Potential Shared Molecular Mechanisms between COVID-19 and Alzheimer’s Disease via Transcriptomic Analysis Yixian Fan, Xiaozhao Liu, Fei Guan, Xiaoyi Hang, Ximiao He, Jing Jin
95307 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Japanese Society of Insurance Sciene Hokengakuzasshi (JOURNAL of INSURANCE SCIENCE) Recent Cases on COVID-19 and Business Interruption Insurance in USA","米国最新判例にみるCOVID-19と事業中断保険 Akira Mori
95308 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Wiley Immunity Inflammation and Disease The effect of COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccination on serum anti-Mullerian hormone: A systematic review and meta-analysis Marjan Ghaemi, Sedigheh Hantoushzadeh, Arman Shafiee, Omid Kohandel Gargari, Hanieh Fathi, Nasim Eshraghi, et al. (+3)
95309 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Wiley Peptide Science In silico prediction of preventive activities of bioactive hazelnut peptides against COVID-19 and Monkeypox 2022 Zeynep Saliha Güneş, Bilal Çakır, İbrahim Gülseren
95310 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics An investigation into the usage of black cumin derivatives against cancer and COVID-19 as the nature medicine Faik Gökalp
95311 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Environment and Waste Management Mini plasma waste plant: a solution to COVID-19 biomedical waste Mukesh Kumar, S.K. Singh
95312 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Parvimonas micra: A Rare Cause of Pleural Empyema With COVID-19 Co-infection Shamon Gumbs, Ifeoma Kwentoh, Eric Atiku, Winnie Gikunda, Ali Safavi
95313 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Bank Indonesia, Central Banking Research Department Journal of Central Banking Law and Institutions THE COVID-19 CONTAINMENT IN INDONESIA AND SOFT LAW: A RISK-TO-OBJECTIVE ANALYSIS Adi Ibnu
95314 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Red Flower Publication Private, Ltd. Indian Journal of Medical & Health Sciences Role of Pan Tilt Camera in Telementoring During COVID-19 Crisis Neljo Thomas, Ravi Kumar Chittoria, Saurabh Gupta, Chirra Likhitha Reddy, Padmalakshmi Bharathi Mohan, Shijina K, Imran Pathan
95315 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Wiley Asian Politics & Policy Duterte's transactionalist foreign policy and the COVID-19 crisis in the Philippines John Lee Candelaria, Fernan Talamayan
95316 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Japanese Society of Insurance Sciene Hokengakuzasshi (JOURNAL of INSURANCE SCIENCE) Issues and Prospects for Promoting Non-face-to-face Procedures During the COVID-19 Crisis","コロナ禍の非対面手続き推進の課題と展望 Naoki Takei
95317 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Univeristas Tompotika Luwuk Jurnal Kesmas Untika Luwuk Public Health Journal Wanita Hamil dengan COVID-19 dan Hasil Luaran Kehamilan: Tinjauan Literatur Suprohaita Rusdi Talib, Tris Eryando, Nurzalia Safanta
95318 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Springer-Verlag SN Computer Science Analysis of COVID-19 Datasets Using Statistical Modelling and Machine Learning Techniques to Predict the Disease Senthil Kumar Nramban Kannan, Bhanu Prakash Kolla, Sudhakar Sengan, Rajendiran Muthusamy, Raja Manikandan, Kanubhai K. Patel, Pankaj Dadheech
95319 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Ikatan Fisioterapi Indonesia Cabang Kota Bekasi Jurnal Fisioterapi dan Kesehatan Indonesia ASOSIASI ANTARA AST DAN ALT PADA PASIEN COVID-19 DENGAN KOMORBID DAN NON KOMORBID DI KLINIK B KOTA TANGERANG TAHUN 2021 Heru Setiawan, Restu Arya Pambudi, Ai Zuanisa
95320 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Ikatan Fisioterapi Indonesia Cabang Kota Bekasi Jurnal Fisioterapi dan Kesehatan Indonesia Gambaran Persepsi Masyarakat dalam Penanganan Limbah Masker pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di DKI Jakarta Awaluddin Hidayat Ramli Inaku, Cornelis Novianus, Bety Semara Lakhsmi
95322 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik Indonesian Journal of Professional Nursing Hubungan Pengetahuan Dengan Kecemasan Remaja Mengikuti Vaksin Covid-19 Di UPT Puskesmas Ujungpangkah Gresik Wiwik Widiyawati, Lailatul Arifah
95323 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Social Service Research Exploring the Psychosocial Impacts on COVID-19 Survivors: A Qualitative Study of Life after COVID-19 Diagnosis and Quarantine in South Korea Min Ah Kim, Jaehee Yi, Jimin Sung, Gaben Sanchez
95324 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Data Technologies and Applications On the differences between CNNs and vision transformers for COVID-19 diagnosis using CT and chest x-ray mono- and multimodality Sara El-Ateif, Ali Idri, José Luis Fernández-Alemán
95325 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Virology Journal Impact of ACE I gene insertion/deletion, A-240T polymorphisms and the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system on COVID-19 disease Christian M. Zobel, Hartmut Kuhn, Maximilian Schreiner, Werner Wenzel, Jasper Wendtland, Cengiz Goekeri, et al. (+18)
95326 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Food Security Vulnerability and resilience among farmers and market actors in local agri-food value chains in the face of COVID-19 disruptions: findings from Uganda and Kenya Verena Bitzer, Froukje Kruijssen, Johnny Mugisha, Lydiah Waswa, Judith Aliso, Betty Nakazzi
95327 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  POLEMOS S.A. Vertex Revista Argentina de Psiquiatría Encefalomielitis miálgica/síndrome de fatiga crónica como complicación del síndrome post-agudo de COVID-19 en adultos. Revisión bibliográfica Miguel Esteban Carrillo Uguña, Paula Michelle Orellana Romero
95328 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Publicaciones Universidad de Alicante Cultura de los Cuidados Aprendizaje generado a partir de la pandemia COVID-19 en enfermeras Pedro Henrique de Oliveira Marques Vidal, José Pedro Rodrigues Gonçalves, Tarciso Feijó da Silva, Paula Isabella Marujo Nunes da Fonseca, Ana Cláudia Pereira Terças-Trettel, Vagner Ferreira do Nascimento
95329 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  ForumXXI Revista de Comunicación y Salud LA INFORMACIÓN SOBRE LA COVID-19 EN LOS MEDIOS DIGITALES ECUATORIANOS Eliza Carolina Vayas Ruiz, Álvaro Jiménez Sánchez, Mariela Elizabeth Gómez Pila
95330 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Publicaciones Universidad de Alicante Cultura de los Cuidados El papel de los aliados para el desarrollo en respuesta a la pandemia de Covid-19 en Timor Leste Arie Paksi, Zach Dickson, Jesús Alberto Valero-Matas
95331 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Multidiszciplinaris tudomanyok Multidiszciplináris Tudományok The effect of COVID-19 epidemic to the sustainable operation of the Hungarian social cooperatives based on financial reports from 2019, 2020 and 2021 Sándor Bozsik
95332 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  MDPI AG Healthcare Occupational Stress Levels among Radiologists and Radiographers in Hungary during the COVID-19 Era David Sipos, Orsolya Kövesdi, Bence Raposa, Luca Ferkai, Krisztina Deutsch, Attila Pandur, et al. (+2)
95333 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Ovid Annals of Medicine and Surgery Use of telemedicine to tackle health problems in South Asia during the COVID-19 era and beyond: a systematic review Muhammad K. Saleem, Komal Sattar, Khawaja F. Ejaz, Muneeb U. Rehman, Humayun Saleem, Soffia Khursheed, et al. (+9)
95334 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Elsevier Disability and Health Journal Comparative study of poverty dynamics and income structure: Pre and post COVID-19 impact on households with and without disabilities in South Korea Su-Jung Nam, Hyesun Hwang, Yu Lim Lee
95335 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  University of Toronto Press Inc Journal of Veterinary Medical Education Did the Rapid Transition to Online Learning in Response to COVID-19 Impact Students’ Cognitive Load and Performance in Veterinary Anatomy? Karina Jones, Dan J. Miller, Prisca Noble
95336 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Respiratory Research Adherence to application technique of inhaled corticosteroid in patients with asthma and COVID-19 improves outcomes Aleš Tichopád, Jan Žigmond, Miloš Jeseňák, Ivan Solovič, Katarína Breciková, Marian Rybář, et al. (+2)
95337 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  MDPI AG Healthcare Assessment of Physicians’ Willingness to Work with Patients Not Yet Diagnosed with COVID-19 in a Romanian Sample Tudor-Ștefan Rotaru, Daniela Cojocaru, Ștefan Cojocaru, Ovidiu Alexinschi, Aida Puia, Liviu Oprea
95338 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Evaluation of an outreach programme for patients with COVID-19 in an integrated healthcare delivery system: a retrospective cohort study Laura C Myers, Brian L Lawson, Gabriel J Escobar, Kathleen A Daly, Yi-fen Irene Chen, Richard Dlott, et al. (+2)
95339 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLOS Global Public Health Precision public health in schools enabled by wastewater surveillance: A case study of COVID-19 in an Upstate New York middle-high school campus during the 2021-2022 academic year Haley Kappus-Kron, Dana Ahmad Chatila, Ainsley Mabel MacLachlan, Nicole Pulido, Nan Yang, David A. Larsen, Megan Coffee
95340 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  S. Karger AG Medical Principles and Practice Prevalence and Factors Associated with Olfactory Dysfunction in Individuals with Covid-19 in Brazil: A Study of 20,669 Cases from 2020 to 2021 Carlos Dornels Freire de Souza, Amanda Júlia de Arruda Magalhães, Yasmin Nobre, Carlos Alberto Souza, André Luis Oliveira do Nascimento, Luísa Robalinho de Faria, et al. (+5)
95341 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  SAGE Publications The Family Journal Systemic Family Dynamics and Well-Being in Highly Educated Adults During the COVID-19 in China: A Longitudinal Survey Jia Xu, Lin Lu, Xudong Zhao
95342 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Ovid Medicine Student engagement in voluntary service in response to COVID-19 in Guangzhou, China: Implications for disease control and public health education from a cross-sectional study Shuaixin Feng, Zhaoqian Huang, Haomin Tan, Junwen Deng, Hongbo Jiang
95343 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Medical University of Lublin Polish Journal of Public Health Quality of life after COVID-19 in Polish patients Rozalia Borek, Bartłomiej Drop, Małgorzata Polz-Dacewicz
95344 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Acta Paulista de Enfermagem Acta Paulista de Enfermagem COVID-19 in prisons: validity of a knowledge, attitude and practice survey Tatiane de Verçoza Chaves, Tatiane Gomes Guedes, Jaqueline Galdino Albuquerque Perrelli, Nila Larisse Silva de Albuquerque, Suzana de Oliveira Mangueira, Francisca Márcia Pereira Linhares
95345 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Elsevier Preventive Medicine Reports SARS-CoV-2 infection and seropositivity among household contacts of laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in residents of Delhi, India Ayan Kumar Das, Farzana Islam, Yasir Alvi, Mridu Dudeja, Mohammad Ahmad, Anisur Rahman, et al. (+2)
95346 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Faculty of Law, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Journals of Georgian Geophysical Society Results of a Study on the Impact of Surface Ozone Concentration on the Spread of COVID-19 in Tbilisi Avtandil G. Amiranashvili, Nino D. Japaridze, Jumber F. Kharchilava, Ketevan R. Khazaradze, Aza A. Revishvili
95347 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Acta Paulista de Enfermagem Acta Paulista de Enfermagem Hospitalization of elderly people due to COVID-19 in the State of Paraná, Brazil: analysis of associated factors Vanessa Neckel Derin, Giovanna Brichi Pesce, Carla Franciele Höring, Débora Regina de Oliveira Moura, João Ricardo Nickenig Vissoci, Luiz Augusto Facchini, et al. (+2)
95348 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Diagnostic accuracy of the screenings Sniffin’ Sticks Test (SST-12) in COVID-19 induced olfactory disorders Emma J. A. Schepens, Inge Stegeman, Digna M. A. Kamalski, Claudio Andaloro
95349 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Ophthalmology The characteristics of acute macular neuroretinopathy following COVID-19 infection Hui Feng, Meng Zhao, Jing Mo, Xusheng Cao, Weixin Chen, Hong Wang
95350 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Diyala Journal of Medicine Diyala Journal of Medicine SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Responses in Newly Recovered Patients from Covid-19 Infection Imad A Lateef, Younus K Attallah, Khalil G Khalil, Arshed A Ahmad
95351 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Endocrinology Interactions between COVID-19 infection and diabetes Hassan M. Heshmati
95352 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Elsevier Infection Prevention in Practice Two versus three doses of COVID-19 vaccine and post-vaccination COVID-19 infection in hemodialysis patients A Propensity Score Matching Analysis Laila A. Ahmed, Hayam H. Mansour, Salwa I. Elshennawy, Marwa A.A. Ramadan, Mohamed A.M. Kamal, Soso S. Mohamed, et al. (+2)
95353 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Balikesir Medical Journal Balıkesir Medical Journal Does COVID-19 infection pose a risk to women of childbearing age?","COVID-19 enfeksiyonu doğurganlık çağındaki kadınlar için risk oluşturur mu? Kazım KIRATLI, Mustafa ŞENGÜL
95354 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  SBS Foundation Journal of Media Economics & Culture Perception Differences of COVID-19 Infectious Diseases between Millennial and Older Generation : A Focus on the Moderating Effects of Gender Jong-Woo Jun
95355 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  STIKep PPNI Jawa Barat Jurnal Keperawatan Komprehensif Nurse Mental Workload and Completeness of Documentation in COVID-19 Isolation Rooms Nita Arisanti Yulanda, Andikawati Fitriasari, Ikbal Fradianto, Cahya Dwi Kurniawan
95356 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  SAGE Publications Education and Urban Society Support Perceived by Children and Youth During the COVID-19 Lockdown in Spain Carme Trull-Oliva, Judit Fullana Noell, Maria Pallisera, Anna Planas-Lladó
95357 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Instituto Tecnologico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) Ciencia y Sociedad Romantic partnership and perceived risk of separation during COVID-19 lockdown in the Dominican Republic Gloriannys Baez, Laura Pacheco Del Castillo, Juan Amílcar Pérez Guzmán
95358 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  University of Venda Journal of Educational Studies Experiences of African Foreign National Students During Covid-19 Lockdown in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa Pius Tanga, Magdaline Tanga, Fabrice Tambe Endoh, Constance Gunhidzirai
95359 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  American Chemical Society Chemical & Biomedical Imaging 3D Holo-tomographic Mapping of COVID-19 Microclots in Blood to Assess Disease Severity Talia Bergaglio, Olena Synhaivska, Peter Niraj Nirmalraj
95360 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  American Medical Association JAMA From “Immunity Debt” to “Immunity Theft”-How COVID-19 Might Be Tied to Recent Respiratory Disease Surges Rita Rubin
95361 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Neurochemical Research Prenatal Exposure to COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 Induces Autism-Like Behaviors in Male Neonatal Rats: Insights into WNT and BDNF Signaling Perturbations Mumin Alper Erdogan, Orkun Gurbuz, Mehmet Fatih Bozkurt, Oytun Erbas
95362 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Revista Ibero-Americana de Estudos em Educacao Revista Ibero-Americana de Estudos em Educação Impactos da pandemia da COVID-19 na educação Otília Maria Alves da Nóbrega Alberto Dantas, Pauliane Duarte de Almeida, Elisângela Ribeiro de Oliveira Cabral
95363 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Revista Eletronica Acervo Saude Revista Eletrônica Acervo Saúde Impactos da pandemia da Covid-19 na saúde mental dos enfermeiros Lara Caroliny Soares da Silva Rodrigues, Esmeraldo Pereira de Carvalho Neto, Letycia Gabrielly de Porto Oliveira, Ludmila Borges Santos Amorim, Viviane Rodrigues Tavares, Juliana Barbosa Magalhães Monini, et al. (+2)
95364 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo Análise dos óbitos domiciliares e procedimentos hospitalares devido a acidente vascular cerebral durante a pandemia da Covid-19 no Brasil Gyovanna Rodrigues Cardoso, Stefan Vilges De Oliveira
95365 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Innovations Exploratory study to assess the functional capacity, safety and ability to isolate novel COVID-19 of a novel self-administrative nasopharyngeal wash specimen collecting device S K Mohanasundari, Sivam Thanigainathan, R Gadapalli, Pankaj Rawat, S Vandana, K Deepak, N Gupta
95366 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Impact of COVID-19 on diabetes care: mixed methods study in an Indigenous area of Guatemala Magdalena Guarchaj, Scott Tschida, Juanita Patricia Milian Chew, Andrea Aguilar, David Flood, Meredith P Fort, et al. (+4)
95367 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  MDPI AG Healthcare The Effect of COVID-19 on Middle-Aged Adults’ Mental Health: A Mixed-Method Case-Control Study on the Moderating Effect of Cognitive Reserve Barbara Colombo, Giulia Fusi, Kenneth B. Christopher
95368 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Society of Interdisciplinary Business Research Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research The Impact of COVID-19 on the E-commerce Companies in China Wenchao Ji, Jianing Zhang
95369 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Society of Interdisciplinary Business Research Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research The Impact of Covid-19 on the Performance of Chinese Online-Educational Industry Yufan Yang, Jianing Zhang
95370 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Neonatology COVID-19 Outbreak in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit During Third Pandemic Wave: A Case Series Sonu Kumar, Bhrajishna Pallapothu, Mayank Priyadarshi, Suman Chaurasia, Poonam Singh, Sriparna Basu
95371 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  BMJ Occupational and Environmental Medicine Identifying employee, workplace and population characteristics associated with COVID-19 outbreaks in the workplace: a population-based study Christopher E Overton, Rachel Abbey, Tarrion Baird, Rachel Christie, Owen Daniel, Julie Day, et al. (+9)
95372 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Aceh JURNAL ILMIAH FARMASI SIMPLISIA Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Keraguan Lansia Dalam Menerima Vaksin COVID-19 Pada Era New Normal Di Kelurahan Maccini Kecamatan Makassar Nurul Rahmaniar Amalia Nurul, Ida Adhayanti, Ismail Ibrahim
95373 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Japan Society of Transfusion Medicine and Cell Therapy Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy コロナ禍における輸血検査実技研修会の取り組み","PRACTICAL TRAINING FOR BLOOD TRANSFUSION TESTING IN THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Shizuho Kato, Megumi Hayashi, Jun Ichikawa, Ako Futamura, Akiko Katai, Hideaki Matsuura
95374 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Library Administration Librarians Working with Chronic Conditions During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic Susan Rathbun-Grubb
95375 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE Cross-sectional study of attitudes toward online continuing dental education in Libya during the COVID-19 pandemic Ranya F. Elemam, Jamal M. El Swiah, Abduallah O. Durda, Nagwa N. Hegazy, Hadi Ghasemi
95376 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Atena Editora International Journal of Health Science Intervention of a District Hospital in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic Pedro Alexandre dos Santos Ribeiro, Viviana Sofia Oliveira Sebastião, Luís Miguel Mendes Canas
95377 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Atención Familiar Professional Quality of Life in Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic Rosalba Orozco-Sandoval, Misael J. Rubio-Espinosa, Luis A. Rico-Carrizales, Ana C. Méndez-Magaña, Cristian J. Corona-Hernández, Salvador Pérez-Pérez
95378 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Southern Federal University Caucasian Science Bridge Features of development and consumption of brand media during the COVID-19 pandemic Anastasia Smetanina
95379 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  LPPM (Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian) UNTAG Semarang Untag Business and Accounting Review The Impact of Professional Skepticism, Competence, and Independence on Audit Quality During the Covid-19 Pandemic ST K Caraka Vidi Perdana, Muchayatin Muchayatin
95380 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  MDPI AG Healthcare “Who Takes Care of Carers?”: Experiences of Intensive Care Unit Nurses in the Acute Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic Marina Castaño-García, José Granero-Molina, Alba Fernández-Férez, Isabel María Fernández-Medina, María Isabel Ventura-Miranda, María del Mar Jiménez-Lasserrotte
95381 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management A hybrid approach to examine the potential of additive manufacturing to cope with supply chain disruptions during COVID-19 pandemic Rajat Latt, Rajiv Kumar Sharma
95382 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Sku00c5u0082odowskiej w Lublinie Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska sectio B – Geographia Geologia Mineralogia et Petrographia Xenophobia and Locals’ Negative Attitude Toward Tourists at the End of a Global Health Crisis: The Case of the COVID-19 Pandemic Ehsan Aslani, Mohammadhossein Dehghan Pour Farashah, Norberto Santos
95383 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Duke University Press Demography Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Excess All-Cause Mortality in the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic Thomas B. Foster, Leticia Fernandez, Sonya R. Porter, Nikolas Pharris-Ciurej
95384 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Philippine Federation of Chemistry Societies, Inc. KIMIKA Use of Multiple Representations in Online General Chemistry Class: Promoting Chemical Understanding during the Covid-19 Pandemic Abegail Joyce Opona, Joje Mar Sanchez, Kim Bondoc
95385 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  SAGE Publications Nursing & Midwifery Research Journal Impact of Resilience on Nursing Students’ Perceptions of Stress, Anxiety, and Fear Associated with COVID-19 Pandemic P. Vijayalakshmi, B. V. Kathyayani, M. Sreelatha, S. Sai Yathin Reddy, Narayana Manjunatha, C. Naveen Kumar, Suresh Bada Math
95386 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Medwin Publishers Journal of Orthopedics & Bone Disorders Management of Diaphyseal Forearm Fractures in Paediatric Patients: Lesson Learnt During COVID-19 Pandemic Yasir Salam Siddiqui
95387 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Discover Education Academic writing and ChatGPT: Students transitioning into college in the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic Daniela Fontenelle-Tereshchuk
95388 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Wiley Infant Mental Health Journal Social support buffers the impact of pregnancy stress on perceptions of parent-infant closeness during the COVID-19 pandemic Emma Becker, Leslie Atkinson, Andrea Gonzalez, Jennifer Khoury
95389 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics Social Aspects of Population Health SOME ASPECTS OF ASSESSING MEDICAL EXAMINATION OF ADULTS IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION BEFORE AND AFTER THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Ekaterina Savchenko
95390 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  STIKep PPNI Jawa Barat Jurnal Keperawatan Komprehensif Community Compliance with Health Regulations during the COVID-19 Pandemic Henny Yulianita, Dhea Shobriana Priladani, Dyah Setyorini, Firman Sugiharto, Irman Somantri, Theresia Eriyani, Maria Komariah
95391 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Global Health Individual journeys to tuberculosis care in Nigeria’s private sector during the COVID-19 pandemic Charity Oga-Omenka, Lauren Rosapep, Elaine Baruwa, Lavanya Huria, Nathaly Aquilera Vasquez, Bolanle Olusola Faleye, et al. (+8)
95392 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Migration and Health Factors contributing to the mental wellbeing of Afghan Migrants in Iran during the COVID-19 Pandemic Fatemeh Khozaei, Qamar Ul Islam, T Ramayah, Nadia Ayub, Claus-Christian Carbon
95393 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Romanian Association of Balneology Balneo and PRM Research Journal Domestic fall - related multiple osteoporotic vertebral fractures: considerations amid late COVID-19 pandemic (a case on point) Mara Carsote, Mihaela Stanciu, Florina Ligia Popa, Oana-Claudia Sima, Bogdan Marian Caraban, Anda Dumitrascu, et al. (+2)
95394 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Medical Virology Epidemiological characteristics of respiratory syncytial virus infection in pediatric patients before, during the COVID-19 pandemic and after easing of COVID-19 restrictive measures in China Lidan Hu, Yang Yang, Jianyu Lin, Qingtao Yan, Changxuan Sun, Ziqiao Li, et al. (+4)
95395 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  MDPI AG Current Oncology Hypofractionated Radiotherapy for Hematologic Malignancies during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond Febin Antony, Arbind Dubey, Pamela Skrabek, Lung Fung Tsang, Pascal Lambert, Bohdan Bybel, Naseer Ahmed
95396 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Economic Policy Reform Fiscal support during the COVID-19 pandemic and its determinants: evidence for OECD countries I. W. Rathnayaka, Rasheda Khanam, Mohammad Mafizur Rahman
95397 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Bank Indonesia, Central Banking Research Department Journal of Central Banking Law and Institutions BANK CREDIT GROWTH IN INDONESIA DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC AND ITS REGULATIONS Abdul Aziz, Sri Maulida
95398 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Psychiatry Adolescents’ electronic devices use during the COVID-19 pandemic and its relationship to anxiety and depression levels: a cross-sectional study Suha Hamshari, Shaban Yaseen, Mosab Zayed, Asala Dalasha, Beesan Maraqa, Zaher Nazzal
95399 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Acta Dermato-Venereologica Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdowns on the education and mental health of physiotherapy students in France: a descriptive cross-sectional study with national online survey Arnaud Delafontaine, Gabriel Saiydoun, Maxime Vallée, Laurent Fabeck, François-Régis Sarhan, Thomas Rulleau, et al. (+2)
95400 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Open Access Pub International Journal of Coronaviruses What do we know about Torso Protectors and Foot Wears - A Review for COVID-19 Pandemic and Possible Future Epidemics Nayyereh Valikhanlou, Mohammad Meshkini, Fatemeh Meshkini, Hadi Jalilvand, Raul Isea
95401 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Oxford University Press Journal of Public Health ‘I see the high level of interpersonal support during the pandemic as proof that the good in people prevails’: the COVID-19 pandemic as a catalyst for building a caring community? Julia Strupp, Lisa Valerius, Angélique Herrler, Helena Kukla, Sabine Eichberg, Frank Schulz-Nieswandt, Raymond Voltz
95402 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  National Council for Higher Education The uganda Higher Education Review Investigating Students’ Acceptance of Moodle E-Learning Platform for Teaching and Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic at Makerere University Business School Joseph Bada Kizito, Brenda Dopia Amah
95403 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems Collaborative Intelligent Delivery With One Truck and Multiple Heterogeneous Drones in COVID-19 Pandemic Environment Yiwen Luo, Xiaoheng Deng, Wendong Zhang, Yan Ke, Shaohua Wan, Yurong Qian
95404 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Perspectives of Science and Education Perspectives of science and education The role of school principals in addressing the educational loss in English Language resulting from COVID-19 pandemic from teachers’ perspective Monther Ahmad Alogiliy, Amaal Abdullah Al Masri, Dima Ali Hijazi, Amal Mohammad Alrishan
95405 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  MDPI AG Water The COVID-19 Pandemic Impact of Hospital Wastewater on Aquatic Systems in Bucharest Alina Roxana Banciu, Luoana Florentina Pascu, Dragos Mihai Radulescu, Catalina Stoica, Stefania Gheorghe, Irina Lucaciu, et al. (+4)
95406 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Child Indicators Research A Descriptive Study of Well-Being and Assets in Middle Childhood during the COVID-19 Pandemic in a Los Angeles County School District Emily Hotez, Judith L. Perrigo, Menissah Bigsby, Lyndsey S. Mixson, Lisa Stanley, Neal Halfon
95407 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Medical Education Facilities, challenges, attitudes, and preferences of nursing students related to e-learning in the Covid-19 pandemic in Iranian context: a cross-sectional study Amirmohammad Atashinsadaf, Farhad Ramezani-badr, Tracey Long, Mohammad Imanipour, Kourosh Amini
95408 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic in low-income and lower middle-income countries: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis Jonathan Mawutor Gmanyami, Andrzej Jarynowski, Vitaly Belik, Oscar Lambert, John Amuasi, Wilm Quentin
95409 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Immunisation coverage and factors associated with incomplete immunisation in children under two during the COVID-19 pandemic in Sierra Leone Myrte Wassenaar, Augustin E. Fombah, Haily Chen, Kwabena Owusu-Kyei, Julian Williams, Joe-Henry C. Sunders, et al. (+6)
95410 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Characterising respiratory infections among hospitalised children during the COVID-19 pandemic in southeastern China: a cross-sectional study of pathogens and clinical association Huanhuan Huang, Bin Wu, Wei Lin
95411 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment Resilience, loneliness, and anxiety during COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S. Neely Mahapatra, Sukyung Yoon, Mamta Ojha, Lucinda Okine
95412 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Libyan Journal of Medicine Satisfaction with telemedicine use during COVID-19 pandemic in the UK: a systematic review WA. Alashek, SA. Ali
95413 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Health Services Research Patient level barriers to accessing TB care services during the COVID-19 pandemic in Uganda, a mixed methods study Mudarshiru Bbuye, Stella Zawedde Muyanja, Isaac Sekitoleko, Roma Padalkar, Nicole Robertson, Madeline Helwig, et al. (+3)
95414 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  UUM Press, Universiti Utara Malaysia Journal of Governance and Development (JGD) QUALITATIVE ASSESSMENT OF DIGITAL ECONOMY IMPLEMENTATION FOR ECONOMIC RECOVERY DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN YOGYAKARTA, INDONESIA Helen Dian Fridayani, Li-Chun Chiang
95415 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Perceptions of senior nursing students on how the COVID-19 pandemic influenced their clinical practice in the Northwest Province, South Africa: a qualitative study Sofia Fatima Filomena Apolinario, Edith Nokwanda Bam, Miriam Moagi
95416 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on characteristics, extent and trends in child maltreatment in 34 Euro-CAN COST Action countries: a scoping review protocol Sinem Cankardas, Nara Tagiyeva-Milne, Mélanie Loiseau, Aideen Naughton, Chryssa Grylli, Clarissa Sammut - Scerri, et al. (+5)
95417 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Regional Association for Security and Crisis Management Journal of Operations Intelligence Determining The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Commercial Activities in Istanbul Elçin Aykaç Alp, Selçuk Alp, Mefule Fındıkçı Erdoğan, Ahmet Oğuz Demir
95418 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Wiley Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open Impact of skilled nursing facility (SNF) 3-day hospitalization requirement waiver during the COVID-19 pandemic on emergency department and inpatient SNF discharges in California Theodore C. Chan, Jesse J. Brennan, Edward M. Castillo
95419 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  International Association of Online Engineering International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) The Impact of Online Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic on Language Learning Strategies, Proficiency, and Enjoyment among Thai EFL Students Parichart Toomnan
95420 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Medicine and Pathology Influence of COVID-19 pandemic on mandible fractures - Multicentric study Hikari Suzuki, Shinnosuke Nogami, Karen Hoshi, Yuki Tsuboi, Yoshio Otake, Hiromitsu Morishima, et al. (+8)
95421 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Juniper Publishers Orthopedics and Rheumatology Open Access Journal Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Osteoporosis Screening using Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry Lauren Hisatomi
95422 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on prescription drug use and costs in British Columbia: a retrospective interrupted time series study Seraphine Zeitouny, Kimberlyn McGrail, Mina Tadrous, Sabrina T Wong, Lucy Cheng, Michael Law
95424 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Wiley Cancer Medicine Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the in-hospital diagnostic pathway of breast and colorectal cancer in the Netherlands: A population-based study Wouter Wolfkamp, Joyce Meijer, Jolanda C. van Hoeve, Felice van Erning, Lioe-Fee de Geus-Oei, Ignace de Hingh, et al. (+2)
95425 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Walter de Gruyter GmbH Cognitive Linguistics When life is no longer a journey: the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the metaphorical conceptualization of life among Hungarian adults - a representative survey Réka Benczes, István Benczes, Bence Ságvári, Lilla Petronella Szabó
95426 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies Vestnik BIST (Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies) The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the state of the economy: solutions and development prospects Albina F. Garifullina, Zarina L. Sizonenko, Elena N. Krainova
95427 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Public Health Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on young people living with HIV in Lesotho: a qualitative study Thomas Shepherd, Michelle E Robinson, Maema Ramaema, Moraoetsi Rakuoane, Ntoli Moletsane, Rafiloe Mpholo, et al. (+2)
95428 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Technical Communication Quarterly Constructed Ethos and Kairotic Responses in Communicating About the COVID-19 Pandemic to the Chinese Public: A Rhetorical Analysis of Dr. Wenhong Zhang’s Posts on WeChat Jianfen Chen
95429 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Trends in inequalities in avoidable hospitalisations across the COVID-19 pandemic: a cohort study of 23.5 million people in England Mark Alan Green, Martin McKee, Jon Massey, Brian Mackenna, Amir Mehrkar, Seb Bacon, et al. (+4)
95430 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth Respectful maternity care in Israel during the Covid-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study of associations between childbirth care practices and women’s perceptions of care Hagar Palgi-Hacker, Emma Sacks, Megan Landry
95431 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Mary Ann Liebert Telemedicine and e-Health Evaluating Health Care Professionals' Readiness for e-Health Adoption in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Georgian Perspective Ketevan Meparishvili, Suliko Biliseishvili, Magda Tvildiani, Dea Goderdzishvili, Ekaterina Kldiashvili
95432 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Adolescent Health Factors Associated With the Changes in Smoking and Electronic cigarette use in Adolescents During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal Analysis Dèsirée Vidaña-Pérez, Sophia Mus, José Monzón, Gustavo Dávila, Natalie Fahsen, Joaquin Barnoya, James F. Thrasher
95433 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Public Health Mental health self-care during the COVID-19 pandemic: a prospective cohort study in Australia Daniel Griffiths, Vinsensia Maharani Kanya Dhira Pradipta, Alex Collie
95434 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Social and clinical vulnerability in stroke and STEMI management during the COVID-19 pandemic: a registry-based study Emilie Lesaine, Florence Francis, Sandrine Domecq, Sahal Miganeh-Hadi, Floriane Sevin, Igor Sibon, et al. (+6)
95435 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  SAGE Publications Clinical Nursing Research The Role of the School Nurse in the United States, United Kingdom, and Italy During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Scoping Review Veronica Veronese, Gianluca Rossetto
95436 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  AkiNik Publications International Journal of Tourism and Hotel Management Tourism sector in India after COVID-19 pandemic: An impact analysis Niranjan Deo Pathak
95437 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Nepal Journals Online SNPRC Journal Alternative Teaching Method Policies during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Challenges and Effectiveness Jibnaryan Adhikari
95438 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research Risk and performance of Islamic and conventional banks under COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from MENA region Ameni Ghenimi, Hasna Chaibi, Mohamed Ali Omri
95439 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Springer-Verlag GeroScience Anticipating the future of the COVID-19 pandemic: insights into the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variant JN.1 and its projected impact on older adults Jorge Quarleri, M. Victoria Delpino, Veronica Galvan
95440 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Revista de Derecho Privado La pandemia COVID-19. Pasado, presente y futuro: el impacto de la pandemia COVID-19 sobre las leyes de reestructuración e insolvencia en Europa Christoph G. Paulus, María Audry Luer
95441 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Case Reports Detection of methaemoglobinaemia in a COVID-19 patient on dapsone Fatima Chagani, Asha Bansari, Bhagwan Dass
95442 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE High-sensitivity analysis of clonal hematopoiesis reveals increased clonal complexity of potential-driver mutations in severe COVID-19 patients Chiara Ronchini, Chiara Caprioli, Gianleo Tunzi, Francesco Furio D’Amico, Emanuela Colombo, Marco Giani, et al. (+12)
95443 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  MedCrave Group Journal of Diabetes Metabolic Disorders & Control Assessing the impact of usage of steroids among newly detected diabetes patients in a study among covid-19 patients across India Anuj Maheshwari, Amod Kumar Sachan, Abhishek Shukla, Dhruvi Hasnani, Meenakshi Bhattacharya, M Mukhyaprana Prabhu, et al. (+13)
95444 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Ovid Medicine Anticoagulation dosage strategy therapy, length of stay, and all-cause mortality in critically ill COVID-19 patients admitted to the intensive care unit Vishal Vennu, Amal F. Alshammary
95445 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Oxford University Press Function Plasma of COVID-19 Patients Does Not Alter Electrical Resistance of Human Endothelial Blood-Brain Barrier In Vitro Agnė Pociūtė, Karolina Kriaučiūnaitė, Aida Kaušylė, Birutė Zablockienė, Tadas Alčauskas, Augustė Jelinskaitė, et al. (+5)
95446 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  STIKep PPNI Jawa Barat Jurnal Keperawatan Komprehensif Early Warning Score System (EWSS) Impelmentation Factors by Nurses as Early Detection Efforts Worsening of Covid-19 Patients in the Treatment Room Sulastri Sulastri, Hafidz Ma'ruf, Hendra Maulana
95447 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Pulmonary Medicine Predicting mortality risk in hospitalized COVID-19 patients: an early model utilizing clinical symptoms Cong Nguyen Hai, Thanh Bui Duc, The Nguyen Minh, Lich Ngo Quang, Son Luong Cao Tung, Loi Trinh Duc, Sy Duong-Quy
95448 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Ankara Sosyal Bilimler Universitesi Uluslararasi Islam Ekonomisi ve Finansi Uygulama ve Arastirma Merkezi (ULIFAM) İslam Ekonomisi Dergisi An Evaluation on Turkey’s Relations With the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid Activities During the COVID-19 Period","Kovid-19 Sürecinde Türkiye’nin İslam İşbirliği Teşkilatı İlişkileri Ve İnsani Yardım Faaliyetleri Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme Tuğçe AKMAN, Öznur AK
95449 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Elsevier Respiratory Investigation Safety and efficacy of sirolimus in hospitalised patients with COVID-19 pneumonia Abhishek Singla, Nusrat Harun, Daniel F. Dilling, Karim Merchant, Susan McMahan, Rebecca Ingledue, et al. (+5)
95450 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Molecular Sciences Post COVID-19 Reflections and Questions: How Prepared Are We for the Next Pandemic? George J. Kontoghiorghes, Annita Kolnagou, Christina N. Kontoghiorghe
95451 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Public Health Characterising COVID-19 school and childcare outbreaks in Canada in 2021: a surveillance study Kaitlin Patterson, Erin McGill, Demy Dam, Anna Bellos, Cameron Mark Coulby, Rachel McCormick
95452 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Development Policy and Practice Food and Nutrition Insecurity and Farming Household Resilience to COVID-19 Shocks in Ghana Neville N. Suh, Richard A. Nyiawung, Canan F. Abay
95453 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  IGI Global Journal of Cases on Information Technology Thematic Analysis of User Experience of Contact Tracing Applications for COVID-19 Using Twitter Data Mariam A. Alterkait, AlJawhara Owaid Almutarie, Manal Y. Alduaij
95454 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  American Institute of Mathematical Sciences AIMS Mathematics Real-world validation of fractional-order model for COVID-19 vaccination impact Sara Salem Alzaid, Badr Saad T. Alkahtani
95455 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Otorhinolaryngologic complications after COVID-19 vaccination, vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS) Jieun Shin, Sung Ryul Shim, Jaekwang Lee, Hyon Shik Ryu, Jong-Yeup Kim
95456 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Ovid Annals of Medicine and Surgery Spontaneous spinal epidural haematoma following COVID-19 vaccination: a case report Majid Rezvani, Masih Sabouri, Bahram Aminmansour, Soheil Falahpour, Arman Sourani, Mohammad Sharafi, et al. (+5)
95457 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  American Academy of Pediatrics PEDIATRICS COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness Among Adolescents Eero Poukka, Niklas Worm Andersson, Emilia Myrup Thiesson, Ulrike Baum, Nicklas Pihlström, Jori Perälä, et al. (+5)
95458 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Wasit University مجلة العلوم الأساسـية A Pragmatic Analysis of Intimidation of Receiving COVID-19 Vaccine in Twitter","تحليل تداولي للترهيب في اخذ لقاح كوفيد 19في تويتر Azhar Fadhil Shallal1, Hutheifa Yousif Turki2
95459 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology When treatment takes a turn: tocilizumab-induced bowel perforation in a patient with COVID-19-afflicted rheumatoid arthritis W-H Yoo, GW Ha, KM Kim, Y Choi
95460 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics Cost-effectiveness and Side Effects of Using Heparin and Enoxaparin as a Treatment for COVID-19-associated Coagulopathy Nurul Iska Ulmarika Idris, Abdul Khairul Rizki Purba, Arifa Mustika, Anna Surgean Veterini, Mochamad Yusuf Alsagaff, Mohammad Qorib
95461 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences High-resolution map of the Fc functions mediated by COVID-19-neutralizing antibodies Ida Paciello, Giuseppe Maccari, Elisa Pantano, Emanuele Andreano, Rino Rappuoli
95462 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Cardiologia Hungarica Cardiologia Hungarica Életmentő COVID-19? Egy ritka malignus szívtumor, a primer kardiális intimalis sarcoma incidentalomaként történő felfedezése és ellátása a COVID-19-pandémia idején Zsuzsanna Majoros, László Székely, Róbert Gábor Kiss, Emese Szögi, István Greschik, Gabriella Pál, et al. (+3)
95463 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Nomos Verlag Soziale Welt Der Einfluss von Vertrauen auf die Akzeptanz freiheitseinschränkender Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung der COVID-19-Pandemie und seine Bedingungen Eine EU-weite Mehrebenenanalyse Patricia Kamper
95464 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Philippine Federation of Chemistry Societies, Inc. KIMIKA Knowledge and Sources of Information on COVID-19-Related Misconceptions among Chemistry Undergraduates Erika Angela Paneda, Melfei Bungihan
95465 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Contribuciones a las Ciencias Sociales Evolução das exportações de commodities do agronegócio brasileiro durante a pandemia da COVID-19: 2020-2022 Franklin Gloria De Oliveira, Antônio Cordeiro De Santana
95466 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Indonesian Orthopaedic Association Jurnal Orthopaedi dan Traumatologi Indonesia Acute Limb Ischemia Rutherford Classification III and COVID-19: A Case Report Pria Dinda Tri Utama, Andri Wiguna
95467 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Ovid Annals of Medicine and Surgery Acute hypothermia in a patient with COVID-19: a case report and summary of the evidence Avijit Sarker Jyoti, A.B.M. Kamrul-Hasan, Monjur Rahman, Mohammad Jahid Hasan
95468 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  International Association of Online Engineering International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) Effectiveness of Blended Learning for Civil Engineering Students’ Performance during COVID-19: A Case Study of a Rural University in South Africa Mbulelo Phesa
95469 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Royal College of General Practitioners BJGP Open Video consultation in general practice during COVID-19: a register-based study in Denmark Ulrik Bak Kirk, Claus Høstrup Vestergaard, Bodil Hammer Bech, Morten Bondo Christensen, Per Kallestrup, Linda Huibers
95470 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Validation of oxygen saturations measured in the community by emergency medical services as a marker of clinical deterioration in patients with confirmed COVID-19: a retrospective cohort study Matthew Inada-Kim, Francis P Chmiel, Michael Boniface, Daniel Burns, Helen Pocock, John Black, Charles Deakin
95471 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  MDPI AG Cancers Antiandrogens as Therapies for COVID-19: A Systematic Review Massimiliano Cani, Samantha Epistolio, Giulia Dazio, Mikol Modesti, Giuseppe Salfi, Martino Pedrani, et al. (+8)
95472 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Tikrit University Tikrit Journal for Dental Sciences Characteristic Abnormalities in Saliva Biochemistry in Patients with COVID-19: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Entedhar R. Sarhat, Siham A. Wadi, Ruqaya A. Jaba, Hussam Y. Khalaf, Thuraia Rifaat Sarhat
95473 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Physical activity, acute severity and long-term consequences of COVID-19: an 18-month follow-up survey based on a Swedish national cohort Annie Palstam, Johanna Seljelid, Hanna Charlotte Persson, Katharina S Sunnerhagen
95474 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  North American Business Press Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice Impact of E-Learning Among Students Pursuing Higher Education Due to COVID-19: An Exploratory Study R. Mahadevan, S. Prabakar
95475 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona Digital Education Review Sanctity of Digital Privacy and Personal Data during COVID-19: Are Youths Enough Digitally Literate to Deal with it? Swagata Ghosh, Gajendra Singh Chauhan, Renu Kotwal
95476 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Endocrinology Research Centre Diabetes Mellitus Glucose metabolism disorders associated with COVID-19: clinical and morphological study T. L. Karonova, A. A. Mikhailova, D. I. Lagutina, O. M. Vorobeva, D. O. Grigoreva, K. A. Sterkhova, et al. (+5)
95477 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Journal of African Law Safeguarding South African Consumers’ Socio-Economic Rights During COVID-19: Competition Commission v Babelegi Workwear and Industrial Supplies Simbarashe Tavuyanago, Kudzai Mpofu
95478 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Impact of a peer-support programme to improve loneliness and social isolation due to COVID-19: does adding a secure, user friendly video-conference solution work better than telephone support alone? Protocol for a three-arm randomised clinical trial Jacques Simon Lee, Louise Rose, Bjug Borgundvaag, Shelley L McLeod, Donald Melady, Rohit Mohindra, et al. (+6)
95479 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Regional Studies Regional resilience during COVID-19: evidence from Colombian exporting clusters Marco Dueñas, Mercedes Campi
95480 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo Segurança do cuidado na pandemia da COVID-19: experiência de pacientes e enfermeiros Sabrina Cassiano Ost, Vanessa Alves Mendes, Vagner Ferreira Nascimento, Carolina Giordani Da Silva, Gímerson Erick Ferreira, Mara Regina Rosa Ribeiro
95481 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Daedalus Enterprises Respiratory Care Home oxygen after hospitalization for COVID-19: Results from the multicenter OXFORD study Michael B. Freedman, Yoo Jin Kim, Ramandeep Kaur, Bijal V. Jain, Ayodeji O. Adegunsoye, Yu-Che Chung, et al. (+15)
95482 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  SAGE Publications Substance Use Research and Treatment Opioid Overdose Hospitalizations During COVID-19: The Experience of Pennsylvania Chan Shen, James Douglas Thornton, Ning Li, Shouhao Zhou, Li Wang, Douglas L. Leslie, Sarah S. Kawasaki
95483 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Lepidus Tecnologia ID on line REVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA Caracterização do Bruxismo e Intercorrência na pandemia do Covid-19: Uma Revisão de Literatura Stefane Oliveira Libarino, Chirley Oliveira Libarino, Maria Clara Souto Mendes Pinheiro, Verônica Oliveira Libarino de Amorim
95484 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile Psykhe (Santiago) Salud Mental en Mujeres Embarazadas y COVID-19: Un Estudio Comparativo Leire Legarra, Mar Gómez-Gutiérrez, Natalia Valverde, Encarnación Mollejo
95485 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  LookUs Bilisim A.S. Van Medical Journal Can Electrophysiological Findings Predict Functional Outcomes in Critical illness Neuromyopathy due to COVID-19? Uğur Ertem
95486 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Wiley Future Postharvest and Food Can the golden nutraceutical frankincense combat COVID-19? Hidayat Hussain
95487 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Analytical Psychology Masks and Faces in the Setting at the Time of Coronavirus Silvia Presciuttini
95488 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Medical Education Influence of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic on the post-graduate career paths of medical students: a cross-sectional study Ayumu Nishimura, Tomoko Miyoshi, Fumio Otsuka, Akihiro Matsukawa
95489 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Endocrinology Research Centre Diabetes Mellitus Efficacy and safety of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists therapy initiation in patients with type 2 diabetes hospitalized with coronavirus infection T. N. Markova, M. A. Lysenko, M. S. Stas, A. A. Anchutina
95490 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics Social Aspects of Population Health FEATURES OF THE COURSE OF THE NEW CORONAVIRUS INFECTION AND ITS IMPACT ON THE DYNAMICS OF PUBLIC HEALTH INDICATORS Elena Manoshkina, Marina Banteva
95491 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  MDPI AG Cells Coronavirus M Protein Trafficking in Epithelial Cells Utilizes a Myosin Vb Splice Variant and Rab10 Lynne A. Lapierre, Joseph T. Roland, Elizabeth H. Manning, Catherine Caldwell, Honor L. Glenn, Pierre-Olivier Vidalain, et al. (+4)
95492 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  JMIR Publications Inc. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance Estimating the Epidemic Size of Super-spreading Coronavirus Outbreaks in Real Time: Quantitative Study (Preprint) Kitty Yu-Yeung Lau, Jian Kang, Minah Park, Gabriel Leung, Joseph Wu, Kathy Leung
95493 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  FSFEI HE Don State Technical University Russian Journal of Veterinary Pathology Antigenic Activity of Canine Enteric Coronavirus Strain "Rich" in Experiments with Rabbits, Ferrets and Guinea Pigs A. A. Komarova, T. S. Galkina
95494 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC The EMBO Journal Coronavirus takeover of host cell translation and intracellular antiviral response: a molecular perspective Evangelos D Karousis, Katharina Schubert, Nenad Ban
95495 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  American Society for Microbiology Journal of Virology Gut microbiota-derived butyrate promotes coronavirus TGEV infection through impairing RIG-I-triggered local type I interferon responses via class I HDAC inhibition Lingdan Yin, Xiang Liu, Yao Yao, Mengqi Yuan, Yi Luo, Guozhong Zhang, et al. (+3)
95496 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  AkiNik Publications The Pharma Innovation Coronavirus: Role of zinc as an immune booster Souvik Tewari, Chandan Samanta, Ravindra kumar Agarwal
95497 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Oxford University Press Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan Electrochemical Study of N-Acetyl Neuraminic Acid at Gold-Modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrodes for Glycoprotein Sensor of SARS-CoV-2 Putri Hawa Syaifie, Mochammad Arfin Fardiansyah Nasution, Isnaini Rahmawati, Endang Saepudin, Tribidasari Anggraningrum Ivandini
95498 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS ONE In-silico evaluation of natural alkaloids against the main protease and spike glycoprotein as potential therapeutic agents for SARS-CoV-2 Mohibullah Shah, Ramsha Yamin, Iqra Ahmad, Gang Wu, Zainab Jahangir, Amen Shamim, et al. (+6)
95499 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  American Chemical Society ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters Development of a GC-376 Based Peptidomimetic PROTAC as a Degrader of 3-Chymotrypsin-like Protease of SARS-CoV-2 Deborah Grifagni, Elena Lenci, Alessia De Santis, Andrea Orsetti, Carlo Giorgio Barracchia, Filomena Tedesco, et al. (+10)
95500 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Wiley Immunity Inflammation and Disease A community based seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in Somali Region, Eastern Ethiopia Solomon Yared, Tsegalem Abera, Seid Mohammed Ali, Abdifatah Muktar Muhummed, Mohammed Ibrahim, Abdullahi Hassan, et al. (+3)
95501 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 antibody seroprevalence in Northern Ireland during 2020-2021 Michelle K. Greene, Peter Smyth, Andrew English, Joseph McLaughlin, Magda Bucholc, Janice Bailie, et al. (+18)
95502 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  American Society for Microbiology Microbiology Spectrum Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 genome evolutionary patterns Shubhangi Gupta, Deepanshu Gupta, Sonika Bhatnagar, Cyprian C. Rossetto
95503 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Elsevier Cell Host & Microbe Memory T cells effectively recognize the SARS-CoV-2 hypermutated BA.2.86 variant Thomas R. Müller, Yu Gao, Jinghua Wu, Oriana Ribeiro, Puran Chen, Peter Bergman, et al. (+18)
95504 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  BMJ Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer mRNA vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 induce divergent antigen-specific T-cell responses in patients with lung cancer No-Joon Song, Karthik B Chakravarthy, Hyeongseon Jeon, Chelsea Bolyard, Kelsi Reynolds, Kevin P Weller, et al. (+11)
95505 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  The American Association of Immunologists The Journal of Immunology Cutting Edge: Characterization of Low Copy Number Human Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2-Transgenic Mice as an Improved Model of SARS-CoV-2 Infection Christine M. Bradshaw, Teodora Georgieva, Trevor N. Tankersley, Tama Taylor-Doyle, Larry Johnson, Jennifer L. Uhrlaub, et al. (+2)
95506 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Open Risk factors for SARS-CoV-2 infection: a test-negative case-control study with additional population controls in Norway Marjut Sarjomaa, Chi Zhang, Yngvar Tveten, Hege Kersten, Harald Reiso, Randi Eikeland, et al. (+8)
95507 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Elsevier Cell Host & Microbe Post-pandemic memory T cell response to SARS-CoV-2 is durable, broadly targeted, and cross-reactive to the hypermutated BA.2.86 variant Rofhiwa Nesamari, Millicent A. Omondi, Richard Baguma, Maxine A. Höft, Amkele Ngomti, Anathi A. Nkayi, et al. (+14)
95508 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  American Society for Microbiology Microbiology Spectrum SARS-CoV-2 viral dynamics in a placebo-controlled phase 2 study of patients infected with the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant and treated with pomotrelvir Katyna Borroto-Esoda, David Wilfret, Xiao Tong, Andrew Plummer, Brian Kearney, Ann D. Kwong, Anne Piantadosi
95509 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Medwin Publishers Journal of Medical Case Studies The Impact of the Sars-Cov-2 Pandemic on Women during Pregnancy, Childbirth and After Childbirth Ivana Zivoder
95510 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Respiratory Research Artificial intelligence-based analysis of the spatial distribution of abnormal computed tomography patterns in SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia: association with disease severity Yusuke Kataoka, Naoya Tanabe, Masahiro Shirata, Nobuyoshi Hamao, Issei Oi, Tomoki Maetani, et al. (+17)
95511 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  American Mathematical Society Notices of the American Mathematical Society Compressed Sensing-Based SARS-CoV-2 Pool Testing B뫊rr Bah, Hendrik Bernd Petersen, Peter Jung
95512 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  BMJ BMJ Update to living systematic review on SARS-CoV-2 positivity in offspring and timing of mother-to-child transmission
95513 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  MDPI AG Viruses Timely Monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 RNA Fragments in Wastewater Shows the Emergence of JN.1 (BA., Clade 23I) in Berlin, Germany Alexander Bartel, José Horacio Grau, Julia Bitzegeio, Dirk Werber, Nico Linzner, Vera Schumacher, et al. (+7)
95514 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Oxford University Press Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry Correction to: Dihydroisocoumarins of Hydrangea macrophylla var. thunbergii inhibit binding of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein to ACE2
95515 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Public Library of Science PLoS Pathogens Breakthrough infections by SARS-CoV-2 variants boost cross-reactive hybrid immune responses in mRNA-vaccinated Golden Syrian hamsters Juan García-Bernalt Diego, Gagandeep Singh, Sonia Jangra, Kim Handrejk, Manon Laporte, Lauren A. Chang, et al. (+11)
95516 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Future Science Ltd Future Science OA SARS-CoV-2-induced phosphorylation and its pharmacotherapy backed by artificial intelligence and machine learning Fouzia Qamar, Zubair Sharif, Jawaria Idrees, Asif Wasim, Sana Haider, Saad Salman
95517 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  MDPI AG Microorganisms Gut Microbiome Disruption Following SARS-CoV-2: A Review Elda Righi, Ilaria Dalla Vecchia, Nina Auerbach, Matteo Morra, Anna Górska, Concetta Sciammarella, et al. (+5)
95518 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Environmental Science and Pollution Research Ecosystem-based fishery enhancement through pen culture of Indian major carp Labeo catla in a tropical floodplain wetland of North Eastern Region, India, during COVID pandemic Simanku Borah, Basanta Kumar Das, Birendra Kumar Bhattacharjya, Anil Kumar Yadav, Pronob Das, Shyamal Chandra Sukla Das, et al. (+7)
95519 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Wiley International Journal of Mental Health Nursing Survey of staff experiences of potential stigma during the COVID19 pandemic Niall Higgins, Lee Jones, Tara Hutton, Nathan Dart, Lisa Fawcett, Eimear Muir-Cochrane
95520 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Oxford University Press The Journals of Gerontology Series A Incidence, quality of care, and mortality in hip fracture patients in the course of the COVID pandemic. A population-based cohort study Alma B Pedersen, Nickolaj Risbo, Bjarke L Viberg, Henrik Palm, Niels Dieter Röck
95521 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Japanese Society of Insurance Sciene Hokengakuzasshi (JOURNAL of INSURANCE SCIENCE) 保険会社が取り組むべきパンデミックリスクファイナンスに関する一考察","On the Pandemic Risk Finance by Insurance Companies: Cases of Pandemic Bonds and Mutual Aid Programs Haruyoshi Ito
95522 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  LSE Press Journal of Long-Term Care “The Pandemic is Just Happening on Top of a Pandemic for Us”. Unpaid Carers’ Experiences of Lockdown in the UK: A Thematic Analysis Emily Moultrie, Jaimee Sheila Mallion, Charlotte Taylor-Page
95523 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Rimar Academy Egitim Arastirma ve Danismanlik Limited Sirketi RIMAK International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences CHALLENGES THAT ELECTRONIC EDUCATION ENCOUNTER AFTER THE COVID19 PANDEMIC FROM THE PROSPECTIVE OF TEACHERS OF BASIC EDUCATION SCHOOLS IN OMAN Khalfan Bin Salim Bin Abdullah AL-KAHALI, Adil Suleiman Salim ALBUSAIDI
95525 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Medical Education The use of instructional videos to compensate for flexible physiology learning during the pandemic of COVID 19 Noha N. Lasheen, Maram M. Fawzy, Mostafa B. Ibrahim
95526 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Human Resource Management Academic Research Society International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences Study on Comparative Adaption of Educational Tools in the Institute of Higher Education: Post Pandemic Perspective Asif Mahbub Karim, Tariqul Islam Chowdhury, Ajwaad Mahbub Karim
95527 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Edizioni Minerva Medica Minerva Anestesiologica Telephone informed consent hurdles in pandemic surgery research Luca F. LORINI, Sara CAZZANIGA, Paolo GRITTI, Alberto BENIGNI, Lorenzo S. GRAZIOLI, Davide CORBELLA
95528 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Universitas Muhammadiyah Kendari Agrisurya The Role Of Agriculture sector on economic Growth Of The Province Of Southeast Sulawesi C0vid-19 Pandemic TIME Nurcayah Nurcayah, Symasinar Syamsinar, Basri Sufa, Muhammad Nur
95529 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Current Psychology Depression among older adults before and during the pandemic: Follow-up assessment of a three-wave longitudinal observation Alex Yue Feng Zhu, Kee Lee Chou
95530 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  SAGE Publications The Family Journal Navigating the New Normal: An in-Depth Study of Adaptation and Change in Filipino Family Structures Postpandemic Jeffrey R. Ballaret
95531 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Mary Ann Liebert Cyberpsychology Behavior and Social Networking Identifying Factor Associations Emerging from an Academic Metaverse Event for Scholars in a Postpandemic World: Social Presence and Technology Self-Efficacy in Gather.Town Fang-ying Lo, Chien-Yuan Su, Cheng-Huan Chen
95532 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Universitas Mataram Unram Medical Journal DISORIENTASI DAN GANGGUAN MEMORI SETELAH VAKSINASI COVID-19 (CORONAVAC): LAPORAN KASUS Khilyatul Mufida
95533 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Elsevier Atmospheric Environment Sources of atmospheric light-absorbing fine aerosols: Insights from optical source apportionment utilizing measurements made during COVID-19 lockdowns at a COALESCE network site - Bhopal, India Ankur Bhardwaj, Ramya Sunder Raman
95534 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Western Caspian University Scientific Bulletin THE CORONAVİRUS (COVID-19) PANDEMİC: ECONOMİC İMPLİCATİONS AND CHALLENGES Kahraman PİRİYEV
95535 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Medknow Publications Indian Journal of Community and Family Medicine Internet addiction among college students during the lockdown period of COVID-19 pandemic: An observational study from South India Kannappa V. Shetty, Chandra Shekar, Sanjeev Kumar, Palaniappan Marimuthu, K. S. Amritha, S. Suparna, Urmila Bamney
95536 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Medknow Publications Indian Journal of Community and Family Medicine Long haul in asymptomatic and mild symptomatic COVID-19 patients: A community-based study in Northern India Sonia Puri, S. Vishnu Narayanan, Rajat Jain, Varinder Saini, Nitya Malhotra, Alka Sehgal, Subhash Das
95537 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Medknow Publications Indian Journal of Community and Family Medicine Providing trusted COVID-19 sources in social media: Establishing Indonesian Pediatric Society's social media ecosystem Hikari Ambara Sjakti, Catharine Mayung Sambo, Tiara Annisa P. Mardhani, Saskia Octariza Ruslim, Clara Petrisiela I. Atmaja, Piprim Basarah Yanuarso, Aman Bhakti Pulungan
95538 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  SAGE Publications INQUIRY The Journal of Health Care Organization Provision and Financing Higher Frequency of Healthcare Professionals is Associated With a Low Incidence of COVID-19-Related Death Soumya Kanti Guha, Sougata Niyogi
95539 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Oceanside Publications Journal of Precision Respiratory Medicine The new frontier: Clinical consequences of long COVID Joseph A. Bellanti
95540 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Georg Thieme Verlag KG physiopraxis Man kann es nicht alleine lösen - Vernetzte physiotherapeutische Versorgung bei Long Covid Frank Aschoff
95541 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Oceanside Publications Journal of Precision Respiratory Medicine Long COVID and chronic cough: Insights for the pulmonologist Rey Panettieri, Russell Settipane
95542 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  MDPI AG Brain Sciences Artificial Intelligence’s Transformative Role in Illuminating Brain Function in Long COVID Patients Using PET/FDG Thorsten Rudroff
95543 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Medicine Risks of digestive diseases in long COVID: evidence from a population-based cohort study Yuying Ma, Lijun Zhang, Rui Wei, Weiyu Dai, Ruijie Zeng, Dongling Luo, et al. (+8)
95544 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Oxford University Press Nicotine & Tobacco Research Tobacco Use and Uptake of COVID-19 Vaccinations in Finland: A Population-Based Study Sebastián Peña, Zhi Zhou, Laura Kestilä, Maria Rosaria Galanti, Ahmed Nabil Shaaban, Ida Henriette Caspersen, et al. (+6)
95545 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Oxford University Press Journal of Human Rights Practice Descriptive Analysis of Community Based Needs among Asylum Seekers in the Greater Rhode Island Area before and after COVID-19: Evidence from a Student-Run Asylum Clinic Victoria Angenent-Mari, Viknesh S Kasthuri, Hannah Montoya, Elizabeth Toll
95546 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Oxford University Press Occupational Medicine Sustaining work ability amongst female professional workers with long COVID J Lunt, S Hemming, J Elander, K Burton, B Hanney
95547 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Oxford University Press QJM COVID-19 susceptibility, hospitalization and severity and the risk of brain cortical structure: a Mendelian randomization study D Sun, Z Shi, H Chen, Q Du, Y Zhang, R Wang, et al. (+5)
95548 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Oxford University Press The Journal of Infectious Diseases Identification of a Spike-Specific CD8+ T-Cell Epitope Following Vaccination Against the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus in Humans Caroline E Harrer, Leonie Mayer, Anahita Fathi, Susan Lassen, My L Ly, Madeleine E Zinser, et al. (+18)
95549 2024―Jan―10  [GO]  Oxford University Press Open Forum Infectious Diseases Increased Risk of Invasive Aspergillosis in Immunocompromised Patients With Persistent SARS-CoV-2 Viral Shedding &gt;8 Weeks, Retrospective Case-control Study Cléa Melenotte, Nathalie Chavarot, Anne-Sophie L’Honneur, Sylvain Bodard, Morgane Cheminant, Adrien Flahault, et al. (+18)
95550 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  STIE Pariwisata API Yogyakarta Journal of Tourism and Economic Kepariwisataan di masa krisis: kunjungan wisata pada masa pandemi covid-19 di pantai Pangandaran, Indonesia Meitolo Hulu
95551 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico INTERdisciplina Teen Titans: reflexiones sobre la co-facilitación en línea de un grupo entre pares de adolescencias trans* durante la pandemia COVID-19 Dani Damián Cruz Gutiérrez, Jason Josef Flores
95552 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Building and Environment Environmental data monitoring and infection risks in UK care-homes in the context of COVID-19 Kishwer Abdul Khaliq, Sara Mohamad, Alexander J. Edwards, Catherine Noakes, Andrew H. Kemp, Carl Thompson, et al. (+2)
95553 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Catedra de Socioantropologia, Universidad Nacional de Asuncion Medicina Clínica y Social Adherencia de adultos de la compañía Chauria para la vacunación contra la COVID-19 Ángela Celeste Fariña Escobar, Jaime Mauricio Vester, María Isabel Rodríguez Riveros
95554 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP) JURNAL EKSPLORASI AKUNTANSI Analisis Perbedaan Tingkat Kebangkrutan Menggunakan Metode Altman Z-Score dan S-Score Springate pada Perusahaan Pariwisata Sebelum dan Selama Pandemi Covid-19 Hanifah Mansyurah, Mayar Afriyenti
95555 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Universitas Aufa Royhan Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Aufa (JPMA) PEMBUATAN SABUN CUCI PIRING SEBAGAI UPAYA PELUANG WIRAUSAHA ( UMKM ) DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Hasni Yaturramadhan Harahap, Yanna Wari Harahap
95556 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Universitas Hamzanwadi Jurnal Porkes Partisipasi olahraga karyawan perhotelan Kota Pontianak pasca pandemi Covid-19 Putra Sastaman B
95557 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Universidad Cesar Vallejo REVISTA EDUSER Educación contable en la pandemia: Un análisis bibliométrico del impacto de la Covid-19 Ruth Inés Palomino-Flores, Javier Valentino Palomino Flores
95558 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Universitas Mataram Distribusi - Journal of Management and Business Financial Distress Perbankan di Indonesia: Studi Komparasi Krisis Global 2008 dan Krisis Pandemi COVID-19 Ema Safutri Dahari, Herlina Pusparini, Isnawati Isnawati
95559 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Indonesian Journal Publisher Innovative Technologica Methodical Research Journal Pengaruh Financial Literacy, Financial Behavior, Digital Payment dan Paylater terhadap Perilaku Konsumtif Mahasiswa di Era Pandemi COVID-19 Indah Dwi Agustin, Fityan Izza Noor Abidin
95560 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  LPPM Universitas Khairun Delta-Pi Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika Pengembangan soal literasi dan numerasi tipe PISA konten space and shape konteks lebaran di masa Covid-19 Lidya Cahyani, Ria Erviana, Sisca Puspita Sepriliani
95562 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  The Convergence Tourism Contents Society The Convergence Tourism Contents Society Differences in Leisure Activity Types before and after COVID-19 according to the Stress Cluster Types of Youth Ae Ri Han
95563 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Texas Medical Center Library The VAD Journal Unusual Case of Thrombosis in LVAD Patient with COVID-19 - Diagnostic Challenges William Frick, Ryan Mallory, Maya Guglin, Eve Anderson, Erin Lushin, Rey Vivo, et al. (+2)
95564 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon INKLUSIF (JURNAL PENGKAJIAN PENELITIAN EKONOMI DAN HUKUM ISLAM) INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP DALAM KELUARGA ISLAM (Studi Upaya Membangun Keharmonisan Keluarga Pekerja Industri Batik pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19 di Desa Trusmi Kecamatan Plered Kabupaten Cirebon) NOVI FITRIANI
95565 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Auricle Technologies Pvt., Ltd. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) Big Data Analytics Performance Enhancement For Covid-19 Data Using Machine Learning And Cloud Govindaraju G N, Et. al.
95566 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Auricle Technologies Pvt., Ltd. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) Short-Term Prediction Of Covid-19 Cases Using Ensemble Regression Models In Tamilnadu Districts V.Ashridurga , Et. al.
95567 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Stavropol State Medical University Medical news of the North Caucasus Dynamics of neopterin and C-reactive protein levels in the blood of children with COVID-19 coronavirus infection Marina Golubeva, Araratovna Musaelyan Olga, Yuliya Vladimirovna Borisova, Boris Sergeevich Shaposhnikov, Zalina Vladimirovna Bolloeva, Larisa Pogorelova
95568 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Auricle Technologies Pvt., Ltd. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) The Protection Of Brand Rights For The Knitting Manufacturer Industry In The Pandemic Era Of Covid-19 Case Study In Kampung Rajut Binong Jati Bandung Raya Nina Nurani, Et. al.
95569 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Study of the Vertical Transmission of COVID-19 by Using the World Health Organisation Protocol in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Eastern India Vinita Singh, Archana Barik, Minakshi Mishra, Kumar Diwakar, Anisha Choudhary, Neelam Mehta
95570 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Preventive Medicine Comparison of factors associated with seasonal influenza and COVID-19 booster vaccination coverage among healthcare personnel working at acute care hospitals during 2021-2022 influenza season, National Healthcare Safety Network, United States Lu Meng, Jeneita Bell, Minn Soe, Jonathan Edwards, Hoody Lymon, Kira Barbre, et al. (+8)
95571 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising Mastering Online Customers` Repurchase Intentions: Covid-19 Blessing in Disguise Ayman Bazzi
95572 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Infection and Public Health Motivation to Participate and Attrition Factors in a COVID-19 Biobank: A Qualitative Study Laura Jalbert, Anne-Sophie Hautin, Marie Baron, Ève Dubé, Myriam Gagné, Catherine Girard, et al. (+5)
95573 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Dove Medical Press International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Real-World Effectiveness Study of Nirmatrelvir-Ritonavir or Molnupiravir in Hospitalized Unvaccinated Patients with Chronic Respiratory Diseases and Moderate COVID-19 at Presentation Wang Chun Kwok, Terence Tam, James Ho, David Chi Leung Lam, Mary Sau-Man Ip, Pak Leung Ho
95574 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Wiley Health Promotion Journal of Australia COVID-19 and working from home-related changes in physical activity in Sydney, Australia Alec Cobbold, Melanie Crane, Stephen Greaves, Christopher Standen, Matthew Beck, Chris Rissel
95575 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science Post Covid-19 and Technology Integration in Secondary Schools in Delta State, Nigeria F. Emovavwerhe, V. F. Peretomode
95576 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Ovid Anesthesiology COVID-19 and Surgery: Getting Back to Business Paul S. Myles
95577 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy Immunoregulatory effects of nanocurcumin in inflammatory milieu: Focus on COVID-19 Fahimeh Lavi Arab, Akram Hoseinzadeh, Fatemeh Sadat Mohammadi, Arezoo Rajabian, Arezoo Faridzadeh, Mahmoud Mahmoudi
95578 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Molecular Sciences COVID-19 and Antipsychotic Therapy: Unraveling the Thrombosis Risk Eszter-Anna Dho-Nagy, Attila Brassai, Patrick Lechsner, Corina Ureche, Erika-Gyöngyi Bán
95579 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  S. Karger AG Respiration COVID-19 after 2 Years from Hospital Discharge: A Pulmonary Function and Chest Computed Tomography Follow-Up Study Simone Mennella, Cristiano Alicino, Marco Anselmo, Giuliana Carrega, Gianluca Ficarra, Luca Garra, et al. (+6)
95580 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Cardiac Failure Self-Perceptions Of Lifestyle Changes During Covid-19, Adherence To Heart Failure Self-Care Behaviors And Their Association With Heart Failure-Related Quality Of Life Nancy M. Albert, Megan Sumser, James F. Bena, Shannon L. Morrison, Lee Anne Siegmund, Rebecca Reay
95581 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Ovid Anesthesiology Structure-Function Relationships Determining Hypoxemia in COVID-19 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Kathleen M. Capaccione, Marcos F. Vidal Melo
95582 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  University of Craiova Studii și cercetări de onomastică și lexicologie Despre numele persoanelor care nu poartă măști în pandemia de Covid-19 (în limbile letonă, lituană și germană) EVIJA LIPARTE
95583 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Catedra de Socioantropologia, Universidad Nacional de Asuncion Medicina Clínica y Social Salud Mental en estudiantes universitarios en aislamiento social durante la Pandemia COVID-19. Arequipa, Perú Agueda Munoz del Carpio Toia, Luis Alvarez-Ankass, Cecilia Sanchez-Guillen, Martiê Guillén- Huanqui, Jorge Sánchez- Zegarra, Mayro N Candia-Puma, et al. (+11)
95584 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Project MUSE Journal of College Student Development Effect of an Internet Grant on Student Retention During COVID-19 Ximena Burgin, Beth Ingram
95585 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Stavropol State Medical University Medical news of the North Caucasus Peculiarities of pulmonary ventilation disturbances in the dynamics of observation of patients survived COVID-19 Olga Alekseevna Efremova, Vladislav Alexandrovich Dubrov, Lyudmila Alexandrovna Kamyshnikova, Natalia Ivanovna Obolonkova, Olga Alexandrovna Bolkhovitina, Olga Alexandrovna Bolkhovitina, Diana Borisovna Balinyan
95586 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal Assessing the Effect of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors in the Prevention of Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19 Hythem Sidky, Kristen A. Hansen, Andrew T. Girvin, Nathan Hotaling, Sam G. Michael, Ken Gersing, David K. Sahner
95587 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  PT. PANUDUH ATMA WARAS Public Health and Preventive Medicine Archive Factors related to adherence to stay at the isolation house and health protocols for COVID-19 confirmed positive people in Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia Ni Putu Widarini
95588 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Bucharest University of Economic Studies Dialogos The Phygitalization of Moderne Languages Teaching in the Aftermath of COVID-19 Ramona Elena CHIŢU, Alexandra MORARU
95589 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management The impact of the China stock market on global financial markets during COVID-19 Khakan Najaf, Alice Chin
95590 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. International Journal of Trade and Global Markets Initial Conditions and Cross-country Macroeconomic Impact during Covid-19 Deepa Kylasam Iyer, Francis Kuriakose
95591 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Ovid Anesthesiology Got the Blues? Mechanisms of Hypoxemia in COVID-19 Holly B. Ende, James P. Rathmell, Jonathan P. Wanderer
95592 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Trans Tech Publications, Ltd. Applied Mechanics and Materials Development of Biosensor for early Detection of COVID-19 Asyraf Hakimi Abu Bakar, Noorhashimah Mohamad Nor, Zainovia Lockman, Nor Azizah Parmin, Khairunisak Abdul Razak
95593 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Europub Congress Revista Foco A IMPORTÂNCIA DO POSICIONAMENTO DE MARCAS DURANTE A PANDEMIA COVID-19 Neilany Araújo De Sousa, Dinani Gomes Amorim
95594 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Seguro Social EsSalud Revista Peruana de Medicina Integrativa El rol revalorizado y trascendental de la medicina tradicional, complementaria e integrativa durante la pandemia por COVID-19 Beatriz Paulina Ayala Quintanilla
95595 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier International Journal of Biological Macromolecules A comprehensive review on immunogen and immune-response proteins of SARS-CoV-2 and their applications in prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of COVID-19 Daohong Zhang, Deepak Kukkar, Ki-Hyun Kim, Poornima Bhatt
95596 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Seguro Social EsSalud Revista Peruana de Medicina Integrativa Estilos de vida y síndrome de burnout en estudiantes de medicina humana de la Universidad Ricardo Palma en el periodo de pandemia COVID-19 Omar Burga Zegarra, Pedro Arango Ochante
95597 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Catedra de Socioantropologia, Universidad Nacional de Asuncion Medicina Clínica y Social Cobertura de vacunación contra COVID-19 e influenza en personal de salud y administrativo en Paraguay Dora Montiel-Jarolin, Margarita Samudio, Cecilia Bogado, Cesar Zorrilla, Magali Jarolin, Luis Sánchez, Estela Torres
95598 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Seguro Social EsSalud Revista Peruana de Medicina Integrativa Percepción de cambios en los estilos de vida durante la pandemia COVID-19 en adolescentes de un colegio público de Cañete, Lima Karolay Milagros Palomino Chumpitaz
95599 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Catedra de Socioantropologia, Universidad Nacional de Asuncion Medicina Clínica y Social Manifestaciones orales del COVID-19 en Paraguay: resultados de una encuesta en línea. Carlos Alberto Aguilera Núñez, Maria Gabriela Buccini Martínez, Nahomi Resedad Barreto Rodríguez, María del Carmen González Galván, Cynthia Mireya Jara Pintos
95600 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Francis Academic Press Ltd. International Journal of New Developments in Education Difficulties and Strategies in the Overseas Education in China for Local Colleges and Universities in the Post COVID-19 Epidemic Era
95601 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones para el Desarrollo Docente - CENID RIDE Revista Iberoamericana para la Investigación y el Desarrollo Educativo Adopción de las TIC como herramientas de enseñanza en una universidad pública derivado de la contingencia sanitaria covid-19 Julio César Macías Villarreal, Hugo Isaías Molina-Montalvo, José Refugio Castro López
95602 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Darul Ulum Banyuanyar Pamekasan International Conference on Islamic Economic (ICIE) Post-Pandemi Covid-19 Government Relaxation Policies And Its Implications For Sharia Bank Performance Hasnil Hasyim, Sujian Suretno
95603 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  PT. PANUDUH ATMA WARAS Public Health and Preventive Medicine Archive How Does Islamic Organizations Respond to COVID-19 in Indonesia? A Case Study Aisyah Putri Rahvy, Ilham Akhsanu Ridlo
95604 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Wiley Transplant Infectious Disease COVID-19 in organ donors: An organ procurement organization perspective Alyssa K. Mezochow, Judith Anesi, Sharon West, Richard Hasz, John Edwards, Emily A. Blumberg
95605 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  PT. PANUDUH ATMA WARAS Public Health and Preventive Medicine Archive Descriptive epidemiology of COVID-19 in Palembang, Indonesia Yudhi Setiawan, Marisa Nurhaliza, Hafiza Azzahra, Yulia Yunara, Amrina Rosyada
95606 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Universitas Aufa Royhan Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Aufa (JPMA) Information and Education Covid-19 in Paran Padang Village, Sipirok District in 2020 Ayus Diningsih, Nefonavratilova Ritonga
95607 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Revista Interdisciplinar em saude Revista interdisciplinar em saúde O AUMENTO DA INCIDÊNCIA DE ANSIEDADE E DEPRESSÃO EM CONSEQUÊNCIA DA PANDEMIA DE COVID-19 Joana Gabrielly Tavares Ancelmo, Cícera Amanda Mota Seabra, Byanca Eugênia Duarte Silva, Ankilma do Nascimento Andrade Feitosa
95608 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Baikal State University System Analysis & Mathematical Modeling The Analysis of Statistical Data of Outpatient Treatment of COVID-19 in the City of Irkutsk in 2020-2021 Andrey Borovsky, Andrey Galkin, Svetlana Kozlova
95609 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics Competing Risk Modeling with Bivariate Varying Coefficients to Understand the Dynamic Impact of COVID-19 Wenbo Wu, John D. Kalbfleisch, Jeremy M. G. Taylor, Jian Kang, Kevin He
95610 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Universidad Iberoamericana, A. C. Revista Internacional de Educación Emocional y Bienestar Programa de regulación emocional en línea para nivel primaria durante el confinamiento por Covid-19 Fiore Paola De la Barreda Angón
95611 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Wiley Transplant Infectious Disease Clinical outcomes and frequency of persistent infection among immunosuppressed patients treated with bebtelovimab for COVID-19 infection at an ambulatory cancer center Eduardo Sanchez, Elizabeth M Krantz, Leah Yoke, Molly Gallaher, Pooja Bhattacharyya, Lisa So, et al. (+13)
95612 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine Subacute hemorrhagic pericardial tamponade after COVID-19 infection mimicking carcinomatous pericarditis: a case report Hiroyuki Yamamoto, Nao Kume, Katsuya Hashimoto, Jun Isogai, Takuya Kuwabara, Masayuki Noguchi, et al. (+3)
95613 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports Characteristics of long COVID and the impact of COVID-19 vaccination on long COVID 2 years following COVID-19 infection: prospective cohort study Yoonjung Kim, Sohyun Bae, Hyun-Ha Chang, Shin-Woo Kim
95614 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  PT. PANUDUH ATMA WARAS Public Health and Preventive Medicine Archive Self-Efficacy of nurses in COVID-19 isolation room of Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar Rai Dewi Damayanthi Pande, Dinar Saurmauli Lubis, Cokorda Bagus Jaya Lesmana
95615 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of International Medical Research Efficiency of continuous positive airway pressure and high-flow nasal oxygen therapy in critically ill patients with COVID-19 Corina Manole, Mihaela Dediu-Anghel, Liliana Baroiu, Ioana Anca Ștefanopol, Alexandru Nechifor, Elena Niculet, et al. (+4)
95616 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of International Medical Research Several laboratory variables indicate severity and prognosis of COVID-19 Lingxiang Sheng, Mahong Hu, Conghua Ji, Xiujuan Xu
95617 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  PT. PANUDUH ATMA WARAS Public Health and Preventive Medicine Archive Exercise behaviour and the determinant factors among medical students before and during the COVID-19 pandemic Adiartha Griadhi, Luh Putu Ratna Sundari, I Nyoman Sutarsa
95618 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  PT. PANUDUH ATMA WARAS Public Health and Preventive Medicine Archive The effectiveness of laughter yoga to improve sleep quality in cancer patients during COVID-19 pandemic Yesiana Dwi Wahyu Werdani
95619 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier CHEST Critical Care Variation in Sedative and Analgesic Use During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Associated Outcomes Justin M. Rucci, Anica C. Law, Scott Bolesta, Emily K. Quinn, Michael A. Garcia, Ognjen Gajic, et al. (+6)
95620 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  PT. PANUDUH ATMA WARAS Public Health and Preventive Medicine Archive Hospital financial control strategy in the COVID-19 Pandemic era Ni Luh Citra Mutiarahati, Luh Seri Ani, Ketut Suarjana, Pande Putu Januraga, I.B.G. Fajar Manuaba, Cokorda Bagus Jaya Lesmana, Putu Ayu Indrayathi
95621 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health A review of the John F. Kennedy Medical Center's response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Liberia Ian Wachekwa, Sia Wata Camanor, Tete Kpoeh-Thomas, Facia Glaydor, Yassah Moracious Barclay-Korboi, J. Soka Moses, Joyce Weade Bartekwa-Gwaikolo
95622 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Psychology The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on academic performance: a comparative analysis of face-to face and online assessment Carmelo Mario Vicario, Massimo Mucciardi, Pietro Perconti, Chiara Lucifora, Michael A. Nitsche, Alessio Avenanti
95623 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Long-Term Prognosis of Acute Myocardial Infarction in Japan Hiroki Sato, Keisuke Yonezu, Shotaro Saito, Ichitaro Abe, Katsunori Tawara, Hidefumi Akioka, et al. (+5)
95624 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on tourism, income of local communities and biodiversity conservation: Evidence from Burunge wildlife management area, Tanzania Francis Chebby, Naza Mmbaga, Kelvin Ngongolo
95625 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Telkom University Jurnal Manajemen Indonesia Solidifying Fear Appeal Effect on E-Commerce Customer Purchase Intention during Covid-19 Pandemic through Digital Public Relation Persuasion Hendra Riofita, Waldana Dimasadra
95626 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  MIT Press Asian Economic Papers Change from the COVID-19 Pandemic to a New Normal: Documenting Consumption Behavior of Two Years with Big Data Yoko Konishi, Takashi Saito, Hajime Kanai, Naoya Igei, Junichi Mizumura, Kyoko Shiga, et al. (+2)
95627 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  MIT Press Asian Economic Papers Comments by Masahiro Endoh,  on  Change from COVID-19 Pandemic to a New Normal: Documenting Consumption Behavior of  Two Years with Big Data
95628 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  MIT Press Asian Economic Papers Comments by Riatu Mariatul Qibtniyyah,  on  Change from COVID-19 Pandemic to a New Normal: Documenting Consumption Behavior of  Two Years with Big Data
95629 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  PT. PANUDUH ATMA WARAS Public Health and Preventive Medicine Archive COVID-19 Pandemic: an opportunity to enhance tobacco control in Indonesia Putu Ayu Swandewi Astuti
95630 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Health Policy and Technology Telemedicine decision-making in primary care during the COVID-19 pandemic: Balancing patient agency and provider expertise Kimberly A. Muellers, Katerina Andreadis, Rahma S. Mkuu, Jenny J. Lin, Carol R. Horowitz, Rainu Kaushal, Jessica S. Ancker
95631 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  PT. PANUDUH ATMA WARAS Public Health and Preventive Medicine Archive COVID-19 Pandemic: Opportunity to Accelerate e-Health in Indonesia Nyoman Sutarsa, Putu Ayu Swandewi Astuti, Melinda Choy, Malcolm Moore
95632 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Affective Disorders Pathways of depressive symptoms to self-harm and suicide warning signs during COVID-19 pandemic: The role of anxiety and related distress, dysfunction and somatization Silvia Morales Chainé, Germán Palafox, Rebeca Robles García, Paulina Arenas Landgrave, Alejandra López Montoya, Violeta Félix Romero, Mireya Atzala Imaz Gispert
95633 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Human Kinetics Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology Athletes’ Coping With the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Self-Compassion and Cognitive Appraisal Brittney B. Aceron, Kathleen S. Wilson, Matt D. Hoffmann, Lenny Wiersma
95634 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  World Scientific Modern Physics Letters B Disassembling blood clots and recovering blood oxygen function with strong magnetic field for severe COVID-19 patients R. Tao
95635 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  PT. PANUDUH ATMA WARAS Public Health and Preventive Medicine Archive The relationship of sociodemographic and clinical characteristics with the length of stay of COVID-19 patients at Dr. R. Soedjono Hospital, Selong, East Lombok Muhammad Junaedi, I Made Ady Wirawan, Kadek Tresna Adhi
95636 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  PT. PANUDUH ATMA WARAS Public Health and Preventive Medicine Archive Associations between knowledge, beliefs, and self-efficacy with COVID-19 preventive behavior in Denpasar, Bali Province Ni Putu Indah Rosita, I Made Ady Wirawan
95637 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Indonesian Journal Publisher Innovative Technologica Methodical Research Journal Dampak Covid-19 terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Sebelum dan Selama Masa Pandemi pada Perusahaan Sektor Makanan dan Minuman di BEI Elfira Meilinda, Santi Rahma Dewi
95638 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  PT. PANUDUH ATMA WARAS Public Health and Preventive Medicine Archive Teachers’ perception on COVID-19 vaccination and preventive behaviour in Denpasar, Bali Luh Verra Sridyantari, Anak Agung Sagung Sawitri, I Wayan Artawan Eka Putra
95639 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Medicine Case reports as early safety signals: learning from the COVID-19 vaccination campaign Michel Goldman, Rebecca E. Chandler
95640 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Francis Academic Press Ltd. Academic Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences Accuracy and Fluency of High-frequency COVID-19 Words Translated by Three Machine Translation(MT) Tools
95641 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Infected Walled-Off Necrosis Following COVID-19-Associated Acute Pancreatitis Shota Yagi, Hideki Miwa, Yosuke Kobayashi, Kenta Mitsusada
95642 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Telkom University Jurnal Manajemen Indonesia Financial feasibility of marine tourism hospitality sector post-pandemic outbreak of Covid-19: case study from small islands regions Tati Atia Ngangun, Frischilla Pentury
95643 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Feminist Economics Women-Led Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises During COVID-19: Examining Barriers and Opportunities Michael Kevane, Aishwarya Lakshmi Ratan, Diva Dhar
95644 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  SAGE Publications Field Methods Short Take: Designing a Multinational Smartphone App Survey during COVID-19: Rewards, Risks, and Recommendations Jennifer C. Davidson, Dimitar Karadzhov, Graham Wilson
95645 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Economic Institute, Yonsei University The Korean Journal of Economics An Analysis of the Impact of COVID-19on International Airline Services:The Case of Daegu Airport Joo Yeon Sun
95646 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Pleiades Publishing Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology Hemoglobin Affinity to Oxygen during Coronavirus Infection: New Faces of a Known Problem V. V. Zinchuk, N. V. Hlutkina
95647 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Cell Discovery Fusogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 BA.2.86 subvariant and its sensitivity to the prokaryotic recombinant EK1 peptide Lijue Wang, Fanke Jiao, Hanxiao Jiang, Yitao Yang, Ziqi Huang, Qian Wang, et al. (+5)
95648 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry Peptidomimetics as potent dual SARS-CoV-2 cathepsin-L and main protease inhibitors: In silico design, synthesis and pharmacological characterization Tania Ciaglia, Vincenzo Vestuto, Veronica Di Sarno, Simona Musella, Gerardina Smaldone, Francesca Di Matteo, et al. (+15)
95649 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics Enhanced immunity against SARS-CoV-2 in returning Chinese individuals Runyu Yuan, Huimin Chen, Lina Yi, Xinxin Li, Ximing Hu, Xing Li, et al. (+19)
95650 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Cureus, Inc. Cureus Long-Lasting SARS-CoV-2 Infection With Post-COVID-19 Chronic Interstitial Pneumonia in a Patient With Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Treated Successfully With Intravenous Immunoglobulin Ahmad Haddad, Qusai Al-maharmeh, Mohammad N Kloub, Elrazi A Ali, Hamid Shaaban
95651 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Microbiology Immunology and Infection Predicting potential SARS-CoV-2 spillover and spillback in animals Zi Hian TAN, Kian Yan YONG, Jian-Jun SHU
95652 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Wiley Reviews in Medical Virology An overview of SARS-CoV2 natural infections in companion animals: A systematic review of the current evidence Zahra Heydarifard, Ardalan Maleki Chegeni, Fatemeh Heydarifard, Bahram Nikmanesh, Vahid Salimi
95653 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Applied Economics Letters How much did pandemic uncertainty affect real-estate speculation? Evidence from on-market valuation of for-sale versus rental properties Alexander M. Petersen
95654 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Political Science Gender roles and political ideology in the pandemic: experimental evidence from Western Europe Christophe Lesschaeve, Josip Glaurdić, Conchita D'Ambrosio, Claus Vögele
95655 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Comprehensive Publications International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development Survival of young agropreneur business sales towards post pandemic: Selangor state experience Khairol Ismail, Nur Atifah Kadri
95656 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of European Studies Rethinking biopolitics: COVID-19, differential vulnerabilities and biopolitical rights Daniele Lorenzini
95657 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Medwin Publishers Journal of Natural & Ayurvedic Medicine Sadvritta: A Non-Pharmacological Intervention for Preventive Approach for Covid-19 Disease Ankur T
95658 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Transplantation Proceedings Outcomes of COVID-19 Disease in Comparison with Influenza in Renal Transplant Recipients: Results from a Large Nationwide Research Network in the United States Nhi Nai, Aniesh Bobba, Meher Oberoi, Amir Humza Sohail, Kantesh Kumar, Abbas M Mozaffar, et al. (+4)
95659 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Galenos Yayinevi Turkish Journal of Intensive Care Investigation of the Effect of Laboratory Values of ICU Patients Diagnosed with COVID-19 During Hospitalization on Their Symptoms After Discharge İnci Vetem Karagülle, İsmail Kerem Gelir, Birgül Büyükkıdan Yelken
95660 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Programa de Pos Graduacao em Direito da PUC-Rio Revista Direito Estado e Sociedade A realização de audiências virtuais no Tribunal de Justiça do Ceará durante a pandemia da COVID-19 e o princípio do acesso à justiça","The performance of virtual hearings at the Court of Justice in Ceará during the COVID-19 pandemic and the principle of access to justice Gabriela Vasconcelos Lima, Hannah Soares Sales De Oliveira
95661 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Seguro Social EsSalud Revista Peruana de Medicina Integrativa Revisión sobre la medicina ancestral durante la pandemia COVID-19 en Latinoamérica Lourdes María Buñay-Guaman, María Fernanda Peralta-Cárdenas
95662 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Ovid Medicine Effect of psychological care on the prenatal mental state and vaginal delivery in pregnant women during the early stages of the COVID-19 epidemic Yanping Liu, Xinai Xu
95663 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America Resilience and Innovation: Reflection on Critical Care Nursing Through the COVID-19 Era Justin DiLibero, Sharon C. O’Donoghue
95664 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Information Systems Frontiers Impacts of Industry 5.0 in Supply Chain Flow in Post COVID-19 Era: Moderating Role of Senior Leadership Support Sheshadri Chatterjee, Ranjan Chaudhuri
95665 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme COVID-19 et obésité : quel rôle du tissu adipeux ? Adèle Lasbleiz, Elisa Doukbi, Anne Dutour, Bénédicte Gaborit
95666 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  International Journal of Women's Health and Reproduction Studies International Journal of Women s Health and Reproduction Sciences COVID-19 Guidelines Adherence and Vaccine Acceptability Among Pregnant Women in Niger Foundation Hospital Enugu, South-Eastern Nigeria: A Mixed Method Study Ijeoma Victoria Ezeome, Fausta Chioma Emegoakor, Theophilus Ogochukwu Nwankwo, Chidinma Ifechi Onwuka
95667 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  United Nations Publications Asia-Pacific Sustainable Development Journal Submitted papers: Has COVID-19 had any impact on outward foreign direct investment from China to the ASEAN and CAREC regions?
95668 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  SAGE Publications Lupus Systemic lupus erythematosus is associated with increased risk of mortality and acute kidney injury in patients with COVID-19 hospitalization: Insights from a National Inpatient Sample analysis Anum Akhlaq, Sameen Aamer, Khawaja Muthammir Hasan, Taimur Sohail Muzammil, Amir Humza Sohail, Mohammed A Quazi, et al. (+2)
95669 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Ioannis Karkatzoulis Ltd Hellenic Archives of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery MAXILLOFACIAL TRAUMA DURING THE CURFEW DUE TO COVID-19 IN 2020 IN GREECE Konstantina Tsekoura, Panagiotis Stathopoulos, Theodoros Panagiotopoulos, Xristos Krasadakis, Konstantinos Mourouzis
95670 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  American Physical Society Physical Review E Exploring the potential of learning methods and recurrent dynamic model with vaccination: A comparative case study of COVID-19 in Austria, Brazil, and China Seyed Ali Rakhshan, Marzie Zaj, Fatemeh Helen Ghane, Mahdi Soltani Nejad
95671 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Science Press Hong Kong Journal of Social Sciences Labor Turnover during COVID-19 in Bali: Why Did It Happen and What Factors Influenced It?
95672 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Wiley Acta Paediatrica Systematic review of socioeconomic factors and COVID-19 in children and adolescents Sarah Sahli, Ketil Størdal
95673 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Diva Enterprises Private Limited Political Discourse Unfolding impact of lockdown in the advent of COVID-19 in India: Challenges of reverse migration and rural resilience Chalamalla Venkateshwarlu
95674 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Auricle Technologies Pvt., Ltd. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) Responses to Fatwas of Islamic Religious Leaders and Institutions during the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) in the Philippines: Looking at How Guidance Was Provided to Muslim Communities in the Philippines. Sheryl R. Morales, Et. al.
95675 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Cardiac Failure The 90-day Risk Of Hospitalization In Heart Transplant Recipients After Covid-19 Infection Shriya Sharma, Smit Paghdar, Smruti Desai, Jose Ruiz, Daniel Yip, Melissa Lyle, et al. (+4)
95676 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Cardiac Failure Racial Disparity In Managing Patients With Covid-19 Infection And Acute Heart Failure: National Inpatient Sample Anas Hashem, Amani Khalouf, Mohamed Mohamed, Tarek Nayfeh, Ahmed Elkhapery, Salman Zahid, et al. (+8)
95677 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Ocular Immunology and Inflammation Incident Ocular Inflammation After COVID-19 Infection in a US Veteran Population Sydney Roston, Caroline L. Minkus, Karen R. Armbrust
95678 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Cardiac Failure Covid-19 Infection Is Associated With Increased In-hospital Mortality And Complications In Patients With Acute Heart Failure: Insight From National Inpatient Sample (2020) Anas Hashem, Amani Khalouf, Mohamed Salah Mohamed, Tarek Nayfeh, Ahmed Elkhapery, Mohammad Elbahnasawy, et al. (+5)
95679 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  FSBI Research Institute of Occupational Health RAMS Russian Journal of Occupational Health and Industrial Ecology On assessing the risk of occupational COVID-19 infection of medical workers Irina V. Panova, Svetlana S. Zemlyakova, Yuri Yu. Gorblyansky, Nina V. Shitova, Oksana P. Zakharchenko
95680 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Auricle Technologies Pvt., Ltd. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) Blessings of COVID-19 Lockdown on Virtual Learning: A Higher Education Faculty Perspective Mr. Hiteshkumar Patel, Et. al.
95681 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Wiley Stress and Health The role of late adolescents' emotion regulation in the experience of COVID-19 lockdown: A longitudinal study Pasquale Musso, Cristiano Inguglia, Nora Wiium, Alida Lo Coco, Francesca Liga, Paolo Albiero, et al. (+6)
95682 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Nutrition Prevalence of food insecurity amid COVID-19 lockdowns and sociodemographic indicators of household vulnerability in Harar and Kersa, Ethiopia Jonathan A. Muir, Merga Dheresa, Zachary J. Madewell, Tamirat Getachew, Gamachis Daraje, Gezahegn Mengesha, et al. (+3)
95683 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing Mathematical analysis of COVID-19 model incorporating vaccination of susceptible and isolation of symptomatic individuals Francis Musili Muli, Benard Okelo, Richard Magwanga, Omolo Ongati
95684 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Universidad de la Sabana Palabra Clave Estudar o desconhecido, publicar o possível? A resposta à pandemia da covid-19 nas principais revistas Scopus em Ciências da Comunicação Fábio Ribeiro, Sónia Silva, Juan José Perona
95685 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Medwin Publishers Journal of Natural & Ayurvedic Medicine COVID-19, Nature and Ayurveda Dilip Kumar G
95686 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Fundacao Getulio Vargas Revista Brasileira de Transportes Análise do impacto da covid-19 no acionamento de seguros auto Matheus Dalla Dea Prado, Roberto Bomgiovani Cazzari
95687 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Fitoterapia A potential antiviral against COVID-19 obtained from Byrsonima coccolobifolia leaves extract Clenilson Martins Rodrigues, Charlyana Carvalho Bento, Carolina Borsoi Moraes, Cecilia Gomes, Rafaella Sayuri Ioshino, Lucio H. Freitas-Junior, et al. (+8)
95688 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Auricle Technologies Pvt., Ltd. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) Impact of Covid-19 On Foreign Direct Investment in India Dr. S. Saravanan, Et. al.
95689 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  F1000 Research Ltd F1000Research Long-term effect of non-severe COVID-19 on pulmonary function, exercise capacities and physical activities: a cross-section study in Sakaka Aljouf Maha Alshammari, ALSAYED SHANB, Mohammed Alsubaiei, Enas youssef
95690 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Asthma Impact of pollen season and viral disease COVID-19 on respiratory function of the adult population in eastern Slovakia: analysis of spirometric data and results of a questionnaire survey Gabriela Harvanová, Alexander Csanády, Silvia Duranková
95691 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  SAGE Publications Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology Delays in diagnosis and surgery of sarcoma patients during the COVID-19 outbreak in Spain Jaime Carrillo-García, Serena Lacerenza, Nadia Hindi, Irene Carrasco García, Gloria Marquina, Juana María Cano Cano, et al. (+10)
95692 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  MDPI AG COVID Public Decision Policy for Controlling COVID-19 Outbreaks Using Control System Engineering H. Daniel Patiño, Julián Pucheta, Cristian Rodríguez Rivero, Santiago Tosetti
95693 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University of Bandung Komitmen Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen HYBRID MARKETING SEBAGAI STRATEGI PEMASARAN PASCAPANDEMI COVID-19 PADA SEKTOR USAHA MIKRO KECIL DAN MENENGAH (UMKM) DI KECAMATAN TANJUNGSARI KABUPATEN SUMEDANG Rakhmia Nalibratawati, Hendri Maulana
95696 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Zdravstveno veleuciliste Journal of Applied Health Sciences Model povećanja dostupnosti zdravstvene skrbi cijepljenjem osjetljivih skupina stanovništva Virovitičko-podravske županije tijekom pandemije bolesti COVID-19","Innovative Models Of Vaccination For Increasing Availability Of Health Care Needs Of Vulnerable Populations Of Viroviticapodravina County During Covid-19 Pandemi Tena Venus
95697 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Istanbul Gelisim University Journal of Health Sciences, Istanbul Gelisim University İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi Death Anxiety and Loneliness During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Elderly Living in Nursing Home","Huzurevinde Yaşayan Yaşlılarda COVID-19 Pandemi Sürecinde Ölüm Kaygısı ve Yalnızlık Sadık AKSAKAL, Gülcan KENDİRKIRAN
95698 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Palangka Raya PARENTAS Jurnal Mahasiswa Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan EVALUATION OF ONLINE LEARNING IN AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTIVE SUBJECTS IN THE COVID-19 PANDEMI TIME AT KARSA MULYA VOCATIONAL SCHOOL, PALANGKA RAYA Rizki Meiharani
95699 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau Jurnal Psikologi Pengaruh Virtual Learning, Sikap, Kontrol Diri, Kebijakan Pemerintah Dengan Social Distancing dalam Menghentikan Penyebaran Covid-19 Heryanto Susilo
95700 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  P3M Politeknik Negeri Ambon JURNAL MANEKSI Strategi Pemulihan UMKM Kuliner Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 Salma Putri Mellinia, Christina Tri Setyorini, Laeli Budiarti
95701 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  SAGE Publications SAGE Open Nursing A Multisample Path Analysis Including a Novel Psychological Indicator, Attitude Toward Life, After the First Wave of COVID-19 Fan Li, Haiping Gu, Umit Tokac, Kimberly Werner, Anne F. Fish, Qingqing Lou
95702 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Auricle Technologies Pvt., Ltd. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) Flipped classroom model integrated with the online learning platform and video biomechanic analysis to enhance learning outcome of Pencak silat during the Covid-19 pandemic Aridhotul Haqiyah, Et. al.
95703 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Auricle Technologies Pvt., Ltd. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) Training in Improving the Citizen's Economy During the Covid-19 Pandemic Oliver Hasan Padmanegara, Et. al.
95704 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Auricle Technologies Pvt., Ltd. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) Increasing Sales Through The Marketplace For Smes Affected By The Covid-19 Pandemic Azizah Zakiah , Et. al.
95705 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Auricle Technologies Pvt., Ltd. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) A Study On Students’ Perception On Online Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic R Muthukrishnan, Et. al.
95706 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Auricle Technologies Pvt., Ltd. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) The Effectiveness of using Electronic Commerce Mobile Applications During Covid-19 Pandemic Yousef A. Baker El-Ebiary, Et. al.
95707 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Auricle Technologies Pvt., Ltd. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) An Evaluation Framework and Analysis of Auto Assessing the Programming Courses during the COVID-19 Pandemic Dr.J.Dhayanithi, Et. al.
95708 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Higher chronic absenteeism threatens academic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic Thomas S. Dee
95709 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Local Environment Highland communities’ climate change perceptions, climatic shocks and livelihood practices during COVID-19 pandemic Xuesong Zhang, Rundong He, Zhenghua Hu, Abu Reza Md Towfiqul Islam, Afsana Akter, Abdullah Al Mamun, et al. (+5)
95710 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Human Kinetics Journal of Aging and Physical Activity The Exercise Right for Active Ageing Study: Participation in Community-Based Exercise Classes by Older Australians During the COVID-19 Pandemic Christina L. Ekegren, Darshini Ayton, Helen Skouteris, Sze-Ee Soh
95711 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine X Overview of childhood vaccination coverage in Brazil and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic: is our children’s health at risk? A review of pre-COVID-19 periods and during the COVID-19 pandemic Jéssica Paula Martins, Giulia Almeida Alatzatianos, Tais Mendes Camargo, Fernando Augusto Lima Marson
95712 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Istanbul Gelisim University Journal of Health Sciences, Istanbul Gelisim University İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi COVID-19 Pandemisi Sürecinde Eğitimcilerin Fiziksel Aktivite Düzeylerinin, Kas İskelet Sistemi Şikayetlerinin Uyku, Yaşam Kaliteleri Arasındaki İlişkinin Belirlenmesi","Investigation of the Relationship between Instructors’ Physical Activity Levels and Musculoskeletal System Complaints, Sleep Quality and Quality of Life during the COVID-19 Pandemic Büşra KÖTÜZ, Cihan Caner AKSOY
95713 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Medknow Publications Current Medical Issues Profile of Teleconsultation in Dermatology at a Tertiary Care Hospital in South India during the First Wave of COVID-19 Pandemic Sheethal K. Jose, Priya Sara Kuryan, Gauri Dinesh Mahabal, Dincy C. V. Peter, Leni George, Susanne A. Pulimood
95714 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Econometrics Reprint: Statistical inference for linear mediation models with high-dimensional mediators and application to studying stock reaction to COVID-19 pandemic Xu Guo, Runze Li, Jingyuan Liu, Mudong Zeng
95715 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Centre of Sociological Research, NGO JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES Social media communication of the spa industry during the four waves of the COVID-19 pandemic Veronika Keller, Erzsébet Printz-Markó, Roland Zs. Szabó
95716 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Science Press Hong Kong Journal of Social Sciences Macroeconomic Variables and Political Stability in Financial Conditions after the 2008 Crisis and during the COVID-19 Pandemic
95718 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  MDPI AG Social Sciences Changes in the Well-Being of Foreign Language Speaking Migrant Mothers Living in Finland during the Initial Stage of the COVID-19 Pandemic Eveliina Heino, Hanna Kara, Camilla Nordberg
95719 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Centre of Sociological Research, NGO Economics & Sociology South Korea’s economic revitalization strategy post COVID-19 pandemic Donghun Yoon
95720 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon Facebook addiction and sleep problems in peruvian university students after the COVID-19 pandemic Joel Figueroa-Quiñones, Willy Valle-Salvatierra, Condor Heredia Nelly Teresa
95721 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Project MUSE Seoul Journal of Korean Studies The Tethered Fates of Japan's "Foreigner" Communities: Zainichi Koreans, Residency Provisions, and the COVID-19 Pandemic Joel Matthews, Eiko Osaka
95722 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Centre of Sociological Research, NGO Economics & Sociology How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect net working capital in industrial production companies? Janka Grofčíková, Hussam Musa, Justas Streimikis
95723 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Postgraduate Medicine Levels and drivers of burnout during the COVID-19 pandemic among a diverse group of resident physicians Brenna Briles, Alyssa Kahl, James Anaissie, Lindsay Brettmann, Ujval Pathak, Kristen A. Staggers, et al. (+4)
95724 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Cardiac Failure Impact Of Covid-19 Pandemic And Expansion Of Telemedicine On Palliative Care Utilization Among Patients Admitted With Heart Failure Aleesha Kainat, Bradley Very, Ahmet Sezer, Floyd Thoma, Gavin Hickey
95725 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Tikrit University Tikrit Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences Multivariate time series analysis of COVID-19 Pandemic and gold price by using Error Corrections Model Nawzad Muhammed Ahmed, Aras Jalal Mhamad Karim
95726 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Breast Cancer Research and Treatment The COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on follow-up of patients with early breast cancer: A patient survey Ana-Alicia Beltran-Bless, Gail Larocque, Muriel Brackstone, Angel Arnaout, Jean-Michel Caudrelier, Denise Boone, et al. (+8)
95727 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Ovid AIDS How the COVID-19 pandemic and the health system's response reduced HIV testing and increased late diagnoses in Mexico Fernando Macías-González, Heleen Vermandere, Alicia Piñeirúa-Menendez, Sergio Bautista-Arredondo
95728 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Auricle Technologies Pvt., Ltd. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) Analysis Of Differences In Share Prices Before And In Covid-19 Pandemic Era(Case Studies In The Sub-Sector Of Telecommunications, Hotel And Tourism, Health, Bumn Finance, And Transportation Listed On The Indonesia Stock Exchange) Vanny Christianti, Et. al.
95729 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Discover Social Science and Health Holding on to life: COVID-19 pandemic impact, adaptation and resilience in Abeokuta, Nigeria Oluwafemi Michael Odunsi, Henry Oluwaseyi Ayedun, Margaret Yejide Odunsi, Surajudeen Oluseyi Momodu, Adewumi Israel Badiora, Amos Oluwole Taiwo, Temitope Muyiwa Adebara
95730 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  IP Innovative Publication Pvt Ltd The Journal of Community Health Management A study on utilization of ANC services and Psychological status of mothers during Covid-19 pandemic in five adopted villages of KSRDPR University, Gadag, Karnataka Gulappa Devagappanava, Jyotsana Gupta
95731 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  SC ASERS SRL Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism The Portrait of Wellness Tourism during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia. A Case Study of Health Protocol Implementation at Green Kubu Café Bali Putu Eka WIRAWAN, Ni Made Ayu Natih WIDHIARINI, I Nyoman SUDIARTA, Ni Wayan Mega Sari Apri YANI, Nuruddin NURUDDIN
95732 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  MDPI AG Journal of Clinical Medicine Low Response Rate to Follow-Up Using Telemedicine after Total Knee Replacement during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Italy Eugenio Cammisa, Matteo La Verde, Federico Coliva, Antongiulio Favero, Iacopo Sassoli, Stefano Fratini, et al. (+4)
95733 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  European Centre for Research Training and Development British journal of Psychology Research The Mental Health Status of Offshore Oil Platform Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Nigeria Deborah Oje
95734 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Springer-Verlag European Journal of Pediatrics Correction to: Nutritional risk and functionality of children and adolescents hospitalized with COVID-19 Kahena Zarth, Bruna Luiza Holand, Ester Zoche, Camila Wohlgemuth Schaan, Janice Luisa Lukrafka, Vera Lúcia Bosa
95735 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona Redes Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales Dinámica de las comunicaciones de las instituciones sanitarias latinoamericanas en X ante la pandemia de la COVID-19 Gabriel Valerio-Ureña, Dagoberto Herrera-Murillo, Nalleli Salazar-Chapa, Isaac Méndez-González
95736 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Cardiac Failure Results Of Covid-19 Pandemic On Clinical Trends In Patients Hospitalized With Acute Heart Failure Decompensation In 2017-2020, Nation-wide Study Leonid Khokhlov, Mehnaaz Ali, Fatima Hussain, Angel Mena, Amr Aboelnasr, Sindhu Kishore, et al. (+6)
95737 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Contemporary Nurse The measured impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on nursing students’ wellbeing, clinical placement and learning experiences: a cross sectional study Suzanne Sheppard-Law, Aimee Lamb, Ling Zeng, Carmen Axisa, Belinda Causby, Sonia Matiuk, Tracy Levett-Jones
95738 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  International Journal Of Advanced Research International Journal of Advanced Research EFFECT OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY PRACTICE AND IMPLEMENTATION OF TELEREHABILITATION INCLUDING HEALTH SECTORS IN AL AHSA CITY Paramasivan Mani, Hassan Aljubarah, Senthil Vadivu, Salamah Alshammari Reda Alghanem, Meshari Alhunayn, Abdulaziz Almarri
95739 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Az-buki National Publishing House Vocational Education Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Physical Condition of Children Ognyan Komitov
95740 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Editorial de la Universidad de Granada Etic net Revista científica electrónica de Educación y Comunicación en la Sociedad del Conocimiento Assessing the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Transition from Baccalaureate to Higher Education: A Case Study Jhon Herminson Arias Rueda
95741 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Al-Jami'ah Research Centre Global Review of Islamic Economics and Business Financial Distress and Indonesian Family Resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of a Muslim Family in Yogyakarta Fatma Amilia
95742 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Bulletin of the National Research Centre Patient, health professional and psychiatrist satisfaction with emergency department telepsychiatry during the COVID-19 pandemic: a pilot study Erika N. Dugas, Nadia Bouhamdani, Martine Poirier, Rino Lang, Martin Robichaud, Julie Aube-Pinet, Stéphane Godin
95743 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  International Journal of Women's Health and Reproduction Studies International Journal of Women s Health and Reproduction Sciences Investigating the Potential Determining Factors Contributing to Mental Health Problems in Pregnancy During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review Parisa Razmjouei, Maryam Kasraeian, Neda Dehghani, Samaneh Noroozi Asl, Fatemeh Ranjbar, Benyamin Fazli, et al. (+2)
95744 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Springer-Verlag International Review of Economics Financial Resilience, Financial Ignorance, and their impact on financial well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from Brazil Camila Viana Brasil, Aureliano Angel Bressan, Kelmara Mendes Vieira, Taiane Keila Matheis
95745 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  SAGE Publications Chronic Respiratory Disease Navigating the COVID-19 pandemic: Experiences and self-management approaches adopted by people with interstitial lung disease Gabriella Tikellis, Tamera Corte, Ian N Glaspole, Nicole S L Goh, Yet H Khor, Jeremy Wrobel, et al. (+7)
95746 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Hindawi Limited BioMed Research International A Systematic Review of Health Management Mobile Applications in COVID-19 Pandemic: Features, Advantages, and Disadvantages Ali Garavand, Fatemeh Ameri, Fatemeh Salehi, Ali Hajipour Talebi, Zahra Karbasi, Azam Sabahi, Arturo Ortega
95747 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  University of Southern Mississippi Journal of Educational Technology Development and Exchange A Preliminary Study of the Effectiveness of Information Technology in Promoting Healthcare Learning among Aging Learners in COVID-19 pandemic: Use the Ape-like On-the-spot Super Slow Jogging as an Example Shwu-ching Young
95748 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  SAGE Publications Social Media + Society The Making of #CovidTwitter: Who Were the Loudest “Covid Influencers” and What Did They Say About the COVID-19 Pandemic? Sylvia Jaworska, Michael K. Goodman, Iwona Gibas
95749 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Ishik University Eurasian Journal of Management & Social Sciences SMES Response Strategies and Performance In Covid-19 Pandemics: Implications For Trade And Industry In Computer Village, Lagos, Nigeria
95750 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Cardiac Failure Association Between Abnormal Cardiac Biomarkers And Mortality In Covid-19 Patients Juan E. Gomez-Mesa, Manuela Escalante, Diego L. Quintero, Daniel Lopez, Hoover Leon, Eduardo Perna, et al. (+6)
95751 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Cardiac Failure Sex Differences In Troponin In Covid-19 Patients Katelyn A. Bruno, DeLisa Fairweather
95752 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  JCDR Research and Publications National Journal of Laboratory Medicine Identification and Speciation of Various Fungal Co-infections in COVID-19 Patients by Different Laboratory Diagnostic Methods: A Retrospective Observational Study Alpa Patel, Tanvi Sukaramwala, Summaiya Mullan
95753 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Medknow Publications Perspectives in Clinical Research Effectiveness of partial COVID-19 vaccination on the outcome of hospitalized COVID-19 patients during the second pandemic in India Sajal De, Dibakar Sahu, Diksha Mahilang, Ranganath T. Ganga, Ajoy Kumar Behera
95755 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Red Flower Publication Private, Ltd. Indian Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia A Survey of Intubation of COVID-19 Patients in the Critical Care Units to Assess Adherence to Guidelines and Critical Events Encountered Akhya kumar kar, Ayya Syama Sundar
95756 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Pathology - Research and Practice Corrigendum to “Complement and complement regulatory proteins are upregulated in lungs of COVID-19 patients” [Pathol. Res. Pract. 247 (2023) 154519] Xiaowen Ge, Zhui Yu, Xinxin Guo, Ling Li, Ling Ye, Maosong Ye, et al. (+4)
95757 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) The Egyptian Journal of Otolaryngology Auditory cognitive assessment in post COVID-19 patients: a case control study Hoda Mahmoud Weheiba, Rasha Hamdi E. L. Kabarity, Heba Magdy Shaheen, Abeer Mohamed Mohamed EL-Gendy
95759 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  MDPI AG Diagnostics Validation of Diagnostic Accuracy and Disease Severity Correlation of Chest Computed Tomography Severity Scores in Patients with COVID-19 Pneumonia Ivan Brumini, Doris Dodig, Iva Žuža, Klaudija Višković, Armin Mehmedović, Nina Bartolović, et al. (+3)
95760 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics Multi-phase failure modes and effects analysis for low dose bilateral whole lung irradiation of COVID-19 positive patients requiring respiratory ventilation Amanda E. Swanson, Dominic J. DiCostanzo, Nilendu Gupta, Kathleen Hintenlang, Arnab Chakravarti, Ashley J. Cetnar
95761 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia Data & Metadata University academic tutoring in times of COVID-19. Proposal of strategies from the perspective of the tutor and tutored Miriam Ñañez-Silva, Brian Meneses-Claudio
95762 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Mary Ann Liebert OMICS A Journal of Integrative Biology CoVProt: Toward a Mass Spectrometry Data Portal for COVID-19 Proteomics Research and Development Sakshi Rajoria, Sai Rohith Kavuru, Hari Sundar Pyda, Surbhi Bihani, Dhanush Borishetty, Deeptrup Biswas, et al. (+3)
95763 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) The Journal of Continuing Higher Education Advancing Continuing Education: Evaluating Virtual Training During COVID-19 Restrictions Joan Groessl, Brittany Maas
95764 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Instituto de Saude da Secretaria de Estado da Saude de Sao Paulo BIS Boletim do Instituto de Saúde Estudo quantitativo sobre percepções e atitudes de jovens de Franco da Rocha acerca da COVID-19, São Paulo, Brasil Thiago Schaffer Carvalho, Maria Thereza Bonilha Dubugras, Janaina Aparecida Covas
95765 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Ovid Medicine Mental health of junior college students in China during COVID-19 school lockdown: Findings of on-line cross-sectional survey Feng Li, Jing Wang, Jiu Chen, Qian Chen, Junxia Wang, Maoxue Wang, et al. (+3)
95766 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Nature Communications IgM N-glycosylation correlates with COVID-19 severity and rate of complement deposition Benjamin S. Haslund-Gourley, Kyra Woloszczuk, Jintong Hou, Jennifer Connors, Gina Cusimano, Mathew Bell, et al. (+362)
95767 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  American Society for Microbiology Microbiology Spectrum Effect of nasal carriage of Bacillus species on COVID-19 severity: a cross-sectional study Muinah A. Fowora, Adenike Aiyedogbon, Ibilola Omolopo, Ahmed O. Tajudeen, Abdul-Lateef Olanlege, Adefunke Abioye, et al. (+3)
95768 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Publishing House Zaslavsky INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (Ukraine) Erectile function in men with COVID-19 six months after recovery E.V. Luchytskyi, V.E. Luchytskyi, G.A. Zubkova, V.M. Rybalchenko, I.I. Skladanna
95770 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Ovid Psychosomatic Medicine Pre-Existing Psychiatric Conditions as Risk Factors for Diagnosed Long COVID-19 Syndrome within Aggregated Electronic Health Record Data Lukas Bobak, Ian Dorney, Alexsandra Kovacevich, Brian Barnett, David C. Kaelber
95771 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Revista Latinoamericana de Difusion Cientifica, Editorial Difusion Cientifica Revista Latinoamericana de Difusión Científica La educación remota en el contexto de emergencia por COVID-19. Una mirada desde la Escuela de Trabajo Social de la Universidad del Zulia Raquel Sáez González, Raima Rujano Roque
95772 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier FlatChem Efficient detection of specific volatile organic compounds associated with COVID-19 using CrX2 (X = Se, Te) monolayers Hakkim Vovusha, Puspamitra Panigrahi, Yash Pal, Hyeonhu Bae, Minwoo Park, Seok-Kyun Son, et al. (+3)
95773 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Ovid Medicine The association between COVID-19 vaccination and confirmed patients with hospitalization in Omicron era: A retrospective study Ming-Hung Chang, Kuang-Ming Liao
95774 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  MDPI AG Hygiene Does COVID-19 Vaccination Protect Contact Persons? A Systematic Review Günter Kampf
95775 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  National Library of Serbia Psihologija Psychological factors of COVID-19 vaccination uptake among citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina: The application of health belief model Maja Lalic, Natalia Antonova
95776 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Medknow Publications Indian Journal of Dermatology New-Onset and Exacerbation of Psoriasis following COVID-19 Vaccination: A Systematic Review of Case Reports and Case Series Aisyah N. F. Arifin, Antoninus Hengky, Maureen Widjaja, Lorettha Wijaya
95777 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Hindawi Limited BioMed Research International Misinformation on COVID-19 Vaccine and Its Associated Factors among Residents in Gondar, Ethiopia, 2022 Mesafint Zewold Jember, Adamu Takele Jemere, Kassahun Dessie Gashu, Adamu Ambachew Shibabaw, Christina Pabelick
95778 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine Mixed methods approach to understanding COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among immigrants in the Chicago MaryGrace Sharp, Paula Lozano, Alia Southworth, Aven Peters, Helen Lam, Fornessa T. Randal, et al. (+2)
95779 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine The mental health symptoms of individuals with sensory disabilities and the reasons that lead to COVID-19 vaccine refusal and hesitancy Amanda M. Hinson-Enslin, Luis Enrique Espinoza
95780 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Vaccine Characterizing predictors of COVID-19 vaccine refusal in an urban southern California jail population Nazia S. Qureshi, Loren G. Miller, Stephen P. Judge, Ngoc Dung T. Tran, Sean O. Henderson
95781 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Current Medical Research and Opinion Association between COVID-19 vaccines and development of chronic morbidities: a cross-sectional study in the Jordanian population Mai I. AL-Hawamdeh, Rana Abu-Huwai, Thabit A. Isteati, Ahmed K. Al-Debe’e, Omar J. Abazeed, Mohammed A. Raees
95782 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  The Turkish Journal of Pediatrics The Turkish Journal of Pediatrics Response to `attitudes of parents with children aged 12-18 to covid-19 vaccines for themselves and their children: vaccine hesitancy in türkiye` Aslıhan Şahin, Ahu Kara-Aksay, Bahri Aşcı, Yıldız Ekemen-Keleş, Gülnihan Üstundağ, Ayşegül Elvan-Tüz, et al. (+7)
95783 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  The Turkish Journal of Pediatrics The Turkish Journal of Pediatrics Attitudes of parents with children aged 12-18 to covid-19 vaccines for themselves and their children: vaccine hesitancy in türkiye Ayça Kömürlüoğlu, Sıddika Songül Yalçın
95784 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Diva Enterprises Private Limited Mass Communicator International Journal of Communication Studies A Methodological Review of the Book “Pandemic, Governance and Communication: The Curious Case of Covid-19” (Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, South Asia Edition) Debilal Mishra
95785 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  SAGE Publications Journal of Intensive Care Medicine Impact of Sedation Practices on Mortality in COVID-19-Associated Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome Patients: A Multicenter Retrospective Descriptive Study Mahmoud Alwakeel, Yan Wang, Heather Torbic, Gretchen L. Sacha, Xiaofeng Wang, Francois Abi Fadel, Abhijit Duggal
95786 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Bucharest University of Economic Studies Dialogos Lösungen in Krisenzeiten. DaF-Online-Unterricht während der COVID-19-Pandemie unter der Lupe der Studierenden an der Universität für Wirtschaftsstudien (ASE) in Bukarest. Ergebnisse einer Umfrage Cornelia PĂTRU
95787 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  S. Karger AG Dubai Medical Journal Maternal and Fetal Outcomes in Critically Ill Patients Infected with COVID-19: A Case Series Zenab Yusuf Tambawala, Fatima Cherifi, Wafa Mohsen, Tazeen Makhdoom, Lama Khaled Hamza
95788 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  International Journal of Research Publications International Journal of Research Publications The Impact of Hypertension Severity on Mortality Rate in Covid-19: A Literature Review Alyssa Mutia Mutiara, Rahmania Kemala Dewi, Pradana Zaky Romadhon
95789 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  MDPI AG Current Oncology Cancer Care Team Functioning during COVID-19: A Narrative Literature Review and Synthesis Samar Attieh, Carmen G. Loiselle
95790 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Infectious Diseases and Therapy Remdesivir for the Treatment of COVID-19: A Narrative Review Patrick O. Godwin, Bryan Polsonetti, Michael F. Caron, Thomas F. Oppelt
95791 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  F1000 Research Ltd F1000Research The Nigerian youth knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) towards the national drive against the Spread of COVID-19: An online cross-sectional Survey Boluwaji Jaiyesimi, Toba Bamitale, Babajide Diyaolu, Kolawole Alabi
95792 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Auricle Technologies Pvt., Ltd. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) Pandemic Covid-19: Android Application "Mh Mobile" Is A Solution For Leprosy Patients Ronal Surya Aditya, Et. al.
95793 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier American Journal of Preventive Medicine First responders during COVID-19: Career calling, PTSD, and work self-efficacy Andrew J. Seidman, Wendi Born, Erin Corriveau
95794 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Centre of Sociological Research, NGO JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES The need to work from home in higher education during the first phase of COVID-19: Employee productivity, autonomy, work relationships, job satisfaction and well-being Iwona Staniec, Dominika Kaczorowska-Spychalska, Magdalena Kalinska-Kula, Nina Szczygiel
95796 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Revista Remecs - Revista Multidisciplinar de Estudos Cientificos em Saude Revista Remecs - Revista Multidisciplinar de Estudos Científicos em Saúde Saúde física e mental no contexto da COVID-19: revisão sistemática de dissertações (2021-2023) Gustavo Baroni Araujo, Matheus Vinicius Barbosa da Silva, Michelle Moreira Abujamra Fillis, Helio Serassuelo Junior
95797 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  National Library of Serbia Psihologija The relationship between social support and uncertainty of COVID-19: The mediating roles of resilience and academic self-efficacy Zane Green, İlhan Çiçek, Murat Yıldırım
95798 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia/Edicoes UESB Práxis Educacional O sintoma da exclusão digital na pandemia de covid-19: um diagnóstico na educação do campo sergipana Marilene Santos, Mônica Andrade Modesto
95799 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Scientific Reports An RNA-Seq analysis of coronavirus in the skin of the Pangolin Siwei Deng, Xuechen Tian, Robert Belshaw, Jinfeng Zhou, Siyuan Zhang, Yixin Yang, et al. (+4)
95800 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  The Japan Society of Hepatology Kanzo Deceased donor liver transplantation for acute liver failure with coronavirus infection: a case report","新型コロナウイルス感染下に発生した急性肝不全に対して脳死肝移植を施行した一例 Yuki Nunoshita, Akihiko Soyama, Masayuki Fukumoto, Takanobu Hara, Yasuhiro Maruya, Hajime Matsushima, et al. (+6)
95801 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Auricle Technologies Pvt., Ltd. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) The Calculations Of Sociological Situation From Indonesia Spontaneous Law During The Coronavirus Pandemic Suriansyah Murhaini, Et. al.
95802 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Nowa Audiofonologia Nowa Audiofonologia Auditory functioning of adult cochlear implant users before and during the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic Kornelia Zawistowska, Artur Lorens, Anita Obrycka, Henryk Skarżyński
95803 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Academic World Research Transactions on Data Analysis in Social Science Investigating the impact of the number of daily cases of the Coronavirus pandemic on the stock market indices of developed countries with the approaches of ARIMA and ARCH models
95804 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Istanbul Gelisim University Journal of Health Sciences, Istanbul Gelisim University İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi Video-Based Physical Exercise Effects on Young Adults in Social Isolation During the Coronavirus Pandemic","Koronavirüs Nedeniyle Sosyal İzolasyon Sürecinde Genç Yetişkinlerde Video Tabanlı Egzersizlerin Etkililiği Yasemin BURAN ÇIRAK, Burcu IŞIKCI, Kübra KARDEŞ, Yunus Emre TÜTÜNEKEN, Gül Deniz YILMAZ YELVAR, Habibe Serap İNAL
95805 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Medknow Publications Indian Journal of Dermatology SARS-CoV-19 and Generalised Pustular Psoriasis: A Lethal Combination Tarun Narang, Apoorva Sharma, Adhyatm Bhandari, Sanjeev Handa, Sunil Dogra
95806 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Pleiades Publishing Polymer Science Series A Complexes of an Anionic Surfactant with Chitosan and Its Hydrophobic Derivatives As Disinfectants against SARS-CoV-2 A. V. Shibaev, A. S. Ospennikov, G. V. Kornilaeva, V. F. Larichev, I. T. Fedyakina, Lifeng Fu, et al. (+7)
95807 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon Recent advances in chemometric modelling of inhibitors against SARS-CoV-2 Qianqian Wang, Xinyi Lu, Runqing Jia, Xinlong Yan, Jianhua Wang, Lijiao Zhao, et al. (+2)
95808 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Hazardous Materials Inactivation mechanism of cold plasma combined with 222 nm ultraviolet for spike protein and its application in disinfecting of SARS-CoV-2 Xiaowei Sheng, Jin Wang, Luling Zhao, Wenjing Yan, Jing Qian, Zhaobin Wang, et al. (+2)
95809 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Juniper Publishers JOJ Urology & Nephrology Co-occurrence of SARS-CoV-2 and Respiratory Pathogens in the Frail Elderly Alan J Wolfe
95810 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Cardiac Failure Recent Trends In Pulmonary Hypertension Hospitalizations And Outcomes In The Subgroup Patients Hospitalized With SARS-CoV-2 (COVID) Virus Infection. A Population-Based Retrospective Study Endurance Evbayekha, Bede Nriagu, Abiodun Idowu, OVIE OKORARE, olanrewaju Adabale, Alexis Okoh
95811 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  American Chemical Society ACS Applied Bio Materials Single-Molecule Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 Double-Stranded Polynucleotides Using Solid-State Nanopore with AI-Assisted Detection and Classification: Implications for Understanding Disease Severity Ibrar Alam, Thitikorn Boonkoom, Harit Pitakjakpipop, Poramin Boonbanjong, Kawin Loha, Thanaya Saeyang, et al. (+2)
95813 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC npj Viruses Airborne transmission efficiency of SARS-CoV-2 in Syrian hamsters is not influenced by environmental conditions Claude Kwe Yinda, Julia R. Port, Trenton Bushmaker, Jonathan E. Schulz, Shane Gallogly, Robert J. Fischer, Vincent J. Munster
95814 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  MDPI AG Viruses The Impact of First-Time SARS-CoV-2 Infection on Human Anelloviruses Anne L. Timmerman, Lisanne Commandeur, Martin Deijs, Maarten G. J. M. Burggraaff, A. H. Ayesha Lavell, Karlijn van der Straten, et al. (+6)
95815 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Antiviral Research TXM peptides inhibit SARS-CoV-2 infection, syncytia formation, and lower inflammatory consequences Tea Govednik, Duško Lainšček, Urška Kuhar, Marva Lachish, Sandra Janežič, Malan Štrbenc, et al. (+4)
95816 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Medical Virology Exploring gut-lung axis crosstalk in SARS-CoV-2 infection: Insights from a hACE2 mouse model Yu Zhang, Yifang Ma, Weiyang Sun, Xiaoyang Zhou, Ruixuan Wang, Peng Xie, et al. (+3)
95817 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Edra SpA Italian Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics What does the cardiotocography say about SARS-CoV-2 infection? Cardiotocograph monitoring during the pandemic era: a narrative short review A. Libretti, A. Nicosia, L. Troìa, V. Remorgida
95818 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Wiley Reviews in Medical Virology The controversy of SARS-CoV-2 integration into the human genome Laith AL-Eitan, Ahmad Mihyar
95819 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Nature Communications Multiple redox switches of the SARS-CoV-2 main protease in vitro provide opportunities for drug design Lisa-Marie Funk, Gereon Poschmann, Fabian Rabe von Pappenheim, Ashwin Chari, Kim M. Stegmann, Antje Dickmanns, et al. (+15)
95820 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  American Society for Microbiology Microbiology Spectrum Optimization of the STARlet workflow for semi-automatic SARS-CoV-2 screening of swabs and deep respiratory materials using the RealAccurate Quadruplex SARS-CoV-2 PCR kit and Allplex SARS-CoV-2 PCR kit Jacky Flipse, Angelino T. Tromp, Danique Thijssen, Nicole van Xanten-Jans-Beken, Roy Pauwelsen, Harmen J. van der Veer, et al. (+3)
95821 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Wiley Advanced Materials Nanoengineered Red Blood Cells Loaded with TMPRSS2 and Cathepsin L Inhibitors Block SARS-CoV-2 Pseudovirus Entry into Lung ACE2+ Cells Hui Yang, Jun-Nian Zhou, Xue-Mei Zhang, Dan-Dan Ling, Ying-Bao Sun, Chen-Yan Li, et al. (+12)
95822 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Biosensors and Bioelectronics Simultaneous detection of SARS-CoV-2 S1 protein by using flexible electrochemical and Raman enhancing biochip Kuan-Syun Wang, Tsai-Yu Kuan, Yun-Chu Chen, Yu-Ju Chu, Jeng-Shiung Chen, Cheng-Cheung Chen, Ting-Yu Liu
95823 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  American Society for Microbiology mBio Surface-modified measles vaccines encoding oligomeric, prefusion-stabilized SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoproteins boost neutralizing antibody responses to Omicron and historical variants, independent of measles seropositivity Miguel Á. Muñoz-Alía, Rebecca A. Nace, Baskar Balakrishnan, Lianwen Zhang, Nandakumar Packiriswamy, Gagandeep Singh, et al. (+9)
95824 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  American Society for Microbiology mBio SARS-CoV-2 spike glycosylation affects function and neutralization sensitivity Fengwen Zhang, Fabian Schmidt, Frauke Muecksch, Zijun Wang, Anna Gazumyan, Michel C. Nussenzweig, et al. (+5)
95825 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  American Chemical Society ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Using Micropatterned 3D Poly(3,4-Ethylenedioxythiophene) Nanorods Decorated with Gold Nanoparticles Syed Atif Ali, Hailemichael Ayalew, Bhaskarchand Gautam, Baskar Selvaraj, Jia-Wei She, Jayakrishnan Aerathupalathu Janardhanan, Hsiao-hua Yu
95826 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  American Chemical Society ACS Sensors Thermoelectrically Driven Dual-Mechanism Regulation on SERS and Application Potential for Rapid Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Viruses and Microplastics Baoqiang Du, Yalin Liu, Jibing Tan, Zhanning Wang, Chang Ji, Mingrui Shao, et al. (+6)
95827 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  MDPI AG Pathogens NASCarD (Nanopore Adaptive Sampling with Carrier DNA): A Rapid, PCR-Free Method for SARS-CoV-2 Whole-Genome Sequencing in Clinical Samples Miguel A. Terrazos Miani, Loïc Borcard, Sonja Gempeler, Christian Baumann, Pascal Bittel, Stephen L. Leib, et al. (+2)
95828 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  MDPI AG International Journal of Translational Medicine The Natural History of SARS-CoV-2-Incurred Disease: From Infection to Long COVID Kung-Hao Liang, Yuan-Chi Teng, Yi-Ting Liao, Aliaksandr A. Yarmishyn, Su-Hua Chiang, Wei-Chun Hung, et al. (+5)
95829 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Arabian Journal of Chemistry First report on the QSAR modelling and multistep virtual screening of the inhibitors of nonstructural protein Nsp14 of SARS-CoV-2: reducing unnecessary chemical synthesis and experimental tests Qianqian Wang, Tengjiao Fan, Runqing Jia, Na Zhang, Lijiao Zhao, Rugang Zhong, Guohui Sun
95830 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Infection and Public Health Viral Shadows in the Middle East: Revisiting MERS-CoV Post SARS-CoV2 Mohammad Shenagari, Hanieh Mohammadi-Pilehdarboni
95831 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Environmental Science and Pollution Research Organic toxicants and emerging contaminants in hospital interiors before and during the SARS-CoV2 pandemic: alkanes and PAHs Angelo Cecinato, Paola Romagnoli, Marina Cerasa, Mattia Perilli, Catia Balducci
95832 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Auricle Technologies Pvt., Ltd. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) Hydroponics as a Business Opportunity for Millennials During a Pandemic Herman Sofyandi, Et. al.
95833 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Diva Enterprises Private Limited Mass Communicator International Journal of Communication Studies An Exploratory Study on the Co-Existence of OTT and Multiplexes Post Pandemic Esha Chakraborty, Nandita Patra
95834 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Auricle Technologies Pvt., Ltd. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) Issues And Challenges Of Online Shoppingactivities On The Impact Of Corona Pandemic :A Study On Malaysia Retail Industry Roszi Naszariah Nasni Naseri, Et. al.
95835 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Hebron University Hebron University Research Journal (HURJ) B- (Humanities) The factors affecting the low academic achievement of secondary school students in Jordan, which was imposed by the Corona pandemic, and ways to address it Rasha Khabour
95836 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Editura Universitatii Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iasi Eastern Journal of European Studies The nexus between digital skills’ dynamics and employment in the pandemic context Dumitru Filipeanu, Florin Alexandru Luca, Liviu-George Maha, Viorel Țarcă, Claudiu Gabriel Țigănaș
95837 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  AVANCA CINEMA , Cine-Clube de Avanca AVANCA | CINEMA In-depth analysis of challenges facing the movie industry in the pandemic era and its competition with VOD platforms Amin Mokhtari, Farzad Khoshnoodan
95838 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Hindawi Limited International Journal of Microbiology The Identification Distinct Antiviral Factors Regulated Influenza Pandemic H1N1 Infection Baoxin Wang, Hao Zheng, Xia Dong, Wenhua Zhang, Junjing Wu, Hongbo Chen, et al. (+3)
95839 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  SAGE Publications FACE A Pandemic in Review: The Impact on Surgical Volume of Cleft Lip and Palate Pearl Shah, Asim Ahmed, Robert Moody, Kometh Thawanyarat, Yelissa Navarro, John Collar, et al. (+2)
95840 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Journal of Cardiac Failure Palliative Care Consultation And Outcomes Of Heart Failure Hospitalizations With Covid Infection During The 2020 Pandemic. Insight From The 2020 Nationwide Inpatient Sample Database Endurance Evbayekha, Amer Abbas, Brittany Dixon, Shane LaRue
95841 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Cambridge University Press Annals of Actuarial Science Epidemic modelling and actuarial applications for pandemic insurance: a case study of Victoria, Australia Chang Zhai, Ping Chen, Zhuo Jin, Tak Kuen Siu
95842 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Editura Universitatii Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iasi Eastern Journal of European Studies The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the resilience of the labour market in the Polish-German borderland Ewa Łaźniewska, Tomasz Górecki, Joanna Kurowska-Pysz
95843 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Palangka Raya PARENTAS Jurnal Mahasiswa Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan STUDY OF FACTORS AFFECTING THE SELECTION OF A LAND TRANSPORTATION MODE OF LONG DISTANCE TRAVEL DURING A PANDEMIC (PALANGKA RAYA-BANJARMASIN ROUTE) Siti Ramlah
95844 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  JCDR Research and Publications JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND DIAGNOSTIC RESEARCH Comparing the Clinical Spectrum of Paediatric In-patients in pre-COVID-19, during COVID19 and post-COVID-19 Pandemic Periods in a Tertiary Level Teaching Centre Veena Anand, AO Vinitha, Susy Joseph, VH Sankar, IP Yadev
95845 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb Market-Tržište Learning from Pandemic Periods: Elements of the Theory of Behavioral Transformation Sigitas Urbonavicius, Karina Adomaviciute - Sakalauske
95846 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  JMIR Publications Inc. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance Combining Digital and Molecular Approaches Using Health and Alternate Data Sources in a Next-Generation Surveillance System for Anticipating Outbreaks of Pandemic Potential Pablo Ivan P Ramos, Izabel Marcilio, Ana I Bento, Gerson O Penna, Juliane F de Oliveira, Ricardo Khouri, et al. (+8)
95847 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Bucharest University of Economic Studies SYNERGY THE USE OF REQUESTS IN PANDEMIC PRESS RELEASES. A CROSS-CULTURAL CASE STUDY Alina Alexandra APREUTESEI
95848 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Enterprise Information Systems An IoT model for supporting global governmental lockdown scenarios: investigating comparative lockdown strategies and assessing generic perception of pandemic response Abduallah Gamal, Victor Chang, Nada A. Nabeeh, Mohamed Abdel-Basset
95849 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Auricle Technologies Pvt., Ltd. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) Feedback Surveys As An Essential Tool In The Current Pandemic Scenario Dr. Akkara Sherine, Et. al.
95850 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics Perceived risk-based sport spectator segmentation during the pandemic situation Taeahn Kang, Rei Yamashita, Hirotaka Matsuoka
95851 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  MDPI AG Digital Emotions during the Pandemic’s First Wave: The Case of Greek Tweets Yannis Skarpelos, Sophia Messini, Elina Roinioti, Kostas Karpouzis, Stavros Kaperonis, Michaela-Gavriela Marazoti
95852 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Juniper Publishers Cancer therapy & Oncology International Journal Quality of Life and Psychological Morbidity in Cancer Patients Receiving Anticancer Therapy during the COVID Pandemic: A Cross Sectional Observational Study from a Tertiary Cancer Care Centre in South India Teena rajan
95853 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  MDPI AG Healthcare Setting Up a Just and Fair ICU Triage Process during a Pandemic: A Systematic Review Rhyddhi Chakraborty, Nebil Achour
95854 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  EDP Sciences SICOT-J Adapting hip arthroplasty practices during the COVID-19 pandemic: Assessing the impact of outpatient care sudden increase on early complications and clinical outcomes Constant Foissey, Tomas Pineda, Elvire Servien, Andreas Fontalis, Cécile Batailler, Sébastien Lustig
95855 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  AVANCA CINEMA , Cine-Clube de Avanca AVANCA | CINEMA El cine mexicano al final de la pandemia: Industria, nuevos hábitos de consumo, recortes presupuestales y políticas culturales","The mexican cinema at the end of the pandemic: Industry, new consumption, new habits, budget cuts and cultural policies Fernando Moreno Suárez
95856 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Nepal Journals Online International Journal of Occupational Safety and Health Knowledge, Perception and Practices Regarding COVID-19 among frontline Nurses at Selected hospitals in Sri Lanka during COVID-19 Pandemic H. M. L. Nisansala Herath, I. M. P. S. Ilankoon, G Kisokanth
95857 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  SAGE Publications Educational Management Administration & Leadership Effect of E-leadership on employees’ outcomes in the higher education sector during COVID-19 and beyond: A case study from Vietnam Greeni Maheshwari, Steven Clarke, Quynh-Anh N Nguyen, Robert McClelland, Manjiri Kunte
95858 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon Decreased risk of COVID-19 and long COVID in patients with psoriasis receiving IL-23 inhibitor: A cross-sectional cohort study from China Yifan Hu, Dawei Huang, Yuxiong Jiang, Qian Yu, Jiajing Lu, Yangfeng Ding, Yuling Shi
95859 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction Why do parents refuse to self-protect? Socio-cultural factors influencing the immediate response of the older generation to COVID-19 and their spatial heterogeneity in China Nianjie Zhang, Yinghui Cao, Xiangyu Gao
95860 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Obuda University Acta Polytechnica Hungarica Trend Assessment and Comparison of Primary Renewable Energy Consumption in the European Union and India: Possibilities after Covid-19 and War Priya Rani Bhagat, Farheen Naz, Robert Magda
95861 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Information Processing & Management User satisfaction with Arabic COVID-19 apps: Sentiment analysis of users’ reviews using machine learning techniques Mina Ramzy, Bahaa Ibrahim
95862 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Editorial: COVID-19 booster vaccination: increasing immunity against life-threatening infection Ritthideach Yorsaeng, Kamolthip Atsawawaranunt, Abanoub Riad
95863 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  CV. Darma Samakta Edukhatulistiwa Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Masyarakat Hubungan Mekanisme Koping dengan Tingkat Stres pada Penyintas COVID-19 di Surakarta Intan Shinta Dewi Maharani, Rohmaningtyas Hidayah Setyaningrum, Wijaya Kusuma
95864 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Korean Society of Spine Surgery Journal of Korean Society of Spine Surgery Low Back Pain as a Unique Symptom of COVID-19 During the Omicron Variant Wave in Korea Sung-Nyun Baek, Min-Young Kim, Young-Jae Kim, Yong-Soo Choi
95865 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Institute of Medico-legal Publications Private Limited Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development Post Covid-19 Effect on Avascular Necrosis of Hip Joint Ashok Kumar Jha
95866 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  I SOUTH FLORIDA CONGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT Contribuciones a las Ciencias Sociales La pandemia de COVID-19 expuesto los efectos de la globalización y la necesidad de cooperación internacional Paulo Adaias Carvalho Afonso, Priscila Guimarães Marciano, Jose Renato Hojas Lofrano
95867 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Research Institute of Human Ecology Research Institute of Human Ecology Analysis of Regional COVID-19 Impact on Labor Income Comparison between Wage Workers and Self-Employed Individuals Semi Lee, Sunghee Park
95868 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Texas Medical Center Library The VAD Journal Left Ventricular Assist Device Thrombosis Treated with Intravenous Tissue Plasminogen Activator in a Patient with COVID-19 Infection Simone Jarrett, Jafar Alzubi, Savalan Babapoor-Farrokhran, Zaid Ammari, Mohammad Sarle, Zachary Port, et al. (+3)
95869 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth Multi-organ dysfunction and outcomes in pregnancy associated COVID-19 infection - descriptive review of pathological findings Ya.G. Turdybekova, I.L. Kopobayeva, A. A. Turmukhambetova, Y.K. Kamyshanskiy
95870 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Oxford University Press Open Forum Infectious Diseases Effectiveness of mRNA booster vaccine against COVID-19 infection and severe outcomes among persons with and without immune dysfunction: a retrospective cohort study of national electronic medical record data in the United States Jing Sun, Qulu Zheng, Alfred J Anzalone, Alison G Abraham, Amy L Olex, Yifan Zhang, et al. (+10)
95871 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Taiwan Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Practice and Science Swallowing Dysfunction Following the COVID-19 Infection: A Literature reviewarticle I-Chun Liu, Yi-Hsiang Chiu, Tyng-Guey Wang
95872 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Oxford University Press Journal of Travel Medicine Improving health literacy of passengers of cruise ships: readability of passenger-facing COVID-19 information provided by commercial cruise lines-an infodemiology study John E Moore, Beverley C Millar
95873 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Nepal Journals Online International Journal of Occupational Safety and Health Resumption of dental practice after COVID-19 lockdown: perspectives of dental professionals in Karachi, Pakistan Sumaiya Zafar, Syed Yawar Ali Abidi, Samira Adnan, Maham Muneeb Lone, Isma Sajjad
95874 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Bentham Science Current Chinese Science Computational Approaches Molecular Docking and MD Simulation Establishes the Potential COVID-19 Main Protease Inhibitors from Natural Products Areesh Zehra, Raquibun Nisha, Abhishek Kumar, Durgesh Nandan, Iqrar Ahmad, Debarshi Kar Mahapatra, et al. (+3)
95875 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Alsalam University College Al-Salam Journal for Medical Science Beyond the Pandemic: The Interplay and Biological Effects of COVID-19 on Cancer Patients -A Mini Review Maad M. Mijwil, Abdel-Hameed Al-Mistarehi, Anas M. Zein Alaabdin, Mabel E. Ike, George Benneh Mensah, Alfred Addy
95876 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  EDITORA SCIENTIFIC Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Changes on risky drinking after the COVID-19 outbreak in Brazil: results from three consecutive web surveys Luisa Alencar Santos Lage, Fátima Smith Erthal, Marcelo Ribeiro-Alves, Aline Furtado Bastos, Vicent Balanzá-Martinez, Flavio Kapczinski, Raquel B. De Boni
95877 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Universal Wiser Publisher Pte. Ltd Contemporary Mathematics Simulink Methods to Simulate COVID-19 Outbreak Using Fractional Order Models Srilekha R, Parthiban V
95878 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  The Open University of Tanzania JOURNAL OF ISSUES AND PRACTICE IN EDUCATION Managing Distance Learning for Secondary School Students in Tanzania during the COVID-19 Outbreak: Challenges and Opportunities Implicating Educational Inequality Elias Gebron Mshiu, Juma Saidi Mwinjuma, Joyce Nemes
95879 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  SAGE Publications Culture & Psychology Online compassion on the border: The case of Chinese undergraduates on social media in the first weave of COVID-19 pandemic Shuangshuang Xu, Ye Lin, Aruna Wu
95880 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Medicina Clínica (English Edition) Hypovitaminosis C in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic Alicia Sayés, Miguel Sogbe, Félix Alegre
95881 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Macrothink Institute, Inc. International Research in Education Effectiveness of Online Learning and Preparedness of Preschool Teachers Amid COVID-19 Pandemic Isabelle Danielle Apos Ocaya
95882 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Wiley The International Journal of Health Planning and Management Operational status of mental health, substance use, and problem gambling services: A system-level snapshot two years into the COVID-19 pandemic Sherry Hao, Arthur McLuhan, Gary Moloney, Nerinderjit Kaur, Rahim Moineddin, Nigel E. Turner, Flora I. Matheson
95883 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Warsaw University of Life Sciences u00e2u0080u0093 SGGW Press Acta Scientiarum Polonorum - Oeconomia FUNCTIONING OF SELECTED BEEKEEPING FARMS IN POLAND DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC Mariusz Maciejczak, Igor Olech, Katarzyna Kalinka
95884 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Texas Medical Center Library The VAD Journal Extended Cable for Left Ventricular Assist Devices for Monitoring Isolated Patients during the COVID-19 Pandemic Neal Waxali, James Kenward, Yasser Varona, Laurie Loza, Arvind Bhimaraj
95885 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Global Transitions Reduction in inpatient and severe condition visits for respiratory diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic in Wuhan, China Xuemin Zhu, Yuehua Liu, Wei Dai, Wannian Liang, Guanqiao Li
95886 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Warsaw University of Life Sciences u00e2u0080u0093 SGGW Press Acta Scientiarum Polonorum - Oeconomia THE IMPACT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON CHANGES IN THE EMPLOYMENT LEVEL OF PARENTS RECEIVING A CHILD BENEFIT FROM THE FAMILY 500+ PROGRAM IN POLAND Dorota Kmieć
95887 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Australian Planner The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the music industries of Brisbane and an evaluation of the policy response Yanto Browning, Sébastien Darchen
95888 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Cukurova University Faculty of Education Cukurova University Faculty of Education Journal Virtual Learning Environments as an Assessment Tool in Covid-19 Pandemic","Covid-19 Pandemi Sürecinde Bir Değerlendirme Aracı Olarak Sanal Öğrenme Ortamları Abdullah Ragıp ERSÖZ, Aysan ŞENTÜRK
95889 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  SAGE Publications Digital Health Profiles of digital health literacy among university students and its association with mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: A latent profile analysis Liangwen Ning, Zhou Zheng, Minghui Liu, Shang Gao, Xin Yang, Jiasi Bi, et al. (+2)
95890 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  MDPI AG Medicina Acute Central Serous Chorioretinopathy Outbreak during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Pilot Study Tal Yahalomi, Yael Sara Pikkel, Roee Arnon, Michael Kinori, Keren Wood, Joseph Pikkel
95891 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Human Kinetics Journal of Physical Activity and Health Associations Between Changes in 24-Hour Movement Behaviors in Children and Adolescents During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review and Mediation-Based Meta-Analysis Ross D. Neville, William G. Hopkins, Brae Anne McArthur, Catherine E. Draper, Sheri Madigan
95892 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  OpenEdition Hommes & migrations Simeng Wang (dir.), Chinese in France Amid the Covid-19 Pandemic: Daily Lives, Racial Struggles and Transnational Citizenship of Migrants and Descendants Claudia Astarita
95893 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Human Kinetics Journal of Aging and Physical Activity Physical Activity and Health of Middle-Aged and Older Japanese Across the COVID-19 Pandemic: Differential Outcomes Highlight a Problematic Life Stage Michael Annear, Tetsuhiro Kidokoro, Yasuo Shimizu
95894 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Medknow Publications Taiwan Journal of Ophthalmology Resurgence of orbital mucormycosis during COVID-19 pandemic: Study from a tertiary care center in Eastern India Soumen Chakraborty, Satish Reddy Satty, Badal Kumar Sahu, Soumya Ray
95895 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Cogent Economics & Finance Modelling volatility in job loss during the COVID-19 pandemic: The Malaysian case Muzafar Shah Habibullah, Mohd Yusof Saari, Ibrahim Kabiru Maji, Badariah Haji Din, Nur Surayya Mohd Saudi
95896 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine Analysis of the Morphology of Monocytes and Lymphocytes from COVID-19 Patients Using Low-Voltage Scanning Electronic Microscopy A. A. Velmiskina, Yu. V. Nikitin, V. Yu. Mikhailovskii, S. V. Mosenko, A. Yu. Anisenkova, S. V. Apalko, et al. (+6)
95897 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Radiological Society of North America Radiology Chronic Lung Injury after COVID-19 Pneumonia: Clinical, Radiologic, and Histopathologic Perspectives Min Jae Cha, Joshua J. Solomon, Jong Eun Lee, Hyewon Choi, Kum Ju Chae, Kyung Soo Lee, David A. Lynch
95898 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Human Kinetics Journal of Sport Rehabilitation The Interruption of Rehabilitation Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction due to COVID-19 Restrictions: Association With Return-to-Sport Testing William H. Suits, Olivia N. Roe, Corey M. Snyder, Luke J. Voss
95899 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Provinsi Kalimantan Barat Khatulistiwa Profesional Jurnal Pengembangan SDM dan Kebijakan Publik Literature Review: Dampak Kebijakan Pembelajaran Daring pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 terhadap Inovasi Pembelajaran Fnu Leliavia
95900 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Wiley Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology Adverse reactions to cosmetic implants after COVID-19 vaccination: Correspondence Amnuay Kleebayoon, Viroj Wiwanitkit
95901 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Inno Science Press International Journal of Population Studies “Does a healthy man need vaccination?”: Attitudes of older adults toward COVID-19 vaccine in South-East Nigeria Samuel O. Ebimgbo, Yemi Adewoyin, Chukwuedozie K. Ajaero, Uzoma O. Okoye
95902 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Health and Technology COVID-19 vaccine prediction based on an interpretable CNN-LSTM model with three-stage feature engineering Lubna Altarawneh, Hao Wang, Yu Jin
95903 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Qeios Ltd Qeios Covid-19 vaccine uptake and its associated factors among rural households in The Gambia: a community-based cross-sectional study Bakary Kinteh, Ebrima Touray, Mansour Badgie, Lamin Darboe, Modou S. Gaye, Solomon PS Jatta, et al. (+2)
95904 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Universidad Nacional de Loja Revista Vista Económica Análisis de COVID-19 y ahorro de agua potable: una perspectiva multifactorial Johanna Alvarado, Nathalie Aguirre-Padilla, Pablo Ponce
95905 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  OpenEdition Hommes & migrations Migrants, quartiers populaires, les boucs émissaires du Covid-19 ? Flore Talamon
95906 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Wiley Acute Medicine & Surgery A fatal septic shock caused by Capnocytophaga gingivalis potentially associated with COVID-19: A case report Dai Miyazaki, Chika Kunishige, Shigeru Sano, Kahoru Urakawa, Kana Okamoto, Naomi Morishita, Kentaro Iwata
95907 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Journal of Housing and the Built Environment Hedonic price effects of homeworking under the COVID-19: evidence from housing markets in Guangzhou, China Bo Wang, Xin Feng, Becky P. Y. Loo, Desheng Xue, Jixiang Liu, Siyao Tong
95908 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Sarau Institut NALAR Journal Of Law and Sharia Hukum Akad Nikah Daring Pada Masa Covid-19: Perbandingan Perspektif Hukum Islam Dan Hukum Nasional Nurfatihah
95909 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau Jurnal Psikologi Bagaimana Tahapan Kedukaan Pasca Kehilangan Orang Tercinta Selama Covid-19? Faqihul Muqoddam, Casimiro Da Assunção Pires
95910 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) BMC Veterinary Research Neurons cytoskeletal architecture remodeling during the replication cycle of mouse coronavirus MHV-JHM: a morphological in vitro study Michalina Bartak, Piotr Bąska, Marcin Chodkowski, Beata Tymińska, Marcin W. Bańbura, Joanna Cymerys
95911 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Pleiades Publishing Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology Comparative Perspective of Evolution of SARS-CoV-2 and 1918 Influenza Virus Shu Yuan, Si-Cong Jiang, Zhong-Wei Zhang, Yu-Fan Fu, Xin-Yue Yang, Zi-Lin Li, Jing Hu
95912 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  University of Craiova "Analele Universității din Craiova seria Psihologie-Pedagogie/Annals of the University of Craiova Series Psychology- Pedagogy " SARS-CoV-2 en Afrique,  institutions de recherche en sciences sociales et Brain Boom Patrick MBENGUE ZE, Jacques Serge KOUADJOVI KALEDJE II
95913 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  American Chemical Society ACS Infectious Diseases Design, Synthesis, X-ray Crystallography, and Biological Activities of Covalent, Non-Peptidic Inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease Md Ashraf-Uz-Zaman, Teck Khiang Chua, Xin Li, Yuan Yao, Bala Krishna Moku, Chandra Bhushan Mishra, et al. (+3)
95914 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.) Biological Research Alpha-synuclein dynamics bridge Type-I Interferon response and SARS-CoV-2 replication in peripheral cells Fiona Limanaqi, Silvia Zecchini, Irma Saulle, Sergio Strizzi, Claudia Vanetti, Micaela Garziano, et al. (+7)
95915 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE Sensors Journal Incorporation of Thiol-Modified and Carboxyl-MoS2 Films as Support Layer in Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensing Platform for SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Detection Sharifah Norsyahindah Syed Nor, Nur Syafiqah Rasanang, Salmah Karman, Wan Safwani Wan Kamarul Zaman, Sulaiman Wadi Harun, Hamzah Arof
95916 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Heliyon Classical monocytes-low expressing HLA-DR is associated with higher mortality rate in SARS-CoV-2+ young patients with severe pneumonia Juan Sebastián Henao-Agudelo, Sebastian Ayala, Marisol Badiel, Andrés F. Zea-Vera, Lorena Matta Cortes
95917 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  The Royal Society of Chemistry Lab on a Chip SARS-CoV-2-induced disruption of a vascular bed in a microphysiological system caused by type-I interferon from bronchial organoids Kazuya Fujimoto, Yoshikazu Kameda, Yuta Nagano, Sayaka Deguchi, Takuya Yamamoto, Rafał Przybysław Król, et al. (+6)
95918 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  MDPI AG Cells Protein Quality Control Systems and ER Stress as Key Players in SARS-CoV-2-Induced Neurodegeneration Elena Gavilán, Rafael Medina-Guzman, Bazhena Bahatyrevich-Kharitonik, Diego Ruano
95919 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  SANUS SANUS Validación de una escala de afrontamiento en el contexto de la pandemia por SARS-CoV2 Francisco Javier Rosas-Santiago, Emmeline Lagunes-Córdoba, Nora Edith Prieto-Robles, María Amanda Julieta Tello-Bello, Roberto Lagunes-Córdoba
95920 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  IJSSHMR Publication International Journal of Social Science Humanity & Management Research The Effect of Psikological Stress on the Scale of Primary Dysmenorrhea during Pandemic Lestari Sudaryanti, Nur Mulyani
95921 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Universitas Muslim Indonesia Green Medical Journal Impact of Online Eating Behavior Changes on Nutritional Status of Elementary School during Pandemic Muh. Ulyl Imam Fitra Nurdin, Purnamaniswaty Yunus, Jelita Inayah Sari
95922 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  American Chemical Society ACS Nano ACS Nano 2024: Emerging from the Pandemic and Shaping the Future Xiaodong Chen
95923 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) Oncology ART THERAPY OF CANCER PATIENTS IN THE CONTEXT OF ONCOLOGICAL REHABILITATION DURING THE COVID 19 PANDEMIC AND THE WAR IN UKRAINE Y.V. Dumanskiy, O.V. Bondar, A.I. Rybin, O.V. Kuznetsova
95924 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Asian Public Policy Digital regulation, enforcement attitudes, and discretionary decision-making of regulatory street-level bureaucrats during a pandemic emergency: an experimental study in China Yingwei Wang, Hong Pan
95925 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Journal of International Education in Business Cultivating connectedness and elevating educational experiences for international students in blended learning: reflections from the pandemic era and key takeaways Ping He, Judson Carter Edwards, Ying Schwarte
95926 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  ZIbeline International Publishing Malaysian Business Management Journal PANDEMIC MARKETING STRATEGIES OF SELECTED RESTAURANTS: EVIDENCE FROM THE PROVINCE OF LAGUNA, PHILIPPINES Prof. Randolph I. Nonato, Dinah Evangeline P. Banayo, Reynaldo D. Cadano, D.B.A.
95927 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  LPPM Universitas Pelita Bangsa Proceeding International Pelita Bangsa Analysis of Determinants of Income Shocks During the Pandemic Period in Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra Province Diwayana Putri Nasution, Ahmad Fadlan, Dewi Mahrani Rangkuty, Prasetio Prasetio
95928 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  MDPI AG Sustainability Improving Sustainability, Climate Resilience and Pandemic Preparedness in Small Islands: A Systematic Literature Review Stefano Moncada, Luca Nguyen
95930 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Comprehensive Publications International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development Survival of young agropreneur business sales towards post pandemic: Selangor state experience Khairol Ismail, Nur Atifah Kadri
95931 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Banco de Espana Boletín Económico How do the revised National Accounts affect the interpretation of how the Spanish economy has fared since the pandemic? José Luis Fernández, José González Mínguez, Mario Izquierdo, Alberto Urtasun
95932 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Oxford University Press Oxford Open Digital Health Telemedicine in Peru: origin, implementation, pandemic escalation, and prospects in the new normal. Gareth H Rees, Felipe Peralta
95933 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Georg Thieme Verlag KG Pneumologie Pneumologische Rehabilitation im Antragsheilverfahren bei Long COVID Mercedes Rutsch, Per Otto Schüller, Heike Buhr-Schinner, Thomas Gross, Ruth Deck
95934 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Elsevier Zeitschrift für Evidenz Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen Erfahrungen von Menschen mit Long COVID bei ihrer ärztlichen Begleitung und im sozialen Umfeld Sascha Roder, Laura Milena Mohacsi, Tim Schmachtenberg
95935 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  SMC Media European Journal of Case Reports in Internal Medicine Thyrotoxicosis misdiagnosed as long COVID by telemedicine - a cautionary tale Toshitaka Sawamura, Shigehiro Karashima, Mitsuhiro Kometani, Ai Ohmori, Takashi Yoneda
95936 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Springer-Verlag Neurological Sciences Efficacy of dual-task augmented reality rehabilitation in non-hospitalized adults with self-reported long COVID fatigue and cognitive impairment: a pilot study Manuela Deodato, Caterina Qualizza, Miriam Martini, Laura Mazzari, Giovanni Furlanis, Alex Buoite Stella, Paolo Manganotti
95937 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Project MUSE Journal of College Student Development Emerging Symptoms of and Institutional Support for Students with Long COVID in Higher Education Katherine Aquino, Jane Jarrow, Lisa Vance
95938 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  MDPI AG Healthcare Energy Management Education in Persons with Long COVID-Related Fatigue: Insights from Focus Group Results on Occupational Therapy Approach Andrea Weise, Eliane Ott, Ruth Hersche
95939 2024―Jan―09  [GO]  Oxford University Press Health Affairs Scholar Challenges and dynamics of public health reporting and data exchange during COVID-19: insights from US hospitals John (Xuefeng) Jiang, Peter Cram, Kangkang Qi, Ge Bai
95940 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  African Journals Online Ghana Medical Journal Comparative analysis of clinical characteristics of COVID-19 among vaccinated and unvaccinated patients in a major treatment facility in Ghana Benedict NL Calys-Tagoe, Joseph Oliver-Commey, Georgia NK Ghartey, Abdul G. Mohammed, Delia Bandoh, Christian Owoo, Ernest Kenu
95941 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Employee investigation and contact tracing program in a pediatric cancer hospital to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 among the workforce, patients, and caregivers Diego R. Hijano, Sandra R. Dennis, James M. Hoffman, Li Tang, Randall T. Hayden, Aditya H. Gaur, Hana Hakim
95942 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  STIKes Panti Waluya Malang Jurnal Keperawatan Malang Evaluasi Kepatuhan Pelaksanaan Program Vaksinasi Covid-19 IGAA Sherlyna Prihandhani, Mnde Oktaviani Bulan Trisna
95943 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Korea Real Estate Industry Society KOREA REAL ESTATE INDUSTRY SOCIETY Social Relations Satisfaction of Public Rental Housing after COVID-19 U-hui Lee, Kyeong-jin Park, Jung-Seok Oh
95944 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai EDUKATIF JURNAL ILMU PENDIDIKAN Persepsi Mahasiswa Politeknik dalam Menggunakan Google Classroom dan Quizizz Pascapandemi Covid-19 Rizqi Aji Pratama
95945 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Universitas Garut MAHATANI Jurnal Agribisnis (Agribusiness and Agricultural Economics Journal) Kinerja Finansial UKM Sate Bandeng Ratu Toety Selama Pandemi Covid-19 Endah Sukmayanti, Sri Mulyati, Juwarin Pancawati
95946 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Manajemen PENGARUH PENGGUNAAN TEKNOLOGI DAN PENERAPAN E-COMMERCE TERHADAP PENINGKATAN PENJUALAN UMKM DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Pratiwi Nila Sari
95947 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Manajemen Pengaruh Financial Knowledge, Income, dan Financial Attitude Terhadap Pengelolaan Keuangan Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Ari Sulistyowati
95948 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Manajemen ANALISIS SWOT UNTUK MENINGKATKAN STRATEGI UMKM PADA CV. BINTANG DIMASA PANDEMIC COVID-19 Najmi Mumtaz Qurrotal Aina
95949 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Manajemen PERBEDAAN EARNING AFTER TAXES SEBELUM DENGAN SESUDAH PANDEMI COVID-19 Tutiek Yoganingsih
95950 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Pelita Indonesia Kurs Jurnal Akuntansi Kewirausahaan dan Bisnis KINERJA KEUANGAN SEBELUM DAN SESUDAH PANDEMI COVID-19
95951 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Manajemen Pengaruh Literasi Keuangan, Pendapatan dan Gaya Hidup Terhadap Perilaku Konsumtif Belanja Online Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Eri Bukhari
95952 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  SciELO Ciência & Saúde Coletiva Spatial analysis of hospital-related mortality due to COVID-19 among children and adolescents in Brazil Silmery da Silva Brito Costa, Maria dos Remédios Freitas Carvalho Branco, Andressa Rocha Pereira, Elisa Miranda Costa, Mayra Sharlenne Moraes Araújo, Daniel Cavalcante de Oliveira, et al. (+8)
95953 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Institute of Medico-legal Publications Private Limited Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development Knowledge, Attitude and Practices towards COVID-19 among Adults in a Rural area of Sonepat: A Cross-Sectional Study Pankaj Yadav
95954 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Centro de Investigacion y Desarrollo Ecuador Revista Vive Programa de atención de vacunación contra el COVID-19 al personal del hospital de Huaycán Alicia Nelly Morales
95955 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones en Psicologia Matematic Interdisciplinaria Revista de Psicología y Ciencias Afines Experiencias de vida ante el riesgo por COVID-19 (año 2020-2021). Redimensionando el comportamiento ante el desastre María Guadalupe Garibay Chávez, Jorge Regalado Santillán, Arturo Curiel Ballesteros, Martha Georgina Orozco Medina, Valentina Davydova Belitskaya, Silvia Lizette Ramos de Robles
95956 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  African Journals Online Annales Africaines de Medecine Prédicteurs biologiques de mortalité chez les patients atteints de la Covid-19 : Etude observationnelle de suivi historique monocentrique à Kinshasa Jonathan Ibana Kukila, Blaise Manzambi Matondo Sumbu, Merlin Yoka Matena, Yves Muzinga Mukaba, Clelie Mbwinzo, Donat kalombo Muamba, Jeremie Masidi Muwonga
95958 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Instituto de Pesquisa Economica Aplicada - IPEA Boletim Mercado de Trabalho Reciclagem popular e pandemia de covid-19 : desafios na gestão de empreendimentos solidários de catadores de Niterói-RJ Jean Carlos Machado Alves, Lucas Martins Oliveira Bastos
95959 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Psychology Psychological distress as a mediator between workplace violence and turnover intention with caring for patients with COVID-19 Sujin Nam, Janet Yuen Ha Wong, Tingxuan Wang, Bomi An, Daniel Yee Tak Fong
95960 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Universitas Mataram Jurnal Jatiswara Kebijakan Terhadap Dampak Penutupan PLBN Badau Terhadap Perdagangan Lintas Batas Selama Pandemi Covid-19 Budi Hermawan Bangun
95961 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Universitas Mataram Jurnal Jatiswara TRIPS Waiver: Pembelajaran dari Pandemi Covid-19 I Made Bayu Brhaspati
95962 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Goacademica Research and Publishing Journal of Social and Economics Research PENGELOLAAN ARSIP DINAMIS INAKTIF DALAM MENDUKUNG LAYANAN INFORMASI PADA PT ANGKASA PURA I DI ERA PANDEMI COVID-19 Maya Sofiana
95963 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Universitas Bina Nusantara Social Economics and Ecology International Journal (SEEIJ) Socialization and Digital Marketing Assistance for MSME Community in Jabodetabek Affected by Covid-19 Cindy Ayu Agustin
95964 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Universitas Mataram SOCED SASAMBO Journal of Social Education Sasambo PERILAKU KESEHATAN MAHASISWA PENDIDIKAN SOSIOLOGI UNIVERSITAS MATARAM PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Mariam Nurbuana Sari, Suud Suud, Ni Made Novi Suryanti
95965 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Politeknik Negeri Ketapang Literasi Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat dan Inovasi Pentingnya Konsep Pembelajaran Daring dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Guru di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Nur’aini Muhassanah, Ambar Winarni
95966 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Autonoma de Madrid Revista de Estudios Africanos Desafios da educação superior em Angola no contexto pós-pandemia da covid-19 CESÁRIO JOSÉ SANJAMBO BARBANTE
95967 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  ZIbeline International Publishing Acta Informatica Malaysia A REVIEW ON THE IMPACT OF CYBERSECURITY CRIMES IN FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS DURING THE TIME OF COVID-19 Abthal Abdajabar, Nur Arzilawati Md Yunus
95968 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Studi Kasus Opini Masyarakat Terkait Keterbukaan Komunikasi Pemerintah Desa dalam Penanganan COVID-19 Novita Ika Purnamasari
95969 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Penggunaan Dompet Digital dalam Transaksi Daring bagi Millennial Moms selama Pandemi Covid-19 Indah Wenerda, Nunik Hariyanti
95970 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Perilaku Komunikasi Dosen dan Mahasiswa UB dan UUM dalam Mencari Informasi Sebelum dan Selama Pandemi Covid-19 Rachmat Kriyantono, Reza Safitri, Fitria Avicenna, Azahar Kasim, Rohmania Chandra Sari, Amin Heri Susanto, et al. (+3)
95971 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  AME Publishing Company AME Case Reports Surgical paradigm for lung injury secondary to COVID-19 Parnia Behinaein, Hollis Hutchings, Ikenna C. Okereke
95972 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Diversitas Journal - Periodico Cientu00edfico Multidisciplinar Diversitas Journal Os prós e os contra das aulas remotas em um curso de licenciatura em química na pandemia da COVID-19 Jose Anderson Da Silva, José Atalvanio da Silva, Aldenir Feitosa dos Santos
95973 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering Who remained happy despite the pandemic?: the impact of changed life situations and mobility and perceptions and attitudes toward the altered lifestyle during COVID-19 Yunmi Park, Tae-Hyoung Tommy Gim
95974 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Elsevier Revue des Maladies Respiratoires Actualités L’impact de la réhabilitation respiratoire sur l’anxiété et la dépression des patients atteints de COVID-19 E. Nemsi, I. Mejri, T. Zneigui, K. Ayed, N. Guediri, S. Mhamdi, et al. (+3)
95975 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Elsevier Revue des Maladies Respiratoires Actualités Impact de la sévérité de l’obésité sur l’évolution et le pronostic des patients porteurs de pneumopathie COVID-19 L. Loued, A. Ben Saad, R. Kaddoussi, W. Ghribi, S. Ksissa, A. Ghourabi, et al. (+4)
95976 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health A 4-year prospective investigation of predictive effects of prepandemic sexual stigma, affective symptoms, and family support on fear of COVID-19 among lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals Mei-Feng Huang, Yu-Ping Chang, Wen-Jiun Chou, Cheng-Fang Yen
95977 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience Unravelling the connection between COVID-19 and Alzheimer’s disease: a comprehensive review Shah Rezlan Shajahan, Suresh Kumar, Muhammad Danial Che Ramli
95978 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Emerald (MCB UP) Journal of Facilities Management COVID-19 and CFO performance: evidence of large and medium-size companies Grzegorz Zimon, Mahdi Salehi, Samaneh Kalateh Arabi
95979 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Elsevier Revue des Maladies Respiratoires Actualités Attitude du personnel soignant de l’hôpital Hassan II d’Agadir face au syndrome grippal après 3 ans de la pandémie COVID-19 A. Oulahbib, A. Imzil, F. Bounoua, Y. Essaid, K. Aitnasser, O. Halloumi, et al. (+5)
95980 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Elsevier Revue des Maladies Respiratoires Actualités Évolution de la pathologie respiratoire basse en hospitalisation dans un service de pneumologie en milieu africain au cours de la pandémie du COVID-19 Z. Koné, K. Samake, ATJ. Daix, A. Barry, R. Assi, C. Aholia, et al. (+3)
95981 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Springer Science and Business Media LLC Humanities and Social Sciences Communications Global evidence on the economic effects of disease suppression during COVID-19 Jonathan T. Rothwell, Alexandru Cojocaru, Rajesh Srinivasan, Yeon Soo Kim
95982 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Gdanski Uniwersytet Medyczny European Journal of Translational and Clinical Medicine Internet searching may predict novel symptoms, but not new outbreaks. A long-term evaluation of infoveillance in COVID-19 Jakub Aleksander Radziwon, Maciej Lubiejewski, Przemysław Waszak, Zbigniew Heleniak, Maria Alicja Dębska-Ślizień
95983 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Pharmacology Assessing the efficacy and safety of Yinqiao powder-maxing Ganshi decoction in the treatment of the major symptoms of mild and moderate COVID-19 by telemedicine-study protocol for a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial Chi Him Sum, Tong Wendy Li, Hongwei Zhang, Hing Yu Hung, Ben Yuk Fai Fong, Wai Ling Lin, et al. (+6)
95984 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Universidad de Concepcion Ciencia y enfermería MOTIVOS PARA O USO DAS MÁSCARAS NO BRASIL DURANTE A PANDEMIA DA COVID-19 Thamara Rodrigues Bazilio, Fernanda Maria Vieira Pereira-Ávila, Fernanda Maria Bezerra Góes, Natália Maria Vieira Pereira Caldeira, Aline Cerqueira Santos Santana da Silva, Eliã Pinheiro Botelho
95985 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Springer-Verlag CEN Case Reports An unusual cause of renal vein thrombosis in a newborn: COVID-19 Nihan Öztürk, Zühre Kaya, Öznur Boyunağa, Oğuz Söylemezoğlu
95986 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones en Psicologia Matematic Interdisciplinaria Revista de Psicología y Ciencias Afines Principales preocupaciones, conflictos y recursos de afrontamiento en familias durante el confinamiento por COVID-19 Lucía González Pasarín, Isabel M. Bernedo, Antonio Urbano-Contreras
95987 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Informa UK (Taylor & Francis) Information Technology for Development Comprehending ICT for gender empowerment in an aging context: digitalization of marginalized female elderly in the Global South during COVID-19 Xin Pei, Zhen Troy Chen, Lina Zhang
95988 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  SciELO Revista Brasileira de Saúde Ocupacional Teletrabalho e saúde no contexto da pandemia de COVID-19 Maria Aparecida Bridi, Patricia Vieira Tropia, Bárbara Vallejos Vazquez
95989 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Universidad de Los Hemisferios ComHumanitas revista científica de comunicación Estrategias de comunicación institucional en tiempos de covid-19 Jorge Márquez, Oscar Molina, Boris Benalcázar
95990 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  SciELO Texto & Contexto - Enfermagem BALINT GROUPS USING THE “COLETIVOS EM SAÚDE MENTAL” M-HEALTH APP DURING COVID-19 Álisson Secchi, Silvana Alba Scortegagna, Luciane Prado Kantorski
95991 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Universitas Udayana Indonesian Journal of Legal and Forensic Sciences (IJLFS) Gambaran Karakteristik Jenazah Terkonfirmasi Positif COVID-19 di RSUD dr. Doris Sylvanus Muhammad Riza Darmawan
95992 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  SciELO Texto & Contexto - Enfermagem GRUPOS BALINT COM O USO DO APLICATIVO M-HEALTH COLETIVOS EM SAÚDE MENTAL NA COVID-19 Álisson Secchi, Silvana Alba Scortegagna, Luciane Prado Kantorski
95993 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health Perceptions of COVID-19 during and after the Omicron outbreak among healthcare personnel in Indonesia Mohammad Ainul Maruf, Yi-Hao Weng, Ya-Wen Chiu, Hung-Yi Chiou
95994 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Red Flower Publication Private, Ltd. Indian Journal of Emergency Medicine Heat Stroke in a COVID-19 Field Hospital Farzin Vajifdar, Renaldo Pavrey
95995 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Ovid JCR Journal of Clinical Rheumatology Persistent Risk of Developing Autoimmune Diseases Associated With COVID-19 Shoichiro Inokuchi, Koji Shimamoto
95996 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Immunology COVID-19 infection characteristics, risk factors and its potential impacts on Takayasu arteritis: a web-based survey in a large cohort Xiufang Kong, Jinghua Wang, Guihua Fan, Huijing Huang, Ying Sun, Huiyong Chen, et al. (+3)
95997 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Energy Research Residential load forecasting by a PSO-tuned ANFIS2 method considering the COVID-19 influence S. M. Mahfuz Alam, Mohd. Hasan Ali
95998 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Revista Eletronica Acervo Saude Revista Eletrônica Acervo Saúde Avaliação do perfil e distribuição espacial da COVID-19 na região Centro-Oeste do Brasil, no período de 2020-2022 Neusa Larissa Padron Gomes, Carlos Eduardo Tenório Guimarães, Érica Serra Lage, Gabriela Tuma Paes, José Serrão Portilho Filho, Ketylla Lopes Tadaiesky Rodrigues, et al. (+4)
95999 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Psychology Daily positive and negative affect during the COVID-19 pandemic Zorana Ivcevic, Shuting Shen, Shengjie Lin, David Cheng, Ryan Probasco, Ben Silbermann, et al. (+3)
96000 2024―Jan―08  [GO]  Frontiers Media SA Frontiers in Public Health A cross-sectional survey of medical and other groups’ awareness, perceptions, and willingness to use e-cigarettes during the COVID-19 pandemic Ruihang Deng, Chuang Yang, Yifang Yuan, Lifang Liang, Xin Yang, Xinyu Wang, et al. (+4)
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