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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: Innovation Forever Publishing Group Limited

17 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors All Authors
1 [GO] Clinical and Molecular Epidemiology 2024―Aug―07 Association Between COVID-19 and Osteoporosis: A Bidirectional Mendelian Randomization Study Shihang Chen, Song Xue
2 [GO] Journal of Modern Nursing Practice and Research 2024―Jun―19 The Effect of Online Education in Pandemic Process on the Professional Self-efficacy of Senior Nursing Students: A Cross-Sectional Study Özlem Bakan Demirel, Tuğba Öz, Hatice Yıldız
3 [GO] Journal of Modern Educational Research 2024―Mar―22 Evaluating the Impact of Social Media News on the Level of Students’ Fear and Anxiety during the COVID-19 Pandemic Fatemeh Amini, Alireza Banaye Yazdipour, Asma Rashki, Reza Sheibani, Mohammad Reza Mazaheri Habibi
4 [GO] Journal of Modern Nursing Practice and Research 2023―Oct―20 Utilization of the Guidelines for First Responders among Healthcare Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Quantitative Descriptive Study Whitney Wall, Pius Nyutu, Karryll W. Phillips
5 [GO] Journal of Modern Biology and Drug Discovery 2023―Oct―18 Investigation of The Possible Effects of COVID-19 on HbA1c Levels of Adults without Diabetes: A Retrospective Research Deniz Ozturk, Yılmaz Sahin, Seda Askin, Bugra Kerget, Muhammet Celik
6 [GO] Journal of Information Analysis 2023―Aug―18 Media Tracking of Early COVID-19 Rumors and Sentiments in Africa James Ayodele, Benjamin Djoudalbaye, Nekerwon Gweh
7 [GO] Journal of Modern Biology and Drug Discovery 2023―Aug―16 Deep Learning-based Research Model of COVID-19 Wenli Chen, Xueqin Fan, Shuqin Huang, Yuen Gao
8 [GO] Journal of Modern Nursing Practice and Research 2023―Aug―01 Newly Graduated Registered Nurses and Workplace Challenges before the COVID-19 Pandemic Janet MacIntyre
9 [GO] Journal of Information Analysis 2023―Jul―26 Media Tracking of Early Sentiments about COVID-19 Vaccine in Africa James Ayodele, Benjamin Djoudalbaye, Nekerwon Gweh
10 [GO] Journal of Modern Biology and Drug Discovery 2023―Jul―14 Harnessing the Antiviral and Anti-inflammatory Properties of Copper and Zinc Chlorophyllins: A Potential Therapeutic for COVID-19 Patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Andrew W. Taylor-Robinson
11 [GO] Journal of Modern Biology and Drug Discovery 2023―May―17 Use of Quercetin for Therapeutic Purposes in COVID-19 Infections: The Opinion of the Geriatrician Doctor Valerio Massimo Magro
12 [GO] Journal of Modern Biology and Drug Discovery 2023―Mar―31 Oral Paclovid Significantly Reduces Hospitalization and Mortality in Non-hospitalized Elderly Patients with COVID-19 Jinwei Zhang
13 [GO] Journal of Modern Educational Research 2023―Feb―15 Educational Transformation and Adaptation Challenges during COVID-19 Pandemic: An Indian Scenario
14 [GO] Journal of Modern Nursing Practice and Research 2023―Feb―15 Promoting High-impact Practices in Online Nursing Education Post-COVID-19 Pandemic
15 [GO] Journal of Modern Nursing Practice and Research 2022―Nov―09 COVID-19: Lessons to Learn from Student Nurses Joining the Pandemic Workforce
16 [GO] Journal of Modern Educational Research 2022―Jul―11 The Impact of COVID-19 and Challenges of Online Learning: Evidence from Technologically Under-developed Country
17 [GO] Journal of Modern Biology and Drug Discovery 2022―Jun―22 Exploration of the Potent Toxic Intracellular Effects of the Natural Adenosine Analog Cordycepin against SARS-CoV-2 Replication

17 Results       Page 1


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