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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: Suryasa and Sons

101 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors All Authors
1 [GO] International journal of health & medical sciences 2023―Aug―22 Characteristics of patients with decompression illness at the hyperbaric polyclinic of Prof IGNG Ngoerah General Hospital Bali before the COVID-19 pandemic Carolin Tiara Lestari Indah, I Komang Arimbawa, I Wayan Widyantara, Agung Ayu Putri Laksmidewi, Ida Bagus Kusuma Putra, Anita Devi
2 [GO] International Research Journal of Management IT and Social Sciences 2023―Aug―03 Does COVID-19 pandemic moderate financial leverage, firm size, and dividend pay-out ratio on systematic risk (beta) of stock? I Kadek Rian Mahendra, I Gst. Ngr. A. Suaryana
3 [GO] Macrolinguistics and Microlinguistics 2023―Jun―10 COVID-19 rumours and grapevines and their impact on the people Nnaji Charles Ikechukwu, Wilfred Okwudili Okenwa
4 [GO] International Journal of Linguistics Literature and Culture 2023―May―25 use of information and communication technologies in the process of teaching English after the COVID-19 pandemic Roxana Margarita Reyes-Avila, Jesús Orley Reyes-Avila, Isamar Gissela Obando-Mejía
5 [GO] International journal of health & medical sciences 2023―May―16 impact of premarital sexual behavior on adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic Friska Realita, Dhesi Ari Astuti
6 [GO] International journal of social sciences 2023―May―14 School dropout in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic in upper basic students of the Bachillero educational unit Wilson Enrique Chávez-García, Denny Beatriz Moreira-Morales, Lorena Elizabeth Manzaba-Basurto, Danny José Álava-Castro, Francisca Margarita Avila-Rosales
7 [GO] International journal of physics & mathematics 2023―Feb―01 Bonding experiences in times of pandemic Gabriela Jamileth Loor-Macías, Stefany Liceth Briones-Mendoza, María Giuseppina Vanga-Arvelo, Jorge Líder Macías-Ramos, María Lourdes Piñero-Martín
8 [GO] International journal of business economics & management 2023―Jan―31 Analysis of anomaly turn of the month effect on stock return in the Indonesian capital market before and during the COVID-19 pandemic I Putu Arie Argantha, Henny Rahyuda
9 [GO] International journal of health & medical sciences 2023―Jan―20 The effectiveness of pranic complementary therapy to reduce post COVID-19 anxiety in elderly Ni Ketut Sri Diniari, Ketut Ayu, Gede Raka Widiana
10 [GO] International Journal of Linguistics Literature and Culture 2022―Dec―30 Environmental representations amid the COVID-19 pandemic I Wayan Simpen, I Ketut Sudewa, Nissa Puspitaning Adni
11 [GO] International journal of business economics & management 2022―Oct―13 Factors impact in tax avoidance practices before and during the COVID-19 pandemic Ni Luh Ratna Pradnya Maitriyadewi, I Ketut Yadnyana
12 [GO] International journal of social sciences 2022―Oct―08 effect of Tokopedia marketplace promotion on consumer shopping behavior in the COVID-19 pandemic Chendi Liana, Nurul Haniza
13 [GO] International Research Journal of Engineering IT & Scientific Research 2022―Oct―07 Blended Learning as a Choice of Learning Model in Vocational Education After the COVID-19 Pandemic I Gede Made Karma, I Ketut Darma, I Made Anom Santiana
14 [GO] International journal of business economics & management 2022―Oct―06 Influence e-word of mouth and brand awareness to loyalty brand on era pandemic year 2020 Indah Nursantie, Zakaria Wahab, Isnurhadi Isnurhadi, Aslamia Rosa
15 [GO] International Research Journal of Management IT and Social Sciences 2022―Oct―03 influence of work environment and job satisfaction on the performance of BLUD employees at the RSUD Palembang BARI during the COVID-19 pandemic Nova Nur Asih, Zunaidah Zunaidah, Marlina Widiyanti, Mohamad Adam
16 [GO] International Research Journal of Engineering IT & Scientific Research 2022―Sep―22 effect of health education on the level of knowledge and attitude of mothers about COVID-19 prevention at posyandu of mpunda public health center of Bima City Indra Rahmad, Julhana Julhana, Dhany Dahniarty, Awan Dramawan, Syaiful Aniharyati Aniharyati, Aniharyati Aniharyati
17 [GO] International journal of social sciences 2022―Sep―19 Catur Marga value in optimizing medical role for handling COVID-19 patients I Wayan Sukerata, Ida Bagus Gde Yudha Triguna, Wayan Paramartha
18 [GO] International journal of business economics & management 2022―Aug―29 effect of sales growth, earning per share, total assets turn over, return on equity, and debt to equity on stock prices during the COVID-19 pandemic Zora Nayaka Widyadhana, Isnurhadi Isnurhadi, Marlina Widiyanti, Mohamad Adam
19 [GO] International journal of health & medical sciences 2022―Jul―30 role of midwives in the application of classroom services for pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic period Novia Dwijayanti, Mufdlilah Mufdlilah, Endang Koni Suryaningsih
20 [GO] International journal of health & medical sciences 2022―Jun―14 level of community compliance in implementing health protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19 Ida Bagus Maha Gandamayu, Ni Wayan Sukma Antari, Ida Ayu Suptika Strisanti
21 [GO] International Research Journal of Management IT and Social Sciences 2022―Apr―24 COVID-19 crisis and stock market volatility in Nigeria C Onuorah Anastasia, C Ehiedu Victor, Okoh Ezekiel
22 [GO] International journal of business economics & management 2022―Apr―16 Resilience of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) through the COVID-19 pandemic Ida Ayu Made Dian Puspitarini, Nyoman Djinar Setiawina
23 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2022―Mar―03 Trump's strategic maneuvering in coronavirus press conferences Fareed Hameed Al-Hindawi, Hawraa Jabbar Rahi
24 [GO] International journal of chemical & material sciences 2022―Feb―28 effect of anxiety on the smooth production of breast milk in postpartum mother in COVID-19 pandemic Christin Jayanti, Devi Yulianti
25 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2022―Feb―16 Intercultural learning in pandemic era Eripuddin Eripuddin, Jufrizal Jufrizal, Agustina Agustina
26 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2022―Feb―16 Tourism in Kosovo at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic Bedri Millaku, Adem Dreshaj, Elvis Elezaj, Bekë Kuqi
27 [GO] International journal of health & medical sciences 2022―Feb―10 Clinical status of patients with coronary artery disease post COVID-19 Mukhlisa Rakhmatillaevna Khidoyatova, Ulugbek Karimovich Kayumov, Feruza Khidoyatovna Inoyatova, Khurshid Gayratovich Fozilov, Gulnoz Abdusattarovna Khamidullaeva, Aziz Sagdullaevich Eshpulatov
28 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2022―Feb―10 Effectiveness of learning using application zoom theon student learning outcomes during COVID-19 at STKIP Muhammadiyah Sungai Penuh Nofyta Arlianti, Mira Hastin, Ali Ramatni, Loria Wahyuni, Nelvia Susmita
29 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2022―Feb―02 Comparison of notary deed in Indonesia, Netherlands, and Belgium during the COVID-19 pandemic Maghfira Humaira, Pieter Everhardus Latumeten
30 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2022―Jan―30 Utilization of E-WoM strategy and WhatsApp group texting in building trust and shopper intention to conventional business sectors during the coronavirus pandemic Teti Sumarni, Prima Vandayani
31 [GO] International journal of health & medical sciences 2022―Jan―23 Comparison of the use of shock index and modified early obstetric warning score in COVID-19 obstetric emergency patients as ICU care parameters Sri Wahyuni, Siti Maisuri T Chalid, Nugraha Utama Pelupessy, Sharvianty Arifuddin, Irfan Idris, Andi Nilawati Usman
32 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2022―Jan―13 Mental disorders elderly in rural areas during COVID-19 pandemic in Bali Indonesia Ni Ketut Sri Diniari
33 [GO] International journal of social sciences 2022―Jan―08 Effect of price and promotion on customer loyalty of domestic and export coal in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic Muhammad Firdaus, Zakaria Wahab, Marlina Widiyanti, Muchsin Saggaf Shihab
34 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2022―Jan―04 Poverty as the impact of the COVID-19 Sukanto Limbong, Senada Siallagan
35 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2022―Jan―03 concept of creative economy development-strengthening post COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia Atiqi Chollisni, Syahrani Syahrani, Sandra Dewi, Andrew Shandy Utama, M. Anas
36 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2022―Jan―03 Household accounting during the COVID-19 pandemic in phenomenology perspective Ni Putu Diah Sinthia Dewi, I Dewa Gede Dharma Suputra, I Putu Sudana, Gayatri Gayatri
37 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2022―Jan―03 Experiences of nursing professionals involved in the care of COVID-19 patients Gitumoni Konwar, Sweetimani Kakati, Nabanita Sarma
38 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2022―Jan―03 Efficiency of emergency service for COVID-19 patients in Indonesia: management system, public policies, and medical action Lestari Makmuriana, Ade Risna Sari, Moelisa Nogueyan
39 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2022―Jan―01 Organizational culture as moderating the influence of internal control and community participation on fraud prevention in village fund management during the COVID-19 pandemic I Made Yoga Darma Putra, Ni Ketut Rasmini, Gayatri Gayatri, Ni Made Dwi Ratnadi
40 [GO] International journal of health & medical sciences 2021―Dec―28 Analysis of post-stroke anxiety (PSA) factors during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia Nisfil Mufidah, M. Suhron, Rahmad Wahyudi
41 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2021―Dec―24 Service management concepts and the role of banks’ creative economic in Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic era Titik Purwati, Rafidah Rafidah, Atiqi Chollisni, Dina Mayasari Soeswoyo, Ade Risna Sari
42 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2021―Dec―21 Implementation of environmental cost accounting during the COVID-19 pandemic in medical waste management Ni Luh Putu Purna Yogiswari, I. G. A. N. Budiasih, I Putu Sudana, Ni Putu Sri Harta Mimba
43 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2021―Dec―18 The urgency of education crisis management based on Islamic boarding schools during the COVID-19 pandemic Ahmad Zain Sarnoto, Akhmad Shunhaji, Sri Tuti Rahmawati, Rachmat Hidayat, Amiroh Amiroh, Ahmad Hamid
44 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2021―Dec―15 COVID-19 Pandemic and the Performance of Financial Firms in Nigeria Onuorah Anastasia C, Alika Blessing, Okoh Ezekiel Oghenetega
45 [GO] International journal of health & medical sciences 2021―Dec―12 condition of the oral cavity in patients who have had a viral infection COVID-19 Avzal Nigmatullaevich Akbarov, Davron Nigman Ugli Xabilov
46 [GO] International Research Journal of Management IT and Social Sciences 2021―Dec―09 Knowledge, awareness, and practices for prevention of Vietnamese students in the passion of COVID-19 Nguyen Thi Thuy Phuong, Phan Bui Gia Thuy, Nguyen Tran Ngoc Phi, Pham Nguyen Trong Nhan, Nguyen Hoang Son
47 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2021―Dec―09 Code and messages interpretation on COVID-19 street banner Febrika Dwi Lestari, Rina Octavia Simarmata, Nurhayati Sitorus, Usman Sidabutar
48 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2021―Dec―09 scientific approach on developing English writing materials for teaching learning process during early post COVID pandemic Harpen H. P Silitonga, Parlindungan Sitorus, Saurma K. Tarihoran, Galina Sitinjak, Nurhayati Sitorus
49 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2021―Dec―06 Indonesian netizens expressions potentially satire with the COVID-19 pandemic on social media Facebook Muhsyanur Muhsyanur, Zulfiah Larisu, Henny Sanulita, Devi Wahyu Ertanti, Dwi Masdi Widada
50 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2021―Nov―26 Peculiarities of psychological assistance in overcoming the consequences COVID-19 Tetiana Melnychuk, Tamara Grubi, Svitlana Alieksieieva, Svitlana Maslich, Vitalii Lunov
51 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2021―Nov―26 Application of historical literacy in history learning in the time of COVID-19 Kurniawati Kurniawati, Ayuningtias Rahman
52 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2021―Nov―26 Roma children's access to education during COVID-19 pandemic Ardian Tana, Erjona Hasa, Armando Shengjergji, Elisabeta Osmanaj
53 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2021―Nov―26 Administrative and criminal measures in the field of prevention and counteraction to the spread of coronavirus diseases in Ukraine and their results Volodymyr Zarosylo, Halyna Karelova, Oleksandr Kaplya, Lyudmyla Denisova, Iryna Muravyova
54 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2021―Nov―26 Effect of pandemic on performance of contracts and remedies to the cases of breach Maitreyee Dubey, Shikha Dimri
55 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2021―Nov―26 The importance of state ensuring the right of citizens to quality medical care in the conditions of COVID-19 vaccination Olena Artemenko, Lubov Krupnova, Lіudmyla Kurylo, Svitlana Kovalova, Liliia Kniazka
56 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2021―Nov―25 COVID-19 Vladyslava Liubarets, Iryna Zinkova, Yuliia Zemlina, Ganna Voroshylova, Anna M. Tymeychuk
57 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2021―Nov―25 Effectiveness of offline and online learning during COVID-19 pandemic Moch. Najib, Agus Mursidi
58 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2021―Nov―24 COVID-19 perceptions, subjective norms, and perceived benefits to attitude and behavior of continuous using of medical mask Ni Nyoman Kerti Yasa, Putu Laksmita Dewi Rahmayanti, Ni Luh Wayan Sayang Telagawathi, I Gusti Agung Gede Witarsana, Hanugerah Kristiono Liestiandre
59 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2021―Nov―21 Impact of inquiry-based English teaching through digital applications on primary schoolchildren's reading comprehension and autonomy in pandemic situation Ekaterine Pipia, Irina Chikovani
60 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2021―Nov―17 Repercussions of COVID-19 on the Indian stock market Dhananjay Ashri, Bibhu Prasad Sahoo, Ankita Gulati, Irfan UL Haq
61 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2021―Nov―16 Reframing the competitiveness strategy of Bugis traders based on spiritual entrepreneurship after the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia Andi Thamrin, Syamsul Ridjal, Muhammad Syukur, Haedar Akib, Syamsiar Syamsiar
62 [GO] International Research Journal of Management IT and Social Sciences 2021―Nov―12 Work culture of the government of Teluk Ambon district in providing administrative services to the community in the era of COVID-19 Wahyu Fatimah Chaniago
63 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2021―Nov―12 Firm supervisory board during pandemic Arif Budi Satrio, Maria Kontesa
64 [GO] International journal of chemical & material sciences 2021―Nov―08 Antioxidant activity, carbohydrates and protein in sorgum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) plants as a development of economic functional food materials during the COVID-19 pandemic Ni Wayan Sukma Antari, Ida Ayu Manik Damayanti, Nadya Treesna Wulansari
65 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2021―Nov―06 Impact of COVID-19 on education sector in Uttarakhand Neema Gupta, Megha Sharma, Mohit Rastogi, Anshu Chauhan, Vipin Jain, Piyush Kumar Yadav
66 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2021―Nov―05 Pragmatic markers and events on social media in new habit era of COVID-19 outbreak Rani Siti Fitriani, R. Panca Pertiwi Hidayati, Any Budiarti
67 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2021―Nov―01 Arabic as foreign language learning in pandemic COVID-19 as perceived by students and teachers Mahyudin Ritonga, Martin Kustati, Meliza Budiarti, Ahmad Lahmi, Musda Asmara, Rahadian Kurniawan, et al. (+2)
68 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2021―Nov―01 Proficiency amidst COVID-19 challenges in developing computer programs Mario C. Oli
69 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2021―Nov―01 relationship of community leaders and social cultural environment with community participation in management of COVID-19 in Tangerang City Mastur Thoyib, Widodo Widodo, Rohati Rohati, Edi Mulyadi, Sutarman Sutarman
70 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2021―Nov―01 Influence of epidemic COVID-19 on business strategy, information technology and supply chain agility to firm performance in medical device industry Siti Maemunah, Herry Cuaca
71 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2021―Nov―01 Strategic digitalization of UMKM business as an alternative to survive the COVID-19 pandemic Raden Achmad Harianto, Pratiwi Nila Sari
72 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2021―Nov―01 E-democracy and the parrhesia language of netizen towards COVID-19 pandemic Burhanuddin Arafah, Muhammad Hasyim, Fransisca E. Kapoyos
73 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2021―Nov―01 Bibliometric analysis of islamic education learning loss in the COVID-19 pandemic Elihami Elihami
74 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2021―Nov―01 Early reading learning for special needs students: challenges on inclusive primary school during COVID-19 pandemic Dahlia Novarianing Asri, Bambang Eko Hari Cahyono, Rischa Pramudia Trisnani
75 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2021―Nov―01 Distance education during the COVID-19 pandemic Evgeniya Mikhailovna Nikolaeva, Svetlana Nikolaevna Kotenkova, Maria Yurievna Eflova, Polina Sergeevna Kotliar
76 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2021―Nov―01 relationship of online game addiction with learning motivation in school age children on COVID-19 pandemic Inong Sri Rahayu, Indra Karana, Muhammad Agus Hardiansyah, Dyah Handayani Dewi, Elihami Elihami
77 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2021―Nov―01 Influence of social media on EFL Yemeni learners in Indian Universities during Covid-19 Pandemic Saleh Altam
78 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2021―Nov―01 Polarization of the Muslim community towards government policies in overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia Ahmad Zain Sarnoto, Lamya Hayatina
79 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2021―Nov―01 Using different approaches to organizing distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: opportunities and disadvantages Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Danchikov, Natalia Alekseevna Prodanova, Yulia Nikolaevna Kovalenko, Tatiana Grigorievna Bondarenko
80 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2021―Nov―01 linguistic impact of coronavirus on online service offers in Spain as well as France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and the UK Joachim Grzega
81 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2021―Nov―01 Parental belief towards online-based language learning amidst the pandemic Kathlyn P. Aranas, Danilo T. Dinoy, Jerry James C. Deran, Marvin C. Casalan, Joemart P. Aizon
82 [GO] International Journal of Linguistics Literature and Culture 2021―Oct―30 multimodal forms of tourism promotional discourse in the age COVID-19 Ni Wayan Kasni, I Wayan Budiarta
83 [GO] International journal of social sciences 2021―May―25 Role of visual communication design as effective COVID-19 information and education media for community N. Ilma, P. A. W. Hidayat, D. Setiono, B. H. Prilosadoso
84 [GO] International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 2021―May―19 Implementation of fulfillment of rehabilitation rights against persons with disabilities yayasan peduli kemanusiaan bali related to COVID-19: Human rights perspective Ni Putu Sawitri Nandari, Ida Ayu Ketut Artami, Kadek Vivi Prasanti Cita Dewi
85 [GO] International journal of business economics & management 2021―Apr―30 Understanding review of economic loss due to government policy respond to the COVID-19 disruption in Indonesia Muhammad Sholahuddin, Sardjana Orba Manullang, Dyana Sari
86 [GO] International Research Journal of Management IT and Social Sciences 2021―Apr―19 Macro and microeconomic analysis of the impact of the covid-19 pandemic in Chile and the projections of the central bank's Rodrigo Barra Novoa
87 [GO] International journal of health & medical sciences 2021―Feb―21 Impact of human resource management on health workers during pandemics COVID-19: systematic review Gunawan Widjaja
88 [GO] Linguistics and Culture Review 2021―Feb―20 linguistic impact of coronavirus on online service offers in Spain as well as France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and the UK Joachim Grzega
89 [GO] International journal of business economics & management 2021―Feb―19 Understanding the challenges and opportunities of micro, small, and medium enterprises during covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia: a systematic review Sudarmo Sudarmo
90 [GO] International journal of business economics & management 2021―Feb―01 Funding and management support for recovering of micro, small and medium enterprises during disruption of COVID-19 Antoni Antoni
91 [GO] International Research Journal of Engineering IT & Scientific Research 2021―Jan―26 Blended Learning is an Educational Innovation and Solution During the COVID-19 Pandemic I Gede Made Karma, I Ketut Darma, I Made Anom Santiana
92 [GO] International Journal of Linguistics Literature and Culture 2020―Dec―27 effectiveness of the problem solving method on learning outcomes of the English course for room division operation during the COVID-19 pandemic I Nyoman Kanca, Gede Ginaya, Ni Nyoman Sri Astuti
93 [GO] International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 2020―Dec―01 COVID-19 pandemic handling community social and cultural sector stimulus efforts I Nengah Merta, I Wayan Suderana
94 [GO] International Research Journal of Management IT and Social Sciences 2020―Nov―27 Leadership and human resource management: response to the COVID-19 outbreak Sudarmo Sudarmo
95 [GO] International Research Journal of Management IT and Social Sciences 2020―Nov―27 use of e-commerce during COVID-19 pandemic towards revenue and volume of MSMEs sales I.A. Cynthia Saisaria Mandasari, I Gede Surya Pratama
96 [GO] International Research Journal of Management IT and Social Sciences 2020―Nov―27 How educational technology innovates distance learning during pandemic crisis in remote areas in Indonesia? Rayuwati Rayuwati
97 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences 2020―Nov―16 relationship on health education against anxiety concerning COVID-19 transmission Najman Najman, Kistan Kistan, Ita Novianti
98 [GO] International Journal of Linguistics Literature and Culture 2020―Nov―14 Reading William Faulkner’s Yoknapatawpha in the COVID-19 era Mourad Romdhani
99 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences 2020―Sep―05 Management of the nursing processes of internal students in the confrontation of the COVID-19 María del Rosario Herrera Velázquez, Jair Fernando Sánchez Bravo, Cindy Lisbeth Pico Bermúdez, Pedro Roger Villacreses Mendoza, Kaina Isabel Barberán Murillo
100 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences 2020―Aug―23 Gender violence on pandemic of COVID-19 David Alejandro Navarrete Solórzano, María Rodríguez Gamez, Osvaldo Jiménez Pérez de Corcho
101 [GO] International Research Journal of Management IT and Social Sciences 2020―Aug―05 The feasibility study of coffee house business opportunity in COVID-19 pandemic: a case study at kulo coffee shop pemogan Ni Wayan Ari Sudiartini

101 Results       Page 1


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