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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Center

52 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors All Authors
1 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2024―Dec―14 Unveiling the Resilience of Creative Business: navigating the impact and recovery path of COVID-19 in Bulgaria Stanimir Stamatev, Miglena Angelova
2 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2024―Dec―14 COVID-19 as a factor influencing municipal budgets: a case study of Czech conditions Jiří Bečica, Roman Vavrek, Viera Papcunová, Michal Konečný
3 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2024―Jun―14 Impact of digitalisation on companies' performance during COVID-19 Milan Talíř, Ekaterina Chytilová
4 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2024―Jun―14 The COVID-19 pandemic and the real estate market in the Czech Republic Tomáš Krulický, Tereza Proboštová, Iva Lorencová
5 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2024―Mar―20 Impact of COVID-19 on corporate culture Silvia Lorincová
6 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2024―Mar―20 Integral analysis of selected labour market indicators in the context of a Covid-19 pandemic Matej Húževka, Jana Masárová, Valentinas Navickas
7 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2024―Mar―20 Companies' performance and behaviour responding to crisis during Covid-19 pandemic: a case study of the Czech Republic Ekaterina Chytilová, Milan Talíř
8 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2023―Jun―29 Analysis of the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on consumer buying behaviour in food chain stores Veronika Čabinová, Peter Gallo, Ján Dobrovič, Beáta Balogová, Mykola Palinchak
9 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2023―Jun―29 Changes in employee motivation for education in companies before and during the Covid-19 pandemic Iva Klementová, Zdeněk Caha, Tomáš Mrhálek
10 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2023―Mar―25 Impact of COVID-19 on labour force and recovery peculiarities in selected countries of Europe Szilárd Szigeti, Vivien Pásztóová, Csilla Mezősi
11 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2023―Mar―25 Business interruption management in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic for small and medium-sized enterprises in Slovakia Erika Mošková, Michal Brutovský, Kristián Furiak, Katarína Buganová
12 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2023―Mar―25 Entrepreneurs' concerns about the coronavirus pandemic and enterprise’s sustainable development Aleksandra Stanek-Kowalczyk, Monika Zajkowska
13 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2023―Mar―25 Creativity in times of war and pandemics Margarita Išoraitė, Irena Alperytė
14 [GO] Sociālo Zinātņu Vēstnesis=Social Sciences Bulletin 2023―Jan―20 SOCIAL INVESTMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC: THE CASE OF LITHUANIA Violeta Vilkoitytė, Daiva Skučienė
15 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2022―Dec―29 Efficiency of banking sectors of the European Union. A comparative benchmarking analysis before and during the COVID-19 pand Iwona Dorota Czechowska, Tomasz Florczak
16 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2022―Dec―29 Peculiarities of Bulgarian universities' digitalization during the Covid-19 pandemic Tsvetana Stoyanova, Miglena Angelova, Daniel Parushev
17 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2022―Dec―29 The COVID-19 pandemic and current situation on the labor market in the NUTS 3 regions of the Slovak republic Jozef Habánik, Jaroslav Vyhnička, Katarína Štefčíková, Martina Jakubčinová
18 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2022―Dec―29 Art management during the COVID-19 pandemic: visual arts creator perspective Michał Szostak
19 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2022―Sep―10 Impact of distant teaching during Covid-19 pandemic on civic and financial literacy Marcel Lincényi, Matej Mindár
20 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2022―Sep―10 Student entrepreneurship mindset and social entrepreneurship pedagogy in a global health pandemic in Lagos State University, Nigeria Samson A. Adewumi, Logan D. Naidoo
21 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2022―Sep―10 Digital platforms in health care: evaluating workers' expectations and profiles during pandemic time Alfonso Marino, Paolo Pariso, Michele Picariello
22 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2022―Mar―20 The COVID-19 pandemic consequences to the activity of NGOs Paweł Mikołajczak, Joanna Schmidt, Robert Skikiewicz
23 [GO] Insights into Regional Development 2021―Dec―30 Community participation: a pragmatic solution to negative impacts of Covid-19 on household's socioeconomic lives John Lola Okunola, Sunday Olutayo Fakunle
24 [GO] Insights into Regional Development 2021―Dec―30 The impact of COVID-19 on the financial performance: a case study of the Lithuanian transport sector Paulina Periokaitė, Nomeda Dobrovolskienė
25 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2021―Dec―14 Building financial literacy during the COVID-19 pandemic Guna Ciemleja, Konstantins Kozlovskis
26 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2021―Dec―14 Added value in the transport sector at the time before COVID-19 pandemic: a comparison of the EU countries Yaroslava Kostiuk, Veronika Kohútová, Jarmila Straková, Nadežda Koleda
27 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2021―Dec―14 Digital transformation of MSMEs in Indonesia during the pandemic Elya Kurniawati, Idris Idris, Puji Handayati, Sharina Osman
28 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2021―Dec―14 Crisis diagnosis in cross-border region: lessons from the pandemic Michał Bilczak
29 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2021―Sep―22 Mobility in the context of entrepreneurial potential of students under the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic (Latvia, Georgia) Vladimir Menshikov, Givi Bedianashvili, Oksana Ruza, Irena Kokina
30 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2021―Sep―22 Digital government platforms: issues and actions in Europe during pandemic time Alfonso Marino, Paolo Pariso
31 [GO] Sociālo Zinātņu Vēstnesis=Social Sciences Bulletin 2021―Jul―09 TŪRISMA NOZARES IZAICINĀJUMI LATGALĒ COVID-19 PANDĒMIJAS LAIKĀ Inta Ostrovska, Baiba Rivža, Ludmila Aleksejeva, Ilona Maksimčika
32 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2021―May―17 How Covid-19 affects the share price of Vietnam's pharmaceutical industry: event study method Lai Cao Mai Phuong
33 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2021―May―17 How companies overcome crisis through the sharing of information and teamwork performance during the COVID-19 pandemic Nadežda Jankelová, Zuzana Joniaková, Jana Blštáková, Katarína Procházková, Zuzana Skorková, Lasha Abuladze
34 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2021―May―17 Entrepreneurial activity of the IT sector in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic and in the post-quarantine period Vladislav Fedorenko, Natalia Filipenko, Inesa Shumilo, Volodymyr Nesterovych, Svitlana Nischymna
35 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2021―May―17 Core features for the design of remuneration systems for sustainable human resource management during the Covid-19 pandemic: Polish companies’ experiences Hanna Kinowska
36 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2021―May―17 How we can benefit from personal finance management applications during the COVID-19 pandemic? The Polish case Krzysztof Waliszewski, Anna Warchlewska
37 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2021―May―17 Slovak business environment development under the industry 4.0 and global pandemic outbreak issues Adriana Grenčíková, Valentinas Navickas, Marcel Kordoš, Matej Húževka
38 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2021―Feb―19 Assessment of the situation concerning psychological support to the public and business in the extreme conditions: case of COVID-19 Tomas Davulis, Ligita Gasparėnienė, Evaldas Raistenskis
39 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2021―Feb―19 Fiscal sustainability and fiscal risk in the EU: forecasts and challenges in terms of COVID-19 Andrey Zahariev, Anelia Radulova, Aleksandrina Aleksandrova, Mariana Petrova
40 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2021―Feb―19 Characteristics of distance work organization in SMEs during the COVID-19 lockdown: case of western Lithuania region Giedrė Strakšienė, Henrika Ruginė, Laura Šaltytė-Vaisiauskė
41 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2021―Feb―19 The COVID-19 Pandemic and Resilience of SME’s in Lithuania Erika Župerkienė, Ligita Šimanskienė, Daiva Labanauskaitė, Julija Melnikova, Vida Davidavičienė
42 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2021―Feb―19 How we can benefit from personal finance management applications during the COVID-19 pandemic? The Polish case Krzysztof Waliszewski, Anna Warchlewska
43 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2021―Feb―19 A study of online entrepreneurship education under conditions of a pandemic Margarita Išoraitė, Gintarė Gulevičiūtė
44 [GO] Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues 2021―Jan―09 SECURITISATION OF COMMUNICATION IN PUBLIC SPACE DURING COVID 19 PANDEMIC Paulina Polko
45 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2020―Nov―23 Striking a healthier balance between air passenger rights and air carriers' vital interests in the light of Covid-19 Regina Valutytė
46 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2020―Nov―23 Entrepreneurship support ways after the COVID-19 crisis Manuel Chaves-Maza, Eugenio M. Fedriani Martel
47 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2020―Nov―23 Impact of COVID-19 on SMEs and employment Ahmad Al-Fadly
48 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2020―Nov―23 After COVID-19. Reorientation of crisis management in crisis Zbyslaw Dobrowolski
49 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2020―Aug―23 Investigating the role of environmental concern and the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology on working from home technologies adoption during COVID-19 Mohammad Razif, Bobby Ardiansyah Miraja, Satria Fadil Persada, Reny Nadlifatin, Prawira Fajarindra Belgiawan, Anak Agung Ngurah Perwira Redi, Shu-Chiang Lin
50 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2020―Aug―23 Is education or Real GDP per capita helped countries staying at home during COVID-19 pandemic: cross-section evidence? Hatem Akeel, Haitham Khoj
51 [GO] Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 2020―Aug―23 Financial literacy in the COVID-19 pandemic: pressure conditions in Indonesia Anik Yuesti, Ni Wayan Rustiarini, Ni Nyoman Ayu Suryandari
52 [GO] Insights into Regional Development 2020―Aug―23 Effects of COVID-19 pandemy on African health, political and economic strategy János Besenyő, Marianna Kármán

52 Results       Page 1


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