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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: Institut Ilmu Kesehatan STRADA Indonesia (STRADA Indonesia Health Sciences Institute)

82 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors All Authors
1 [GO] STRADA JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN 2024―Dec―04 Perception Analysis of Breastfeeding Mother Behavior in Implementing the Covid-19 Vaccine at the Campurejo Health Center Inelika Karcita Sanggore
2 [GO] Journal Of Nursing Practice 2024―Nov―04 Family Psychological Responses in Implementing Booster Vaccination for COVID-19 in Schizophrenia as a Prevention of Covid-19 based on Positive Mental Health (PMH) M. Suhron
3 [GO] Journal of Global Research in Public Health 2024―Jul―04 Effect of Covid-19 Pandemic on Availability and Delivery of Sexually Transmitted Infections Health Services and Products to Individuals 15 - 49 Years in Lusaka: A Case Study of Chelstone Ganizani Mwale, Mpundu Makasa
4 [GO] Journal Of Nursing Practice 2024―May―03 The Role of Resilience as Mediation in Burnout Work Environment on the Performance of RSUD Sidoarjo Employees in the Era of the Pandemic Covid 19 Wasis Nupikso
5 [GO] Indonesian Journal of Nutritional Epidemiology and Reproductive 2024―Feb―06 Analysis Of Factors Affecting Measles Rubella ( Mr ) Immunization Services For Children Aged 18-24 Months During The Pandemic At The Bumiaji Health Center In Batu City Tri Astutik
6 [GO] Journal Of Nursing Practice 2023―Nov―07 Analysis of Determinants of Motivation and Regulatory Understanding on the Speed of Covid-19 Claim Services in Sidoarjo Regency Hospital Syamsu Rahmadi
7 [GO] Journal Of Nursing Practice 2023―Nov―07 Literature Review : Socio-Economic Impact on Society due to the Covid-19 Pandemic Anis Ansyori
8 [GO] Journal Of Nursing Practice 2023―Nov―07 How is the Coping Mechanism, the Function of Adolescent Role in the Implementation of Vaccination of Covid-19 Vaccine Based on Psychological Distress? : Cross-sectional Study M. Suhron
9 [GO] Journal Of Nursing Practice 2023―Nov―07 Determination Analysis of Hospitals in East Java on Readiness in Facing a Pandemic Based on the WHO Rapid Hospital Readiness Checklist Ratna Wardani
10 [GO] Indonesian Journal of Nutritional Epidemiology and Reproductive 2023―Oct―12 Structural Intervention in Increasing Covid-19 Vaccination Achievements in the Elderly Group in Banaran Kulon Village, Bagor District, Nganjuk Regency Susi Jumiani
11 [GO] JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT IN HEALTH 2023―Oct―01 Increasing Optimization of SDIDTK Training for PAUD Teachers during the Covid 19 Pandemic Paulinus Deny Krisnanto, Lala Budi Fitriana, Endang Lestiawati, Cornelia Dede Y. N., Nurrahma Dini
12 [GO] Journal of Global Research in Public Health 2023―Jul―13 The Effectiveness of the Online Cadre Refresh Program on Capacity Building for Cadres in Toddler Posyandu Management During the Covid-19 Pandemic Ardi Bastian
13 [GO] Journal of Global Research in Public Health 2023―Jul―13 The Effect of Covid-19 Pandemic anxiety on Breastfeeding Expenditure on Post Partum Mothers in Air Putih Bengkalis Village Health Center Working areas Komaria Susanti
14 [GO] STRADA JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN 2023―May―26 The Traditional Value of the Sasak Lombok Community Regarding Handling COVID-19: A Literature Review Lalu Amri Yasir
15 [GO] Journal Of Nursing Practice 2023―Apr―26 Determinants of Community on Covid-19 Vaccine Participation in RT 01 RW 05, Ngadiluwih Village Kediri District Lingga kusuma wardani Lingga
16 [GO] Journal Of Nursing Practice 2023―Apr―26 Implementation Early of Initiation Breastfeeding (EIB) by Health Workers in the Maternity Room of 'Aisyiyah Ponorogo General Hospital During Covid-19 Pandemic Dian Meilani Saputra
17 [GO] Journal Of Nursing Practice 2023―Apr―26 Mother's Behavior in Breastfeeding after the Covid-19 Pandemic: a Cross Sectional Study Reni Yuli Astutik
18 [GO] Journal Of Nursing Practice 2023―Apr―26 Understanding the Barriers Towards Delivery of Patient Education and Perceptions on Health Education Delivery During Covid Pandemic among the Nurses in One of the Hospitals in Bhutan Sangay Chozom
19 [GO] JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT IN HEALTH 2023―Mar―30 Effective Communication Implementation in Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic at Alarobi Rancailat Vocational School Yuli Yanti, Hani Irmaya, Aslihah Aslihah, Libertus Bage
20 [GO] Journal of Global Research in Public Health 2023―Feb―02 The Role of Family in Improving of PHBS Behavior to Adapt a New Habits (AKB) to Prevent from High Risk of Covid-19 in Elderly Rahmania Ambarika
21 [GO] Journal of Global Research in Public Health 2023―Feb―02 Environmental Health Assessment of Tourism Area After the Covid-19 Pandemic Reny Mareta Sari
22 [GO] Journal of Global Research in Public Health 2023―Feb―02 The Effect of Drawing Art Therapy on the Anxiety Level of Students at Nurul Falah Vocational High School in Online Learning Assignments during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Geger Village, Mangaran District, Situbondo Nur Yeny Hidajaturrokhmah
23 [GO] Journal of Global Research in Public Health 2023―Feb―02 Husband Support on Pregnant Mother's Anxiety in Facing Labor During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Tamanan Kediri 2022 Meirna Eka Fitriasnani
24 [GO] JOURNAL FOR QUALITY IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2022―Dec―08 Colchicine - from Gout to Covid-19 Ekadana Prayoga Suryadi
25 [GO] JOURNAL FOR QUALITY IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2022―Dec―08 The Effect of Three-Dimensional Learning Media Innovation on the Empowerment of Clean and Healthy Life Behavior (PHBS) among Elementary School Children During the Covid-19 Pandemic Eva Oktaviani, Nabila Lee Kertin, Dahliani Dahliani, Komalasari Komalasari
26 [GO] JOURNAL FOR QUALITY IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2022―Dec―08 Predictor Analysis of Antenatal Care Behavior in the Pandemic Era in the Work Area of the Banyuwangi Kabat Health Center Rahmawati Raharjo
27 [GO] STRADA JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN 2022―Dec―05 Effect of Whatsapp Reminder on Antenatal Care Revisit Compliance and Knowledge of Pregnancy Danger Signs During the Covid-19 Pandemic Maliha Amin
28 [GO] STRADA JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN 2022―Dec―05 Improving the Competence of Health Students in Hospital Practice Areas during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Case Study Agatha Tunjung Dwivania
29 [GO] STRADA JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN 2022―Dec―05 Determinants of COVID-19 Vaccine Coverage Aceh in 2021 Iman Murahman
30 [GO] Journal Of Nursing Practice 2022―Nov―07 The Head Room Experience in Implementing the Nursing Management Function during the Covid-19 Pandemic in General Hospital Sabang: A Phenomenology Study Amanda Zuliani, Maimun Tharida, Yadi Putra, Saiful Riza, Urip Pratama
31 [GO] Journal Of Nursing Practice 2022―Nov―07 Psycoeducation of the Resilience of the Family of Patients with Mental Disorders in Overcoming Psychosocial Problems in the Transition of the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Region Buleleng Regency of Bali Eka Lutfiatus Solehah
33 [GO] JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT IN HEALTH 2022―Oct―01 Peningkatan Cakupan Booster Vaksin COVID-19 di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sumberpucung Rudy Mardianto, Tutik Nushah, Yuly Peristiowati, Rahmania Ambarika, Evrin Anggasari, Ida Nuryanti, Muhammad Imam Fakhrudin
34 [GO] JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT IN HEALTH 2022―Oct―01 Health Education about the Importance of Implementing Health Protocols for the Prevention of Covid-19 Transmission at Wonokarang Elementary School, Sidoarjo, East Java Saskia Novianti
35 [GO] STRADA JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN 2022―Jul―23 The Implementation of The Health Protocol Policy in Preventing the Dissemination of COVID-19 in Minimarkets, Indonesia Ria Irianti, Jasmin Ambas, Andi Rizki Amelia, Rezky Aulia Yusuf
36 [GO] STRADA JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN 2022―Jul―23 The Effectiveness Of Buerger Allen Exercise On Decreasing ABI Value In Diabetes Mellitus Patients With Virginia Henderson's Nursing Model Theory Approach In The Covid-19 Pandemic Mulia Mayangsari, Mohammad Lutfi
37 [GO] STRADA JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN 2022―Jul―23 Safety Use Of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to Anxiety During The Covid-19 Pandemic On Nurses Heru Suwardianto, Lilik Setiawan, Andika Siswoariwibowo, Teguh Santoso
38 [GO] STRADA JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN 2022―Jul―23 Analysis of Job Stress and Burnout Syndrome on nurses in Emergency Unit During Covid-19 Pandemic Studied at East Java Region Mufarika Mufarika, Zuryaty Zuryaty
39 [GO] STRADA JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN 2022―Jul―23 Burn-Out On Nurses Who Treat Covid-19 Patients: Literature Review I Made Rio Dwijayanto, I Ketut Andika Priastana, Dwi Prima Hanis Kusumaningtiyas
40 [GO] STRADA JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN 2022―Jul―23 The Relationship Between Knowledge And Attitude Towards The Preventive Behaviors For The Covid-19 Transmission In Pregnant Mothers At “Rini K” Independent Midwifery Practice (PMB), Jagakarsa, South Jakarta, 2021 Rini Kundaryanti, Karningsih Karningsih, Hetty Astri, Syafrudin Syafrudin
41 [GO] STRADA JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN 2022―Jul―23 Relationship of Prayer Intensity Between Depression Rates in The Elderly During the Covid 19 Pandemic Alvin Abdillah, Agus Priyanto
42 [GO] STRADA JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN 2022―Jul―23 The Relationship Between Leadership Style and Work Motivation with Burnout Syndrome in Nurses during the Covid 19 Pandemic Soliha Soliha, Rahmad Septian Reza
43 [GO] JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT IN HEALTH 2022―Jun―14 Pemberdayaan Guru dalam pencegahan Adiksi Gadget selama pembelajaran Online pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Yanuar Fahrizal
44 [GO] JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT IN HEALTH 2022―Jun―14 Program Khitanan Massal Door to Door pada masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Kota Lubuklinggau Eva Oktaviani, Sapondra Wijaya, Bambang Soewito, Nadi Aprilyadi, Jhon Feri, Imawan Eko Setiyono, Roni Roni
45 [GO] STRADA JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN 2022―Jun―10 The Effect of Negative Stigma of Covid-19 on Nurse Performance Raimunda Woga, Irwan Budiana, Marieta KS Bai, Dewi Nur Sukma Purqoti, Agus Supinganto, Mfuh Anita Y. Lukong
46 [GO] Journal for Quality in Women s Health 2022―Jun―04 Studi Deskriptif Pengetahuan dan perilaku Mahasiswa Kebidanan dalam menghadapi Pandemi Covid-19 Gita Kostania, Niken Bayu Argaheni
47 [GO] Journal for Quality in Women s Health 2022―Jun―04 Visual Simulation of Chocking Training to Education Mother with Babies in Pandemic Covid-19 Rimawati Rimawati
48 [GO] Journal Of Nursing Practice 2022―May―05 Detection of Asymptomatic Cases of Covid-19 Pregnant Women: A Systematic Review Prima Soultoni Akbar
49 [GO] JOURNAL FOR QUALITY IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2021―Dec―11 Factors Affecting the Discipline of Red Island Tourists on the Implementation of the New Normal Era Covid-19 Health Protocol in Banyuwangi Gufron Wahyudi
50 [GO] JOURNAL FOR QUALITY IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2021―Dec―11 Analysis of Knowledge, Attitude and Motivation Towards Compliance of Pandemi Covid-19 Health Protocols in Community in Banter Village, Benjeng District, Gresik Regency Kukuh Mujiono, Katmini Katmini
51 [GO] JOURNAL FOR QUALITY IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2021―Dec―11 Analysis of Factors Affecting Behavior of the Implementation of Health Protocols to Prevent Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) in the Work Area of Ngoro Public Health Center Mojokerto Regency Sunyoto Sunyoto, Nurwijayanti Nurwijayanti
52 [GO] JOURNAL FOR QUALITY IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2021―Dec―11 Overview Knowledge and Attitudes of Parents in the Application of Protocol Health in Children During the Covid-19 Pandemic Zakiah Zakiah, Suyati Suyati
53 [GO] JOURNAL FOR QUALITY IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2021―Dec―11 Analysis of Mother's Anxiety Level with Compliance to Visit to Integrated Service Post in the Covid-19 Pandemic at the Tangkiang Public Health Center Kurniawan Edi Priyanto, Sitti Ramlah Mardjan
54 [GO] Journal Of Nursing Practice 2021―Nov―15 Determinants of Compliance With The Implementation of The Covid-19 Health Protocol In The Community of Kediri City Dhita Kurnia Sari, Alfian Fawzi
55 [GO] Journal Of Nursing Practice 2021―Nov―15 The Relationship Between Online Gamification Performance Score With Body Mass Index Of Overweight Nursing Students During Covid-19 Pandemic Jocelyn Hipona, Alicia Tuazon, Joan Martin, Marlyn Lumitap Cabading
56 [GO] Journal Of Nursing Practice 2021―Nov―15 Using Blended and Virtual Schwartz Center Rounds® to Support Maternity Staff in Ireland During the Covid-19 Pandemic Jean Doherty, Clara K Devine, Sarah Cullen
57 [GO] Journal Of Nursing Practice 2021―Nov―15 Analysis Of Smoking Behavioral Factors In Adolescents During Covid-19 Pandemic In Aru Islands Maluku Novalin Wakim, Milla Evelianti Saputri, Milya Helen
58 [GO] Journal Of Nursing Practice 2021―Nov―15 Determinant Factor of Childhood Basic Immunization Compliance during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Jambi City, Jambi Province, Indonesia Anita Rezeki Carolina, Defi Efendi
59 [GO] Journal Of Nursing Practice 2021―Nov―15 Community-Based Health Education Improve Knowledge and Attitudes of COVID-19 Prevention Syaifurrahman Hidayat, Elyk Dwi Mumpuningtias, Yulia Wardita
60 [GO] JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT IN HEALTH 2021―Sep―27 Upaya Peningkatan Status Gizi Ibu Hamil di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 melalui Program Penyuluhan Rawat Jalan (PENYU RAJA) di Puskesmas Mojosari Kecamatan Mojosari Kabupaten Mojokerto Dyah Siwi Hety, Ika Yuni Susanti, Dhonna Anggreni
61 [GO] JOURNAL FOR QUALITY IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2021―May―25 Community Empowerment through Health Promotion Regarding Prevention of the Spread of COVID-19 in East Java Linda Presti Fibriana, Nuris Kushayati, Heti Aprilin, Anik Supriani, Nasrul Hadi Purwanto
62 [GO] JOURNAL FOR QUALITY IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2021―May―25 Management Analysis of Pandemic Covid-19 in Kepung, Kediri Districts Giartiningsih Giartiningsih
63 [GO] Journal Of Nursing Practice 2021―Apr―01 The Description of Family Knowledge About How To Prevent The Occurrence of Psychosocial Disorders During The Pandemic Covid-19 Ariani Sulistyorini, Muhammat Lutfi Nuril Anwar
64 [GO] Journal Of Nursing Practice 2021―Apr―01 Online Learning in Nursing Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Stress, Satisfaction, and Academic Performance Ryan Michael F Oducado, Homelo Estoque
65 [GO] JOURNAL FOR QUALITY IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2020―Dec―21 The Influence of Knowledge to Handwashing Behavior in The Prevention of Covid-19 Nana Novariana
66 [GO] JOURNAL FOR QUALITY IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2020―Dec―21 Factors Affecting Covid-19 Disease Prevention Behavior in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia Nova Nurwinda Sari, Annisa Agata, Armen Patria
67 [GO] JOURNAL FOR QUALITY IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2020―Dec―21 A Literature Review Child abuse and Neglect: Potential Impact on Children during A Covid-19 Pandemic Endang Mei Yunalia, Arif Nurma Etika, Satria Eureka Nurseskasatmata, Wiwin Sulistyawati
68 [GO] JOURNAL FOR QUALITY IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2020―Dec―21 How Student’s Mental Health Affected During the COVID-19 Pandemic : A literature review Satria Eureka Nurseskasatmata, Idola Perdana Sulistyoning Suharto, Eva Dwi Ramayanti, Endang Mei Yunalia
69 [GO] JOURNAL FOR QUALITY IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2020―Dec―21 Impact of Stigma in Covid-19 Patient: A Litteratur Review Arif Nurma Etika, Endang Mei Yunalia, Erik Irham Lutfi, Wiwin Sulisyawati
70 [GO] JOURNAL FOR QUALITY IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2020―Dec―21 Use of Telehealth in Outpatients Settings During the Pandemic Covid-19: A Literature Review Wiwin Sulistyawati, Indah Jayani, Susmiati Susmiati, Endang Mei Yunalia, Arif Nurma Etika
71 [GO] JOURNAL FOR QUALITY IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2020―Dec―21 Effects of Thought Stopping Therapy on Anxiety in the Elderly Facing the Covid 19 Pandemic in Elderly Home Niken Yuniar Sari, Budi Antoro, Maria Septijantini Alie
72 [GO] STRADA JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN 2020―Dec―01 Important Indicators in Increasing Nurse Loyalty in The Covid-19 Pandemic Time I Wayan Septa Wijaya, Ida Ayu Oka Martini
73 [GO] STRADA JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN 2020―Nov―16 Family Support in Management of Lactation Management in Mother With Children During Pandemic Covid-19 Rimawati Rimawati, Heru Suwardianto
74 [GO] STRADA JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN 2020―Nov―16 Relationship of Gadget Use With Sleep Quality in Pandemy Covid-19 In School Age Children in State Elementary School Goa Jereweh District West Sumbawa Eka Adithia Pratiwi, Lestari Ananda, Baik Heni Rispawati, Rias Pratiwi Safitri
75 [GO] STRADA JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN 2020―Nov―16 The Analysis of Covid-19 Knowledge of Health Sciences Students Based on Their Characteristics Retno Widowati, Triana Indrayani, Rukmaini Rukmaini
76 [GO] STRADA JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN 2020―Nov―16 The Influence of Social Media About Covid-19 on Handwashing Behavior, Mask Wearing and Physical Distancing of Indonesian Students Erika Martining Wardani, Difran Nobel Bistara, Eppy Setiyowati
77 [GO] STRADA JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN 2020―Nov―16 The Impact of Covid-19 on Pencak Silat Course Process in STKIP PGRI Bangkalan Heni Yuli Handayani
78 [GO] STRADA JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN 2020―Nov―16 Factors Affecting Hospital Readiness in Pandemic Situation: A Literature Review Jenny Latief, Syahrul Said, Kusrini S Kadar
79 [GO] Journal Of Nursing Practice 2020―Oct―31 Peri-operative Care for Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19 Cases: A major Concern for the Public Health: A Review Article Krishnaprasad Gopalkrishna Vanthichal, Arijit Ray, Debashish Paul
80 [GO] Journal Of Nursing Practice 2020―Oct―31 The Description of Mental Health and Emotional Mental Disorders of Students And Families During Covid-19 Pandemic Ariani Sulistyorini, Tutut Pujianto
81 [GO] JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT IN HEALTH 2020―Sep―02 Optimalisasi Kesehatan Penyandang Diabetes Melitus Tipe II Saat Pandemi Covid-19 Galvani Volta Simanjuntak, Marthalena Simamora, Janno Sinaga
82 [GO] STRADA JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN 2020―Jul―09 Knowledge Relations of Midwives To The Handling of Corona Virus Infection (Covid-19) on Maternity Mothers in Hospital X Syefira Ayudia Johar

82 Results       Page 1


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