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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: Dynasty Publishing House

129 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors All Authors
1 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2024―Sep―10 Relationship of serum zinc levels with severity and clinical presentation of COVID-19 H.A. Haji, M.A. Al-Rikabi
2 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2024―Sep―10 Efficacy of azoximer bromide in prevention, treatment and immunorehabilitation of COVID-19 M.P. Kostinov, S.Yu. Tyukavkina, G.G. Kharseeva, A.A. Alieva, A.P. Cherdantsev, M.A. Stenyushkina, I.A. Adaeva
3 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2024―Sep―10 Effect of influenza, pneumococcal and SARS-CoV-2 vaccination on the incidence and severity of COVID-19 in health care workers at a single institution (epidemiologic study) M.P. Kostinov, N.Yu. Nastaeva, N.F. Nikityuk, A.V. Linok, M.N. Loktionova, G.M. Abdullayeva, et al. (+2)
4 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2024―Sep―10 Features of the course of COVID-19 in patients with chronic viral hepatitis M.D. Akhmedova, I.A. Imamova
5 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2024―Sep―10 Impact of COVID-19 on liver health in hepatitis B patients I. Shahramian, M. Afshari, M. Tahani, F. Parooie, M. Arefi, A. Jahanpanah
6 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2024―Sep―10 Dynamic surveillance of fatal pneumonia pathogens during the COVID-19 pandemic and postpandemic period A.P. Bondarenko, O.E. Trotsenko, O.N. Ogienko, A.O. Golubeva, N.Yu. Pshenichcnaya, L.A. Zapregalova, et al. (+8)
7 [GO] Voprosy praktičeskoj pediatrii 2024―Aug―15 Efficacy of interferon α-2b with antioxidants (vitamins C and E) in the treatment, prevention and immunorehabilitation of COVID-19 M.P. Kostinov, S.Yu. Tyukavkina, G.G. Kharseeva, V.V. Malinovskaya, A.N. Shuvalov, T.V. Kosenkova, Z.A. Muslimova
8 [GO] Voprosy praktičeskoj pediatrii 2024―Jul―23 Sudden infant death syndrome: classification, risk factors, impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
9 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2024―Jul―16 Clinical case of olfactory dysfunction in COVID-19 patients А.V. Lukyanov, А.А. Ploskireva
10 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2024―Jul―16 Opportunities for the use of immuno-PCR in SARS-CoV-2 diagnosis O.V. Rubalsky, A.D. Daudova, R.O. Abdrakhmanova, G.R. Baeva, O.A. Bashkina, A.V. Aleshkin, et al. (+6)
11 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2024―Jul―15 Listeria menigoencephalitis in patients with severe COVID-19 Z.G. Tagirova, M.V. Nagibina, Zh.B. Ponezheva, V.V. Makashova, S.V. Shabalina, Yu.Ya. Vengerov, et al. (+3)
12 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2024―Jul―15 Vascular endothelial dysfunction as a possible predictor of the severe course of COVID-19 N.U. Tadjieva, U.Kh. Samibaeva, Kh.Yu. Akhmedova, I.A. Imamova
13 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2024―Jul―15 Impact of novel coronavirus infection on the course of pregnancy and delivery in women S.N. Denisova, Е.S. Sakharova, L.I. Ilenko, S.V. Bogdanova, Т.N. Korotkova, Т.Yu. Kozlova, et al. (+7)
14 [GO] Voprosy praktičeskoj pediatrii 2024―Jul―10 Quality of life of children and adolescents with oncohematological diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic E.V. Zhukovskaya, S.I. Alekseeva, T.P. Nikitina, Yu.S. Miloserdova, A.F. Karelin, A.V. Popa
15 [GO] Voprosy praktičeskoj pediatrii 2024―Jul―10 Features of the duration of COVID-19 pneumonia in children under three months of age A.V. Bairashevskaia, A.I. Aminova, T.Yu. Eryushova, B.O. Matsukatova, A.S. Pestova, S.A. Rodina, N.N. Muradova
16 [GO] Voprosy ginekologii akušerstva i perinatologii 2024―Apr―01 Pathways and mechanisms of effects of maternal COVID-19 infection on fetal nervous system development D.Yu. Kapralova, K.A. Yangelbiev, O.A. Shlenkina, L.G. Esayan, N.N. Gusak, D.R. Kandaurov, et al. (+6)
17 [GO] Voprosy ginekologii akušerstva i perinatologii 2024―Apr―01 Incidence of benign breast dysplasia: before and during the pandemic O.Yu. Sevostyanova, N.V. Bashmakova, T.V. Chumarnaya, T.A. Oboskalova, N.E. Sevostyanova
18 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2024―Mar―22 Protective effect of vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps in relation to COVID-19 N.F. Nikityuk, N.Y. Nastaeva, I.A. Khrapunova, M.P. Kostinov
19 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2024―Mar―22 Rhabdomyolysis during COVID-19 infection V.V. Shmatov, E.V. Mikhailova
20 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2024―Mar―21 Concomitant hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome and COVID-19 D.S. Sarksyan, D.A. Kilin, M.V. Dudarev, K.M. Manakhov, V.P. Anikaev, A.A. Atamanova, V.V. Maleev
21 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2024―Mar―21 The effect of single-nucleotide polymorphisms of the blood coagulation system and folate cycle genes on the severity of the duration and outcomes of COVID-19 N.R. Yamoldinov, D.S. Sarksyan, M.V. Dudarev, O.V. Malinin, V.P. Anikaev, V.V. Maleev, et al. (+5)
22 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2024―Mar―21 Neutralizing monoclonal antibodies for treatment of COVID-19 - a role in the treatment of vulnerable categories of patients V.P. Chulanov, R.G. Shmakov, D.A. Lioznov, D.I. Abdulganieva, D.A. Valishin, V.M. Grabovsky, et al. (+8)
23 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2024―Mar―21 Epidemiological and clinical efficacy of azoximer bromide for the prevention of acute respiratory infections and COVID-19 among healthcare professionals N.I. Briko, L.Yu. Grivtsova, V.A. Korshunov, M.P. Kostinov, T.S. Saltykova
24 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2024―Mar―21 Age structure of patients with COVID-19 in epidemic dynamics of novel coronavirus infection in the Rostov Region T.I. Tverdokhlebova, A.G. Suladze, A.A. Ryndich, A.N. Matuzkova, D.V. Dontsov, F.V. Logvin
25 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2024―Mar―21 Algorithm for managing outpatients with COVID-19 infection Yu.A. Sharavina, S.V. Nikolaeva, A.N. Pestova, Zh.B. Ponezheva
26 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2024―Mar―21 Final results of an adaptive randomized open-label controlled study on the efficacy and safety of enisamium iodide for inpatient treatment of the COVID-19 infection N.Yu. Pshenichnaya, K.V. Zhdanov, D.A. Lioznov
27 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2024―Mar―21 Efficacy of Remaxol in COVID-19 patients receiving antiviral therapy А.А. Shuldyakov, E.Р. Lyapina, A.N. Smagina, O.B. Lisko, A.L. Kovalenko, E.I. Kozorez
28 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2024―Mar―21 High levels of cytokines IL-17A, IL-18, VEGF-A are biomarkers of the incompleteness of the immune inflammatory process, signaling the danger of developing postcovid syndrome in the period of COVID-19 reconvalescence V.N.Gorodin V.N.Gorodin, I.V.Nesterova I.V.Nesterova, V.A.Matushkina V.A.Matushkina, G.A.Chudilova G.A.Chudilova, V.N.Chapurina V.N.Chapurina, L.V.Lomtatidze L.V.Lomtatidze, et al. (+2)
29 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2024―Mar―21 Management strategy for virus-induced inflammation in COVID-19. Results of a multicenter, adaptive, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study in outpatients O.V. Kalyuzhin, A. Baranova, M.I. Bagaeva
30 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2024―Mar―21 T-cell immune response to SARS-CoV-2 in HIV patients O.E. Pobegalova, D.A. Lioznov, T.V. Antonova, M.A. Shuklina, A.-P.S. Shurygina
31 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2024―Mar―15 Novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19) in children. Clinical observations R.Kh. Begaydarova, G.K. Alshynbekova, Kh.G. Devdariani, G.Е. Nassakayeva, A.E. Dyusembaeva, O.A. Zolotareva, et al. (+5)
32 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2024―Mar―15 Comparison of mortality in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 depending on the presence or lack of history of vaccination E.A. Karaseva, V.A. Martynov, K.A. Ageeva, S.B. Maukayeva, A.S. Romashkina, S.S. Karimova
33 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2024―Mar―15 The significance of the study of oxygen tension in urine during of acute kidney injury in patients with COVID-19 D.S. Sarksyan, M.V. Dudarev, N.R. Yamoldinov, O.V. Malinin, V.P. Anikaev, V.V. Maleev, et al. (+2)
34 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2024―Mar―15 Significance of viral load in assessment of the clinical and epidemiologic status of patients with COVID-19 A.A. Samkov, O.A. Burgasova, N.A. Kuznetsova, M.V. Chesnokova, D.A. Ogarkova, V.A. Gushchin, I.N. Tyurin
35 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2024―Mar―15 Immune correction in the outpatient treatment of COVID-19 L.R. Mukhamadieva, G.A. Mavzyutova, G.Kh. Mirsaeva, N.V. Aleksandrovich, G.F. Amirova, Z.F. Abrarova, et al. (+3)
36 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2024―Mar―15 New coronavirus infection in newborns: clinical and epidemiological features, efficacy of therapy with recombinant interferon α-2b G.P. Martynova, M.A. Stroganova, A.K. Chudakov, V.V. Malinovskaya, A.N. Shuvalov, A.B. Belkina, A.V. Karasev
37 [GO] Voprosy detskoj dietologii 2024―Feb―12 COVID-19 and chronic gastrointestinal pathology: clinical presentation, management, and outcomes O.A. Savvateeva, A.V. Gorelov, D.V. Pechkurov, A.A. Romanova, A.M. Savvateev
38 [GO] Voprosy ginekologii akušerstva i perinatologii 2024―Feb―12 Risk factors for intrauterine fetal demise in pregnant women with complicated obstetric history and COVID-19 during pregnancy K.K. Urstemova, N.S. Bozhbanbaeva, R.Z. Boranbaeva, A.S. Tarabayeva, E.Zh. Bitanova, A.A. Abilbayeva, I.E. Suleymenova
39 [GO] Voprosy praktičeskoj pediatrii 2023―Dec―22 Clinical, laboratory, instrumental and morphological features of gangrenous and phlegmonous appendicitis in patients with COVID-19 infection L.V.Feklisova L.V.Feklisova, E.B.Olkhova E.B.Olkhova, I.M.Rasstrigina I.M.Rasstrigina, I.S.Allakhverdiev I.S.Allakhverdiev, V.N.Morozova V.N.Morozova, S.A.Mikheeva S.A.Mikheeva, et al. (+4)
40 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2023―Aug―20 Comparative characteristics of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and COVID-19 according to the data of infectious diseases hospital in Nalchik A.R. Marzhokhova, Z.F. Kharaeva, Zh.B. Ponezheva, L.E. Balagova, M.R. Ivanova, M.Yu. Marzhokhova
41 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2023―Aug―20 GGT Level as a New Biomarker of COVID-19 Infection; a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Comparing Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Patients with Non-ICU Cases Masoud Tahani, Shiva Rakhshani Nasab, Iraj Shahramian, Mahdi Afshari, Hadi Mirzaei, Fateme Parooie, Morteza Salarzaei
42 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2023―Aug―20 Innovative approaches to treatment of human herpesvirus infections during the COVID-19 pandemic D.V. Isakov
43 [GO] Voprosy praktičeskoj pediatrii 2023―Aug―20 Ulcerative colitis, hereditary thrombophilia and coronavirus infection as links in a chain: the clinical case of comorbidity in 12-year-old girl E.N. Fedulova, A.I. Khavkin, G.V. Medyansteva, V.A. Tsaryev
44 [GO] Voprosy ginekologii akušerstva i perinatologii 2023―Aug―17 COVID-19, thromboinflammation and hemostatic dysregulation in pregnant women V.O. Bitsadze, N.R. Gashimova, K.N. Grigoryeva, D.Kh. Khizroeva, M.V. Tretyakova, N.D. Degtyareva, et al. (+7)
45 [GO] Voprosy ginekologii akušerstva i perinatologii 2023―Aug―15 Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia against COVID-19 in a patient with cancer A.V. Vorobev, K.R. Khalieva, E.V. Maslenkova, A.G. Solopova, V.O. Bitsadze, D.Kh. Khizroeva, et al. (+4)
46 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2023―Jul―27 Clinical and laboratory characteristic of patients with COVID-19 and meningococcal co-infection L.K. Alimova, А.А. Grishaeva, E.A. Burdakova, N.T. Shapieva, A.M. Domkina, A.N. Kruglov, Zh.B. Ponezheva
47 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2023―Jul―27 First experience of using casirivimab/imdevimab in COVID-19 in the Russian Federation P.O. Bogomolov, A.O. Bueverov, E.L. Bueverova, A.A. Кhvan, I.V. Maev, M.V. Arapova, et al. (+3)
48 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2023―Jul―27 Feasibility of targeted antiviral therapy for acute respiratory viral infections in the COVID-19 pandemic Kh.G. Omarova, L.A. Balykova, N.Yu. Pshenichnaya, D.N. Zemskov, K.Ya. Zaslavskaya, A.V. Taganov, P.A. Belyy
49 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2023―Jul―26 Effect of recombinant interferon alfa-2b on cytokine production activity of immune system cells in children with COVID-19 G.P. Martynova, A.A. Savchenko, M.A. Stroganova, Ya.A. Bogvilene, L.A. Ikkes, V.D. Belenyuk, E.O. Shavrina
50 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2023―Jul―26 Dynamics of fecal zonulin levels in COVID-19 and in the post-covid period in children A.V. Polunina, V.P. Novikova, A.E. Blinov, O.N. Varlamova, A.A. Belova, A.L. Balashov, et al. (+3)
51 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2023―Jul―26 Features of secretory immunoglobulin a in patients after COVID-19 infection A.А. Khasanova, M.P.Kostinov Kostinov, I.L. Soloveva, О.V. Kalinovskaya, E.A. Khromova, A.N. Shuvalov, T.S. Guseva
52 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2023―Jul―26 Comparing the efficacy of meglumine acridon acetate and pentanedioic acid imidazolyl ethanamide in the outpatient treatment for ARVI during the COVID-19 pandemic M.S. Savenkova, E.N. Vetrova, E.I. Isaeva, G.N. Kraseva, N.A. Abramova, M.B. Shabat, et al. (+3)
53 [GO] Voprosy praktičeskoj pediatrii 2023―Jul―21 Epidemiological features of respiratory diseases in children and adolescents before the pandemic of new coronavirus infection in Udmurtia P.V. Pupkov, T.V. Kovalenko, A.D. Yuditsky, E.A. Kudrina
54 [GO] Voprosy praktičeskoj pediatrii 2023―Jul―20 Experience of rehabilitation of children with lung damage associated with COVID-19 in the post-covid period T.A. Gutyrchik, A.B. Malakhov, A.Yu. Sedova, P.V. Berezhanskiy, N.G. Kolosova, T.I. Yushina
55 [GO] Voprosy praktičeskoj pediatrii 2023―Jul―20 Efficacy and safety of a combination of two monoclonal antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 (tixagevimab/cilgavimab) in the pre-exposure prevention of novel coronavirus infection in immunocompromised pediatric patients with rheumatic diseases. Preliminary results of the first prospective observational cohort study in the Russian Federation M.Yu. Kokina, D.S. Fomina, M.S. Lebedkina, Z.Yu. Mutovina, E.S. Zholobova, S.Kh. Kurbanova, et al. (+6)
56 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2023―Mar―29 Characteristics of hypervirulent multi-drug resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae strains in inpatients with severe COVID-19 A.E. Goncharov, D.V. Azarov, A.S. Mokhov, A.A. Pochtovyi, D.D. Kustova, V.A. Gushchin, et al. (+9)
57 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2023―Mar―29 Defects in the interferon system associated with a deficiency of natural killers and T-cells in patients with COVID-19 I.V. Nesterova, V.N. Gorodin, G.A. Chudilova, V.N. Chapurina, V.A. Matushkina, L.V. Lomtatidze, et al. (+4)
58 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2023―Mar―29 Pathomorphological changes in some organs and tissues of COVID-19 convalescent patients V.G. Akimkin, O.S. Levin, A.A. Ploskireva, A.V. Gorelov, A.G. Komarova, A.S. Litvinenko, et al. (+2)
59 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2023―Mar―29 Efficacy and safety of imidazolyl ethanamide pentandioic acid for COVID-19: a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial A.V. Gorelov, A.G. Malyavin, E.A. Antonova, T.A. Pobedinskaya, А.А. Globenko, A.V. Kapashin, M.I. Bagaeva
60 [GO] Voprosy ginekologii akušerstva i perinatologii 2023―Mar―22 Characteristics of cardiotocography in pregnant women with mild COVID-19 in the third trimester R.S. Zamaleeva, N.A. Cherepanova, A.V. Frizina, E.Yu. Iupatov
61 [GO] Voprosy praktičeskoj pediatrii 2023―Jan―25 Features of clinical and laboratory changes in adolescents in the dynamics of novel coronavirus infection O.O. Obukhova, T.I. Ryabichenko, G.A. Skosyreva, O.M. Gorbenko, E.P. Timofeeva, T.V. Kartseva, A.O. Izyumov
62 [GO] Voprosy ginekologii akušerstva i perinatologii 2023―Jan―16 Pharmacotherapy for pregnant women with arterial hypertension considering pathogenetic factors during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic N.A. Konyshko, T.E. Morozova, A.S. Konyshko
63 [GO] Voprosy ginekologii akušerstva i perinatologii 2022―Dec―30 Assessment of the effectiveness of COVID-19 preventive measures in pregnant women T.E. Belokrinitskaya, N.I. Frolova, K.A. Kolmakova, E.A. Shametova, I.Yu. Veselkova, Sh.R. Osmonova
64 [GO] Voprosy praktičeskoj pediatrii 2022―Dec―30 Herpesvirus infections and SARS-CoV-2-associated multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children: case series Е.V. Melekhina, T.V. Shalbarova, E.Yu. Soldatova, А.D. Muzyka, T.S. Sabinina, S.P. Kremplevskaya, V.I. Barykin
65 [GO] Voprosy praktičeskoj pediatrii 2022―Dec―30 Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of interferon α-2b in the prevention of acute respiratory infections (including COVID-19) among children in Uzbekistan L.N. Tuychiev, G.K. Khudaykulova, U.E. Eraliev, N.K. Juraeva, M.B. Mirkhoshimov, S.I. Kholmatov, et al. (+2)
66 [GO] Voprosy praktičeskoj pediatrii 2022―Nov―29 COVID-19 in children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis E.I. Kondratyeva, A.V. Gorelov, E.K. Zhekaite, Yu.V. Gorinova, S.V. Nikolaeva, A.V. Bitsueva
67 [GO] Voprosy praktičeskoj pediatrii 2022―Jul―26 Levels of some serum cytokines and chemokines in children with coronavirus infection V.N. Peregoedova, I.K. Bogomolova, A.A. Babkin, P.P. Tereshkov
68 [GO] Voprosy detskoj dietologii 2022―Jul―21 Features of early postoperative period in children with gastrointestinal syndrome against the background of COVID-19 T.G. Avdeeva, I.F. Ostreykov, R.K. Usachev, E.A. Moskalenko, A.A. Usacheva
69 [GO] Voprosy ginekologii akušerstva i perinatologii 2022―Jul―01 Thrombocytopenia mimicking HELLP syndrome in a pregnant woman with COVID-19 L.I. Dvoretsky, A.I. Davydov, N.V. Dyatlov, Zh.R. Doshchanova, I.A. Klindukhov
70 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2022―Apr―15 Effects of recombinant IFN-α2b on the phenotype of neutrophil granulocyte subpopulations in patients with COVID-19 I.V. Nesterova, V.N. Gorodin, G.A.Chudilova Chudilova, V.N. Chapurina, V.A. Matushkina, R.Yu. Gabdrakhmanova, et al. (+4)
71 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2022―Apr―15 Experience in the use of biological therapy (tocilizumab) in children with severe forms of COVID-19 L.N. Mazankova, I.M. Osmanov, E.R. Samitova, M.A. Antsupova, I.I. Afukov, A.B. Malakhov, et al. (+3)
72 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2022―Apr―15 Results of RT-PCR test for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 in multiple organs of post-COVID patients who died from causes other than COVID-19 S.S. Petrikov, M.A. Godkov, A.A. Kanibolotsky, N.S. Dyakun, A.K. Shabanov, V.V. Kulabukhov, et al. (+2)
73 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2022―Apr―15 Rationale for antiepidemic measures aimed to prevent focal incidence of COVID-19 in dormitories (on the example of Moscow) A.V. Zadoroshnyy, N.Yu. Pshenichnaya, V.G. Akimkin, V.V. Maleev
74 [GO] Voprosy praktičeskoj pediatrii 2022―Apr―11 COVID-19 and comorbidities in children L.N. Mazankova, I.M. Osmanov, I.I. Afukov, E.R. Samitova, V.G. Akimkin, M.A. Antsupova, et al. (+2)
75 [GO] Voprosy ginekologii akušerstva i perinatologii 2022―Apr―11 Characteristics of COVID-19 in peri- and postmenopausal women. Role of hormone replacement therapy L.A. Marchenkova, E.V. Makarova
76 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2022―Apr―08 Therapeutic potential of inosine pranobex in enhancing non-specific antiviral protection in patients with COVID-19 D.V. Isakov
77 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2022―Apr―08 Clinical and laboratory characteristics COVID-19 D.A. Shikhnebiev, R.M. Ragimov, Z.G. Tagirova, N.M. Abdullaeva, A.E. Muslimova
78 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2022―Apr―08 Serotonin adipate in intensive therapy of patients with severe COVID-19 M.V. Bykov, D.V. Chernyshyov, E.N. Lazareva, S.V. Krasnova, N.A. Tsvetkova, Zh.B. Ponezheva, et al. (+2)
79 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2022―Apr―08 Clinical and epidemiological significance of diarrhea in children with COVID-19 L.N. Mazankovа, S.G. Gorbunov, E.R. Samitova, I.M. Osmanov, V.G. Akimkin, A.A. Ploskireva, et al. (+2)
80 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2022―Apr―08 Efficacy of recombinant interferon α-2b in the complex therapy of COVID-19 V.V. Krasnov, A.A. Katirkina, P.G. Zubarov, A.A. Levina, G.S. Bragina, E.N. Vyzhlova
81 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2022―Apr―08 Proactive anti-inflammatory therapy with levilimab for patients with COVID-19 V.N. Gorodin, D.L. Moisova, S.V. Zotov, A.A. Vanyukov, Yu.E. Сhumakova
82 [GO] Voprosy ginekologii akušerstva i perinatologii 2022―Apr―08 Clinical characteristics of novel coronavirus infection and efficacy of intranasal interferon alpha in pregnant women with COVID-19 and in newborns with perinatal exposure A.V. Romanovskaya, T.N. Malyugina, E.V. Mikhaylova, N.V. Malinina, P.A. Zheleznikov, T.K. Chudakova, et al. (+4)
83 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2022―Apr―08 COVID-19 as many-faced Janus. On the classification of a new coronavirus infection A.V. Gorelov, A.A. Ploskireva, Zh.B. Ponezheva, Kh.G. Omarova, S.V. Nikolaeva, A.R. Marzhokhova, et al. (+6)
84 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2022―Apr―08 Clinical and immunological characteristics of COVID-19 associated with human herpesvirus infections: management algorithms for mixed infections G.Kh. Vikulov, I.V. Oradovskaya
85 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2022―Apr―08 COVID-19 pandemic: a new round of antibiotic resistance V.G. Akimkin, A.V. Tutelyan, N.I. Shulakova, E.M. Voronin
86 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2022―Apr―08 Factors associated with poor outcomes in pneumonia patients during the COVID-19 pandemics A.Yu. Popova, E.B. Ezhlova, Yu.V. Demina, O.E. Trotsenko, A.P. Bondarenko, T.A. Zaitseva, et al. (+5)
87 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2022―Apr―08 Current concept of cerebral dysfunction in COVID-19 patients V.V. Maleev, S.M. Vedinov, V.N. Gorodin
88 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2022―Apr―08 Persistent hiccups as a new chief complaint of patients with COVID-19: A series of four cases Iraj Shahramian, Hadi Mirzaie, Morteza Salarzaei, Fateme Parooie
89 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2022―Apr―08 Resolution of the Council of Experts. New possibilities of etiotropic therapy for coronavirus infection
90 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2022―Apr―08 Hyperechogenic signal from the pericardium after vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 Z.N. Sukmarova, Yu.V. Ovchinnikov, G.O. Gudima, F.M. Ibragimova, O.V. Afonina, K.E. Machkalyan
91 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2022―Apr―08 Effect of azoximer bromide on the severity of clinical manifestations in patients after SARS-CoV-2 infection K. Kasyanenko, O.V. Maltsev, K.V. Kozlov, K.V. Zhdanov, I.F. Seryi
92 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2022―Apr―08 Characteristics of patients with severe and extremely severe SARS-CoV-2 infection treated in the intensive care unit of Nalchik Hospital No 1 A.R. Marzhokhova, A.A. Ploskireva, Z.F. Kharaeva, M.Yu. Marzhokhova, L.E. Balagova, M.R. Ivanova, et al. (+2)
93 [GO] Voprosy praktičeskoj pediatrii 2022―Mar―01 Diagnostics of a new coronavirus infection in children admitted to a multidisciplinary hospital S.V. Nikolaeva, L.V. Feklisova, Zh.B. Ponezheva, T.Yu. Belyaeva, T.V. Titova, M.K. Khadisova, A.V. Gorelov
94 [GO] Voprosy praktičeskoj pediatrii 2022―Mar―01 Clinical and laboratory characteristics of SARS-CoV-2-related multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children T.V. Shalbarova, T.S. Sabinina, E.V. Melekhina, А.D. Muzyka, D.V. Novikov, V.I. Barykin, et al. (+3)
95 [GO] Voprosy praktičeskoj pediatrii 2022―Feb―28 Hypoxic conditioning in comprehensive rehabilitation of children with bronchial asthma after coronavirus infection N.A. Geppe, O.S. Glazachev, Yu.S. Timofeev, M.D. Shakhnazarova, N.G. Kolosova, V.G. Samartseva, et al. (+2)
96 [GO] Voprosy ginekologii akušerstva i perinatologii 2022―Jan―17 COVID-19: pregnancy and childbirth outcomes after treatment with recombinant interferon α-2b E.N. Kravchenko, L.V. Kuklina, E.M. Ovchinnikova, V.Yu. Chebakova, E.N. Vyzhlova, I.I. Baranov
97 [GO] Voprosy ginekologii akušerstva i perinatologii 2021―Dec―13 Immunotherapy of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia associated with human papillomavirus in the COVID-19 pandemic. Clinicians’ view A.I. Davydov, R.A. Chilova, M.N. Shakhlamova, V.A. Lebedev
98 [GO] Voprosy dietologii 2021―Dec―11 Dietary intakes of junior schoolchildren self-isolating due to COVID-19 N.V. Tapeshkina, E.V. Koskina, E.V. Ulanova, L.P. Kilina, N.P. Zhusinovich
99 [GO] Voprosy dietologii 2021―Dec―11 Vitamin D deficiency: a pandemic of the 21st century. Problems of standardization of diagnosis of vitamin D deficiency E.V. Kochneva, S.Yu. Kalinchenko, D.V. Makharoblishvili
100 [GO] Voprosy praktičeskoj pediatrii 2021―Sep―20 Characteristics of new coronavirus infection in patients with acute myeloid leukemia D.O. Ivanov, Yu.V. Petrenko, V.A. Reznik, R.A. Nasyrov, V.N. Timchenko, M.D. Subbotina, et al. (+7)
101 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2021―Sep―16 Clinical and laboratory profile of patients with COVID-19 admitted to hospital in Moscow between May and July 2020 L.V. Kolobukhina, O.A. Burgasova, L.A. Kraeva, V.A. Gushchin, E.I. Burtseva, I.S. Kruzhkova, et al. (+17)
102 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2021―Sep―16 Role of polymorphisms of genes involved in hemostasis in COVID-19 pathogenesis V.N. Gorodin, D.L. Moysova, S.V. Zotov, A.A. Vanyukov, A.A. Podsadnyaya, Yu.V. Tikhonenko
103 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2021―Sep―16 The use of interferon alpha-2b for prevention of novel coronavirus infection in healthcare workers Yu.O. Khlynina, A.A. Arova, A.B. Nevinsky
104 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2021―Jul―27 The lung-gut axis and COVID-19 V.P. Novikova, A.I. Khavkin, A.V. Polunina, A.V. Gorelov
105 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2021―Jul―27 Role of antioxidant therapy in patients with moderate and severe COVID-19 E.K. Shavarova, E.R. Cazakhmedov, M.V. Alekseeva, L.G. Ezhova, Zh.D. Kobalava
106 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2021―Jul―27 Combined oral contraceptives and treatment of new coronavirus infection (COVID-19): aspects of drug interactions O.A. Limanova, L.E. Fedotova, O.A. Gromova
107 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2021―Jul―27 Mono- and mixed respiratory tract infections in children: relevance of the problem during the COVID-19 pandemics S.V. Nikolaeva, D.V. Usenko, S.V. Shabalina, Yu.N. Khlypovka, A.V. Gorelov
108 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2021―Jul―23 Interferon alpha-2b in comprehensive treatment of patients with COVID-19 A.V. Mordyk, O.G. Ivanova, K.Yu. Samsonov, S.V. Sitnikova, L.A. Zenkova
109 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2021―Jul―23 The efficacy of intranasal recombinant interferon alpha-2b for emergency prevention of COVID-19 in healthcare workers I.V. Feldblium, M.Yu. Devyatkov, A.A. Gendler, S.M. Maltseva, T.M. Repin, V.N. Nikolenko
110 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2021―Jul―23 Epidemic process of COVID-19 in the Russian Federation: interim results. 2nd report N.Yu. Pshenichnaya, I.A. Lizinfeld, G.Yu. Zhuravlev, A.A. Ploskireva, V.G. Akimkin, A.A. Erovichenkov
111 [GO] Voprosy ginekologii akušerstva i perinatologii 2021―Jul―08 Prevention of ARVI in newborns and their mothers under pandemic conditions of new coronavirus infection I.I. Bocharova, N.V. Zarochentseva, A.N. Aksenov, V.V. Malinovskaya, E.N. Vyzhlova, A.Yu. Suvorov, T.A. Semenenko
112 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2021―Mar―10 The structure of seroprevalence to the SARS-CoV-2 virus among residents of the Moscow Region during the period of epidemic incidence of COVID-19 A.Yu. Popova, E.B. Ezhlova, A.A. Melnikova, O.M. Mikailova, S.Yu. Kombarova, M.A. Kostina, et al. (+20)
113 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2021―Mar―10 Collective immunity to SARS-CoV-2 of Moscow residents during the COVID-19 epidemic period A.Yu. Popova, E.B. Yezhlova, A.A. Melnikova, E.E. Andreeva, S.Yu. Kombarova, L.V. Lyalina, et al. (+18)
114 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2021―Mar―10 Socioeconomic aspects of COVID-19 on the example of Rostov region T.I. Tverdokhlebova, E.V. Kovalev, H.V. Karpushchenko, M.A. Kulak, O.S. Dumbadze, A.R. Litovko, A.S. Kaljuzhin
115 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2021―Mar―10 Evaluation of the preventive efficacy of recombinant interferon α-2b in ambulance personnel contacting with COVID-19 patients V.P. Vavilova, A.M. Vavilov, N.K. Perevoshchikova, S.A. Tsarkova
116 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2021―Mar―10 Meglumin acridonacetate to treat COVID-19: prospect of using P.V. Mazin, R.Kh. Khafisyanova, N.K. Mazina, A.L. Kovalenko, A.R. Askhadullin
117 [GO] Voprosy praktičeskoj pediatrii 2021―Jan―22 Coronavirus infection in children N.A. Geppe, O.I. Afanasyeva, A.L. Zaplatnikov, E.G. Kondyurina
118 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2020―Dec―17 Characteristics of COVID-19 and possibilities of early causal therapy. Results of favipiravir use in clinical practice L.A. Balykova, A.V. Govorov, A.O. Vasilyev, E.N. Simakina, A.S. Agafyina, A.Yu. Ivanova, et al. (+4)
119 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2020―Dec―17 Сoronavirus infection COVID-19 in children in the Russian Federation A.V. Gorelov, S.V. Nikolaeva, V.G. Akimkin
120 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2020―Dec―17 Some epidemiological aspects of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) in Rostov region A.R. Litovko, T.I. Tverdokhlebova, E.V. Kovalev, G.V. Karpushchenko, S.A. Nenadskaya, V.V. Agafonova, et al. (+8)
121 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2020―Dec―17 Epidemic process of COVID-19 in the Russian Federation: interim results. 1th report N.Yu. Pshenichnaya, I.A. Lizinfeld, G.Yu. Zhuravlev, А.A. Ploskireva, V.G. Akimkin
122 [GO] Voprosy detskoj dietologii 2020―Dec―17 Possibility of breastfeeding support during the COVID-19 pandemic: a review of world and Russian protocols O.L. Lukoyanova, T.E. Borovik, A.P. Fisenko, V.A. Skvortsova, O.B. Ladodo, T.V. Bushueva, et al. (+4)
123 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2020―Dec―17 Recombinant interferons in comprehensive therapy for new coronavirus infection E.V. Melekhina, S.V. Nikolaeva, A.S. Ilyinskaya, Zh.B. Ponezheva, A.S. Akopyan, A.I. Krapivkin, et al. (+2)
124 [GO] Urology and andrology 2020―Nov―10 A review of the European Association of Urology Guidelines on management of urological cases during the COVID-19pandemic E.A. Laukhtina, A.D. Shpikina, M.S. Taratkin, D.V. Enikeev, Yu.G. Alyaev, P.V. Glybochko
125 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2020―Oct―19 Antioxidants/antihypoxants: the missing puzzle piece in effective pathogenetic therapy for COVID-19 T.A. Voronina
126 [GO] Infekcionnye bolezni 2020―Oct―19 Use of antiseptics in respiratory infections during the COVID-19 pandemic G.Kh. Vikulov
127 [GO] Voprosy praktičeskoj pediatrii 2020―Aug―18 Novel technologies in the rehabilitation of children with bronchopulmonary diseases associated with a new coronavirus infection Yu.V. Lobzin, I.V. Cherkashina, I.G. Samoilova, E.E. Achkasov
128 [GO] Voprosy praktičeskoj pediatrii 2020―Aug―18 Antiviral therapy of acute respiratory infections in children during coronavirus pandemic: a review of studies and clinical experience Е.V.Melekhina Е.V.Melekhina, A.D.Muzyka A.D.Muzyka, A.V.Gorelov A.V.Gorelov
129 [GO] Voprosy praktičeskoj pediatrii 2020―Jul―21 Clinical characteristics of COVID-19 in children of different ages. Literature review as of April 2020 E.V. Melekhina, A.V. Gorelov, A.D. Muzyka

129 Results       Page 1


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