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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie - Krakow University of Economics

61 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors All Authors
1 [GO] Journal of Public Governance 2024―Oct―17 The Safety Standards Protecting Against the COVID-19 Disease in Communal Cultural Institutions in Poland as Exemplified by Selected Communes Anna Bohdan, Bartosz Maziarz, Agnieszka Dornfeld-Kmak
2 [GO] Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review 2024―Jul―20 Micro-firms’ productivity growth in Poland before and during COVID-19: Do industry and region matter? Emilia Gosińska, Mariusz Górajski, Magdalena Ulrichs
3 [GO] International Entrepreneurship Review 2024―Jul―16 Mutual information between the main foreign subindices: The application of copula entropy around WHO’s declaration date at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic Henryk Gurgul, Robert Syrek
4 [GO] Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie 2024―Jul―08 Kierunek zmian procesów globalizacyjnych zachodzących w Polsce w obliczu pandemii COVID-19 oraz agresji Rosji na Ukrainę Pamela Kruczek
5 [GO] Journal of Public Governance 2024―Jun―27 Violence and Truth in 2022’s Epoch End: COVID-19 and Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine in the World Historical Context Michael D. Kennedy
6 [GO] Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review 2024―Jun―19 Factors affecting digital banking services acceptance: An empirical study in Vietnam during the COVID-19 pandemic Phuong Mai Nguyen, Thi-Minh-Hien Vu, Thi-Minh-Ngoc Luu, Thi Huong Dang
7 [GO] Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review 2024―Jun―18 What drives export resilience? The case of post-transition country firms in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic Marian Gorynia, Jan Nowak, Piotr Trąpczyński, Radoslaw Wolniak
8 [GO] Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie 2024―May―14 Training and Development Processes in Polish Companies during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic Katarzyna Tracz-Krupa, Dorota Molek-Winiarska, Eduardo Tomé
9 [GO] International Entrepreneurship Review 2024―May―14 Students’ quality of life before and during the Covid-19 pandemic: A comparative analysis using multidimensional inventory of students’ quality of life Małgorzata Ćwiek, Robert Szydło, Małgorzata Tyrańska, Sylwia Wiśniewska, Katarzyna Wójcik
10 [GO] Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review 2024―Jan―24 Anti-crisis activities and export performance in the Covid-19 pandemic: The case of Polish exporters Nelly Daszkiewicz, Aleksandra Kordalska, Magdalena Olczyk
11 [GO] Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie 2023―Sep―15 Terminowość publikacji raportów okresowych w dobie pandemii COVID-19 na przykładzie spółek notowanych na Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie Bartłomiej Lisicki, Iwona Franczak
12 [GO] Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie 2023―Jul―03 The Response of Selected Domestic Capital Markets on the Development of COVID-19 Pandemic - a Broader View Marcin Potrykus
13 [GO] Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review 2023―Apr―27 Internationalization and innovation orientation as factors of employee learning and development adaptation during Covid-19: Evidence from Polish SMEs Agnieszka Żur, Agnieszka Wałęga
14 [GO] Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review 2023―Apr―27 The effects of monetary policy response to the Covid-19 crisis on dynamic connectedness across financial markets in Central and Eastern Europe Wojciech Grabowski, Jakub Janus, Ewa Stawasz-Grabowska
15 [GO] International Entrepreneurship Review 2023―Apr―27 The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the operations of real estate agencies and the attitudes of their clients in Poland Bartłomiej Marona, Mateusz Tomal
16 [GO] International Entrepreneurship Review 2023―Apr―27 Economic growth and decent work as a goal of sustainable development in the European Union in the pre-pandemic and pandemic period Krzysztof Adam Firlej, Chrystian Firlej, Lidia Luty
17 [GO] Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie 2023―Apr―04 Differentiation of Beta Coefficients during COVID-19 Pandemic - the Example of Stocks of the Largest Companies Listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange Bartłomiej Lisicki
18 [GO] International Entrepreneurship Review 2023―Jan―04 Entrepreneurship and SMEs under COVID-19 crisis: A literature review Fatemeh Gorji Zadeh
19 [GO] Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review 2023―Jan―04 Venezuelan migrants in Peru and their entrepreneurial intention during the Covid-19 pandemic Shyla Del-Aguila-Arcentales, Aldo Alvarez-Risco, Diego Villalobos-Alvarez
20 [GO] Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review 2023―Jan―04 The role of public aid and restrictions’ circumvention in SMEs’ pandemic survival strategies Beata Stępień, Justyna Światowiec-Szczepańska
21 [GO] Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie 2022―Dec―27 The Bank Guarantee as an Instrument for Improving the Liquidity of Enterprises under the Conditions of the COVID-19 Pandemic Małgorzata Kowalik
22 [GO] Zarządzanie Publiczne 2022―Nov―30 Policy Towards the ‘Auditorium Culture Sector’ in Poland in the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Mechanisms of Restrictions and Support with Public Funds, Including State Aid Katarzyna Obłąkowska, Artur Bartoszewicz
23 [GO] Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie 2022―Nov―24 Determinants of Employees’ Occupational Well-being during the COVID-19 Pandemic Marta Juchnowicz, Hanna Kinowska
24 [GO] Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie 2022―Nov―24 Socially Responsible Management of Human Resources in SMEs during the COVID-19 Pandemic Jolanta Stec-Rusiecka, Agata Warmińska
25 [GO] Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie 2022―Nov―24 Structural Determinants of Changes in Unemployment in Poland during the COVID-19 Pandemic Magdalena Knapińska
26 [GO] International Entrepreneurship Review 2022―Jul―15 Virtual management during the Covid-19 era: Changes in leadership and management Vincent Montenero, Cristina Cazorzi
27 [GO] International Entrepreneurship Review 2022―Jul―15 The influence of remote work in particular during the Covid-19 pandemic on changes in human behaviour patterns within organisations Krzysztof Machaczka, Maciej Stopa
28 [GO] Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review 2022―Jun―23 The entrepreneurial motivation, Covid-19, and the new normal Cristina Blanco González-Tejero, Klaus Ulrich, Agustín Carrilero
29 [GO] Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review 2022―Jun―23 How small printing firms alleviate impact of pandemic crisis? Identifying configurations of successful strategies with fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis Marcin Suder, Rafał Kusa, Joanna Duda, Margarita Dunska
30 [GO] Social Entrepreneurship Review 2022―Jun―21 Money Attitudes and Personal Finances During the COVID-19 Magdalena Sadowska
31 [GO] Social Entrepreneurship Review 2022―Jun―21 Socio-professional Reintegration Services in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Małopolska Region Anna Rychły-Mierzwa
32 [GO] Zarządzanie Publiczne 2022―Jan―26 The Text Mining of Public Policy Documents in Response to COVID-19: A Comparison of the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Dwijendra Nath Dwivedi, Abhishek Anand
33 [GO] Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie 2022―Jan―12 Wpływ pandemii COVID-19 na rentowność sektora bankowego w Polsce Aleksandra Ostrowska
34 [GO] Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie 2022―Jan―12 Trade Heterogeneity in the EU: Insights from the Emergence of COVID-19 Using Time Series Clustering Dwijendra Nath Dwivedi, Abhishek Anand
35 [GO] International Entrepreneurship Review 2021―Dec―19 Growing inequalities in the Covid-19 pandemic and their effect on women entrepreneurship: A case of Vietnam Greeni Maheshwari, Anika Maheshwari
36 [GO] Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review 2021―Nov―29 Covid-19 and transformational megatrends in the European automotive industry: Evidence from business decisions with a Central and Eastern European focus Anita Pelle, Gabriella Tabajdi
37 [GO] Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review 2021―Nov―29 The Covid-19 pandemic as a potential change agent for selected economic concepts Piotr Banaszyk, Przemysław Deszczyński, Marian Gorynia, Krzysztof Malaga
38 [GO] Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review 2021―Nov―29 The future of remote work in Japan: Covid-19’s implications for international human resource management Hitoshi Iwashita
39 [GO] Zarządzanie Publiczne 2021―Sep―28 Possible Sustainable Measures to Recover the Tourism Sector after the COVID-19 Crisis Luca Porto Bonacci, Fahad Anwar
40 [GO] Zarządzanie Publiczne 2021―Sep―28 The COVID-19 Pandemic and Housing Markets in Selected European Countries: Lessons Learnt and Policy Implications Michał Głuszak, Stanisław Belniak
41 [GO] Zarządzanie Publiczne 2021―Sep―28 The University’s Social Responsibility During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study Maria Zrałek, Michał Kaczmarczyk
42 [GO] Zarządzanie Publiczne 2021―Sep―28 A Multi-Level Approach to Tackling the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic and Its Aftermath Danuta Kabat-Rudnicka
43 [GO] Zarządzanie Publiczne 2021―Sep―28 The Evaluation of Actions Taken in the Healthcare Facility During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic, and Their Impact on Work Motivation: A Survey Report Aldona Frączkiewicz-Wronka, Sabina Ostrowska, Joanna Woźniak-Holecka
44 [GO] Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review 2021―Jun―20 Entrepreneurial behaviour: The effects of the fear and anxiety of Covid-19 and business opportunity recognition Le Thi Loan, Doung Cong Doanh, Ha Ngoc Thang, Ngo Thi Viet Nga, Pham Thanh Van, Phan Thanh Hoa
45 [GO] Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review 2021―Jun―20 Identity crisis of artists during the Covid-19 pandemic and shift towards entrepreneurship Michał Szostak, Łukasz Sułkowski
46 [GO] International Entrepreneurship Review 2021―May―24 Forecasting the number of cases and deaths from Covid-19 Aldona Migała-Warchoł, Monika Pichla
47 [GO] Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review 2021―May―13 Dynamic indexing and clustering of government strategies to mitigate Covid-19 Jani Kinnunen, Irina Georgescu, Zahra Hosseini, Ane-Mari Androniceanu
48 [GO] Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review 2021―May―13 Consolidation strategies of small family firms in Poland during Covid-19 crisis Andrzej Marjański, Łukasz Sułkowski
49 [GO] Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review 2021―May―04 The relationship of economic sentiment and GDP growth in Russia in light of the Covid-19 crisis Liudmila Kitrar, Tamara Lipkind
50 [GO] Ekonomia Społeczna 2021―Feb―17 Przedsiębiorczość społeczna w czasie pandemii COVID-19 Marek Ćwiklicki, Katarzyna Sienkiewicz-Małyjurek
51 [GO] Ekonomia Społeczna 2021―Feb―17 Kapitał społeczny oraz organizacje pozarządowe wobec negatywnych skutków pandemii COVID-19 Danuta Stawasz, Dorota Sikora-Fernandez
52 [GO] Ekonomia Społeczna 2021―Feb―17 Wybrane krajowe i unijne instrumenty prawne jako stymulatory mikroprzedsiębiorczości i konieczny interwencjonizm w okresie pandemii COVID-19 Paulina Ledwoń
53 [GO] Ekonomia Społeczna 2021―Feb―17 Kontrola podatkowa i celno-skarbowa w czasie pandemii COVID-19 Adam Drozdek
54 [GO] Ekonomia Społeczna 2021―Feb―17 Finansowanie podmiotów ekonomii społecznej a rozwój przedsiębiorczości społecznej w Polsce. Wnioski sprzed kryzysu wywołanego przez COVID-19 i refleksje pokryzysowe Izabela Jonek-Kowalska
55 [GO] Ekonomia Społeczna 2021―Feb―17 Troska o zdrowie człowieka w czasach COVID-19 jako motywator do tworzenia nowych obszarów wartości dla klienta przez podmioty rynkowe Kamila Szymańska
56 [GO] Ekonomia Społeczna 2021―Feb―17 Wpływ pandemii COVID-19 na badania społeczne dotyczące starości i starzenia się Anna Urbaniak
57 [GO] Ekonomia Społeczna 2021―Feb―17 Przedsiębiorczość w dobie pandemii SARS-CoV-2. Próba identyfikacji konceptualnych pól analizy i modeli urzeczywistnienia gospodarczej inicjatywy Magdalena Zdun
58 [GO] International Entrepreneurship Review 2021―Jan―08 Economic policy towards the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic in selected European Union countries Martyna Żak, Jakub Garncarz
59 [GO] Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review 2020―Dec―23 The COVID-19 pandemic impact upon housing brokers’ workflow and their clients’ attitude: Real estate market in Krakow Bartłomiej Marona, Mateusz Tomal
60 [GO] Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie 2020―Dec―22 Psychospołeczne aspekty pracy zdalnej. Wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w trakcie trwania pandemii COVID-19 Katarzyna Mierzejewska, Michał Chomicki
61 [GO] Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie 2020―Dec―22 Wpływ pandemii COVID-19 na działania CSR podejmowane przez przedsiębiorstwa Angelika Czajkowska

61 Results       Page 1


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