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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: The International Research Education and Training Centre Ltd

35 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors All Authors
1 [GO] PAHTEI-Procedings of Azerbaijan High Technical Educational Institutions 2024―Jul―10 SARS-COV-2-YƏ QARŞI ANTİKORLARIN AŞKARLANMASI ÜÇÜN ZÜLAL ƏSASLI FERMENTLƏ ƏLAQƏLİ İMMUNOSORBENT ANALİZLƏRİNİN QİYMƏTLƏNDİRİLMƏSİ Orxan Hüseynov, Sevinc Abdullayeva Orxan Hüseynov, Sevinc Abdullayeva
2 [GO] PAHTEI-Procedings of Azerbaijan High Technical Educational Institutions 2023―Jun―22 KORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) PANDEMIYASI DÖVRÜNDƏ KOB SUBYEKTLƏRININ RƏQƏMSAL MARKETINQ FƏALIYYƏTLƏRININ TƏHLILI Qələndər Məmmədli, Əli Cəfərli Qələndər Məmmədli, Əli Cəfərli
3 [GO] PAHTEI-Procedings of Azerbaijan High Technical Educational Institutions 2023―Jun―22 MONETARY POLICY OF WORLD BANKS DURING THE PANDEMIC Gunay Guliyeva, Ravan Piriyev Gunay Guliyeva, Ravan Piriyev
4 [GO] PAHTEI-Procedings of Azerbaijan High Technical Educational Institutions 2023―Jun―18 THE IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON THE ENERGY INDUSTRY: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE Sevinc Mammadova Sevinc Mammadova, Narmin Asgarova Narmin Asgarova
5 [GO] PAHTEI-Procedings of Azerbaijan High Technical Educational Institutions 2023―Apr―23 RƏQƏMSAL IQTISADIYYAT DÖVRÜNDƏ COVID-19 PANDEMIYASININ TƏSIRININ TƏHLILI Tünzalə Qurbanova Tünzalə Qurbanova, Lalə Əsgərova Lalə Əsgərova
6 [GO] PAHTEI-Procedings of Azerbaijan High Technical Educational Institutions 2023―Mar―22 COVID-19-UN İNVESTİSİYA DAVRANIŞLARINA TƏSİRİ Behbidalı Novruzlu Behbidalı Novruzlu
7 [GO] Economics 2022―Nov―25 The Impact of the Pandemic on External Economic Relations of Georgia Nino Ramazashvili Nino Ramazashvili
8 [GO] PAHTEI-Procedings of Azerbaijan High Technical Educational Institutions 2022―Jun―12 IMPACTS OF COVID-19 ON TAX REVENUES AND CHANGES IN TAX POLICY IN AZERBAIJAN Rashad Suleymanzade Rashad Suleymanzade
9 [GO] PAHTEI-Procedings of Azerbaijan High Technical Educational Institutions 2022―Jun―12 IMPACTS OF COVID-19 ON THE AZERBAIJAN ECONOMY Yassi Dibirova Yassi Dibirova
10 [GO] PIRETC-Proceeding of The International Research Education & Training Centre 2022―Jun―02 MULTIPLE TROMBOSIS IN CHILD WITH POST COVID-19 INFECTION Nonkulovski D., Zhivkovska L., Duma F., Sofijanova A. Nonkulovski D., Zhivkovska L., Duma F., et al. (+6)
11 [GO] Ambiance in Life International Scientific Journal in Medicine of Southern Caucasus 2022―Jun―02 POST COVID-19 NEUROLOGICAL SYNDROME (PCNS) IN AN 11 YEARS OLD BOY, A CASE REPORT Alili Ademi L., Duma F., Sofijanova A. Alili Ademi L., Duma F., Sofijanova A., Bojadzieva S., et al. (+9)
12 [GO] PAHTEI-Procedings of Azerbaijan High Technical Educational Institutions 2022―May―19 UNEQUAL WORLD: THE EFFECTS OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON ECONOMIES HAVING DIFFERENT LEVELS OF DEVELOPMENT Neman Muradli Neman Muradli, Maleyka Axundova Maleyka Axundova
13 [GO] Economics 2022―May―14 Impact of the Pandemic on the Country’s Economy Lela Jakhaia Lela Jakhaia
14 [GO] Economics 2022―Apr―20 Analysis of Hospital Financing Practices in Connection with the COVID-19 (On the Example of Austria and Germany) Alexander Sharashenidze Alexander Sharashenidze
15 [GO] Economics 2022―Apr―20 The COVID-19 Pandemic and Public Finance of Georgia David Shoshitashvili David Shoshitashvili, Lily Ushveridze Lily Ushveridze, Tamar Devidze Tamar Devidze
16 [GO] Economics 2022―Apr―19 The Impact of the Global Pandemic on the Georgian Economy Ketevan Shengelia Ketevan Shengelia
17 [GO] Economics 2022―Apr―18 Optimal Economic Stimulus Policy in the Pandemic Situation Lela Bochoidze Lela Bochoidze, Maia Chinchaladze Maia Chinchaladze, Nino Darsavelidze Nino Darsavelidze, Ana Kurtanidze Ana Kurtanidze
18 [GO] Socio World Social Research & Behavioral Sciences 2022―Apr―03 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF EMPLOYMENT IN THE CONSTRUCTION SECTOR OF AZERBAIJAN DURING THE PANDEMIC Elvin Azhdarli Elvin Azhdarli
19 [GO] PAHTEI-Procedings of Azerbaijan High Technical Educational Institutions 2022―Mar―23 THE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT’S MEASURES TO SUPPORT THE RUSSIAN ECONOMY DURING COVID-19 CRISES Murad Mammadov Murad Mammadov
20 [GO] Economics 2022―Feb―12 Challenges of Enterprises Optimal Growth in Terms of the Covid-19 Pandemic Ekaterine Gigolashvili Ekaterine Gigolashvili
21 [GO] The New Economist 2022―Jan―29 Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on public procurement in Georgia (On the example of simplified procurement) ANA CHAGELISHVILI ANA CHAGELISHVILI, NATIA SURMANIDZE NATIA SURMANIDZE
22 [GO] The New Economist 2021―Aug―25 Early effects of theCOVID_19 pandemic on the real estate market in Georgia Natia Terterashvili Natia Terterashvili
23 [GO] The New Economist 2021―Aug―24 The world pandemic- experiment developing deglobalisation Kristina Jganjgava Kristina Jganjgava
24 [GO] Economics 2021―Jun―24 The Pandemic and Tourism in Georgia Nani Mamporia Nani Mamporia
25 [GO] Economics 2021―Jun―24 The Impact of the Pandemic on Staff Work Schedules and Incentives on the Example of “Taxi Prius” Nino Omanadze Nino Omanadze
26 [GO] PIRETC-Proceeding of The International Research Education & Training Centre 2021―Apr―18 Creativity - The Basic Way For Overcoming The Economic Crisis Caused By the Covid-19 Pandemic Vera Dzvelaia, Revaz Shengelia
27 [GO] PIRETC-Proceeding of The International Research Education & Training Centre 2021―Apr―18 Creativity - The Basic Way For Overcoming The Economic Crisis Caused By the Covid-19 Pandemic
28 [GO] PIRETC-Proceeding of The International Research Education & Training Centre 2021―Apr―18 Tourism Development Perspectives and Challenges in Georgia in the conditions of the Pandemic (Covid-19) Irakli Kintsurashvili, Shura Ukleba
29 [GO] PIRETC-Proceeding of The International Research Education & Training Centre 2021―Apr―18 Anti-inflationary Policies and Permanent Fluctuations During the Pandemic Marina Bagaturia
30 [GO] PIRETC-Proceeding of The International Research Education & Training Centre 2021―Apr―18 Some Practical Financial Reporting (IFRS) Assessment Aspects Of The Covid-19 Impact on Business Zhuzhuna Tsiklauri-Shengelia, Natia Shengelia, Revaz Shengelia
31 [GO] PIRETC-Proceeding of The International Research Education & Training Centre 2021―Apr―18 Marketing Involvement in the Agriculture Development Issues During the existing Pandemic (Covid-19) in Georgia Irakli Kintsurashvili Irakli Kintsurashvili
32 [GO] PIRETC-Proceeding of The International Research Education & Training Centre 2021―Apr―18 ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF MANAGEMENT INNOVATIVE MODEL IN THE PANDEMIC CONDITIONS Tamar Vanishvili Tamar Vanishvili
33 [GO] PIRETC-Proceeding of The International Research Education & Training Centre 2021―Apr―18 The Impact of the Pandemic on the Global Economy Tatia Gurtskaia Tatia Gurtskaia, Karlo Gurtskaia Karlo Gurtskaia
34 [GO] The Caucasus-Economic and Social Analysis Journal of Southern Caucasus 2020―Dec―31 ВЛИЯНИЕ КРИЗИСА COVID-19 НА ЭКОНОМИКУ, ЭНЕРГЕТИКУ И ПРИМЕНЕНИЕ ПОЗИТИВНЫХ МЕР Садагат Ибрагимова
35 [GO] Ambiance in Life International Scientific Journal in Medicine of Southern Caucasus 2020―Dec―28 RESEARCH OF THE MORTALITY IN 2018, 2019, 2020 AND EFFECTS OF COVID-19 ON MORTALITY Kenan Teker, Melis Gönülal, Mustafa Emiroğlu

35 Results       Page 1


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