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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: Level Up Business Center

34 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors All Authors
1 [GO] Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare 2021―Oct―05 KAP Study on Hand Hygiene to Prevent the Spread of Coronavirus, among General Population during Pandemic - An Online National Cross-Sectional Survey Khyati Gagan Kalra, Vaishali Praful Bansod, Shraddha Shripad Kulkarni, Parvinder Singh Chawla
2 [GO] Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare 2021―Sep―28 C-Reactive Protein - A Promising Marker for Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease along with Covid-19 among South Indian Population Chitra Siva Sankari Gandhi, Amuthavalli Vasudevan, Ramya Subramani, Ramadevi Kanaka Sabapathi
3 [GO] Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare 2021―Sep―28 Admissions for Stroke and Strategies to Optimize Healthcare Delivery During the COVID-19 Pandemic - Experience from a Tertiary Care Hospital in South India Kevin John John, Rhea Anne Roy, Bincy Baby, Deep P. Pillai, Anilkumar Sivan, Joban John, et al. (+2)
4 [GO] Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare 2021―Sep―28 Challenges in the Management of COVID-19 Patients with Metabolic Syndrome with Special Emphasis on Gender and Age - A Review Arunima Chaudhuri, Suhrita Paul, Tapas Ghosh
5 [GO] Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare 2021―Sep―28 Histopathological Study of Placenta in COVID-19 Positive Mothers in a Tertiary Care Hospital, South Kerala Krishna Govindan, Jithesh Girijakumar, Sreekumari Radha, Priyasree Jayasimham, Reshma Pallikara Kunjunny
6 [GO] Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare 2021―Sep―28 Maternal and Fetal Outcomes of COVID-19 Positive Pregnant Women in Government T.D. Medical College Alappuzha Lalithambica Karunakaran, Deepthi P.S., Shijini T
7 [GO] Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare 2021―Sep―27 An Analysis of Perception of Different Online Teaching-Learning Methods among Phase-1 Medical Students of Government Medical College, Thrissur, Kerala during Covid-19 Lockdown Sajeevan Kundil Chandran, Shajee Sivasankaran Nair, Sajith Vilambil, Sajna Mathumkunnath Vijayan, Purnima Eliz Thomas
8 [GO] Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare 2021―Sep―27 Frequency of Ocular Symptoms and Signs in Cases of COVID-19 in Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh Vinod Kumar Singh, Vinod Kumar Baranwal, Jitendra Kumar, Anil Kumar Chandra, Ravi Mohan Sharma, Jyoti Sharma, et al. (+2)
9 [GO] Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare 2021―Sep―27 Association of Inflammatory Markers with the Severity of COVID-19 in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Bagalkot, India - A Cross-Sectional Study Sunil Baragi, Pavani Mallikarjun Dyavannavar
10 [GO] Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare 2021―Sep―27 Immediate Sequential Bilateral Cataract Surgery in Covid-19 Pandemic - A Prospective Study in a Tertiary Eye Care Centre of Eastern India Aanchal Priya, Sunil Kumar, Seema Singh
11 [GO] Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare 2021―Sep―27 A Cross Sectional Study on the Psychological Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Schoolteachers in Andhra Pradesh Ganga Raju Godasi, Abdul Salaam Mohammed, Raj Kiran Donthu, Jaya Prakash Nunna
12 [GO] Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare 2021―Sep―27 Changing Trend in COVID 19 Pandemic, Orthopaedic Care, and Arthroplasty - A Prospective Study Conducted in Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, an Apex Tertiary Centre of Bihar Janki Sharan Bhadani, Wasim Ahmed, Nishant Kashyap, Indrajeet Kumar, Santosh Kumar, Rahul Kumar, Ashutosh Kumar
13 [GO] Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare 2021―Jun―30 IgM and IgG Antibody Levels in Patients with COVID-19 in South Andhra Pradesh Kiranmayi Bogarapu, Aruna P
14 [GO] Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare 2021―Jun―30 A Cross-Sectional Study of Knowledge and Practice with Regard to Personal Protective Equipment in Covid-19 Management among Healthcare Workers at a Tertiary Care Center of Ananthapuram District, Andhra Pradesh Niharika B, Suchitra R, Shreenivas Shouri, Posina Priyanka
15 [GO] Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare 2021―Jun―23 Epidemiological Factors and Clinical Course of COVID-19 in Patients Who Died Following the Disease in Dedicated COVID Hospital, Rewa District, Madhya Pradesh - A Retrospective Study Neera Marathe, Aashutosh Asati, Alok Pratap Singh, Manoj Indurkar, Saritesh Kuma Thakur
16 [GO] Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare 2021―Jun―23 Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Ophthalmology Trainees in Southern India - A Prospective Observational Study Chethana Warad, Arvind Tenagi, Arya Wakankar, Pranitha Satarasi, Umesh Harakuni, Shivanand Bubanale, et al. (+2)
17 [GO] Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare 2021―Jun―09 Montelukast - Its Immunomodulatory and Antiviral Action in COVID-19 Prashant Ramesh Chakkarwar
18 [GO] Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare 2021―Jun―09 Medical Education during COVID-19 Pandemic - Experience of Medical Teaching Faculty of SHKM, GMC, Mewat, Haryana - A Cross-Sectional, Questionnaire-Based Survey Shikhaa Mahajan, Sangeeta B. Singh, Asha Kumari, Vivek Sharma
19 [GO] Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare 2021―Jun―09 Psychological Impact during the Late Phase of Covid-19 Pandemic among the Hospitalised Patients and General Public in Andhra Pradesh - A Cross-Sectional Comparative Study Abdul Salaam Abdul Salaa, Ganga Raju Godasi, Raj Kiran Donthu, Ravi Shankar Pasam, Anand Acharya, Pratap Surya Sankar Reddy Tamanampudi
20 [GO] Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare 2021―Jun―09 Impact of Media and Time Management Pattern on Mental Wellbeing among the General Population during COVID-19 Lockdown in India - A Cross-Sectional, Respondent-Driven Survey Vishwak Reddy Vatte, Praveen Khairkar, Srinivas Kandrakonda, Tabitha Jezreel, Satya Revanth Karri, Syeda Hira Fatima
21 [GO] Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare 2021―Jun―09 Role of CT Chest in the Diagnosis and Management of SARS-Cov-2 Pneumonia Patients - Hospital Based Descriptive Study, Hyderabad P.M.T. Mahidhar, Gayathri Gadiyaram, Rakhee Kumar Paruchuri
22 [GO] Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare 2021―May―20 Impact of Covid-19 on Surgical Training in a Tertiary Care Centre in Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India Roja Ramani Kumbha, Venkata Prakash Gandikota, Venkata Ramanaiah Nannam, Ganesh Reddy Elluru
23 [GO] Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare 2021―May―20 A Comparative Study of Perceived Stress and Anxiety, among Patients with Bipolar Affective Disorder, and the General Population, during COVID-19 Pandemic, Conducted in Government Hospital for Mental Care, Visakhapatnam Evani Ramachandra Rao, Seelam Satish
24 [GO] Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare 2021―Apr―28 Utility of Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR) as an Indicator of Disease Severity and Prognostic Marker among Patients with Covid-19 Infection in a Tertiary Care Centre in Bangalore - A Retrospective Study Ashwin Kulkarni, Divya Prabhu, Likitesh A.B., Anil Kumar T, Varun Vinayak P. Rao, Shaivya P. Murthy
25 [GO] Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare 2021―Apr―28 A Cross Sectional Study on Covid-19 Related Anxiety Disorders amongst the Population Working from Home during the Pandemic in the State of Karnataka, South India Darshan Yallappa Jotibannad, Ayushi Devendra Singh
26 [GO] Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare 2021―Apr―19 A Case Series of Patients Suspected to Have Covid-19 Based on Clinical Features, Laboratory Markers and Imaging Studies but Who Were RT-PCR Negative Dilip Pandurang Patil, Nikhil Dilip Patil
27 [GO] Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare 2021―Apr―19 Clinical, Radiological and Laboratory Profile of Covid-19 Patients Admitted to a Dedicated Covid-19 Hospital in Odisha Mohan Rao C, Nipa Singh, Kinshuk Sarbhai, Saswat Subhankar, Sanghamitra Pati, Sidhartha Das
28 [GO] Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare 2021―Apr―19 A Cross Sectional Study on Covid-19 Related Depression amongst the Population Working from Home during the Pandemic Darshan Yallapp Jotibannad, Ayushi Devendra Singh
29 [GO] Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare 2021―Apr―14 Sociodemographic Factors and Clinical Profile of Covid-19 Patients Admitted in a Tertiary Care Centre of Central Rajasthan, India Piyush Arora, Himanshu Mittal, Neeraj Gupta, Jose K. Jimmy, Khushboo Jain, Arpit Sharma
30 [GO] Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare 2021―Mar―02 Evaluation of E-learning among Medical Undergraduate Students during Covid-19 Pandemic in a Government Medical College, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh Suneetha Bollipo, John G. Wilson, Phani Madhavi Kajana, Akhil Jakkala
31 [GO] Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare 2021―Feb―10 Serum Albumin Level as a Prognostic Marker for Covid-19 Positive Patients in Western Uttar Pradesh - A Cross Sectional Study Shreyansh Talera, Saurabh Singhal, Nishant Wadhera, Mayank Arora, Ravi Pratap
32 [GO] Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare 2021―Jan―18 Coagulation Abnormalities in Covid-19 Positive Patients at Covid Hospital of Hassan Institute of Medical Sciences, Hassan Shivakumarswamy Udasimath, Nagesha K.R, Kumar Naik H.K., Puruhotham R
33 [GO] Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare 2020―Dec―10 Knowledge, Attitude and Practice with Regard to Preventive Measures of Covid-19 across Community in the above 18-Years Age Group in Nandyal District, Andhra Pradesh, India Raja Vikram Prasad, Deepa Latha Ciddhavaduta, Vivekanandan Kalaiselvan, MadhaviLatha Midde, Sri Ramachandra Murthy R.V.S, Afsar Fatima, Mohammad Abdul Mushtaq Pasha
34 [GO] Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare 2020―Sep―24 Public Perceptions in Relation to the COVID-19 Outbreak - A Cross Sectional Survey Ashish Bijaykrishna Banerjee, Madhumati Varma, Ambika Sharma, Anita Banerjee, Lokendra Sharma

34 Results       Page 1


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