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COVID Antworten in den wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften der Welt

Verlag: All-Russian National Academy of Mycology

25 Ergebisse       Seite 1

  Original Artikel Journal Datum Titel Autoren Alle Autoren
1 [GO] Immunopathology Allergology Infectology 2024―Sep―15 Features of clinical and laboratory manifestations of moderate-to-severe COVID-19 in male and female inpatients E Paplauskaya, V Kindaleva, E Kulaha, A Rouba, J Silizevich, A Paplauski
2 [GO] Immunopathology Allergology Infectology 2024―Sep―15 The role of cytokine gene polymorphic variants in predicting COVID-19 outcomes N Baranova, L Aschina, A Bolgova, O Lesina
3 [GO] Immunopathology Allergology Infectology 2024―Jun―02 Immunological and biochemical markers of adverse disease outcomes in COVID-19 and chronic heart failure A Mordyk, N Bagisheva, M Moiseeva, V Streltsova, E Antipova
4 [GO] Immunopathology Allergology Infectology 2024―Feb―25 Dynamics of platelet-leukocyte aggregates in patients with coronavirus infection, depending on the duration and severity of the disease Burdienko
5 [GO] Immunopathology Allergology Infectology 2024―Jan―23 Indicators of lipid peroxidation of biological membranes in patients with COVID-19 A Marzhokhova, A Ploskireva, Zh Ponezheva, Z Kharaeva, M Marzhokhova, L Balagova, M Nagoeva
6 [GO] Immunopathology Allergology Infectology 2024―Jan―23 Peculiarities of immune response in patients with COVID-19 N Baranova, L Aschina, A Bolgova
7 [GO] Immunopathology Allergology Infectology 2024―Jan―23 Quantitative and qualitative composition of the main populations of lymphocytes in patients with community-acquired pneumonia during the COVID-19 pandemic Ivanova
8 [GO] Immunopathology Allergology Infectology 2023―Sep―15 Dynamics of liver function indicators in patients with COVID-19 G Yupatov, V Pryshchepenko, V Okulich, N Denisenko
9 [GO] Immunopathology Allergology Infectology 2023―Sep―15 Cytokine profile and anti-inflammatory activity of COVID-19 convalescent plasma in vitro A Maksimovich, M Potapnev, I Dunayev, L Gushina, F Karpenko
10 [GO] Immunopathology Allergology Infectology 2023―Sep―15 Neutrophil functional activity indices as predictors of COVID-19 severity L Aschina, N Baranova, A Bolgova
11 [GO] Immunopathology Allergology Infectology 2023―Mai―31 Long-term data of interval hypoxic therapy in patient rehabilitation after COVID-19 I Misirova, S Startseva, I Borukaeva, Z Abazova, L Kardanova
12 [GO] Immunopathology Allergology Infectology 2023―Mai―31 Peculiarities of management of renal transplant recipients with COVID-19: a clinical case report V Zemko, V Okulich, A Dzyadzko
13 [GO] Immunopathology Allergology Infectology 2023―Mrz―22 Comprehensive assessment and diagnostic value of the parameters of the immune system associated with susceptibility and resistance to COVID-19 I Shchurok
14 [GO] Immunopathology Allergology Infectology 2022―Aug―31 Predicting the severity of COVID-19 O. Chernokov, I. Shchurok
15 [GO] Immunopathology Allergology Infectology 2022―Aug―31 COVID-19 and mucormycosis A. Lipnitsky, N. Polovets, R. Surkova, A. Murugova, A. Toporkov, D. Victorov
16 [GO] Immunopathology Allergology Infectology 2022―Aug―31 COVID-19 associated invasive mycoses O. Kutsevalova, A. Antonets, V. Krylov, N. Nifantiev, D. Miroshnichenko, A. Mikutin
17 [GO] Immunopathology Allergology Infectology 2022―Aug―31 Allergic rhinitis as a comorbid disease with Covid-19 infection I. Shchurok, Y. Derkach
18 [GO] Immunopathology Allergology Infectology 2022―Aug―31 Clinical and epidemiological features of the spread of novel coronavirus infection in the children of Chelyabinsk during the first 12 months of the pandemic D. Vasilkova, O. Abramovskikh, A. Pishchalnikov
19 [GO] Immunopathology Allergology Infectology 2022―Aug―31 Post­Covid syndrome during the Covid-­19 pandemic O. Chernokov, I. Shchurok
20 [GO] Immunopathology Allergology Infectology 2022―Aug―31 Pandemic of vitamin D deficiency V. Albanova
21 [GO] Immunopathology Allergology Infectology 2021―Sep―22 The relationship of the level of β-defensin-1 in the saliva of patients with oral candidiasis after CoVID-19 infection A. Pozharitskaya, I. Karpuk
22 [GO] Immunopathology Allergology Infectology 2021―Sep―22 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and smoking in COVID-19. A. Ishchenko
23 [GO] Immunopathology Allergology Infectology 2021―Jun―03 Experience of using tocilizumab in the research unit of infectious hospital for patients with coronavirus infection (CoVID-19) M Petrushin, V Leontyeva, A Malygin, M Demidova
24 [GO] Immunopathology Allergology Infectology 2021―Jun―03 Long-term follow up of the course of Covid-19 infection in a patient with allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis E Matsko
25 [GO] Immunopathology Allergology Infectology 2020―Okt―29 COVID-19 and complement system: a window of opportunities I Vorontsova

25 Ergebisse       Seite 1


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