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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: Aurora Group, s.r.o

36 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors All Authors
1 [GO] Социодинамика 2024―Nov―04 Transformation of behavioral attitudes of young people in the labor and employment market: the impact of the pandemic and workers' reassessment of their freedoms Nikolay Vladimirovich Chaplashkin
2 [GO] Litera 2024―Mar―06 «Coronavirus Pandemic» Conceptual Framework: Analysis of Verbal Representation in the English-Speaking Media Olesya Yur'evna Polonskaya
3 [GO] Финансы и управление 2024―Feb―23 Anti-Crisis Industrial Policy of the Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation during the COVID-19 Pandemic Andrey Vyacheslavovich Koshkin, Maksim Yur'evich Shcheglov, George Aleksandrovich Bit-Zaya, Anastasia Sergeevna Kalinichenko, Diana Maksimovna Mikhaleva
4 [GO] Litera 2024―Feb―06 Dynamics of changes in the psychosocial characteristics of online media consumers under the influence of official information and rumors about COVID-19 Yingying Li
5 [GO] Социодинамика 2023―Dec―02 Laughter in times of crisis: content analysis of jokes about COVID-19 Olga Gennadevna Sedykh, Veronika Anatol'evna Avilova, Yuliya Gavriilovna Alsaeva
6 [GO] Юридические исследования 2023―Nov―10 Features of legal regulation in the context of a pandemic. Tatiana Shmidt
7 [GO] Психолог 2023―Nov―01 Meaningful Life Orientations in the Prevention of Mental Health of Medical Workers, in Connection with the Covid-19 Pandemic. Elena Vladimirovna Papko
8 [GO] Litera 2023―Nov―01 Main innovations of the pandemic period in the Russian language Tinyan' Van, Irina Igorevna Mitrofanova
9 [GO] Психолог 2023―Jul―07 Identity features of adolescents with suicidal attempts during the COVID-19 pandemic Galina Fanilevna Tulitbaeva, Oksana Ivanovna Politika, Lyaisan Faritovna Safina
10 [GO] Litera 2023―May―30 The development of Internet memes as a form of online folklore in the era of the pandemic Tinyan' Van
11 [GO] Litera 2022―Oct―11 Complex Words of the Coronavirus Era in Russian and Chinese: Word-formation Aspect Xiaoge Li
12 [GO] SENTENTIA European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 2022―Jul―16 The Concept of Job Burnouts in the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic Ekaterina Yurievna Andreeva, Mariya Olegovna Kleshnina
13 [GO] Социодинамика 2022―Jul―15 Interdisciplinary study of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on family and marriage institutions Polina Evgen'evna Loboda, Regina Olegovna Prokudina
14 [GO] Мировая политика 2022―Jul―07 Turkey and Central Asia during the coronavirus pandemic Vladimir Alekseevich Avatkov, Pavel Aleksandrovich Prilepsky
15 [GO] Litera 2022―May―22 New communication trends in Serbian and Albanian Media in the Era of the Covid-19 pandemic as an effective means of shaping the Image of Russia in the Balkans 2020-2021. Zvjezdan Kunic, Blerina Mahmutaj
16 [GO] Социодинамика 2022―May―13 Some aspects of self-preservation behavior of students during the coronavirus pandemic Natalia Sterliadeva, Tat'yana Viktorovna Chukanova
17 [GO] Финансы и управление 2022―Apr―06 Venture investments as a factor in the development of the Russian economy in a pandemic Vladimir Lebedev, Anastasia Avdeeva, Tural Mamedov
18 [GO] Litera 2022―Apr―03 The image of Serbia in the Russian media in terms of language techniques and its impact on bilateral relations between the two states in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic (2020-2022) Zvjezdan Kunic, Valerii Leonidovich Muzykant
19 [GO] SENTENTIA European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 2022―Feb―19 Vaccine diplomacy during the COVID-19 pandemic on the example of the Republic of Serbia Aleksa Filipović
20 [GO] Финансы и управление 2022―Jan―27 The peculiarities of development of consumer lending in the conditions of pandemic on the example of ZENITH Bank Yuliya Ashumovna Vlasova, Zhanneta Ilijasovna Gerzelieva, Tatyana Mikhailovna Rogova
21 [GO] Финансы и управление 2021―Nov―27 Capabilities of business intelligence for improving the efficiency of economic analysis in stressful economic conditions caused by pandemic Stanislav Mitrovic, Viktor Paulevich Suits
22 [GO] SENTENTIA European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 2021―Nov―16 Юридические исследования, 2020-9Criminal law characteristics of medical sorting (triage): COVID-19 and shortage of resources Kirill Alekseevich Berchanskiy
23 [GO] Социодинамика 2021―Sep―29 On the advent of the Reformation: COVID-19 pandemic as a predictor of social and value transformations Dmitrii Aleksandrovich Golovushkin
24 [GO] Мировая политика 2021―Jun―10 Analysis of the effectiveness of cooperation between China and the African Union within the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic Evgeniya Mikhailovna Rogozhina, Natal'ya Mikhailovna Morozova, Anna Nikolaevna Solodovnikova
25 [GO] Социодинамика 2021―May―27 The impact of COVID-19 pandemic upon changes of temporality and sociality: socio-philosophical analysis Nikita Nikolaevich Ravochkin, Rinat Shamilevich Gilyazov, Vladimir Petrovich Shchennikov
26 [GO] Социодинамика 2021―May―20 Employment situation of persons with disabilities in Russia during the the pre-pandemic and pandemic periods Anton Aleksandrovich Trinadtsatko
27 [GO] Полицейская и следственная деятельность 2021―Apr―26 COVID-19 and criminality in Russia Akhmat Seit-Umarovich Teunaev, Anastasiya Maksimovna Cherkasova
28 [GO] Философская мысль 2021―Mar―31 Image of digital future of the society through the prism of pandemic Daria Sergeevna Bylieva, Victoria Valerevna Lobatyuk
29 [GO] Социодинамика 2021―Mar―15 Media virus of fear: the peculiarities of representation of COVID-19 pandemic by the Russian media during the first wave (January - June 2020) Dmitrii Nikolaevich Barinov
30 [GO] Мировая политика 2021―Jan―12 Euroscepticism in France. The threat of Frexit against the background of the COVID-19 pandemic Aleksandr Terebov
31 [GO] Мировая политика 2021―Jan―04 Adaptive management methods (the case-study of China’s immigration policy during the COVID-19 pandemic period) Andrey Aleksandrovich Yanik
32 [GO] Юридические исследования 2020―Nov―23 Criminal law characteristics of medical sorting (triage): COVID-19 and shortage of resources Kirill Alekseevich Berchanskiy
33 [GO] Психолог 2020―Sep―06 Psychological-pedagogical analysis of the problems caused by pandemic: Ukraine’s perspective Andrei Aleksandrovich Ostapenko
34 [GO] Социодинамика 2020―Aug―04 Color in visual representations of COVID-19 pandemic: content analysis of publications in the Russian-language digital mass media Yulia Alexandrovna Griber, Elena Evgenjevna Suchova
35 [GO] Социодинамика 2020―Aug―04 Social stigmatization during pandemic Svetlana Evgenievna Turkulets, Aleksei Vladimirovich Turkuletc, Evgeniya Vyacheslavovna Listopadova, Marina Vyacheslavovna Sokol'skaya
36 [GO] Психолог 2020―Jun―29 Metacognitive model of coping behavior of a subject during the COVID-19 pandemic Natalia Viktorovna Chistiakova, Tatiana Petrovna Aisuvakova

36 Results       Page 1


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