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Publishing House: Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies

37 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors All Authors
1 [GO] Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies 2024―Oct―07 Covıd-19 Krizi ve Makroekonomik Göstergelerin Türkiye Turizm Talebine Yansımaları: Yapısal Var Modeli (Reflections of Covid-19 Crisis and Macroeconomic Indicators on Tourism Demand in Türkiye: Structural VAR Model) Muhammet Nimet ÇAVUŞ
2 [GO] Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies 2024―Oct―07 Changing Foreign Customers Evaluations İn The Hotel Industry Amid The Covid 19 Pandemic: An Investigation On Online Customers Reviews Zeynep GENÇ
3 [GO] Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies 2024―Apr―04 What if the Covid-19 Pandemic Never Happened Estimation of the Tourist Arrivals for 2020 Via Levenberg-Marquardt Optimization and K-Star (K ) Machine Learning Algorithms Ferhat ŞEKER, Alper BOZKURT
4 [GO] Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies 2024―Jan―08 Ekonomik Krizler ve Pandeminin Türk Turizm Sektörüne Etkilerinin İncelenmesi (Investigation of The Effects of Economic Crises and Pandemic on Turkish Tourism Sector) N. Ceren TÜRKMEN
5 [GO] Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies 2024―Jan―04 Profesyonel Turist Rehberlerinin Pandemi Sürecinde İşini Kaybetme Kaygısının İş Performansına Etkisi (The Effect of Professional Tourist Guides Anxiety of Losing Their Jobs During the Pandemic Process on Job Performance) Gökhan GÜMÜŞ, R. Pars ŞAHBAZ
6 [GO] Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies 2023―Dec―28 COVID-19 Sürecinde Ev Dışı Gıda Tüketiminin Değişimi (Change in Consumption of Food Away from Home During the Covid-19) Murat İsmet HASEKİ, Sibel OĞUZ, Zafer BUZCU, Celile ÖZÇİÇEK DÖLEKOĞLU
7 [GO] Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies 2023―Dec―28 The Fallout of the Pandemic: An Investigation of Oman Tourist Destination Brand Equity Vishal JAIN, Parul JAIN
8 [GO] Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies 2022―Oct―02 Covid-19 Dönemi Zincir Yiyecek İçecek İşletmelerinde Tedarik Sıkıntıları ve Çözüm Önerileri (Supply Problems and Solution Suggestions in Chain Food and Beverage Businesses during Covid-19 Period) Menekşe Cömert, Esra Kanoğlu
9 [GO] Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies 2022―Oct―02 COVID-19 Pandemi Sürecinde Tıbbi ve Aromatik Bitki Tüketimi: Yükleme Kuramı Temelinde Bir Araştırma (Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Consumption During The COVID-19 Pandemic: A Research Based On Attribution Theory) Neslihan Şimşek, Yusuf Çağrı Türkseven, Celil Çakıcı
10 [GO] Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies 2022―Jul―01 The Covid-19 Pandemic and Fermented Products Semra Akar Şahingöz, Eren Yalçın
11 [GO] Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies 2022―Mar―29 COVID-19 Salgınının Otellerin Mutfak Departmanına Yansımaları: Antalya daki Beş Yıldızlı Otel İşletmeleri Üzerinde Nitel Bir Araştırma (Reflections of the COVID-19 Outbreak on the Hotel Kitchen Department: A Qualitative Research on Five-Star Hotels in Antalya) Beysun Güneri, Özlem Yay
12 [GO] Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies 2022―Mar―29 Covid-19 ve Turizm İlişkisini Ele Alan ve Tr Dizin de Yayınlanan Makalelerinin İncelenmesi (Investıgatıon of Artıcles on the Covıd-19 and Tourısm Relatıonshıp Publıshed in Tr Index) Nuray Eker, Karaca Mina Durdu, Alper Bozkurt
13 [GO] Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies 2021―Dec―31 Covid-19 Döneminde Çevreye Olan Etkileriyle Rekreasyon ve Turizm: Bir Farkındalık Çalışması (Recreation and Tourism with its Effects on the Environment in the Time of Covid19: An Awareness Study Ayşe Atar
14 [GO] Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies 2021―Dec―31 Covid-19 dan Sonra Gıda Güvenliği Açısından Yeme İçme Ünitelerinde Alınan Önlemlerdeki Değişiklikler (Changes in the Measures Taken in Food and Beverage Units for Food Safety After Covid-19) İlkay Yılmaz, Nurten Beyter
15 [GO] Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies 2021―Dec―31 Recreational Novelty and Aesthetic Motives: Relationship with Hedonia in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic Selin Kama, Deniz Karagöz
16 [GO] Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies 2021―Dec―31 Determining Perceived Risk of Domestic Visitors During COVID-19 Pandemic in Turkey Davut Kodaş
17 [GO] Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies 2021―Dec―31 Üniversite Öğrencisi Tüketicilerin Covid 19 Pandemisi Sürecinde Mobil Yemek Siparişi Uygulamalarına Yönelik Görüşlerine Güvenin Etkisini Belirlemeye Yönelik Bir Çalışma (The Effect of Trust on University Student Consumers Views Towards Mobile Food Ordering Applications in Covid-19 Pandemic Process) Ahmet Ünal, Muhammed Taş
18 [GO] Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies 2021―Dec―31 Understanding the Perception of Organizational Commitment During COVID-19 Pandemic: Senior Hotel Managers Perspective Nurullah Cihan Ağbay, Nurhak Akbudak
19 [GO] Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies 2021―Dec―31 Covit 19 Pandemisinin Türkiye Sağlık Turizmine Etkileri (The Effects of the Covit 19 Pandemic on Health Tourism in Turkey) Mehmet Kabacık
20 [GO] Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies 2021―Sep―28 The Probable Effects of COVID-19 on Entrepreneurial Trends and SMEs in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry Burcu Koç
21 [GO] Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies 2021―Sep―28 Covid-19 Salgını Sürecinde Turizm Öğrencilerinin Stres Düzeyleri ve Sağlıklı Beslenme Davranışları Üzerine Bir Araştırma (A Research on Stress Levels and Healthy Eating Behaviors of Tourism Students During the Covid-19 Epidemic) Emre Hastaoğlu
22 [GO] Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies 2021―Sep―28 Koronavirüs (Covid-19) Salgınının Menülerde Meydana Getirdiği Değişikliklerin İncelenmesi: Afyonkarahisar İli Örneği (Investigation of the Changes in Menu Created by the Coronavirus (Covid-19) Outbreak: The Case of Afyonkarahisar Province) Mustafa Sandıkçı, Eda Çoban
23 [GO] Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies 2021―Sep―28 Covid-19 Pandemi Sürecinde Havacılık Sektöründe Çalışanların Karar Verme Stillerinin Motivasyonlarına Etkisinin İncelenmesi (Investigation of the Effect of Decision Making Styles of Employees in the Airline Sector on Employee Motivation in the Covid-19 Pandemic Process) Nil Konyalılar
24 [GO] Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies 2021―Sep―28 Covid-19 Salgınının Tüketici Davranışları Üzerinde Neden Olduğu Değişikliklerin Yiyecek İçecek İşletmelerine Etkisi (The Impact of the Changes Caused by the Covid-19 Pandemic on Consumer Behaviors on Food and Beverage Businesses) Menekçe Cömert, Büşra Yeşilyurt
25 [GO] Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies 2021―Sep―28 Covid-19 Pandemisinin Dünya ve Türkiye Kongre Turizmi Gelirlerine Etkisinin Değerlendirilmesi (Evaluation of the Effect of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Revenues of Congress Tourism in the World and Turkey) Menekçe Cömert, Sercan Azbaz
26 [GO] Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies 2021―Sep―28 Covid-19 Salgını Öncesi ve Sürecinde Ziyaretçi Sayılarında ve Tercihlerinde Oluşan Değişiklikler: KKTC yi Ziyaret Eden Yabancı Turistler Üzerine Bir Çalışma (Changes in Visitor Numbers and Preferences Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Study on Foreign Tourists Visiting TRNC) Nafiya Güden, Mete Ünal Girgen, Seden Turamberk Özerden
27 [GO] Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies 2021―Sep―28 Covid-19 Salgın Döneminde Bir Rekreasyonel Beslenme Faaliyeti: evdeekmekyapımı (A Recreational Nutrition Activity During the Covid-19 Pandemic: evdeekmekyapimi) Kübra Aşan, Aysun Gargacı Kınay
28 [GO] Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies 2021―Sep―28 COVID-19 Salgını ve Zenginleştirilmiş Turizm Ürünü: Turizm Çiçeği Önerisi (COVID19 Pandemic and Augmented Tourism Product: A Proposal of Tourism Flower) Kurtuluş Karamustafa, Nazlı Örnek
29 [GO] Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies 2021―Jun―30 Covid-19 Sürecinde Türkiye deki Gastronomi Destinasyonlarının Dijitalleşme Açısından Rekabetçiliklerinin Değerlendirilmesi (Evaluation of Competitiveness of Gastronomy Destinations in Turkey in Terms of Digitalization During Covid-19) Gülizar Akkuş, Bıçkın Temel
30 [GO] Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies 2021―Jun―30 Covid-19 Salgını Döneminde Yiyecek İçecek Sektöründe E-Ticaret Uygulamaları ve Bir Model Önermesi (E-Commerce Applications and a Model Proposition in the Food and Beverage Industry During the Covid-19 Outbreak Period) Emel Memiş Kocaman, Mehmet Kocaman, Görkem Teyin
31 [GO] Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies 2021―Jun―30 Türkiye de Covid-19 Pandemi Döneminde Besinleri Hazırlama, Pişirme ve Saklama Uygulamalarında Değişiklik Oldu mu (During the Pandemic Period, Have There Been any Changes in the Practices of Preparing, Cooking and Storing Nutrients in Turkey ) Ali Kemal Çiftçi, İbrahim Tuğkan Şeker
32 [GO] Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies 2021―Apr―01 How Did Covid-19 Affected Career Intentions of Students Studying Tourism Olcay Özışık Yapıcı, Gülsün Yıldırım, Cengiz Bal
33 [GO] Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies 2021―Apr―01 The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Frequency of Food Consumption Burhan Başaran, Hilal Pekmezci Purut
34 [GO] Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies 2020―Dec―30 Tüketicilerin COVID-19 Salgını Sürecinde Yiyecek-İçecek İşletmelerinden Bekledikleri Hizmetin Niteliğine İlişkin Bir Araştırma (A Study on the Quality of the Service Consumers Expect from Food and Beverage Enterprises During the COVID-19 Outbreak) Nurhayat İflazoğlu, Mustafa Aksoy
35 [GO] Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies 2020―Dec―30 Healthy Nutritional Attitudes and Behaviors During COVID-19 Outbreak Lockdown Veli Ceylan, Çiğdem Muştu, Mehmet Sarıışık
36 [GO] Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies 2020―Oct―01 Koronavirüs (COVID-19) Salgınının Bireylerin Beslenme Alışkanlıkları Üzerindeki Etkisi: Karaman İli Örneği (The Effect of Coronavirus (COVID-19) Disease on the Nutritional Habits of Individuals: The Case of Karaman Province) Abdülkadir Dilber, Fadime Dilber
37 [GO] Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies 2020―Oct―01 The Effects of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) on Hospitality Industry: A Case Study Ümit Şengel, Mustafa Çevrimkaya, Merve Işkın, Burhanettin Zengin, Mehmet Sarıışık

37 Results       Page 1


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