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COVID Antworten in den wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften der Welt

Verlag: Grupo Comunicar

18 Ergebisse       Seite 1

  Original Artikel Journal Datum Titel Autoren Alle Autoren
1 [GO] Comunicar 2023―Apr―18 The COVID-19 vaccine on Facebook: A study of emotions expressed by the Brazilian public Geilson Fernandes-de-Oliveira, Luisa Massarani, Thaiane Oliveira, Graziele Scalfi, Marcelo Alves-dos-Santos-Junior
2 [GO] Comunicar 2023―Jan―26 Female political leadership styles as shown on Instagram during COVID-19 Virginia García-Beaudoux, Salomé Berrocal, Orlando D'Adamo, Leandro Bruni
3 [GO] Comunicar 2022―Jun―27 The COVID-19 infodemic among young people and adults: The support of critical media literacy J.-Roberto Sánchez-Reina, Ericka-Fernanda González-Lara
4 [GO] Comunicar 2022―Mai―04 Taking as its point of departure a fine-tuned definition of an Internet meme (vis-à-vis a memetic construct), this paper reports the findings of the first diachronic study of memes, the focus being on mask memes on the vast COVID-19 mask memescape evolving in the wake of the pandemic, relative to the changing socio-political situation. The study capitalises on a diachronic corpus of user-tagged COVID-19 mask memes (posted online from January 2020 to January 2021) collected from Google through a Python script. Based on a grounded-theory approach, ten memetic categories (clustered into four groups) are extracted and examined through a multimodal discourse analytic lens. The diachronic quantitative analysis shows that the memetic constructs, inspired by the current socio-political situation/events and facilitated by the socio-political context (e.g. going into lockdown), seem to persist, albeit with varied intensity, for the best part of the year, with many individual memes going viral. Memes’ and memetic constructs’ long lifespan is indicative of users’ primary goal, which is to share interesting and/or humorous (not always newly minted or relevant) items for the sake of fun, regardless of the memes’ nature (i.e. autotelic humour for its own sake or users’ commentaries on the surrounding reality). Marta Dynel
5 [GO] Comunicar 2022―Mai―04 Hybrid media context and the infodemic have increased the threat of disinformation, particularly among young people who mostly consume digital content. This article aims to identify the competencies needed to detect low-quality content linked to disinformation by Journalism and Communications undergraduates from Argentina, Chile, and Spain. Based on a double comparative study by countries and levels of education, it tries to predict the skills of future journalists in recognising false information. From an online questionnaire, the participants (N=300) evaluated the quality observed (minimum, average or excellent) and the problems detected from 12 items published in both conventional and pseudo-media. The comparison of results with the expert group shows that about 60% of the students have difficulties in identifying quality accurately and that this ability is higher in the advanced groups. From a selection of five news items, the participants were only able to successfully report 25.3% of the real mistakes in the texts. The correct identification of these mistakes improves in news related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusions reveal that undergraduates overestimate their ability to detect disinformation, with a self-perception of 3.46 out of 5. The results also indicate that their media diet combines digital media and social media as a priority, while traditional media have a residual nature. Dolors Palau-Sampio, Adolfo Carratalá, Raquel Tarullo, Paz Crisóstomo
6 [GO] Comunicar 2022―Mai―04 Democracy is based on individuals’ ability to give their opinions freely. To do this, they must have access to a multitude of reliable information sources, and this greatly depends on the characteristics of their media environments. Today, one of the main issues individuals face is the significant amount of disinformation circulating through social networks. This study focuses on parliamentary disinformation. It examines how parliamentarians contribute to generating information disorder in the digital public space. Through an exploratory content analysis ? a descriptive content analysis of 2,307 messages posted on Twitter accounts of parliamentary spokespeople and representatives of the main list of each political party in the Spanish Lower House of Parliament ? we explore disinformation rhetoric. The results allow us to conclude that, while the volume of messages shared by parliamentarians on issues susceptible to disinformation is relatively low (14% of tweets), both the themes of the tweets (COVID-19, sex-based violence, migrants or LGBTI), as well as their tone and argumentative and discursive lines, contribute to generating distrust through institutional criticism or their peers. The study deepens current knowledge of the disinformation generated by political elites, key agents of the construction of polarising narratives. Eva Campos-Domínguez, Marc Esteve-Del-Valle, Cristina Renedo-Farpón
7 [GO] Comunicar 2022―Jan―27 When negativity is the fuel. Bots and Political Polarization in the COVID-19 debate José-Manuel Robles, Juan-Antonio Guevara, Belén Casas-Mas, Daniel Gómez
8 [GO] Comunicar 2021―Okt―06 Families’ perception of children’s academic performance during the COVID-19 lockdown Noemí Serrano-Díaz, Estíbaliz Aragón-Mendizábal, Rosario Mérida-Serrano
9 [GO] Comunicar 2021―Okt―06 Teachers' perspectives for a critical agenda in media education post COVID-19. A comparative study in Latin America Julio-César Mateus, Pablo Andrada, Catalina González-Cabrera, Cecilia Ugalde, Sebastián Novomisky
10 [GO] Comunicar 2021―Okt―06 Student satisfaction with online teaching in times of COVID-19 María-Consuelo Sáiz-Manzanares, Joana Casanova, José-Alberto Lencastre, Leandro Almeida, Luis-Jorge Martín-Antón
11 [GO] Comunicar 2021―Jul―01 Citizen participation in Twitter: Anti-vaccine controversies in times of COVID-19 Rafael Carrasco-Polaino, Miguel-Ángel Martín-Cárdaba, Ernesto Villar-Cirujano
12 [GO] Comunicar 2021―Jul―01 COVID-19 on YouTube: Debates and polarisation in the digital sphere Óscar Luengo, Javier García-Marín, Emiliana de-Blasio
13 [GO] Comunicar 2021―Jul―01 Facing disinformation: Five methods to counter conspiracy theories amid the Covid-19 pandemic Tianru Guan, Tianyang Liu, Randong Yuan
14 [GO] Comunicar 2021―Jul―01 A web-based serious game about self-protection for COVID-19 prevention: Development and usability testing Jun-Ming Su, Yi-Ching Yang, Tzu-Nin Weng, Meng-Jhen Li, Chi-Jane Wang
15 [GO] Comunicar 2020―Dez―31 Internet memes in Covid-19 lockdown times in Poland Roza Norstrom, Pawel Sarna
16 [GO] Comunicar 2020―Sep―13 News consumption and risk perception of Covid-19 in Spain Alberto Mora-Rodríguez, Inmaculada Melero-López
17 [GO] Comunicar 2020―Sep―13 Presidential Twitter in the face of COVID-19: Between populism and pop politics Juan-Luis Manfredi-Sánchez, Adriana Amado-Suárez, Silvio Waisbord
18 [GO] Comunicar 2020―Jun―28 News consumption and risk perception of Covid-19 in Spain Alberto Mora-Rodríguez, Inmaculada Melero-López

18 Ergebisse       Seite 1


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