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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: AIBPM Publisher

141 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors All Authors
1 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2024―Dec―05 The Analysis of Factors Influencing Online Shopping Behavior in COVID-19 Pandemic: The Study of Indonesian Millenial Generation Tufail Rosyad Abdi, Munawar Ismail, Dias Satria
2 [GO] Journal of The Community Development in Asia 2024―Sep―21 The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Customer Satisfaction and Business Performance Lew Tek Yew, Lim Hui Ling, Ahmad Azeedi Reza Bin Mohd Fuad, Afra Binti Akbal Khan, Aimi Aleeya Binti Ismail, Ainun Adibah Binti Mohammad Hazaini, Daisy Mui Hung Kee
3 [GO] International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific 2024―Jun―21 The Analysis of Financial Performance of Tourism Sector Company Listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic Khalid Rahman, Albar Adetary Hasibuan, Abdul Madjid, Lutfi Asnan Qodri, Sahril Kamal
4 [GO] International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific 2024―Jun―21 The Analysis of Financial Performance of Tourism Sector Company Listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic Memet Tenan, Kunti Sunaryo, Retno Yulianti
5 [GO] Journal of The Community Development in Asia 2024―May―21 The Revival of SMEs in Indonesia from the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic Edy Prayitno, Nerys Lourensius L. Tarigan, Uyuunul Mauidzoh, Wahyu Eka Priana Sukmawaty
6 [GO] Journal of The Community Development in Asia 2024―May―21 The Analysis of Economic Condition of Street Vendors in Jayapura City Post Covid-19 Pandemic La Maga, Rachmaeny Indahyani
7 [GO] International Journal of Applied Business and International Management 2024―Apr―23 Employees' Wellbeing As a Mediator The Influence of Work Stress and Job Insecurity on Performance Health Workers During The Covid-19 Pandemic Achmad Mohyi, Agus Setia Budi, Nazaruddin Malik, Manah Tarman
8 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2024―Feb―23 Solvency Analysis of PT Aneka Tambang Tbk. Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic Sri Suryaningsum, Noto Pamungkas, Jasmine Jasmine, Carlo Harleyngton
9 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2024―Feb―22 The Role of Good Corporate Governance on Hospital Performance During Covid-19 Heri Susanto, Afni Sirait, Handani Maheresmi, Zuhrohtun Zuhrohtun
10 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2024―Feb―22 Analysis of the Potential and Volatility of Large Chili and Cayenne Chili After Covid-19 in Yogyakarta City Ilyasin Aditya Rahman, Priscilla S. Gracia Siregar, Sri Suharsih
11 [GO] International Journal of Applied Business and International Management 2023―Dec―20 Continuity Business of Coffee Shop in Malang City in the Facing of Covid-19 Pandemic Bayu Ilham Pradana, Ema Zahra Firdaus, Rini Safitri
12 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2023―Nov―25 Adaptation Patterns of Street Vendors in Yahim District, Jayapura City in Economic Recovery During the Covid-19 Pandemic La Maga, Stephany Inagama Timisela, Pisi Bethania Titalessy, Agustina Ester Antoh, Herlina Irianti Mulyono, Fetronela Matuan
13 [GO] Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Education 2023―Nov―20 Subscription and Customer Loyalty A Study of Netflix Before and After Covid-19 Pandemic Kehxheni A/P Paramasivan, Julia Khor Kher Ying, Iffah Nur Syazana Binti Zainal Abidin, Jin Wenji, Akanksh KG
14 [GO] Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Education 2023―Nov―20 Are You Anxious? A Study of Malaysian University Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic Yi Jie Ng, Jia Jun Ng, Jie Ying Ng, Xiang Ning Ng
15 [GO] International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific 2023―Oct―20 The Study of Covid-19 Impact on Four Season Resort, Langkawi Malaysia Kok Ban Teoh, Camilo Pérez, Sanowar Shaikh, Roshni Guru Muthraj, Khow Pei Fen, Lim Ee Xuan
16 [GO] International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific 2023―Oct―20 Assessing the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Aviation Sector and Exploring Strategies for Industry Recovery Hasaneya Roba, Mohammed Khadija, Shankar Swathi, Fernando Ignatius, Sonambekar Chaitanya, Garg Nikita
17 [GO] International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific 2023―Oct―20 Aviation Industry and Covid-19: New Normal in the Pandemic Era, the Experience of Passenger, Post-Pandemic Traveling, and Long-term Impact on the Airlines Bharatish S., Nur Shazwanni Binti Rosmi, Nur Syabani Binti Mohd Shaffee, Nur Syafiqah Binti Hasnuddin, Nur Syahieera Binti Mohamad Adnan
18 [GO] International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific 2023―Oct―20 Does the Pandemic Have an Impact on Consumer Behavior in Malaysia? Xin Yun Khor, Hong Liang Kh'ng, Kirthiga A/P Maran, Khairunnisa Khairunnisa, Faika Qureshi
19 [GO] International Journal of Applied Business and International Management 2023―Aug―19 The Importance of Students’ Perception of Online Learning During Pandemic Fivy Andries, Fergina Lengkoan
20 [GO] International Journal of Accounting & Finance in Asia Pasific 2023―Jun―20 The Impacts of Corporate Governance on Dividend Pay-out Ratio Policy before and during the Covid-19 Era: The study case in the Energy Industry in Indonesia Kazia Laturette, Wendra Hartono, Katikasari Gunawan
21 [GO] International Journal of Accounting & Finance in Asia Pasific 2023―Jun―20 Exploration of Tax Research in The Era of COVID-19 Bambang Soebroto, Ayu Fury Puspita, Made Tara Damayanti, Maria Inggried Soinia Lase, Muhammad Farras Mufid
22 [GO] International Journal of Accounting & Finance in Asia Pasific 2023―Jun―20 The Impact of Corporate Governance on Dividend Pay-out Ratio Policy During the Covid-19 Era: The study case in the Basic Material Industry in Indonesia Wendra Hartono, Kazia Laturette, Kartikasari Gunaawan
23 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2023―Jun―19 The Volatility of Stock Market in Indonesia During Covid-19 Crisis : Evidence from Consumer Goods Industry Muhammad Syauqy Alghifary, Marlina Ekawaty, Vietha Devia Sagita Sumantri
24 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2023―Jun―19 Analysis of the Impact of Fiscal Decentralization Policies on Indonesia's Economic Growth During the Covid-19 Pandemic Muhammad Eko Purnomo, Agus Suman, Susilo Susilo
25 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2023―Apr―05 A Comparative Study for Good Corporate Governance During Covid-19 Pandemic in Basic Material Industry: A study case in Public Listed Company in Indonesia Matthew Andersen, Lilia Valentina, Kazia Laturette, Wandra Hartono
26 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2023―Apr―05 Literature Review: The Role of Radio During Pandemic for Socialization Efforts in New Normal Era Rayya Bethy, Pawito Pawito, Prahastiwi Utari
27 [GO] Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Education 2023―Mar―20 Natural Disasters and Women Entrepreneurs During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia Dien Amalina Nur Asrofi
28 [GO] Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Education 2023―Mar―20 Analysis of Work Loyalty and Work Motivation during the Covid-19 Pandemic on Employee Performance on Delivery Services in Palembang City Trisninawati Trisninawati
29 [GO] Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Education 2023―Mar―20 Exploring Health Consumer Behavior During Covid-19: A Bibliometric Analysis Nanang Suryadi
30 [GO] International Journal of Accounting & Finance in Asia Pasific 2023―Feb―24 Shopee: How Does E-commerce Platforms Affect Consumer Behavior during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Malaysia? Khoon Xue Wong, Yinghui Wang, Ruting Wang, Mengyao Wang, Zi Jian Oh, Yee Huei Lok, et al. (+2)
31 [GO] International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific 2023―Feb―23 The Covid-19 Pandemic Impact on Tourism Business in Kuta Beach Bali: A Naturalistic Qualitative Study I Gusti Ayu Athina Wulandari
32 [GO] International Journal of Accounting & Finance in Asia Pasific 2023―Feb―23 Disparity And Volatility of Horticultural Prices In Indonesia Before and Pandemic Period (2019 and 2020) Ardito Bhinadi
33 [GO] Journal of The Community Development in Asia 2023―Jan―21 Consumer Behavior during the Pandemic in Malaysia: A Study of Grab Mart Daisy Mui Hung Kee
34 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2023―Jan―18 INFLUENCE OF PRODUCT QUALITY, PRICE PERCEPTION, AND QUALITY OF SERVICE, ON SMARTFREN REPURCHASING INTEREST IN THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC (Survey of Smartfren Internet Service Users in the Special Region of Yogyakarta) Dwi Hari Laksana
35 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2023―Jan―18 The Effect of Environmental Pressures and the Covid19 Pandemic on the Adoption of TikTok by MSMEs: Can MSME Engagement Moderate? Yoga Religia
37 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2022―Dec―27 The Effect of Regional Economic Activities on Domestic Tourism during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia Meiti Ramadani
38 [GO] International Journal of Applied Business and International Management 2022―Dec―20 Case Study of Successful Utilization of Digital Technology Innovations Determinants of Cooperative Institutions in Bali: The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic Surya Dewi Rustariyuni
39 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2022―Dec―19 Financial Independence of a Public Hospital as Regional Public Service Body During COVID-19 Pandemic Rita Damayanti, Dominggus Paliling, Yudi Hartono, Wulan I. R. Sari, Cornelius Rantelangi, Dwi R. Deviyanti
40 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2022―Dec―14 The Effect of Work from Home (WFH) and Work Discipline on Employee Performance Through Work-Life Balance (WLB) in the Covid-19 Pandemic: Explanatory Study at BPKAD Office, Bondowoso Regency Novita Ekasari, Meirani Harsasi, Rini Yayuk Priyati, Nurul Qomariah
41 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2022―Dec―14 The Blessings Behind the Covid-19 Outbreak: The Sustainability of MSMEs for Organic Products Sri Muljaningsih, Firman Rosjadi Djoemadi, Dien Amalina Nur Asrofi, Nova Rhyesa Gita Harianja
42 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2022―Dec―14 Effect of Work Environment and Leadership on Employee Performance through Work Motivation during the Covid-19 Pandemic Prawira Aditya Rahman, Zainal Arifin, Iqbal Firdausi, Safril Safril, Kevin Cherly Tanujaya
43 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2022―Dec―14 The Role of Giri Swara Radio in Suppressing Covid-19 Rates in Wonogiri Regency Mami Eva Novayani, Pawito Pawito, Agung Satyawan
44 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2022―Dec―14 Pandemic and Language Education: Lessons for Literacy Learning in Elementary School Liana Mumrikoh, Djono Djono, Nur Arifah Drajati
45 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2022―Dec―13 Which Stock Market Index Performed Positively During The Covid-19 Outbreak?: From Economic Perspective With Differential Test Analysis Girang Permata Gusti, Rudi Triadi Yuliarto, Novira Kusrini
46 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2022―Dec―13 Online Accounting Learning Problems Analysis During the Covid-19 Pandemic Henny Zurika Lubis, Sulaiman Effendi, Fatmawarni Fatmawarni
47 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2022―Dec―13 Benefits of Using Social Media and Product Quality to Consumer Buying Interest in MSME Products in Griya Martubung Large Village Medan Labuhan District During the Covid-19 Pandemic Nel Arianty, Muhammad Affan Ghifari Siregar
48 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2022―Dec―13 The Mediation Role of Trust from Past Experience on Market Orientation and MSME Performance: A Quantive Study During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia Rudi Triadi Yuliarto, Girang Permata Gusti
49 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2022―Dec―13 The Minimum Wage and Its Implications to The Open Unemployment Rate Covid-19 Pandemic in West Java Indriana Damaianti, Ruli Mochammad Chaerudin
50 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2022―Dec―13 Students Perceptions of Operations Research Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic with Realistic Mathematics Educations Approach Roswita Hafni, Zulia Hanum, Lailan Safina Hasibuan
51 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2022―Dec―13 The Influence of Financial Literacy on Investment Decisions During the Pandemic Linzzy Pratami Putri, Irma Christiana, Umi Kalsum, Widya Widya, Meyyara Justianti
52 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2022―Dec―13 Impact of Conflict and Job Stress at Work at Home Mom performance During Pandemic Covid 19 in Medan Rini Astuti, Hasrudy Tanjung, Meiriyand Ananda Amin Surya, Delyana Rahmawany
53 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2022―Dec―13 Literature Review of Financial Performance of Telecommunications Sub Sector Companies Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic Yanis Kusniawanti, Sri Suryaningsum, Noto Pamungkas, Dewi Qutrun Nada
54 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2022―Dec―13 Implementation of Development Journalism in the Reformation Era (The Case Study of Behavioral Change Journalism Fellowship Program from the Press Council during the Covid-19 Pandemic) Susilastuti Dwi Nugraha Jati
55 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2022―Dec―13 The Relations between Labor Investment Inefficiency and Tax Avoidance: The Covid-19 Pandemic as a Moderating Variable Achyar Achyar, Yulianti Yulianti
56 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2022―Dec―13 Analysis of the Financial Performance of the Largest Consumer Goods Company in Indonesia Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic (Case Study at PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk) Sukma Annisa Suwadji, Sri Suryaningsum, Noto Pamungkas
57 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2022―Dec―13 Economic Recovery in North Sumatera Province After the Covid-19 Pandemic, Through MSME Development and Increasing Muslim Friendly Tourism Tetty Yuliaty, Weni Hawariyuni, Budi Trianto
58 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2022―Dec―13 Online Shopping Behavior of Health Products During Pandemic Related to Public Education by Indonesian FDA Elsadora Reapina Malthaputri, Yos Sunitiyoso
59 [GO] International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific 2022―Dec―09 Usage Intention of Food Delivery Apps During Covid-19 Nurhuda Ayman, Nurin Fatin Nazihah, Nurin Izzati, Nurin Syamimi
60 [GO] International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific 2022―Dec―09 Marketing Strategies Implemented by Hotel Industry during COVID-19 in Malaysia Rajesh Kumar Nair, Ranjith P. V., Siti Hajar Azlan, Daisy Mui Hung Kee, Shazwanie Amat Sazali, Siti Nadiah Rahmat, et al. (+2)
61 [GO] International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific 2022―Dec―09 Intention to Use GrabFood During the Covid-19 Pandemic Woei Uen Tan, Xue Er Tan, Yan Chia Tan, Wei Qi Tan, Reem Almutairi
62 [GO] International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific 2022―Dec―09 Consumers’ Satisfaction Toward McDonald’s during Covid-19 Pandemic in Malaysia Nur Ain Nabilah, Nur Alyaa Atiqah, Nur Alia Najwa, Nur Aliah Zulaika, Julia Kasih
63 [GO] International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific 2022―Dec―09 Analysis of The Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on Consumer Satisfaction: A study of McDonald’s Food Delivery Jie Yi Ng, Chiao Qing Ng, Siti Nur Hilmin, Chi Yen Ng, Naszatul Faizah Nasharuddin
64 [GO] International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific 2022―Dec―09 Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on DHL Delivery Service Meenu Baliyan, Shashi Gupta, Janice Loh Yinjin, Daisy Mui Hung Kee, Intan Lyana Binti Abu Habsah, He Zetian, et al. (+2)
65 [GO] International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific 2022―Dec―09 How Does AirAsia Survive From the COVID-19 Pandemic? Thiam Yong Kuek, Majdi Anwar Quttainah, Yung Ting Wong, Kim Fong Wong, Kejian Wu, Minli Wu
66 [GO] International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific 2022―Dec―09 Foodpanda’s Impact on Consumer Behavior During the Pandemic Hui Jun Ang, Alwenna Fabian Jules, Aina Zalikha Zulhaime, Xiao Sian Ang, Amir Aiman Kamarozaman, Natalia Pontoh
67 [GO] International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific 2022―Dec―09 Contributing Factors to Customer Satisfaction during the Pandemic: A Study of Foodpanda of Malaysia and Nigeria Daisy Mui Hung Kee, Vinosha Rai A/P Veeraselvam, Vanishaa A/P Vayapuri, Ummie Aisyah, Tuan Amelin A'ishah, Ernestina Enakhifo, Friday Ogbu Edeh
68 [GO] International Journal of Applied Business and International Management 2022―Dec―09 Analysis of Tax Incentive Implementation for MSME Taxpayers Affected by COVID-19 in Tomohon City Olviane Olke Sumampouw
69 [GO] International Journal of Accounting & Finance in Asia Pasific 2022―Dec―09 Impact of COVID-19 on the Sales Trend of E-commerce In Malaysia Eugene Gan Hing Jian
70 [GO] International Journal of Applied Business and International Management 2022―Dec―09 The Role of Digital Marketing, Service Quality, Product Quality on Purchasing Power through the Satisfaction of Probolinggo MSME Followers during the Covid-19 Pandemic Yuyun Sumarlinah, Sukesi Sukesi, Sugiyanto Sugiyanto
71 [GO] International Journal of Accounting & Finance in Asia Pasific 2022―Dec―09 Do You Have a Digital Wallet? A Study of E-Wallet during the COVID-19 Pandemic Daisy Mui Hung Kee
72 [GO] International Journal of Accounting & Finance in Asia Pasific 2022―Dec―09 The Effect of Financial Distress, Audit Committee, Auditor Switching, and Industry Types on Audit Delay in the Covid-19 Pandemic of Companies Listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange’s KOMPAS100 Index Kezia Cicilia Sumajow
73 [GO] International Journal of Accounting & Finance in Asia Pasific 2022―Dec―09 A Research on Tesco's Consumer Purchasing Behavior towards E-Commerce during the Pandemic Period A.A. Gde Satia Utama
74 [GO] Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Education 2022―Dec―08 The Role of Podcast as a Distance Learning Media during Covid-19 in Higher Education Wiratri Anindhita, Elisabeth Nugrahaeni, Devie Rahmawati, Mila Viendyasari
75 [GO] Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Education 2022―Dec―08 The Effect of Customer Relationship Management on Marketing Performance Mediated by Competitive Advantage and Innovation (Study on Area Managers of Pharmaceutical Companies in East Java during the COVID-19 Pandemic) Moh Alim Musonnafa, Sumiati Sumiati, Atim Djazuli
76 [GO] Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Education 2022―Dec―08 The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Consumer Behavior: J&T Express Courier Services in Malaysia and Indonesia Phing Shuin Liew, Wei Ning Liew, Cia Shim Lim, Jenq Yang Lin, Salwa Inka Qonitah
77 [GO] Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Education 2022―Dec―08 Students' Perceptions of Zoom Video Conferencing Platform During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case of Malaysian University Nur Natasha Alia, Nur Aslinda Antasya, Nur Elysha Aireen, Nur Nazira Amy, Bhushan Rameshwar Malthane
78 [GO] Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Education 2022―Dec―08 Hi, Let's Meet Online! A Study of Virtual Meeting Platforms During the Pandemic Liew Xing Lim, Pei En Lim, Shin Hui Lim, Yan Xu Lim, Alifia Galuh Oktaviandra
79 [GO] Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Education 2022―Dec―08 Students' Satisfaction Towards the Use of E-learning during the Global Pandemic Aina Dayana Fozeli, Norarnitasha Abdullah Sani, Ainin Sofiya Mustafa, Nur Afifah Khalid, Pooja Chawla
80 [GO] Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Education 2022―Nov―19 A Study of Changes in McDonald‘s Consumer Behaviour during Pandemic L. Sudershan Reddy
81 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2022―Nov―16 Hedonic Shopping Behavior During the Covid-19 Pandemic Eka Adiputra
82 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2022―Nov―16 Determinants Of Women’s Employment Participation Who Have Toddler In East Java During The Covid-19 Pandemic Atma Sari
83 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2022―Nov―16 Blue Collar Young Worker Transition to NEET During Covid 19 Pandemic: Evidence from Indonesia FX Gugus Febri Putranto
84 [GO] International Journal of Accounting & Finance in Asia Pasific 2022―Oct―20 Touch n Go e-Wallet: The New Payment Style Existed when COVID-19 Hits Muhammad Daniel Bin Ahmad Izaidin
85 [GO] International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific 2022―Oct―20 A Case Study of Customer Experiences, Expectations and Satisfaction Level toward Services provided by E-Commerce Shopee during COVID-19 Pandemic in Malaysia Nur Izzati Binti Khairul Anuar
86 [GO] International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific 2022―Oct―20 Will You Continue to Use Food Delivery Services During the Transition to the Endemic Phase of the Covid-19 Pandemic? Liem Gai Sin
87 [GO] International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific 2022―Oct―20 Customer Satisfaction on Starbucks Malaysia Post-Covid 19 Pandemic Shing Yee Lim
88 [GO] Journal of The Community Development in Asia 2022―Sep―22 Enhancing Business Performance through Social Media Platforms Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Study on Shopee in Malaysia Kia Hui Gan
89 [GO] International Journal of Applied Business and International Management 2022―Aug―20 Impact of The Covid-19 Pandemic on Profitability of Companies Incorporated in IDX30 (Studies Before and During the Pandemic Took Place) Putri Ekawati Darma, Muhsin N. Bailusy, Irfandi Buamonabot
90 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2022―Aug―04 Comparative Analysis of Real Time Systems in E- Commerce in Indonesia Post Covid-19 Era Afif Badawi
91 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2022―Aug―04 Inflation Volatility and COVID-19 In Indonesian: ARIMA Method Nugroho Suryo Bintoro, Kartika Sari
92 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2022―Aug―04 Utilization of Social Media and Price Setting for MSME Product Purchase Decisions during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Stabat District Nel Arianty
93 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2022―Aug―04 Thin Capitalization Rules, Capital Structure, Tax Avoidance, and the Covid-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Indonesian Listed Firms Faisal Faisal, Arifin Rosid
94 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2022―Aug―04 Exploring Characteristics of Digital Organizational Culture in Post COVID-19: A Systematic Literature Review Muhammad Jasrif Teguh, Noermijat Noermijati, Wahdiyat Moko, Rofiaty Rofiaty
95 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2022―Aug―04 Tax Avoidance During a Pandemic Pricilia Joice Pesak, Linda Anita Octavia Tanor, Frida Magda Sumual
96 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2022―Aug―04 Soundness Level of the Regional Development Banks Using REGC Method During COVID - 19 Pandemic Irvandi W. Ombuh, Jones X. Pontoh
97 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2022―Aug―04 Assessing Students’ Entrepreneurial Interest Post Covid -19 Pandemic Chrisna Riane Opod, Nikolas F. Wuryaningrat
98 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2022―Aug―04 Analysis of Tuna Fish Sales Price on Employee Family Income During the Covid 19 Pandemic Limited Liability Company Sinar Pure Food International Bitung City Alzefin YRM Sinolungan, Rahel Widiawati Kimbal, Arie Frits Kawulur
99 [GO] Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Education 2022―Mar―21 The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Consumer Behavior: J&T Express Courier Services in Malaysia and Indonesia Shuin Liew Phing, Ning Liew Wei, Shim Lim Cia, Yang Lim Jenq, Salwa Inka Qonitah
100 [GO] Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Education 2022―Mar―21 Students' Perceptions of Zoom Video Conferencing Platform During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case of Malaysian University Nur Natasha Alia, Nur Aslinda Antasya, Nur Elysha Aireen, Nur Nazira Amy, Bhushan Rameshwar Malthane
101 [GO] Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Education 2022―Mar―21 Hi, Let's Meet Online! A Study of Virtual Meeting Platforms During the Pandemic Liew Xing Lim, Pei En Lim, Shin Hui Lim, Yan Xu Lim, Alifia Galuh Oktaviandra
102 [GO] Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Education 2022―Mar―21 Students' Satisfaction Towards the Use of E-learning during the Global Pandemic Aina Dayana Fozeli, Norarnitasha Abdullah Sani, Ainin Sofiya Mustafa, Nur Afifah Khalid, Pooja Chawla
103 [GO] Journal of The Community Development in Asia 2022―Feb―05 How Does Social Media Platforms Help to Improve Business Performances during the COVID-19 Pandemic? A Study of TikTok Rajesh Kumar Nair, Varsha Ganatra, Hareeprriya A/P Sugumaran, Daisy Mui Hung Kee, Siew Wvy Heng, Hilari Mei, et al. (+2)
104 [GO] Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Education 2022―Feb―04 The Importance of Perceived Organizational Support and Work From Home to increase Work-Life Balance During The Covid-19 Pandemic Amanda Putri, Ali Amran, Adi Suparwo, Adang Kurniawan, Yayu Sri Rahayu, Suryana Suryana
105 [GO] Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Education 2022―Feb―04 Students' Satisfaction Towards the Use of E-learning during the Global Pandemic Daisy Mui Hung Kee, Aina Dayana Fozeli, Norarnitasha Abdullah Sani, Ainin Sofiya Mustafa, Nur Afifah Khalid, Pooja Chawla, Varsha Ganatra
106 [GO] Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Education 2022―Feb―04 Development of Nursing Management Learning Devices Based on A Scientific Approach to Maintain Science Process Skills During The Pandemic at Nursing Student of Stikes Hang Tuah Surabaya Setiadi Setiadi, Imroatul Farida, Sri Anik Rustini, Dedi Irawandi
107 [GO] International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific 2022―Jan―27 McDonald’s Customer’s Satisfaction Strategies during COVID-19 Pandemic in Malaysia Friday Ogbu Edeh, Ranjith P V, Nurul Syafawani, Daisy Mui Hung Kee, Nurul Aina, Nurul Syafikah, Nurunnisa Nurunnisa
108 [GO] International Journal of Accounting & Finance in Asia Pasific 2022―Jan―27 Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Consumer Behavior towards the Intention to Use E-Wallet in Malaysia Friday Ogbu Edeh, Dwi Nita Aryani, Tanuja A/P Subramaniam, Daisy Mui Hung Kee, Tejas Samarth, Rajesh Kumar Nair, et al. (+3)
109 [GO] International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific 2022―Jan―27 Effectiveness and Efficiency of E-learning among Students of Higher Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Comparative Study of Malaysia and India Abhijit Das, Miguel Córdova Espinoza, Che Ming, Kok Ban Teoh, Gim Seng Lee, Akash Jagdale, et al. (+4)
110 [GO] International Journal of Accounting & Finance in Asia Pasific 2022―Jan―27 Factors Determining the Effectiveness of Sharia Bank Marketing Management During the Covid 19 Pandemic in Gorontalo Province Tineke Wolok, Umin Kango
111 [GO] International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific 2022―Jan―27 Smart Tourism Development Post Earthquake and Covid 19 Pandemic in West Nusa Tenggara Dewi Sartika Nasution, Naili Rahmawati
112 [GO] International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific 2022―Jan―27 The Effects of Covid19 Pandemic on Tourism Sector Miguel Córdova Espinoza, Rajesh Kumar Nair, Rafick Mulani, Rishikaysh Kaakandikar, Alexandra Quispe, Fiorella Riva
113 [GO] International Journal of Accounting & Finance in Asia Pasific 2022―Jan―27 Consumer Behavior Analysis on Online and Offline Shopping During Pandemic Situation Miguel Córdova Espinoza, Varsha Ganatra, Kiran Prasanth, Rupesh Sinha, Corina Elena Ochoa Montañez, Kolhe Mayur Sunil, Rishikaysh Kaakandikar
114 [GO] Journal of The Community Development in Asia 2021―Sep―30 Analysis of Strategies Implemented by AirAsia to Cater to the Covid-19 Effects Rajesh Kumar Nair, Varsha Ganatra, Karishma Kaur, Daisy Mui Hung Kee, Wan Teng Khoo, Shi Ying Khor, et al. (+2)
115 [GO] Journal of The Community Development in Asia 2021―Sep―30 Policy Implementation to Prevent and Control the Covid-19 by BPBD of Minahasa Regency Sevry Maringka, Lexie A. Lumingkewas, Steven Vleike Tarore
116 [GO] Journal of The Community Development in Asia 2021―Sep―30 Asri Jewellery's Online Marketing During the Covid 19 Pandemic in Tampaksiring Village, Gianyar Ida Ayu Nyoman Yuliastuti, Putu Kepramareni, Anak Agung Putu Wiwik Sugiantari, I Ketut Sudipta Giri, I Gede Cahyadi Putra
117 [GO] Journal of The Community Development in Asia 2021―Sep―30 The Performance of Foodpanda During The Pandemic: A Study of Consumers' Perspective Azimah Shazeeda Suleiman, Daisy Mui Hung Kee, Asraaf Mohmed Azmi, Da Wei Chan, Jhing Hoong Aw, Wulan Ruhiyyih Khanum, A.A. Gde Satia Utama
118 [GO] International Journal of Applied Business and International Management 2021―Aug―27 A Study on Consumer Behaviour: Transition from Traditional Shopping to Online Shopping During the COVID-19 Pandemic Dwi Nita Aryani, Rajesh Kumar Nair, Dana Xing Yue Hoo, Daisy Kee Mui Hung, Deborah Hong Ru Lim, Dharaniya A/P Ravi Chandran, et al. (+2)
119 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2021―Aug―07 Business Competitiveness of Small Medium Enterprise in Pandemic Era Covid-19 (Case Study on Souvenir Business in the Special Economic Area of Tourism Likupang, North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia) Arie Frits Kawulur, Noula Mawitjere, Hisky Kawulur
120 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2021―Aug―07 Continuity of Music Education during the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Society 5.0 Era Richard Junior Kapoyos, Laura Megawaty Manalu
121 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2021―Aug―07 The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic Information on Sectoral Stock Performance during Lockdown and New-Normal: An Evidence from Indonesia Stock Exchange Fariz Junior Nusantara
122 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2021―Aug―07 The Effect of Covid-19 Pandemic on Stock Returns: An Evidence of Indonesia Stock Exchange Ajeng Mugiarni, Permata Wulandari
123 [GO] International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific 2021―Jul―24 Impact of Covid-19 on Business Performance: A Case Study of Starbucks Rupesh Sinha, Varsha Ganatra, Priya Pandey, Deepaa Darshanie Lim A/P Arumugan, Daisy Mui Hung Kee, Gopalam Sree Lekha, et al. (+6)
124 [GO] International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific 2021―Jul―24 Alternative Strategies to Avoid Layoff in Airlines Industry During the Covid-19 Pandemic Padmalini Singh, Dilip D, Nuthan Jeevraj P, Yip Wei Hung, Daisy Mui Hung Kee, Yap Sing Wen, et al. (+4)
125 [GO] International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific 2021―Jul―24 Factors Influencing Consumer Behaviour in Indofood Products during Covid-19 Pandemic Oh Zi Jian, Siti Nur Madhiah Binti Ahmad, Liem Gai Sin, Chan Weng Hoo, Daisy Mui Hung Kee, Jeremy Tou Jia Hao, et al. (+6)
126 [GO] International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific 2021―Jul―24 The Survival of Airasia During the Covid-19 Pandemic L. Sudershan Reddy, Ranjith P V, Yu Cing Lim, Daisy Mui Hung Kee, Wen Ting Loo, Keng Tyng Cheah, Shuet Yee Mak
127 [GO] International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific 2021―Jul―24 A Case Study on Domino’s Business Survival Strategy During the Covid-19 Pandemic Navaneetha Kumar, Padmalini Singh, Liew Pei Shan, Daisy Mui Hung Kee, Lee Tze Mei, Ngai Wan Ying, Ooi Yu Zhi
128 [GO] International Journal of Accounting & Finance in Asia Pasific 2021―Jul―19 The Impact of Covid-19 on McDonald’s Business: A Case Study of Malaysia Daisy Mui Hung Kee, Aik Long Toh, Jin Hui Chong, You Ming Teng, Shawn Jinq Cheng Ooi, Rachel Xin Jie Chong
129 [GO] International Journal of Accounting & Finance in Asia Pasific 2021―Jul―19 Factors Affecting the Revenue of Air Asia Berhad During Covid-19 Pandemic Padmalini Singh, Rupesh Sinha, Yarshinni A/P Nagenthran, Kok Ban Teoh, Hui Yee Yong, Shahwatul Hajjah Islamia Wijaya Wijaya, et al. (+4)
130 [GO] International Journal of Accounting & Finance in Asia Pasific 2021―Jul―19 The Impact of Using Cashless Payment during the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of Maybank Daisy Mui Hung Kee, Nur Nuha Binti Nor Hisam, Nur Hidayu Binti Abd Rashid, Nur Sobbah Binti Abdul Aziz, Nur Aqilah Binti Mazlan, Nur Aimi Zayani Binti Mahadi
131 [GO] International Journal of Accounting & Finance in Asia Pasific 2021―Jul―19 New Norm in Consumer Buying Pattern: Online Shopping Swing amid the Coronavirus Pandemic Rupesh Sinha, Rajesh Kumar Nair, Veena Naik, Varsha Ganatra, Prarthana Singri, Padmalini Singh, et al. (+4)
132 [GO] Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Education 2021―Mar―23 Implementation of School Principal Entrepreneurship Leadership in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era at Karitas Catholic High School in Tomohon City Bernadette E. Pontoh, Henny N. Tambingon, Jeffry S.J. Lengkong, Viktory Nicodemus Joufree Rotty
133 [GO] Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Education 2021―Mar―23 CSR Practices in Food and Beverage Companies During Pandemic Puji Handayati, Vega Wafaretta, Inanda Shinta Anugrahani, Slamet Fauzan
134 [GO] International Journal of Accounting & Finance in Asia Pasific 2021―Mar―03 Navigating Through the COVID-19 Crisis: A Case Study of Starbucks Daisy Mui Hung Kee, Muhammad Faheem, Sarah Ammar Lutf Al-Anesi, Mohd Yusoff Imran, Muhammad Hazrul, Ahmad Amiruddin Khairi
135 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2021―Jan―30 Independence, Time Budget Pressure, Audit Fee and Workload on Audit Quality as The Impact of Covid-19 Ida Ayu Budhananda Munidewi, Ni Made Sunarsih, Ida Ayu Made Widyantari
136 [GO] Journal of The Community Development in Asia 2021―Jan―30 COVID-19 as a Double-edged Sword: The Perfect Opportunity for GrabFood to Optimize Its Performance Daisy Mui Hung Kee, Maryam Al-anesi, Swetha Chandran, Haritra Elanggovan, Buventhran Nagendran, Sharvin Mariappan
137 [GO] Journal of The Community Development in Asia 2021―Jan―30 The Impacts of Covid-19 on Unilever Rudresh Pandey, Ajay Massand, Victor Teja Mulya, Liem Gai Sin, Vadlamudi Prudhvi Naresh, Faizah Binti Zamara, et al. (+5)
138 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2021―Jan―30 Factors Affecting Employee Performance During the Covid Pandemic 19 Rahmad Bahagia, Linzzy Pratami Putri
139 [GO] International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific 2020―Nov―04 AirAsia’s Efforts in Maintaining Good Workplace Environment for its Employees During Covid-19 Irdina Irdina, Daisy Mui Hung Kee, Vasunthra Reddy, Zafirah Izzati, Kamini Sri, Manuela Granda Perez, et al. (+5)
140 [GO] Journal of International Conference Proceedings 2020―Oct―31 Online Learning Readiness in Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic at MTS Manunggal Sagara Ilmi, Deli Serdang, Indonesia Nur Afrianti, Reza Aditia
141 [GO] Journal of The Community Development in Asia 2020―Sep―21 Improvement of Asri Jewelry Production Capacity During Covid-19 Pandemic Ida Ayu Nyoman Yuliastuti, Putu Kepramareni, Anak Agung Putu Wiwik Sugiantari, I Ketut Sudipta Giri

141 Results       Page 1


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