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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

15 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors All Authors
1 [GO] JURNAL LEGALITAS 2023―Aug―09 Legal Review Of The Implementation Of Termination Of Employment Relationship With The Reason Of The Pandemic Covid-19 Gevano Ansow, Yulianto Yulianto, Ninis Nugraheni
2 [GO] Estudiante Law Journal 2023―Aug―08 Criminalization Of Adultery During The Covid 19 Pandemic Siti Nurfadila Rahman
3 [GO] Estudiante Law Journal 2023―Aug―08 Tracing the Legal Consequences of Refusing Covid-19 Vaccinations Suleman Ibrahim
4 [GO] Estudiante Law Journal 2023―Aug―08 The urgency of Mandatory Provision of Covid-19 Vaccination Public Services Juwita Rizkiyawati Abdullah
5 [GO] Estudiante Law Journal 2023―Aug―08 Debatable of Indonesian Citizens' Rights and Obligations Regarding the Covid-19 Vaccination Policy Faizal Saman
6 [GO] Estudiante Law Journal 2023―Aug―08 The Phenomenon Of Child Marriage During The Covid-19 Pandemic From A Legal Sociological Perspective In The Kota Timur Sub-District, Gorontalo City Nadia Buwono
7 [GO] Estudiante Law Journal 2023―Aug―08 Efforts to Optimize the Office of Religious Affairs of Paleleh District Buol Regency in overcoming the increase in early marriage after the Covid-19 pandemic Risky Yanto Yunde, Nur Mohamad Kasim, Dolot Alhasni Bakung
8 [GO] Estudiante Law Journal 2023―Aug―08 Legal Consequences of Betel Marriage Settlement During the Covid-19 Pandemic Nadia Dhea Safira Dama, Amanda Adelina Harun
9 [GO] Estudiante Law Journal 2023―Aug―08 The Application of Gorontalo Provincial Regional Regulation Number 4 of 2020 in the Efforts to Prevent and Control Covid-19 in Gorontalo City Lani Cahyani Korompot
10 [GO] Estudiante Law Journal 2023―Aug―08 Divorce Pandemic Rate During the Covid-19 Isra Patamani
11 [GO] JURNAL LEGALITAS 2022―Jul―29 The Phenomenon Of Increasing Division During The Covid-19 Pandemic At Gorontalo Religious Court Sri Nanang Kamba
12 [GO] Jambura Law Review 2022―Feb―11 Guarantee Of Worker Rights During The Covid 19 Pandemic Rosalia Dika Agustanti, Yuliana Yuli Wahyuningsih, Satino -
13 [GO] Jambura Law Review 2022―Feb―11 Fulfilling the Right of Education during Covid19 Pandemic Period: A Comparative Study Hwian Christianto, Michelle Kristina
14 [GO] JURNAL LEGALITAS 2022―Feb―11 Assessing The Protection Of Women's Rights In The Perspective Of Feminism During The Covid-19 Pandemic Siciliya Mardian Yoel
15 [GO] Jambura Law Review 2020―Dec―22 The Impacts of Government Policy on Covid-19 to Airlines Liability: A Case Study in Indonesia Elfrida Ratnawati

15 Results       Page 1


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