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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: Indonesian Journal of Cardiology

11 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors All Authors
1 [GO] Indonesian Journal of Cardiology 2023―Aug―31 C-Reactive Protein to Albumin Ratio Predict In-Hospital and Long-term Outcome of ST-Segment-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Patients with SARS-CoV2 Infection Underwent Fibrinolytic Therapy. Gusti Ngurah Prana Jagannatha, I Made Junior Rina Artha, I Wayan Agus Surya Pradnyana, Stanly Kamardi
2 [GO] Indonesian Journal of Cardiology 2023―Jul―08 Olahraga Rutin Untuk Meningkatkan Imunitas Pasien Hipertensi Selama Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Badai Bhatara Tiksnadi, Nova Sylviana, Adi Imam Cahyadi, Alberta Claudia Undarsa
3 [GO] Indonesian Journal of Cardiology 2023―May―14 Incidence of Persistent Symptom and Echocardiographic Findings in Survivors of COVID-19 Infection with Mild Symptoms Prima Almazini, Amiliana M Soesanto, Ario S Kuncoro, Rina Ariani, Estu Rudiktyo, Renan Sukmawan
4 [GO] Indonesian Journal of Cardiology 2020―Jun―01 Pengaruh Gender dan Manifestasi Kardiovaskular Pada COVID-19 Dyana Sarvasti
5 [GO] Indonesian Journal of Cardiology 2020―Jun―01 Minimal or No Touch Electrocardiography Recording and Remote Heart Rhythm Monitoring during COVID-19 Pandemic Era Alexander Edo Tondas, Rolando Agustian Halim, Moza Guyanto
6 [GO] Indonesian Journal of Cardiology 2020―May―30 Tantangan Penatalaksanaan STEMI di Pandemi Covid-19 Sunanto Ng, Dafsah Arifa Juzar
7 [GO] Indonesian Journal of Cardiology 2020―May―30 Managing QT prolongation in the Era of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Sidhi Laksono Purwowiyoto, Dony Yugo Hermanto, Muhammad Iqbal
8 [GO] Indonesian Journal of Cardiology 2020―May―30 Primary PCI in COVID-19 Pandemic: Be Cautious, It Might Reveal Itself Later Arief Luthfi Parama, Dmitri Rifanda, Wishnu Aditya Widodo, Daniel Ruslim
9 [GO] Indonesian Journal of Cardiology 2020―May―30 Break the chain of COVID-19 transmission: Cardiologist Perspective Sidhi Laksono Purwowiyoto, Budhi Setianto Purwowiyoto
10 [GO] Indonesian Journal of Cardiology 2020―May―30 Cardiovascular Implications of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Rissa Ummy Setiani
11 [GO] Indonesian Journal of Cardiology 2020―May―30 Recommendations of RAAS Blocker Use Amidst The Coronavirus Pandemic Joshua Henrina, Iwan Cahyo Santosa Putra, Hoo Felicia Hadi Gunawan, Irvan Cahyadi, Leonardo Paskah Suciadi

11 Results       Page 1


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