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COVID Antworten in den wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften der Welt

Verlag: National Association of Phthisiatricians

16 Ergebisse       Seite 1

  Original Artikel Journal Datum Titel Autoren Alle Autoren
1 [GO] MedAlliance 2024―Feb―09 COVID-19 and TB. Review
2 [GO] MedAlliance 2023―Jul―10 Efficacy and safety of using anti-COVID plasma in COVID-19 patients
3 [GO] MedAlliance 2023―Jul―10 Phenotypes of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as a factor in the severe course of a new coronavirus infection
4 [GO] MedAlliance 2023―Jan―20 Surgical treatment of acute arterial thrombosis of the lower limb in a young patient affected by a new coronavirus infection
5 [GO] MedAlliance 2023―Jan―20 C-reactive protein as predictor of severe course of the new coronavirus infection in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the intensive care unit
6 [GO] MedAlliance 2022―Feb―09 Pathogenesis of pulmonary complications COVID-19
7 [GO] MedAlliance 2022―Feb―09 Effects of excess body weight and obesity on endotoxinemia and systemic inflammation in acute SARS-COV-2-associated lung injury
8 [GO] MedAlliance 2021―Nov―16 Change in smoking behaviour during COVID-19 pandemic
9 [GO] MedAlliance 2021―Nov―11 The role of functional research of the respiratory system in assessing the effectiveness of rehabilitation of patients after COVID-19
10 [GO] MedAlliance 2021―Jul―19 Experience of using heliox in the treatment of viral pneumonia in COVID-19
11 [GO] MedAlliance 2021―Jul―19 Remote education in phthisiology for students during the period of COVID-19 distribution
12 [GO] MedAlliance 2021―Apr―22 Results of health-improving treatment of patients with a new COVID-19 coronavirus infection in a phthisiopulmonological sanatorium
13 [GO] MedAlliance 2021―Apr―22 Artificial intelligence model for COVID-19 detection based on native chest computed tomography
14 [GO] MedAlliance 2021―Apr―22 Influence of tobacco smoking on COVID-19 incidence and outcome
15 [GO] MedAlliance 2021―Apr―22 Clinical laboratory and radiation parameters associated with different outcomes of severe new coronavirus infection (COVID­19) with pneumonia in patients receiving tocilizumab
16 [GO] MedAlliance 2020―Apr―25 Coronavirus 2019-nCoV (short message)

16 Ergebisse       Seite 1


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