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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: Universite de Geneve

24 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors All Authors
1 [GO] Antibody Reports 2024―Jan―12 AH971 and AV865 antibodies label the SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein in focus-forming assay Olha Puhach, Kenneth Adea, Benjamin Meyer, Isabella Eckerle
2 [GO] L’éducation en débats analyse comparée 2022―Jun―24 Écoles publiques et écoles privées au Sénégal : des réponses différentiées face à la Covid-19 Jean Alain Goudiaby, Babacar Diop, Bintou Diallo
3 [GO] L’éducation en débats analyse comparée 2022―Jun―24 Les relations école-familles au défi de la Covid-19 à Genève : quelles pratiques pour quels effets sur les inégalités ? Stefanie Rienzo
4 [GO] L’éducation en débats analyse comparée 2022―Jun―24 Quelques conséquences de la pandémie de Covid-19 sur la relation école-famille en contexte d’éducation prioritaire : le point de vue des enseignant-es du canton de Genève Julia Napoli
5 [GO] L’éducation en débats analyse comparée 2022―Jun―24 Éditorial. L’impact de la Covid-19 sur les inégalités scolaires dans l’espace francophone Aissata Assane Igodoe, Marie-France Lange
6 [GO] Antibody Reports 2022―Mar―30 AI334, AQ806, AR222, AR249, AS274, AS702, AS708, RB590, RB591 and RB596 antibodies recognize the spike S protein from SARS-CoV-2 by western blot Anna Marchetti, Frederic Zenhausern
7 [GO] Antibody Reports 2021―Apr―07 RB571, RB572, RB573, RB574, RB575, RB576, RB577 and RB578 antibodies recognize a fragment of the membrane M protein from SARS-CoV-2 by ELISA Philippe Hammel, Frederic Zenhausern
8 [GO] Antibody Reports 2021―Jan―15 AS739, AT693 and AU734 antibodies recognize the spike S protein from SARS-CoV-2 by ELISA Nina Payot, Alexandre P. Vaudano, Khatiba Khatibi, Anthony Nemeth, Ezgi Gozlugol, Nylsa Chammartin, et al. (+17)
9 [GO] Antibody Reports 2021―Jan―15 AQ806, AS739, AT693, AU197 and AU734 antibodies recognize the spike S protein from SARS-CoV-2 by flow cytometry Margaux Gosetto, Daniel Gil, Clément Poncet, Maxime Volery, Sara Da Fonte, Emma Jaques, et al. (+16)
10 [GO] Antibody Reports 2021―Jan―15 AS739, AT693 and AU734 antibodies label the spike S protein from SARS-CoV-2 by immunofluorescence Cyril Guilhen, Nylsa Chammartin, Célia Lazzarotto, Sara Da Fonte, Anthony Nemeth, Clément Bindschaedler, et al. (+16)
11 [GO] Antibody Reports 2021―Jan―15 AS739, AT693, AU197 and AU734 antibodies label the spike S protein from SARS-CoV-2 by western blot Célia Lazzarotto, Marie N. Schmid, Julien Ollivier, Alexandre P. Vaudano, Sara Da Fonte, Nina Payot, et al. (+15)
12 [GO] Antibody Reports 2020―Dec―16 AI334, AQ806, AR222, AR249, AS274, AS708, RB572, RB574 and RB596 antibodies recognize SARS-CoV-2 viral particles by dot blot Jerome Lacombe, Frederic Zenhausern, Pierre Cosson
13 [GO] Antibody Reports 2020―Dec―13 AU304 and RB576 antibodies recognize the membrane M protein from SARS-CoV-1 and -2 by immunofluorescence Anna Marchetti, Frederic Zenhausern
14 [GO] Antibody Reports 2020―Nov―09 The RB596 antibody recognizes a linear epitope from the spike S protein from SARS-CoV-2 Lluc Farrera-Soler, Jean-Pierre Daguer, Sofia Barluenga, Nicolas Winssinger
15 [GO] Antibody Reports 2020―Nov―09 AR222, AR249, AS274, AS702 and AS708 antibodies recognize the spike S protein from SARS-CoV-2 by ELISA Philippe Hammel, Anna Marchetti, Frederic Zenhausern
16 [GO] Antibody Reports 2020―Nov―09 The RB596 antibody recognizes the spike S protein from SARS-CoV-2 by ELISA Philippe Hammel, Kelvin Lau, Florence Pojer, David Hacker, Anna Marchetti
17 [GO] Antibody Reports 2020―Nov―09 AI334 and AQ806 antibodies recognize the spike S protein from SARS-CoV-2 by ELISA Philippe Hammel, Anna Marchetti, Wanessa C Lima, Kelvin Lau, Florence Pojer, David Hacker, Pierre Cosson
18 [GO] Antibody Reports 2020―Nov―09 The RB621 antibody recognizes the envelope E protein from SARS-CoV-2 by immunofluorescence Anna Marchetti, Frederic Zenhausern
19 [GO] Antibody Reports 2020―Nov―09 RB572, RB574 and RB576 antibodies recognize the membrane M protein from SARS-CoV-2 by immunofluorescence Anna Marchetti, Frederic Zenhausern
20 [GO] Antibody Reports 2020―Nov―09 AR222, AR249, AS274, AS702 and AS708 antibodies recognize the spike S protein from SARS-CoV-2 by immunofluorescence Anna Marchetti, Frederic Zenhausern
21 [GO] Antibody Reports 2020―Nov―09 AI334, AQ806 and RB596 antibodies recognize the spike S protein from SARS-CoV-2 by immunofluorescence Anna Marchetti, Philippe Hammel, Frederic Zenhausern
22 [GO] Antibody Reports 2020―Nov―09 AI334 and AQ806 antibodies recognize the spike S protein from SARS-CoV-2 by immunofluorescence Anna Marchetti, Philippe Hammel
23 [GO] Antibody Reports 2020―Nov―09 RB620 and RB621 antibodies recognize a peptide of the SARS-CoV-2 E protein by ELISA Philippe Hammel, Frederic Zenhausern
24 [GO] Antibody Reports 2020―Nov―09 RB579, RB580, RB581, RB582, RB583, RB584 and RB585 antibodies recognize a peptide of the SARS-CoV-2 E protein by ELISA Anna Marchetti, Philippe Hammel, Wanessa C. Lima, Frederic Zenhausern, Pierre Cosson

24 Results       Page 1


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