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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: Anadolu Guncel Tip Dergisi

33 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors All Authors
1 [GO] Anatolian Current Medical Journal 2025―Jan―14 Evaluation of the long-term autonomic dysfunction after the recovery of COVID-19 disease Ajar Koçak, Sezen Uzunget, Kader Eliz Şahin
2 [GO] Anatolian Current Medical Journal 2024―Jan―21 Asymptomatic COVID-19 and structural changes in the brain Sinan ELİAÇIK, Mehmet BÜYÜKŞİRECİ
3 [GO] Anatolian Current Medical Journal 2023―Dec―20 Nitric oxide therapy in COVID-19 patients with acute respiratory distress in intensive care unit Fatih SEĞMEN, Duygu KAYAR ÇALILI, Güray ALP, Demet BÖLÜKBAŞI, Hülya DENİZ MISIR, Elmas UYSAL, et al. (+2)
4 [GO] Anatolian Current Medical Journal 2023―Aug―04 The effect of mask use on allergic rhinitis symptoms during COVID-19 pandemic Sakine NAZİK BAHÇECİOĞLU, Hale ATEŞ, İlkay KOCA KALKAN, Kurtuluş AKSU, Şenay DEMİR, Musa TOPEL, Selma YEŞİLKAYA
5 [GO] Anatolian Current Medical Journal 2023―Apr―06 Investigating the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on obstetric anesthesia and perioperative outcomes in cesarean section surgery Leyla KUTLUCAN, Ömer Faruk ALTAŞ, Nimet ŞENOĞLU
6 [GO] Anatolian Current Medical Journal 2023―Apr―06 Evaluation of extremity and pelvis traumas admitted to the emergency department before and during the pandemic; with laboratory, embolism and mortality data Burak DEMİRCİ, Abuzer COŞKUN
7 [GO] Anatolian Current Medical Journal 2023―Jan―27 Investigating clinical and laboratory findings and mortality rates among vaccinated and unvaccinated COVID-19 inpatients Metin ÖZSOY, Salih CESUR, Cigdem ATAMAN HATİPOGLU, Şebnem ERDİNÇ, Gunay TUNCER ERTEM, Sami KINIKLI
8 [GO] Anatolian Current Medical Journal 2023―Jan―27 Evaluation of alcohol, substance and antidepressant drug use of university students during the COVID-19 pandemic Cem BULGAN, Göksun DEMİREL
9 [GO] Anatolian Current Medical Journal 2023―Jan―27 Prognosis prediction of the mean tracheal air column area in COVID-19 patients Mahmut ÇORAPLI, Gökhan ÇORAPLI
10 [GO] Anatolian Current Medical Journal 2023―Jan―27 Comparison of clinical outcomes of intensive care patients with COVID-19 pneumonia receiving and not receiving tocilizumab treatment Hakan DAL, Esra Sultan KARABULUT KEKLİK, Gökçe DAĞTEKİN, Eda YAMAN, Polat PEHLİVANOĞLU, Meltem ÇİMEN, et al. (+3)
11 [GO] Anatolian Current Medical Journal 2022―Oct―24 The effect of COVID-19 infection on anti mullerian hormone Asena AYAR MADENLİ, Naziye GÜRKAN, Şebnem ALANYA TOSUN
12 [GO] Anatolian Current Medical Journal 2022―Oct―24 Unemployment among cancer patients during COVID-19 pandemic Mehmet Erdem ALAGÜNEY, Fatih YILDIZ
13 [GO] Anatolian Current Medical Journal 2022―Jul―29 The effect of malignancy on prognosis in ICU patients with COVID-19 Elmas UYSAL, Fatih SEĞMEN, Gamze KILIÇARSLAN, Deniz ERDEM
14 [GO] Anatolian Current Medical Journal 2022―Jul―29 A retrospective look at influenza during the COVID-19 pandemic Ferhan KERGET, Buğra KERGET
15 [GO] Anatolian Current Medical Journal 2022―Jul―29 The effect of driver age and working hours on increased motorcycle accidents with the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional case study Murat KAYA, Hayati KART, Oytun Derya TUNÇ, Samed ÇATAL, Ömer BÜYÜKTOPÇU, Evrim ŞİRİN
16 [GO] Anatolian Current Medical Journal 2022―Jul―29 Loss of smell in COVID-19 patients: is it related to clinical-radiological disease severity? Hüsnü BAYKAL, Deniz ÇELİK, Sertan BULUT, Hasret Gizem KURT, Ayşe Füsun ÜLGER
17 [GO] Anatolian Current Medical Journal 2022―Jul―29 Outcomes of patients with COVID-19 pneumonia treated with moderate and high dose corticosteroids Şeyma BAŞLILAR, Bengü ŞAYLAN
18 [GO] Anatolian Current Medical Journal 2022―Jul―29 Base excess, bicarbonate, and lactate levels predict 28-day mortality in patients with COVID-19: a retrospective study Ercan SARUHAN, Ahmet ÖZDEMİR, Ethem ACAR
19 [GO] Anatolian Current Medical Journal 2022―Mar―29 COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccines-related subacute thyroiditis: analysis of a case series Gülçin TÜRKMEN SARIYILDIZ, Canan ÇİÇEK, Aykut İlker ARSLAN, Mehmet Emin DEMİR
20 [GO] Anatolian Current Medical Journal 2022―Mar―29 Assessment of failed spinal anesthesia for cesarean section during COVID-19 pandemic Aygün GÜLER, Namık ÖZCAN
21 [GO] Anatolian Current Medical Journal 2022―Mar―29 The role of serum lipoprotein levels in predicting independent short-term mortality In COVID-19 patients Semih AYDEMİR, Derya HOŞGÜN
22 [GO] Anatolian Current Medical Journal 2022―Mar―29 Breast cancer patients with delayed radiotherapy during the pandemic process Muzaffer Bedri ALTUNDAĞ, Can AZAK, Gülçin ERTAŞ, Cafer ATAR
23 [GO] Anatolian Current Medical Journal 2022―Jan―27 Frequency of troponin elevations in patients with COVID-19 and clinical course in these patients Kadem ARSLAN, Süleyman BAŞ
24 [GO] Anatolian Current Medical Journal 2021―Nov―19 Baseline demographic, clinical and laboratory risk factors for predicting admission to intensive care unit in patients diagnosed with COVID-19 in the emergency department Bülent GÜNGÖRER
25 [GO] Anatolian Current Medical Journal 2021―Jul―14 Thromboprophylaxis decreases the risk of pulmonary embolism in COVID-19 Murat UĞUR, Taha Yusuf KUZAN, Nurettin YİYİT
26 [GO] Anatolian Current Medical Journal 2021―Jul―14 Comparative analysis of the anaesthesia management of gynecological operations between the normal period and COVID-19 pandemic Havva Esra UYAR TÜRKYILMAZ, Nihan AYDIN GÜZEY
27 [GO] Anatolian Current Medical Journal 2021―Jul―14 A rare case: acute ischemic stroke that developed in a case with severe COVID-19 pneumonia Özlem ERTAN, Esma Sevil AKKURT, Tuğçe ŞAHİN ÖZDEMİREL, Berna AKINCI ÖZYÜREK
28 [GO] Anatolian Current Medical Journal 2021―Jul―14 Mortal disseminated intravascular coagulopathy and cutaneous involvement in a COVID-19 positive patient; case report Muharrem BAYRAK, Kenan ÇADIRCI
29 [GO] Anatolian Current Medical Journal 2021―Jul―14 Evaluation of YouTube videos related to intubation in the pandemic process in terms of quality and content in Turkish and English Münire BABAYİĞİT, Mustafa Alparslan BABAYİĞİT
30 [GO] Anatolian Current Medical Journal 2021―Apr―28 COVID-19 pandemic and the quality of couples’ sexual relationships Pervin KARLI, Tuğba GÜRBÜZ, Metin ŞENTÜRK
31 [GO] Anatolian Current Medical Journal 2021―Apr―28 Evaluation of spleen volume in thoracic computed tomography in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia Cesur SAMANCI, Bengü ŞAYLAN, Melike YEŞİLDAL, Eyup CAMURCUOGLU, Fethi Emre USTABAŞIOĞLU
32 [GO] Anatolian Current Medical Journal 2021―Apr―28 The thorax tomography correlation in COVID-19 RT-PCR positive patients Fatma KESMEZ CAN, Handan ALAY, Sinan YILMAZ, Bahar YILMAZ ÇANKAYA, Ayse ALBAYRAK, Kemalettin ÖZDEN, et al. (+4)
33 [GO] Anatolian Current Medical Journal 2021―Feb―18 Revealing the dilemma in COVID-19 pneumonia: use of the prone thorax CT imaging in differentiation of opacificities due to dependant zone and pneumonic consolidation. Enes GÜRÜN, İsmail AKDULUM, Melih AKYÜZ

33 Results       Page 1


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