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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: Galore Knowledge Publication Pvt. Ltd.

287 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors All Authors
1 [GO] Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2024―Jul―30 Relationship between Level of Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice of Health Protocols with the Incident of COVID-19 Wiradi Suryanegara, Welly Salutondok, Yonashan Tanak
2 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2024―Jul―27 Correlation Between Anxiety Level and Compliance with Health Protocol in Medical Faculty Students 3 Years After the COVID-19 Pandemic Yahya Ayyash Kadullah, Andini Dyah Sitawati, Sulistiawati .
3 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2024―Jul―22 Experiences of Irish Advanced Nurse Practitioners Delivering Nursing Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic David Delaney
4 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2024―Jul―11 Evaluation of a Serological Assay to Determine the Immunoglobulin Status in SARS-CoV-2 Infected Patients Reveals a Low Performance Samira Zoa Assoumou, Berthe Iroungou, Krystina Mengue Me Ngou-Milama
5 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2024―Jun―12 Determinants of the Financial Health of Deposit Guarantee Corporation in the Pandemic Era (Case Study at PT. XYZ Sharia) Maria Ulfah, Hermanto Siregar, Bayu Bandono
6 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2024―Jun―12 Post Pandemic Mental Health and Care Strategies Rupan Dhillon
7 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2024―Jun―11 Mental Well -Being of Medical Students (Interns) During COVID-19 Lockdown and Coping Methods Sambhu Prasad, Shikha Jha, Sulagna Mallik
8 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2024―Jun―11 Genomic Insights into SARS-CoV-2 Evolution: Nucleocapsid Gene Mutations in West Sumatra, Indonesia Linosefa Linosef, Hasmiwati Hasmiwati, Jamsari Jamsari
9 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2024―Jun―10 Effect on Lung Function by Pulmonary Rehabilitation in Post-Hospitalised COVID-19 Patients Dr. Joicy Senlin
10 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2024―Jun―08 A Survey Study on the Prevalence and Correlation of Physical and Mental Fatigue in Long COVID Patients Swati Parija, Aparna Pattnaik, Priyanka Parida
11 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2024―May―27 Outcome Effects of COVID-19 Lockdown on the Menstrual Cycle Priyabrata Dash, Dwarikanath Rout, Bharati Samantara
12 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2024―May―27 Role of Interleukin-6 as a Predictor in Assessing Severity of COVID-19 Patients: A Hospital Based Cross-Sectional Study Sumzida Afrin, Sadia Sharmin
13 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2024―May―25 The Functional Capacity and Quality of Life in COVID-19 Survivors of Ahmedabad City: An Observational Study Jhaveri Mitva Ritesh, Hitanxi Padsala, Dipmala Nikhil Silajiya
14 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2024―Apr―20 A Study to Assess the Psychological Impact Among Young Adults Due to COVID-19 Pandemic in Selected College of Nursing, Trichy P. Christena, A. Rajathi, Saranya. C
15 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2024―Apr―01 Digital Campaign Dysfunction in Indonesian Regional Election During the COVID-19 Pandemic Kuncoro Bayu Prasetyo, Turnomo Rahardjo, Nur Hidayat Sardini
16 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2024―Mar―20 Practice of Steam Inhalation at Home - A Major Contributory Risk Factor for Development of Rhino-Orbital Cerebral Mucormycosis (ROCM) in COVID-19 Patients Nishant Agrawal, Rishu Garg, Rahul Jain
17 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2024―Mar―20 A Study to Assess the Attitude towards COVID-19 Vaccine among Healthcare Personnel in a Secondary Healthcare Centre, Dimapur, Nagaland Tungoe Arhoni, Imchen Tsusennaro, Walling AW
18 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2024―Mar―11 A Systematic Review of Digital Intervention of Smoking Abstinence During the COVID-19 Era Samia Amin, Meer Sadad Billah, Eida Jahra Jarin
19 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2024―Mar―11 Prognostic Value of Anosmia in SARS-COV-2: A Case Control Study Nishant Agrawal, Rahul Jain, Ajoy Sodani
20 [GO] Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2024―Feb―29 Impact of COVID-19 on the Healthcare Workers: Perspective from the Nursing Fraternity Dona Chakraborty, Sayandeep Pradhan
21 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2024―Feb―19 Diagnostic Precision of Immunoglobulin (IgM/IgG) and Rapid Antigen Tests in the Detection of COVID-19 in Port Harcourt, Rivers State Moore-Igwe, Beatrice. W, Kemzi Nosike Elechi- Amadi, Mike-Ogburia, Moore Ikechi
22 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2024―Jan―11 Safety Culture in Acc¬¬redited Hospitals During Pandemic of COVID-19 Duta Liana, Jerry Maratis, Nuraini Fauziah
23 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2023―Dec―29 Navigating Unprecedented Challenges: A Narrative Review of Socio-Emotional Learning Competencies and Emotional Intelligence Among Nurses and Nursing Students in the COVID-19 Era James Dominic V. Sayson, RN, MPA
24 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2023―Dec―29 The Effect of Transfer Pricing and Sales Growth on Tax Avoidance with the COVID-19 Pandemic as a Moderation Variable Christo Oktavianus, Erlina ., Rujiman .
25 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2023―Dec―28 The Effect of Showing COVID-19 Vaccination Educational Videos on the Knowledge Level of 10th Grade Darul Ulum 1 Jombang High School Students Tamimi Nur Fajrina, Samsriyaningsih Handayani, Gatot Soegiarto
26 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2023―Dec―20 Parental Stress During COVID-19 Laltanpuii ., VK Roy, Lukima S.
27 [GO] Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2023―Dec―20 Enhancing COVID-19 Control in Jambi City: Evaluating the Impact of Triggering Methods for Effectiveness Jessy Novita Sari, Gustomo Yamistada, Supriadi .
28 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2023―Dec―14 Relationship between Knowledge and Attitude of Islamic Religious Leader in Preventing COVID-19 in Natal District, Mandailing Natal Regency Tukiman ., Dinda Dwi Khairani Jayusman, Asep Alfarizi
29 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2023―Dec―14 Exploration Into the COVID-19 Lockdown Affective Experiences and Modulations in Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior Priyanka Pathak, Vallari Kukreti, Anju Bisht
30 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2023―Dec―14 Design of a Covid-19 Patient Respiration Monitoring System Using an ESP 32 Microcontroller and an MPU 6050 Sensor for the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) System Ahmad Ridlo Hanifudin Tahier, Muchammad Azam, Ngurah Ayu Ketut Umiati
31 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2023―Dec―14 Overview of COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Events Following Immunization in Bali Sang Ayu Putu Damaghita Laverda Suri, Desak Ketut Ernawati, Bagus Komang Satriyasa
32 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2023―Dec―14 The Effectiveness of Distance Learning in Pandemic Covid-19: Creative Economics Course Mochamad Muchson
33 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2023―Dec―14 Exploring Pandemic, Research, and Data - Unveiling Solution Tourism for the Future Rilla Rianty, Willy Arafah, Nurbaeti .
34 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2023―Dec―06 Fear of COVID-19 among Physiotherapists and Physiotherapy Students of Western India: An Online Survey Aparna Bachkaniwala, Vivek Ramanandi
35 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2023―Nov―29 Teledermatology: An Alternative Service Delivery Channel for Outpatient Care During COVID-19 Pandemic in a Tertiary Government Healthcare Facility in Rural Area Vikrant Kanwar, Puneet Khanduja, Nisha Salaria
36 [GO] Galore International Journal of Applied Sciences and Humanities 2023―Nov―28 Impact of Homoeopathy in Managing the Possible Effects of Prolonged Facemask Usage in Frontline Workers During COVID-19 - Pilot Study Y. Lavanya Sneha, Neil Praisy Balla
37 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2023―Nov―04 A Study to Assess the Attitude Towards Covid-19 Vaccination among Adults Residing in a Selected Community Snehal Sanjay Satpute, Pranali Dilip Sawant, Sneha Elizhbeth Roy
38 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2023―Oct―23 The Effect of High Fat Formula Liquid Feeding on the Value of PCO2 and Duration of Use of Respiratory Aids for COVID-19 Patients with Critical Illness Dewi Susanti Febri, Gestina Aliska, Afriani Afriani
39 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2023―Sep―16 The Role of Leading Sectors in Supporting the Economic Growth of East Java Province Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic Surya Adi Pratama, Alla Asmara
40 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2023―Sep―01 Geographical Analysis of COVID-19 Epidemiology: A Review Thi-Quynh Nguyen
41 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2023―Sep―01 Impacts of Household Consumption Expenditure on Gross Regional Domestic Product during the COVID-19 Pandemic Fauziyah Fauziyah, Kardoyo Kardoyo, Arief Yulianto
42 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2023―Sep―01 A Systematic Review on the Risk Factors of Developing Long COVID in Asia Pacific Auni Widad Mohd Yusof, Muhammad Suffi Abdul Kadir, Fadlinda Tasnim Abdul Razak
43 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2023―Aug―25 Analysis of Vitamin D Level among COVID-19 Patients: A Cross-sectional Study Siti Ayu Saputri, Irawaty Djaharuddin, Muhammad Ilyas
44 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2023―Aug―24 Immunology in COVID-19 Anjali M S, Raghavendra B S
45 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2023―Aug―19 How Can Internet Mapping Technologies Contribute to the COVID-19 Fight? Thi-Quynh Nguyen, Thi-Binh Than, Thi-Cham Bui
46 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2023―Aug―19 Level of Anxiety Among Healthcare Professionals During COVID-19 Pandemic in Ahmedabad: A Cross-Sectional Study Avsar Rameshkumar Vaishya, Yagna Unmesh Shukla, Anjali Bhise
47 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2023―Aug―12 The Correlation between D-Dimer/Fibrinogen Ratio with the Severity of COVID-19 in Coronary Heart Disease Patients with Confirmed COVID-19 at H. Adam Malik General Hospital in 2021 Refli Hasan, Hadhinah Rasiqah Nasution, Naomi Niari Dalimunthe
48 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2023―Aug―12 Administration of N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) as Adjunctive Therapy for COVID-19 Patients by Improving Oxidative Stress and Inflammation Through Assessment of MDA, IL-6, IL-1β, TNF-α, and TGF-β Susanthy Djajalaksana, Aditya Sri Listyoko, Simon Petrus Hardiyanto Rumaratu
49 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2023―Aug―10 Inflammation Markers (CRP, LDH, D-Dimer, Ferritin) as a Predictor of Death in COVID-19 Patients with Type 2 DM at H. Adam Malik Hospital Cempaka Dewi NST, Dian Anindita Lubis, M. Aron Pase
50 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2023―Jul―29 Business Development Strategy to Establish Coffee Shops as Tourism Destination in the Post-Covid-19 Pandemic Rafif Eka Putra Rifanto, Harianto ., Siti Jahroh
51 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2023―Jul―20 Impact of COVID-19 on Glycemic Control in Diabetic Retinopathy of the Central Rural Population of India Nitu Sharma, Supriya Mushriff, Shreya Nigoskar
52 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2023―Jul―20 Impact of COVID-19 on Lipid Profile in Diabetic Retinopathy of the Central Rural Population of India Nitu Sharma, Shreya Nigoskar
53 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2023―Jul―20 A Review of Applications of Spatial Statistics in the Study of COVID-19 Pandemic in Vietnam Thi-Quynh Nguyen
54 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2023―Jul―20 A Study to Determine the Acceptance and Challenges of COVID-19 Vaccination Among Public in Healthcare Providers Perspective in Mangalore Satish S, Viola Mendonca, A.R Shabaraya
55 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2023―Jun―28 A Retrospective Cohort Study of Effects of Physiotherapy in Rehabilitation in Post Covid-19 Patients Fareed ., Ekta Kumari, Subba Reddy
56 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2023―Jun―28 Effectiveness of STP on Knowledge of Mucormycosis and Its Prevention in COVID-19 Patients Among Nursing Officers Deepa Rajashekhar Degal, Shridhar Pujari, Deelip Somaninga Natekar
57 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2023―Jun―21 Comparison of Platelet-to-Lymphocyte Ratio at Different COVID-19 Severity in Adam Malik Hospital, Medan, Indonesia Retno Nurul Mandasari, Dairion Gatot, Heny Syahrini Lubis
58 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2023―Jun―06 Managing Endodontic Emergencies Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic Nupur Sharma, Shikha Jaiswal, Vineeta Nikhil
59 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2023―Jun―02 Description of Lung Cancer Occurrence Characteristics at Siloam MRCCC Semanggi Hospital in 2020 Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic Efhata Surya Diapari Pohan, Joyna Getruida Sopaheluwakan, Vidi Posdo A. Simarmata
60 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2023―Apr―29 Assessing the Public's Understanding of Covid-19 in Varanasi District Priya Srivastava, Shweta Jaiswal, Manushi Srivastava
61 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2023―Apr―22 Review on Dasa Panguwa Herbal Formula against COVID-19 Shazmin Hazari, Jayakody Arachchige Dona Pushpa Premakanthi Jayakody
62 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2023―Apr―13 Multimodal Analysis of Covid-19 Public Advertisement by Indonesian Department of Health A. Zebar
63 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2023―Apr―13 The Relationship Between Headache and Usage of Masks Among Healthcare Workers During COVID-19 Pandemic - A Cross-Sectional Study in a Tertiary Healthcare Centre in South India Shravanti G, S G Ramya, Dasari Sai Sarath
64 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2023―Apr―13 The Effect of Time Management and Work Motivation on Job Satisfaction on Employees Who Work from Home During Pandemic Fauzan Ammari Sholihin, Monika Maria Nilam Widyarini
65 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2023―Apr―07 Portrait and Expectations of Kediri City MSMEs at the Time and Post of Pandemic COVID-19 Subagyo ., Hery Purnomo, Gesty Ernestivita
66 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2023―Mar―31 Correlation Between Serum Vitamin D Levels and Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR) with Mortality of COVID-19 Patients at H Adam Malik General Hospital Medan Anandita Putri, Zuhrial Zubir, Ananda Wibawanta Ginting
67 [GO] Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2023―Mar―30 Assessment of Functional Capacity and Quality of Life in Post COVID-19 Patients Using 6MWT And SF-36 Vidhi Dinesh Jain, Leena Zore
68 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2023―Mar―16 Emerging Resilience and Level of Compassion of Pediatric Emergency Nurses during the COVID-19 Pandemic Nora G. Sendad, Rhenna Gedalanga, Ameena Sheak
69 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2023―Mar―15 Gender Differences in Patients with COVID-19- Focus on Age Difference and Clinical Symptoms in Tertiary Health Care Nazia Asghar Hakla, Konika Razdan, Ruvaida Reyaz
70 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2023―Mar―13 D-Dimer Levels in Covid-19 Patients with Moderate and Severe Symptoms Erida Manalu, Jonathan Josafat, Danny Ernest Jonas Luhulima
71 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2023―Mar―11 Keeping up with the New Normal: The Impact of Working-from-Home on the Psychological Well-Being of Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic Mark Floricar G. Hipolito
72 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2023―Mar―11 ABO Blood Group and Associated Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Aadil Yousif
73 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2023―Mar―07 Nutritional Rickets During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Rivers State, Nigeria: A Case Series Highlighting Challenges in Management in A Resource-Constrained Setting Aitafo, Josephine Enekole, Briggs, Datonye Christopher, Okorie, Martha-Elizabeth
74 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2023―Mar―07 Effectiveness of Aerobic Exercise on Peak Expiratory Flow Rate, Exercise Capacity and Quality of Life in Post COVID-19 Patients Jisha Johnson, Princy Mathew
75 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2023―Mar―07 Effectiveness of Balloon Blowing Technique on Peak Expiratory Flow Rate, Exercise Tolerance and Quality of Life of Post Covid-19 Survivors Asna. M. Ismail, Princy Mathew
76 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2023―Feb―20 Results of Analysis of Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Measurements Using Breath Analyzer on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Confirmed Patients with Healthy People Susanthy Djajalaksana, Caesar Ensang Timuda, Jani Jane Rosihaningsih Sugiri
77 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2023―Feb―20 Gynecological Cancer Surgeries during COVID -19 Pandemic - An Experience from Tertiary Care Hospital of Pakistan Uzma Chishti, Aliya B. Aziz, Falaknaz Dahar
78 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2023―Feb―14 The Impact of COVID-19 on Access, Delivery, and Utilisation of Essential Primary Healthcare in Region 4 of Guyana Hemchand Jhagru
79 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2023―Feb―13 The Effect of The Pandemic of Covid-19 On Changes in Behaviour of Transactions Using Digital Banking at Customers of Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP Padang Bulan Medan Ermadayani ., Firman Syarif, Yeni Absah
80 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2023―Feb―13 Crisis Communication Management of the Ministry of Religion of Serdang Bedagai Regency in Handling the Cancellation Policy for Prospective Indonesian Hajj Pilgrims During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Serdang Bedagai Regency Nur' asiah, Dewi Kurniawati, Sakhyan Asmara
81 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2023―Feb―13 Biomedical Waste Management during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Medical Institute Perspective Gursimran Kaur Mohi, Bhavana Yadav, Ishani Bora
82 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2023―Feb―09 Association between Upper Respiratory Tract Viral Load and Comorbidities of Patients with COVID-19 Ruvaida Reyaz, Konika Razdan, Nazia Asghar
83 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2023―Feb―08 Coffee Export Marketing Strategy in North Sumatra Province During the COVID-19 Pandemic Alfan Bachtar Harahap, Rahmanta ., Salmiah .
84 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2023―Feb―04 Effect of Pulmonary Rehabilitation on Exercise Capacity in Post Hospitalized Covid-19 Patients: An Experimental Study Joicy Senlin
85 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2023―Jan―24 The Relationship Between Attachment Styles and Emotional Intelligence Among Selected College Students Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic Frederick Edward T. Fabella, David Marius N. Litao
86 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2023―Jan―24 Suicide During the Pandemic in an Informal Settlement of Bengaluru Biswamitra Sahu, Sathyanarayana Tamysetty, Giridhara R Babu
87 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2023―Jan―13 Hospital Waste Management During COVID-19 Nabila Astri Nur Kuntari, Maria Ulfa, Agus Jamal
88 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2023―Jan―13 Analyzing of Project Delivery Risks in Highway Construction During the Covid-19 Pandemic Ismail Nur Ariyanto, Mawardi Amin
89 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2023―Jan―12 Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic among Nurses in the New Normal: Perceived Stress Scale Measures Eva Lobelle Sampayan, Shadia Hamoud Alshahrani, Kalaiselvi Duraisamy Pavuthakursar
90 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2023―Jan―12 Increased Screen Time During the Pandemic: Lessons Learnt Akshaj Mehta, Anshuja Sing, Sumita Mehta
91 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Dec―30 Challenges of Online Learning in Developing Country under the Impact of the Pandemic Situation- A Case Study of Pakistan Shazia Gul, Irfan Ullah, Sarfraz Aslam
92 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Dec―22 Behavior of Purchasing and Consuming Coffee in The Era of COVID-19 Pandemic Parama Almuntahaatul Hasna Aziz, Ujang Sumarwan, Diah Krisnatuti
93 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Dec―22 Characteristics and Outcome of Neonates Born from Mother with Confirmed SARS-Cov-2 Infection at Prof. Dr I.G.N.G Ngoerah Hospital and Udayana University Hospital Bali I Kadek Serisana Wasita, Made Sukmawati, Putu Mas Vina P Cempaka
94 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2022―Dec―20 Changing Landscape and Future of Medical Affairs Post COVID-19 Pandemic Era Sonal Jain
95 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2022―Dec―08 Study the ENT Manifestations of Covid-19 Patients, Aden, Yemen Saleh Mohamed Abobaker Alshaiby
96 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Dec―01 Application of Gamification-Based Online Learning on Student Learning Outcomes During the Covid-19 Pandemic Nisaul Barokati Seliro Wangi, Novita Eka Chandra, Aditya Zulkarnaen Ali
97 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Dec―01 A Review of Remdesivir: As a Lifesaver in the Pandemic of SARS-CoV-2 Aman Patel, Shivendra Kumar, Mohit Saxena
98 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Nov―23 Ethics of Halal and Thayyib Food Consumption Behavior: The Era of Post Pandemic COVID-19 Hermin Istiasih
99 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Nov―12 Online Trading During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Model from the Perspective of Indonesian Law Yulianto Syahyu
100 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Nov―12 The Incidence and Causes of Maternal Near Miss in a Pandemic at Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation Dr. Arif Alli, Dr. Natasha France, Dr. Radha Sookraj
101 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2022―Nov―09 Impact of Interventional Education to Support Using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Among Adult Patients During COVID-19 Pandemic on Nursing Practice Norah Banafi, Raji Kaliyaperumal, Duria Hassan
102 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2022―Nov―09 Challenges And Concerns of Health Care Professionals Working in Clinics During COVID-19 Phase Dr. Ashwini O. Kamble, Manav Rajpurohit
103 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Nov―04 COVID-19 Infection and Acute Kidney Injury in Paediatric Population: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Snehashis Koley, Ambar Bose, Sudeshna Mallik
104 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Oct―18 Correlation Between Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio Baseline with Spirometry Test in Severe Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Ida Bagus Janantara Wirakusuma, I Ketut Agus Somia, Ni Luh Eka Arisanti
105 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2022―Oct―10 Preventive Practices Against COVID-19: Comparison Between Gender in Klang Valley, Malaysia Muhammad Azmi Kamar�n, Auni Widad Mohd Yusof, Muhammad Suffi Abdul Kadir
106 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2022―Oct―08 Potential of Vatadi Varga from Bhavaprakasha Nighantu and Its Role in Trouncing SARS-CoV-19 - A Comprehensive Review Dr Ramya Rao, Dr Naveen V, Dr Seema Pradeep
107 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Sep―28 A Survey on Online Computer Practicum during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Students’ Perceptions Sutrisno Sutrisno, Andre Hasudungan Lubis
108 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2022―Sep―28 Anti-Inflammatory Effectiveness of Sungkai Leaf Extract (Peronema Canescens) Against Lung Histopathological Appearance, Polymorphonuclear Cell (PMN) Number, and Macrophages in Inflammatory Model Mice with Covid-19 Vaccine Induction M. Saka Abeiasa, Vilma Humaira
109 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Sep―28 The Maternal and Perinatal Outcomes of Pregnancies Complicated by Covid-19: A Retrospective Study at a Tertiary Facility in Guyana (Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation) Ademola Biala, Belemo Afenfia, Rosa Dailey Acevedo Urrutia
110 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2022―Sep―20 The Effects of Long COVID on Thai Teenagers Chantisa Boontia, Jarut Wongwachirapan, Nalinnipha Kaewsuwan
111 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Sep―17 Autoimmune Encephalitis Following COVID-19 Infection with Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging Mimicking Metachromatic Leukodystrophy in an Adolescent: A Case Report Mohd Luthfi B, Rahmi Lestari, Iskandar Syarif
112 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2022―Sep―09 Evaluation of Quality of Life, Fatigue Severity and Functional Status in Post Covid-19 Patients - Cross Over Longitudinal Study Renuka Sarap, Dr. Mukesh Shinde, Dr. Pradnya Mahajan
113 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2022―Sep―06 Prevalence of COVID-19 Among Older People with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review Gazi Rayeeda Junhai, Hasi Rani Saha, Bidhan Chandra Sarkar
114 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2022―Sep―06 The Quality of Life in Patients with Sequelae After COVID-19 Infection Dr. Joicy Senlin
115 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Aug―30 Responsibility for Management of COVID-19 Medical Waste in North Sumatra Province in Civil Law Perspective Irsyam Risdawati
116 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Aug―30 The Effectiveness of the Mediator's Role in the Reduction of Case Burdens at the Lubuk Pakam District Court during the Covid-19 Pandemic Maria Rosalina, Zulkifli AR, Salsabila Azzahra
117 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Aug―30 The Relationship Between the Lymphocyte Value and the Neutralizing Antibody Titer Towards SARS-COV-2 in Residents of Internal Medicine Faculty of Medicine Universitas Sumatera Utara Who Had Received Covid-19 Vaccination Giovani Christin Faitino Purba, Dairion Gatot, Heny Syahrini
118 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2022―Aug―12 COVID-19 Related Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Students of Adeleke University, Ede Osun State, Nigeria Adeoye-Lawal Temitope, Akin Oyebade, Adeola Oshineye
119 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2022―Aug―08 The Advantage Efficacy of Intranasal Live-Attenuated Vaccine Against SARS-CoV-2 Ratthaphum Sae-ngow
120 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Jul―25 Psychological Impacts and Coping Mechanisms of 4th District of Camarines Sur, Philippines during the Community Quarantine due to Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) Marilou Palmes-Barcela
121 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Jul―25 Analysis of the Implementation of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) at PT XYZ During the Covid-19 Pandemic Cirus Syando Debataraja, Endang Sulistya Rini, Sugiharto Pujangkoro
122 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Jul―25 Factors Affecting Individual Customer’s Satisfaction on the Mobile Banking Service Quality During Covid-19 Pandemic Period: The Case of Vietnam Tran Thi Quynh Trang, Truong Duc Anh Hieu, Dau Thi Huyen
123 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Jul―20 CAPM Method in Determining Investment Decisions in the Tourism Sector in Covid-19 Pandemic Beby Kendida Hasibuan, Nisrul Irawati, Mawarni P
124 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Jul―20 Correlation Between COVID-19 Severity Status and the Thoracic CT-Scan Examination Results: A Cross Sectional Study Ardito Adi Pratama, Irawaty Djaharuddin, Nur Ahmad Tabri
125 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Jul―02 Strengthening Digital Communication in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic and its Implementation in Indonesian Society Damayanti Suhita
126 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Jul―02 Effect of Advertising, Product Price, and Discount on Consumer Purchase Decision in Online Shopping During the COVID-19 Pandemic at PT Map Aktif Adiperkasa, Tbk Sheren Khymel, Rosinta Romauli Situmeang, Winda Sari
127 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2022―Jun―21 A Study to Assess the Knowledge of COVID-19 and Acceptance of COVID-19 Vaccine among Adults Survashi Kunwar, Rajesh Kumar, Giti Mollika Phukon
128 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2022―Jun―21 Mortality Pattern of Hospitalised Patients during COVID-19: A Two-Year Retrospective Study in the Tertiary Care Centre in Western Maharashtra Janender Baghel, K V Radhakrishna
129 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Jun―20 Analyzed Workload and Performance of Nurses in Hospital Salak, North Pakpak Regency Toward Patient Safety Implementation during the COVID-19 Pandemic Yunestini Gulo, Chrismis Novalinda Ginting, Ermi Girsang
130 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Jun―20 An Analysis of Factors Affecting Nurse Anxiety During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Patient Nursing Care Services Hospitals in Hospital Area Tanjung Pura Alfi Syahri Ramadhana, Ermi Girsang, Sri Lestari Ramadhani Nasution
131 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―May―26 Design of Online Exam Applications during the National Preparation Pandemic
132 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2022―May―20 The Relationship of Knowledge and Attitude to Clean Living Behavior of Midwife Students about COVID-19 Myths and Facts in the City of Pontianak West Kalimantan Yetty Yuniarty, Elsa Noftalina, Dwi Khalisa Putri
133 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2022―May―20 Parents' Perceptions, Preferences, and Satisfaction with Teletherapy for Speech-Language Pathology Services during the COVID-19 Pandemic Arunachalam A S, Balambigai N
134 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2022―May―20 The Perception of Work from Home Computer Workers on Prevention of Recurrence of Musculoskeletal Pain during COVID-19 Lockdown Girija Murugan, Kumar R, Vijay Krishna Kumar
135 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2022―May―19 COVID Appropriate Behaviour among Community Dwelling Individuals of Ahmedabad Post Second Wave of COVID-19 Tarshika R. Jain, Mihirdev P. Jhala
136 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―May―19 Digitization of MSMEs in Improving the Economy in the Era of COVID-19 Pandemic Mada Angga Dwi Nata, Meyta Pritandhari, Friska Octavia Rosa
137 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―May―19 Effect of Internet Utilization, Learning Media, and Satisfaction Level on Online Learning Process during the COVID-19 Pandemic (Case Study of Management Students, Universitas Prima Indonesia) Thomas Teguh Dwi Christianto, Rosinta Romauli Situmeang, Ira Marito Damanik
138 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―May―19 A Survey Study on Stress and Depression among Paramedical Students in Virtual Classroom during COVID-19 Pandemic in Kerala Susan Annie George, Ben Salu, Bijo K. R
139 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2022―May―11 Side Effects of COVID-19 Vaccination among Indian Population - An Online Survey Deepthy M. S., Amitha Puranik, Lintu M. K.
140 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―May―06 Etiology Profile of Acute Symptomatic Seizure in the COVID-19 Pandemic Era Faldi Yaputra, Wayan Widyantara, Anna Marita Gelgel Sinardja
141 [GO] Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2022―Apr―23 COVID-19 Oral Manifestations: A Mini-Review Focused on Early Evidence Aline do Carmo França-Botelho
142 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Apr―23 Effect of Work Environment and Self Efficacy through Motivation on Performance of Department Population and Civil Registration Office in Samosir Regency during the Covid-19 Pandemic Elmasari Menawati Saragih, Paham Ginting, Yeni Absah
143 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Apr―23 The Effect of Non-Physical Work Environment and Work Capabilities on Teacher Performance with Level of Work Stress as Intervening Variable on COVID-19 Pandemic at Immanuel Christian School of Medan Theresia Karina Rachelisa Lingga, Arlina Nurbaity Lubis, Beby Karina Fawzeea Sembiring
144 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Apr―23 Role of the State in Protecting Labor Rights during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Indonesian Legal Studies Yulianto Syahyu
145 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Apr―23 The Influence of Online Marketing and Online Customer Review towards Purchase Decisions with Prevention of COVID-19 Spread as a Moderating Variables on the Women’s Clothing Consumers in Medan City Hendro Sutomo Ginting, Arlina Nurbaity Lubis, Parapat Gultom
146 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Apr―22 COVID-19: Challenges Facing in Online Learning by Students in Rural Areas; The Case Study in Nandurbar District Anil Ramdas Jagadale
147 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2022―Apr―20 Hypertriglyceridemia in a COVID-19 Patient: A Case Report Alfateh M. Noor, Zohdi Farea, Shakya Majumder
148 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2022―Apr―08 Prevalence of Depression, Anxiety and Stress among Clinical Physiotherapist during COVID- 19 Pandemic - A Cross Sectional Study Rucha Patel, Edrish Saifee Contractor
149 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2022―Mar―26 Effects of the COVID-19 Lockdown on the Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in Elementary School Children Priyadarshani Katalkar, Georgia D’souza
150 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2022―Mar―26 Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Physical Activity Level and Lifestyle Changes among Undergraduates of Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka: A Cross Sectional Study Shanshika Pramodini Maddumage, Sameera Madusanka Withanage, Asha Hansika Wettasinghe
151 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2022―Mar―26 Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome after a Critical COVID-19: A Case Report Ni Putu Rani Apsari Dewi, Anak Agung Gde Upeksha
152 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2022―Mar―26 Assessment of Knowledge, Perception and Perceived Stress towards COVID-19 Vaccination among People in Selected Community of West Bengal Aditi Karmakar
153 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Mar―17 Work Related Musculoskeletal Risk Assessment Using REBA Assessment Tool in a Medical Doctor during COVID-19 Pandemic - A Case Study Susan Annie George, Arun Thomas Abraham
154 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Mar―17 The Effect of Hospital Support on Nurse Anxiety in Isolation Room for COVID-19 Patients Rome ., Ermi Girsang, Ali Napiah Nasution
155 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2022―Mar―17 COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance and Hesitancy among Veterinarians in Brazil Gustavo Luiz Gouvêa de Almeida, Sophie Ballot, Marcelo Barbosa de Almeida
156 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2022―Mar―11 Awareness about Role of Physiotherapy in Recovery of COVID-19 Patients among Adult Population Disha Sujalkumar Tailor, Amit M. Patel
157 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2022―Mar―07 Use of Psychoactive Substances during COVID-19 in Republic of North Macedonia Elena Kjosevska, Sanja Prosheva
158 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2022―Mar―07 Impact of the COVID-19 Lockdown on Indian Patients Undergoing Orthodontic Treatment: A Questionnaire Based Study Oishi Chatterjee, Kanchan Sharma, Subhash Kumar
159 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2022―Mar―07 A Cross Sectional Study to Assess the Awareness, Knowledge and Practice towards Implant Protocols Followed by Dental Professionals during Covid-19 Pandemic Champa Talreja, Sharin Issac, Suresh Nagaral
160 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2022―Mar―07 Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic and Quality of Life in Women Immediately after Childbirth: Observational Study Revathi. S, Sukriti Rijal, Vijaya Krishna Kumar
161 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2022―Mar―07 Pandemic Fatigue: A Concept Analysis Elvira Teng-Costa, Catherine M. Macatangay, Neil N. Balubar
162 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2022―Mar―03 Youth Knowledge about Reproductive Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic Sella Ridha Agfiany, Eka Riana, Nadiah .
163 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Mar―02 Analysis of Health Personnel Needs (Paramedic) in Handling COVID-19 based on Workload Using the WISN Method at Hospital Royal Prima Medan Novita Helshinta, Dewi Pangaribuan, Chrismis Novalinda Ginting
164 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Mar―02 Efforts to Increase Economic Learning Motivation Online through Improving Learning Facilities, Teacher Creativity and Social Support during the COVID-19 Pandemic Endah Ratnawati, Subagyo ., Sugiono .
165 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2022―Feb―22 Management of Menstrual Hygiene among School-Going Adolescent Girls in an Informal Settlement in Nairobi, Kenya, Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic Joy N. Mokaya, Mary Muiruri, Francisca Ongecha
166 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Feb―22 E-Satisfaction Analysis of PLN Mobile Application Users Using E-Servqual Dimensions as a Service during the COVID-19 Pandemic Amarista Coirolla, Tri Lestira Putri Warganegara
167 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Feb―22 Description of Waste Management of COVID-19 Patients without Symptoms in Self-Isolation Period Mamuju District Abdul Ganing, Haeranah Ahmad, Ridhayani Adiningsih
168 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2022―Feb―22 Pregnancy and COVID-19: A Review Fariha Altaf, Amra Farrukh, Snehal Sanjay Chavan
169 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2022―Feb―17 Self-Medication among Health Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Southern Nigeria: Knowledge, Patterns, Practice and Associated Factors Josephine Enekole Aitafo, Woroma Wonodi, Datonye Christopher Briggs
170 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2022―Feb―17 COVID-19 Vaccination - A Cross Sectional Survey on Attitude and Belief of Nurses Sonali Tarachand Jadhav, Kusum Gurung
171 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2022―Feb―17 Trends in Childhood Morbidity and Mortality in the Era of Pandemic Joy Nkeiruka Ozughalu, Angela Ezinne Orji, Onyeka Chukwudalu Ekwebene
172 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Feb―16 Timeline Approach for the Treatment of COVID-19 - An Overview Pavani Polipilli, Vishnu Vamsi Nannur, Bharathi Vudi
173 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Feb―09 The Role of Integrated Healthcare Center (Posyandu) Cadres in Increasing Maternal and Child Health during COVID-19 Pandemic Daevi Khairunisa, Nurhasanah ., Tria Susanti
174 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2022―Feb―05 COVID-19 and Dental Environment Sruthi Lingasamy, Vinej Somaraj
175 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Jan―22 Antibiotic Prescription for Adult with Acute Respiratory Tract Infections (ARTI) in Public Health Care Center in Denpasar Area during COVID-19 Era Johan Kevin Wijaya, Bagus Komang Satriyasa, Ida Ayu Alit Widhiartini
176 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Jan―22 The Effect of Transformational Leadership and Non-Physical Work Environment on Employee Performance with Job Satisfaction as Intervening Variables at PT. Perkebunan Nusantara V during COVID-19 Pandemic Vena Revlina Emelias Sembiring, Ritha F Dalimunthe, Beby Karina F Sembiring
177 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Jan―22 The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Budget Performance of the Kediri City Government M. Anas, Linawati ., Eunike Rose Mita Lukiani
178 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2022―Jan―13 Determinants of COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance in Ghana Sumani Abdul-Manan, Alhassan Iddrisu Abdullai, Buhari Gunu Yussif
179 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2022―Jan―06 Treatment Motivation in Lung Tuberculosis Patients at Public Health Centres in Denpasar City during COVID-19 Pandemic Jonathan Setiawan, Ida Ayu Alit Widhiartini, I Gusti Made Aman
180 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2022―Jan―06 A Study on COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in Bhopal Keerthana S, Mugdha Kamble, Neeraj Khare
181 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2021―Dec―29 Physiological Hazards and Advancement of COVID-19 in Patients as a Result of Habitual and Prolong Face Mask Usage: Potential Prevention Onwuka O. M.
182 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2021―Dec―29 The Health Outcome Assessment of Healthcare Workers Engaged in SARS-CoV2 Pandemic Services: A Survey-Based Study Suraiya Khanam Ansari, Prashant Tripathi
183 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2021―Dec―27 Transformation of the Cosmetic Industry Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic Mega Farisha, Hartoyo ., Arief Safari
184 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2021―Dec―27 Assessment of Knowledge and Attitude towards COVID-19 Vaccination among People in Selected Community of West Bengal Aditi Karmakar
185 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2021―Dec―23 Impact on Vector-Borne Diseases in COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from a District in Jharkhand, India Vidushi Topno, Vikas Oraon
186 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2021―Dec―23 Comparative Study of Trend of Suicidal Cases in the Lockdown Period during Severe Phase of First Wave of COVID-19 with Those in Second Wave in Patna among Dead Bodies Brought for Autopsy at Nalanda Medical College, Patna - A Retrospective Study Rajiv Ranjan Das, Kumar Saurav, Radha Raman Singh
187 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2021―Dec―17 From Movement Control to National Recovery Plan: Malaysia’s Strategy to Live with COVID-19 Kuok Ho Daniel Tang
188 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2021―Dec―17 Anxiety of High School Students Preparing for University during the COVID-19 Pandemic Prapattra Hongwisat, Thanawat Wuthikanokkan, Nathakan Preechakansakul
189 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2021―Dec―17 Non-Performing Loan Determinants during COVID-19 Pandemic (Case Study at Bank XYZ) Didi Suradi, Hermanto Siregar, Bagus Sartono
190 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2021―Dec―17 Relationship between Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR) and Anxiety Levels among COVID-19 Patients at H. Adam Malik General Hospital Medan Habibie Hasyim Lubis, Wika Hanida Lubis, Tambar Kembaren
191 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―Dec―15 Management of Acute Encephalitis Syndrome Endemic during COVID-19 Pandemic in India Praveen Kumar, Manish Taywade
192 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―Dec―13 An Overview of Social Aspects of COVID-19 Pandemic Sarita Gautam
193 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2021―Dec―10 The Importance of Medical Records in Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 29 of 2004 Concerning Medical Practices in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic Teguh Satria Santoso
194 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2021―Dec―10 Fuzzy Expert System for Severity Measurement of COVID-19 Suspect B.T. Jadhav, G.S. Nhivekar
195 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2021―Dec―01 Utilization of Tax Incentives, Tax Services and Existence of Tax Sanctions on Tax Compliance in Submitting SPT and Micro Business Sustainability at Kediri City during COVID-19 Pandemic Amin Tohari, Andy Kurniawan, Basthoumi Muslih
196 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2021―Nov―24 COVID-19 and Its Predicament on LGBT Communities in India - A Mini Review Joshitha Sankam
197 [GO] Galore International Journal of Applied Sciences and Humanities 2021―Nov―23 Parental Involvement on Child’s Education during Pandemic Times: A Qualitative Exploration Afreen Khan, Sana Irshad
198 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―Nov―20 Knowledge and Perception of the Risk of Contracting Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) among Adult Nigerians Afocha E. E, Oladele D. A, Ajibaye O
199 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―Nov―20 Compliance to Community Infection Control Standards during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Integrative Review Romeo M. Sanchez II, Gevin R. Soriano, Sheree Ann A. Ortua
200 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2021―Nov―13 Hospitals’ and Nurses’ Preparedness to COVID-19 Pandemic Rana AbdelFattah Al Awamleh
201 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2021―Nov―13 COVID-19 Vaccines - A Narrative Review Saurav Deka, Farah Iram, Niveditha Hariharan
202 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2021―Nov―13 Preparedness to Tackle Coronavirus and Its Risk Perceptions among Health Care Professionals in Chennai City, India - A Cross-Sectional Study Suganya. P, Sindhu. R, Dinesh Dhamodhar
203 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―Nov―12 Assessment of Play and Sedentary Behaviours Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Children Aged 10-16 Years Old- A Pilot Study Ashi Jain, Priyanka Shirsath
204 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―Nov―12 Knowledge about Mental Health and Acceptance towards COVID-19 Vaccination in Adult Individuals of Ahmedabad Drashti Atulbhai Shah, Mihirdev P. Jhala
205 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2021―Oct―22 Analysis of the Human Resources Policies RSU Royal Prima in the Face of the Pandemic of COVID-19 Sitti Afifa, Ermi Girsang, Sri Wahyuni Nasution
206 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―Oct―21 Health Related Quality of Life among Patients’ Family Members Visiting Hospital during COVID-19 Shanti Awale, Shobha Laxmi Bajracharya, Bimala Panthee
207 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―Oct―21 Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorder among College Students in Times of COVID-19 Pandemic - An Observational Study Saumya P. Prajapati, Alpa Purohit
208 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―Oct―21 Assessment of Post COVID-19 Rehabilitation Programme using Post-Acute Lung Injury Functional Scale Nayana Gosavi, Bhagyashri Karande, Ajay Godse
209 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2021―Oct―21 High D-dimer Level in Fracture Patient with Asymptomatic Covid-19: Dilemmatic Surgery Decision - A Serial Case Report I Made Wira Kusuma, I Made Iman Antariksa, Ida Bagus Gde Darma Wibawa
210 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2021―Oct―21 Decoding COVID-19: What Dentist Should Know? Pudi Sriharsha, Naseemoon Shaik, Supriya Yadlapati
211 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2021―Oct―09 Pregnancy Depression during COVID-19 Pandemic Pratiwi Puji Lestari, Zaiyidah Fathony, Rizki Amalia
212 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―Oct―09 The Effect of Positioning Exercises on Dyspnea and Fatigue in Patients Treated with COVID-19 Jaspreet Kaur Kang, Neeta J Vyas
213 [GO] Galore International Journal of Applied Sciences and Humanities 2021―Oct―02 Introspecting the Role of Gram Panchayat in Structuring Rural Economy: An Experience from Bhograi Block in Odisha during COVID-19 Dr. Dhirendra Kumar Jena
214 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2021―Sep―30 Implementation of PjBL-Based in Entrepreneurship Subject (Project Based Learning) during the Pandemic Period Efa Wahyu Prastyaningtyas, Widi Wulansari
215 [GO] Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―Sep―25 Impact of COVID-19 on Surgical Residency Training: Indian Perspective - A Review Chetan V Kantharia, Sharvari Pujari, Kishor Jain
216 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2021―Sep―24 Determinants of Mompreneur Performance in the Pandemic Era (Case Study of Medan City Mompreneurs) Aisyah ., Arif Qaedi Hutagalung, Fivi Rahmatus Sofiyah
217 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2021―Sep―17 Study of Comparison of Suicidal Cases in the Lockdown Period During First Wave of COVID-19 with that of Suicidal Cases in the Period before it among Dead Bodies Brought for Autopsy at Nalanda Medical College, Patna - A Record Review Rajiv Ranjan Das, Kumar Saurav, Radha Raman Singh
218 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―Sep―15 Lived Experiences of Emergency Department (ED) Nurses with Comorbidities amidst COVID-19 Pandemic at Candon City of Ilocos Sur: A Phenomenological Study Mariecris Talosig, Romeo Sanchez II, Gevin Soriano
219 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―Sep―08 Challenges Faced by Patients with Low Vision during COVID-19 Mantasha Dilkash, Susmita Banerjee, Gaurav Dubey
220 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―Sep―08 Psychological Distress and Quality of Sleep among Urban Community People during COVID-19 Pandemic Shobha Laxmi Bajracharya, Bimala Panthee
221 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2021―Sep―06 Are We Prepared for the Third Wave? - Knowledge, Attitude and Practice towards COVID-19 among Medical Practitioners in India Lokesh Kumar. S, Nirosha. P
222 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2021―Sep―04 Correlation between Perceived Fear of COVID-19 Infection and Demand for COVID-19 Vaccination in Thailand: A Cross Sectional Study Sompoom Sunpaweravong
223 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2021―Sep―04 Tendency of Thai High School Students’ Emotional Stability before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Factors Chutikan Saithasao, Chanokprattana Panyasuk
224 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2021―Aug―27 COVID-19 and Governance in Mizoram: Issues and Challenges Lalhruaitluangi Sailo
225 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―Aug―27 Review of Published Case Reports of COVID-19 Associated Mucormycosis with Search of Therapeutic Potential in Ayurveda and Homeopathy Danish Javed, Ashish Kumar Dixit, Himanshi Vats
226 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2021―Aug―27 Necrotizing Fasciitis: Risk Factors and Outcomes in the COVID-19 Era Rohit Chauhan, Devadatta Poddar, Prateek Lohchab
227 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―Aug―27 A Review on Vaccination Drive for COVID-19 in India Yukta ., R.K Patil, H.C Patil
228 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―Aug―27 Co-Infection of Mucormycosis and Actinomycosis in COVID-19 Infection Sunil V Jagtap, Atul Hulwan, Snigdha Vartak
229 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―Aug―27 Spontaneous Bowel Perforation - A Rare and Fatal Complication in COVID-19 Patients: Case Report Lamya Zaher Al Aamri, Mohammed Muzamil, Nasser Alawaid
230 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2021―Aug―26 The Role of Parents in Increasing Economic Learning Motivation during Pandemic Period for Senior High School Students Siti Hariyanti, Elis Irmayanti, Eunike Rose Mita Lukiani
231 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2021―Aug―25 Impact of Fatigue on Quality of Life among COVID-19 Survivors Priya S, Abhilash P.V, Gloria Mohan Naik
232 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2021―Aug―25 COVID-19 Vaccination and Menstrual Issues - A Survey Sheela. J
233 [GO] Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―Aug―24 Analysis of Factors Influencing Work Stress on the Health Service Rapid Action Team during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Barru Regency Andi Sunarti, H. Jalil Genisa, Yusuf .
234 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2021―Aug―18 Online System Conciliation to Improve Knowledge and Perception of COVID-19 in the Local Community at Permata Bunda Hospital Gontar Almansyah Siregar, M. Fide, Ganis Siregar
235 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2021―Aug―18 The Effect of Digital Service Quality (BRIMO) on Customer Loyalty through Customer Trust and Satisfaction on COVID-19 Situation (Pt Bank Rakyat Indonesia Medan Regional Office) Martin Siagian, Endang Sulistya Rini, Syafrizal Helmi Situmorang
236 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2021―Aug―12 The Effect of Implementing Occupational Health and Safety Programs on Suspected COVID-19 Incidents in PT. Maruki International Employees Abdul Muis, Muhammad Rifai, Rahmawati Azis
237 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2021―Aug―12 Challenges of Women Healthcare Providers during Covid-19 Pandemic in Aizawl City, Mizoram, India Lalrinzuala ., H. Elizabeth
238 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2021―Aug―10 The Utilization of E-Learning for Improving Knowledge on Covid-19 Prevention and Control for Paramedics at Permata Bunda Hospital in Medan Masrul ., Sahat Halim
239 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2021―Aug―03 Risk Reduction of Healthcare Workers’ Exposure to COVID-19 using Failure Mode and Effect Analysis Humberto Guanche Garcell, Farid Ahmad Sohail, Tania M Fernandez Hernandez
240 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―Jul―24 A Multidisciplinary Public Health Approach through Community Engagement in COVID-19 Prevention and Control - A Proposal for Bhadradri Kothagudem District in Telangana State Kamarapu Ruma Chandana, Farzana Memon, Raj Narayan
241 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2021―Jul―23 Is There Any Difference in the Growth Mindset between Male and Female Students during a Pandemic? Herdian ., Fatin Rohmah Nur Wahidah, Totok Haryanto
242 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2021―Jul―22 The Relationship of Family Support with Elderly Independence in Fulfillment of Daily Living Activity in the Middle of the COVID-19 Outbreak in Pangkep District Isymiarni Syarif
243 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2021―Jul―22 A Study to Assess the Anxiety Level among People Residing in Various Parts of Assam during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Web-Based Cross-Sectional Study Namita Chetri, June Chiring
244 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2021―Jul―22 Mortality of a Pregnant Patient Diagnosed with COVID-19: A Case Report Uday Mahajan, Deepika Kapil
245 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2021―Jul―15 Sensitivity Comparison of Different Methods Used for RNA Extraction with Increasing Capacity for the Detection of COVID-19 Amit Kumar, Poonam Dhull, Manisha .
246 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2021―Jul―15 Educational Technology for Teaching and Learning in the Post Covid-19 Era: A Case Study of Tertiary Institutions in Imo State, Nigeria Ojukwu, Njideka-Nwawih Charlotte, Agim Eliezer Chukwuyere, Ameh Catherine
247 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2021―Jul―15 The New Era of Education amidst COVID-19 Lockdown Suprava Sahu, Binita Nanda
248 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―Jul―13 Role of Dentist in Diagnosis and Management of Mucormycosis in Association with COVID-19 Piyush Dongre, Tanya Bansal
249 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―Jul―13 Serosurveillance of Anti SARS-Cov-2 Antibodies among Essential Workers in Navi Mumbai - A Single Centre Study Ujwala Maheshwari, Jyotsna Sahai, Vivek Hebbar
250 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2021―Jul―02 Three-Dimensional Pharmacophore Modeling of Betulonic Acid Derivatives as a Strong Inhibitor of Human Coronavirus-229E Replication Nilesh S. Kadu, Atul V. Ingle
251 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2021―Jun―30 Awareness on Tricky Fungal Infections Coexisting with COVID-19 Sree Kavya Godise, Sowjanya Maddukuri
252 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2021―Jun―30 CT and MR Imaging in the Diagnosis of Mucormycosis in COVID-19 Era - An Overview Tamijeselvan S
253 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2021―Jun―30 The Relationship of a Balanced Nutrition Lifestyle in the Prevention of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) in Watotika Ile Village, Demon Pagong District, East Flores Regency, Nusa Tenggara Timur Province Musfirah ., Abdul Gafur, Maria Andika
254 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2021―Jun―30 Portfolio Analysis Using the Single Index Method in the COVID-19 Pandemic Period Sulistyo Adi Nugroho, Tony Irawan SE MappEc, Ir Aruddy, Msi
255 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―Jun―23 COVID-19 Anxiety and Quality of Sleep among Employees of a Nursing Campus and Their Spouses Shobha Laxmi Bajracharya, Priscilla Samson, Sarala K.C.
256 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―Jun―23 Predictors of Psychosomatic Health during the first COVID-19 Outbreak in Greece. A Multiple Linear Regression Analysis in an Epidemiological Sample of 1,156 Individuals Georgios Pilafas, Alexandra Prouzou, Nefeli Paraskevi Strongylaki
257 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―Jun―23 Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Physical Activity and Mental Health of Physiotherapy Students, Vadodara - A Cross Sectional Study Lalli Singh, Devangi Desai
258 [GO] Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―Jun―17 SARS-CoV-2: Comparison of Active Immunity Acquired by Natural Exposure versus Inoculation of HCW Shagun Bhatia Shah, Rajiv Chawla, Anurag Mehta
259 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2021―Jun―16 Anosmia in COVID-19: The Indian Experience Neethi Chandra M, Jhansi Lakshmi E, Aparna V
260 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―Jun―11 Clinical Analysis and Perinatal Outcome in Pregnant Patients with COVID-19 Saima Najam, Sumaiyya Ejaz Malik, Syeda Ifra Hassan
261 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―Jun―11 Introducing the ‘Psychosomatic Screening Questionnaire - 29’ (PSSQ-29): Reliability and Validity in an Epidemiological Sample of 1,158 Participants in Greece during the COVID-19 Domestic Lockdown Georgios Pilafas, Alexandra Prouzou, Nefeli Paraskevi Strongylaki
262 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―Jun―11 Pneumothorax in Non-Ventilated COVID-19 Patients: A Case Series Komal Gharsangi, Rajesh Bhawani, Jitender Sandhu
263 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―Jun―11 Retrospective Analysis of Functional Capacity of Patients with COVID-19 using 1 Minute Sit to Stand Test: A Physiotherapist’s Perspective Snehal Sunil Sawant, Bhavana Suhas Mhatre, Vibhawari Manoj Wagh
264 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―Jun―11 Acute Lower Limb Ischemia Secondary to COVID-19: A Case Report Komal Gharsangi, Rajesh Bhawani, Nitesh Kumar
265 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2021―Jun―04 Enhance Strategy Promotion University of Medan Area to Increasing the Number of New Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic Muhammad Al Fikri
266 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2021―May―24 A Study on Assessment of Knowledge and To Create Awareness Regarding COVID-19 Infection and Its Preventive Measures among Health Care Students and Non-Health Care Students Ch. O. V. Nagateja, P. Bhavya Sree, G. Padma Sri
267 [GO] International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 2021―May―24 Diabetes Mellitus among Newly Diagnosed Tuberculosis Patients during COVID-19 Pandemic Period in a Secondary Health Institution Parul Bhardwaj, Shivbrat Sharma
268 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―May―22 Psychological Effect of COVID-19 among Nursing Students Niran Shrestha, Nirmala Ghimire, Roshani Khatry
269 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―May―22 Physiotherapy Management of Patients with COVID-19 Infection in a Tertiary Care Setup- A Case Series Gauri Wakde, Prajakta Patil, Sumit Jadhav
270 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2021―May―22 Code Mixing in Health and Hygiene Products Online Advertisements in Indonesia during COVID-19 Pandemic Ratna Sari Dewi, Rezky Khoirina Tarihoran
271 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―May―22 Awareness of COVID-19 Pandemic and General Management Protocol for Home Isolated Patients through Modern and Ayurvedic Perspective Mishra Meenu, Pandey Mahima, Borkar Shubham
272 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―May―22 Effectiveness of Chest Physiotherapy on Cardio-Respiratory Signs & Symptoms in COVID-19 Positive Patients Ayesha Gadhawala, Sweety Shah
273 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―May―22 Effectiveness of Physiotherapy Treatment on Clinical Features and Quality of Life of COVID-19 Positive Patients Vidhi D. Thakkar, Sweety Shah
274 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―May―22 Effectiveness of Physiotherapy on Psychosocial Factors in COVID-19 Positive Patients: An Interventional Study Isha Trivedi, Sweety Shah
275 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―May―08 Comparison of Musculoskeletal Disorders in School Going Children Before and After COVID-19 Neha P Patel, Megha S Sheth
276 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―May―08 Physical Activity during Ramadan and COVID-19
277 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―May―08 Global Havoc due to COVID-19 and Its Impact on Dentistry: A Review Unnati Gedam
278 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―May―08 Clinical and Demographic Predictors of Mortality due to COVID-19 Pandemic: A Retrospective Study Ayushi Rajkumar Jain, Doss Prakash, Sheetal Swamy
279 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―May―08 Covid-19 Related Depression, Anxiety and Stress among Nurses Working as Front Line Workers in a Selected Hospital in Mumbai City Sheryl Cornelio, Saly Suseel, Valsa Thomas
280 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2021―Apr―20 Student’s Perception toward Online Classes during COVID-19 Pandemic - Hotel Management Students Nisheeth Kumar, Tangjakhombi Akoijam
281 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―Apr―20 Knowledge, Attitude and Anxiety about the Novel Coronavirus Pandemic among the Urban Community of Mumbai: A Cross Sectional Study Sheetal Aurangabadkar, Asmita Karajgi
282 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2021―Apr―08 Business Transformation on Retail Operations Due to COVID-19 and Its Impact on Indian Economy Bidhan Datta, Banantika Datta
283 [GO] International Journal of Research and Review 2021―Apr―07 The Detrimental Effect of Depression, Anxiety & Stress on Under-Graduates, Post-Graduates, and Freshly Graduates Students and Their Psychological Distress Triggered by COVID-19 Crisis Nijal Parmar, Vicky Kasundra, Anand Vaghasiya
284 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―Apr―06 Respiratory Consequences of N95 Mask during Covid-19 Pandemic- An Observational Study Rajesh Prabhakar Gaikwad, Akshaya Bhupesh Banodkar, Vaibhavi Pandurang Nandgaonkar
285 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―Apr―05 COVID-19 Contact Tracing Applications: Design and Operations Pulkit Verma, Neeraj Kumar
286 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―Apr―05 Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Pregnant Women Attending the Antenatal Clinic of Rivers State University Teaching Hospital, Nigeria towards the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic Boma Awoala West, Josephine Enekole Aitafo, Dango Genesis Bietonka Kalio
287 [GO] International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021―Apr―05 Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on Lifestyle Behaviours among Italian Physically Active Population Myriam Galfo, Fabrizia Maccati, Francesca Melini

287 Results       Page 1


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