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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences (IJERSC)

70 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors All Authors
1 [GO] International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical (IJHP) 2024―Jun―06 The Relationship Between Covid-19 Vaccination And The Incidence Of Covid-19 At The Hospital Putri Hijau Hospital, Medan Eva Sartika Dasopang, Desy Natalia Siahaan, Fenny Hasanah, Salma Handayani Lubis, Yohana Yuni M, Ramona Pane
2 [GO] International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical (IJHP) 2024―Mar―19 Evaluation Of Waste Management Of Covid-19 Health Service Facilities In Public Health Center X West Jakarta Veza Azteria
3 [GO] International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical (IJHP) 2024―Mar―19 Analysis Of Consumer Perceived Value To Quality Service Healthcare During The COVID-19 Pandemic At Tanjung Balai City Hospital Charles Manurung, Yolanda Eliza Putri Lubis, Karmila Kaban
4 [GO] International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical (IJHP) 2024―Mar―19 Analysis Of Factors And Influence Of The Covid-19 Pandemic On The Completeness Of Basic Immunization In Under-Fives In The Working Area Of Cibuaya Puskesmas 2020 - 2021 Mianita Rahayu, Titin Eka S
5 [GO] International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical (IJHP) 2024―Mar―19 Analysis of Qualitative Studies on ANC Services During the Covid 19 Pandemic at PMB Ana Hasanah Hasanah Hasanah, Nanik Yuliwati
6 [GO] International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences 2024―Mar―18 Evaluation Of Physical Education Learning During Covid-19 At Jombang District Junior High School Arnaz Anggoro Saputro
7 [GO] International Journal Of Community Service 2024―Mar―18 Sepasar As A Hybrid Educational Media And OnlineMarketing Of Sambilegi Market Traders In Covid-19 Pandemic Mohd Fadhil Harfiez Abdul Muttalib
8 [GO] International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences 2024―Mar―18 Integration And Implementation Of Character Education In History Learning At SMA Negeri 15, Kepulauan Tanimbar Regency During The Covid-19 Pandemic Rianko Luturmas, Djono Djono, Triana Rejekiningsih
9 [GO] International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences 2024―Mar―18 The Implementation of Balanced Literacy Approach To Early Childhood Education Units As An Effort To Strengthen Learning: A Phenomenological Study After The Covid-19 Pandemic In Indonesia Anna Farida K., Ade Tutty R Rosa, Muhammad Andriana Gaffar, Rianti Cahyani
10 [GO] International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences 2024―Mar―18 Performance Evaluation Of Online Education Management During Covid-19 Situation In Bangladesh Md. Iftekhar Arif, Md. Shahidul Islam, Dr. Md. Shahnur Azad Chowdhury, Mohammad Jonaed Kabir
11 [GO] International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences 2024―Mar―18 The Bos Funds Uses Analysis In High Schools During The Pandemic Period In Palopo City Yusfi Tsabita Nanda Yusuf, Haliah Haliah, Nirwana Nirwana
12 [GO] International Journal Of Community Service 2022―Dec―20 The Application Of Health Protocols For SMP Negeri 5 Bilah Barat After Covid-19 Melly Nova Diana, Pristiyono Pristiyono, Yudi Prayoga
13 [GO] International Journal Of Community Service 2022―Dec―20 Community Assistance In Increasing Knowledge As The Effort To Prevent Covid-19 In Communities With Hypertension Mariana
14 [GO] International Journal Of Community Service 2022―Dec―20 Immigration Services For Indonesian Migrant Workers During The Covid-19 Pandemic Yokhebed Arumdika Probosambodo
15 [GO] International Journal Of Community Service 2022―Dec―20 Child Mental Health Education After The Covid-19 Pandemic Dita Kurnia Hati, Bayu Eko Broto, Azidin Harahap
16 [GO] International Journal Of Community Service 2022―Dec―20 Physical And Mental Health Examination Of Lung Tb Patients Due To The Covid-19 Pandemic And Health Education In Increasing Patient Knowledge Pariyana
17 [GO] International Journal Of Community Service 2022―Dec―20 Improving the Preparedness of Housewives to Deal with the Dynamics of the COVID-19 Pandemic Situation Iche Andriyani Liberty
18 [GO] International Journal Of Community Service 2022―Dec―20 The Utilization Of Gadgets As A Learning Media During The Covid-19 Students Of The Ibtidaiyah Madrasah Al-Ikhlas Dusun Sidomulyo Nehrisa Yenda Artisih, Bayu Eko Broto, Abdul Halim
19 [GO] International Journal Of Community Service 2022―Dec―20 Utilization Of Coconut Water Post Covid-19 Vaccine For Students Of West Bilah State 5 junior high school Rodiah Pasaribu, Pristiyono Pristiyono, Yudi Prayoga, Marlina Siregar
20 [GO] International Journal Of Community Service 2022―Dec―20 Community Empowerment Against Efforts to Prevent the Transmission of the Covid-19 Virus Through Socialization of The Implementation of the 3M Movement at the University of Muhammadiyah North Maluku Campus Hairudin La Patilaiya, Ranita Rope, Hamidah Rahman
21 [GO] International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences 2022―Oct―18 Assimilation Program Planning By The Ministry Of Law And Human Rights In Overcoming The Spread Of Covid-19 At The Corporate Institution Isti Nurhidayah
22 [GO] International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences 2022―Oct―18 The Effectiveness Of The Implementation Of The 2020 Simultaneous Elections In The Time Of The Covid-19 Emergency Pandemic In Kab.Wonosobo Hany Prihatiningsih
23 [GO] International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical (IJHP) 2022―Sep―14 Analysis Of The Preparedness Of The Royal Prima Marelan Hospital In Facing The Spike In COVID-19 Cases Herbert Wau, Vania Amanda Tambunan, Elisabet Tampubolon, Johannes Bastira Ginting
24 [GO] International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical (IJHP) 2022―Sep―14 Analysis Of Factors Affecting Nurse Anxiety Levels In Covid-19 Patients At RSU Royal Prima Medan Naomi Grace Rezeki, Ermi Girsang, Putranto Manalu
25 [GO] International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical (IJHP) 2022―Aug―31 The Effect Of The New Normal Regulations Of The Covid-19 Pandemic On The Visist Of Patients Dental And Mouth Tarianna Ginting, Putri Yunita Pane, Dameria Dameria, Efendi S Nainggolan, Suermawati Suermawati
26 [GO] International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical (IJHP) 2022―Aug―31 Implementation of Lean Management for Covid-19 Patient Services at Hospitals in Deli Serdang Widya Y. Sihotang, Ermi Girsang, Silka I.N. Silangit, Sania A.F. Depari
27 [GO] International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical (IJHP) 2022―Aug―24 Risk Factor Analysis Of Nurse’s Depression Level Using The Beck Depression Inventory Method In The Isolation Room For Covid-19 Patients Royal Prima Medan In 2022 Vivian Leoditta Sitinjak, Ermi Girsang, Ali Napiah Nasution
28 [GO] International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences 2022―Jul―05 Health Promotion Of Covid-19 Vaccine At Health Department In Palu Sitti Murni Kaddi, Fitriani Puspa Ningsih
29 [GO] International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences 2022―Jul―05 Framing The Covid-19 Vaccine Through Social Media in Millennials (Study on Instagram Account of The Ministry of Health of The Republic of Indonesia) Nadinta Rafifah Suaib, Amri Dunan
30 [GO] International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical (IJHP) 2022―Jul―05 Analysis Of Demand For Health Insurance Business During The Indonesian Covid Pandemic Neni Rosnani, Rini Hastuti, Erlina Puspitaloka Mahadewi
31 [GO] International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences 2022―Jun―30 Policy Of Wonogiri Tourism Object Regional Technical Implementation Units In Tourism Development In The Covid-19 Pandemic Time In Wonogiri District Tri Setyawardani, Suharno Suharno, Nourma Dewi
32 [GO] International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences 2022―Jun―30 Academic Information System Management To Improve Service Quality To Students During The Covid-19 Pandemicat Universities In Jambi Province Sepryhatin Dioputra, Didin Wahidin, Yosal Iriantara, Waska Warta
33 [GO] International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences 2022―Jun―30 The Implementation Of E-Learning To Overcome Learning Loss In Covid-19 Post-Pandemic In Islamic Education At Al-Ma’arif Junior High Jombang-Jember Moh. Sahlan, Mursalim Mursalim, Khotibul Umam, Subakri Subakri
34 [GO] International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical (IJHP) 2022―May―30 Analysis of Patient Satisfaction on the Quality of Physiotherapy Services in the Pandemic Era at the SHC Rifaidwianto Ngguna, Rini Handayani
35 [GO] International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical (IJHP) 2022―May―30 Analysis Of Use Of Telemedicine Services During Pandemic In Rsia Stella Maris Medan Said Munazar Rahmat, Ermi Girsang, Maya Sari Mutia, Ali Napiah Nasution
36 [GO] International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical (IJHP) 2022―May―27 The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction PT. CAR Life Insurance During the Covid-19 Pandemic Karina Rizki Agustin, Erlina Puspitaloka Mahadewi, Ahmad Irfandi, Veza Azteria
37 [GO] International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical (IJHP) 2022―May―27 The Effect Of Risk Factors And Clinical Symptoms On Comorbid And Non-Comorbid Disease In Covid-19 Patients At Royal Prima General Hospital Medan Putri Gly De La Glory Ginting, Marlinang Isabela Silalahi, Sri Lestari Nasution
38 [GO] International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical (IJHP) 2022―May―07 The Relationship Between Knowledge and Regularity of Antenatal Care Visits During The Covid-19 Pandemic Yuni Retnowati
39 [GO] International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences 2022―May―02 Profitability And Profit Growth Of Manufacturing Companies In Indonesia During The Covid-19 Pandemic Firdausi Nuzulla, Murtianingsih Murtianingsih
40 [GO] International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences 2022―Apr―29 The Function Of Information And Communication Technology In The Teaching And Learning Process During The COVID-19 Pandemic Chontina Siahaan, Aprianer Natonis
41 [GO] International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences 2022―Apr―25 Analysis Of The Impact Of Covid-19 On The Income Of Oil Palm Farmers In Kuantan Singingi Regency Andi Alatas, Chezy WM Vermila, Jamalludin Jamalludin
42 [GO] International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences 2022―Mar―27 Impact Of Returns, Risk On Interest In Investing During The Covid-19 Pandemic Darman Saputra Darman, Julia Julia
43 [GO] International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences 2022―Mar―27 Art Learning in Pandemic For Students Of Elementary School (Case Study Students Of Inpres Elementary School of Sikumana Village in Disctrict 29th Kupang) Yosephina Katharina Sogen
44 [GO] International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical (IJHP) 2022―Feb―28 Factors Affecting The Performance of Health Officers in The Care of Covid-19 Patients at Murni Teguh Memorial Hospital Sri Lestari Ramadhani Nasution, Ermi Girsang, Chrismis Novalinda Ginting
45 [GO] International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical (IJHP) 2022―Feb―28 Factors Affecting Health Worker Anxiety in Covid-19 Prevention at Murni Teguh Memorial Hospital Sri Lestari Ramadhani Nasution, Ermi Girsang, Chrismis Novalinda Ginting
46 [GO] International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences 2022―Feb―20 Legal Policy Analysis Of Handling Covid-19 In The Perspective Of Human Rights Protection Benny Bambang Irawan, Su Roto, Sri Setiawati
47 [GO] International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences 2022―Feb―20 Implementation Of The School Literature Movement (Slm) During The Covid-19 Pandemic In Junior High School In West Java Province, Indonesia Deni Hadiansah, Sutaryat Trisnamansyah, Waska Warta, Yosal Iriantara
48 [GO] International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences 2022―Feb―20 Judges’ Consideration In Deciding The Case Of The Rejection Of A Deceased Covid-19 Victim’s Funeral In Semarang Sri Setiawati, Bambang Siswanto, Ontran Sumantri Riyanto
49 [GO] International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences 2022―Feb―20 Implementation of Sanctions for Violators of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Community Activity Restrictions Ju Hari, Sumartini Dewi, Kas Tubi
50 [GO] International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical (IJHP) 2022―Feb―08 Analysis Of Differences in Stress Levels of Nurses Working in Isolation and Non-Isolation Wards for Covid-19 In General Hospital Royal Prima Medan Stefenie
51 [GO] International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical (IJHP) 2022―Feb―07 Analyzed Psychological Impact Of An Effect Of Covid-19 On Mental Health On Health Personnel In Hospital Putri Hijau Medan Dessy Series Ulina Ginting
52 [GO] International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical (IJHP) 2022―Jan―27 Factors Affecting Treatment Compliance In Tb Patients (Tuberculosis) During Pandemic Covid-19 At Labuang Baji Makassar Hospital Imelda Appulembang, Ana Lita Luto Wujon, Dana Briggs, Maher Nasser Abdullah
53 [GO] International Journal Of Community Service 2021―Oct―01 Accompaniment On Parents In Increasing Children’s Learning Interest In The Covid-19 Pandemic M Dahlan
54 [GO] International Journal Of Community Service 2021―Oct―01 Increasing Family Awareness of COVID-19 Transmission In Vulnerable Communities Muhammad Zainal Fikri, Tri Hari Irfani, Pariyana Pariyana, Suryadi Tjekyan
55 [GO] International Journal Of Community Service 2021―Oct―01 The Accompaniment for the Making of Antiseptic Soap, Hand Sanitizers using Natural Ingredients of Lemongrass, Cymbopogon Citrates, as an Effort to Prevent COVID-19 Virus at Taklim Assembly “Active Tamaddun Community”, Palembang Mariana
56 [GO] International Journal Of Community Service 2021―Aug―30 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Training in Increasing Business Sales During the Covid-19 Pandemic Adi Lukman Hakim, Mega Barokatul Fajri, Erna Nur Faizah
57 [GO] International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences 2021―Aug―26 Challenges and Opportunities in Online Education in Sri Lanka During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Evidence from University of Kelaniya K.G.P Lakmal, J.A.L Khashunika, M.R.K.N Yatigammana
58 [GO] International Journal Of Community Service 2021―Aug―16 Legal Advocacy For Catfish Cultivation Groups As An Effort To Improve The Economy In Facing The Covid 19 Pandemic In Mojorang Agung Wondayu Village, Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia Sutrisno
59 [GO] International Journal Of Community Service 2021―Aug―13 Improved Learning of the Healthy Living Community Movement During the Pandemic for Budi Cendekia Islamic School Students Erlina Puspitaloka Mahadewi
60 [GO] International Journal Of Community Service 2021―Aug―11 An Overview of Knowledge of Traditional Medicine for Self-medication in the Community in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic Pariyana
61 [GO] International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences 2021―Jun―29 Socialization Of Prevention and Management Of Covid-19 Cianjur District Goverment Warno Warno
62 [GO] International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences 2021―Jun―29 Ways and mechanism of saving and increasing employment in the period of pandemics in Uzbekistan Ulugbek Narmanov, Narmanov Ulugbek Abdugapparovich
63 [GO] International Journal Of Community Service 2021―Jun―04 Socialization Of Clean And Healthy Living Behaviors And Screening Of Non-Communicable Diseases In Efforts To Prevent The Pandemic Covid-19 Fitriani Kahar
64 [GO] International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences 2021―Apr―30 Parent’s Role in Online Distance Learning During the Covid-19 in Sorong City, West Papua Hilman Djafar, Ruslan Rasid, Abdul Haris Panai, Abdul Kadir Husain
65 [GO] International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences 2021―Apr―30 Strenghening The Management Of Academic Quality At Primary And Medium Education In The Covid-19 Pandemic M Hadi Purnomo
66 [GO] International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences 2021―Apr―30 Designing of Web-Based Learning Media for Senior High School During The Covid-19 Pandemic Haryani Haryani, Dedi Saputra
67 [GO] International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences 2021―Apr―30 Implication Principles Of Carousel Brainstorming Strategy As An Effeciency Motivation For Improving Reading Comprehensionin Pandemic Era Syamsul Rizal, Ferri Susanto
68 [GO] International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences 2021―Apr―07 Global Trade Restrictions during Covid-19 Pandemic Riady Riady, Gia Ayu Fita, Andi Nur Fiqhi Utami, Taufik Hidayat B. Tahawa
69 [GO] International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences 2021―Apr―07 Analysis of The "Ruangguru" Application in Improving Children's Creativity in The Era of Covid 19 Pandemic A Munawwir, Dea Nerizka
70 [GO] International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences 2021―Apr―07 Reading, Encoding, Annotating, and Pondering Technique As Learning Process In Pandemic Era to Improve Reading Comprehension Stability or Students Ferri Susanto

70 Results       Page 1


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