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COVID Antworten in den wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften der Welt

Verlag: Medu Akademi

34 Ergebisse       Seite 1

  Original Artikel Journal Datum Titel Autoren Alle Autoren
1 [GO] Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology 2023―Okt―28 University Students’ Attitudes Towards Online Exam During the Pandemic: The Case of a State University in Türkiye Kürşat Arslan
2 [GO] Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology 2023―Jul―26 SEM Modelling of Coronavirus Burnout and Psychological Resilience Affecting the Attitudes of University Students towards Distance Education Atilla Bingöl, Yunus Güral
3 [GO] Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology 2023―Apr―08 Virtual Museum Experiences of Primary School Teacher Candidates During the COVID-19 Pandemic Process Mustafa Erol, Fatih Özdemir
4 [GO] Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology 2023―Apr―08 An Investigation of Students’ Preferences, Satisfaction and Performance in Online Assessment Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic in Türkiye Kürşat Arslan, Adnan Semenderoğlu, Ercan Uyanık
5 [GO] Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology 2023―Apr―08 Using ICT in the Teaching and Learning of Music in the Colleges of Education During a Pandemic Situation in Ghana Mark Valentine Aikins, Godfred Teye Mensah Akuffo
6 [GO] International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies 2023―Jan―25 The Mediating Role of Life Satisfaction in the Relationship of Coronavirus Anxiety and Social Media Addiction Mustafa Yılmaz, Özge Erduran Tekin
7 [GO] International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies 2023―Jan―25 A Study of Adult Attitudes toward Online and Face-to-Face Counseling according to Self-Concealment, Multidimensional Perceived Social Support and Certain Demographic Variables during Covid 19 Pandemic Ece Kara, Arzu Buyruk Genç
8 [GO] International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies 2022―Okt―27 Domain Specific Hope as a Predictor of Psychological Symptoms During the Covid-19 Pandemic Cemre TATLI, Yaşar ÖZBAY
9 [GO] International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies 2022―Okt―27 The Effect of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Mindfulness of Women Academics: A Qualitative Study Gülşah TAŞÇI, Şeyma GÜLDAL
10 [GO] International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies 2022―Okt―27 Examining the Learning Losses of Students in the Covid-19 Process According to Teachers’ Opinions Fehmi DEMİR, Faysal ÖZDAŞ, Mürşet ÇAKMAK
11 [GO] International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies 2022―Okt―27 Investigation of the Reflections of the Pandemic Process on Early Childhood Education by Taking the Opinions of Teachers and Parents Dila YAZICI, Nilüfer YÜKSEL
12 [GO] Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology 2022―Jun―14 The informative use of Twitter during the Covid-19 Pandemia in Turkey Vesile Gül Başer Gülsoy, Neşe Sevim Çırak, Osman EROL
13 [GO] International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies 2022―Jun―14 The Mediating Role of Resilience and Personality Traits in the Relationship between Social Isolation and Psychological Well-Being in the COVID-19 Pandemic Ahmet SAPANCI
14 [GO] International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies 2022―Jun―14 A Case Study on Online Teaching during the Covid-19 Pandemic Perceived by Primary School Teachers Mehmet Hayri SARI
15 [GO] International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies 2022―Mai―22 The Effect of Teachers' Cognitive Flexibility on Attitudes towards Compulsory Distance Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic FATMANUR �ZEN, Adem Sel�uk ���nc�
16 [GO] Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology 2022―Mrz―06 Evaluation of the Distance Education Process based on Teachers’ Opinions during the Covıd-19 Pandemic Zeki Öğdem, Emre Sönmez
17 [GO] International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies 2021―Dez―07 Self-blame Regret, Fear of COVID-19 and Mental Health During Post-Peak Pandemic Hacer BELEN
18 [GO] International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies 2021―Okt―24 The Relationship between the Attitude Towards Socioscientific Issues and Views on COVID-19 and Vaccine Muhammed SALMAN, Adem YILMAZ
19 [GO] International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies 2021―Okt―24 Predictiveness of Covid-19 Anxiety and Emotion Regulation on Sleep Quality: The Moderator Effect of Gender İsmail YELPAZE
20 [GO] International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies 2021―Okt―24 The Impacts of Propensity to Worry and Fear of COVID-19 on Mental Health of University Students Hacer BELEN
21 [GO] International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies 2021―Okt―24 The Psychological Impact of Covid-19 on University Students: Their Expectations of Mental Health Professionals M.Siyabend KAYA, Yavuz KOŞAN
23 [GO] International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies 2021―Okt―24 Parental Views on the Lives of Preschool Children in the Covid-19 Pandemic Process Emel ARSLAN, Canan YILDIZ ÇİÇEKLER, Merve TEMEL
24 [GO] International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies 2021―Okt―24 Beyond COVID-19 Pandemic: How Did Interaction Balances Change Between Children and Caregivers Abdulhamit KARADEMİR
25 [GO] International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies 2021―Okt―24 The COVID-19 Pandemic: The Experiences of Children Aged 11-14 Years in Turkey Ayşegül ERÇEVİK, Gamze MUKBA
26 [GO] International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies 2021―Okt―24 COVID-19 Salgın Sürecinin Okul Yöneticisi ve Öğretmenlerin Tükenmişlik Düzeyine Etkisi Semiha BÜYÜKADA, Gülenay Nagihan KILIÇ, İbrahim KOCABAŞ, Aydın KARABAY
27 [GO] International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies 2021―Okt―24 Coronavirus Stress and Resilience: Exploring the Role of Hope and Meaning in in Life Undergraduate Students Abdullah MERT, Gökmen ARSLAN, Özlem TAGAY
28 [GO] International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies 2021―Okt―24 Metaphorical Perceptions About Being A Teacher in Turkey During The Pandemic Period Sevilay YILDIZ
29 [GO] International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies 2021―Jul―27 Examining the Relationship between the Fear of COVID-19, Resilience and Religion Yunus ALTUNDAĞ, Sümeyye ALTUNDAĞ
30 [GO] International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies 2021―Jul―27 Validity and Reliability of the Solidarity in Pandemics Scale Müge ULUMAN MERT, Derya ERYİĞİT, Emine Burcu TUNÇ, Simel PARLAK
31 [GO] International Journal of Psychology and Education Studies 2021―Jul―25 The Online Learning Academic Achievement of Chinese Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic: the Role of Self-Regulated Learning and Academic Entitlement Yan DAI, Xi LIN, Shu SU, Li LI
32 [GO] International Journal of Psychology and Education Studies 2021―Jun―27 Science Teachers’ Argument Types and Supporting Reasons on Socioscientific Issues: COVID-19 Pandemic Nejla ATABEY
33 [GO] Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology 2021―Jun―27 School Administrators' Views on Distance Education during the Covid-19 Pandemic Process Muhammed ZİNCİRLİ
34 [GO] International Journal of Psychology and Education Studies 2021―Jun―27 Being a Female Domestic Worker During the Pandemic Period from the Hope Perspective Çiğdem DEMİR ÇELEBİ

34 Ergebisse       Seite 1


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