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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: The International Centre for Trade Union Rights ICTUR

12 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors All Authors
1 [GO] International Union Rights 2021―Aug―09 Bargaining, representation and organising in the Pandemic: Experience from the Financial Services Union Cullinane
2 [GO] International Union Rights 2021―Feb―02 A Neoliberal Pandemic in Asia Lappin
3 [GO] International Union Rights 2020―Oct―23 Responding to the Failures of Labour Law Exposed by Covid-19 Ewing
4 [GO] International Union Rights 2020―Oct―23 Covid-19 - Call Centre Workers and Health-Safety, Union Challenges and Organisation Taylor
5 [GO] International Union Rights 2020―Oct―23 ‘Just because you don't see your boss, doesn't mean you don't have a boss’: Covid-19 and Gig Worker Strikes across Latin America Howson
6 [GO] International Union Rights 2020―Oct―23 Editorial: Impacts of Covid-19 on Work and the Challenge for Union Rights Blackburn
7 [GO] International Union Rights 2020―Oct―23 The Pandemic Has Hit a World Which Was Already in Deep Trouble Burrow
8 [GO] International Union Rights 2020―Oct―23 The Swedish model and the pandemic: trust, trade union rights and collective self-regulation Ståhl
9 [GO] International Union Rights 2020―Jul―09 Keeping public transport workers safe from Covid-19 Dave
10 [GO] International Union Rights 2020―Jul―09 Workers seek Covid-19 protection on plantations already racked by closures and unemployment Lievens
11 [GO] International Union Rights 2020―Jul―09 Lessons to learn: education and the pandemic Roach
12 [GO] International Union Rights 2020―Jul―09 Trade Union Rights During the Pandemic: Urgent for Health and Frontline Public Workers Aye

12 Results       Page 1


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