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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: National Medical Research Center For Rehabilitation And Balneology

33 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors All Authors
1 [GO] Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine 2023―Dec―25 Audiovisual Stimulation and Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy Complex Application in the Rehabilitation of Patients with Long COVID: a Prospective Randomized Study Olga I. Odarushchenko, Mariana A. Ansokova, Larisa A. Marchenkova, Olga V. Yurova, Anatoliy D. Fesyun
2 [GO] Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine 2023―Nov―30 Rehabilitation of Adult Patients with Pulmonological Manifestations of Long COVID: a Review Irina A. Grishechkina, Marianna A. Ansokova, Larisa A. Marchenkova, Olga V. Yurova, Anatoliy D. Fesyun
3 [GO] Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine 2023―Sep―25 The Effect of Mechanotherapy and Virtual Reality on Cardiovascular Activity and the Severity of Shortness of Breath in Patients with Post COVID-19 Syndrome: A Prospective Randomized Study Maryana A. Ansokova, Larisa A. Marchenkova, Olga V. Yurova, Anatoliy D. Fesyun, Tatyana A. Knyazeva, Alexey A. Vershinin
4 [GO] Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine 2023―May―16 Health Resort Medicine Development in Perm Krai before and after COVID-19 Pandemic: a Retrospective Study Matvei S. Oborin, Eugeniy V. Vladimirsky
5 [GO] Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine 2023―Jan―11 Remote Rehabilitation System for Patients after COVID-19 in Tyumen Region: a Prospective Comparative Randomized Study of 100 Patients Elena F. Turovinina, Alexey G. Nemkov, Lyudmila L. Barsukova, Olga V. Andreeva, Tatiana I. Kutergina, Irina V. Elfimova
6 [GO] Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine 2023―Jan―11 Lungs Ultrasound in SARS-Cov-2 Diagnostics: a Prospective Comparative Study of 30 Patients with COVID-19 Pneumonia Svetlana A. Rachina, Daria A. Strelkova, Flora E. Cabello Montoya, Olga T. Zorya, Ayten F. Safarova, Olga V. Aryutina, et al. (+2)
7 [GO] Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine 2023―Jan―11 Rehabilitation Programs Effectiveness Model: a Retrospective Comparative Study of Patients with Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome Irina A. Grishechkina, Andrey A. Lobanov, Sergey V. Andronov, Andrey I. Popov, Mikhail V. Nikitin, Marina V. Terentiyeva
8 [GO] Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine 2022―Nov―28 Health Resort Treatment for COVID-19 Patients: a Review Maria S. Petrova, Maya A. Khan
9 [GO] Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine 2022―Nov―28 Physical Rehabilitation in the System of Remedial Treatment of Patients after COVID-19: a Review Maria S. Petrova, Maya A. Khan, Natalya A. Mikitchenko
10 [GO] Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine 2022―Nov―28 Coronavirus Infection in a Child of the First Year of Life: a Case Report Nailya R. Nailya R. Hafizova, Dinara R. Merzlyakova, Natalia A. Druzhinina, Galina P. Shiryaeva, Tatiana B. Khayretdinova, Liliya R. Imaeva, et al. (+3)
11 [GO] Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine 2022―Nov―24 Use of Karmolis® DROPS in Comprehensive Rehabilitation after COVID-19 Maxim S. Filippov, Gleb M. Lutokhin, Svetlana A. Morozova, Pavel B. Novikov, Alexey M. Shchikota, Elena A. Turova
12 [GO] Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine 2022―Nov―24 Drug-Free Therapy of Lipid Metabolism in Patients with Cardiovascular Pathology, after COVID-19, in Course of Aftertreatment (Rehabilitation) in Sanatorium Conditions Natalya G. Kulikova, Vera S. Vinzhegina, Tinatin B. Chkheidze, Anna A. Kolodeznikova, Albina S. Tkachenko
13 [GO] Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine 2022―Nov―24 Use of Probiotics in Treatment and Rehabilitation of Patients after a New Coronavirus Infection Pavel A. Markov, Irina S. Kudryashova, Petr S. Eremin, Elena Yu. Kostromina, Ilmira R. Gilmutdinova, Andrey P. Rachin
14 [GO] Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine 2022―Nov―24 Effectiveness of Medical Rehabilitation of Patients after a New Coronavirus Infection in a Day Hospital Irina E. Mishina, Yulia V. Chistyakova, Eugenia V. Pchelintseva, Irina V. Mitryaeva, Svetlana O. Fokicheva, Elena V. Berezina, Denis S. Bendin
15 [GO] Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine 2022―Nov―24 Investigation of the Effectiveness and Safety of the Rehabilitation Program for Patients with Long Covid Using Aquatic Training Andrey A. Lobanov, Irina A. Grishechkina, Anatoliy D. Fesyun, Andrey P. Rachin, Maxim Yu. Yakovlev, Sergey V. Andronov, et al. (+6)
16 [GO] Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine 2022―May―30 Experience in the Use of Physical Factors in the Rehabilitation of Patients after Pneumonia Associated with COVID-19 Detelina B. Kulchitskaya, Anatoliy D. Fesyun, Alexander S. Samoylov, Svetlana N. Kolbakhova
17 [GO] Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine 2021―Dec―06 Experience of Outpatient Rehabilitation of Patients after Pneumonia Associated with the New Coronavirus Infection COVID-19 Irina A. Nesina, Elena A. Golovko, Alexander V. Shakula, Natalia N. Figurenko, Irina G. Zhilina, Tatiana N. Khomchenko, et al. (+3)
18 [GO] Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine 2021―Nov―15 Medical Rehabilitation of Children after a New Coronavirus Infection COVID-19 Maria S. Petrova, Maya A. Khan
19 [GO] Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine 2021―Jul―21 Rehabilitation of Patients with Severe Disability after coVID-19 in Rehabilitation Department. Multiple Case Study Vladimir E. Vladimirsky, Evgeniy V. Vladimirsky, Anna N. Lunina, Anatoliy D. Fesyun, Andrey P. Rachin, Olga D. Lebedeva, Maxim Yu. Yakovlev
20 [GO] Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine 2021―Mar―11 Application of Reflexotherapy Methods in Patients Rehabilitation after New Coronavirus Infection - Covid-19 Rezeda A. Bodrova, Guzel M. Karimova, Victoria V. Polunina
21 [GO] Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine 2021―Mar―11 Regional Organization of the Rehabilitation Service in Coronavirus Epidemic Iuly Treger, Lena Lutsky Treger
22 [GO] Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine 2020―Dec―28 Features of Providing Psychological Assistance to Relatives of Patients in an Infectious Hospital when Working with COVID-19 A.D. Aizenshtein, D.D. Volovik, R.A. Abdurakhmanov, I.A. Kirova, A.A. Korneeva, M.N. Gordeev, et al. (+2)
23 [GO] Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine 2020―Dec―28 Ozone Therapy in Patients with the New Coronavirus Infection COVID-19 E.V. Hammad, I.G. Nikitin, K.V. Fedorova
24 [GO] Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine 2020―Dec―28 New Tasks for Medical Robotics in Rehabilitation and Hospital Services in a Pandemic Time - New Solutions: a Concept Model of an Autonomous Multifunctional Robot «Helper» S.V. Shushardzhan, N.B. Pechenov, T. Allik, N.I. Eremina, R.S. Shushardzhan
25 [GO] Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine 2020―Oct―15 Ischemic Stroke as a Clinical Form and Pathogenetic Model in the Structure of Сentral Nervous System Lesions in COVID-19 I.A. Voznyuk, O.M. Ilyina, S.V. Kolomentsev
26 [GO] Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine 2020―Oct―15 Psychological Assistance to Health Care Workers in the Conditions of Re-Profiling the Federal Hospital to Treat Patients with COVID-19 M.A. Shurupova, R.A. Abdurahmanov, L.I. Esejkina, T.V. Kutejnikova, D.A. Popova, E.S. Pchelinceva, et al. (+5)
27 [GO] Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine 2020―Oct―15 Lung Pathology in Patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Associated with the Novel SARS-Cov-2 Virus J. Barberán, G. Ortiz, P. Cardinal-Fernández
28 [GO] Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine 2020―Aug―20 The effects of balneotherapy on human immune gunction: should baths and mud applications have a role during covid-19 pandemic? M.C. Maccarone, G. Magro, U. Solimene, S. Masiero
29 [GO] Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine 2020―Aug―20 Medical rehabilitation for coronavirus infection: new challenges for physical and rehabilitation medicine in Russia A.A. Shmonin, M.N. Maltseva, E.V. Melnikova, I.E. Mishina, G.E. Ivanova
30 [GO] Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine 2020―Aug―13 Comparative analysis of the level of situational and personal anxiety of medical workers and other population groups in a pandemic of a new coronavirus infection - covid-19 O.I. Odarushenko, A.A. Kuzyukova, S.M. Eremushkina
31 [GO] Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine 2020―Aug―13 Assistance to patients with behavioral and psychological problems receiving treatment for coronavirus infection (covid - 2019) in a pandemic M.N. Maltseva, A.A. Shmonin, E.V. Melnikova, G.E. Ivanova
32 [GO] Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine 2020―Jul―14 Acidosis and toxic hemolysis - goals of pathogenetictreatment of polyorgan pathology in COVID-19 A.N. Lodyagin, B.V. Batotsyrenov, I.A. Shikalova, I.A. Voznyuk
33 [GO] Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine 2020―Jul―14 Challenges and approaches to medical rehabilitation of patients with COVID-19 complications A.D. Fesyun, A.A. Lobanov, A.P. Rachin, M.Y. Yakovlev, S.V. Andronov, T.V. Konchugova, et al. (+6)

33 Results       Page 1


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