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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: Az-buki National Publishing House

47 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors All Authors
1 [GO] Pedagogika-Pedagogy 2024―Jun―16 Impact of COVID-19 Confinement on Anthropometric and Fitness Features of University Students Cristiana Lucretia Pop
2 [GO] Pedagogika-Pedagogy 2024―Jun―16 Online Teaching and COVID-19 era: Positive Experience Regarding Health-Education and Psychological Competencies of Education Students in the Context of Global Burden Danijela Petrovic, Mia Maric
3 [GO] Strategies for Policy in Science and Education-Strategii na Obrazovatelnata i Nauchnata Politika 2024―Jun―14 Development of the Information Society and Integration of Digital Tools in the Educational Process during a Pandemic - Problems and Challenges Iskrena Dimitrova
4 [GO] Bulgarski Ezik i Literatura-Bulgarian Language and Literature 2024―Jun―10 Communication Strategies in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic Gergana Dacheva
5 [GO] Pedagogika-Pedagogy 2024―Mar―29 Educational (Trans)Formations after COVID-19 - Changes and Opportunities Mariya Aleksieva
6 [GO] Pedagogika-Pedagogy 2024―Mar―29 A Study of Online Courses Outcomes and Gamification Approach Application among Engineering Students during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic Veselina Jecheva
7 [GO] Vocational Education 2024―Jan―09 Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Physical Condition of Children Ognyan Komitov
8 [GO] Natural Science and Advanced Technology Education 2023―Dec―29 Modelling the Impact of Vaccination on the Transmission Dynamics of COVID-19 in the Presence of Environmental Factor Deborah Daniel, Shola Akinboboye
9 [GO] Natural Science and Advanced Technology Education 2023―Dec―29 Integrating Primary Source Analysis in Remote Teaching of Earth and Environmental Science During the COVID-19 Pandemic Irina Kopteva
10 [GO] Vocational Education 2023―Sep―25 Impact of COVID-19 on the Structure of Morning Shows in Bulgaria in Period 2020 - 2023 Maria Konstantinova
11 [GO] Pedagogika-Pedagogy 2023―Sep―18 “Children's Rights in Pandemic Times?” - Germany's Handling of Children's Rights during the Pandemic Put to the Test Maike Nadar
12 [GO] Pedagogika-Pedagogy 2023―May―14 A Comparative Analysis of the Attitudes of University Lecturers and Students towards the Distance Learning Platform Moodle in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic Veselina Valkanova, Andreana Eftimova, Maya Stoyanova, Yordan Karapenchev
13 [GO] Pedagogika-Pedagogy 2023―Apr―11 Burnout, Boreout and Mobbing Experienced by Teachers in Kindergartens and Schools in the Conditions of COVID-19 Мargarita Bakracheva, Yanka Totseva
14 [GO] Vocational Education 2023―Apr―06 Bulgarian Tourism in the Conditions of COVID-19 and after It Ivan Bonev
15 [GO] Strategies for Policy in Science and Education-Strategii na Obrazovatelnata i Nauchnata Politika 2023―Feb―24 The New Pandemic Normal through the Eyes of Bulgarian Students Vyara Stoilova, Todorka Kineva
16 [GO] Vocational Education 2023―Jan―06 Study of the Attitude of Sofia University Students to the Study of Tennis after the Covid Pandemic Evgeni Yordanov
17 [GO] Natural Science and Advanced Technology Education 2023―Jan―03 Meteorological Determinants of Covid-19 Disease: A Literature Review Zoya Mateeva, Ekaterina Batchvarova, Zornitsa Spasova, Ivan Ivanov, Boris Kazakov, Simeon Matev, et al. (+2)
18 [GO] Pedagogika-Pedagogy 2022―Dec―13 Опитът в електронното обучение на студенти и преподаватели като фактор за формиране на отношения и нагласи към неговите възможности и ограничения (уроци от пандемията COVID-19) Roumiana Peytcheva-Forsyth, Lyubka Aleksieva
19 [GO] Pedagogika-Pedagogy 2022―Nov―16 Identifying students’ level of psychological well-being amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic Aislu Akisheva
20 [GO] Pedagogika-Pedagogy 2022―Nov―16 Digital Competences and Educational Inequalities in European Contex as a Consequence of an Accelerated Shift to Distance E-learning in the COVID-19 Pandemic Roumiana Peytcheva-Forsyth, Bistra Mizova, Galin Tsokov
21 [GO] Strategies for Policy in Science and Education-Strategii na Obrazovatelnata i Nauchnata Politika 2022―Aug―16 Success Rate of the Students of National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski” in the Conditions of the COVID-19 Pandemic Ognyan Miladinov, Milena Kuleva, Mihail Konchev
22 [GO] Chuzhdoezikovo Obuchenie-Foreign Language Teaching 2022―May―31 Speech Strategies and the Covid-19 Pandemic Gergana Dacheva
23 [GO] Pedagogika-Pedagogy 2022―May―23 Нагласи на студенти за произхода на вируса, причиняващ COVID-19, и ваксинирането срещу него Valeri Stoyanov
24 [GO] Strategies for Policy in Science and Education-Strategii na Obrazovatelnata i Nauchnata Politika 2022―May―09 A Study of the Pedagogy Students’ Perceptions toward Online Courses’ Quality during the COVID-19 Pandemic Svetlana Angelova, Evgeniya Topolska
25 [GO] Strategies for Policy in Science and Education-Strategii na Obrazovatelnata i Nauchnata Politika 2022―May―09 Challenges for Education in Bulgaria through the Prism of the Labor Market in the Context of the Influence of the Epidemiological Situation Related to COVID-19] Dobrinka Stoyanova, Blaga Madzhurova, Stefan Raychev
26 [GO] Pedagogika-Pedagogy 2022―May―03 Features Of The Formation Of The “Self” Concept Of Students Using Digital Technologies During The Covid-19 Pandemic Berik Matayev, Kadisha Shalgynbayeva, Zaru Kulsharipova
27 [GO] Pedagogika-Pedagogy 2022―May―03 Teaching in the Digital Age During the Covid-19 Pandemic Madeleine Danova, Danail Danov
28 [GO] Pedagogika-Pedagogy 2022―May―03 Academic Cooperation and Mobility: In the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic Maria Stoicheva
29 [GO] Pedagogika-Pedagogy 2022―May―03 Digital transformation catalyzed by COVID-19 pandemic: challenges and solutions Eliza Stefanova
30 [GO] Pedagogika-Pedagogy 2022―May―03 Distance Learning In The Context Of The Covid-19 Pandemics Baktybek Keldibekov, Shailoobek Karagulov
31 [GO] Pedagogika-Pedagogy 2022―May―03 Teaching English Pronunciation During The Covid Pandemic Snezhina Dimitrova
32 [GO] Pedagogika-Pedagogy 2022―Feb―17 Приложение на образователни подкасти в професионалната подготовка на бъдещи учители по биология (В условията на епидемична обстановка, причинена от COVID-19) Ася Асенова
33 [GO] Natural Science and Advanced Technology Education 2021―Dec―31 Mutations and Variants of SARS-CoV-2, the Coronavirus Causing COVID-19 Luchezar Karagyozov
34 [GO] Mathematics and Informatics 2021―Dec―31 E-Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic: An Empirical Research Margarita Gocheva, Nikolay Kasakliev, Elena Somova
35 [GO] Strategies for Policy in Science and Education-Strategii na Obrazovatelnata i Nauchnata Politika 2021―Dec―17 Bulgarian Parents’ Attitudes to Literacy Activities Through Digital Devices and Relevant Sociodemographic Factors at The Beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic Katerina Shtereva, Sonya Karabeliova
36 [GO] Strategies for Policy in Science and Education-Strategii na Obrazovatelnata i Nauchnata Politika 2021―Oct―27 Online Training in Higher Education: an Alternative during COVID-19. Strengths and Weaknesses of Online Training Veselina R. Ivanova
37 [GO] Pedagogika-Pedagogy 2021―Oct―26 Awareness and Personal Perceptions of Covid-19 in 6 - 7-Year Old Children after a Period of Social Isolation
38 [GO] Strategies for Policy in Science and Education-Strategii na Obrazovatelnata i Nauchnata Politika 2021―Oct―25 Higher Education in a Pandemic: Global Implications Based on a Case Study from Bulgaria Albena Stefanova, Georgi Zabunov
39 [GO] Strategies for Policy in Science and Education-Strategii na Obrazovatelnata i Nauchnata Politika 2021―Oct―15 Live through of the Students in the Conditions of Pandemic of Covid - 19 Valeri Stoyanov
40 [GO] Strategies for Policy in Science and Education-Strategii na Obrazovatelnata i Nauchnata Politika 2021―Oct―10 Mixed Distant Learning in Pandemic Waves Marina Kurbakova
41 [GO] Pedagogika-Pedagogy 2021―Oct―04 Influence Of Optimism Upon The Accumulation Of Stress, Mental State And Perceived Risks For The Future Of Students, In The Conditions Of Covid-19 Pandemic Valeri Stoyanov
42 [GO] Pedagogika-Pedagogy 2021―Oct―04 On Education And Training In Maritime Communications And The Gmdss During The Covid-19 Chavdar Alexandrov, Grozdyu Grozev, Georgi Dimitrov, Avgustin Hristov
43 [GO] Strategies for Policy in Science and Education-Strategii na Obrazovatelnata i Nauchnata Politika 2021―Sep―30 Extracurricular activities in physical education and sports at school in the Covid-19 conditions Mariana Borukova, Milena Kuleva
44 [GO] Strategies for Policy in Science and Education-Strategii na Obrazovatelnata i Nauchnata Politika 2021―Sep―30 Psychological capital, need for security, coping strategies of sports students in conditions of covid-19 Tatiana Iancheva
45 [GO] Strategies for Policy in Science and Education-Strategii na Obrazovatelnata i Nauchnata Politika 2021―Sep―30 Impact of lockdown on the training process and ranking in taekwondo itf competitions during a pandemic Silvia Ilieva-Sinigerova
46 [GO] Pedagogika-Pedagogy 2021―Sep―24 Traditional Vs Online Education In The Maritime Training System Under Covid-19 Pandemic: Comparative Analysis Alona Leshchenko, Olena Bezlutska
47 [GO] Chuzhdoezikovo Obuchenie-Foreign Language Teaching 2021―Sep―21 Students’ Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Online Distance Language Teaching in Higher Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic Denitza Charkova, Elena Somova

47 Results       Page 1


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