original article |
Journal |
Date |
Title |
Authors All Authors |
1 |
[GO] |
The Social Perspective Journal |
2022―Jan―17 |
Bilqis Salsabila S. Safa, Dirgantara Wicaksono |
2 |
[GO] |
The Social Perspective Journal |
2022―Jan―17 |
Andry Priharta, Nur Asni Gani, Medo Maulianza, Rony Edward Utama |
3 |
[GO] |
Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding |
2021―Dec―02 |
Factors Related to Behavior Handwashing Using Primary-School-Age Children's Soap on Rt's Covid-19 Pandemic. 008/Rw. 007 Bananas, Ciputat Timur in 2021 |
Leandra Binar Ilyasa, Andriyani Asmuni, Nur Romdhona, Ernyasih Ernyasih |
4 |
[GO] |
Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding |
2021―Dec―02 |
Analysis of Factors Related to Patient Loyalty During The Covid-19 Pandemic at The Ciasmara Health Center in 2021 |
Diah Setyawati |
5 |
[GO] |
Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding |
2021―Dec―02 |
Determinant of Covid-19 Prevention Behavior in The Community in Pamulang, South Tangerang in 2021 |
Munaya Fauziah Fauziah, Oswin Yohsa Ibrahim, Nur Romdhona, Ernyasih Ernyasih |
6 |
[GO] |
Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding |
2021―Nov―29 |
Strategic Government for Handling Pandemic Covid-19 in Indonesia |
Rd Nurizki Abriyanti |
7 |
[GO] |
Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding |
2021―Nov―29 |
Government Effort in Preventing The Spread of Covid-19 in Indonesia |
Ratnawati Ratnawati |
8 |
[GO] |
Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding |
2021―Nov―29 |
Factors Related to Symptoms in Patients Suspect Covid-19 in The Public Health Center Kebayoran Baru in March - June 2020 |
Tri Wahyuni, Suherman Suherman, Nazarwin Saputra, Istianah Surury |
9 |
[GO] |
Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding |
2021―Nov―29 |
The Role of The Community in Handling The Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia |
Abdul Rohim |
10 |
[GO] |
Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding |
2021―Nov―29 |
Characteristic People With Hypertension in Yogyakarta Special Region During The First Year of Covid-19 Pandemics |
Rokhmayanti Rokhmayanti, Sulistyawati Sulistyawati, Budi Aji, Siwi Pramatama Mars Wijayanti, Ummul Khair |
11 |
[GO] |
Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding |
2021―Nov―29 |
Negative Stigma of Society Towards Covid-19 Patients |
Gherice E Serumena, Dewi Purnamawati |
12 |
[GO] |
Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding |
2021―Nov―29 |
The Relationship Of Covid-19 Prevention Behavior With Quality of Life in Mutihan, RT 05, Wirokerten Village, Banguntapan Bantul, Yogyakarta Year 2020 |
Zulchaidir K Lewenussa |
13 |
[GO] |
Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding |
2021―Nov―29 |
Impact of Stigma and Community Behavior on Covid-19 Survivors: Literature Review |
Ratih Suryandari |
14 |
[GO] |
Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding |
2021―Nov―29 |
Community Acceptance of The Covid-19 Vaccination Based on Health Behavior Theory (Health Belief Model and Theory of Planned Behavior) |
Fitrijaningsih Fitrijaningsih |
15 |
[GO] |
Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding |
2021―Nov―29 |
Knocking The Door Strategies to Increase Covid-19 Vaccination Coverage for The Elderly in The Work Area of UPTD Puskesmas Bogor Tengah |
Karina Amalia |
16 |
[GO] |
Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding |
2021―Nov―29 |
Description of Patient Opinion About Covid-19 Vaccine at Al Mulk Hospital, Sukabumi City Year 2021 |
Fety Lies Priyanti |
17 |
[GO] |
Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding |
2021―Nov―29 |
Public Knowledge Regarding Coronavirus Disease 19 |
Tegar Wahyu Priambodo |
18 |
[GO] |
Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding |
2021―Nov―29 |
Literature Review: Implementation of Posyandu Post-Covid-19 Pandemic Entering The New Normal |
Shiva Nabilah |
19 |
[GO] |
Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding |
2021―Nov―29 |
Analysis of Stress Events in Students of The Faculty of Public Health, Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta in Online Learning During The Covid19 Pandemic in 2021 |
Ari Laras, Alifya Fitri Ananda, Alvi Fauzia, Astri Maretta, Munaya Fauziah |
20 |
[GO] |
Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding |
2021―Nov―21 |
Differences in The Proportion of Factors Related to Occupational Stress on Inspired Nurses During The Covid-19 Draw at Islamic Hospital in Jakarta Pondok Kopi in 2021 |
Astri Ulistrianingsih, Munaya Fauziah, Triana Srisantyorini |
21 |
[GO] |
Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding |
2021―Nov―21 |
Implementation of Occupational Safety and Health in Health Facilities in The Prevention of COVID-19 in Bogor Regency |
Novita Ridha Amelia, Dewi Purnamawati |
22 |
[GO] |
Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding |
2021―Nov―21 |
Compliance With The Use of Personal Protective Equipment Against The Transmission of Covid-19 in Medical Personnel |
Sesilia Sesilia Fransiska, Dewi Purnamawati |
23 |
[GO] |
Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding |
2021―Nov―21 |
Description of Coffee Consumption Patterns at The Productive Age in The Times Covid-19 Pandemic |
Dwita Meylina Nur Aisyah, Farah Nurul Basma, Hanifah Sekar Wulandari, Munaya Fauziah |
24 |
[GO] |
Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding |
2021―Nov―21 |
Overview of Stress Levels Factors in Students During Online Learning During The Covid-19 Pandemic in 2021 |
Lia Ambarwati, Festia Dwi Cahyani, Fitri Rahmaningsih, Hilda Nurul Fadillah, Munaya Fauziah |
25 |
[GO] |
Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding |
2021―Nov―21 |
Immunization Visit Delay in Children Aged 0-24 Months During The Covid-19 Pandemic in Greater Jakarta |
Istianah Surury, Siti Riptifah Tri Handari |
26 |
[GO] |
Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding |
2021―Nov―21 |
Description of Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (PHBS) With Hand Washing With Soap During The Covid-19 Pandemic in South Tangerang City in 2021 |
Ghina Syania Zahirah, Hilda Mutiah, Klarysa Klarysa, Mutiara Ramadhani Putri, Munaya Fauziah |
27 |
[GO] |
Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding |
2021―Nov―21 |
Characteristics of Refill Drinking Water Depot and Bacteriology Evaluation in Covid-19 Period |
Herniwanti, Herniwanti, Endang Purnawati Rahayu, Yen Purwawinata Mohan |
28 |
[GO] |
Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding |
2021―Nov―19 |
Participation Rate of Employees of RS X In The Covid-19 Vaccination Program to Break The Chain The Spread of Covid-19 |
Kristianto Kristianto |
29 |
[GO] |
Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding |
2021―Nov―19 |
Willingness of Indonesian Public on The Vaccination Programme as an Effort to Prevent Covid-19 |
Herza Olivina |
30 |
[GO] |
Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding |
2021―Nov―19 |
Implementation of Government Policies in Pandemic Management Covid-19 in Indonesia |
Hasriani Timung |
31 |
[GO] |
Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding |
2021―Nov―19 |
Improving Body Immunity by Sporting Activities During the Covid-19 Pandemic |
Lydia Meilani |
32 |
[GO] |
Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding |
2021―Nov―19 |
Implementation of Tbc Management Programs at Rawa Buntu Public Health Center City of Tangerang Selatan During The Covid-19 Pandemic in 2021 |
Zulva Nur Rizqy Amalia, Amira Mhuthia Adila, Zahro Mufida |
33 |
[GO] |
Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding |
2021―Nov―19 |
Implementation of Government Policies to Handling The Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia |
Tivalen Dwirara Anggraini |
34 |
[GO] |
Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding |
2021―Nov―19 |
The Role of The Community in Combating The Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia |
Djufri Nurachman, Goddess Purnamawati |
35 |
[GO] |
Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding |
2021―Nov―19 |
Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Food Consumption in Indonesia |
Amalia Zaida |
36 |
[GO] |
Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding |
2021―Nov―19 |
Covid-19 Pandemic’s Impact on Mental Health |
Thalia Audina |
37 |
[GO] |
Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding |
2021―Nov―19 |
Analysis of Covid-19 Vaccination Coverage in The Elderly in The Work Area of Cijayanti Puskesmas |
Fitria Istina Dewi |
38 |
[GO] |
Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding |
2021―Nov―19 |
An Analysis on the Implementation for Covid-19 Vaccine Program in Bogor City Indonesia |
Dessy Yuliarty |
39 |
[GO] |
Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding |
2021―Nov―19 |
Prevention of The Spread of The Covid-19 Virus |
Maya Aprilia |
40 |
[GO] |
Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Proceeding |
2021―Nov―19 |
Impact of The Covid -19 Pandemic on Mental Health in Society |
Any Sulistyaningsih |
41 |
[GO] |
Perspektif |
2021―Oct―31 |
Alvino Garnida |
42 |
[GO] |
Perspektif |
2021―Oct―31 |
Muhammad Rafi Athallah Mewar |