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COVID Antworten in den wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften der Welt

Verlag: RosNOU

98 Ergebisse       Seite 1

  Original Artikel Journal Datum Titel Autoren Alle Autoren
1 [GO] Vestnik of Russian New University Series "Man in the modern world" 2023―Sep―12 BLENDED LEARNING OPTIONS IN POST PANDEMIC Е.А. Проценко, Т.А. Гольцова, Ю.Е. Павлова, М.А. Живокина
2 [GO] Vestnik of Russian New University Series «Complex systems models analysis management» 2023―Sep―04 Methodology for identifying and tracking social media misinformation in tweets about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on reproductive health О.В. Золотарев, А.Х. Хакимова, Ш. Агравал, С.К. Джейн, С. Каушал
3 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2023―Jun―06 Features of the course of Covid-19 infection in children I.K. Nakhusheva, D.O. Yurchenko, M.M. Sviridova, N.K. Dzhgarkava, M.V. Yarosh, Y.E. Emets
4 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2023―Apr―28 Inflammatory Marker Variations in Predicting Deaths in COVID-19 R. Jain, V. Saini, A. Rawat, D. Bisht
5 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2023―Apr―28 A study on prevalence of anxiety during the pandemic and post pandemic of covid-19 among adult population of district Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh A. Singh, N. Jetli, K. Chaudhary, P. Katara
6 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2023―Apr―28 Analysis and Comparison for Innovative Prediction Technique of COVID-19 using Support Vector Machine over Neural Network algorithm with Improved Accuracy G.V.S. Charan, N.S. Kumar
7 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2023―Apr―28 Analysis and Comparison for Innovative Prediction of COVID-19 using Logistic Regression Algorithm over the Decision Tree Algorithm with Improved Accuracy G.V.S. Charan, N.S. Kumar
8 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2023―Apr―28 Analysis and Comparison for Innovative Prediction Technique of COVID-19 using Decision Tree Algorithm over the Support Vector Machine Algorithm with Improved Accuracy G.V.S. Charan, N.S. Kumar
9 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2023―Apr―28 Factors Influencing Customer Grocery Shopping Behaviour Amid Covid-19 Pandemic W.A. Rushi, V. Pradhan
10 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2023―Apr―28 Covid-19: throttling the fear and embracing the science of prevention D.S. Khismatrao
11 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2023―Apr―28 Work-Life Balance Among the IT Professionals During Covid-19 M. Mazumdar, J. Chitranshi
12 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2023―Apr―28 Impact On Climate Due to Suspension of Passenger Flights as A Covid-19 Preventive M V. Srinivasakumar, K. Bhagwat
13 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2023―Apr―28 COVID-19 Impacts On Indian Economy And Technology S. Lende, S. Pillai
14 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2023―Apr―28 Impact of COVID-19 on Sports Industry R. Mishra, S. Pillai
15 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2023―Apr―28 COVID-19 impact on Global Network Performance A. Chatterjee, S. Pillai
16 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2023―Apr―28 Analyzing The Impact of COVID-19 On e-Grocery in India R. Srivastava, A.M. Sharma
17 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2023―Apr―28 Impact of COVID-19 and Online Streaming Services on the Movie Theater M. Akram, P.K. Bhoyar
18 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2023―Apr―28 Determination of Factors That Will Impact Brand Perception Post Covid-19 V. Lakhchoura, S. Ambekar, M. Hudnurkar
19 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2023―Apr―28 The Factors Impacting Work-Life Balance Amidst Covid-19 A. Dewan, S. Mehendale
20 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2023―Apr―28 Analysing The Effectiveness of Stress Management Practices Post COVID-19 With A Modified Job Stress Scale S. Pal, N. Lawande
21 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2023―Apr―28 Understanding Investors Behaviour Based On Changing Market Scenario Due to COVID-19 G. Yadav, R. Dhaigude
22 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2023―Apr―28 Management students' perspective and preferences towards flexible learning during covid-19 pandemic in India A. Singh, R. Dhaigude, G.R. Mandavkar
23 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2023―Apr―28 The Impact of COVID-19 on Online Fashion Apparel Purchase Intention A. Abhinav, D. Singh, S. Debgupta, P.K. Bhoyar
24 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2023―Apr―28 Challenges and solution of digitalization in retail sector of India during covid-19 A. Jain, M. Pande
25 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2023―Apr―28 Covid-19 Specific Challenges and Solutions in Digital Transformation for the Retail Sector S. Gangawane, M. Pande
26 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2023―Apr―28 Forecast covid-19 cases and fatalities to help understand what drives transmission rate in Tamil Nadu - India R. Chaurasia, P. Kalke
27 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2023―Apr―28 An exploratory study on the work from home for the first time by school teachers during covid-19 pandemic S. Gupta, S.V. Bharathi
28 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2023―Apr―28 Impact of pandemic on women’s purchase decision for feminine hygiene products: a Covid-19 lockdown perspective S. Shukla, R. Sanjeev
29 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2023―Apr―28 An Assessment of Talent Management and Talent Engagement Strategies for Indian Industries - Orientations Revisited In COVID-19 Crisis S. Anwer, P. Chitrao
30 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2023―Apr―28 Customer Satisfaction towards Convenient Grocery Shopping from Provisional Stores during COVID-19 R.N. Narayan, S. Mehendale
31 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2023―Apr―28 Impact of Brand and Change in Habits of Customers Due to Coronavirus in the Home Appliance Industry of India A. Chaudhry, A. Kulkarni
32 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2023―Apr―28 An effective disaster recovery model in supply chain management at times of pandemic A.K. Behera, K. Ramanathan
33 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2023―Apr―28 Pandemics and Their Business Impacts: A Global Perspective C.K. Tiwari, A. Pal, T. Khandelwal
34 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2023―Mrz―16 The phenomenon of glycated hemoglobin in patients with a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) with type 2 diabetes mellitus B.А. Sklyarov, A.D. Samoilova, B.V. Pavlov, A.V. Levina, I.S. Sinelnikova, S.М. Vardanyan, V.А. Papin
35 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2023―Mrz―16 Variation of Omicron from COVID-19: A Review H.A. Hemeg
36 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2023―Mrz―16 Adverse Effects of Online Education on Student Engagement during Covid-19: Review, Synthesis and Research Agenda S. Sen, S. Banerjee
37 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2023―Mrz―16 Potential Lifestyle Indicators of Health among White-Collar Workers during the SARS-Cov2 Pandemic in India S.G. Sudhan, A. Zeeshan, V.P. Singh, J.V. Cardoza, D. Thakkar, G. Sruthi, S. Preeti
38 [GO] Higher education today 2023―Mrz―01 Высшее профессиональное образование в период COVID-19: опыт и рекомендации по улучшению качества дистанционного формата обучения Г.И. Смирнова, С.О. Турецких
39 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Dez―27 To Analyze the Level and Factors of Job Satisfaction across Different Generations in India during Covid-19 Amisha, А., Coelho, P., Bhattacharya, S.
40 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Dez―27 Impact of COVID-19 on Agri Supply Chain in Nashik District Dhage, T.R., Bhat, V.
41 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Dez―27 A Case Series on Myocarditis after COVID-19 Vaccination Renuka, J.S., Indrani, B., Arminder, K.
42 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Dez―27 The Effects of the Stakeholders Relationship Management during Pandemic Aslami, M.S., Uppal, A.
43 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Dez―27 Intimate partner Violence and Psychological Attributes during Pandemic - Violation of Right to Live with Dignity Shanthi, K., Nittala, S.
44 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Dez―27 Sustaining Higher Education during a Pandemic a Bibliometric Analysis Hirve, S., Neelam, N.
45 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Dez―27 Impact of Training and Motivation during Pandemic on Employee Performance Subha, D., Bhattacharya, S.
46 [GO] Higher education today 2022―Okt―04 Zoom Technology as a tool for learning foreign languages in the conditions of pandemia Covid-19 О.В. Сумцова, Т.Ю. Айкина
47 [GO] Vestnik of Russian New University Series «Complex systems models analysis management» 2022―Sep―27 Social media analysis and statistical processing of tweets about COVID-19 О.В. Золотарев, А.Х. Хакимова
48 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Sep―12 The Importance of Internationalization on ‘Academics and Research’ parameters for Ranking of Universities after Covid-19 S. Sahasrabudhe, V. Yeravdekar, N. Neelam
49 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Sep―12 Navigating Talent Mobility for Career Growth: The Role of Career Conversations in Covid-19 A. Kharsan, S. Sonal, D. Pravin
50 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Sep―12 A social constructivism approach to learning digital technologies for effective online teaching in Covid-19 V. Yeravdekar
51 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Sep―12 Statistical Modeling and Analysis of Online Examinations in Covid-19 R. Ramakrishnan, R. Gupte
52 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Sep―12 Social media as new effervescent tool for higher education post Covid-19 B.B. Prashant, S.P. Shilpa
53 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Sep―12 Strategies for work, workplace and workforce after Covid-19 S. Das, P. Pankaj
54 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Sep―12 Behavioral finance and COVID-19 W. Ashna, S.K. Mugdha
55 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Sep―12 Understanding critical success factors and customer expectations for Indian travelers after COVID-19 P.S. Prabal, P. Vanishree
56 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Sep―12 Covid-19 Affected Workers of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises A. Chandak, R. Yeravdekar, R. Shinde, K. Bhosale
57 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Sep―12 Presentation Skills a Holistic Way to Develop Communication Skills of Engineering Students: Opportunity for Self-Learning During COVID-19 Crisis N. Divekar
58 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Sep―12 A study of marketing strategies used by Indian artisans during the Covid-19 crisis A. Ballal
59 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Sep―12 Remote working in India during the COVID-19 crisis S. Chakraborty, S. Bhattacharya
60 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Sep―12 To Assess the Factors Affecting Employee Engagement in Organizations during a COVID-19 Crisis D. Venkata, S. Reddy, V. Sinha, A. Sriharsha
61 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Sep―12 Study of impact and opportunities post Covid-19 for steel industry in key consuming segments in Indian J. Anjali, C. Komal
62 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Sep―12 Migrant crisis in India during COVID-19 lockdown: through photos R. Binoy, S. Mehendale
63 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Sep―12 Primary health care centers Physicians’ satisfaction toward COVID-19 management in Asser Region, Saudi Arabia M.M. Alqahtani, H.M.Al. Shaiban, S.H. Alqahtani, A.M. Alamri, m.A.M. Al
64 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Sep―12 A Study to Find Effects of Covid-19 on Brick and Mortar Stores in Roorkee in Uttarakhand H. Tyagi, M.K. Gandhi
65 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Sep―12 Review of Early Impact of COVID-19 on Indian Agricultural Economy and Disturbances in Food Supply Chains T. Manan, K. Prasanna
66 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Sep―12 Impact of COVID-19 on the Indian ICT Industry B. Malay, P. Kulkarni
67 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Sep―12 Covid-19 pandemic and Work from home as the new paradigm of human resource management for digital India D. Candida, C. Jaya
68 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Sep―12 Study on Customer Motivation in Choosing Resort Hotels (Using Push-Pull Theory), during Covid-19 Pandemic: Case of Karnataka T. Ruchi, P. Vanishree
69 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Sep―12 Empathy marketing during COVID-19 pandemic: decoding the impact and effectiveness on the brand image K. Mahajan, M. Ghosh
70 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Sep―12 Regional Public Relations after COVID-19: A new frontier of growth in India’s Public Relations landscape S. Bhargava, J. Arakkal
71 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Sep―12 Examining Onboarding Experience through the Lens of New Employees’ Expectations after Covid-19: An Empirical Study J.K. Singh, S. Shree, P. Dange
72 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Sep―12 Developing Cross-Cultural Competencies in Startups after Covid-19: An Overview R. Himani
73 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Sep―12 Effect of Coronavirus on Indian Tourism Sector S. Sukhdeve, P. Sharma
74 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Sep―12 Quintessential leadership of 21st century - paving through the pandemic N. Athulya, M. Mita
77 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Jun―17 Relevance of work-from-home culture in post Covid-19 era: regarding productivity of employees in IT sector Y. Singh, J. Chitranshi
78 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Jun―17 Study of trust of government handling of Covid-19 in India and USA and disinformation tactics used by the government S.V. Gopalan, M. Mehta
79 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Jun―17 Impact on student behavior due to Covid-19 lockdown in India J. Singh, J. Chitranshi
80 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Jun―17 Understanding esports industry and impact of Covid-19 on it: a review of literature M. Agrawal, A.K. Upadhyay
81 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Jun―17 A study to identify the impact of Covid-19 on the trust and risk perceptions of online buying behaviour G. Akshaya, P. Phadtare
82 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Jun―17 Covid-19 pandemic: impact and opportunities for education in India K. Agarwal, J. Chitranshi
83 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Jun―17 Effect of Covid-19 pandemic: tourism and hospitality industry K. Mehta, C. Panse
84 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Jun―17 Acute myocardial infarction following COVID-19 vaccination: a cause or a coincidence? A.A. Elheet, M.H. Farrag, M.M. Elkeliei, A.M. Alabdali
85 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Jun―17 Internship in the year of Covid-19: what has changed in internship dynamics? A. Patil, P. Sharma
86 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Jun―17 A study on impact of coronavirus pandemic on the education system D. Saini, H.D. Gupta
87 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Mrz―16 Features of the course of cardiovascular diseases against the background of COVID-19 A.T. Betuganova, A.A. Notov, Z.A. Ahkubekova, R.M. Aramisova, Z.A. Kambachokova, T.Kh. Shereuzhev, et al. (+2)
88 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Mrz―16 Cognitive, emotional-affective, anxiety and autonomic disorders in patients with a new coronavirus infection (covid-19) in the acute period K.N. Melnikov, V.P. Kondratyev
89 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Mrz―16 Prevalence of anxiety and depression disorders among medical students one year after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic А.M. Kаrdаngushevа, D.A. Dzakhmysheva, M.A. Kardanova, A.Y. Chanaeva, M.A. Makoeva, I.S. Khagabanova
90 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Mrz―16 Decision support system in radiology for fast diagnostics of thoracic diseases under COVID-19 pandemic conditions I.M. Borodyansky
91 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Mrz―16 Features of life activity and the incidence rate of anxiety and depressive disorders among medical students studying remotely during the epidemic of a new coronavirus infection (Covid 19) А.M. Kаrdаngushevа, D.Z. Kaskulova, M.H. Kurdanova, A.F. Budnik, O.V. Voronova, Z.A. Gelyakhova
92 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Feb―16 Simulation model for Covid-19 pandemic T.P. Borhade, A. Kulkarni
93 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Feb―16 Impact of COVID-19 on the Mental Well-Being of Employees: A Study of Mental Wellness of Employees during COVID-19 in India B. Samridhi, S. Lavina
94 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Feb―16 A Comparative Study on the Effect Of Covid-19 And Spanish Flu In India - Lessons To Learn From The Past L. Tushar, K. Mugdha
95 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Feb―16 Work life balance of medical professionals during Covid-19 N. Ashwin, M. Mita
96 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Feb―16 Healthcare Optimization, Medication Management and Preparedness in Retail Pharmacy Industry during the Covid-19 Pandemic in India R.M. Gagan, D. Hirak
97 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Feb―16 Cardiometric criteria for diagnostics, therapy, and prediction of COVID-19 virus infection development under hospital conditions M.Y. Rudenko, O.G. Dvorina, V.A. Zernov, O.K. Voronova
98 [GO] CARDIOMETRY 2022―Feb―16 Strategies for mitigating the effects of a pandemic on Indian medical tourism D. Kapadia, P. Dongre, R. Mahadevan

98 Ergebisse       Seite 1


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