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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: Rhinology

57 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors Max. 6 Authors
1 [GO] Rhinology Journal 2024―Jul―04 Smell loss associated with SARS-CoV-2 is not clinically different from other viruses: a multicenter cohort study M M Miyake, F C Pereira Valera, R Bragança Martins, I M Compagnoni, M Zilio Fantucci, A de Andrade Batista Murashima, L E Costa Mendes da Silva, T Melquiades de Lima, M V Oliveira de Souza, S Rezende Melo, R Landini Lutaif Dolci, C Gomes Floriano, C A Correia de Campos, M Nakanishi, G Subtil Magalhães Freire, A Lima Valente, M A Fornazieri, J L Barbosa da Silva, L Kanieski Anzolin, M J Abrão Issa, T Vasconcelos Souza, B Andrade Lima, G Druck Sant'Anna, C Burtet Abreu, E Sakano, A Justi Cassettari, M Ameloti Gomes Avelino, M Capuzzo Gonçalves, L Azevedo de Camargo, F Ricci Romano, R Dourado Alves, R Roithmann, N Kraemer Redeker, L Lopes Balsalobre Filho, C Soares Dass, A T de Oliveira Meurer, D M Garcia, D Casale Aragon, M Soares Tepedino, A C Soares Succar, P M Vianna, M C J dos Santos, R H Ribeiro Filho, E Macoto Kosugi, J Figueiredo Villa, L Lobato Gregorio, O Bejzman Piltcher, C D Meotti, E Tamashiro, E Arruda, W T Anselmo Lima
2 [GO] Rhinology online 2024―Jul―03 COVID-19 control protocol for rhinologic surgery R Takagi, A Oka, H Kitamura, M Kamitomai, M Akamatsu, K Kanai, Y Watanabe, Y Imanishi, Y Noguchi, M Okano
3 [GO] Rhinology Journal 2024―Jul―03 COVID-19 olfactory dysfunction: associations between coping, quality of life, and mental health P T Jacobson, B J Vilarello, C Snyder, T-H Choo, F F Caruana, L M Gallagher, J P Tervo, J B Gary, T M Saak, D A Gudis, P V Joseph, T E Goldberg, D P Devanand, J B Overdevest
4 [GO] Rhinology Journal 2024―Mar―26 Taste loss in COVID-19 - psychophysical evidence supporting a low prevalence C A Hintschich, S Le Bon, E Trecca, S Saussez, T Hummel
5 [GO] Rhinology Journal 2024―Mar―06 The effect of smell training on COVID-19 induced smell loss E J A Schepens, C J M de Haas, E M Postma, B van Dijk, S Boesveldt, I Stegeman, D M A Kamalski
6 [GO] Rhinology online 2024―Jan―13 Prevalence of smell and taste dysfunction in different clinical severity groups of COVID-19 patients S I Vento, I Taskila, J Martola, L Kuusela, G Kurdo, A Lyly, J Hästbacka
7 [GO] Rhinology online 2023―Nov―30 Characteristics of olfactory dysfunction in patients with long-haul COVID-19 M M Lamb, K DeHority, S M Russel, S Kim, T Stack, I Mohammad, A Zeatoun, C Klatt- Cromwell, C S Ebert Jr., J M Baratta, B A Senior, A J Kimple
8 [GO] Rhinology online 2023―Nov―30 COVID-19 infections and vaccination in patients with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia - a cohort study E Gantert, C Meerwein, M Soyka
9 [GO] Rhinology Journal 2022―Dec―08 Fluticasone propionate suppresses the SARS-CoV-2 induced increase in respiratory epithelial permeability in vitro K. Martens, E. Vanhulle, A.-S. Viskens, P.W. Hellings, K. Vermeire
10 [GO] Rhinology Journal 2022―Oct―27 Persisting chemosensory dysfunction in COVID-19 - a cross-sectional population-based survey S. Winkelmann, A. Korth, B. Voss, M.A. Nasr, N. Behrend, A. Pudszuhn, V.M. Hofmann, P. Schendzielorz, C. Maetzler, A. Hermes, C. Borzikowsky, T. Bahmer, W. Lieb, S. Schreiber, S. Störk, F.A. Montellano, M. Witzenrath, T. Keil, M. Krawczak, M. Laudien
11 [GO] Rhinology Journal 2022―Oct―26 The burden of olfactory dysfunction during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United Kingdom M. Lechner, J. Liu, N. Counsell, D. Gillespie, D. Chandrasekharan, N.H. Ta, K. Jumani, R. Gupta, J. Rocke, C. Williams, A. Tetteh, R. Amnolsingh, S. Khwaja, R.L. Batterham, C.H. Yan, T.A. Treibel, J.C. Moon, J. Woods, R. Brunton, J. Boardman, M. Hatter, M. Abdelwahab, F.C. Holsinger, R. Capasso, J.V. Nayak, P.H. Wang, F.C. Holsinger, S. Paun, N. Eynon-Lewis, B.N. Kumar, S. Jayaraj, C. Hopkins, C. Philpott, V.J. Lund
12 [GO] Rhinology online 2022―Oct―25 What smell and taste disorders by SARS-CoV-2 do we know? Predictive value of the Venezuelan Olfactory Test and RT-PCR molecular analysis in COVID-19 infection R. Pieruzzini, C. Ayala-Grosso, J. de Jesus Navas, W. Rodriguez, N. Parra, E. Luque, A. Sanchez-Gago, S. Gonzalez, A. Hagobian, A. Grullon, K. Diaz, M. Morales, M. De Jesus, S. Pena, L. Rodriguez, L.L. Pena, A. Asaro, M. Magris
13 [GO] Rhinology Journal 2022―Aug―10 Rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis: patient characteristics in pre-COVID-19 and COVID-19 period L.M. Cherian, L. Varghese, V. Rupa, R.R. Bright, L. Abraham, R. Panicker, N. R., J. Peter, A. Nayak, A. Shyam, G.M. Varghese, A. Manesh, R. Karuppusami, K. George, T. George, A. Lenin, S.G. Hansdak, R. I., J.S. Michael, M. Ninan, M. Thomas, R. Kurian, S. Mammen, R. Kurien
14 [GO] Rhinology online 2022―Aug―01 Soap and Water to Hands and Face, -Eye Rinse, Nasal Irrigation and Gargling with Saline for COVID-19 with anecdotal evidence S. Parviz, L. Duncan, D. Rabago
15 [GO] Rhinology online 2022―Jun―16 Self-reported olfactory and gustatory dysfunction in patients with COVID-19 infection D. Kooper, H. Coerts, H. Mkadmi
16 [GO] Rhinology online 2022―Jun―16 Safe practice guidance: a review for otorhinolaryngologists during COVID-19 pandemic and after reopen process R. Kamel, A. Ragab, H. Abdelghaffar, A. Kaled, A. Elfarouk Abdel Fattah, M. Abdelaziz, B. Hamdy Abdelhak, N. Abdullah, R. Al-Abri, M. AlFalasi, S. Alnawaiseh, M. Aloulah, H. Al-Reefy, M. Al-Sihan, A. Alzubiadi, M.A. Baban, K.M. Bofares, M.N. Dandachli, M. El-Sharnouby, H. Elsherif, T. Ghannoum, A. Ghita, M. Ghonim, U. Hadi, M. Hassab, S. Sahtout Jouini, Z. Soliman, M. Youssef
17 [GO] Rhinology Journal 2022―Apr―19 A follow-up on quantitative and qualitative olfactory dysfunction and other symptoms in patients recovering from COVID-19 smell loss K. Ohla, M.G. Veldhuizen, T. Green, M.E. Hannum, A.J. Bakke, S.T. Moein, A. Tognetti, E.M. Postma, R. Pellegrino, D.L.D. Hwang, J. Albayay, S. Koyama, A.A. Nolden, T. Thomas-Danguin, C. Mucignat-Caretta, N.S. Menger, I. Croijmans, L. Öztürk, H. Yanık, D. Pierron, V. Pereda-Loth, A. Nunez-Parra, A.M. Martinez Pineda, D. Gillespie, M.C. Farruggia, C. Cecchetto, M.A. Fornazieri, C. Philpott, V. Voznessenskaya, K.W. Cooper, P. Rohlfs Dominguez, O. Calcinoni, J. de Groot, S. Boesveldt, S. Bhutani, E.M. Weir, C. Exten, P.V. Joseph, J.E. Hayes, M.Y. Niv
18 [GO] Rhinology online 2022―Mar―15 Clinical correlation and assessment of olfactory dysfunction with n-butanol in COVID-19 patients: our experience R. Sharma, A.K. Rana, V.K. Sharma, A. Mehrotra, H. Babu, S. Gupta, R. Singh, A. Tyagi, N. Sethi, P. Bhatt, V. Yadav, P. Chopra, D. Upadhyay
19 [GO] Rhinology Journal 2022―Mar―01 European Rhinologic Society meeting 2021. Safe in person meeting in times of COVID-19 W.J. Fokkens, C. Meco, J. Constantinidis, N. Zhang, C. Hopkins
20 [GO] Rhinology Journal 2022―Feb―22 COVID-19 related chemosensory changes in individuals with self-reported obesity S. Bhutani, G. Coppin, M.G. Veldhuizen, V. Parma, P.V. Joseph
21 [GO] Rhinology Journal 2022―Feb―18 Smell dysfunction in the center of Rhinology care during the covid-19 pandemic P.W. Hellings
22 [GO] Rhinology Journal 2022―Feb―18 Rhinology on the move despite Covid-19! P.W. Hellings
23 [GO] Rhinology Journal 2022―Feb―03 COVID-19: Extensive epithelial damage and ciliary dyskinesia in hospitalised patients D.D.H. Lee, D. Cardinale, Y. Saman, R.A. Hirst, N. Wilson, V. Corden, A. Rutman, T. de Haro, R.E. Hynds, T. McHugh, P. Rea, C.M. Smith, C. O’Callaghan
24 [GO] Rhinology online 2022―Jan―27 From SARS-CoV-2 infection to COVID-19 morbidity: an in silico projection of virion flow rates to the lower airway via nasopharyngeal fluid boluses S. Basu, M.M.H. Akash, N.S. Hochberg, B.A. Senior, D. Joseph-McCarthy, A. Chakravarty
25 [GO] Rhinology Journal 2021―Nov―23 Rhinology in review: from COVID-19 to biologicals W.J. Fokkens, B.N. Landis, C. Hopkins, S. Reitsma, A.R. Sedaghat
26 [GO] Rhinology online 2021―Oct―04 Soap and Water to Hands and Face, -Eye Rinse, Nasal Irrigation and Gargling with Saline for COVID-19 with anecdotal evidence S. Parviz, L. Duncan, D. Rabago
27 [GO] Rhinology Journal 2021―Aug―30 Face masks during COVID-19 pandemic lockdown and self-reported seasonal allergic rhinitis symptoms G. Liccardi, M.B. Bilo, M. Milanese, M. Martini, L. Calzetta, F. Califano, L. Carucci, A. Cicarelli, M. Cutajar, P. D'Auria, F. De Bartolomeis, I. Dello Iacono, A. Franzese, D. Gargano, G. Inciso, A.C. Giordano, R. Iannaccone, M. Lo Schiavo, L. Nappi, F. Madonna, C. Montera, G. Onorati, A. Papa, A. Savoia, E. Scopano, M.P. Iannotta, M. Bartiromo, G. Del Marco, P. Rogliani
28 [GO] Rhinology online 2021―Aug―14 COVID-19 related olfactory dysfunction prevalence and natural history in ambulatory patients D.R. Bacon, P. Onuorah, A. Murr, C.A. Wiesen, J. Oakes, B.D. Thorp, A.M. Zanation, C.S. Ebert Jr., D. Wohl, B.A. Senior, A.J. Kimple
29 [GO] Rhinology Journal 2021―Aug―09 Nasopharyngeal versus nasal swabs for detection of SARS-CoV-2: a systematic review A.J. Gadenstaetter, C.D. Mayer, L.D. Landegger
30 [GO] Rhinology Journal 2021―Jul―27 Predominance of an altered sense of smell or taste among long-lasting symptoms in patients with mildly symptomatic COVID-19 P. Boscolo-Rizzo, J. Polesel, G. Spinato, A. Menegaldo, C. Fabbris, L. Calvanese, D. Borsetto, C. Hopkins
31 [GO] Rhinology Journal 2021―Jul―27 Comparison of COVID-19 and common cold chemosensory dysfunction C. Huart, C. Philpott, I. Konstantinidis, A. Altundag, K.L. Whitcroft, E.M.C. Trecca, M. Cassano, Ph. Rombaux, T. Hummel
32 [GO] Rhinology Journal 2021―Jul―27 Smell dysfunction in the center of Rhinology care during the covid-19 pandemic P.W. Hellings
33 [GO] Rhinology Journal 2021―Jul―27 The toll of noninfected CRS patients to the COVID-19 pandemic L. Klimek, J. Hagemann, A. Alali, M. Spielhaupter, T. Huppertz, K. Hormann, C. Matthias
34 [GO] Rhinology Journal 2021―Jul―27 Rhinology on the move despite Covid-19! P.W. Hellings
35 [GO] Rhinology online 2021―Jul―06 Online workshops on the teaching and practice of endoscopic sinus surgery techniques during the COVID-19 pandemic T. Tsuda, M. Hayama, Y. Maeda, K. Takeda, S. Nishiike, K. Kawashima, H. Inohara
36 [GO] Rhinology online 2021―Apr―26 Persistent olfactory complaints after COVID-19: a new interpretation of the psychophysical olfactory scores Clair Vandersteen, Magali Payne, Louise-Emilie Dumas, Victoria Metelkina-Fernandez, Alexandra Plonka, David Chirio, Elisa Demonchy, Karine Risso, Florence Askenazy-Gittard, Nicolas Guevara, Laurent Castillo, Valeria Manera, Auriane Gros
37 [GO] Rhinology Journal 2021―Apr―02 The effect of coronaviruses on olfaction: systematic review M. Zugaj, N.S. van Ditzhuijzen, K. Golebski, W.J. Fokkens
38 [GO] Rhinology online 2021―Mar―21 The British Rhinology Society National COVID-19 Study: Resuming Elective Surgery Sridhayan Mahalingam, Richard Green, Mohd Afiq Mohd Slim, Anton Alatsatianos, Yujay Ramakrishnan, Ben Stew, Claire Hopkins
39 [GO] Rhinology online 2021―Mar―02 The clinical course and diagnostic relevance of olfactory loss in a SARS-CoV-2 infection M.J. Bauwens, S. Claeys
40 [GO] Rhinology Journal 2020―Dec―30 Parosmia is prevalent and persistent amongst those with COVID-19 olfactory dysfunction E. Cook, C. Kelly, D.B. Watson, C. Hopkins
41 [GO] Rhinology Journal 2020―Dec―15 Six month follow-up of self-reported loss of smell during the COVID-19 pandemic C. Hopkins, P. Surda, L.A. Vaira, J.R. Lechien, M. Safarian, S. Saussez, N. Kumar
42 [GO] Rhinology Journal 2020―Dec―08 Efficacy of corticosteroid therapy in the treatment of long- lasting olfactory disorders in COVID-19 patients L.A. Vaira, C. Hopkins, M. Petrocelli, J.R. Lechien, S. Cutrupi, G. Salzano, C.M. Chiesa-Estomba, S. Saussez, G. De Riu
43 [GO] Rhinology online 2020―Oct―28 Face masks are an essential tool to mitigate the ongoing SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: a call to action P. Dehgani-Mobaraki, A. Kamber Zaidi, J.M. Levy
44 [GO] Rhinology online 2020―Sep―29 Anosmia-hyposmia and dysgeusia in COVID-19 may be due to SARS-CoV-2 protein mimicry of olfactory receptors R. Root-Bernstein
45 [GO] Rhinology Journal 2020―Jul―06 Self-reported alteration of sense of smell or taste in patients with COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis on 3563 patients D. Borsetto, C. Hopkins, V. Philips, R. Obholzer, G. Tirelli, J. Polesel, L. Calvanese, P. Boscolo-Rizzo
46 [GO] Rhinology Journal 2020―Jun―27 Anosmia as a Prominent Symptom of COVID-19 Infection F. Heidari, E. Karimi, M. Firouzifar, P. Khamushian, R. Ansari, M. Mohammadi Ardehali, F. Heidari
47 [GO] Rhinology Journal 2020―Jun―27 Isolated Sudden Onset Anosmia in COVID-19 Infection. A Novel Syndrome? S.B. Gane, C. Kelly, C. Hopkins
48 [GO] Rhinology Journal 2020―Jun―27 Presentation of New Onset Anosmia During the COVID-19 Pandemic C. Hopkins, P. Surda, N. Kumar
49 [GO] Rhinology Journal 2020―Jun―15 Acute smell and taste loss in outpatients: all infected with SARS-CoV-2? M. Renaud, A. Leon, G. Trau, L. Fath, S. Ciftci, Y. Bensimon, A. Venkatasamy, C. Debry
50 [GO] Rhinology Journal 2020―Jun―13 Time scale for resolution of olfactory dysfunction in COVID-19 M.M. Speth, T. Singer-Cornelius, M. Oberle, I. Gengler, S.J. Brockmeier, A.R. Sedaghat
51 [GO] Rhinology online 2020―Jun―06 Copper enhanced nasal saline irrigations: a safe potential treatment and protective factor for COVID-19 infection? T. Radulesco, J.R. Lechien, C.M. Chiesa-Estomba, L.J. Sowerby, C. Hopkins, S. Saussez, J. Michel
52 [GO] Rhinology online 2020―May―29 A case series of patients, including a consultant rhinologist, who all experienced a loss of smell associated with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 D.E.J. Whitehead, C. Kelly, N. Ahmad
53 [GO] Rhinology Journal 2020―May―09 Anosmia as a presenting symptom of SARS-CoV-2 infection in healthcare workers - A systematic review of the literature, case series, and recommendations for clinical assessment and management M. Lechner, D. Chandrasekharan, K. Jumani, J. Liu, S. Gane, V.J. Lund, C. Philpott, S. Jayaraj
54 [GO] Rhinology online 2020―May―06 ERS member survey on COVID-19 symptomatology and personal protection: a construct to predict early COVID-19 disease S. Reitsma, V.J. Lund, S. Carrie, W.J. Fokkens
55 [GO] Rhinology Journal 2020―Apr―30 Sniffing out the evidence; It’s now time for public health bodies recognize the link between COVID-19 and smell and taste disturbance J.R. Lechien, C. Hopkins, S. Saussez
56 [GO] Rhinology Journal 2020―Apr―27 Olfactory and rhinological evaluations in SARS-CoV-2 patients complaining of olfactory loss G. Ottaviano, M. Carecchio, B. Scarpa, R. Marchese-Ragona
57 [GO] Rhinology Journal 2020―Apr―08 Personal protection and delivery of rhinologic and endoscopic skull base procedures during the COVID-19 outbreak L. Van Gerven, P.W. Hellings, T. Cox, W. Fokkens, C. Hopkins, V. Hox, M. Jorissen, A. Schuermans, P. Sinonquel, K. Speleman, V. Vander Poorten, K. Van Gool, T. Van Zele, I. Alobid

57 Results       Page 1


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