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COVID answers in Scientific Journals all over the world

Publishing House: Izdatelstvo Meditsina

10 Results       Page 1

  original article Journal Date Title Authors Max. 6 Authors
1 [GO] Russian Journal of Pediatric Surgery 2021―Apr―04 Acute appendicitis in children in the context of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) V. G. Svarich, I. M. Kagantsov, V. A. Svarich, E. G. Perevozchikov
2 [GO] Russian Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics 2020―Dec―29 COVID-19 diagnostic laboratory strategies: modern technologies and development trends (review of literature) Boris Georgievich Andryukov, I. N. Lyapun
3 [GO] Russian Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics 2020―Dec―29 Detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in nasopharyngeal swabs from COVID-19 patients and asymptomatic cases of infection by real-time and digital PCR V. A. Ternovoi, R. Yu. Lutkovsky, E. P. Ponomareva, A. V. Gladysheva, E. V. Chub, N. L. Tupota, A. M. Smirnova, A. A. Nazarenko, V. B. Loktev, E. V. Gavrilova, A. P. Agafonov, R. A. Maksyutov
4 [GO] Russian Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics 2020―Dec―04 Development of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of IgG-antibodies to the causative agent of COVID-19 in human serum (plasma) S. G. Mardanly, A. S. Avdonina, S. G. Mamedova
5 [GO] Russian Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics 2020―Dec―04 Hematological indicators for lung damage caused by COVID-19 infection E. A. Borodulina, Zh. P. Vasneva, B. E. Borodulin, E. S. Vdoushkina, L. V. Povalyaeva, K. A. Mateesku
6 [GO] Russian Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics 2020―Dec―04 Immunochromatographic test for differentiation detection of IgM and IgG to SARS-CoV-2 Yulia Aleksandrovna Akinshina, S. S. Mardanly, V. A. Kiseleva
7 [GO] Russian Pediatric Journal 2020―Jul―20 Micronutrients availability, immune response, and COVID-19 Andrey P. Fisenko, Svetlana G. Makarova
8 [GO] Russian Pediatric Journal 2020―May―05 CORONAVIRUSES: BIOLOGY, EPIDEMIOLOGY, WAYS OF PREVENTION Anna R. Babayan, Andrey P. Fisenko, Nilab M. Sadeki, Aminat R. Mirzaeva
9 [GO] Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases 2020―Mar―23 THE ANALYSIS OF CASE OF MIDDLE EAST RESPIRATORY SYNDROME IN NO ENDEMIC REGIONS A. A. Petrov, N. V. Karulina, T. E. Sizikova, V. N. Lebedev, Sergey V. Borisevich
10 [GO] Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases 2020―Mar―19 THE ANALYSIS OF CASE OF MIDDLE EAST RESPIRATORY SYNDROME IN NO ENDEMIC REGIONS A. A. Petrov, N. V. Karulina, T. E. Sizikova, V. N. Lebedev, Sergey V. Borisevich

10 Results       Page 1


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