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COVID Antworten in den wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften der Welt

Verlag: Newinera Publisher

41 Ergebisse       Seite 1

  Original Artikel Journal Datum Titel Autoren Max. 6 Autoren
1 [GO] Journal La Medihealtico 2024―Nov―01 In Vitro Anti-inflammatory Effect of Secretome from Umbilical Cord-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells in COVID-19 Patient Blood: A Study on sIL-6R, sgp130, IL-1RA and Anti/pro Inflammatory Cytokines Nisrina Asysyifa, Heri Wibowo, Murdani Abdullah, Isabella Kurna Liem, Arleni Bustami
2 [GO] Journal La Bisecoman 2024―Jul―05 The Impact of Infectious Epidemic on Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Nigeria a Case Study of Coronavirus Disease Omolaja Tosin Samuel
3 [GO] Journal La Medihealtico 2024―Jun―28 The Influence of Efficacy and Threat Messages on the Intention to Complete the Covid-19 Booster Vaccination: Experimental Study of University Students Victoria Kesha Ayunarendra, Siko Wiyanto, Ivan Nurdin
4 [GO] Journal La Sociale 2024―Mrz―08 Journalistic Construction of Reporting on Covid-19 in Online Media Asisda Wahyu Asri Putradi, Abdul Muta’ Ali, Sonya P. Suganda
5 [GO] Journal La Bisecoman 2024―Feb―07 Kalosi Shop Business Strategy in the Post-Covid-19 Pandemic Era Imaduddin Imaduddin
6 [GO] Journal La Multiapp 2024―Feb―02 Artificial Intelligence and the Silent Pandemic of Antimicrobial Resistance: A Comprehensive Exploration Mohammed F. Al Marjani Marjani, Rana K. Mohammed, Entithaar Mhwes Zghair, Yasmin Makki Mohialden
7 [GO] Journal La Bisecoman 2024―Jan―15 The Effect of Attractions, Amenities and Accessibility on Visiting Decisions during the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Malino Area, Gowa Regency ER Ummi Klasum, Nurjannah Nurjannah, Violetha Simatupang
8 [GO] Journal La Bisecoman 2024―Jan―15 The Influence of the Synergy of Pentahelix Elements and Compensation on the Welfare of Hotels’s Employees During the Covid - 19 Pandemic in the City of Makassar Muh. Ersyad Nasir, Atang Sabur, Leo Sutanto
9 [GO] Journal La Bisecoman 2024―Jan―02 Resilience of MSME Actors in Bantaeng Regency during the Covid-19 Pandemic Ksatriawan Zaenuddin, Nurlinah Nurlinah, Suhardiman Syamsu
10 [GO] Journal La Sociale 2023―Dez―28 Rising From the Downturn of the Covid-19 Pandemic: Tourism Village Development Strategies through a Community-Based Tourism Approach Revienda Anita Fitrie, M. Noer Falaq Al Amin, Suci Megawati, Kaheesha Zalfa Rohadatul ‘Aisy
11 [GO] Journal La Medihealtico 2023―Mai―10 Overview of Knowledge of Pregnant Women About the Dangers of Covid-19 During Pregnancy Ainun N N, Magdalena Limbong, Erna Kasim, Nurhayati Nurhayati, Ricky Zainuddin
12 [GO] Journal La Medihealtico 2023―Feb―15 Factors Affecting Work Stress on Nurse Performance in the Covid-19 Isolation Inpatient Room Suci Sofiyanti Mochtar, Arifah Devi Fitriani, Jitasari Tarigan Sibero
13 [GO] Journal La Medihealtico 2023―Feb―10 Antenatal Compliance Relationship Care with Anxiety of Pregnant Women in Time Pandemic Covid-19 Sitti Fatimah, Musni Musni, A. Ulfa Fatmasanti, Kiki Reski Rahmadani
14 [GO] Journal La Edusci 2022―Nov―08 Secondary School Teachers’ Resiliency Amidst COVID 19 Pandemic Jonifer Dultra, Maricel Abarca, Agnes Bulado, Maria Socorro Dultra
15 [GO] Journal La Edusci 2022―Sep―01 The Academic Faltering of Orphan Students in the Quarantine of Covid-19 Jabbar Frayyeh Shraida
16 [GO] Journal La Bisecoman 2022―Aug―26 Souvenir Purchase Motivations and Product Attribute Preferences among Arts and Design Students amidst Covid-19 Nadine Kiandra B. Baronia, Julia S. Daño, Athia Bless R. Mingo, Diane Kirsdy Y. Miones, Flordeliza S. Gagani
17 [GO] Journal La Multiapp 2022―Aug―26 Intelligent Diagnosis of Covid-19 Based on CNN-PNN Abbas Akram Khorsheed
18 [GO] Journal La Bisecoman 2022―Aug―26 Management Practices and Productivity Level of Cebu City and Ozamiz City Eateries during COVID-19 Pandemic Yvette Villarta, Flordeliza Gagani, Mary Angela Dinulos, Liz Alexandra Tan, Adair Shemie Margaret Yosores, Allyza Punsalan, Andre Murillo
19 [GO] Journal La Edusci 2022―Aug―19 Willingness to Get Vaccinated and Attitude Toward COVID-19 among Humanities and Social Sciences Students Athena Ella G. Antepuesto, Dennis A. Coja, Jr., Therese Carmel C. Comeros, Juliana Mae T. Flores, Flordeliza S. Gagani, Vea Marielle T. Guantero, Daven Egan D. Labitad, Anne Valerie S. Torrejos
20 [GO] Journal La Sociale 2022―Jun―21 Local Farmers’ Perceptions about Covid-19 Impact on Agriculture: Case of Selected Rural Areas in Ekiti State, Nigeria Oloruntimilehin Sola Ojo, Oluwasanmi Oyedeji, Ebenezer Toyin Megbowon
21 [GO] Journal La Medihealtico 2022―Jun―08 Analysis of Factors Affecting Obedience of Pregnant Women in Conducting ANC Visits During the Covid-19 Pandemic Habibah Matondang, Razia Begum Suroyo, Rina Hanum
22 [GO] Journal La Edusci 2022―Mrz―31 The Role of Teachers and Student Parents in Online Learning Times Covid-19 Fandi H. Binggo
23 [GO] Journal La Edusci 2022―Mrz―31 A Study on The Use of Smartphone Applications in English Language Learning with Special Reference to Covid-19 Pandemic Bareq Raheem, Mohammad Danish Mahmood, G.M. Abu Taher, Zareen Shakeel
24 [GO] Journal La Edusci 2022―Mrz―31 Learning in the Pandemic Period: The Role of Teachers and Student Learning Motivation in Elementary Schools, Gorontalo Wirna Tangahu
25 [GO] Journal La Edusci 2022―Mrz―31 The Important Role of Social and Cultural Capital in Online History Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic Asriana Zainal Abidin
26 [GO] Journal La Sociale 2022―Mrz―31 Covid-19 Pandemic and Optimal Debt-to-GDP Ratio Threshold in Sub-Saharan Africa Jonathan Oniore, Oghenebrume David Akatugba
27 [GO] Journal La Edusci 2022―Mrz―04 Psychological Stress Resulting from Distance Education Among Parents of Students with Learning Disabilities During the Covid-19 Pandemic Mohammed Ali Mohammed Alamri
28 [GO] Journal La Edusci 2021―Dez―31 Evaluation of Learning Guidelines During the Covid-19 Pandemic Tran Chong, Long Hui La
29 [GO] Journal La Medihealtico 2021―Dez―07 Handling Social Stigma Around Covid-19 Case Study in Lut Tawar District Abdul Gani, Mappeaty Nyorong, Thomson P Nadapdap
30 [GO] Journal La Edusci 2021―Nov―15 The Project STARS (Strategic Action Towards Radiant Students): Empowering ABM Students Amidst Pandemic Glenda V. Lumanta
31 [GO] Journal La Sociale 2021―Nov―06 Psychological Adaptation among Students with Learning Disabilities in English from the Perspective of Their Teachers in Light of the Corona Pandemic Mohmmad Khasawneh
32 [GO] Journal La Sociale 2021―Mrz―06 Analysis of Health Law Relating to Health Services Affected by COVID-19 Andi Puji Kristanto
33 [GO] Journal La Bisecoman 2021―Mrz―06 Management Strategy of Small and Medium Enterprises during the Pandemic Covid-19 Igor Turaev, Fozil Ganiev
34 [GO] Journal La Sociale 2021―Mrz―06 The implementation of policies and the impact of handling Covid-19 originating from the World Health Organization's Point of View Pham Hoang
35 [GO] Journal La Bisecoman 2021―Feb―03 Public Institution Fights on Financial Management during Pandemic Crisis Mateen Tashfeen, Zaryan Shahmeer
36 [GO] Journal La Bisecoman 2020―Dez―30 Strengthening Family Resilience through Financial Management Education in Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic Suci Megawati, Muhammad Farid Ma’ruf, Eva Hany Fanida, Fitrotun Niswah, Trenda Aktiva Oktariyanda
37 [GO] Journal La Edusci 2020―Dez―14 Probing on the Relationship between Students' Self-Confidence and Self-Efficacy while engaging in Online Learning amidst COVID-19 Quiana Althea Blanco, Mark Lyster Carlota, Ashley Janine Nasibog, Beatriz Rodriguez, Xydel Vie Saldaña, Elaisha Carmel Vasquez, Flordeliza Gagani
38 [GO] Journal La Medihealtico 2020―Okt―11 Acute Appendicitis Seen at Analankininina University Hospital during the Covid-19 Pandemic Razafindraibe VB, Jonatana AD, Rahantasoa FCFP, Samison LH, Rakotoarijaona AH
39 [GO] Journal La Sociale 2020―Sep―22 Legal Protection of Hospital Patients in the Corona Virus Pandemic Period Yoga Khirari Haggai, Erikson Aritonang, Pandini Riata M
40 [GO] Journal La Edusci 2020―Sep―12 The Impact of Covid-19 on Online Learning Activities at The University of The Helvetia Medan Health Institute Indra Ginting, Asriwati Asriwati, Ismail Effendy, Tiwanto Dakhi
41 [GO] Journal La Sociale 2020―Sep―01 Reviewing the Insights of Confinement and Social Distancing as Measures Involved in the Prevention of the COVID-19 Pandemic Georges Pius Kamsu Moyo⃰, Dany Hermann Ngwanou, Daniel Armand Tague Kago, Nelly Kamgaing, Ginette Claude Mireille Kalla, Andreas Chiabi, Paul Olivier Koki Ndombo

41 Ergebisse       Seite 1


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