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COVID Antworten in den wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften der Welt

Verlag: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts

32 Ergebisse       Seite 1

  Original Artikel Journal Datum Titel Autoren Max. 6 Autoren
1 [GO] Journal for Foreign Languages 2024―Dez―23 Analyse linguistique des commentaires Facebook à propos des mesures de confinement en France et en Slovénie","Linguistic Analysis of Facebook Comments on the Coronavirus Containment Measures in France and Slovenia","Jezikoslovna analiza Facebook komentarjev o protikoronskih ukrepih v Franciji in Sloveniji Metka Godec
2 [GO] Scripta Manent 2024―Jul―11 Assessing the impact of covid-19 on the delivery and reception of ESP education for engineering students in Croatia","Ocena vpliva COVID-19 na izvajanje in sprejemanje izobraževanja na področju angleščine kot tujega jezika stroke za študente elektrotehnike, računalništva in informacijske tehnologije na Hrvaškem Ivanka Ferčec, Yvonne Liermann-Zeljak
3 [GO] Scripta Manent 2024―Jul―04 DISTANZUNTERRICHT WÄHREND DER COVID-19-PANDEMIE: ANSICHTEN VON SLOWENISCHEN UNIVERSITÄTSPROFESSOR:INNEN UND -STUDIERENDEN ZU DIDAKTISCHEN ASPEKTEN","Učenje na daljavo v času pandemije COVID-19: pogledi univerzitetnih profesorjev in študentov na didaktične vidike Tilen Smajla
4 [GO] Verba Hispanica 2024―Jan―29 Expressões dêiticas em textos jornalísticos sobre a Covid-19 em português europeu e português do Brasil Beatriz Oliveira, Samuel Figueira-Cardoso
5 [GO] Asian Studies 2023―Sep―07 The Impact of China’s Biopolitical Approach to COVID-19 on Pets Thomas William Whyke, Joaquin Lopez Mugica, Sadia Jamil, Aiqing Wang
6 [GO] STRIDON Studies in Translation and Interpreting 2023―Jul―17 Translation and Interpreting in the Age of COVID-19 Ran Yi
7 [GO] Svetovi revija za etnologijo antropologijo in folkloristiko 2023―Apr―12 Teorije zarote o COVID-19 na slovenskem spletu Kristina Radomirović Maček
8 [GO] Slovenščina 2 0 empirical applied and interdisciplinary research 2023―Mrz―16 Crowdsourcing and language learning habits and practices in Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of North Macedonia and Poland in the pre-pandemic and pandemic periods Çiler Hatipoğlu, Nihada Delibegović Džanić, Elżbieta Gajek, Lina Miloshevska
9 [GO] Verba Hispanica 2023―Jan―16 Técnicas de manipulación en la propaganda negacionista durante la Covid-19 Alba Macías Couso
10 [GO] STRIDON Studies in Translation and Interpreting 2022―Nov―30 Translation and interpretation in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic Pavol Šveda, Martin Djovčoš
11 [GO] Andragoška spoznanja 2022―Apr―14 Higher Education in Hungary in the Time of the Pandemic Anetta Bacsa-Bán
12 [GO] Dela 2022―Feb―11 Geography and math teachers in distance learning education amid COVID-19 pandemic in Albania Jostina Dhimitri, Lekë Pepkolaj, Blerta Avdia
13 [GO] Asian Studies 2022―Jan―19 Japanese Artists’ Responses to COVID-19 Klara Hrvatin
14 [GO] Asian Studies 2022―Jan―19 Chinese National Health Commission’s Reporting Strategies on COVID-19 Mateja Petrovčič
15 [GO] Asian Studies 2022―Jan―19 COVID-19, Digital Tracking Control and Chinese Cosmotechnology Jana S. Rošker
16 [GO] Asian Studies 2022―Jan―19 COVID-19 in Asia - Changing Life as We Know It and the New Normal Jana S. Rošker
17 [GO] Asian Studies 2022―Jan―19 COVID-19 in North Korea and Its Effect on the Cooperation of North and South Korea in the Field of Health Care Byoung Yoong Kang
18 [GO] Asian Studies 2022―Jan―19 The Relationless Japanese Society and the Practices of Belonging during the COVID-19 Pandemic Tinka Delakorda Kawashima
19 [GO] Asian Studies 2022―Jan―19 Anxiety, “Concerned Consciousness” and Their Manifestation in the COVID-19 Pandemic in China Téa Sernelj
20 [GO] Asian Studies 2022―Jan―19 The Pandemic, Ecological Justice, and Zhu Xi’s Philosophy Seongmin Hong
21 [GO] Journal for Foreign Languages 2021―Dez―27 Pogled na nekatere anglicizme v italijanskem jeziku v času Covid-19 Kaja Katarina Brecelj
22 [GO] Asian Studies 2021―Sep―10 Chinese Philosophy of Life, Relational Ethics and the COVID-19 Pandemic Jana S. Rošker
23 [GO] Acta Linguistica Asiatica 2021―Jul―30 A Comparative Corpus-Based Content Analysis of Head of Government Addresses in Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic: Japan and Western Countries Nagisa Moritoki Škof
24 [GO] Acta Linguistica Asiatica 2021―Jul―30 Network for Supporting Education of Foreign Children During Covid-19: Language Assessments as a Tool for Promoting Community Integration Hiroko Sawada, Rizu Inoue
25 [GO] Acta Linguistica Asiatica 2021―Jul―30 Comparative Analysis of Coronavirus Metaphoric Representation in Chinese and Russian Online Media Oleg Kalinin
26 [GO] Ars & Humanitas 2021―Jul―20 Možne perspektive za pozitivno interpretacijo pandemije COVID-19 Rok Svetlič
27 [GO] Ars & Humanitas 2021―Jul―20 Pandemija COVID-19 in njene družbene posledice Ksenija Vidmar Horvat, Maruša Pušnik
28 [GO] Ars & Humanitas 2021―Jul―20 Porast rasizmov med pandemijo COVID-19 in ontologija rase Jana S. Rošker
29 [GO] Ars & Humanitas 2021―Jul―20 Epidemija COVID-19 v Sloveniji, odnos do neenakosti in protestni potencial Mitja Hafner Fink, Samo Uhan
30 [GO] Musicological Annual 2021―Jul―05 Poučevanje glasbene umetnosti na daljavo v osnovnošolskem izobraževanju med epidemijo covid-19 Tina Bohak Adam, Mira Metljak
31 [GO] Andragoška spoznanja 2021―Apr―20 Making a Case for Ecofeminist Popular Education in Times of Covid-19 Shirley Walters, Astrid von Kotze
32 [GO] Dela 2020―Dez―17 The influence of COVID-19 on international labor migrations from Bosnia and Herzegovina to EU Bojan Ćudić, Matjaž Klemenčič, Jernej Zupančič

32 Ergebisse       Seite 1


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