Original Artikel |
Journal |
Datum |
Titel |
Autoren Max. 6 Autoren |
1 |
[GO] |
Journal of Scholarly Publishing |
2025―Jan―30 |
The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the International Collaboration on Academic Papers in Mainland China: Taking Economics as an Example |
Sihui Huang, Yinuo Li, Xilin Yuan |
2 |
[GO] |
University of Toronto Quarterly |
2025―Jan―30 |
Viral Monsters: Reimagining the Zombie after COVID-19 |
Dragoslav Momcilovic |
3 |
[GO] |
University of Toronto Quarterly |
2025―Jan―30 |
In the Kingdom of the Sick: Abjection, Mutuality, and the Afflicted in Recent Pandemic Fiction |
Tim Gauthier |
4 |
[GO] |
University of Toronto Quarterly |
2025―Jan―30 |
“The Time That Is Left Us”: Imagining a (Post)Pandemic Future and Plagued Temporalities in Michael Bay and Adam Mason’s Songbird |
Vincent Pacheco |
5 |
[GO] |
University of Toronto Quarterly |
2025―Jan―30 |
Introduction: Representing a (Post)Pandemic World |
Chris Koenig-Woodyard, Wendy Knepper, Daniela Janes |
6 |
[GO] |
University of Toronto Quarterly |
2025―Jan―23 |
The Pandemic as a Gateway to the Posthuman in the Digital Novel The Silent History |
Sonia Baelo-Allué |
7 |
[GO] |
Journal of Education Human Resources |
2025―Jan―17 |
Racialized Experiences of Higher Education Professionals During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Prioritizing Well-Being and Shifting From Personal Resistance to Institutional Responsibility |
Raquel Wright-Mair, Delma Ramos, Bryan Hubain, Lyda Fontes McCartin, Liliana Rodriguez |
8 |
[GO] |
Journal of Education Human Resources |
2025―Jan―17 |
Thriving Heroes: Constructing the Ideal Worker During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Dawn Kiyoe Culpepper, Michael Anthony Goodman |
9 |
[GO] |
Journal of Education Human Resources |
2025―Jan―17 |
“I Used to Be Able to Find the Light”: The Impact of COVID-19 on the Lived Experiences of Student Affairs Professionals |
Sara L. Squeglia |
10 |
[GO] |
Modern Drama |
2025―Jan―10 |
Pandemic Remembered: Kevin Kerr’s Unity (1918) Remedied |
Katrina Dunn |
11 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2024―Dez―19 |
A national discussion of COVID-19 on Twitter |
Marlon I Diaz, Christoph U Lehmann, Philip W Lam, Richard J Medford |
12 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2024―Dez―19 |
Misattribution bias of COVID-19 hospitalizations in Alberta using an admission algorithm |
Tri Dinh, Jordan Ross, Samantha James, Kristin Klein, A Uma Chandran, Oscar Larios, David Strong, John M Conly |
13 |
[GO] |
Canadian Liver Journal |
2024―Dez―19 |
Liver injury in post-acute COVID-19 syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis of early observational studies |
Paul Mundra, Zeena Kailani, Mohammad Yaghoobi, Priscilla Matthews, Matthew Tobis, Shadi Sadeghian, Siwar Albashir |
14 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2024―Dez―19 |
Describing the role of a COVID assessment centre during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ontario, Canada |
Warren J McIsaac, Sahana Kukan |
15 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2024―Dez―19 |
Predicting COVID-19 cases across a large university campus using built environment surveillance |
Aaron Hinz, Jason A Moggridge, Hanna Ke, Alexandra MA Hicks, Evgueni Doukhanine, Michael Fralick, Laura A Hug, Derek R MacFadden, Hebah S Mejbel, Caroline Nott, Ashley Raudanskis, Nisha Thampi, Alex Wong, Rees Kassen |
16 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2024―Dez―19 |
Why randomized controlled trials are necessary to address the effectiveness of non-pharmacological interventions during a public health emergency such as COVID-19 |
Mark Loeb, Dominik Mertz, Zain Chagla, John Conly |
17 |
[GO] |
Physiotherapy Canada |
2024―Dez―19 |
Musculoskeletal Pain Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal Telesurvey |
Lisandra Almeida de Oliveira, Steven Hanna, Paul Stratford, Luiz Hespanhol, Anita Gross, Lisa Carlesso, Janie L. Astephen Wilson, Brenda Vrkljan, Renata Kirkwood, Elisabeth Vesnaver, Marla Beauchamp, Luciana Gazzi Macedo |
18 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2024―Nov―21 |
Mode of pandemic school instruction associated with distress among military and non-military-connected students |
Kathrine S. Sullivan, Tamika D. Gilreath, Adam E. Barry, Shelley MacDermid Wadsworth |
19 |
[GO] |
Mouseion Journal of the Classical Association of Canada |
2024―Okt―17 |
Mario Telò. Greek Tragedy in a Global Crisis: Reading through Pandemic Times |
Kathryn Mattison |
20 |
[GO] |
Canadian Journal of Health History |
2024―Okt―08 |
COVID-19 in Perspective: A Witness Seminar |
Catherine Carstairs, Amy Greer, Rachael Magilsen |
21 |
[GO] |
Canadian Journal of General Internal Medicine |
2024―Sep―20 |
Medical education during the COVID-19 pandemic and the process of professional identity formation: Resident perspectives from a North American training program |
Gousia Dhhar, Seema Marwaha, James Rassos |
22 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2024―Sep―03 |
Clinical practice guideline supported administration of monoclonal antibody therapy for high-risk patients with COVID-19: Experience of a quaternary care centre |
Keely Hammond, François Bourdeau, Marina Klein, Donald C. Vinh, Makeda Semret |
23 |
[GO] |
Canadian Journal of Medical Sonography |
2024―Sep―03 |
Universal Precautions and Infection-Prevention Protocol for Ultrasound Devices and Room during COVID-19 |
Nicole Marley, X Fatima Tul Zahra, Raquel Teichroeb |
24 |
[GO] |
Canadian Journal of Medical Sonography |
2024―Sep―03 |
Sonography Canada Statement: Sonographers and COVID-19 |
Sonography Canada |
25 |
[GO] |
Canadian Journal of Medical Sonography |
2024―Sep―03 |
Sonography Canada: Recommended Resources for COVID-19 |
26 |
[GO] |
Canadian Journal of Medical Sonography |
2024―Sep―03 |
Literature Review on the Impact of COVID-19 on the Mental Health of Diagnostic Imaging Professionals |
Ahmed Mohamed, Jessica Routhier, Archana Thayanithy, Junesa Wei |
27 |
[GO] |
Canadian Journal of Medical Sonography |
2024―Sep―03 |
Infection Control and Safety Protocols to Protect Sonographers and Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Grace Park, Salwa Bahador, Linda La |
28 |
[GO] |
Canadian Journal of Medical Sonography |
2024―Sep―03 |
Special Report: COVID-19: The Use of Lung Ultrasound |
Sheena Bhimji-Hewitt |
29 |
[GO] |
Jeunesse Young People Texts Cultures |
2024―Jul―30 |
Beyond COVID-19: Renewing Best Practices and Relationships among Newcomer Students, Their School, and Community |
Rahat Zaidi, Michelle Veroba, Marigona Morina, Chantal Palmer |
30 |
[GO] |
Journal of Canadian Studies |
2024―Jul―03 |
Charity Not Solidarity: COVID-19 and the Non-Profitization of Mutual Aid in Canada |
Jade Da Costa |
31 |
[GO] |
Clinical & Investigative Medicine |
2024―Jul―03 |
Recommendations for Recovery of the COVID-19 Pandemic-related Diagnostic, Screening, and Procedure Backlog in Ontario: A Survey of Healthcare Leaders |
Teagan T. Telesnicki, Andrea N. Simpson, Charles de Mestral, Nancy N. Baxter, David R. Urbach, David Gomez |
32 |
[GO] |
Journal of Scholarly Publishing |
2024―Jul―02 |
Hidden Dangers: COVID-19-Based Research in Predatory Journals |
Simon Linacre, Sneha K. Rhode, Kathleen Berryman |
33 |
[GO] |
Canadian Public Policy |
2024―Jun―18 |
Examining the Stability and Durability of Child Care Arrangements during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Canada |
Busra Hacioglu, Samantha Burns, Adrienne Davidson, Michal Perlman, Linda A. White |
34 |
[GO] |
Physiotherapy Canada |
2024―Jun―10 |
Physiotherapist and Patient Experiences of Team-Based Interprofessional Collaboration during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Canada |
Innocent Ndateba, Sabrina T Wong, Jean-Francois Esculier, Alison J Gibbs, Stephanie Gourd, Alison M Hoens, Allison M Ezzat |
35 |
[GO] |
Canadian Public Policy |
2024―Mai―22 |
Impacts of COVID-19 on Physician Labour Market Activities |
Rabiul Islam, Arthur Sweetman |
36 |
[GO] |
Journal of Scholarly Publishing |
2024―Mai―17 |
Are Pay-Walled Doors of Access Open During the Pandemic? Analysing the Open-Access Landscape of COVID-19 Research |
Sheikh Shueb, Sumeer Gul, Aabid Hussain |
37 |
[GO] |
Canadian Bulletin of Medical History |
2024―Mai―13 |
Spin Doctors: How Media and Politicians Misdiagnosed the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Mary Baxter |
38 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2024―Apr―30 |
Examining the well-being of military spouses in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic using the Quality of Life survey |
Jennifer E.C. Lee, Julie Coulthard, Dominique Laferrière, Lisa Williams, Zhigang Wang, Ryan Hopkins |
39 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2024―Apr―01 |
SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence in Nova Scotia blood donors |
Sheila F O’Brien, Shelley L Deeks, Todd Hatchette, Chantale Pambrun, Steven J Drews |
40 |
[GO] |
Journal of Comparative Family Studies |
2024―Mrz―25 |
Mothers, Household Bubbles, and Social Support During the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Áine M. Humble, Jessie-Lee D. McIsaac |
41 |
[GO] |
Journal of Comparative Family Studies |
2024―Mrz―25 |
Family Social Capital’s Impact on the Family Stress Model: A Cross-Sectional Spanish Study During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Rita Cavallotti, Laia Pi Ferrer, Rejina M. Selvam |
42 |
[GO] |
Canadian Public Policy |
2024―Mrz―20 |
COVID-19 and the Mental Health of Adolescents in British Columbia |
Jane Friesen, Brian Krauth, Brett Wilmer |
43 |
[GO] |
Canadian Journal of Communication |
2024―Mrz―20 |
The Role of Municipalities in Communicating for Community Resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Study of Niagara Region’s Crisis Communication |
Duncan Koerber, Tim Ribaric, Fletcher Johnson, Cal Murgu, David Sharron |
44 |
[GO] |
Canadian Journal of Communication |
2024―Mrz―20 |
Health Canada Framing during the COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout: Effective or Not? |
Christian A. Vukasovich, Cristina Negoita, Abou El-Makarim Aboueissa, Marko N. Kostic, Tamara Dejanovic-Vukasovich |
45 |
[GO] |
Clinical & Investigative Medicine |
2024―Mrz―18 |
Efficacy and Safety of Glucocorticoid in the Treatment of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome caused by Covid-19: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis |
Xiangyang Jiang, Changyun Zhao, Weihang Hu, Difan Lu, Changqin Chen, Shijin Gong, Jing Yan, Wenchao Mao |
46 |
[GO] |
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education |
2024―Mrz―05 |
Covid-19 Pandemi Sürecinde Veteriner Fakültesi Öğrencilerinin Uzaktan Eğitime İlişkin Tutum ve Görüşlerinin Değerlendirilmesi |
Gökhan Aslım, Mustafa Agah Tekindal, Ali Yiğit, Şule Sanal, Ayşe Menteş |
47 |
[GO] |
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education |
2024―Mrz―05 |
Evaluation of the Attitudes and Opinions of Veterinary School Students on Distance Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Gökhan Aslım, Mustafa Agah Tekindal, Ali Yiğit, Şule Sanal, Ayşe Menteş |
48 |
[GO] |
Physiotherapy Canada |
2024―Mrz―05 |
Losing Ground Following Community Exercise Program Closures: A Qualitative Descriptive Study of the Impact of COVID-19 Related Pandemic Restrictions on Exercise Participation, Physical Activity, and Health of Older Adults with Balance and Mobility Limitations |
Dayna Bercovitch, Andi Reppas Rindlisbacher, Hillary Ng, Sarah Mulvihill, Brandon Sum, Sajan Patel, Lyndsay Aitken, Meagan Marques, Gayatri Aravind, Nancy M. Salbach |
49 |
[GO] |
Canadian Liver Journal |
2024―Feb―05 |
The effect of first-wave COVID-19 restrictions on HCV testing in Alberta, Canada: A trend analysis from 2019 to 2022 |
L Alexa Thompson, Sabrina S Plitt, Ran Zhuo, Carmen L Charlton |
50 |
[GO] |
Journal of Education Human Resources |
2024―Feb―05 |
A Phenomenological Study on How University Employees Experienced Working From Home During a Pandemic |
Amy Hill |
51 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2024―Jan―17 |
AMMI Canada Practice Point: Updated recommendations for treatment of adults with symptomatic COVID-19 in 2023-2024 |
Jennifer M Grant, John Lam, Sohal V Goyal, Sylvain Lother, Sameer S Kassim, Stephen B Lee, Justin Chan, Gabriel Girouard, Lisa Barrett, Satchan Takaya, Jolanta Piszczek, Donald C Vinh, Aidan R Findlater, Lynora Saxinger |
52 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2024―Jan―17 |
Predictors of later COVID-19 test seeking |
Amal Ga’al, Abby Kapsack, Abdalla Mahmud, Jose Estrada-Codecido, Philip Lam, Adrienne Chan, Nisha Andany, Andrew Simor, Alex Kiss, Nick Daneman |
53 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2024―Jan―17 |
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for COVID-19-associated severe acute respiratory distress syndrome in Canada: Analysis of data from the Canadian Nosocomial Infection Surveillance Program |
Amro Qaddoura, Jessica Bartoszko, Robyn Mitchell, Charles Frenette, Lynn Johnston, Dominik Mertz, Linda Pelude, Nisha Thampi, Stephanie W Smith |
54 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2024―Jan―17 |
Testing the limits of multiplex respiratory virus assays for SARS-CoV-2 at high cycle threshold values: Comparative performance of cobas 6800/8800 SARS-CoV-2 & Influenza A/B, Xpert Xpress SARS-CoV-2/Flu/RSV, and cobas Liat SARS-CoV-2 & Influenza A/B |
Nancy Matic, Tanya Lawson, Gordon Ritchie, Christopher F Lowe, Marc G Romney |
55 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2024―Jan―17 |
Prospective, clinical comparison of self-collected throat-bilateral nares swabs and saline gargle compared to health care provider collected nasopharyngeal swabs among symptomatic outpatients with potential SARS-CoV-2 infection |
Eric M Hempel, Aamir Bharmal, Guiyun Li, Aileen Minhas, Ramndip Manan, Kathy Doull, Lynsey Hamilton, Branco Cheung, Michael Chan, Kingsley Gunadasa, Ron Chow, Tracy Lee, Frankie Tsang, Mel Krajden, Karen Mooder, Trushna Kassan, Natalie Prystajecky, Agatha Jassem, Linda MN Hoang |
56 |
[GO] |
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education |
2024―Jan―10 |
Did the Rapid Transition to Online Learning in Response to COVID-19 Impact Students’ Cognitive Load and Performance in Veterinary Anatomy? |
Karina Jones, Dan J. Miller, Prisca Noble |
57 |
[GO] |
Guthrie Journal |
2024―Jan―08 |
Changes in COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy within Pennsylvania over the Course of the Pandemic |
Joey Harmon, Melissa C Endy, Michael A Sulzinski, Brian J Piper |
58 |
[GO] |
Toronto Journal of Theology |
2023―Dez―21 |
Online Mass Services during the Pandemic: Catholic Perspectives-Between Solutions and Theological Tensions |
Adison Adrianus Sihombing, Robert Pius Manik, Juju Saepudin, Retno Kartini Savitaningrum Imansah, Zaenuddin Hudi Prasojo |
59 |
[GO] |
Physiotherapy Canada |
2023―Dez―20 |
“I Had to Know About It, I Had to Find It, I Had to Know How to Access it”: Experiences of Access to Rehabilitation Services Among People Living with Long COVID |
Pam Hung, Katelyn Brehon, Maxi Miciak, Darren A. Brown, Geoffrey Bostick, Cary Brown, Katie Churchill, Mark Hall, Lance Hoddinott, Anne Hudon, Simone Hunter, Kadija Perreault, Marguerite Wieler, Kate Skolnik, Grace Y. Lam, Jason Weatherald, Douglas P. Gross |
60 |
[GO] |
Canadian Journal of Communication |
2023―Okt―27 |
Analyse de l’image politique de François Legault sur Instagram pendant la crise de la COVID-19 |
Josée Beaulieu, Mireille Lalancette |
61 |
[GO] |
Canadian Journal of Communication |
2023―Okt―27 |
Médiatiser la pandémie de COVID-19 : regards internationaux |
Camila Moreira Cesar, Thierry Giasson, David Dumouchel |
62 |
[GO] |
Canadian Journal of Communication |
2023―Okt―27 |
Science virale : comment la COVID-19 a changé la représentation médiatique de la science |
François Claveau, Jean-Hugues Roy, Olivier Santerre |
63 |
[GO] |
Canadian Journal of Communication |
2023―Okt―27 |
Science For All? Relating Actors, Links, and Discourses with (Fake) Scientific Claims About COVID-19 on Twitter |
Victor Piaia, Sabrina Almeida, Tatiana Dourado, Marcela Canavarro, Dalby Dienstbach, Maria Sirleidy Cordeiro, Lucas Roberto da Silva, Danilo Carvalho |
64 |
[GO] |
Canadian Journal of Communication |
2023―Okt―27 |
Instagram Use and Equity in Public Health: A Study on Brazil and Portugal During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Pâmela Pinto, Maria João Antunes, Ana Margarida Almeida, Denis Renó |
65 |
[GO] |
Canadian Journal of Communication |
2023―Okt―27 |
Permanences and Mutations in the French and German Media Systems during the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Pauline Amiel, Olivier Baisnée, Jérôme Berthaut, Cyriac Gousset, Nicolas Hubé, Peter Maurer, Cornelia Mothes, Jérémie Nollet |
66 |
[GO] |
Canadian Journal of Communication |
2023―Okt―27 |
Mediatizing the COVID-19 Pandemic: International Perspectives |
Camila Moreira Cesar, Thierry Giasson, David Dumouchel |
67 |
[GO] |
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education |
2023―Sep―28 |
An Exploratory Study of the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic Disruptions on Veterinary Medical Education |
Aliye Karabulut-Ilgu, Rebecca G. Burzette |
68 |
[GO] |
Canadian Bulletin of Medical History |
2023―Sep―28 |
Preventing the Next Pandemic: Vaccine Diplomacy in a Time of Anti-science by Peter J. Hotez |
Derek Hilliard Cameron |
69 |
[GO] |
Canadian Bulletin of Medical History |
2023―Sep―28 |
Review Essay: A Plague on All Our Houses - Pandemics Past and Present |
J.T.H. Connor |
70 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2023―Sep―19 |
Co-infection of SARS-CoV-2 with human coronavirus OC43 in a patient with underlying lung disease: A case report |
Kwadwo Mponponsuo, Yamini Murthy, Jamil Kanji, Alain Tremblay, Daniyal Khan, John Conly, Ranjani Somayaji |
71 |
[GO] |
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education |
2023―Sep―01 |
Planning for Next Time: The Challenges Faced by a Veterinary Teaching Hospital during the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Elizabeth Hamilton, Birgit Puschner, N. Bari Olivier, Christopher Gray, Annette O’Connor |
72 |
[GO] |
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education |
2023―Aug―31 |
Responses to and Reflections on Clinical Skills Teaching and Assessment during COVID-19: A Global Survey |
Rebecca S.V. Parkes, Rikke Langebæk, Jannie Wu, Dean A. Hendrickson, José Ciappesoni, François-Xavier Lalèyê, Sarah Baillie |
73 |
[GO] |
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education |
2023―Aug―29 |
Student and Clinical Educator Perceptions of the Impacts of COVID-19 on Final Year Veterinary Clinical Training in a Distributed Learning Model |
Joanne Yi, Cindy Adams, Serge Chalhoub, Sylvia Checkley, Chantal McMillan |
74 |
[GO] |
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education |
2023―Aug―22 |
A Collaborative Response to the COVID-19 Challenge: Developing an International Platform for Sharing E-learning Materials for Veterinary Education |
Rikke Langebæk, Camilla S. Bruun, Hans Koeslag, Carla Zijlstra, Katharina van Leenen, Theo van Haeften, Willemijn van Os, Claus B. J⊘rgensen, Antti Livanainen |
75 |
[GO] |
Physiotherapy Canada |
2023―Aug―16 |
Facilitators and Barriers for the Adoption and Use of Telerehabilitation in Outpatient and Community Settings During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Survey of Ontario Physiotherapists |
Bryan Hague, Leah Taylor, Chelsey Quarin, J.C. Grosso, Dylan Chau, Rebecca Kim, Molly Verrier, Alison Bonnyman, Sharon Gabison |
76 |
[GO] |
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education |
2023―Aug―15 |
Differences in Sleep Quality and Sleepiness among Veterinary Medical Students at Multiple Institutions before and after the Pandemic Induced Transition to Online Learning |
Michael Nappier, Elizabeth E. Alvarez, Lara Bartl-Wilson, Elizabeth P. Boynton, Alexandra L. Hanlon, Alicia J. Lozano, Zenithson Ng, Oluwatosin Ogunmayowa, Tiffany Shoop, Nancy D. Welborn, Julia Wuerz |
77 |
[GO] |
Canadian Journal of Communication |
2023―Aug―02 |
Suppressing the Crisis: Moral Panics, Emerging Infectious Diseases, and the COVID-19 Conjuncture |
Sean P. Hier |
78 |
[GO] |
Diaspora A Journal of Transnational Studies |
2023―Jul―19 |
Coronavirus, Imagined Location, and Disenchanted Home in Africa |
Basile Ndjio |
79 |
[GO] |
Journal of Canadian Studies |
2023―Jul―07 |
Painted in Broad Strokes: English-Language News Media Coverage of Home Care in Relation to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Canada |
Cynthia Yamamoto, Laura Funk, Alexandra Ethier, Annie Carrier, Damien Contandriopoulos, Kelli Stajduhar |
80 |
[GO] |
Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice/La Revue canadienne de criminologie et de justice pénale |
2023―Jun―12 |
Canadian Correctional Officers’ Experiences of Workplace Safety and Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Kristina Kocsis, Jennifer Lavoie |
81 |
[GO] |
Canadian Modern Language Review/ La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes |
2023―Jun―07 |
Canadian Second Language Teachers’ Technology Use Following the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Roswita Dressler, Rochelle Guida, Man-Wai Chu |
82 |
[GO] |
Theatre Research in Canada |
2023―Jun―02 |
Creativity, COVID-19, and Care: An Examination of Theatre as Care during Lockdown |
Carolyne Clare, Anita Hallewas |
83 |
[GO] |
Journal of Scholarly Publishing |
2023―Apr―27 |
Early-Career Researchers in China during the Pandemic: Qualitative Evidence from a Longitudinal Study |
Jie Xu, Chen He, David Nicholas, Na Zhang |
84 |
[GO] |
Guthrie Journal |
2023―Apr―26 |
Emergency Department Utilization within a Rural Health System during Early COVID-19 Pandemic |
Laura J Walker, Clinton Hobson, Morgan N Perry, Jon C Rittenberger |
85 |
[GO] |
Guthrie Journal |
2023―Apr―26 |
The Internal COVID-19 Database Registry: A Rural, Community Hospital’s Experience with the Pandemic |
Mansur Assaad, Apurwa Karki |
86 |
[GO] |
Canadian Journal of History |
2023―Apr―25 |
Systemic Activism: Uneasy Coalitions During the Canadian AIDS Pandemic of the 1980s and 1990s |
Kody Muncaster |
87 |
[GO] |
Physiotherapy Canada |
2023―Apr―11 |
A Survey of Hospital-based Physiotherapists’ Roles and Responsibilities during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Ontario, Canada |
Mairin Christie, Mehrzad Khademi, Asma Muhammad, Disha Naik, Alexander Polanski, Jaimie Coleman, Crystal MacKay, Anna Chu |
88 |
[GO] |
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education |
2023―Apr―05 |
COVID-19, Virtual Admissions Interviews, and Veterinary School |
Pathum Sookaromdee, Viroj Wiwanitkit |
89 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2023―Mrz―31 |
Employment and mental health among UK ex-service personnel during the initial period of the COVID-19 pandemic |
Howard Burdett, Marie-Louise Sharp, Danai Serfioti, Margaret Jones, Dominic Murphy, Lisa Hull, David Pernet, Simon Wessely, Nicola T. Fear |
90 |
[GO] |
TOPIA Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies |
2023―Feb―14 |
About Face: Hypocrites and Outliers in Canadian News Coverage of Masking and Anti-Masking During the Coronavirus Pandemic |
Hannah Dick |
91 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2023―Feb―10 |
Volunteering behaviours among UK military Veterans during the COVID-19 pandemic and associations with health and well-being |
Marie-Louise Sharp, Margaret Jones, Howard Burdett, Nicola T. Fear |
92 |
[GO] |
Journal of Canadian Studies |
2023―Jan―27 |
Losing Ground during COVID-19: Dementia Caregivers’ Shifting Perceptions of Place |
Stephanie Mason, Katie Aubrecht |
93 |
[GO] |
Journal of Education Human Resources |
2023―Jan―23 |
School Mental Health Professionals’ Perceptions of Principal Leadership and Working Conditions During Remote and Hybrid School Operations During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Megan K. Rauch Griffard, Marisa E. Marraccini, Caitlin Wood, Cason Whitcomb, Dana Griffin, Lauren Sartain |
94 |
[GO] |
Journal of Comparative Family Studies |
2023―Jan―20 |
College Family Coping and Disruptions During COVID-19: A Consideration of the ABC-X Model of Family Stress |
Jodi Dworkin, Qiyue Cai, Samantha LeBouef, Elizabeth Hruska |
95 |
[GO] |
Journal of Canadian Studies |
2022―Dez―21 |
Staying The Blazes Home: Group Charisma, Government Messaging and Covid-19 |
Lynda Harling Stalker, Patricia Cormack |
96 |
[GO] |
Physiotherapy Canada |
2022―Dez―20 |
Physiotherapists’ Adoption and Perceptions of Tele-Rehabilitation for Cardiorespiratory Care in Response to COVID-19 |
Katarina Schertzer, Jenna Belitzky, Cassandra Conboy, Hitesh Joshi, Kirsten Harvey, Gabriela Suarez Hondal, Erin Miller, Sunita Mathur, Lisa Wickerson |
97 |
[GO] |
Canadian Public Policy |
2022―Dez―10 |
Long-Term Care Staffing Policies Pre-COVID-19 and Pandemic Responses: A Case Comparison of Ontario and British Columbia |
Patrick B. Patterson, Tessa Weinberg, Sarah McRae, Candice Pollack, Daniel Dutton |
98 |
[GO] |
The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality |
2022―Dez―06 |
How attachment styles predict changes in sexual desire: A study of sexual dynamics in COVID-19 |
Uzma S. Rehman, Jessica Edwards, Julia McNeil |
99 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2022―Nov―29 |
Prevalence of persistent symptoms at least 1 month after SARS-CoV-2 Omicron infection in adults |
Maxime Gallant, Kassandra Mercier, Christine Rioux-Perreault, Samuel Lemaire-Paquette, Alain Piché |
100 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2022―Nov―25 |
SARS-CoV-2 infection outcomes associated with the Delta variant: A prospective cohort study |
Maxime Gallant, Christine Rioux-Perreault, Samuel Lemaire-Paquette, Alain Piché |
101 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2022―Nov―24 |
Assessment of an enhanced COVID-19 case and contact management protocol in controlling a SARS-CoV-2 Alpha (B.1.1.7) variant outbreak on a construction site |
Jake Hamilton, Madeline Tripp, Anthony Li, Lindsay Bowthorpe, T Hugh Guan |
102 |
[GO] |
Physiotherapy Canada |
2022―Nov―14 |
Difference in Physiotherapy Student’s Training and Objective Structured Clinical Exam Performance Pre- and During COVID-19 |
Gregory F. Spadoni, Sarah Wojkowski, Paul W. Stratford |
103 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2022―Nov―02 |
AMMI Canada Practice Point on the treatment of acute COVID-19 in pediatrics |
Julie Autmizguine, Michelle Barton, Catherine Burton, Devika Dixit, Jesse Papenburg, Joan Robinson, Karina A Top, Earl Rubin |
104 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2022―Okt―26 |
Torsades de Pointes associated with remdesivir treatment for COVID-19 pneumonia |
Jollee ST Fung, Mark Levitan, Sarah Landry, Sarah McIsaac |
105 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2022―Okt―21 |
In search of COVID-19: The ability of biodetection canines to detect COVID-19 odours from clinical samples |
Marthe Charles, Eric Eckbo, Teresa Zurberg, Tracey Woznow, Lâle Aksu, Leonardo Gómez Navas, Y Wang, Elizabeth Bryce |
106 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2022―Okt―11 |
COVID-19 breakthrough infections in vaccinated participants of the Safety and Efficacy of Preventative COVID Vaccines sub-study |
Sharon Walmsley, Rizani Ravindran, Rosemarie Clarke, Bradly Wouters, Amanda Silva, Anne-Claude Gingras, Leah Szadkowski |
107 |
[GO] |
TOPIA Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies |
2022―Okt―07 |
The Pandemic as Financial Laboratory |
Verónica Gago, Luci Cavallero, Liz Mason-Deese |
108 |
[GO] |
Journal of Canadian Studies |
2022―Okt―06 |
Contagious Minorities: Chinese Canadians during the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Chandrima Chakraborty |
109 |
[GO] |
Canadian Liver Journal |
2022―Okt―04 |
Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on hepatitis C elimination in Canada: Where do we go from here? |
Jawairia Atif, Sasha Tejna Persaud Udhesister, Mohamed N Abdelnabi, Simmone D’Souza, Jui-Hsia Hung, Rachel D Edgar, Samaa T Gobran, Elsa Gomez-Escobar, Zoë R Greenwald, Carla E Gallardo-Flores, Guillaume Fontaine, Dahn Jeong, Charlotte Lanièce-Delaunay, David Lawton, Jean Damascene Makuza, Chelsea Masterman, Gayatri Marathe, Sameh Mortazhejri, Jiafeng Li, Michael Palmer, Ana Maria Passos-Castilho, Manolya Sag, Mohamed Shengir, Hannah Louise Wallace, Andrew B Mendlowitz |
110 |
[GO] |
Canadian Liver Journal |
2022―Sep―30 |
Hepatology in the time of COVID-19: Part 2 |
Eric M Yoshida, Natasha Chandok |
111 |
[GO] |
Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice/La Revue canadienne de criminologie et de justice pénale |
2022―Sep―29 |
Stumbling from One Disaster to Another: The COVID-19 Pandemic and Mental Health Calls for Police Service across Canada |
Martin Andresen, Tarah Hodgkinson |
112 |
[GO] |
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education |
2022―Sep―27 |
Incorporating MOOC and COVID-19-Related Scientific Papers into Veterinary Microbiology Teaching to Enhance Students’ Learning Performance and Professional Recognition |
Hongna Zhang, Jingbo Liu |
113 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2022―Sep―13 |
AMMI Canada Practice Point - Treatments for Adults with COVID-19 in 2021-2022 |
JM Grant, Justin Chan, SA Lother, Lisa Barrett, P Bonnar, A Findlater, SS Kassim, JC Lam, Donald C Vinh |
114 |
[GO] |
Canadian Liver Journal |
2022―Sep―06 |
COVID-19 infection immediately post-transplant in an unvaccinated patient: Clinical observations and ethical implications |
Ben Cox, Trana Hussani, Vladimir Marquez, Mahmoud Omar, Maja Segedi, Eric M Yoshida |
115 |
[GO] |
International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics |
2022―Sep―02 |
Normative Theory and the COVID Pandemic: Author’s Response to Miriam Solomon and Inmaculada de Melo-Martín |
Maya J. Goldenberg |
116 |
[GO] |
TOPIA Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies |
2022―Aug―29 |
COVID-19 and the Care of the Financialized Self |
Kelly Gates |
117 |
[GO] |
Canadian Theatre Review |
2022―Aug―25 |
Performing at Home in the Pandemic: Boca del Lupo’s Plays2Perform@Home Collection |
Signy Lynch |
118 |
[GO] |
Canadian Liver Journal |
2022―Aug―23 |
Acute hepatitis following mRNA BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccination |
Matthew Cheah, Safwat Girgis, Vincent G Bain |
119 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2022―Aug―22 |
Diagnostic yield of serial SARS-CoV-2 testing in hospitalized patients |
Jeremy Li, Charles Frenette, Vivian G Loo |
120 |
[GO] |
The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality |
2022―Aug―18 |
Mental well-being, social support, and the unique experiences of transgender and nonbinary people during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Bre O’Handley, Erin Leigh Courtice |
121 |
[GO] |
The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality |
2022―Jul―28 |
“I wish there was a guide”: Navigating changes to intimate relationship scripts during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 |
Kendra S. Wasson Simpson, Megan D. Muise |
122 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2022―Jul―27 |
Reinfection with SARS-CoV-2 in a patient undergoing chemotherapy for lymphoma: Case report |
Florence Côté, Julie Bestman-Smith, Marie Gourdeau, Shawn M. Simpson, Marie-Ève Hamelin, Julie Carbonneau, Antoine Chiasson, Marieke Rozendaal, Martin A. Smith, Guy Boivin |
123 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2022―Jul―27 |
Evaluation of the performance of multiple immunoassay diagnostic platforms on the National Microbiology Laboratory SARS-CoV-2 National Serology Panel |
Antonia Dibernardo, Nikki PL Toledo, Alyssia Robinson, Carla Osiowy, Elizabeth Giles, Jacqueline Day, L Robbin Lindsay, Michael A Drebot, Timothy F Booth, Tamara Pidduck, Ashley Baily, Carmen L Charlton, Graham Tipples, Jamil N Kanji, Gino Brochu, Amanda Lang, Christian Therrien, Mélina Bélanger-Collard, Sylvie-Nancy Beaulac, Brian M Gilfix, Guy Boivin, Marie-Eve Hamelin, Julie Carbonneau, Simon Lévesque, Philippe Martin, Andrés Finzi, Gabrielle Gendron-Lepage, Guillaume Goyette, Mehdi Benlarbi, Romain Gasser, Claude Fortin, Valérie Martel-Lefferrière, Myriam Lavoie, Renée Guérin, Louis-Patrick Haraoui, Christian Renaud, Craig Jenkins, Sheila F O'Brien, Steven J Drews, Valerie Conrod, Vanessa Tran, Bill Awrey, Robert Scheuermann, Alan DuPuis, Anne Payne, Casey Warszycki, Roxie Girardin, William Lee, George Zahariadis, Lei Jiao, Robert Needle, James Cordenbach, Jerry Zaharatos, Kellee Taylor, Marty Teltscher, Matthew Miller, May Elsherif, Peter Robertson, Jason L Robinson |
124 |
[GO] |
Jeunesse Young People Texts Cultures |
2022―Jul―20 |
The Pop-Up against Coronavirus Project: Child-Made Movable Books Evoking Smiles, Tears, and Hope |
Jacqueline Reid-Walsh |
125 |
[GO] |
Jeunesse Young People Texts Cultures |
2022―Jul―20 |
Surviving a Pandemic |
Heather Snell |
126 |
[GO] |
Physiotherapy Canada |
2022―Jul―14 |
Physical Rehabilitation Before and After Lung Transplantation for COVID-19 ARDS: A Case Report |
Agnes Brunne, Svedlana Tzanakakis, Paula Jaloul, Nathalie Cote, Stephen Juvet, Shaf Keshavjee, Lisa Wickerson |
127 |
[GO] |
Canadian Liver Journal |
2022―Jul―14 |
COVID-19 infection in liver transplant recipients: Clinical features and outcomes from a Canadian multicentre cohort |
Matthew K Smith, Jessica Chow, Ruiyao Huang, Mahmoud Omar, Maryam Ebadi, Philip Wong, Geneviéve Huard, Eric M Yoshida, David Peretz, Mayur Brahmania, Aldo J Montano-Loza, Rahima A Bhanji |
128 |
[GO] |
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education |
2022―Jun―23 |
E-Learning Impact on Veterinary Medical Student’s Mental Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Inês L. Rodrigues, Telmo P. Nunes, Carolina S. Cortez, Ana M. Lourenço |
129 |
[GO] |
Physiotherapy Canada |
2022―Jun―23 |
Continuing Professional Development in Response to COVID-19: Knowledge Mobilization for Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy via a Curated Web Site |
Jaimie Coleman, Sylvia Langlois, Sharon Switzer-McIntyre, Maria Mylopoulos, Maria Tassone, Anna Vehter |
130 |
[GO] |
Physiotherapy Canada |
2022―Jun―14 |
Canadian Physiotherapists Integrate Virtual Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Allison M Ezzat, Jean-Francois Esculier, Sarah Lord Ferguson, Christopher Napier, Sabrina T Wong |
131 |
[GO] |
Canadian Public Policy |
2022―Mai―25 |
The Differential Impact of COVID-19 on Labour Market Outcomes of Immigrants in Canada |
Tingting Zhang, Morley Gunderson |
132 |
[GO] |
Canadian Public Policy |
2022―Mai―25 |
Survey Non-response in Covid-19 Times |
Pierre Brochu, Jonathan Créchet |
133 |
[GO] |
Journal of Education for Library and Information Science |
2022―Mai―13 |
An Uneasy, Challenging, Yet Meaningful Experience: A Reflection on a Face-to-Face to Online Synchronous COVID-19 Course Transition |
Abigail Phillips |
134 |
[GO] |
Journal of Education for Library and Information Science |
2022―Mai―13 |
Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Experiential Learning: Development of a Community-Grounded Online Internship Program |
Didar Bayır |
135 |
[GO] |
Canadian Bulletin of Medical History |
2022―Mai―12 |
Open Secrets: Silence, Suppression, and Memory in the History of Canada’s 1918-20 Influenza Pandemic |
Esyllt W. Jones |
136 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2022―Apr―12 |
More than a ‘Hundred Days War’: Persistent SARS-CoV-2 infection in a patient with ANCA-associated vasculitis |
Arielle Mendel, Ines Colmegna, Guillaume Bourque, Ewa Rajda, Todd C Lee, José Héctor Gálvez, Évelyne Vinet, Matthew P Cheng |
137 |
[GO] |
Journal of Education Human Resources |
2022―Apr―08 |
A Mixed Method Analysis of Burnout and Turnover Intentions among Higher Education Professionals during COVID-19 |
Jake D. Winfield, Joseph H. Paris |
138 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2022―Mrz―18 |
Resident physicians’ perceptions of COVID-19 risk |
Amanda Hempel, Alex Cressman, Nick Daneman |
139 |
[GO] |
International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics |
2022―Mrz―03 |
Feminist Bioethics and Activism in the Wake of COVID-19 |
Kathryn MacKay, Emma Tumilty |
140 |
[GO] |
International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics |
2022―Mrz―03 |
Lonely Deaths: Dying in Nursing Homes during COVID-19 |
Maria Howard, Jennifer A. Parks |
141 |
[GO] |
International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics |
2022―Mrz―03 |
Reflecting on the Political Economy of Academic Medicine in the Wake of COVID-19 |
Stephen Molldrem |
142 |
[GO] |
International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics |
2022―Mrz―03 |
Bringing Intersectionality to the Fore in COVID-19 |
Suze G. Berkhout, Lisa Richardson |
143 |
[GO] |
International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics |
2022―Mrz―03 |
COVID-19 and the Burden of Confinement on Women’s Health: A Comparison between France and the United States |
Jennifer Merchant, Catherine Vidal |
144 |
[GO] |
International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics |
2022―Mrz―03 |
Employing Feminist Theory of Vulnerability to Interrogate the Implications of COVID-19 Apps in Racialized Subpopulations |
Tereza Hendl, Ryoa Chung, Verina Wild |
145 |
[GO] |
International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics |
2022―Mrz―03 |
A Feminist Approach to Analyzing Sex Disparities in COVID-19 Outcomes |
Marion Boulicault, Annika Gompers, Katharine M. N. Lee, Heather Shattuck-Heidorn |
146 |
[GO] |
International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics |
2022―Mrz―03 |
Relational Solidarity and the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Anita Ho |
147 |
[GO] |
International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics |
2022―Mrz―03 |
From HIV/AIDS to COVID-19: Feminist Bioethics and Pandemics |
Michael Montess |
148 |
[GO] |
International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics |
2022―Mrz―03 |
Feminist Bioethicists and COVID-19: Notes on Vulnerability and Its Missed Chances |
Tiia Sudenkaarne |
149 |
[GO] |
International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics |
2022―Mrz―03 |
Reflection on Feminist Bioethics and the Pandemic |
Megan A. Dean |
150 |
[GO] |
International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics |
2022―Mrz―03 |
Women Overdosing in the Pandemic |
Peg O’Connor |
151 |
[GO] |
International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics |
2022―Mrz―03 |
Vulnerability in Lockdown: Women and Agency during the Global Pandemic |
Petra Brown, Tamara Kayali Browne |
152 |
[GO] |
International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics |
2022―Mrz―03 |
Residence in Pandemic |
Macey Flood, Sarah Jane Keaveny |
153 |
[GO] |
International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics |
2022―Mrz―03 |
On Women’s Times in a Pandemic |
Arbel Griner, Debora Diniz |
154 |
[GO] |
International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics |
2022―Mrz―03 |
An Education in Pandemic Times |
Nathalie Egalité |
155 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2022―Feb―25 |
2021-2022 AMMI Canada guidance on the use of antiviral drugs for influenza in the COVID-19 pandemic setting in Canada |
Fred Y Aoki, Jesse Papenburg, Samira Mubareka, Upton D Allen, Todd F Hatchette, Gerald A Evans |
156 |
[GO] |
Physiotherapy Canada |
2022―Feb―24 |
A Meta-Analysis of Remote Ischemic Preconditioning in Lung Surgery and Its Potential Role in COVID-19 |
Lawrence P. Cahalin, Magno F. Formiga, Johnny Owens, Brian M. Osman |
157 |
[GO] |
Canadian Theatre Review |
2022―Feb―01 |
On Being a Walking Body: Dramaturgies of Participatory Pandemic Theatre |
Jacob Pittini, Mariah Horner |
158 |
[GO] |
Canadian Public Policy |
2022―Jan―21 |
A Machine-Learning Analysis on the Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Small Business Owners and Implications from Canadian Government Policy Response |
Diane A. Isabelle, Yu (Jade) Han, Mika Westerlund |
159 |
[GO] |
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education |
2022―Jan―17 |
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Veterinary Clinical and Professional Skills Teaching Delivery and Assessment Format |
Micha C. Simons, Dustin Pulliam, Julie A. Hunt |
160 |
[GO] |
Journal of Education Human Resources |
2021―Dez―22 |
A Study of Black Female Principals Leading through Twin Pandemics |
Jennie Weiner, Daron Cyr, Laura Burton |
161 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2021―Dez―10 |
Antibiotic prescribing patterns among patients admitted to an academic teaching hospital for COVID-19 during the first wave of the pandemic in Toronto: A retrospective, controlled study |
Miranda So, Andrew M Morris, Alexander M Walker |
162 |
[GO] |
The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality |
2021―Nov―11 |
Perceived impact of COVID-19 on sexual health and access to sexual health services among university students in Canada |
Jessica Wood, Christopher Quinn-Nilas, Alexander McKay, Jocelyn Wentland |
163 |
[GO] |
Canadian Public Policy |
2021―Nov―09 |
Is the Unequal COVID-19 Burden in Canada Due to Unequal Levels of Citizens’ Discipline Across Provinces? |
Jean-François Daoust, Éric Bélanger, Ruth Dassonneville, Erick Lachapelle, Richard Nadeau |
164 |
[GO] |
Canadian Theatre Review |
2021―Okt―30 |
Frontline Faces of COVID-19: Digital Pandemic Portraits |
Julia Henderson |
165 |
[GO] |
Canadian Theatre Review |
2021―Okt―30 |
The Pedagogy of Grief: Lessons from Making Zoom Theatre During a Pandemic |
Michelle MacArthur |
166 |
[GO] |
Canadian Theatre Review |
2021―Okt―30 |
Power to the Pause A Pandemic Conversation with Jess Dobkin |
Benjamin Gillespie |
167 |
[GO] |
Canadian Theatre Review |
2021―Okt―30 |
Theatre as Service … My Experience During the Global Pandemic in Canada |
Taiwo Afolabi |
168 |
[GO] |
Canadian Theatre Review |
2021―Okt―30 |
Gumshoes and Blanket Wings: Care in Pandemic Performances for Youth |
Heather Fitzsimmons Frey |
169 |
[GO] |
Canadian Theatre Review |
2021―Okt―30 |
Editorial: (pause) A Pandemic Time Capsule |
Natalie Alvarez, Heather Davis-Fisch, Barry Freeman |
170 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2021―Okt―29 |
Concerns and coping strategies of older adult Veterans in Canada at the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic |
Alyson Mahar, Christina Reppas-Rindlisbacher, Megan Edgelow, Shailee Siddhpuria, Julie Hallet, Paula A. Rochon, Heidi Cramm |
171 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2021―Okt―29 |
Building capacity in knowledge mobilization: CIMVHR’s international research ecosystem has global impact during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Stéphanie A.H. Bélanger, David Pedlar |
172 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2021―Okt―25 |
Resident physicians’ perceptions of COVID-19 risk |
Amanda Hempel, Alex Cressman, Nick Daneman |
173 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2021―Okt―21 |
What went wrong: A reckoning of Canada’s contributions to evidence-based medicine through clinical trials during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Ilan S Schwartz, Todd C Lee, Emily G McDonald, Kevin Laupland |
174 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2021―Sep―30 |
Proposed framework for a national set of reporting measures in Canada in response to the COVID-19 pandemic |
Mona Khalid, Edgar Akuffo-Addo, Andrew M Morris, Dominik Mertz, Adam S Komorowski |
175 |
[GO] |
Canadian Public Policy |
2021―Sep―23 |
Estimating the Effects of Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs) and Population Mobility on Daily COVID-19 Cases: Evidence from Ontario |
Nathaniel T. Stevens, Anindya Sen, Francis Kiwon, Plinio P. Morita, Stefan H. Steiner, Qihuang Zhang |
176 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2021―Sep―23 |
Association between initial symptoms and subsequent hospitalization in outpatients with COVID-19: a cohort study |
Alice Zhabokritsky, Nick Daneman, Scott MacPhee, Jose Estrada-Codecido, Aimee Santoro, Adrienne Kit Chan, Philip Wai-Hei Lam, Andrew Simor, Jerome Allen Leis, Samira Mubareka, Nisha Andany |
177 |
[GO] |
Canadian Public Policy |
2021―Sep―20 |
An Empirical Examination of the Effect of COVID-19 Travel Restrictions on Canadians’ Cross Border Travel and Canadian Retailers |
Jen Baggs, Loretta Fung, Beverly Lapham |
178 |
[GO] |
Canadian Liver Journal |
2021―Sep―10 |
A real-world experience of SARS-CoV-2 infection in a tertiary referral centre of Montréal: Unexpected low prevalence and low mortality |
Isaac Ruiz, Geneviève Huard, Claire Fournier, Julien Bissonnette, Hélène Castel, Jeanne-Marie Giard, Jean-Pierre Villeneuve, Daphna Fenyves, Denis Marleau, Bernard Willems, Daniel Corsilli, Florence Correal, Victor Ferreira, Dominic Martel, Alexandre Mathieu, Catherine Vincent, Marc Bilodeau |
179 |
[GO] |
University of Toronto Law Journal |
2021―Sep―09 |
Farewell to the f-word? fragmentation of international law in times of the COVID-19 pandemic |
Sivan Shlomo Agon |
180 |
[GO] |
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education |
2021―Sep―01 |
Assessing Veterinary Practice and Practitioner Preparedness for Natural and Man-Made Disasters, Including COVID-19 |
Lawrence N. Garcia, Candice Stefanou, Carla L. Huston, Sarah A. Bell |
181 |
[GO] |
The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality |
2021―Sep―01 |
Group sex in the time of COVID: Intimacy, learning, and community-building in sexual communities during a pandemic |
Anabelle Bernard Fournier, Karyn Fulcher, Leah Shumka, Nathan J. Lachowsky |
182 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2021―Aug―23 |
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Canadian Armed Forces Veterans who live with chronic pain |
Manon Choinière, M. Gabrielle Pagé, Anaïs Lacasse, Lise Dassieu, James M. Thompson, Audrée Janelle-Montcalm, Marc Dorais, Hermine Lore Nguena Ngkb, Maria Hudspith, Gregg Moor, Kathryn Sutton |
183 |
[GO] |
Canadian Public Policy |
2021―Aug―17 |
Inequality and COVID-19 Deaths and Cases in the First Wave, a Cross-Country Analysis Economic |
James B. Davies |
184 |
[GO] |
Canadian Public Policy |
2021―Aug―17 |
The Impact of the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Trade between Canada and the United States |
Miguel Cardoso, Brandon Malloy |
185 |
[GO] |
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education |
2021―Aug―09 |
Veterinary Anatomy Education: Challenges Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Om Prakash Choudhary |
186 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2021―Aug―05 |
Veterans and animals: A review of the literature on well-being and social isolation and recommendations during COVID-19 |
Cheryl A. Krause-Parello, Beth A. Pratt, Emma Meyer, Lisa Browne-Banic |
187 |
[GO] |
Canadian Public Policy |
2021―Aug―04 |
There are not any accepted forthcoming COVID-19 papers. |
188 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2021―Jul―26 |
Challenges of diversity and inclusion in defence emergency management and preparedness during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Barbara T. Waruszynski, Angela R. Febbraro, Justin Wright, Félix Fonséca |
189 |
[GO] |
Mouseion Journal of the Classical Association of Canada |
2021―Jul―23 |
The Health of the Classics Job Market during the Pandemic: A Long-Term Perspective |
Simeon D. Ehrlich |
190 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2021―Jul―14 |
Concerns and coping strategies of older adult Veterans in Canada at the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic |
Alyson Mahar, Christina Reppas-Rindlisbacher, Megan Edgelow, Shailee Siddhpuria, Julie Hallet, Paula A. Rochon, Heidi Cramm |
191 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2021―Jul―13 |
Gender-related differences in mental health of Canadian Armed Forces members during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Kerry Sudom, Eva Guérin, Jennifer E. C. Lee |
192 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2021―Jul―06 |
Ontario COVID-19 assessment centre practices in patient counselling, education, and follow-up care: A provincial survey |
Helen Genis, Scott MacPhee, Nancy Vandenbergh, Chris Yu, Nisha Andany, Adrienne K Chan, Nick Daneman, Philip W Lam |
193 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2021―Jul―06 |
Sleeping with the enemy: Will the COVID-19 pandemic turn the tide of antimicrobial-resistant infections? |
Kevin B Laupland, Peter J Collignon, Ilan S Schwartz |
194 |
[GO] |
University of Toronto Quarterly |
2021―Mai―28 |
Remote Work and Employment Dynamics under Covid-19: Evidence from Canada |
Guillermo Gallacher, Iqbal Hossain |
195 |
[GO] |
Canadian Public Policy |
2021―Mai―25 |
Determinants of Family Stress and Domestic Violence: Lessons from the COVID-19 Outbreak |
Louis-Philippe Béland, Abel Brodeur, Joanne Haddad, Derek Mikola |
196 |
[GO] |
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education |
2021―Mai―18 |
The Impact of COVID-19 on Pre-Veterinary Opportunities and Recommendations for DVM Admissions |
Shweta Trivedi, Jessica C. Clark, Kenneth D. Royal |
197 |
[GO] |
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education |
2021―Mai―10 |
Hand-Held Point-of-Care Ultrasound: A New Tool for Veterinary Student Self-Driven Learning in the time of COVID-19 |
Zoë J. Williams, Abby Sage, Stephanie J. Valberg |
198 |
[GO] |
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education |
2021―Mai―05 |
Virtual VM4 Clinical Rotations: A COVID-19 Pandemic Response at Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine |
Jessica L. Ward, Brenda L. Mulherin, Courtney A. Vengrin |
199 |
[GO] |
Canadian Public Policy |
2021―Apr―30 |
Does the Profit Motive Matter? COVID-19 Prevention and Management in Ontario Long-term Care Homes |
Kristen Pue, Daniel Westlake, Alix Jansen |
200 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2021―Apr―23 |
La vaccination contre la COVID-19 : pourquoi allonger l’intervalle entre les doses? |
Caroline Quach, Shelley Deeks |
201 |
[GO] |
Canadian Theatre Review |
2021―Apr―19 |
Participating in the Age of Pandemic |
Mariah Horner |
202 |
[GO] |
Canadian Theatre Review |
2021―Apr―19 |
Pandemic Forum: Reflections from Canadian Theatremakers |
Marjorie Chan, Yvette Nolan, mia susan amir, Jessica Watkin, Luke Reece, Stewart Legere, Makambe K Simamba, Maiko Yamamoto, Tanisha Taitt, Jacob Zimmer, Reneltta Arluk, Thea Fitz-James, Signy Lynch |
203 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2021―Apr―14 |
Return to aviation duty after recovery from COVID-19 |
David Gilad, Daniel Gabbai, Omer Tehori, Idan Nakdimon, Amir Bar-Shai, Shachar Shapira, Oded Ben-Ari |
204 |
[GO] |
Cartographica The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization |
2021―Mrz―31 |
Mapping COVID-19 in Context: Promoting a Proportionate Perspective on the Pandemic |
Claus Rinner |
205 |
[GO] |
Cartographica The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization |
2021―Mrz―31 |
Mapping the Pandemic |
Emmanuel Stefanakis |
206 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2021―Mrz―25 |
COVID-19 vaccination: why extend the interval between doses? |
Caroline Quach, Shelley Deeks |
207 |
[GO] |
Canadian Liver Journal |
2021―Mrz―17 |
Treating hepatitis C during the COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta |
Samuel S Lee, Sarah A Williams, Jacqueline Pinto, Heidi Israelson, Hongqun Liu |
208 |
[GO] |
Cartographica The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization |
2021―Mrz―15 |
Relative Concentrations and Diffusion of COVID-19 across the United States in 2020 |
Samuel M. Otterstrom, Leonard Hochberg |
209 |
[GO] |
Cartographica The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization |
2021―Mrz―15 |
Using Topological Maps to Explore the COVID-19 Pandemic in Canada |
Fox E. Underwood |
210 |
[GO] |
Cartographica The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization |
2021―Mrz―15 |
Geovisualization of COVID-19: State of the Art and Opportunities |
Yu Lan, Michael R. Desjardins, Alexander Hohl, Eric Delmelle |
211 |
[GO] |
Cartographica The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization |
2021―Mrz―08 |
Schools as Vectors of Infectious Disease Transmission during the 1918 Influenza Pandemic |
Don Lafreniere, Timothy Stone, Rose Hildebrandt, Richard C. Sadler, Michael Madison, Daniel Trepal, Gary Spikberg, James Juip |
212 |
[GO] |
International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics |
2021―Mrz―04 |
Revisiting Relational Pandemic Ethics in Light of the COVID-19 Abortion Bans in the United States |
Amy Reed-Sandoval |
213 |
[GO] |
Canadian Public Policy |
2021―Mrz―03 |
Public Policy in a Time of Crisis: A Framework for Evaluating Canada’s COVID-19 Income Support Programs |
Kourtney Koebel, Dionne Pohler, Rafael Gomez, Akshay Mohan |
214 |
[GO] |
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education |
2021―Mrz―03 |
Remote Assessment of Veterinary Clinical Skills Courses During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Julie A. Hunt, Stacy L. Anderson |
215 |
[GO] |
Canadian Public Policy |
2021―Feb―10 |
Perceptions of Canadian Federal Policy Responses to COVID-19 among People with Disabilities and Chronic Health Conditions |
David Pettinicchio, Michelle Maroto, Martin Lukk |
216 |
[GO] |
Canadian Liver Journal |
2021―Feb―08 |
COVID-19 mRNA vaccines and their applications in chronic liver diseases |
Julie H Zhu |
217 |
[GO] |
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education |
2021―Jan―25 |
Interaction Identified as both a Challenge and a Benefit in a Rapid Switch to Online Teaching during the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Rebecca S.V. Parkes, Vanessa R. D. Barrs |
218 |
[GO] |
Canadian Liver Journal |
2021―Jan―18 |
HBV coinfection and in-hospital outcomes for COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis |
Julie H Zhu, Kevork M Peltekian |
219 |
[GO] |
Canadian Liver Journal |
2021―Jan―04 |
Striving toward hepatitis C elimination in the era of COVID-19 |
Charlotte Lanièce Delaunay, Zoë R Greenwald, Nanor Minoyan, Andreea Adelina Artenie, Dahn Jeong, Gayatri Marathe, Yasmin A Saeed, Gillian Kolla, Rasika D Kunden, Chisom Ifeoma Adaeze Okwor, Hannah L Wallace, Andrew Mendlowitz, Ching-Hsuan Liu, Sabrina Mazouz, Simmone D’souza, Catia Taniela Perciani, Marylin Rheault, Michael A. Palmer, Adam Palayew, Mohamed N Abdelnabi, Evan B Cunningham |
220 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2020―Dez―18 |
Retrospective testing of respiratory specimens for COVID-19 to assess for earlier SARS-CoV-2 infections in Alberta, Canada |
Jamil N Kanji, Mathew Diggle, Dennis Bulman, Stacey Hume, Sherry Taylor, Rhonda Kelln, Shelagh Haase, Robert Tomaszewski, Christine Walker, Kanti Pabbaraju, Vincent Li, Matthew Croxen, Nathan Zelyas, Deena Hinshaw, Graham Tipples |
221 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2020―Dez―18 |
Development and validation of reverse transcriptase-PCR assays for the testing of SARS-CoV-2 |
Kanti Pabbaraju, Anita A. Wong, Mark Douesnard, Raymond Ma, Kara Gill, Paul Dieu, Kevin Fonseca, Nathan Zelyas, Graham A. Tipples |
222 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2020―Dez―18 |
Pre-operative testing and personal protective equipment in the operating room during a pandemic-A survey of Ontario general surgeons |
Christopher D Griffiths, Dominik Mertz, Pablo E Serrano |
223 |
[GO] |
The Tocqueville Review/La revue Tocqueville |
2020―Dez―17 |
Impacts sociaux mondiaux des stratégies de lutte contre la Covid-19 |
Francesco Petricone |
224 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2020―Dez―16 |
Respiratory tract samples collected from patients in a region of Q, Canada, indicate the absence of early circulation of SARS-CoV-2 infection |
Wei Ting Xiong, Simon Lévesque, Philippe Martin, Mathieu Durand, Bruno Lemieux, Philippe Thibault, Dominique Marcoux, Rodica Gilca, Alex Carignan |
225 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2020―Dez―11 |
2020-2021 AMMI Canada guidance on the use of antiviral drugs for influenza in the setting of co-circulation of seasonal influenza and SARS-CoV-2 viruses in Canada |
Samira Mubareka, Fred Y Aoki, Upton D Allen, Todd F Hatchette, Jesse Papenburg, Gerald A Evans |
226 |
[GO] |
TOPIA Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies |
2020―Dez―07 |
Triage Culture: On Losing and (Re)Gaining Trust at the Time of COVID-19 |
Roberta Buiani |
227 |
[GO] |
TOPIA Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies |
2020―Dez―07 |
Nothing New Here to See: How COVID-19 and State Violence Converge on Black Life |
Rinaldo Walcott |
228 |
[GO] |
TOPIA Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies |
2020―Dez―07 |
A View of COVID-19 from 30,000 Feet |
Archana Rampure |
229 |
[GO] |
TOPIA Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies |
2020―Dez―07 |
Isolation, Loneliness, Solitude: The COVID-19 Pandemic Has Brought Us Too Close Together |
John Paul Ricco |
230 |
[GO] |
TOPIA Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies |
2020―Dez―07 |
COVID-19: An Essay in Keywords |
Penelope Ironstone |
231 |
[GO] |
TOPIA Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies |
2020―Dez―07 |
Climate Change and COVID-19: Structure and System in a Future Tense |
Todd Dufresne |
232 |
[GO] |
TOPIA Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies |
2020―Dez―07 |
Our COVID Conjuncture: Critical Essays on the Pandemic |
Penelope Ironstone, Greg Bird |
233 |
[GO] |
TOPIA Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies |
2020―Dez―07 |
The Intersecting Violence(s) of a Pandemic |
Yasmin Jiwani |
234 |
[GO] |
TOPIA Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies |
2020―Dez―07 |
Rethinking Risk Communication: Lessons From a Pandemic |
Scott S.D. Mitchell, Josh Beanlands |
235 |
[GO] |
TOPIA Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies |
2020―Dez―07 |
The Pandemic as “Joke”: Meme Culture, the Alt-Right, and Steve Bannon’s “War Room” |
Tad Lemieux, Stuart J. Murray |
236 |
[GO] |
TOPIA Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies |
2020―Dez―07 |
Pandemic Imaginaries and the Racial Politics of Masking |
Jasmin Zine |
237 |
[GO] |
TOPIA Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies |
2020―Dez―07 |
A Pandemic in an Age of Omnipresent Sovereign Power: The Plight of Palestine |
Mark M. Ayyash |
238 |
[GO] |
TOPIA Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies |
2020―Dez―07 |
Pandemic Time and Wartime, All Out of Joint |
Neil Balan |
239 |
[GO] |
TOPIA Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies |
2020―Dez―07 |
The Edges of a Pandemic: Pseudoscience, Alternative Medicine, and Belief in the Age of COVID |
Alexandra Boutros |
240 |
[GO] |
TOPIA Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies |
2020―Dez―03 |
The Pandemic as “Joke”: Meme Culture, the Alt-Right, and Steve Bannon’s “War Room” |
Tad Lemieux, Stuart J. Murray |
241 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Nov―26 |
Military mental health and COVID-19 |
Gary Wynn, Joshua C. Morganstein, Rakesh Jetly, Shannon C. Ford, Mary C. Vance, Eric G. Meyer, James C. West, David M. Benedek, Robert J. Ursano |
242 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Nov―26 |
Fast facts on COVID-19 and the Canadian Armed Forces |
Jocelyne Halladay, Stéphanie A.H. Bélanger |
243 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Nov―26 |
COVID in crisis: The impact of COVID-19 in complex humanitarian emergencies |
Jodie Pritchard, Amanda Collier, Müller Mundenga, Susan A. Bartels |
244 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Nov―26 |
Living a life less ordinary: What can the families of essential workers responding to COVID-19 learn from UK military families? |
Rachael Gribble, Vincent Connelly, Nicola T. Fear |
245 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Nov―26 |
Soldiering on only goes so far: How a qualitative study on Veteran loneliness in New Zealand influenced that support during COVID-19 lockdown |
Guy Austin, Toby Calvert, Natasha Fasi, Ryder Fuimaono, Timothy Galt, Sam Jackson, Leanda Lepaio, Ben Liu, Darren Ritchie, Nicolas Theis, John Dockerty, Fiona Doolan-Noble, David McBride |
246 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Nov―26 |
Impact of COVID-19 on mental health care for Veterans: Improvise, adapt, and overcome |
Alexander Mcfarlane, Rakesh Jetly, Carl A. Castro, Neil Greenberg, Eric Vermetten |
247 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Nov―26 |
Impressions of a Veteran recovering from operational stress injuries during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Ken Osborne |
248 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Nov―26 |
Coping as the spouse of a military Veteran with PTSD during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Polliann Maher, Laryssa Lamrock |
249 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Nov―26 |
Practice implications and clinical observations: Virtual care for a military/Veteran population during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Maya Roth |
250 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Nov―26 |
The diary of an operational stress injury clinic psychiatrist during the COVID-19 pandemic |
J. Don Richardson |
251 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Nov―26 |
Delivering rehabilitation services during the COVID-19 pandemic: How CAF Physiotherapy is using telehealth to ensure “physical and measurable solutions to maintain and enhance operational readiness, anywhere, anytime” |
Eric Robitaille, Marsha MacRae |
252 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Nov―26 |
Ultra-rapid development and deployment of a family resilience program during the COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons learned from Families Tackling Tough Times Together |
Yumary Ruiz, Shelley M. MacDermid Wadsworth, Cézanne M. Elias, Kristine Marceau, Megan L. Purcell, Thomas S. Redick, Elizabeth A. Richards, Elizabeth Schlesinger-Devlin |
253 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Nov―26 |
System-wide implementation of telehealth to support military Veterans and their families in response to COVID-19: A paradigm shift |
Crystal J. Shelton, Alice Kim, Anthony M. Hassan, Aaditya Bhat, Jeff Barnello, Carl A. Castro |
254 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Nov―26 |
CAF health protection during pandemic disease events: 1918 and 2020 |
Robert C. Engen |
255 |
[GO] |
Physiotherapy Canada |
2020―Nov―25 |
What Does Cochrane Say about…Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)? |
256 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2020―Nov―17 |
Estimating the extent of asymptomatic COVID-19 and its potential for community transmission: Systematic review and meta-analysis |
Oyungerel Byambasuren, Magnolia Cardona, Katy Bell, Justin Clark, Mary-Louise McLaws, Paul Glasziou |
257 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2020―Nov―17 |
Mass testing for asymptomatic COVID-19 infection among health care workers at a large Canadian hospital |
Robert J Reid, Laura Rosella, Natasha Milijasevic, Lorne N Small |
258 |
[GO] |
Canadian Liver Journal |
2020―Nov―17 |
An update from the Canadian Association for the Study of the Liver on the management of liver disease during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Mayur Brahmania, Stephen Congly, Saumya Jayakumar, Carla S Coffin, Kelly W Burak, Jordan J Feld |
259 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Nov―10 |
Military mental health and COVID-19 |
Gary Wynn, Joshua C. Morganstein, Rakesh Jetly, Shannon C. Ford, Mary C. Vance, Eric G. Meyer, James C. West, David M. Benedek, Robert J. Ursano |
260 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Nov―10 |
Joining science and experience to combat the effects of COVID-19 |
Stéphanie A.H. Bélanger, David Pedlar |
261 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Nov―10 |
Fast facts on COVID-19 and the Canadian Armed Forces |
Jocelyne Halladay, Stéphanie A.H. Bélanger |
262 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Nov―10 |
COVID in crisis: The impact of COVID-19 in complex humanitarian emergencies |
Jodie Pritchard, Amanda Collier, Müller Mundenga, Susan A. Bartels |
263 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Nov―10 |
Living a life less ordinary: What can the families of essential workers responding to COVID-19 learn from UK military families? |
Rachael Gribble, Vincent Connelly, Nicola T. Fear |
264 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Nov―10 |
Soldiering on only goes so far: How a qualitative study on Veteran loneliness in New Zealand influenced that support during COVID-19 lockdown |
Guy Austin, Toby Calvert, Natasha Fasi, Ryder Fuimaono, Timothy Galt, Sam Jackson, Leanda Lepaio, Ben Liu, Darren Ritchie, Nicolas Theis, John Dockerty, Fiona Doolan-Noble, David McBride |
265 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Nov―10 |
Impact of COVID-19 on mental health care for Veterans: Improvise, adapt, and overcome |
Alexander Mcfarlane, Rakesh Jetly, Carl A. Castro, Neil Greenberg, Eric Vermetten |
266 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Nov―10 |
Impressions of a Veteran recovering from operational stress injuries during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Ken Osborne |
267 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Nov―10 |
Practice implications and clinical observations: Virtual care for a military/Veteran population during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Maya Roth |
268 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Nov―10 |
The diary of an operational stress injury clinic psychiatrist during the COVID-19 pandemic |
J. Don Richardson |
269 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Nov―10 |
Coping as the spouse of a military Veteran with PTSD during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Polliann Maher, Laryssa Lamrock |
270 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Nov―10 |
Delivering rehabilitation services during the COVID-19 pandemic: How CAF Physiotherapy is using telehealth to ensure “physical and measurable solutions to maintain and enhance operational readiness, anywhere, anytime” |
Eric Robitaille, Marsha MacRae |
271 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Nov―10 |
Ultra-rapid development and deployment of a family resilience program during the COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons learned from Families Tackling Tough Times Together |
Yumary Ruiz, Shelley M. MacDermid Wadsworth, Cézanne M. Elias, Kristine Marceau, Megan L. Purcell, Thomas S. Redick, Elizabeth A. Richards, Elizabeth Schlesinger-Devlin |
272 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Nov―10 |
System-wide implementation of telehealth to support military Veterans and their families in response to COVID-19: A paradigm shift |
Crystal J. Shelton, Alice Kim, Anthony M. Hassan, Aaditya Bhat, Jeff Barnello, Carl A. Castro |
273 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Nov―10 |
COVID-19: Cutting through the noise |
Col. Rakesh Jetly |
274 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Nov―10 |
CAF health protection during pandemic disease events: 1918 and 2020 |
Robert C. Engen |
275 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Nov―10 |
Mental health and force generation in a pandemic: Findings of an international military symposium |
Maj. H. Thomas de Burgh, Surg. Capt. R. H. Coetzee, Col. Rakesh Jetly, Stéphanie A.H. Bélanger |
276 |
[GO] |
Canadian Theatre Review |
2020―Nov―03 |
Encounters at the Edge of the Woods: Answering Calls and Standing at the Edge of a Pandemic |
Trina Moyan |
277 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2020―Sep―29 |
Legionella co-infection in a patient with COVID-19 |
Rushil Chaudhary, Lise Bondy, Nikhath Zeeshan, Marko Mrkobrada |
278 |
[GO] |
Canadian Public Policy |
2020―Sep―24 |
COVID-19 Policy Response and the Rise of the Sub-National Governments |
Abdul Basit Adeel, Michael Catalano, Olivia Catalano, Grant Gibson, Ezgi Muftuoglu, Tara Riggs, Mehmet Halit Sezgin, Olga Shvetsova, Naveed Tahir, Julie VanDusky-Allen, Tianyi Zhao, Andrei Zhirnov |
279 |
[GO] |
Journal of Comparative Family Studies |
2020―Sep―15 |
Family Stress and Coping Among African Americans in the Age of COVID-19 |
Cassandra Chaney |
280 |
[GO] |
Journal of Comparative Family Studies |
2020―Sep―15 |
Why “We Can’t Breathe” During COVID-19 |
Dannielle Joy Davis, Cassandra Chaney, Rhonda BeLue |
281 |
[GO] |
Journal of Comparative Family Studies |
2020―Sep―15 |
How Has COVID-19 Changed Families in Korea? |
Jaerim Lee, Meejung Chin, Miai Sung |
282 |
[GO] |
Journal of Comparative Family Studies |
2020―Sep―15 |
The Effects of COVID-19 Confinement on the Spanish Family: Adaptation or Change? |
Luis Ayuso, Félix Requena, Olga Jiménez-Rodriguez, Nadia Khamis |
283 |
[GO] |
Journal of Comparative Family Studies |
2020―Sep―15 |
Singaporean Families’ Adaptation and Resilience During the COVID-19 Global Pandemic |
Pei-Chun Ko, Soon-Hock Kang |
284 |
[GO] |
Journal of Comparative Family Studies |
2020―Sep―15 |
COVID-19 in Ghana: Changes and the Way Forward |
Joana Salifu Yendork, Spencer James |
285 |
[GO] |
Journal of Comparative Family Studies |
2020―Sep―15 |
COVID-19 in Zambia: Implications for Family, Social, Economic, and Psychological Well-Being |
Sherinah Saasa, Spencer James |
286 |
[GO] |
Journal of Comparative Family Studies |
2020―Sep―15 |
COVID-19, Lockdown and the Family in Zimbabwe |
Tom Tom, Clement Chipenda |
287 |
[GO] |
Journal of Comparative Family Studies |
2020―Sep―15 |
Brazilian Families Facing the COVID-19 Outbreak |
Isabela Machado da Silva, Silvia Renata Lordello, Beatriz Schmidt, Gabriela Sousa de Melo Mieto |
288 |
[GO] |
Journal of Comparative Family Studies |
2020―Sep―15 |
Burdens, Resilience, and Mutual Support: A Comparative Study of Families in China and South Korea Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Bin Lian, Soo-Yeon Yoon |
289 |
[GO] |
Journal of Comparative Family Studies |
2020―Sep―15 |
Wrestling with Role Strain in a Pandemic: Family, ‘Stay-at-Home’ Directive, and the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Stella R. Quah |
290 |
[GO] |
Journal of Comparative Family Studies |
2020―Sep―15 |
The COVID-19 Pandemic and its Impact on the Southern United States |
Christian D. Johnston, Ruoxi Chen |
291 |
[GO] |
Journal of Comparative Family Studies |
2020―Sep―15 |
Family and Mental Health During the Confinement Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Spain: The Perspective of the Counselors Participating in Psychological Helpline Services |
Diego Hervalejo, Rodrigo J. Carcedo, Noelia Fernández-Rouco |
292 |
[GO] |
Journal of Comparative Family Studies |
2020―Sep―15 |
The Covid-19 Pandemic: An Immigrant-Indigenous Family Story on Reconnection, Resistance, and Resiliency |
Ranjan Datta, Jebunnessa Chapola, Prarthona Datta, Prokriti Datta |
293 |
[GO] |
Journal of Comparative Family Studies |
2020―Sep―15 |
A Finale for JCFS’ “Global Family Perspectives on COVID-19” Special Issue: Themes and Reflections |
Daniel Perlman |
294 |
[GO] |
Journal of Comparative Family Studies |
2020―Sep―15 |
Japanese Families and COVID-19: “Self-Restraint”, Confined Living Spaces, and Enhanced Interactions |
Allen J. Kim, Johanna O. Zulueta |
295 |
[GO] |
Canadian Public Policy |
2020―Aug―31 |
COVID-19’s Limited Impact on Drug Shortages in Canada |
Étienne Gaudette |
296 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Aug―17 |
Fast facts on COVID-19 and the Canadian Armed Forces |
Jocelyne Halladay, Stéphanie A.H. Bélanger |
297 |
[GO] |
Canadian Public Policy |
2020―Aug―13 |
Reconceptualizing Parental Leave Benefits in COVID-19 Canada: From Employment Policy to Care and Social Protection Policy |
Andrea Doucet, Sophie Mathieu, Lindsey McKay |
298 |
[GO] |
Canadian Public Policy |
2020―Jul―30 |
Estimates of COVID-19 Cases Across Four Canadian Provinces |
David Benatia, Raphael Godefroy, Joshua Lewis |
299 |
[GO] |
Canadian Public Policy |
2020―Jul―30 |
Differential Impacts during COVID-19 in Canada: A Look at Diverse Individuals and their Businesses |
Guang Ying Mo, Wendy Cukier, Akalya Atputharajah, Miki Itano Boase, Henrique Hon |
300 |
[GO] |
Canadian Public Policy |
2020―Jul―24 |
COVID-19 blunts Alberta challenge to federal-provincial income tax |
Adil Sayeed |
301 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2020―Jul―24 |
Desperate times call for evidence-based measures: Prioritizing science during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Zain Chagla, Kevin B Laupland, Ilan S Schwartz |
302 |
[GO] |
Canadian Public Policy |
2020―Jul―17 |
The Early Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Household Finances in Québec |
Bertrand Achou, David Boisclair, Philippe d’Astous, Raquel Fonseca, Franca Glenzer, Pierre-Carl Michaud |
303 |
[GO] |
Canadian Public Policy |
2020―Jul―14 |
Public responses to policy reversals: the case of mask usage in Canada during COVID-19 |
Anwar Mohammed, Regan M. Johnston, Clifton van der Linden |
304 |
[GO] |
Canadian Public Policy |
2020―Jul―14 |
Could Increased Productivity Be COVID-19’s Silver Lining? |
Joel Blit |
305 |
[GO] |
Ultimate Reality and Meaning |
2020―Jul―10 |
Social Mobilization as the Ultimate Value in Combating a Pandemic: The Case of Liberia in 2014-15 |
John Perry |
306 |
[GO] |
Canadian Public Policy |
2020―Jul―06 |
Homeless Shelter Flows in Calgary and the Potential Impact of COVID-19 |
Ali Jadidzadeh, Ron Kneebone |
307 |
[GO] |
Canadian Public Policy |
2020―Jul―06 |
COVID-19 and the Gender Employment Gap Among Parents of Young Children |
Yue Qian, Sylvia Fuller |
308 |
[GO] |
Canadian Public Policy |
2020―Jul―03 |
Playbook for Labour Policies for Novel Shocks such as COVID-19 |
Morley Gunderson |
309 |
[GO] |
Canadian Public Policy |
2020―Jul―02 |
The Short-Term Effect of COVID-19 on Self-Employed Workers in Canada |
Louis-Philippe Beland, Oluwatobi Fakorede, Derek Mikola |
310 |
[GO] |
Canadian Public Policy |
2020―Jul―02 |
Canadian electricity markets during the COVID-19 pandemic: An initial assessment |
Andrew Leach, Nic Rivers, Blake Shaffer |
311 |
[GO] |
Canadian Public Policy |
2020―Jul―02 |
Do COVID-19 Policies Affect Mobility Behaviour? Evidence from 75 Canadian and American Cities |
David A. Armstrong, Matthew J. Lebo, Jack Lucas |
312 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Jun―30 |
Practice implications and clinical observations: Virtual care for a military/Veteran population during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Maya Roth |
313 |
[GO] |
Physiotherapy Canada |
2020―Jun―30 |
Transformer les services de physiothérapie à l’ère de la COVID-19 : un appel à l’action pour la téléréadaptation |
Adria Quigley, Helen Johnson, Caitlin McArthur |
314 |
[GO] |
Physiotherapy Canada |
2020―Jun―30 |
Transforming the Provision of Physiotherapy in the Time of COVID-19: A Call to Action for Telerehabilitation |
Adria Quigley, Helen Johnson, Caitlin McArthur |
315 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Jun―29 |
Ultra-rapid development and deployment of a family resilience program during the COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons learned from Families Tackling Tough Times Together |
Yumary Ruiz, Shelley MacDermid Wadsworth, Cézanne M. Elias, Kristine Marceau, Megan Purcell, Thomas S. Redick, Elizabeth A. Richards, Elizabeth Schlesinger-Devlin |
316 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Jun―26 |
Delivering rehabilitation services during the COVID-19 pandemic: How CAF Physiotherapy is ensuring “Physical and measurable solutions to maintain and enhance operational readiness, anywhere, anytime” |
Eric Robitaille, Marsha MacRae |
317 |
[GO] |
Canadian Public Policy |
2020―Jun―25 |
Pandemic School Closures May Increase Inequality in Test Scores |
Catherine Haeck, Pierre Lefebvre |
318 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2020―Jun―24 |
The pitfalls of mass hospital health care worker testing for COVID-19 |
Dominik Mertz, Gerald A Evans, Susy Hota |
319 |
[GO] |
Canadian Public Policy |
2020―Jun―24 |
Initial Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Canadian Labour Market |
Thomas Lemieux, Kevin Milligan, Tammy Schirle, Mikal Skuterud |
320 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2020―Jun―23 |
First hospitalized case of laboratory-confirmed coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Alberta, Canada |
Jamil N Kanji, Vernon Chichak, Christopher Sikora , Nelson Lee, Graham Tipples, Nathan Zelyas |
321 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Jun―23 |
COVID in crisis: The impact of COVID-19 in complex humanitarian emergencies |
Jodie Pritchard, Amanda Collier, Muller Mundega, Susan A. Bartels |
322 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Jun―18 |
CAF health protection during pandemic disease events: 1918 and 2020 |
Robert C. Engen |
323 |
[GO] |
Canadian Public Policy |
2020―Jun―17 |
Radical Incrementalism and Trust in the Citizen: Income Security in Canada in the Time of COVID-19 |
Jennifer Robson |
324 |
[GO] |
Journal of Scholarly Publishing |
2020―Jun―15 |
Research in a Department of Medicine in the COVID-19 Era |
Michael E. Farkouh |
325 |
[GO] |
Journal of Scholarly Publishing |
2020―Jun―15 |
How May the Pandemic Impact Scholarly Communities That Already Face Discrimination? |
Deborah Poff |
326 |
[GO] |
Journal of Scholarly Publishing |
2020―Jun―10 |
The Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis on Scholarly Publishing in China |
Yiming Wang, Zhiwu Xu, Qi Zhang |
327 |
[GO] |
Journal of Scholarly Publishing |
2020―Jun―10 |
Continuity of Academic Library Services during the Pandemic: The University of Toronto Libraries’ Response |
Benjamin Walsh, Harjinder Rana |
328 |
[GO] |
Journal of Scholarly Publishing |
2020―Jun―09 |
Book Manufacturing in the COVID-19 Era |
Matt Baehr |
329 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Jun―09 |
Moral injury in Canadian military members and Veterans: Implications for military and healthcare sector response during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Alina Protopopescu, Jenna E. Boyd, Charlene O’Connor, Shawn Rhind, Rakesh Jetly, Ruth A. Lanius, Margaret C. McKinnon |
330 |
[GO] |
Journal of Scholarly Publishing |
2020―Jun―09 |
The A to Zoom of Digital Book Events: How One Press Managed the Overnight Transition to Virtual Events Due to Coronavirus |
Katie Stileman, Hannah Nyren |
331 |
[GO] |
Canadian Liver Journal |
2020―Jun―04 |
Hepatology in the time of COVID-19 |
Eric M Yoshida, Natasha Chandok |
332 |
[GO] |
Canadian Public Policy |
2020―Mai―28 |
Remote Work and Employment Dynamics under Covid-19: Evidence from Canada |
Guillermo Gallacher, Iqbal Hossain |
333 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Mai―26 |
Soldiering on only goes so far: How a qualitative study on Veteran loneliness in New Zealand influenced support during COVID-19 lockdown |
Guy Austin, Toby Calvert, Natasha Fasi, Ryder Fuimaono, Timothy Galt, Sam Jackson, Leanda Lepaio, Ben Liu, Darren Ritchie, Nicolas Theis, John Dockerty, Fiona Doolan-Noble, David McBride |
334 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Mai―20 |
Coping as the spouse of a military Veteran with PTSD during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Polliann Maher, Laryssa Lamrock |
335 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Mai―14 |
Living a life less ordinary: What UK military families can teach the families of essential workers responding to COVID-19 |
Rachel Gribble, Vincent Connelly, Nicola T Fear |
336 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Mai―14 |
Impressions of a Veteran recovering from operational stress injuries during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Ken Osborne |
337 |
[GO] |
Canadian Public Policy |
2020―Mai―07 |
Impact of COVID-19 on mental health care for Veterans: Improvise, adapt and overcome |
Alexander Mcfarlane, Rakesh Jetly, Carl A Castro, Neil Greenberg, Eric Vermetten |
338 |
[GO] |
Canadian Liver Journal |
2020―Mai―06 |
Practical management of esophageal varices in the context of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19): the Alberta protocol |
Stephen E Congly, Matthew D Sadler, Juan G Abraldes, Puneeta Tandon, Samuel S Lee, Kelly W Burak |
339 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Apr―29 |
System-wide implementation of telehealth to support military Veterans and their families in response to COVID-19: A paradigm shift |
Crystal J. Shelton, Alice Kim, Anthony M. Hassan, Aaditya Bhat, Jeff Barnello, Carl Andrew Castro |
340 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Apr―21 |
The diary of an Operational Stress Injury clinic psychiatrist during the COVID-19 pandemic |
J Don Richardson |
341 |
[GO] |
Physiotherapy Canada |
2020―Apr―13 |
Le nouveau coronavirus (COVID-19) : un lien entre les éclosions de maladies infectieuses et la réadaptation |
Michel D. Landry, Anna Tupetz, Djenana Jalovcic, Phillip Sheppard, Tiago S. Jesus, Sudha R. Raman |
342 |
[GO] |
Journal of Education Human Resources |
2020―Apr―08 |
The Leaders’ Dilemma: P-20 Response to the Threat of a Pandemic |
Matthew Birnbaum, Spencer C. Weiler, Philip Westbrook |
343 |
[GO] |
Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health |
2020―Apr―02 |
Impact of COVID-19 on mental health care for Veterans: Improvise, adapt and overcome |
Alexander Mcfarlane, Rakesh Jetly, Carl A Castro, Neil Greenberg, Eric Vermetten |
344 |
[GO] |
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada |
2020―Apr―01 |
First hospitalized case of laboratory-confirmed coronavirus infectious disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Alberta, Canada |
Jamil N Kanji, Vernon Chichak, Christopher Sikora, Nelson Lee, Graham Tipples, Nathan Zelyas |
345 |
[GO] |
TOPIA Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies |
2020―Mrz―26 |
On Ways of Living in the Midst of the COVID-19 Global Pandemic (Three Brief Meditations) |
John Paul Ricco |
346 |
[GO] |
TOPIA Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies |
2020―Mrz―26 |
Biopolitical Economies of the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Jonathan Short |
347 |
[GO] |
TOPIA Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies |
2020―Mrz―26 |
Editorial Introduction: Writing in the Midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic: From Vulnerability to Solidarity |
Greg Bird, Penelope Ironstone |
348 |
[GO] |
TOPIA Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies |
2020―Mrz―26 |
COVID-19: Crisis, Critique, and the Limits of What We Can Hear |
Stuart J. Murray |
349 |
[GO] |
TOPIA Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies |
2020―Mrz―26 |
Uncanny Convergences: Mobility and Containment in the Time of Coronavirus |
Roberta Buiani |
350 |
[GO] |
TOPIA Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies |
2020―Mrz―26 |
The Pandemic is (Extra) Ordinary |
Penelope Ironstone |
351 |
[GO] |
TOPIA Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies |
2020―Mrz―26 |
Government-in-a-Box, or Understanding Pandemic Measures as Biopolitics |
Neil Balan |
352 |
[GO] |
Canadian Bulletin of Medical History |
2020―Mrz―24 |
The 1918 “Spanish Flu” Pandemic in the Ottoman Capital, Istanbul |
M. Kemal Temel |
353 |
[GO] |
Physiotherapy Canada |
2020―Mrz―23 |
The Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19): Making a Connection between Infectious Disease Outbreaks and Rehabilitation |
Michel D. Landry, Anna Tupetz, Djenana Jalovcic, Phillip Sheppard, Tiago S. Jesus, Sudha R. Raman |