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COVID Antworten in den wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften der Welt

Verlag: Universtiy of Maribor

31 Ergebisse       Seite 1

  Original Artikel Journal Datum Titel Autoren Max. 6 Autoren
1 [GO] Journal for Geography 2024―Feb―07 Vpliv pandemije Covid-19 na turistični obisk v Mariboru v letu 2020 in 2021 Uroš Horvat
2 [GO] Acta Medico-Biotechnica 2024―Jan―16 In-hospital bleeding occurring while treating ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction during the COVID-19 pandemic: STEMI during the COVID-19 pandemic Matej Kvartuh, Domen Lah, Martin Marinšek, David Šuran, Andreja Sinkovič
3 [GO] Acta Medico-Biotechnica 2024―Jan―16 Impact of covid-19 pandemic on the epidemiology and etiology of lower respiratory tract infections in children Vojko Berce, Leon Časl
4 [GO] Medicine Law & Society 2023―Dez―11 Hate Speech in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Social Costs and Legal Implications of a Health Crisis Nina Peršak
5 [GO] Pomurska obzorja 2023―Sep―29 Radiološke spremembe pljuč pri COVID-19 pljučnici Marija Šantl Letonja, Anamarija Meolic
6 [GO] Revija za elementarno izobraževanje 2023―Sep―14 Attitudes of Secondary School Students Towards Teaching Styles Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic Marijana Škutor
7 [GO] Acta Medico-Biotechnica 2023―Jul―18 Polyneuritis cranialis related to SARS-CoV-2 infection: a case report Peter Gradišnik, Andreja Osterc Koprivšek, Miha Rus, Tanja Golli, Hermina Damjan
8 [GO] Acta Medico-Biotechnica 2023―Jul―18 Impacts of the 2019 pandemic of severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus 2 on the quality of life of patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases Domen Lah, Iztok Holc
9 [GO] Revija za elementarno izobraževanje 2023―Mrz―23 A Survey of Teachers’ Perspectives on the Reception Ability of Younger Students After Emergency Remote Teaching During COVID-19 Maja Kerneža
10 [GO] Revija za elementarno izobraževanje 2023―Mrz―18 Distance Learning for Young Students During the Covid-19 Epidemic in Slovenia Stojan Puhalj, Boštjan Šimunič, Saša Pišot, Jurij Planinšec
11 [GO] Revija za elementarno izobraževanje 2023―Mrz―18 Digital Media and Internet Safety Among Primary School Students During the Covid-19 Pandemic Ines Blažević, Nikolina Klein
12 [GO] Acta Medico-Biotechnica 2023―Feb―17 Child and adolescent mental health services during the COVID-19 epidemic in Slovenia: Comparison with other European countries Hojka Gregorič Kumperščak, Ivan Podlesnik Peršak
13 [GO] Pomurska obzorja 2022―Sep―26 Covid-19 okužbe in smrtnost ter omejevalni ukrepi: koliko so ogrožena manjšinska, obmejna in periferna območja in kakšen je položaj Pomurja? DAMIR JOSIPOVIČ
14 [GO] Pomurska obzorja 2022―Sep―26 Covid-19 okužbe in smrtnost ter omejevalni ukrepi: koliko so ogrožena manjšinska, obmejna in periferna območja in kakšen je položaj Pomurja? DAMIR JOSIPOVIČ
15 [GO] Medicine Law & Society 2022―Aug―20 Communicating about Healthcare Reform as Part of Good Governance During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Experiences from Finland and Poland Natalia Kohtamäki
16 [GO] Medicine Law & Society 2022―Aug―20 Digital Transformation as One of the Instruments for Overcoming the Public Health Crisis: The Role and Use of Ehealth Solutions during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Slovenia Dalibor Stanimirović
17 [GO] Medicine Law & Society 2022―Aug―20 Cyber Security in the Age of Covid-19: A Timeline and Analysis of Cyber-Crime and Cyber-Attacks during the Pandemic Niteesh Kumar Upadhyay
18 [GO] Anali PAZU HD 2022―Apr―15 Primerjava pandemije covid-19 z vojno paradigmo Alojz Šteiner
19 [GO] Medicine Law & Society 2021―Nov―07 Legal Measures Undertaken by Public Authorities in Poland for Prevention and Combating COVID-19 Katarzyna Mełgieś
20 [GO] Medicine Law & Society 2021―Nov―07 Extraordinary Measures in Extraordinary Times: Legal Response to the COVID-19 Crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina Igor Milinković
21 [GO] Medicine Law & Society 2021―Nov―07 The Covid-19 Epidemic in Serbia - the Challenges of Finding an Appropriate Basis for Responding to a Health Crisis Sofija Nikolić Popadić, Marko Milenković, Marta Sjeničić
22 [GO] Medicine Law & Society 2021―Nov―07 Measures Introduced in the Slovak Republic in Response to the Public Health Crisis Caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic Silvia Capíková, Eduard Burda, Mária Nováková
23 [GO] Medicine Law & Society 2021―Nov―07 Russian Experience in Transforming Teaching Methods in Legal Disciplines in Course of the COVID-19 Pandemic Evgeniy Borisovich Luparev, Sergey Victorovich Potapenko, Elena Vladimirovna Epifanova
24 [GO] Medicine Law & Society 2021―Nov―07 Home Quarantine or Home Isolation During the Covid-19 Pandemic as a Deprivation of Liberty under Polish Law Tomasz Sroka
25 [GO] Medicine Law & Society 2021―Nov―07 Tackling the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Economy and Labour - a Case Studey of Serbia Regulation Ranko P. Sovilj, Sanja N. Stojković Zlatanović
26 [GO] Medicine Law & Society 2021―Nov―07 Human Rights during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Hungary with Special Regard to the Right to Have Contact Orsolya Szeibert
27 [GO] Medicine Law & Society 2021―Nov―07 Violations of the Right to Health due to Limited Access to Protection of Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Republic of Croatia and Possible Legal ImplicationsL Nina Mišić Radanović
28 [GO] Medicine Law & Society 2021―Nov―07 Compulsory Vaccinations against Covid-19 versus the Right to Respect for Private Life Katarzyna Miaskowska-Daszkiewicz
29 [GO] Medicine Law & Society 2021―Nov―07 SARS-COV-2 Vaccination and Employment: the Legal Framework in the EU and Hungary Mária Eva Földes, Csilla Kaposvári
30 [GO] Medicine Law & Society 2021―Nov―07 Regulation of Triage in Times of a Pandemic: Experiences from Slovenia (and Beyond) Luka Mišič, Grega Strban
31 [GO] Medicine Law & Society 2021―Apr―28 Domestic Violence During the COVID-19 Pandemic - Analysis of Legal Solutions Adopted by Selected European Countries Monika Wilanowska

31 Ergebisse       Seite 1


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