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COVID Antworten in den wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften der Welt

Verlag: Penerbit UTHM

44 Ergebisse       Seite 1

  Original Artikel Journal Datum Titel Autoren Max. 6 Autoren
1 [GO] Online Journal for TVET Practitioners 2024―Okt―21 Challenges in Online Practical Learning Among Engineering Diploma Students: A Case Study at Kuching Polytechnic During the COVID-19 Pandemic Amizanuryanti Binti Ali, Azmanirah Binti Ab Rahman
2 [GO] Journal of Technology Management and Business 2024―Okt―20 Unveiling the Impact of Strategic Sensitivity and Strategic Response on SME Performance Amidst COVID-19: Examining the Mediating Role of Innovation Capacity A. S Sajuyigbe, I. O. Ladokun, J. N Obi, A.A. Oladeji, M.A Adeyemi
3 [GO] Advances in Humanities and Contemporary Studies 2024―Aug―14 Status of the Right to Health Care During the Covid-19 in Asia Under International Law Mohammed R. M. Elshobake
4 [GO] Advances in Humanities and Contemporary Studies 2024―Aug―07 Katak Dan Pelacur Politik: Tragedi Ngeri Semasa Covid-19 Saiyid Radzuwan Syed Sopi
5 [GO] Advances in Humanities and Contemporary Studies 2024―Aug―07 Competitive Strategies for Enhancing Soft Skills in Higher Education: Lessons from a Global Pandemic Azlyn Ahmad Zawawi, Altamies Irfan Mazlan, Nur Mastura Mustafa Kamal
6 [GO] Advances in Humanities and Contemporary Studies 2024―Aug―06 Solidaritas Sosial Masyarakat Beriman di Desa Penambuhan Kabupaten Pati Pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Jasmiatun Lynnda Prastika, Irzum Farihah, Moch. Lukluil Maknun
7 [GO] Advances in Humanities and Contemporary Studies 2024―Aug―05 Student Leadership Competencies Development During the Covid-19 Pandemic for Higher Learning Institution Ermeey Abd Kadir
8 [GO] International Journal of Sustainable Construction Engineering Technology 2024―Jul―28 Pandemic Marine Risks Assessment for Marine Spatial Planning (MSP): A Case Study of Northport, Malaysia Ayati Parmen, Nazirah Mohamad Abdullah, Badrul Hisham Ismail, Yusuf Drisu Opaluwa
9 [GO] Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Applications 2023―Nov―19 The Project Manager’s Challenges During Covid-19 Pandemic M.H. Othman, N.A. Ishak
10 [GO] Journal of Social Transformation and Regional Development 2023―Okt―30 Performance Appraisal During Pandemic Covid-19: How to Evaluate Remote Worker Productivity Eng Yen Er, Fadillah Ismail
11 [GO] International Journal of Integrated Engineering 2023―Sep―24 "Malaysian and Libyan Perspectives on Single-Use Plastic's Environmental Impact During the Pandemic COVID-19: A Pilot Study" Kamal Yousef Ali Zreba, Tengku Nuraiti Tengku Izhar, Farah Naemah Mohd Saad, Irnis Azura Zakarya, Rajeb Salem A.Hwidi
12 [GO] Journal of Quranic Sciences and Research 2023―Aug―20 A Study of Covid-19 Relative Fatalities of the Abrahamic Religion Populations Baback Khodadoost
13 [GO] International Journal of Integrated Engineering 2023―Aug―20 COVID-19 Confirmed Cases Forecasting in Malaysia Using Linear Regression and Holt's Winter Algorithm Hudzaifah Hasri, Siti Armiza Mohd Aris, Robiah Ahmad, Celia Shahnaz
14 [GO] International Journal of Integrated Engineering 2023―Aug―20 Investigation of ConViT on COVID-19 Lung Image Classification and the Effects of Image Resolution and Number of Attention Heads Pun Liang Thon, Joel C. M. Than, Norliza M. Noor, Jun Han, Patrick Then
15 [GO] International Journal of Integrated Engineering 2023―Aug―20 COVID-19: Symptoms Clustering and Severity Classification Using Machine Learning Approach Nurul Fathia Mohamand Noor, Herold Sylvestro Sipail, Norulhusna Ahmad, Bayram Annanurov, Norliza Mohd Noor
16 [GO] Journal of Technology Management and Business 2023―Aug―16 Talent Development Practises at Higher Education Institutions in Malaysia during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case of a Public University in the Southern Region Siti Sarah Omar, Mohd Asmadi Mohd Angsor, Angeline Jia Min Tan
17 [GO] Journal of Social Transformation and Regional Development 2023―Apr―26 Implementation of Quizizz Educational Game Media in Increasing Students' Learning Motivation During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Islamic Religious Education Learning Anggi Asmara Firdaus, Imam Tabroni, Irma Megawati
18 [GO] Journal of Quranic Sciences and Research 2023―Apr―13 The Practice of Mathur's Prayer for the Prevention of the Covid-19 Outbreak: Study of Cases in Indonesian Islamic Boarding Schools Muhammad Misbah, Malinda Noor Lailatul Qodriyyah
19 [GO] Journal of Quranic Sciences and Research 2023―Apr―13 Preparing for the Next Pandemic: SolutionsAccording to Islam Faisal Husen Ismail, Muhammad Masruri, Wan AinaaMardhiah Wan Zahari, Sabirin Sabirin
20 [GO] Journal of Technical Education and Training 2023―Apr―09 The Effect of Psychological Well-Being onStudents’ Perception ofOnline Learning During the COVID-19Pandemic Mohd Zulfadli Rozali, Siti Nurafiqah Mohd Samshul, Khairul Anuar Abdul Rahman
21 [GO] Journal of Technical Education and Training 2023―Feb―21 Digital Transformation Trends in Vocational Education in Indonesia During the COVID-19 Pandemic M. Muktiarni, A. Ana, Vina Dwiyanti, Ana Ramdani Sari, Jonah Mupita
22 [GO] International Journal of Sustainable Construction Engineering Technology 2023―Jan―15 Study on the Carbon Footprint Reduction Through Recycling Activities in UTHM: Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic Zhe Jian Choo, Aeslina Abdul Kadir, Noor Amira Sarani, Mohd Ikhmal Haqeem Hassan, Abbas Mohajerani
23 [GO] Journal of Techno Social 2023―Jan―01 The Implementation of Islamic Religious Guidance Classes Among Mualaf During the COVID-19 Pandemic Season Siti Marpuah, Arwansyah Kirin, Intan Farhana Saparudin, Shakila Ahmad, Shah Rul Anuar Nordin, Ubaidillah -
24 [GO] Journal of Techno Social 2023―Jan―01 Teaching fromHome and Emotional Wellbeing duringthe Covid-19 Pandemic: Digital Native and Digital Immigrant Lecturers in Malaysia’s Perspectives Josephine Chan Ie Lyn, Lee Yuen Beng
25 [GO] Journal of Techno Social 2023―Jan―01 COVID-19 Crisis: Challenges to Human Resource Management (HRM) Siti Aisyah Gonawan, Siti Amira Othman
26 [GO] Journal of Techno Social 2023―Jan―01 The Impact of Self-Efficacy and Social Support Towards Resilience Among Malaysian Working Adults During COVID-19 Pandemic Vinusa Vadivel, Sarvarubini Nainee, Praveena R. Arumugam, Sujatha Anbalagan
27 [GO] Journal of Techno Social 2023―Jan―01 The Perfect Wudhu Practice as a Prevention Mechanism to Reduce the Covid-19 Virus Infection Halimi bt Mohd Khalid, Zalilah Murni Yunus, Mikdar Rusdi
28 [GO] Journal of Technical Education and Training 2022―Dez―04 Teaching Strategies During Pandemic COVID-19: A Comparative Study of Indonesia and Malaysia in TVET Programs A. Ana, Fazlinda Binti Ab Halim, Ilhamdaniah Saleh, Yadi Mulyadi, A.Budhi Salira, M. Muktiarni, Ana Ramdani Sari, Wan Hanim Nadrah Binti Wan Muda, Indah Khoerunnisa
29 [GO] Online Journal for TVET Practitioners 2022―Nov―30 Exploratory Factorial Model of The Use of Mobile Telephony in the COVID-19 Era Gilberto Bermúdez Ruíz
30 [GO] International Journal of Sustainable Construction Engineering Technology 2022―Nov―08 Service Quality Factors of Healthcare System from COVID-19 Patients Perspectives Amena Haeba Ali, Hazmilah Hasan, Suriati Binti Akmal
31 [GO] Journal of Social Transformation and Regional Development 2022―Jul―07 Veterinary Movement Control An Online System During Covid-19 Pandemic Fakrulisham Razali, Farid Zamani Che Rose, Sharil Azwan Mohd Zain, Mohammad Masrin Azami
32 [GO] Journal of Social Transformation and Regional Development 2022―Jul―07 The Progress of Industry 4.0 in the Conditions of a Pandemic - Bulgarian Case in Natural Gas Sector Petya Biolcheva, Vasil Bozev
33 [GO] Online Journal for TVET Practitioners 2022―Apr―04 Implementation of Distance and Digital Learning During Pandemic Covid-19 in Malaysia Affero Ismail, Afham Haziq Ahmad Syakir, Ida Aryanie Bahrudin, Muhammad Shahrir Mohamed Shafieek
34 [GO] Journal of Social Transformation and Regional Development 2022―Jan―03 Modelling Sustainable Entrepreneurship in The Covid-19 Era José Maros Bustos-Aguayo, Gilberto Bermúdez-Ruíz, Margarita Juarez-Najera, Francisco Espinoza-Morales, Cruz García-Lirios, Javier Carreón-Guillén, Jorge Hernandez-Valdes, Francisco Ruben Sandoval-Vazquez
35 [GO] Journal of Quranic Sciences and Research 2021―Dez―20 Al-Muddaththir of the Quran Linked to the Covid-19 and Spanish Flu Pandemics: Circumstantial Evidence Baback Khodadoost
36 [GO] Journal of Advanced Industrial Technology and Application 2021―Dez―13 A Study on the Potential Pathways for Existing Drugs against COVID-19 Nor Aisyah Mohd Zain, Sity Aishah Mansur, ‘Aisyah Mohamed Rehan
37 [GO] Journal of Social Transformation and Regional Development 2021―Nov―15 Analysis of Covid-19 Impact on Stock’s Abnormal Return in Sub Cigarette Sector Companies Listed on BEI May Mulyaningsih, Sri Hartini Sri Hartini, Resta Anggraeni, Denis Putra Mahendra
38 [GO] Emerging Advances in Integrated Technology 2021―Nov―09 Digital-Health Tourism Research-Methodology Coronavirus-Vaccination Trials: A Study Interpreting Geometa-Data Profiling to use Mobile-Health Technologies Nigeria Wan Rozaini Sheik Osman, Hapini Awang, Abdullahi Hassan Abdullahi Hassan
39 [GO] International Journal of Integrated Engineering 2021―Okt―17 Repurposing Typical Institutional Hall as Temporary Covid-19 Quarantine Stations in Johor: A Review Study in KKTM Nur Amalina Hanapi, Nur Atikah Hanapi
40 [GO] Journal of Social Transformation and Regional Development 2021―Mrz―11 The Effect of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) Towards Consumer Social Well-Being in Malaysia Zahrul Akmal Damin, Khairunesa Isa, Nor Shela Saleh, Muhaymin Hakim Abdullah, Najah Ramlan
41 [GO] International Journal of Integrated Engineering 2020―Jul―12 Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC); A New Approach of Energy Generation during the Pandemic COVID-19 Shammya Afroze, Md Sumon Reza, Quentin Cheok, Juntakan Taweekun, Abul K. Azad
42 [GO] International Journal of Integrated Engineering 2020―Jul―12 Mobile Augmented Reality Hand Wash (MARHw): Mobile Application to guide community to ameliorate handwashing effectiveness to oppose Covid-19 disease Hafizul Fahri Hanafi, Mohd Helmy Wahab, Kung-Teck Wong, Abu Zarrin Selamat, Muhamad Hariz Muhamad Adnan, Fatin Hana Naning
43 [GO] International Journal of Integrated Engineering 2020―Jul―12 A Partitioning-based Approach for Clustering COVID-19 Drugs and Co-Medication for Safe Use Ahmad Alqurneh, Aida Mustapha, Nurfadhlina Mohd Sharef
44 [GO] International Journal of Integrated Engineering 2020―Jul―12 Analysis on Preparation, Application, and Recycling of Activated Carbon to Aid in COVID-19 Protection Md Sumon Reza, ABM Kamrul Hasan, Shammya Afroze, Muhammad S. Abu Bakar, Juntakan Taweekun, Abul K. Azad

44 Ergebisse       Seite 1


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